The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 19, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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14 ;
Wife, Too; ill-to Travel, Left
In Custody of Deputy Sher
iff; Husband Comes Here,
Coaplo Had Announced They Would
Start luunn JLesort
" la lane.
(floeelal te Tbe Jonrnsl.i
Eugene. Dr.. Aug. IS. Sheriff Park
er ' this morning received by wire the
.warrant ror the arrest of Mr. ana Mrs.
Victor Innes. The warrant charge
tnem aspeclf ically with murder. The
warrant was formal 1 y served upon
Tnnea in Jail, and will be served upon
Mrs. Innea probably today. It haa not
yet been decided when to bring" -Mra.
Innea to Eugene. She la In a bad con
dltlon, and her malady waa aggravated
oy her arrest laat night.
The offlcera will decide today
whether to bring her to Jail or keep
a watch over her at the farm home on
the McKetixle river. The governor of
Texas haa wired to Governor Weat to
advlae the holding of Innea and wife
by ajl means.
Word waa received this morning that
an officer from the sheriff's office at
Ban Antonio - had already started for
Eugen armed with requisition papers,
and he la expected to arrive here about
X.egal right probable.
John IL McCourt, Innea attorney,
to whom he telephoned last night
haa not yet arrived here. It la ex
pected that he will lnatituta aomeklnd
of proceedings to keep Innes and his
wife out of Jail, and it is expected that
there will be a big legal battle over
the affair.
Innes wlU be kept in Eugene.
lV'i. ' Ik
-1164 E. 26th St., N. -
New. double constructed. I - rooms.
full completed, electric lights and fix-
tores. .
For $2500
1164 E, 26th St., N.
Phone Wood! awn 1S61. C-2457.
Victor E. Inna, held at Eugene, Or., on murder charge fn connec
tion with disappearance of two women. Innes has shaved oil
his mustache since the above picture was taken.
Eugene, Or., Aug. 19. Victor B.
Innea, formerly United States district
attorney of Nevada, and his wife, were
arrested laat night at a farm near
Leaburg, on the McKensle river, IS
miles east cf Eugene, by Sheriff J. C.
Parker and his deputy, D. A. Elkins.
upon telegraphic instructions from
Sheriff John W. Tobin of San Antonio,
Texas, charging them with murder.
Their arrest- Is in connection with the
mysterious appearance of Mra Elolae
Nelms Dennis and Miss Beatrice Nelms
of Atlanta, Oa.. last June.
Innes was brought to Eugene by the
officers in an automobile, but Mrs.
Innes was left at the farm until to-
day or tomorrow. She Is In poor health
and the officers did not believe she
was able to make the trip to this city
last night. A deputy sheriff was left
with her, and an automobile will be
Bent for her when It ia deemed advis
able t6 bring her down.
Innea and his wife submitted to ar
rest without resistance and both
agreed to accompany the officers, but
on account of her poor health it was
inought best to allow Mrs. Innes to
' remain there for the night, as the ex
citement or the trip might be danger-
ous for her.
Has Xattle to Say.
' Innea 'had little to say when he ar
rived at the county jail, but to the
newspaper men he declared: "It Is An
outrage; it Is all a lie." When asked
for a statement, he said that he had
made a atatement before, covering the
case, and that it was published in all
of the Portland papers. "That is suf
ficient," he said. "I have nothing fur
ther to say. I refer all newspaper men
to my attorney, John II. McCourt, in
Innes,, Immediately upon his arrival
at the jail, called up Mr. McCourt and
told him of his arrest. lie urged the
attorney to leave nothing undone to
secure his release and that of his wife
by'meana of habeas corpus proceedings.
He said he did not want Mra. Innes to
bs locked up in jail, and urged the at
torney to do everything possible to
prevent it and to prevent their removal
to Texaa. "There is nothing in it. I
don't understand it at all," he told the
attorney. "I understand the detect
ives found a number of bones of a dead
dog, or something of the kind," he
said, ''but further than that I don't
know on what grounds they have ar
rested me."
Innes and hia wife were found by
the sheriff and his deputy at a place
' off the road a short distance west of
Leaburg, where they had fitted up a
' very comfortable home. Innes eaid
last night that they had Intended to
, stay there until Mrs. Innes' health had
Improved. Some time ago she took a
severe cold, he said, which resulted in
' "pneumonia and she has never fully
recovered from It. She now has a se
vere cough;
Shipped Household Goods.
Innes and wife appeared here about
, three weeks ago and announced that
" they were going to establish a sum
4 mer resort at the place where they
2 have been staying. They shipped a
I carload of household effects here by
train and had them hauled to the
j farm near Leaburg by team,
j Mrs. Innes is a former resident of
I Springfield, having left that city
auoui u years ago. Many or the old
residents remember her.
It Is known here that Innes and his
wife have been watched by a detect
ive, who said that the object of his
trip up the river waa to fish and hunt
Their arrest was not expected by the
1 detective at this time. He was direct
ed to watch, the couple pending devel--iyopments
in the case.
Communicating with his attorney,
John McCourt, over the telephone to
day, Irmea instructed his attorney to
prepare to fight extradition, in case
grounds upon which to base a fight
can be found when the . extradition
papers arrive.
"Innea didn't have much to say
about the case," said Attorney Mc
Court. "He stands pat on his Inno
cence, and requested me to get ready
to meet the demand for extradition. I
donlt know upon what grounds we can
fight extradition until the papers ar
rive, which I expect will be in about
five days. If I see It is useless to
tight extradition, w will have to go
to San Antonio and fight it out there."
Mr. McCourt said ha didn't expect to
have Innes brought to the Multnomah
county JalL Ha said he might go to
Eugene tonight to confer with 'his
client. He was employed by Innes to
represent him several weeks ago when
the search for the two missing womn
revealed that checks written by Mrs.
Dennis In sums aggregating several
thousands of dollars were made pay
able to him.
Local government offlcera today ad
mitted that charges of violation of
general statutes by Victor E. Innes are
now being investigated, but they re
fused tfi disclose the nature of the
charges. Charles P. Pray, special
agent of the department of justice.
