The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Try Oar Special 25c Lunch Served From 11;30 to 2:30 Dally In the Basement Shoe Shining Parlors In Basement
Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags. 4th Fir. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, 3d Fir. Glassware, 3 J Fir
(DMs Won flmmaie & Mtoffl
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Canvas Gloves 5c Pair
In the Basement Hop-picking time
is close at hand better supply
your glove needs now; 3000 pairs
good quality canvas gloves, regular
8c kind (limit 12 pairs to cus- r
tomer), on sale Wednesday, pr. DC
S7.50 White Hats $1.00
In the Basement Beautiful new
white hatB of splendid quality
hemp and chip braids latest ban
deau And sailor shapes trimmed
with flowers and ribbons sell
ing up to $7.50 Vedne8d'y sp.
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A-6231
Uedlcrpricc Store "Wednesday Ecoeomy Sales
Double Trading Stamps With All Cash Purchases Made in Basement Tomorrow I
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Miller of Pittsburg, Pa., who are visiting friends in Oregon City.
THIS evening the "Community
Sing," In the Multnomah field
from 7 until 9 o'clock, will
make its Initial bow as a pub-
,11c enterprise. It Is the old songs that
will be sung, the songs that receive a
wave OI approDtnion wnerevcr mey oir
1 played or sung before a listening audi-
k Aiwa.... a.lTM r A TXT 1 1 1 hllTTI il Q T I
plly through the familiar strains on
such an occasion. Great concert sing
ers know full well this trait of the au
dlencp, and their programs are neither
complete without Borne one of the old
favorites, which in their utter sim
plicity are the greatest test of a sing
er's art. It is to feed this musical
need and to arouse an even greater in
terest In the songs that the Monday
club started their plan for a big "com
munity sing." The field will be well
Illuminated and the printed words dis
tributed. The great grandstand, which
will seat over 4000, will accommodate
most of the people, and others will
meet about the band In the field.
Trained singers and chorus organiza
tions have all promised their help In
leading the songs. W. H. Boyer will
direct, and Campbell's band will ac
company the singers and furnish selec
tions between the numbers. The band
will play from 7 until 7:30 p. m., when
the singing in unison will begin.
Tenuis, Society Attraction in
I Last week Seattle society devoted
much of Its time to the tennis tourna
ment. There were many out? of town
visitor, there for the occasion, among
whom were a, number of Portlanders.
Friday evening the event was termi
nated with a grand ball, the twenty
fourth annual tennis ball, at thn
Broadway hall, given by the Seattle
Tennis club. This affair has long
stood a stellar event of the mid
summer season and last Friday's ball
was enjoyed by a Large and represen
tative gathering of Seattle's smart set.
Miss Stella Fording and Mrs. Northup
were among the Portland visitors pres
ent. Home From Seaside.
Mrs. C. E. S. Wood, who has beem
visiting at Seaside for the past three
weeks, is expected home this evening.
Baby New Arrival.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Oullck In Alameda Park has been glad
dened with the arrival, Monday, Au
gust 10, of a baby daughter. Mrs.
Oullck will be remembered as Miss
Edith Slusher before her marriage.
The baby has been named Virginia Dale.
Mrs. Joyce Hostess.
Mrs. Gilbert Joyce entertained with a
five hundred tea Friday afternoon at
her apartment In the Altonla. Those
present were Mrs. Frank Whipple, Miss
D. M. Sanford, Mrs. Hoban, Mrs. H.
Allen. Mrs. W. R. Boone, Mrs. E. R.
Mashor and Miss N. M. Joyee.
Lake-Woolpert Nuptials.
-4y On 8unday afternoon at 4 o'clock. In
ui yiroouto ui relatives ana inenas.
Miss Claire E. Woolpert became the
bride of Charles Edward Lake, at the
home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W. Q.
Rev. 8. R. Hawkins read the service,
and Miss Clara Westcott rendered Men
delssohn's Wedding March. The bride
was charming In Ivory white char
meuse and carried a bouquet of Bride
roses, with a shower of sweet peas,
When she threw her bouquet it fell In
two sections, and was caught by Miss
Grace Reeves and Miss Jean Tracy.
The bride was unattended.
A lattice of pink climbing roses
made an effective background for the
bridal couple. Sweet peas, asters and
ferns were tastefully arranged through
out the rooms. A buffet luncheon was
served, after which the bride and bride
groom departed for a short trip to the
Mr. Lake is a well known instructor
in the schools of St. Helens, Or., where
the couple will make their home.
