13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18, 1914. SITUATIONS FEMALE ' 4 l icoitiwd.i WJMTKL--lry woman With a J-year-old clrl, position as housekeeper, capable of caring (or apts.. hotel, wid ower or elderly couple; willing- worker. J-aai,' Journal. INTELLIGENT young woman, expe rienced In office wirk nd cn" ler, would like position In store, res taurant or moYing- picture show; best references. K-68, Journal. V0MAN wants position as housekeep r for widower or bachelor; no ob ? faction to children or will work in - restaurant or hotel or cook In small ' boarding house. Main 717 VANTEI High school girl from out of the city wants to work for room and board In refined family; best of references. E-l 00. Journal. faTENOURAPHEK and accountant wants position. Eleven year's ex perience in eastern state. Good local reference. B-l-5, Journal, lK;CTABL- neat widow lady. daughter 12, would like housekeeping for widower. 274 Montgomery. Call 9:30 a. m. to 4 p. m EN -RA,HR Several years ex perience in east, desires stenographic or general office onitlon, reasonable salary. Tabor 1038. POSITION as housekeeper by young respectable Norwegian woman, in widower's family, country. 16 N. 12th St., room 42. BUK1NEBB woman wants employment, whole or part time, good bookkeeper and saleswoman; moderate salary. W- 2. Journal. MOTHER and 'three daughters want position as cooks or chamber work In hotel, restaurant or on ranch. Main 717 RELIABLE woman with baby 8 weeks old would like position as house keeper. H-403. Journal. WANTED By youiiK lady (English), position as ualeswoman in store. K-lttO, Journal. tllKl. wants housework. ." a week. good plain rook, city or suburbs. K 78, Journal. Kit Ni! woman would like position as housekeeper; neat und refined. 0-9'-5, Journal. MOTHERLY lady wants to take care of children. IIP a mo 3 . POSITION, as hoimek-eper by middle aged widow. Call S54Mi Corhett t. WAITRESS wants restaurant, hotel or boarding housp work. East 1408. DRESSMAKING 40 EXPERIENCE! Eistern dressmaker wants work to do at home. Suits, dresses, repairing. References. o5 Washington t. MAE MAK'l'Z mocliHte. for chic ln.il vtdual styles. Suits, gowns, dresses Phone Main St!13. 12th and Alder ljREtSttAl AK1X j .Suits, touts, altera tions done by day. Mrs. McDonald, Marshall 245. K ASH ION ABLE dressmaking an sfre-t suits, $2 per day: plain suit- Il.fin per lav. Marshall !.3H). KJtt'EttT dressmaker, 13.50 per day Telephone Sell wood '',28. H r.. iii anatter llies. Want Adl n - t tT '"'he .lotirndl FL-KMS1IE1) KOOMS WEST SIDE 9 WHY live on the east slue when yufc can get rooms at tne STANllISH HOTEL. 648 y, WASHINGTON. OFF 18TH ST.? Modern, alrv. outside rooms, free phorieH m.d hiiths. 11 wk.. $8 mo. up UN men may consult, without HOTJSsr-Xira booms - WXST. BIDS PKITATE TAXXLTt (Continued.) T3 HANDSOMB -i, furnished housekeeping rooms in a beautiful home . witr. very convenience. All outside rooms ana reasonable rent. Walking distance. on . lanaers. APARTMENTS BRAND NEW. . . A!'ftfS ' 43i SUJOIEB RESORTS ontfn. 56 ; AUT03IOBIIS-ACCESSORlES 44 I Conta -rl i I SWAP COLVMX 25 '" Cowt-ed. , M'CROSKEY'S MOUNT HOOD AUTO j stage leaves dally for Government i Camp and way points, tbree stages COR 19TH AND WVEJOT. 1 daily. For reservations pnone st NOB HILL DISTRICT U?2' lr call Hawthorne Garage. 445 REASONABLE price, wholly -or partly pancy, a modern 5 story, fireproof " ROOKAWAY. furnished rooms with ail tnoaern -hriric hniiriin f ! nd refinement. . rAHa f..mi. nar -Tw.t rr .s -..-.,.( ".' cijr uesirauiv iucieu, iwi, t reservauona aaaresH airs, a- rx. nus -vuoo BlIU TICW, inolll 17 1 U. - J wen aviy c v. - - c v uuu bu x Coy 0. .- add 4 room outside unfurnished apart- sen, Rockaway, Or.; for quick lnforma- ha!iknnr a,,it- as. run- ments. , which have larse. light rooms, ion nhonn v.u-t rh ning water, phone, wash trays, neat. ventuaiion ana u AT' WHEN you answer these Want Aaa. 194 LSunsdale (15 it. corner Taylor, with hardwood floors, .marble bath- , "-SU Tk. . In i rooms, private pnones, latest iikob . " ; 110-112 for 2.3 hniiKekr.in rooms y"l. private pnones, latest. furaished 492 Clav t eplnS r0m8' ures and all modern up to date lurnisneq. 4)Z Clay- st. conveniences. The building is equipped WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE i in it. .ir u u- joy hi. Kf-rerences reauirea. rooms. Vim. f re. heat. lndr. bath- PRICES MODERATE. Phone East 039: 40B Vancouver ava WANTED TO RENT 7 with an automatic elevator with safety i - - rr--r- appliance, a lame laundry room with vv ai x juweinng nouse, iurnwrnu, etfSLtn rirvor vofiium rleanln service ' witn i or more Dearooms, witnin andn excellent hting Sfei?- Fol ?alkine distance of business center. .reservations apply on premises. 'ia.e " unii. either 16th or "S" car. north to Love- , I'OR SALE OR TRADE $325 printing -outfit for runabout or motorcycle. Call C-2846. - WANTED MCEINEOU8 5 Used Auto Snaps TERMS GIVEN. OWEN 6 pass., 48 h. p., fore door, fully equipped; cost new $S500; for qoor Vt als roadster lust-s oyer- WANIEDXhe people or Portland to h7,iV3 1475 roadster, just-, oyer- knw tnat x pay hUneBl caatt prtc. STODDA RD-DATTON 5 pass fully equipped, fois. Several other good buys. Northwest Auto Co, BROAD WAT AND COUCH STS. Main 8887. A-4959. for Hecond hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. r M. Seater. E. 6707. 143 Rusnell St. Extra ROADSTER Extra Extra IS THERE anyone within 10 miles of Lents that has windfall apples or peaches that Pisgah Home can gather for canning purpose, or any fruit. plums or prunes? Tabor 2498. HOTJSZKEEFXKCr BOOMS EAST SIDE PRIVATE AMIT 74 THE LUZ.EKNE itrAKlAi-.S'Iii. Best 2 room furnished apts. in tn c:iy; modern brick bide all outside rooms, private batb. telephone ana WANTED On west side., in private foredoor model, will Rive terms for lamny. a uniurnisnea rooum, cuu- speedy sale; best buy we have ever oi -NOTICE TO MuVKctS" .. w want to buy iiooo worth of see- Electric starting and lighting, run ond hand furniture and pay all the but few miles, paint like new, latest caah it is worth. Williams Ava. Fur- nirure Kxcnange. ast 638. nected if possible, reasbnable rent. B-177, Journal- HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 1105 TAKES team, buckskin mare and hay horse, weight 2300 lbs.J dead true .mil : . 1 t.. ' 1 . V. ..ui TWjQ room suites, complete house- aesB'n? rooms, good jamtor service, inina ia 114 n. . nUn .ivA 12 hiatus fwim H 1 1 i tipr aectlOIi. SZv front room cnmnleti, t2.Bo' week: free and up. If you want a clean, quiet pullers, with light Yankee breaching lieht. bath and phone. 