The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 28, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Accused Women
: Not Real Owners
Investigation of the status of the
Mercantile Credit association led to the
dlsco'ery by Deputy District Attorney
Maguire yesterday that Misa M. B.
Culllard and Miss T. K. Donohue ' ar
rested last' Saturday night as owners
on a chars; of charging; illegal interest
ar not the real owners of the com-
An agreement in their posses
k n . I . , 'mer owner and head of a string or
Appear If! BUg JUICe ISSUe, t western "loan shark" offices, is the
. ti'i ftt''nl, ieai owner, ana me allegation was
DUt INOt UlTICIallyi : .r- practically admitted by the women.-
.',,-.- -R. A. Frame, one of the men -ar
rested In the Saturday night raids,
waived "examination on : a : similar
charge yesterday, and was bound over
. 1 to the grand Jury by District Judge
' Jones. H was released on his own
ftnnntv Cammliilorir Wants Commit- recognizance. G. V. Adams of the
-,i . ii o ' J TL.. Pany. An agreement in theii
UinerS nave OaiU I MCY VVUUIU;slm shows that D. D. Drake, the for
tea Hamad to XaYsstlrat Ptrson
al Cbarg ss Made by Holman.
Portland Ioan company will be given
a hearing August 3, and others will be
brought into court soon.
At 10 o'clock thiw morning one wit
no had given formal notice of - in
tention to, appear before the "bug
'Juice" investigating committee of the
Nonpartisan anJ Taxpayers' 'tagues.
ami he, Hufus C. Dolman, chairman of
the board of county commissioners, at
tUho request the lnvewtigatlon was
authorized. Others have said tuey i
would give evidenre. but Commissioner
IJolmun Is the only one who has sent
the notify, of bis intention to tewtlfy,
ald George C Mason, chairman of the t
committee, this morning. .Tim bear-1
Xr!roorrur IPrSU-Novel Point Is Brought Out
rooms, NortnweKtern ismionai an
W. I I.lghtner, county eommission
rr, complained this morning that the
Investigating board Jointly appointed
by the two organisations had not no
ticed either ' Commissioner Holman'a
ir his own ret"est for the appoint.
ment of a specftil committee to devoto
in Tillamook Hotel Receiv
ership Suit,
(Salem Biirenn of Th Journal.
Salem, Or., July 28. The time hon-
attention to investigation of charges to drink as much of the refreshments
gainst mm. ie aaaressea a ner io ln hl) charge as he desires is ques
the investigating board, which reads tioned in the Tillamook Hotel company
as follows: receivership suit, which was argued
Calls Attention to Xietter. I before the supreme court yesterday
"Ucntlentim: afternoon. It was alleged that A. H.
"I am In receipt . of a letter from : Gaylord had been named as receiver,
Messr. Muhoii. Maliafflo and b'eeley, i because of the allegation that P. J
advistnir me thai my letter to lln:m, ! Worrell, then manager and one of the
requesting a public Investigation of , principal stockholders, drank heavily
certain Multnomah county affairs, atxi at the expense of the company, kept
of the, methods employed by Hufus no accounts and mismanaged tha af-
Jlolman to bring about his appoint- ! fairs of the concern. It also appeared
mcnt to office, had been referred to that Judge Holmes, of the circuit court.
the general committee because - the 1 who appointed (iaylord receiver of the
sub-commit tee was only authorised to ! Tillamook property, had decided that
investigate the purchase of certain ', Worrell had drunk $559 worth of the
'bug Juice.' ; company s liquor in mx months and
"1 now call your attention to said , had given the company judgment
letter and respectfully sk that you , against him for that amount.
rIvh it careful consideration and if I in question Deiore me supremo
you deem my request contained t her..- court wjy whether Gaylord should be
in t.r be reasonable and fair that you . continued as receiver Of the hotel
grant It, or so much thereof as is pos- i property. P. J. Worrell was deposed
ltl. ' as manager, his wife as housekeeper
! now also call your attention to the thelr daughter as secretary of the
fact that no provision has been biade company and the circuit court granted
for the investigation of the charges injunction restraining them from
proferred against ire by Rufus ('. entering the hotel and interfering in
llolinan. Of the four sub-commlttecs, lts management. .
appointed by you to investigate the I Sensational charges were made
purchase of 'bug juice' and various JKa Holmes in the argument
other county matters. not one of ' of the casa hee- Jt w,as averted that
them was authorized or directed to:11?, wa? " th in an
investigate the charges against me.
