THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, .SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 3, 1914. 5 EZXTXAXIOXB FEMALB WATTX By woman with iri a. position aji be seeeper, or rork In nrlvate fuollr. Country preferred; reasonable rates. Columbia WOMAN with boy 4 rearm, wtnU po ltlon aa hous-eiceeper. Countrr pre zermd: . reasonable term. Main 717, A-161T. TOUNO woman wishes position aa housekeeper; with. boy, I; neat and respectable, Reference. Main 6687. 226 Taylor. ' 'WANTED by middle aged woman, housekeeping; for widower with chil dren. Country preferred. F-208, Jour tal. . 'WANTED, br 2 reliable women, po- sitions In apartments or rooming nouae, to take charge. xteierencea. -Woodlawn 1854. , ' VrTIN woman wanta Dositlon aa housekeeper, widower's or bachelor's borne, or take .charge of rooming bouse. (41 -Morrison st. Apt. 4. TOUNO woman wants housework or ,. housekaeoina for eentleman in or out of the city. $5 wk. T-225, Jour- naL WANTED Position as kitchen helper, chamberwork glad to get day work. Tabor 1667. COMPETENT stenographer desires po- sltion, city experience and references. Phone East 8986. WANTED Position aa chambermaid or waitress. Any work where can o nome .nights.' Main 717. A-1617. LACE curtains hand laundered, 20o up. My experts, caiiea ior. - seu www man. SvANT . position as housekaeper or cnamoermaia, ny eiaeriy woman. Main 4520. Bet. 6 and 7 p. m. COMPETENT lady would take charge of apartment house or keep bouse for wiaower. ai 'tayior st. WANTED Position as housekeeper. Call 183 . Holladay eva, Sunday or Monday morning, room 18. MIDDLE AO ED woman wanta to aa- sist with housework. Give phone pamper, p-iw, Journal. .WANTED Plain sewing and mending at home, or will go out by day. Main T17. A-1617. VANTED Day work and laundry to take noma Main 717, a-iaiy. tlENKRAL housework, wages $40. R. 1488 or E-881Z. KICK home for children. Tabor 4728. SITUATIONS "WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 YOTJNQ married couple wanta posi tion aa janitor in apartment or rooming house. Main 845. apt. 16. References. DRESSMAKTXQ 40 Mae MARTZ. modiste, for chlo lndi vidual styles. Suits, gowns, dree sea prions Main g33. izin ana Aiaer. SCHOOL dresses, $1.60 up. Nurse cos tumes. iLbo. uowna a specialty. 6 Market st. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE , . YOUNG men may consult. without charge, nlshed rooms listing several . VinnnrAn In a 1 1 E? parts, of the city, ui lite i m. j. A.; also those in the Association bldg, THE ALBION HOTEL, ' iizw zo im tsaimon. Rooms $1.?S week up; steam heat. not ana coio water. Tree oath, pnona ACKLY HOTEL Cor. 12th and Stark. 360 wk. up. Private hath, 84 up, Clean outside rooms, modern brick bldg BUCKINGHAM hotel. 20th and Wash lhgton; new, fireproof, brick, every modern conveniences iio month up.; 3 HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th near Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with U modern conveniences. $17.50 mo. up. 228 2d. Kenil worth hotel. Reasonable . rent. Excellent treatment. Main 1183. THE KING. 809 Jefferson, nicely fur. rooms, modern, central. 22 room up. ROOMS and apartment in modern ho tel. 82.60 week and up. 466 Alder. BTHAM hjeated rooms $1.50 week and up. 253 Columbia st. MODERN, choice rooms, 812 up. 469 Jefferson st. Main 2009 THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia. Steam heated rooms $2 per week up. t1 SIXTH, first-class rooms. rumirxsHEi) booms WEST BXSB FKITATE FAMILY 70 NEWLY furnished large front room. modern, walking distance. 404 Clay. wear 10th street 'NICE corner front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. 700 Davis st. Mar- Shall 3029. ; NICE rooms, walking distance. 164 N. 16th st. FURNISHED ROOMS 52 EAST SIDE CLARNO hotel, modern brick building: Sulet place to room, $2 a week; hot cold running water in all rooms, walking distance, east end steel bridge. 243 Holladay ave., under new man- agement Home ngnt housekeeping. srumarxsKED ssooacs 8 AST SXSa FRIT ATE 2? A MIT. Y 71 $ per month. Neat front room, suit able tor two. Single room. $4 per month. Bath, electricity ana phone. Breakfast If desired. Choice residence district W. R. carline. 1176 Clinton st WHEN you answer these Want Ads, menuon ine journal. iSEiiiniiie Iff imLirA.fl3 EASY CHAIR SELLING is made OURNAL OP WANT ADS If your name appears in either telephone book Call Main 7173 or A-6051 and have your Want Ad charged. " It is an easy business and very 15 1 - 4X1 'WEST PARK Just opened, beau tixul rooms, newlv furnished, home cooking, sleeping porches, terms mod erate, waojung .distance, lacing park. CASA ROSA 300 Jefferson,, nice! 1 ir or b gen-i tlemen. with board. CHHJD to. board, school age. good noma, pel 41st ave. H. E., city. 6 BOOHS ASS BOAD rWVATB FAMILY ROOMS AND BOARD IOUNQ married woman will give, lines. 184 Mason st. $16. Wood room and board to school girl In re- lawn 1158. - - - Sfii X??Cl?OLr00m 10 worltin8 FIVE room modern house in firsts'"- 772 Thurman tit, class, condition. cl( la. K. Clay. waki, care smau cmia; own nome. i Good place for a child. Sellwood 1038. MOTHER'S care riven child be- tween 3 and f years old, with or without parent. 788 Union-ave. N, nwvaa. ana Doara wiu ecoicn udiut, i lllftTs11 Ph0B. ROOM for 2 gentlemen; furnace heat, I wna gooa COTEng. 7 wiiiii rr", Ior cnua- nujoeii. East 6153. I BOARD with room or sleeping porch.! Main S7i. I tvrtts . . v. .wi,i., i S- "v.J?"..ii??,-.r?'"" I rnon h.aBT dbo. ti xvoauey vc. WANTTT.n a babv to care for: good I nome ana care. Marsnaii m. i BOARD and room, $6.60 and up; I young people; music 44 tra m. i WHEN you answer these Want Ads, I mention i ne journal. I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 1 ONE room with kitchenette, complete- I $16.60 and up. 291 Columbia it, cor ner fttn st. Rtnim heat'd I I - aTI Free Batht I " Clean RoomsV36(n nUlClPhone, Piano Nicely furnished and housekeeping room, $1 week; 16c day up. 665 M 1st st. NEAT, clean 2 room housekeeping suites for rent, reasonable, beat, light. Dhone. water and garbage. 