'. M ...... THE OKEfcON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 19. 1914. : . 11 BARNES INNER OF FIRST ROUND OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP Former Tacoma Professional Leads Champion Francis Ouimet by Two Strokes, THREE AMATEURS REMAIN Tint Qualifying Bound Gives Wood ana Baulenbuscb Beildes Title holder Smith's xs raliure. Dan Kelly Cracks Leg Tendon Again Dan Kelly, holder of the world's 100 yard dash record, was in Portland yes terday, on his way home to Baker from a trip to Long: Beach. Dan is now engaged in the furniture business In Baker. Kelly is completely out of athletics. Last Fourth of July, in Baker, he was coaxed Into starting in a 60 yard dash. After traveling about 25 yards, one of the weak tendons in his left leg, a relic of the day when he was internation ally famous as a sprinter, cracked. He had to walk with a cane for three or four days, and when the wound, mend ed definitely decided that he would do no more athletic work. B SEMI-PRO BASEBALL . Chicago. 111.. Aug. 19. James Barnes, former professional of the Tacoma, Wash.. Country club, and now with the Whltemarsh Valley club of Philadelphia, turned in the low medal core for .the first day's play In the national open championship on the Midlothian Country club course near Chicago. Barnes score was 146. Francis Ouimet, present holder of the title, turned In the score of 148. Warren K. Wood and W. Raulenbusch were the only other amateurs to quali fy yesterday. lf- The second Qualifying round will be played today and the 64 players mill contest at 36 holes medal play for the championship. One of th surprises of yesterday's play was the failure of Alex Smith, ehampton of 1906 and 1810, to quality. The -qualifying scores follow; Player- wClub- Total James Barnes, whitmarsh. . . .". . . 146 rrancis uuimet, wooaiana us M, J, Brady. Wollaaton 150 Alex, kou, uraeDurn l&u Tom Anderson, Montclair. 160 IL. a. Lagerblaae. Youngstown. . . 151 ; Otto Hackbarth. Hinsdale 151 f W. C. Hasan, Rochester, N. Y 152 1 Pave McKay, Bellevlew - 163 yr pan Kenny, Hamilton 163 W. J. Bell, Toronto 163 J. C. Hackbarth. Midlothian 154 waiter Fovargue, fikokle 164 j. H. Taylor, Canton, Ohio 154 Jack Burke, Thunder Bay 154 V. Raulenbusch. Chicago 165 Warren K. Wood. Homewood.... 155 J. R. Thompson, Philadelphia ... 156 Toe Mitchell, Upper Montclalr.. . . 1 Tom Kerrigan, Dedham 1 Jack Dowllng. Bcaradale 1 O. R. Murray, Montreal 1 J. J. O'Brien, Weetbrook 1 Andrew Brown. St. Joseph 1 Jack Croke, Calumet 167 A . f'.MnK.l Una... l.hn ...... T K T Simpson, umana 157 Brand. Mount Lebanon..... 158 am Mcr arlane, BuburDan . . . 151 P. Nelson. Lakewood 158 McDonald, Erie, Pa. 168 jack, i And re p: 2: Willis Amateurs. regular players, in the city. Tabor 240. after C p. m. Phone Woodland, Wash., Aug. The Bull Moose . baseball team of Vancouver played the Maroons of Woodland here yesterday, and - the Maroons defeated them by the score of 11 to 2. The borne team played consistently, wniie the Vancouver work was quite ragged at times. ' ' - . " t 'Young Callfornians Star. Southampton, L. X, Aug. 19. The playing of the young Callfornians, Fot trell and Murray, featured the second day's play of the Meadow club tourna ment. Fottrell beat F. W. Paul Jr. of Philadelphia 6-1, 6-3, and Murray elim inated Clarence Hobart, 6-2, 6-3. Gunboat Smith Coming Home. London, Aug. 19. The bout sched uled for late this month between Gun boat Smith and Young Ahearn of New York was indefinitely postponed today. Smith and his manager, Jim Buckley, will sail tomorrow for New York. iUmous Athletes Enrolled in Armies Engaged in Battle The American La.undrv hnneha't team