THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 28, 1914. G Little toriay forB ecMme By THOH NTON W BUROBS3 Joy Among tiie Old Corn Stalks. The happiest place in all th world You know it; ot course you do. It's the place called home your very own. Now haven't I told yon true? Of course I have. There Isn't any place like it for pure joy and happiness.-There may be much- finer homes than your own, but right down, deep J n your heart you know perfectly well that not even In the finest of them there is so much real happiness as In your own dear home not for you, any way. Now, the home of Danny Mead ow Mouse wasn't much to look at. It was just a little round house of coin , sliuckK and grass in the middle of a pile of old corn stalks on the edge of .Karnfer Brown's'corn field, tout to Lit tle Mite, the lost baby of Danny, whom Farmer Brown's boy had brought back again without knowing it, it was "the most beautiful place in all the Oreat "World. As he scrambled down among the cornstalks to the little path that led to the little round doorway he called at the top of his funny little squeaky voire, "Here I am! Here I am!. I've -omo home. I've come home!" Out tumbled his brother and two sisters, Teeny, Weeny - and Mldsret, and crowded around him and rubbed noses with him, which is the Meadow Mouse way of kissing, and told him how glad they Were to se him and anked him if lie really had een the Great World and what it was )ik. all talking at once and making such a squeaking as that pile of old cornstalks never had known before. l.lttle Mite wondered why his father and mother didn't come out to greet him and as soon as he got a chance he asked where, they were. "They arecout hunting for you," re plied Teeny. "They've been out. every clay since you went away, and we've ail been so miserable and lonesome Yon won't run away again, will you MHe?" "Never!" declared Mite. "Never so long as I live!" And he really meant It "Won't this be the best surprise for father and mother that ever , was?" cried Midget," daneing about excitedly "Yirtl go inside the house. Mite, and we'll play outside. Then when they go In they'll find you there. Oh, won't it he fun?" So when they thought it was ahout thne for Danny and Nanny Meadow to return Mite went inside. He wondered what they would say to him and what they would do to punish him, for he knew that he deserved to be punished. You see, if he hadn't dis obeyed in the first plaoe he wouldn't have been lost. But he was so glad to be home attain that "he didn't mind the thought of punishment. Nothing could be worse than what he' had been through. Danny and Nanny were late In get- aywlt 'Here I am! come home! Here I am! I've I've (toma home!" ting home, and they were so tired and footsore with their long search for Little Mite, and so sad that it made Mite's heart ache as he peeped out at them. It really was punishment enough just to see them and to feel that he w$s the cause of it. They noticed right away that Teeny, Weeny and MJdget seemed very much excited. Danny stopped to ask the reason," but Nanny hurried into the house. Such a squeal as there was then! Danny rushed in to see what had happened and then well, I don't "believe .that there ever was such a time before in a Meadow -Mouse home. Natiny was crying and laughing at the' dame time, Mite was crying a little, and even Danny had to blow his nose very hard and wipe his eyes. ,Of course Mite expected a scolding at least, but he didn't get it, No, sir, he didn't et It. You see." when he told all about his terrible adven tures his father and mother thought he had been punished enough. Instead of scolding they prepared a breat feast. and while they ate it Mite told all over again about his adventures. Everybody asked Questions arfd there was such a happy squeaking and chattering down in that pile of old cornstalks that finally Danny had to put a stop to It for fear that Reddy Fox or Old Man Covote might be prowling around and hear it. And when at last they all went to befl in the little house there was great joy among the old corn etalks, for everything had come out right, just as Peter Rabbit had told Danny Meadow Mouse it would. ed: " T3y the way Vrhen- yore farther euros hoam. Boll tver. you tall hira if he wants anny of his piga & chikkena "thay are in the pownd & he can hav them cut by paying for thara keep 1 day.