Contention Made That Port
of Portland Commission
Exceeded Authority. ,
On BacommandatioB of Commissioner
. Stack Advice of City Attorney --
Will Sa Secured.
'A resolution introduced at the meet
Ing of the Common Terminal commit
tee this morning by J, J3. Zlegler urges
action by the council toward having
the Port of Portland cease filling in
the harbor between the low water
mark for private persons. This area,
it is claimed, rightly belongs to tho
public. The meeting was held in Com
mjssloner Dleck's office, and its mem
hers are Commissioner DIeck, Knglneer
licgardt of the dock commission and J.
B. Zlegler.
In submitting the resolution, Mr.
Zlegler claims that the Port of Port
land is transcending its authority.
He contends that the commission is
making fills where it is not necessary
to narrow the channel of the river. H
says that the authority vested in tha
commission by the charter of the Port
of Portland passed in 1901, is only to
make fills where necessary. Under the
charter the made lajids become the
property of the adjoining owner.
Mr. Zlegler contends that if the Port
of Portland does not take action at the
letiuest of the city council, that the
state land board and the governor be
appealed to with a view of securing a'n
Injunction to atop the Port of Portland
Believing that it would be preferable
to have City Attorney La Roche inves
tigate the matter before relief is
sought from the council, Commissioner
Dieck recommended that the resolu
tion be referred. Zlegler protested,
but Commissioner Dieck's recommen
dation prevailed.
Faces Charges of
Forging Checks
Bobert Bursa Taken Into Custody!
Bad Served Sentence on Cosaty
BocrpUej Police Bat Record.
Soon after; Robert Burns was re
leased from Kelly Butte rockpile after
serving a eix; months' sentence, he be
gan forging checks, it is charged. The
checks came iinto detective headquar
ters so fast 'that all men available were
instructed to catch the suspect.
Last evening Bums was arrested
and today faces charges of forging 14
checks, an ror Email amounts.
Burns waa sent to the rockpile for
forging checks. Records obtained by
the detectives show he is under parole
from the reformatory at Monroe,
Wash. - .
N. P. Goldsmith, 585 . East Davis
street, was also - arrested yesterday
evening on the charge of passing bad
checks. He signed two for $35 each.
UDon agreement to settle, the charge
was dismissed this morning in the mu
nicipal court.
(Continued From Page Qne.)
Order of Muts Will Have Charge of
Ceremony; Mayor to Speak.
Tho Junior city government officials
will be inducted Into office tomorrow
afternoon with, public inauguration
In the council chamber. Webber's Ju
venile orchestra will furnish .music.
The Order of Muts will have charge
and speeches will be made by Mayor
Albee and the junior officials.
Wants Committee Vamid.
' "In the only specific charge made
by Mr. Holman (and the only one
worthy of notice), I am charged with
dishonesty or gross Incompetency, and
you were asked by him to appoint a
committee to demand a satisfactory
explanation from inc. You accepted
Mr. Holman'a , Invitation to appoint a
committee but thus far you" .have fail
ed to act.
"I now ask you to appoint a commit
tee, as requested by Mr. Holman; that
it be directed to proceed at once wltb
an. investigation of the charges re
ferred to; that Mr. Holman be notified
to appear, before it and specify where
in 1 have been dishonest or grossly
Incompetent, and that he produce his
proofs in support of his charges, if he
has any. The charges preferred
against me by Mr. Holman reflect on
both my private and official character
and are of a very serious nature.
"1 have a right, and tne public have
a right, to know upon what grounds
he bases his charges. I ask that there
be no delay in calling upon him to
make them known.
alleged plan to get the hotel out of the
hands of the Worrells, that he owned
stock in the hotel company and was
thereby disqualified from acting as
I judge in the .case, and that be claimed
to have sold his stock a day or so be
fore the receivership hearing, thereby
making himself eligible to act. "He is
back of all this," declared counsel for
the Worrells In his argument before
the .-supreme court.
Two propositions are before the su
preme court, one Being that the 3re
celver be discharged and the Worrells
restored to possession and that they
file a bond of $5000 to insure the
others interested against loss. The
other is that ff the present receiver is
retained he furnish a bond of $5009,
instead of $500, to insure the Worrells
against loss
The company has a total of $35,000
invested in the hotel property and its
principal business Is done ln the sum
mer months.