192 Grand home, call Mar. 4S37. I harness, a two inch light single larm a ve rnrnr Tnvlnr. rh u-:i. u-1 u i . , i? Hrflnil. ! waon ana Single narness, jj fered; phone or call for demonstration toaay. GENERAL AUTOS CO. 523 Alder St. Main 2481. A-3216. HI OH EST prices paid for furniture. stoves and ranges. If you fail to call us you lose (dollars). We are in the position to pay you every cent of its value. East 6462. Grand Rapids Furniture Ex.. 121 Grand ave. PERSONAL Dr. J. J, Keefe . -TOENSED PHYSICIAN. - . My office Is thoroughly equipped with every- electrical and mechan'cal device recesaary for the sclent if i treatment of your ailments. I ADMINISTER THE WORUTI LATEST REMEDIED I treat successfully: Acuta Chronic -Nervous. Blood. Skin. Bladder. Liver and Kidney I4ea-aJ nneumauam. roeurascnenia. bcinn. Bores. Ulcers, Pile and Fistula. Consultation ind examination free. Hours: a to . 7 to dally; bundays 10 to 4. Rooms 11 to 15. Lafayette Mi. 13H Wash. St.. cor, sth. 2 FURi'ISHED housekeenine rooms, very reasonable, clean, light and sunny, pain ana pnone, wanting ois tance, no children. 486 .. rvereit s i hone East 1751 it 4 i a n i -" - i 40i ur tv lot the nuI waV: si cor. Jefferson, easy walking 1 st. Mount .Scott car to Arleta sta- i'-d earn you god": fllatance. 3 or 4 rooms with private ' ' w, r y" hepides. Journal. v.nv.. 1. 1 Vvabv v- i f - i 1 1 k a i , hi at tAiir' mx'rt rri r on t n r ; " " 1 i I i A ;Lil r:? . m ....m. i h ; m.i..t Air.V nVfCinff WHEN you answer thesu Want roomr, " "t"'i".B. horses in townT weight about 1175 tot, i rnentlon The journal . NEW AlOTOR .TRUCKS. Any capacity, from 50 to t tons. FELDSTEIN KLUNITURE CO. You can pay for it on monthly Install- Highest price paid for second hand ments; will sell without any payment ' furniture. Also tools. East 1051, B down, providing you can give substan- 2717. 94 Grand ave. money , Phnna RIM A-v , ,... u at I once. Albina Furniture Store. 64S Wll- Ads, ( Hams ave. LADIES Ask lor Anuko .Mixture no. . "etter man 'I Pills for female His. A iuit, f? safe and sure regulator, easy to use, works like magic, without harm, pain or inter ference with work. Price $2. Double strength. IS. 00. -"or -r sale by Helfond Drug Co.. 222 Morrison, near First. r ... NOTICES (Cuatm itrt.i SO NEW double cook! room $7 ' furnished rooms, single or BRENTNOR APTS., 215 N. 20th St.. cor. yBmnl st P ible; light, telephone, heat and of Lovejoy; 3 and 4 room unfur- TJ-, - ng gas free, 310 and S16; sleeping nlsbed apts., strictly modern ce.P- i Vh--0? an farm team. 1029 E. CALL up . 6620, M. it. beater, to sell , , your rurnlture. Prompt attention. M,OT01tCYCLES-BICY'CLES 55 highest cash prices. 36S-374 Hawthorne. 275 Williams ave. eood condition. equipped, for sale or trade for good p.nec tlonallv well arranirfil. nrivate teie '- r... "v. 1 . nairahlv i wnrk hnr ahnlit 1 ' D 0 lh V.-XQ l"1 DO you want 4 clean comfy rooms. 2 . to " ted I Journal. bedrooms, furnished, with bath, gas, water, yard? Phone Tabor 1798. 245 E. 37th, near Main. iiu us.i-i!;.f.i-i privileges, in pn- vate family, east side, near car. li- S,Jrae 401. Journal. !1ti i located. DENVER APTS. i TEAM of horses, one black bay, on See them before locating for winter. ranch, city broke; weight 2600. A Furnished elegantly, all outside rooms, , snap at Jllo. M. J. Heck. Hillsdale, te bath and phone, harawooa i ur. ti. i. ssox bsis. new management. i;eiereu;. 1914 Harley-Davldson motorcycle. speed, fully equipped, price $275. Am . T Blvo leavirig city. 150 11th st., after 5 p. m., i Journal 1 I L L' VL I WANTED Second-hand office desk; room 14. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rami for rent. 540 E. Stark. $14 THREE nicely furnished house . keeping rooms. 825 E. Stark. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 METER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUBt.AU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of all va cant houses, flats, apartments and bung: 'iwa In the city; make use of this rervice when you rleslre; this d"es not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us willing and ready at all times to help you in locat ing. Newcomers in Portland will Tlnd tnjs service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private prop erty are invited to list their vi.occupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier Frank's free rental bureau. Take W. car. .74 N. 2lst st. Mar. 380. VILLA ST. CLARA I2th and Taylor. Modern completely furnished apta. Walking distance. References. WASHINGTON GRAND (Brick) 2 room furnished apts.. $15 per mo up; Just rebuilt, modern, hot, cold water eact apt.; heat, light, bath furnished. Grand ave. and E. Wash. East 4449. THE PALACE APARTMENTS. Corner East 37th and Market, new and modern, furnished and unfur nished, private bath, phone electricity, steam heat. . NEW 4 room bungalows on Sumner St.. near E. 13th. north of Alberta St., with built-in beds, buffet, book cases and window seats, coolers, self lighting gas ranges and heaters, full attic and basement, large porches and nice lawns; very choice bungalows from $18.50 to $20 per month. BLANCH ARD & CLEMSON, 702-3 Selling bldg. THE WASHINGTON. 689 Northrup. a room fur. or unr. apts., with bats and all modern conveniences: phone. steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc.; w car o zist rortnrup. m. ' THE ORLANDO. COR. 20TH AND WASH. STS. Furnished apts, 2 rooms $20 to $28; 3 rooms $27.60 to $40; every modern convenience; references. Mar. 184. MONTGOMERY APTS. 3d and Mont gomery. New brick, all outside fur nished 2 room apts., private bath, phone, automatic elevator, close in, $20 up. Main 9466. NOKOM1S APARTMENTS. Modern 2 room furnished apta., bath, nhnne. walkine distance. $16 month ONE bay gelding, 1300 lhs., with har ness ana wagon. i fie imm outnt in TWIN Pope, in good condition, equipped, for sale or trade for good work horse, about 1200 lbs. Z-890, Journal. 1913 INDIAN TWIN, A-l condition. BE VV ISE. get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co.. 2U 1st. Main 89S1. HiiiisT cash i.rice lor second nan. I household goods. Tabor 1017. A. E. nans. MEN ai.d women, those oullering trotn every curable disease or habit, treat ed and cured by the latest natural heal ing methods. Including ra.iluiri. electri city, heat, light, baths, mar'.pulallon, adjustments and massage; no opera tions, no medicine, tree consul la tlo". Dr. P. E. Lewis, successor to Dr. W. E. Mallory. Nature pa tu. 312 Kolhchlld bldg. LADIES Results, not promises only is what you want; chronic com plaints and diseases of women are mv specialties; Pest of all drug leas meth ods used; no operations; consultatior free. George W. Crockweil. naturo path. 704-6 Dekum blag. S". """y A FiGHT on high f MTVf I prices. Why pay i V. V' W F to $1C for a pair of glasses, when I can Portland. Alder sts. Central Stables, 17th and fully equipped; bargain if taken at MARSHFIEL.D lots and cash fo once. Tabor 3540. DEAD horses and cattle removed free of charge. Call Woodlawn 20. Port land Rendering Co. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or itipht Tabor 4203. SINGLE Harley, belt drive, speedom eter, light, horn and tandem; perfect condition. $115. J-33t, Journal. ; WANTED The best motorcycle $50 cash will buy. Call 1109 Hawthorne. WHEN you answer tneoe Waul Ads. mention 1 he Journal TYPEWRITERS LIVESTOCK i WE save you from S0 to 7 5 per cent 35 on all makes of typewriters. Send fn nil, i MnelrataH fntflr Atall Ha- head of high grade partment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT r.e fresh with calves, ER co 32a Washington st. nlture. 311 Aliwky bldg. r fur- fll j CHOICE Bartlett pears. 44th S. E. Sellwood 133.r,. ON the tquare. Secord pays most lur second hand roods. East 6717. LOST AND FOUND 21 FOR SALE 40 dairy cows, some ham and Holstein. give from 3 to 6 can rent viable typewriters I gallons per day; will sell one or all. . months for $4; convenient at home. Take Woodstock car to 60th ave., walk delivered and all rent applied on pur- 3 blocks west, 1 block north to 38th st. chase. Main 62,3. or A-4441. 244 Stark. ano bstn ave. TirawKiitaus tor rem. THE following articles were found on the cars of thojtocHand Railway. Light & Power company and owners thereof may claim Bame the First and Alder street station, Marshall 5100. A-6131: Aug. 15 and 16 1 umbrella, 1 en velope, (36c), 2 packages. 1 suitcase, 1 handbag, 1 pair gloves, 1 can baby food, 3 boards, 1 valise, 3 grips. 1 iron PiDe. 1 book. 1 nurse. 1 huhv'a ahno 1 3 months sauirrel hide 1 book 1 FRESH cows with calves Jersevs and for 5 and UP; 6 months" rental ap- keys, 1 umbrella, 1 kodak, 1 purse, 1 ivBrt cows witn caives, jerseys aim ,:., .,,),... tHc Remlntnn fri.it loi- i o-i i l i kV.u 1 - - - " - t ' - ' - " j . , ' k' . L . 1 , . ui w. u Ml, 2 umbrellas. 1 handbag. 1 bdL over- alls. 1 pkg. films, 1 ring, 1 pin. T .,.. . n.iltara UlLtU Oil UUItJ nrHIUlglUU the finest cows " vr offered fot sale. Typewriter Company. 86 Broadway. 1 valise, 1 key, 1 pkg; clothing, 1 shirt. at 2061 E. Washington st. Mount, UlLLiS kkblilt i i t, w hi i Tabor car to 82.1. 2 blocks north. ) CHEAPEST AND BEST. FOR SALE Young Jersey cow, will THE J. K. PILL CO.. 3d and Alder sts. be fresh in a few days. First house. FOR SALE CHEAP, south of Gilberts station, O. W. P. New No. 5 Oliver typewriter. Main 3b. ivs ueKitm DiaK. COMF nnrl s us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo R. Mokcl Cow Co., NEW. rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals, cut 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. rates. P. D C. Co.. 213 Stark. M. 1407. PIGS for sale cheap, 2 and 3 months WHEN you answer theb Want Ad. old. C. Rerinert, Route 1, Box 7. mention The Journal. Hillsdale. Or. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 LOST Saturday forenoon, black leath er traveling bag containing baby's clothes, kodak, etc. Left on curb in front of Highland Court apts. Return to apt. 508. Highland Court, cor. Gli- i san and 22d sts. Reward. Uli KEiVf Cheap, one new modern 8-room bungalow and one 10-room house, E. 88th and Main, 2 blocks from car line. Phone Tabor 33:u. Owner. For RENT 2 story plastered house. o rooms, not ana coia water, gas, up- up. 17th and Marshall. Marshall 4943. , TWn fresh cows, Holstein heifer calf. PORTNOMAH Apartments. 3 and 4 JJurnam, Dig milRers. loy uivi- rooms, unfurnished, hardwood rioors, phones, heat, etc., $22.50 and up. East 13th and Taylor sts. i-ui, on or near road In eastern Miilfnnmflti (Miiinti- .r, . 1 1 I ... .j , bv.u iiicuai ill-. scribed Claude Strahan, attached tT goiu watcn cnain. Keturn to 410 flatt bldg. and receive reward. charge, register of furnished rooms 8ta,ru'"0D' 'n S" ubSrrYn fruit trees listing several hundred rooms in ail fin S and a 3g6lzfbarn J ' P.rts of city at Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th OceinnyaSdw?tah0u 6,ze barn' ,lb- nd Taylor nts. Opp. Cleun, airy, furnished r ; vfhi hi;k kJKW 6-room bungalow, bath ,etc, $8 "iV.i H0te BakerKren Bath er month; 40x100 lot; corner E. City iial liuici uaryi rre Bath 42d an(J pltt L; take Senwood ca- THE DEZEN iAlKF. 108 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. 4 and 6 room unfurnished apt. Also elegant 5 room furnig.ied apt MORTON apts., cor. Washington and King sts.; 3 and 4 room .fur. apts. Best and cheapest place In city, walk ing distance. Main 1082. A-1108. THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave., walking distance, summer rates, new, modern, i room ants.. $18 to $24 per month. rooms. renovated sion st NEW V-bottom hull 25x7. make good cruiser. Also 3 H. P. engine and out- DANDY Guernsey fresh cow and team flt Rareain for ca'sh'or trade, nrefer stone rings. good farm horses. 794 Tacoma ave. jjght auto. 448 E. 9th S. turned 367 V LOST Between Vancouver ave. and town, Saturday, diamond and moon liberal reward If re- ancouver ave. our eyes with first ouality lenses ii a gold tilled frame aa low as $1,507 C. W. Goodman, 191 Morriaon St., ueir bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. OTICK to pUuWnit, bratlng and general . -eoMtmo-on enntrartont. Admin Utrattoa b-Udtna for t"nleni!ty of Orftuo. -.-ft, Meparate seaiad pn.ptwala for th f ornlas-, , lug 9t Ubnr aitd at-rlN reqaired for tM 4 foil eawpletlon of pluiublns. beating and ' teoeral - eunatruetluo of Uie Admlatioo " uUdlng to t bnilt fnr tba board of re- ' gta of the l alrrrvitr of Oregon, at Eugene, Orecon. scttac fur aud oo U-tialf of . tbe t , tat of Orrgwn. . lVotraetor Mildlnf im i1iub11iik will t . . reqalrMl to aabmlt lth Ud a c-rtlfled check , fM fifteee" hnwired dollara tl0ou. Coatractofs Mddlng on hratiiic will be " t ' onlrvd ! aubmlt with hid a cv-rtiftrd cbeck - "'. -for flftees kondreda dollars (flfriu). " -i CpBtraetofa bidding m tb nt-neral eon- trwtton lexeept plumMoc and beating) will , ; " be reqnired to aubmlt wltb bid a rrrtlfled cb'k for tbrr Uwtwand dullara .TO"0. Bid are to ba opnd b the elective eomiaUtee Of the board of rrfenta at 1:50 P m.. Tboradar. September lo. 1114. at Ku- . gene, Oresoa. " . flans arl f peetncainma mar oe oniajne : , at the of(i- of W. C. knlLitcii, ar.bltect, Capitol building, 8alm, and L. 11. Johnson. 'j' aerreury. at Ke. uregnn. toiurartora A will be required to deposit t'Xt for the plana . 