The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Lime Glories forBedtdroe
Jimmy and Unc Billy Tell Differ.
ent Stories.
The little people of the Green Mesd-
Jdws and the Green Forest didn't know
rht to believe. First came Peter
Rabbit with the strangest kind of a
ttory about being chased by a terrible
reature without legs, head or tall.
He said that It had come down the
MM where Prickly Porky the Porcupine
lives In the Green Forest. Jimmy
Skunk, who, you know, is not afraid of
anybody or anything, had been sent to
call on Prickly Porky and ask him if
he had seen any strange creature such
as Peter Rabbit had told about. He
pad 'said that he hadn't seen any
stranger in that part of the Green
Forest, and Jimmy had straightway
returned to the Green Meadows and
told all of his friends there that Peter
Rabbit must have had something the
(natter with his eyes or else was craxy,
or Prickly Porky hadn't been away
from, home and yet had seen nothing
? At the same time Unc Billy Possum
was going about in the Green Forest
telling everybody whom he met that be
had called on Prickly Porky and that
Prickly porky had told him that Peter
Rabbit undoubtedly had seen some
thing strange. Of course Jimmy
Ekunk's story soon spread through the
Green Forest and Unc' Billy Possum's
story soon spread over the Green
Meadows, and so nobody knew what
to believe or think. If Jimmy Skunk
was right, why, Peter Rabbit's queer
story wasn't to be belliwrd at all. If
Unc Billy was right, why Peter's story
wasn't as crazy as It sounded.
Of course all this aroused a great
deal of talk and curiosity, and those
who had the most courage began to
make visits to the hill where Prickly
Porky lives to see if they could see for
themselves anything out of the usual.
But they always found that part of the
Green Forest Just as usual, and always,
if they saw Prickly Porky at all, he
seemed to be fast asleep, and no one
liked to wake him to ask questions.
Little by little they began to think that
Jimmy Skunk was right and that Peter
Rabbit's terrible creature existed only
In Peter's Invagination. About this
time Uric' Billy Possum told of having
Just siirh an experience as Peter had.
It happened Just as it did with Peter,
very early In the morning. Just as he
was passing the foot of the hill where
Prickly Porky lives.
"Ah was Just passing along, .minding
man own business, when Ah heard a
noise up on the hill behind me," said
Unc' Billy, "and when Ah looked up
Moose Picnic Was One Hilarious
Hound of Enjoyment for All.
Sporting Events "Dazzled."
The Moose picnic at Bull Run Sun
day was on of the biggest of the
season. Fully 1200 people were pres
ent. Eight cars were Jammed at the
tart and many went In autos. The
original stunts are too many to men
tion. One was when 200 prize seekers
were induced to pull strings and there
by souse themselves with many buck
ets of water. Seneca Fouta was "Ora
tor of the day" for this popular occa
sion, and the list of prizes he read off
were such as to dazzle the imagina
tion. . For weks the Junior Moose has been
practicing baseball in hopes of beating
the seniors. Captain Joe Keller was
made umpire, and Dr. Banner Brooks'
was captain of the seniors." The ball
wss a soft rubber sphere of about
three times normal size, the bats hand
ed out were small brooms and the fun
began. The. third base was made first
base and the umpire declared every
body "safe."
Finally, surrounded by sn "infuri
ated'' band of players. Captain Keller
drew his guns and began firing,
"dropping" a man at every shot and
tripping. The score was 87 to 87 and
declared a draw.
The gathering of "sporting events,"
games, racing, etc., was one succession
of Jokes, the like of which had never
been seen before. Ir. Banner Brooks
is accused of being the inventor of i
most of them, nbly asHisted by others i
of the entertainment committee.
McMinnville Invitation Accepted.
The Council of Administration of
the Department of Oregon, G. A, R-,
Commander H. S. Fargo, presiding, met
In the courthouse headquarters Satur
day afternoon last. The principal
business transacted was to accept the
invitation of the McMlnnvllle lodge of
Elks, No. 128S, and citizens of Mc
Mlnnvllle to hold the annual reunion
for 1915 at that city.
The encampment will be held June
. 14, 16 and 16, and as the 14th will be
Flag day It Is expected that a well at
tended gathering will be the result.
The council has issued an Invitation
to the Confederate Veterans of Oregon
to help them celebrate at McMlnnville.
