The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 19, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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in eld; to
. .- . ' . . .
from bow to stern, giving additional
earrying spac for cabs and t lift and
will be thoroughly overhauled as well.
It la said she la to operate as a can
nery tender out nf fit. Petersburg.
bringing thW catch from thera to Port
land and Astoria, - .
East Asiatic Liner Kina Will
Go on Berth for Portland at
Once, ; "
Driftwood Is Cause of Excitement
" on Waterfront,
A huge log floating In tba river be
tween the Hawthorne and Morrison
bridges ao : resembled an overturned
boat that the watchman on one of. the
Hawthorne Dock company's Band
barges reported the boat to the harbor
police, asserting that be had also heard
a voice calling for help shortly after
:30 last night. Investigation failed
to disclose any traces of afiy drown
ing, however, and the snag was towed
away to be taken to "Snag Harbor" be
low Swan Island later.
targe Vessel Will Call at Oriental
Vorts on Way to Pactfio Coast;
- Other Itinera to Yellow.
. Service from Europe to the United
States by the East Asiatic company Is
to be resumed, the Danish steamer
Kina going onto the berth at Copen
hagen at once for this coast. The
Kina. will, on account of the war, make
a most unusual journey for that line,
coming to Portland through the Sues
canal and by way of oriental porta, as
do the steamers of ,the Royal Mall
Steam Packet line and the Hamburg
American. The Kina is to load cargo at Copen
hagen, ChrlStlanla, Gothenburg, Genoa
and Btclly. Borne freights not avail
able in ports at the north of Europe
will -it is believed, be tent to the south
of Europe for loading at Genoa and
That the company plans On picking
tip the cargoes which otherwise would
go to the Hamburg-American and
Royal Mail lines is the Belief of ship
ping men here. Both these companies
have been embarrassed by the war, the
German steamers tlelng up in neutral
ports wherever possible, while the
English steamers have also kept close
to port since the outbreak of the war.
Thousands of tons of cargo are there
fore available at oriental and Pacific
coast ports for shipment.
The business of the Royal Mall and
Hamburg - American has amounted to
close to 16.000 tons a month out of
this port, while inbound cargoes have
run close to 5000 tons. It is believed
that the East Asiatic company, with
Its huge fleet of motorshlps and steam
era, plans to gain a stronger foothold
on this business while their competl
tors are embarrassed by war.
Service from Europe by this com
pany tnrougn tne ranam canal as
they had planned was discontinued
two weeks ago on account of the min
ing of the North sea by the Germans
Since that time, however, it has been
announced that the North sea was
again . navigable and it would not be
surprising to Portland shipping men to
see the Danish company resume Its
Panama canal service as well.
Spanish Sailor Tries for Release
in Vain.
Ramon Fardavlla. a Spanish aallor
on the British steamer Fernley, de
veloped a case of cold Xeet from read
ing the various .accounts of the war
In Europe and yesterday applied for
his discharge from the steamer on the
grounds that he feared, for his Ufa
should the Fernley attempt to reacn
England with the cargo or grain she
is loading. Examination of Para a -vlla
by physicians showed, however,
that Pardavlla was afflcted with an
other disease besides cold feet and his
application was denied.
James A. Patten, Chicago
Speculator, Returns From
Europe; Had Thrilling Time
British Steamer Colusa Will F?y
Stars and Stripes.
Under the provisions of the emer
gency merchant marine measure passed
t by congress, the British steamer Co-
t, jun win I'luuuuiy ue piiceu unuer me
American flag.
1 W. R. Grace & Co. announced from
New York city that the west coast
steamers would at once be changed
ever to the American registry, and as
the Colusa has reached this harbor
and Is to be here for the next few days
It Is expected she will undergo the new
registry here. A
Arriving in at Astoria late yester
day the steamer started up the river at
8 o'clock laetn1sht. Just off Beacon
No. 2 below Tongue Point she ran
aground and tugs were engaged in
pulling her off the mud this morning.
It is supposed that the steamer got
aground in the fog and smoke which
hung over the Columbia froth the
mouth of the Willamette to Astoria
last night When floated she will
come to Llnnton to commence loading
her cargo, and will later come to the
Crown Mills and to the dock of the
Portland Lumber company.
The Colusa Is one of the Grace line's
finest steamers. (She Is 424 feet In
length, with a beam of 65 feet, and
has a gross tonnage of 10,500 tons.
She was built especially for the Pan
ama - Canal route to the west coast.
and besides her enormous freight car
rying capacity has accommodations for
a number of first class passengers.
She la commanded by Captain Lopes,
one of the veterans of the Grace line.
Two cigar rafts, one owned by the
Hammond Lumber company and the
other by the Benson Logging company,
win oe on the way to San Dlearo to
morrow. The American steamer E. H.
Vanca will tow the Hammond raft
while the tug Sea Rover la dua In to
day to take the Benson raft
To complete her lumber care-n the
British steamer Hazel Doifar arrived
up at the plant of the Portland Lum
ber company last night She is load
ing for Taku via Puget Sound.
The Norwegian steamer Christian
Bora shifted last night, comma- from
Llnnton to the plant of the North Pa
ciito Lumber company. She la load
ing for the orient for Mitsui & Co.
George H. Wlllson. forecaster in
charge of the United States weather
bureau at San Francisco, Is visiting
local Forecaster E. A. Beals today. Mr.
Wlllson was in charee of the Portland
office for a short time four years ago
ana nas a number of frlendsiere.
R. P. Bonham. deputy United States
Immigration Inspector, returned home
last night from Seattle, where he has
been on a special Investigation assign
ment for the government He has been
looking Into the charges of bribery
and malfeasance In office preferred
against Frank H. Tape, Chinese In
terpreter there.
The steamer Bear sails from Ains
worth dock tomorrow morning for San
Francisco and San Pedro, while the
steamer Beaver is due in from the
same ports during the afternoon. The
Beaver has 265 passengers and 1100
tons of freight'
Every available inch of space on the
steamer Yucatan will be taken when
the steamer sails for San Diego and
Way points this evening.
