The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 28, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Straightforward Merehandising, Concentrating Upon Merit and Assortments
Not One Cent of War Tribute Will Be Added to Our Merchandise as Long as It Lasts
Senator Chamberlain Sticks
to Post Despite His Can
didacy for Reelection,
Portland Collector of Customs VUlts
WMUnfton and Bom for Kimsolf
th Industry of tlx Senator.
(Wa.hlnrton Bureau of Tir Journal.)
Washington, Sept. 28. Judge Burke,
collector of customs at Portland, un-dt-r
whOHe admlnintration important
economies have already been achieved
in th local service, while salaries
(.ave ben rained and the service Im
proved paradoxical an this may seem
was frankly surprised at the pres
sure of business in the offices of the
Oregon senators in Washington.
"I can well understand," he said
to The Journal correspondent, "why
Henator Chamberlain has not felt at
liberty to leave his post of duty for
the purpose of engaging personally in
hi campaign for reelection. He, as
well as Senator Lane, Is so busy' that
it is- difficult to find a time when he
has leisure to see callers, although I
have been treated with the greatest
courtesy and consideration by both
senators. The long (tensions caused
by the filibuster over the rivers and
harbors bill must have tried them.
as well as other senators, very se
verely; yet they have ben constant
in their attendance and In the press
ing work due to their voluminous cor
Oregon Appreciates Services.
"Oregon is deeply appreciative of
the great service Senator Qharoberlaln
has rendered in protecting the appro-
prtationirfor Oregon rivers and har
bors. We in Oregon, and of course the
people of Washington also, are -deeply
Interested in the Improvement of the
Columbia river. "We feel that the
commerce of the Columbia river and
Its tributaries would grow into the
most prominent place on that coast.
both as regards imports and exports.
if the channel from Portland to the
sea were kept navigable for the larg
est ocran-golng vessels:
"The 300,000 miles of territory trib
utary to that port is highly productive
and Its ability to absorb imports la
great and steadily increasing. This
Is the only port of consequence on the
coast that has a water grade into the
interior. It is tho natural outlet for
the great commerce of the Columbia
river uasin. It is evident, therefore.
that the need for the improvement of
the Columbia Is very great, and the
faithful and untiring efforts of Sena
tor .Chamberlain to assure the passage I
of the appropriation is appreciated to
the fullest extent by the people of the
state of Oregon.
mends Want to Be Kim.
"It is only the truth to say that
we in Oregon have been hoping that
this oongresHional work would be con
eluded in time to permit Senator
Chamberlain to visit Oregon, so that
he might make some addresses 'and
see his many friends before the gen
eral election. We desire very much
to see him reelected by a handsome ma
jority, but there Is a general feeling
among his friends that his cause is
not being injured by his close atten
tion to his duties here, and bis unre
mitting support of the Interests of the
state. .
While the Immediate cause of Judge
Burke's visit to the east was the meet
ing of customs officials called in New
York to discuss matters of interest
and Importance to the service, he util
ized the opportunity to make an ap- I
peal to tho treasury department to
rearrange the boundaries of ths cus
toms district over which he presides
by including In it the north bank of
the Columbia river. This is now a
part of the- Seattle district, and while
the business in that district on the
Columbia is not large or of especial
importance. It Is the cause of much
inconvenience to shipping men.
Too XCncA Bd Tap.
Whenever a vessel goes from one
bank of the river to the other it enters
another customs district, with the at
tendant formalities and display of
red tape not to mention 'expense and
delay. The principal reason why the
boundaries of the district are not re
arranged to conform to business con
venience and common sense is that
the present arrangement has the sanc
tity of precedent and long usage. How
ever, Judge Burke hopes that be will
yet succeed In having the change
Since he assumed control of the
"Portland office, Judge Burke has ef
fected a saving of some $6000 a year
in the administration of the district.
and at the same time has secured an
increase amounting to a total of 91100
in the salaries of six employes. As
an Instance of bis methods of admin
istration, h found that a boat and
four men were maintained for the
N purpose of putting customs inspectors
aboard ships at Astoria. Ue found
that the cost in the case of each ship
visited by an inspector averaged $41.
