The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 28, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    what vyoclety is Doing
T A charmingly simple cere
mony this afternoon Miss
Kllzabeth Parker and Roland
W. Mersereau were married
at the Unitarian church at -3 o'clock,
the Rev. W. G. ' Eliot officiating-.
Only the relatives and a few inti
mate friends were aembled to wlt-n-M
the marriage which was most
Informal. The bride, an attractive
girl with hosts of, friends In the
vounger set, wore her traveling suit
of dark blue cloth with hat to match.
Her Mister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Mersereau, stood
with- the bride and bridegroom. - Im
mediately following the ceremony
they left for their wedding trip
which will be a month's sojourn in
the Canadian Rockies at Lake JLouise
and the surrounding points of in
The prominence of both Mr. and
Mrs. Mersereau makes this an event
f unusual Interest. Mrs. Mersereau
l thfc. daughter of Charles Parker.
Khc Is a graduate of Smith college.
nd a clever and charming girl. Her
sister, '.Mrs. Eugene Mersereau (Lucile
Parker) was married to her hus
band's brother Just a year ago. Fol
lowing the wedding trip they will
reside at Doty, Wash., where Mr
and Mrs. Eugene Mersereau are liv.
ing, ths Mersereaus having extensive
lumber Interests there.
Mr. Mersereau is the eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Bradford
Yesterday afternoon the family en
Joyed a delightfully appointed lunch
on psrty at the University dub,
The table was centered with a hand
itoin' cluster of garden flowers In
pink and blue with the snap dragon
larkspur and the dainty bahy breath
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs
William Bradford Mprsoreau, Miss
Zola Parker. Miss Elizabeth Parker,
Charlfs Parker. Mr. and Mrs. llarri
son MefsAreau, Egbert Mernereau and
Ronald AV. Mersereau.
Pretty Sellwood Wedding.
On last Wednesday evening at 9 p.
m., July 22. at the Presbyterian manse
In Sellwood, Margaret Elizabeth Sax
ton and Albert T. Godel were united
In marriage. The marriage service was
read by the Rev. Myron G. Boozer in
tU preeence of the immediate family.
The groom is the oldest son of Mr.
awl Mrs. T. A. Uodel of 209 East
Forty -seventh street North. The bride
is the youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. K. M. Huxton of 4AS East Thirty
seventh street. Mr. and Mrs. Godel are
spending their honeymoon at Seaview,
Wash., "after which they will be at
home to their friends at 496 East
Thirty-seventh street, Portland, Or.
Sympathies Extended.
Mr. and Mrs. I.anden'R. Mason Jr.
arc receiving expressions of sympathy
from their friends over the death of
their week old son, who died yester
day. Ml.s Cook 111.
Her many friends are extending mes
sages of sympathy to Miss Cornelia
Cook, who underwent an operation this
morning at Good Samaritan hospital.
Home From Eastern Trip.
Miss Ruth and Miss Louise Small,
who have been enjoying several weeks'
trip in tho east visiting friends and
relatives at Chicago, New York and
1 hllHdelphia, are expected home tomor
row morning.
To Live in San Francisco.
George W. Boschko returned this
morning from a visit In San Francisco
and ho will return Friday accompanied
by Mrs. Bosch Ue and their two chil
dren. Miss Elizabeth and George- W.
Boschke Jr., to make their home in
Home From Motor Trip.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson have re
turned home after passing a week mo
toring in Rainier National park and
way points. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Jack
son, brother and sister-in-law of .Mr.
Jackson, who were in the party, left
them In Seattle to return to their
home In Virginia. They have been
visiting the Jacksons here for several
weeks prior to th motor trip.
Excursion to Astoria,
Mrs. Lillian M. Mitchener, state
president of the Kansas W. C. T. U.,
and a party of local workers took pas
sage on the steamer Georgiana for
Astoria yesterday to hold a conference
with the Astoria union. Mrs. Mitch
ener remained to hold a meeting last
evening but the remainder of the party
came back yesterday. Those who made
up the party with Mrs. Mitchener were
Mrs. Henrietta Brown of Albany, state
president; Mrs. Ward Swope. corre
sponding secretary; . Mrs. Margaret
Houston, state treasurer; Mrs. Dalg
lelsh; Mrs. Mary Mallett, county pres
ident; Mrs. Hattie Wilson, president
of Central W. C. T. U., and Mrs. Jen
nie Kemp, campaign manager.