defeated' the Piedmont Maroons Sunday afternoon at Peninsula park, by a score of 7 'to 6. Ross and Gertz were the battery for the Americans opposed by McClure, late of the Pen dleton team, and Bartholomew, for the Maroons. The fielding of Edwards, batting of Kelly and pitching of Hoss were the features of the game. Hoss allowed six hits and the Americans secured 11 off McClure. The Americans have played 20 games, having lost but five this season. The American Laundry team chal lenges any team playing their own Young Mother Gives Birth to Triplets Two Gills and Boy Bora on Birthday of Another Daughter, aged 8 Tsars, at San Branelsoo. San Francisco, Aug. 19. On the birthday of her daughter Alice, aged 5, Mrs. Herbert Selbel, wife or a con tractor, gave birth to triplets today. They were two girls and a boy and were 20 minutes apart. All are doing niceiy. Mrs. selbel is 27 years old. Many a famous athlete Is serving- his country in the war now being waged in Europe. The list Includes Jean Bouln, the world's record holder for the hour run: Georges Car , pen tier, the champion heavy weight boxer and A. . Gobert, the Olympic lawn tennis champion battling for France; Hans Braun, Germany's great est middle distance runner, is in the kaiser's nary; G. W. Hutson, England's one and four mile champion is a sar geant in the British army, and Emilio Lunghi, former holder of the world's half-mile rec ord. Is in the Italian cavalry. Many other prominent athletes are also taking up arms in support of their nations. 3. Give your club a waggle forward to see whether all is welL - 4. Pole your club lightly behind the ban. 5 Tighten the grip with the left hand, and start the club-, back with that, member. 6. Keep your eye on the ball and head still and make the stroke like the un winding of a spring-, attempting to get the highest speed and force Just as the ball is nipped away and during 'the fol low through." . What a world of wisdom and eound sense this man puts into few words. It is simplicity itself, yet how few can consistently control the mind, body and muscles. The Idea of the backward awing being- the winding up process of a spring, with the forward tension producing greater speed at lmparct. is a suggestion worthy of careful . consideration and application. To the Patrons of The Home Telephone Company, Greetings: GOLFING HINTS By "Straight Drive." A Good Formula Some years ago an English golfing Journal published a I formula which every .golfer should read when he is temporarily off his game. "1. Stand up to your ball having : made up your mind what shot you are I going to play. 2. Take a stand where your feet are firmly on the ground. Building Your Business Managing Your Home ANNOUNCEESENT' New Fall Suitings and Overcoatings arriving daily. Tartan plaids are the style for Fall. watch our Windows Suits to order $25.00 O'coats to order $20.00 McDonald & Col let t 289 Washington, Near Fifth g. h. McCarthy, Mgr. The Home Telephone company was given a franchise, after the city coun cil had refused It, by the people. The people gave it the use of the streets of Portland the right to exist. Therefore the Home Telephone com pany owes something to the people of Portland. It owes them reasonable rates; but considering the number of its patrons the rates are as high and the service as poor as any company could give in a city of this size and Justify its existence. It owes to the people just treatment of its employes. It does not give such treatment. It forbids its employes the rights of American citizens the right of organisation to better their condi tions. - less pay than any other public service corporation in mil city. It refuses to discuss these or other grievances and denies the right of conciliation, arbitration or hearings. pitting Its own organization against the individual, unorganised when any im position is complained of. Electrical Workers, No. 118, has been in this city as an organisation for the past 15 years. They are a body of home owning, taxpaylng cltlsens, who believe in and practice the principle of patronizing home industry. Support home industry when home Industry supports you. That is our ' slogan. Portland. Or, Aug. 18. 