Is working on the case, and early this
rooming left for Eugene, presumably
to fake up another phase of. the in
vestigation. Tho government would not make
any investigations under a murder
charge, It is stated, as that is dis
tinctly an offense against the state,
and there are but two or three gov
eminent charges that would come
within Pray"s scope of Investigation.
Violation of the Mann white slavery
act is one of these, and it was inti
mated by one of the local attaches
of the department of justice that in
vestigations along this line were be
ing pursued.
Assistant United States Attorney E.
A. Johnson, who is the head or the
government prosecutor's office in the
absence of Clarence L. Eeamesr aaid
that no Instructions, correspondence or
oomplalnts of any kind relative to
Innes or anyone connected with the
Innes case, had been handled through
his office, and that if the government
was taking a hand in It at all, it wa
through the investigative officers and
the secret service bureaus.
, "So far as this office personally la
concerned, the case is yet one of
vestigation and not of action," assert
ed Johnson.
"Proois" File Their
Formal Acceptance
Salem, Or., Aug. 19. The following
certificates of nomination by the Pro
hibition party and acceptances thereof
were filed in the office of the secretary
of state today: B. Lee Paget. Oak
Grove, for state treasurer; C J. Bright,
The Dalles, for justice of the supreme
court; William M. Ramsey, McMinn
ville, for justice of the supreme court;
Arthur I. Moulton, 771 Eaat Burnside
street, Portland, for representative in
congress. Third congressional district;
John Van Zante, 365 East Thirty-first
street, north, Portland, for judge of the
circuit court. Fourth judicial district;
department No. 6.
1 (Ooatiacutd.
Look at This!
6 Rooms Walking Distance
Hard surface street, cement base
ment, furnace, fireplace, good plumb
ing, double construction, view- lot.
Price 13700. Small amount down, bal
ance monthly. 486 . E. 23d st., near
Division st. (not quite finished).
Lathrop. 516 Abington bldg.
$2350 Terms like rent buys a mod
ern 6 room Dungaiow, wiin recep
tion hall, bath, pantry, paneled din
ing room wun beamea ceiling, electric
lights, window shades, east front;
graded lot 60x100. cement sidewalk m
and paid for; building in rear of lot
targe enougn xor cmcaen nouse or
raraare: . restrict I district where every
r.eighbor owns his own home. Phone
East 6S7 forenoons and evenings.
-988 E. 31st St., N,
Phones Wood. 1561. C-2457.
HO PER month buys a fine semi
country and city home, 30 minute
out on good city carline; 7 rooms. S
lara-M halla. bath, a toilets. Dutch
kitchen, full cement basement, lot 100
xlOQ, overlooking the whole city to
the west and the mountains to the
east; we can arrange for as much land
as you wish. Phone Jast os., lore
nouns 'and evenings.
n-i'i'-'i' ' (OW'! ,,-,- 1 , , -
A NEW S room bungalow, 1 V4 blocks
xrom carline, run cement basement.
wash trays, Dutch kitchen with built
in effectsr bath with, hot and cold
water connected, reception hall, large
rront, porch and electric xixturea. win
dow shades and linoleum, lot 46x100
to 10 foot alley; will sell with any
reasonable payment down, balance like
rent; we paid' izieu; win -mi tor
S2175 before the 1st of September.
Call Marshall 2330, j .
nearest cleanest and best choice
view lots; reasonable terms and build
ing restrictions; unlimited suppiy
mountain water piped to each lot. Cot
tages built to order IX desired. See own
er, 607 Journal bldg. Marshall 4240,
or at Lake Lytle Beach.
1700 Half acre, west aide. 6c car fare,
fine soil, lies high and sightly;
just the place for your future
home; $20 cash, balance lit
monthly. M. E. Lee, 5T2 Cor-
bett bldg.
Going Away, Must Sell
Lot 60x100. one block from M-V car,
$500 cash. Come at once. B, H. Drake.
1604 E. Hoyt st
$350 Quarter acre tracts, close In. on
west side. 5c car fare, plenty of
room for garden truck and chick
ens, best of soil; 610 cash, 66
monthly. M. E. Lee, 622 Corbett
' (Oentianed.)
Improved Stock Ranch
Only $1200 Cash Required
160 acres rolling land, 26 acres
In cultivation. 6 seres slashed
ready for burning, 40 acres al
er. 60 acres fine cedar and pil
ing timber, 20 acres first growth
timber. All may be cultivated
but 20 acres; soil Is sandy loam
free from rock and gravel, clo
ver grows on every part of it;
fair i room hoase, barn, 4 chick-
bouses, 1 acre in family orchard
- 16 years old, .good well at the
bouse and 2 strong springs in
the pasture and timber: town ot
2000 within 3 miles; shingle mill
on corner of place; Ideal for
stock; bounded on S sides by cut
off and burnjt over land avail
able for free range. Pacific
Highway within half mile. Price
for everything, including imple
ments, only 64000 625 an acre.
Timber alone is worth price.
$1200 handles it.
. Ralph Ackjey Land Co.
204 Falling Building.
tContiBed. .
For a man with small means; 10 acres,
good stream on land, rood soring on
land, some small brush on creek bot
tom, about 3 acres of creek bottom on
the 10 acres, land is easy , to clear;
will mak a. fine chicken -Or berry
E. 30TH ST. SNAP lOOxloo on tnei ranch; this land is unimproved but has
northeast corner 80th and Fine, oniy l no heavy timber or stumps; iana is
$2900; $500 down and 620 per month. 1 miles from Camas. Wash.: good farms
360 acre fruit and dairy ranch In
Washington In the fruit belt, conven
ient to school, churches and railway
transportation: would be cheap at
$50,000. We haveya price of $30,000;
would take up to $20,000 In city
property. Have us tell you mere about
this fine ranch. No. 38.
We offer to trade one of the best
small paying creameries, with wagons.
would consider a stock ranch or In
come city property. Here is your op
portunity to step into a fine little
business; better look Into this. No.
If It's a question of trading- that
farm for a nice home In Portland, or
that house or vacant property for a
farm, get in line with the people that
do things NOW we get -results.