Followed Old Practice.
The investigation of the alleged ir
regularities in the purchase of food
stuff for the. Linnton rockpile took a
new turn . today when Commissioner
Bigelow and Purchasing Agent Wood,
who are making the investigation, vis
ited the . employes at the rockpile.
They were told by the employes that
in making the purchases they had fol
lowed the practice that had been ln
use for years.
Wants Authority Extended.
As the result of the drowning of
Henry Massinger, in the swimming
pool of the Sellwood park Sunday, Pari
Superintendent Mlsche is taking steps
to have the city council adopt an or
dinance giving those in charge of the
parks authority to order anyone out of
the tanks they believe has been in the
water too long. .
demonstrators were dismissed for in
subordination, and it was to compel
their reinstatement that their fellows
were talking of a walkout.
Irish members of parliament here
inclined to be moderate ln their atti
tude toward the British government,
but they were vitriolic in their denun
ciation of the authorities In Ireland.
Viceroy Is Denounced.
Viceroy Lord Aberdeen, they de
clared, is surrounded by enemies of
home rule, who are doing everything in
their power to create such a situation
as will kill the chances of the pending
measure for the creation of an Irish
The death penalty for Deputy Police
Commissioner Harrell of Dublin, who.
it was definitely established, called out
the troops Sunday, was demanded ln
plain terms. 1
Police Commissioner air John iloss.
Harrell'a superior, who resigned as a
protest "against HarreU's suspension,
was excoriated as one of Ijord Aber
deen's anti-home rule advisers. No
better fortune could have befallen the
people of Dublin, it was declared, than
his resignation.
Want Anna Embargo Raised.
Though it waa originally directed
against the Ulstermen, John Redmond,
the Irish parliamentary leader, was
insisting that .the governments embar
go on the importation of arms Into
Ireland be raised.. The Orangemen
plana for forcible resistance of home
rule, his followers maintained, allowed
that those who would have to enforce
the law needed weapons "to do so.
One thing tho Dublin Incident ap
peared definitely to have accomplished
waa the destruction of Ulster's chance
for exemption from the operation- of
the home rule bill. The Irish were so
exasperated by the killings Sunday
that they swore they would conced
nothing to the Orangemen. The labor
members of parliament unanimously
supported them ln this, and many
members of the Liberal party also in
dorsed their attitude.
. Premier ASquith was so thoroughly
convinced that on this point the horn
rulers meant what they said that ha
announced the indefinite postponement
of, consideration of the bill to have
been taken up today for amending the
home rule measure so as to exclude
the Ulster counties.
FOR 0000
Northern Pacific 6, Pennsylvania 1,
Reading 4. -Southern Pacific 4,
Union Pacific 5. United SUtea Steel
t points. ;
it .was announced tnat i,0Z7.zz-
shares changed bands on the exchange
today. -
' Canadian Exchanges Closed.
Montreal. Canada. July 2. The
board of , governors closed the stock
exchange here this afternoon. Prices
broke rapidly simultaneously wltn the
war announcement and it was thought
' Ox A ' A'-- A hJlJ I best temporarily to close the exchange,
n-otate ASSOCiatlOn at Med- The exchange, at Toronto was also
ford Chooses Bay City by n was announced that the stock x-
Four Votes,
After Election of Officers Convention
obednled for Adjournment
This Evening
Fire on Waterfront
Destroys Buildings
Originating in the kitchen of Pap's
restaurant, on the west approach to
the Morrison street bridge, fire de
stroyed several frame buildings and
gutted the rear of the Esmond-Annex.
ISDCCIKI to XOS Journal.! la Ta nm nnmrn Nm hnnaa. wit. t
aieaiora. ur., juiy is. -Aiier !j, a .n4.n k-i.
spirited debate between Uiose debates floor of the E8m0nd hotel was baa,y
nr nA T7 .!.. I " l" Duiiuinss wui no: cxceeo
V hUU A'tWnVV SVW-a A ft) east I m 4Vm. .-. I --. M
tlon in I15, San Francisco was select- .T. "J,"
d b . maioritv f four votes. Julius Meier, of Meier & Frank, owner
. , , y, K.,.ir.- ...,in I or the structures damaged,
this morning was consumed by fiery M,rs-,(Mar s.n!on who has been
discussion a5 to whether hereafter the conducting Paps restaurant recently,
convention city should ba chosen by4w8 ln the buildn whan the flames
the board of directors or by the mero- . .1 ,1
hare ,,f tha avaiwln tlnn In pnnvMlUOtt 1 " l' '""" l""1"' '"rl
pro and con it waa decided that the I ine sei-omi xioor 01 me ouuoings. ai
ouestion of the citv be decided by the the Morrison street side, made over
previous convention while the date be Into one, was leased by Henry Goe, a
decided by tha directors. Chinese, and subleased to a number of
The election of officers and discus- " . " ".