114. We believe we are right in asking that the Some Telephone company treat its employes Justly. We are now working under agreement witn trie largest telephone company in the United States, and our agreement nas been in existence for ten years. Strikes, lockouts and serious difficulties are unknown between us and this public service corporation. We are not asking for a "closed shop." We are asking for the right of the employes of the Home Telephone com pany to organise, and for the arbitra tion of difficulties.- We are asking for the same condi tions, wages and hours as prevails In the trade with other corporations. Our friends have been able in the past to help us by ordering their Home phones disconnected. The number thus taken from the lists runs into thou sands the past few months. The most effective way for you to help us is to do the same and tell them why: because they are not Just to their employes. The heart of a publio service corpo ration is its pocketbook its dividends. We ask you to appeal to the heart of the Home Telephone company in the moat effective way, and give them, their propert- back. BUSINESS MANAGER. L. U. 125. I. B. E. W. (Paid Adv. by L. U. 125, L B. R W.) u 1 1 1 r i summer resorts 1 Standing of the teams ! raclfio Oeact league ! Won, Lout. 1 Portland ..73 56 - tOl 74 tH .68 B.n H-r.nrlaco 75 8S .B3 IO Xnarl. 71 5 .522 .rtrnmnto 1 76 .445 rLakland 53 82 .393 Noi-thweit.ni Leasue. VncotiTf 77 81 .2 Itaattl. 78 M .50 Spokane 76 54 .5H6 . : : r. : : : : : : : Ballard 50 7T .394 r National Latin. New fork 59 44 ftoaton 56 47 lit Louie 59 62 Chicago 56 51 FbllaT.lphla 48 57 Brooklyn 4 06 rtttatmrr ....47 57 Ciscinnati 4 o .w American League. Philadelphia 71 86 .664 Bo. ton 59 47 .557 Waehlnfton 5 50 .537 IVtroit ...M 54 .61)9 Chicago 55 56 .495 St. Loole 62 56 .486 Mew York 4( fll .445 tlereland 37 78 .322 yederal League. Indlananolia 59 48 .551 , Chicago 60 49 .550 Baltimore 67 48 .643 Brook lys 54 48 .629 Buffalo 6 52 .605 Kannaa City 60 hi .450 St. Louie 49 61 .440 fittaburg 45 00 .429 Americas Aatoeiation. Milwaukee 70 . 51 LouleTtU 70 61 Colombo. 64 58 Indianapolis ; 64 60 CleTeland 6-1 62 Kanaae City 81 62 Minacapoua 69 67 St. Paul 43 82 Wee tern League. loos City ....73 4T .SOB DettTW 70 51 .678 St. Joeeph ...68 62 .067 Dm Uolnea .69 61 .492 Lincoln 58 60 .491 Omaha .....55 63 .466 Wichita SO 69 .420 Topeka : 45 75 .373 The necessity for a conveni ence which will save time and effort is realized by the business man in his office and by the housewife in her home. iThe Pacific Telephone more, truly supplies this need than any other public utility, because 42,557, Pacific Telephones in Portland reach almost every business associate, friend, acquaintance and tradesman in any part of the city. Its use facili tates your business transactions and permits the performance of your errand in a very few sec onds at a very small cost to you. LOW EXCURSIONS Daily to September 30 Return Limit October 31 Two Through Trains to Chicago No Change (ol Can Via Minneapolis and St. Paul Drawing-Room and Compartment Standard Sleeping Cars, Tourist Cars, Coaches, Dining Cars, with