The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 28, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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Gauntlet Thrown Down to the
Georgiana by Vancouver
Transportation Co. f
Harbor roliee Beport That Rival
Steamboats Exceeded Bpeed "Ulna
Us la J) a tlx VHt Waterfront.
piny agent by the. home office. Their
steamer, the Saxonia now in the har
bor moved to the North Bank dock to
work general cargo this morning.
Johns Shipbuilding Company
Get Pronto Job.
At a special meeting of the Port of
Portland commission held this morn-
ins; the bids received for the repairs to
the river steamer Pronto were opened
and the contract awarded the St. Johns
Shipbuilding; company. Work is to be
started on the steamer this afternoon.
The Bt. Johns firm agreed' to do the
work for $1296. 'Joseph Supple for
$1670 and the Portland Ship yards for
A rats war, promising to be' the
most bitter thm has ever been fought
out on.' the, Columbia end Willamette
rivers, was 'finned to fever heat this
morning with the cutting of the rate
to Astoria to 60 cents by tne vsncou
ycr Transportation Company, operat
ing the steamers I.urllne and Undine
on the run.
The "War really commenced with the
placing of the steamer Oeorglana on
the Astoria run by the llarklns Trans
portation company. At that time
reduction' of -SO cents was mads on the
on -way; fare, bringing the one way
raUs to SI. whereas for years the
xlritmera of the O.-W. It. & N. com
jiany and the Vancouver Transporta
tlon company have held to a fare of;
$1.60. The Ocorglana. new pro
peller boat recently completed, was
placed on the run to handle the pas
acngf r business alor.c - and with her
advent trouble commenced.
The movs made by the Kamm inter
ests this morning in slicing the rate3
In half leaves further developments to
be expected. All eyes on the water
front era now focused on Captain Iios
ford of the llarkins Transportation
company, to see what his move will
That the battle lias not been one
of rates alone, but also of speed on
the river, Is shown in the reports ot
tiin harbor . police. On one evening
last week the Undine was reported by
the officer on watch as making the
run from the Portland "Flouring mills
to the Broadway bridge In It min
utes, and the (Jeorglana In 116, the
limit allowed for the vessels being
12'j minutes. Hotli masters were
warned not to repeat. No further
speeding has been reported.
.Saturday morning, the L.urline, by
a . clever bit of Jockeying on the part
of Iter master, gavo her companion
n earner a good start on the run. With
tho usual number of 7 o'clock Ballings,
(ho Undine got off to a slight lead. As
the Georgians got away from the dock,
tho l.urline came up the west side of
the river close in to the wharves. So
close to the stern of the steamer Ta
ho ma, moored at Oak street, did she
ome that the Georgiana, just depart
ing, was forced to coma to a dead
stop and wait for. the competing
steamer to pass. The Undine, by that
time, was well down the river. Other
brushes have been had In the lower
harbor, honors of which are said to
have been about even.
Under charter to M. H. Hounsr, the
German bark Dalbek arrived this morn
ing from Santa Rosalia. She made the
run in 61 days. A Port of Portland
tugboat will bring her up the river
Carrying 1,100,000 feet of lumber,
the steamer Daisy Putnam left the
harbor this morning bound for San
The American schooner Eric was
taken from Westport to Astoria, bound
out this "morning, while the American
schooner Beulah arrived up at tho
plant of the West Oregon Lumber com
pany to commence loading.
An expected arrival in the river this
evening is the steamer Thomas L..
Wand, Captain B, B. 8haw, from Alas
ka. She has several thousand cases
of salmon aboard.
Clyde Macrum, a Portland boy, took
the post as wireless operator wi the
steamer Colonel E: K Drake, which
sailed yesterday for Port Ban Luis.
-day. The superintendent, Mr, PrlChard, j
and the -engineer, - Mr. Kenton, have
been relieved from further duty. The
work of completing the Pacific high- j
way from Kalama to Martin's Bluff
will be done with .tree labor by the
state. The work already done by the
"honor men" is first class, and demon,
stratee clearly what can be done with
prison labor on the highways. Had
the camp remained 30 days longer the
work would have been completed from
Kalama south as far as Hoffman's
place, a distance of two mijes.
Railroads File Arguments.
(Satem Bureau of The Journal.) .
Salem. Or- July ZS.-Argument.i
were filed yesterday afternoon with
the railroad commission on the peti
tion of the Goode-Mays company, of
Donald, for physical connections of
the Southern Pacific and Oregon Eleo
trie railroads in Salem.
The Southern Pacific denies that
there can be any -possible benefit in
a connection between the railroads
here. The Oregon Electric says it is
willing to comply with any reasonable
The railroad commission will short
ly set a date for the hearing in the
case. . ...
Resume of "World Happenings Received From 8 'Clock Yesterday
Afternoon Until S o'clock This BXorning.
(cured the contract to erect the T M.
C A. building at Astoria on a bid of
1 119,0X4, which was the lowest combina
tion proposal received. The building
will - be of reenforced concrete SOxti
feet, with two stories and a basement.