slon of th various road oroblems will Chinese physician, a Chinese English
h h.M thi. .ftrmnnn fter which the teacher and a number of lodgers. Most
..nntinl. Wiu rin.. with a motor of these, lost the bulk of their posses-
trip to Ashland and the new grade over sions. wun inue insurance proiecxing
the Biskiyous. followed by a reception i v
an.i hanouet tonight at the Hotel Med-I A number of lotlgers at the Esmond
nrA I aim tne cbiiiuiiq aiiiica. were tumcnru
A feature of yesterday's session was land many of the Japanese ru-hed to
thP rrittcim nri defense of Mamuel I the sidewalk, carrying effects with
... A . . j . . I ,h. m
mil. tne wen Known eooq roaas ui i
cate, in connection with the Pacific and
Central Oregon highways.
There seems to be a misunderstand
ing on the part of some of the dele
gates to the convention regaraing
Samuel Hill's attitude on the road
In his letter to Secretary iJOOS ot I rh. ft f the naw meat lnkOetlon
the Trl-Stute Good Roads association, ordinance now rests with Judge Ga
he said: "As president of the Pacific nm of the Multnomah conntv circuit
Highway association, you need not be COurt, as he has taken under ndvise-
airaid of my railing to ao an x can i mcnt the question of issuing a perma
to develop that nignway. 1 nent lnlunction restralnina the rltv of
Exnlainiag his advocacy of the cen- ft Mai- from enforcing the provisions
tral Oregon Highway ne aaaea msi l of the measure
Inasmuch as the Willamette vauey aio
not aeem to want good Toads aa a
whole, he felt' It Incumbent upon him
to further the development of tne
Siaic on omer imw. """ Tk. lot. Cxrrm M nnlnh lft
the time to come when the "Willamette I ttii ; J. " I rir."
valley counties would n f to h appraisement, filed yesterday,
vision for instructing their part of Reftl property wa, appraUw, Bt 04t.
100; bonds of various companies and
clubs S1S6.760; stocks, 1127.140; notes.
$169,250 and household furniture
Fate of City's Meat
Law Is With Court
Blaze, 10 Miles Long, Three
Miles Wide, Is Eating Into
Valuable Timber Belt.
Eleven Ken Xteave City Today to Aid
is Baring' Timber jrrom
tha names.
(PpecUI to The Joaraa..)
White Salmon, W'asn., July 28. The
severs fire which has been raging for
several days la the forest reserve be
tween Trout lake and the base of
Mount Adams is now practically under
control. Word received from the Dead
Horse ranger station about 17 miles
from Trqut Lake reports tha fire cov
ering an area about ten miles In- length
and three miles wide. Great apprehen
slon was felt by the dairymen whose
hay is still down lest the fire get Into
the level dairying' country, and all the
able bodied men and boys from the
neighboring . country have been Im
pressed into ths fire fighting squad
ana several gangs of firs fighters were
luesrupnea ior to Portland. vrn tim
ber in this section la verv valuable.
being yellow pine. A number af email ,
rorest nres nave broken out ln the vi
cinity of ths Whits Salmon and JUttle
wane oaimon rivers recently. -
Eleven men. hired at the htunlclnal
mploytnenf bureau, left Portland on
the morning Morth Bank train for
White Salmon to fight the Columbia
National Forest flra-Tbe report made
to the Portland offices of the forebt
service yesterday gave no details be
yond stating that the blase was be
yond ths control of the forest rangers.
neporis rrom. the fire at Cochran.
at the summit of the railroad line to
Tillamook, stated that the blaaa was
entirely under control. The burn waa
confined almost entirely to the log
ging camp area and only about 30,004
feet in logs wss destroyed. Ths green
timber was scarcely touched.
Practitioner Is Accused.
11. Dudley Toung was arrested this
morning by Deputy Constable Prubot
on a charge of practicing medicine
without a license. He will be given a.
bearing In the district court. -
Federal Commissioner Here.
