J2 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. JULY 28. 1914. .SITUATIONS--FKMAIK (Ooatiad.)r 'r ' . :2 REFINKD. capable worHanwill assist with children for 1st clarf far or rart, to an Franctaoo. Kefs, ex changed. K-Sl, Journal. -: - CAPAHLJS, reliable bookkeeper desires set of boo'cs to keep, giving several hours per day. Also am A-l atenog. rather. Terms reasonable. M. ilo- ELDEKLY woman wishes light work In small family of few hours a day. Oood plain cook. Would leave city. K-79. Journal. NEAT woman wants day work in Hawthorns or Mt , Tabor districts. Tabor 1084. llOl'SbX'LKANlNO and laundry work wanted by reliable woman. Main 717. - WOMAN wants chamber work or kitchen work where she can go borne nights. Main 717. WOMAN with child desires position in or near town where she can have ;hild with her. A-U17. Main 717. blTUATlON wanted by first class cook with references lii private fam ily. Wood lawn 804. POHlllON an housekeeper . for small apartment house. Ban Marco. hotel, room 6. Telephone M. 7964. WOMAN with daughter 14 desires po sition where she can taite gin. a 1617, Main 717, itKMNKD woman wishes position as cook, housekeeper or kitchen helper. A-,1517, Main 717. KXPISRIKNCED woman wants serv ing. Dinners, parties or other day work. Marshall 716. . WANTED Position as kitchen help in delicatessen or small restaurant .Tabor 185. COLORED woman would like work by day, fall Kant 3068. j DAY- work wanted by reliable woman. ' A-1617. Main 77. Ml DOLE AUED colored woman wants light place; no washing. Main 717 YOL'NU girl would like to help with housework at the beacn. iapor air WANTED, laundry to take home. lowest prices. Wood lawn 183. WILL wali by uay and take curtains to laundry. Main 9130. WOMAN wants day Main 3159. Room 5. work. Phone I WASH woman will go out. Call after p. m. Marshall lzoa. COLORED girl wishes day work or plain cooking. Main 7414. plait EXPERIENCED laundress wants work. Main 717. A-1517. SWEDISH woman wants work by day. Main 717. A-1517. CHAMBER WORK led by experl- enced woman. Main 717. A-1517 EXPEKIENCED laundress, and day wortter wants work. Main iZ4H, MOTHERLY lady wiHhes the care of children. $10 month. 383 5th st. LADY wishes day work, 25cts hour. MH In 68HB. COl'X)KED woman wishes position, do- Ing-general houweworK. Q-1377. LADY will make tatting reasonable. x-767, Journal. DAY work wanted by neat woman. A 1 5 17. Main 717. HAND laundry, prices right-Call morning. Woodlawn 1629. LADY wishes sewing, cooking, ironing by hour or-day. Phone East 2270. vuii-niii Vf'B'.ri hanH iron.r wania wn.ii i . .11 . .a. . L r. I in i.i unary. AUJircini -vi, journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife want position on ranch. man all round ranch hand and team ster; wife to cook for men only. R. F, Peai-e. 142H l"t st. Oilman hotel MAN and wife. Scotch, with grown I . . r one boy. want work X-806, 1 Journal. RKLIABLE couple wish position as 1 lanitor or care of apartment ..house. H 1 1 wood 8ZZ. MAN and wife. A-l cook and waitress. hotel or resort; references. Smith, 347 Market. Main 77BO. DRESSMAKING 40 une,Boairtft.jnu, coai ana suit altera- ttons neatly done; reasonable. Mrs. Brown, 636 y. Commercial Court near Kuaseil. DRESSMAKING, coats, suits; alter ations neatly done by day. Mrs. McDonald, Marshall 2459. MAE MAKTZ. modiste, for chic indi vidual styles. Suits, gowns, dresses. Phone Main 8i33. lzth ana Alder. F1KST class dressmaker wishes en- gagements by the day or home, $1.60 rr day. Marshall 6980. 