The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 31, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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312th DAY, or 1814.
O. to
HF.1MG BrWwajr at Taylor.
iu:au p. m. Motion picture.
fA NT AO K8 Broadway and. Aider.
till, Inrtalna 2J, 1M) and 8:10.
THK OAKS -Carluav-t'oga; animal circu and
fund wfivprt.
COI L MBI A Sixth, bctwwo Waabloctoa and
Stark street. Motion , picture. 11 a. in.
I'E01LESWt For awl Alder atreeU. Mo
tion plrtarm. 11:39 . m. to 11:80 p. m.
K'f AK-Wauington and Park. Motion, pie
turn. Jl 'a. in. to 11 p. D
liLolifc fcltob and WaahlDfc-ton." Motion
picture. 12 ut. lu 11 p. m.
MAJESTIC WaahloKton and Park. Motion
ptrturo. li a. to 11 p. m.
AltT MI8RCM Fifth and Taylor. Hoar 8
to J week day. Z to 6 Sunday; free aft
rrnxoo of , Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Bat
urduy and buoda.
I will be held Saturday morning-. ATh
; funeral party will leave the chapel of
, Dunning It. McEntee at 7:30 o'clock to
j morrow morning for the Catholic Ca
thedral, Fifteenth and Davis streets,
where rri&es will be said at 8 o'clock.
Interment wiU be in Mount Calvary
cemetery. Mr. Kelly was born In Cork
county, Ireland, 73 years ago, and came
to Portland about 35 years ago. In
the early days he was construction
foreman for James Sralney. He was a
bachelor and for the last few years
had been living at the Merchants ho
tel. , - - -'. r ..
Rlrcr Excursions.
Ktaamer Georciaua, toAtorlH, dally except
Frlly. Waah'.iiKliJU strewt duck.
Htenmer Italic Uatawrt to The Dalle or
Caarad Lock dally eicapt Monday. Alder
treet dock.
Oregon city boata Bunday excursion. Tay
lor street dock.
Kitty aloraa to Oregon City, Daily trip,
lout .of Morrison street.
Fighting Proves Expensive. Two
men fought over a girl at 8fl North
Ninth street yesterday and knives and
clubs were used to such extent that the
police arrested both. This morning in
the municipal court A. Fablo and B.
Otero answeredHo the charge of fight
ings, with Mrs. Dolores -Fernandez
chief witness against them. It was at
her boarding house that the argument
over thfe girl developed into a fight
Both men wanted to talk to the girl
at the same time. Judge Stevenson
fined each man $10.
Today's Forecasts.
Portland and vicinity: Fair tonight and
fcaturday, cooler Saturday; westerly wind.
Oregon and Waablngtuu: Fair tonight and
Katnriiay, cooler esrt portion tonight, cooler
huturday except near the coast; westerly
w'.t'ds. ,
Idaho: Tonight thunderstorm and cooler;
Saturday fair and cooler.
Weather Conditions.
There are no well "defined high and low
lirnsur area on the weather map tbl iuorn
Inx. Thunderstorms have occurred afacat
tvred place lav the Kooky , mountain state
ami the npper Mississippi valley, while local
ruins hiT fallen here and there along the
Atlantic and Gulf coasts. It I warmer lu
Montana and Wyoming and cooler In aontn
western Oregon, Changes In temperature
elewtoere have been unimportant.
The conditions are favorabfe for fair and
cooler weather In tbls district during the
neitt 24 to :J hours, preceded by thunder
storms tonight In Idaho.
KUWAfiD A. BE A 1.8, District Forecaster.
Temperature. . I
sJ "sal
- sd
"8 1-3 t- ri?
