The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 13, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Senator Chamberlain Says
- Money for the Columbia Is
Practically; Assured, .
AyftoyriMMM, for 'Onis, Mississippi
,1 a Mlsseavi Itivees ICaterlattr
(Continued From Page One.)'
: to retain tbt aoaUnutag contract for
- the moutn or tne Columbia and. pre
. venting ruetlon . In appropriations
tor Coot Bar and ether coast points.
; "I thins. It may be safely said tbat
y Oregon has dona more in cooperation
, on river and harbor work than any
. other, state, and if I can sneceaa
': maintaining present appropriations la
' conference 2 triple that Oregon, will
ba entitled -to congratulations,"
v Otae rejects Were On.
"It must not be forgotten that large
cuta were made In appropriations for
the Ohio, : Mississippi and Missouri
' rivers aoo" on ' other' projects,- while
pressure was exerted to ma vea
, more and deeper outs.
"Local opposition in Oregon to this
- bill may arouse some antagonism ia
', conference which may be difficult
, ta allay. 1 Z have reason to haps and
. believe that we shall b able to drive
i. the : bill through the senate In ffplte
x of the opposition, because the com
; mittee, by unanimous vote, agreed to
t atand by the bill and not give way
' until It is passed,"
' There will be no locai resistance to
the. modifications approved by the
commerce committee of the senate
which eliminates about $19,000,000
- from tne rl vera and harbors bill.
' On the contrary, there Was, yester
day, among tnose who have. cam
..- palgned for the bill, strongly appro
' dative comment divided between won
der end admiration that Senator Cham
L berain should, under the clroum
, glances, have succeeded in retaining
- all of Orgon' cash, allotments ' and
hopeful belief that further exereise
.. of his great influence at Washington
- will result In ; passage - of the bill la
t the Corn now approved by. all mem
bers of the commerce cownitttea . ax
- oept Senator Burton. -a:,-.. 2 .','
Oregon does not suffer from the ro-
aueuone, tnougb the Mississippi, Mis
sourl and Ohio rivers do .
Prompt passage of the bill In its re.
vised form Insures speedy resumption
; of work on the north jetty and the
Celilo canal. The appropriation pro
' posed.'for the Cellle canal will be svf.
' flcient to complete it and to open the
' Columbia river to navigation to the
j. inianav empire, ,-,....' . , .. . i
Senator , Chamberlain's success In
retaining the other Oregon items Is
taken as one Of the strongest tndfcaV
; . uons of appreciation at Washington
v of their merit, and to add to the like-
, lihood that the Oregon appropriations
; will appear undisturbed In, the bill
when, offered for final passage. -'
Tha comment pf Joseph tf. Teal,
. f ereraost in the fight for the bill.
2 ahowed that he is encouraged by the
v . development of Friday and yesterday.
, t He wired to Senator Chamberlain i
' "You have done great work." IB aa
Interview he indicated bow well Ore
gon's interests have been eared for.
but said that it will be necessary for
' all Interests of the Columbia basin and
1 the coast ta continue energetic exores
. s hin of support of the measure for, if
J- Senator Burton ehoesea to continue
bis filibuster against the bill, senate
rules permit him both to delay and
epdanger It Mr. Teal said:
"Reports I have received from Wash
., ington indicate that the commerce com
mittee of the aenate was in session
- most of Friday night and ail except
Senator Burton agreed upon a redue
; tion in the pending bill of about if,-
vlQ.OuO. - This was found necesaar in
. -view of the condition of the -treasury
and on account of the fact that the
& period for work hag been shortened by
tae aeiay in tne passage of the RUL
. "The appropriations were named s,nd
4 the bill framed upon the theory that
they would be available July J. Under
any elrcumstgnces, therefore, at leMt
three months and possibly mora time
will have elapsed before the WU as
. . s mi mi i, , ..i m .,
Our New
This is a cracker jack
timepiece for theyoune
man. The ; movement
is made by one of our
standard Am erica'n
watch factories and
thoroughly guaranteed.