115 M. Z3d St. 3 ROOM flat, nicely furnished, $4.50 I &r wTekTalso sin'ile rooms for fight'. nntrai. sna Jefferson. housekeeping. Central. 809 Jefferson Cambridge bldg furnished H. K. rooms, central, cheap. 166 3d, cor. Morr'n. $27 SIXTH, large room with kitchen- ette, s trictly modern residence. OILMAN hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur nlshed H. K. rms. cheap. $1.60 wk. up. BOTr8EXEB?Xla BOOMS WEST SIDE FSITaTE PAMILT 73 THBEB well furnished housekeeping rooms, free phone and bath, gas range 612 C nge and cook stove, walking distance. I 2 Clay st i-ncs i. auuiw onr. Marshall 2563. 3 LOVELY rurnisneo. nouseKeepng rooms, adjoining and eommun bath, large porch. 467 East lunlcating line. ; - , luun m , Mr.B 3k. In dlstanria. &1 JohJQSon at. corner 15th. r TWO front furnished EL K. roo bath, gas, phone, electricity; wa ine distance. 850 Montgomery. HOUSEKEEPING room with kitchen, $3.60 a week; sleeping rooms, $2 a week. 181 6th, opposite Portland hotel. Twn t umlabAd housekeening rooms; also single room, 2 blocks off Wash- lnton st 594 Kverett st main aavo. HOITSEKEEPING and, sleeping rooms. $7 and up per month. Fine location. close in. 129 lgtn st, near wasn. NICELY furnished housekeeping ooms; gas. bath, $12.60 month. 6$i rooms, Front f ir"- . .,,., 3 NEAT housekeping rooms, private I elfftSciM ana-bgVknto SSIR TWO strictly modern housekeeping romT fC53 rooms, first Private entrance. $10 2 room suites furnished bouse- keeping. jiay st. IlUUBiUUbx'lAU KWiUS to EAST SIDE I TWO large Dasemeni nouae&mruig rooms, 35 month; i large irom room, i block south East Morrison Bt 81.60 TO $2.76 week, furnished H- K- rooms, gas, rree neat launary, dbum. i rnonfl mbi qvo?. uo . run,uunn ' u 1 WHEN you answer these Want Ads, I mmtinn Th .TonrTMiL I KOnSEXEEFOKI BOOKI I .V. Tv-am Biunr.v Ml. 1 " " . I THREE furnished H. K. rooms. Pleas- Tit oa bath. 983 E. 10th. N. Woodlawn 1093. TT-. : j i roms, walking distance. Free phone, East 1769. 624 Sandy at E. 16th. IN Irvine ton, 3 or 4 furnished or furnished H. K. rooms, gas ana eieo- trie Phone East 4808. WHi.M VQ,, onawffr thaaa Want Ada. WHEN you answer tneae want -aoa, mention me journal. . FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MORTON apis., cor Washington and FOR SALE One 6-year-old bay geld JJCLiZSJ t - King sts.; 3 and 4 room turnished ing, weighs 1500 pounds; 1 bay 6- GOOD 4 room house, barn, near school. church, $6. 202 tn ave. is., iente, Inn , V. . . .! 1 n w. A r tdVr RAllwood 860 - . 8 IX room V i , m- a -a ""Me. a- . Oak. $10 Woodlawn 8229. MODERN 6 room bungalow for rent October 10. $20. C-1470. MODERN 6 room bungalow, shades and gas stove, $18. Wdln. 1799. possible by way to transact effective try iti 121 (Continued) MODERN, clean 6 room bungalow, block to car, block to school, $12. 289 Rusaett st., Peninsular station. Woodlawn 1034. R. B. Kelly, 272 Ros- FOR RENT 8 room modern bungalow. 1234 Halght eve. Piedmont, owner i will be there Sunday and Monday. Key next door. Tabor 4381. "I ROOMS, modern. 1 block from school, I z irom car, biz. emiu at tioues. iti I Henry bldg. I M i 1Ti I-1 1 iJ & rnom hoiiKM nur S MLT. net. vtn ana stn. MODERN 8 room house, near .Lincoln high school. V Hth. -l irom I FOR RENT, 4 room house, cor.. South avd.. K. 14th nt. mldwav. Ktdlwood canine, itent oniy llu. MODERN 8 room house, f irepUee. fur- 41 Fi. near 22d. $25. Tabor 1993. ' . . - ROfiM ho.i. v. 8th N reason-1 at imperial Pharmacy. 48 N. 6tn st. I C ponw Krnu l nnd frnit I trees. Rose City Park. 1380 Han-1 cock Bt Phone Woodlawn 2604. r - , '.' 1 -1 . . . i VO??9-re nouao, I Km th kq9 27th nv . rxtment niK Mt Scott car to Myrtle Park. MODERN house, 653 Mississippi ave.. near O.-W. R. & N. car shops. Near j-no a-ihl jumi THREE room house for rent, hot and ,i"'u wu:r, u. o f . mui bu, mv. car. $35 8 rooms, furnace, fireplace, good I yara. on fopiar st. in taaa tract, I walking distance. Phone Tabor 6390. 1 $12.50 6 room house, 1 block from I : FOR IlEKT HOUSES jX4 7 rooms, gas, bath, shades, close THE ORMONDE, light front 6 rooms. in east side. East 6115. 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8261. A 2-KOOM cottage furnished, $8 per t, .m 7 month. Woodlawn car, 1405 Oneonta. K - -A, , u $lt Nice 5 room house, gas and bath. I 105 E. 20th. near Wash. East 6356. $12.50 Pleasant 7 room house, full lot, 54th avo S. E: Tabor 2317. I furniture: for sajlk 1 HOUSES FOR RENT TT?TT?'"' "." " -r I then l ADS of fu"ure for PuHffvE lished in the Household Goods classi- 1 flcatlon wljen house Is not for rent. FURNITURE of 7 room house, piano, I all first class and modern. 126 Gra- ham ave. C-1980. I Fli?NJTJr.Rt' tor BaJe bouse for rent. 84 E. 7th st. N. CHEAP 8 room furnished cottage. Sell U or . rent. Close in. lli Mill. 1 iTPrani'i nlIKI,B URMSHtl) HOUSES 3D Ins I bath, free water, Mt. Scott car. Get I off at 62d st. first house to right, north. No. 4320. Adults. SMALL rooming house, furnished or will sell furniture, nice home, mod- I ern. 622 Delay st, cor. Morris. Tako J f-car- .. SEV1N room modern furnished house, uret, .u b.uiltC?n JL0n.v?i.'.n? $25. 734 E. 40th st, N. Beaumont car. Jail between 1 and 2 p. m MODERN completely furnished bun galow- ror x adults, call at VfO it. Davis. T-T I. A T R fnnniB nn Til lt nnr TTa 310 E. 9th. 5 ROOM bungalow, modern, furnished or unfurnished, reasonable. 7235 54th ave. S. E. Main 6269. $20 & room modern furnished house, piano near school, or will share, TaDor 384. FINE new 5 roora bungalow, new mture. CaU Main 9394. rur- 3 ROOM furnished house, $8. Call Main Raa. 6 ROOM furnished bungalow, piano Wi,N yoanser Want Ada. