). ! SATURDAY RVTCNTNG. ' SF.PTPlMTtRl ! ft 1fl14 v ' ' v fHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. ! SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER; 26, 1914. PORTLAND MINISTER MINISTER HEARTILY MANY PASTORS ATTENDING CONFERENCE Si. ! AND PLAN FOR MLY . RELIGIOUS FEATURES .Visiting Methodist Ministers Are Occupying Local Pul pits Where Possible, N ADVOCATE OF PEACE, IS IN MIDST OF WAR Friends Receive Letters From Rev, John F, Hanson in Europe. E SPECIAL PRAYER DAY Rev, A, M, Williams to Con- President Wilson Praised as God-Fearing and Peace Loving Leader of Nation, duct Work for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, OREGON CONFERENCE UBSTANHA COURS I LUTHERAN CHURCH MARKS ITS 25TH YEAfT i i i ,v . J ' - , X i 1 " ' ,v - ''c - v s-U V' v, o, I 'c,' SUNDAY SCHOO N ACCORD WITH TH WORK NOW PLANNED i Chief activities among the churches this week ar divided, between the Oregon conference of the Methodist (hurch, and the preparations that are being made In virtually all the fhurches of Protestant denomination for Bally Day.. Rally Day is the ttrawlng together of the church forces, with as many additions as possible, for" the heavy work of the winter fol lowing the summer vacation period. In every possible instance the vis iting; Methodist ministers are occupy ing the pulpits of the regular Metho d'st churches ofthe city and the In vitations to the visitors have not been confined to their denomination. At the Third Presbyterian church. East Thirteenth and Pine streets, the pastor is advertising, as something new, a "Methodist Day." Rev. H. S. "Wilkinson, pastor of the Eugene Methodist church, will speak in the morning, and Rev. R. M. Avison. pas tor of the Salem Methodist church, Mil deliver the evening sermon. Will Occupy Pulpits. Rev. Edward Gittens, who in point of service in the Oregon conference. ranks next to "Father" John Flinn, will preach at the Central Metlrtgdist church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. llev. M. B. Parounageani" native of Armenia, now a member of the Oregon conference and the Sunday school missionary of the conference, will lecture at the evening service on the subject, "From Armenia to America." Bishop J. W. Robinson of Southern 'Asia, who is here on a furlough and i business visit, and who is attending 'the Oregon conference in a lectural capacity, will fill the First Methodist church pulpit at the morning service, and in the evening. Dr. Loveland, the tegular pastor, will deliver his sermon lecture, "European Cathedrals." At Xhe South ML Tabor Presbyterian church an elaborate Rally Day pro gram has been prepared for the Sun day school services, and the church meetings and wrmon topics will be in accord with the spirit of the day. The Christian Endeavor society in the evening will give a tableau represent ing the mission fields of the world. Cattvasi Being- Mad. A canvass of the territory about the South Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church ik being made for the purpose of getting a line on Sunday school work, and it is believed that the . Sunday bchool enrollment tomorrow ' will be increased by one fourth. The Sunday school is being placed on a thorough ly organised basis with department soperintendenets and with names for each class. All services will be in line with Rally Day it the South ML Tabor United Brethren church at Sixty-seventh street and Thirty-second avenue southeast. Rev. J. B. Parsons will ppeak in the morning on the subject, "Is the Gospel Making Good?" and in the evening of "Some Lessons from an Ideal Employer." The Millard Avenue Presbyterian Runday school Rally Day services to . morrow win take ' th place of the regular charch services. There will also be observances of Rally Day in the Sunday school of St, James Eng lish Lutheran church. Monthly Meeting of Conquerors Is Held i The monthly meeting of the Con qnerers, the adult Bible class of the 'Millard Avenue Presbyterian Sunday school, was held last Monday at the residence of C. K. Butters, 4938 Seventy-second street southeast, approx imately 80 attending. The men of the class provided the program, and the refreshments, and did the serving. Rev. .W. II. Amos presided over the coffee pot One feature of the evening's pro gram was a contest In which the women expressed their political pre ferences, after being blindfolded, oy pinning tails on the elephanjt, donkey or bull moose sketched on a canvas on the wall, or by putting a cork th the prohibition jug. The class has accepted an invitation to met for a Hallowe'en party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Gil bert, 4928 Seventy-first street S. E., or. Monday evening, October 18. Fall Attendance Is Reported Good This is Rally Week at the Fourth Presbyterian church. Last Tuesday afternoon the missionary society started its fall work with a well at