To Give Progressive "500".
"The Kenton Neighborhood club"
will give a Progressive 500" card party
at the club house, 27 West Russett
street, Wednesday evening, July 29.
Engagement Annonnced, Is Great
The guests of Miss Ida Marie Shea
who passed a most enjoyable after
noon at bridge today when she enter
tained .for the pleasure of Miss Ber
"Red Letter Day" Tomorrow 10 Free Stamps to All Visitors to Premium Parlors4tli Floor
All Charge Purchases Made Tomorrow and Remainder oi Month Will Go on August Account, Payable Sept. 1st.
Miss Ida Shea, whose engagement to Eugene Bland was announced
this afternoon at an informal bridge party.
Officially Recorded
The wholesomeness of Alum
inum Compounds as used in
Baking Powders
is now a matter of govtrnment .
record, proven by government'
Write us for copy of tl. S. Bul
letin No. 103 Dept. of Agriculture.
All ..Grocers.
Seattle, Wash.
nice Riley, a charming, visitor from
Chicago, were much surprised when
the announcement was made of the
engagement of Miss Shea and Eugene
Bland. Mr. Bland is an attorney, a
graduat3 of the University of Illinois.
He is a member of thc Phi Delta Phi
fraternity and a well known Multno
mah club man. He has lived in Port
land several years, having come here
from his home in Illinois.
Miss Shea is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Martin J. Shea. She ,1s a pretty
and attractive girl with hosts of ad-:
miring friends, and her coming wed
ding will doubtless be the inspiration
for a round of social affairs.
The announcement was made after
the card game, just before the dainty
collation was served. Each guest was
presented' with a little red heart from
which was suspended a ladyflnger
circled with a little diamond ring. On
the cards were engraved the names of
Miss" Shea and Mr. Bland -wlth the
wedding date of AugustM!7.
Tho party was a charming affair,
the rooms were effectively decorated
with red roses and blue hydrangea
blossoms. There were four tables at
cards with a few additional guests
coming in for tea.
Irvlngton Park Dance.
The Irvington Park club will give
a dancing party on Tuesday and Sat?
urday evenings of this week, at the
club open air pavilion. East Thirtieth
and Holman streets. The entertain
ment committee wishes to announce
that while these dances are strictly
high class, and are run primarily for
members and their friends, all are wel
come to attend. The proceeds go to
ward the fund for the building of the
new club house.
Foresters Excursion.
The Catholic order of Foresters of
Albina will give a moonlight excursion
tomorrow evening on the steamer Gra
hamona, which will leave the Taylor
street dock at 8 p. m. There will be
an orchestra aboard for dancing and a
delightful evening is anticipated with
music, dancing and refreshments. '
Silver "Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs E. H. Cowing cele
brated their 25th wedding anniversary
last Friday evening, July 24, with a
delightful family gathering. About
17 guests were included in the party
and an evening of games and music
was much enjoyed. They also. were
showered with many beautiful gifts
In keeping with the silver wedding.
The relatives had assembled just the
Sunday previous. July 19. to celebrate
the golden wedding of Mr. Cowlng"s
parents, sat. and Mrs. T. F. Cowing.
W. of W. to Entertain.
Mt. Hood Circle Women of Wood
craft will entertain in the east side
W. O. W. hall. 112 East Sixth street,
Thursday evening, July 30, for their
members and friends with a mid-sum
mer at home party. . Danclnfc-Cards.
and a program will be features of the
eating, although swimming and sports J
- . - . . i, if. 1
w-cuyiea a. snare ui me inur.
Meier's place consists of a 40 acre
tract just below Rooster Rock.
Mrs. J. A. McArdle of Timber, Or.,
is registered at the Eaton.
G. M. Loomis of Medford Is regis
tered at the Eaton.
Mis3 Olive Coveny of Buffalo, N. f .,
Is registered at the Eaton.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Rueben, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Godfrey, Ernest Gorgans and R.
Romuto are registered at the Eaton
from New York city.
E. P. Stuart, a merchant of Liv
ingston, Mont., is a guest at the Mult
nomah. Ralph Sterling of La Grande is reg
istered at the Cornelius.
Charles T. Earlv. manager of the
Mount Hood railway, is staying at the j
Imperial. i
jviax x ischer, a Denver merchant, is
stopping at the Oregon.