B. M. Manley, United States Com
missioner of Industrial Relations, has
arrived ln Portland to arrange for a
series of hearings to he held from
August 19 to 22. He will go to San
Francisco to arrange similar heartnga
the Pacific Highway.
This is in line with his statements
made on other occasions ln which be
has said that as president of the Pa
cific Highway he has given assur
ances to the people of California and
elsewhere that there would be a route
across Oregon by 1915. In order to
make good he turned to the route
through Central Oregon as an alterna
tive one and one easily constructed,
owing to the character of the country
The Cosmetic Value
of correctly prescribed and
properly fitted glasces is far
greater than cream and rubbing.
Reduce the. eye strain and the
wrinkles will disappear.
ww-io-ll Cerbrtt bid.. Ctb nod Mor
Italian Flies Over
15,000Foot Eange
Alps Crossed by Landinl and Pssien
rer, Establishing KeW Beeord la
Mountain Aviation for Enrops.
Geneva, Switzerland, July 28. Ach
Hlo Landlnl, the Italian aviator, and
Dr. Lampugnl. who accompanied him
as a passenger, were inundated with
congratulations ,from flying men all
over Europe today on their, successful
Transalpine flight Monday from No
vara, Italy, to Vish, a distance of 100
, miles, which it took them three hours
to cover.
The air voyage was over the Monte
Rosa range. 15.21" feet in height. It
waa without noteworthy Incident.
By it Landlnl established a record in
mountain aviation.
Warrenton Votes
Water Bonds, 38-3
Pipe Xdne Will Be Built to Headwaters
of Lewis and Clark River; System to
Supply Purest of Mountain Water.
Warrenton, Or.. July 23. The $150.
000 bond election of the city of War
renton for the purpose of installing a
water system carried by a vote of S8
j to 3 yesterday, only resident free
holders being allowed to vote.
In addition to Warrenton, the dis
trict to be provided with water in
cludes Seaside, Fort Stevens, navel
and Hammond, as well as the numer
ous consumers along Clatsop plains
and ths heaoh resorts.
This system will provide a supply
of the purest mountain water for the
ships ,of the Hill system, the northern
terminus of which will be about one
mile from Warrenton. Plans call for
a pipe line from the headwaters of the
Lewis arid Clark river, 16 miles dis
tant, arid capable of delivering about
2,000,000 gallons per day.
Blda for the sale of bonds have been
J called for and will be opened August 3.
I Work will be rushed.
Mayor Inspects Site.
Mayor Albee -looked over a 10-acre
tract near Montavllla this morning,
which the owners wish to sell to the
city for the establishment of the pro
posed detention honie for women. As
the price asked is excessive, in the
opinion of the mayor, it Is probable
that the offer will be rejected.
Japanese Consul
GanisPromotion pUTER.s name mentioned
Will Discuss Ordinance.
The motion picture censorship ordi
nance will, come before the city coun
cil tomorrow morning for discussion.
Definite action cannot be taken for
at least two weeks.
Footmen Get Taste
Of Traffic Rules
Broad white lines on the oavement
and two traffic officers are today giv
ing the Portland public its first taste
or regulation at busy street intersec
.The lines are -painted on the street
ai tne intersection of Fifth and Wash
ington streets. The . lines form two
squares, -the Inner one forbidden tn
those on foot, the outer one enclosing
the walking space and serving as stop
lines tor- venicies.
Moriso Ida Transferred Prom Portland
to Berlin, Germany, as Secretary of
Japanese Embassy.
Mnrlzo Ida, for the past three years
Japanese consul at Portland, has been
promoted to the rank of governmental
secretary of the Japanese embassy at
Berlin,' and will leave for his new post
at the end of August.
His successor as consul at Portland
will be. IC Kumaxakl at present vice-consul-general
at San Francisco, who
baa been attached to the San Fran-
' elsco consulate since April last. H.
Yamaaakl, now at Mukden. Manchuria,
will relieve Mr. Kumasakl at San Fran
cisco. '.'. ':
Mr. Ida. the retiring consul, is well
known and liked in Portland and has
made many friends during his stay In
this city He came to Portland from
San Francisco and has been in this
country about five years, previous -to
: that being stationed in Honolulu and
China. . ' , '-.