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED SHEFFIELD apartments, 272 Broad- way oor. jeiierson, easy waiting I aistance: i or i rooms, witn private i utuu, very reasonaoie rent, Dest serv-1 ice, splendid arrangements, au cwtsias i THE IRIS Aoarlmenta. 2d and Mill ota. will be completed October 111 rents rrom 117 up; z, 3, 4 room, ail I uivuctii 'aiuuruveuiciiis. lAnwi arming i P11 in cut; inrnisnea or unxanusnea. No charge for cooking gas. I NKW Y1VHK A PTR Kl 1th . H Tl ZT.T j ' " - ' bri'V Mcr nil Mitvid- ,n'i a turn ""V . nuiuaiwu rwum, moaera , , ' 1" neat, ugats; personal management OI owner. HRY ARMS 1P1RTMPMTC 13TH A Nil R MORR SON RTS 13TH AND E. MORRISON STS. Modern 2 and 3 room furnished and nnfurmshed apts., $20 to $32.60 month; " ""s i nnoninvnun jn.ixu vrw y 2 1 m luriuanea apus 91a per mo. up; UDl "Juuciii, nut, cum water h aD.. he4Lt lilrht hath fnrnlshwl firand .v. anA V. Woah na uiuurnisnea.apis. esi ana cneap- 1 -- i 1 1 no ""-"-" """y . ........ 1 . . . - . I THE ORLANDO Cor. 20th and Wash - inotn. eta vsip ffooiMhla Alanentl I mO '-'1 8B J ucoil auiO. ClC,aU UJ I furnished 8 room corner apartments. $42.60 and $40; every modern conven. lence; references. Marshall 184. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS 3d ana ja.onigomery. xsew orlck, all outside furnished 2 room atjartmenta. private bath, phone, automatic eleva- tor, cioae in, up. jaain 46t. - WALDORF COURT, 1RVINGTON. East 9th and Schuyler. Five rooms unfurnished with large fit611?8 strlc"y modern. C- Tl W A&lilJN j lUri , 689 Norttnup, 6 room iur. or uniur. apis., with oath ttuu n uu wiiiciuoutee puune, steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc,; "W" car to 21st & Northrup. M. 4376. THE DEZENDORF , 208 16TH ST' NEAR TAYLOR. Elegant 6 room furnished and unf Ur- nished apts., aiso a room rur. apt DRICKSTON, ujwiun, 10 tuvi ww m v ivvui i- ments. all pleasant outside rooms. Marshall 67, " J:,.Tv,r.rr ,or ',,,V;," . v." furnished; large outside rooms, bar windows, close in, $12 and $14 per month. See them. 69 K. 12th. E. 6379. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4 room apts., $13 up; goad janitor service: waiaing aistance, rfi erences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. M. 7134. EVELYN APARTMENTS, 3 rooms. & 3a4V3n4Urn216S7hstaN4 SfaVslF323 i. All- AJ-rV-rV. 3U ..H-0" aJ; ZJF distance, summer rates, new, modern, 2 room apts., ia to i per montn. 3 LARGE ROOMS. $22.10. bath. B -107 9 " NOKOMIS APARTMENTS. r a 1 i- . .. U y- 4 8 -la 11U ayaa-iaa- aiai OUIU1 v910( NiiAi-I xurmsneu aparunenis. steam beatea, pnvato pains, m private nome. wim yru. tip v, y. -S SERfiS rnisheO or unfurnished, reasonable. PORTNOMAH apartments, 4 and 3 , rooms, unf yrnlshed, hardwood floors, ,l..nln nArihn 11th arA T.vIa, P.J yw. "w. V vt, cum JlJ IV, pilrdi1iJ for chickens. 3o3 irtre it cwicitjr.i! 9 a ,,iax y&ur own pnee; serviceauie learn. f urnied acts 820 to 828 sSctlv modern. 883 Williams ave. East iaa COZ steam neated 2 room apartments with nrlvlta Mth. Ill month Har.l rlson Court. 5th and Harrison. ! ILLIHEE Apartments, 487 Taylor, near 14th. furnished apartments 316 to ,322. Phone Marshall boss. - I DOWNTOWN apartments, newly ren - ovated. zo ana up. s&o Morrison, THE PAGE Two lovely apts.. with prices to suit tenant. East 3666. APARTMENTS V 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED (Continued) BRAND NEW : ROYAL; MM "APT&--- COR. 19TH AND LOVEJOY. Just completed, 6 story fireproof kJ-VkM. if ri W T,.7i Snf wnfe ent lirea afey wh uPe' h&$ZttSn: iences. automatic elevator, marble oatnrooma private balconies. .Kerar- I ences reauired. FKICES MODERATB. BUKNA VISTA APTS. . 12th and Harrison. Under new manaerment-- five story fireproof brick bufidina-. all outside apartments. 2 and 2 rooms, furnlshea 1 anA iinfn.nt.l i 9 .... t' Hit. Both ohoimas : - au tomatlo " eleviEor: beautiful view: allilnr diatanca. rteieronces. jprices moderate. s- Meicliffe Court iffiS-TOSS E. 11th and Morrison, opposite east uuiiuuiK, iiuLomaiic eievawr. a miiu a rooms, ail outside, with every moaern convenience: rates very reasenaote; THE ALTAMONT f,th and r'nllcira Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, very cheap. aiso oacheior'a anartmtntjL Meat. t Vhn. :.Trf nit.T ..r. v? . . - . - VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Tavlor. Modern, completely furnished apt. waiiung uietance. ttererencea THE CODY 421 M. Tavlor st modem brick building; all outside rooms, steam heat. Dhone. Uerht. furnished: rents very reasonable; thoroughly clean and under the personal manage- ONE 4 room flat, with sleeping porch, private oac purca una iroui purca. east lacing !m Bt;- Vt i.. . Vi , 7 range, wall bed, heat and water fur nished, only $30; free rent until Oct. 1. See this flat at once, 303 E. 21st, and then phone owner, m; eazo, -raoor ia. room modern flat, all con veniences; 10 minutes from business Rpnt 122 .... J!' . . a w""1 .".iia'JtJMw at 2 blocks south of Broadway bridge. Phone East 1415. ROOM modern flat. 236 Stout sU fumar. rirenlaH. vard: 880: 6 room flat 268 Stout st, gas. electricity; $16. k'M 260 Stout st. Marshall 4220. FIVE rot room flat, gas and electricity. fireplace and gas range, will redecor e ana gas range, win reaecor 4th St., near Hall St. M. 4663. ate. 427 1 4 OR 6 room upper flat for rent reasonable at 8Zi commercial. 3 MODERN four room flats, rent $19.00 and $21.00. 12th and College, TWO room flat, partly furnished. cheap. 