The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 12, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Nearly Every Day for Month
Devoted to Solemn Cere
h'. monieSi
. Jewish people everywhere are plan
ning to usher In the Hebrew New Tear,
r the Koah f iashanah, denominated as
Ihe'year 6676. The Jewish month of
:. riehri begins September 21 and lasts
fcntll October 20, and nearly every day
vill be devoted to the solemn cere-
monies of the New Tear observance.
' All Jewish holidays and every day,
according' to the Jewish code, starts
at sunset of the day before, in com
pliance with the Biblical words, "and
the evening and the morning were
one day." The holidays, therefore,
tart the evening of September 20.
The New Tear observance proper lasts
from that time until the evening of
StDtember 22.
Beginning with the evening of that
day In the fast of Gedallah. Septem
ber 28. the day of atonement, starts
and end the evening of October 3.
The following evening the feast of
tabernacles starts and is concluded the
evening of October 13.
Time for epentance.
The Jewish holidays do not consti
tute a Deriod of rejoicing and merry
making. Rather they are days of re
pentance and recounting of all actlvl
. tics, good and evil, of the year that
has Just ended. Prayers for the grant
ing of reace and prosperity for all na
tions -and people are Important feat
'tires of the religious supplioations.
The prayers are classif ied, as morn
ing and additional prayers. The dlf'
ferent prayers are divided by the
sounding of the ram's horn trumpet or
Bhofor. This in a symbolic calling of
all Jews to unite in prayer for the
welfare of the human family.
The New Year la. baaed upon the
Biblical injunctions of Exodus, 23:18
and 34:22. The first day is known as
Yom Kazlkkaron. or the day of re
inenibrance. The prophet Ezra calls
' In the day holy to the Lord.
Afjer the New Year day is the fast
of Oedaliah. In memory of the Jewish
leader of that name, and his aasoct
' Mtes, who were assassinated In Miz-
pah. as related In It Kings, 25:25
This Is the third day of the New Year
The Day of Atonement is a period
of fasting, a Mosaic institution or
dered in Leviticus 23-32. It Is termed
an affliction of the soul, and during
the 24 hours every Jew abstains from
eating and drinking. Prayers for for-
Klveness and the granting of a pros
perous future are asked again for the
human family.
All Accounts Are Settled.
It Is customary for every Jew be
fore this fast day to settle his ac
counts and beg the forgiveness of
those against whom he has dealt
' wrongly. It Is a day of union of th
Jew with his God and his fellow man,
On that day, between the prayers of
the morning and later, memorial pray
i- ers for the dead are recited. Work of
. any kind la prohibited on that day
The evening prayer Is Nllah (closing)
All services will be conducted by the
'. rabbis. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will be
' Jn charge at Beth Israel, Rabbit R.
. Abraham son at Temple Anaval 8ho
" lorn, Rabbi II. Heller at the Sixth
' street synagogue and Rabbi Abraham
Rosencrans at the First street syna
gogue. The program at the other two
synagogues has not been entirely com
; pleted yet
New Year proper Is kept by the or
thodox Jews for two days, while the
reformed Jews observe It one day.
Rev. D. V. Poling.
Rev, Robert N; McLean Goes
to Teach Spanish)? Rev.
Boudinot . Seeley to Study.
D. V. Poling, who has been
of Pilgrim Congregational
church for several years, and who was
recently named aa one of the soloists
with the. Flying Squadron of America,
the organization that is to conduct
a nation wide campaign for prohibi
tion of the liquor traffic, will speak
in his church for the last time aa
pastor tomorrow morning and evening.
He leaves in a few days for Peoria,
111., where the first work Is to be
In the morning he will speak on "A
Problem in Arithmetic," and Ms
evening subjec Is "The Larger Vis
ion, a musical program, as roiiows,
has been arranged: Morning, anthem.
There Is a Land of Pure Delight"
(Shelley), soprano. Miss White; also.
Mrs. M. C. Pull in; tenor, Mr. Wood
land; basso, Mr. Poling; offertory
solo, Mr. Woodland. Communion fol
lows "the morning worship.
In the evening, the male chorus
choir will give two selections, the
offertory will be sung by Mrs. Jessie
O. Steckle, and Dr. Poling, by request.
will sing DeKoven s ."Recessional."
Beginning September 20 Professor W.
M. Proctor of Forest Grove, will sup
ply the pulpit.
To Discuss Status
Of United States
As a timely toplo In connection
with the European conflict. Rev. W.
B. Hlnson's sermon at White Temple
tomorrow night -will be on the rela
tlon of the United States with the
warring powers, and he will call at
tention to Americas duty In the
great crisis as outlined by President
Wilson's proclamation establishing a
day of prayer for peace.
Dr. Hinson's morning toplo is "The
Devil In the Church-" The days musi
cal program follows:
In the mornine the Temple auar
tette will render the anthem "Praise
the Lord (Randegger), and Norman
A. Hoose will sing the Offertory;
'Happy Nation Still Receivlnsr." (Von
Weber.) The evening service will be
preceded by a 15 minute recital, by
following numbers will be given:
"Allegro from Sonata, (Lemmens) ;
"Minuet," (Boccherini). and "Fugue G
Minor" (Bauch). The Tmol nuara
teite give tne antnem. "Tne r JJay la
Ended," (Bartlett). and Mr. '.Vlr.-
finia s. Hutcmnson will sing '"Tls
esus," (Harkness). and Mr." Hart
ridge G. Whipp will sing Kipling's
recessional." -
The Portland Presbytery, composed
of ministers and elected laymen; of
the churches of the denomination in
the city, met last Monday at Anabel
church and formally dissolved the pas-1
toral relations of Revs. Robert N. Mc
Lean and Boudlnot Seeley, formerly
of Anabel and Rose City Park
churches, both of -whom have resigned,
the former to become professor of
Spanish in an eastern seminary and
the other to study for a year.