I Judge Burke recommended the discon
tinuance of the system and made a
contract whereby the cost was reduced
to ti for each ship.
While in Washington, Judge Burke
was the guest of his brother. United
, States Treasurer Burke. He departed
for Oregon last Tuesday night, plan
ning tu make one or two stops on his
way to the coast.
Oregon's Halibut
Banks Valuable
Oregon's halibut banks, which have
already rapidly come to public notice
In the past two years, are destined
to rival those of Alaska, according to
M. "Wachsmuth. brother of Louis
Wachsmuth, of the Oregon Oyster
company. The Wachsmuths have just
completed a season of successful fish
ing at Newport in the gasoline launch
Sea Dog.
"When halibut are so plentiful and
easy to take that one can catch 1000
pounds vwlth a band line, den the
grounds must be of unusual Import
ance," said M. Wachsmuth just before
leaving for Newport yesterday after
a visit Id this city. He said that
Newport should awaken to the pos
sibilities of halibut fishing and pro
vide more facilities for handling the
fish and furnishing gear and supplies
te Ylshermen. The Seattle, fleet this
summer did all its outfitting on the
Sound and all the - fish taken were
aarried back to Seattle for marketing.
c McjcHcndSe of c
Merit Onb
This Store Will Be Closed Wednesday
in Observance of Jewish Holiday
In a Remarkable Underpriced Sale
$4.50 Silk Jersey Fitted Petticoats
1 $3.65
The Dinner ware Sale Is On
Behold a Remarkable Opportunity!
Peculiar significance attaches to the range of economies
in this sale. Up to now we planned in a regular way tor
this semi-annual event. This year we find our carefully
laid plans well carried out. But what of the future? Be
fore us we see but one result prices soaring skyward.
Supplies from Europe have absolutely stopped. The pot
teries' there have closed. These are plain facts that every
merchant and every well-posted person knows. We offer
the public dinrierware at prices that in a few weeks' time,
it will be impossible to duplicate. This is important infor
mation. We give it to the public to act as it sees fit.
Below we quote some of our dinnerware specials:
$38.00 Theo. Haviland 100 -piece dinner set. . .$26.50
$22.00 French china dinner set, 100 pieces. . .$15.00
$18.00 Austrian china 100-piece dinner set .. . $12.48
$42.90 English semi-porcelain, 100-piece set. .$32.18
$28.55 English flow-blue Canton 100-piece set. .$21.42
$69.85 Old Bow pattern china, 100 pieces $52.39
$362.50 Royal Worcester dinner set. $271.88
$159.00 Royal Worcester 100-piece set $122.50
Sixth Floor.
$3.00 Silk Jersey Top Petticoats
Special $ 1 .95 v
Made of good quality silk jersey with flounce of silk
messaline. Flounce in dinging; style with deep knife
pleating. These petticoats come in emerald, plum,
black and navy. A durable, well-made petticoat at an
exceptional price.
$5.00 Silk Jersey Fitted Petticoats
Special $3.95
Made of an excellent quality of silk jersey, with fitted
elastic band top, fancy clinging flounce in section ef
fect, and accordion pleating.
These petticoats come in black, navy, emerald, royal,
tete de negre, hunter's green, maize and plum.
All-silk jersey petticoats, or with jersey tops and
silk messaline flounce, accordion pleated or clinging
fancy effect flounces. The best quality all-silk jer
sey is used in these skirts. They are shown in black,
emerald, navy, brown,' hunter's green, plum and
royal. Made with fitted top, with elastic band.
$4.JH) Silk Jersey Top Petticoats
Special $2.95
Excellent petticoats with fitted elastic band top of
silk jersey with silk messaline seven-inch flounce of
knife pleating.
Colors are hunter's green, black, navy, copen,
emerald, plum, tete de negre.
Third Floor
Satin fine, snowy white linens from the very center of war-today.
Table linens for every-day needs priced very much less than
regular as examination will speedily show.
IRISH linen table cloths in great variety, ranging from 2x2 to
4x24 yards. Special, $2.49, $3.69, $4.89 to $7.79.