A. C. Herron, general agent traffic
department of the Minneapolis & St.
Louis railroad at Seattle, is a guest sX
the Benson.
C. S. Crews and J. C. Scott of Walla
Walla, are at the Oregon.
J. T. Hinkle and family of Hermis
ton 'are guests at the Imperial.
Henry A. Morrison, a Seattle Insur
ance man, is stopping at the Benson.
Swan Benson of Newberg is regis
tered at the Multnomah.
W. H. Dean, a telephone official of
White Salmon, is a guest at the Imperial.
L. V. Howe of Minneapolis is at the
Earle H. Clapp of the United States
forest service is at the Imperial.
Will E. Purdy of Newberg, who an
nounced his intention of becoming an
independent candidate for governor
some time ago. Is at the Cornelius.
J. F. Merry and wife of Manchester.
Iowa, are at the Multnomah. j
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wilson of Los i
Angeles are stopping at . the Benson.
They -are on their way home after an
extensive tour of the orient.
W.' C. Brown, a Condon cattleman.
s a guest at the Imperial.
Herbert B. Ames of Montreal is at
the Multnomah.
J. R. Shaw, a lumberman of Mill
City, is a guest at the Imperial.
E. A. Foster of Dallas is registered
at the Cornelius.
To Act as Advance Agent.
E. A. Rowell, publicity director for
the Prohibition party, will leave Port
land Thursday on a motorcycle as ad
vance agent ror a. Lee Paget, Prohibl
tion candidate for state treasurer, and
Curtis - P. Coe, Prohibition candidate
tor congress irom the First district.
who will follow one week behind
Rowell In an automobile. In addition
to making speaking: arrangements for
the candidate, Rowell will give his
own campaign lecture, "Portland After
Dark." He -will cover Yamhill and
Washington counties.
; Julius li. Meier . Entertains.
As the guests of Julius L. Meier,
men employed in the Meier & Frank
tore spent last Sunday at Menucha,
Mr, Meter's new ' country place on the
Columbia river. Seven big auto trucks
carried out the provender for the pic
nic, the day being spent principally In
69c Lisle Gloves 29c
Women's two-clasp long lisle -Gloves
with double-tipped fingers. Perfect fit
ting and excellent quality. Black, white,
gray, tan and biscuit. All sizes from
5 up to 8. Regular 69c lisle OQ
Gloves on sale Wednesday, pair tUC
Hals. Wrtmmaum
Reliable MerchandiseReliable Methods
Store Hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Every Buines Day Saturday Included
25c, 35c Ribbons 15c
Hundreds of yard beautiful Silk Rib
bons in plain shades and fancy effects.
Widths up to 6 Inches. We also In
clude fancy Velvet Ribbon in widths
ud to 4 inches. Regular 25c
j and 35c Ribbons priced, yard
I'aseiicMll IQMlerp
Doable Trading Stamps With Cash Purchases Made in the Basement Tomorrow
Children's $1.75 Wash Dresses at 69c
Children's $7.50 Coats at $1.98
BASEMENT Manufacturer's sam
ple line Children's Dresses only
one of a kind. Plain colors and
fancy patterns in great variety.
Late summer styles. Sizes for girls
6 to 14 years. Dresses
worth to $1.75 now
BASEMENT - Children's summer
Coats in plain colors and fancy de
signs all new models for present
wear. Made from best of materials
and nicely finished. Ages 6 to 14
years. Coats worth up to C'l QO
$7.50 for l.UO
Children's 29c Rompers Special 19c
Women's 25c Sunbonnets at 19c
BASEMENT Closing out an odd
lot of Children's Rompers and
Aprons at a very low price. Made
of good quality ginghams and per
cales, in neat patterns. Ages from
2 to 8 years. Regular 29c Q
garments on sale at. .... . 1C
BASEMENT Women's and Girls'
Sun Bonnets in plain colors and
checks. Shown in medium and
large sizes. Well made. Just what
you want for wear about the
house. Regular 23c Sun 1Q
Bonnets at only l7w
Women's 1212C Vests Special at 9c
Women's 15c Knit Vest at 11c
BASEMENT Women's ribbed
sleeveless Vests for summer wear.