706 Vancouver av. Wdia. 1953. SWELL 6 room modern lower flat. nice yard. 789 E. Yamhill. East 6948. WHEN yoj answer these Want Ada, mention i ne journal. FURNISHED FLATS 50 nished, 2 blocks from Union ave. between lieecn ana failing. iu. 6th st. N SIX room furnished flat, fireplace, gas range; water heater, yard, $24. Key 260 Stout st. Marshall 4220. FOUR room lower fiat, furnished or unfurnished, reasonable rent 266 E. 24th st NEATLY furnished 4 room flat, 658ft Gantenbein ave. Phone C-1736, FOR RENT-Frnished 6 room flat. tJP-TM, walking distance, 4,and 5 room flats. Free phone., B. 3737. WHEN you answer these Want Ada) mention ine journal. " IT, T iu oui '"uui -uv j: Y".: aa-y imim FOR RENT.. HALLS 59 LODGE hall with good dancing floor. steam heated. Ill Second at. Phone u,in 1x3 HOTELS r4 1 T TTV. RAIf-VTHW hntol n THIamnnk I Beach, under new management is " vr r I 1, ,Mn. 411 lnllt.. ,n, . , wV-S 1 Phone A- or M. 2029. W. A. Vyrise, prop. " " " WANTED to rent, a ranch of 60 or 80 acres, with stock and Implements, on snares, would like one witn 10 or 1 6u . , vv R t. V auu ""u 1 oiuta. uvu vmiitc uuuet, tt uuu- I " 1 ' HnRSRH. VRHinT,RS. FTTf! 1t year-old mare, weighs 1850; heavy 1 team cam ess, cost su 4 monins ago; 1 umr 01 wen maiuiea z-vear-oiu 1 pair of well matched 1 blacks. Everything sound and good wnrlrnpd unnna mom sllKti 'aa 1 1 I " va a-.a . a, a. vaav swwiu w w we 1 eensi ssase Flanders st I .nir i ,A;v, oonn 0 .- g. extra good farm team, work single or double, easy keepers; have no I place to keep them; tor quick sale I SIS 5. Take Oregon Citv car to Glad- I stone, walk up river to wagon bridge. cross, turn to ieii, iirst nouse. of horses and wagons. Thursday, Oct I 0. iiorses ana wagons sola on com I mission. I Hnnana 1 Broke and unbroke. all sizes, ruii teed as reDresented. cash or terms Frasier McLean, oldest horse firm m city, 200 6th st- cor. Taylor. Notice A carload of nip Vi rTmnm mmvmm 120U to 16UU ids. lso -ft juadison St. I on approacn 01 onage. AM le,Yipg. must , .eU good strong V7a,r.n villi .nnrl .iaK1. -m ?every, trucaman or farmer, only $20. 313 Park ave., Lents, 2 blocks west school house. Mt. Scott car. i FOR SAI3 Team mares, about 2750 ids., true pullers, single or double; will take good cow, wood part pay. East 4989. BIG, fine bay horsey 1100, is eating bimr ols? mis, launcbTi anythtng of value. Hathorn, 4334 S. E. 75th. nis neaa oir. aiust sell, or trade A f A k T f A Tb 11 . Wi-. v . I I .11.i ee.11 K4 Trrat-t.4, - lOfkA to 1600 pounds, young and sound. za union avenue and hi. Clay. NOTICE All kinds of nice horses and mares, weighing 1100 to 1700 pounds. hies root or Main, west side. GOOD buy, 2000-lb. pair horses, well 1 uiaiuueu. moa nurness. idu. no criD- WANTED tlse of gentle horse and bueev In return for its keo.o F-152, JrarnaL " I . ' : ' -x j Len r "p.eonV car WILL trade good gentle horse, har , f , S DOT 4S1D ness end buggy ror zresh cow. xa- 1 I II Mill, i Tl I II .,llj I II ..--ht about 2000 lbs, trial allowed. No trades. IPZ9 E. Tammn st. pOR SALE Horse or jude for cow. o cm v. HORSES to pasture and winter. - C. A. Lyncn, care str. America, smitn lag. 1 WANTED Good team, must be a bar. I gain, call l3 Aloerta st. 1 FOR SALE New wagon and rubber t tired top huggy. 1440 Koaney ave. I WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The JournaL LIVESTOCK. 1 EIGHT head of choice milch cows, and : i neaa oi s-year-oia jieners. mi -i 1 fTMhi hlM foil and arintnt will BSll 1 all together or separate. Also 1 span J vi mare cuius coidid( 2 yearn iivui i aanmgwn pump, 81a; Winchester large mares. Call on or address George i pump. $18; Winchester 20 gauge ham W. Turner Barton, Or. ' I merless pump, rubber butt plate. $21; TEN fresh; cows, Jersey. Hoi stein, Durham, Ayrshire, 10 to 20 qta, par day. From $60 ud. Will take fat cows in exchange. Woodstock' car to otn ave- walk 4 mocks wesx. COMB and aae us about all breads dairy cow a Geo. R. Moke Cow Co-. 607 Commercial block. Mala 8120. FRESH cow, giving 4 gala rich milk; also one good Jersey. $14 Francis ave. W. WT car. TWO extra good fresh cows. See them at 1417 Vancouver ave. ONE cow for sale. 28 th ave. 2819 68th, st. and POULTRY S7 S. C. Buff Leghorn hens. 7e; S. C. Buff Orpington hens, $1; cockerels either kind, $1.50. George Westfall, Amity, Or., route 1. , GOLDEN Silver Chines -nneaaants: Mallard ducks, Japanese silkies; Or egon Bird & Pheasant Farm, Beaver ton, Or., R. No. 1. WANTED February and March hatch pullets. Tabor 3926, box 320. IV D. No. 2, Mllwaukie. ENGLISH call ducks, for sale. Main 1732. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS'46 LLEWELLYN setter dog, 17 mo. old. ior sale, iti. see xounger, uar den Home. Ore. Elec-, 6 miles out Call Main 8469 after 4. CANARIES, guaranteed singers, cheap. .Bird Dread ana seeds. Thomsons Bird Store, basement 171 W. Park st, near Morrison. FOR SALE 4 bird dogs, also French bull dog pups. Airedale pupa Lei trim Kennels, East 93rd and Base Line road, C R. Campion, Tabor 126, FOR SALE Airedale bitch, registered, 15 months, $15. John A. Stuart. La tourell. Or. , MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 $20 BUYS Edison phonograph, includ ing 40 4-mlnute records. 326 Lum ber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WANT good standard piano for real estate, sui uoara or t rade, AU rOMOIilLKS-ACCKSSORIKS U LOOK - - Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. COLE Roadster, 2 pass.. 30 h. p., just overhauled, only 1476 1S14 CHEVORLET roadster, 2 pass.. 25 I n. p electric starter and lights, a snap $675 Also a- number of touring cars for Quick sale Will sacrifice. Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. Main 88875 A-496S. NEW MOTOR TRUCKS. Any capacity, from 760 to 6 tons. You can pay for It on monthly Install ments; will sell without any payment down, providing you can give substantial-security; 1st the truck earn its payments and earn you good money besides. Z-942, Journal. STUDEBAKER O, delivery car. In perfect mechanical condition. New oversized tires and complete equip ment A great bargain at $350. See Mr. Miller, Oregon Motor Co.. Stude- baker bldg. Chapman and Alder sts. Main 9402. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tir Shop," 550 Wasfbington st, at 18th Marshall 879. We get your tires ready for THE WET STREETS. Light Delivery tiPMt nin.i ton Tooo ii mm4- I newly painted and in good condition! ( $750. Terms. D-807. Journal. BARGAINS XN USED AUTOS. Large Stock. Prices, $300 to $760. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Corner Chapman and Alder. I Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st I1NITFD Fainting Auto Top Co. UI1I,LW Isinglass put In; prices reasonale; factory finished. 15th and Wash. Mar. 946. Low It A Mossman. TWO-TON TRUCK. Two-ton truck in good mechanical condition, new tires, stake body and top, $650; easy terms. W-233, Journal. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN 6 passen ger Michigan, 1913, electric lights and ti!aViSnd MaVn slaV11 lD vostigatlon. Main 6934. RUNABOUT or light 6 passenger car. Ford preferred. Will give fine view lot on 32nd, near Harold. A. M, Ison, 169 16th st. Main 1985, A-6215. A 1912 Reo roadster for sale or trade, completely equipped, first class con dition. Owner, E-403, Journal. HAVE two 1 ton trucks for sale cheap. 2 or wiu rent 10 responsioie parties. Address owner, W-48, Journal. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock In Portland, $3 to $16. Fine repair ing. Tire Supply Co., 207 Madison. AUTO SPRINGS1". Frank Lange, 228 Salmon. Main 181. MT 1911 car and up to $400 cash for a late model. S-Z41, journal. CHOICE building lot, all clear, to trade tor r ora auto, .xaoor aeiz, 1 WANTED Good runabout for real es- tate. 801 Board of Trade. $900 EQUITY in choice lot for auto. 602 itroadvar bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal MOTORCYCXlKS-BICYCLIS 55 8 H. P. twin, bought September. 1918. equipped, new tire, in A-l mechani cal condition; nas naa very iittie use: terms to responsible party, or will trade oa Improved lot or acreage, L 251, Journal. - LAUNCHES AHT BOATS 6 FURNISHED houseboat, cheap. Phone Main 8366. Mrs. Woodward. TYPEWRITERS WE save you from 60 to 78 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our ii lUstrated folder; retail de partment. WHOLESALE TYFJCWRIT- ER CO., 321 Washington st. YOU can rent visible typewriters 8 months for $4; convenient at home, delivered and all rent aoclied on pur chase. Main 6273. or A-4441. 244 Stark; TYPEWRITERS for rriu. 3 months for 86 and up; 9 months' rental ap plied on purchase price Remington Typewriter company. 8 Broadway. GILL'S REBUILT TYPEW'Kl'lis. CHEAPEST AND BEST. THE J. K. GILL CO.. 8d and Alder Sts, NEW, rebuilt,, 2d band, rentals, cut rates, p. u. c Co.. Z31 Htarn. ax. iwi. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale 65 HEAVY oak library table, $12.60; fire less cooker, 310; refrigerator, $2.50; heavy oak rocker, $6; good' Morris chair, $3; 2 large rugs, $20; $ pieces of antique furniture at 1-3 their value, Call Tabor 4912 after 6 p. m. ; FURNITURE Before buying second band goods, see what you can ' here on new goods for cash. Get post ed. William Gadsby. 1st and Wash. ' WE; buy. sell and exchange new and second hand furniture of all kind a Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second at. AROTTT 76 ft. fina Phllinnlna lumber: , rough Cam agon and I pel. One five ft. table top; mahogany. Apply to Major C Clayton, vancoaver. Bks. WHEN you answer theae , Want Aae, mention ine journal. . fiiij ft) K SAIJEMlSCaLLAXEOCS t g SHOT guns for sale and rent. Parker, a sexa or oarreis. f ; high grade Le- TM a A. .'... t r Smith. $17.60; Stevens, $15; Baker. $18; tinaca, .i; Remington automatic, $18.60; English 10 boro Bonehlll. $20; Remington 1 boro hammerless, $17.50. Gun from $8.50 up. Ben Backman. 13 North 3d st. I GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marina A stationary. M a r 1 a e Hardware. Write for catalogue, GAS POWER SUPPLY CO, 188-172 Front at, Portland. Oregon, Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wks, 10 and Burnslde. Main 6674. p OR SALE New and second baiud carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fixtures of all kinds, easy paymenta The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 48 6th st. Main 769. A-1769. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type ! writers" and "Household Goods" are) separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them ovr. OFFICE FURNITURE BARGAINS ! DESKS CHAIRS yp ABIDES GILL'S, THIRD AND ALDER TWO beautiful, perfect Tiffany dia mond rings, sacrificed tonight, be- xween I ano ; S5 each. Harris, 387 12th st., near Montgomery. WHlf pay $25 for your suit or over- v-wu. i., nwen J"U Ljiu K IU BttUlQ for $15? Money Back shop, 342 Wash Morgan bldg. Open until 8 p. m. 4 F. o. b. cars Ore.un City. ParUou. tars, pox mi. uregon City. Or. SAFES All sizes at cost; safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North i eg tern Bank bldg. Main 7676 BUY your plumbing supplies, pipe ana fittings at wholesale. Stark-Davis Co.; 21 i 8d st M. 797. $33 buys fine diamond ring, big bar gain. $20 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and ciam sis. $35 buys pair diamond earrings, beau tlful stones. 830 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 3d and 8tark sts. SAFES New and second hand. -bar-gains. 101 1st st. Main 8566. DIAMOND paint, $1.65 gal. Port Door & Window Co.. 230 Front Mar. 100. uavuKTZ furniture store. 208 1st casn pries in the city. FOR RENT R RENT Player piano, cheap. 269 11th st Cordova hotel, room 326. 1 $12.60 DROPHEAD sewing machine wim attaenments. isz urand ave. SEWING machines soid. rented, re- palred. 388 Morrison. A-5110. Mar.721 FOUR ton ice making and refrisrerat. ing machine. Washington. 444 Wash. SILK lined frock coat and vest, good conoiuon. r-i, journal. HAND made Irish crochet counterpane, cheap. Tabor 406. 