City Department,
269 Washington st.
5 Room Bungalow
Worth $7500; will take $5000; jart
trade, but muat have $1000 cash. This
client's property consists of an ele
gant little bungalow on 2 ft lots, pretty
grounds. Irvlngton district. Will ac
cept a $600 to $1000 auto on deal. Oeo.
l T OAK - A -
n. wagoner. eg ituu mn
UNINCUMBERED, desirable business
and residence lots at Kstacaoa, wr.
a prosperous little town, to exchange
ror improved or nnunprovea
lands: might pay some difference. O,
A. Cobb.- Yeon bldg.. city.
20,000 at per cent, $16,000 $12,0"
le.vuo , s.ego1 . a.euo
4,000 farm $L200 farm 1.200 1
2.200 farm , 800 .600
BOS Qerllnger bldg. lam 2601.
LOANS on Improved city property or
for building nurnoses: advances made
as building progresses; liberal repay- -
men privileges; no commission- r.
Upscombe, 343 Stark St. Main 4420.
$1000 to $20,000 on hand to loan on
Improved property only. Prompt serv
icefair treatment.
A. K. HILL. 41f Henry niag.
LOANS From $60 to $00 made in
a day; lowest rates.
$02 N.-W. Bank bldg. Main $770,
WE have money to loan on your real
estate; first mortgages only,
4 S3 Chamber of Commerce
Mortgage Loans
701 Selling bldg.
TO LOAN on good real estate security.
$360, $426, 61vi0 and 62600, regular
fees, quick action. Belford & Huff.
162 E. 18th st. Seliwood 161.
CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con
tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable
rates. F. H. Lewis A Co., 3 Lewis bldg.
414 Corbett Bldg. A-1416. Marshall $2.
Small Factory Sites
A sacrifice price on spall factory
sites, Sullivan's gulch, east side. Geo.
E. Waggoner. 805 Yeon bldg.
TWO choice, close-in west' side lots,
one $960 and one $1700; no street imp.;
easy terms. Owner, J-225. Journal.
ONLY $1850 A new 5 room modern
bungalow. This house must be sold
soon. Was built and will be sold by
owner. If you want a new home for
less than you can build one, don't fail
to see hla. Beamed ceilings in dining
room, buUt-in buffet, window seat and
two bookcases. Basement and large
attic. In a restricted district. $75 cash,
balance -easy. Call owner. Tabor 1782.
i , ; SEE
988 E. 31st Stij Ni
' $2200
Phones Wood. 1561. C-2457.
MOOAK In thU city, Aug. la. John Mooak,
age 61 years, funeral arrangement await
ing instructions from family lu Nebraaki,
wliicb baa been notified by old friend. Jacob
Kober, of tola city, Remain In care of
Erlcson Undertaking' Parlors, lith and Mor
rlfon tr?etB.
SULLIVAN In this city. Ag. IS, at her
late residence, 0O East Washington at..
Mrs. Lennaa A. Sullivan, a?e 42 yeara. Ku
ntral aerricea will be held Thursday, Angust
20, at 10 a. m. from Ericson'a Cbapel, corner
of 12th and Morrisou streets. Interment Hose
City cemetery.
BUTLER Id this cit
ty at hi lata residence.
SIOA - Y l A ' 1 T.k
uaazam Butler, United States army, retired.
August 17, 1914, In he 73rd year of bis K.
Services at bis late residence at 4 o'clock
Wedaesday afternoon.
SCH1LDAN At 412 Philadelphia at.. St.
jonni, AUfr. io, neien tcnnnm, aged ea
yeara. Funeral aenrice will be conducted
Thursday. Aug. 20, at lO a. m. in Mortuary
Cbapel ef A. D. Kenworthy St Co.. I. O. O. K.
bldg., Lenta. Friends .invited. Interment Mt.
Bcott . faxa: cemetery,
Governor's Aid Asked.
Balera. Or., Aug. 19. Oovernor "West
today received a telegram from Gov
ernor Colaultt of Texas, urging him
to see that the sheriff of Lane county
holds Victor E. Innes and wife, under
arrest at Eugens for murder, unti
-Haitinn naDers arrive. Governor
West called Sheriff Parker by tele
phone, told him or requeni ana urgeu
him to noio "e vHU"DI-
CnDid Busy In Albany.
Albany, Or., Aug. 19. Abel A. Gra-
Salem and Miss Mabel Zeh of
Albany were married Tuesday morning
at the Baptist parsonage by Rev. H. B.
Foskett. They will make their home
In Balem. . ki ,
Dan Cupid was unusuauy uuoy
Albany Monday for this time of the
year. Four marriage licenses were is
sued by the county clerk, and three of
the couples were married by County
Judge McKnlgnt. iney w
TTa irm CnnHV. both OI
Shedd; Lloyd Henson and Mabel, Har
din, both of LacomD, ana o. -erns
and Maude Edwards, both of Leb
HANSEN In this city, Aug. .18. Leone Ones
T I , . . .) . - M l M I 1
will be held Thursday. Aug. 20. at 2:30
o'clock p. m. at the residence establishment
of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery at 6U
st. Friends Invited. . Interment Eiverview
LLOYD In thia city, Aug. 17, at her late
residence, 369 8d at., Stasia Lloyd, aged 28
years. The remains are at the residence' es
tabllshment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgom
ery at Cth st
Go Look Near Firland
Only $25 Cash
New. pretty. 4 rooms, bath, hard
plastered, tinted, complete plumbing,
gas, electricity; balance oniy
11 a mnrith n it interest. 3805
73d st. Lathrop, Abington bldg.
988 E, 31st St,, N.
Phones Wood. 1561, C-2457.
11250 I will sell my 4 room modern
cottage with a variety of fruit trees,
shrubbery, lawn, street improvements
ail pal a lor DUt S. l Win laJie any
tning as rirst payment norees, ioib,
diamonds or your note as first pay
ment, balance like rent. See J. H.
Nash. 723 Chamber of Commerce. Of
flee hours 10 to 4.
FOR SALE 3 acres near new cannery
at Gresham. Phone Mam 4853.
