THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JULY 29, 1914. r (Little vStorievS; tor Bedtime r BY THOR NTON Mr. Blacksnake Goes Hunting. Mr. Blacksnake lay sunning- himself en a grassy bank. He waa a hand some fellow, -wan Mr, Blacksnake, and he was quite well aware of It. In fact, waa quite fcrond of himself. He waa proud not only of his good looks, but alo of the fact that few 'can. run faster than he, that he can climb trees, and that, there .are more who are afraid of him than that he is afraid of. The fact that nobody likes him didn't enter hla head, but if It had it wouldn't have troubled him The truth is, Mr. Blacksnake la a good deal of a bully. , He dellghta In scaring people. There ia nothing he likes bet"" ter than to see them afraid of him. He ia the most impudent of all the little people who live on the Green Meadows or In the Green Forest. He runs his tongue out at every n he meets, even Farmer Brown'a boy. But ; really he la a great coward. Just now, aa be took his aun bath, Mr. Blacksnake waa trying to ydecfde what he wanted for dinner. This waa the time of year when ha could pick and choose. Later in the season he would have to take whatever he could catch, but lust, now it waa an easy matter to catch what he pleased. "Let me see," said he. "I might run over to the Smiling Pool and pick up a few of those foolish young Frogs ' who are so conceited because they have got rid of their tails: They would taste very good,- Very good, Indeed. But it 1? a long way oyer there. Young Meadow Mice wouldn't be bad. I could eat a couple without any trouble. If I didn't feel so lasy I would go hunt for some. The trouble is, Reddy. and Granny Fox and Whitetall the-Marah- hawk have been Mouse hunting all the morning and probably have frightened all the Mice so that I would -have to hunt a long time, and I don't feel like it. Z believe what I want la a nice, tender, young bird; perhaps ' two or three, if they, are not too big. They are very good eating, and they are so easy to get.' All I have to -do Is to find a nest and then help myself. I believe I'll go up to the Old Orchard and see what X can find there." Mr. Blacksnake yawned once, or twice, and then lazily uncoiled . and started for the Old Orchard. .There was no need to hurry, so he took his time. When he reached the old stone wall on the edge of the Old Orchard he curled up on a big, flat stone to Test a bit and at the same time watch what was going pn. He did not try to keep out of sight. In fact, he chose a stone where he would-be In plain sight of any one who happened that way. He wanted to be seen. Tee, sir, he wanted to be seen. He t knew that whoever law him first Would ' make a great fuss, and then every body in the Old Orchard would hurry over to scream at him and call him bad names. Thos who had helpless babies in their homes would be the most anx ious and. frightened, and so he could tell without the trouble of a -lot of climbing which nests had young in them and which -had not. It was a very simple plan, and It worked out Just as he had expected. He had not been curled up on the flat stone of the old wall five minutes be fore Chatterer the Red Squirrel came running along. If Chatterer had been as heedless as Peter Rabbit often Is Mr. Blacksnake would have had a " squirrel dinner, but Chatterer's bright eyes saw him In time and he stopped just out of reach. Then how Chat- n MADAME ISE'BELL'S BEAUTY LESSON Pretty soon there was - a crowd ' around him, all screaming at the top of their lungs. terers tongue did got -Robber f thief I" h yelled, - and added every bad name he could think of. Right away all the birds In the Old Orchard harried over to see what the trouble was, and as soon as they saw Mr. Blacksnake they. too, began to scream. Pretty soon there was a crowd ' around him, all screaming at the top of their lungs. Mr. Blacksnake didn't move. He just lay there, . watching them with eyes that never blinked, for - you know he has no eyelids', and now and then run ning out bis tongue In the most Impu dent way. All the time he was laughing to him self down Inside. He was laughing to think hew