The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 03, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Conference Subjects for Va
rious Nights Announced
for the Session."
Professors Wood arid Ogburn
of Reed College to Give a
. Sunday Evening Series.
Business Meeting of Society
Office of S ite President in -
Last Night Followed by an
Enjoyable Social Session.
w ill
Northwesjrn Building to
. BeHJtilized,
The announcement Is made that the 4
7 ,2
"-ft? s
V A course of four lecture on the gen
eral topic, "The Cause and Cure of
. Unemployment," is, to be given by
Professor Wood and Ogburn of Reed
college Sunday evenings In October at
the Church of Oar Father. Unitarian,
Broadway and Yamhill streets.
The series opens tomorrow night,
when Professor Wood will speak on
the subject, "Who Are the Unem
ployed?" Professor Ogburn's address
on October 11 will endeavor to an
swer the question, "Why Are They
'Unemployed?" On October 18 Profes
sor Wood will discuss "The Problem in
' Portland," and Professor Ogburn will
conclude October 25 with an address
"The .Answer to the,! Problem."
The first Sunday In October at this
cfcurch has been observed for many
years as Home Coming Sunday, and
will be so observed tomorrow, but pre
cedence will be given to the Day of
Prayer for Peace, ordered by Presi
dent Wilson.
i Dr. Eliot in the morning will speak
on "Rendering Unto God the- Things
That Are Caesar's."
The Bulletin of the Church of Our
Father announces that the year's pro--
gram of the Women's Alliance will be
a study of tho prophets of Israeal.
J This line of thought will be taken up
: at the meetings on the first Wtdnea
' day of each month. TSe third Wed
nesdays will be devoted to social gath
ering with varied programs.
Dr. Trimble to Give
. ; Parting Message
. Rev. and Mrs. Delmer H. Trimble
will spend their last Sunday with the
Cjentenary M. K. church people tomor
row. Dr. Trimble, through the action
of. the Oregon conference, which met
In hls cfhurch and adjourned last Mon--
day morning, was transferred to the
pastorate ef th First M. E. church at
Tacoma. ( Dr. Trimble .will, give part
'. itg messages at the morning and eve-
nlng services, and with Mrs. Trimble
' lie will leave for .Tacoma early next
week. A largely attended farewell re
, ceptlon for the Trimbles was held at
.the parsonage, 644 Kast Ankeny street,
Friday evening. .
Charles K Weaver. Sunday school J
superintendent, delivered a speech of
appreciation and on behalf of the con
gregation presented a handsome gold
watch to Dr. Trimble and a wrist
"'. watch to Mrs. Trimble,
- Rev. Thomas ,W. Iane of the First
a church at Tacoma, who Is exchanging
pulpits with Dr. Trimble, will deliver
' his farewells in Tacoma tomorrow,
: and wVll have charge of his Portland
, , pastorate Sunday. October 11.
Morning Services
V At Temple of Tnith
Dr. Perry Joseph Green announces
i the opening of morning aei vices at
'the Tempi, of Truth, Ellers building,
I tomorrow at 11 a. m. He also an
j nouDces the organizing of a New
Thought Sunday school to meet each
, ( Sunday 'morning at 10 o'clock and a
, New Thought Young People's society
ito meet each Sunday evening at 7 p.
TO. Mr. Charles Spencer is president.
Dr. Green's subject for tomorrow
morning and evening will be "The
Krtension of Youth and Cure for Old
Age" or the -Elixir of Life" in New
Thought truths. Kaeh of these lec
tures are complete in themselves, yet
baye definite relation to the one pre
: ceding, containing valuable lessons of
elf mastery and attainment to those
In whom consciousness has not awak
. ened the "I am" or "God the Father"
a power within their individuality.
These services are free to everyone.
Warren 'Bible Class
J To Meet Tomorrow
The Warren BTble class of the First
Presbyterian church, with an enroll
ment of over 400 yonng women, will
hold its opening meeting of the church
year tomorrow noon, in room "E," of
tne cnurcn nouse, 454 Alder street
f This is primarily a class for busl
ness women, which alms to meet the
social as well as the religious needs
ef Its members, and as far as possible
to relieve distressing conditions of
whatever nature, as they come to
.' their attention.
. Under the leadrshlp of Mrs. A. L.
; Ford Warren, the class has reached a
' high state of organization, and is an
. nvr mtiuence among the
! Women of the community.
Sunday Schools to
. Hold a Convention
v The MennonMe Sunday schools of
the state will hold a convention at
Zlon church, Polk station. Polk county,
on the last' Sunday in November, pre
liminary to the organisation of a per
manent convention. The principal ob
ject of this permanent organization,
and the object which makes the pro
poned organization different from
other Sunday school associations of
the state. Is the proposal for members
of -this organization to perpetuate the
German language by teaching that
language exclusively in all children's
meetings. Backers of this movement
regard the Hunday school as the most
feasible method of teaching the lan
guage to children of the rural "dis-
Vigorous Speaker
; Td Conduct Revival
Rer. C C Bell pastor of Alberta
TTnlted Brethren church, has secured
' 1 the servioes of Rev. G. E. McDonald
of Seattle to conduct a series oX re-
, viral meetings. Friends of Rev. Mr.
, McDonald say he is a forceful sneaker.
, Last January' this church did a most
excellent work along revival lines and
, an especial effort is being planned to
equal ir not exceed . those 'good re
! . suits. These meetings will be ushered
I -In with a rally next Wednesday even
ing, which wfli be attended by several
of the uperin ten ents of districts in
this conference. It is planned to eon
duet these meetings for a period of
about l days Good music and good
ociwia omes art jinmaea, .
Rev. J. K. Hawkins.
