THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER; , 1914. v ) SAFETY FIRST" MOVEMENT GETS IMPETUS IN PORTLAND : y ' ' : - - ' II .'Vv i v Iff ) . X'.y b , VA ' ux w it iii x v ,.'' r. t ? il 1 m t J &&xiji , I V A U KN -J, S? , 1 f ' V I i 1 r r Y-f: m u I A . " ; WlU ,l;:- MmA 1 GERMANS ACTING AS ONE MAN IN FIGHT . AGAINST THE ALLIES National Spirit at High Pitch and People Are Not Driven to War, MEN ARE ALL SOLDIERS Oxford Km Acknowledges Towx of KaiaWs Porces; XKXrttnff of Towns 3e scribed : la SotalL Commission Named to Carry y the Doctrine of Accident . Prevention Into Home, By Marshall N. Dana. What m th yalue of a human life? Alx Farrell and George Poelman bo ValuM their lives that when the steam choooer FYanrls H. Ivegsrett plunged to tlm hottom of the storm-thralled Pacific they struggled, a life time of hours, and were saved. Humanity dodges danger and fears Ueath. The chief business of the med itou, the courts and. th police Is to preserve and protect life and property. And as the Individual places life and well-being above all other values, so economists declare that care for health, prevention of accidents and saving of life measure the efficiency and proKrens of the race. But a counteracting Influence is modern life Itself. , W hurry; we race; we take chances. Now comes the Safety First move ment to save us from ourselves. It astRs ' motorists and streetcar mo torman to take care passing, schools that heedless children may ' not be caughH under bruising wheels. ' It ks industries to guard men against injuries by safety appliances on machinery. , It asks trainmen to watch all sig nals and avert' collisions. It asks pe destrians to yrefrain from dangerous trespass on tracks. It askjs all who travel by whatever means to be thoughtful o the welfare . of others. Strange how we go back to the Bible for texts. The Safety First exhorta tlon is: "Do ye unto others as ye would that they should do unto you." ' While the skeleton specter of a Eu ropean war without defined cause 'fefds thousands of lives to wanton de struction, Portland sets under way its own Safety First movement to save lives by establishing a better under stood measure of the value of life. "Stop! Look! Think!" it suggests t,o railroads, traction companies, mo Aorlsts. manufacturers and their em ployes, schools all. , ThOj mayor has appointed a Safety First commission. At a public meeting a week ago it strove to Increase its powers by enlisting the general pub lic as associate members, afaty Tlrst Commission OrffanisaO. The commision has departmental or ganization. IV.T th International New Service.) London. Oct. 3. Perhaps one of the most remarkable experiences of the war is related by A. J. Dawe, of Ox ford university who was on the con tinent at the time war began, and suc ceeded In making his way through the German lines. D&we tells thi story: ' "Before I left England about i fortnight ago, I remember that the. newspapers seemed to be laboring un der the impression that the heart of the German rank and file was- not in this fight. The great and en lightened German people, we were told, had no stomach for this business of war; and war was engineered by a Chauvinist bureaucracy; the Ger man people were being driven to arms unwillingly and for a pilrpose they could not understand. "A people who go seriously to war should have no delusions. And by this time I presume we have cleared our minds of the Idea that the Ger mans as a nation have no desire for Teeth and Mental Efficiency A Well-Formed Mouth Makesfor Health. Wife Would Follow to k i i x s " "1 ' tit - Nf' ft v Photographs by McAlpln. Top These photographs show the results of mouth breathing usual ly caused by adenoids. The upper, front teeth project and the lower jaw recedes, due to Incorrect muscular action while the jaws are being formed. ' Center Upper teeth crowded and jaws undeveloped through disuse . and unnecessary extraction of molar teeth at an early age. Bottom Protruding lower jaw, usually brought about by chronically enlarged tonsils. The deformity increases until , the patient is Z5 or 30 years or age. . WDtt Jess tnin pies Trom HiasB wouis, AocianiMiy w"Wf, -Widow Attpfol. ;7 ' Gotdenaale, Wta.. Oct. -Sorrow- Ing becanse of 'ljhl death ef ber.hus- . band, Mrs. DolII f?turap yesterday at tempted to km hsBgself wltft 3- cau ber' rlfla. ; Placisj the musile 