easily he was finding out what he . wanted to know. Those who were simply angry he knew had no babies to worry about. They took great care not to come very near. Those who were very reckless and kept dash ing about within reach of him he knew had helpless babies and were in great fear. Among these was Drummer the Woodpecker. As soon as he saw this Mr. Blacksnake made up his mind. He would haye young woodpeckers , tot dinner. Lesson IX Part I. v. The Present rashlons Are They Be coming to ths- Average Womaat It ; is often be- by poets and A It, I Next story: "Mr. Blacksnake Decides to Dine." ii i I. Another Big Purse to Round-Up Riders Directors Add $2000 to Regular Prise Zdst for Competitions at Pendleton's 1 Annual Bhow. v Pendleton, Or. July 29. Two thou sand dollars were added to the regu lar prize list for competitive events at the Roundup this year, Sept.-24, 25 and 26, by the board of directors at a meeting last night, making It the one largest purse event for strictly amateur contests in the world. In addition a new and exciting com petitlve event was put . on the pro gram. This Is a steer roping and hog tying contest for cowgirls, open to the-world, with a purse of about $600 anjetrophies. Already sufficient -cowgirls have made entry to Insure a keen and thrill lgn fight for the purse and honor. FRATERNAL Notes Artisans Will Hold Big Clam bake About Middle of August, Wife Elopes and , Deserts Children moaned philosophers that the age of - great personal : beauty is past; that there are today no unique ex amples of loveliness to . which the world pays homage. There is no rea son to doubt the ex- s istence - today of , - , beauty, as compelling ' as ever adorned the I pages of history; and there Is every reason to believe that the average woman Is far better looking than naa ever before been the case. General Improvement In Look a. There are several reasons for this. Women now take more intelligent care of their looks. Their minds are better cultivated so that Intelligence of ex pression adds to mere physical charms. : Moreover, the modern fash- ton of dressing With Its wide choice far - more becoming to the average woman than the mora flamboyant modes of the past which were only suited to very beautiful types. In ' youth at least, every , woman today has her share of attractiveness, and the proportion of good - looking women of middle age is growing larger every year. Influence of Dress. While modern dress has not equaled the picturesque quality of the Renals- ance or the gorgeousness of the courts of the French Louis', It has ex pressed precisely ths modern woman and toe condition under which, she lives. Cut and workmanship have Im proved; costumes for practical oc casions have grown mora comfortable, more utilitarian and, aa knowledge of dress has become more widespread, Individuality In gowning has become more pronounced. While women, as a whole, have declared in favor of dress ing along certain prescribed lines termed "the fashions," these lines have been elastic and sufficiently -varied to suit different types. The result has been pleasing and generally becoming. (Lesson. IX to be continued). Railroad Company Seeks Incorporation Salem, Or., July is. Articles of In corporation of the Sutherlin, Coos Bay & Eastern Railway company have been filed with Corporation Commissioner Watson by George H. Glynn, Charles A. Stark and Charles S. Lemon, all of Butnerun. Douglas county. The articles state the company pro poses to build a line from Sutherlin east to Boise and west to Coos Bay. The capital stock: Is fixed at $500, 000. The principal office of the com pany will be located at Butherlln, UTS' Hammerstein's BonDies. New London, Conn, July 29. Oscar Hammersteln's son. Lieutenant Harry Hammersteln, U. 8. N died of dia betes yesterday. Two Says' Excursion. Th Artisans win have a clambake on August 15. A special train will leave on that dar and the entire next day, Sunday, will be spent on the beaches. . The Fire Department band will go to Estacada ' Sunday, August 9. Every body la Invited to go with them. Woodmen Heavy Investors. The Woodmen of the World have In