Q m 3" gafs3
Hsker, Or W) j 0 !H 8 1 0
IXdse, Idaho 74 US 72 4 0
iloston. Mass. , 4 62 Stf S .02
Mcago, III 08 7(1 6H 4 0
Denver, Colo 61 80 2 4 .03
iMiluth, Mltin 62 A4 00 4 0
KUreks, Cal fitt
Fresno, Cal 64 10O 64 4 O
tialreston, Texas .... 80 92 76 4 .08
Hurre, Mont W 88 68 4 t
Jsiksonrllle. Fla 76 84 68 4 0
Kansas City, Mo 62 88 62 12 18
Lcwlatou, Idaho .... 68 ' . . 68 4 0
I -os Angelea, Cal. . .. tt 74 r 60 4 0
Marabfteld, Or fx) 70 48 4 0
New Orleans, I. .... 78 86 70 8 0
New York, N. Y 62 6C 60 10 0
North Head. Wash... SO W 54 10 0
North Yakima, Wash. 62 82 02 10 0
rtineiilx. Arts. 78 lOK 78 4 .01
Portland. Or. .VI 80 65 1 0
Itosebnrg, Or. 48 BO 48 4 0
Hacramento, Cal t6 80 56 4 0
Ht. Louts, Mo 70 88 66 10 .0
Suit Lake. Utah .... 70 82 68 6 O
Han Diego, Cal 64 70 62 4 0
Han Francisco, Cal. . . 52 62 I 50 4 0
tile, Wash 54 I 80 f 54 4 0
Hltks. Alaska ..... 54 1 60 1 54 4 .02
Hixikana, Waab. 66 100 02 4 0
Tai-oma, Wash. 54 82, 54 4 0
Ti.t4Keh Isl'd., Wash. 52 58 52 8 O
VaMes, Alaska .... 54 58 44 4 .04
Walla Walla. Waah.. 72 100 72 4 0
Washington, D. C... 02 72 56 4 .06
Winnipeg, Man 58 84 52 0 0
Sues for $35,000 Damag Suit for
$35,000 damages was begun this morn
ing by Joseph L. Foster against the
Smith-Powers Logging company. He
alleges' that while employed as a don
key engineer by the company he was
ordered to work as a brakeman while
camp was being moved on the com-;
pany's logging road in Coos county;
and that a bunkhouse, loaded on a flat-
car, on which he was riding, toppled
over,, taking him with it and precip
itating him to the ground, causing se
vere Injuries.
Two "Wives Allege Cruelty.- Cruelty-
was charged in two divorce suits filed
yesterday. Caroline J. De Somers
asked for a divorce from Feter John
De Somers. They were married in
Baker, July 12; 1912. Georgene Hen-
dren asked for a divorce from "William
Hendren and custody of one child.
They were married in Salem February
24, 1805.
Fanlng"ton Signs Fledge. A. J. Par
rington, claim adjuster, with offices
at 208 Alder street, lgned the pledge
yesterday afternoon in the municipal
court, following a trial, in which he
was charged with threatening to kill
his. wife. Liquor appeared to be the
cause of the domestic trouble. The
Parringtons live on the Powell Valley
Grange Meets Tomorrow. Evening
Star grange will meet in regular ses
sion tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock,
with the lecture hour at 2 o'clock. The
program will consist of: Piano solo,
Miss Helen Humphreys; readings, Mrs.
Pearl James Latspeich; vocal solo.
Miss Maude Curtiss. Address, "The
Historic Wealth of Our Own State,
Mrs. J. J. Handsaker.
Bound to Keep Even. The East Side
public market, at East Sixth and East
Washington streets, is determined to
keep even with the central market, on
Yamhill street, on the west side,
I Among tomorrow's offerings are prom
ised fresh veal, poric and honey from
Oregon farms.
V. M. report of preceding day..
When You Go Away
Have The Journal sent to
your Summer address.
Alleges Desertion. Dena B. Brown-
low began suit for divorce this morn
ing from Frank B. Brownlow. Deser
tion was alleged. They were married
in Minneapolis January 12, 1902, and
she charged- him with eloping with
another woman in May, 1908.
Divorce Decree Granted. Circuit
Judge McGinn yesterday granted a di
vorce to Ira Hart from Cornelia Hart
On grounds of cruelty. Hart alleged
that his wife had threatened him with
a loaded gun and had had him arrested
without cause.
Summer Kesors Subscribers. "
Wheat yon go "away on ymr va
cation, have The Journal follow .
you at the rag-alar rate of IB cents .
a week, by mail! or the folio wins
agent will supply you at regular
city rates ..- - 4.--:- , . ;-
Barriew, Or Harold T. Brim
hall. Bay City, Or lira. 3. C. Ho
Cloze. -- . . ' - . -
Bayoceaa, Or. W. Tj. Johnson.