tended meeting at the home of its president, Mrs. O. P. S. Plummer at Hillsdale. The Christian Endeavor society held its rally meeting last night at the home of Mrs. Sarah Burgoyne, 117 Por ter Btreet. The different committees held their separate- meetings - simul taneously in different rooms. -iter in the evening the society business meet 'ing .was held, when the chairman of each -committee announced the work planned for the winter. Sunday will be Rally Sunday for all departments, but especial emphasis will be laid on the Sunday school. Graduation exercises will be held from the ' cradle roll, beginners and pri mary departments. The exercises will close with a stereopticon lecture on the llf of Joseph. Thursday evening the annual con gregational meeting will be held and . reports of all departments of the church will be heard. Eev. Elias Gjerding Goes to Oakland Ope of the results of the annual conference of the Norwegian-Danish M. K. church at Seattle last week was the transfer of Rev. Ellas Gjerding, pastor of the First Norwegian-Danish M. K. church at Eighteenth and Hoyt streets, to a charge at Oakland. Gal. Mr. Gjerding preaches ' his farewell ' sermon tomorrow, as he leaves for - the new charge October 3. . .Rev. O. T. Field of Aberdeen, Wash. has been appointed to succeed him ,her. In his two years' incumbency. ' the retiring pastor ha mad an excel lent record and it Is understood that the-nw charge. la Jk-better -one : , tJ J-fy V" a , V; "' y 11 '"'A "' if Y"' J y C7 i I jf ' J :JJS f?y Hm aa At left Rev. Wallace MacMullen! professor in . Drew Theological seminary, Madison, N. J. Right Bishop C. J. Cooke, presiding officer. Centenary M. E. church. East Ninth and Pine streets, has been the cen ter of Portland church activity this waek, for the sixty-second annual con ference of the Methodist Episcopal church in western Oregon is being held there. Bishop R. J. Cooke is in charge and more than 100 pastors from every city and village of any size west of the Cascades are attend ing. Because of the many eloquent addresses that are being made every hour of the day, every session of the conference from the devotionals at 8:30 until the benediction at night has been largely attended. The actual con ference business sessions in the morn ings have been packed, many bein unable to find seats. ' The conference will elose some time Monday, probably at noon on that day, when the appointments will be an nounced. This order of business Is being looked forward to, because it is reported that many interesting changes are about to be made. WHAT CHURCH AND CLERGY ARE DOING To Observe Bally Say. Rally Day will be observed at Ken llworth Presbyterian church in both services tomorrow. By telephone, cor respondence and -personal effort the attention of many persons has been secured, and record breaking crowds are anticipated for the meetings. In the morning the pastor. Rev. L. K. Richardson will preach on "The Chris tian's Rally Cry" and at night his sub ject is "Jesus and War." Bight Boad to Easy Street. Dr. Perry Joseph Green of the New Thought Temple will deliver an ad dress on "Financial Success," or "The Right Road to Easy Street," tomorrow evening. Dr. Green will lecture on this subject of material success the last Sunday evening of every month dur ing the winter and spring. ' Will Preach Two Sermons. In the absence of the regular pastor. Rev. J. Carl Ghormley, a returned missionary from India, will deliver both sermons at the Montavilla Chris tian church tomorrow. In the morn ing he will speak of "The Childhood of India," and in the evening his topic is "The Potter'B Clay." "Oregon Dry" Service. A special service devoted to the "Oregon dry" movement will be held at the Central Free Methodist church, East Fifty-fifth and Flanders streets. tomorrow night. A speaker will be furnished by the Methodist Temper ance Society, and a special musicaU program has been arranged. Series of Sermons. Elder O. P. Burris of the Rodney Avenue Christian church will begin a series of sermons tomorrow morning. on the subject of "The Trinity." The evening subject will be "The unpar donable Sin." i Will Preach at Th Dalles. Rev. J. Allen Leas, pastor of St. James' Lutheran church, will conduct services at The Dalles Sunday morn ing and evening and the. Rev. Frank I. Paul will preach at St. James church. Mr. Lieas is supplying for Rev. M. tl. Bouiton, who is taking his place at the dedication services at Berkeley, Cal. Second Coming- of Christ. , "The Second Coming of Christ in Contrast With His First Coming," will be the subject of Dr. Hawkin's discourse at the Central Christian church tomorrow evening.. and he ex tends a special Invitation to those who are bothered with doubt about the Christian faith. In the morning he will speak on "Infidelity a Negation." Much Interest Is Shown. Much interest is being shown In the miaweeK preaching and prayer ser vices that are under way in the Kenil worth Presbyterian church. The tor is assisted in these meetings by various Portland pastors, including Rev. 1. H. Gray and Rev. Henry Leeds. Rev. W. H. Amos will speak noil weanesaay. Tisttors TO Speak. Special speakers from among the ministers attending the Oregon con ference will speak at the Sunday Buiwut &na cnurcn services, of Brent- jvouu m. li. CDUrcti tomorrow. These speakers will take the else. th - a m m . 