Wetlding Invitations Received.
"Mr. and Mrs. Martin Joseph Shea
have issued invitations for the wed
ding reception of their daughter, Miss
Ida Marie Shea and Eugene Bland for
Thursday evening, August 27, from 9
until 10 o'clock, at their residence in
Piedmont, 1211 Haight stret.
To Visit Newport.
Miss Allie Kadderly. who has been
passing a few days in Albany, left
there yesterday for Yaquina Bay,
where she will visit for several weeks.
Vacation on Upper Mackenzie
Mrs. H. E. Coleman, president of the
Woodlawn Parent-Teacher association,
has returned home from a vacation
trip to the upper Mackenzie river.
For Mrs. McCarthy.
Mrs. Raymond McCarthy (Irene
Flynn) has been 'the motif for. count
less informal affairs during the past
week. She Is passing the summer with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Flynn,
and enjoying a round of entertainment.
Miss Katherine Hunt was a recent
hostess in her honor when she gave an
informal bridge tea. Last Friday even
ing Miss Lucille Dunne gave a dinner
party In her home. Dr. and Mrs. J.
Chris O'Day were dinner hosts Satur
day evening, when an Informal musical
followed. Monday Dr. and Mrs. M. . A.
Flinn gave a charmingly appointed
dinner for her pleasure.
Twins, New Arrivals.
Mr. and Mrs, Henry William' Brands
are receiving congratulations from
their many friends over the arrival of
twin sons. Saturday, August 15. Mrs.
Brands was formerly Eleanor Mann,
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Luncheon for Miss Shea,
Mrs. J. Coulsen Hare was a luncheon
hostess this afternoon at the Portland
hotel, when she entertained In honor
of Miss Ida Shea, bride-elect of Eu
gene Bland. The table was artistically
adorned with clusters of pink asters.
Covers were laid for Mrs. Martin J.
Shea, Mrs. William B. Hare, Miss Dag
mar Korell, Miss Bernlce Riley of Chi
cago, Miss Ida Shea and Mrs. Hare.
To Visit Friends in Alaska.
Mis3 Graeta Butterfield and Miss
Sadie Noyes will leave soon for an
extended trip to Alaska, where they
will visit friends. They expect to be
away about a month.
Society Jfotes.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Klehle an
nounce the birth on August 15, of a
son, who had been named David Lltch-
ard Kiehle II.
War Reports Hard
To Forward in 1870
Newspaper of September 16, 1870,
Gives Delayed Account of Siege at
Even, with the strict censorship of
dispatches from abroad and the ab
sence of direct communication with
Germany, it takes but a glance at pa
pers of the Franco-Prussian war period
to demonstrate how vastly improved
are the news gathering facilities of the
H. W. G. WilUmont of 10 East Sixty-
third street has a copy of the Cam
brian of Swansea. England, for Sep
tember 16, 1870. which contains war
news under date of September 1, and
from so short a distance as Paris at
Detailed in the news are reports of
the capitulation of Sedan as officially
given out by the German government
and or the advance on Paris.
Prominent among the dispatches is
one from Liege, where the big battle of
the present war Is now raging, an
nouncing that the Belgian government
had determined to recognize the new
b rench republic.
Towns along the present Franco
German border which were then Dart
of France receive mention in many of
tne i'aris news items. It is signifi
cant that not a single telegraph dis
patch bearing directly on the war is
within three days of the date of pub
is w
P 'J" '" 1 "1 'mrw...- nM. - limn iiiinj wwfflnniiimnn,. WiniLwjyw,.i,.,
I m.m.,m i. m, i, , iii'tii Zmm,mmmmmmmm:'l
Cut this ad. out Bring it along and make me an offer. No reason
able offer refused. . I need the dough.
Corner lot, cement walks, one block to car, located on 80-foot
avenue. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, bookcases, full plumbing, folding
ironing board, linen closets, garret and sleeping porch unfinished,
gas, electric fixtures, screens, window shades, buffet built in, laundry
trays in basement; can easily put in furnace. This will be the onlv
time you will see this ad,; it must be sold at once. You will deal
direct with owner. W. H. BETTS, 5635 60th Ave. S. E. Take W. W.
car to end of line. Phone Sellwood 2025 or Sellwood 1233.