It is inclosed in a 20
year -gold. filled case,
just1 the right size for. a
gentleman's watcliv ,
a f timepiece would bv
brought SIS to 920. f
' real bargain.
bur Bricejet Watchci for
3 - girls i are inexpensive, but
goo4 timekeepers. , ,
Other Watches ,up ' to ' $300
ecb. , . : .
Jaeger Bros.
. Quality . Jewelers " :
Between Third and Fourth
II i I '- ' - 131 1 laaa.
Chamberlain Remains at.Post;OPPOI!EI(TS OF MRS
Too Busv to Visit7 Home State
i . r -
' :-Mv? -; 'f :?x::0:':':?':::':;:"::;':i
i' ' it '
Senator Ghm oerlnin ? Of Ortsoa, from 4 Ms I newest; : pnotograp'ttt taken
Congress has been In continuous ses- j
slon,. except , fori brief time durlni; ;
the holidays, since early Id December
of iis, and ' noj member hag made i
better' record tot : faithful attendance,
than Senator George E, Chamberlain.
He has stuck fast at bis post of duty
throughout. the strenuous months, dur
ing which one of the greatest legisla
tive programs of history has been put
through congress, or is now pending,
For nearly two ; years Senator Cbam
bertain hss pot had opportunity, wlthi
out leaving his! work la the senate,'
which be has refused to do, to visit
his . home state, i He has been away
from home since November, 41.8. '
. As chairman of the Important com
mittee on military affairs, and chair
man of the subeommittee having
charge of the rivers and harbors bill,
and" a member of a number of other
Important committees, . senator- Cham
bertaln na bad Ms bands fall. Binee
'lie last met hlsi friends in Oregon he
:has put' through con gr ess the impor
tant. Alaska railroad D11L providing
tor tne opening or AiasKa oy tne con
strue t lea of 1000 miles of railroad
from the coast Into the Interior. He
has been a staunch supporter of Pres.
Ident Wilson's program, and a, leader
to support of the ratification of Se
retary Bryan's peace treaties.
agreed on . by. the committee can be
come a law If Senator Burton con
tinues his opposition further delay ean
be anticipated and It might be ponst.
me tnat tne ouu even as amenaeo,
will b defeated,! : t
"iHeceasarily where a reduction wg
agreed upon : every one bad to make
concessions. However, even in this
amended bill iJregop, under the cir
cumstances, " fares remarkably well.
The Oregon pjojectg remain untouched
exeept the continuing contract author
ised at the month of tba Columbia
river is reduced to $1,800,000 with a
cash appropriation of i,O0Q.ooMn ad
These lt-f are! cheta at readem freai
thee sppssrlwy toeay la Tha iannml , Want
AU, yi elauifieattea snreaef fettews sacfe
Item." Look teaae evert -
'jeig waest fans, 1300 aesea, ia eatee
0(M). t miles ffra railteaa, all tm ealim.
ttoa. MO eerss plc-rad fr feu eras'
inuotBgs, nae m
fiae well' prioe $M per aere.
tcke lots or say elaas property fr e-jvity f
eeeuo, naiaaes aui pa;
payable eat ef
erey, la.
(mt pes teat"'
Class H.
pats vo uit.
I have $10,000 t iavaat
hi ea-atne ausineae pxpatij with pmeet i
eorae safrtctaat tf eaRy k, wtu r ta sakf
a eqaal ajaaaat, Oive iaeatloa aag partla,
aara," class si, . . -
"A eotatB sis-eayr eaa ase the flnt
aersMat of $700 ea the mrebaee f a
room suesalew $330) enrrarlng a traet ef
Kara weed fioere, eeeacesss, sarrat,
wcxxo .on-
Jaoeor Bras .Watch gpaoUls. .