1 .MClliAC huxch.vrrieecL . --..-l . .. , . " .., It Is known that one of the leading Portland Methodist pastors Is slated for a change to a more important charge in a Washington city and some outside ministers are to be stationed In Portland. Dr. Wallace MacMulIen, who left for the east Friday night, is head of the department of homiletics at Drew Seminary, Madison, N. J., and deliv ered three instructive addresses on the technique of sermons. There are four district superintend ents in the Oregon conference. The leading district Is the one extendin from Portland westward along the Co lumbia river and which is headed by Rev. J. W. MeDougalL District Super. intendent Abbett heads the Eugene district. District Superintendent Moore Is in charge of the Salem dis trict and District Superintendent Van Fossen, tne latest appointed of these four supervisory officers, has charge of the Klamath district. MEMBERS Church Fellowship Encouraged. Church fellowship Is being put into practice by the members of the First Congregational church. Delegations fronrthe churclr are visiting other churches of the denomination in the city and suburbs, the object being to Instill encouragement into these or ganizations'. The Bible school of the First church had an attendance in crease of 25 per cent last Sunday, and is planning a big rally for next Sun day. Missionary Union Will Meet. The regular meeting of the Women's American Baptist Home and Foreign Missionary Union of Portland and vi cinity will be held at the First Swed ish Baptist church, Fifteenth and Hoyt streets, Tuesday. The "meeting is to start at 10:30 in the morning and last all day. Women of the Swedish church will serve luncheon, and an interesting program has been prepared. a Musical Program Arranged. The following musical program has been prepared at the First Congrega tional church for presentation tomor row: Organ, "In the Morning," from the Peer Gynt Suite (Greig); "At Twi light," (Waring); 'Chant Triumphal," (Gaul); "Nocturne," (Mendelssohn); "March in F;" quartet, "Jesus Only," (Rotoli); "Earth and Heaven," (Mer candante). Bally at Temperance Campaign. Rev. Homer L.'. 'Cox. pastor of the Sunnyside Friends church, East Thirty fifth and Main streets, will discuss the Oregon dry campaign at the services tomorrow morning. The Bible school will have a rally and temperance day program tomorrow with exercises given by the various classes and bear- TOMORROW'S SERVICES IN Bastlat Ftrit White Ttmote. W. U. ninon. onttnr. Bible m1kU 10. SerTtces, It and 7:30. S. 8., 11 a. m. B. Y. P. U-. 8:15 d. m. "The DeTil io Church," and "Christian Science ui the Bible." No. -. East 81de tter. O. W. Shuns, pastor. Services 11 and 7 :."0. 8. S. to. B. Y. P. C. :30. "The Tranf1cnrtion" nd "The Di- Tlne Shepherd and His Heavenly Fold." HlgbUtud lte. C. 11. Elll.-ti. B. If P. O. V30. Services 11 a. m. ami 7:30 p. m. S. S 9:45. "The Teat of Joash." and "Where Smiles Succeed Sipha." Calvary Eev. Walter Dorr, paator, East 8th and Grant. Preaching at It's. m. and 9 p. m.; 8. S.. 10. B. Y. P. V.. 0:45. "The Saul a ad David of Today" and "Life of David by Loo tern." Arteta Kcv. W. T. S. ftrwitrr. Sunday cbool 8:45. B. Y. P. U. 4:15. Service 11 and, 6:30. Sun (lav school rally and "Why We Keep the Fta-st Day Instead of the Seventh." University Park Rev. A. C. Sanaa, paator. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 10. B. Y. P. TJ.. 1. Sellwood Be?. F. R. Hayes. 11 and 7:30. 8 8. 10. Y. P. V. 6:30. Grace Manta villa, Eev. H. T. Caah, 11 and 1:30. Y. P. (1:30. 8. 8. Sacnytlde (German) 8. O. :45. Conrad Wyss, superintendent. St. Johns ( German 1 Cct. Karl reldaetb, . 8. :45. 11 and 7:30. Y. P. U. I. St. Johns E. P. Borden, pastor. B. 8. 10 a. m. Services It a. m. and 8 a. na. Third Kev. W. J. Beavan. Knott and Van cHJver avenue. 11 and 7:30. B. V. P. U.. :30. 8. S 9:45 a. m. ' East I'orty-Ilrth street Rev. A. B. Walts. S. &, 9:45. Preaching. -11 a. m. and 8 p. m. B. Y. P. U- 1.- "My Gift Received" and "Virpinia'sTlianiple." .i . First German lisv. J. Tlratt. 11 and T J. 8. 8. 9:45. Chines Mission 8. 8. 7. J. G. Mafene. as. acrtutendent. stt, !; iTCiuin satiu j lllVfl si Mt. Calvary Weidler and Union are.. Kev. I A- M.- Machrack. Services 11 tad 8. 