The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 21, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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INVITATIONS bT bMn sent out i
for th mrrU pf HUa Maria
EvanrUn McDoarall and Cas
lmir A. Campbll at 6C Patrick's
church, Wednesdajr moraine, Septem
ber 2, at 10 a. m. A reception wilt be
given at the Willamette Height home
of the brlde-elecfa parents, Mr. ana
Mra. Alexander D. McDougall, 1244
Thunnan street, in the afternoon from
3 until 4 o'clock. Mr. Campbell is a
well known Insurance man. He is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Campbell of
an old and well known Portland fam
Hy. Both the bride to be and Mr. Camp,
bell are popular In their- set and they
are being feted with numerous prenup
tlal. parties. ,
Visiting Near Mount Hood.
Miss Zola Hitchcock and Miss Merle
McKelvey are passing a week or 10
days at the mountain cottage of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Held (Erelyn Hitch
cock), "Alder Brook Lodge," which is
located near Rhododendron tavern.
Luncheon for Mrs. Greene.
miss Hazel Hurts entertained at
luncheon this afternoon for the pleas
ur of her house guest Mrs. Harry re.
Oreen of The Dalles, Or. pink was the
coior scheme carried out in every ap
polntment of the table, which was can
tered with a pretty cluster of pink
sweet peas. Covers were laid for Mrs.
Greene, Mrs. Nellie Hanthorne. Mrs. P.
A. Severs, Mrs. Frank P. 8paulding
mjia mm noaiees.
For Out-of-Town Visitors.
A number of out-of-town visitors
were the inspiration for a delightful
afternon spent at the noma of Mrs.
Ida M. Gay, 711 Mllwaukle Street, on
Wednesday. Those present were: Mrs
W. G. Martin of Seattle. Miss Ella
Copeland and Mrs. C. R. Offner of
Walla Walla. Miss Gertruda Kum
of Astoria. Mrs. George Knight Clajk.
Mrs. Bertram Douglas Newcomb, Miss
Anna Meehan and Mrs. George Robert
Clark. Miss Kearney and Mrs. George
renaerea aengntrui musical numbers.
Mrs. Martin ' entertained with some
clever readings, after which refresh
ments were served.
&Hh Wedding Anniversary.
Captain and Mrs. Del mar Shaver
celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary Wednesday, Aug. 15, at
their beautiful summer home on Can
non Beach. Dinner was served at S
o'clock under the trees on the lawn.
The trees were decorated with Japan
ese lanterns and later In the evening
these were lighted and a larg bonfire
added Its cheerful glow to the scene.
The following guests enjoyed the hos
pitality of Captain and Mrs. Shaver:
Captain and Mrs. J. w. Shaver, Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Hoyt, Mrs. Alben
8. Heints, Captain and Mrs. Orln Kel
logg, Mr. and, Mrs. Frederick E3.
Plympton, Miss Martha Hoyt, Mips
Krma Lace, Miss Hasle Plympton, Miss
Ellen Shaver, Miss Doris Shaver, Ho
mer T, Shaver, James Delmer Shaver,
George W. Hoyt Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. W
K. Tlchenor, Miss Vera Tlchenor, Miss
Voila Tlchenor, of Clatskante; Mr. and
.Mrs. J. English, Miss Alice McCurdy,
i nwa xwver, ana miss ay Arm
Strong, of CorvalUs.
Home From Gearhart.
Mrs. J, F. Alexander and daughter
Virginia ot irvington, returned from
Gearhart Tuesday evening, wnere they
have been spending the summer season
at their cottage. Several smart affairs
nave wen neid at the-Alexander cat.
tage auring the past few weeks,
Among the guests who were enter
tained by them were: Mr. and Mr
H. R. O'Bryas. Lewis V.. TTnii v Mr.
garet Shaver, Winifred May Hutchlns,'
Clarence McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Baker and Francis Redick of Portland.
Guests not living in the elty were:
Miss Marjorle Behrends and Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Perkins of Nome, Alaska.