'r and specifications for each branch t.f the work as a guarantee tbat the plana and r -apeclflcatloua rceiTd bj tbsm will be t turned to tbs offlc In good condition o or -before the data st fur I its opvalnc of the bld. Oo return of said drawings ibi moiity i will be refundril. A certified cbeck fir rack i braorb of tb work as sbove uenttoatrd uinn acoowpany each proposal and dnwa to tbs ,,. older of I H. Jobitt. aecretary of tbs luard of ri'irau, to guaranty tbat tlie bid der will enier Into a enutract ad xrculs th reijalred bond; same shall ! fnrfelied lo tlfc board of rext-nta it award of contract Is made to bidder and be or they fall to niter into a contract and fnrnlab the re quired bond witbln lo da from the award of contract. Proposals aball b mads on the fi rui furnished by the architect. The en vii, niniiinint bid to be marked vu tbs ouulil "Proposal for Plumbing." "Propona! for Heating- Proposal for Oenersl t'nu- atructlon" according to the brain b of work contractor Is bldilh.K on. The right is revrvt to accept or reject any or all bids or' to walrs anr Informalities In bids. I.. II. JOH.1HON. v Secretary of the Hosrd of Rvst. MKs. STEVENS .1 years Portland's renowned palmist and clairvoyant; author of "Palmistry Made Easy "; Is located 291 Morrison st. Assisted by Mrs. Dr. Hume, bpiritual adviser biid divine healer. GERMAN herb doctor can Kreatly help asthma, goitre, weak lungs, kid ney and stoiiucu trouble. Satiaiaction guaranteed or money refunded. Carl Bpntcr. 93 4 l'ntoti ave. LADIES' suits cut, made and lined with Skinner's satin, Jjo. skirts. $3; men's suits, $17. SO. Helming, remodel ing. Work guaranteed. Kicl.unbach. the Tailor. 485 Wash. Carlton hotel bldg. ABOUT HAIR GCKJ-3. Don't ti'ist peddlers with combings; let us make them up, iic up. Wigs, toupes a specialty. 20 yrs. eat J. Febvet & Hanebut.147 Broadwav. nr Morrison. ONE Chester White brood sow with 5 CEDAR, rowboat 4 ft. beam, 16 ft. LOST Long black silver coat chain young, for sale. G-989. Journal. , .imn, t runnaM. nHc with gunmetal coin purse attached. WHEN von answer mesa Waai Ad J. ; Call at Favorite boathouse. Finder please return to 675 Union ave.... mention The Journal ' BOATHOUSE. 30-ft. Klin. CheaD. B-28L . ft.0--"-- Keward- , .TrmT-Tiai VObD person taking child's brown lilKS H)lt 1UUHWAY. P.lils will be opened br tl.e Clatsop ronntT cirt si - o'llotk p m. on Au)l 10. for the clenrlnir and grad r. of nine wiles of tns Columbia blEtinar. lt en U Necaalcuu au.l North Nebaiem rivers. The work will lnvoWe the mnTin of 12,0nO cubic yards of material: the rleartns of 45 seres of rljrht-of -war. and tbs euntructlon of numerous culverts: the cist la estimated at aboot ITO.ooo. Mans, profile snd further information can be obtained at tle office of the count rlerk of Clatsop county, at Aatoria. Oregon, st the office of the state highway engineer. Capitol building. Haleni. oreg.m. and si room ctnriiiovr. Portland. Oregon. rUld bids mit be accompanied br a certt fled check or b.ddr a bond, coaal to firs per ornt tbe amount of tbs bid. Bidders are st liberty t bid upon any particular met!- of tne abor described road aa may salt elr exenlence. Tb ecKrnty cwt rerres im right to re ject soy sad all t'.iia. n kids most be submitted en forms to be see-jred at tt abuTe dewjribed addresses. II. . BUWLBY. r'm H.g'iiST Knglneer. Tlc Tu ;.Hlirul. - !rlew U aerefjy j-!en lat tbs Eqolty VirHlMU Coaaay, a eorporatloa of tbs Dr. Mai Mlckle. phyicultopath; bt r- '', V7'' suits in chronic diseases, atarrft, ? ' Unnent .if f rheumatism, neurattnIa. consUpatlon! "iie. "uf nntrslgne indigestion, etc 80S Dettum. M. 3S I fr ,tT uttt sf l seeeral creditor. All DK. MARGUERITE CllAWKfjRli. chi-' Pr a karlcg cUlms against ald ralty ropodist, wi:l be pleased to ,:,ru Ta:-a rrqu'?t'3 f.rw"t j ,tmna at new loratinn '04 r aaose dsly eeriried. to tbs anderaigned. ? . ?i wJlw , - k ofr-r, at 41t Teou building. Portland. leay bldg.. 286 Washington at. m. Ttm , m keref. Lr:mi tiis 4th lay of Aug oft. 1914. M. G. Berge. Aignee. QnTT ffiHEHOIfK COMPANY. niVORPPQ Without notoriety. cou-'J UIVUnOLO sultation free. Phonei Mar. 436S for appointment for Sunday and after 6 p. in. 202 Ger'nriger bldg. GRADUATE chiropoaiat, manicurist, scientific masseuse. Iji.li.s only. 2f4 Macleav bifjt-.. 21 Wasrir ton t chiropraV'ti POULTR. 37 HENS fighting lice and mites can't velvet coat from fence near N!af MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 ?aionAnTmsaay Pase call Roberts, . - -- Main 2055. lay The easiest way to exterminate j165 EOUITY in piano for $50. bal- -WUND Purse containing about ts 'ln .ttlJZt aVi ance $5 per mo. Columbia 324. rOwn fan'havame bf idfylng can 3'o Htanton st. an I trannfor tr Fnat tninn an A Rrrnla iiLutntTK Modern, newlv rent modern conveniences, with or without Heights cars, or phone Main 7637. , S and 4 room apts., $18 tip; good CARNEAUX Figeoas, (iiimr until, i..jv wec, -t. . g ROOM HbCKIhiillAil hotel. I'Otn an'l wasn- an(j cnj iriL'tou sts.. new. modern bricU. clean B. outside ro'uns, quiet, homelike; some pnone Woodlawn witn l rivwie i.himw. w LA KG fc. oulsUe looms. 3 per week; court ; rooms. $U.C0. Hot and cold wati-r. Elevator service. mar Ta ylr. modern house with fireplace Janitor service; wauung f"5'eu , . rio .v.. i v.i l. erences. 112 waaii.. cii-u. i xo.ni.ii '6"i lAir,. 111; ,nA .1 i ...mui ltpi.v fiirnishprt 2 room ant.. Vanar7 oiras, ouine ' c" I .oVo ..irn Tne fiin-1iht. hflth' a. m., or write w -.w f - ' Vfilh ot nrtrOl t. ta an -.u ' lanitor service, eic mi mu, nc : : HENS molt in less rrmnov Kor-lr I T Rnt7Pr and .Th iifn c i imi t 'uiu..' e i a- t"q P ymg lor aa J - . i-. . 1 1 vi i ticiliJLiir v x ry s l r ui oaic x . , c, , . . . . , : . r : Stephenson Co. : . LOST Black satin bag lined with lav- Hnmpc Piireons WJS buy, sell ana exenange new ano enuer. inuiy cii a-o.s, iarsaa.il Rollers Pigeons, second hand furniture of all kinds. , 680 Reward. Varrtres BantamsJ rnone jttarsiwji u.j. en Auction , LOST, gents' open face gold watch 212'. 2d and Salmon. Rooms H.ifc we, up. eteam heat. Seliwood g)7 ret! n.i cnn wn nri "mi., inniuv. ACXLl ilUlEl $15 MODERN five room bungalow. porcelain plumbing; zo, 7 room cor ner house, furnace, carline. , Phone VC I O IT M - VII 1..1 F f O.UU UI 1.1UU 111, U4 1UU1U ' , . ... house and 3 acres, small barn, fruit. ' 1 -""." ..iu i i 1 '. .ii... .yvM.j u x .jv.iu.il;. , u. u.V. Ju-. I and Washington. Pitrs. Call Sun- -om. o. isi eecona st. on Pressmen's icni for prices. W&i -. FURNITURE Before buying second, --none &euwoc 504 hand goods, see what you can .Reward. do .i.ni.itiAV i-TlfPT Kth anr Hirriann laying OClore UUIO WCttLllCJ -viuca : - HA,KKI C? ?J" rooroTfuriihed you use Pratt's Poultry Regulator. Sat- FURNITURE of 4 room flat for sale Main 5148. 