mi THE OREGON SUNDAY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY- MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1914. AuCTTOBTS . ESTABLISHED Wa have received the furnishings of private home in Irvington, also an other lot from wut jilde residence, with instructions from the owners to aell the aame at auction. . ' I On Tuesday Next I ;OMPRISINa oak and fibre rock ers, two davenports, upholstered par lor furniture, (area mirror a, library table and rockers, several volumea of books on electricity and ateam engi neering, carpentry, messages and pa i pera of our presidents, walnut sec retary bookcase, dining room suite, vis., 64-inch top table, serving table mint leather seated chaira. alao another . suite In wax oak finish, several piece of good silverware. Including trays, mall aize brass bound win keg. in! bedroom furniture we have very mas sive twin brass beds, btrdseye maple suite, full nickel plated bed, Verr.l Martin and enamel beds In full and 44 sixes with best springs and mat tresses, pillows, bedding dressers and chiffoniers, quarter oak folding bed. lace' curtains, portieres, oil paintings, pictures, wrought Iron fire set, gas ranges, scales, granite utensils and an any other lota. lj Auctioneer's Note h intending purchasers should call and Inspect the above goods tomor row. In addition to the furniture men tioned there are aeveral rugs and large .aised bordered Brussels carpets. AUCTION 8 A IVES ON TUESDAY NEXT i AT 10 A. M. On Thursday Next W shall have another large lot of good household furniture, rugs, etc .to offer you. Call Wednesday after 'noon and Inspect these goods. AUCTION ON THUKSDAI NEXT AT 10 A. M. Tomorrow WR KELL AT THR VAN HORN STORAGE CO. WAREHOUSE. The goods are being sold for stor - age and other charges. BALE TOMORROW AT 18 O'CLOCK AT 42 FIRST ST. . W. C. BAKER AND W. H. DEAN, 1 Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. , 1 166-168 Park Street. w;e pay cash for household i GOODS. ' i BOTH PHONES. Auction Sale of Household Goods Left in Storage Consisting; of dining oets, bedroom and kitchen furniture, ruga and car pets, wood or coal rang;e, and aeveral . wood and coal heaters, dishes and cooklna utenalla. sanitary bed springs i that fold up; the kind modern hospitals; ''a using-, and numerous other articleu. diw mouaay, uci. o, al-iv am. sharp. Van Horn Transfer Co., 42 First St , Baker, Auctioneer. In effect Oct, 1, 1913 ALL PREVIOUS RATEH C -31CH.ED CUA&OKD ADVKKTISKMKMTla Dally or Sunday. !H easts per -ord per lnaertiaa. This charge I for all olairicaUoa, except ing "For Kent in Private Family," "Room and Hoard la Private ramllv 'Sit oat km Wanted" and "Wasted to Kent1' ad., which are 1)4 cents "per word tier luaertloo. No ad charged (or leu ihnn 15 rents. CASH AbVKKTlSEMKNTft i(t eenu nr word tor teeutlns "Fcir Kent In an ciaaaificatfcma. 1 "koum and Board In Private Famllv." "Sltna. tloa Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent" ada., which are 14 canta per word. Consecutive loacrtlnn of rab want ada.: U Icaertlona 'or the pries of 2 7 loaerlloua for the price of B WAIT ADTYPf Number of letters to line. It . Pile of Type t Line t Llna 15 4 Lin. 12 I Llna NEW TODAY we,"ssssesasBsesejBwaassgssjsBJs4Bss4BBsJBSB4 Owner Needs Money Offers Three Bargains TAXM AJff 9 COirmT EOMS SACXX TICS 44. acres, with new house, barn, chicken houses, well stocked arid about ( - screw in bearing orchard. Ow.qar will sell on easy terms or will trade. J, iOT OW BBOADWAT ,s vry desirable block on fi. Broadway. Fine location) for resl , dence, and" will become more valuable In time for business property. Owner must sell; easy terms or trade. STTBTOBAjr HOMEStTJS AT BXCt SAO &EF1CB. .vmT? Urff trct ot 'M to the city; must dispose of part of it. Will seli in small tracta This Is LZ excellent opportunity to get a country homeslte for little money on easy trms. Will consider cash or trade. . For full Information on any of the above, call Foxton & Ames, 117 Beck Bldg., Cor. Oak & Broadway Main 6563. WANTED! First-class Stock Man w Bo understands - cattle and hogs, who can invest $25,000 and take full charge of large stock and alfalfa ranch. Best propositioa in the state. Address F-134. Journal. IJTH AND ; FLANDERS, AND MUST BE SOLD, "A lovely room house, finished in . mahogany on first floor and white on second. Call and see , this If yon want a lovely home. . . Xjooaas mnrsa JOURSfAL WW AOS Laurelhurst VKW TODAY GUARANTEED HOMES Offered by The Oregon Home Builders The Classiest Bungalow in Laurelhurst ""Well situated, near carline, large rooms, with extra large sleeping porch; many conveniences not found in others See this first. $50 a. month, including interest; only small cash payment re quired. $2600 $25 monthly, including In terest. New double construct ed bungalow, 4 large rooms; full plumbing, extra large porch, basement, oak floor, fireplace, buffet ' and book cases, electric fixtures and window shadea; nice fir trees in yard; near good carline. Only small payment required. Hawthorne District 6 room modern bungalow, furnished, cement basement, attic, fireplace, all built-in conveniences. A big bargain. 13750. Very easy terms. f $2000 $20 a month. Including Inter est, 4 rooms, double construct ed bungalow, basement, Dutch kitchen, full plumbing; 60x100 lot. near good car service. Only 1 small cash payment required. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 3718. A-629I. We Bought ma Stock of Rugs. Carpets. Matting, Beds. Mattresses. Mirrors Must Be Sold 50c on the Dollar $2.50 and $3.00 Iron Beds 75c $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Iron Beds $175 30c and 35c Values in Matting, all 19c '"-l JaV 9x12 Brussels Rugs $9.75 If you need house furnishinp-g you can save 50 per cent by making your selection from this stock. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE 208 First., Bet. Taylor and Yamhill A NO 1 I IT CO ICE PBOPEBTT 8ACBXPXCE9. Income, $100 per month. Price, 911,000. ITEiXAV gs FAXESTXZ., 303 Stock Excbang'e Bldg-. MEETING NOTICE 41 KIRKPATR1CK COUNCIL. NO. 2227, Knights AND LADIES OF SECUR ITY Big open meeting next Friday, Oct. 9, 8:30 sharp, Moose hall. Broad way and Morrison. Cards, "500," en tertainment, dancing, refreshments, best union music, good prizes. Admis sion 15c Come for a good time. Re member the big masquerade Oct. 30, 1914. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 43. B. -A. Y, meets every Thursday evening in the Moose hall of the Royal bldg., 846 Morrison st, 8. W. cor. Ith st. Visitors welcome. t h.iJE8 FRY. 406 SIMPSON ST. Phone Woodlawn 94. Correspondent. 500 and dam at W. O. W. temple, 128 11th st, Wednesday, Oct. 7. Those present at 8:30 will play first game; late comers will enter second game at 10 p. m. Prises both games. Dance at 10. Admission to all 25c Royal Circle Com. INVITATIONS to the Maccabee dance, to be held October 8, 1914, in the K. of P. hall, 11th and Alder sts.. can be secured from the members or at the office in the K. of P. bldg. Phone Main 1536. PORTLAND Star Homestead No. 42. B. A. Y., gives dance Thursday even ing. Oct. 8. Moose Hall, 346ft Morrison st. Admission 25c, Blumenthal-May-er orchestra. CHIEF MultnontULh Tribe, No. 64, meets every Tuesday evening at 8 f. m, -Coma and be with us. Geo. Wil ey. Chief of Records. MULTNOMAH Circle. No. 744, will give a 500 and dancing party Friday evening. Oct. 9. 1914, in the W. O. W. Temple. 128 lith st. Admission 20c ORPHIA Temple lb. Pytnisn Sisters, meets on -rnursaay evenings of each week in K. of P. hall. 11th and A.der, at S p. m. Helen M. Lamar. M.- of R. C. Vital Statistics marriages.Birtb. Deaths, BUSINESS CARDS W. G. Smith & CofflfiSSf Third floor. Morran bids-. and cards. DRESS suits for rent, all sixes. Unique DEATHS AXD FUNERALS 75 BACON The funeral aemcea of the late Abner Bacon will h hlil tnri- rsinnH.. o . -.n o'clock p. m., at the residence establish "i r. tmusr ac oub, nanigomary at Fifth. . , icuu. lu.jirtt. uxinii at tMiae city eem etery. ' ca-AKKE BROa., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. j87 Worr's.in st MAX ax. SJftlfH. florist, 14 1 la L In Welllnir bldar Main 7215. . . CASKET SDrays . as low 1 Rn Lubliner. florists, Portland hotel blk. In. DEATHS AMI FUNERALS 75 COOPKR At the family reoldenee, Milvau ki, Oregon, October 3, 1914, Aana Mr Caret Cooper, aged 43 rears, wife of N. A. Cooper, another of : Ralph E., Howard w ., and George -H. . Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heiirr Sander and sister of Misa Mary Binder. The funeral aerTlcea -will ; be held at the conservatory chapel of the T. 8. Donning, Inc., eaat side funeral direetora, 414 Eaat Alder atrect, at 2 p. m. Toeaday, October . Interment Rhrerlew cemetery. WALZ At the fatuity reHideoee, 267 Hataey, - St. Mary Elisabeth Wala. aged 67 years, beloved wife f Berohard and mother of Ed ward, John W., and Unrtr WaJ. and Mrs. Clare A. CaUin, Mrs. Zetta V. Blffle, Mm. W. E. Boyee and Mr. Albert Henderaon. Fu neral aerTlces will be he!d at above residence Monday, October 5. at 2 p. ra. Friend re? apectfully invited to attend.. Interment ttiver- riew cemetery. KENNEDY At 655 Fifth atreet. October 1. Annie Kenned t. aged 55 veara. beloved Wife of Robert Kennedy. Friends invited to attend funeral aervieea. wnuifc win be beta ai man'a Funeral FarWa at 3 D. m. today Sun day), October 4. Interment Bivenlew ceme tery DOHS At Oawego. Or.. October 2. Louia R. Dobs, beloved, husband of Mr. Olive Dobs, , and father of Mr. Hasel McDonald. Mrs. J Vera Cleaver and Fayson K. lha. Kemawa at Dunning A McEntee chape L Funeral notice later. ; FUNERAL ,IKECTOKS A epiendid residence undertaKics es tablisuuient, with private driveway. J. P. FINLEY & RON. Montgom"y at Frfth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN.' th leading funeial director, 220 3d St.. comer Salmon. Lady atslfctant. Pbonan A loll. Main 607. F. S. Dunning, !nc Eaat Side Funeral Directors. Fast Alder st. East 52. B-2525. 414 Cunning & McEntee Undertakers Mod era in every detail. 7th and Pine. Mala 430. A-05 Ln1y assistant. A R 7p lPr C.CS 692 WlllUma ave; Lady attendant. Day and nlrht aervice. W ALTER C. KENWORTHY. successor i to A. B. Hemstock. 1687 E. 13th Bellwood 71. M-1IZZ. ' Lady assistant, j Chambers Co,acniri!eryrtVoovde: lawn 8806, C-1133. Automobile hearse. RT Rwrnoc Williams and Knott. it DyrnesEast 1115. c-i43. ICMUIADTUV 1. O. O. F. Bldg., N ixLli VivJfi I P I Main.Lents.Tab.52e7 Hmilnn 6th and GiLisan. nallllllUM neral services. Tabor Fu- abor 4313. PrAPQOW Cndmakers. Eas rLMnoUIH 369-371 Russell St. East 1080. ! P. L. LERCH, leading east side under. tsker. E. 11th & Clay. B-1883. E. 781 MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS. 264-260 4th st., opp. city hall. M. 8564. A-1616. BUSINESS PROPERTY 5fl INCOME $145 MONTHLY. PRICE $13,500. Building: containing 6 stores and 2 apartments with fine yard adjoining, ' iocateo in growing ana well developed Sandy boulevard section; $5000 cash handles. This is a sure winner. CALLAN & KASER, 722-24 Yeon bldg. $9000 BUYS a fine brick building in a very prosperous valley town. Just the place for a merchant to move into. Building is 50x100. Would consider some exchange. M. EL Lee, 522 Cor bett bldg. TO ..jSASE 63 3-YEAR lease on good dairy farm, 25 dairy cows, some youn? stock, horses, farm implements, 50 shoats and brood sows, all the feed on the place; can be bought at. a bargain. For par ticulars, address R. R. No. 1, box 80, Wood burn. Or. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW $26 PER MONTH $25 A beautiful new home with every moaern convenience; lireplace. book r I S Vw .v.. . V,. jus. ' wuiuu Mivueii, teiucui iiuor, i&unurjr ; uiui corner lot . . vww . , ai. nlot. A-iiM. na Mors, j trays. line nxtures, shaaes, oricK pii-;ail for $3000, OlriAroUndrtakinir Co Main 4152 v"s aa3L cement iioor on iront porcn. cent interest s SKE WES.a?iVf CA ViiV ' Located close in pn east side. block , 3 and 6 Sunday f-as..B Vn.ffot hQ,rfwV.oH fir,r n,!.'"'. xooiHs, mn iront porch, electric : kitchen, ircning board, linoleum in kitchPn! bath and back iorCh, fixtures. shades, double constructed. 1278 Gree- ley tst., on St. Johns car line. Take car to Greeley st., walk- half block r.orth. A big sacrifice. No better value in city. Owner, East 535. No Payments for. One Year H. acre, brand new 4 room house. plastered tinted, electric lighted, city gas. Bull Run water; 5 cent carfare: 3 blocks from large graded school, price $1350; terms. $125 down, no more pay ments for a year. This will give you an opportunity to get nicely started in your new home before payments begin. Let us explain to you our plan. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 518 Abington bldg. A FEW GOODl EQUITIES. A crood 6-room modern house with a full lot 60x100. built 5 years on one of the best streets on east side, near In terstate bridge route. Price $3800; $500 cash, balance 5 years. See Mr. Carey, 203 Lumber Exchange bldg. THREE-ROOM place and hajf acre of ground, beautimi view, west side, convenient to two carline; a bargain for $900, $10 cash, balance $10 month. The ground alone is worth more money. E. Lee. 622 corbett bldg. FINE apartment corner on Broadway, west side, with a large residence, for $12,000. Will take a bouse and lot on the east side as first payment. For further particulars Inquire M. E. Lee, 522 corbett bidjr. FIFTY dollars down. 6 room house, near car, for sale at $2000 on such terms that you will quit renting: mod ern ana new. fc,yner s. Shank, 302 Ky. Exchanee. . Phones Main 2113, A 1735. Res. Tabor 4411. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3150; $300 down. $20 and interest; E. 36th st, near Hawthorne; 7 room bungalow; oak floors, fireplace, furnace, elegant buffet, elaborate fixtures. Dutch kitch en. See owner. 600 E. 63d st. North. $700 Bungalow 4 rooms, 40x100 lot. good attic, small basement, modern. 7015 42d ave. S. E.: $100 down, $10.00 per month. Call Weller, Tabor 1048 or Tabor 2642. WORTH your trouble to investigate. In beautiful Vernon, my modern, comers 5-room, full basement, also fix tures worth $3000; must sell for cash at once for $1900. Furniture cheap. L 255. Journal. 1 ACRE, 6c FARE. $ room Jiouse, full basement, plumbed,, all fenced, plenty of berries. gooa .outbuildings. zs&o. Terms. Smj th-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. - $650 will buy a 3 room cottage or choice lot with fruit and flowers. IS innteai from the nostofffo. ,w, minutes from the postoffice. flnoi electric service. See owner, 612 Piatt bldg. HOUSES--Some fine bargains, Irving ton, less than cost. For rent, fur nished and unfurnished. Also lota East 273. W. H. Herdman. WHO wants a real bargain"? We have a nice 5 room cottaee, 87x100 ground, worth $2000, that will sell for $1000. 312 Abington bldg. SACRIFICE, J35x200, five room mod ern, barn, chicken bouses, park?. 28 bearing frul t trees, berries, easy terms. Sellwood 1230. ROSE CITY : PARK BARGAIN. Full , 2 story, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, every convenience, near car. Tabor $260. . , 61 uitET'tailHiTlHI JUbT COMPACTED, tmaW AND STRICTLY MODERN 5 'ROOM BUN UAlvOW, SLAlEPINU- PORCH, FULL 7 FOOT CONCRETE BASEMENT 26X 36 FEET. IAJT 60X104, INCLUDING 10 FOOT AL1.E Y bJamku CEIL ING, ELEGANT BUFFET. ELEC 'xHlC X I A.T UKES, ELEGAN XL, if PAINTED AND TLNTED, JfL.UMBUs'a COMPLETE. flOOAlS ARE LARGE AM) CONVENIENTLY ARRANGED, DUTCH K1XCHEN, WOOD LIFT: HU1DT IN EFFECTS. . IT MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. U88 E. 2si'H 8T. NORTH. ALBKKTA car to soth and KIL LIWUBWOKTH; ALLbY ENTRANCE 18 ONLY BLOCK TO CAR, SEE THJSs TODAY, OWNER THERE 10 TO a DAILY. f) R HHltNR (clAST S4f, elvou Modern room bungalow, 1 block to car. Sou down, 24 per month. $2500 Modern 6 rooms, floored attic, 2 blocks to car, 75 down,' bal ance easy. $2800 New room modern bungalow, paved streets,- close to car, $2o aown, $25 per month. $2250 New 6 room bungalow, modern built in conveniences, fireplace, $100 down, $25 per month. $3400 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors,, every built In convenience, $200 down, $ji5 per month. MarshaJl 5370. . C. G. RKAGAN. 82 Chamber of Com. CAN TOO PAT $30 ' MONTHLY T I will sell to reliable party having steady position, a S500U residence for 4000. Pay me total of $80 monthly, which Includes interest at 6. It's a modern 7 room oungalow, furnace, fireplace, laundry tubs, oak floora, garage, large fine lot 70x150 with lota of rosea, snrubs, eta No speculator need apply, only reliable party desir ing home, located Zi E. 53d st, just north of Stark at. See owner, A. E. Pouieen. 7ia Chamber of Com. Mar shall 4552. , NEW 4-ROOM BUNGAL5W $1450.00. 60x100 foot lot, about 4 feet above grade and one-half block from Rose city Park carline; grading and cement sidewalks in and paid for; cement steps and walk leading into house; walls all tinted. Dutch kitchen and electric fix- Sures installed; small cash payment down, balance $15 per mo. Including tel,;BU iluk nua iiy rarn. cur io CJTTT! A TTQTTW Gregory Investment Company. SWELL BUNGALOW SNAP. I Brand new 5 room bungalow, ready j to move into. llnuhlv mnstrnrtnl I Jinely finished, oak floors, fireplace, ouWet, bookcase, extra large airy , , i iwiiia, i muiic eu&nieieu Dearwma an-. mem and $15 per month. 326 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $60 DOWN AND $15 MON., INCLUD ING INTEREST, Buys a little farm in the city. This is a half acre and a 5 room bous. barn, chicken house, bearing fruit, garden and all close to the car at Fir land station. Total price for all, $2360. See us at once about this. BELL REAL ESTATE CO, 318 Railway Exchange. We will build in any part of city HOMES costing from $2000 to $20,000. Also apart ments and flats. We have money to loan. Call and see plans. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. Commercial Club bldg. ilVL rooui oungalow that is complete in every detail; there is nothing overlooked to add comfort and conven ience of a home; 50x100 lot. 2 blocks from car; price $2300, $100 cash bal ance monthly. See this before you buy. C. M. DERR. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 937. PIEDMONT HOME. Quarter block, corner Mallory and Jarrettj with 8 room house 2 fire places 2 tubs, hot water heat, prettv shrubbery, blocks from car. This place can now be obtained at a low price and on easy terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 404 Wilcox Bldg. FIVE room house, modern. Dutch kitchen, bath, "lavatory, etc. All iV Btiwk frnSf ' s?.me sllade trees. I Ljl100.! ,r-' J10'' H ent, some shade trees! ! I . - ........ l w ,t.S 7 c -olCer' J?1' .afdft.atlon' Mt" fecott ear- Tabor 283- NEW 5 room modern house, basement. blinds and electric fixtures; close in and near car; will sell completely fur nished if desired: 868 E. 9th t s Sellwoo 824, owner; prioa S1i4prrVVar Prices. 5 room cottage, $1000; nothing down. Just a mort gage on your furniture or note signed by your Iriena or employer. See owner, J. H. Nash, at 723 Chamber of Com merce. Office hours 10 to 4 filVTKfl A WAV imn 4 room house completely furnished, hot and cold water, dining room -paneled, electric fixtures, closets, Dutch Kitchen, corner 60x100; cheap at $1150 suiw eaiB. journal. jj ut HAiJS cheap, bouse, lot 50x100. bearing fruit trees, berries and shrubbery; furniture and winter's wood- Make me cash offer. Phono xauvr i.ui or call at '41 II 52d St. S. E MY fine 8 room Piedmont home, large grounds, all hardwood floors, plate glass, garage, for farm. Full particu lars first letter. Owners only. E-262. Journal. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS. -a.- avi umcBtern paiiK ts lag. Rose City Park Bungalow ..P1, B!1.?,J: 5 room bungalow on 48th st. at $800' below cost; must sell at once. Tabor 2399. FOrV v rm bungalow, bathroom Dutch kitchen, large lot Oregon Electric 6c, Maplewood; $100 cash, balance monthly; owner, M-206, Jour nal. NOTHING DOWN. , room house. 60x90 lot, 2 blocks from car $4500, $15 per month; inves tigate this; owner, Marshall 1240. NEW 6 room modern bungalow, close m, extra big lot, improvements paid: will trade for clear lots; 325 Railway Exchange. . 2 ACRES and S'-room bungalow on 6c car .Portland, or.; will sell at a gen uine Bargain. Write E. L, Walker 103 W. Main st., Centralia. Wash. BARGAIN $200 down,- 15 oer month, 6 room new modern house tn Park hurst addition. C400 below cost. 312 Henry hldg. ' FOUR room modern bungalow. 50x1 OA lot. 2 blocks from the car lisno- sn cash, $20 month, including Interest: buy from owner. F-136, Journal. FOR SALE 10 room house; gas. elec- tricity. bath, etc., block from car, large tot free from all Tncumbranc. i Ln a. JL ncumoranee. $1250 eash. Owner, Tabor 864. $25 DOWN. $15 PER MO. New. modern, & room bungalow. close to car. Owner. Sell. 2204. $1575 Termg -easy. 6 rooms, modern plumbing. . electricity, near carline, schools. Box 703. Lents. & ROOM modern bungalow, 3 blocks Woodlawn car; $1250. 673- Highland st. Terms. FOR SALE 2 lots with 8-room house, $400 down, balance installments. jiv vernon a v.. Alberta car. EIGHT room bouse. 2 lots, fruit trees, near Reed College. Worth $3000. Will take $2000. Terms. Tabor 2840. SMAIlL house and lot for sale: 949 . Mallory ave, city. FOIl SALE rHOUSES (Continued) 1 1! 38 Etelisik . tu -u.t . x i ilk slouu. ninai i LitLK n ua. v - I i FOU SALE HOUSES CI 1 Continued) j Attention BARGAIN HUNTERS ..Real 1 mmmi in an ; , IRViNGTON BUNGALOW n for ' l $3250 . ' ! This beautiful ilf.,nAm on a oOxlVU corner lot. baa bean held at $4250, but must sell, hence the $1000 sacrifice. Seeing is believing. See it today. Take Broadway car to Fre mont at, walk east to 28th at. corner bungalow. Hardwood floors through out, beautiful lighting fixtures, etc etc.v strictly up to date, and all for $3,150; 10 per cent down. Positively no trades or commission paid for sale of property. . r- G- ANDERSON, 328 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Houses for Sale 6 room modern cottage, located at 442 J arret street, opposite Piedmont. 2 blocks east of Union ave. It is one of the nicest little homes In the lo cality; it has 6 rooms, large attic, basement with stationary washtubs, gas, electric lights; bouse practically n,?wA every thing -neat and dean ami the best kept yard in the vicinity; roses and all kinds of shrubbery; house all well screened, lot inclosed, cement walks in yard; the cheapest piece of property on the market; price $2500; very reasonable terms. New bungalow, never occupied: has 6 good sized rooms, large attic, base ment, nice fireplace, built in- book Sa8.evthe Interior of the bouse is well finished, has large front porch facing east, cement walks, graded streets; v 'f. & lYe'y house; can be bought for $2800; $25 cash and $25 per month, without Interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 133 H First St. Hawthorne Avenue Car INeSW modern bunnlow E rAomsi f1iw ! ished on first floor; partitions set for large rooms upstairs; double construct- eo; narawooo Iioors, lireplace, book-1 rag h.9niif,ii .h. T-,,.nk iri.v.n - full length bevel Dlato mirrors In cloak room; full cement basement, fruit , shelf, laundry travs, shades on windows. llnnlnm nn IrltoVion mrA Hath f1nnra ' all other floors polished; pick your ! own light fixtures; bedrooms, bath and 1 jtuciien iimsnea in wnite enamel; Deau- Kraaea and in grass; i your own terms, 7 per , traigbt. Open between Wilberg-Oppegard Inv, Co. 609 Stock Ex. bldg. Marshall 809. BEAUTIFUL BEAUMONT BUNGA LOW. $2900 EASY TERMS. Everything yon want In a modern 5 room home. Fireplace, hardwood floors, all the bullt-ins, cement base ment, fine line of lighting fixtures and shades; 50x100 east front lot; all street improvements; surroundings fine; Just completed. Columbia Realty Investment Co, 617 Board, of Trade Bldg. New 5 Room Bungalow Furnace, cement basement, wash trays, Dutch kitchen, fixtures, shades, etc. Near Woodlawn car, on E. 13th st. If looking for a wen built home, this is your chance. $500 cash, balance In monthly payments. TAGGART. 