'ftbe. firearm- over Berflnru rsv, enum sprung the trlgrsft'wltb bar foou The bullet Inflicted wdund that -payal-clans say naay Pi?f;e fatal, ; The wom an's husband, JeaJ8tump, accidentally shot himself iiember ' i9,, whUn charge of a- oandtlof aheep belonging to Uriah Trumbo,jsraz!ntf the sim coe mountains, J3g;mlle, from Golden dale, and died eterdaylN -tX . . Tip CostsjiyiW in Fine. c Jackson. Ml.. I Oct. " .. S-i J." w. Bertrand. traveilnif man. -: and. Walt I Chapman. ' Pullman ear poptst,''. P'-d fines aggregating : , because : one gave and the oChr received a-'.35 .cent tip, violating- taej' stata law. -. Smoker Cigarettes For 22 Years Habit W4;j Ruining Hirfi, But He vjpquered It in Three pnyt Eaiiily. ' Are your teeth good chewers? "Some men and women have never chewed anything In their lives," said a local orthodontist when asked about the peculiar irregularities that often occur In teeth. "Patients don't like to be told that" he added. "They think they chew their food because me war. iw a lortnigni 1 nave Deen i they don t know any better. Tne fact in Germany for the greater part o I Is. they have Dracticallr no' arindlng Belgium is now for all practical pur- j process and simply roll the food about poses Germany. For a few hours I was in Aix-la-Chapelle, and had the opportunity of gauging the opinion j and temper of the German civic popu lation and the German press. Germans All Soldiers. In my mind there Is now' no shad- in their mouths and swallow it What is an "orthodontist"? Perhaps not one person in 25 knows. While this branch of dentistry bas been practiced for a dumber of years, still the word Is comparatively so new that it does not appear in the ency Top, left to right An industry where precaution-is necessary; Harry P. Coffin, chairman of the Safety First Commission, appointed by Mayor Albee; in 24 years 108,009 trespassers upon railway rights of way have been killed and 117,257 trespassers have been injured. In the United States. Bottom, left to right A warning sign; a poster warnirig to parents. o"w of doubt that in fighting Ger- clopedias nor in some unabridged die- many we are up against the atlffest tionaries. Small wonder, then, that it proposition that has ever confronted is as "Greek" in meaning as in origin us. Without that great danger cloud to the average person, in the north the Russian masses - Orthodontia is the science or pro there eould be no two opinions as to f esslon that treats irregularities of the final outcome on land. Let us the mouth and teeth. It has been de- without passion or perjudlce look for clared that if every child were given a moment at the facts through plaio the benefit of orthodontia and of oral glass. The Germans are a military prophylaxis (the science of prevention nation; they have militarism in their of disease of the mouth and teeth). Diooa, ana tney are proud or it. as i there wouldn't be a set of "false" teeth a German soldier said to me last Fri I ln the world. Everybody would have Chief of Police Clark has the depart ment of safety and his police organ ization at once furnishes his - assist ants, Frank C. Burckhalter's department is railroad transportation and railroads are already organized to prevent acci dents to the traveling public, train men and trespassers on the right of way. Mr. Burckhalter is general su perintendent of the Southern Pacific In Oregon. B. F. Boynton has charge of the de partment of electrical transportation and Is secretary of the comimssion. He is chief claim agent of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company and an originator of the Safety First movement not only for Portland, but for the entire country. L. R. Alderman has the department of schools. He Is superintendent of schools and will have to assist him in keeping harm from children, the prin cipals, teachers and parent-teacher or ganizations, as well as the children themselves. Already he plans to have a Safety First committee of children ln each school and one of the first things for them to do is to post signs on streets near schools "Go Slow: Schqol Two Block West" or east or south or north, as the case may be. The department of industries is ln charge of Marshall N. Dana and this means organizing men ln industry to be cautious and thoughtful and to post warning signs where such are needed. The Safety First field in Portland in dustry is almost