American sells bigger
than any other
in the
One can tells
the reason!
Airtight tins
pound 30c,
3 pounds 85c
G-A is sold by
more than 500
Portland grocers!
Lang & Co.
Roaster of famous "Royal Club"
Coffee and Distributors of "Soyal
Club" Pure rood Products.
Basement Underprice Store
$20.00 Dresses for $5.95
Stylish New Models for Street and
Afternoon Wear.
BASEMENT Sample Dresses and many
odd lines which we have grouped for g
rapid Clearance. All are new 1914 styles,
and the materials are very desirable.
Trimmed with laces, fancy silks, ruchings,
novelty yokes, buttons, etc. Dresses in
this assortment which are worth up to $20.
Good range of sizes. Priced very Qfc
special for Wednesday at J)tJ.7t
$3.50 Riding Skirts $1.98
BASEMENT Women's and Misses' Rid
ing and Outing Skirts, priced for one day
at $1.98 each. These are made of splendid
gratle blue serge also some of khaki and
linen color materials. Skirts QO
worth up to $3.50. Wednesday J)J-0
50c Union Salts Special 35c
BASEMENT Women's Summer weight
ribbed Cotton Union Suits, low neck and
sleeveless, with tight-fitting or lace
trimmed knee. Perfect in fit and finish.
Complete range of all sizes, including extra
large. Standard 50c grade. Priced OCp
special, the garment OtlV
15c Sleeveless Vests at 11c
BASEMENT Women's swiss-ribbed white
Cotton Vests in low-neck, sleeveless style.
Only about 30 dozen in this lot, so be
prompt and get your share. Nicely finished
and very elastic. Full line of all regular
sizes. Vests selling in the regular " 1
way at 15c Wednesday at i-J-C
Women's $4.00 Silk Waists for $1.48
BASEMENT Odd lines of women's high
grade Waists less than half price to close
them out in a hurry. Scores of beautiful
styles, including many appropriate for
evening wear. Silks, nets, chiffons, etc.,
with long or short sleeves. Sizes range
from 34 44. Waists, worth AO
up to $4. Offered Wednesday at vl0
Waists Worth Up to $1.75
Special 89c
BASEMENT New line Dainty Lingerie
Waists 500 of them in the lot on sale to
morrow at a very special price. Voiles,
Marquisettes, Crepes, etc. Styled with
high or low necks and long or short sleeves.
Waists worth up to $1.75, offered
for Wednesday's selling at
"Basement Underprice Store"
Sale Manufacturers' Sample Shoes
At 48c Pair
BASEMENT Odds and ends of
Women's Pumps and Oxfords, slight
ly damaged but not sufficient to
hurt the wearing. Grades made to
sell up to $3.00 a pair. For AO
Wednesday, the pair fxOv
At 98c Pair
BASEMENT Women's and Misses'
High Shoes tan, calf or gunmetal
leathers, with cravenette tops. Sizes
2y to 5, in all the wanted widths.
No phone orders. Regular QQ
$3.00 Shoes, now IOC
At $1.48
BASEMENT Boys' and Girls Shoes
of dependable makes, in good sensible
lasts for vacation and school wear.
Button or lace styles, in sizes from
9 to 2. Our regular $3.00 AO
Shoes, the pair tJJX.'iO
At S2.89
BASEMENT 1000 pairs Men' Sam
ple Shoes in tan or blacJc leather, in
button and lace styles. Good assort
ment of sizes and widths. Regular
$3.50 and $4.00 Shoes, on OQ
sale at. a pair piOU
I (
1 jfj; i
$1.50 Handbags
Women's Leather Handbags in
a variety of new shapes, gilt
and gunmetal frames, with
fancy linings. Regular QQ
$1.25 and $1.50 Bags, at Ol
65c Long Gloves
Women's 16-button length Lisle
Gloves, with 2 clasps at wrist.
Black, white, gray, brovn and
biscuit. Regular 65c OQf
Gloves, the pair it
10c Toiiet Paper
No telephone or mail orders
filled for this special, and nor
more than 20 roll-. t' a cus
tomer. Regular 10c qual
ity Toilet P.iper tllx
Basement '
$1.00 Corduroys
59c Yard
BASEMENT 30-inch Cordu
roys for dresses, coats, suits,
skirts, etc. White, brown,
green, castor, cardinal and
navy. Regular $1.00 KQf
grades, the yard eJiVVx
75c to $1.00 Silks
39c Yard
BASEMENT Fancy stripes,
plaids, Dresdens, figured and
floral effects also plain colors.