8 8 1 - - - - - , 1 Tabernacle 42d it. and 45th aYe,-S.V- - eTi.u viartv xiooeta, paator. Benaom 11 A substantial course in the training of teachers for Sunday school work, to be conducted simultaneously in the cities of Portland, Spokane and Seat tle, to start about the middle of Oci tober and to run until the end of the year, will be conducted by Rev. A. M Williams, district educational super intendent for the Presbyterian church In Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Whether or not Sunday school work ers of the Congregational churches of these cities will unite for this work, is to be decided upon by them in the course of a few days. In the event that- they participate. Rev. Miles B. Fisher, head of the Sunday school ed-i ucational work on the Pacific coast. with headquarters in San Francisco, will assist in administering the course of Instruction. Ministers, superintendents and other workers in the Sunday schools of the Portland Presbytery met at the First Church- last Monday night and en dorsed plans for the course as set forth by Mr. Williams. The class in. Portland will meet Wednesday nights in the church hbuse of the First church. The course will be a stiff one and is intended essentially for those desir ing scientific instruction in Sunday school work. The class will be open to anyone, however, and representatives of denominations other than the two mentioned are expected to enter. i Pastors and superintendents of the Portland churches have been requested to select from their schools certain persons capable of undertaking the study and sticking through the course to the finish. Each week's program will consist of a lecture and of recitations from a text book covering the psychology and pedagogy of teaching. In addition the pupils will be assigned experiments to work out in their schools on the re sults of which they will make these reports from time to time. Bible Study in Home Is Planned A special group of workers of the Kenilworth Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. J. M. Bendroth. 932 Gladstone avenue Monday to lay plans for a campaign members of that church are to conduct in the interests of Bible study in the home. The Bible workers will supply the students with three months of helps and lessons that may be studied at home. Through this work many persons are reached who otherwise would not receive the bene fit of Sunday school training because of their inability to attend the schools; Rally Day Program : Will Be Rendered A rally day program out of the or4 dinary is to be given at the Rose City Park Methodist church in the club house, Sandy boulevard and Fifty- sixth streets, tomorrow morning. The parts on the program are practically all original, being written for the oc casion. Evary department of the Sunday school from the cradle roll to the adult department is to be repre-t sented. Special music will be furnished by the church chorus and the Junior girls' choir. Dr. Ward Piatt of Philadelphia win be present. After the program the ground for the new church will bs broken. ing principally on the subject of tem perance. Sr. Hlnson Addresses Totmg People. Rev. ' Walter B. Hinson, pastor of the White Temple, delivered an ad dress on "Christian Growth" at the rally of the Baptist Young People's Unions of the city at Sellwood Baptist church Wednesday evening. A pro gram of readings and vocal solos was presented, and 225 young' people at tended. Refreshments were served, i i Bishop Robinson to Preach. Bishop John W. Robinson of the Methodist Episcopal church In South ern Asia, who is in the city to attend the Oregon conference, will preach at Sunnyside M. E. church. East Yamhill and - Thirty-fifth streets, tomorrow evening. Rev. R. Elmer Smith Is pas4 tor of the church. Norwegian Supper Tonight. The Scandinavian Lutheran chnrch In Portsmouth will give a Norwegian supper tonight between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock. The ' guests will be entertained on viands dear to the Nor wegian people. The church is reached by St. Johns car at the Intersection of Wall street. and 7:45. S. S.. 9:43 a. m. B. Y. P. U., 6:40. hecood German Nrf. rreuenca tsoenmu, 11 and 7:30. S. S. 9:45. Y. P. U. 6:45. I nta Hev. 3. M. Netson. S. S. 9:45. Serv ices 11 and 7. B. Y. I". U.. 7 p..m. Uoont Olivet uev. . a. aiaEneic pastor. 11 and 8 p. m. S. 8. 12:3a Swedish 15th and Hoyt sta., 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. S.S., 10. B. Y. P. O.. 6:30, Italian Mission Hev. Francesco Sannella. pastor. Pastor's circle 8. Preaxhlac 10 JO, short sermon tor English s pes kins; people; ala 7:30. j Halhodist. I First Third and Taj lor sts. Ber. Fraak L. Loveland. 8. 8.. 12:15. Class, 9:30 a. it E. W 6:45- Services. 10:3 and 7:45. Trlnitv East 10th and Sherman- Rev. A, B. Calaer, 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. S. 8.. 10, B. U, 7. 'i Swedish Borthwick atxV Beach.- r. t. Berf , cantor. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 10. B. U 7. EBWortb Rev. C O. McCollooh. Service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. 8. . 8:44. S. U 6 irst Norwegian Danish Corner 18th and Hoyt Ber. Elias Gjerding. Fraachb) 11 and 8. Y. P. M., 6 p. m. 8. it I. 6 p. m. Woodlawn Rav. Lou) Thomas, pastor. Si. S.. 10. B. I.. 6:45. Presenilis- 11 and ft. Korwecaa Danish Vancouver and Skld nore, K- Abr- Vereide. paator. 10:4 and 8 8. S, Km. "Thins That Abide" and "Lessons From the Tragedy ofWar." : Sannyside Kev. R. Elmer Smith. D. D.. 11 and 7:45 p- m. 8. 8. 8J50 a. ns. C. I 6:30. Rev. 3. H. Talbot and Bishop John W. Robinson. Central Vancouver ava. and Parse. Ber. C. C. - Bartck. . Services 11 and 8. S. 8.. 9:48. Claas meetlncs. 12:15. B. Lw, 7. Centenary Bav. belmer B. Tnmbla. D. D. . pastor. 8. 8. 9:45. B. L. 6:30. 8ervW USUrfJoh'ni-KeT. t. 3. Pattea. . Bervieas It and 7:30.-8. 8. lO. E. L. 6:30. ' . japanes Mboion Be.. Etlses BJsara, M sad 8 :30. B. 8. 8:30. ' "-. . ; ,j , Laaralwsodr-BeT. Y. , aV flUnsa..63d st Rev. John F. Hanson of the Sunny Ride Friends church, a strong advo cate of the peace theory of the orig- 1 inal Quakers, and who went to Europe last spring, a representative of his church, with the furtherance of the peace ' propaganda, is almost in the center of the war xone. He left his home on Marguerite. ave nue last" April for an extended trip through England, Norway, his father land, Denmark and Sweden. He had done pioneer work in Norway several years before in the temperance cause. Much of his time the past summer has been spent in visiting the Friends churches scattered through the coun tries mentioned, and for a time he was in Germany. He has been an honored guest at these churches this time, according to numerous clippings ' that have come back to his friends here. At several places he has been tlie guest of honor at conventions and banquets. He will be forced to return soon, however, be cause the war is greatly hindering his work. His "wife, Mrs. Alics Haason, is a prominent worker in the W. C T. XJ. of this state. - A number of pictures of the scenes mat ne nas visuea nave oeen re ceived by Portland people, and some of the recent ones axe of much inter est because they show the prepara tions for war that are being made iu these countries. Philalathea Bible Class Opens Today Philalathea Bible class of the First (.Presbyterian church will hold its open ing meeting in room "A" of the church house, 454 Alder street, tomorrow noon. This class was organized es sentially for the study of the Bible, and has adhered closely to this phase of the work. It is constituted mainly of young women betwen the ages of 19 and 25, who are either married and living in their own homes, or who have their homes with their parents, and whose social needs are therefore supplied outside the church. Mrs. B. A. Thax ter has been persuaded to lead the class through the year in an intensive study of the Bible. Professor Will Supply Pulpit Professor W. M. Proctor of Pacific University at Forest Grove will sup ply tne puipit or the Pilgrim Congre gational church at Missouri avenue and Shaver street until after the first of the year, taking the place of Rev C. C Poling. The latter has Just re signed to become a soloist with the prohibition organization known as th Flying Squadron, which is to make a campaign throughout the United States in the next few months in the interests of the dry cause. Professor Proctor speaks tomorrow morning on "Martha the Practical" and in the eve ning on 'The Problem of the Unem ployed." Rally Program ' Closes Tomorrow rne rally program of the Calvary Baptist church, which has been under way for several weeks, will close wjth the sermon tomorrow on Saul and Da vid, "Man's Choice and God's Choice," to be delivered by the pastor. Rev. Walker Duff. In the evening pictures of events In the life of Saul will bo shown. Friday evening. October 9, the an nual roll call and reunion will be held. Supper will be served at 6 o'clock by the women of the church. The annual business meeting will be held and the election of officers and other impor tant business will take place. Revival Meetings Being Continued The revival meetings conducted by Lindley A. Wells, field evangelist and general superintendent of the Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends, which is being continued at West Piedmont Friends' church, at Borthwick and Jes sup streets, has resulted in a definite work being accomplished. Afternoon and evening sessions are being held. The speaker will deliver three ser mons of evangelistic nature tomor row, in the morning, afternoon and evening.. A rally of the Portland quar terly" meeting is planned for the 3 o'clock service. THE VARIOUS 8. E. and Foster Boar!. 8. 8. ti::'J0. Services. 11 snd 8. 9:45. E. V.. Sellwood Kev. Jsue 1-. Hawkins, 11 and 7 30. J. E-. 2:30. K. L-. 6:30. Chinese MHkid 11 ana 7:80. German F. A. Schumann, 8. 