All who have not gone to Detroit
before August 27 will leave on that
date for the national encampment of
the G. A. R. at Detroit. It Is not known
now how strong the Oregon delegation
Of visitors will be, but it promises to
run up into the hundreds.
Supreme Instructor Xetnrns.
Mrs. Ellar Watt, supreme Instructor
Of the United Artisans, has returned
from a vacation at Newport and vlcin
Ity and will now he found three nights
In the week helping perfect the work
and marches of the degree teams of
Portland and vicinity.
Women Play Baseball.
Kirkpatrick council. Knights and
Toadies of Security, will put on a
genuine woman's baseball contest at
Crystal Lake park next Sunday, as
part of the program of the picnic. The
two teams have practiced up and will
give a game with snap to It.
Kali Too Small.
The genial secretary of the Loyal
Order of Moose, R. 8, Beatty, is won
dering how the initiation "on August
26 Is to be pulled off with a hall that,
only holds 225 and at least 500 to be
Initiated. Edgar Easier, deputy su
preme organizer, thinks it can be done
Just Apply This Paste
and the Hairs Vanish
(Helps to Beauty)
A safe, reliable home-treatment for
the Quick removal of superfluous hairs
from your face or neck is as follows:
Mix a stiff paste with some water and
powdered delatone, apply to objection
able hairs and after 2 or 3 minutes
rub off.! wash the skin and the hairs
are gone. Thia simple treatment ta
unfailing and np pain or Inconvenience
attends Its use, but to avoid disappoint
ment, be certain you get genuine deJa
Adv.J f
it . "fi i
"Yo' don't dare go there yourself
at daybreak tomorrow!" retorted
Unc' Billy.
there was something coming straight
down at me and Ah couldn't see any
legs or head or tail."
"What did you do. Unc' Billy?" asked
Bobby Coon.
"What did Ah do? Ah did' Just what
yo'alls would have done Ah ran!'; re
plied Unc' Billy, looking around the
little circle of forest and meadow
people listening with round eyes and
open mouths. "Yes, sah. Ah done run,
and Ah didn't turn around until Ah
was safe in mah holler tree."
"Pooh!" sneered Reddy Fox, who had
been listening. "You're a coward. I
wouldn't have run! I would have
waited and found out what it was.
You and Peter Rabbit would run away
from your own shadows."
"Yo" don't dare go there yourself at
daybreak tomorrow!" retorted Unc'
"I dxv too!" declared Reddy, angrily,
though he didn't have the least inten
tion of going.
"All right. Ah'm going to be up in a
tree where Ah can watch tomorrow
mo'ning and see if yo' are as brave aa
yo' talk," declared Unc' Billy.
Then Reddy knew that he would
have to go or else be called a coward.
"I'll be there," he snarled, as he
slunk away.
Next story: "UnC Billy
Tells Jimmy Skunk a Secret."
with three shifts working fast all
Eureka Council to Bo Host.
Eureka council is to banquet Kirk
patrick and Security councils, Knights
and Ladles of Security, at Multnomah
hall, August 24. . At the same time
Eureka council is to be presented with
a banner because for three months end
ing July l it secured more new mem
bers than any other council In the
Act Harks Back to Good Old
Days of Burnt Cork Minstrels.
Bill Takes Well.
Headed by Add Hoyfs minstrel Jubi
lee, Loew's Empress bill is one- that
is likely to find favor with a large
majority of the audiences. Add Hoyt's
act harks back to the good old min
strel days of end men. Jokes, songs,
dances and typical minstrel doings.
Aside from Mr. Hoyt, the members
are all former burnt cork stars. They
are Bruce Wallace, Herbert Clark,
John Foreman, Leo Pelletier, Walter
Van Allen and John Thomas. Th
act was thoroughly delightful, and
met with hearty response.
An act of equal popularity is "The
Johnny and the Cop," with W:lliam
Armstrong and Ernest Ford. It is
an Orpheum act of high quality and
filled to the brim with irresistible
comedy. Another former Orpheum act
is "Broadway Love," with Vivian Mur
ray and Grace St. Clair. It is a clever
little story of two actresses and a
love, affair. It is well acted.
Estelle Ruse proves to be a very
good singing comedienne, especially in
her Hebrew numbers. The bill is
given a splendid start by the three
Brownies, clever dancers, who finish
their act by difficult dancing on
skates. They-Yan-Da Is a fullblooded
Sioux, who makes a picturesque ap
pearance. The best of. his act Is his
dancing and his curtain call, probably
with, his father. Five motion pictures
ere interspersed through the vaude
Struggle Between Two Clergymen.
