RE OPENING OF 1 OF OREGON ARE VAST I NEVADA MAN AVERS - . i With Proper Development the State Would Have $100,-; 000,000 in Five Years, ; 13-DAYS' EVENT THAT WILL MAKE With Interest and Eager Inter est Portland People Will Read the News of This Great 13 Day Sale RARE METALS IN QUANTITY Jtron, Oold, FlAtiatuu, Antimony and Tiorinm All to B ffonnO, I Statement. MINERAL SOURCES O CAN IZED - "The mineral resource of Oregon are beyond comparison with almost i 11 other portions of the country but : flnvAn mmm tn hova nn interest ' In them nor care a straw for their de- eiopment," said c. w. viapp, iormer ly of Reno, Nev., yesterday. ."XVhv. nuthvcatern Oresron Is a veritable Colorado, It Is full of rich ! minerals waiting to be. taken- out and processed. The black sands of Oregon streams are full of gold, platinum and Iron. Thorium and antimony exist In. Oregon in abundance, as does nickel. "Last year the United States fur nished only a fraction of the world's nickel supply, yet Oregon and Wash ington alone with proper development: . could produce over half. j "Most of the world's platinum sup , ply comes from the Ural mountains. u to the war it has advanced In price from f 40 to $60 an ounce. Ore gon has- enough platinum to aupply the world. ' "Thorium, used in coating gas man tela, la found In southern Oregon. It . brings )250 a ton on the market. The common every day atones you use be tween the streetcar tracks here In Portland are full of iron which can b) drawn out by the new processes at $25 r , a ton. less than it costs to bring it from Pittsburg. "Antimony, used In the making of type, has advanced 300 per cent In the Jast 10 days. It can be produced for 6 cents a pound in Nevada and brings 32 cents on the New York market. J "If Oregon would wake up and be- (In developing these mineral resources ' tie would have a production of $100,- j 000,000 a year within five years." ! Mr. Clapp deprecates the work of the Oregon bureau of mines and geol ogy. "Painless" Parker Taking New Tack Dentist Begins Equity Suit to Compel Dental Board to Produo Examina tion Data and Zssna License. Another tack was taken by Edgar R. ' ("Painless) Parker yesterday In his fight against the state board of dental .examiners when a 'suit in equity was1 filed In Parker's behalf by Attorney ! R. A. Sullivan asking that the board; ' be forced to produce all examination papers and data connected with Parker i nd to grant him a license to practice : his profession. Parker first started mandamus proceedings to secure the same results but abandoned that ' method. Parker alleges that he has twice taken examinations for a license and ' that each time he performed the work ' nd answered .the questions required ! In a manner which he deems worthy of j license. He charges the board with ! conspiring to keep him from securing license because he violates the ethics of the dental craft by advertis ing. Parker Is represented In the present ; uit by the legal firms of Mannix & . Sullivan and Qlltner & Sewall and by Attorney John F. Logan. Naval Fighting in Worth Sea Reported Only Long- Bang Shooting Has Oc curred Oerman Submarines Said to I Be running- Dash. London, Aug. 19. Desultory fight ing between British and Qeftnan war ship in the North sea was reported today by the official war information bureau. It was stated, however, that "no losses are reported or claimed." only long range shots having been ex changed. "A certain liveliness is apparent in the southern area of the North sea," aid the bureau's bulletin. Thia was Interpreted as forecasting a dash by (German submarines and destroyers. COUNTY COURT NEWS Olds, Wortman & King submitted . ,an offer to hang tapestry and a large . flag In Circuit Judge Morrow's court" room to correct the defective accous- i , tics for $188.70. The offer was placed I t on file. j Notice of the acceptance of an of fee ' by the county to oil, the roads on the 1 Greaham fairgrounds at $1.60 a barrel ' for oil distributed was given by the , Multnomah County Fair association. i, Deputy District Attorney Murphy, .in answer to a request from the Her- , sog Iron Works for settlement of their claim on- their courthouse contract, ; notified the board that the Herxog I claim must await adjustment of the Claim of A. J. Capron, the original contractor, whose contract was takeo over by the Heriog company. ' Tha proposed settlement with Biagio Monaco, laborer Injured on the Co lumbia River Highway, was once more referred to Roadmaster Yeon with a recommendation by Deputy District Attorney Murphy that $58 be deducted ; for ' physicians' Mils as Monaco leU tha hospital without his discharge. Whldden & Lewis, architects of the courthouse. Submitted plans and speci ' f lcatlons of tha courthouse for use of j tha "bug Juice" Investigating commit- v tea,, stating a complete set will be furnished later. . Julius L. Meier and others petitioned , tor Improvement of the road from.'