166 16th & wk'hiuh: H,.,.n,u, .nt. -nkr-u bv day. Phone Marshall 2211. Mrs. Noel. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. NURSES 60 TRAINED nurse living in country V, mile from town, nice airy home, will take first class care of about two invalids. Not tuberculosis. Reasonable. Must be respectable and responsible. ia-14. Journal. fc'LKMSLED ROOMS WEST SIDE llUlfclj A1ADKAH. hotSnTUnw-tti 12th and Washington. Steam heat. n4 dl.ch.rf hatha nh. ai" li? is ,i?d i i2,:sp arie . SUIte I rooms, . yiiiinTa m-n a i charae. "eeiste Y0t ffAtarf iSSSl listing teveVa I hundred oo? inTll parts of ctv at Y m! C-cor 6th ind Tavlor sts W1!&&1?SZ outside rooms, quiet, homelike: some with private baths 12 50 week ud I THE ALBION HOTEL. XIX H 3d and Salmon. -Rooms $1.76 week up, steam heat, not and cold water, free bath. Dhone. ACKLY HOTEL Cor. 12th, and Stark. z.ou wk. up. private bath, $4.50 up. Clean outside rooms, modern, brick bid iOUiG man. roomlnr at Y: M. C. a.. wants roommate to reduce rooming titiif. inquire I. in. c A. HOTEL SAVON aftgK THai. KING, son Jettt-rson, nicely fur. roomw. modern, central. 33 week up. nwan ana apartments in modern ho tel : 12 60 week end up. 465 Alder ruxsrxssKED hooks winT miDn parvATM tamtlt to NICELY furnished airv frfint'mnm.1 Nob Hill dlstrlctl'tt block T in 2?.i .T car; $10V $12 74i GHan U V -t- unsan. L 47 Morrison Large or small room, conveniences; new. clean; board If desired. FOR RENT Clean sleeping rooms; also clean basement rooms. $1 a week. 405 Sar k st. FUHN1SHED room In widow's home, $3 per month; bath, phone and piano, furnace heat, close In. Main 7444. NICELY furnished front rooms, walk- mg distance, reasonable. 154 N. 16th, LOVELY front room, first floor; other . : rooms $1.60 up. 383 Salmon st. CLEAN, homelike room, close to St. tinrtiin nospnai. iv oorneil. A-74 77. WHEfs you answer these Want Ada. manimn The JournaL - rtlRNISKED ROOMS EAST ' SIDE oa BLEEPING rooms. $6 and $6 'per mo. 220 H Grand ave. and Salmon. TXJMXllSMJin KOOkCS BAST BIBS RTVATX FAMZXT VERY pleasant front room In private family, one or two young ladies: breakfast if desired; best of car serv ice Jla In. Phone B-2869. NICE, furnished, cheerful, outside .rooms, vi.&v week. walking dis tance. Electric lights, free pnone, ?2iA Grand ave., cor. Taylor. - NICE furnished rooms, light and bath, zw rararo. u. car. LARGE. . clean,' front room, walking unancf, reawwiauie. - r.asc lom. M HEN you answer these .Want Ads, . men uon ne w ou mat. - UNFURNISHED nOOMS 10 SINGLE, $3.60; 2 room suites, $4 up ' month. 342 Front. - ROOMS AND BOARD 18 NICELT furnished front suite with private bath and porch, suitable for man and wife or 3 youn men. Ideal location. 10 minutes' fro P. O. Home cooking. 369 10th at. . ' - - CASA ROSA, 300 JeffersoTi. large, airy rooms; excellent home cooking. KOOAl and board. Two gentlemen. 1-1 N. 10th st. MOOUS AJTX BOAJgX) 77 $6, $6.60 weekly. Rooms with board. New, clean, pleasant location. Walk ing distance. 33 N. 17th. Mar. 1375. ROOM-and board In beautiful home; nice yard, home privileges, close In. reasonable. East 3203. ROOM or board in private family. Christian Scientists preferred. 654 Love Joy st. A GOOD, motherly home for children. Big, shady yard. Reasonable. 6750 2d St., a. E. 2 blocks north. YOUNG widow with nice home wishes few boarders; married or business persons preterred. E-72. Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 30 WANTED Room and board by re spectable young lady employed in a respectable family. No street walker nor late hours.