416 Chamber of Commerce. New Alberta Snaps 6 room, block car,, modern. . .. .$1675 6 room, corner, elegant buffet. .$1875 5 room, fireplace, hardwood, east """K. uiock car, ( n, concreie basement and floor; a beauty ... $2160 ' - 1 I T 1 1." - I I, . 1 ,M . G. C GOLDENBERG, (.Owner). heuwood 75. ' FOR SALE NEW HOMES. T 1 . . 1,1 x ue uuua Bimp ox a iti.ei.jine. x wii i build you a modern five room bunga- low, double constructed, fireplace, buf- I fet, bookcases, hardwood floors, sta- lierwlr, .hoY. T.ntS-t I WS&oft" C,tm b"i for, graded lawns, close to school, church and stores, near car at Penin sula Park, for $2500; $250 cash, $26 month, takes care of principal and In terest. Address Y-36, Journal. m 10 TEIIS No Payments for One YearUe jSWiSt ACRE Brand netv 4 room house, plastered, tinted, electric lighted, city gas. Bull Run water; 5 cent carfare; 3 blocks from large graded school; price $1350; terms. $125 down, no more payments for a year. This will give you an opportunity to get nicely started in your new home before pay ments begin. Let us explain to you our plan. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 618 Abington bldg. WILL sacrifice swell; modem. 2 fam ily flat. 5 and 6 rms.. worth $8500, now $5900; $1000 down and $25 per mo. Walking distance on E. Yamhill st. See owner, 171 E. 23d. Phone East 5948. $1250 $25 down and $12.50 monthly. Including interest. Plastered bun galow. Hot and cold water, sink, bath.. 1.AAA. WAll. 1 . I V Jl L, IfUI. UCttll IU1LCU, electric lighting fixtures. Between 2 carlines. Have 2 of them, one corner, one inside. Take Sell wood car, get off at Bybee ave. Meet automobile there Saturday afternoon or Sunday from 10 to 6. For further Darticulara i address C-816, Journal. El Tovar on Union Ave. Take Vancouver car today, get off Bryant street, find salesman on the property. Lots on UNION AVE, 10 per cent cash, 2 per cent per month. THE BRONG COMPANY, ; 607 Lewis Bldg. NEW, furnished- 6 room bouse, with sleeping porch, ' 4 lots. 2 canines, 10 minutes walk to Reed college; worth $2400; will sell at a great sacri fice. Write today to owner, J-425, Journal. 1 1 WILL sell you my modern 6 room i house $1200 below actual 'value: $100 cash, balance like rent. Owner. T- f 228. Journal. i FOR quick sale will deed you my equitiy of $1750 in modern 6 room bungalow .west side, for $250 cash. uwner. x-b, journal. SACRIFICE 6 - room bungalow, Mt. Tabor, 60x125 lot. cost $2500. Price $2100, $300 down,, Owner, J-427, Jour nal. BEAUTIFUL borne 7 room, modern, on 100x200; beautifully improved. 6417 6th st. S. E. ' THREE room bouse, 60x150 lot, $376 cash; Smith & Houck. $01 Henry SNAP 4 room bouse, almost new; will sell cheap for cash; beautiful trees. Owner. 1204 E. 18tb st. N. FOR A BARGAIN in 6 mom bnnnln-i inquire 608 E. 63d st. North. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 (CosUsued) -. JUMP AT THIS CHANCE ,' ITS A ! RARE OPPORTUNITY, . - -) - - . -- - S rooms of solid comfort and con venience in this brand new, beautiful ly built, artistic bungalow; located at 33S E. 4th st., cor. E. Mill st- 3 blocks south Hawthorns ave. This bargain Is an eye-opener at $2560, at $25 per month including in terest. , All built-in features have beautiful plate and colored leaded glaas and ax gorgeous; fireplace, oak floors, new and charming affects in wall decorations, uniq.ua beaming and paneling, swell lighting fixtures and window shades, large attic. Model Dutch kitchen baa cooler, disappear ing ironing-board and breakfast table, woodllft, canopy for gas stove, etc. Cement basement has laundry trays. Concrete front porch has porch boxes, sunken flower-bowls. Street improved. Every detail of this cosy bungalow is unique, snappy and up to snuff. - Open for inspection t to 6:30 p. m. today.- i Will take you out during week. PORTLAND REALTY A TRUST CO., Owner and builder, 214 Ry Ex. bldg. Phone M. !. ONLY . $1900. A SNAP. Don't fail to see this property. House 23x35, full cement basement and laundry trays, 6 large rooms and bath, all complete, 4 rooms In attic, un finished, electric lights, gas, phone and Dutch kitchen, lot 50x100, lawn, fruit trees, chicken house and park, 2 blocks to car; $400 cash, balance terms' take Rose City Park car to 7 2d st and see Austin, Gregory Inv. Co.; no agents. $1900 $26 CASH, $20 PER MONTH. INCLUDING INTEREST. New, modern bungalow. East 18th St., basement, shades and , fixtures. Sure is a snap. Lot 50x100. Sewers, sidewalk and graded street; 70 ft. to paving. leading all the way to busi ness center. Columbia Realty Investment Co, 017 Board of Trade Bldg. $1200 EQUITY in well located modern bungalow. Must sell. $400 takes it. C-807, Journal. FOR 8ALK LOTS 16 $350; $10 cash, $5 a month, buys a quarter acre. On a large piece of groudn like this you can raise all your vegetables, berries, chickens, et. which is the greater part of your liv ing. This is the best value in the city. -a , t . w.aa a.n l-' ' f g- " "'"" "'U8-E 75 BUYS a half acre, weat aide, 6c "'""- only 820 cash and 210 a month. On a large tract like this you can raise all y?"rJr?setables, berries, chickens, etc. wnich Is the greater part of your liv- Ing. M. 7. Liee. 522 Corbett bldK. FOR SALE 8 lots in the