The steamer Qulnault of the Port
land Steamship company's fleet, sailed
from Ketchikan for this port . direct;
Outlook of War aa Affecting United
States Discussed by Orals Kan,
- Seattle Van Had Harrow Escape,
Short Stories of World BappenlagaKoft Receive ia Time for
eaterds-'s Iaaiie of The Journal.
(United Press Leaned Wire.)
New York, Aug. 19. The liner Fin
land, carrying 1082 passengers, arrived
here today.
Among the passengers were James A.
Patten, the Chicago grain speculator.
and Mrs. Patten. They were in- Carls
bad when war was declared between
Germany and Russia. When they ar
rived at Nuremburg they were taken
into eustody by Gorman officiala and
questioned. They were finally re
leased, however, and took a train for
Cologne, and then for Herestal.
The only thing we could gat to eat
at Herestal waa a slice of bread each,"
Fatten said. "The next day, with three
other Americans, we hired a horse and
cart and had a thrilling drive to Liege,
We reached there while a battle wag
in progress and remained two hours.
Then ws went to Brussels.
"It has been said that war In Eu
rope will benefit America, said Mr.
Fatten. "For the life of tne. 1 cannot
see that, when the whole world is hard
up. Our export trade is aeriously di
minished. If the war lasts for any
length of time we may see a period of
distress throughout the world equal or
worse than that which existed during
the Napoleon war. If the crops in
Europe cannot be planted or harvested
next year prosperity all through the
world will receive' a serious blow.
Money everybody will hoard every
where." E. R. Weeks Jr. of Spokane and his
sister reached Brussels August 5. The
next day troops chased a spy onto a
roof and shot him dead. Another spy
was captured and shot the following
day. Once a mob approached Weeks,
crying "spy." Weeks saved his life, he
said; by waving an American flag.
The Finland sailed from Antwerp
August 8. British warships frequently
topped her in the English channel.
W. H. Grace eV Co., which operates
a dozen ships on the Atlantis and Pa
cific, announces that it will put a
number of Its vessels under the
American flag as a result of the pas
sage of the ship registry bill by con
gress. Residents of 80 counties in Missouri
spent the day doing; work on the high
ways, and it la estimated that the men
performed work to the value of $1,
000,000. The governor bossed the
big Job
Two senators, a governor and can
didates for state offices are to be
chosen in elections la Georgia today.
Hoke' Smith, aeeking reelection aa aeh
ator, la opposed by . ex-Governor
United States Senator Root declared
to a party of Rsptfblloans at Saratoga,
N. Y that the administration of the
Democrats had been a failure. He
asserted that the tariff laws were
inimical to the lndusrties of the coun
try. J. A. Everltt of Indianapolis, In an
address before a farmers' society In
Kansas, said that it costs 60 cents
to distribute 40 cents' worth of grain.
He urged farmers to cooperate on the
sale of grain.
Roosevelt, in an appeal to the voters
of Maine, pointed out the valuable
effect the Progressive party in Maine
would have on the rest of the oountry
at the ensuing elections. He said
that the policy of the party was to
pass the prosperity of the oountry on
to the people. '
been declared officially to have been
lost in a naval battle, says a London
report, :. ,
The Canadian steamer Prince Albert
was wrecked on the Butterworth rocks
near South Dundas island, and Is go
ing to pieces. The passengers were
N. Neals Smith of Baltimore has
volunteered to serve with the French
aerial corps In the war in Europe.
Three German" dirigible balloons.
which were aent up as scouts in the
war In Belgium, have been wrecked
Charge That Facts Were Mis
represented Brings Reply
Backed by Records.
Will Install Elevator.
Labbe Brothers have taken a permit
for the Installation of. an Otis elevator
in their building at the northeast cor
ner of East Ash street and. Union ave
nue, at a coat of $1000.
To Build Dwellings.
Two dwelling houses, of similar de
sign, are to be built by L. E. stanberry
in block 1,. Lowell addition. One will
face Morgan street between East Six
teenth and Seventeenth, and the other
will occupy the lot Just back of It
by the enemy's fire, it is reported from I Wll I PftlM RP RFPIINnPn? facing Bryant street The homes wtjl
London. I WIIL.I- bulls' DC ncrUHUCU I U,t tbout tl0 ch, uid will lx con-
structed by the Hallock Building company.
Today's Happenings witli the BnQdertv Architects, Contractor and
Realty Broken. CV
Slatln Pasha. British Inspector gen
eral In .the Soudan, and an honorary
major general in the army, resigned.
He is an Austrian by birth.
Conditions In Paris are becoming I
something like normal again, now that
the first effect of the war fervor Ws
worn off. There are but few people
on the streets at night, comparatively. J of The Journal In your issue of Aug-
Marshfleld Kan Asks Xf Pay for Sack
Bay's Absence Will Be Betumed.
Chamberlain Defended,
The license chamber of commerce
of France has Issued 2,000,000 notes
of the value of 20 cents each as a
war emergency measure.
The German crown prince is re
ported at The Hague to have been
seriously wounded in the fighting in
The first warship to pass through
the Panama canal was the Peruvian
Cottages to Cost 92250 Each.
W. J. Summera la planning to erect
two cottages on adjoining lots in Mil
ler's addition. They will be of one
Marshfleld, Aug. 14. To tha Editor tory, and will cost $1150 each. They
win atana at ana lot mii eix-
nm a t n tit tt , I leentn street, xa. ouuimtn wii lauii
VZ"' after construction.
takes exception of my defense to Sen
ator Chamberlain, and says said ar
ticle is a misstatement of facts.
Before replying further to his ar
ticle, I wish to state my article was
written solely with a view of defend
Offer of Donation.
Mrs. C. X. Larrabee. formerly of
Portland, haa offered to donate to Bell-
Ingham. Wash., a new T. W. C. A
thm. r ..iri (vm..m.n I cations are now being prepared by a
firm of Seattle architects. The build
lng will be of reinforced concrete and
Bua to Arrive.