In a report, E. B. Dufur. father and
guardian of Douglas S. Dufur, former
court reporter, now Insane, says among
ms son's papers is a receipt for $200
given the son by S. A. D. Puter, of
land rraua renown, and W. L. Murray
on consideration that they would loc
ate him on certain lands ln Washing
ton. ' '
The father reported the records at
Vancouver showed the land mentioned
was patented several years aeo. Re
peated efforts to recover the money
nave Deen- made without result, lie
sal a, ana he suggested a federal in
New end - second-hand - Sacks for
Wheat, Barley, Oats, Onions, Potatoes,
Hops, etc. We guarantee-our grades
of second-hand bags. We manufacture
new burlap , bags of all kinds. De
livered prices made to any point..
' Oldest, Largest Second - Hand Baft
.' Sealers In Hortbwest.
Fire Near Bonneville.
A number of small brush fires along
the line of the O.-W. R. & n. between
LatOuvell and Bonnitvilla u r,nn,tct
Coal burning engines are said to be
the cause. Foremen of gangs working
on the construction of the Columbia
highway have received orders to dis
continue the burning of brush until
uie present extremely dangerous period
is past..
Accused of Perjury.
J. J. Gayer was arrested laat night
Dy jjeputy uonstartie. Drunot charg
with nerturv and InHs-iul In ta. a
JalL He Is alleged to have sworn that
e pvsBcssea -uu : in property over
Indebtedness whll nnallfvinn
undertaking for the discharge of an
uwuimui wncu uo Knew ins State
meiil was. xaise.
Ron Suimort T CUarfr.
Deputy Sheriff Phelan.return'ed this
morning from New Meadows, Idaho,
with Hugh Cunningham; wanted iiere
on a charge of non-supportr . .
Seven Cases Decided
By Supreme Court
Court Affirms Three Appeals, Bfeverses
Three and Modifies Oas in Decisions
Handed Sown Today.
. (Salm Bureau of Ce Journal.)
Salem, Or., July 28. The supreme
court handed down the following opin
ions today:
Bertha E. Dygert vs. City of Eugene
et al., appellants, appealed from Lane
county; action for personal Injury; af.
C. W. Corby vs. O. J. Hull et al..
appellants; appealed from Marlon
county; suit to recover damages be
cause of false representation; affirmed.
Ruth A. Stanley vs. George P. Top
ping et al., appellants; appealed from
Coos county; suit to determine an ad'
verse claim to real property: affirmed.
Burness & Martin vs. Portland-Tool
Works, appellant; appealed from Mult
nomah county; suit to foreclose a me
chanic's Hen; modified.
William C. Doyle, appellant, vs.
Portland Hallway, Light & Power Co.;
appealed rrom Multnomah county; ac
tion to recover for personal injuries;
Marcus J. Netter et al., appellants,
vs. J. N. Edmundson et al.; appealed
from Lane county; action to recover
advances made on a contract; re
Clara Marks vs. H. J. Wilson, ap
pellant; appealed from Douglas county;
an action in 'ejectment; reversed.
(Contlnued'From Page One)
was believed a number of small broker
age houses possibly were caught ln the
panio but no failures had been reported
up to 2 o'clock this arternoon.
Panic on Stock Exchanges.
New York. July 28. At one time to
day Canadian Paclflo railway shares
showed a loss of IZO a share on tne
stock market and at the closing of the
day only a fractional recovery rrom
the low oomt was maae.
Panic reigned both ln the New York
and London stock markets for tne oaj .
Prices were ruthlessly slaughtered
and the lowest Quotations in years re
sulted from the persistent desire of i
European holders to unload.
Paris is an insistent bidder for gold
In the American market and another
big shipment of $2,000,000 in addition
to the $4,600,000 today will go for-1
ward to that city on tomorrow's I
steamer. England was likewise a
heavy bidder for the yellow metal and j
additional shipments from here are ex
Dected on the next steamer.
The fact that the Paris bourse was
closed because the government feared
that the worst panic ln history would
bo recorded, caused additional weak
ness ln the stock market here.
Today's trading was the most ex
cited for many years; in fact, it was
ttie most erratic since the memorab'e
Northern Pacific panic. At the clos
ing of the market today the following
sensational losses were shown In lead
ing stocks: Amalgamated Copper 4, j
American Smelter 3, Atchison 3, Balti
more & Ohio 4. Canadian Facafic 15,
Chesapeake & Ohio 2, Erie 2, Great
i Northern 10, New York Central 1,
They will be charmed by the
pleasing environment and compli
ment the most excellent cuisine
and service.