untouched. Arthur M. Churchill, a lawyer who represented the Oregon Civic league ln a fire-prevention campaign in Port land, has charge of the fire preven tion department and it is up to him to induce every citizen to help elim And a Lady Can Have a fair, Clear ?5"ard Fire ,always ls a Harry p. Coffin, chairman of the commission, has taken the department or trarnc, which means nrinciDallv Everybody Loves A Lady Fair Complexion by Using Stuart's Cal- - ciurn Wafers After Each Meal .i 1 You women ought to hear some men rave over abeauUulIy clean and shell clear skin. There is notning that so c nanus a man or a woman as this. Where there are pimples, blotches. liver spots, etc., the blood Is diseased and filled with impurities. Clean the blood and these effect disappear at unci, mat is wnac smart s calcium waters do almost beyond belief. .. Hh Wm a Pimply Person Once , 1 : Upon a Time." r Stuart's Calcium Wafers are known to hundreds of thousands of men and women.-.- Perhaps some of the faces you admire now were made beautifully free from kin blemishes by Stuart's UKium waters. " Toll won't be alwavs worrvine about what. your friends and strangers think or your -Droicen-our lace, ii you give thse wonderful little wafers a chance. That's because they ao right to the seat of the trouble, the blood, driving out an impurities, strengthening it -toning it up. And when the blood is clear tne skin is rree rrom blemish. securing the assistance of automobil- lsts in averting accidents. Work of volunteer traffic officers appointed rrom the Automobile club, and or gani2ed by Mr. Coffin, has already resulted in significant decrease in the number of accidents and collisions. ine commission Is favored. It has back of it the city public safety de partment, of which Mayor Albee is head. It can draw upon official agen cies and the even more powerful fac tor of approving public sentiment to further its campaign for the public. ine otner day this commission mit and organized as outlined. Then it went up to a ninth floor room of the Electric building and viewed an sx- niDit wnicn was also displayed at yes terday noon's meeting in the Commer cial club. About the walls were thousands of pictures and posters em phasising the imDortanpp. first. . A sketch showed two men at wnrk One was grinding, the other working a viusei. unips were flvlne. and the lesson was: "Thtfse men are dan gerous to their fellow workmen. Why? Because they do not care where the cnips rrom their chisels fly. What are they? Thoughtless workmen who nave not learned the value of an eve a, companion SKeich illustrated the value of goggles worn when dotno- out II V UI JV. "Do it the Safe Way." There were manv nironiar JJO It the safe Way. It never nnva to take chances." . Also this information in h t,im ivmuea oy tne Jiucago & Northwest ern railroad: "This in lzed country in the world that doesn't prumuit trespassing on a railroad iraca. in 24 years 108.009 troenuo And other signs are used in other cities: "Pedestrians Don't forget the car coming on the other track." "Mr. Everyman Ninety-eight per cent of accidents are perventable. Don't take chances. "Drivers Look both ways before crossing tracks." Careful Kan Desirable Employes. Just as all big firms ' have found it is better to employ only sober men, they are finding it safer to employ only careful men. Many issue "Safety First" rules for employes, and espe cially for the new man. They publish bulletins for general distribution and ; encourage safety first committees among workmen. And they reach this conclusion: "Every accident is a notice that something may be wrong with the man, plant -or methods, and should De Immediately Investigated by persons in charge of th .work, to ascertain cause and apply remedy. It is the little accidents that make the big total. Ten employes are killed in little accidents to one in a col lision or derailment. Thirty-seven are injured in little accidents to every one injured in a collision or derailment Stop the little accidents and the big ones will take care of themselves." And even the interstate commerce commission testifies. In its 1912 re port this expression occurs: "Great possibilities ln the direction of a solution of the problem of acci dent prevention lie in the so-called safety committees which have been organized on many roads. These com mittees are composed of officers