Breakwater, from Ooos Bar ..Aug. 10
General Hubbard, from Baa Pedro Aug. 19
Besver, from Ban rdr and war.... Ana. 30
Geo. W. Elder, Eureka and Coo Bay.. Ane. 22
Qulnaalt, from Alaska Aug. 22
Yellowstone, from 8, F. and way... Aug. 23
i. b. stetson, from Alaska ..Aug. 23
Roanoke, from San Dlearo sod way..Aag. 28
Steamer Prince Albert Will Prove
Total Loss.
Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 19. Break
ing up on the Butterworth rocks
near Dundas island, the Grand. Trunk
Paciflo steamer Prince Albert will
be a total loss, according to wireless
reports received here today. The
steamer St. John was reported hurry
lng to the scene of the wreck In re
sponse to calla for help. Whether
the passengers on board the Prince
Albert were landed safely is not
known here.
The Prince Albert was returning to
Prince Rupert after a call at Gra
ham Island and struct the rocka dur
lng a dense fog.
Distress signals from the steamer
were first picked up by the wireless
operator on Digby island.
V 9
Steamer Rochelle "Will Be Con
verted Into Hand Carrier.
To place her. in service to Alaska
handling the salmon pack coming this
y, tne steamer Rochelle. recentlv
sold by the United States marshal at
public auction to the Security Bavins
& Trust company. Is being remodeled
at tha plant of the vulcsn Iron Works.
She is to have her decks built flush
A New Face Without
Surgical Skin Peeling
Tbe surgical operation of face peeling in
raaicaj. ) too 01 ten aangarous. There's
Xtr way of ramoTlnf orfenalT complexions
and eae that la aBtirely safe and rational.
Ordinary mercoused wax faorea the derltat
. laed scarf skis to XSm off. bat gradually
and gently. : Unlike the sorelcal proeesa, the
skin is not forcibly taken off la big pieces
all at once, bat almost lnrislble ,flaky particles
. are absorbed by the wax, and about two
weeks are required to complete toe ' trans-
formation. There's no nain. no discomfort.
Nature renews complexion tbe same way,
shedding tiny entaneous scales day by day.
Bat deficient circulation, or other abnormal
condition, may Interfere with the shedding
a "ua complexion resnits. Then mercoused
wax assists nature by hastenlns tha removal
V of the aged, faded or discolored top akin. Tha a
only the ureiy, -young, bealtby-hued akin Is In
rTf evidence, aa ia rofcwt glrihood. This is why
. nercoiised' wax produces tb Indescribable
beauty ef "ver.reMwlng rents. The was la
Senator Penrose Puts Ques
tion; Chamberlain Making
Determined Fight for Bill.
Pacific Coast.
S. EX- Wheeler, aged 80, of Pa Ell,
Wash., was injured when he waa run
down by an automobile. The lnjurlea
are not serious.
About SO car a will make the run
from Centralla, Waab-, to Pacific
beach next Monday. Tha autoiats
will boost for tha fair to be held at
Two barns and other outhouses and
hay to the value of over 11000 were
destroyed by fire, which spread from
tha forest to tha insonara wenara
company's ranch, saya a report from
Qranta Pass.
A Northern Pacific motor car atrucx
and killed a delivery team belonging
to Jamea Beck of Kima, "Wash.
Henricus Graf, secretary treasurer
k)f the City of Paris Drygoods com
pany of San Francisco, aroppea aeaa
suddenly In the Anglo & Lrfndon-Pari
National bank of that city.
Colonel Walnstock or tne reaerai
industrial relations commission haa
left Stockton, Cal., after having In
terviewed persons regarding . labor
matters. The session will be opened
in San FranclsoO next Monday.
Numbers of vessels which have been
tied up at San Francisco because of
the high Insurance war rates, have
loaded. ... k
Mrs. Grant Farmer, wife of a promi
nent rancher of Ford's Prairie, was
drowned in a slougb Off the Chehalls
river. "
tk Austrian cruiser Zenta baa
(Washington Boreas of Tbe Jonmal.)
Washington, Aug; 19. Senator Pen
rose Interrogated Majority Leader
Kern today as to his Intentions regard'
Kerne, City, from 8an Pedro and way. .An. 25 1-, -v.. M,.,M tl, . .
war An?, ao " " "
ftar. from San Perim anil war Xnir. 30 I
raralso, from San 'ran. and way... Aug. BO Dors bill.
Yucatan, from San Diego and way,,.. Aug. 30
Sue to Dsnart.
Tncatan, for San Diego and way....Ang. 19
Bear, for Ban Pedro and way A nr. 20
breakwater, for Coos Bay and way. .Aug. 21
Klamath, tor Ban Diego Aug. 28
Qulnault, for Alaska Aug. 22
Geo. W. Elder, for Coos Bay-Eurtka. .Aug. 24
Beaver, for Ban Pedro and way Aog, 25
Roanoke, for San Diego and way Aug. 6
i. it. stetson, ror Alaska Aug. 2s
lioae Cltr. fof San Pedro and War Aue. .to
Paraiso, for Coos Bay and 8, V Sept. a
From San frasciaco.
tramera Harvard and Yale, altrrnatln.
leave Ban FranoUco for Sao DIeso on Moo
daya. Wsdncxdaya. . Fridays mad Saturday,
connecting with steamcis from Portland.
Nortnuouno. they arm st Man Franclaco 00
T'ltwiaya, Tuuraday, Saturdays ana Sundays.
vassals m rart.
Name Berts.
Oakland, Am. sen. Aroria
Cblnook, dredge Astoria
Bawtn, Br. bk Astoria
He replied that the Demo
cratic caucus had agreed on the pass
age of the hill.
"It will not he possible to put It
through in a hurry," interjected Bo
rah, thereby indicating that he has not
decided to abandon his filibuster
against it.' It will be remembered that
through the vigorous fight made by
Senator Chamberlain, the Democratic
caucus somewhat reluctantly agreed
destroyer Tenlente Rodrigues, which peiied to answer his communication terr cott
tnade the trln at tha Barns timet the I .t. . 1.. .. , v. 1 I
. , , - - - ' - -t - - w. lug slovlilu IJJtcn iuu uvwn V J UlllU 1 w . . m .