Real Dining Service That Our Patrons Appreciate. One Through Train to St. Louis Via Kansas City and St. Joe LIKE SERVICE WESTBOUND All Information Gladly Given at Office or by Mail A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A., Portland, Or. 255 Morrison Street Phones Main 244. A1244 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY HOTEX MOORE, ?Xio?iSSNG SEASIDE CLATSOP BEACH OREGON Rooms with or without bath. Hot salt water baths, and surf bath ing. Recreation pier for fishing. Sea food a specialty. Grill in connec tion. Music and dancing every evening. Booklet on request at Journal Office. DAN J. MOORE, Prop, THE SHELBURNE XOXTS BZACX, Modern improvements, beautiful dining- room. Now one of the larfeat hotels on North Beach; with larara airy and sunny rooms. We raise our own poul try. Reasonable rates, and special rates by the wtek for families. Make res ervations by mall or wire. Long distanco phone In hotel. Buy tickets to Shelburme Station Trains stop rlbt at door. ADDRESS. BEAVIKW, WASH.. T. J. HOARE. PROP. The Warren ECO LA, CANNON BEACH OREGON. The Only Hotel on the Beach "Front SEA FOODS A SPECIALTY Auto Stage Meets All Trains Write for Rates . M. S. WARREN, Proprietor. Hotel Gearhart it BY-THE-SEA" OREGON'S FAMOUS ALL-YEAR RESORT Offers every attraction. Unexcelled golf course. Sea water natatorium. Eighteen miles of hard beach. Combination of mountains and ocean. Autos and saddle horses for hire. Hotel Gearhart is steam-heated and comfortable in every respect. Sea foods a specialty. For reservations, address CHAS. H. ROWLEY, Manager . GEARHART. OREGON The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. PW FARES EAST Telephone Building. Oak and Park Streets Dales Department Main 8800 1 $26.75 San Francisco and Return FOR THE 3D Pre-Exposition Excursion VIA THE ICJr SUNJtT I 060tHSHASTAl I j The Exposition Line 1915 J if 4 Friday, August 21 Tickets will be sold from all sta tions on the Southern Pacific on the above date good for re turn on or before August 31st Ask for illustrated pamphlet, "Seven Months Before," showing the . progress of the Exposition grounds, buildings, etc Full particulars, with tickets, train schedules, reservation and pam phlet at City Ticket Office, 80 Sixth street, corner of Oak, Union Depot or East Morrison Street Depot. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY SUMMER EXCURSION TO THE EAST AND RETURN TICKETS ON SALE DAILY to SEPTEMBER 30th Cincinnati $84.40 New York $108.50 Philadelphia 108.50 Buffalo 92.00 Detroit , 83.50 St. Louis 70.00 Boston $110.00 wasmngton, JL. C 107.50 Pittsburg 91.50 Chicago 72.50 Denver 55.00 St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Winnipeg, flfl Aft Kansas City, Omaha and St. Joseph OOUUU CORRESPONDING REDUCTIONS TO OTHER POINTS Final return limit, October 31st Stopovers allowed going and returning Tickets good going one road, returning another RIDE ON THE ORIENTAL LIMITED Through standard and-tourist sleeping cars to Chicago in 72 Jiours, making direct connections for all points East. Unsurpassed dining-car service, Compartment-Observation cat's. H. DICKSON, C. P. A.T. A.; Telephones Marshall 8071 A-2286 CITY TICKET , '.: OFFICE 848 Washington Street VISIT GLACIER NATIONAL PARK this SUMMER Season June 15th to September 30th. Write or ask for Booklets . "Tain tH Hout of . Satisfaction to she STatUm's first attraction." U-P. O. S. L. Tickets en sale STOPOVER PRIVILEGES within final rstum- limit et October 81. 