Rev. J. IC Hawkins, who was as
signed to the pastorate o the First
Methodist Episcopal church of Med
ford by the unanimous, vote of the
cabinet of the recent Oregon confer
ence, will preach hts last sermon at
Sellwood Methodist church tomorrow
evening. Accompanied by Mrs. Hawk
ins and their three children, he will
arrive at his new post next Friday.
Mr. Hawkins has Just completed
four successful years at the Sellwood
churclu during which the entire church
debt was wiped out and 136 new mem
bers were received. Members of his
congregation, while loath to lose their
pastor, are congratulating him upon
being assigned to a church with nearly
200 more members than the Sellwood
Before coming to Sellwood Mr.
Hawkins occupied the pulpit of the
1'irst Methodisf church of Roseburg.
where, at the end of a three years'
pastorate, he was requested to return
by a unanimous secret ballot of the
quarterly conference. Previous to
that he was pastor of the First Meth
odist church of McMlnnville. He has
been connected with the Oregon con
ference in a preaching capacity for 14
At Med ford Mr. Hawkins will suc
ceed Rev. E. O. Eldrldge, who has been
assigned to the Mount Tabor Method
ist church. He will be succeeded at
Sellwood by Rev. A. R McLean, form
erly pastor of the Roseburg Methodist
church, who will deliver his first ser
mons at the Sellwood chtrrch on Octo
ber 11.
Peace Is Topic at
Services Tomorrow
Topics appropriate to Peace Sunday
will be discussed by Rev. Luther R.
Dyott at the First Congregational
church in both services tomorrow, and
special mnste nas been arranged. Dr.
Dyott's morning topic is "Power of
Prayer." and in the evening "The
Peace Needed by All tho World." Tl$
is the musical program: . .
Morning Prelude. "Largo" from
"Xerxes" CHandeO; powtlotte, "fb
fare (Leramens). , ;
In the evening th organJt. George
Seymonr Beedrwood. will , open the
services with an organ reeital his
numbers belngr "Allegretto" (Thomas) ;
"Capriccio" (Lemaigre), and "Morceau
Symphonitue" (Gnllmant);
The quartet In charge of Harold
Hurlbut will eing in . the morning
"Peacft Shall Dwell In the Land'"
(Stalner). and In the evening, 'Wel
come, Sweet Grace" (Macy). Miss
Peterson will give a solo In the eve
ning. Song and Story
Service Feature
The song and story service, "Chris
tie's Old Organ," will be rendered Sun
day night in the Rose City Park Meth
odist Episcopal church. The service
is superior to others in the adaptabil
ity of the music to the theme of the
story and services of this kind have
been immensely popular in Great
Britain. The songs are not written
merely to fill in. but they are written
into the heart of the story so that
story and songs are a unit in thmnrtit
The minister tells the story and the
chorus choir renders the musical num
bers. In the early summer, "The Story
me nnic nose," Dy Mrs. E. M.
Whlttembre, was similarly presented.
Professor William Proctor.,
t-roressor William M. Proctor of
the Pacific University at Forest Grove
delivered nis first sermon as supply
pastor at the Pilgrim Congregational
church last Sunday mornln.- Me will
be at the Pilgrim church until after
me nrsi ox tne year, succeeding Rev.
lk roung, wno resigned to enter the
national temperance work as soloist
with the "Frying Squadron" that is to
make a campaign through the United
siaies. - .
rrotessor Proctor is a graduate of
rr wiman voiiege ana was formerly a
pastor of the First Congregational
church at Oregon City. He has been
at Forest Grove since 1911. oecupylns
the chair -of Biblical Hr?rftiniL
4s ' 4 " ,
Under the .auspices of the Portland
Baptist Young People's Union, young
people's week Is to be observed, prac
tically every night next week at the
White Temple. The institute is being
held to help officers and leaders of
the Baptist Young People's societies
to be more efficient in the leadership
tasKs, ana it will be under the auspices
of Rev. J. D. Springston, director of
young people's work for the northwest.
'1 he conference method will be used
at each of the meetings, so that lead
ers may bring up for consideration the
thing's that directly concern them Jn
their local society work or In their
The short . time of nreDaration for
the institute was designed to enforce a
snappy. Intense campaign, and the
leaders In each local society were
urged to make a thorough canvass in
me exrort to have their members at
tend the sessions.
Monday night the conference subject
"An Efficient CamDaiirn": Tuesdav
night, "The How and Why of Study
Courses," and Wednesday night, "How
to Conduct Devotional and Other
Meetings." Thursday night the regular
prayer meeting services will be held
and the conference resumed Friday
night with a discussion of "Methods of
Extension and Promotion of the Local
Society Work." The conference ends
with a Sunday afternoon session, when
"General and Personal Evansrelism"
will be discussed.
Come to Church"
Committee Slogan
During the past week the
Wraverly Heights Congrega
tional church. Woodward av
enue and East Thirty-third
street has had a committee
canvassing the parish, calling
at 1200 homes, ascertaining
church affiliations and distri
buting over 600 "Come to
church" invitations. This Is In
line with Rally Day, to be ap
propriately observed tomorrow.
Following the Sunday school
exercises, there will be a com
munion service and reception
of members at 11 o'clock. The
pastor. Rev. Albert C. Moses,
will deliver a sermon In line
with President Wilson's Peace
Prayer proclamation tomorrow
night. The membership of
Waveriy church will be largely
Increased tomorrow, dne to the
activities of the pastor and
workers In the last few weeks.
The congregations have more
than quadrupled in size since
a year ago.
Prayer, that divine InterDoeltlon
may bring to an end the wars that
are ravaging all Europe, win be ln-
OKea in observance of President
Wilson's Peace Prayer proclamation,
in virtually everv church of Portland
tomorrow. Most of these services
will be in the evening, . because the
regular rally day exercises hav bMn
in process of preparation for several
weeks "or months in some eases and
cannot be postponed.
Rev. S. R. Trawklnit iutn. vF V.