The Alexanders will spend the bal
ance of the season In Portland at their
Irvington home.
Motor Party to Crater Lake.
Mrs. Herman Wittenberg, Miss Gen
vleve Shaver. Ralph Wittenberg and
Mrs. Sarah McMillan uid Mr -,n r.
P. C. Stettler. Miss Jenette Stettler
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarke made up two
automobile parties that are enjoying
a trip to Crater lake, Klamath falls
and points of interest in the surround
ing country. . Mr. Wittenberg will
leave on his return home for Harvard
Surprise Party.
On Saturday evening, August 16,
Miss Fayretta Freichel was given a
pleasant surprise party at her home,
636 Mall street, "by a few of her
friends from the Utopia Rebekah
lodge. The evening was spent in mu
sic, games and dancing, after which
a lunch was served. Miss Freichel
Miss Crystal Hyland, one of the attractive girls of the younger set
who recently returned from a several months trip in California
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hyland. The Hylands
have taken a country place on Lake Vancouver, several miles
from Vancouver, Wash., where they plan to pass the fall months.
and her mother will leave on the
twentieth of August for Milwaukee,
Wis., and Buffalo, N. Y., by the way
of the Canadian Pacific, to be gone
several months, to visit friends and
relatives. Those present to wish Miss
Freichel and her mother a safe and
pleasant journey were: Mr. and Mrs.
J. V. -Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Steele. Mr. and Mrs. George Sturgls,
Charles Bonadurer, Miss Emma Bona
durer, Miss Edna Savory, C. F. Frei
chel and Chester Freichel.
Mrs. Casey Hostess.
Mrs. -Thomas J. Casey (nee Jose
phine Jemtegard) was hostess Wed
nesday eyening, when she entertained
with a dinner party at her new home
In Westmoreland for a number of her
girl friends. The table was decorated
prettily with, pink sweet peas and
maidenhair "fern. Covers were laid for
Miss Myrtle Jemtegard, Miss Jane
Keep, Miss Elhan English, Miss Mar
garet Mann, -Miss Anna Reich, Miss
Augusta, Setfer. Miss Laura Will
banks. Miss Wlnnltta Marr and the
"Merry Owls Clnb" Hold Meeting
Surprise for Two ot Its Members.
The "Merry OWli" held a very in
teresting meeting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Kobbs last Monday
night Previous to; the meeting a
buffet luncheon was served, which
was enjoyed by the members. While
the supper was served Fred Scholl,
In behalf of the club, presented Walter
Frasier with a brass combination
smoking set bearing the Owl design
as a birthday remembrance. During"
the meeting plans were discussed for
future entertainments to be given by
the club. The next -party will be
given at the pretty Fulton Hill home
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S; Phillips on
Wednesday night. August" 26. After
the business meeting an Owl pennant
was presented to Aubrey Waters, who
There is nothing half-way about cof
fee. It is either good or bad! Its
delicious flavor explains the contin
ued popularity of German - Ameri-
In two months G-A became the most
popular coffee in
the Northwest
because it equalled
most 35c and 40c
coffees. In almost
four months, it is
still the only qual
ity coffee.
3 lbs. 85c
M (it'll
left Tuesday night for Vancouver. B.
C, where he expects to reside for a
short period, after which ha will return
to Portland.
Outing at Sol Due
Alter spending several . days at
Seattle and at Victoria, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Oherdarper and Mr. and Mrs. N.
D. Simon and their families went to
Sol Due hot springs, where they have
been for 10 days. They have had a
delightful outing and expect to be
home on tna 26th.
Society Notes.
Miss Nan Gerdes. who is the house
guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Pease at
their home in San Bernardino. CaL,
is being delightfully entertained, Sev.
eral motor trips having been planned
tor her pleasure. Before returning
noma she win also visit for a time
with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pedicord (for
merly of Portland) at their home In
San Diego.
Willougnby Richardson, son of Mt.
and Mrs. J. J. Richardson, Is spending
a few weeks at Maroney Town, Man
hattan Beach, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Richardson and their son and
daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. J. Richard
son Jr., and infant son left today on
an automobile trip to Join their son at
Maroney Town.