Silks worth up to $1.00, OQ
at, yard Oi7U
Reg. 25c Sateens
18c Yard
BASEMENT 36-inch Sateen
in beautiful lustrous finish
black, white and full line of col
ors. Regular 25c Sat- " Q
eens at, the yard XOC
"Basement Underprice Store"
Men's $3.00 Pants $1.95
Double Stamps Tomorrow
IN THE BASEMENT Special purchase of 300
pairs Men's Corduroy and Worsted Pants, on
sale tomorrow. Corduroys in light and dark
brown worsteds in good, serviceable dark grays.
Complete range of all sizes shown in the lot.
$3.00 Pants, offered very special at, (PI Qr
the pair JjJ..7t)
Men's 50c Underwear 35c
BASEMENT Men's Summer weight Balbrig
gan, Mesh and Gauze Shirts and Drawers in
short and long sleeves and knee or ankle length.
Full assortment of all sizes. Men's reg- QC
ular 50c Underwear, for ODC
Men's 50c to 75c Ties tor 19c
BASEMENT Extra good grade Silk Ties in
great variety of attractive patterns stripes, Per
sians and novelty effects also beautiful line of
Silk Knit Ties. Regular 50c to 75c Ties,
on sale Wednesday at
Mill Ends Veiling
Mill Ends in 1 and 1 1-3-yard
lengths. Fine or coarse mesh
in black, green, brown and
other popular shades. Grades
usually selling at 25c and
35c yard. Special, piece... wt
25c Ribbons 12'2c
BASEMENT 4 to 5-inch All
Silk Taffeta Ribbons in great
assortment of novelty effects;
also in wanted plain shades.
Regular 25c Ribbons, t Qkg
on sale "Wednesday at jLi2s
35c Ruif lings 15c
BASEMENT Very latest ef
fects in Rufflings, Nets, Shadow
Laces, etc., in white, cream and
ecru. Grades selling at " ff
25c and 35c. Special, yd. JL
"Basement Underprice Store'
$1.50 Gowns and Combinations 79c
Regular 50c Brassieres 29c
BASEMENT Women's Prin
cess Slips, Gowns and Combina
tions of dainty sheer materials,
trimmed with embroideries, rib
bons, laces, etc. Regu- r7ClI-
lar $1-50 Garments I
Children's Regular 35c Percale
BASEMENT Plain and em
broidery trimmed Brassieres in
front and back fastening effects.
Well made and perfect fitting.
Regular 50c Brassieres, OQp
priced special at tdUK
Wash Dreses. Special at
"Basement Underprice Store
65c Bungalow Aprons Special 49c
Women's 15c Hosiery 8c Pair
BASEMENT Women's Bun
galow Aprons of light, medium
and dark percales. Large, full
sizes, with belt across back and
open down side-front. Piped in
various colors. Regular Q
65c Aprons, special at. . . TcIl
BASEMENT Women's black
or tan Cotton Hose, with double
heels and toes. Splendid wear
ing qualities and fast colors.
Sizes from to 10. Regular
15c Stockings, priced for
Wednesday at, the pair ... OC
15c Garden Hats
BASEMENT Light in weight,
with wide brim. Just the thing
for hop-picking tand outing
wear for men, women and T
children 15c Hats for OC
"Basement Underprice Store'
Special Bargains in Household Supplies
Double tf&C Stamps Given Tomorrow With Cash Purchases
25c DENIMS 15c Curtain Scrims
and Bungalow Nets in neat allover
patterns and attractive bordered ef
fects. Regular 25c grades at, l Kg
the yard IOC
55c SHEETS FOR 46c 72x90 full
bleached Sheets of excellent heavy
grade muslin. Torn and hemmed
ready for use. Regular 55c ACi
Sheets, now at xOC
soft quality bleached muslin, full 36
inches wide. Grade usually selling
at 10c, on sale Wednesday at,
the yard
$1.50 Axminster Rugs 98c
$1.50 Swiss Curtains 98c
Good", heavy quality in assorted size
checks and fast colors. Standard
grades, on sale tomorrow only
at, the yard
ton Challies in
terns and colori;
kimonos, etc.; 12
heavy unbleached Turkish
Towels in size 22x42 inches.