SET cloths with napkins to match. Can be bought separately if
desired. Every thread pure linen, full bleached and artistically
designed. Special $2.59, $3.29 to $4.59.
DAMASK table linen, 72 inches wide, grass bleached in Ire
land. Dot and Grecian borders. Also floral designs. Regu
lar $1.50, special $148.
HUCK towels, imported from Germany. They come hemstitched
ends and with scalloped embroidered ends. Both with satin
brocaded monogram spaces. Range in size from 36x18 to 40x21
inches. Absolutely pure linen, full bleached. Special, 59c.
In addition to the above items, you will find tray cloths, bath tow
els), bedspreads, scarfs, huckabacks, crash and other every-day
linens at special prices. Linen Section, Basement
The Millinery Store
Second Floor
Announces the Arrival of
Black Velvet Hats
Selling Regularly at $3.00, $3.25 and $3.50
Tuesday $2.45
Progressiveness of our Millinery Store could not be
better shown than by this sale of black velvet Shapes. In
millinery the opportunity for skimping workmanship and
sizes and for using inferior materials is most apparent when
we make comparisons with widely advertised specials. In
this store the standard of our hats is always safeguarded
and maintained.
So when you come tomorrow you will find in this great
collection new models in sailor Hats, some made on buck
ram .frames, others on wire frames. Some with stiff, others
with soft crowns. Also many small dress shapes in turban
styles. But always quality, size, style and workmanship
of the best. Second Floor
London, England
Hair Brushes
Imported ' direct ; from London.
Shown in the newet shapes and styles.
Made with rubber cushion, set with
genuine -wild boar bristles, set from
one to five rows in an elastic air cush
ion rubber base.
These brushes are wonderfully pen
etrating and stimulating to the hair
and scalp. Many different sizes and
lengths of bristles in the best mate
rials will be found in this assortment
of brushes.
75c single-bristle, satin wood back
brushft 49c
$1.25 extra large single-bristle
brushes 79c
$L50 medium size, double-bristle
brushes 95c
$1.75 medium size, double-bristle,
rosewood backs. Special . . .$1.19
$2.00 large size, double-bristle,
rosewood backs. Special. . .$1.49
$2.25 extra large, long, single
bristles, rosewood back, spl. $1.69
$4.00 extra large, quadruple bris
tles, rosewood backs. SprL $2J98
Drug Section First Floor
Warm Fleecy, Snuggly Blankets
With Cold Cutting Sale Prices
$ 4.00 Plaid Wool Blankets $2.79
$ 5.00 Plaid
$ 6.50 Plaid
Wool Blankets $333
Wool Blankets $4.73
$ 7.50 Plaid Wool Blankets $5.63
$10.00 Plaid Wool Blankets $733
Fancy wool blankets in. block and broken plaid designs. Soft,
light and warm, made of fine wool, in blue, pink, tan, brown, gray
combinations. Full sized. Fifth Floor
One-Day Special
$2.00 Models for $1.69
These models are made of excellent
wearing coutil, and are designed for
the average figure. Made with low
bust and extreme length over hips
and back, giving the proper lines for
Fall styles.
Trimmed at the top with embroid
ery. Three pairs hose supporters at
tached. Sizes 19 to 30. Fourth Floor
$1 W. B. Brassieres 69c
These brassieres are made of fine
cambric in cross-back style, with lace
insertion forming round yoke, trim'd
with set-in medallions.
Sizes 32 to 48. Fourth Floor
HALF PRICE for these
women's good B ATH ROBES
$4.00 Robes $2.00 $6.50 Robes $3.25
$5.00 Robes $2.50 $8.00 Robes $4.00
Will You Be One of the Fortunate Ones?
Lounging and bath robes at the most opportune time. A
manufacturer's office samples. His season is over. He can
take no more orders. He has turned his entire collection
over to us at our own prices. Tomorrow we place on sale
an immense assortment, the very best quality of fancy
figured blankets and plain colored eiderdown.