These come in standard sizes and
are nicely finished. Complete as
sortment of all sizes. Regular
12 VzC Vests priced special at, q
the garment iC
BASEMENT Extra good grade fine
Swiss ribbed summer Vests for
women. Low neck, sleeveless style,
nicely trimmed. These come in
white only. Grade usually selling
at 15c on sale at only, the
Women's 50c Union Suits at Only 35c
Misses' 29c Union Suits at 19c
BASEMENT Women's summer
weight Union Suits of splendid
quality Two styles low neck,
sleeveless with tight knee or lace-
trimmed knee. Regular ' and out-
sizes. Standard 50c Union
Suits special at
BASEMENT Medium weight
ribbed Union Suits for girls up to
14 years of age. Low neck and
sleeveless style, nicely finished. Ex
cellent 29c quality. Priced special
for "Red Letter Day" at 1Q
the special price IDC
Women's 15c Hosiery at 8c a Pair
35c Embroideries at 8c Yard
BASEMENT 100 dozen Women's
Hose offered at about one-half
price. Excellent quality in black
or tan with double heel, sole and
toes. Sizes from 814 up to 10.
Regular 15c Hose on sale to
morrow at, pair
BASEMENT Embroidery inser
tions, Edges and Bandings in great
variety of dainty designs on fine
sheer materials. Also corset cover
effects in widths to 18 inches. Mill
ends in lengths up to 10
yards. On sale now at, yard
Mill Ends Veilings Special at 10c Each
$1.25 and $1.50 Handbags 98c
BASEMENT Fine and coarse mesh
Veilings in mill ends of 1 to 1 1-3
yard lengths. Black, green, brown
and all the popular shades. Grades
always selling at 25c and 3 5c yard.
Priced Red Letter Day at,
the piece
BASEMENT Women's leather
Handbags in variety of the newest
shapes. Gilt and gunmetal frames
fitted with inside coin purse. The
regular 1.25 and 1.50 Bags are
priced for Wednesday's
selling at only
$7.50 Hats
BASEMENT 296 beautiful new
Trimmed Hats for a great one-day
sale in the Underprice Store tomor
row. Late midsummer styles
white, black and the wanted shades.
Splendid quality hemp, milan and
chip braids, trimmed with flowers,
ribbons, fancy feathers, wings, etc.
Hats worth up to $7.50. QO
Your choice at OC
BASEMENT economical house
keepers will profit by these low
prices and supply their needs for
weeks to come.
Huck Towels 49c Dozen Good
quality Huck Towels with colored
border. Size 16x24 inches. Will
launder well. Specially
priced, the dozen rUC
$1.25 Spreads 98c Full size Bed
Spreads of good heavy quality.
Choice line of patterns. Stand
ard $1.25 grade. Priced QO;,
special tomorrow at 70w
7c Muslins Sc Yard Extra good
quality unbleached Muslin. Regu
lar 7c grade now on sale in the
Underprice Store at the spe- C
cial low price, the yard. . . . JC
6c Lawns 4c Yard Mill ends dainty
Figured Lawns in lengths from 2
to 10 yards. Light and medium
colors. Regular 6c Lawns A
on sale at, the yard fC
17c Suitings 12Hc "Ramie" Crash
Suitings for beach, street or
mountain wear. 36 inches wide.
Regular 17c grade on
sale at, the yard. . . . 1 2C
15c Foulards 9c Yard Beautiful
silk-finished Foulards for waists,
dresses, etc. Lengths from 2 to
10 yards. Regular 15c grade Q
on sale at, the yard 7C
15c Bleached Bath Towels for lie
20c Nainsopk, 36-inch, Yard 12 He
Women's $25 Tailored Suits at $7.98
$12.50 to $20.00 Dresses for $5.95
BASEMENT Odd lines Women's
jmd Misses' Tailored Suits priced
for quick Clean-Up. This season's
models in plain and novelty weaves.
Suits worth $ 20.00and 125.00 on
sale Wednesday at only, 7 no
the suit lt?0
BASEMENT Beautiful line of
Women's and .Misses' Dresses for.
street or afternoon wear. Silks,
Crepes and light weight woolen.