- Give full particulars. H-916. Journal. WANTED Room and board for gen tleman and 4-year-old boy, and care of boy while father is away; state rate. o-46. journal. WANTED Room or room and board with quiet family. No boarding houses. R-970. Journal. . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE ONE room with kitchenette, complete- ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; I 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.; I mt a Elk 1 . . ) I . T 1 i . m K n ... .l f I nu uji. ov, . ner 6th st. I COMPLETELY lurnishfcd housekeep- J" ront 9 p" mo" I?fiu?lnff Ught?:, laaitor service. 187 17th. ing room, $9 per mo, including bath, 1 near i Biniiiii LRNISHED housekeeping rooms rrom is to 125 a month; ail conven- lences. 63 N. 18th St. near Washing- I trxn atrost I SUITES a rooms, clean, well furnished. brick building. 545 Washington, near 16th. Cambridge bldg, furnished H. K. rooms. central, cneap. Ii5 aa, cor. Morrn. CLEAN, airy rooms, $2 up. 445 Colum- ma. Main 7410. FURNISHED 2 room, suites. 10 E 9th st. N. PKjce reagonable. GEM H. K.vrooins. 6bo 1st St. J SOUSEKZSFXSa BOOKS WEST BIDE PmyATB gAMTLT 73 ONE or two room suites for housekeep ing 8 or 14 per month, t ree light. bath, phone. 450 Yamhill, between 12th and 13th H. K, also sleeping tent or rooms, Jl.Zo 12. S4 week: rates Dy montn : 1 a 1 a ,vn 1 a 11 nA i"t ETC fM ''S" v.. j . W1H .uvu, ner umi. TWO furnished housekeeping room3. Kitchenette: sleeping porch or tent. electricity, laundry, furnace heat, first lloor. i& N. 23a st. 264 W. Broadway. Beautiful front room for housekeeping, suitable for 2 business women. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. f'lpan phMn 272 WnntjnmArv icr- I Clean, cheap. 272 Montgomery, cor- FURNISHED IIRNISHED housekeeping rooms. OlTh 8thN?WrClMonrrfSoC Cl8e 0 11th st. Near Morrison. 160 2 SMALL rooms; will give light work xor pari reui aiso sinsie room, ooo I bin street. 609 JOHNSTON, furnished H. K.. rooms, single or suite, 38, 512. 314 1 - . . ... 1 '"""" - i i-i iljcaxs, convenient, central nu reasonable. 151 Lownsdale, corner Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, most reason able rates: best accommodation. 30114 Water Bt, cor. Columbia. CLEAN, light, front, lower floor house Keeping suite, 2 rooms, o&o layior. Y furnished single housekeeping , walking distance. 383 U.h. NICELY room NEAT housekeeping room close in, man or woman employed. 21 N. 11th. vum.-M . tl.. vl-.. ,vn mention The Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 nicr auvn I $1.60 to $2.76 week, furnished H. K. I gomery. New brick, all outside fur rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths, nished 2 room apts, private bath. Phone East 6039: 406 Vancouver ave. phone, automatic elevator, close in, $20 TWO clean. modern housekeeDins rooms, $iz and $15; beat and lights included. Z7Z wuiiams ave. KOVSEKSEPZHO BOOMS - ft T -r NEATLY furnished 2 room housekeen- a . . . . - : . i ing suites; siiiK. gas, path, free ftiectnn suitpk: mnif caia hath f. ?2ln Bta.!iSe- ?v?L C1. coer I j iijuii ave.. uu naituiuine, me uun- I tori. Phone B-1740. I .... - x w j ruoui suite, complete ior House- keeping. $3 week. Also nice, cheer- tul' lare room complete. $2.60 week. Fr unt Phone and bath- Walking distance. l2i Grand ave, cor. Tay- i lor. TVVO completely furnished large front . f00"181 bath electricity, phone, walk- 1 ln oistance, garage ir aeairea, very i rpaannaht. 