Astoria. Julv 28. Arrived at 6 a. m
German bark Dalbek from Santa Ro
salia. Arrived down at :30 a. m.-
San Francisco. July Z8. Arrived at
6 a. in. Steamer Beaver; at 7 a. m.
Steamer Klamath; at 9 a. m. Steamer
Son Ramon from Portland.
Seattle. July 27. Arrived at 4 p. m.
Steamer Thomas L. Wand from
Skagway, for Portland.
Coos Bav. July 27. Sailed Steamer
Geo. W. Wider for Kureka.
San Pedro, July 27. Arrived
Steamer Yucatan from Portland.
Bandon. July 27-ailed-Gaeoline
schooner Tillamook for Portland.
Astoria, July 27. Arrived at 1 and
left up at 2:20 p. m. Steamer Paraiso
frbm Pan Francisco via Coos Bay.
Sailed at 4:30 p. m. Steamer Break
water for Coos Bay. . . .
I,ebu, July 26. Arrived British
steamer Frlmley- from Antwerp for
North Head. July 28. Condition at
the mouth of the river at 8 a. m.,
smooth; wind northwest, 15 miles;
weather, clear.
Tides at Astoria Wednesday High
water. 6:28 a. m., 6.6 feet; 6:47 p. m.,
8.8 feet. Low water 11:25 a. m., l.s
feet. -
Daily River Readings.
1 g 63
.5 o
Lew I ton
) Falling.
River Forecasts.
The Willamette Klrer at Portland will fall
rerr alowlr during the next two or threa
Vessel to Operate Through Canal
It Is Reported.
That the steamer Camlno, one of the
steel hull vessels of ""the Arrow line
fleet operated by Swayne & Hoyt, will
see service through the Panama canal
from this port. Is the Information
brought north by Captain Andy Moran,
general manager of the company. The
('amino Is tied up in San Francisco at
present, but is being mads ready for
service. .
General opinion among shipping- men
in Portland is that the big lines will
not find their field free of the "steam
schooner" when the canal is opened.
Several firms are said to be figuring
on sending the larger of their vessels
through the canal and are said to have
already closed contracts for business.
Washington Commission Trying
to Regulate Minimum Wages.
V.' '
Steamer Bringing Creosote Cargo
to Portland.
Hrtnging a heavy cargo of creosote
loaded t Emden and Selsaete, the
britlsh steamer Bameson sailed from
Belzaete' July 16 for this port. She is
one of tho Andrew Weir line of new
steamers and .should be here by tho
middle of September. She Is operat
ing in the service of the General Pe
troleum company. She will make only
. two stops before reaching this port,
one at Taltal and the other at San Pe
dro, both for fuel oil, and will deliver
cargo at St Helena and Puget Sound.
Steamer Ukermark Sails for Port
land in Place of Relgravia.
Substituting for the German steam
er Bel gravis, the German steamer
Ukermark.' sailed yesterday from Ham
burg for this port via the orient and
Puget Sound,' She is due here October
18. No explanation of what was to be
done with the steamer Belgravla was
cabled to Prits Klrchhoff, the loca
Hamburg-American Steamship com-
Apprentice Question Considered,
The industrial commission of Wash
lngton is taking steps to regulate the
minimum wage of apprentices, and also
time of apprenticeship.
WU1 Oppose Ordinance.
The special committee of the elec
trical workers. Eugene Smith and J. D,
M. Crockwell have asked to appear be
fore the committee of the city commis
eloners having charge of the building
regulation ordinance. They will op
pose the ordinance.
C. W. Badger manager of the Salva
tlon Army Home, Is in charge of the
city free employment office during I" the fill.
Whidden fc Lewis, architects of the
courthouse, were given the use of
room 626 while preparing final state
ments of work done for submission to
the board.
Certified checks accompanying all
bids for construction of the Sandy riv
er bridge were ordered returned to all
bidders except the Portland Bridge
company, which was awarded a part
of the contract. A voucher for $24.85
covering advertising of this bridge con
tract in favor of The Journal Publish
ing company was approved.
The Multnomah County Fair asso
ciation, as a county Institution, wss
iillowod to take several loads of gravel
from the Gresham pit at 25 cents per
yard, for use In making piers for new
buildings at. the fair grounds. Road
master Yeon was requested to give a
price at which the county can oil
roaas at the fair grounds without loss.
a request by Koadmaster Yeon that
no road work be ordered except
through his office, that ha may keen
a check on the work to be done with
money on hand, was placed on file..
All files relative to the interaLat
bridge approaches and rights of way
were ordered turned over to District
Attorney Evans for use in connec
tion with the proposed riant of way
down Union avenue.
Foreman J. 8. Hicks of Broadway
bridge reported that fire apparatus
was held up five minutes last Wednes
day afternoon because the lifts were
nearly open to permit an ocean steam
er being towed to pass through when
tne apparatus came in sight.