Central Christian chtrrch and presi
dent of the Portland Ministerial Fed
eration, again calls attention to the
fact that tomorrow is the day desig
nated by President Wilson for special
iirayrr ma; me wars or the world
may be terminated.
The program at Central church wm
be more largely one of prayer than
usual. There will be"' a season rvf
silent prayer by the entire congrega
tion. This will be followed by a series
of sentence prayers in which every
one present will be asked to take part
Following the prayer and communion
service, tne pastor will erive hi dis
course on the topic, "Christianity and
ine united states Must and Will Put
an End to Wars."
Mrs. Mary Harris Armor of RenrHx
will occupy the pulpit at the evening
hour, preaching on a temperance sub
The First Presbvterian church will
join with other relieious institutions
of our country tomorrow in the obser
vation or a National Peace Day. The
pastor. Rev. John H. Boyd, is pre
paring to present, the peace question
in two different aspects at 10r80 a. m.
and 7:45 p. m. The atmosphere will
be one of patriotic pride and gratitude
ror tne position or peacemaker among
the nations of the world, which our
country is taking in the history of
the day, as well as of earnest prayer
tnat peace' may snortly join again in
brotherliness and good will, the na
tions which today are warrine
against each other.
The Peace Day service at Kenll-
worth Presbyterian church will take
place tomorrow evening. This program
nas Deen arranged: irelude; hymn.
"Peace, Perfect Peace;" prayer for
peace: reading of Scriptural peace
selections; anthem, "Through Peace to
Light;" hymn, "Like a River Glor
ious;" offertory; anthem, "A Peace
Day Hymn;" sermon. "The President's
Prayer Proclamation;" solo, "Let Us
Have Peace;" benediction by J. B.
The pastor. Rev. I K. Richardson,
will deliver a sermon for. the young
people at the morning service,
In observance of the proclamation
of President ,?Wilson for world's peace
the services at Rodney avenue Chris
tian church will all have' a relative
bearing in that direction. The morn
ing subject will be, "The Prince of
Peace Christ Jesus." In the evening,
an evangelistic theme, They All Do
It." The music under the leadership
of Mrs. Ira Kimmons. will be a spe
cial feature of the. day.
.iMlzpah Presbyierlan church. Divis
ion and East Nineteenth streets, will
observe tomorrow as Rally Day. and
also as the special day of prayer for
The communion will be administered
in the morning at 11 o'clock; In the
afternoon f rom to 4 o'clock. Ad
dresses will be heard from Rev. John
H. Boyd of the First Presbyterian
church, and Rev. J. E. , Synder of
Piedmont church. '
' Evening service at' 7:30 will be In
charge of Rev. Harry Leeds, the
pastor. ; ' -
.'J ;
In the White Temple tomorrow Dr.
Hinson will take for his theme the ap
peal for a Peace Sunday made by
President Wilson. The sermon will
deal with - the indispensable elements
that must comDlne in any lasting
peace."i " s .i-..'Oi
At this service the Temple quartet
will sing the anthem. "Bread .of the
World" (Mendelssohn-Zeckwer), and
Rer. B. J. Thoren.-
After seeing the recent total eclipse
of the sun, visible only in the far
north of Europe, and viewing the mid
night run from the northernmost
point of the Scandinavian peninsula,
Rev. B. J. Thoren, pastor of the
Swedish Tabernacle, Is back In the
city and will occupy his pulpit Sun
day morning.
Dr. Thoren left here, last April
primarily to attend a gathering of the
religious forces of his denimination.
During the summer, however, he was
busily engaged In vl si tine relatives In
various parts of Sweden. In attending
tne uaiac exposition at Malmo, and in
generally touring the country.
Many of the towns of his itinerary
were In the far north, beyond the
Arctic circle, and at JelHva-ra he saw
the Immense Iron mines, where the
Iron ore outcrops on the surface of
the earth. He returned recently by
way of England, and had some inter
esting experiences In coming through
luo war zone.
Interest Shown in
Next Church Year
Members of the Transylvania etree
of the First Christian church are man
ifesting great Interest in the we
mapped out for the coming year. The
members of this organization have
decided to utilize their time both In
literary pursuits and charitable work.
ihe next meeting will be held a
the home of Mrs. H. R. WlnchelL 564
Marguerite avenue, Wednesday, Octo-
ner 7, at wnicn the following program
will be rendered: Piano selection.
miss wincnen; reading, Mrs. M ewer-re
paper, "Civic Awakening Among Worn
en. Mrs. Benson; quotations from
favorite authors, Mesdames Green
.xracy ana Jacoosm.
Mrs. Virginia S. Hutchinson will afex
"Before the Crucifix- (LaForde). At
night Dr. Hinson wiTl continue his
series of sermons on Christian Science
and the Bible.
The quartet win at this service
furnish singing from selections from
Gaul's "Holy City," as follows: Tenor
solo, "My Soul is Athlrst for God,"
Norman A. Hooee; contralto solo, "Eye
Hath Not Seen," by Mrs. Virginia S.
Hutchinson; baritone sole, "A New
Heaven and a New Earth," by Hart
ridge G. Whipp; soprano solo, "These
Are They Which Came Out of Great
Tribulation," by Mrs. Pauline Miller
Chapman. The anthem. ''No Shadows
Yonder" win also be given.
Before the evening service Laden
E. Becker will give a 15 minute organ
The Spiritual Chnrdi of the 8od.
Auditorium building. 208 14 Third
street, win commemor ate Peace day
first White Temple, W. B. His, pasta.
Bible school. 10. Serricea, 11 and 7:80. 8.
H a- m. B. T. P. U-, 30 p, m. "Peace
Sunday." and "Chrtetian Science and the
Bible.." No. ft. .
East Bids Sev. O. W. Snaak. pastor.
Services 11 and 7:30. 8. 8. H. B. T. P. U.