All new up-to-date styles. Dresses
that are worth 112.50 to C QC
i $20.00 now at
$15 Linen and Pongee Suits tor $1,98
Women's $1.75 House Dresses 79c
BASEMENT This includes all
linen and Pongee Silk Suits in the
Underprice Store. Good service
able styles for street or outing
wear. Suits selling heretofore up
to $t5.oo. Your choice QO
tomorrow at only rl.0
BASEMENT Women's House
Dresses of good grade Percales and
Ginghams. These are all new styles
and nicely trimmed. Excellent
range of patterns and colors. -
Dresses worth up to $1.75 ' 7Q
priced now at
Dainty Sheer White Waists Only 98c
Women's 98c Petticoats 59c
BASEMENT A very unusual bar
gain in cool, white Waists for
warm weather wear. Latest mod
els with high or low necks and
lone or short sleeves. Lace and
smbroidery trimmed styles.
Waists worth to $ 1.75 for
BASEMENT Women Wash Pet-;
ticoats of ginghams and chambrays'
in plain colors and stripes with '
neat tucked, flounces trimmed with -embroidery.
Ucpilar 98c Fetti
coats priced special tomor- .Cq,
row at only . i)?C
65c Shadow Laces at Only 29c Yard
Grades Worth to 17c at 9c Yard
$4.00 Waists
BASEMENT Beautiful shadow
lace Flouncings in scores of pretty
patterns. Also 18-inch Allover
Laces in choice line of patterns.
Shown in white, cream aitd ecru.
Laces worth up to 65c.
The yard
BASEMENT Fine quality Shadow
Lace Edges and Bands in great va
riety of patterns. Widths from 3
to 6 inches. Laces in this lot sell
ing formerly up to 17c. Priced
for Wednesday's selling at the
low price, the yard
$1.50 Axminster Rugs Special at 98c
Regular $1.00 Pillows 79c Each
BASEMENT We have only 95 of
these Rugs to sell at above price.
They are good quality Brussels and
Axminster in attractive colorings
and patterns. Size 27x54 inches.
Regular $l.50Rugs priced rjO-
BASEMENT Filled with live feath
ers and covered with good quality
fancy ticking with border. Size
21x26 inches. Regular $1.00 Pil
lows at any time. Buy them in
the Basement tomorrow at 7Q
only, each I C
special at only
$3.00 Scrim and Lace Curtains at 98c
17c Curtain Scrims at 1212c
Mrs. Lone of Centralis- Dead.
Centralia, Wash.. July 28. Mrs. A. i
A. Long, an old resident of Centralia. I
dropped dead at Pacific Beach Satur-:
day night, a victim of heart disease.
to which she has been subject for sev
eral years. The funeral was held to
day. She had a host of friends and
relatives in. this section of the state,
to whom her death came as a great
shock. ? j
Mrs. Long was born In Ohio in 1846.
She moved to Centralia about 23 year ;
ago. She la survived by two brothers, .
one sister and a daughter. i
How Out-of-Door
Life Affects Beauty
Exposure to sun and wind, .dust and
the elements, although often acting as
a tonic to the system in general and
sometimes heightening the color of the
skin. Is still very damaging to the re
fined appearance of the complexion, j
The open air In Itself is good, but the
race should always be well protected
against the extreme heat, wind and
dust. The girls of your acquaintance
who live a great deal out of doors by '
no means have the most beautiful com
plexions. You cam best protect your'
skin against the elements or beautify
it for social life by a face lotion which '
you can very easily make at home by !
getting 4 ounces spurmax from drug-;
gist and dissolving it in pint of hot
water, to which you add 2 teaspoonfuls
of glycerine. This lotion is easier -t
apply than powder, does not rub off, ,
looks like part of the skin, giving a ,
natural, velvety bloom while remov- j
Ing shininess and surfaceV dlscblora- j
tions and curing irritation antiV pim-
I plea. (Adv.) - . s j
BASEMENT Extra good grade
Curtain Scrims underpriced for
Wednesday. Neat floral border.
White, cream and ecru. Full 3 6
inches wide. Scrims selling at 17c
yard on sale Wednes- ini.
day only at lV2C
Size '1614x2314 Special, each..43V
Regular 50c Window Shades Size 36x70 Special, each 336
Regular oc Brass Curtain Rods 44-inch Extension, 3 for 10
Regular 23c Bungalow Curtam Nets Special Yard... 15 J
BASEMENT 285 pair fine quality
Scrim and Lace Curtains at less
than half price for "Red Letter
Day." yards long and full
width. Shpwn n white and ecru.