A warrant for $42.36 was ordered
drawn in favor of Robert Shaw, at
torney fqr the estate of Fred Lessman,
on appoval of District Attorney Evans.
Lessman died in Portland in January,
1911, and the money was left' by him
nnd wss held by the county pending
administration of his estate.
Attorney George W. Joseph com
plained because work has been delayed
on the Brady road improvement. His
complaint was referred to the road
department. The improvement will be
five eighths of a mile long. Attorney
Joseph also suggested that the road
On Sauvles island now being .con
structed end at the Lumsden property,
as the owners of property beyond are
opposed to the road. This was also
referred to the road department: -
Immediate relief Was ordered given
Blaglo Monaco, who was Injured "while
working on the Columbia river 1 Igh
way, as he is said to be destitute. Pur
chasing Agent Nelson was directed to
determine a fair settlement for the
injuries to be approved by Roadmaster.
H. M. Esterly was authorized to lay
a pipe line on the ridge between Hum
phrey and Hewett boulevards and at
Fairmount boulevard subject to the
regulations of the city water depart
ment, the county to surface and roll
the line and charge the costs to Es
terly and Esterly to assume all re
sponsibility for damages.
Roadmaster Yeon reported that the
bridge over Tyron creek on the Boone's
ferry road has outlived its usefulness
and that a fill or new bridge is neces
sary. Ha enclosed an offer from J.
H. Huddleson, owner of property ad
joining, to supply earth for half of
Road Supervisor A. H. White
' Pacific Coast. .
' Big plans are being made for the
Cowlltx county. Wash fair.
Annual convention of the Clarke
County Sunday School association
meets at Vancouver, Wash., August 24
26. - .- . .
October is most popular marriage
month at Fomeroy, Wash.
C. R. Backman, Just out of fedeial
prison, was arrested for counterfeiting
again at Seattle.
Many "Aleuts are dying, says re
port from revenue cutter Unalga, re
turned from far north at Seattle.
No fatalities resulted from cave-in
of Milwaukee road tunnel near Seattle.
Washington supreme court held le
gal marriages of minors performed
without parental consent.
H. V. Huntington, aged 68, died at
Castle Rock, following injury from
bee sting.
A motion for probation was made
to Superior Judge Dunne of San Fran
cisco in behalf of James Hogue, the
convicted Southern Pacific train rob
ber, who was scheduled to be sen-
' tenced. Judge Dunne postponed pass-
! ins- sentence. -
There was an unusual sight in San
Francisco when a truck loaded with
S422.139.60 in gold and silver and
guarded by 12 men. rolled down Mar
ket street to the county treasury. The
money was tho inheritance tax of the
late J. G. Erwin of San Francisco,
which was paid to the state.
After a thrilling chase through the
residence eeetion of Los Angeles, aur
lug which several shot were fired, an
unidentified bandit was captured by
the police at Los Angeles. The man
had entered C. F. Laflin's grocery
The five big dray and transfer com.
panies of Stockton have no union men
at work, according to their statements.
Kx-AssesBor Henry P. Dalton of
Alameda county, Cal., paroled at a
recent meeting of the state prison
board, "was released from San Quentln.
He was serving seven years for accept
ing a bribe to reduce the People's
Water company's assessment.
Charles A. Wilson, only voter at
Isthums. CataUna island, will vote at
the Dnmary. his vote costing 1100.
Chui Quat, agent for the president of
the Chinese republic, disappeared sua
denly from San Francisco, where be
was on a peace mission.
Petosky, Mich., has arrived to take
charge of Catholic church at Hood
River, j
Fred D. Warren, editor of the Ap
peal to Reason, Socialist paper, re
signed at Glrard, Kan. Louis Koenung
succeeds him.
Hans Schmidt, convicted of the mur
der of Anna Aumuller, asks new trial
at New York. c
York said Roosevelt would have backed
him for governor if be had acceeded
to letter's dictation.
Red Star liner Zeeland reached New
York damaged from collision witti
steamer Missouri.
Cloudburst In Colorado killed two
rendered BO families homeless ana
caused $150,000 damage.
Americana at the Olympic games at
Berlin will use the German army ririe
was directed to confer with Roadmas
ter Yeon about the matter.
Roadmaster Yeon was authorised to
use his best judgment about leasing
three acres on the Springfield road
from D. W. Hoelbing for quarry pur
the absenae of Charles Chrlstianson,
lavely Times Looked for.
Waterfront organizations report
livelv times ahead. Old grain is being
pushed out as rapidly as possible, and I poses, subject to the approval of the
orenarations for the greatest grain I aistrict attorney ana me Doara.
cron of Northwest Indicate to every 1 W. M. Whidden, of Whidden & Lew
old era In handler and longshoreman I is, architects of the courthouse, now
that things will hum before winter. I in Lancaster, Cat. reported that ha
. j had no objection to the claims of the
Manv of the cigarmakers of this city I Lewis A. , Hicks company regarding
are taking a midsummer vacation of a portions of work on the west wing of
week. I the courthouse being arbitrated, but
I suggested that his statement in such
The brewery workmen say they are I a case would be the same that he made
too busy this warm weather "to do j before the board, upon wbch the board
mtie.h more at their regular meetings acted. He said that he expected to
Publicity Director Freytag of Oregon
City is gathering Willamette vauey
exhibits for San Francisco lair.