. Themyoa-nOptleaA lastitate.
Kiool tae. Tailor, . ' '
jdwanU o-groltBra gpecuus, ;
Bta TbaatT Special Fotraia, '
- rorthuii Hote-Aaeeomaaii' '"'
Baa S-lllnrSor1 Sekaol SuTta.
O.-W. n, y, Ct--aoll anaettjoa-
?w!a clotiua tasaeimee9iest.
H, V, Biaioiuas Co. rOnaatal Raga,
Htaa-mes Sfafewaie 0 ftovea,
sfnltaomah Kotol.
Ia sVirad.lTtoarsal Train, . ,
C. e. Laooxo Bsacial rlana Bala.
Walaaia i TypawMte? . Cfew&eevilt
v Hajastio- ThaatTS- wawni r anawt
orreira-aavtvla Show Annans asm ant.
j. o, Mica .uonnutara.
Wa. Ksnl
-jraiuKxu aouoo.
Qaerte . &arrotv--f olitioal Aaaonaee-
Hew to. fraak Co SpaolaU. .
, i - EEOTX0H TWO "
Olda, Wsrtmaa to Xh .gnaoUls.
' , f w Elasncai . Aapuaaeaf
9. sU, It to t.mmk sneensatn net.
Hiilara' and ftatabers'
its ana riaiaaara' . Diraou
wS(ovar aerraoaa.
Tha nwid-Pa Saa.tal
uam staa aaasiaia. ,
Hotel Lenoa .AaBwaoaraat.
I.aaralist Keetins Aaiwiaaafaapt, :
Perkins Hotel Restaurant. ,
Svlsrid Broa-Senaol Books, 1 r.
g., P. to 8. aailrcad Bpokaaa rail An-
School, and Colleges,
vooa ar
Ce-Steeka . and
Baary Joaaiag ftoa--Trairare.
lis BsFkHurrN Tsfloa ta Xaa.
1. Iial Boaeablatt At. Co. . , .
t. Sao Hand Hca'a iaita and Overeeata.
e. " Tiaioa raiufs noitists. -
. Mortb Bank timitad Anaoaaoaaaaat.
t. ; Vwtma; .. iuraot AsseaUaan-Aanvunca-
-j . mens. - .
S.r "leetno Painless Dentists,
4. ucuoa Lsnd i--a.
' , .... 1
; Z y '
' ; . , f
...y :-. y-Vy.:. A;'.-. .
Eighteen of the peace treaties have
neoa rauriea. ana secretary uryan. in
a letter to senator. Chamberlain, ex
presses In the warmest terms his ap
preciation of Senator Chamberlain's
effective- support of the adminlstra
tion'g Effort in favor of peace.
Since Senator Chamberlain was last
in Oregon,- congress has revised the
tariff laws as promised in the Demo
eratio platform. It has enacted a new
currency law. It ia writing into the
statutes : Important trust legislation.
It has passed important emergency
legislation, to meet conditions arising
out of the European war, . It provided
for eendlps; millions in gold for the
relief of,, stranded Americana )Q Su
rope, for allowing foreign ships to reg
ister under American regietry, for ma
rine -insurance, and for additional rev
enue, to take the place of revenue lost
by the cessation of a great deal ot Im
port trade. --, 'frf i-'j- ;
, . While many , of " nls' .'friends havs
urged him to ' return to 'Oregon and
give persona attention to bit campaign
tor reelection, Senator Chamberlain
ha ' steadfastly refused to leave
Washington at a time when such Im
portant legislation Is pending ; and
wben every member e congress i is
needed at his post to meet any situa
tion that might arise as a result of
, the Jiuropean war,
dition. In other words, tbtra win bo
available $1,000,000 in cash and Imme
diate provision for $1,800,000 more.
This will leave in " round numbers
probably $$.000,000 to bo secured for
the final completion of tba north jetty.