and employes, who cooperate in striving to eliminate accidents due to failure of men Drooerly to perform their au Rv making safety, first the dominant idea in the minds of em loyes and continually pointing out methods for Its attainment, an im portant step in the right direction is taken." And other epigramraattcally worded posters were shown in the exhibit viewed by the safety first commis sion:; , - . "Sifetv first means 'greater safety, greater regularity, greater cooperation and harmony, as well as greater effi ciency." "Safety first stands for conservation of human life and elimination of chance takers, who are the makers of cripples, widows and orphans." "Better be careful a thousand times than a cripple once." There was a picture of the Portland street car company's training school for carmen tor prevention! of acci dents and care of them when they occur; also the familiar poster de signed to offset the feminine tendency to leave a car precisely as noes a Chinaman: "There's a reason for everything except a woman getting off a car backward; that s foolish." The success of the safety first movement will depend upon the energy of its promotion and the teaching to the public a habit of being thoughtful rather than thoughtless, careful rath er than careless. It demands enthusi asm. - This fact is recognised. One of the posters quoted Emerson: "Every great and commanding ef fort in the annals of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm." Safety first guards against acci dents and promotes human welfare. Welfare is essential to happiness, and happiness is indispensable to success ful living. sound, healthy teeth that would last as long as life. A study of the plaster models, made from life, in the office of an ortho dontist is as Interesting as the read ing of epitaphs ln an old-time ceme day in -Louvain: 'We are all sol diers.' "They are all soldiers to a man. And one should say to a woman. I was much -impressed upon my arrival ln Atx-la-Chapelie on Saturday morn ing to see the demeanor of the Ger-1 tery, and sometimes these models tell xuo wuiiki. wuo u.ev uuri.roop wuo more Gf the characteristics of the in wim provisions lor we oerman -1 dividual and of his family history diers and wounded. Directly the than the tombstones in the ancient ii niuyyeu liicoc lauieqaiuts, liuui, I graveyard. mosouuo nuuicu uuuo uV uiu I i -n Inolur ATI MM Z v " "SiJli-tZr. on on the other side was unde- oYVindne German"" nTtSntiSn 1. T.P .. An Important Decision They contain absolutely no poisonous drugs, no Stuart's Calcium Wafers are nerfect- I r ihiii- m .' ly harmless ana may be taken freely There were tictur, i ;; leaving work, or women and children on errands encroach on the right of way, .and Mr. Burckhalter said: "The trespassers worry us more than any others; they are more paniM Parents have to ing to one of the posters by the Bos- eror unmerce. "Parents Playing on or near the car tracks to aangerous. Ten the children. Bet ter be safe than sorrv ." Everyone, of course, has read, and many have heeded, the signs of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co- a corporation that haa nnwrf,,nv by any on. no mercury, ooiates. ' 1 Stuart s. i Calcium Wafers contain Calcium Sulphide, and a mild alterative -everv doctor prescribes them a hun dred times a year. They are the most effective Jlooti -cleansers Known man. . t ' It doesn't matter whether you have blackheads and plmplee "something awful, or bolls, , tetter, rash, carbun cles, eczema, liver spots or a muddy fnmnlxton. try; esiuari calcium wa fers and get a surprise In a short time. HUV a dox rrom your uruggisi i any where. -All druggists keep them In stock. package one Co, 171 v ' a--- oLiiiiii in ton rna mritromnnt 1. t . will be mailed iree to any. I .w.i. ,,. 