"The Better Man," from the pen
of the Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady,
I.L. D., is the Famous Flayers film
at the Peoples this week.- It Is the
tory of the struggle between two
clergymen, one a sleek pastor of ttfe
rich and the other a worker among
the poor. Labor conditions and the
control of the church by wealth form
a large portion of the theme. A
thread of romance is also woven
throughout the story. William Court-
Why not make
Mill WSUllttWWW AWU V3r A J q
i i
lelgh is featured as the worker among:
the poor. The picture has not been
produced with all of the careful atten
tion, to detail that generally marks the
Famous Players output. A funny Ford
Sterling suicide comedy, "At Three
o'clock," and a Gaumont Industrial
complete the bill. - "'
. The Jungle" In Pilnu.
Upton Sinclair's powerful story of
labor and carltaL "The Jung'e." Is the
all-star feature production that is be
ing shown at the Majestic the rirst
half of this week. A splendid cast of
type headed by George Nash as Jur
gls, and Gail Kane as Ona, portray the
story which Is given to the screen
throbbing- with the mighty Issues that
form Its framework. Not the least In
teresting member of the cast is the
author himself, who assisted in the
making of the picture and who appears
addressing a Socialist meeting. a
number of atockyards scenes Aro
shown, all of the settings have been
carefully chosen and the photography
is excellent. For comedy the bill of
fers a Vitigraph, "Officer Kate," with
funny fat Kate Price as a woman po
lice officer.
Fur and embroidery add a note of
charm to this taffeta frock.
By Lillian E. Yonng.
There is something irresistible about
an ivory white taffeta maybe the yel
low mauve shadows in its folds and the
glinting silvery high lights make it so
at any rate, a great many of the
most bewitching frocks and gowns of
the season are made of it, and It is
considered one of the smartest fabrics
of the moment.
Just the mention of ivory taffeta and
white chiffon, with touches of Jade em
broidery and dark fur, sounds tempting
Mrs. Herbert Garr Reed, one of
the most enthusiastic workers
of the committee for the "Com
munity Sing," the big event of
this evening at the Multnomah
Field, which has been promoted
by the Monday Musical club.
A Trip You'll Remember
to the
Tillamook County Beaches
The most wonderful, most enticing and most in
teresting journey in America. Landscape, mount
ains, streams, forests and the Pacific Ocean.
Miles of smooth, clean beach.
The Train Service Is Just Right
Two fine trains daily 3ach way. Morning passenger
leaving Union Depot -5 A. M. ; "Seashore Special" 1:30
P. M. Parlor Observation Car oB "Seashore Special
Season Round Trip $4.00
Week End Saturday-Monday.. 3.00
to all Garibaldi Beach points, with pro
portionate low fares to other beach
Call at City Ticket Office, 80 Sixth
Street, Union Depot. 4th and Yamhill
or East Morrison street for folder.
reservations, etc.
John M. Scott. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
"The X,oop Trip" from the heart of the
to say the least, and Indeed It waa all ,
of that, as seen In the original of to
day's sketch. '
, Ivory taffeta was used for the;
jaunty sleeveless Jumper witn us
smart little shoulder cape, and for the
basque girdle and skirt. The guimpe
and tunic flounces were of white chif
fon. It can readily be seen without much
description by what a very simple pat
tern the Jumper was cut. The guimpe.
too, was of the plainest kimono sleeved ,
variety, witn a small flaring collar at
the V neck and fronts crossed softly
over the bust The back was bidden
by a capelike drapery, mounted across
the shoulders from arm to arm with a
cording and pleated heading. The
lower edge did not extend much below
the waist line, was curved slightly
downward at the center, and bordered
with skunk.
A simple embroidered motif was
worked in Jade floss to form a border
above the skirt hem, and similarly
above the fur border of the cape, while
either side of the Jumper blouse
showed a touch of the same Just above
the girdle.
The two tunic flounces were mounted
with a line of flat folds all round, and
are "ilfted" at the center front. The
skunk bordered basque-girdle was one
of the newest notes. It tied in & rather
large bow at the back, so that it shows
Just below, the edge of the cape.