Oregon Klectric will not oppose con
nection with Southern racino ai W
suurlins: fruit dryer packed 2500
pounds ot loganberries, says a Leban
on reoort.
Funeral of Mrs. J. W. JuemDerg. wnt
died at Portland, was held at bher
Captain L. A. Wood of Albany sent
his mother in Maine moving pictures
of hiiusclt. He bad not seen her In
20 vears.
Federal quarantine station ax A.oria
was inspected to learn its neeas.
R V. Set ton oi tne saiem journal
wan hurt in a fall off a motorcycle.
With his right arm broken, D. Mc
Donald. Hood River merchant, drove
20 miles in auto irum oauujr ni w
medical care.
Seventeen teachers were named at
Lebanon, cain of one over last year,
Epwortb league institute ended at
Albany. . -
One fisherman at Astoria caught
3300 Dounds of salmon in one night.
Body of William K. Barry, prominent
sheepman, was found by a searching
party near Lakeview. i.inww. .mevi
Barn was burned by cnanvan Doya
on the Cooper ranch, Sherwood, and
arrests may follow.
Company E, Twenty-first United
States infantry, hiked through New
berg on way to Vancouver barracks.
EBtacada bears that sack of flour
sent Dayton refugees was sold to a
grocer there. ,
James B, Houston was burled at
Professor C. I Sherman, doctor of
philosophy of Iowa university, will
teach economics at Willamette.
Ira A. Morton of Columbia, college
will teach philosophy at .Willamette.
Southern Pacific company announces
fare and one half from Newberg and
Oswego to Sherwood, where farmers
barbecue and picnio will be held Au
gust 8.
Rev. Father Burchard Deltrich o
Bungalow. Permits Issued.
Housebullder CI. C. purdin obtained
permits yesterday for the erection of
iour. one story frame bungalows on
East Sherman street, between East
Forty-eighth and East Fiftieth. The
houses will cost $1800 each.
New Hyde Park Cottage.
The Scott-Beasley-Deane company
has broken ground on East' Seventy
first street and Fremont in Hyde Park
for a one story frame cottage, which
will cost to build $2000.
Hibbard .Addition Sale.
Captain Clarence R. Hotchkiss has
sold to the Realty & Mortgage com
pany three and one half lots at East
Eighty-second and Oregon streets, in
Hlbbard's addition, consideration $4000.
Ivon Street Frontage Sells.
- . .v.oi'.. v. inyagua imq Liuoru act
Miss Margaret Wilson aided fund wlth xlbert for ,h purchalsfe ot
three lots at the Intersection of East
for Wellesley 'college.
With his train speeding $0 miles an Twenty-sixth and Ivon strets, in Leabo
hour Lou M. Van Vlack, engineer or , addition. Tbs consideration Involved
Overland Limited, was Iuli u"" i Is JJ150.
with his hand upon the tnrotuc, says
Sterling. 111., report. i
Ten larar forest fires sre raging In
western Montana and northern Idaho
in valuable timber belts.
Demanding 53 hour week and 20 per
cent wage increase, 7000 iron workers
of New York went on strike.
Philadelphia mint win mane com
out of relies given by suffragists in
Interests of their cause.
Standard Oil company of Indiana
declared an extra dividend ot 3 per
Fire in the sheep pen oi me jjuruon
stockyards, Louisville. Ky., killed nun
peds of sheep and caused $600,000
Union of the Western Federation of
Miners and United Mine Workers of
America was deferred at Denver.
. Maxim muffler, which is aesignea i
prevent backfiring, made Us appear
ance at Hartford, Conn.
Englnemen agree to connnu
tiatlons with 98 western roa .
cago hearing. . .
Suit for absolute divorce against ner
husband. Charles Goettler, was insti
tuted at Chicago ny inxte .--.
.v- h charged cruelty and
niLeed that her husband never
Representative Horace v.uB""
defeated in congressional rc
as by Eugene Black, cawawar
nominated William P. Hobby U . prob
able winner for lieutenant governor.
a .,-Lir iu build IS miles from
Great Falls to Blackfoot road to les
sen grades in Montana.
ih.r ffhaw. a San Francisco pho-
togrVpher. was killed by a fall of 1000
feet in the Yoaemlte.
Mr. and Mrs. James -
Wundeless and w. P. war rn
killed when train hit an auto in Chlca-
o. 'xsumoer wr
Maryland Avenue Lot Sold.
An improved narcel located on Mar v.
land avenue near KlUlngsworth in PaU
ton tract was recently sold by L. M.