9 wueB, 7.. j . Tt. . . . I Wait thft rtt, atnna f . Stuart Bldg Marshall, Mich. I "wf jooks JLwn t taxe chances!" or Kinaness, uerman patriotism is trained, organized, swift to the prac tlcal result. Within three minutes every soldier was having his break fast. Han Wot Hungry: "An hour or two before the occu pation of Brussels, I was told that the Germans were coming to the city? throurh this family for several gener ations. The prediction made by the specialist that in a few generations those teeth will entirely disappear ln members of that family. And he goes further and says that in time he thinks it altogether likely that the lateral incisors and third molars will fM -V- 4 r ' 1 f may permanently deform the mouth and teeth if not observed bv the mother and taken in hand in time. The child of a Portland dentist always twisted up the corner of the sheet and held it in her mouth while going to sleep. As a result the front teeth do not meet and no dental treatment can ever correct the trouble. JNothlng makes me so embarrassed as to be served lettuce sandwiches at an afternoon tea," said a woman the other day. "My front teeth do not. meet and I can't bite the lettuce." She has been advised that the only thins- mat can oe aone is to grind off the oacK teeth, but she says it isn t worth while to go through that unpleasant operation for the sake of lettuce sand wiches. According to the specialist, aha tnrougn ner mouth or had some other ,." frum" n " ln"J ". T'L' k.i.1. i . . u . . . . l&Uaajrarar. a 11 known -ttiaen of IjTtoaf- Z""'- 7"cn c" , ralan nve .ton. Mobtan.. whh knew that hi. W wia Biuvwu biiu ii id irregularity oi i bcioff rained tbroafb th prnifitm BaMt i narentu I ciaaraiie amoniur. xti couia 001 una iniuiini tll be got tbe reauirkable book . ttu.t caa now be obtaim-d freav s A cWgymaul RiJ. M. Roaa. lyUm. OttKi. teatiriaa that aftS having bea a slave to tobacco 44 yeart r got rid Qf tbe bablt n th-ely in a tewlva, improvltig bta baaltb. QUIT TOB4 CCO, QAIBTED 35 UIS. ErerybodT InirManguin. Okld la tulklnj about the big eiians: tn. Al llwm: he put on 3R lbs. In bftalth? flcb lnf, getting- rid of toba- babi't through tbe Infnrtuaflon 1 kviUia I the teeth prevented, if her bad known. To be sure, she is not missing much if her only handicap is to go through life without eating lettuce sandwiches, but hers is a mild case. Examinations of children In public schools have discovered cases of moral and mental deficiency as the re sult of deformed teeth and mouth. Some of tbe effects upon children are astonishing. In a case on record in I gained lu the ttee tKk bicb jou may iIm the schools of Cleveland, Ohio, the eyes of a cross-eyed girl, 13 years ot age, became straight after the correc tion of the irregularities of her teeth t-axllr obtain. That be cotiidl never quit was 1Ue fear, of ueorge Ambueii.3. feari nwt, rnuaoetpui. mho wai a of tobaoro lor many jrcara. bnt after gettiis the book, be learned how the bablt ooiildbe i-ouqaered in three d.. o ca m.uu vciil Ul I UI craTioz ins in EDUCB lUJUrDTVO UCailB. tne cniiaren need orthodontist treat- because they were starving. But for " "Vl three hours that same afternoon I stood . outside the Gare de Nord and watched the German army pass through. They were not starving. Never have I seen a more ominously I the civilized races by the law of evolution. Evolution of Teeth and Pood, In this day of soft and prepared foods we have so much less need of ment In this work it is not im proved appearance that is sought, but efficiency xt the teeth, says the spe cialist. But be says that ln every in stance where treatment has added to the efficiency of the teeth the appear ance of the mouth and face has been improved, showing that nature intend ed teeth to be beautiful as well as useful. BOOS r GOTHS P2SE. A valuable, Uritereafloc book oo bow to overcome tbe tntiarco bablt (In any form! hra been wrlttes br-Eiiw. i. Wood, B-t4 Hlfth. Ave., 62 K, N'ewf.-.Vork. N. V.. and be will aend It free to .-layone who wr-.tea aaktnc tor It, he U -vine anxlona that nit rho: are victlma of th lerivlnt tor tobacco, anuff. Gigara, or ciKjreJtea may " sav tbetnelv eaallr, qub'kly antly ond lioitlncly. Kjre. beart, kldneit sisl atomarh Improved. fere tra nqulllxml. mfmorv improved, vlur gkiul aud iiumerou lher beneflta often rerirtei. Mrs. Jennie Kemp W. O. T. U. Head impressive sight. Every man in that teeth for tearing than in the cave enormous mass seemed healthy, fit I days of our ancestors, wnose rood was and well fed. The German officers j the flesh or wild animals ot the rorest, understand their men perfectly. j that, in the course of the evolutionary The men are given plenty to eat 1 process, we snail nave oniy sucn wein and they are given- it with strict I as our soft foods require. regularity. On the station at Lou-1 For the proper development of the vain I had lunch with a party of I teeth, jaws and arch' of the mouth all German soldiers. Each man was I dentists