2 and 3 rooms rurmsnea. lsfaction gUaranteed or money back ( .and flat for rent. No reasonable oi- by J. J. Butzer and the. -tepnenson o., LOST. nie PVPlr-Jti. r n- a r A !.-. time and get busy "ere on new souua iur c.n.re. P"--- jtast414 5 weather comes If ed. William Gadsby. 1st and Wash. ! 1 rt. f. . LOST Gold rimmed glasses in brown case, iteiurn to 34 N. lfftn st. Reasonable. llll va.iuuo uut. r-nt lll.'T- Cllr l'hinp. r.nRIll. 91?pn?enU P ' -! Ma"ard ducks. Japanese slfkies. Ore- 487 layior. . m on Blrd & peasant Farm. Beaverton. 3 ROOM APARTMENT $20. nr T? No 1 Large clean, well lurriisnea witn EGGsCan handle a few more cus-; FURNITURE ui. ..in i.u . I fnrnncB flrrlac- fn 1-w.atlnn 1 fifi Iroom linen. B-1053 a a i. .... r,., ... hoih u tn m, n, iji.ym..., in iuuuu. aige, tic-", " ' riea-n ITrrJZ.J ifrick bl ftntS- 1 blCk l Sunnyside car. bath. table and" bedroot "" .i ... . - ti"1 -s . t V) jj ICKSTON 448 XI .Ot NO iiiuii. louiniii HtY. M. C. A., -o RENT Beautiful hom on Wll- ! nrlcil m'odern. 2 rc lamette Heiehts. 1133 Thurman st. h.f nrRhali 57. Inquire within or phone Woodlawn EVEEYN Apts., 3 room furnished and ' : unfurnished, outside apts., $20 to fer refused. Belmont st. Phone Tabor 5182. 911 v, WHEN you answer these Want Ad.. mention The Journal FURNITURE of 6 room cottage for sale, less than half price; excellent condition. Telephone Columbia 324. for sale A bargain. tomers on my fresh eggs from my good location. Call 344 4th st-, or wunts luotnmate i- educe rooming exn,ennc. Inquire Y. M. C A. HOTEL. A 111 tl i 1.. 11th near Alot rison, Tianslent and permanent, room, with all modern coTi-riem-e:. 'io. up 'll-ii'. ii.'i, i.j jn itiwii, niceiy lur. . rnnm- rn.iflet n. f'nu-nC 'i week up. J.oo.Hn .mu .i i'U : mu i-v in iiioueru do te. J? hn w eH ?k' lin 4.i Al 'er CLEAN, airy rooms, tl up. bla Main 7410 th Choice, low nnnltrv arr1 V.ither hen or duck ' tihone Marshall 470 TTVID TV ....., n . T1T11 1 j . . 1 f r. aInnn a . - - -. .- m 1 r ' x- k - xui Hume 11 . ii- i oriceo. inii, iuwiu 4i v i. eEKS. Auaress xox oo. uin, . laineiie xieignis. j.133 inurman st. Marshall b(. PERSOXAL. FREE FREE FREE One calD treatment free. Cure for all Bcalp trouble. The Maurine, 514 Abington bddg. Main 122S. cases. less. IS 121 4th. treatments. $fD. Cftroci-0:he. HAVE your hair permanenuy waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. - Marshall 17 DR. G. V. KETCHL'M Women s mal adies and acute diseases men. Wash. Md.. 4th ani Wash. f:m. 4 1. Ml. 44S. SPIRITUALISM. Rev. M. A. Price. Cir cles. Tues.. 2: Wed. and Sun.. 8 p. m. Readings daily. '3 5th el. Niar. 380. DIV0RCF I-awer ot 25 years' . L"'unuL perience. reliable, advice free. 404 Rothchild bldg.. 287 Wah. BALM of Fl. remedy for disease, of womr.. o'!4 Iavis st Main 23!J. SjtVE $2 lo Jio ry buying your truna or s?:itcase at F.S- Xah.. at 17th I A V'v' C D -O-sultation frfee. Main LAlY I Ln 43. 70S SelUug bldg DR. M" MA HON, Chiropractor, 121 4th. 37- Williams ave. IS treatments $10. USE Bassetl'i Native Heros for rheu matism: :.0 tablt Cc .11 dr'ieclsts A NEW 5 room bungalow, oak floors. $25. 267 21st st. N. Mar. 1323. nrepiace, modem conveniences, 1 - MK ki. MS. 14th. near Yamhill. 2 and 610 58th st. labor 1 5 ern,t room aDartments. cozy homes. PIGEONS, poultry; also" feeds whole sale prices. Hart's 114 1st. FOR a remedy for chicken mites and lice phone Sellwood 1810- Hawthorn car. 170. walking distance; $16 to $25 B. R. eggs for fall hatching, $5 100. Royce. Sellwood 1335. 445 Colum- Clay st. IF YOU want to rent your Property j LLAETTE APTS.. 2d andxMontgo list with Wlthrow & Howard,. 233 ery Modern 2 room apts., furnisfe rTJRNISKSD ROOMS WT tIPE -itlATE PAMILT 70 LARGE house suitable two families, four blocks ortland hotel, only $25. Inquire 311 Broadway south. M ( )1 IK R ?M fi rnnni hniisa a. 1 1 u In tl fi. Nlt-.ri. a.ry rooms, siiita'ile lor also 4 room flat, $10, west side. young men, 1 i:ock iruui c.auipuei 1 warning aisiance. jviain iii. hotel. y, block 10111 tilisan t.: id st tar. LOVELY front room, firwt Hour, other dtm laMe rooin, clean anil cheeriui. $1 bo tip. 3 Mi Salmon t. INKlKMSilFli ROOMS IO WHY pay more, when you can rent 2 room unfurnished apartments, gas plates furnished, all outnide rooms, for 16 cent! a weeK per room : ueimont A nt.. 4 80 V. Belmont nl. East 5143. 7 LARGE, beautiful rooms, all conve- veniences, flowersi lawns, close ln. 724 E. Main. EUR RENT 6 room modern house. reasonable terms to good tenants. and unfurnished. M' 1 1 t.' V t..,, u n j in ... .- tHa Want Ads.. ,1 j , T 111. . , J Utl .. ... w ' - f nrninherl menucin me juurnai. Reasonable. NEW six hole coal-wood range, ex- ' EAW advice free, contracts, wills. cellent baker; also 4-hole gas range, wages, divorces, claims or aa kinds fine oven and broiler. 173 E. 32d So. taken on percentage basis. B-26. ru vt .. T I Journal. , , ,11.., aim " v. 1 Liicoa i , 11 . . i mention The Journal. GAS RANGE for sale. Tabor 4521. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 I EMELIA PEARSON, psychic and sv I cromitle readings. Classes Tuesday ; Friday eve. 410 5th st. M. 2079, A-29S0. WHEN you answer these Want Ads., mention Th- tonrnal NOTICES 26 Wt, the un.ier.ijtne.!. have by mutual con sent, d had red partnerhln. C. L. Kama dell will i-4 lev t all bllia and pay the out standing Indebtedness. iSijned) f. W. NEWMAN'. C. 1. RAMSUKLJ- gl-KT-RMA-Uk'S office. PortUod. Or.. Aaj LI. 1.14. piMposai Utt Ststkioerr and !- riattl;'w. Sealed protiosaU In triolieate vill ts) received in tlie of firs of the t-arler-ter ceneral of tbs army, Haablngtoo. D. C. nntli 2-n p. m.. caatrra time. rVpteaber 14, 1-14. and then opened, fnr fnrlhlr.g an4 deiiTerins articles of stationery and de supplies listed in Schedule No. I st the plm r named in aald acbedule. Isforsiatioa as4 sche-ules foTlshed on spplW-tkm t Qar-U-rma-ter. Turtland. Or., or Ui Us UurtK master General -f tbe Arm. Wasa:o. I. ( . CiiTel-es eontailr proria soid V indorsed: I'ropossls f r .tatkmery ft res Kuppllea; and addressed tu the J rrr-eT ieneral. f. S. Army, Vslntt'-.. D. C. bKAl.tl' prut-als srlil be re SI tbs fice of the nierl--. -eOl Coo.-'- r . wH 4 p. in .. Toray. Aor. - J. UI4. far exrs Inc and rradinc of Co r - r.ns a apetlfUatlnna may M itiiitis at xe ecrve at y. A . Nirimon, aoperttoet . stw-nea. r,nn Courthouse. I-i-nut ( C ti retrre t-w plana and apeeinraiioo. I er-i2-- c a for le- of tbe amaast of the srse. Hre is 11. 