Ear View Host
to Artisan Visitors
Dlfesaving Grew Gives Interesting Ex
hibition and Big1 Clambake Is Pre
pared for Benefit of Guests.
Bar View, Or., Aug. 18. The enter
tainment that Bar View gave the vis
iting Artisans Sunday was a decided
success. The special train arrived
from Tillamook at 8:30 a, m., bearing
over S00 Artisans and their friends.
They were met by the members of the
entertainment committee of the Bar
View Beach Progressive club and es
corted to the grounds, where the fol
lowing program was rendered: Wel
come address on behalf of Bar View,
M. Peterson; response, H. S. Hudson,
supreme master artisan; trio. Miss
Smith, Rudolph Thomas, Harry Hud
son; dramatic reading, Miss Mildred
Carr; folk dance, by the French sis
ters; music by the Ladies' band; vocal
solo, Miss Goldie Peterson.
After this the visitors and many
other guests went to the beach, where
the members of the lifesaving Etation
gave their thrilling beach and watei
drills. In the afternoon the visitors
enjoyed ono of the largest clambakes
Bar View ever gave. All the visiting
Artisans were first served with a fine
fish of clam chowder on the beach.
Next came the clambake, and every
one, big and little, was served with
clams and crackers. After all had
been satisfied, three rousing cheers
were given the people of Bar View by
the visiting Artisans, and this was re
turned by the home folks. The Arti
sans were loud in their praise of th
treatment they received, both in Tilla
mook and Bar View.
Harry H. Hamilton, who presides be
hind the desk at the Imperial hotel,
returned last night from a vacation
spent in the Nehalem valley. Mr. Ham
ilton ppent an enjoyable two weeks
visiting the old places and . renewing
acquaintanceships in his former home.
W. H. Dean, a real estate and insur
ance man of White Salmon, is at the
Warren Beatty of Roseburg Is regis
tered at the Cornelius,
I The Oakland baseball club Is staying;
at the Multmonah.
S. G. Kaufman, an Aberdeen mer
chant, is a guest at the Oregon.
F S. Rutledge. San Francisco auto
mobile man, is at the Benson.
W. J. Kyle, a merchant of Florence
Is a guest at the Imperial.
Ernest Smith, manager of the Oregon
hotel at Hood River, is stopping at the
James E. Scanlon of Gaston, Or, Is
at the Cornelius.
W. P. Ely, a mining man of Grants
Pass, is a guest at the Imperial. Mr.
Ely was formerly postmaster of Kelso,
S. J. Slusher. cigar man of Astoria,
Is staying at the Oregon.
Fred D. Farr, steamship man of San
Francisco, is a guest at the Benson.
E. G. Ford and W. T. Prichard, In
surance men of Seattle, are enjoying
the hospitality of the Multnomah.
Dr. T. C. Smith of Salem is at the
Oregon. Mrs. Smith accompanies him.
S. W. Mazlngo, manager of a Reno,
Nev department store Is at the Ben
son. Per Le Welty, lnsuranoe man of Se
attle. Is at the Oregon.
Charles H. Howell of Hartford, Conn,
la a guest at the Multnomah,
M. A. Cooper of Waco, Texas, Is a
guest at the Benson. Mrs. Cooper and
Miss Cooper accompany him. Mr.
Cooper is director of a Texas railroad.
Richard Ames of Boston is registered
at the Multnomah.
Dr. H. L. Hendersow of Astoria Is a
guest at the Imperial. Dr. Henderson
Is a member of the state board of
medical examiners.
Practical work in sewing, cooking
and other household arts is required
in all English schools for girls above
the infant grade.
city to the heart of the valley?
Phil Wlgglesworth. Has Got a Great Scheme for Making Our Vacation
Phil Wlgglesworth has got a grate ,
skeam for malking our vacashon
longer, which he says cant fale to win
if ctuZt fellers will oanly stick rite
at it. He toald us abowt it this
moarnlng, it being this:
If you keap on going west you wil
gane time, it being oanly 3 o'clock
thare when it Is 4 hear, so the thing
to do is keap walking & if you walk
far enuff you mite gane a cupple of
days, which is sumthlng when thay
are now oanly 2 weaks & 6 days moar
of vacashon.
Phil wanted evverybody to drop
evverythlng & start west, thay not
being much time to loose, but oanly
Lance Bogert and Bol Haynes start
ed with him. What we say is, If it
werks, let them come back & tell us
& we will go, too, but we doant see
much use stretching a vacashon out
if you got to spend all the time walk
ing, annyhow.