declare that exercise by given a can of thick, meaty soup. To chewing hard foods is necessary. The me who had eaten nothing but a lit-1 orthodontist interviewed said there tie cnocoiate bread ana some sour I was very little irregularity or teem in pears for 36 hours, this soup was as I his entire family, and he attributes it good as the manna from heaven. To I to the fact that they lived on a farm one of my hosts I said that I was I and had more or less hard food. As lucky to come across them on aa boy he was always chewing wheat sa ira.rhi'sl I s s 9 : . Quick Removal of Wrinkles ( j Is NowAssured--BSseu ) aleska Snratt, Aatertoa's Belf-lCade Beauty Actress, otves artartunc Secrets for the Attainment of Quick Beauty. BT VAZiESXA BTjmJLTT Mrs. S. O. fe-Slmply use this cream very day oa your face, arms, hands, neck and shoulders, and in a very short time you .w0l;'find the most decided change in yt complexion. It never fails. All ritd snots, freckles and blem ishes vanlshj producing a most equii- meat day.' for I understood that meat land dried peas while he went about I nP HE removal of wrinkles ls no longer ' P.urtty Tt,n.t to the skin. It is was served only everv third da v. Bui hi. .Y.nm Ma thmka that farmer-I I a nroblem. Of course there are me Deauiiriar;wiinoui a peer, and is State Convention at The Dalles Pin isfaes Business After Successful Three-Say Session. The Dalles, Or., Oct. S. The state convention of the W. C T. U., which has been in session in this city for I was quickly Informed that German Doy habit for his sound and regular soldiers had meat eVery day. To go into the station at Louvain at lunch time was like a transition from hell to heaven. Outside I and my friend had traversed streets in which the devil's work was being wrought. Burning, looting, shooting I ,i three days, came to a close last eve- were going on everywhere. The Ger-1 Models in the orthodontist's cabinet ning after a successful meeting. The mans were cheerfully destroying the J srioweci thai some unfortunate pa new officers elected yesterday are: whole placewith the exception al- tlents actually had two rows of teeth. but they had not twice the usual num I teeth. You may have heard somebody say, "My father had a double row of teeth," evidently believing that his father was "gifted" with twice the -number of teeth allotted to the ordinary mor- n..n.- .hih arm very economical. Mix one tabJesDooni sold for the purpose but the experience ful of glycerjne ln a nint of hot water of most women with these feeble agen- n crunce of zintotie. Which cies has usually been one of keen dim- fan i be securest any drug store. This appointment. The loss of precious time ,on S fw moments. You will in such cases is particularly deplor- y uwn" raae i maae your co able. What every, woman wants and Plexion fascinating, can now obtain is the auick removal I ie of wrinkles, not a process requiring al- . ii. wnicn most a year if at all, but one Hester C. S.'r-Developing the bust is Yes. Henry, i have decided one thing ior sure, in regard to Duyms ciouuiig ior royseii ana imuy have been looking and tnituang for a lonjr time ana nave at last uncov ered tne secret ot wearing the oest .... anrt navinar IOr tlieHl In such a wav as to not inii t"e money, it is tnis way: 1 nave learned that CHj&RRx'jii carry tne best line of laaies' and men s Ciotn insr that can Oe found anywhere Their prices are cheap, tneir m tmirs are perfect and tne treatment o-iven vou in their store is the most courteous. Now, all you have to do is to eo to them, pick out whatever you may want; and pay a little down when you get it.. The balance you can pay just as you get your pay ... . .1. V . v.,. euner oy uie .weca,.vi iuvw. i. see, you don't have to wait and wait trvine to save up enough money with which, to buy a' good suit or overcoat or anything else you may need in the clothing line, - but you can get it and wear it and get the use of if while you are paying for it. I tell you, it is the only system by which you can be well dressed and at the same time keep your money." "Frank, I must say that is a great scheme. Where is their store?" "In the Pittock block, 389-391 Washing ton street. President, Mrs. Jennie Kemp of Port land; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Mary Russell of McMinnville; record ing secretary, Mrs. Madge Mears of Shedd; treasurer, Mrs. Margaret