1. Thomas, school cter Cee t-owz enropsny earb prooasaL ard f C -rectors reserrs the rut-t o rel-ct asr a aii - poaU. K. H. TUuSlAS. r-i r. Pared Ant. ia. 114 NUTICK TO roNTKCHJv Bids will b rerelred by ts nocaty esast f Tloed Rlrer county at t -r; e. II Hirer, Or., on August . I14. at Z T- -. for tbe ronatrortiua of a porooe ef IW I Inmbla Hirbway Lo IKx Slrer cossty. F 1 and apeelflcatiooa may Ik seea sf the etty courtrxniae. Hood Hirer. Or., sad or.tr ie4 at 42 cuurthuuss, I'urtlaDd. Or., by f -XJg li l UUW BT,- 8tats Ul.haray Eagi (..00. 1 Tuu--Si a vu Hm sEiim n pirrs 4 NEW MANAGEMENT. tLLJXXZX 1, 2 and 3 room furnished apart- FOR SALE pure bred pedigreed Irish ments. from $12 to J-0. 109 N. lth. setter puppy, t months, io; irom THE ORMONDE. Clean, light, 5 room est strain in America. J. F. Wesely, nnt fifUt TTlnnrlers St. Main 8&1. oci, r THE PAGE APTS. 3 rm. apts.. with WANTED A setter or pointer dog. all modern conveniences. East 3566. ee 127. Keiiey. ; GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & Stationary Marine Hardware. I Write for Catalogue. GAS POWER SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 Front at. Portland. Oregon. R87 Pettygrove. FOR RENT Modern 6 room house with full lot, 14 month. 786 Union ave., N. Fhone Woodlawn 1146. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, 264 Electric Motors Electric motors bought. n1 I -rt . . a 1 r no ra- WHEN you answer these Want Ads, 1 AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Walker Electric Works, lj 1 1 if ii li u i uu u ui 1 tat. CLEAN, furnished, 2 or 3 room apts., ! EXnGEISH bull terrier pups ior sais. sior.n nr tis v. o'Tift 495 K Ash. 288 Sheridan st. . FOJR RENT FLATS 13 NEW 5 room upper flat. Just finished. fireplace, furnace, built-in Dooitcases, o Going st., between Williams and buffet Dutch kitchen, electric light Vancouver. and gaS( $lg.5( U(M)MS AND ROAIU) 15 AJ.L kinds rentals, wesst side 30 room rut bldg. 726 50 per month, 1 blok car. . Ash. East 4&o, --u. TIHF" OREUON VULCANIZING CO. The Tire Shop. 550 Washington st., at 18th. Marshell 379. We buy and sell used tires and do First Ciass Tire Repairing. and Burnslde. Main 5674. FOR SAL. New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fixtures of all kinds, easy pay men ta The Brunswick-BalKeCollender Co, 46- 48 5th st. Main 769. A-1769. Professional and Business Directory , ACCORDION PLEATING K. mSl'HAN-lirinatilebl-g. sceordVuD, aids and sunburst pleating: buttons corered . goods sponged. Scalloping. SS3 Alder. M. 973. ASSA-XB.S. WE buy old amid, silrer. platuium. or ore sample. Pickering & Co Aasayera. 610 Northet Milir.. th and Walilntn sts. BLANK BOOK MAKERS MUSIC SCHOOL- AND TEACHERS 1. . UW. .:ui. stuaiu. l-v il.i rUou. Malt. KlA I-.ir rr 1 1 LU N or mautU'tiii I st 1 our borne. Oei-hestra pm'Uoe V..11iiwti li J Tlin i.lluK.N. iv.hu tearl.er. pur-il Se' 'a. -OT Fliediier lild A-4IHI tr-:.all l2".l EUBBEH STAMPS AND SEALS ALBO steneiis. Irsda rbecke, brass slcas. PAflHC COAST SlAWr HUE KM l Vanlnatin t M-tn Jin A -710. SEWING MACHIhg ZXECTKIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS MtJIuKS, geueraiurs iwuiti. ..id. reuied at repaireo. s .0 aii Kloaa or rt -irui an UOWK, DAVIS COMIA.NV. 1UW M at. BlaaS winding: all or Kuarant.-wl M. II book manufacturers: agents for Jonsa Im- 1 ej-j,. Co s, n fN-n- M l" oroTea ixxms ssi Lagers. ne u m Eureka Leaf. A -31 S3. Main 183. CARPET CLEANING I HAVE a. Federal truck and would ."MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Type like contract or work that will pay 1 .... u . - furnished; make offer. 311 Alisky J20 New 5 room, furnace, fireplace, me to keep it, or will sell, reasonable separate classifications. Ail adver- rler I 1 , 1 . 1 m Tini-nK -ttrVin f i-ant nn nv terrriR: 1 vpar iilfl find in fine - . . . , 1 it.w I'iS i ROSA HlHI Juttrwin. larK aliv r . ' V" 1 -----r T" . i, ' -TO lic----s- luB Bv- v"- -. ---r'- - I lIV n- n nv- . f1- .fnr--.-. .j-xt ft O T T M 51BT HI 11 A 1 1 1 1 r. t"Tl f-!L. MLB.. KIIHIM. Will H l.-L 11(1 lllOUC LlUii, . I iii I s.4 . . nl ni ftna i inna fXCt'llef t home CUOkln I 1 JlllZ, IllUUCl li. 111 O iaOQ si - vv.. . wU. - - ' . - - - - I UUUCI lUCU - CCyCVUI V VABMA.-.M-'4- UlllUIL II-W1V LlIllCU H II 11 JLI1 LtTtl. - v,a BOOMS ABD BOARS PRIVATE FAMILY 73 Kast plde. $20. Phone Woodlawn 1379. SWELL 5 room modern lower flat; ONr, or two children to board, u- tiurbiiii home. Kood school. K.A.-.&, Journal. t- 1 1 1 i - It N raieu for by the day wefK or month. Wooolnwn -.i hl.KKi THRKE-ROOM house, J10 per month. inquire vi'J Vancouver ave. 1'OR RENT Modern 5 room cottage. l. fnone eiiwoodi isoo. adults only; rent $25: close in. 789 E. Yamhill, near E. 23d. Fhone E. 594.. 2 MODERN 4 room flats, good loca tion, close in. Cor. 12th and College. 6 ROOM modern cottage. Phone Tabor 3161. ill nircii. room anu ooard. Call I MODERN 6 room house on 7th an at 57 Trinity Place. I Oregon sts. East 922. NvHliN ou aunwcr theso Want Ads, I FOR RENT A modern 8 room bunga low. Call Hellwood 23. 788 E. 29th. nuntlon The .lournnl. ONK or children. B-28.i4. HOUSEKKKI MNCi UOOMS 8 ONK room with kitchenette. comDlete- ly rurnlshed. steam heat, running hot $15 Nice 4 room cottage, 22d and E. Ash. Fhone Kast -409. FIVE room cottage to rent. 638 Al bany ave. woodlawn 1601. NICE little 3 room flat, reasonable. 706 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1953. FURNISHED FLATS 50 BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large Stock Prices, $300 to $760. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, Studebaker Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. Federal Truck Second hand Federal truck in num ber one mechanical condition. Easy terms. C-124, -Journal. FURNISHED and unfurnished modern 1 uUR experience, knowledge and facil- 4 room flats; reasonable. K.ey at 467 Failing. Call Woodlawn 1943. or Tabor 2 896. -., V-A'ii ii im, iiiiv , i v.i.i; uini labil ities guarantee the best market for your scrap rubber. J. Leve, 186 Co lumbia. Main 5198. 4 ROOM cottage, 288 N. $10.50. 293 N. 18th st. 19th St., and cold water, phone in eve'y room; RENT by owner, good 5 room cottage, ..I uiuvh iron oin ana uirisun bis.; i b4 l.ast liun st. B, $16.60 and up. Tier bin st. .91 Columbia, St., cor- -'Gem Hotel8 team Heated Phone, Piano WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal . Nice furnished housekeeping room, 'rV week; 15c day ttp. 66&i 1st St. FL'RNIrfHED. H O Li S K K h f I . ROOMS, HOT AND COLD WATER, ELECT. LIGHTS AND BATHS. 648 & .lYABlUWU-fUW. KJf Y I-TM ST, TWO room hout-ekt'epln suites, outside,- $8 and up. tliVs Washington, near itn. ItLNTH cut. 2 largu furnit H FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 ROUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture tor sale are pub llshed ln the Household- Goods classification when house Is not for rnt. "3 BOOM furnished flat; also 1 unfur- AUTO for sale Stevens-Dury, four nished. convenient, adults only. 506 cylinder, five passenger, good run- E. 22d st. S. nlng order; $17o it taken immediately. COZY furnished 4 room flat, walking -S9 vvasn. st.