vested in Oregon local securities Sl. 117,000. This organization Invests Its reserve funds In no other than public bonds, and nearly all lta funds are placed with cities, ' towns and school districts in Pacific coast states. , . - Arleta Camp, Woodmen of - the World, No. 806, has a class of CO that Special Organizer CO. Samaln is going to present on August 6. He hopes to make it a few more by that time. Prize I Offered. Multnomah Camp, Woodmen of the World, ' known as the big' east side camp, has 'decided that It Will give prize of lie to , the member making the best suggestion for a plan of cam paign for the fall and winter months. A second prise of $10 and a third of $5 will be given. '" x iribernlane to Pla&lo. Ancient Order ef Hibernians will take possession of Crystal Lake Park Bun. day, August 2. They will capture it with several hundred tickets at 9 m., and detachments will continue to strengthen their position until well along In the afternoon. '-' , e Arrangements have keen perfected among the courts of the Foresters of America in the city to becomingly cele brate Foresters' Day by holding a grand family plcnlo and reunion Aug ust 38. The executive council of the Grand Court, Foresters of America is engaged in revising the constitution and by laws of the order in conformity with the grand laws of the order. Campaign Stimulates Interest. - The membership campaign among the various courts of the Foresters of America In the city is stimulating In terest among the members and their efforts Is being felt by reported In crease of candidates all along the line. ells Husband's Farm and Departs With Another Kan, Taking Several Thousand Dollars Along. V . . ... V Laplne Or., July !. According to ielegrapbio information here," Lillian McLaughlin, wife of a local barber, eloped from Fleet. -Alberta,' deserting her three children and taking with her between $5000 and $6000. the life time savings of her husband. McLaughlin came here . a few months ago from Fleet. He purchased a shop, then Instructed his wife to sell the farm and come to him at once. The. farm was sold, and along with It all Implements and household good a Then she disappeared, and at the same time Lea Cameron, a neighboring rancher and' for some time a sweet heart of Mr. McLaughlin's daugh ter, dropped from sight. . McLaughlin Intends to make a na tion wide search for the missing duo. Mrs. McLaughlin is 40, years ef age and a blonde. Cameron Is tall and dark. ;:V" : ' Offer Made for S. V. Water Co. San Francisco, July 29. The super visors have ordered a letter sent to the Spring Valley Water company ask ing if it would accept the city's offer of $84,600,000 for its plane system and franchises. t Aviator and Passenger Killed. . Novarra, Italy. July 2. A faU with an aeropune Kiuea Aviator uiovanni Cavlggla and a passenger nomed cam Uetti. Telephone Case Is under Advisement gadre Xaowles steers Arfwansats, Will Make Dedsioa Within Three Weeks i Cooperative compear Protests. La Grande. Or. July.. 29. Clrouit Judge Knowles has taken' under ad visement the case, of the Eastern Ore- tlon against the state railroad commie- The Minnesota State Federation . ef Labor will hold its thlrty-seoond an nual convention In Duluth next week. TThRESCWPTIONS UThatAra II Correct Be- yondaDoubt Haack Bros PXB8CBZPTXOB' 98T7GGISTS, acEsicAZi suia. 351 ALXfSM ST. v - MAX JT 718 A.-S713 YOUR BABY WILL BE HAPPY THIS SUMMER if its little body is well nourished and cared for. JPurity Milk and Cream Is the safest milk deliv ered in Portland today, because it is scientifical ly and perfectly pasteur ized. rosrrZAxrs pctlx kxmc AJT0 CBBASK CO. THE CUP OF QUALITY Is always insured if you use) Golden West The new parchment in ner seal keeps the coffee fresh and. good; and the new friction cover, keeps It fresh after it is opened. Steel Cut No Dust No Chaff At All Grocers fISj. Stem COFFEl Blon. which was argued before him. The' case Is an outgrowth of , the company's refusal to make a centiee tlon with the Home Independent eoia- rpany. a rivsl system, at Elgin, Covs and Summervllle. t. . . i The company takes the stand ths t( the order- Issued