Hous ton of Portland. . Thursday's session was mostly tak en up .with. -the reading of papers by women of state and national prom inence. Mrs. Jennie Kemp of Portland, campaign manager for the Oregon W. C. T. U., conducted the campaign hour and gave a brief outline of the work being done in the state. The delegates, local W. C T. U. members and members of the cam paign club paraded the streets short ly after noon yesterday. There were more than 250 irf line singing "Ore- ways of the Hotel de Vllle. Officers Hake Picture. Der Their teeth appeared in a double "Their calm deliberation made a row only because of their deformed contrast with their work of destruc- irregularity, some teeth being pushed tlon that was almost theatrical in the hak nt the others through crowding impression it left on tbe mind. The or through deficient development ot officers seemed to make a picture tQ4 jawa. w more like a military entourage at a a bov natient with such teeth had fashionable race . meeting. They were I reallv "chewed," besides being well groomed, shaven, manicured, and I .rMMV disfierured by the deformity. completely calm as they drove about j persistent treatment,- with patient wie ourumg street in taeir cars. I fnTinwinar of directions Dy tne Doy, r- These people are not 'Huns' or bar-1 ,..., hrinsine the teeth into nor- v..l... 1.. nr.- I V . , , i iiuuuio uuinuiy &i aiJj rate. id us tney ward altogether charming. To converse with them was an ele gant Intellectual pleasure. mal "position, with improved health and srreater mental efficiency. In the case of one patient, a. 7u But around lay the dead, the dy- Q f the moxxtyi not developed nA ah. wu & veara or lie. ins r- ..,1t -aimm nrotrudlna' ITOnt leein. . picture taken before and after treat . k tmiihi. wnniiv cor- bodies of the men they were carry- me.l;"I,ViMaJ .sion. which appeal by Airs. Mary Har- lng a tin can and looking for water. lJ ing. the burned and the burning. In a side street on the outskirts of the town I saw a few women and children gon Dry" campaign songs and giving I walking over the dead and charred yens. After an ris Armor, a national lecturer, the con- German soldiers emphatically im- wa !1ef,lf treatment ls ex- vention pledged 1000 to be used for pressed upon me the fact that the cr. 1t?r,H. with tdults but is - i a.n-ir n.iM tKl,-,ur- I wnmon i .kiu. i -j w j I ceedinKlT tediOUS Wltn aauna, wu Policeman Fights ' Thieves in Church will show wonderful results ln a few a difficult natter and cannot always De assured, however, a mixture of tivi: ounces of ruetone and half a.f:cup of sugar ln a pint of cold-water, and taken in two teasnodnfuls after each meal and tiefore retiring, is the best and j Mitres t means known for the purpose. Do not use pills, or reyhanlcal appliances. v i:t: . Dili . Mtst-fT. R. A teaspoonful of ggo'-'.n half a cup of hot water mak tan amazingly rich and effective head wash and dan drufj' remover. The action of thiKj shampoo is to dissolve everip particle of dandruff and fattf accuroulatlon. which soap does not do because of the at-. kali it contains. This is the only head wash that acts on this prinrlnle- It make the staip extraordinarily clean, and. the hair silky and easy to do up. This Is very eronoml- women and children had been saved. 1 "I saw the firing of Wurtemberg ana I saw first the women and child ren herded up and set aside I do not believe that the men would have a simple matter with children. Teeth Torever crooxeo. Young children .form habits 111 IIV f ' A cal aa enough ergol can be se curer! for a very modest price t any dru'g store to furnish a that "The Way) This Secret Bemoves WrtakUe and sagging or Ties xs muy mwauummMw. weeks' time. The following formula Mary Ja d oxen .or more of these unusual shampoos. It is in fart a real necessity to hair health. - '43 a' been massacred ,had not the soldiers t . e. man in the ranks. i one which does this In a very amas- ne-rflous hfiis is wcoinStihed more at least believe'd that they offered between officer and l ing way. You make this up yourself Xsily, quicltly and thoroughly by th5 I T.h. c. of are flose d cnrdW-th ey , a very few--onient-by dls- 9 lAl "" i , . any otner -means. -1 nis simpiy ois 'ire TheP.tinv cream K0veK way-Th hair Instead of burn tlmrZZ wr SfleaU ,n it-off .as Jdo. other depilatories. .Jt racrVt is one of "ver ves?a mark, never fails