8. 9:49. Serv ices 11 and 8. Epwortb league 7:15. Mount Tabor Rev. C. U Hamlltoa. 61st nd E. SUrk. 11 and 8. 8. 8.. 9:45. E. L.. 6:30. Montavilla Rev. W. H. Hampton- Sermon at 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:45. is. L.. 6:15. Jcnlor League. 3. Class meeting, 12:15. Clinton Kelly Memorial John Parsons, pas tor. S. 8., 9:45. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. E. L., 6:43 p. m. African Zion Rev. W. W. Howard. 11 a ad 8. 8. E-. 1. E. 8. L.. T. Boss City Park nose City Park ehib hoase. Bev, William W. Yoongsoa. pastor, services 11 and 7:30. 8. S.. 9:45. University Park Bev. L. C Poor. 11 asd 7 30. S. 8 10 a. m. E. L 6:15. ' Patton Bev. Geons r. Hcsklns. nastor. Preacbing 11 and 7:45. 8. 8.. 10 a. m., E. L. 6:45. - Rev. W. B. F. Browne and Ber. M. T. Wire. Wealeyao Ber. D. B. Ha rape, pastor. Preachicg 11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 10. Y. P. M. 6:30. i Bethel Ber. J. L. Craw, paator. Bervleas 11 snd 7:48. S. 8. 1:15. C. E. T. Lents Ber. W. Boyd Moors, It and 8. 6. 8. 10. E. L. I- Woodstock Frank James, pastor. 11 7 and 7:30. 8. S.. 10 a. m. Class meeting 12 aa. K. L.. 6:30. Lincoln Street M. E. M. O. Reed, paster. 11 and 8. 8. 8. 10 Oak Grove Rav. C. H. Weoleyv Scrvleea 11 sod 8. 8. 8. 10. - Westmoreland Rav. Alfred Bates. 8. 8-, T. Sermon, 8. - - : First German A. F. Cramer, pastor.' Preaching 11 a ad 8. 8. 8. 10. K. U flso. I First PresbyterisQ draren Bev. Jobs Boyd minister. Preaeblag 1(:30 and 730. C. E. 6:30. Evening sermon bv paator. Morning sermon by Rev. Herbert Wilkinson off Engeae. , aiafpan nev. uaoy iLttaa. pastor, aari Azk?7 ; JA y f!pMAAIi fVMl ' 'i-- i - for' r XuAGy'& I -'if- ? i;:8r3' U Zt ,it rT-"i"r I; T?it i-skzx, -Til A ??hs im mw ysiii! - Imhim '- St Paul'B German Evangelical Lutheran church and Its pastor, Rev. August Krause. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of St. Paul's German Evan gelical Lutheran church and the twenty-first anniversary of the beginning of the pastorate of Rev. August Krause will be fittingly observed with an all day program tomorrow In the church building at East Twelfth and Clinton streets: Because of the Importance of the charge, the celebration has assumed a statewide significance, and delegates from congregations at Cornelius, Sher wood, Newberg, Salem and several other cities are expected to attend. The pastor had charge of the churches mentioned at various times coming to his present church. St. Pauls was organized August 25, 1889. Its congregation first rented the old church which a Norwegian Lutheran minister named Fredrick son had built on ground donated by the pioneer Stephens, who laid out the Stephens' addition. Rev. . J. W. Theiss, now in Los An geles, Cal., was the first pastor, and he was succeeded by Rev. C. F. W. Alwanit. now in Hamilton. Ohio. Rev. A. Krause, the present pastor, for merly at Tacoma, has served the con gregation since 1893. The present site of the church at East Twelfth and Prizes Will Be Given For Attendance The official rallying of all elapses of the First Presbyterian church Sun day school will take place at noon to morrow, when prizes will be distrib uted to 52 persons who made perfect records of attendance during, the sum mer. An Interesting program in con nection with the prize awards has been arranged. The honor roll is as follows: Primarv Department B. A. Thaxter, Lucile Allen, Harry Coffin, Rache! Heustls, Robert Heustis Jr., Eugenia Jackson, Helen Hunt Jackson. Cleland Mitchell. Dorothy Peterson. Frederic!: Sturm. Mary E. Wheeler, William Eg bert Wheeler. Main -School Carol Anderson. Ken neth Bonnewell, Dorothy Booth. Mrs. S. A. Brown, H. B. Burrows. Elizabeth Carothers. F. E. Cooper, Mrs. C. Drone, E. D. Eddy, Mrs. J. F. Ewing. Marga ret Ewing. Tom Ewing, C. F. Goulding. John Heilig. Lois Horn, G. C. Howe, Mrs. G. C. Howe, Merrill Jackson, I B. Klnne. Sarah Lamberson, Virginia Mackenzie, Klisa MacLaren. Winnie MacLare-n, Robert McKibhin, Maude McKibbin. Mrs. R. S. McKibbin. Cor nelia Meek. James Meek, Donald Nel son. Julia Palmer, Cecil Parry. Ladner Rpss, Susie Scholes. Mrs. T. A. Sher man, Mrs. A. B. Slauson. Margaret Slauson, Ruth Slauson, Sarah Stark, Prlscilla Williams and Owena Wolcott. CHURCHES 11 and 8. 8- 8. 9.45 i. ra. C. X. T p. m. Calvary Eleventh and Clay sts, Rev. O. S. Baum. Preaching, 10::M and 8. S. 8.. 12 m. "Growth" snd "The Man Who Ran Away." Kenilworth East 34th and Gladstone Rev. leylie Kirk Richardson, pastor. 11 and 7:4". BIMe whool. 9:45 a. m. "Tbe Cbriatian's Rally Cry" and "Jeans and War." Foortb Rev. Henry G. Banana, paator. Services. 10:30. 8. 8., 12. C. E., 6:30. Aoabel Robert N. McLean. eervieaa 11 and 7:45. 8. 8.. 9:45. C aV, . 6:45. Hawthorne Park L. . Grimes, oaator. 8. 8. 8., noon. Services. 10:3o and 8. Hope, Montavilla. tstd and Everett sta.. Rev. 8. W. Seeman. 