. ' Chanticleer to Rooster Rock. The pe-! . tltlon was referred to Roadmaster 1 Yeon. " j R. A. Weldman of Falrview was al-,1 4 lowed $275 Indemnity for 11 cows! slaughtered because of tuberculosis, j the county to pay half and the state . tha remainder. , Gin Coming to New York. Fear that the present European war would prove uch an interruption to ) commerce aa to halt the Importation j of foreign wlnea and liquors is mitt-1 gated , to a slight extent in the an "' nounoement at New Tork that 10.000 ' -eaaes of gin are now ea route from England to this country. & Attend This Sale II 'Tit'.' I" " " " 1 - "' " I WW II J-' I II V.. -1 ! ii i - .,, if Tomoinrow it Great Sale Event Starts- Continues for 1 3 Selling Days Never Before a Trade Event Like It It Is the Climax of Merchandising Read! Silk Messaline Petticoats now Here is an offering that must be seen to be fully appreciated. These Pet ticoats are made to sell to $5.00, but during this great opening sale we have grouped the entire lot at this astounding bargain price. All the wanted shades are represented, and every woman who is fortunate enough to read this advertisement must come to the store at once and flj f A A share in this wonderful offering )ltT7 'HE miew management! Ik-NTiowledlcfedl Ibv all as Tbeinsf ereaM Startling AreThese Prices! The Dry Goods Department and our Ready-to-Wear Departments are crowded with merchan dise, all purchased for this grand 13 days' sale. Buy now! 25c Ladies' Hose, Special 12l2c Here is a regular 25c Hose on sale at just JT gj one-half price. They are fast black, dou- 1 1 JkCyS ble heel and toe, with desirable white sole It is to acquaint you with the wonderful money saving possibilities of this stored everything for men, women and children has been gathered together for thij needed store. Our buyer with the cold cash in hand has searched the markets people in this mighty 13 days' sale will open your eyes in wonder. They will bt souvenirs for the children accompanied by parents. DOORS OPEN AT 9 A; Items Listed Below Are But Samples-They Light the Way to Portland's Newest and Best Bargain Storej Don't Miss an Item in Great Bargain List 5c Ladies' Handkerchiefs, on sale now, choice 1 10c Ladies' Handkerchiefs, extra special at 3 15c Ladies' Vests, on sale now while they last at 6 15c Children's Hose, all sizes, now, the pair 8 20c Ladies' Hose are here during this sale at 9 50c Ladies' Shirt Waists, great lot now, each 29p 75c Ladies' Shirt Waists, choice now for each .. 39 $1.00 Underskirts, extra special while they last 4& 50c Children's Dresses, very special,, sale price 29 $1.00 Children's Dresses, on sale now, choice, each 39 75c Ladies' Wash Skirts, choice now for each 29 ouc Corset Covers can be purchased here for ...19? 50c Ladies' Summer weight Drawers, special, each 19 50c Ladies Union Suits now at less than half ...... 24 25c Ladies' Gauze Vests, while they last, each 10 50c Ladies' Silk Hose, buy all you want, the pair 39 $1.00 Ladies' Combination, extra special, choice 49 $l.UU Corsets, on sale here, while they last, each 49 $3.50 Ladies' Dress Skirts, very special, choice -.$1.98 $5.00 Durable Serge Dresses, on sale now, each .. .$2.98 10c Ginghams, the Yard 5c It is seldom you have an opportunity to buy staple Ginghams at a price far under the reg. wholesale cost. Reg. 10c Ginghams, yd. Cut Out This Great Price List and Bring It With You $15.00 Suits of durable materials, now, choice $4.98 $20.00 Suits for ladies and misses, choice, each $6.98 $10.00 Ladies' Coats, while the lot lasts, choice $4.98 $15.00 Coats can be purchased during this sale at $5.98 $5.00 Ladies' and Misses' Raincoats, special, each $2.98 25c Veilings at the astounding price, per yard l 10c Laces are on sale here at, choice, per yard 1 15c Embroideries can be purchased now, choice , 3 8c Prints are on sale at the very low price of 34 15c Ginghams, very special at, your choice, per yard 7J $1.50 Silk Velvet, buy air you want her for, yard 59 60c Velveteen at less than half price, choice now 25 $1.00 Ratine at a saving of 75c the yanL now, yard ...25 $1.50 Black Taffeta, 39 inches wide, choice now .89 $1.00 Messaline Silk, 36 inches wide, all colors .59 75c Silks on sale here while they last, the yard 39 $2.25 Foulards, Chamoisette and Brocade Silks, yard 98 $1.00 Cassimere on sale here at the price, per yard ....29 $1.00 Serges can be purchased at a great saving, yard 39 15c Turkish Towels, buy here and now while they last 9 $1.50 House Dresses Now Just think, ladies, of buying good, serviceable House Dresses at such a price as this! Choose from a great lot of neat and tasty patterns Irtish Judge Our Entire Establish ment by These Prices 10c Huck Towels at the very low price of 3 for . JLO5 25c Huck Towels are on sale here now while they last at -...12$ 75c Sheets can be purchased here at your choice, each . . . ,495 20c Pillow Slips, extra special offer while they last .12$4J 124c Muslin, 10 yards to a customer only, the yard ..9 10c Muslin is also on sale at the very low price of ....7i 40c Sheeting, buy all you want now at about half price 25 ok i?... T.Vb-incr on sale here' at this low orice. vard . ."1D$ 20c Feather Ticking is also reduced now, the yard .... .150 35c Mercerized Sateen at this great sale, the yard li in r' T ? tnor Mtra KMcial now. the vard ...... . -4rt aw mt i r ' - - rr r 15c Outine Flannel, great selection at the price, yard .. ..Op , . -n, C ,,A C7Jt. l&yiC vJUting riannet now very bcuoi . -.- i.-y 1 e TAr rirtrVi at int half the regular selilner orice '.YM1 35c and 40c All Wool Flannels, on sale now, the yard.. 290 k. r M T Snnsil Prtttnn nn 2 ftnoola for . FA All the regular 5c articles will be on sale at just half pnee, 2 for ft ; Pins. Safety Pins, Mending Cotton, Crochet Cotton, Pearl BuV; tons, 15 raias, noora snu cca, uptu suu Make Every Cent Count-Enroll in the School of Economy - Buy at This Store Noij This Arrow Points the Way to REAL ECONOMY 145-147 Second Street Bet. Alder and Morrison TD1