Admiral Dewey waa aent through, t th. .t.t-t i ..m I Iire Contract Awarded,
A. T. Sutton of Missouri is said I artida that th nrint rivrM and Ktr. I Tha Eugene Iron Works haa been
to have killed hlmaelf In London be- I bors bill passed the house carrying an awarded the contract for supplying
cause or worry over isuure o gee 1 appropriation of 140,000 and waa ln-(lron xor me proposea new nign nciiooi
f una with which to return to his creased in the senate to 150.000 that Eugene. A. C Applewhite haa the
home in America. . waa only a misprint, and should have sTeneral contract.
Ane Kaisers troops are aocusea ox read naeaad th houna. rrvinr tun
burning the town of Bruaeller be- 000, and waa Increased In tha senate
cause me irrnaorxanis are saiu 10 1 to J 80 000
hava fired on tha German aoldlera. a 4
In support of ray statement, I will
Building Permits.
Tj. lathron. erect one story frame tar
age. ladd arena between Twelfth and Mil.
wauklei builder Thomas Hansen: eost 1400.
Portland Electric lee oompany. ri'.r one
refer the honorable gentleman to thetwr semMirwoof lc rink ssd raarbiM
introduced by Senator sT.r". 'Tl. n.'-vir V"
Many aeera to agree In eongreaa that amendment
there ahould be no Belay In getting Chamberlain on April 4. 1914. and re- ;OTecnV:tOft.
a vote on pending; measures in orucr
tosecure an early adjournment. Demo
crats are showing signs of halting
proceedings while ,the war is on. how
ever. President Wilson signed the bill
permitting foreign built ships to
American registry, thus enabling mer
chantmen to ply the seas not subject
to capture by the enemy.
Attorney General McReynolds will
be named to the vacancy, on tha
United States supreme court bench
Beatlak Morsaa. rets!r on sad Ana-naif :
story frame dwelling. I6t Mai lory street, be
tweeg, Dekum and Bryant; balkier sams; cost
300. . . x
Staters of Holy Child, repair three story
brick convent. Bandy eovMvard between Fifty. -
loona ana nrty-etitk streets; nnuaer to- -tumble
iterator aooipany i eost 22&.
Real Estate) Transfers.
Harris Urnls Cowls- and nnstand tn
Union Meat company, lot 89 Snd sorts
half of lot S4. block i, Willamette
addition 7. t 14
Tbeodor K. Batik and wife to L.
Darts, lot X block T. West Piedmont 10
S. A. Doognia and wtf to Victor CU
Una, lots 24, 2, M sad 27. block 4.
Arleta Park No. J 10
Smltb-Wagomr company to Harry Court
ney and wife lot 16, block Tt, Irv.
Ingtoa Psrk.. I
Hubert D. Umlta -snd wife to Samuel
c matron, lot 82 ssd Booth 10 feet
of lot 83. block It. Point View 10 .
M. McGregor and wife to K. M. Pouch.
tot 14. block t, alapello Park " 1
Boa City Park association to K. M.
roaea, tots 1 and a, block 104, no
City Park 1.900
Fred Talmas and wife to J. A. Meier,
let 4, block &2, Boa City Park.... 1
a, M. Hyskslj t si to J. V. Ualaa.
101a a. , o ana o, owes 37 "A,"
eVratbera Portland subdivision block 4 8.000
William Holes Br. sod wtf to Tbotnas
a. Sounders t si, north u of suuth
H or lot 31. subdivision Ko. t, bs
Laahmatt at Oa loan's Ltttl Home 10
Bsas Lda Land company to Martha M.
Howard, lots i and JL block 4, Union
Sqnars f 765
Harry Bnrkbolder and wits to George
W. Joseph, aoatbeaat H of sorthweat
44 of asotton 82, tewaahla 1 north,
tang 6 aat 10
Charles Crosll and .wife to Benedict Kll
llsn. lot . block 4. Bhadybrook Park 10
Mrs, B. A Oweus-Adalr to Smith-Wag
oner oompany, lot 10, block 71, rv-
f erred to the committee on commerce Foater a Kleiser, erect bi inward southwest
Of that body: "For maintenance of I eorww Onion a vjjo and East Morrison; bolld-
tha completed Channel In Coos Bay E. It Tbompaon, erect on story frame sar
and Operating bar dredge, ltO.000." I age, 729 East Fitty-nlata street, north; builder
in regard to the passage of aenate I asm; oosi uv. .
Mil 7T fAF olnXrv .innrh lv hr I lonors m. Kramer, repair on srory iram
the bill was passed in the senate
through Senator Chamberlain's efforts
and it was necessary to introduce It in
the house, Congressman Hawley was
not In Washington nor waa he rep
resented by his secretary at that time,
f arage, 14U1 Bast Hoyt Street, between nity
lftb and Fifty ventbl builder, 8. W. Ogi-
liser; cost $50.
F. B. Blaaer, n story tram stable, 288
Hamilton avenn. between Hamilton and
Seymour: builder aame; cost 850
:j uivu ij wuiiunt stuV vva bws
John Bprowll, rspalr n story tram dwel
as. 21U8 Tbombson streel. between Eighty-
eighth and Ninetieth; bnildrr sam; eost $so.
and because of his absence Congress-
feow the United State, cam. near "fer" V""0" meotaoaSte
being forced at tha last moment to f11 a"d, folfel:n COIclcf' ot builder s. wing; cost $1000.
take action against the Constitution- wh ha the ho"or belng a rX,'L.twK.fllrn vSL d
allsts in Mexico has been revealed at mAm,ber; nd favorable report waa g', JJJj u r Kg; cast
w..hinrtnn Tr.-nt wn.nn, obtained from all tha members present. EISnu' ! ' g '
the day,
Germany's island possessions In the
Pacific, menaced by Japan, have an
area of 86,160 square miles.