Cannon Beach, Ecols, Or-Xs.
W. Crone,
Carson, Wash Carl B. Smith.
" Carson, , Wash. Sluptaerd's
Carson, Wash. St. Jttartlns
Columbia Beach, , Or W. Sdna -Barkhead.
Garibaldi, Or. M. W. Beamish.
- Gearhart, Or. PfeUip Sessions
TA11 points on beach).
nwaco, Wash. H. B. Woodruff.
Kong Beach, Wash. iawrece
Dlnneen (All points on beach).
Meglar, wash. Louis Cohen.'
- Newport, Or Donald James. -Bockaway
Beach, Or. EA X.
Seaside, Or. Philip Sessions.
(All points on beach).
Beavlew, Wash. Z.awrnce Dln
neen. (All points oa. beach).
- Tillamook. OrW. S. Kama.
WUholt Springs. Or. P. W.Ke
Tieran. -
One Story Warehouse to
Cost About $30,000 Will
Be Constructed, . -
evening at 6:30 p. nx AU members
and former Illinoisans are urged to
be present. All ladies are expected
to bring a well filled lunch box, which
will be sold to the highest bidder.
Athletic stunts will be engaged In
from 4 o'clock until 5:30. The man
agement baa offered free use of the
park to all former Illinoisans and their
friends for the entire afternoon and
The Palls Chelat at Latourell Falls,
Chicken dinners and week end accom
modations. Reached by O.-W. R. & N.
trains or automobiles via Columbia
River Highway. Mrs. M. B. Henderson.
Phone long distance via Corbett. (Ad.)
Special Notice Werner-Petterson
company, tailors, now at wasn
ington street, will move to 128 Fourth
street August 2. Customers having
clothes left for delivery are requested
to call for same if convenient. XAdv.)
Sunday Excursion to Cascade XiOcks
on steamer Bailey Gatzert, $1 round
trip. Leaves Alder street dock at
a. m. Arrives on return at 5:46 p; m.
Phones, Main 914 and A-5112. Adv.)
Dock commission this morning au
thorized the sale of $150,000 bonds.
A one story warehouse, estimated'" to
cost $30,000, will be built, and Im
provements completed, east and Vest
side public docks.
Contract giving W. R. Grace & Co.
preferential berthing privileges at No.
1 dock, with conditional option for
additional year, was executed. Letter
Trom W. P. Prichard, Royal Mall
Steamship company, was read inquir
ing about terms for use of No. 1 dock
both for Royal Mail and Hamburg
American lines, and- copy of tariff
schedule was ordered sent both ,Mr.
Prichard and Frits Klrchhoff, agent
Approval of pending franchise for
new electric line to run from Portland
southeast Into Clackamas county,
where it Involves two blocks new
track construction on Madison street
between Second and Fourth, was
asked by Attorney L. M. Lepper, who
said Stephen Carver and associates
would spend $160,000 In city limits on
trackage and equipment. '
Spur Track Approved.
W. D. Fenton, counsel for Southern
Pacific, asked commission's . approval
of spur track construction on Bast
First street, and was assured of ap
proval, contingent on action by city.
Bngmeer George B-. Hegardt reported
Albers, Alnsworth, North Bank an
Globe Elevator docks have sufficient
depth of water alongside for grain
vessels, and that Montgomery No. 2,
Alblna and Pacific Coast Elevator
company docks- are deficient in neces
sary depths, and-Irving dock has 22
Moonlight Excursion. Saturday
evening, Aug. lt 1914 on the steamef
Joseph Kellogg. Boat leaves Wash
ington street docK at 7:45 p. m. Tick
etc, 60c. (Adv.)
Hotel Tjenox, Third and Alain. A
quiet, convenient home at suburban
prices. Rooms $4 per week, $15 per
month and up. Excellent service. (Adv)
Xiost. Lady's bar pin, 3 sapphires
and pearls, between Mt. Tabor and Y,
W. C. A.. Monday p. m. Liberal reward
if returned to Journal office. (Adv.)
Oregon City Boat. Sunday river ex-
cursions leave Taylor street dock 9 a.
m., 12 and 3 p. m. Picnic at Magone's
park. Round trip, 40c (Adv.)