6:30. "Plcttns of a Wasted Ufa." and "The
Fatherhood of God."
Highland Bev. C. B. KUtett. B. T P. O.
8:30. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. 8. S
9:45. "Praying for Peace," and "The Gospel's
Present Tense."
Calvary iter. Walter Daft, pester. Bast
8th and Grant. Preaching at If a. m. and
70 p. 01. S. &, 10. B. T. P. 0, :45.
"Melchisedec, King of Peace," and "The
President's Prayer Gathering-"
Arleta B. W. 1. 8. Bprlccs. BnacUy
school U.45. B. V. P. U. 0:13. SerTlees 11 and
eO. "Prayer and Prospecta," and "Hither
to." University Park Be. A. O. Sexton, paster.
11 and 7 :30. 8. S., 10. B. T. P. tt, 1,
Sellwood Bev. F. H. Hayes, 11 and 7:30.
8 8. 10. Y. P. O. 6:30.
Grace MontanlU, Bev. H. T. Cash. 11 and
3:so. x. p. 0:30. s. s. a :4a
Sonnyslue (Uerman) s. a. 9:45. Conrad
Wyes, superintendent.
St. Johns (GermsBl Rev. Karl Feldaetb.
8. S. t:45. 11 and 7:30. T. P. V.' 7.
Et. Johns B. P. Borden, pastor. B. 8.
10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Third Rev. W. J.' Beavan. Knott and Van
couver avenue, 11 and 7:90. B. Y. P. U..
6:30. 8. 8., 9:45 a. m. "Peace on Earth,"
and "Rally Day."
Kast rorty-rirtn rrreet tier. A. B. Welts.
S. 8., 9:4a. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7 -.30 p.
m. B. Y. P. V., 7. -Uow The Blood' PurW
He,"-and "War Is ." '
Kirst German He v. J. rLralt. 11 and 7:3b.
8. S. 9:45.
Chinese Mission S. 3. 7. J. G. Uakne, so-
Mt. Calvary Weidler and TJnlon are.. Rev.
A. M. aehrack. Services 11 and 8. 8. S.,
a. m.
Tabernaele 42d St. and 45th ave., S. E.
Bev. J. Clark Tibbetta, pastor. Sermons 11
and 7:45. S. 8., 9:45 a. m. B. Y. p. n 6:45.
Eev. O. C Wright and Bev. J. Dlmlck Taylor.
Second German ive. Frederick Boetrmso.
11 and 7:30. 8. S. 9:45. Y. P. U. 6:45.
Lents Rev. J. M. Nersoo. S. S. 9:45. Serv
ices 11 and 7:30. B. Y. P. C':3 p. m.
"la War Justifiable." and .The Dragnet.
Mount Olivet Kev. W. A. Magnett, pastor.
11 and 8 p. m. B. 8. 12:30.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt sta.. 10:43 a. m.
and 7:80 p. m. S. S-. 10. By Y. P. O., 6:30.
Italian Mission Rev. PrSincesco Sannella.
pastor. Pastor's circle 8. Preaching 10:80,
short sermon tor English speaking people; alaa
i 7:30.
First Third and, Taylor atal Rev. Frank
L Loveland. S. &., 12:15. "Christ Weeping
a World of War," and "la It Anybody's Busi
ness.' Trinity East 10tn ' and Sherman. Bev. A.
B. Calder, 11 a. m. snd 8:00 p. m. 8 8.. 10.
E. U, 7. "An Laqnalilled Reporter," and
"Among the SlnnerB."
Swedish Borthwlcfc an& Beea. t. 4. Berf,
pastor. 11 sud 7 ::!0. S. S. 10. E. L. 7.
Epwortb Kev. C. O.; iScCullfx-h. Servicrs
at 11 a. m. and 7UJ0 n.' m. b. it. 9:45. E. u,
k'lrct Norwegran Danish Curner 18th and
Hoyt. Rev. Ellas GJerding. Preaching II and
a. Y. V. M., 6 p. pi- 8. S. L.. p. m.
- Wood Is wn Bev. Louis Thomas, pastor. 8.
IO. , . X. 7 Preaching 11 and 7,-45.
At the regular business meeting of
the Toung People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor of the Millard Avenue
Presbyterian church, held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Burch, 5609
Sixty-third street southeast, last even
ing, the following officers of the so
ciety were elected for the ensuing six
months: President, Miss Lois Burch;
vice president. Miss Myrtle Campbell:
corresponding secretary. Miss Marie
Wood; recording secretary. Miss Ber-
nice Paisley; treasurer. Miss Jessie
Huggins; chairman of prayer meeting
committee, Nell Robertson; chairman
of lookout committee. Miss Clara
Burch; chairman of social committee.
Miss Jennette Pound; chairman of mis
sionary committee. Miss "Essie Strang;
chairman of music committee, Nell M.
Sunday, Oct. 11 will be observed by
the society as Rally Day with special
services in the evening.
After ' adjournment of the business
session games and contests of various
kinds and music were indulged In un
til a late hour when refreshments were
served. Those present were: Glen R.
Kletnau, George Chambers. Neil Rob
ertson, Harry White, Eddie Evans. Ar
thur StreUman. Harry Grable, Frank
Strelrman, Chester Reed, Josiah Roe
ers, Allen Black, Clinton Amadou, Wy-
lie Doran. Glenn Campbell, Bemlce
Paisley, Jennette Pound, Alalia Wood,
Luclle Hoggins, Margaret Burch, Clara
Burch. Myrtle Ellis, Jessie Huggins.
Blanche Rogers, Nettle Trailer. Marie
Wood, Lola Burch. Mr. and Mrs. M.
E. Williams, Mr. sad Mrs. J. H. Mey
er. Rev. W. H. Amos. Mr. and Mrs.