1 Regular 17c kind, Wednesday
27x54 inch Axminster
and Brussels Rugs in
several attractive pat
terns; regular $1.50
rugs, on sale QQ
Wednesday, sp'l lOC
White or ecru Swiss
Scrim Curtains with
dainty lace edge and
Insertions; regular $1.50
curtains on sale
Wednesday, pai
Regular 50c Green Window Shades at 33 Each
vjv 33-w YvT M
8c 30-inch Cot- flffeS' MlSr!
beautiful new pat- KJ teiTi
gs for dresses, Q fVX H&r-d
Xc grade, yd. It V "SJ,T(JtVj
-Extra jSL
"Basement Underprice Store"
Notion Day" at Bargain Circle, Main Floor
8c Spool Cotton in black or
white 200-yard Spools for 3
5c White Basting 'Cotton 500
yard spools all sizes now 4
10c 100-yd. Spool Silk for 5
25c 400-yd. Spool Silk in white
and black only the spool 18
2yic Darning Cotton spool 1
5c Sharp's Needles all sizes,
on sale tomorrow at 2j
10c Mother's Ironing Wax 5j
25c Frilled Elastic, yard 18
25c Sewing Machine Oil at 15
5c Safety Pins asst. sizes
5c Hooks and Eyes asst. 2
5c Sonomore Snap Fast'rs
10c Hair Nets (5 in pkg.) 8
10c Bias Seam Tape, bolt 5
15c White Cot'n Tape, bolt lOf
15c Folding Wood Trouser
Hangers Special, each . ..10
5c Wire or Wood Hang's
5c Wire Hair Pins asst. 2$
10c "Soil-Off" Dry Cleaner 7t
10c Pearl But'ns, 12 on card 5
25c Barrettes and Combs 10
25c Sterling Skirt Markers 18
10c Curling Irons, special 7
50c Naiad Bolero Shields 35
50c Naiad Skirt Protectors 39f
5c Common Pins, 2 pkgs 5
25c Sanitary Aprons, each 18
10c Nickel Trouser Hangers 8
8c Kid Curlers Special, pk. 5
5c Removable Col'r Supts. 254
15c Cube Pins assorted ...54
5c Hair Pin Cabinets for ...3
10c Tape Measure Special 6
25c Sleeve Protectors now 18
Women's 15c Hose Sup'rs lO
Reg. 5c Cube Pins (small) 4
15c Dressmakers' Pins put up
in J4-lb. boxes Spe'l., box 10
25c West Electric Hair Curlers,
on sale Wednesday, special 19
25c Shirt Waist Belts for 15
10c Hair Pin Cabinets now It
5c Machine Oil Cans, special 3
Double Stamps
With All Cash Purchases
Made in the Basement
Canning Time
Porcclain-lincd Caps. Complete
Mason Jars pints, dozen -7
Mason Jars quarts, dozen 57
Mason Jars A-gal., dozen 79
Balls, special Wide Mouth Jars
for peaches and other fruits:
Wide Mouth Jars, pts doz. 65
Wide Mouth Jars, qts., doz. 75
Sanitary Glass Top Fruit Jars
no metal to taint the fruit:
Glass Top Jars, pts., doz. C5
Glass Top Jars, qts., doz. 75
Mason Jar Covers, porcelain
lined, with rubbers doz. 20
Extra Heavy Rubbers, doz. 8?
Sure Seal Glass Tops. doz. lOe
Schram Jar Caps, dozen 20f
Economy Fruit Jars
tor Canning
Economy Jars pints, doz. 85?
Economy Jars qts., doz. f l.OO
Economy Jars -gallons,
dozen sjl.40
Economy Jar Caps doz. 540?
Silk and Chiffon Waist Special $2,49
Lingerie Waist Speclai S1.39
Center Circle, Main Floor
Women's Fancy Waists of chif
fon, lace, crepe de chine, messa
line, Jap and tub silks. Hand
some new styles, beautifully
trimmed. Priced spe
cial for "Wednesday at
Center Circle, Main Floor
Plain and Figured Crepes, Mar
quisettes, Lingeries and Linen
Waists, in white and colors.
Great many attractive styles.
Priced for Wednes- ?" OQ
day's selling at J)i-07