Mr. and Mrs. LItt Hoffman spent the
week end at Mount Pleasant, Wash.
Among the affairs of a social nature
given during their visit was a delight
ful dinner party at which Frank Smead
of Mount Pleasant Was host at his
bachelor quarters, last Sunday evening.
The many friends of Miss Queenle
Howe of 554 East Everett street will
be glad to hear of her recovery from
a long illness. Miss Howe is the
daughter of the late theatrical mana
ger, J. P. Howe.
Mrs. S. Jessup of Eugene Is the
guest of Mrs. J..EL Werleln and daugh
ter, Miss Helen, at 725 West Madison
street. Mrs. Jessup is house-mother
of the Delta Gamma sorority.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Freeman
and daughter Mrs. Edna- Freeman
Stafford are enjoying their outing at
Barview, Bayocean and other points of
Interest near Tillamook.
Mrs. R. W. Stephens and grand
daughter, Miss Hazel Channey, have
gone to Sacramento to e the guests
of Mrs. Stephens' daugater, Mrs. Jo
sephine (White) Dixon.
a a
Miss Irene Wilson and Lawrence
Jamleson have returned from Saltalr,
where they 'have been the guests of
jura, u, r ranu ai ner cottage JUXDerry
- a
Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Lleuallen and
daughter Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs.
RA. Cronin and son Robert, have re
turned from a two weeks motoring
trip: to TiiiamooK county beaches.
-Mrs. , J. B. Knapp; (Cornelia Pink-
ham I and her small son left yesterday
ior tne beach. i
Lang .& Co.
Roaster of famous "Royal Club" Coffee and Distrib
v utors-of "Royal Club" Pure Food Products.
The Frest Air Store
Portland Agents Hartmann's nute-HUe" and "CertA-niQh" Wardrobe Trunks
Portland Agents Gossard Front-Lace. Nemo. Bon Ton and Bten Jolie Corsets
The Daylight Store
Motor Veils
At 69c
lCaln nootr Motor
Veils, Hoods and Caps
of massallna, satin.
velvet and taffeta.
Great variety of styles
and plain colors and
cnangeaDies, CQ
worth to $1.2S.. OtlC
(DMSo Wg toauni IiM
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A-6231
At 35c
Hals Koot Women's
Coat Collars In many
pretty styles; pique,
o r g a n d les. nets and
laces; popular "Lily"
effects lad uded; whit,
cream and col
ora. special.... OwC
SM AmimnweiFsairy Sale
Men's Sliirts Worth Up to $1.50 for 59c
.Three lor $1.50 Ltmtt 3 to a Customer
DEPT. MAIN FLOOR All broken lines, small lots and shirt which have
become toiled from handling, grouped into one big lot for quick disposal, at
less than cost of making. Great many attractive stripe patterns, also plain
colors and plain or plaited bosom White Shirts. We have nearly all sizes in
the assortment, and many of them regular $125 and $1.50 qualities. Not
more than 3 shirts will be sold to"any one customer. A Shirt Bargain KQf
of the most unusual sort. Grades worth up to $1.50, on sale at only JUs
All Men's Motor Coats at V2 Price
" Men's $2.50 Pajamas Special S1.98
MAIN FLOOR Our entire line of
Men's Motor Coats included in this
sweeping $4 Price Sale. Newest 1914
styles in all the wanted dust-proof
materials. Well known makes, in
cluding tne famous "R. & W." line.
Improve this opportunity to buy
an Outing Coat andl2sPr ICC
MAIN FLOOR Men's fine quality
Pajamas in latest cut. Made of
soisettes and soft mercerized mate
rials. Shown in plajn and fancy col
ors and nicely trimmed. Complete
assortment of all sizes. Pajamas
selling in the regular way
at $20. Priced special at
Men's S25.00 Fancy Snmmcr Suits Special S16.4S
Men's SIS ana 820 Fancy Summer Snits lor Stt.95
25c Wash Tics
3 for 25c
MAIN FLOOR Splendid range
of neat, dressy patterns in all the
wanted colors and popular weaves."