and i vnn iArtiiofl - never harms,, tbe most delicate skin. le I know, iarge ana ii,,.,,!.,.,. .nniv win h Two Ken Zioot Poor Boxes and At tempt to Steal Gold Vessels When Apprehended. New : York, Oct- 3. With fhls re volver , drawn, Patrolman Reid dashed into the Church of the Assumption at Cranberry and Hicks streets, Brook lyn, late yesterday and after a battle beside the - Tabernacle arrested two men, who' later described themselves as Homer Nell I and Adolph Sasealo. It is charged the men had broken open and looted four poor boxes and were attempting to get the chalice and other gold' vessels from the Tab ernacle when the policeman went in. CIGARETTE TAX BOOSTED '-. PetrogVad. Oct. 3. In order to In crease the revenues of the empire, the rate of taxation on many commodities has been raised. These Include malt. matches, cardboard (playing cards). cigarettes, cigarette papers, - etc ' course, be no doubt that Louvain of. lered considerable insistence. The are eiuso w - rr , ... , rades, a word conUnually on their lipa nl,lnr tn . hl.tvinn f U la of STlVCer- thv flcht. And they are wonaer- i tM nd two ounces of eptol in ball a " ... r. . . " -""t..ii- t.iiir.nt Diirini the last l nint of hot water. The satiny cream civic population iea oy tne mayor and .v- with men in the Which result, removes wrlnkl iseiKian . orricers. workn m.ino i Kuns unon' the-German tram- .. .k German ranks whose cuiiure ana ea- a,pproacnea tne station, church of St. Pierre, which the station, was turned to. f ,i. w-ai thv stick at I Arabella M' No. Face steamina-will nothtna? Sr their nation they arel Krnestine M. The prevalence of not remove blackhead. You can' get nothing- Xr tneir nawoB ur "Tl .," i 4. alarmino- amonsr all rM ef (hni wraiiUtl. In t fmr fflln. U3!fH!Emm.rh of women" Dandruff is one of utos by simply rubbing them with a cold, inhuman, barbaric That is wny. j the main causes of It Another cause ls little nerolnU sprinkled on a sponge fort. The civilists fired unon coming troop trains from the win. dows'and. from behind the buttresses. Make Terrible Enemy. m . ,lr,. mu - . . , . r . "1 the main causes or J u auvviivi iillir acruvu viiruawu vu m ayvuiv to sum up. There Is left unon I ir tut i f man laws s-overn I .l1 1 ""i1" rx. ,k k.- mnt, VI fv. , . T my mind an impression of the won- this world, and that might is not 1 vh dln,y haJr tonics bought these store can sepoly vou with the ner ox In. derrul ernciency and complete en-1 Hrht. w must' fiaht them as we 1 av morieiv stimulate for the time be- Every blank head will dlsacrDear br thuslasm of the German army. Em. fmirht' mi mnonerMi Nanoleonism. I fas-. These can not stop dandruff or usina-this remarkable formula. . .a- bossed upon tne belts of the German But; let us have no delusions about I make hair grow. wnt js neeaea w . . , gg Boicuers 10 tne legena "Uott mit I th1r real oharartr. i nuppiy inc nct.on.,, V"" ""72 ?if: s . . J, V T"S. w .11 I - . vns T I HHIIPK Wt L tlio vvevtu eatau tral1s fnl afriSl aTar I pufl" 7 . " rl F! ; . ' - . ir. una .vioa wttn uaj. xney' beUeveJ i"""""" ".'vrrrn.i i.ion Uri R. 1 it. They are - a VerUe and believing I . a I Frul"X. VVT,i. nnl ,rm.rll inrnt ration (rnm -whlrh nation-such people make a terrible I t A I S Ul C I Ul" HAW O IM A I LO 2i Iff r if remarkaMv effects as a io "Ina-rwiWiai sutfeVat au7saoi j c o iv i ii me uer man mina ror a synicism which soma. I vrnn,n.ii- .i. .0.1, rw. 3 a times in older nations makes people German prisoner, who escaped at the wonder whether the struggle between beginning of the' month, wasArecap nattonal groups Is good in the eyes of tured today by a sergeant, to whom xignung iiae 1 be declared he bad lived in the open a, band of brothers. In time of war lair for 20 days, subsisting on raisins vu icuuuua un ctsi -viaes ana -class, I and. raw snails. half a pint of alcohol and half a pint bydrolUed UV, which can be obtained of water (or with a full pint of bay at any nhaf-nsacy. It also destroys all . rum tnstead of water and alcohoV if W"0ilbd lntf1nt,,r ail,wal! preferred). This costs less than any other body Jofors. It will prevent that prepared hair tonic, and its results in terrible sov condition under ' the forcing hair to grow, stopping dandruff arms. It aaiies vtrur garments and r and the falling of hair are very, re- lieves youirbf much embafTasarnent. markable and rapid. -,!! tAdar