WHEN you anawetr these Waal Ada,
mention -rne journal
Who Said Snap?
Here is a real snap and you
will say so when you see it
acre ail fenced, a large chicken
park fenced off on back, good
chicken bouse, woodshed and
cold storage room. A dandy lit
tle 3 room bungalow with sleep
ing porch; water in house. Price
only 900; a little caslu This is
4 blocks from station on Oregon
City car line.
J, S, Trumble
826 Railway Exchange Bldg.
on all 'Sides of land; mile to school;
price bg; can te pougni on snuui
payment, good terms on balance.
240 acre farm, 100 acres under plow.
220 acres tillable, fair buildings, finest
water, some stock and machinery; fine
stock proposition, 6 miles from rail
road and boat, R. F. D daily, school
across road; price 318.009; will gx
change for other property. What have
you T
40 acres, about 30 acres under plow,
land practically all tillable, lays prac
tically level; good well of water, good
small, barn, snack of house, R. F. D.
by place dally, school half mile, on
county road; place is 6 miles from
railroad station and boat landing; 1
mile from state .road; pries 32000.
This Is a snap, as it cost this much to
clear this land. Oeo. Y. Moody,
Washougal, Wash.
WAN T ED T o lease on long time or
buy on payments, acre land with
4 room cottage, southeast and outside
city limits preferred: not far from car
line. F-122. Journal.
WANTED, apartment or hotel, for
TATE. WM. Q. BECK. 316 KA1L-
$100,000 on mortgages, city and farm
property, fire inauranoe. McKensle
eV Co., Oerlinger bldg., 2d and Aider,
good land. S4000 to $136,000.
bos corbett &iag.
WANTED Lot, Roue City Park, low
.est cash price; give location. J-S33,
WANT the best lot that 3200 cash will
buy. Q-954. Journal.
MORTGAGE loans at current rates.
Real estate security; apply room 293
Stock Exchange, -3d ant Yamhill.
MONEY to loan in amounts of 31 00
to $6000 on city property. A. tt. uu.
201 Oerlinger blag. -
Mortgages bought and sold. John L,
Karnopp. Hallway icnange) ntog.
A Money Maker
Now Is the time to buy one of
thoa. Runsratier. wa are the Old'
est firm In the city and have nothing
but the. best buys to orrer. we anow
tne title or every nouse in rurnii.
See our big free list before buying. It
will uva vou tlm and money.
618-419 Yeon bMg Main 4i.
10 rooms, new furniture, fine car.
1, 2, 5 and 10 acre tracts, SO
minutes out on
New, Big, Red, Steel Electric
12c commuters' fare; very best
of soil, water and community
conveniences; $125 to $500 per
acre, on Installments.
The Shaw-Fear Co,
Main 35. 102 4th st. A-3500.
Four rooms, modern, bath and plumb
ing, electric lights, nice yard, at 4139
49th ave. S. E.. near E. 41st st. W-W
car to Howe station, 1 block from car
line. Price $1600, small payment down
and balance like rent.
404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8699, A-2853.
SLITTER Benjamin Soltter. Good Saamarl
tan hospital, Aug. 15, 19 years; abscess ot
the brain.
KEITH Albert Edward Keith, 1188 E. 16th
at. N., Aug. 10, 41 rears; pulmonary tu
berculosis. HILDKB HAND WtUiam HUdebrand, Good
Samaritan hospital, Aug. 16, 71 years;
HEHHLE Robert O. Harris, 1285 E. 10th St.
N., Aug. 15, 3 months; bronchitis.
HORNBY George Hornby, 83 West Going at..
Aug. 16. 58 yeara; chronic . interstitial
irf, tHUj., lionets; fine, t lowers
and riorai oesigns. aB Morrison st.
MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141 H h sc.
in selling bldg. Main 7216.
' REGULAR meeting this
(Wednesday) evening,
-Lio0t R. 6 th and Alder sts.
vVsVTrV&w Visitors cordta-llv invit
W. W. TERRY, Sec'y.
Vital Statistics
marriages, Births. Deaths.
Bobert Q. NlchoU, Lents, legal, and tlllle
V. Harrison, 829 Rodney areniie. legal.
Fred W. Wilson, The Dalles, Or., legal, and
Content Elton, 274 College street, legal.
. Walter E- Mapletaorpe, St. Johns, legal, and
LMItt C s osier, dt. jonns, efc-i.
legal, sad" Marjorle E. Downs, 654 Girard
street, legal.
Dale Blusher, Pendleton. Or., legal, and
cauie Butireu, wv mum irec, uurin.
Tnlra noor, Moran jyiag.
I, . 5J, 6, 7
On- Impnrrea' city property. We also
deal la i. Corporation . and Municipal
EondS. ' ....
bobzstsoh swnro,
007-S yortaweste rn Bank Bldg,
4 East
St. Snap
theaat corner JOthrl 5
100x109 on the northeast
and Eaat Plnev street work ell in:
' If worth $4600; -now $2900 $600 down
( and $10 per month; a foreclosure price.
il . .. ainAW a iT.iTirnia
V 414 Corbett Bldg-. . . A-1414, War. 90. 1
DRESS suits for rent, all sutea. Ajnique,
Tailoring vo.. ietars ex.
NASTRON-fTo Mr. sndfilra. Andrew Nastron
fiia Guild:, are.. Auk. n. a son.
CARLO Te Mr. and Mr. T. M. Carlo, S!J1
K. am sc. Jug. v, a aangaier. . -WILLOUGHBY
To Mr. and Mrs,. James E.
Wllloagbby, 123 Willamette bird., July 29,
a daughter.
BUN YON Tv Mr. and Mrs. Willi Adelbert
' Runyon,,453 B, elst St.. Aar. io, son.
BRANDSTo Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brands;
1298 B. 17th st. 8.. Aug. 15. twin sans.
BACON- To Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bacon,
ROT B. Wrcant at.. Aug. Id. a daughter.
CAPLIN To Mr. and Mrs. Slgmund. CupUn.
UDmn si., Mag. 10, a son.