8. 8.. 10. Services Jl. "Christ and Hla People," and 7:30, "The Main Elements In Happlaesa." C E.. 6t0 p. m. Piedmont Rev. J. E. Snyder, Cleveland and Jarrett ata., 11. C. E.. 6:30. 8. 8.. 9:45. Third East 13th and Fine sta., Ber, A. L. Hatchlson, pastor. Services 10:30 and 7:46. 8. S., 12. C K-. 6:43 Methodist Day Rev. H. 8. Wilkinson snd Ber. R. M. Ortaon. I-orbei Rev. Henry L. Pratt. 11 and 8. 8. 8. 10. C E. 6:30 p. m. Third Uev. a. L. Hotchlsoe. pastor. Services 10:30 sod 7:45. 8. 8. 12. O E. 6:46. Lnlty W. Lee Orsy, minister. 8. 8. 10. Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Arbor Lodge Kev. Gorge B. CrotDic. It and 7:43. 8. 8. 10. ML Tabor Rav. Graham Moore. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. 8. 8., 10 a. m.. C. E-. 7 p. m. : Ternon 19th and Wygaat iu. H. N. Uoont, paator. Services 11 and 8. 8. 8.. 14 a. m.. C. E-. 7 p. m. WeKtmlnater Rev. Heary Mareotte. E. 17th and 8chnyler. 10:80 and 7:49 8. 8.. 12. Y. P. S. C B..' 6:80. "Usening- for God's Voice" and "The Creed of Experience." . Spokane Avenue J. E. Youei. paator. 8. 8.. 10 a. m. SermoB, , 11 and 8. . Millard Aveww Rev. W. B. lam, Serv Ices 11 and 740. 8. 8. 10. Y. P. 8. C. E. t.W p. m : Bose City Park Services It and 7:45. Bev. Bond 1 not Seoly. . C K-, :SQ p. m. 8. S.. (Continued.: on Folio win Pa ai Clinton streets was purchased In March of 1896 and the cornerstone in of the present building was laid May 17. August 23, farewell services in the old church were held and the ded ication of the new church home was on August 30, 1896. A seven room parsonage was erected on property adjoining in 1899 and in 1909, the congregation had bo grown that It was decided to enlarge and re model the church. Art glass windows were donated by members and a pipe organ installed. The present church debt is $500, which it is expected, will be liquidated Sunday. Services are held in German before ' and English. A German school is con I ducted for the children during the I summer vacation and on Saturdays during the winter season. Many ' American born children are sent there to learn the language and between 60 and 70 are enrolled. More than 100 are enrolled as reg ular members of the Sunday school and the congregation numbers 300 communicant members. The services Sunday will be in Ger man and English. An instrumental and vocal program has been arranged I and Professor Lucien El Becker will play the pipe organ. G. Haehlen will direct the chorus choir. Church Completes Its Eighth Year The Highland Congregational church completes its eighth year this month with the present pastor. Rev. K. S. IJolllnger. There is only one Congre gational pastorate in the state that ex ceeds this record, that is the one made by Dr. Staub at the Sunnyside church. "Fortifying our Positions" and "God's Fortune Telling" will be the sermon themes. The Sunday Bchool will have Rally Day exercises at 10 a. m. The musical program is: Morning servic anthem, "When the Lord Shall .Build Up Zion" (Herbert); response. "Bow Down Thine Ear" (Foxwell); solo. "The Light of the World" (Roberts, Mrs. Susa Fowle; evening, anthem, "Out of the Depths" (Herbert): solo, "The Pilgrim" (Speaks), O. K. Blum. Father O'Hara 6iv?es Dates of Lectures A special series of Sunday evening sermons will be preached by Father O'Hara at St. Mary's cathedral. Fif teenth and Davis, beginning tomorrow night. The services will start at 7:45 o'clock. The subjects to be presented are as follows: , September 27. "P.ellglon the Only rsecure Hasts xor morality, jciooer "Christ's Social Message to Mankind;" October 11. "The Catholic Church and Citizenship;" October JR. "Moral Prin ciples in Social Life:" October 23, "Moral nirincipleB in Politics:" Novem ber 1, "Moral Principles in Legal Prac tice;" November ft, "Moral Principles In Medical Practice;" November 15, "Moral Principles in Business Life;" November 22, "Women's Rights and Duties;" November 23. "The Home, the Nursery of Virtue." Will Preach on Devil in Church Rev. Walter B. Hinson will deliver his third sermon on "The Devil In the Church" at White Temple tomorrow morning. This sermon will deal with the characteristics of the true Chris tian, which differentiate him from the mere professor of religion. The morn ing" musical program is: Anthem, "Te Deum in F" (Koiischmar), Temple quartet; offertory. "Light" (Steven son). In the evening- Dr. Hlnson preaches hla second sermon on "Christian Sci ence and the Bible." The usual organ recital will take place, starting mt 7:15. and other musical : numbers are: Anthem, "Now the i Day Is Over" (Shelley): vocal solo, f The Ninety and Nine" (Campion), Mrs. Pauline Miller Chapman; solo, "When to tbe Lily Fair" (Mercaaante). Norman A. Hoose. At the evening-service th members of an entire household - will be bap- uagg. J . ,s Ry Rev. S. R. Hawkins, President the Portland Ministerial