-A-4u. aiarsn. it, Look them over. OFFICE FURNITURE BARGAINS DESKS CHAIRS TABLES GILL'S, THIRD AND ALDER IF IT is made of lead, we make It.' NORTHWEST LEAD MACHINE CO.. 311 Front st. SAFES All sizes at cost; safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North western Bank bldg. Main 7676. JO YL Baoo . tiecirlc cleaning works, car pets cleaned and laid, rent ting our sp elty. Esst 440. B-18-3. 2Q4 E. 10th at- V CARPET WEAVING NulWl Ullli CO., rug. from old car pets, rsg rugs, carpet cleanius. l- - th. Work called for. E 3S30. B-1-SO. E uf. eTl. rent and ii-unu.. au.1 secood hand n-utco-s. refalr wwl s tcclaltr Western Eleetr- Works. K tb st. Mar. KM. ETE. EAR. HOSE. THROAT. t-KOS KpeclaU.l. Uoderste irlce. Uiaiues fitted. Or. F. K Csaseds.r. 617 Heton blitt 3d A Wah. rO-HDST AITD MACHINE SHOF i't0. IX Iron Worts. fKMA-l-A Hug Vwu-ks rUg rug and car pet wealn. 151a Patton e Wldn. 2tVA. CAHPUT A.U KUU WBAV1NU. Uugs to ssle. Mrs. L. R. Knrf. 241 Huaell st. CH-KOPRACTORS UcUAUU.N. 1-1 -in. 7tJ VMHIania as.. 18 adjuatments tlO. fatlenta get welt COAX. AN WOOD distance. 571 E. Morrison. East 4569. W HEN you answer these Want AdsM mention The Journal. STORES AND OFFICE8 11 A Money Jlaker (Read all.) 80 acres very rich land in heart -- AMra cnonir. ro aU Written guar antee with every -pring'. -f N. 15tn st. Npw Markpt aintln Auto Tpp- I'CW Ivlal rsCl paint your auto: $25 up; factory finished. 2d and Ankeny. Marshall 6328. Lowit & Mossrnan.' PLUMBING fixtures, pipe and fit tings, sold direct to you. Stark Davis Co.. 249 Salmon. Main 797. PEACHES FOR CANNING. 50c box. YamhiU st. Market. STALL FOR SALE Second hand hot air fur nace, first class 'order. Phone East 4675 mornings. finest hunting and fishing district, as dition; $400., 28 East 29th st. THREE drophead sewing machines $16 each; cost $65. Storage. 289 l'am hlll. near 4th. 1 'i r. rfiMPT'TIVn -o-le anr, A a a ,., ELMORE 30, foredoor, demountable 1 T i40 casn. a-5237. mt w t -sai Him atirl 4 i r nttl - liuio, -Alia m till auu ui c, iiicn.i - xTrzr x'- ' j j - trimmed, fully equipped and in. A-l con- , S!.-?,w ,n la"d. NOW is the time to buy your winter wood, aa -oil get the best wood at special auoiDisr prices for Immediate de-Mppr Ri VTT irery. Main -MM. A-4&47. nCCI W ' t'CLlON Wood Co.. dealers lu drj and greea alabwood. Trj s wben ordering good lr waod. 1200 Macadam. Main 7WUO A-aW. fACiKlC hl.VVOOl CO.. Main -lOU. A-7S. Green abort wood, blocks, big Inside, autatl Inside, dry alabwood. abort planer trtnunlnga. Edlefsen Fuel Co." r harm a I - k verts, main .-. Vllal LUai rooT OF CUBRT JTRSTT. LOOK 5 room modern cottage, newly .1 well asagricultural and mining, ln 0,-jwiLL take auto up to 1000 on new furnished, close in rent onlv $10. egon. i0 acres nign state or cuiuya- modern house in Rose Citv nark. $175 cash takes it. Phone C-2666. tion; first class hotel, large barns, fine I price $2750. House cost $2300; lot iore taooui uuu sociw, aauce n.ii, jono. 2S-869 Journal. ,r,rr,-H ...-. I ITH some money can pet good fur- . -.n-i. , i keeDinK rooms. 18 mr month fisii D"ro on montniy payment, trariinir rint nrl irv tr. vVrv i8rA.:HAVB you to invest in a g-ood OT 1 - . , - 1 MniH 11 1 v - . in. j nurman street. territory; Crater Lake near by; cut,, Pay'"- ;"s'r i m. U .fi. 80 tons hay, sells for $40 per ton; store rl ton truck. See me for details, runs $60 per day. good hotel tmrio. ; -M-e, journal. - OILMAN hotel. lst and Alder. Fur-1 MODERN 6 room house, bath, wash X V gain-. 101 1st st. Main 3565. , 6 FOOT Show Case and 18 foot Awn lng. fine condition. 311 Alisky bldg. DIAMOND paint $1.65 gal. Port. Door & Window Co.. 230, Front. Mar. 10J. Lii slab and ito wvod, cordwood sod coal, standard Uood to., taat U5. B-IBUV COLLECTIOSS 1 BUY acoouuia. bilis , notas and Judgments of avery nama or natara an - tiers. fur qolck results snswer M-e.i. jnnrnai Camorldar til.iic.. lurnished H. K. rooms renfrf I nt ifia-i Ad . cor. Morr n FURXISHKD HOUSES 36 niaAi tr ir . V V 1 Rn , travs electrlcitv nlano -arrlon iown milk, etc., all produced on tne place. I cr or aiaxweii preierrea. . 1 P- fruifri-2' 1 block ood?aln ttrl 1 14-1 Fcl"?lve- n , tor' Prlc ' cheap for cash. E-243. Journal KOtrssxEr-XNo p.oomb 73 Winona st. CM.P,LEiTEVY furm?hed 8 room house proposition in Oregoa $10,-00. I have run information ana l gJJlGHTLY list o- p-i -oiiui prup-i iy. iie u-a bHICK waiehouse in rioatn -"ortland for rent., trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Fnhilphlner Co.. Broadway and TamhilL THREE, first floor; sink, gas range, "h sleeping porch and all i conven- BECK. 301-302 Railway Exchange bid. 2 beds, piano, bath, phone,, furnace, lences, $35. i!3 E. Burnside. Mar. 232-:. i i'.. lauiory cnean. Market. I 7?n k . akktw -i 7 . i T 1 1 1 -- . - -..-w.. 1 V 1 1 IU1I110I1CU .PLEASANT-housekeeping rooms, sin-1 house, bath, gas, electric lights, for gte or en suite, also ground floor I gman tamiiy auuits, reasonable. . rooms. Cheap. 20H 1 a t h St. A 3 ROOM house, nil f,irnih.r1 .i: HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, 1 trie lights and running water. Phone 17 per montli ana up; close ln. 129 I wooaiawn l!th. near Wehhlnirton. I rv.viS rtxm ,..,, r,ii i i' . in li .1 i. I - - ( ' I' ' '1 , I'll 11 , I ' t I f " i'lNE large bay window room, kitch- I ilege of renting housekeeping rooms. nette ana an conveniences. 321 I $20. can evenings. 215 E. 34th st V''h"'' : : FURNISHED cottage, 4 rooms and WELL furnished. . central 2 room bathroom, fruit, large yard. 220 Iw used tires, largest stock in Portland, $ to $13. Hue repair ing. Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. SUMMER RESORTS 56 suites. 87 3d st. Marshall 561W). 1 st. Rent $15. Phone Marshall 25.3. $12 and 15 2 and 3 rooms, or 5 for WELL furnished 3 room house, mod- $25. 427 Montgomery. Main 1634. em, near car. 1077 E. 29th st. N. 1 21 6TH. Large room with kitchen- FURNISHED 6 room bungalow, new. ette; strlctlv modern residence. 345 E. 48th. Tabor 3381. - LOV1-LY housekeeping suite, gas. bath, l- you aiihwer these Want Ada, 10 per mo. 686 Pettygrove st. mention The Journal. PACIFIC VIEW BEACH. Tent houses to rent, furnished; new and clean. $3.50 and $5 per week: 18 miles of beach; fine clam digging, fish ing, agates. Further Information 614 Stock Exchan.e bldg. Main 6765 FOR RENT New 2 room cottages, or completely furnishred at Manhattan beach; $5 per week. Write Mrs. Schmorl, Manhattan beach. Or. Rock away postofflce. . j. AUTO SPRINGS MRAET Ki" Frank Lsnge. 