HCHUMACHKE To Mr. and Mrs. Roman T,
gcbumacaer, vw a, carrutners at., Aug. 13,
LEOPOLD Te Mr. and Mr. Samuel Leopold,
791 Jfi. eta si. n., auk. 11, a aaucnier, - .
BLAINE To Mr. and Mra. Joseph - rone
Blaine, 167 Texas St.. Aug. 12, a son.
GOLPEEN To Mr. and Mra. foeeph Edward
uoideea, ivsa K. iwm st Aug. o, a son.
IRVINGTON snap, fine 7 room mod
ern nouse, 4 bedrooms, double sleep
ing porch, lot 60x100; street work all
paid; a snap at $8500; $2000 down and
$oo per monui; on uroaaway, near t.
414 Corbett Bldg. A-1416, Marshall 92.
6 ACRES $260.
$10 down and 35 a month buys 5
crea good logged off land between
Portland and Centralis, on main line
of 3 railroads, 1 miles from town
of 1000 population; saw mills, shingle
mills and other industries; some of
these tracts are hair cleared; teauti-
tul trout stream; first class bottom
land; good soil, lies well, fine location;
160 acres to choose from. Perfect
title. Warranty deed.
212 Railway Exchange.
A new 6 room bungalow, Btrictly up-to-date
in ever jr respect, Just off Haw
thorns ave., facing east, fine neighbor,
hood, all improvements paid; terms.
325 Railway Exch. Marshall 2574.
Five room modern bungalow. 4812 E
71st. near 48th ave. S. E.. 1 block from
Firland station; price $2000, terms like
404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8699, A-2653.
YOU are looking for a home. We are
Just starting two homes in Rose
City Park. Come in and see the plana.
We will change them to suit your idea.
211-12 Abington bldg.
FOR SALE Three lota, one new mod
ern 6 room house, and a farm for
$3700 less than cost. These fine places
must so in tne next gu aays. Ad
dress 1183 Montana ave.; phone
wooqiawn 7ai.
WILL sacrifice swell modern 2 fam
lly flat, 6 and 6 rooms, worth $8000;
make an orrer; $iuoo.down and 350 per
month; walking distance on E. Yamhill
st. See owner. 171 E. 23d st. Phone
East 6948.
The only residence undertaking es
tabiishment in Portland. Repreasntlng
the greatest advance in the science of
funeral service. The automobile equip
ment and secluded driveway are among
the many., exclusive features. The es
tablished policy 01 moderate prices ns
never been changed.
Perfect Funeral Service.
Montgomery nt Cth..
MODERN 4 room cottage bungalow.
lust being completed, good rireniace.
built-in conveniences. Price $1700. Will
take a mortgage, good jewelry, or live
stock, aa first payment; balance like
rent. See owner, 612 Piatt bldg.
FOR sale or rent: 6 room cottage on
lot 66x145 it., witn nice berries and
fruit, near carline; ideal dace for
chickens,-will make terms to suit you
Pries $1500, this is a snap! Woodlawn
MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading
funeral director. 220 3d st., corner
Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A-
1511. Main 607.
F. S. Dunning, Inc,
East Side Funeral Director. 414
Alder ft. Kat 62. B-252S. 1
Dunning & McEntee&fcf
every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430,
A-4568. Lady assistant.
A R 7rAer Cn 69 Williams ave.
ft III Z-CllCI VUi East 1088, C-10SS
iaoy attencant, uay ana- nignt service.
to A. B. , Hemstock. 187 E. 13th.
Kenwood 71, B-112Z. Lady assistant.
RT RvrnACWiiliam n Knott,
i it uyrnesE. 1115. c-1943. ,
IrallAnDTUV I. O. O. F. BUia N
TL.n UH I ill I Main,lnta.Xb;6J7
rninAMi pissinwNnii! iimii tt.a
LnlUOUlM M. 6183, A-2235. 44n Mors'
QlfCWCQ Undertaking Co. Main 416S
f A-2S21. cor. 3d ana Clay.
P, L LERCH, leading east side undar-
taker, E. 11th & Clay. B-1883. E. 781
UomiHAn Est 80th nd Glisaa. Fu
nHrnillOn neral services. Tabor 4S1.
4th 6t.j hall. M. 8584. A-:516
BIO sacrifice for cash: .5 room nouse.
mooern, siiou, aiso lot, tz, own
er, xaoor
$900 $100 cash, 3 rooms, new Dutch
kitchen, electricity, gas, plumbing.
plastered, cement basement, excellent
car service, near Laurelhurst. Tabor
$3500 6 room bungalow, modern, good
location, full cement basement, furn.
ace, fireplace, beam ceiling in living
room. An attractive piace at an attrac
tive price. 6Z r:. uiiaan st., near 3 2d.
On your - lot or ours; by your own
plana or ours; pay us like rant.
1330 jtortnwestern HanK blag,
SUBURBAN home for sale; 2k lots good
house, lots of fruit, chicked para and
flowers: 32500. terms: will sell house
and 1 , lot; in Mount Scott district.
Tabor 867 for inrormation.
$625 Three room house on 80xl20-f t.
corner 101. weet siae, c car tare:
$150 cash, $10 monthly. M. E.
Lee. 623 corbett bWg.
MAJCB me an offer:' new I room bun:
galow, 4$9 62d St., Vt blocks south
OX ow -vwuer. tym
Wash. See this today.
HOUSES in lrvington for two-thirds
their value1, choice location; also lots;
houses furnished and unfurnished for
rent. East 378. W. H. Herd man.
(Read aa)
80 acres very rich land in heart
finest bunting and fishing district, as
well as agricultural and mining, in Or.
ego a. 70 acres high state of cultiva
tion; first class hotel, large barns, fine
store (about $4000 stock), dance hail.
trading point and key to very large
territory; t
!" '':.V"J' w V".T'.::,"...Ji.T month nrofit above all expenses.
runs aeu per aay, goou noiei mar, I mn( r cardies a of orlce.
rate. i an to TTVnir trtrn hnttr I must be sold .regaraiees o prico.
mlllr all r,fAit.AH n t h nl Jl
hTPlnalv. flf .mtrrlr in itnr. rtric 1 WAnilL' ItlAJOilu nvou.
ainenn t kv ,ii infnm.timi and I Firhnnrf one acre, clear of incum
Ibreance: Ideal eoot for summer home.