A Men Trick, Bay We.
Hennery Hood toald Fatty Bellowes
he would give him 6 sents for evvery
quart of blackberries Fatty would pick
out in Hennery's pasture, so Fatty
went to werk erly & kep at it up to
dinner time. Then he showed up &
toald Hennery he had erned 85 sents.
but Hennery sed, "Well, whare are
the berries?" Fatty sod, "In me. I et
them. If you doant Deleave I had
that manny you can go talk a look at
yore bushes, but give me the munney
now becawse I want to buy some candy
befoar dinner.
Hennery wouldent pay Fatty a sent,
which we think is mene. Fatty says
if Hennery wanted him to pick the
berries & saive them for him, why
dldent he say so? Hennery sed, "Well
wnat did you think?" Fatty sed, "I
newer stop to think when I see a
pasture full of berries I Just pick &
Maude Pays a Few Calls.
While Missus Bogert, Lance's
Xmmmlf MIL
Qeiyhndy pjP
If Drinks
1 j , it answers every bever-
age requirement vim,
vigor, refreshment, whole- R
someness. J
!1 It will satisfy you. I
byfullneme- MOttiff&h
-TV Nicknames encourage tStTZ-j- I . 1
SJ substitution. ; ' Vrf ,J
NX 4
Whenever NV if,
vou see an V. V ttJ-S
Arrow think X VV f&P"
of Coca-Cola. vT- 1
By Paul West
muther, was calling on Missus Mul
dlnkey, Maude's muther, Maude went
In the room whare she had lade off
her new bunnet & fansy calp & sun
shaid & gluvs & things, & put them
on. Then she went out rownd the nay
berhood calling. & toal evverybody
thay was her new things, hawing
been brot as a pressunt to her. Lance
Bogert sean her sed thay looked like
his muther's, but Maude sed thay
probly got them from the saim male
order howse, that was why thay was
alike, & it shode thay was verry
stylish, annyhow.
Maude got so interested in malking
calls sjie forgot to go hoam till It was
prltty lait, & then Missus Bogert was
so mad she Just grabbed the things at
went hoam herself. Maude's muther
sed, well, anyhow, she was glad
Missus Bogert had got mad & went
hoam as It being lrunning day she
dldent have a thing In the howse fit
for supper.
That dident leave Maude off anny
esler though!
Farmers Are Asked
To Aid Government
Effort to Bs Made to Devise Simple
Method of Accounting to Kake In
come Tax Beturns.
To devise some uniform method of
accounting for income from crops and
other products of the farm in order to
make correct returns of income, an in
vitation is extended to the farmers of
the state to cooperate with the govern
ment simplifying the terms of the in
come tax law.
Farmers of Oregon are requested to
submit their views as to what In their
opinions would be the most simple and
accurate methods of accounting for,
and rendering returns, to Milton A,
Miller, collector or Internal revenue for
the district of Oregon.
The treasury department desires a
system that will be iut to th ii.
ers and at the same time meet the le
gal requirements or the government.
It is hoped by the cooperation of
farmers of 'every degree throughout
me country inrougn submission Of
their ideas a uniform nrartihi ni..
can soon be worked out.
Posse Searching for
Japanese Suspect
Man Wanted In Connection With Dis
appearance of Kiss Helena W. Smith
of Monterey, California.
Monterey. Cal.. Aug. 18. A posse,
headed by Sheriff Nesbit, was search
ing today the woods near Point Lobos
for George Kodama. a Japanese,
sought, in connection with the disap
pearance of Miss Helena W. Smith, a
well known painter and etcher. Fresh
evidence, which developed late yester
day, indicated that Kodama was hid
ing in the woods, and a posse was
formed immediately to comb the brush
and watch the trails and roads.
Hourly the theory that Miss Smith
was murdered is gaining ground. It
was learned yesterday that Kodama
Formula for Shampoo
A shampoo, or hair and soaln wash to be Just right should not be
caustic with alkaline. We are publishing this week a formula for a
shampoo that is Just right when properly compounded. Wet the hair, then
pour a little of the shampoo liquid Into the palm of the hand: rub it well
into the hair and scalp until you have a rich, creamy lather: or it you are
troubled with dandruff, massage the
This shampoo will not curs dandruff
wunoui narming me nair ana scaip, Hour hair ana scalp should be
washed at least every 10 days or two weeks. If you will use the follow
ing formula your hair will always
ciean ana neaitnrui: in ronnUe
carbonate, alcohol, aqua dlst.