It Js, of course, to be regretted tbat
this provision for the future eould not
be gotten at this time, but when it Is
considered that $3,000,000 was out from
the Ohio projects and $3,000,000 from
the Mississippi, and none of the cash
allotments out from the Oregon ap
propriations, we, as well as Senator
Chamberlain, under the circumstances
are to be congratulated upon tha ex-
fujplaoe, Jaasj-y tea geofl Mi
t blacks frets ia ears.'' Ctaaa ai.
"Aiart Umik with ay V grMlag eea
teaoti have . aaeat . tt hui rtWvwit
553 ? X w esU at a re
iveai ytrtoa.'" claaa ls.y- --
f llaet,eah-, faM
la Oreranj $i aeraa, half la enlttvatiea, hal
aaoa mow aaed tor pas tor, aasilj alearej;
unlimited ratranrer H. B. thrtmrt and sta
tion oa place; cyaamaty mUaat b s hours
ttpm yertlaadj bams, td hease, I fiae
anaks as (ia a apsiaa; as thaas is ta Ora.
sob. Prioa JU.eoOi 1-4 saalW belaaee lrag as
afirod," Class 17, , . ;. - ;
''rive sa4s ea han - i - laaa. 5 fl,e00
at T J $i$,0vp, laooa, f . 9ta.t Class gf.
WWW i T"f
o aaroafo,'
oprt will traaa for hooae
ffeat Ai. . - '-.-- i;
Weal Ai. s v - v ,
WaAt Ads. - . r .
Vast tat v .
Mcnow roint , -
tlpman. Wolf Ce,peis4a,
Tneatrieal Aaaavnoameai,
Soar Skop iataH asataTJCtta.
Mitokell, Lawi 8ta-e--iutoa. -
SItst Btaamara. "".,,-.
fair Annoiuicamsn.t, - .
0. U Baas to Comdsom Astea, i
Ooodyaae Tire Oap-T4rcs. - -
Asohas, to Wiirriat Piaaaoad Traall
Baiiov to Wrls atOil CushjoB.
Kortbwest Aate Ca.-Aa aoaaoamest."
sveae Ta puapiw
H. M, Blatfc-3WaMmd Tires,
,. Xalta-aaa Oaraa Ante Qo.
i. KortHwast iato Ce&ae Aytea,'
, FlreatOBo Ura Cot-Iiraa,
.OvrUas-er Mottr Oaj C-s - Olia-aekUa
-. evixeey-iji. - - , .
;g. If. giahal...Kaor Qata,
W. Kramer Oa.Imorbws ai
K. Vrvte Ca,0Ca11ak, Tailors,
: awaa snos-roraisa nimi,
Jnaaseti to . Aadarsaa) -JaU
- meat. ' - - - - '
Herbert O-eenlaad- Imported sWittar.
at. wrea-ran laaatoaa.
taccxioji rm
Paweia. faraltare tpeaials, -W.
O. Smith Waddina Cards. -
Ckavty'swara Aant Xtafral Bengkt
ajVw 1 aigf M ev-w sMaev . - y
, ynportnDi i Aptuma Task last ghaw.
8, Baa BaUina; TaiUwed Apparel for fall.
" Eastern Outfitting- Co. Jail Oarasaats.
pea twjrs-e JJetrait sieetrtoa,
4 Madame Ssgine-kfodiste. . .
' H. Liebas di Ooawa,
Xaier to Frank fleWereee CarsoU,
.Sherman, Clay A, Co. Pianolaa,
MasieeJ JUroctery, -
- Zaatraatera ta - Ksslwal aad TJeassatie
g, a. Waisa I.adia)' Taflatw Tall Openlna.
' 7. C , Holliday Fall aad Winter Xades.
' a, c eux nioea antnortty oa muaoads.
B. fink Ladies' Tailor,
Wivott Bros. Announcement.
Kolts Store Ctock and l;iture Zz.