High waist, empire and loose styles, round and V-neck,
with and without collars, trimmings of satin bands, also
cord and girdle trimmings. All sizes. Fourth Floor
Fleisher Yarns
We invite you to join at once
our Free classes now forming for
learning knitting and crocheting.
An expert instructor direct from
the factory will give you personal
instructions. This is just the
proper time to commence your
holiday gifts or personal require
ments. Fifth Floor
Girls' Suits
4 New Models
Ages 15 to 18 Years
Girls will have a delightful
surprise in store for them
when they try on these
smart -new suits.' Modeled
in styles expressly designed
with youthful, girlish lines,'
they represent a new note in
apparel for girls. This is the
only store that specializes in
outer garments for girls,
and whether it be a blouse,
waist, dress or suit, youll
find it here in exdusiveness.
Fourth Floor
Kid Gloves,
In black, white, tan, gray,
brown and navy. Two rows of
embroidery self and contrast
ing stitch. Less than import
Special $1.35
rirvt Yloof
New Crepe Gowns and Combinations
Regular $1.00 Gowns, 79c Regular $1.50 Gowns, 98c
Regular $15 Combinations, Special, 98c
The 79c Gowns are made of dainty white plisse crepe,
in slipover style, with round neck and kimono sleeves. Finished
with fine embroidery edging, drawn with ribbon.
Gowns at 98c come in two styles, one of all white and
the other of pretty lavender dotted crepe. Both in slipover style,
trimmed with fine dotted or open embroidery, ribbon drawn.
98c Combination, corset cover and drawers, in waisted
style, trimmed with torchon lace, drawn with ribbon. Made of
excellent quality crepe that needs no ironing.
75c Combinations of Longcloth, 50c
Excellent wearing garments, consisting of corset cover and
drawers, made waisted style with open drawers. Trimmed with
torchon lace, drawn with ribbon.
$1.00 Crepe Envelope Chemise, 79c
A new garment of white plisse crepe, extra quality, with trim
ming of VaL lace. Practical underwear combining chemise and
35c Longcloth Corset Covers, 25c
In three styles, made of longcloth. Trimmed with embroidery
edge or with yoke of two rows of VaL lace and insertion; also
embroidery yoke with torchon edging. Sues 36 to 44.
Crepe and Longcloth Corset Covers, 44c
In a variety of styles, made of crepe and longcloth, with trim
mings of embroidery, yokes of lace and embroidery, or lace inser
tions and edgings.
75c Surplice Corset Covers, 59c
New styles in surplice corset covers of fine crepes and longcloth.
Also waisted styles. Trimmed with lace, embroidery, insertions,
beading, ribbons and edges. Some in slipover style, and of allover
embroidery. ' Fourth Floor
Notion Specials for Tuesday
All Goods Purchased
Balance of Month
Charged on Your
November 1 Bill
5c silk hair nets.. 12 for 25c
Extra large size, tied ends,
all shades.
50c garment shields 25c
Low cut, net sleeves.
15c girdle forms 10c
10c bias seam tape, bolt. .5c
25c. silk hose supporters. .10c
50c sew-on supporters. . .25c
10c .jet hatpins 5c
50c sanitary aprons .,...35c
10c beltings, black or white 5c
20c Juno hose supporters 10c
10c pearl buttons, card ...4c
20c shell, amber barrettes 10c
50c self-heating curling irons.
special 39c
25c real hair nets. . . . 'i-. . .15c
50c dustless dusters 35c
10c silk collar supporters, 6
6n a card. Special . .5c card
15c stocking protectors. Spe
cial , 10c card
10c Macey hooks and eyes.
Special 7c tube
50c fan-shape combs. ... .35c
500 cards of Wilson's
dress fasteners.
First Floor
Dress Goods
People tell us, and we like to
believe it's true, that our dress
goods store is the most com
plete and with better and great
er assortments than are to be
found elsewhere.
This Autumn the dress goods
are particularly beautiful. Fash
ion calls for so much that is
refined, quiet yet elegant, that
it is not surprising the enthusi
asm with which our patrons are
Have you seen them?
Fall Cloakings
In Stolen tweeds, plaids,
stripes and mixtures, all 56
inches wide, f 2.5.