Regular Z5c Ties, priced )Vg
special at, 3 for 6J,
50c Wash Ties 35c
MAIN FLOOR Final Clearance
of our entire line of Men's 50c
Washable Four-tn-Hands at above
price. Beautiful new patterns.
Finest materials. Regular
50c grades, for
aiiti lie.
Fait Styles- .
Young Men's Salts
$10 to $15
MAIN FLOOR Smart, snap
py models, designed especially
to please high school and col
lege chaps. Exceptionally well
tailored from choice new Fall
weaves. For young fellows of
discriminating taste these new
Fall Suits will meet their ap
proval. Priced 10, f 12.BO and flB
Advance Showing
Men's Fall Hats
MAIN FLOOR We are now pre
pared to show our new Fall line
of "Schobel" and other famous
makes in soft felt and stiff Hats
for men. Call and select yours.
New Fall Styles In
Men's Shirts
MAIN FLOOR Comolete Fat
lines. "Arrow," "Bates Street," and
r-,t-Vi -r Tw-intilar makes. Most attrac
tive patterns we have ever flff
shown 1 Priced 1.50 up to PJ
Boys' 2-Pant School Suits 54.95
All Boys' Wash Suits 12 Price
MAIN FLOOR Donble-serviec
Suits for boys' school wear 300
of these splendid Suits just re
ceived! Smart stitched belt Nor
folks in choice collection of hand'
some new patterns. Pants full
lined with double-taped seams.
Ages 6 to 18. Boys' QK
2-Pant Suits, special at tprteatJ
MAIN FLOOR Our remaining
stock of Children's and Boys' Wash
Snit will be closed out at a reduc
tion of in st t4. Middies. Russian-
Blouse and Oliver Twist models, in
chambrays, linens, percales, ging
hams, etc Good ranee of sues.
Reg. $1.50 up to $5 Prfo
Wash Suits, at
AH Boys' Linen & Khaki Snits Rednced
DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Final call in the Boys' Outing Suits of Linen
and Khaki in all sizes. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with purchases.
LOT 1 Boys' $2.45 Linen and Khaki Outing Suits, on sale at f 1.98
LOT 2 Boys' $3.45 Linen and Khaki Outing Suits, on sale at 92.98
LOT 3 Boys' $3.95 Linen and Khaki Outing Suits, on sala at 3.48
Men's Outing Shirts
On Sale at Bargain Center
in the Basement.
Shirts in this assortment up to $1.
Every shirt cut in full standard
sizes and well made. Chambrays,
sateens, cheviots, striped duck,
khaki, percale and other serviceable
materials. Military or flat collars.
All sizes from 14 to 18. fOa
Shirts worth to $1.00, for. . . 'xOl
We Give "S. & H." Green Stamp
S3. 50, and S4.00 Pumps $1,00 Pair
400 to $6.00 High Shoes $3.48
Double Stamps in Shoe Department Saturday
MAIN FLOOR Women's $3.50
and $4.00 Low Shoes and Pumps
in the latest styles also small
sizes in white high or low Nubuck
Shoes; $5 to $6 grades. fl- HA
Special tomorrow at... tJJAaVU
Women's $1,50 Siesta Slippers 98c Pair
$1.75 Comlort House. Slippers $1.29
MAIN FLOOR Women's Siesta
Slippers with leather soles and
crocheted uppers. . Styled with
roll cuff. Blue, pink, black, red
and lavender. Regular $1.50 QQn
Slippers, on sale at Ot
Burglars Unusually
Active Last "Night
Whils t family of FD. Shull, 91
Overton, street, was away last even-
ins; for a couple of hours, a burglar
pried open rear window, entered the
hom and sfola several articles. Two
watches aad Several stickpins ara the
most valuable things taken.
Al Gevurtz, 665 Cllsan street,' re
ported to tne polle last night that a
burglar entered; his bonis early In the
evening, taking- $T In cash and four
rings belonging to children. One man's
ring was also'n(sing.