Moderate Prices
Entrance from Oak St and
Through the Hotel Lobby
Hotel B enson
Carl Stanley, Mgr.
The Store of 100 Per Cent Service
The Men's Suit Clearance
Offers You An Unequalled Oppor
tunity to Economise on Fine Clothes
Men's $20 Kuppenheim
er Summer Suits in Nor
f oiks, box backs and
English models, now at
Men's $25 Kuppenheim
er Summer Suits in ev
ery new model and pat
tern, now at
$1.85 Straws, now
on sale at n r
just 95c
$3 and $3.50 Rough
Genuine Ecuador-,
'ian Pan-gyi QC
amas at . bt ej)
Decisive reductions have been made throughout
every department of the store. See the windows.
Successor to
Steinbach & Co.
at Fourth
S. & H.w. Stamps Given
'For it's always fair weather
When good fellows get together"'
an old song which rings true today as it
did in times past. In a Grille, as in a home,
the food given you counts but the spirit
in which it is offered means infinitely more 1
is synonymous with good fellowship, good
cheer genial happiness.
The coolest grille in town washed and re
frigerated air. )
For Your Entertainment Miss Veta
Florenz will give her famous "Dance of the.
Veil. Hear Miss Louise , Francis, the
dainty comedienne, and X. F. Cowan, "the
ragtime man," In popular successes.
Oregon Hotel
at Stark
DINING is one of
the fine arts
Much ot the
pleasure in a well-prepared
luncheon comes
from attrctive environ
ment, with no inhar-.
monious element to jar
the senses.
Every step in our ser
vice is one of harmony
-of unfailing good-na
ture and courtesy.
Try a noon luncheon
in the dining-room for
a quarter century it has
been a favorite with the"
11:30 to 2.
The Portland Hotel
G. J. Kaufmann, Manager
The House of Welcome
Park and Alder Streets
Portland, Or. '
In the theatre and shopping
district, one block from any
carline. Rates $1.00 per day
and up. With bath, $1.50
per day and up. Take our
Brown Auto 'Bus.
C. W. Cornelius, President
H. E. Fletcher, Manager
p COKTIXCOfg. U TO 10:80 P. M.
Dartd Belasn praBta Helot's gripping
utory m Motion Plctarva,
lOc and 20c
WEEK JULY 37 Ths Imperial Ora4 Otr
V Note, bow and mwrd mw on
Mis; bo advance la pHea: Oodfrtr A lies -denoo.
Anttdlo. Madia IXLong. - Jars A
Jeasto Qlln, Motoal ffwklf Sn. m. Orches
tra. Popslar prlr bosm aad first w lJ
cony rerred. Photi . Main 4'K)6.
214? Oaks
rTfUad's Sraat naawast Tsrk.
fiats Caass af Trfnm,
Cartas Ear If laistora Clroaa fsf
aif faatura acta.
Is Balia Clark, Maaatrlasas.
Hrsnattead saf.
Faaiaa. dart, jsaskars. .
Basd Coaoart t M aad f t.
TaaaarlUa at d ssd 19 . m.
TH ar aklna Is tka palr ssrsrst
asiaaitaaaua. . ? .
all mroftXAvezs rut. -
Can at Ebat aad AUac
Manrlaas Bridal.
oteamer ueorgiana
Jstcs Wsshlnrtoa.strsst dock st fV
A. M. dally, excapi jrrioay. zor ; .
r.. A .(Art. a 1 -iC V. M 4 -
ir . .1 A&'.h a Main 1 i ?i
I . .1 ...w mm. w. -- -
t4.ulmr and Monday; fear PartUsd st T a.
Uka, $1 ro4 trios laas A War at. Dor att
a B. IH.. aTw wm. mm w w mw . . .MM.
li. In SM ar A-I12. .
aad way tMriata. Motor Nt ip4 a ba
llaperlar atagrtatteBa, aaull.ry. - mxH aad .
nniuninw. ait ubi cwparimrnw. mm
y.Torlta bnstliatiac, loot st Morrtaos at, 10:30 ' .
a Bk. 1:30 and a p, ta. braya rowa boa. .
Itoaaa, Otaffl City, 11:15 a. m., 3:45, :15.
rara zse. sararaay ana avaaay tin trip.
1M a. as.. (Jrvfaa City, k:4S s. a Sosdar
extra trlpa ta Oak CroTa, 1:30 p. aa.