E)t-Snator John Kean was near
death from Brlght's disease.
Xawiey-s art Hegiigibla.
Idaho Man Is Accused of
Trying to Dodge Issue in
His Correspondence.
The trade extension department of
Mi Ad club has been in correspond-
! ence with Senator W. E. Borah, one of
the leaders of the filibuster agains--
fh rivers and harbors bill. He has
to make the rivers and harbors bill a! charged that the blllcontains "porit"
part of the party program, the antl- irhe department has repeatedly re-
Wllllam Coon field, raatr one story frsm
Vtnwver r-h airman IHnminn was I dwelling, 706. Saratoga. Detn een fcl ghteatS
f ' 7,, and TwentietB; bulkier ssme; coat ).
not present at that Ume, and the bill I a. 9i -, repair three story store. Wll
was not reported out of the committee I hams avenu between Hussell and Knott;
builder same;, eost 11 a.
When he arrived he was very much op- r ' ' , f. . vrl r." . "1LL CT.
The Bad river Chlppewaa In Wis- posed to any bill closing a navigable I twees ' Wygsnt and Alberta; builder samsi
constn voted In council to give worn- I waterway, and a very strong showing eost $25.
en the ballot, had to -be made to remove his objeo- ,"7": ZrVS
tlons. I Seventy -sixth: builder same: eost 840.
Now the facta in the case are, that I Clarence w. Root, erect on story, frsm
t? t 2, JZ rted Mr. Hawley had to do. when ha got $. it Fifteenth street between Una
assertion, thereby giving the lie to our tn Wo.Mtf,n na t --t r.m,lJ '' Ochoco; builder aame: coat 100.
by tha speaker, after Others did all tha I 107 Second at'raet, between Washington and
work, and aak for unanlmoua consent Stark; blnilder, wynkoop brother) cost 83tit
and have It Dassed if the abova state- Won. erect one atory rram gsrage.
. - nantvmnn ,
menta are truo. I still claim that Sen
ator Chamberlain received no assist
ance In passing this bill from Con
gressman Hawley.
T wa rrt 11 pH itlrnflXMl tVlft t
furnished good reason either to oppose Congressman Hawley 'did not also between Alberta and Wygant; build" ssbm;
tha bill in its nreSent farm. tin. tr (m. I -v. - . ' ..i .v. . ...... mt ll.vm.
peach th. hono'r of thos. who support aUon of 7.000 iSv& gSi V&SZSS'&Z
me iixs isviug iiauuu, i nerween ivuiingswurin ana cmerson; oatia
own senators and the United States
engineers, or are we to proceed in the
orderly course of good citizens and
weigh and analyze evidence presented
by both sides before we reach a con
clusion? Seasons Wot Considered Sufficient.
"We do not believe that you have
Eighty-second street, between East Mill and
Market: builder same: cost SIOO.
L. W. Bandberg, repair one atory frame
dwalung, Katinet avenue between MS
Harrison: builder same: coat S30.
Albert Dobuar, erect on story frsm dwel
ling, 1020 aaat Twenty-mow street, north.
g WO OO not believe that your hisrhl t m. vr. much tn hava I same: coat 81500.
office gives strength to a refined form I u.i in v,i articl roll I WllBam Murray fcimpaon, rct. en atory
spond to our request for the evidence am willing to leave the matter in their tsvenn; Wider aame; cost 81000.
Buiijwrxins; your posiuon causes us not I h.nds. but ha who demands an ac
counting must himself give one when
called on to do ao.
Z.a Toilette Article Quoted.
lnttoa Park
J. K. Aodersuo to Arthur K. Enatac et
al, sontb H of lot 24. - addition..
Edgar H. Brown and wife to Agnes
Cooner (t i, jots a and 0, block as, .
Berkeley too
William C. Clow and wife to C. W.
Clow, lot 13, block fO. Lincoln Park
Annex t. 10
W. K. Lehman ssd wife to Chsrfes O.
Reagan, lot 12. block TR. Laurrlharat 10
Elisabeth E. Stephens and hualand to O.
U Ferris, kt 7, block 2. Ksyaton
addition 6,000
O. U rsrrts and wife to Bos City Psrk
aeeoolatloo. lot 7, block 2, Keyaton
addition 4. 10
Franklin Realty eumpany to W. H.
Cooafsre, tot 7, bkrk 4. Oammsns
assigned to FTd TrefaakU) BOO
FTederlch Von Marbod and wife to Rati
Hobrbacher, lota 21 and 22. block S.
Kara Park 10
Tbe Bungalow company t Mary K.
Petty, lot B, block 4, naneoek Btrart
addition 10
g D. Kllpatrick and wife to A. a Phil
lips, kt 8, block 0. Kllpatrlrk-colllna .
traet 800
Wellington Investment company to Wll-
lamina t nandier, lots t ana s, diocb
10, Wellington 850
Westsm Bscsrltles oompany to C, T.
Hamman. lots 11 snd 12, block 1.
Wlldwevd iB
William Baker and wife to Hsirtaoa
Baker, lot 14, block a, uosedsia
annex .10
Issosll Dodd Sitter to Gorg F. Rtttet,
South V of lot 2, block 2. Dunn's
sddltloa, la 4tcbsiig for andtvldsd H
lutvrest In lot 14, block 8. Arleta
Second addition , 130
Tbe Cmbdenstork 8s Larson nomebnlld
erf Investment company to Onat Nord
berg, lota 1 tad 3, block 6, J on earner 87
A. A. Undsleysnd wife to Julls L
Palmer, nndivlded 1-4 Interest In south
Vi of soutbesst H of nortliwast ot
southeast 4, Sad southwest H of
northesst 41 sectloa 2d, township 1
north, range 1 wt
Walter E. Kly at al So David Begbltto,
lot 11. block 100, Laurelbarst
Lonlsa . McGulrs and buabsnd to W.