Curtains worth up to $3.00 QO,,
on sale at, pair 7CC
Reerular 69c Pillows-
Women's 75c and 85c Corsets at 49c
Women's 50c Brassieres for 33c
BASEMENT Cool, comfortable
summer net Corsets in stylish new
models also of lightweight coutil.
Four hose supporters attached.
Non-rusting steel bonings. Our
regular 7 5c and 85c Cor
sets now at only
BASEMENT Women's form fit
ting Brassieres in several attractive
styles. Made of good quality ma
terials and nicely finished. All
sizes from 34 up to 44. Regular
50c Brassieres priced now
at only
Women's and Misses Shoes 59c Pair
Children's $3.00 Shoes 1.48 Pair
BASEMENT Odd lines Women's
and Misses' Shoes some of these
are slightly damaged. Pumps, Ox
fords, etc., in good styles. Shoes
in this lot which were marked to
sell at 13.00. Your choice
Wednesday, the pair
BASEMENT Boys' and Girls' de-
fendable footwear in wide sensible
asts. Button or lace styles In
popular leathers. All sizes from 9 t
to. 2. Footwear selling formerly -up
to $3.00. "Red Letter A
Day" Sale price 140
Women's $4 Shoes Special $1.89 Pair
Men's $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes $2.95
BASEMENT 2200 pairs Women's
and Misses' Shoes all late desir
able styles in patent, gunmetal,
vici and velvets. Button or lace
effects in full line of sizes and
widths. Shoes worth up
to $4.00. Special..
BASEMENT Manufacturer's sam
ple line of " Women's highgrad
Shoes priced about half regular
worth. Taa and black leathers in
button or lace. Shoes selling at
$4.00 and $5.00. Special
l now at, pair
Plan to. come early in the day for
these excellent Waists will go in a
hurry at this price. Sample lines and
odd lots high-grade Waists grouped
into one big lot and priced for less
than cost of making. Plain and fancy
silks, chiffons, nets, etc., in . any
number of attractive models. Com
plete range of all sizes up to 44. All
this season's merchandise. Waists
worth up to $4 Wednes- AO
day, special Dl.fiO
Men's Collars
5c Doz.
BASEMENT Odd lines of Men's
Collars in great many different
styles in white and colors. Some
starched, others soft. Full line of
all sizes in the assortment. On
sale tomorrow at special, dozen DC
75c to $1,00 Plain and Fancy Sillcs 39c
75c Dress Materials at 25c Yard
BASEMENT Beautiful Silks for
waists, dresses, petticoats, sashes,
girdles, etc. Stripes, plaids, fig
ures, etc., also 2 4 -inch silk Poplins
and 27-inch Ratine. Splendid line
of colors. 7 5c to $1.00
Silks at, yard
BASEMENT 36 to 56-inch Dress
Materials for , suits, dresses and
skirts. Plain and mixed effects. We
also include a line of Surah Silks
at this price. Materials worth up
to 75c. Now on sale at -or
only, the yard CiDC
Men's 50c Summer Underwear 35c
Men's $1.25 Union Salts at 60c
BASEMENT Men's Balbrlggan
Mesh and Gauze Underwear
shirts and drawers short or long
sleeves, knee or ankle length. Full
line of all sizes. Regular 50c
Underwear, on sale now, QC
. ., uut
BASEMENT Men's fine white
gauze and "Knit-Sook" Union Suits
manufacturers! seconds with
slight imperfections. Short sleeves
and knee length. Regular $1;00
and $1.25- Union Suits on CO.
special sale at OSJC
the garment . . . . ,
Men's $1,50 Khaki Pants Special 98c
Men's 25c Silk Lisle Hose at 15c
BASEMENT Special one-day sale
Men's fine quality silk lisle Hose.
Warranted fast black dye with,
double heels, soles and toes. Stand
ard 25c Hose priced for Wednes-
day's sale in the Basement, IP,
the pair IDC
Boys' Regular 50c Shirts Sizes to 14 Wednesday 33
Boys' Regular $1.00 Corduroy Knicker Pants a pair. .69
Men's Regular 50c Suspenders Light-weight Pair 25
Odd Lines Boys' Suits Worth up to $5 Wednesday $2.98
BASEMENT Men's Khaki Drill
and Whipcord Pants. Made to
withstand hard usage. Just what
you want for hunting or fishing.