Rev. Enoch Benson, a member of
the Presbytery of Burns, Harney coun
ty, had asked to be transferred to -the
Grande Ronde Presbytery, and at this
meeting the request was granted. Mr.
Benson was formerly pastor of the
Fulton Presbyterian church, thla city.
He has just been extended an unani
mous call by members of the congrega
tion of the Burns Baptist church, and
although the work' is of another de
nnmlniLtlon. he will handle it and
the Presbyterian church, too.
New Musicians to
Be Heard First Time
Th nmvr musicians at the First Con
gregational church will be heard In the
services of tomorrow ror me iirsi
time. Rev. Luther R. Dyott's morning
tonic is "God's Hand in Human Laves
and in the evening his subject will ba
The War."
Harold HurJbut is the new director
of the church choir and tenor soloist.
Mrs. Herman Polits, soprano, is a well
known Portland singer. Mrs. Charles
H. Henney, the contralto soloist, was
formerly a soloist in president 'raits
church at Washington. William A.
Montgomery, the baritone, is one of
the best known singers on the coast.
George Seymour Beechwood, the new
organist, waa formerly organist of the
University Place Presbyterian church
in New York.
Tomorrow morning's musical pro
gram is: Organ prelude, "Fantasia'
(Spinney) ; postlude, "Finale" (Haydn) ;
anthems, "Gloria in Excelais," (Buck);
and "How Long Wilt Thou Forget
Mer (Pfluiter).
The evening musical numbers will
be: Prelude, "The Triumphal March".
(Costa); anthems, "In Heavenly Love
Abiding" (Shelley), and "The Home
Light" (Macy).
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Bible Pictures of
Ruth to Be Shown
"Nuggpts in Ruth's Gospel," will be
the' topic of Rev. Walter Duff at Cal
vary Baptist church In connection
with 'the rally services tomorrow.
Bible pictures of Ruth and scenes of
her life will be given with stereopti
con tomorrow night. The rally lasts
' all the remaining Sundays in Septem
ber. and is getting a good response.
The pictures each Sunday evening will
,. follow the them of the morning ser
mon, Interesting pictures of the life
of Sampson, Davlil. and other charac
ters of the Old Testament have, or
will be given.
Special attention ia also being de
V voted by Mr. Duff to the ministry of
teaching. He is a specialist in this,
as lie was for'a long 'time an lnstruc
- tor in a seminary for the training of
ministers and missionaries. The rally
..will cloAe with the annual evangelistic
: meeting. A reunion, with roll, call
and social. Is to be held Friday, Octo-
vber 30. Women evangelists are to be
;' secured .for the revivals.
Will Brush Up on
Spanish Language
Rev. Robert N. McLean, who re
cently resigned as pastor of the
Anabel Presbyterian church to take
the chair of Spanish instruction at
the Dubuque, Iowa, Presbyterian sem
inary, will leave for California Mon
day or . Tuesday to study for two
months among the Spanish speaking
people of that state before taking up
the work in the east. A largely at
tended farewell reception for the
departing minister was held at Ana
bel church last night. His final ser
mons will be delivered tomorrow. In
the evening the pictures taken in the
camp conducted by him for boys of
the church on the Washougal river
this summer will be shown in Btere
opticon. At a meeting of the congregation
held Thursday night, plans for secur
ing a new nastor were taken up.
Arrangements for
Big Revival Made
Arrangements for the big union re
vival to be held on the east Bide dur
ing the month of November are almost
complete. Bishop William M. Bell,
head of the United Brethren church on
the Pacific coast, whose home is in
Los Angeles, will be the evangelist,
and P. P. Billhorn, the Chicago song,
writer and publisher, will conduct the
musical end of the work. The revivals
will probably be held at Centenary
Methodist church, although there has
been some demand to have a portion
of the meetings in the big auditorium
of Central Christian church. Eight
churches of the central eaat side are
represented in the movement.
To Comply With
Wilson's ' Request
Rev. Chas. T. McPherson, pastor of
the Methodist church at Clatskanle.
whose congregation August 16 adopted
resolutions calling upon the churches
of the world to unite in a day of
prayer for the cessation of the Euro
pean war. says he will gladly comply
with President Wilson's proclamation
for the observance of Sunday, October
4, as a day of prayer.
Rev. Mr. McPherson forwarded a
copy of the resolutions to President
Wilson, and also has Written to Em
peror Wilhelm of Germany and Sir
Edward Grey of England.
He also wrote to Senator Chamber
lain. "I .know, too, that the present admin
istration shares , the spirit of these
resolutions, and already our good
president has tendered his services In
mediation." .wrote Senator Chamberlain..
Top C. R. McCalley.
Bottom L. Carroll Day.
C. R. McCalley, public entertainer,
and L. Carroll Day, the regular or
ganist of the church .will give an
entertainment next Friday night for
the purpose of raising funds- to pay
for the many improvements that have
been made recently on Trinity Metho
dist Episcopal church. East Tenth and
Sherman streets, Mr. McCalley will
entertain with humorous readings
from James Whltcomb Riley and
other authors, violin solos, violin Ira
itations, Impersonations and other
forma of humor. . Mr. Day accom
panics him in the musical numbers.