40. PIECE hand emb. layette for sale. iiv. none sett. WHEN you answer these Want Aoa, mention The Journal. SWAP COLUMN- WANTED To trade, boarding house in good location, for team, wagon and harness and some cash; also to trade lot or lots for acreage near Turlock, uai. fnone A-vuti or Marshall Zbos. EXCHANGE Good Indiana real es tate for personal property here or anything that can be useful on a farm, to $3000. L-244. Journal. TO SWAP first-class Edison phono graph, cabinet and records, for beach lot F-148, JonrnsL WILL exchange first class carpenter work ior merchandise, wood or acre- age x-43. Journal. WILL take tailoring or dressmaking on new Singer: either style. L-250, Journal. 8ttx4V FOLDING Premo film or plate camera, to trade for 26-20 rifle. Tabor $672. 5 PASS, auto and cash, submit particu lars with propoettion. C-818, Journal. WILL trade new overcoat for a late model shotgun. Tabor 6676. WANTED MrsCKLLANEOUS 5 ON the square, Secord pays most for second hand goods. East 6717. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shot guns, cameras. Hocnreia, in. bo. CASH Dai for diamonds. Elby Co., 330 Lumner ix. mag., za ana erarn WHEN you answer th mention The Journal. Want Aos, Professional and Business ACCORDIOH rXEATTHO . 8TSPHAM Heiuotltchiuc, ceordlon. Mde and annberst pleating; battons covered; teoda spopgod. Scalloping. 383 Alder. M-0373. ASSAYCAS WH boy M cold, aUer, platinum, or ore samp a, Pickeriag Co., Aesayen, 610 Worthweat bldg., 8th and Waahlnfton sts. BIAS- BOO- MA EM DAYIB A HOL MAN, Inc. 109 2d et. Blank book manutacturera; agents for Jonaa' Im- E roved Loom Leaf Lodge . 8e to sow nreka Usaf. A-3183T. Mala 183. CARprr cisjrnto. 30YCB BHOS4. Klectrle Cleaning work, cax pU cleaned and laid, refitting ear spe cialty. Eaet 440. B-HW3. 804 K. 18th et-N CARPETS cleaned, relit Oog and laying. Packer. Tabor 106. CARPET WEATTJ O. MORTUWEST RUQ CO tif from old ear pets, rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 1HS . hth. Work called tor. Eaat 8580. B-1280. VK.NL1 NBULA Una Works Bag rug and car- pet weaving. 1618 Petton are. (aa. 26S8. CHIROPRACTORS DR. McMAHON, 121 U. 87 Willlaaas a., IS adjustments 610. Patlenta get well. COAL ASS WOOD. NEER k FARK rU? Also sawed to order. Prompt da- pfl Al llyory. Main 4606. A-4&47. vw PAClelC KLABWOOD CO Mala 870, A-73oS. Green abort wood, blocks, bis 4nalde. small Insldo, dry alabwood. abort planer trimming. CA ( U.. r. ww. o-zaoa. ,uicioqii t uoi JUt 202 Stark. Charcoalrooi- StxaWSS DRY slab and box wood, cordwood and eoai. Standard Wood Co.. Eaat 2315. B-1W5. coixxcmoys 1 BCY. aecoaau, bills, notes and jnegmenU ot every nam and Harare anywhere. For galea resnna answer aa-o", journal OPBN aroounU, no tea, Judgnta collected. Adopt short method tor nl TT1-,'; Short Adjnttment Co.. B38 N. W. Bank. M. 874 OOBTRACTnrO ART) WTLDTS9 HORACE D. JONES. JR. I BTflUJ I ANYTH1KQ FROM SCBCBM DOORS a w-' HOTKL. TABOR 17S4. ! DERMALOLOOISTS , Mme. Court right, 451 Morrison. M. 6043. All i hair work, facial nurgery-, fraetaral deforajj tlea perfected. Motes, superflnoos hair re-ored. gPTTCATIOA- DASCIN& VROt. WAt, WILSON'S Walts, beaitation. ooe-atep, two-step, achotU ache; leaeens 26 UernlB g, afternoon, eve.; gaaraatee to teach aaybody who walks bow to dance. 5 6tk s , beU SUrk and Oak. 4 private kasoaa $3; b claese. Phone Main 7637, MR. and MRS. HEATH'S sebool; fancy, stage, social aad all the latest dances taught; waits aad two-ate p guaranteed la 4 privet leaaoos; elaas Moa. sod Fri. eve., 7 to 9; aa- aemniy arter. 11 sonwn. c . q ar. n. MODERN dances, eaaily aeqaired; -cleeeea or i private leeeona. i ne n imirwrwi. ubuk and gentlemen. RuwVs OeUUioe Daacrng teademy. 14th. etf Washlngtoa. . Mais S8W. WH 1T1NO-1RK LAND Dancing Aeadomy. Max- ixe. One-Step. Hani tattoo. leasons dally. "All Allsky bids.. 8d and Morrisoo, Main 8018V. W ANTED- I1SCLLAN EO US S (Continued) WANTED The people of Portland to knew that I pay higheat cash price for second band household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too email to consider. Prompt attention. N. M, Beater. 148 Russell st East 6707. LEVIN HARDWARE V FURNITURE CO, 231 Front sX. buys 2d hand fur. nlture. earnets. stoves, ranees, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9078. our buyer calls promptly. NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to bur $1000 worth of ond hand furniture and, pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fux- niture Exchange East 636. WANTED Pry fir cord wood up to 1000 cords. Address Oregon Inde pendent Fuel Co- E. Water and Sal mon sts, Portland. Or. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED. SECOND HAND CLOTHING And everything Highest prices paid. Main 2080. 286 1st, near Jefferson. CALL up . 6620, M. R. Seater, to sell your furniture. Prompt attention. highest cash prices. 368-874 Hawthorne WANTED 40 or 46-horse tubular boiler; also S6-horse engine. Tabor 4203. ' BE WISE: Get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st Main 8951. HIGHEST price for 2d-hund clothes, shoes bought. 247 Madison. M. 3595. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE folio wine articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light and Power Co.. and owners thereof may claim same at the First ana Aider Street station: Oct 1. 1914: Marshall 6100. A-6131 1 lunch box and nr. overalls, 1 suit case, i pr. gtoves, 8 umDrellae, 1 key. i. set pictures, i pr. enoes, l suit case, gloves, 1 sew'lng bag and dress, i hand bag, 1 pr. ladies gloves, 1 pr. gloves. 