.rnn.ui. n land 5 acrea adlolninK eity limits of
BECK. 301 -302Railwav Exchange bid. Sheridan; all in cultivation; phone
'rl.(:? tit. nr h t mattresses, be.t location in
w Mill fof 140 ner ton'stoe Portland to rent rooms; fine boras; M
.13i.0r t3.Jin-' month profit above all expensea This
A. H. HARDING. 318 Chtm. ot Com.
MORTGAGE LOANS, f and 1 per cant.
Louis Salomon Co., 229- Stark st.
$1000 to $6000 private funds for imme
diate loan. Phone Tabor 3620.
0 4th St., Board of Trade bldg.
$160, $360, $600,. $850, $1200, $3000.
Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham. Com.
MONET to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H.
Belts A-Co., 810 Spalding bldg.
MORTGAGE loans to per cent.
Fred C. King. 814 Spalding bldg.
1600 TO $3500 to loan on improved real
estate. K-77, Journal.
$1000 or more to loan at once; Claude
Cole. 917 Board of Trade.
WHEN you answer theae Waut Ada.
mention The Journal
15 Acre . Ranch Half Price
Marshall 87.
11 Rooms 11
VII Q.VWUII a, vra All 3 uivutj s, va aaan J - .
will cut the price V on my 15 acre In heart of city, rent. $27.&o; rurnace
ranch: over 00 winter apple trees. -3
Year-old food house, barn, creek.
springs and well water, 26 miles of
Portland, V4 mile of Estacada carline.
Part cash, with terms on balance. I
must sell. Write, tell me how much
money you can pay down. i-in
heat; furniture cost $800 6 months ago.
Price today for all $146. Peters, IS
N. otn st.
Richard J. Coad
Hotels. Rooming; and Apartment
Houses sold and exchanged. 12VS
Northwestern Bsnk bldg. '
40 rooms, furnished complete for
housekeeping, fine location, a year
lease. $850, half cash, taaes everything.
25 ACRE farm adioining small town, WV"!"
fine home, highly improved; $160 bjst. buy in Portland. See owner. H
cash rent. Neal Brown. 209 Panama I 946, Journal.
FOR RENT Hog and chicken ranch, 1
miles out. A. Huber, R. 1, Box 4,
Hinsdale, or.
17 ROOMS all good furniture; house
always full, west side location. It's
"a money maker. Call and investigate.
Z4g Btara st.
Good soil. Bull Run water, 5c car
$5 down, $5 per month.
An opportunity worth investigating.
462 Washington st, near 12th.
Main 865. A-4710.
Close in, corner, flat building of 9
apartments and a 6-room modern
TWENTY room apartment house, clean
- and in good condition; a snap; terms;
good location. Inquire 381 E. Couch.
fnone Kaat.nsa.
money: to loan
chattels, salaries
We have one of the finest retail
Jewelry stores in the city, A loan de
partment is conducted in connection
with same, making bu-ilneaa STRICT
Lf CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no
signs designating loan business slaw
played in front of our store. AU bier.
cnanuise pledged is neia xor a periou
of seven months, whether or not in
terest la paid when due. Ws are li
censed and have been established
sine 1889. No connection with any
other loan establiabmen In this city.
3Z4 Washington at.
Wife; make loan in hours time
At Legal Rates .
W loan money on diamonds, pianos,
livestock, storage receipts, equities,
real estate, plain notes or furniture.
Portland Loan Co.
Room 206, Kothchlld bldg..
Bet. 4th and 6th. on Washington st.
LADY wants partner in rooming house
and rroctrv nualDeaa Wl throw. Z3J
DUBKaiow always renicu. lur lauoii-iav r
per year at reduced raieB; win iraae
for timber, good acreage or other
McKENZIE & CO., 515 Gernnger bldg. j
CALIFORNIA for Oregon Have $2600
equity ia two corner lots and two
insld lots in a town of 3000 popula
tion. 6c car fare. 16 minutea' ride from
Main st Los Angeles, Cal. What have
you? Will asaume. .Owner, O. T. Nora,
107 4th, near Washington. Phone
Main 7158.
If vou wish to sell your real estate
1 for cash or trade for other property, it
14 rooms, fins furniture; owner must
sell this week. A sure bargain, $250
cash required. Call 88 10th. near Stark.
SNAP If taken this week; 16 rooms, 2
blocks or postornce; call 150 11th.
SNAP 10 rooms, all occupied, ele
gantly furnished, by owner. s lotn.
WHEN you answer Uims Warn Aua,
mention The Journal.
Located in one of the best towns in
OWN absolutely the best bottom
land on Columbia river, 90 per cent i will pay you to see us for quick re- I Oregon; ell necessary machines and
now ayaea, juining gou mui town, . amia m years sucossstui Dusmcss
n. k. aepot and river, wun a Dig ue- u our guarantee tor a squars deal.
manu lor nouaes, iuis auu amau ia. tuLZz.its
tracts: price but $100 per acre, or a
proposition that will net $20,000 profit
in 6 months; any banker will aay the
same; investigate. O. J. Brooks, Rai
nier. Or.
615 Oerlinger bldg.
M4ln 2801
CrilCtCcN and fruit ranches near Port
land; Gresham district, electric sta
tion 1-2 mile. New subdivision. Bun-shins-
Valley orchard tracts; best soil,
free wood; elegant location. Prices
only $75 to $150 per acre in aniail
tracts; easy terms. ! rantc race anana
Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland Or.
Gibson Half Acres
Good soil, city water, close to car-
line, easy terms; will build to suit pur-
cnaser. Jnone uarsnau itso, or sen
wood 478. John H. Gibson, owner.
5 ACRES $500
-Rsdv for nlow tl farn from Port.
land, close to school, station, $A0 cash,
employment by month aa part pay if
wanted, 16 tracts on market, Claude
Cole, 917 Board of Trade.