Question Box Has
Puzzling Questions
More riddles from the church ques
tion box are to be answered by Rev.
S. R. Hawkins of the Central Chris
tian church tomorrow night in lieu of
the evening sermon. Some of the
questions he will take up are:
"Explain the text, 1 make peace and
create evil; I am the Lord that doetb
all these thlngs-'-rlaalah, 47:7."
"Why the apparent contradiction In
the following: It is not lawful for
us to put any man to death John' 18:
31. We have a law, and by .that law
he ought to die.' John, 19:7."
"Please give the chapter and verse
of Scripture which authorizes the
changing of the Sabbath day from the
seventh to the first day of the week."
"What part does the pope play in
bringing about the present war condi
tions?" "What is the best book written with
a view to exposing the sophistries of
so-called Christian Science?"
"Why don't you baptise Infants?"
"The wets are circulating a folder
which quotes Abraham Lincoln as be
ing opposed to prohibition. Is this a
garbled statement tor waa Lincoln in
favor of the saloon?"
Appointed Assistant Priest-
Rev. Barr G. Lee, who until recently
has been rector of the Bishop Scott
school for boys at Yamhill, has ac
cepted the appointment aa assistant
priest at St. James pro-cathedral
(Episcopal) at Thirteenth and Clay
streets. Rev. H.' M. Ramsey Is dean of
the Pro-Cathedral. Rev. John F.
fiamaker . has resigned aa pastor
of Trinity . Episcopal church at
Ashland to become rector of an
Episcopal church at Vlsalia, Cal. ;
He will take up the new work Septem
ber 30. A successor has not yet neen
Anarchy Will be Topic
Rev. Frank L. Loyeland," pastor of
the First Methodist church, will de
liver a sermon on the topic, "Anarchy
In the School, the State and the
Church," Sunday night. His sermon
will be significant in the light of
events that transpired In the history
of his church the past week. The
theme will be discussed from theolo
gical and scientific view points. He
will endeavor to answer the ques
tions. Why Try to Live the Higher
Life; Is Heaven a Reward, or aCon
squence, and Is Hell a Punishment
or an Effect?
California IClnisters to Preach.
Ministers from California on the
way" to the annual conference of the
church to be held at Seattle Septem
ber 15 (o 20, will preach at both serv
ices of the First Danish M. E. church
at Hoyt and Eighteenth streets, tomor
row. The morning sermon will be by
Rev. Johan Nelson of Eureka, and in
the evening Rev. O- A. Doblaugh of
Los Angeles will be heard.
Evangelist Secure XTew Tent.
The evangelists conducting the
series of meetings at Mason street
and Alblna avenue, have secured a new
tent and will continue the services in
definitely. The tent Is comfortably
heated. Th services are to be held
Sunday morning and. evening and on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday eve
nings. John Carroll, Edward Cornock
and Herbert Mlddleton are the evan
Back Prom Vacation.
Rev. Henry Marcotte, pastor of the
Westminster Presbyterian church' is
back from his vacation and has ac
tively taken up the church work
again. He will deliver both sermons
tomorrow, in the morning preaching
on the subject,' "The Harvest Ia'Past,
and while in the evening his topic
is "Fools."
Took "Vacation Trip.
Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor of the
East Side Baptist church. East Twen
tieth and Ankeny. has returned from
his vacation and will occupy hia pul
pit! on S.unday at both services. . Mr. j
and Mrs. Shank spent heir vacation of 1
about five weeks in a trip extending
over southwestern Canada and northern .
Illinois, and they also visited for a
short time In Kansas, from which
state they came to Portland two
years ago. During hla absence Mr. i
Shank occupied aome eastern pulpits,
including ones at Chicago and Win-
rleld, Kansas.
Will Supply Pulpit.
Rev. Thomas Grlce will occupy the
pulpit of the Rose City Park Pres-
Djierian cnurcn aunng me mumu ui
September. Mr. Grlce, who Is a Meth
odist minister of the Minnesota confer
ence, supplied the pulpit of the First
Meihodist church for seven months
during the summer in the absence of
Ret- Frank L. Loveiand. tev. jbou
dinbt Seeley, pastor of the Rose City
Park church, recently resigned to take
up a year's study In the east, and left
Bishop Mouxon to Preach.
Bishop Edward D. Mouzon or San
Antonio, Texas, will preach at the
First Methodist church south, Union
avenue and Multnomah streets, at both
mottning and evening services tomor
row!, An extra musical feature will
be ia solo by Mrs. Lovick P. Law.
Bishop Mouzon is said to be a splendid
representative of southern Methodism.
I .
Prlends Sold Revival.
Lindley A. Wells, field evangelist
and superintendent of the Oregon
yearly meeting f the Friends church,
will begin revival meetings at the
West Piedmont Friends church, Borth-
wlck and Jessup streets, tomorrow
mcrnlng. The meetings will be held
every night for an indefinite period.
Services at Brentwood.
Rev. C. H. Campbell will preach at
Brentwood M. E. church tomorrow
morntpg and the pulpit of Westmore
land dhurch will be occupied in the
evening by Dr. C. E. Cllne.
To Xeeture on Vice.