1 envelope containing purse ana keys, 1 lunch box, 1 hand satchel, 1 valise, 2 grips, 1 bucket, 1 overshoe, 1 flash light, 1 pr. leggins, 1 pkg. cloth, 1 hoe, 1 clothes line. 1 lunch naiL 1 stove casting. LOST Lady's gold watch Hampden works, old English B on case, Maltese cross on fob; hospital of the Good Samaritan, Los Angeles, CaL, 1918. on face, 8. Baker on back. Phone Woodlawn 1838, Reward. LOST On 23d st. car, lady's leather sewing bag. child's crochet coat: either, article valued as gifts. Call Morton Apis., ask ror Mrs. James Kerr, receive reward. LOST Gold locket and chain, mono gram A. M. E. on one side, small dia monds and engraved head on other side. Suitable reward. Phone Main 5943. lost suitable reward ana no ques tions asked for return of lace collar that disappeared from 403 Selling bldg. Phone Marshall 251. LOST 2 English bulldogs, male and female, one dark, one light brindle. Reward. Main 4136. STRAYED from 751 Kerby st. Wednes day, Scotch collie pup, female Re turn; reward. L-247, Journal. LOST $20 paper money Wednesday afternoon. J. Washburn, 270 H Washington st. Care W. F. Ross Co. LOST Old fashion gold bracelet, suit- able reward, pnone tuast &s9j. WHEN yJU answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. PERSONAL 82 MASSAGE Ladies and genu treated at the Auditorium, 3rd and Salmon. Phone Main 8527, A-7271. Gentleman assistant. SPIRlTUALISMRev. M. A. Price. Clr- cles, Tues., z: w eo. ana sun., s p. m. Readings daUy. 603 6th at. Mar. 3960, HAVE your hair permanently waved.' Guaranteed to last sanitary Beaut 1 Parlors. 400 ueaum. Marshall 170 SPIRITUAL medium. Emelia Pearsln: readings dally; public circles Tues- day, ynaay eve. 431 saimon. SPECIAL. 2 mo. only. 18 Chiropractic treatments, $10. 1-3 regular price. Dr. C. S. Tlgard. 318 AllsKy bldg. it. . 1 j. Thlill Fun BWUr. New orders, remodeling, best work, lowest prices. 717 S wetland bldg. V. KETCHUM Women's mal snd acute diseases men. Wash, th arid Wash. Fm. 1. Ml. 448. bldg.; 4th ar DIVORCE S Lawyer of 26 years' ex . perisnce, reliable, advice free. 404 R6thchlld bldg.. :87H Wash. CHlROPRACTfC; 121 4tE Chronlo cases; 18 treatments $10. Others less USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu matism; 60 tablets 26c. All druggists I A UVr R Consultation free. Main LAW TLn 4993. 70S Selling bldg. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis at. Main 3393. PHEASANTS prepared for hats. 717 Swetland bldg. MANDOLIN and guitar music furnished for -all occasions. Call Main 8098. MT7BI0 6CH00I.8 ASP TEACHERS BJ. TUIELUOKN. Tljlin teacher, pupil 8eHa. iwi.rHeaner Diog. A-418Q Mu'ubaii mm. T. E. LAWSON, piano studio, 422 Va- Morrla on. Main 650. Lcaaona. BOc. roro-As k trsic RAGTIME on piano guaranteed beginners in 10 lessons.- Picture olaylnc. Picture playing, pre demon- xraiion. sree nooKiet. 601 Rilera bldg. EXZOTRIO MOTORS AND DTK A OB. MOXORS, generators bought, sold, rented and nuaireo. TTS oo ail bii aa rewinding; all work .r; aranteed. H. M. U. at. Phone Main 921a WE 'E buy, sell, rent and exebaufe sow and aacond band motor, raoalr work a eoedaltr. Western Electric Works. 813 etli at. Mar. Sttd. EXPRESS AND THANBTTR MAIM 81i3, P. bennlcaaa, rxpresa and bag gaga transfer, eaat and west aide. Stand 1st and Jefferson ate. ETE, EAR. KOBE, THROAT. t-OTfOi. Specialist. Moderate rlcea. Ulawe fitted. Dr. F. V. Oaaee.lwy. B17 tx bum bldg.. a Waab. romrpRY and machine shop. PU01CMX Iron Works. tat d aad Haw t borne. General machine end toandry wwrk. KOITAK gtrPTlXES. KODAKS "" f" uppues. Dwlovlag J UniU prlnttng at.d enUrging. Plag tt MARKHAM CO., 848 Waahlngtoe. MZSSg-QgRS. MUTOHCICLKS aad bicycles, pboss Mala 64. A-2163. HASTY M-88ENOER CO. jrATTTROPATHIO PKT8IC1ANS. OR. PHIUPS Paralyais, nervous ond chron ic diseases. 504-6 Oregtnlni bids- M. at43, OSTRICH PLTTMES. Hartneaa Plume bbop, eur. Park aad Yam bul. ' Mala inus, Oetn, paradkM, fancy fee there, remodeled, cleaned, dyed to match samples, j Work guaranteed. ROME CITY PLUME SUOP, Mareball 4M7. Pinnies, paradise, - fancies, boas cleaned, dyed, remodeled. 400 FUcdaer bldg.. 10th and Washington. - PATNTTNO, PAPERHARdnt 8, TOTTING PAINTING, Papering, Tinting. 82XO per room np. C. A Barnes, Main 421. Suteliffa A Blled, bast work la palntlug, pa pering. M. 1873. A-22 2ft. 13 11th St. ivanufecture - Jobbersf- Wholesaler : BREWERS h BOTTLERS HENRY WKiNHARD, lXlm and Harnaide. TJRT GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer dt Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS St TEHICLES R.' M. WADE A CO., it Uawtheraa see. Wholesale Agrlcnltnret Implements. ORATN MERCHANTS M. H. HOUSER, Board f Trade bldg. -jr- : LEATHER A3n ETRpT-gS CHAR. L. MASTICK A CO., 74 Froat. Loatrt of every description; f Indlnga. . XIX STEPLZES PAC1FIO STATES BLBBta CO.. 43 3d at. hlecbaatcal robber ev d. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S 1TECKWEAR PERSONAl 1 - A. L aTAva 4V MJk a HEN and r -omen, those suffering f rota every cuVtble disease or habit treat ed and ct ed by the latest natural neauag a tuioaa, inoiuding raaium. electricity,--1ieet light baths, msnlpu tatien. adjustments and massage; nu operations; no medicine, free consults tlos, Dr Fk Lewis, suceessor to Dr. W. Jfe Mallory. Naturopath., 413 Rothchildldg. feADIES ask for Antiko , aUxture Ne. .."Better than : Alls for female file. A-qutcs, tafe and sure regulator, easy , p use, works like .magic, uithout harm, pa La or inter ference with work. Pries 83. Double strenctb. 86.00. For !Sr rale bv Half ond Drug Co.. 822 Morrison, near First ; A rXGHT en high prices. Why pay to $10 for a pair mt s-laaaaa. wban e can fit your ej!es with first quality lenses in a gold tilled frame as low C. W. 191 Morrison st, njr brlqge. 