We Bepresent Quality and Service.
Fir and oak cordwood, four foot and
short slabs. Knight and Rock Springs
coal. Albina Fuel Co. (Adv.)
Ferjury Charge Dismissed. A per
jury chargeX against J. J. Gayer was
llxmlssed yesterday by District Judge
Bell becauajbf insufficient evidence.
Uay-er -was charged with having
Mvorn that he was worth more than
1'joo above exemption in an under
taking for release of an attachment
and then with swearing that he had
ito property. He testified that in
the second hearing he had not been
asked as to the value of furniture
owned by him in his own home and
I hut this furniture was worth over
J 1000 while but $300 worth waj ex
empt from execution.
j lawn grange, No. 350, has elected W.
' H. H. Dufur master, to succeed J. H.
Black, resigned, and Frank Peter chap
lain. The next meeting of the grange
will be held August 8.
Pined for Speeding J. E. Sharp was
fined $10 this morning in the municipal
court for speeding. Edward Kean was
fined the same amount for a like offense.
Steamer Jesse Harkins for . Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leavea Washington street
dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
Clearance Sale Hand-Hade Traces.
Silk and Linen, 25 to 60 per cent re
ductions. Andrew Kan, 348 Morrison
street. (Adv.)
feet 10 feet out, and 2J feet 20 feet out
from the dock, .; -v: ' ; :
Ordinance amendment ' was adopted
permitting single level uncovered docks
to have plank firewall at rear In inner
zone,, and no ' rear wall required for
docks of this type In outer zones when
space at back is zoo reet or more
clear. , ' .
. Authority was given to advertise for
purchase of two electric dock autos at
estimate of $2100 each, and one charg
ing station at $2500 estimate.
Would Guard Public. ,
Commission received notice of hear
ing on J. B. Zeiglers application for
change in harbor lines to be held Au
gust 28, 10 a, m., in room 321 Customs
building. "
Commission voted that in establish
ing grades for street ends the public
be always given access to water, and
ways at street sides be on grade with
dock levels. .
H. E. Plummer, building inspector,
asked the dock commission to cause
removal of frame structure on dock,
north side of Morrison street, belong
ing to the Meier & Frank company,
which by fire and decay Is more than
40 per cent depreciated. The next
meeting of the dock commission will
be held August 4.
Prison After .FIto Years' Fight.
Seattle, July 31. Peter Miller, the
state's most spectacular prisoner, was
lodged at Walla Walla today. He will
probably spend the rest of his life at
the state penitentiary.
Miller was taken to Tacoma Wednes
day night. Thursday afternoon the re
mittitur from the supreme court con
firming his conviction In the Pierce
county court as an habitual criminal
was received. Deputy Prosecuting At
torney Ellis, who conducted the prose
cution for five years and finally landed I
mm,, ana two ueyuiy biici am, mwm
panied Miller from the Jail.
Miller is under a minimum sentence
of 28 years and a maximum of 70
Engine Strikes Auto.
Stanfield. Or., July 31. W. E. Rhea
with his wife and family narrowly
escaped death Wednesday, when their
automobile was struck by a locomo
tive a a crossing near here.
The machine was partially wrecked
and Its occupants hurled In all direc
tions, but none was seriously Injured.
ing services at 9:30. o'clock.
Abrahamson will officiate.
Rabbi R.
Try onr 35o Blended Coffee A pre
mium ticket with each pound. Haines
Tea store, 172 Third street.
Dive of Death. 2500 feet, Saturday
and Sunday; speedway. (Adv.)
Por Health. Beit and Xeoreatlon
Shlpherd Springs. (Adv.)
Balding. Jeweler, repairing. Third
and YamhllL . (Adv.)
Agate Cutting Belding's, 3d, Yam
bill. (Adv.)
Men's Trousers
JVRn-.try me on extra trousers. No
profit tacked on for high rent and
swell fixings. Clean up prices, $2.25,
$2.75. S3. 25 tier Dair. Jimmy Dunn.
315-316-317 Oregon Ian bldg.; elevator
to third floor. (Adv.)
10,000 Seats
Dr. E. O. Brown, Eye. Ear. Mohawk
building. (Adv.)