Rev. W. G. MacLaren of the Port
land! Commons and chaplain or the
' . i. i it,
state peniienuary, wm giv mi utua
trated lecture on commercialized vice
at St. James Lutheran church. West
Park and Ninth streets tomorrow
tit' s. v. ' I
Extraordinary Session; Con
venes Here Wednesday;
Five Prelates Mentioned.
Mrs. Linnie G. Carl, state secretary
of the Young People's branch of th
Women's Christian Temperance Un
ion and a reader of ability, will give
a lecture at the Hawthorne Presby-.
terlan church tomorrow evening. Mrs.
Carl has just returned from a lecture
tour and will be one of the speakers
at the state convention of the W. C.
T. V. to be held at The Dalles. Fol
lowing that gathering, she will lecture
In extraordinary session next Wed
nesday morning the clergy and head
laymen of- the Episcopal church of
western Oregon will meet in diocessan
convention to elect a bishop to suc
ceed the late Bishop Charles Scaddlng,
whose death occurred last May. More
than a hundred delegates will vote
In this session, and it is believed that
only one day will be required to com
plete the task.
Five men are generally mentioned aa
the list rom which the selection will
be made.: They are: Rev. J. H. Hop
kins offthe Church of he Redeemer,
Chicago; Rev. Edward L. Parsons of
St. Mark's church, Berkeley, Cal.: Rev.
W. C. Robertson of Christ church,
Chattanooga, Tenn.; Bishop S. M. Grls-
wold of the 8allna,' Kan., diocese, and
Rev. J. W. Gresham of Grace Pro
Cathedral. San Francisco.
There are 30 clergymen in the dio
cese entitled to the vote. There are
other ministers of the church who
have not yet been given this privi
lege. Three lay delegates from each of
the 13 regular parishes and one dele
gate each from 17 organized missions
are given a voice in the selection.
The convention will meet at Trinity
parish house. Nineteenth and Everett
in Idaho. Montana and Kaneaa. going streets, at 10 o'clock Wednesday mom
irom tnere to the national convention
to be held In Atlanta, Ga.
Work of Convention
Will Be Recounted
lng and the session will continue until
a selection has been made. A presid
ing officer of the convention chosen
from the clergymen will conduct the
The new bishop, whoever he may be,
will be the fourth one to serve this
diocese. Before he can assume the
office, however, a majority of the
standing committees of all the dioceses
In the United States must confirm the
nomination. Then a majority of the
Evangelist to Oocupy Pulpit.
Evangelist O. B. Ong of Paaadena,
Cal who Is holding a series of meet
ings in the Virta hall at Forest Grove,
under, the auspices of the Washington
County Holiness association, will oc
cupy the pulpit of the Free Methodist
church tomorrow morning.
Civic Reform Will
v Be Pastor's Theme
r: The Mt Tabor Presbyterian church
. will hold its sunrtay school rally a
.. week from tomorrow morning. Com
mlttees have been out all this week
and will be out again next Week look
."lng up former and prospective mem
:' bers. A literary and musical program
Is being arranged.
Civic reform will be the theme at
the regular church services Septembet
! SO. . Tbe topic by the pastor. Rev.
"."William Graham Moore, will be "Clvlo
Righteousness,' and his hearers will
he urged to register for the coming
election In drder not only to swell the
dry vote, but because it is their duty
' to go to the polls and participate in
the election.
on China .
Will Be Feature
The Sunday school of the First
Presbyterian church has arranged an
Interesting study on China for to
morrow. The talk will be given by
. Superintendent J. F. Ewing, and will
be Illustrated with the stereoptlcon.
hewing life of the country and the
missionary , activities that are. being
conducted among the Chinese. The
summer plan of meeting in two sec
tions still continues, the little ones
; being under the care of Mrs. B. A.
Thaxter, and the main school meet
lng in the Sunday school auditorium.
Interest grows stronger- as the sum-
rner season wanes, owing to the fact
that many Of the pupils have not
missed a : Sunday through the snm
mer, and are anxious to go through
this month, without an absence, thus
howlng .a record or perfect attend
ance . for the summer session, when
the honor roll la posted on .Rally day.
.RJdhfei MR J'
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; Artist's drawing of unit of proposed Sunday School building of First Methodist church.
wont on the Sunday school unit tbe erected. A handsome dome will be
of the First Methodist church plant j a feature of the completed . church, t
Is to be started in a few days.' The! Th Sunday school unit will not be
ouut up ajramat tne present
building, which is to occupy the lot
aajoinmg , on the west 4he present
Grace Methodist church property, will
he 100 by 60 feet In dimensions. '
f . Thla structure will form one of the
wings of the completed building.
Work will not be started on the bal
ance, however, for two or three years.
Tbe tentative plans ( for the finished
plat are for a beautiful building of
Grecian temple style of very much the
same design as that of the First
Church of- Christ Scientist and the
First National Bank building soon to
Church building, but the east side, of
the new building will be left open so
that It can be temporarily, connected
with the old church. '
As soon as it is finished, some time
late In the fall or early in the winter,
the congregation of the First church
will move from the old building at
Third and, Taylor ( streets to the
Twelfth andTaylor street property.
The pioneer building will then v be
partly demolished or reconstructed
Into a. business property of some kind.
.The Sunday school unit Is to cost
150,000, and the ' completed church
$160,000. The basement of the build
ing soon to be started ' will Include
the main ' heating , plant, church par
lors, a kitchen and the boys' club
room.' ?The ? first . floor, i besides con
taining a large assembly room, will
be , divided I into - departments - for the
various Sunday i school " grades. The
second floor will contain .the . offices
of the pastor, a woman's parlor and
club rooms for'young men,
The exterior of the building will be
finished either in terra cotta or atone
facing. - The interior woodwork will
be of Ivory white with -mahogany
doors and tinted - walls. The structure
will he of reinforced concrete and the
floors covered with cork. TourteJ.
rtnt White Temple, W. B. Hlnson. pastor.