Glass to Reuben K. Ingram tor $5200.
Real Estate Transfers.
Barrfet 8. Myers and hoaband to John
C. Laraen t al. lot 17, block 1.
Groreland Park $
Liarrlbnrat Company to Jaaaea C. Ella-
worth, lot 18, bloec 42, Laurelburat 1350
rvnaiara urtgoa irut co. to ueorse
B. Ollaon. lota S and 4. bWk 24.
Mcntooe 400
ifflmi b. uawsoa aoa naaDand to Fred
W. German, lota S and 7. block ft
Madraa. being aabdlrUloo of tract
-D" Overton Park
Tba Joaeph A. Btrowbridge Fitate Co.
to Jennie C. Laraon, lota 3 and 4,
block 13. Errol Heutnta
S. Benson to Dan Croasley, lot 11.
block 6. Elbert
Vf. A. Tyler et a I t C. L. Oof f man.
lot 1. block 6, Cherlne addition....
ii. U lick man and wlfa to NU-k bpadr,
lota 1 and 20. block S. Tetonka Park
Jonaa M. Berry and wife to Otto Srbu
mana at al, lot 6, block 62. Irving.
Marie II. Leer sod bnaband to Antra
Hcbumann. part lot 1, block 5. Joha
Irving' flrat addition .
Jacob Baqerle to William Banerle, lot
T, block 8, Richmond addition
Jacob Banerle to Melrln JT. Ballard,
tntatee. lota 1, S and 6. biock S,
Richmond addition
Lloni McB. Glare, guardian, to Reuben
K. fnsraia et af. lot 16. block 2.
ob. tract C" M. Pat ton tract
T. M. Word, sheriff, to Harry M. Coort-
rlght. tax lot 20, aeetlon 6. townablp
1 south, rant 1 eaat .
T M. Word, hertff, to Harry M. Coort
rteat. lot 4. block 10. rsltoa Park 49
1. O. UeOrew and wife to R. Koslow.
. aky, lots 7. S and a. block S, Bel- . '
-ley addltloa 1300
Jamea H. W. WHaoo to H. W. Tie a,
lota 7, 8, 14. 15, block X, lots 8, 4.
. 5, . T, block 3. kta 1. 2. 6. 6. .
block 4. kU ft. 6, 7. &, . 14, block 5,
Itoaary , 1
Gottlriad rtnmcl to W. i. Qny. lot 1.
block 4. Bouadatr 10
Kllma W. Thorotoa aad wife te C. I
Boa, west half northeast quarter
aorthwast onartar itorthaaat qoarter
BaotiMft 15. tiwiwhtn 1 luwth nnn
east I. .7........ 10
8 K. Btansberv and wife to W. J. Hal-
loek. lot S. block 2. LowsU ......... 10
Provident Trust eompaay to David T.
Kerr, lot 1. block . CutfaiU addltloa IS
Qence 3. llreis and wife to J- SU-
wm t"wn, mJXM o, W, iw, v. a a,
block 20, Joneauor 10
C. B. PJgfott to Frank B. rord. lot
4, block 1, Fulton 10
O. P. Woleott aad wife to Amends V.
Wbltmoce. lot L nerthcasterly SH
feet lot 2. block 23. folnt View... 10
G. F. Tucker and wife to C K. Osburn.
nht at war SO feat wlda along
Ht aid lO acraa In f tlrut 2A tnvn.
fcblp 1 aontb. ranxe S east 25,
Everett II. K. Ivle and wife to John
B. Ivle, lota and 10. block 14.
Kenllnortb addition 100
Everett It. Ivle and wife to Emms
C. I l. lots & and S. block 75.
West 1'ortlaud Park 10
Sarah B. Anderson and hoaband t
Nathaniel O. Anderson, lots 7 and S.
block 18, lore's addition s
Ferdinand Steroahl -to Mary Sternahi.'
lot 6. north 15 feat lot 6, block 44.
Caruthec addltloa 10
H. B. Htemler and wife to H. F. Both
far, south 40.15 feet kits 11. 12.
block 22. first addltloa to BoUaday
Psrk 10
Mary Wbisler and husband to R. 1.
PowcU et al. part lot 8. block 4,
Oak Park addition BOO
8. 1. Kllpatiirk and wife to Alax D"lly.
lota 1 and &. block 2. Oolllna Vltw
tract T00I
Lou la Oath Jr., and wife t C A. Pack,
south 66 2-3 feet lot 8, block 10.
(ileocoe Park 10
3. G. Wagner and wlfa ta C. L. McKen-
na. lota 1 and 2. block 42. Vernon... 10
CTirrenc 11. HotchkUs and wife to
Realty A Wort sate Co.. Iota 1. 2
and a. north half lut 4, block 'A."
Hibbard a addition 4000
Multnomah Oreron Realty company to
Lulu May gchult. lota and 10. block
22. Caamnr XZi
3. G. Arnold to P. N. Hockenberry et
al. lot 7, block 45, lot 14, block 4S,
Alameda Park 10
Roliert J. Leo and wife to Jennie A.