Four thousand covered and 0000 open
comfortable seats at the Rose City
speedway Saturday and Sunday next
for the aerial derby and matinee. All
seats the same price, 50 cents. (Adv.)
Passenger service to New York via
Panama canal. SS. "Honolulun." Sails
from San Francisco Aug. 23 Rate
$150 per person. American-Hawaiian
Steamship Co.. 270 Stark street. Port
land. (Adv.)
Your Sunday Dinner
Crawfish. Millions of em. Snyder's,
First and Madison, on sale Thursday
and Friday only, 35c dozen. Main
6783. (Adv.)
Illinois Society Picnic. The Illinois
Society of Oregon will hold a -box
picnic at Council Crest park tomorrow
Men's 86.00 Genuine Pongee Shirts,
$3.95 f with or without collars. Andrew
Kan, 348 Morrison. Open evenings. Ad
Services at Ahavai Sholom. Serv
ices will be held at Congregation Aha
val Sholom, Park and Clay streets, to
night, at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow morn-
Wbether you spend the day motoring
along country lanes or quietly at home,
you'll enjoy, in the cool of the early
evening, your Sunday dinner at
There will be a specially prepared
menu, both tempting and toothsome.
Orchestral music during dinner and
throughout the evening
G. J. KAUFMANN, Manager.
Held to Grand Jury M. E. O'Con
ror was held to the grand jury yes
terday on a charge of larceny of 250
narks of potatoes from W. J. Strey, ,
an Estacada farmer. O'Connor was
formerly sales manager of the Equity ,
Warehouse cempany. which Is now in ;
financial distress., and as such is al-;
leged to have received the shipment 1
of potatoes and sold them, and fall- j
Ing to account to either the company;
r strey. The potatoes are valued
ut $186 by Strey. Attorney B. S.
Pague was special prosecutor. O'Con
nor's bonds were placed at $2501)
with cash bail of $1500.
Author to Be Honor Guest. John
i:ocl. traveler, author and sociologist,
win be honor guest and principal
"leaker, at a special luncheon to be
Kiven by his friends of the taxation
department of the Oregon Civic -league
at the Multnomah hotel tojtibrrow at i
U':15 p. m. He will discuss the Mexi-'
ran revolution and the Colorado min
ers',: war as be personally, saw them.
Attorney Hamilton Johnstone will be
rhaiririatt 'and! -"W; S. U'iPfH will Intro
duce the speaker. Other short talks
wiTffre,glven.v x
Prowler Prightened Away. A prowl
er around the home of R. C, Charlton,
1033 East Alder street, was -given a
lively chase yesterday evening by Mrs.
harlton,' who pursued the stranger
two blocks. Shortly after 8 o'clock,
.Mrs. Charlton looked out the window
aixi saw the prowler. The man ran
around the house and down the street
with the woman in hot pursuit..
Wants Trace of Heirs John A. Carr
of 9V4 East Third street is looking for'
persons wno lived in Ballo,trophy,
Queen's county, Ireland, 40 ars.-ego
In order to trace the descendants of
one Murphy, who died in Ireland with
out known heirs. He saya there is a
snug little fortune waiting for the
right person. . . . , a :
XiOft-ger Injured In Pall J. Kennedy,
a logger, fell In the lobby of the post
office yesterday ' afternoon and broke
Lis right arm. - The logger was wear
ing heavy, hobnailed shoes, the nails
slipping on the hard surface flooring)
ui the bunding, ine ponce patrol took
the man to the Good-Samaritan hos
pital. ;.
Jackson Club Meeting The Jackson
club will hold a public meeting at the
Ontral library Friday, August 7, at 8
o'clock, at which Milton A. Miller, col
lector of Internal revenue, will speak
on "Panics and Their Causes." The
club meets the first and second Fri
dayg of each month.- ,; . - 1 1
Xelly Pnaeral Tomorrow The fu
neral of James Kelly, an Oregon pio
neer, who died Thursday , at St. Vin
cent's hospital following an eperatlop.
Of Decided Advantage
to Men and Young Men who 1
need new -clothes ' for midseasqn
and season-end wear, is this -
Benjamin Suits .