Bible school, 10. SerTlces, 11 aod 7:80. 8. B.,
11 a. m. B. Y. P. U.. 6:1B p. m. "The
IMvll la CSiurch," and "The United States and
the European War."
Eaat Bide Ber. O. W. Ebank, paator.
SerTlces 11 and 7:30. a 8. 10. B. Y. P U.
6:30. "Reasons for Our Hope in Christ." and
"blessed I the Nation Wboaa God Ia
Highland Sev. C. B. Elliott. B. T P. O.
S:SU. Servlcea 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. S. S..
8:43. "Starting la Bchool," aad "Not at
Home to God."
CaWary Ber. Walter Buff, pastor, Eaat
8th and Grant. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8
p m. S. S.. 10. B. Y. P. U., :45. "Nug
gets of Truth in Rath," and "Bnth a Typical
Lover. In Picture."
Arleta Iter. W. T. 8. Bprlxje. Bandar
acnool 8:45. B. Y. P. U. :15. Serrlcea 11 and
6:30. "Adorning the Doctrine of Jeaus," and
"The Star Spangled Banner. -
UnlTerslty Park BeT. A. C. sax ton. paator.
H and 7:30. S. S.. 10. B. X. P. U.. 1. '
BeT. Robert Gray.
Sell wood Kt. F. H. Bayea, 11 and T:S0.
g S. 10. Y. P. V. :30.
Grace MontaTiUa, BeT. H. T. Caan, 11 aad
7:80. X. P. 6:30. 8- 8-
Snnnyalde (German) S. S. :48, Conrad
Wy, auperlotendent-
St. Johna (German) Rev. Karl FeldneUt,
. S. :45. 11 and 7:80. Y. P. O. T.
St. Johns E. P. Borden, partor. B. 8.
10 a. m. Sertlcea 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Third Iter. W. J. BeaTan. Knott and Van
con Ter aTenue, IV and 7:30. B. Y. P. O..
6-30. S S-, 0:43 a. m. "Secret of An Id
trouhled Heart," and "The Final Beatitude.-'
Eaat Forty-fifth atreet Ke. B. Walts.
S. 8., 9:45. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
B. Y. P. V., 7. "Adorning the Doctrina of
Jeaua," and "Hlnderers In the Held or iire.
First German BeT. J. IlratU 1 and J:&.
Chinese Mlaaloa 8. S. 7. J. O. Malone, an-
perlatendent. .
Taberuacle Ber. J. Clark Tlbbetta, paator.
Sermona 11 and 7:45. &. S.. :4o a. m. B.
Y. P. 0., 6:30.
Second German KT. Frederick Bnerrman,
11 and 7:30. S. 8. 9:45. Y. P U. S:45.
Lenta BeT. 1. M. Nerson. S. S.. 9:46. Serv
i. 11 mid 7. B. Y. P. U.. 7 D. m.
Monnt oUTet ReT. W. A. Magnett. paator.
11 and 8 P. m. b. S. 12:30.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt sta., 10:45 a. m.
nrt 7ao d. m. S. S.. 10. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30.
Italian Mission Bct. Francesco BannelU.
..M. Psator'a circle 8. Preac-bloe 10:30,
abort sermon for English apeaking people; alae
a: 70.
m r'.Warv weldler ana union aTe.. net
. ii. Machrack. SerVlcea 11 and 8. S. S.,
9 a. in.
nnit Third and Taylor at a. Ber. Frank
I. I .n.olonfi S. 8.. lZ.iO. UlaBS. V.M
. w. I. Services. 10:30 and 7:43.
..'T-.Ki,a rr thi Human Heart." and "The
Anarchist in School. State and Church."
Trinity liasi Join ana sorrmau. on. a.
B. Calder, 11 a. in. and 8:00 p. m. 8. iu.
K L.. 7. Only an armor Beaver, ana cs
L' Clark. w
EwedUb uormwicK too dhcd. a. . oerg.
pastor. 11 and ?:ao. b. b. iv. a. u. i.
Epwortb Bct. C. O. McCnlloch. gerrlcca
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. S. S. 9:45. . U
Kirat Norwegian uanisn corner istn ana
Hoyt. BeT. Ellas GJerdlng. .Preaching 11 and
S. Y. P. M.. 6 p. m. S. I. e p. m.
Bev. John Nelson and BeT. O. A. Dahlougb.
Woodlawn Kev. ixuj xnomas. pastor, o.
10. E. Lu. 6:45. preactilut 11 and 8.
"The Coming or tne sons oi voa," ana "ine
Passliig and tbe Abiding."
Norwegian uaoisn Vancouver sua osiu-
Bore. Kev. A Dr. vereiae. pastor. iu:so , ane
8. 8. &., 12 ci. new. o. a. uaDiougn and
BeT. J. nelson.
Kunuyslde Kev. k. cimer smitn. u. u..
11 aud 7:45 p. m. S. S. 9:50 a. m. H. U,
6:30. "Bualnesa of Christianity," and "A Won
derful Clock.
Central vancooTer aTe. ana rargo. Bev.