R-. A. Burch. and Mr. and Mrs. Ell ton
Will Lecture Upon
Const s Sufferings
Two lectures on the general subject.
The Sufferings of Christ," are to be
delivered on the next two Sunday
afternoons by Evangelist Norman M
Iiewton of the International Bible
Students association. Tomorrow after
noon he will discuss this subject un
der the topic, "The Man Christ Jesus.1
and next Sunday he will speak of "The
Church, His Body, showing the ast
elation of the church with Jesus in
providing the sacrifices for sin. Both
services will be held in the associa
tion's former quarters, the Odd Pel
lows' hall at East Sixth and Kast
Alder streets.
with a program consisting of nrnste,
prayer and silent messages for -neace.
Morning services at 11 a. m. will be
conducted Dy Rev. J. H Lucas, pas-
The First Christian rhnwli VS. r
and Columbia, will observe tomorrow
with prayers for the sufferers tn war
ring countries, as requested by the
president. The program arranged in
cludes a statement concerning service
and the reading of the president's
messag; prayer tor the sufferers
abroad; prayer for the mothers and
children; prayer for peace, and prayer
for our nation and its relation to the
world. . A special' musical program
wlU be rendered by the choir.
Rev. Walter Duff of Calvary Baptist
church. East Eighth and Grant streets,
has arranged unique services for Sun
day morning, his subject being "The
King of Peace," the most wonderful of
kings, Melchizedek, at 11 o'clock. In
the evening at 7:30 the president's call
will be answered with a prayer gather
ing. Everyone is asked to bring a
prayer for peace, as it appeals to them,
and these will be read by the pastor
or spoken, as the people desire. All
can have some part in service. '
"Sidelights of the War," the pastor's
sermon, and popular patriotic songs
will constitute the evening program at
St. James' English Lutheran church.
Rev. J. Allen Leas will speak in the
morning on a peace' subject, and there
will be prayers for peace.
"Prayers for Peace." and "Tjeevtag Men."
Norwegian Danish Vaacoever and 8kid
more. Rev. Abr. Verelde. pastor. 10:46 and
8. S. 8 li m.
Sunnyslde Kev. R. Elmer Smith. D. D.,
, :3a "A Vital Problem," grand sacred con
cert by choir and men's glee club at 7:45.
ienirai vaneuaver ave, sod esrgo. lie.
C. C Rarick. Services 11 and 8. S. 8..
9:45. Class meetings. 12:15. E. L.. 7.
Centenary Ttiom.-m W. tdtne, D.D pastor.
S. Si.. 9:45. E. L., J50. Services 11 and 7:30.
Parting measagea, by Dr. Trimhle.
8t. Bev. J. J. Patten. Services 11
and 7:30. 8. 8. KJ. E. L. 6:30.
Japanese Mission Bev. Elben Btbara. 9:3b
and 8:30. S. 8. 8:30. ,
Laurelwood Bev. V. I. WOUngs. 63d L,
S. E. snd Foster Road. S. 8.. O.ii. K. L..
6:30. Serricea. 11 and 8.
Sellwood Bev. James 1. Hawkins, 11 and
7:3a J. K., 2:30. E. L.. 6:30.
Chinese Mission 11 ana 7:30.
German P. A. Schumann. S. S. 9:49. Serv
ices 11 and 8. Bpworth league 7:19.
Mount Tabor Rev. C. I Hamilton, 61at
and K. Stark. 11 and 8. S. S.. 9:45. B. U
Montavilla Rev. W. H. Hampton. Sermon
at 11 and 7:30. S. 9:45. B. L., 6:1ft.
Junior League. 3. Chus meeting, 12:16.
Clinton Kelly Memorial John Parsons, pas
tor. S. 8., 9:45. Services 11 a. ra. and 8 p.
m. K. U, 6:45 p. m.
African 2Uon Rev. W. W. Howard, n and
8. S. &. 1. R. 8. L 7.
Boss City Park Bos City Park club.
house. Rev. William W. Yoongsso. pastor,
services 11 and 7:45. S. 8, 9:45. "A Prayer
for Peace" and "Christlea Old Oregon."
University Park Kev. L. C. Poor. 11 and
7 30. - S. S, 10 a. m. E. L :ls.
Rally day.
Pstton Rev. George P. Hopkins, pastor.
Preaching 11 and 7:45. S. 8., 10 a. m., E. L.
Wesleyan Rev. D. B. Hampe. pastor.
Preachlg 11 and 7:30. 8. S., 10. Y. p. M.
Bethel Rev. J. L. Craw, pastor. 8ervtcs
11 and 7:45. S. 8. 1:19. C. B. 7.
Lenta Rev. W. Boyd Moor. 11 and 8.
8. S. 10. E. L. 7-
Woodstock Prank Vames, pastor. 11 and
7:30.. S. IO a. m.- Class meeting 12 m.
Lincoln Street M. . U O. Reed, paatac.
11 and 8. 8. 8. 10
Oak Grove Bev. C. H. Wooley. Scr rices
11 and 8. S. 8. IO.
Westmoreland Bev. Alfred Bates, 8. S-.
7. Sermon, 8.
First German A. F. Craraer, raatar.
Preaching 11 and 8. 8. S 10. E. L. 7 JO.
First Presbyterian chnrch Bev. Joha Boyd
mtntster. Preaching 10:30 and 730. . C. M.
Miapah Rev. Harry Leeds, pastor, sermoa
11 snd 8. S- 8. 9:45 a. m. C E. 7 p. .
Calvsry Eleventh and Clay sts. Rev. O. 8
Bum. Preaching, 10 JO and 7:30. 8. 8., 12
m. Communion and "Christ's Moving Pie-
Kentlworth East 34th end Gladstone Bev
Leslie Kirk Richardson, pastor. 11 and 7:45
Bible school, 9:45 a. m. "Little Foxes," and
"President Wilton's Prayer Proclamation.
foartn iv. aenry u. .Hanson, . pastort
Services. 10:30. 8. S.. 12. C. E.. 6;30
Communion and Installation of elders. ' snd
"The GTeat- War." . Z
Anabel Otobert N. McLean, Services II
and 7:45. S. 9:44. C. E.. 6:45.