. nr 1 1 in 1 1 1 Art trrv ai it
Senator Burton Insists the
Measure . Shall Not J Carry
Mm Than $25,000,000,
I JKeasure . Sag ' Beam " Ksdnced " rrom
53,000,000 to (34,000,004, WUcll
f. Triends Uf Xs Sedmctlon JBnongn. ,
Washington. Sept. 12. -Although
friends of the rivers and harbors bill
cut Its total from more tnan f S3.000.000
to a little abovo S4.000.00O today, this
big concession failed to win over the
epponents of the bill, and the prospects
were tonight that when the bill finally
passes the gens to. , if it does so at alL
this session, it may carry an appropria
tion of loss than Friends
of Senator Burton, who Is leading the
opposition to tha oul, point out that
they are winning points ia their fight
because every dollar cut from the riv
ers awd harbors bill means one dollar
less which will have to be raised by
tne tax.
Opposition to the bill as amended by
tha committee, and as it will bo of
fered on Monday as a substitute for
tha pending bill is baaed on tha ground
that tba committee in paring the appro
priations has merely, postponed expend
itures until next year, instead of elim
inating- them altogether. Most ot tne
cuts were mad frankly because tha
work they were for eould -wait a year
without damage. Other big outs were
on the basis of nin months, work in
stead of twelve.
in a conference with majority mem
bers or the committee after tne prun
Ing had bean completed Senator Bur
ton stated that he objected principally
to the Item which pledged tba govern
ment to tba Cumberland river project.
He also expressed strong opposition
to tha Improvement of the Sacramento
and Feather rivers.
Tha principal outs agreed upon to-
day wer on tne Mississippi river ap
propriations. From tha mouth of tha
river to St, Louis, the appropriation
was cut from 18,000,000 to 16,000,000;
from the mouth- of tha Ulua to est.
Louis, from $1,000,000 - to $300,000;
while from that point up to Bt. faui
the" appropriation was- cut from - $!,-
600,000 to $780,000, Thug the total
cut in the Mississippi river appropria
tion was $3,460,000.
The appropriation for Boston harbor
of $400,000 was cut out altogether,
The right to contract for improve
ments to the Ohio river of $3,000,000
was -striefcen -out; as was a similar
Item of $2,600,000 for the Columbia
river. .
lioo Angele was severely hit, the
appropriation for it harbor of $4J6,
000 being out out Another California
harbor to suffer was Richmond, where
the appropriation was reduced from
$100,000 to $50,000.
traerdinanr . result of bis work, -Moons;
the larger appropriations that will be
left natouehed if. this bill passes will
be those for Cooa Bay, Nehalem Bay,
Coqullle mer. Blusiaw river, the lower
Columbia-river, and the upper and low
er Willamette river, the appropriation
of 1515.000 to complete the Cellle im
provement and appropriation .for the
Snake river, - ' .J V .
jn.vlew Of the throe .wooths' delay
that wtU certainly ensue J do not be
lieve tbat the 1625.000 will now eom.
pjete the Improvement at Celilo, and it
eertainly cannot now be completed by
January 1, as was contempiaxea. now-
r. it ; will take relatively : such a
small : amount additional to complete 1
this improvement that it is net at all
nnUkely that the next MU. which WW
be framed in the snort session, ean oe
passed in time so that the work can be
finished ty Apra i. ; .
: "Vrom the information I have It is a
fair inference that Senator Burton will
continue his opposition to the bill al
though of course, he may not tlf he
does tAea the result as aoove ouiuneq
may be completely ehanged and even
result la a total defeat of the meas
ure. It la wholly unnecessary for me
te dwell upon ne npornce o me
arneedv enaetment of this bill to this I
entire seotleo nor to call upon those
Who feel any interest In the matter to
do everything they caa to secuTe
eromnt consideration.-, i. r-
IT tne comnuiie sudswuusiu svsi
whole have come to the conclusion
that the condition of the treasury and
the short period of time left for work
are suoh. as to justify the reduction
rnad-rtben their action . roust be ao I
eented as the best that can be hoped j
for under the cireumstances -And it
would seem that under these eoadlttone
thla state has xarea remaraaoiy weii
The eaah appropriations "for Oregon
projects including BnaKe river in the
original bin were ll.HS.875 an re-
nsin iinehanaed. : . '
l "I- call attention again to a fact that
that ought to be apparent to every one
and that Is the importance of the
aneedv - Improvement of the mouth of
the rivtr. The importance of securing!