W Cnesamsa at al. lots 0 sad v.
hkvk A. Latonia Acres
Ladd Eatal eompany to kdtta M. Stokes
et eL lot 16, block la, Westmoreland 10
Victor Coltenz aand wlf to B, A. Doug
las, south H 10 acr tract begtonbia
st northwest comer of soathssat i
of noathssat H section 10, town
ship 1 south, rang 2 east....
O. L. Webb and wlfs to H. Ore be, lot
2. block 2. Hpsnton's addition,,....
Jab a r. tluber sod wife to Henry
Orebe, kta 27 and 28. block 32. Hyd
Park -
Aaguat'J. mM td Marti Z. pom
mer, lota 12 aad 18. block 10. Cutis
ell Crest Park .....
Tba WUlalatla Inveatmmt eamnany t
Virginia iMLan Sloenm et al. lot 1.
block 2.1, Olen Harbor Heights .... 23
. O. Alfrsdaoa aad wlf to Olger K.
iohanroa Bsndnea, lot 10. block 3.
lyrtl iSM
Mary L. Ttoffmaa to John M. Blavsns,
lot 8. block 11, Boardale Annex.... 1
only t question the tenability of that
position but your sincerity In assum
ing It All of us want to see 'pork'
eliminated from the bill. If the bill
contains "porky but you have failed to
no doubt since your attention Is
called to the matter, follow the exam
ple of Representative Wltherapoon of
Mississippi, and refund to the treas-
harbors improvements as well
the rest of the nation."
as to
uawini ?& . was. ,
Bocbeli. Am. atr
Alllnance. am. atr. ......
Eric. Am. ach..
stable usie. Am. sen.
....l. TV. fr.
Weal port
-O w. P.
Alcides, Am. sch North Bank
J tunes Ttttt, Am. barkentln ..P.. p. Lbr. Co.
David Kvans. nr. acn ...Aatoria
Dolbeck, Oer. bk .Llnatoa
Wm. BOwden. Am. sch.. Weal nor t
Sulnhsl Maru, Jap. atr I -P. Lbr, Co,
Feinley. Br. sr Montgomery No. S
Btrstbendrick. Br. atr Astoria
Christian Bora, Kor. str .N. p. Mills
W. r . Jewett. Am. sch. .Ltnntnti
Haael Dollar, Br. str ..Portland Lbr. Co.
Bear, ah. air. Alnsworta
E. H. Vance. Am. atr . .Knarjotoa
Queen Ma&d, Br. atr..., ..St. Helena
Yucatan, Am. atr Columbia No. 1
Daisy, Am. str ..Multnomah Box
Breakwater, Am atr .Wound up
Colusa, Br. str Tongue Point
trust measures to be given the right
of way.
Senator Chamberlain Is still deter
mined to do everything in his power
to crowd the bill through, as it car
ries millions of dollars for Oregon, In
cluded In It largely through his ef
forts, seconded, of course, by the loyal
.Vuicaa 'iron Works ! assistance of Senator Lane.
Fortunately xor uregon, aii or its
congressional delegates, with one ex
ception, is sticking to Its work here.
Wespite the hot weather and tempta
tion to be home- taking part In the
Aatoria. Aug. 10. Sailed at 5:30 a. ra..
steamer Nehalem, for YVlllapa liarbu. ; Celllo.
tor asvarsti. iaii op st o a. in. steamer,
Daisy Gadsbr. from San Francisco. Satlea at
2 a. m., ateamer Geo. W. Elder, toe Cnus
Bay and Eureka. Arrived and tuft up at 0
a. m., ateamer Breakwater, Iron ;ous Bar;
steamer Colusa aground above Tongue Poirlt.
Aatoria, Aug. 18. Arrived dnwu at 2 fud
sailed at 8 t. m., Japanese stumer Knkn
Maru for Shanghai. Sailed at i. ra..
steamer O. W. Fenwick for San Pedro. Ar
rived st 7 a. m. and left np at 8:80 p. m..
British steamer Colusa from Port Townaend.
Later, grounded in a fog eight mils above
Aatoria, about 8:30 p. tn.
San Francisco, Auk. 18. Sailed at noon,
ntasmer Willamette, for Portland. Sailed xt
8 p. m., ateamer ftearer for Portland. Kail j 1
at noon, steamer Yoeemlte; schooner John A.
Campbell, for Portland.
Tatooah, Aug. 18- Psssed st 3 p. m.,
American steamer Santa Cecelia from Port'
k.d. for Seattle. ,
Ban Pedro, Ang. 18. Arrived, schooner
Beulah, ateamer Wills pa from .Portland.
Callao, Aug. 3 Arrived, Peruvian bark Bel
fast, from Portland.
Muroran. Aug. 4. Arrived. British steamer
Lord Set too, from Portland.
Tides at Astoria Thursday High water:
12:86 a. m., 7.4 feet. Low water: 6:81 a. m.,
0.7 foot; 8:26 p. m.. 2.8 feet.
Daily River Readings.
nuMtert Senator EOrah to state his rea
sons for opposing the bill, in other
words, to list the bad projects and
give the reasons each should be re
jected. He has repeatedly answered in
generalities. A letter was received
from him yesterday containing this ex
pression: - '
"If I am assured by your oiao that
upon doing so you will Join with me in.
an effort to eliminate from the bill the
hart nroiects. I will be glad t take the
time to put forth afl efforts comply
With your request. - u
to formulate them in tbe sbkpa of
letter would require a vast amount tf
time, which, frankly. I do not desire
to spend in that way if It is to be
merely a debate between your club and
myself. But if I understand by your
letter and telegram that you are de
sirous of .defeating the passage of this
bill unless they take out these bad
projects there is no sacrifice of time
or effort I will not make to comply
with your request."
Amazement It Expressed.