Hope, Montavilla. Toth and Everett ata
Rev. &. W. Dimmn, . 10. Services IX.
X s , t-. V ' 5 w jj
Mrs. Mary Poster Bryner.
Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner and W. C.
Pearce. two of the leading Sunday
school educators of the world, are to be
entertained, by Portland Sunday school
workers this month.
Mrs. Bryner Is international superin
tendent of the elementary division of
the International Sunday School asso
ciation, and Mr. Pearee is superintend
ent of the International's adult depart
ment. Mr. Pearce has done more than
any one else since Sunday school or
ganization was started to promote the
adult organization. Mrs. Bryner was
the only woman speaker to take a
prominent part In the World Sunday
School convention at Zurich. Switzer
land, In the summer of 191S.
Mrs. Bryner will be entertained by
the Portland Graded Union, and win
The Deaconesses' AvzUlary.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Deaconesses' Auxiliary Of . the Taylor
Street M. E. church was held In the
church parlors Wednesday. The ses
sion lasted all day, the time being spent
In sewing on garments to be used In
connection with the work of the dea
conesses. At this meeting a commit
tee was appointed to arrange for an
other rummage sale like the one that
was so. helpful to the people of Lower
Albina last fall. Friends of the auxil
iary1 who can donate any articles of
wearing apparel for this ate may no
tlfy the Deconess Home, 7SS East Pins
To Hold Rally Day.
The Sunday school of the First Unit
ed Brethren church. East Morrrson and
East Fifteenth streets, will fittingly
observe rally day with a program to
morrow morning. The girls' choral
club. Its members attired In costnme of
foreign lands, win contribute - several
numbers, and there will be solos, duets
and recitations by the younger mem
bers of the school. Rev. John K. Nlse
wonder. pastor, will preach In the even
ing on "One Half of Sixteen Hundred
Million at War."
To Speak era. Temperance.
Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, one of the
great temperance lecturers of the
south, will speak at the First Method
ist ! church South, Union avenue and
Multnomah street, at 11 o'clock tomor-r
row morning. The usual first Sunday
of the month musical program will take
place tomorrow night. The pastor.
Rev. L. P. Law, will speak on a theme
In line with President Wilson's Peace
Prayer proclamation at the evening
Annual Convention in Progress.
Rev. Charles A. Phipps, general sec
retary of the Oregon State Sunday
School -association, and Mrs. S. W.
Onnsby, field superintendent, are in
and; 7 :30. C. E, 6:30 p. a
thai Daily Life," and "Peace.
Ice ' in pobUc school.
"Rellgtea of
Hswtnorne Park L. . Grimes,
vaator. 1.
S. S., 0000. Services, 10:30 snd 8.
Piedmont Rev. J. K. Snyder, Cleveland end
Jirrett sta, IX. C E.. 6:30. 8. 8.. 9:45.
Third East 13th nA Ptne mtn a t.
Rotehlson. oastor. Servlowi 10:.V1 mnA Tir
S. B.. 12. C. E-, 6:45. Commonlon and "In-
teraatloaal Peace Day."
toraei Bev. Henry L. Pratt, 11 sad 8.
6. 8. 10. C. E. 6-JO D. m.
Third Bev. A. 1 Bntrhim
Services lO:S0 sad 7:45. 8. S. 12. O E. 6:4S
Vnitf W. Lee Gray, minister. 8. 8. 10
Prsschcng 11 a. m. and 3 p. m.
arnor uooge Kev. ueorge B. Cremley. 11 i
and 7:45. b. . 8. 10.
Mt. Tabor Rev. Graham Moore. R. .
11 a. m. and 8 p. ra. 8. 10 a. m. C
E.. 7 p, m.
Ternoa 19th aad Wygant era. H f
Moent, pastor. Services 11 snd J :30- 8. S.'
10 a. m. C. B., :30 p. m.
Westminster Rev. Henry Mareotte. E. 17th
and Schuyler. 10:30 and 7:45. S a . i-
Y P. 8. C E-. 6:30. "The Prayer for Peace."
and "The Facts of Life."
Spokane Avenue J. E. Yooel. pester. 8. g,.
10 s. n. Sermon.1 11 aad 8.
Millard Aveane Rev. W. H. Amos, Serv
ices 11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 10. X. P. 8. c. K
6:30 p. tn
Ross City Park Services It snd T:4S. Bev
Boqdlnot Seely. C Ev. 6:30 n. m ' 8. ft.'
9:44. Dr. J. R. N. Bell of Corvanis will talk
in tne morning on. "World's Peace" aad again
In, the evening.
Marshall Street Rev. Mr. Black, pastrr.
11 and 7:30. 8. S. 10 a. m. Y. P. 8. a
E. 6 80 p. ra.
Trinity, corner Virginia and ifetreska sts..
Re. B. Beason. pastor. aerles 11 and
7:30. 8. 8.. 10. Y. P. S. C. E, 6:3a
Chinese 145 V, 1st St, 7:46. S. 8. 6:49.
He foraged Frank D. rreaer. Preaching. 11
and 7:30. 8. 8. IO.
i United Presbyterian.
Kentoe Jt. S. Cole. Services 10:18 a. bl
and 8 p. m. 8. 8. 10 a. m.
First Sixth and MontgosBery. Prank De
Witt Flndlev. 10:30. 8. 8.. 12 ra. C B e-43
p. m. "God'a Method of Bringing Peace," and
"The Oregon Dry Campaign,
The Church of the strangers Rev. a,
Esrl Dubois, 16:30 and 8. C. E.. 630 . m.