LAND near Portland. $8 and $10 per
acre. square ueai jo., u uer
llnger bldg. -
tools for iron and foundry work; build
ing and two lots included; will stand
the fullest investigation. My half in
terest goes for 810.000. take half in
iminmiTnhrA r1tv . n.rtv at fi f
reasons for selling. For full par-1
. TO
Business strictly confidential.
Separcte department for lad lea
LiV (Cill. -tLlcansed.)
220 Lumber .a. iida., id and Stark
$ bi'A'iii; bbcuHUt co. a
$10 TO 160.
Business Strictly -;oarideutUa
$ t 8 u r AILING BLDG. $ $
COLUaLblA Luan Co., l nwaUiaid
bldg.- Money to loan ua chattels
pianos, etc, plain notes or anything ot
value, w Q puy mortgagea. onfiOf miai.
W iter, yvu answer tnasa Waut .AUs
mtnr.un int journal.
14 acres highly Improved, near Or-1 .iTTV. ..7.. v ,ir i...;iiuc r.u.i,..
charda. Wash.; 6 room house, barn 36x man Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce.. 1 confidential. 141 Vi 3d ac. near Alder.
,.1 i . v..r.. hioifona tsa tnni. I GROCERY In fine residence district, i .A)aNS n real estats. diamonds, jea-
Wilt ral fn- a I rent $20; 2 nice living rooms, no' elry. Wm. Hoil. K g Waahingtan bldg.
M'KENZIE & CO., 616 Gerlinger bldg! h??i'very:l g0?d cb business; price WONt:if lo iuan on dl.nionda, iewelry.
. . - l xifUti or invoicra annthAr on. Willi h .
FIVE ACRES TO TKAOK a J i.., Tw 7" . i U .. 3, it. nms. i. hmdiiiswb ciax.
At Crowley station on 4th st. elec- cash business; no delivery; rent only i
trie line, all cultivated, county road
on two sides; wnat nave you to oi
McKENZIE & CO., 516 Gerlinger bldg.
FOR SALE or exchange. 62 acrea wail
improved, value $12,000; 7 miles
from city limits; would take Portland
residence property to $50u0 as part
pay, balance terms. Address, 536 W 11-
liama ave., Portland.
$28. 303 Lumber Exchange,
2d and
FOR SALE, baaery restaurant and ice
cream parlor; only place in town ot , income $7000 per year.
WANTED ON A-l bt-iiCi'VY.
$17,500 at 7 per cent, value $30,000 ;
We have houses and lot for farms.
acreage and farms for houses. If you
want to exchange on caah basis, see us
421-422 Chamber of Commerce.
(00 population; rent $12 month. This
place clears $150 month; will sell on
10 days' trial at invoice price; will in
voice about $1000; will give some
terms at 8 per cent int. Address E.
Grimm. Lafayette, Or.
$4000 at 7 per cent, value $14,009.
$2090 at 8 per cent ( farm ), value
$800 at 8 per cent, value $2200.
605 Gerlinger bldg. Main 286L
WANT loan $2500, 2 years, 8 per cent.
eecuniy xirst montage on real cs-
TEN acres, unimproved, Salem line.
only 10c rare. Wolf stein. 205 All sky
bldg. . '
WHEN you answer these Want Ads,
mention i ne journal.
Snlendid 406 acre farm. 2V4 miles te
town, in Willamette valley, on electric
and steam K. R., all good farm land,
highly improved, orice $50 ner acre.
$3000 cash, will take $2500 to $4000 clear
city property, balance terms. Claude
Cole, 917 Board of Trad a. .
' 482 acres of good tillable land,' 4
miles of Lebanon, Linn county; all
fenced, good buildings, spring, creek
and well water, gasoline engine; pries
$26 per acre. Just one-half its value;
may consider some trade. It's a snap.
McKENZIE & CO.. 615 Gerlinger bldg.
And sell it quickly and profitably? ! fat vain.ii at tio.ouo
If mo, call or phone us and ws will GARLAND A L1ND, 191 4th St.
cLrV-.r ?7c-l- ivvrgiruvuT rr t LOAN of $Zo0u wanted, good interest
TWO ACRES AT UILBICKT oTA- 618-619 Yeon bldg. Main 481
TION. Cloas to Lents; water pipeo UKOCERY store t
to offer7
McKENZIE & CO., 615 Gerlinger bid
secured by $12,000, close in Rainier
property. Address Box 701. Rainier,
berries, new 6 room bouse, p
$3750. mortgage $ieoo; take some
trade and contract on balance; Mar
shall Mar, m.
40 ACRES yellow pine, $30 per acre,
oniv 1120 incumbrance: consider fur
nished houseboat or cottage anif as
sume; can include ottur clear property
for good bungalow. journal.
FOR SALE A modern 5 room bung-a-ldwr
price -cheap as owner ia going
away, part cash, balance like rent. 120
E. 3Zd st. Aioerta car.
130 ACRES in Nehalem district, nearly
all bottom land, on river and grav
eled county . road, -'near railroad and
cheese factory, partly improved and
stocked. Improve this place and get
the increased value. Will consider
some trade in clear Portland property.
COLONY LAND CO., 604 B'dway bide-,
FARM $27 AN ACRE. $700 CASH.
Balance long time 6; 65 acres with
house, barn, orchard, water piped,
creek slays fine, A-l soil, on main road
in Washington county; no trade; going
east. Call 15 N. 5th st. -
to exchange for a smaller home; long
time on- difference at low rate oz in
terest. J-332. Journal.
FIVE acre tracts, 10 acre tracts and
- aome large farms, all for trade for
eity property. Come and consult mo
at 209 Abington bldg. J. j. Fit
Main 4841. ,
acreage or mortgages to $6000, bal
ance ot $vou, per can, a-iay, j
naL '
$25 MONTHLY witheut interest buys
new 8 room house; price $2860, $300
cash, East 48th. Owner. Woodlawn 693.
HOUSE, at; $lst and Park. Vancouver,
v Wasrw, tor saie, cneap. ir. w. Ander
eon, Vancouver. Wash Phone 776-R. -FOR
SALE 6 room cottage, one blk.
from carllna Price $1300; terms.