-v.'--r---..-.: rV-.A- -i:'.,-- Bel sed "They aint ours. I betcher," but Constubble Baloh took him oaver to th pownd. & thare thay "was, T pigs & a hole lot of chikkins. & Bol ed""By gosh, I betcher thay cum out threw that hoal I maid' under the fense for myself to get out of." f Of coarse, Conistubbuk Balclv would ent let Bol hav the pigs & chikkena, he getting S sents apeac for anny thins, he geta in the pownd, & when Boi'a father cum ho am Bol had to tell him abowt what had happined. Now; Bol says he bet he woant get out of the yard .a gen till the end of vacashon. If he doant he la going to becurn a hermdt & newer apeak' to anuther llvving sole aa long as he liva out of revenge. Andy Anderson I says thay aront anny fun in that, he r.arvJng tride It on his fambly all 1 day, not eaven astlne for a. seekind helping of pie. Bol , says, "Well he mite think of sum uther revenge, anny how that would be esier than that. Good f os Walt. Walt White, who has bin practising maikng f rends with Old Griggsy'a new dog, the one he got to bite the fellers if thay went after his erly froot, re- j poarted this moarning he had sum thing fo show us, Old Origgsy being down vintage swapping hoarsea. So we went up thare & Walt called the dog whose naim Is Draggun, & you had oughter of saw htm. uraggun cum. running oaver to the fense and lade down & rolled oaver Sa dun ev verythingT Walt toaid him & would let the rest of us pat him & pull his tale & evverything. We ast Walt how he dun it & he sed he guessed it was. by the power of the human eye & a llttel hunk or. nlse mete every time he passed by the fense. . So while Walt plaid with Draggun tha rest of ii eot uo in thAtrees & enjoyed Griggsy's froot which we may repoart is jeaven better than usual thia yere. Thay was qwite a numDer of stummick akea this afternoon, but what's a littel thing like that. Grigg- sy wil be serprised when he comes hoam .this eavening. Maybe he wil blaim it on the dog. Next story: Hunting." 'Mr. Blacksnake Goes VACATION DAYS-By Paul West r- A 9 . . by the aoldiers from tha garrison are shown in splendid panorama, views, - j A-number ofship scenes and. many! exteriors with Bob in hia groom char acter, among them his exciting horse back rescue of Betty, give realism that waa not possible when The Man oa the Box," was a dramatic produc tion..' " . ' Through all the film runs the pre dominating! delightful : and delicate humor of Mr. Figroan. At the be ginning of the film a novel idea haa been 'used to introduce the characters, all splendidly chosen. XTew Theatre Announced. Dispatches from Oakland. Califor nia, bring newa of an announcement made by Marcus Loew, who will as sume ownership of the Sullivan and Considine circuit Saturday, that ha will start the erection of a theatre in Oakland in a few months. If present plana are carried: out it will be the largest playhouse in California and one of the finest on the Pacific coast. It will, of coarse, be devoted to vaudeville. THEATRICAL NEWS Grand Opera Vaudeville Act Brings Forth Repeated Encores. FRATERNAL NOTES Georg Wright Relief Corps Holds Birthday Party Tonight. bers initiated at its first meeting fa August. : ;: - . .. ' '. A. military branch at the order haa been established in CorvaUla by the Loyal Order of Moose, A, E. Trask captain.