Rose City Park district; these lots are worth ou eacn; win sen ror casn oniy. sou eacn; i neea the money; this is your chance to pet a bargain. Address owner, l ti. 6th st. N. FOR SALE or trade, my equity of $490 in a 8750 lot with cement walks. graded streets and water, all Included; 2 blocks from St. Johns car at Ports mouth; make me an offer; address A. is. nernngton, b7!6 36th ave., 5. E, My Loss Your Gain Westmoreland lot 60x100, nice view, on East 17th st Price $550. Can't beat It. Jacob Haas. Gerllnger bldg. OREGON the Wonderland." For sale, lot 24 block 24. Irvington Park addition to Portland. Buy property now. Address George W. Crosley, Terre Haute. Ind. VERY large view homes! te on the west side, la minutes' car ride, 5c fare. oest vaiue in me city at 3bo; 910 down. $5 a month. M. E. Lee, 522 Cor bett bldg. FINE lot located E. 34th, near Di vision, block from car, all hard surfaced pavement in and paid. Cost 11350. Price $950; $50 down, $10 monthly. E. B. Hyatt, 860 Alder. WESTOVER Terrace, 60x90, corner, near Cornell road. Owner will sac rifice for good cash payment. E-276, Journal. $1050 LOT. 62x160, fine view, west slope Mt Tabor; adjoining lot sold for $6000 2 years ago. A. J. Farmer, 401 'Stock Exchange. $9500 BUYS a fine apartment house site on the west side. 62x100 corner: attractive terms. M. E. Lee. 522 Cor bett bldg. 3 LOTS each 41 by 116 feet, at Tre mont station. Mt. Scott cai"; must bave the cash. All for 1350. worth S900 Call Tabor 823 or 7026 61st ave. S. E. LOT 50x100 feet in East Mount Tabor, near Altamead, at a sacrifice. $225. Kasy terms. isu3. journal. $250 will buy 2 lots in Willamette ad- 1 ditton. Street improvements paid, j A-2844. i FOR SALE on easy terms. 2 improved ' In Va.I1. TM.4MA-.An K.V.tk Albina. Owner, C-712. Journal. j 60x100 LOT Rose City Park; two blks. I from car; choice residence district. j Will sell cheap. Apply 1400 Burrage st. CHOICE Westover Terrace lot for sal at a bargain if taken soon. L-248. Journal. TWO lots. 40x140 feet. $225 each for quick sale. Call owner. Tabor 667. Five blocks from car. GREENWAY, Portland Heights, lot 40 CAPITOL. OlLilj. 50X100, by owner, 10; Main izqo casn; lot 19. block 3603. room 34. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention-The Journal. FOR SALE Cheap for cash, 2 lots in Tremont Park; phone East 5336. ACREAGE 57 No ; Payments for One Year M acre, brand new 4 room house, plastered, tinted, electric lighted, city gas. Bull Run water: & cent carfare: 3 blocks from large graded school, price kdv; terms. iza aown, no more pay ments for a year. This will give you an opportunity to get nicely started in your new home before payments begin. Let us explain to you our plan. Geo. T. Moore Co., 618 Abington bldg. A SNAP AT TIGARD. Three blocks from electric station. 10 miles from Portland; 6 acres, all In cultivation: 4 room neat cottar, arood well, running stream; can irrigate en ure iraet; ail level, deep, black soil, fine onion land; 30 bearing apple trees. Price $3500; $1500 cash, balance 6. J. ft. mn.RV nn 928 Chamber of Commerce TEN acres at a sacrifice, 14 miles .it Of "M nn t a v il 1 a Am -w, Uwi electric; high and sightly, part in tuiiivmiun, . Biiia.ii nouse, gooa well, young fruit trees, berry, bushes, etc $6500; easy terms. Owner, V-34, journal. IMPROVED ACREAGE. Close, in trade for good city prop erty. A large number of Portland peo ple have purchased country bomesites near this acreage. Phone Marshall 6370. C. G. Reagan. 332 Chamber of commerce. 5 Acres, Only $1000 Right at electric station on 11 -cent fare; very easy payments. Can you beat it? ; THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO. 21tf Gerllnger bldg. 2d and Alder st. CHEAP BUY 3 acres, 6 room house, chicken house,- woodshed, all fenced and cross fenced, z acres in cultivation. 5 roin utes walk to station. Price $2000. some i run ana terms, szz Henry-bldg. fine vor nwTr-TfKMsT 6 acres. Adjoins Tonquin st, on O E. Ry. $1000. $100 cash, baL easy. Mar. 139. L. J. LAMB. A-132S $200 equity in 5 acres for $1J0 cash. House, chicken house, near Greh- am. Estacada carline. Phone Mar. 164. 2 ACRES at Garden Home, sidewalks, waier; diocxs xrom station; terms. 25$ th st. WHEN you answer thesv tVunt Aaa, xnenuon The Journal. 57 f Continued) 1 Choice Acre Tracts On Fourth Street Electric, station. 600 feet of property; also convenient to Oregon Electric; 45 minutes . Fourth and Yamhill; acres, $600: l acres cleared. $1260; $ acres In cultivation. $1600; 4 acres, Beaverdam. $1400; any sise tract to suit purchaser. Good fences on orooertv. Wtll davadaiMMl section. 1 mile west of Tualatin, and X mils this side of famous Clpole onion section. Prices ara $100 per acre lower than surrounding property. There waa never a better time to buy at bargain prices thajj right now. 19 per cent cash, 2 ter cent per month, liberal discount for cash. It wtll pay you to see this property. Phone for appointment. J. G. RAINEY. 104 Yeon Bldg. Marshall I1TT. Must Sell at Once My beautiful home site, consisting of 6 1-3 acres overlooking the Columbia river, 5 miles eaat of Vancouver, on a fine auto road. The land lies fine with a gentle south slope, fine park of big fir trees, and will sell to the first man who sees it If you are look ing either for a home or an invest ment, as it is surrounded by fine homes, and land in tbia vicinity is held from $700 to $800 per acre; rail road station. twutt linHlnr church, etc., mile from tract li oia witnm me next rew cays will take $1500. $1000 cash, balance 3 years at 6: must sell on account of health, . therefore the sacrifice price. See Mr. Thompson, with ELWELL REALTY CO, 404 Washington St., Vancouver, "Wash. as ft ra 2.36 Acres -$350 Do you want a rood iSnlldinar mit where you can raise a garden, keep a cow, have an orchard and raise your own pork? This property Joins Divi sion st., Oregon city. This street is being improved. 