Kobeeon, Ms 13 and 14, block 5,
Ideal VUw 1
Fred Hiram Strong and wife to Joha
F. Kraf1c. lot 10. block 13. F.1 Tovar 10
T. B. Whipple to Harriet 8. Myers, lot
- 17. block 1. Grovels od Park 10
Gu G. Heneevltl to W. C. Kruea-er,
lots 11 and 12. block 81, Mnnton... 1
Portland Realty A Trust company to
G. H. Bersman et aU north 50 feet
Vt S, block 6. Hawthorne I' la as ... 10
Rismns Anderson and wife to Frd
Anderson. M acre berlnolnr at qnar
ter section comer north side ssctlon
4. township 1 aoatb, ranj 2 aat ... 10
3. Blerbeder to H. A. CaUf. lots 1.
2. Q, 7 and 10. block 8. Alton Park... SO
A. C. Geslar and wife t Randolph Gra
den. lots 12 and 13. block 5, 1910
addltloa SOS
Kenwood I-and company to Ralph B.
Lloyd, trart beginning on rorut aid
Columbia boulevard 620 feet from
west Ho tract deeded to Kenwood
Land company 100
Jobs A. Buckler- et al to Margaret
. Buckler. Wt 12, black 12, Ricfccsoad
addltloa -
Albert Sana and wife to Jo Camnagea.
. lota 2. g and 4. block 2. Leabo addition
. . Bull (II Permits. r,
. O. Crawford Repair story uTefl
tcg, rifth between Pins aad Ankeay, bulWtr,
A. P. WOaoa; $180. .
J. a. Gandolpb Erect 1 story fram wrtk
bouaa. Pa venport sad Partes read, bsuder.
HIBt; $75.
JL C. Pike Repair 4 atory fireproof reln-
fo d concrete tHriMrng, cones Between ew
oalfaud Third: builder. E. 8. Eardley; $V
lOtwtBorne Bststa Repair -2H story frasse
dwarlttna. Kaat SUt betwiosi "stmosi Ss4
Mala; builder. W. U BackBav 80O.
Hoaford Traaapertatloa Co. Erect r
walk. Front between Btark and Oak. boudar.
Jacobaen Construction Co. I $300.
Mrs. P. H. DcnirlBf Breet 1 stor fram
dwelling. Hodge between Lombard and W 11
1U. builder. J. 0. afarra: tsoO. ------
EmU C Tahl Repair 1 atory frame dwel
Tinc. Kaat Thirty-eUU sertti an Preacett.
boflder. same; JOO. ----- -
O. p. Schmidt Repair 1 atory frame dwel.
tin- r:b.. M-.. Rniniin. tmltdar. aame: SOO.
Mstle I. Ivt Eeact 1 story frame dwel
ling. Fiftieth sysna between Ttrlrty-fJ-Mfc
and Forty-tlrst streets, builder, John W. Tef ft,
I lpne. -
Foster A Klelaer greet Hubasrd. Broadway
between Taylor and Yamhill, builder, same;
$90. a-- -
Davenport. Iowa. May 2,' 1814: '"l
had a severe, torturing eass of ecaerna
on my feet, hands, arms and body t or
about four months, and I suffered un-
told misery. The Itching was some
thing awful. In a couple of days It
spread all over me with small blisters ;
and then formed a raw mass af aore.
I tried. ' . and many other ...
remedies and prescriptions, bat I only
grew worse. Finally I read of Beslnol
Ointment and Besrnol Boap aad com
menced using It. I got relief from the
first treatment Beslnol BTOPPh.u.
could sleep the flrat night. I used four
or' five Jars of Beslnol Ointment ami
Boap also, and I am entirely cured of
that disease ecsema. and I can cheer
fully boost ReslnoL" (Signed) O. Vf.
Fuller. 713 E. 10th St
Reslnol Ointment and Tteainot -Soap
also form a most valuable household
treatment for pimples, sunburn, heat
rash. Insect bites, etc. For trial, free,
write to Resinol. Dept. 22-R, Baltimore,
aid. Bold by all druggists. (Adv.)
House sends cotton futures measure
Jregonln. contention a. compe
tent Applicant for grantee easemenU
under Carey desert land act.
Senator Chamberlain was
notified Panama canal will open for
vessels August 15. iftft . .v.
Ex-Senator Bourne gave l"00 to the
tirimary campaisu tund of Senat0'
BriTtow of Kanaaa. says statement
filed with senate. "
Agreements on sundry Civil arid de
ficiency 'bills were had by house and
a MAtifarAAll.
Military affairs eommittea favors
bill for rewarding officers connected
with building of Panama canal.
Final vote on th. Interstate trade
blU is expected in senate
Germany will refuse to make a gen
eral treaty after Bryan m plan.
Tag worn by rnvan
from Mexico City to Vera Crux, giv
ing evidence of his murder.