8j Mtsf action guaranteed. KME. DREYFUS. ho was-, for years Portland's most gifted clalj voyant, has returned and is demonstrating and teaching the scl--ences. Lefrn how to use your thought ' forces. ,4(6 Goodnough bldg., opposite. postof flee: MKb. biMVENP 81 years rorUaud renownes palmist and clairvoyant; author of "Palmistry Made Easy1; Is located 291 Morrison st. Assisted by Mrs. Dr. Hume. Spiritual adviser . i i . ana oivinq neaier. EXPERT work in dyeing, . remodeling and ' restor. ing plumes. Moderate i-liarcea and nromnt aerv ice THE Jfi-UMK. So V Morgan bldg. Main 4609J -MILLINERY makeover shop, reblock ing, making, $1.60 up: trimmings 60ct tVlll 1 1 ... ...... U . - AA a... JL by day. Phone Main 1739, Winston' apt. 21, ear. 1 4 th and Market asout hair uoooa Don't tlbust oeddlers with comblnn; - let us mske them up, 96c up. Wigs, toupes a specialty. 20 yrs. estd. Febvet g waneo- in Broaaway, nr. Morns n. I 3W rEfflclnt nd confidential ,"Jj, lervice. 20 yearn' experl- - ervice, 20 yearn' experl n I -n enre. Address Lock Box aaaress Liocs Portland. Oregon, iADlESuiUi cut, made, $20; men's euns,-fv.o. ueuning. remodeiimr. Work guadranteed. Rlchanbach, the tai lor, 485 Wash. Carlton hotel bldg. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Rows. Jteadin-. healing dally; cir-. cles Tuesday and Friday evenings; $ o clock . 331 stn t yhone A-7ii. nirDrrO Free consultation sl. U I V UiluLO with much eiDerlenee. . Office hours 4 a. m. to 10 p. m. Phones ror appointment. Marsnan 486g. NOTICES 0 8TATEMK2?T of the owoenblp, maoagenent, vircoucM, wtc. quiren or toe act oc - Au(rot U4; -(512, of Oresou Dally Journal, pib- , Uabed daUj at fortlaod, Oregoo, for October 1. 1914. I Name of - . Postofflee Addreaa. - Ertitor. C. i. Jeckaoe ' Port ad, Or. Managing, ditor, Oeo. M. Trowbridge...... r fortUad. Or.. Boslneaa it aager. A. L risk. .. .for tland. Or. Pabllaber,- i. B. Jacluoa Portlaad. Or. Owaers; (IX a eerporatioa, rlre its sine and tha a a and addreaaea ef stockaoldera botdiag 1 f east or store of total amount of took. I&Aoet a eorporaHoo, glre same and addreaaea mt dlvldnal wrnifi. 1 O. a. Jtefmoa Portland. Or. Jos. M, Teal Portlaad. Or. Gee. .W. iMtea Portlaod, Or. Oordoe Vwlixe ............Portland, Or, Ueoo Gab ea i.Psndtotae, Or. Ura. L Mjr Bates ....Portland, Or. T. B. Wlleox , ..Portland. Or. Kaows boodhoidere, mortgageas. and- other ecority koldera, holding 1 par cent or mare of total ajaoont af bonda, mortgagee, or eer ' eeurttl s 1X tbera axe soma, ao stats.) C. a. Jaeto e Port Una, Or. r Oeo. W. Sates .Portland, Or, Oordon VaWbeea ..........'.Portland, Or. D. P. Tnespsoa Oa Portland, Or. ' Average -number of copies ef eaeh 1mm of .. tU publication sold or distributed, throat a . the malls: or otherwise, to paid Moacritiora aonng tne sis months preceding the date bows aboTe .-. , 1 49, 131 ; . I . A. U FISH,- W BnsineM Manairer. '. Sworn f and snbaeribed b ore me tbla 1st'? der ef 0:ber. 1914. . . ; '2 A. Tf. CAUTHORN, ffteal) . KoUry Pnblle for Orrgnn, ' (My coirtmlsstoe) eiplree Sept. 6, 1910.) QUARTEf Wasters orfie. Portland, or. ' BentemO 30, 1914. Heeled proposals. In trlplicete.-twlU be relTd bere uatil 3 p. m.. Pacif y tlma, October 10. 1914. and then . opened It preaenee of bidder, ' for furnleh- 1 ing at sbl f tackle, eVattla, Waab., or f. o. ' : b. Honoh&tv U' T.. 14,000 barrel, of Port- f land rcmaajt. Information fn tebed on ap ; plleatloB. --Lieutenant Colonel Jobs E. Baxter, mnrtermtr. I 0KKIC1S 0 1 A RTt at A TEH. Columbia build- . Ins. PSUaad, Oracon, October 2, 1914. r gaaled prpoaala. la triplicate, will be re calved ber nntll 11 o'clock a. m.. Parlflei time, November 2. 1914, and theo opened In r the preaetwe of Udders, for turniablDCV 600 T. roons beeiea, not ietm tbaa i years old. for cavalry a4 artiUery aerrlee, U. 8. army. Further liormatkm npoa application. John ' E. Baxters Uentenant Colooal, Qntrtermaeurr's ' O.rpa. V, j. Army. : - 3 Dftectpry MPAvTWO CO MP ARIES TUK IiAQiEU AM-HALT PAV1NU CO., Pcrf isae oil. w Eiecrrie niog RUBER STAMPS AMD SEALS ALSO MJncita, tr.Oe eheeka, braas atgi . ' PAClKIU COAST STAMP WORKS - tsl Wsshlngton at. Xtn TIP. A-710. SEW IRQ MACHINES S-WlXa MACHXMXS . All aks, aw and avcoad sand, for sale or rent, All prieas. Sewiug Mat-blue tiu nullum, lao Third, neat la--lor. Mats 0481. i SHEET METAL "WORKS, EPA1RIU, Ud and gravel rof. Lfiall. First, l'hona Mala 1434. U taxidermists Jacob CliEAPK-T' and fcat wura wu i.u Ftaley Orevllls, Cel. - rgU (SEX AND 8TORAOX -1 f C u. tSZy. TraoaCor a burae c. urlaa -and ecrtJO Uoo 4 at ry - brick warenmi. . Wltb separate irae IWlua and firspruef-vault for ralufies. M. W. our ner -JA sad fine u. - t Piano at 3 furniture stoved sad pakod for atipplngi Special rates made ,n good. Is f irouga yfara.j, w an aontestie sua wreiga poi 4dim w. -.vv. V. 1 J .1..: . .. ';.!J. 11 1 ..1 r i M-aws TiuKeritt co. L4reproof wsrebouae wltb separata - X m .move sad Back BouaeheU iroutia Kew room a. aad piafjo abd ship st reduced rates, Anu vans ao4p taaaia for muvlgg, korwarUlug a I sistrlboeag egesta. yree trackage. offUa aad wsreaoui i. iota ana uoyt. Mais 047. A-4. treboot. 15th and Uoyt. Mais 647. A-4. W&GQH 'iSANSFER CO. ii Estabhseod 1870. Trajbafer aad (vrwardiug agents. Storage, Ire trackage. Ottfem sad storage 474 Wllaan at. 18tb aaj iUan. - Main U, A-l IS STORAtlk. MANNIVO WARKHOUHK TRANSFER CO. i3TH AND aVEBETT STS. Let ttt, move, park or ship tout keossboli fooda. .Reduced freight rate aa asetcts ; shipmeati. Tbronrb ear service. ; MAIS 703. AiT14. Vfrlk'Ull iTenafer Co. Storage aad general handlfr. 861 Jeffersoa. Mr. 2w4. A-4.r BAOUAfK Iranfer Service Co. a: ut Pias at. Mais j A-l 80S. WTRDOW CXEAJTIRa. "WINDOW CUIMSu i'475. Main; SIS Henry bldg. im nrt awn at lie kASMtiisibN CO., "High standard" yalat. Kr'enraer Sd and Taylor. M.-A -1771, PlONEl l PAINT CO.. UMi 1st st. Mala I T. A-TOw i . - - ' 1 lr!' ' - ' ' ETTE WOOD PIPE U WOOD PIPE CO actorr aud -ar 24th and York era. Ma hi 34r. : EXTnirBra-.rTPE STEAM CUPTLIES ?-VMKLINE? FROHtET. I I pOEE'AJTD BIJTDTR TWINE 1 rtland Cordage Co.: 1 WALL PAPER ' . ' MOiaVfi WALL PAPER CO. 3UU Si at.. betwfljrt bsibus ana sib. COLLMiii A Nsekwoar Mfg. Co., S3 bttt SC " I' J