this result , at , the earuest possible
date "cannot be exaggerated, and the
Influence and benefits of deep water
at the mouth of the will be felt
py every tnamauai no matter waat nig
employment, wno uves witnin me .un
its or id iOinnwa iniw imoju.
We design and mgnofactvre
Toric lenses in our factory
on premises. Toric lenses' arc
not ' stock lenses, but ; are
manufactured only after care
fitf consideration f tho par
ticular need in your indi
vidual ear, ' i -
20910-11 Corbett BIdg-, Fifth
and Harrison, Second -Floor.
Movement For Peace Is Urged
American People Appealed To
4Br the Iatertimal Kewa Service.) ,
Washington, -Sept. 12. Declaring
that the cousequenoes of tba Suroposa
war will be frightful beyond ail con
jecture. Senator Theodoro Burton of
Ohio,, as president, and Arthur Dear
lag . -Jail, as ' execuuve- director ox
the American peace ' society, today
called upon all Americana ;tq- join in
a movement for peace. The . state
ment' which was Issued as a Mes
aaga to the - American People, In
part Is as follows: yskattr:
Tbe burdens and miseries: o war
will t fall not so much on 'the; sov
ereigns of the nations engaged in it
as upon: th millions of men who are
fighting la the ranks, upon tne wid
ow and orphans in the homes whicn
are mads desolate, and upon the gen
orations yet unborn. '
'In tha midst . of this dUtresslng
calamity the peace . loving people of
America have no small responsibility.
The . president Of tne united states
baa just aslced that the 4th day of
October bo " spent - in prayer ; for
speedy termination of this bloodshed
and - war. v Ministers might well de
liver - sermons " calling attention to
tha utter follies and irreparable losses
of war, not only on October 4, but
next Sunday and on every possible
occasion, ; A ; similar responsibility
rests upon lecturers and upon the
"The various peaco societies snouid
bend their ; energies, toward -creating
a universal sentiment for internation
al rights, '. ' Buch - efforts exerted by
i i lse '
xa . s..l - a aar-T T- " - mw,.
The Dinirig-Rbom a36SaOO
Furnishings include a solid oak six-foot' pedestal extension-
table, handsome solid oak buffet with French plate mirror,
four massive solid oak dining chairs and a genuine Brussels
rug 9x12 feet.
Dg-Room Oiitfit
$8 Cash, $1.25 a Week
Open Saturday Night
a people of a great nation whose neu
trality and good faith Is undoubted.
oannot fail to have a. salutary effect.
"Tha opportunity- of tha American
people seems at band. . . - ' ':
xneretore we urge upon peacs
lovlng people the country over the
importance of immediately discussing
among themselves this terrible situa
tion and of uniting-: In prayer r. and
supplication today and tomorrow and
of continuing their efforts on each
succeeding day : until world peace is
Lad Accidentally
Kills Playmate
, - ,
XaymoBd Jtittenhour, 7 Tears Old, of
Oregon City, Ttottna af "TOoedea
. Oaa"; Jioyg jplayinff With weapon.
Oregon City. Or.. Sept. 12.-The "un
loaded gun claimed another victim to
day, when Raymond Rittenhour, the 7-year-old
son of X G. Rittenhour of this
city, was instantly killed by a bullet
from a 22 caliber rifle in the hands of
Us little playmate. Alfred Harrington.