-. The Knights of Columbus 'of Chi cago are planning a special excursion train to Ban Francisco to attend tne exposition. Portland K. of C are go ing to try and get that train to atop in Portland going or coming. ( Seaaett brgaaiaiar Claaa. Organizer 3. K. Bennett is securing a class for tha Woodmen of the World in Astoria, to-be initiated September 1. The Neighbora are determined to get a claaa of (0 by that time, and ar already more than halt way to the limit set Another Pioaio Boom. The Vhion degree teams of the Woodmen of. the World.had auch a suc cessful : picnic at - Crystal Lake Park Sunday, July 1. that they have de cided to give, another Sunday, Apgust la. There will be aome special "stunts' pulled off that will astonish the oldest. Inhabitants of Sunday picnics, and a goo4 time la promised. e . - E. J. Jeffries of Boise la at work tn Tha Dalles and haa s cured a claaa of 40 applications for the Woodmen of the World much to the delight of th veteran "choppers" of the local camp. : nana BaUf perfected. Court Multnomah, No. t. Foresters of America, are- perfecting plana with special committee to ' atart a cara naisrn for membership thia fall. A Joint annual picnic will be given by four local courta August 23, at one of the suburban parka in or near the ciry. v'a : Krushnick. renreaentlng the uvnnAmmn of the World, la securing a large class of members for the local camp at Goldenaaie, v aan. -' i Journal Want Ada bring results. Hoodf Eiver Hydro xtignts Are sougnt Application Xa Said To Be esnl ot Campaign Against Existing riec Uie Companies. , (Special to The Joernsl.) Salem. Or.. July 28. The water board, yesterday rece4ved an appllca- Show Cases arid Tables for Sale Pleasant Time fixpected. Thia evening George Wright Relief Corps will give a birthday party to all its members and members of the post born in July. The gathering will he at the hall in the courthouse said will be followed by cards and refrsb- ments. united Artisans ox this cjty are quietly rejoicing at the fact that their magnificent float first exhibited at the Rose Festival in this city captured first prise at the- Seattle Potlatch. A large photo of that float ia to be hung in every assembly room in Portland. Bainler Post Commissioned. Last Wednesday the new G. A. R. post at Rainier was commissioned by Department Commander H. S. Fargo, accompanied by C A. Williams, depart ment adjutant; T. H. Stevens, comman. der Sumner post, Portland; J. P. Shaw, past department commander, and Col onel C. F. Hausdorf. The following are the officers of the new post; J. M. Lindsay, commander; Miles Sheeirn. senior- vice commander; Jered Wilson, junior vice commander; J. B. Doan, ad jutant; E. Davis, chaplain. The pot duly established, a dinner was served and speeches of welcome and response indulged in. The post will be known as Hancock No. 21. It was founded on the fiftieth anniversary of the battle of Atlanta. v Excursion to Be Bepeated, 1 Eureka Council, Knights and Ladles of Security, gave such a delightful moonlight excursion on the steamer Grahamona last Saturday evening that another will be given next Saturday. The steamer was crowded to the legal I limit, ana unaouDteaiy win De again. Se! leg Out $3.00 Shoes $1.00 I Going out of business Program . Good Throughout. Seldom - is a vaudeville act, much less a grand opera vaudeville act, granted such an ovation as yester day's matinee audience at Pantagea accorded the Imperial Grand Opera company. Not content with three regular numbers, an encore and sev eral curtain calls the audience con tlnued its applause long after the motion picture began and even after the picture music started, 'the reg ular numbers included "RigolettaV "I1 Trovatore" and "Cavaleria," , with tne sexietie irom lucia wr aum. nncfnr or, ih lower deck. "500" in tha Individually and collectively the .. . musle r,ed wth-m. and Mrs. Ella Crocker won the first means a sacrifice of entire stock and brings to you most decisive bargains. Notable among them are these Women's Tan and Black Oxfords and Pumps. Every pair tion from August Guigf. water power for the pu f acturlng . electricity ' or" near the city of Hood Im to be aold to farmer S j The. move 44 said tOf. of a campaign gant. and Hydro Electric tot in May, ll,'the ral slon fixed rates in aceor) request of the Hood Jltf ciuo. . . . ' . 