by the commission; Instructing it to make connections is confiscatory. - The state was represented by Attor- : ney General Crawford.'and Clyde Alt chison represented the railway com mission. A decision is expected within, two or three weeks. SUMMER RESORTS HOTEX MOORE, the ocSS SEASIDE CLATSOP BEACH OREGON Rooms with or without bath. Hot salt water baths, and -surf bath- In r. Recreation pier for fishing. Sea food a specialty. Grill in connec tion. Music and dancing every evening. Booklet on request at Journal Office. DAN J. MOORE, Propu: . THE SHELBURNE i HOSTS SHACX Modern Improvements, beautiful dining room. Mew one of the largest hotels j en North Beach; with large airy and sunny rooms. We raise our own poul try. Reasonable rates, and special rates by the wek for families, ateke res ervations by mall or wire. - Long distance phone in hotel. Buy tickets te Shalbnrme Stat lea Trains stop right at doer. ADDRESS. BEAVIEW, WA 8H T. J. HOARE. rTlOF. HOTEL TORREY Seaside, Clattop Beach, Oregon Under the personal tnanagemeat of W. X. Torrey. Special attention given to ivrviva, Aa all trains. , uver ioo King1 ae uoeam- our dining room service. Rooms with or without private bath. Bus meets vsvve) via myyim tivu. W. . TOiUT, rroyrUtor. :. The Warren ECOLA, CANNON BEACH OREGON. The Only Heftel on the Beach Front 8EA FOOD8 A SPECIALTY Auto Stage Meets All Trains Write for Rates M. 8. WARREN. Proprietor.' Complete Showing of New Fall Apparel in all sections of the House takes place on Saturday, August- 1st. Be' on hand! It'll be worth your while. - 4 llllimillli THE STORE OF STYLE WSmdl Up OesiFsiinice LADIES' SUITS in Cloths, Linen and White Serge. Tailored and Semi- Tailored. Good fabrics and col ors. Sold up to $20 during this Clear ance only $495 MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S SUITS in the newest and most pop ular styles, fabrics and colors. Sold up to $25. During this Clearance . at only $141 iTomorrow and Friday will wind up the great Clearance, now going on at the East ern. The scores of matchless offers set for the last two days beckon every person of thrift and good judgment to avail themselves of the opportunity to procure high-class, seasonable wearables of usual "Eastern" standard of style and work manship at a mere fraction of their former price. Don't overlook this great sale. Take Advantage of This Last Gall to the feast of genuine bargains in quality mer- chandise and supply your needs now. Bet ter attend and examine. "BY-THE-SEA" OREGON'S FAMOUS ALL-YEAR RESORT Hotel Gearhart Offers every attraction. Unexcelled golf course. Sea water natatorium. Eighteen miles of hard beach. Combination of mountains and ocean. Autos and saddle horses for hire. Hotel Gearhart is steam-heated and comfortable in every respect. Sea foods a specialty. For reservations, address GEO. PIRXE, Manager GEARHART, OREGON Bay ocean Is Situated la the heart of Tttlamoek Coast J OoeaaT ea eae side. Bar oa tbe etbsr. forest, etrsea as saoaatata ar tuere, see, Coauertable Xetsl, roea serrloe, uaseU4 eaisiae, error emva icnoe of home, sates reasoaabU. LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS in various styles and lengths; good patterns. 'Sold to $12 during Clear ance at LADIES' SKIRTS in worsteds, cassimeres and broadcloths ; good colors; sold to $6j during Clearance at only LADIES' AND MISSES' SWEAT ERS popular stylea and colors. Sold to $5 ; t during Clearance at only ' $1.35 LADIES' WAISTS AND MID DIES newest styles and designs. Sold to $5 ; slightly mussed ; during Clearance at only $I.OO . LADIES' OUTING COATS full lengths. Sold to $6 ; during Clear ance at only $i.7S LADIES' KHAKI SUITS AND DRESSES sold to $6. During this Clearance at only ' $l.SO MEN'S F ANC Y WASHABLE VESTS, good patterns and shades; sold to $2.50; during Clearance at only . " MEN'S SUMMER TIES four-in-hand shapes, sold 25c and 35cs Dur ing the Qearance at only ISc MEN'S SUMMER HOSE double heels and toes, all colors, sold at 25c during the Clearance x 6 pair for . . $i.oo Tomorrow and Friday wind up the Clearance' of Summer Wearing Ap 'jparel. To enjoy the sub stantial savings