' Medical aid was rushed to the boy,
but he never regained consciousness.
The boys were playing with the weap
on, which was believed to be unloaded,
when. the accident occurred.
Journal Want Ada bring results.
The Only Range That Is
Fully Insured
"With every Monarch Malleable Range vve fell we give a guarantee in writing to replace
the fire box or any part of the range that cracks, warps, breaks or burns out-within
five years, from date of purchase. Makes the Monarch a safe investment.
Plenty of Hot
Heats Your Home
If Desired
Judgments Against !
xoriner uireciors
Tadfe Charles Wellborn Headers 3e-
eislOa - Coaeenlat Aaotleaed Stock
of Xfin Angel ec lavestmeat Company.
Los Angeles, Cat, Sept, 12. Judg- j
rnenta aggregating - $2,241,404 wtre
rendered today - egainat Charles - Al
Elder. W. U. Deeblei O. M. Derby, A.
P. Thomson and Harry X. Rodgers,
former directors of the Los Angeles
Investment company; - by r: Superior
Judge Charles Wellborn. ' s.
The judgments cover J stock pur
c based by the former directors of the
company, which had not ' been paid
f or. j The stock was sold at auction
after the company got into financial
difficulties, but did not bring as much
as it had been contracted for by the
directors. - . ...
individual executions against ' the
property of the directors,-should any
property d xouna, were given,
In Four Jails in Three Days.
Webster, & . D Sept. 12. -Confinement
In four jails In three days Is the
record established by Henry James, a
thief, who was lodged In the city jail
here by Marshall ; Chaddock on a
charge of stealing shoes and an ove
coat, James was discharged from jail
at Milbank early in the week, but fol
lowed up his arrival at Waubay with
a theft than .landed him In the cage
there. Pleading guilty te the Indict
ment here, he was transferred to the
county jail for 30 days. , ?
- . ; ?
Berlin doctors have named a new
disease "tango foot" and attribute It
to that dance. ' ,
Showing the Largest Variety of New Stylet and Sizes.
We ask you to 'investigate the merits of our new Hot-Blast
Conciliation Heater, for wood and coal. Made in the East,
where Winters are cold and; factories cater to trade that needs
a real heater which gives the maximum amount of heat with
a minimum cost of fuel. We are 'showing also a beautiful
line of Heaters made in Oregon, prices as low as -
TERMS:-$5 Cash
With a little kindling and a few sticks of wood voii have a red
hot fire before you get dressed in the morning, and whjle cooking
breakfast it will heat a 40-gallon tank of water and keep it hot all
day by closing drafts. -, ' v ?
Economy, for there are a few mornings when you do not need
a little fire, and with the Monarch it requires so little fuel to gire
you this necessary heat one fire cooks your meals, heats your
home, and gives abundance of hot water.
We also have the gas
extensions that fasten on
the end and make practi
cally two ranges, as the ex
tension has oven and broiler,
' Come in and let ,us demon
strate a Monarch for you.
Wm 3 1
The Living-Room
Contains solid oak library table with : drawer, a massive Morris
chair with loose brown cushions, handsome oak rocker upholstered
in Spanish leatherette and arm chair, to match, artistic solid oak
book stand and 9xl?-f oot Brussels rug.
It's a
New Fall and
Winter Woolens
New weaves and colorings In fine
imported and domestic fabrics. ,
Drop in and look them over. You
won't be asked to buy; -
cial on Overcoats
This Week $25, $28
$30 fori Goods Worth
Ten Dollars More !
Tailor for, Young Men.
F. F. Boody, Manager. '
- , The Great Light Way. :
Your Old Heater
Part Payment
$5 Per Month
Old Stove
We will take your
old stove In exchange
as part payment "for
new, and allow a fair
price. Ask any of our
talesmen about it.
Iiring-Room Oatnt
$8 Cub, S1.23 a Week
. Opera Saturday Night .