"Then will I Hear from Heaven, aad "A
8urpr1ae Service."
Third W. A. Spalding. D,
D. saatar. S7h
and Hawthorne.
8, 9:50. X. P. 7.
Services 11 and S.
' Oak Grave Methcdist EpiaeeeaL
first M. E. Church c .L. Wseiey. pastor.
1.18. 10 a. ra. Preaehlntr at 11 a. ra. and
8 m. E. U, 7 p. n. Special music
' K. E. Chtroh Sorrth,
First tTaton ave. and Mnltnomab LevVk
Pierre Zmw. oastor.- Preachisr it nf i
8 i-1., 10. Mm. Armor of Georgia and Special
First Park and Colombia streets Services
at-U aad 8. S.'S, 10. C. E, 7 p. m.
First Park and Columbia streets Services
k ii atie o. io. m. k., 7 n. m.
Montavilla East 8rventv-eixth aad Hoyt.
Bev. J. . r. Ghormley. Services, 11 and S
p. m- S. R. 10 a, m. - C. E i 7 p. m.
Central Kev. . Samuel B. Hawkins, pastor
8. 8 la. C K.. . m. Service, u sn.l 6.
Gladstone - Bev. toy L. Dunn uttnr Mrv-
j Continued on Following- Page)
W. C. r-earee.
speak at a mass meeting at the First
Christian church, October 11.
Mr. Pearce will be given a banouet
by the men's classes of the city at the
White Temple, Tuesday, October 13,
and will speak in the same church that
Mrs. Bryner. at her meeting; will
speak of the "City Training 8chool,
for the Instruction of Sunday school
teachers. Although Portland has no
such institution of the kind. It is likely
that one will be organized before the
end of the year.
Mr. Pearce will discuss seme' phase
of adult Bible class work. Not only
are Portland people taking an active In
terest tn the coming of these two per
sonages, but Inquiries are coming from
many outside of the city.
Eugene, conducting the annual Lane
County Sunday School convention. The
meeting: Is being, held in the First
Christian church, and delegates from
all parts of the county were expected
to be present. The meeting will close
this evening.
Church Chorus Reorgvtlaed.
The Senior chorus of the First Pres
byterian church, under the leadership
of J. A. Fin ley, was reorganized for
the year's work Wednesday 'evening.
Officers were elected and every means
adopted for making this organization
one of real worth. The first concert
of the year will be "The Messiah" and
win be ready for presentation during
Christmas week.
Will Sold Salty Day.
The Rose City Park Presbyterian
Sunday school, at Forty-fifth street
and Sandy boulevard, will observe
Rally day tomorrow. A special pro
gram. Including promotion exercises
of the classes, wfli be rendered. This
Sunday school has recently secured F.
R. Cook of 420 East Fortieth street
north to act as superhateadenyt.
PeHowsliip Banxroet
Members of the First Methodist
Kpiaoopal elrnrrsh Booth, at Union ave
rrne and Mrrltxromah street, will par
ticipate In a fellowship banquet and
rally meeting next Tnnrsday night in
the ebarch parlors. Among the speak
ers will be O. W. Elliott, president of
the board; K. H. Mowre, presidtn;
elder, and Bev, I P. Letw, pastor oZ
the cbmrch,
e e
The PtryoaolotT 6 .
Rev. R. Crlehtoa, pastor of the First
Presbyterian etrarch ef Bnreka, Cal.,
will preach at the Atkinson Memorial
Congregational church, lOast Twenty
ninth and East Everett streets, - tomor
row morning. Rev. Frank W. Gorman,
the pastor, win speak rn the evening
fon "The Psychology of War."
a e
Bally Day Bervtees.
Rally day services wfH be observed
(faring the regular Sunday school hour,
beginning at S:S0 tomorrow morning, at
the First Congregational church. Qret
preparations have been made far aa In
teresting program,
Soma Corners" Bight.
In the First CongregatlonsJ chnreh
Thursday "Home Corners' Night" was
observed with much success. There
was an Interesting program, and un
der the auspices of the King's Daugh
ters dinner was served.
wm "Visit
Rev. W. B. Hinson, pastor of the
White Temple, will go to Wenatchee,
WautL, early next week to deliver three
sermons at the Baptist convention
there, but will return for the midweek
service, next Thursday night.
Speaks at the T. W. C Am
Rev. C. C Rarick, pastor or tne cen
tral Methodist church, win speak at the
vesper services at the T- W. C A. to
morrow afternoon on tne sunjeet ine
Great Teacher." Mrs. Deem will sing.
The usual social hour will follow.
Mayor Albee WD1 BpeaX
Mavor H. R- Albee will give an ad
dress on some theme of civic Import
ance at the meeting of the Portland
Ministerial .Federation, to be; held ai
the Y. M. C. A. Monday.
Will Conduct T. 7. Society.
Charles Spencer, in the future, will
conduct the , New Thought Young;
Peoples society in connection with Dr.
Perry J. Green of the Temple of
Truth, KUers building.
j -
Sonr of Service Chanjred.
After tomorrow night, all evening
services of the First Presbyterian
church will begin at 7:30 Instead of
7:46. This will, be in effect, as uAuai,
throughout the winter months.
Chrises Second
- Coming Is Topic
Rev, J. J. Staub. pastor of the Sun -
nyside Congregational " cnurcn, Jhat
Taylor and Thirty-second' streets, is
preparing a serie of Sunday morning
sermons on i n oecona corning m
Christ." Recent f vents as well as a
closer study of the Scriptures have
greatly Increased! the attention of
Christians everywhere on this sadly
neglected doctrine.' In connection with
the Communion service this Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock he win take for
his text; Tm He) Comes."
state and city (jions of Christian En-
heavor have Smade arrangements
whereby the of fie of Q. Evert Baker,
. i . . : . e. . .
picsiaeai,) 10 De used Tor neaa-
quarters for Khdeavor work. Mr. 1
Baker's office ij Uocated at 826 North
western Bank tiding.