W. L. Flied-nei 712 East Sfarket
street,- reported, -burglar entered his
home during the. night, but apparently
was chased away Before he had time
Hartz Mountain Canaries lor 81.69
1000 of These World-Famous Songster
Imported Especially for This Great Sale
ON SALE THIRD FLOOR All bird lovers will be interested in this most extraordinary offering: 1000
Genuine Imported Harts Mountain Canary Birds to be distributed at about 1-3 what bird stores ask for
these splendid singers. Every bird has been trained by an expert who has made a life stud of these
cheerful little pets. Hartt Mountain Canaries are noted for their sweet tone, length of song and lasting
voice- The expert in charge will give full information as td the proper care to be given them. "f CQ
Priced (including wooden cage), only PeU7
Double Jr Trading Stamps
Tomorrow In Shoe DcpU, Main Floor
1.75 House Dresses 93c
Center Circle, Main Floor
Sale extraordinary Women's House Dresses.
Several popular styles, including one model
just like this cut Made of splendid quality
materials ginghams, percale and chambrays
'in light and dark colors.. Neat stripes,
checks and figures, also plain colors. High
or low necks, long or short sleeves. Attrac
tively trimmed with bands, embroideries, pip
ings, etc. some with sailor collar. Dresses
worth up to $175. Saturday special, QQ
your choice at UOl
Girls $10 Summer Dresses $2.98
Girls $1.50 Wash Dresses 49c
Second Floor Girls'
high - grade Summer
Dresses in most desir
able styles and colors.
Challies, Eponee and
Linens. Only one ori
two of each style.
Dresses worth up to $10.
Priced for flQ QQ
Clearance at VielO
Second Floor Odd lines
Children's Wash Dresses,
priced for immediate
clean-up. Ginghams,
Percales and Cham
brays, in many pretty
patterns and colors.
Sizes from 2 up to 14.
Dresses worth up ACk
to $1.50, for, fti7C
All Girls Summer Coats Reduced
DEPT. SECOND FLOOR Drastic price-reductions
on all Children's Summer Coats. Many of
these are heavy enough for Fall wear. Great many
attractive styles and colors. Ages 2 to 14 years.
Lot 1 Coats worth to $ &25 Special at 91. OS
Lot 2 Coats worth to $ 8.75 Special at 93.10
Lot 3 Coats worth to $13.50 Special at 93.08
ixt i uoata worm to 915.50 Special at
Lot 5 Coats worth to $21.50 Special at f 9.85
Women's Mohair Bathing Suits $298
SECOND FLOOR Women's Bathing Suits of excellent quality
mohair. Styled with skirt and bloomers and nicely trimmed with
fancy silks, pipings, braids, etc Shown in black and navy C0 AO
only. All sizes. Priced special for Saturday MuO
MAIN FLOOR Choice of wom
en's High Shoes in patent gun
metal and tan leathers season
able new lasts, selling regularly at
$4, $5 and $6 the pair. 10 AO
On sale tomorrow at.. POrO
MAIN FLOOR Comfort House
Slippers with high or low heels and
strap instepalso soft leather
Boudoir Slippers with hand-turned
soles and silk pompons; (?" Oft
$1J0-$1J5 grades, at... PXea7
Specfial Salle Drugs
and Toilet Articles
DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Many of the following articles have ad
vanced in price on account of European conditions however, our
prices will not advance as long as our present stocks hold out.
Sc Fairy, ivory and Lurllne Soaps 3c Cake
5 bars Fairy or Ivory and one bar Lurltne to a customer. Nd de
liveries except with other purchases made in the Drug Depart
ment. No phone or mail orders filled in this offer.
50c Hinds' Honey and Almond
Cream Special sale at 2Sf
10c Household Ammonia at &t
10c lb. can Chloride of Lime 8e
50c Phenolax Wafers at 35
15c Toilet Paper 1500 sheets
to the roll Special, a roll..8e
50c Phillips Milk of Magnesia
on sale Saturday at "0
50c Lavoris Mouth Wash 35
Regular 10c Sapolio
At 7c Cake
25c Packer's Tar Soap at 1K
10c Physicians' and Surgeons'
Soap, the cake 7$
25c Woodbury's Fac'l Soap 15?