offered, ; you"; musi act at once. Dq not postpone'eoming CREpiT AS USUAL, IN SPITE OF REDUCTIONS The extremely, low prices do not interfere with your credit privileges. You can have your purchases charged and remit in weekly or monthly payments. : This accommqdatibn is absolutely free, and we want you to make use of it this week. Ask for People's Brown Trading Stamps With Ail Payments 405 Washington Corner of Tenth Streets A Mercantile Power on the Pacific Coast Q INC THE STORE OF 'SEHWCElBBmimiBM 11 LADIES' DRESSES in various fabrics, de signs and colors, for merly sold tip to $12. During this Qear ance at only E3 MEN'S SUMMER TROUSERS In wor steds and cassimeres; good patterns and col ors. Sold to $5. Dur ing .- this Qearance at only Furnished Tents atV Barview with all eonvanieftcea ready for house keeping; also a first elaca hotel. Good wboleaotns maals, in a brlsht, clean dln lur room, Ths largo danca hall, pool hall and bowling: allsy will bo apprecl stad and patronlaad br many. Ths driUs of ths Ufa savins crow and Clam bakes, tha beacn boi f.w ef th. many rood thinrs BarrlaW has to off ar you. Before alanalns- Tour vacation us and maka rssanratlons ror tents or rooms, riaoa open aow. Bound trip tickets 11.00. Ralph Ackley Land Co. 804 rattlaa Bid., 84 sad Wasaiaftoa. Kaia 7141. Watch: our windows : for the elaborate display "of. ther new Fail; styles 'in - do- t mestic and foreign mod-: els at v popular . prices. It is very instructive. flahlnr nXirea and deeo sea azcuraions are only a THE DRIFTWOOD ml avnrrr . OFXH AX!. TSAJR , The Only Houso of- Its Kind in ths woria -Hot and com Halt Water Bathe in Connection. TABLE BOARD A BPECIALTT X.OVO BXAOk. WAIBV "THE HACKNEY COTTAGE voszasr OK STZST MXtmCT. Enlarged dining room capacity, beau tlful surroundings, moat pleasant apot on North) Beach. slaka reaerratlona by wlrs or aoail. Special rates by ths weak. . . . ; AJPIBII BTBATTgW. WUX. Aral Mountain Resort- With a Tall ' View of Mount Hood QrtASinl railroad and astomoWla. ipeClcU fu-e from Portland to I Cloud Cap Inn and return, including unri. . ..:rff.. .!$ 14.75- DOOajrr m. fmxTX, Irayel Sareaa 118 Third yortUad. Ore foa. Hotel Sunset BXACX CTBTta iiaTlOB. -J Ideal . UMtora lamlly houL Ceeatryt tbi Mbre eoBbloed. Ocms la fau kr., Ciru looant.lo water. Bertrte llrtU. tafe, rd for cSiMren. 0iut froaaA.- f1S all klode. Imt ralsla and Uale earn., rubiaff. Surf bathing . 0. Leag Saaek. Wuk. Uru BaSataa. Vte. LONG BEACH HOTE . Best locatM and moat convenient ho tel at Long Beach. Waab oppoelte sta-,' tlon, one block from ocean, three doors from postofflca. Excellent room a; a,u- . ropean plan; rates reaaonable. Bt. & TXBatBm, VrosrleSor. THAT PTXIQKTJUX. BXACK SOVZ," THE ELMORE At Zlatera rark, now eoea. Cdromaa eatr. Pre lumUh.d eooh teata. A oaiet, bomvUke etisg overlooking the eeaen. tmt rear ear aeevBiaodatlaae were taxed tm the esteat at dUappMatliig ataor lata applicant. Tale year we aae deablad ewr eapaetty bat arge uti earir rewrrauoBe D bwim, Tod'U like tb i)l.r sad the ptlr. Write foreireuUr. THB ClJtfoai. Bockawar. Or. RELIANCE AUTO STAGES Daily, to Kit Hood Resorts Reaerrations, tickets - and informa tion at BOnTLZSOB BEZD Si riBA& CO ICS Beoond Su 7XOBXS. MAXST SSS6. A-3811. or Reliance Oarage, 10l Hawthorne Ave. Phone Tabor 294$. THE NICOLAI Oaly firat elae Sotd ererlseklng tbe oeeea. All ontaMe ronma. Hot an4 eld water, Batve asTyWpOrte Of?ffffstt ' BMMsiasai issssisii Ocean Crest Apaitaents ranHabaS far UgW b aakaaplag. Zaeaarri mmtmfn wMii 1 kLook k.aab. SUke iaaaianaaa eany. r, 9- secaaway, oc , Mt. Hood Auto Stage Pierce Arrow Service T. T. .CARLSON, PROP. Daily ao Mt Hood RetorU S7SS. sv mmm mt. CANNON BEACH HOTEL Clean, airy room a, boras eooking. pura mountain water. . natea fa yr f 11 per week. S. A. OswOfB, rtop. Zeola, Og.. HARVES T HOME Kear ocean, croquet f rounds, largs yard. Rates II.8S per day; ft per weak. Horns eooking. BOsB. ateXXA, proprietreaa, Xag Beach. Waab. HOTEL . ME ARS SEASIDE, OREGON -Strictly first-class rooms, sinrfg) or en suite; concrete block; one, block from depot. Look for tha electric sign. ' JOHN MEARS, Proprirtor -ST