5 blocks from city school. Think of it, all the advantages of the city but no city taxes or street improvements. $15 cash, balance $8 per month. We have other tracts Join ing this one. DILLMAN : HOWLAND. Cor. 8th and Main, Oregon City, Or. Acreage 1. t, S and 1 sere tracta, M minutes out on New, Big, Red, Steel Electric Cars lie commuters' fare: Tory beet of solL water and community conveniences; $125 to $600 per acr on Installments. The Snaw-Kear. Co. Main Si, 103 4th st. -SIS. GARDFTN TTlAPTfl Yamhill MUBtV. elnsa tn nwn mwA R. R. ; factory employing 76 men close uy, one u-aci nas a nouse, 5 to 10 aceA,rlcn bottom land in cultivation. 8.22 acres, in cultivaUon, in umoer, no rocas, stumps or waste .aim, fiuw; jv oows, ftu every months. 6& 16.36 acres, 2 miles to town and R. tU. some in culUvation, some timber, JYnnlngr waiil' an land. 11100; $100 down. $60 everv 6 mnnh ArX- 20 acres, $400. $50 down, $50 every months, 6.- miles to Cathlamet, in Washington; running water, few BwiKruiK iiomps, ueep, men soil F. E. SKACHREST. 832 Chamber of Commerce. 10 Acres 'I On Oregon Electric. All under cultivation. Fenced with woven wire. Small house. Will trade for a house and lot worth $2600. Ralph AckJey Land Co. 204 Failing bldg. Best Buy in Market 13 acres. 1 mile from Gladstone station. Oregon City carline, got to be feold, at the price of $3250 cash; you will not find another bargain like It; 12 acres cultivated, fair house, large barn, 3 acres orchard, on hard rock road- lies level. See it and you will buy it. Very best of soil. Jacob Haas. 208 Gerllnger bldg. 5 'ACRES FOR $250. $10 down and $5 per month buys 6 acres good logged-off land l mile from main line of railroad and town of 1J00 population, with cannery, creamery, between Portland and Astoria. Land from $35 to $60 per acre on these terms. Many 5 acre tracts to choose from. BELL REAL ESTATE CO 318 Railway Exchange, bet. 3d and 4th sta on HtarK. 12 ACRES FOR $80uT " Just 29 miles from Portland: loins railroad, 1 mil to station: all nearly level, tillable land, rlcb soil, no rock, fine spring, trout stream across one end of tract; 1 acre cleared, balance easy clearing; xzuv aown ana $zou per year. 928 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP 20 acres only $600. 1 paid $ov for same one year ago; only li miles from Kalama, Wash.; $100 down and $20 per month. Good shanty, two springs, about 20 cords of wood cut. This land is on the Columbia river, only 40 miles from Portland. Call at Hotel Cadillac corner 3d and Colum- bia sts.. room 28. Call Sunday. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electrio sta tion hi mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre in small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. 10 ACRES IMPROVED. $700. cleared. 2 room house, bearing orchard, good soil, bottom land along creek, U. mile to mill, school and store; cash, balance 6 per cent. Lueddemann Co, 912 Chamber of Com merce. 6 ACRES EAST OF PA RK ROSE. A beautiful building spot, fine view of Columbia and mountains, good soli. beautiful shade trees, in center of large platted tract with water piped t? each lot; a bargain at $2000. S. P. Osbura. 603 McKay bidg. 6 ROOM bungalow, just completed, modern plumbing and wired; Dutch kitchen, built-in book cases, paneled dining room. Will sell right, on terms. 2 acres beaver dam with same, 3 min utes' walk from car. Owner, F. W. Well, Aloha. Or. ACRE TRACT ONLY $235. Only 4 miles from city Ilmitn, close to electric line. 11c carfare; Ii5 cash will buy it balance $6 a month. ATCHISON & ALLEN. 210 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder Sta. 2 ACRES NEAR SANDY BLVD. High and sightly, beautiful trees, cedar, maple and dogwood; water piped to tract; adjoins my home; want rood neighbor. $1000. 6. P. Osburn, 03 McKay bldg. . Gibson Half Acres Amvi anil itv water, close to line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Pbona Mara bail 1685, or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. TIGARD 2-ACRE TRACT. $676. Nearly all in cultivation, deep, rich black loam, fine for onions, celery, etc, 5 minutes' walk to station: $100 cash, balance monthly. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. - 2)4 ACRES near Multnomah station, choice cultivated ground; owned by non-resident and forced on market at exceedingly low figure. Call 612 Plait bldg.. tor particulars. FOR SALE 5 acres, 4 in cultivation, house, barn; on Oregon Electric; rea sonable terms. 148 E. 15th. Phone East 4648. 1 HAVE 10 acres all in culUvation. 7 room plastered house, good well. near electric station; iuu, itev casn. 142ft 2d st, room . 26. - - ACREAGE 57 ONE acre, close t iardea Home. Prloe 14 Couch bldg. $750. Terms. s vbukiian. Acreage buburbaipjHomesita . " Only! $280 " Is located on ctimty road, within S minuter walk of electric station on 10 cent fare. Will Bt for $5 per month. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO.; 210 Gerllnger .day 2d and Alder St -6 ACRJflT Bt RBAJF- Joins city limit nA fBil fa aji rlAniA barn, well, ore balk s Soap at $2500, NEILAN tfPARKHILL, 303-4-6 Stock (Exchange Bldg, Portlgid. Ore. FOR -SAttti FARMS 17 BIGGEST' PGAIN UbfTRY IN THE COl 20 acres, evcrygloot good and mil lays fine; halt ir cultivation, balance very easy clearing;: no rock or travel: comfortable houstf. good new . barn, chicken and ho jouses, 3 wells, with water piped to boiae and barn; horse, 8 cows, heifer, f-alf, some hogs and chickens, all necessary equipment in cluding cream separator and all new. On good auto rofi, g mile from sta tion. 13 miles tm Portland. 