33ft WaiHUr i rc8uiiaoie. aou weiaier. TWO or four rooms, lower floor, fur- .. , p. u ', ;..v..w UftUlO, VCbblA, IliUe yam. oi aiississippi ave. l, car. TVVO nicely furnished front H. K. rooms. $15. Adults. 469 W. Broad. way. jo aign. 3 WELL furnished housekeerins ruuiiiH; iiKnu. Dam vara nnn nnnna sua iiiiamooK, near u car. 14 month WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 Room bungalow; late modern; loca- tion A-l. Rent or sellinir m-ice term, below reasonable. Mar. 4368. 202 Ger- I Janitor service; waiaing distance; ref- THREE large bay window rooms inlerences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. M. 7134. I u?,5, Kas anQ wood IS?f e'.Rf5 , V0' .one and water paid. 763 Division st, near E. 23d. hornkr s m hn aoa ,.: oricK nouse, with path, gas and wood Vv ZAULZ. T?"; room flats, linoleum on kitchen, 389 vuiibio live st. MODERN 6 ROOM, WEST SIDE COTTAGE. $13. Vaughn. 23d st. car.' One for $10. ' " Ul "3 lVl XI KHH. 1 1 ril'll V C K 15 MONTHLY for 6 room and bath at No. 1104 Belmont, near.. a7th Pou?sen. Mar. 4553. ' Vntl PtMTt ."I -V.SiT . o . r. ."" " V.?"1" Sell wood 2104. ruuu IjOR RENT 8 rooms, suitable for roomiUK house. 120 Mt montn 11, - ni . i liwt ' ir.r. .. .... .y,t pw aiu mill. e koom. house, corner lot. lnvi neighborhood. $20. 551 E. 39th. st Richmond car. """'n' J, 1 ; feat 6room cottage, small yard, walking, distance. Holladay. , Key at 202 Ooeldent t v.nm, aaoV' CORNER 6 room modern cottage. 640 E. 18th st $14. W. W. c&T V CLEAN. 7 room house; rooms all tak en. 2 pay rent. 22 N. 9th st. Owner. 15f- room house, east front, E. 31st "'"to. otocic exenange bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The JournaL - $12.50. room Sunnyslde home. n: ly painted and papered. Tabor S58fi. papered. Tabor 3586. SIX room house, close in. 630 E. - iwercn. near lzth. FOR, RENT 5 room modern bouse! MODERN 8 room house, close in $20. i- . aCalSLBV e9l8, FOR RENT HOUSES (Contlnned.) ; MKTKR & FRANK'S FRKH RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUR AO. . Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. - Complete and reliable list of all va cant houses, flats, apartment and bungx'.-ws in the city; make use of this rervlce when you cleeire; this does not obligate you In any manner to this store. You will find ua wlllln and ready at all times to help you In loeat inr. Newcomers In Portland will find tnis service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private prop erty are invited to list their unoccupied apartments, flat and houses at Meier et rang s tree rental bureau. FOR RENT Modern room house. 344 Oregon st. East 3329. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 FOR SALE: Furniture of 9 room house, sail housekeeping. Cheap cent, good location; cheap for cash. In quire 268 4th st . ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classification when bouse is not for rent. PRACTICALLY new furniture for sale; high school district; convenient, at tractive; nice home. Marshall 4628. 6 ROOM modern cottage for rent, fur niture for aale. 86 E. 74th st. Phone Main 2645. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 MODERN 6 room bungalow; gas and coal range, high grade furniture, $22.60. 4 room cottage, good furniture. $18. 4 room modern cottage, -uniumisneu, $15. All above are located on E. 25th st., near S. P. shops, W-W car. For information call East 3226, mornings or evenings. - MODERN 6 room furnished house for rent, near good school. 