'C 3 of good quality; real values to $3.00, now r$1.00 So while Walt played with Dragon the rest r enjoyed Griggsy's fruit. ville & toald not to clime oaver the fense, remembered what Andy Ander son sed abowt crawling underneeth; so he dug a whole & cum out. & had a verry plessunt time. But abowt noon Constubbul Baloh met him & Oanly 6 moar weaks of vacashon, then ii, then 4 but lets stop thinking, "iy wc! Bol Oot Out. Hoi Ifaynos being kep in the yard heu hi.i muther Went oaver to By- vnleAa are RDlendid. the scenery is good and added enjoyment is fur nished the act by the charming an nouncement of lime, Liane Doree. Another musical act that scored a triumph was Amedio, the acc6r deonist. Next in favor came Maldie DeLong, comedienne, in a series of character impersonations that were mighty clever, including the one of herself as she is. "Aboard for Abroad" is a well put together and well put over; patter logue. Harry Godfrey and Veta Hen derson are responsible.' They carry a special drop and go big. A splendid opening act is the unicycle work of Jack and Jessie Gibson. If the com edy is not needed for breathing spells the act would be stronger without it. The orchestra and Mutual Weekly of current events complete the bill. Comedy Is Delightful. A really delightful comedy Is "The Man on the Box; by Harold Mao Grath, with Max Figman in his or iginal role of Lieutenant Warburton, at the Peoples for the entire week. The production is by Jesse L. Lasky, and although the lighting at times is not up to the Lasky standard the remainder of the. picture, is most ex cellent. It begins on the plains with Lieu tenant Bob about to start out in com mand of an" escort for a provision train. The attack of the Indians, Bob's ride for help and the rescue prize last Saturday. Grand Officers Honored. On July 23 an open meeting was held in Bandon by the Odd Fellows and'Re- bekahs to receive William Galloway cf Salem, grand master, and Mrs. Kate Lando of Marshfield, grand president of the Rebekahs. Speeches by the guests, a literary program and a sup per completed the evening. Over 100 people were present. Ocean Rebekah lodge. I. O. O. F., of Bandon, is gaining in membership rap idly. There will be 12 or 14 new mem- $1.00 Wash Goods at 29c Remarkably attractive fabrics in white and 29c colors; included are Voiles, Crepes, Ratines, linens, Silk and Cotton Brocades,' etc; rl..aA a (T m mnrA nrvur n Men's $1.25 Night Shirts 73c Make Weak Eyes Strong; Keep Strong Eyes Well Those who use Dr. Thompson's Eye Water in the care of their eyes never stop singing its praise. It cleanses them of every foreign particle; it strengthens the tissues;! removes the cause of inflammation. Keep your eyes healthy and they will help keep you. Should be used as regularly as a tooth brush. One 25c bottle will convince you. At your, druggist, or sent postpaid by John L. Thompson, Sons & Co., 153 River St., Troy, N. Y. Booklet free. Made of flannelette just the thing for the cool nights at beach or camp; well made, full and n long; $1.25 values now being sold at only I ut i Closing Out the Yarns! Golden Fleece Yarns all odd colors in every kind, now being closed out at, skein QC Eiderdown Wool, all colors, being sold at 9c Shetland Wool, pink, white and blue, at 10c 4-fold Germanfown, all colors, at, the skein 8c 8-fold Germantown, all colors, goes at, skn. 9c TMsTIM sk .Many a Mn Win $1.50 Silk Gloves, Only 49c Last of the Kayser and Niagara Maid Silk Gloves, j . . . i i.i 16-button length, in brown, navy, SKy ana pinK, t r broken sizes; regular $1.50 values, pair. . . . . Here's Another Wonderful Combination Offer Brings EDUCATION - ENTERTANMENT - ENJOYMENT To Every