C. C. Karlck. Servlcea 11 and 8. S. 8.,
9:45. Class meetings. 12:15. E. L.. 7.
Jeaus aud tbe Mount or Ollres' and "Tbe
Transforming Leaven."
Centenary ttev. wuscr u. mmDie. if.
D.. paator. S. 8. 9:45. ti. 1 d:3tl. Services
11 aud 7:30. "140 Denominations Which Ia
Bight f and "Christ, & Failure as a Soul
Winner Why?"
St. Johns Ilev. J. i. patten. Serrlcaa ll
and 7:30. 8. 8. 10. K. L. 6:30.
Japanese Mission Ber. Ellsea Bibara. Sa
nd 8:30. 8. 8. 3:30. '
Laurelwood Kev. V. E. WHUngs. 63d ' at
8. K. and Foater Koad. S. 8.. 9:45. K. L..
6:30. Services, 11 and 8.
Bellwood Kev. James l. Hawkins. 11 end
7 aa J. K., 2:30. B. I. :3.
Chinese Ulsaioa 11 aun 7
German F. A. Scbomann. 8. 8. 9:45. 8r.
less 11 and 8. Epworth league 7U5.
Mount - Tabor BeT. C L. Hamilton. 61st
and E. Stark. 11 and 8. 8. 8.. 9:43. E. L.
6:80. Baptism, reception of members and com.
ilonuviiia Kev. w. u. Hamptoa. Sermoa
at 11 and 7:30. 8. 9:43. ts. L.. S:ia
Junior League, 3. Class meeting, 12:15.
Clinton Kelly Memorial John. Parson, pas
tor. - S. S.. 9:45. Service 11 a. m. and 8 p.
m. E. L.. 6:45 p. m. -
African Zloo KeT. W. W. Howard. 11 and
Bos City Park Koa City Park riub
bouse. Bev. William W. Voancsoa. nastor.
aerrlces, 11 and 7:30. S. St., 8:45. Communion
ana "uoes caucaium rari
University Park Kev. L, C Poor. . 1 1 and
7-30. S. 8- w a, tn. B. .-.Li 6:1ft.
"jsaoeauoa,' ana t Tiaions.". ! .t.
Pattoa Bev.. George F. Hopkins, pa.tor. and 7:45. -8. 8.. 10 a. m.. B. L.
6:43. Communion, 'and "Oregon Dry.'
Wesley an Bev. D. B. Hamps. . pastor.
t reaching 11 aad 7:30. a 8. 10. X, P. 14.
:80. , ' r ' . . ' . -
Bethel Bev. J. L. Crasr, paator. Serrlcss
ll ana cid. d. b. i:ja. v. K. f.
Lents ilev. w. , Boyd Moore, U sad 8.
e. B.-' iu. Bi. i. s.
7:30.; 8. S.. 10 a. m. Olasa meeting 13 m.
E. U. 6:30.
IJncoln Street M. B. M. O. Beed, pastor.
11 and 8. 8. 8. 10
Oak Grove Bev. C. H. Wooley. Sarrlces
11 and 8. S. 8. 10.
Westmoreland Rev. Alfred Bates. 8. 8.,
7. Sermon, 8.
First German A. F. Cramer, paator.
Preaching 11 and 8. 8. 8. 10. B. L. 7:30.
! Oak Orova Methodist ZpisoepaL
First M. K. Church C .L. Wooiey. paator.
8. 8. 10 a. m. preaching at 11 a. m. sad
8 p. m. E. L., 7 p. m. Special muale.
i X. Z. Church South.
First Union ave. and Multnomah Lovick
Plerc Law, pastor. Preaching 11 and 8.
S. S.j lO. Bishop E. D. Uouzon.
First Presbyterian church Krv. John Boyd,
minister. PreacbUig 10:30 aad 7:30. O. B.
6:SO. i
Mlajpah Ber. Harry Leeds, paator. Bar mob
11 and 8. 8. 8. 9:45 a. m. C. E. 7 p. m.
Calvary Eleventh and Clay eta. Bar. Da
vid U Kleble LL.. D. Preaching 10:30, and 8.
At the Taylor Street Methodist
church next Friday evenlnar at 8
oclock the Sunday school workera of bishops must similarly pass upon the
Portland will have the opportunity of selection. This may take two months,
hearing of the proceedings of the In- HO the new head may not be expected
ie manorial sunaay scnooi convention
held recently in Chicago.
As thla convention arranges the
Sunday achool lessons for the whole
world it ia probably the most Impor
tant religious gathering of the year.
This convention meeta every three
The program for Friday evening will
be as follows: "The Thing That
Gripped Me at the Chicago Conven
tion," Rev. John Cole; "The Business
Methods of the Great Convention,"
Rev. J. V. Mllllgan, and "Convention
Scenes and Climaxes," by C. A. Phippa.
general secretary for the Oregon State
Sunday School association.
to be consecrated before December.
Plans for Year Are
Given Consideration
S.j 12 m. "Peculiar People." and "What
Ia Religion and How to Get It."
Kenuworth Kev. uius turs Kienarasoa.
pastor. 11 and 7:45. Bibla school 9 :45 a. m.
Fourth Kev. Henry u. Hanson, paator.
SerTlces, 10:30. 8. 9., 12. C. BL. 6:30.
"Prophets with rropneue rower." and A
Searching Test."
Ananei uoDert ct. irieaa. servlcea 1 1
and 7:45. 8. 8.. 9:45. C E., 6:45.
Hawthorne Park L. tt. Grimes, -pastor. 8.