22000 cash will handletthis. W's guarantee n exactly as. reposfnted. luttDUKMAXN COMPANY, 013 Chamber; of Commerce. IhKAT. rjf;T'rt.tT VTrvTi ET 10 acres all l l rlfh l.nri under cultlvattoi; balance in pasture, three-room cottcge, good little barn and necessary oiubldgs. '6 acres in full earmg prune otthard, failure of crop unknown on t place. Fine family l fruits in full bear-and-cross fenced, encing. good watr, orchard of aasor n. A'tace fen part Woven wlrri ue&i location. 1 mil. rr..m a.nd.J-lver. 10 n ' Columbia, fine view o the mu. G0c4 work horse, farming cash, balance , at; 6. e.w .THOMPPN & SWAN. 6th and Main st ., Vancouver Wash 20 ACRWS FOR $2300. Xhla fine llttTA " farm In wllhtn IE miies ot rortiand, & blocks from rail road station. Ir thickly settled neigh borhood; deep. iVlch- soil, no rock or gravel; 7 acres-is crop, more very eas ily cleared: haa- just enough slope to insure good drainage and not a foot of waste land. We. absolutely know this to be a bargaiBjland the first man to see it wlU- buy' $800 cash, balaaee i years at 6 per.fent. CO-OPERA-MVE REALTY CO- 603 DQtum building. A VALLETtinAlRV M11HU1N 80 acres spl adld piece of irrigable clover or alfaltA: land; black soil with enough graveiafor drainage; 30 foot waterfall and JSarge stream right en place for irrigating, ample for power also; 60 acres cultivation, IS acres clover, balancfe mixed grainy family orchard bearUig; large barn. f fair house, water fciped to both; in Wil lamette valleypTl miles from railway station; cream -ry close. $4800, Some terms. D. Mcphesney, Title 4s Trust prog. 8fJf ACRES. Good house, ot and cold water. Good barn, full. of,iay. cows, heifers, chickens, spaiv mulea, farm tools. 20 acres in cultivfjlon. W mile R. K. sU tion. If you flhive $1000 in cash and good Portland! property and want a gooa iarm at sees than i( (100 per acre 100a mis up. 3 NEILAM a parkhill 33 Stoc3fj Exchange Bldg., jf-tiano, ure. WHEAT Ail5 STOCK RAVf'H 8600 acres tj iKllckitat county which has record wMeat yield in Was hi for 1914, improved; fenced, plenty run ning water from creek and springs. 4 miles from torn on. main line railroad; also water jtransportation. , Severm hundred acres in cultivation; over 2000 acres good leel wheat land. Will ac cept small cah payment and balance paid from paa. of crop each year. F. M. Brown, 50fa Dekum bldg., Portland ARE you a professional gardner? If so I would Mke to meet you. I own some very flij-3 sandy loam soil, good for onions, eefery, asparagus, potatoes and everything in the garden line, also berries and frjit of all kinds, I am Va mile from ewetric station, 18 miles from Portland by wagon road. If look ing for a proposition of this kind, come and Bee me. vQeo. W, Turner, Barton, GOOD FARM : or sale by rtwner: 27 acres highly Improved, all ; ji crop, with stork, tools, household grwds complete; all lv-l, best soil. on;, best auto road, 1 mile east ot Winlotk; $6000, cash, terms to suit; also' 60 acres for $3500. Im proved. Owrfer, O. Edwards, Winlock. 1 60 Acre Slarrn $200 Down located in Uake Co.. 2 miles of town, school, etc d"alr butldingn, level, rich soil, ideal tck farm, good well water 12 feet deep.3. Price $3200. $200 cash down, bal. 10 years. CLAUDE Cqj.E, 917 Board of Trade. FOR SALE ftR TltADK Half section good land ?ear McMinnville; fenced, houses and arns, 70 acres cleared; 40 acres ouUr and vetch; phone, mail no ram roife: station V mile; wells. creeks and tarings; timber for 20,000 sr ror zo.ouv 129$ E. Sal- coras wuoii, wk ana xir. man st. . ? FOR SALE o? exchange, fine residence or dairy atj hog ranch, 25 acres, 10 In cultivation.; balance easily cleared, some beaverMii, fine south exposure, 6 rooms and -liath, new bungalow, large miles from Qiurt House. Hagger- ty, Beavertor Or. KilRY LAkD. 81 acre. -J-JA miles to town arwt w- R. ; 7 room i uae, large barn, orchard, fenced; 10 (ores in clover, 20 acres cultivated; anj rich bottom land: $4600;' $500 down. V Uance long time, t. F. KBeachrestJ 322 Chsm. of C-om. CAN S'OU BEAT THIS? 80 acres ;S0able land, good stream of water, a tout 16 miles from Port land, near Bholls; price $36 per aereT surrounding. land selling for $100: This is a genutna1 fcarealn. Terms 'to suit. M'KENZIE .k CO., 515 Gerllnger bid: A BARGAIN, Owner washes to sell 166 acre ranch, h6un all farm buildings, stock, tools, crop; for $45 per acre. miles to school, fcurch, good market, R. R, pest door; ,o agents. AX-665, Jour nal. ,W 200 ACRKt;26 cultivation, fair bulld- ings, god soil, water, 2000 cords oak wood fenced, on Pacific Highway, 1 4 miles from Oakland, Ore. Price $1 acre if sold at once. Owner, J. H. yyiwnrA. Qafclnnd. 430 ACRE farm, best soil, 400 in eul" ti vation, ?,0 acres pasture, all hog tight fenced; 6 rgom house, Urge barn, other buildings; frprlsg and weir, must be sold quick;3J5per acre. Box 16. Mont evllla wtatfn. Portland, Or. " 'fTOCIt ranhT-' 640 acres near coast and 3 miles front railroad. This Is nice creek bottom and bench nd, $1 per acre. UMBDEj.SiTOCK & LARSON CO, uaa sireeu : BEAUTIFUL HOME. 6 acres t"r high school, rock road, large bousu beautiful, grove, modem poultry honses; cash or trade. W. C. Hudson, jllsboro, Or. . I HAVE 2 ' acres near Portland. Hi acres In 'retard-and small berries, 2 story hous barn outbuildings, i cows, 1 helfet, t.m wagon, farm tools. $2309, $1600 casb142ft 2nd stfc room 26. A eNAP-Jfew bungalow, barn. ST acres; part beaverdam; running ereek. through th place; the owner (has loet his health muat go, it is tne truin. 306 Chamber of Com. ro. It is the truth. Close to d'jpot. 4(i i Acres $800 $1 fare f rom Portland. Close school, station. SCjendid farm land. $200 cash. CLAUDE HOLE, 917 Board of Trad a. MAKE 5IONEY BY SAVING IT. Improve and equipped loamy 10 acres, wel -located; bargain. ; Box 40a, i Canbv. Ori 160 ACREt.f A-l dairy farm In Clarke county, &"8h.. for sale or rent. Call at425 E. Horrlon st Portland. Or. MIDDLE; iiged lady wants party to. take harf: interest splendid orchard 4- proposition; D-l 78, JournaL tCo .aea am XYex Pace) v&Cr&AGE ': . t: Ik. .5