Association. President Wilson has designated Oc tober 4. the first Sunday in October, as a day of special prayer, to be ob served by the Christian people of the United States as a day of prayer for the return of peace among the Euro pean nations. The American people have many rea sons for being proud of their presi dent, and not the least of these rea sons is the fact that he himself ia a man of prayer, and a profound "be liever in the power of prayer. He also believes in peace among men and among nations. And for tlila he ought to be, and Is. apprc-clatod the more by the people of these United States. Hi sympathies for and interest In humnnity is both national and Inter national. No matter what the advan tages that may come and doubtless will come eventually to the United States as a result of these warsv Mr. Wilson profoundly regrets them and is praying God te hasten the day when in Hin gracious providence and accord ing to His infinite wisdom He will say "It is enough." IXust Hot Fall. Mr. Wilson doubtless believes that his fejings with regard to these wars are shared by the American ' people, and hence this call for prayer. The Portland Ministerial Federation is taking this means of reminding tho ministers and Christian people of Portland of the request of Mr: Wil son. The Portland ministry and churches must not fail and they will not to duly observe this day of prajr er for the peace of the nations. Let announcements be made in all the Bible schools and church services tomorrow that the flay appointed by the president for special consideration of there bleeding and sorely afflicted nationM, at the Throne of Omnipotence. is the- following Sunday. It should be made not only a day of special prayer, but a special day of prayer. Shall wo not urge the citizenship of Portland in general, and the Christian citizen ship in particular, to fill the churches to overflowing if possible? Prayer As Pactor. But let ua not make a holiday of it. Mllllonp of men arc fighting unto death, millions of women and chil dren are suffering even worse torture. Kingdoms are being destroyed, hopes blighted, culuire. morals, philosophy, religion, everything that is high and holy is being grieved and Insulted. God is almighty .and able to save. Hod hears and answers prayer, when It Is prayer, and when it is best that It be answered. Then let us pray. Let us pray deeply, earnestly, intelligently, trustingly, expectantly. Let us not wait till October 4. but prepare our souls to "come near unto God" on that day by prulng much In the meantime And let thcs prayers lc for pt-a e, lasting peace, honorable peace, univer sal peace. Pastor Returns J From Conference The Rev. Abraham Vereide has Jimt returned from the conference at Se attle, Wash., where the Western Nor-wegian-Dantsh conference ha been In session for a we-k. This conference in cludes the Htates of Montana. Idaho, Washington, Oregon and California. Bishop R. J. Cooke of Portland pre sided. Rev. Mr. Vereide wan returned to the Vancouver avenue church for another year. Rev. C. J- Larsen. for jnany yeara pastor of the Vancouver avenue church and laft year ptisior In Seattle, was apiMint-d district Huperlntemlent f Pacific district and comes to Portland to live. He will have charge of the work in Montana, IrJaho, Wahhington and Oregon. Rev. N. 1.. Hansen re turns to Astoria for his second year. Rev. H. P. Nelson, j-ator of Firt church, Tacoma. will als-o rrtilde in Portland this year and have charge of a larger circuit besides doing evan gelistic work. Moves Ownership To Chicago Field Dr. C. I. Scofield has transferred the ownership and management of the BlbV'' correspondence courne which bears his name to tbe Moody Bible in stitute of Chicago. Its broadening re sponsibilities, together with his wide spread oral ministry, were loo great a tax on IiIk advancing yearr, und he felt that the facilities and energy of the Institute would atill further ex tend its usefulness in the world. The course will be conducted on practically the same plan as hitherto, but further Information may be had by addressing the Moody Bible Institute, 1S2 Insti tute Place, ChiSo. I1U Leader Here to Attend Big Rally In preparation for a rally in the In terests of home mlsaipn work to be held here October 9. Dr. W, H. Kearns. an assistant Hecretary of the General Presbyterian Board of Home Missions, was a Portland visitor this week. Dr. B. P. Fulierton of St. Louis, general secretary of the home mission board. will be here on that date to meet the workers of the state. There are six Presbyterys in Oregon and represen tatives of each one will be here for the conference. The meeting is to be held at the First Church. r' Visit OUR CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT ' BOOKS. BIBLES. TESTA-' MENTS. MAPS. BUTTONS. CARDS. CERTIFICATES. Etc T3be3ellBiU&I TH I RD -' AN D ALDER STS. "I-