German Broadcloths
Received before the Nvar, so
you profit by before-the-war
prices. In a great range of col
orings, 82.50.
Roman Stripes
For the new combination
suits and skirts, in new weaves
and color combinations, S2.5D.
.. Second Hoot
Thafs the Game
But how about the table?
Have you a good one, or do
you need one or two more
when you entertain guests after
noons or evenings?
Here Are 500 Tables
Regular $2.50
Tuesday we place on sale a
shipment (just received), of 500
new bridge tables. These are
folding tables, firmly construct
ed, with a covering of excellent
quality all-wool felt. Size 24x
30 inches.
No phone orders filled
for these tables.
nnh tumxx
25c, 50c PACK.
"I will make your home dressmak
ing so easy that you will anticipate
your sewing with eagerness.
" My Name Is the
Free Sewing Machine
1 bar nuw naw t aatuxM of ad
vantage tluu any othar Horn sewing
n in tna world
"I Am Insured. . y
"I have a rotary movement and a
vibrating - shuttle speed, plus . sim
plicity. .
"I will , come into your home on
such an easy plan of payments you
will scarcely know you are paying
for me.
-Tba X win mate your savinr a A-
"Meet me Tuesday at Lipman,
Wolf e & Cc's Fifth Floor. I want
to show you . why I . am ; the Sewing
' Machine that you should buy. - -
Exceptional Sales With the Greatest Economies Are Offered Our Patrons
Tea Aprons
Sjpecial 23c
50 Black Boucle Goats
Selling Regularly at $16.50
On Sale Tuesday, Special $10.95
New Black Boucle Coats, just received by express, are
placed on sale Tuesday. These coats are made of unex
celled quality astrachan boucle, with wide plush collar, deep
turned-back cuff sleeves, long rolling lapeL Fasten with
large silk cord and phish ornamental frog and lined
throughout with heavy guaranteed satin. These coats come
in all sizes and are perfect-fitting. Tailored and finished
by hand. i '
New Waists Just on Sale
Not One Ever Shown Before This Season
Regular Prices $1J25, $1.35 and $10
Tuesday 95c
Four new styles Fall waists One comes in the new
Roman stripe materials, in dainty color combinations, with
white pique vest and collar; another is of figured mull in
large floral pattern; still another comes in white corded
snowflake material, with white hemstitched vest and turn
over collar; another comes in white figured mull, with
white fancy button-trimmed vest and pointed collar, all
with long set-in sleeves in all sizes.
Plush Sailors
Selling Regularly at $275
Special $1.95
Today's express brings two
new model plush sailors to our
Economy Basement Store.
These sailors are distinctly at
tractive, being different from
anything shown before this sea
son. They are made of plush
with narrow brim, high crowns
with soft-finished tops. The
illustrations were sketched from
the models on sale. One is
trimmed with white poppies, the
other with peacock feathers.
New 50c Neckwear Just j Received
Rolling Collars, Vestees, Stand-Up Collars
Tuesday Special '25c
A most attractive assortment of neckwear is placed on sale in
the Economy Basement for Tuesday selling.; A large assortment
of new voile and batiste neckwear, in all white, some plain, others
embroidered in white figures and borders. :
1000 Hair Pins and
Setting at j 25c to 50c
Special 10c
Plain and rhinestone set
hair pins and barrettes in an
immense assortment of new
est styles. Prices less than
wholesale. , i
Fancy tea and serving aprons
have just come in. They are en
tirely new in style and trim
ming, daintily trimmed with lace
and insertions in a variety of
styles. One apron is made with
deep lace edge with lac msec
tion. Another is designed with
pockets for carrying fancy work.
Altogether the best collection of
these fancy aprons we have ever
seen at the price.
Black Waists
Selling Regularly at $1J25
and $10
I 98c
Two models, one high neck,
with standing collar, the other
low V neck with rolling collar.
Long sleeves, finished with fine
tucks and pleats. ; Made of the
est quality black sateen that
: we guarantee to give the best
service and wear. These waists
are exceptionally low in price.
New Shapes
In Black Velvet
95c and $1.48
1 1
It i