8. S.j noon. Services, 10:30 and 8.
Hope, M-ontavllla, Ttrcb ana Everett sts..
Bev. S. W. Seems n, 8. 8.. 10. SerTlces. 11
and 7;:30. C. C, 6:30 p. m. "God Revealed
in Nature," and "God Revealed ia Redemp
Piedmont BeT. J. E. Snyder, Cleveland and
Jarrett sts., 11. C. E.. 6:30. ' 8. 8.. 9:45.
The Prince of Peace," and "The Joy ef Sal-
lorbea Bct. Henry L. Pratt. 11 and a,
8. S.i 10. C. E. 6:30 p. m.
Third ReT. A. L. Hutchison, pastor.
Servhjea 10:30 and 7:45. 8. 8. 12. O B. 6:43.
Lnlty W. Lee Gray, minister. 8. 8. lu
Presctiiug ll a. m. and o p. m.
Arbor Lodge Rev. George tt. Cromley, 11
and 1:45. 8. 8. 10.
MtJ Tabor BeT. Graham Moore. Berrlcea
11 a.i ni. and 8 p. m. 8. 8.. 10 a. m. C.
P.., 7 i p. m. "Reaiionsibllity for the Sabbath
ScIkjoI," and "Tbe Joy of Living." .
Vernon 19th and Wygant sts. H. JJ.
Mount, pastor. Servlcea 11 and 8. '8. JtQ
a. mi C. E.. 7 p. m. "Good Soldiers of
Christ," anil "How the Christian Knows All."
Westminster Rev. Henry Marcotte, E. 17tn
and Schuyler. 10:30 and 7:45. 8. 8., 12.
Y. P.I S. C. E.. 6:30.
Spokane Avenue J. E. Youel, pastor. 8. g.
10 a. I m. Sermon, 11 and 8.
Ullard Avenue Rev. W. H. Amos. Berr
lcea 11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 10. Y. Pt B. C. B.
t :M p. m
usrsnaij street nv. air. oiacK, paatrf.
11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 19 a. m. Y. P. 8. 0.
K. 6:t0 p. m.
Trinity, corner Virginia and Wetraaka sts..
Ber. : E. Benson, pastor. .Service 11 and
7:30. ! 8. 8., 10. Y. P. 8. C. E., 6:30.
Bose City Park SerTicea it and 7:45. Bct.
Boudlnot Seely. C. E., 6:30 p. m. 8. 8..
8:45. I "The Changed Verdicts of Hiatory,"
and "The Waste of War"
Chinese 145 1st St, 7:45. 8. 8. 6:45,
Reformed Frank D. Fraser. Preaching. 11
and 7:30. 8. 8. lO.
Church Arranges
For Big Rally Day
Arrangements for promotion and
rally day were made and the slogan.
"Two Hundred In the Church on Rally
Day," was adopted at the monthly
meeting of teachers, officers and
workers of the Millard Avenue Presby
terian church at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Ellton Shaw, 4402 Eaat Seventy-ninth
street, southeast, last Mon
day evening. About 40 were present
at the meeting.
Steps were also taken toward the
school participating In the district In
stitute, to be held in the Lents section
October 9, under the auspices of the
Multnomah County Sunday School as
sociation. The adult Bible class taught
by C. K. Butters held first place for
good attendance, having, an average
for the quarter of 8"' per cent. The
third year primary class taught by
Mrs. J. F. Valentine was second with
an average attendance of 80 per
cent for the quarter.
Officers of the church and Sunday
school, in preparation for the work of
the year now beginning, met at. the
residence of Rev. L. 1C Richardson of
Kenilworth Presbyterian church Wed
nesday night, financial and adminis
trative plans were discussed.
A rally of the women of the dis
trict was held at a meeting the same
afternoon of the Ladies Aid society.
Mrs. T. W. Story was elected presi
dent, A ftereopticon lecture on the gen
eral subject of "Commercjallxed Vice"
will be dtlivered at Clinton Kelly M.
E. church as one of the aeries of
Union meetings being held on Sunday
eveninga by the Clinton-Kelly M. E.
Kenilworth Presbyterian and Taber
nacle Baptist churches.
lotte and Hummel are . the architects. . Woodstock Frank . James, pastor,-' 11 and
Vaitod Preabyterlaa.
Kenton J. 8. Cole. Services 10:15 a. ta.
nd p. m. 8. 8. 10 a. m.
First Frank le Witt Fiuaiey, 10:30. 8. R..
12 m. C. E.. 6:45 p. in, "A Passion for
Righteousness," and "Tbe Helping Hand."
Ihe cnurcn or toe etrauvr kct. S.
Earl Iubois. 10:30 and. 8. vy. E.. 6:S0 p. oi.
"Blessinxs from tbe Unl," and "A Uuestlon
of Lojtalty."
1-hlinl W. A. Spalding, V. u. paator, 37th
and Hawthorne. 8. 8., 9:50. Y. p. 8., 7.
Services 11 and 8.
I CongregatlOBaL
First Park and Mntllfuu Rev. Lather R.
Dyott.iD. I. 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. 8. 8..
t:jO a. m. "The Hand of God la Human
Lives.'? and 'The War."
First German East 7tt and Stanton. Bct.
r. O. IWlUmau.
Llnderborat ReT. D. B. Gray. 8. 8. lo.
Services 11 and 7:45. C. E. 6:30 p. m.
Pilerlm Missouri and Shaver sta.. Rev. D.