Answering this letter, the trade ex
tension department declared that from
its experience with him it questioned
both the tenability of his position and
his sincerity In assuming It, writing,
In nrt. as follows:
Tou ask the Portland Ad club
through its trade extension department
to oppose the rivers and harbors bill,
and tn utand with you In hostility to It,
, " J as a preliminary to your furnishing us
lunicea tress ajessea ire.l ' WUEI a ami u l mo
Paris, Aug. 19. Operating north posed in the bill and the reasons, for
from the Swiss frontier, east through the aeieat oi eacn,
v... ,, "Frankly, we are
Zli Vrm KrTvTnw 7 rl7oU 1 rZl the character" of your answer to our
east from Nancy, the French ware drlv . - We had supposed your own
No Attempt Made by Kaiser's
Troops to Defend Some
Important Points Attacked
Trin rlalm In vour article thn lrv
. ... ... I a a at aa r r m
show us your warrant for holding up ic-Of the people is a most nonoraDia j .""v r JZL
a measure, vital to our own riversnd one. and tho.e who seek public support every day that XlntW
Snouta ao so isiny. urauiiiiis ia w w . .,.v... m.
be true, how do you claim you, were suggest that If you had any doubt
rendering the people a service when about the number of days absent, you
La Follette's magazine of September consult the congressional record, from
17, 1910, has the following article which you are so apt at quoting, and
about youT for toat day on which you failed tq
"Mr. Hawley voted for Cannon aa answer any roll call you remit,
speaker, for the continuance of Can- Thanking you for tha courtesy of
non czar' rules, and for the Tammany- space In your valuable paper, and as-
raneinn Mmtiin sffainst revision of suring Congressman Hawley that 1
Join with tha building: trades in th rency bill, which strengthened the
federation that will hereafter act to-1 Wall street hold on finance, and .-
getner. This movement is being In-1 tablMfees as security, rauroaa ana
dorsed by a number of International I corporation bonds, so that the United
organizations, which means the cn- Btatea would hava a financial lntereat
trai authorities of labor union of in maintenance or prices tneTeox.
Canada and the United States, and In "Without queation of suggestion .Salem, Or., Aug. If W. W. Eldtf,
some instances extending to Cuba. I wiwun zu minute oi m ueiug rta commandant of tha Oregon soiaiera'
seme or tne A. F. of I leaders are
inclined to antagonize tha aliances
thus formed.
Umatilla ..
Albany ....
ftalem ....
() Fsllina: () rising.
- Th . Wlllsmette river et psjtlnd will r
main nearly stationary for ths .next two or
three oajra.
An umbrella with the handle so
was ill : ,.- . - . . . , . s
. . . i : ... . mini en I iih I in. veiiLer is ca.rrien over1
wi n m aigub uu wiu vjraam. aug vuiKa I - ---- - -,-
ff la th morning. Ton can procure it st any I oa neaa ot tne person using naa
f.e-ggist sj aa cone is aoxiirient. lAdv.) ueea pavenieu.
demand for an elimination lof the
pork' in the bill 'to be based upon a
mass of detail information supporting
your position which you had already
gathered. We had no thought of im
posing upon you a request to conduct
nhauativa research and to spend a
vast amount of time' In assembling
the data with which not only to Inform
tie but fortify your own stand. If you
ov not in oossession Of the evidence
we should pa' th last to ask you for
it, and we hereby withdraw our re
quest. -
Borafe Ask Too Kaon.
"When wou ask us, too, to. support
only an amended measure our surprise
la increased. L You must certainly rot
be unmindful of tha fact that aa rea
son for opposition to the bill we hava
only your assertion, unsupported , by
evidence, that It should be opposed.
On the other hand, we bave the asser
tion of our own Senator Chamberlain
the troops: The French are savages. from Oregon, the recommendatlonssof
tha United States engineers, ana tn
evidence of many "'others, that the
rivers and harbors bill contains only
the most negUgble quantity of pork
and that it should be passed. Our re
quests of Senator Chamberlain and the
United States engineers xor aeiau in
formation have received ready response.-Are
we to oppose the bill In
lng the. Germans back today across
Alsace-Lorraine, the war office here,
Everywhere, it was stated, the kai
ser's troops were In retreat. They made
no attempt to defend Saarbusg, ac
cording to a general staff bulletin, and
experts believed their plan was to
make their first stand at Straasburg.
Colmar. between Straasburg and
Mulhausen, which the French cap
tured shoftly after they entered Al
sace and later evacuated, was also re-
occupied by them.
Though the Germans were retiring.
they were fighting, it was admitted,
and heavy losses were reported On both
sides. - ?
The German wounded " were being
abandoned and the French were caring
for them, a dispatch from the front
stated. "" - . .-. '-
One of the kaiser's sons was quoted
as haying declared, in an address to
Strike hard and furnish them with ex
amples of the sort of warfare they
like best to wage" ...
- There are estimated to be 200,000,
000,000 aboard feet of merchantable
lumber' standing on the 60,000 square
miles of public forests In the Philip
pines. " j ".' v. .
Engineers Are Asked to Join
With Building Trades Council.
Movement Xs Indorsed.
The steam engineers are asked
house rules.
"He voted for the emergency Cur-
would be pleased to answer any other
communication addressed through the
preaa, I remain, very sincerely yours,
south, but tha wind suddenly veered
to the northwest, and tha rain clouds
quickly disappeared. A good rain
would greatly benefit kale and late
pasturage, but all lata crops are Just
about Jost.
The home of John N. Da via, about
nine mllea north of Woodland, and
near Reno, Wash., waa totally de
atroyad by fire yesterday arternoon,
together with moat of hia furniture
and personal effects. Borne of Ma
furniture and kitchen outfit on . the
lower floor waa removed, but every
thing upatalra was lost Tha loaa la
eatimaled to be about SlEOO.
VmcVng Plant Ileeumes.
Comellua, Or., Aug. 1. The Knight
Packing company's' plant, after being
closed for one year, waa reopened to
day for the season.
Initiative tteaeurea Dlacuaaad.
Paul Turner spoke before the Walt
ers aad Waitresses Tuesday afternoon
at their club rooms, upon his proposed
initiative measure to abolish the death
penalty in Oregon, and Upon the ques
tion of prohibition. A larger number
Of waitresses than usual were nresent
and applauded the speaker vigorously.