"Made ik- New York iy the
World's m os t gifted tailors"
Sold under one name only. You'll '
, find them in Portland in this
store only.
Now $15
for $20 Benjamin Suits
Now $18.75 .
for $25 Benjamin Suits
Now $22.56;
for $30 Benjamin Suits .
Now $26.25
for $35 Benjamin Suits
Manhattan and
all other Shirts
now Specially-Priced.
All Straw and
Panama Hats
now at .
Yi Price
Buffum & Pendleton
Telephones-Pac. Marshall 1, Home A-6281
knottier Bunch of Selected Lambs at Our
Legs. Loins, Racks, at, lb. 17c
Shoulders at, lb. . . .. .10c
Breasts at, lb. 8c
COUNTER, whre " Jones Quality" Corned
Beef, Short Ribs, Shoulders of Lamb, Boil
ing Beef, Lambs' Liver and Hearts, Fresh
Spare Ribs and Pig Hocks are only, 1 f
the pound . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . .1 vIC
Pigs Feet t . Pigs Kidneys, Shoulder O
Spare Ribs and Breast of Lamb, per lb. OC
Snecials at Columbia Fish Co.
& ,
(New Jones Market) Fourth and Alder
FANCY HENS, per lb. . . V. v. . 20c
Plenty of Choice Broilers, Spring Ducks, Etc.
SKAMOKAWA BUTTER . .;. . ..... ,65c
SELECT EGGS, per dozen: . . ... v . .30c
Pacific Phone j All Purchase Promptly Delivered tb AH Parts of L Home Phone "
Marshall 5080 the City, Vancouver and Oregon CityParcel Post I - A-2112
and tixpress Packages Prepaid on $5 Purchases Mail Orders rrompuy r uled
Our Store
at 9 a. m.
Daily at
."8:30 a, m.
Our Store
, Closes V -.
at 6 p. m.
Daily at .
5:30 p. nv
A Fortunate Purchase and Out-of-the-Ordinary Sale
Beautiful ETew Undepmuslins
Combination Suits. Gowns
and Princess Slips of the Fin
est Materials and Best Work-
manship and With Lace, Rib
bon and Embroidery Trim
mings Values to $1.50 for
Snowy fresh and interestingly new with attractive and
practical ideas, but above all of keen interest . to wo
men replenishing their wardrobes for the vacation
season at shore or mountains. All of them up to
the rigid standard of excellence that you who know
this store are well aware we demand of bur makers.
Good sense and refinement stamp every garment.
Sturdy yet fine fabrics, dainty trimmings and last,
but not least, UNDERPRICED 1
THE GOWNS are made of good quality nainsook and
crepe, in either slipover or button-front stvle, with high
or V-neck, with long or short sleeves. They are prettily trimmed with fancy yoke?,
laces and embroideries. Shown in good length and fullness.
THE COMBINATION SUITS come in all this season's new styles, including the
popular knickerbockers, princess, circular or plain styles. They are made o fine
nainsook, longcloth and crepe, in either corset cover and drawers pr corset cover and
skirt. All are neatly trimmed with lace, insertions, embroideries and run with ribbons.
THE PRINCESS SLIPS are made of high-grade nainsook, crepe and longcloth. They
are trimmed with fine embroideries, insertions and laces, the skirt being trimmed
to match with deep flounces,' scalloped embroidery edge or plain hem.