Styled with belt loops and cuff
bottoms. All sizes. Regular QO
$1.-25 and $1.50 Pants for J70C
Notions, Small Wares Underpriced
Bargain Circle, Main Floor. Between Elevators , .
A good opportunity to supply your
sewing needs at lowered prices, and
in addition receive "S. & H."
Greerj. Stamps with your purchases.
John J. Clarke's Spool Cotton, in
white only, all sizes, on sale
Regular Sc Needles, two pkgs. 5
MOc 100-yard Spool of Silk now 5
22 c Darning Cotton, the spool 1
15c Nainsook Dress Shields, sizes
2, 3 and 4, on special sale at 10
Sale Crochet Buttons
Crochet Buttons for Summer
Wash Suits and Dresses. We
have a complete line of these in
all sizes. ; V
35c 6-line Crochet Buttons at 20
50c 8-line Crochet Buttons at 25
65c 10-line Crochet Buttons 35
75c 12-line Crochet Buttons 40
$1.00 14-line CrocheY Buttons 60
Reg. 25c Silk Dress Shields
Reg. 10c Pearl Buttons, card 5
10c Collapsible Drink'g Cups 8
Wash Edging, 6-yd. piece, 15
25c Sanitary Aprons, each 18
15c Sew-on Hose Sup'ters 10
Regular 25c fancy Garter Elas
tic, in all colors, now, yd. 18
Regular 25c Machine Oil 15
Regular 15c Skirt Markers 8
Naiad Dress Shields
The following special prices
will be in -V force Wednesday
only. Buy Naiad Shields for
complete satisfaction.
20c reg. style Shields; No. 2 13
25c reg. style Shields, So. 3 15
25c reg. style Shields, No. 4 IT
50c Naiad Boleros, all sizes 35
Reg. 65c X,ace-Trimmed Naiad.
Bolero, all sizes, on sale at 0
Regular10c Hair Nets, with or
without elastic, on -sale. 5 for 10
25c Sterling Skirt Markers at 19
10c "Soil-Off" Dry Cleaner at 8
Balsam Fir for moths also pro
duces sleep and used for fancy
vork. Comes put up in fancy
i boxes.
50c boxes, special sale at 25
25c and 35c boxes, on sale at Is
HairBrnshes Reduced
Canning Needs R&VS&
Main Floor Special one-day sale
of Hair Brushes at extraordinary
low prices. Full ' bristle, hand
drawn, f with ebony, rosewood and
natural wood handles. A great
variety of styles and sizes in this
assortment. Choice at reduction of
half to one-third less than regular.
I Ask for "S. & H." Green Stamps
Ball's Mason Smooth Top Jars,
sanitary porcelain lined caps
Pint size, complete, dozen at 49c
Quart size, complete, dozen at 57c
-gallon size, complete, doz. 79c
Extra Quality Mason Jar Rubbers
priced special, dozen... 8c
Mason Caps and Rubbers, doz. 20c
Sure Seal Sanitary Glass Top Jars
no metal to taint fruit.
Pint Sure Seal Jars, the dozen 65c
Quart Sure Seal Jars, a dozen 75
Extra Quality Rubbers, dozen at 8c
Sure Seal Glass Tops, dozJ lO
Eccnomy Jars with lacquered tops
special showing
Pint Economy Jars, dozen 85
Quart Economy Jars, doz. f l.OO
4 -Gallon Economy Jars, dz. SI .40
Economy Caps, complete, doz. ZOe
Ball's Special Wide Mouth Jars
Pts., dozen 65c Qts., dozenMTBc
Aluminum Preserving Kettles on
sale at 20 reduction. ; s
All Window Screens 20ft OFF
All sizes. Hardwood. Adj a stable.
1 5x3 3-inch I9c22x37-inch 28c
18x3 3-inch 24c 24x4 5-inch 36c
All Lawn Mowers and Garden Hom now on sal at REDUCED PRICES
Women's and Children's Underwear
On Sale at Center Circle, Main Floor
Women's 25c Lisle Vests at 19c
35c Mercerized Lisle Vests at 25c
50c Mercerized Lisle Vests at 39c
lie Cotton Vests now only 8 l3c
Child's 15c Cotton Vests at 12 He
Women's 35c Union Suits at 25c
5oc Union Suits now at only 35c
65c to 75c Union Suits now 59c
$1.00 tor$i.25 Silk Lisle Vests,
and Pants are priced special at 89c