Overtime Work Alleged.
It has been, reported to the Central
Labor council that at the. Vancouver
barracks the quartermaster has or-
to the house, he supported a senate I rm..,,.- h.i notirhui
$1,100,000 and the costs of railroad cient funds on hand to repair the
mail service 12,700,000. damage recently done by fire and ao
"He voted with the 'system prohib- no meeting of the state emergency
ltlng the government to use secret board will be necessary. The amount
service men except in the treasury of damage totaled $1200 instead of
department, because some had caught $2000 as at first reported.
'land crabbers' of high repute red uirecior u. a. t-rwuiy, i me un
Will Money Be Befuaded
"Voted for upward revision of tar
iff, acainst a committee elected by !
the house and in favor of a Cannon
packed committee in the Balllnger-
Pinchot Investigation.
"Voted for postal bank bill favor-
slon of valuations. Interstate commerce
commission, which is appraising rail
roads of the United States, writes tha
Oregon railroad commission suggest
ing that tha various atate commis
sions collate Information aa to land
granta, bonds and donations of all
kinds made to common carriers In aid
of construction. The Oregon railroad
commission has already much lnfor
oh la tn Walt afreet, and afalnat the
derrf fAraAritra nrA n.tnlar. n wa.1, I . . ... .. . . . 1.,
h '"i fed- provided for the reforesting of denud- J" V HJ0
w. s iouno on investiga- i ed. barren hills.
uon that tne army quartermaster has i ara also reliably informed that
exceeded his authority, the secretary you are now, and have been for a
of tha Central T .a hnr vtAiinAfl 1 - f A .. n A .. v. . .
.-. . Dumuvr VI J el O. VU w. Hio uvau I . . . . . . . , . . . ,
thorixed to write to the secretary of bankers of the-Woodmen of the World " J -7:
the department of labor in Washing, and that the duties of your office re- lowln; ,ensa" .eI" 7LnJ??
ton. Unlr vour nrasence freouentlv . woratn irom yui wwn pan WP.,
Denver.' and- that for your aervlce. "toe grabbea a pur.e vomtn.w.
Wi.. enl,M.M n.m I aa lii an S lliuei aTr aira m wwiiuai, ui.uw
wV W sww-s MM a MA.AASJ, ' V WB)tUU, I I CIIUCI CUa T V U W a aUVSlVQ, aim USTV - -
C M. HynersOn is taking the place received, the sum of $1100 per year. .
to obtain all the data required by the
Interstate commerce commission for
its use.
Henry Little, who saya Minneapolis
"Eleven mllea of subways are being
Considered to solv Liverpool's con- -gestd
traffic problem.
It Is So Easy
To Get Rid of
Skin Troubles
of D. O. Gallup this week as secre
tary of Multnomah Typographical
union at Its headquarters In the Ore-
gonian building.
The legislative committee of the
Central Labor council will hold an Im
portant meeting next Friday evening
just before the meeting of the council.
If my informant ia correct you will j
To Grow Hair on
A Bald Head
Death of X. A. atr.
I girl
him, recovered the purs and later
caused the man's, arrest.
3. F. Houston, county clerk of Mal
heur, has been advisea by the attor
ney general that registration books
must be oloaad IS daya before tha gen
eral election, ao that they can be aent
to the prcincta by th county clerk.
Thla raeana that reglatratlon will cease
this year on October 17.
J. p. Lee, asaeasor of Klamath counts-,
was advised that the statutes re
quire that banks shall give to tbe as
Thousands of neoole suffer frotn
fi. A, iter. a member of the Car- MflPS"' ?L 'fL1". fa-L" Sritirenl of teT wguaT or li
pentera union No. 80S. died In Salem d hair grower wioutr real property owned by them and
Monday night from Injuries received I resigned themselves to baldness and that the law doe not require aa item-
last ween irom xaning on a bam. near I It attendant uiacomiori. xet their lized atatement oz real property ownea
this City. It 1 supposed that the case Is not hopeless; the .following slm-1 by the financial institutions.
funeral will take place.ln Salem, where 1 l J?ff?!At ?imMZJt,l State Highway Engineer Bowlby has
te M reUtllrM' J -1 uneCqruaW for esroVl"'., eea notified tnt the O.W B. N.
- in.. 1 . . ... .Ain. "i-il comDany and th county court of Hood
Fire Boat Is Delaed. hair from falling out, and 'destroying River have eigned an agreement giving
- fin route to a small fire which had the dandruff germ. It will -not make the county right ct way for the nw
broken out in theukerV oTthe Pai &ffi&&ltJ' b highway, for whlkh- $7500 in bond,
-m n,i Mmn, any druggist; Bay Rum, I ounces; were recenUy sold at par.
, .v7. v . V, V. 1 Lvona womposee, z ounces; Men-1 , ,
ing at :B0, the flreboat David Camp-thol Crystals, one-half drachm. If yau 1 - w '
bell was compelled to wait two min J wish it perfumed, add 1 drachm If I Crop 'Almost LOST.
ii ten above th ateel rirlrlffa wrhilA ihn.lwur favurite nerfume. This nrpnara. 1 Wnnllanil Wash. Ausr. 1 9jTVftM
e witch engines were sent across the Ja 'hlyf 7i-mmnf d 7 Phr' I land- and vicinity had a slight rain
bridge. Tha fire waa trivial and was I flcL? S ?Jcl"95?:.a'?? 1" f B?1U?' I fall yesterday, and from. Indications
,mt out in 20 minute. be a good rain,
of the boat I found in hair tonics. 'lag th wind and cloud war from th
By Using
and a little
occasionally that it is a pity
notto do so in all cases of pim
ples, redness, roughness, itch
ings and irritations. Nbdiing
better for skin and scalp. '
Samples Free by Mall
OaUasra aad Qtaiawsi sotd tareogbeet tbe .
mrkL LltMral sampts o sack aaslWd trsa, ants 13.
a, a a si ass -tweura.- vcpt. nn, Bastoa.
- X