Clarence II. "iprague is present, at
the office Monday. Tuesday and Wed
nesday evening!, ; to transact Christian
Endeavor business of all kinds and to
direct the plai Ing of new features
of the union vf jrk. After October 10
a complete HneTxif Christian Endeavor
literature will t'orf hand Tor sale, and
workers have fcien invited to take ad
vantage of thliV opportunity to secure
these helps forjrflcient work.
The Christian Endeavor Union Cab
inet will be InLnession at Mr. Baker's ',
office nejtt WVd'neoday evening at 7
o'clock for thefempose of finishing up i
the business of&he-year. At 7:45 p.'m. I
representatives 5 the ten Congrega
tional churchej )f the city will assem
ble to make p ihs for the conducting
of the fourth -.innual city and subur
ban Christian!. (Bdeavor rally on Octo
ber 1 -in the f ghland church. Monday
evening, OotoN iif 6, all persons who
are expected t; load the Christian En
deavor prayerfteetings of the various
societies or tfj city, will be at the
Christian ' End; 4vor headquarters to
discuss plans ? .md methods in connec-
tlon with the? Meetings that they are
to lead. it
On Monday- jOctober 12. the repre
sentatives of! ;jthe various Christian
Endeavor soc JJes of the city will
meet in the Ifhrst Christian church.
Park and Col"ijbia,',for the purpose of
transacting tL l business of the local
union.' One othe important features '
of this execute sebsiun will be the
election of ofeicers for the remainder
of the year.
Tabernacle Baptist
Holdsally Sunday
! Rally day fe'ill be observed at the
Tabernacle PktlKt church, Knst Forty
Becond Btreet.ind Forty-fifth avenue,
tomorrow, w; tspeclal nervires. all
day. Rev. OCC. Wright, secretary of
the Oregon AUptist state convention,
will preach 11 o'clock. During the
noon hour ae every member canvass
for the new j1jurch year will be made.
From l'unii 2 o'clock will be rpent
in prayer fof.fworld pence .and In the
singing of rf.riotic Ktfliss. Between
2 and 3 o'clqtt In the afternoon Rev.
J. 'Dimmlck ylor will rpeak on the
fulfillment os-prophecy. At the latter
hour Rev. Viilker Duff will take
charge and cjviak on the topic, "A Full
Sized Portrafof Christ."
Kev. W. J.Oeaver will be In chares
from '4 to 6'clork of a service for
the deepeninfof the Hplrltual life of
the church. fhe B. T. P. U. inet'ting
comes at 6:4 ( Rev. J. Dlmmlck Tay
lor will cone jjet evangelistic services
in the evenly
Quartey Meeting
. Now! is Under Way
The quartfy meeting of the Cen
tral Free jyethodist church. Hast
Fifty-fifth pi Flanders ttreets. is
now under j iay, in charge of Rev.
F. 1a Burns llstrict elder of the Port
land district t Mr. Burns conducted
services last Aight and there will be
services tonf Ipt. Tomorrow morning
at 9 o'clock "j"Hre will be a love feast,
and following Jpreaching at 11 o'clock
the sacrame-w1 of the Ird's Supper
will be adrfFjfeistered. In the after
noon at 3 o'pilck there will be a home
missionary, .(rvtce under the auspices
of the WofJen's Home and Foreign
Missionary tociety. The series will be
concluded w"h the preaching at night
by Mr. Bur;
CelebrSte Three
Three gn i
anniversaries win be
observed ay , the First TJniversallst
church Su y morning. Bmphasis
will, of co lit e, be placed on the Na
tional Day f Prayer for. Peace, and
Rev. J. DDorby, the pastor, will
have a tameph message on "Chrlstian
Ixing Our T plvllixation." the social
mission of ( p church today. Special
music will i f provided in the church
service andj. lunday school. .
This Sunday Is a'ao the fifth anni
versary of je placing of the comer
stone of thes:burch by President Taft,
Sunday H-fl be relftbrated In the
Sunday by observance of the
annual fall ;,, tally day. A cornet and
violins wili'g Sgmcnt the orchestra and
recitations Ti'id special vocal numbers
will make It: V gala occasion.
Leadei io Discuss
Chitian Science'
Profeesorferman S. Hering, C. S,
B.. a ,mmbv of the board of lecture
ship of thei inother ehnrch, the First
Church of C jrist. Scientist, In Boston,
will delivers, lecture on "Christian
Rcience He- fig. Spiritual and ; Scien
tific" at tlf First Church of Christ,
Scientist, fi nineteenth and Everett
streets. Sun y, October 11, at 3 and. 8
jx. m.. and . 'pea ted Monday evening, -October
lJ.jprofessor Hering is one
of the auf Arized lecturers of the
Christian 3Znr- fth, and His dis
course wiit jfremore De an auuiorlta-
uve exposirvn oi lis teacnings.
NeV York Tribune.
The late .Charles' H. Britting, pro
prietor of fice New York actors' res
taurant kwxrn ai the "Little Hall of
Fame," toofi a keen Interest In popu
jlar trends tfld, movements of all kinds.
: Mr. Brtttg thought little of scien
tific marLa,et and efficiency en-
j gineenng. ijwe saia one aay oi an ei-
" '.'i r
"Blank 1. fool, and I thought he'd
go broke, ftfut, by Jingo, the fellow,
has decelvft'j me. He has discovered .
a labor sasig device and h' address
will be Eatt street from now on."
"Good bf?. Blank." said an actor
"and what jbor saving device has he v
discovered t- k s
"An eldef ' widow" Mr. BrltUng n
swered "at elderly widow with a mll
Uon who h j consealed to marry him, .
. i.