Irene Casey was sentenced to is
months in prison at Nottingham, Eng..
for possessing explosives.
Landlni, Italian aviator, sailed over
Alps with a passenger. Tor Urns they
were lost in clouds.
Duke of Connaught. Duchess and
Princess were near death in a motor
boat mishap at Ottawa, Ont.
Russian strikers returned to work
when the present war scare came.
General Orozco abandoned independ
ent revolution In Mexico and will leave
for Canada.
on your Eastern trip and round
out your vacation by a visit
at nature's masterpiece.
than meet and adjourn.
Roadmakers Leave Kalama.
Kalama. Wash., July 88. Honor
camp. No. 2, is moving from the works
south of Kalama to the new location
in'' Skamania, county. The men and
entire equipment of the camp were
shipped out over the North Bank Mon-
Today4 Happenings with, the Builders, Architects, Contractors and
Realty Brokers.
Mrs. Kate' Wieland, Prominent
in Fraternal Circles, Gets
Surprising Results.
Fourteen .years of catarrh served to
affect the hearing and sight of Mrs.
Kate Wieland. 1194 Mllwauki avenuo.
I'ortlano. Three months of. the Akos
mineral treatment she declares has
improved her hearing and sight and
disuipated other catarrhal conditions,
Mra. Wieland, who is -prominent In
fraternal circles, has held many offices
in the Vomen of Woodcraft. . She
writes: " , ; '
"Catarrh, from, which I had suf
fered for 14 years, caused me untold
xilMtress. 1 suffered from a contlual
hacking cough in the throat: This
cough would be worse at night, when
' It would waken' me from my sleep,
I and spells would come, lasting at
I times for 20 minutes. My hearing was
t bad at times, and ray eyes also af
1 , fee ted. "This has all been relieved by
1 the use of Akos.. The cough has dls
: appeared.- Eyes ara better and hear
(: lng restored. The Akos- remedy has
been a great thing for me." , v
Akos will. also relieve rheumatism,
stomach trouble, diabetes, Brlgbt's
I disease, ulcers, piles, skin diseases and
.'X:.'.-. 'mv.'.ww.-. .'.'.-j
; . ' , ;x-:-:.:.:-:.::i.:'
i ,
Xrs Xunm Muw.
Other ailments. For sale at all lead
ing druggists where further informa
tion may be had regarding this adver
tisement. .
return In August. The communication
was placed on file. .
Mr. Whidden telegraphed asking in
formation as to the "investigation of
county affairs and the telegram was
referred to Manager George C. Mason
of the Non-Partisan league, which is
handling the investigation-
J. E. Williams, Justice of tne peace
of St. Johns, requested certain print
ing for his office, and the request was
referred to the purchasing agent.
The recommendation of Assessor
Reed that an adding machine costing
$616.50. less 2 per cent for cash, be
purchased from the Burroughs Adding
Machine company for his office, was
i A reouest by R. TU. Samn mat a mile
and a half of the road between Trout-
dale and Boring be Improved was re
ferred to Roadmaster Tfeon.
Benjamin Branch, city jailer, ad
vised the board that he had used Mor
rell's disinfectant for 12 years, and
had received splendid satisfaction, as
he found it the only "bug juice" of any
use whatever. His letter was referred
to the Non-Partisan league, which is
investigating county affairs, including
"bug Juice" purchases.
A report by Superintendent of
Bridges Welch that the Burnside
bridge needs painting estimated t
cost $1800, and- the Morrison bridge
Similar treatment, was filed without
actlonfor the present. Welch recom
mended that the work be done by day
An offer by the city to sell 100 or
more 6x13 Inch light globes from
bridges over Sullivan's .gulch at $11
a dosen for use on the bridges over
ihe ; Willamette river, was referred to
the county electrician.
The bid of the Parelius Manufactur
ing company to furnish 300 or mora
solid oak sheaves for the terry Mason
at $1.40 each was accepted, as it was
the only bid received. i
A $10,000 warehouseman's ond by
the Interior Warehouse company with
the National Surety, company of New
York as surety, was filed and referred
to District Attorney Evans for ap
proval as to form.
Lombard to Bnild Docks. .
B. M. Lombard owner of something
like 2000 feet dfi Willamette river
frontage Joining the Portland Flouring
Mills on the north, Is preparing to
build two docks each 400 feet long, and
120 feet deep. The docks are to be of
pile and heavy timber construction,
and each is estimated to cost $70,000.
Mr. Lombard has secured authorization
from the commissioner of publio docks
and the city bureau of building to
make the improvement. Barring un
usual accident. the docks will be ready
for occupancy by January 1 next.
Tian of the docks were prepared by
Engineers Scoggins & Elliott, and tho
construction contract nas reen lei io
the Elliott Construction company.
New Store Building at Jjenta.
Construction of a concrete store and
office building will begin In a few
days at the intersection of Foster Boad
and Main streets in Lents. The build
ing is being erected by Mrs. Hattie
Tott, and W1H cost about $12,000.