V. Polling, paator. Preaching 1.1 and T:3).
8. S :45- C. E., 6:30. "A Problem," snd
"ine iarger vision."
University Park Itev. XV. C. Kantner, D
D., paator, 11 a. m. S. 8., 10 a. m. Y.
P. 8. jC. E.. 7.
Laurel wood Rev. Koodall. paator. 10 and
1:46. C E. 7.
Highland Ber. E. 8. Bollinger. 8. 8. 10
a. m. i Preaching 11 and 7:45. X. P. 8. C; E.
6:50. I "Silence Before God," and "Crosses
and Orowna,"
Waverly Heigh ts Rev. A. C. Moses, 11 a.
m. and 8 p.' m. "Casting all Care on God,"
and "Life's Shadows."
Haaaalo 8 tree i J. U. Lowdea, paator.
Services. 11. M. 8., 10 a. m
Sunnyside East 23d and Taylor. Kev. J.
J Staub. 11 and 745. H. 8.. 10 a. m. C. E..
6:15. "The Measure, Power and Glory of
Divine Grace," and '"The Life That Tells."
St. Johns Rev. Daniel T. Thomas. Morn
ing serimoD. 11 a. m. 8. 8., 10 a. m. Preacb
Uig. 11. a. m.
Ardehwald Bct. Daniel T. Thomas. 8. 8.,
10 a. in. Preaching, 8 p. m. BeT. B. W.
Boss, j
Zlon (German) Bast Oth and Fremont, Bee.
3. IL Hopp. eerrlces 10 iO and 7:30. C. E
6:8. i
Atkinson Memorial Be. T. If. Gonaaa.
pastor, j Serrlces 11 L D. aad 7 :45. C
I It I I '
ll& rv - AW
Delegates of Sunday
Schools Organize
Delegates from most of the Sunday
schools in the southwestern part of
the city met at Laurel wood Congrega
tional church- last Sunday afternoon
and completed the organization of the
Ninth district of the Multnomah Coun
ty Sunday School association.
Officers of the district were elected
aa follows: President, Ward B.
Swope. superintendent of Kern Park
Christian school; vice president, C S.
Bradford, superintendent of Grae
Evangelical school at Lents; secretary
and treasurer. Ellton Shaw, superin
tendent or the Millard Avenue Pres
byterian achool.
A committee was appointed to ar
range for a church census of the dis
trict, in which all schools are expec ted
to join. The committee was instructed
to make an effort to hav.e all schools
in -the district observe November 1 as
World's Temperance Sunday.
Fall Church Work
Being Launched
Rev. John H. Boyd, pastor of the
First Presbyterlsn church, has re
: turned from his summer vacation, and
the fall work 'is being . launched in
every department of the church and
Sunday school. In his sermons tomor
I row Dr. Boyd will deal with a line of
I thought pertinent to the times. Tn
the morning he will preach on the
subject "The Birth : Throws of a New
Era," discussing tne meaning or tne
worlds commotion as interpreted
through history. The subject of his
evening sermon, at 7:45, will be. "The
Individual and the World Turmoil,"
pointing out the place of the Indivi
dual in the midst of an agitated world.
Rev. A. C. Moses.
Slips Away From Police.
Txs Angeles, Sept. 12. Traced by a
telegram sent to Reginald H, Gernon,
Rev. A. C Moses, the new pastor of I his alleged victim. Attorney Eugene E.
the Waverly HeighfifCongregatlonal I Hewlett was located In an Kl Paso)
church, was for 15 years the head of hotel. Delayinc to make an arrest un-
a church in Chicago and' during the til they were doubly sure thai he was
campaign of 1912 ran his opponents a the man wanted, the Kl Psho noJtfe iff
close race for the Illinois legislature him slip through their fingers and he
on the anti-saloon ticket. At Waverley I was tniaaing again today.
Heights he succeeds Rev. A. W. Baum, Hewlett, prominent clubman and r
wlio takes1 up a work near Seattle. puted millionaire fit Los Angeles and
The new pastor and his wife were Pasadena, is wanted to answer charges
riven a reception Tuesday night at the I of embezzling 134,000 from Gernon.
church by members of the congrega- Gernon, it is alleged, turned over his
tion. Rev. W. W. Youngson of tbe property to the lawyer with the u-
Rose City -Park Methodist church wel- derstanding that he and his wife would
corned Mrt Moses in behalf of the min- be given an annuity for life. This,
lsters of the city, and Congregational j Gernon claims,- has not been paid.
ministers of the city who spoke were
First Park and Columbia streets Max.
well Hall. A. kt. D. U. Services at 11 aad
8. 8. 8., 10. C E., 7 p. m.
Central Hv. 8 am net R. Hawkins, paator.
(Continued on Following Page).
Messrs. Bollinger, of Highland FarK;
Staub, of Sunnyside, and Kantner, ef
University Park. The church was
nearly filled at this function.
Numerous plans for the progress of
the church work are being made. A
rally program will be followed by a
reception of new members the first
Sunday in October when the church
mortgage will probably be burned.
In preparation for this work a can
vass of the church district has been
made and it was found that the church
is the center of an area of over 12 X)
homes in which no other churches are
located. Only 34 out of 1251 homes
of families in this district were found
unoccupied. A personal canvass
among these people to learn their re
ligious affiliation is to be started in
a few clays.
A check protector which perforates
more 'than a postal card has been In
Malaria causes ..more sickness and
deaths than any other single disease
in India. . . . :