10c Colgate's Toilet Soap at 7t
25c Floating Castile Soap 10
10c California Medicated Soap
at, special, a cake
25c Kolynos Tooth Paste 15
25c Dr. Graves' ToothPdr. 15e
50c Daggett & Ramsdeli's Cold
Cream, special, a jar 35t
50c Ingram's filkweed Cream,
on sale Saturday at, jar . 33e
50c Pebecco Tooth Paste,
Special 2Sc
Fancy Ribbons
MAIN FLOOR Beautiful Silk
Ribbons in Dresden, Plaids, Fancy
Stripes, etc. 4 to 7 J4 inches
wide also variety of wanted plain
shades. Ribbons worth ap 00
to 65c, on sale at, yard.... tlv-
All Refrigerators Now Reduced
THIRD FLOOR Oar entire line
of "Automatic" Refrigerators now
offered at the following low prices:
$10.00 Refrigerators for 9 7.O0
$15.60 Refrigerators for 910.03
$19.80 Refrigerators for 913.85
Special Prices on Garden Hose Lawn Mowers
25-ft. Cotton Garden Hose Regular price $2,40 Special now at 91.85
25-ft, Cotton Garden Hose Regular price $3.63 Special now at 92.65
25-ft. Cottotr Garden Hose Regular price $3.15 Special now at 92.SO
25-ft. Red Rubber Garden Hose Regular $3.00 Special now at 92.25
50-ft. Best Grade Cotton Hosc-ReguIar price $7.00 Special now 95.00
25c Velvo Cold Cream now 5e
50c Palm Olive Cream, jar 33
Pompeian Massage Cream
Saturday special .....50e
25c Altar Tropical Talcum 15
25c Peroxide Cream jar 15
50c Santiseptic Lotion, on sale
for one day dnly at 30e
50c Pond's Extract Vanishing
Cream, special, a jar 33
25c Mennen's Talcum for 12e
10c Old Dutch Cleanser for ??
15c Mule Team Borax at
50c Newbro's Herpicide at 35
50c Hays' Hair Health at 35e
50c ,Squibbs' Talcum Pwdr. 19
75c M. & L. Florida Water 50e
10c Merck's Boric Add
Special, 8c Box
Borden's Milk
For Health!
The delightfully appetizing
flavor of " Borden V Malted
Milk . is distinctive different
from other malted milks. Be
ing rapidly and completely as
similated. "Borden's" Malted
Milk offers a perfect ' food for
the most delicate stomach. Spe
cial demonstration in the Drag
Department on the Main Floor.
Regular 50c Sixes, now at -Oe
Regular $1 sue. now at 80
$3.9 Hospital Size, now 92.98
80c Syrup of Figs
Special 35
$1 Swamp Root Special 79e
$1 Lambert's Listerine at 5e
35c Fletcher's Castoria for 25e
50c Pond's Extract Special 35c?
Toilet Articles
Regular $1.50 Hand Mirrors 91
Regular 50c Hair Brushes, on
sale Saturday at, each ....39e
25c Dressing Combs now 10
Several styles in hand-drawn
Tooth Brushes, choice at..lOe
Ebony Military Brushes with
best bristles, at V Price
All Parolyn Ivory Toilet Arti
cles now at Off Regular
$1.50 Fountain Syringes
Special 89c
Sempre Glovlne
The. .virtue of this preparation
has been conclusively demon
strated to the satisfaction and
delight of thousands of both
men and women for nearly a
quarter of a century. Regular
50c cake. Saturday spe-
25c Carter! Liver Pills
Special 15c
"Maurlne" Toilet
Visit the rest rooms on the
Second Floor and .let the dem
onstrator give you a free, full
treatment of any - Maurine
Preparation. Guaranteed - Free
from all injurious substances
to get anything.