'University Park Cottage. .
B. H. Cronk has let the contract to
Edward Behm for a two story frame
dwelling to be built at 799 Oberlin
street, at a cost "of $2000.
McGinn Estate Incorporates.
Articles of incorporation have been
filed by the McGinn Investment com
pany, the purpose being to do a general
investment business, erect and lease
buildings, lend money and trade in real
estate. The capital stock Is $
The incorporators are Judge Henry E.
McGinn. Mra Anna M. Shay and Anna
M. McGinn.
Local Man Gets Astoria Job.
Contractor A. W. Kutsche has se-
Low Fare Excursions
offer special inducements to make the trip now.
Tickets are on sale daily to September 30th to
New York and Boston
and all other Eastern Points
including Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, St Lawrence
River, Adirondack Mountains, New England, White
Mountains, Canadian Resorts, Atlantic Seashore and
Jersey Coast Points.
" These tickets provide stop-over privileges at all Interesting points
en route. Including- Detroit; Battle Creek, Buffalo, Niagara Fans,
Rochester SyracusgrUrica, Albany, WoreesterMnrlprtngM Man.
NewYorkfent ral lines
Michigan Central "The Niagara Falls Route" ;
Fire Train VJTt
able tourist alaaptng ears daily to Boston and iotsrmediste points provide emW
n1riaTiiannirarnrarimnnirrmatnrssaiiijMssliiiljsigiijuiiisu siliiiiil.
Let Us Plan Your "Back Eaat Trip
Ten us to a general way what yon require, the number la your
party, aad tba axnoont o money yo want to apend. aad we wiA
propoaeopeorrwe trips lor year coneMerattoa. with rompkte
ua mn Tvu aesenpave zotasr.
Apply to year local agrat for tickets and
steeping car reaarvstwms. or tor com.
picw dnidsmi cau euor sooraas
Portland Office
109 Third Street
V; C Seachrest
(0 'WJSO
Ready Help
in time of physical trouble caused bj
indices tion,biliousness resulting from
torpid liver, inactive bowels, is al
ways given, quickly, certainly, safely
by the most famous of family remedies
. -mlls-v
Urge Sale ft Aay Madida 9m the WerU.
' Sold ajTctywher. la besea, lOcL, 25c
Do to Gain Weight
Physician's Advice for Thin,
Undeveloped Men and Women. I
Thousands ot people suffer from ex.
cessive thinness, weak nerves and
feeble stomachs who, having tried ad
vertised flesn-makers, food-fads, physi
cal culture stunts and rub-on creams,
resign themselves to life-long skinnl
ness and think nothing will make them
fat. Yet their case is not hopeless. A
recently discovered regenerative force
makes ' fat grow after years . of thin
ness, and is also unequalled for repair
ing the waste of sickness or faulty di
gestion and for strengthening the
nerves. This remarkable discovery is
called SargoL Six strength-giving, fat
produclnx elements of acknowledged
merit have been combined in this peer
less preparation, which is endorsed by
eminent physicians and used by prom
inent people everywnere. it is ab
solutely harmless, inexpensive and ef
ficient. A month's systematic use of Bargol
should produce flesh and strength by
correcting faults of digestion and by
supplying highly concentrated fats to
trip Diooa. increases nourisnment is
obtained from tho food eaten, and the
additional fats that thin people need
are provided. Woodard. Clarke tt Co
end other leading druggists supply
Bargol and say there is a large demand
tor it.
While this new preparation nas given
splendid results as a nerve-tonic and
vitaliser. it should not be used by ner
vous people unless they wish to gain
at least ten pounds of flesh. (Adv.)
0 O'iCf
th OM aa4 apaW Saailr Oaat,
Sliil . Beimttea, imhaa ataa la
aaa. Horn u4 Hmba. AO araaaW -
E. roCftKHt m X, In.
ft U.a,e Healraaaaei.a.I.
The Time of Your Life Awaits
You at the
Beadiest :
Here is peaceful recreation, gaiety and the strenuous
life, quiet vacation hours, bathing," fishing, hunting.
uuaung. Aiicrc arc ampie accomraooaiions xor an.
y4r 1 Five Honrs From Portland !
JlfY A delightful ride through Oregon s most-wondertul
" rnrv anrl virenn foret
Two Trains a Day in Each Direction
Parlor Buffet Observation Car on "Seashore SpeciaT Leaving Port
land at 130 P. M. Daily ;
arlo abserrattom Oar em AftraoomTralas' '
Season Round Trip . . . ; $4.00 ;
Week End Round Trip , $3.00
Vo all points on Garibaldi Beach, with proportionate tow fares to all other points.
Ask any Southern Pacific Afent for full information, or lets mail you' our illus
trated booklet, "Tillamook County Beaches." , , ,
John M. Scott, General Passenger Afent, Portland, Oregon ,
I fococMasHAsntl I
I 1 souns I I
1 :
t . I