1914. Choice of Routes for tha return trip. Tonrtlckots should; Izxcrad th YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Ids trip. Thronsh sleeper to park entrance leaves union iJepot 7 F. sc. daily. Fares, routes, schedules, tickets. reservations, eta. oauNxnr - WAnaxaTO v BOAB VAYXOAXXOV CO. luzz ROXZT OTTXOX Third and WasMnston Streets. Both phones. Oregon Humane Society 97 Grand Ave. s, betwee 0uch and Davis. Vnones BasS X423. B-SdU. Om SAT AJTB H1QXT. . - Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Tiethal chain dot for small ani mals. .Horse ambulanoe for sick oe disabled animals at a moment's notioe. THE COOL PACIFIC CALLS TO Clatsop Beacli You'll be welcome among the Summer mermaids and merrymakers at Gearhart and Seaside. All vacation fads are yours for . the choosing at the seashore. CLATSOP BEACH IS THE QUICKEST REACHED North Bank Fast Trains Seashore L'td 8:30 A.M. Saturday Sp'l 2:00 P.M. Evening Ex. 6:30 P.l. Week-End Trips. . .$3.00 Season , ....$4.00 Tickets 5th and Stark North Bank Station Tenth and Hoyt Street Marshall 920 HOTEL BAYOCEAN is a hostelry of distlnetlos in every way. Its serrloe. onzszne ana aoeommowswons are snrronn ding's are lneoznparable. 1 mountains, flshlsr streams and delif ht the outdoor lover, while the windows oommand most won- derfnl views. Bates reasonable. SB CAsa BM1 sULfl Ytm I SB Furnished Tents at Barview with all conveniences ready for housekeeping-; also a first class hotel. Good wholesome meals. In a bright, clean din ing room. The large dance hall, pool hall and bowling alley will be appreci ated and patronised by many. The drills of the life saving crew, and clam bakes, the beach bonfires and deep sea fishing excursions are .only a few of the many good things Barview has to offer you. Before planning your vacation see us and make reservations for tents or rooms. Place open now. Round trip tickets IS.00. Ralph Ackley Land Co. 804 Tallin- BUff 3d sad Washington. Main 7141. THE HACKNEY COTTAGE" XOOBBX IB BTXBT BXS7BOT. Enlarged dining room capacity, beau tiful surrouodlnss, most pleasant spot on North Beach. Make reservations ty wire or mail. Special rates by the week. ADSBXSS CCHVAB PRINTING COJ WBUir.6RfcENE.PJtUI0.UITl aSir STARK. STREET! Hotel Sunset yKACK CZJTM STATXOX. Ideel spot. Modera fastUy sotel. Cesstry ead eeeebore combined, Oceaa la fell view. Cteer BMSDtah) water. Electrte Ussta. Large yard for eblldrea. Croquet grand, .flak e 11 klads. Beet eeiatae ead table servlee. Flehlof. Bart batzitns. y. O. long Beaea, Week. Bra. Peajsaa. a H A R V E S T HOME Near ocean, croquet grounds, large yard. Bates 11.80 per day; $ per week. Home coo King. BOUS. Kei proprietress. Zas; Beach. Wash. Real Mountain Resort With a Full View of Mount Hood inesMAi railroad and automobile ULICbiai far from Portland to. Cloud Cap Inn and return. Including beard and lodging at tb24 75 SOaarr B. nsXTB, Travel Bnreaa US Third tn Bortland. Oregon. HOTEL MEARS SEASIDE, OREGON Strictly firct-class rooms, single or en suite; concrete block; one block from depot. Look for the electric sign. JOHN MEARS. Proprietor- LONG BEACH HOTEL Best located and most convenient ho tel at Long Beach, Wash., opposite sta tion, one block from ocean, three doors from postofflce. Excellent rooms; Eu ropean plan; rates reasonable. X. x. TXBXXB. Bropristor, ' Reliance Mt. Hood AUTO STAGE Dally to lit. Hood resorts. R. T., SS; Gov. Camp, 7M. Special rosod trip, S or (sere, lncladlDg kotel sod guide to sammlt. SIS esck. Reerratkos, tickets and InfonsaUoa at Boatledf Hd d Floral Co.. 109 Seeoad et. Pboaee Hals 6V. A.-X8U, at BeUaoee Oar. are, vmt Hawthorne STe. Pxme Tebor NECA1CUM INN , Overlsokis Ooeea. Large gressds sad bess Uful nowara. . This la sot a betel, set a beastlfat home. Hone comforts, sons cook ing. Easily Pa me nrn. Pres. Journal Want Ads Bring Results I