The following drug stores, one of which is selected in each
locality, will accurately and carefully compound this formula,
which is on file only in the drug stores represented below.
Special offerings aspearlac from week to week la these spaces win
merit the careful attention of economical buyers.
Playfair's Pharmacy
Prescription Druggist
Tabor 688. C I8I.
47 th and Sandy Road,
' fc.
We carry
All flavors In bulk.
Bricks 26o and 60c. We deliver.
Phone B-2126. -or Sellwood 1414.
Waverly Pharmacy
E. 26th and Clinton Bts,
Fabian By erley
401 Jefferson St., N. W. Cor. 10th.
toub com a.
ljcatlTs Antixebrol lor Colds, LA-
Grlppe, Neuralgia ana ailments
caused by exposure and cold. A
pleasant laxative.
533 Williams At. Cox. Xnssell 8
For Drugs
J. C. Clark & Co.
Corner 28th and E. Burnsld sts.
Denatured Alcohol 75c Gal
Eastman Kodak Agency. Kodaks,
Films and Developing and Printing.
Acme Pharmacy
Cor. 8rd and Burnslde Sts.
pajtCEL POST at the beach or in
the mountains, we fill your wants
as if you were at home.
Prompt and Pros Delivery. Mala
8986, A-4667.
831 North Twenty-third Street.
Donble S. ft X. Oreen Stamps with
every dollar purchase this week.
Cottel Drug Company
Free delivery to all parts of the city
The Yamhill Public Mar
ket is helping thousand
of families to cut down
the high cost of Irving.
Wednesday, in addition to
the low prices, those who
present this ad when making purchase of 50c or
over, at any one stall, will get 10 extra S. & H.
Green Trading Stamps FREE, besides regular
Z&J his 1 0 li l,
tried to hire a horse and wagon on
the night of Miss Smith's disappear
ance. , - '
"Kodama needed the conveyance.
said Sheriff Nesbit, "to remove ths
body from Miss Smith's bungalow to
some lonely spot In the thick chappar
ral in the forests surrounding Carmel
or to the sea."
The Parson Do yon have family
prayers at your bouse every morn
ing. Tommy?
Tommy No, sir; only at night. We
ain't afraid la the daytime.
"Mamma," said little Laura, "ray
dollie Is awfully stuck up."
"Why do you think so, dear? asked
her mother.
"'Cause she won't bend her knees,
and I have to lay her on her stomach
to say her prayers." was the reply.
Little Dorothy (aged three) Turn
on, gwanma; supper is weaddy.
Grandma Why, dear, this isn't sup
per; It's breakfast.
Little Dorothy 'Es, torse sat's It,
but I toodn't say it.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
scalp with tho tips of your fingers.
permanently, but it will remove it
bs soft and fluffy and your scalp
wui eontaim green soap, potasslu
Drug Company
Phones Mala II J. A 411 1.
Third and Madison sta Portland. Or.
- fTTTSon i
Montgomery Pharmacy
Doctor Barn's
Stomach ana Uver Tablet. '
Price 25 and 60 cent boxes.
Prompt Pre Delivery.
Phones I Mala S31s. A-3941,
BTBA nou WZIK im
vr tiouii
Prevents Freckles Sun and Wind
burn. A. W. Allen
Kth and Lovejoy.
rmca bbtzlofzs ran
All Work Guaranteed.
Beaver Pharmacy
P. Livingston, Prop-
60 Umatilla.
Alberta Pharmacy
E. R. DURST. Prop.
Anything Ton Need from th Drug
Store W DeUver Promptly.
Phones Wd. 163. C SKI.
Twenty-fourth and Alberts Sts.
All perfect. May we flu yours?
Love's Pharmacy
X. Xarnslas aaa Oraaa Ave.
Irvington Pharmacy
Cor S. llta and Broadway.
PkasMSV East MOO, O 1414,
Joseph E. Worth
Phones. Tabor 1111, B 1401,
01 Belmont s
The Quickest Way
to secure tenants for vacant houses
or rooms Is to Insert sn ad. in The
joummi lor rent- columns. Jour
nal Want Ads bring results.
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