THE SKIRTS are shown in a large variety of styles, well made of fine nainsook
and crepe. They are trimmed with deep embroidery flounces or plain with scalloped
embroidery edge. They come in the new narrow width, also some in medium
full width. 0
These are all high-grade garments that sell regularly up to $1.00 Tomor
row they are on sale at ' -. .,
Great Underpricingr of Women's
Balmaicaajn Coats in Scotch Twfeeds
Also Women's and Misses' Suits in Navy Serges and Mixtures Val-( i QQ
ues Regularly Worth to $16.50 Are Specially Priced for Clearance atti'TTtO
It goes without the telling that this Clearance Sale of Coats and Suits for women and children will
achieve its purpose quickly for the quality, workmanship and styles are as remarkable as the low
price. Included are some 35 Balmacaan Coats, made of the popular "Jean Breese" Scotch Tweeds of
the proper weight for present wear they come in sizes 16 to 42 and at .the same' extraordinary
price-reduction you have choice from a splendid lot of .Women's and Misses' Suit in navy serges
and novelty mixtures desirable new styles in most any size and in values to $16.50. OA QQ
Women's Battling Suits in Values to
$5.50, Specially Priced at S2.75
Here is a very opportune sale of fine Wool Bathing Suits neat .and attractive new styles in navy,
black and gray well appearing garments in values up to $5.50, and in most any wanted CO '7P
size Clearance price Saturday at -s v"e 1 1
Big Snowing and Sale of Women's
Iranmer -KTeckwear
Ruf flings in Chiffons,- Shadow Laces, Nets, Etc. All Widths and in the'
Latest Styles Values Regularly Worth to 50c a Yard on Special Sale at iWUL
See Our Special Window Display This might be called a "vacation sale," but whether a -woman" is
ready-to go away now or later .on, or not at all, she should take quick advantage of the1 savings-
Included are all the effective' new styles in Ruffling Collars Bows Guimpes etc usually but one
or two,of a kind or a short bolt which is the reason why prices are so smalL At the above price
reduction, you have choice from all the very newest pleating Chiffons in black, white or in all the
best colors, as well as in the popular Dolly Varden effect! also Shadow Laces and Nets in a beauti
ful line of patterns and in all widths from yi to S inches. Values up to 50c a yard, this sale at twen
ty-five"cents. At the same great saving we include a great lot of fine Swiss and embroidered Organ
die Collars the new light weight Oriental Lace Collars in both white and -ecru and a great Q PC
many other equally as des'irable styles in regular 50c. qualities. ALL ON SALE AT
Ruf flings, Collars and Bows, Shadow Lace and Net Plea tings, Embroid- 1
ered Swiss and Lawn Collars Values Regularly Worth to 25c Priced at 1 UC
A variety of styles broad enough tq uit every taste yon have choice from Shadow L'ace and Net
Pleatings in dozens of dainty.-patterns, made in all the best widths, but only in white also a fine, lot
of new embroidered Swiss and Lawn Collars and Imported Bows Neckwear that is well 1 A
wtfrth 25c, on sale here tomorrow at -LUU
Regular 25c and 35c Guimpes in a Great Many Styles on Special Sale for 15c
At This Sale Supply, a. Full Season's Need :
Women's Long Wear
Silk Lisle B
MadeVWith Six-Thread Heel and Toe All Sizes in
Black, White, Tan-r50c Quality 35c Pr.. 3 Prs. $1
There was never a better time to make your hosiery purchases
'.tiij;ilJ-4hart at this sale, for yon may buy the most reliable qualities at
great savings iate iais oucring iui cwuiic. imiicu - long
wear Silk Lisle Hose a good, durable stocking with a bright silk
finish made with six thread heel and toe and shown in all sizes
in black, white and tan. A stock of the best 50c quality, sold, here
at 35f a pair, or 3 pairs for l.OO. ; - -.' ''
Silk-Boot Hose for. Women in
Regular 35c Quality on Sale at 1 7
An -especially desirable Crocking to wear; with
low shoes fine silk boot hose, made with rein
forced heel and toe, all sizes in black. Qp
Regular 35c grade -this. sale at.........;
, -y " -; ... ; . . ' - -Vv
Fine Cotton Hose for Children" n
3 Pairs for 50c, or the Pair at 1 7t
iixtremely durable Cotton Stockings for children
they are made with double heel and; toe and
are shown in all sizes .in. black, white and tan
best 25c grade at 19 a pair or Stairs, for 50
Saleswomen's Fine Lisle and Silk Lisle
Union Suits Low-Neck, Sleeveless
Styles, With Cuff - or IceTrimmed
Knee They Come in All Sizes andAre
Our Reg. $1 and $1.25 Lines HC U
Special for This Sale Only VC;
Yon will be wcU pleased with thefe fine Union'
Suits pleased with the quality, with the fit and
with the finish, to say nothing about the price
reduction they come in both lisle and silk lisle,
and in alt sizes they are shown in low-neck,
sleeveless styles, . with either cuff or lace-trim'd
Ikneer-union suits that sell regularly at SI 7Qf
and $1.25 now on sale at . ly