228 Salmon. Main 181. GOOD Flanders, running every day. cheap. 545 E, 6th st. Phone Sell wood 1669. . ONE Hup roadster. One 60 h. p., p to date 6 cylinder .car on easy terms. IMrt cheap. - No junk. Phone Main 9386. WE LOAN money cn automobiles at 3 per cent. Call 205 Rothchild bld. FOR SALE: Fore door ' Hupmoblle, $400. Phone Woodlawn 592. WlJS'TON six, $200 cash, balanoe time, or real estate. 226 2d. st GEVURTZ furniture store. 208 1st. Lowest cash prices In the City. - FOUR tori ice making and refrigerat ing machine. Washington. 444 Wash. i'.N accu-ots. Bote-, Judgine-la co-lseted aannt ahnet metnoda tor uniik .-eaalis. Short Adjuftroent Co.. tM S. W. Bank. M. 874 $12.50 DROP head sewing machine with attachments. 152 rand ave. ONE gasoline saw, 1 steam saw, I wood wagon. Marshall 3475. 257 Nartilla. w 1 . Httil'tR rifle for sale. 4521. . Tabor FOR SALE cheap. 3A Graf lex cam era. 128 E. 16th St. SWAP COLUMN 25 $200 DIAMOND pin to trade for cab inet phonograph. Must be ln first class condition. C-135, Journal. BANKRUPT Millinery stock, invoice; sale or trade. What have you? 311 Alisky bldg. LIMOSONINE body for sale cheap at rs ew i-viarKet ara-;e. nq ana Ankeny. HUPMOB1LE cheap, age, 490 Burnslde. Cotillion Gar- FINE driving mare, well bred, harness and buggy; fine condition. 311 Alisky bldg. WILL trade good kitchen treasure asnd gocart fOr healthy -chickens. Phone Sellwood 1979. ACREAGE to exchange for furnlturt or what hare you? All Improved Marshall 2016 after 6 p. m. 0.kll C-tU-fc-llOJi CO. Claims of all kinds promptly collet ted. MB org-a bi. COKTRACTIMO A-D B --LDISO UOHACK i. IVSKS s-t I BCILO ANVXU1NQ fHVU SCB-kN DOO TO A HOTEL. TABUB 1764. EDUCATTOHAL DAMCIM- IKOr'. WiL. WliN 8 L'ancllig Scbool. Walts, Two-Btep, achottlsche, One-Step Hesltatloa waits and stag daaci-g, Tie, arery morning, afternoon and . . ; guarantee te teach aa yoody was waic sow to oance. 5th at., bet. Stark and Oak ata. Main 7B37. . and -Ira. liAXii a scool; fancy, staaa. social and all Use latest dances taugnt, waita and two-stev gnr anieso in s pnas Masons: class Friday are.. 8 to 10. 23146 Mamaoa. corner Second . Marsball 313. lioLi-KN dances quick lr and eorrectlT tanarki br the IUngler method, at tbe coolest strdM In town, mm 10 a. m. to s p. Cotillion bsll. 14th off Wash. Main 80. WtllXIN-I-.NU Dancing Academy. es sona daily la new and standard dances. Bessonsbie. )1 ausky bldg. fa Msln Sois popttlab inraic 1A-11-IK a piana guaranteed beginners in - IO lessons. - 1-xnure piaying. res amo- strauoa. rea jtooun. out auara bldg. 1 borne. d aud ilaw- Geoersl oiarlne and lonndre work. HOUSE XOVT-t A. D. UOOOlk. o K. Hater at. . 3a2a Latast tmuroved n.ndllng machinery. KODAK SUPPLIES KODAKS and all anppue. eeekptog. Drlntlna- and eolarcloa. fikC A MARK HAM CO.. . Waa-lnetnn. MACHT-TEKT li. Trlt.SKXlA.S CO.. iiyaiaullc B1 iecUi Dine, smoke ktarks. oil tabka. mtnloc ma ehlnerr. repairs. 104 . 4th s:. bEWINU tAClll AH makes, osw sod accent baud, tor sals or rent. ill price. Kewiug sblt Em porium. 1IM lblrd. bear -ass-til 1 1 . Vlsia 1H3 . 6HEEI MEIAL WOaLK- JACUB LOi. -U ret tueiai wurks. bwlsia. rss taurant work, roofLug. general Jobbing. Kaln I424. SIO lat. ii. Com-nibls sad Ctr. TA-.iPaMl.Ta ClikAl'!i'l soil beet work u coast, r'inle-. Orovllle. Cal. k. u TP.A. AJiD -1'OEAOE jUi.S'koL luAMf.k co. New tircuroot warebouss wltb aeparate roums. Wa moss aud pack bouseh old goods aud plar.oa and sblp st reduced rates. Aula vans aul teama for moTing. torwanilog .and distributing agents, ires trackage, c flics a4 wsrebou-s 1-lb and linyt. Main -47. A--.47. k.V.l.VtH, boibrs. ssMiuUis ii-uabt. sold and eaebanced. The J. K MHrtla Oo. P..rtlod. Or. MEESE1TGEBS UoTottc'YCl-.ri and M.y.le. fhone Mala 5J. A 215.1. D A STY MF.S.lKnr.H TO. KATT7R0PATHIC PHYSICIANS DK. PHlL.il- faraljai-. ner.us and ehrvs te dlses-es. -04-A Hre-onlan hid. -I. 8112. OSTRICH PLUMM Hartnrsa l iuuis bCop. cor. Hark and Yaio hUl. Main laOB. Ostrlrb. paradise, fancy feathers, reroodelsd. cleaned, ded te match am Llea. Work guaranteed. a, PArNTIMO. rAPERHANOIKO. TIKTIJIO butcliria A Ulied. beat w.rk lu painting, pa pering. M. 1.72. A S. 11-0 11th at. ITnTISG. PapeHug, finth. $2 per room op. C. A. Bamea. Main 421. PAVIHO COMPANrES TBE BAKliE- A81'liAL,T AVINO CO.. Port land nrtlca. 603 Electric bldg. OKttiON TRANSFtH CO. Eatabllabed 1M70. TTsDsfsr a-J forwarding stents, btorage. free trscksge. Office snd storaga 474 Uii-aa aC Iptb and .Itsan. . Mala i A-tlW I'UlllLA.SU VAM A BTOklSb CO W Warebooae. JTlre and Tsrmln proof rootcs. trauk aud rug saulia. ateao tisatad piano ra. An lnapectlon will conrinca you of our an perlor (a.illUea. Uouaebold guola ablppad st reduced freight Uaiea la Tbrt.cgb Cars. Mtf. leg. t'aekln.;. Kblpyog. litb sod Ksarney. Mam -ttu. A-l.-Q- City Office. -Ki titara. C O. I'lCav Transfer A BUirago Co. office and commodioua 4 a lory brick warcbottse wltb sepsrata iron rooms and fireproof raail for saluablea. N. W. cornsr 2d and Pins ata. piano and f umltars sootsd sd parked for ablpptng. -pecis! rates made oa goods, la tbrougb esrs. to ail domastia sad foreign p..lnt. Msln A-lW-g. bTORAI-k,. MANKIND WAII-UUI.KK TRAN'flPEB CO. 13TB 'AMU KVKKKTT HT8. Let as move, pack r ablp your boesekeld goods. Reduced freight rates on t astern ablpmeota. Ttaroflgb car sen 'Ice.' MAIN Vn. A-2V14 IMUU Trsnsrer Cs. brags ss4 gsersl banllnc. 2A1 Jefferson Msr. 24. BAtiit A Trsnsfer berries L . Msln 120. k-H - t'iaa st. WINDOW CPAWISO KX1EUT WlMMiW CAM.SU A-tfAA, Msln 8327. 212 Henry bldg Manufacturers Jobbers Wholesalers BREWERS tc BOTTLERS lit NIC v. t l:ii s ti H.irf.-iiis. PHTOOOP- WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer &. Co. FARM IXFLEstEVTS It VEHICXEt . M. WAD- A CO.. d22 Hswinocss sts. Wbolessle ipri.oltursl implemer.ts. CKAnt KERCHAKTS H H. UOI'8EK. Board of Trade tlda. LEATHER AUD FTHDISO CUAS. MA-TICK CO.. 74 grout. Cawtjer f eeery description; findings. ' If ACH INERT A BXTPPLITS Sss ZIMEMA.-WU-UUW. CO. Bill, locsrlnr and Iron wnrktns' nts-hln-i PACIFIC -TAX-- ttCtla.U IU, 4i Mccbanleai rubber goods. J-EJTS AJTD WOJfEM'B VCCXWIAI fOLl virliA Ufa MS st. FAnrr, oil ahit blah HA8ML-.k A IO, "Hib Mtsudard ' patab N. E. corner 2d and Taylor m.-a 1771. PJONEKU PAl.S'i CO.. i4 1st sC Main IM-T A-704A. FIFE woon- Tin 1C H 1 1-A li MOOD ill- CO. laciory sssV office near 4tb and York ata. Msln S4A. FTP E FIFI nrnro--TALT M. 1.. KLINE. (4-ft. Kront St. PLUMBIKO 1IEAM I.. Kl.l INK. a I-. Kn 4 at SUPPLIES ROPE AKD BIKDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. WALL PAPER MOUGAN WAL- IAPKU CCi--30 2d s, batwaaa Kaimwa and Mala. -t