Phone Woodlawn 999.
MODERN bungalow, close in on west
side, $2750; very easy terms. Owner,
J-226, Journal. r"
2 ROOM house, Seliwood. 2560; fid
-monthly. ell wood 1362. . -
WHEN you answer these Want Ada
mention Tb . JourosL. .
BACRIFICE-r40 acres, 3 room house.
chicken house, etc., li miles from
station.; fare $8.76 return from Port
land; $700 cash if taken before IsO
Owner. K-179, JournaL
TT: 40 ACRES, $950. V.
$l,fare from -Portland. Splendid
farm -land; close to school; $200 cash,
Claude coie, si7 Board or Trade.
iWO-THlRDS price for close to Port
land farm, $2600 cash and balance
$1400 mortgage. V, F. Thomson, R. L
wasnoogai. waan. .
arnr'T'-c xxr rp Waai t units fn. aia
, 1 . . f ... . . . j zL't
Willamette St., Eugene, Or. Will am-
etie- vaiiey rarms ana acreaara
20 ACRES improved with buildings,
. on : macadam : road, Kelso, Wash
91VW. jsox vwi i-tamier. vr. v
WHEN you answer these) Waal Ada
mention The Journal. x . ...
EQUITY in 6 room modern house close
to mwiDoms ava; pries fi
WANTED To exchange 40 acres good
western Kan. land xor auto; must be
4 cylinder. W. Davis, Gresham, Or., R.
F. D. 8. -
50x120 lot to exchange for modern 2d
hand show cases, coiree mill, eta.
Smith & Johnson, 705 Northwestern
Bank bldg. " '
12th sc. clear, want acreage. Claude
Cole. 917 Board of Trade.
EXCHANGE Portland lota for aere
age. Address 1121 El 81st. K. Wood
tawn 2879.
SIX room house, 4 lota, Lenta; trade
for house closer. In; will assume.
Wolfsteln. 205 Allsky bldg. -
house.; mort. $826; trade for lot or
small auto. Main 2420. -SUBURBAN
business property to ex-
chaass for a farm. U. L. Webb, 414
East Stark st. -
FOR TRADE Free and clear lota for
horse and buggy or motorcycle.
J-334, Journal. v.
ceiDu'r t!510nVr,0daV-nvoicre $180O-ACREAGE in culUvation. on
gag $up is Vo5o. vjruai. t :
THE only garage and machine shop r,vivn -. i. ai
in town of 8000 people, a few hours in-, a- - ,n - - - - - -.-VI A. -l-u-,,-"
from Portland by railway; good pay- ukuT and 2d mortgages, also sal.
ing proposition. If interested, write ir," interest la contracts purchased.
for particulars. Y-923 JournaL Oregon and Waaninglwu. IL E. Noble,
RELIABLE man as partner to Invent Lombermena bldg.
small amount and work 8 houra day WHEN you auwr tbese Want Ads,
for $125 month; must come well rec- mention Th Journal.
ommended. 303 Lumber Exchange, 2d ' --"
bOdTOkS, NOflCgi-M-y . . VW&PT 1
Portland and suburban office and K. M C. A. KMl-LOiMENT LEKT.
house equipment for" sale, good reason Record for year 1918:
for selling; can show a good proposl- Calls for men ..2645
tlon. M-6. Journal. - Positions filled ..l4l
LARGE picture show for rent, sll U 'Sf. m ki2eplVui
ttce hours. 10 to 4. fitm-nt. ,
my5 BALE Grocery worth about WANTED At once, experienced stock
$R000;Awnriwe7a god'tr.dVfoJ tfof , USSStiT
house and lot; some cash must accom- 1 " IhAtnhraJ bT.ndPr tfl niZm Kkl
pany a trade. J-233, Journal. y h. nf AnV,tv tt ?il
EVENING TYPEWRITING WANTED. ferHngebtdg'. PoTfland, oV "
-WiUn.i?ltmo?nitnlr nSf.rv WaNTEU A good live young man
r,i-eXTnI?i.,- Miy saV wbo is an electrician, for lnsids
sonable. Investlfate this. Main 6446. wMng aBd wno desires to go Into
RESTAURANT; rent $12.59; doing business for himself in a good town.
good cash business; 2 people- can Address, Independent Elec Co Kelso,
make better than wages; only 1260. Wash. ;
203 Lumber Exchange ' xOUNG MAN. WHY WORK HARD.
rOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures, LONG HOURS FOR SMALL
good location. If you have any WAGES? LEARN MOVING PICTURE
money to pay down, balance can be ar- OPERATING; OPERATORS EARN $18
ranged to-Hiuit. X-776, Journal. TO 826 WEEKLY. 333 OAK ST.
1000 Business Cards, $1.00 s?Z3&fi:?g2l Kei'M
Ryder Ptg.Co.,8. W. cor. 3d and Moriisos trees an shrubbery. Cash weekly,
WANTED-Conectioaery store and p'tJ! NurTy 8a'm- "-
- fixtures. Have 10 acres to exchange, WANTED A No. 1 married man,'
Boeter Phillips, Nashville. Or. stead work, out town; wages $8.26
WAITED Small cigar store. ' center to I2-6 Pr o1 PPly men'a read-
J'Se.tlt ft; pm? cash If Ing room,yQUn st, between 3d and 3d
suitable. Q-978, JonmaL WANTED Solicitors tor ciothing ad-
WANTED To buy a gooti grocery ertislng Rf Wi0,8-: to p.
store. Willamette valley town. K, m-. 6z Swetland bldg.
Gray, General Delivery. CHEF Headquarters and helpers. Cl
MILLINER with some means; elegant ifomls Wine Tt.' 285 -YsmMn
opening to start now. Pnons B-1503. WANTED Boy 16-18 years old, to
HARNESS and snoa store for sale work aroand a dairy. Tabor 4668.
cheap. Oak Grove, Or. WHEN yi-usnswer these Want Adas
WHEN you snswer the Want mention Ths JoumsL
mention The JournaL (Continued oa Jteat Vaxe)