Home! All for only $4.00 a month. One of these elegant machines, with album to hold records, and 14 lat est dance selections and 12 others, also liberal supply of Needles, Oil Can, Brush, etc., everything com plete, and all for the total price of only $59.10. This offer unquestionably achieves the very highest value for the smallest possible outlav. New and highly improved Talking Machine, the latest and most attractive model the equal in tonal possibilities of . j "c atc ui uicsc oeauuiui insirumenu is now in progress at V See Also the new -: $15 Vacation1 Victrola. Just the thing for Camp or Launch. , Headquarters for Talking Machines - . tiler Bldg, - Alder St. at Broadway. 3 More -Pays amcl Every Mat Muast .Be Sold t m m Choice of every Summer trimmed Hat in the store while they last at one price: $10 Trimmed Hats $8.00 Trimmed Hats $SaOO Trimmed Hats $3.00 Trimmed Hats Shapes Untrimmed Genuine Formosa Panamas Flowers of all kinds being Closed Out at 15c $1,25 other T)fn Children's Hats, in Many, styles Ostrich Plumes, large and Small, xz Price. We Give the Regular FREE'STAMl; The Yamhill Public Mar- :, the low Drices. those who present this ad when making DnrriiiM of over, at any one stall, will get 10 extra S.'; Green Trading Stamps FREE, besides? CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL 4 FI3HER, THORS & CO. Manufacturers and Jobbers of Everythh in Paints, Varnishes, Stains, Enamels, Etc The Big Paint Sto (Front and Morison Streets ' , 13 For Tired, Aching and Sweat Try this simple remedy which ha lif to hundreds ot people Buffering TXX 70BOTIJI WXX.Z. COITTAXV in proper proportions and purest Qualities: Powdered Aloa, Pow. Unci Bolph. Phenol. OU Heath Pip. wn?n Kimwn iu vurf y I It instantly kills the odor caused by the ba4 the feet. . One trial will conviw the formula out and tat I of this list of relitible mentioned below and ha" Jt 1 Inexpensive nd i; tue diUKgiuU The following drug stores, one of which is select! locality, will accurately and carefully compound thij which is on file only in the drug stores represented Special offertafs aBPearlaff from week to week in merit the careful attention f ecoaomlcai bnyers. We carry KOOZ ZOS OJULftJS All flavors in bulk. Bricks 25c and 60c. ,We deliver. Phone B-2126. or Swood 144. Waverly Pharmacy K. 26th and Clinton Eta. Fabian Byerley Druggist xiinuit XOSA.X AMD TCUSS N. W. Cor. 10 th. 401 Jefferson St., imr WTAX.TI com nrDT ro TOTJB COJUIB. I.axatlT AntlXehrol for Colds. Le- Grippe, Neuralgia ana caused toy exposure and cold. A pleasant laxative. GRAY & MAGIUS COT RATE DBTJOQISTS. 523 "Williams Ave Cor. Xassen Bt. CURRINS For Drugs I 8T. JOHNS. OREGON. J. C. Clark & Co. Pharmacists Corner 28th and E. Burnsld sts. The Acme Pharmacy Corner Third and Burnsld iU, PAXCZX POST at the beach or In the mountains, we fill your wants as if you were at homey Prompt and Tt Delivery. Hals 69S6, A-46S7. L.L. CROCKER 831 worth Tweaty-thlra Street. ORDER NOW! Sonhle t7 k H. Oreea Stamp with every dollar purchase this week. Cottel Drug Company rzxsT AJn sxxascAH stxzzts. Tree delivery to all parU of the city Playf air's Pharmacy Prescription Druggist' Tabor SS. C JIM. 47th and bandy Road. 4 Montgomeryp Doctor Burnt Stomach and X.lveri Price 25 and SO c4 Prompt Tt Sell Phones: Mala 8319J BA BIOS! ASS IKCOMrLBTH 1 CaEAK OP Vld prevents Freckles - Suj burn. A.W.A11 ISth ana Love I SELLWO pujcs nwrxuon niSTI 6o v All Work Quarar Beaver Phari S60 Umatilla. Alberta Phai E. R. DURST, I Anything Tou Keed fri btore We Deliver T Phone Wtf. Twenty-fourth and A vrm katz TXLXxn c PXZSOsUPTXO All perfect; May w Love's Ph S. BarasiOa mad air Irvington Ph Cor . i 6 th and Phones, ISast ilOO. 5 Joseph E. Pharmacy Fhons. Tbor ltxt Ana ni 9 99 0C1OOQI Plumme Drug Comp , - Phone llaln 192. AJ Third and Uadlsoa eta, n 'Trheuiclcest to secure tenant for va4 or rooms ' to insert am Journal "for rent" colurj nai want aqi Bring res