1019 10th and Alberta; reasonable. Woodlawn 1672. vmrifc - .RM. a rnnm. fniiv furnished ni,anii, irwati nn Rrnad. av For information call at 944 jjroadway or 6iz f latt Diag. .'. - . . . . ht rhone. 318 ner month. East 1502 GOING AWAY. Will rent elegantly t . 1 1 n 1 n w 7. nn. tja. erenceg. , . , ,, ik virx moaern i room lj XUrilaBlltJU. liuuoo 3illA a.;. -aeaa v WOUA. O XL. Olll A. 354 SACRAMENTO st, furnished & room cottage for rent; modern, new ly tinted. $18. 6 ROOM house for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Main 8130. .SNAP 7 room house, furnished, rent or sale cheap. 272 Mill. 5 ROOM bungalow, $16 month; adults. Tabor 3161. $22.60 Newly furnished 6 room bun- galow. 338 E. 3tn st. MODERN 8 room furniBhed house, 104 11 18th st. Take S. S. car. 4 room house, furnished, for rent. 1136 E. 15th st. N. FOR RENT Furnished cottage, near Reed college. 'Seliwooq 69b. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. ArAKTMENXS 43 THE LUZERNE APARTMENTS. Rest 2 room furnished apt s. in the cUv: modern brick bid, all outside rooms, private bath, telephone ana dressing rooms, good Janitor service, 12 blocks from business section, $20 ana up. If you want a ciean. quiei Jme cVn Mar 4637 nome, call iar. WASHINGTON GRAND tBrlck). 2 MDUTit mern clean, very desirable; SSd'witSI Tn'Vch Wml HU ni.. v..v. ,,i.v, m w mr rm. furnished apts, sib per mo. just licht nnrl Hath furnished. N. W. COr. Grand ave. and E. Washington St. TeL R aat 4449 RHEPVIKIJ) amrtmcnU. 272 llrOtll I way. S- cor. Jefferson, easy. walking distance. 3 or 4 rooms with private t Dams, vrrv rewonKuie i cit l r , -f,j ,. .11 ntmiA- h, .i,uuiu - - rooms, direct phones. VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Modern completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. THE-WASHINGTON. 68$ Northmp. $ 'oom, f,if' unKi 2? tiH nit mivl.rn rnnvanlancaa: - hnna. .tram heat. aaa. electric llahta. eta;.""' L ' . . uu'"a. t- . "W" car o 21st & Northrup. M. 437s. I r. . 1 COR. 2GTH AND WASH. STS. Furnished ants. 2 rooms $20 to $28: 3 rooms $27.60 to $40; every modern convenience; reierences. juar. o. MONTGOMERY APTS. 3d and Mont- up. Mam s, THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST, NEAR TAYLOR. 4 and 5 room unfurnished apt. - Also elegant 5 room furnished apt. MORTON apta, cor. Washington and -"S ?lsr: ana room tur. apts. DaE)f and nhAnnoar r i a n- in nirv wo i ir. """-..T Wrr"iAK nZiYn't " '"R MARYLAND, apartments. Modern 4 room iiuuisum u.po. w "win unfurnished, sleeping porch, both out- ,l, rrmma Main H'iKI. - . . , , BUCK Apartments, 107 N. 21st st, 3 room furnished or unfurnished apartment, sloeping porcli. elevator, walking distance. T Front apartment, furnished, large private balcony. Marshall 1171. I . . ... . Twri nn. ith nr withnxi . I ing porch; also 3 room furnished f Apt.. L i. tit. AWUI, UJWAIJ UUt IU from nawtnorne, car. Better see it. NK1I MANAfiEMKNT One. two and three room furnished! apartments; $iz to $zo. . 109 N. 18th st., walking distance. THE- ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave. walking distance, summer rates, new, modern, I room apts.. lift-to $24 per month. OVERTON APTS, cneapest rent in city 1 3, a, room xur. ana uniur, out- I New manager; ref. 274 N. 21st. W car. Blue . UULIIO, ..v. wmv,, js.awmv. HBV, I ul ulmmtu Mnism ni. rnna, $ and 4 room apts, $18 up; good I g ROOMS $20, summer rates, all large. $ rooms z. summer rates, an large, furnished, with phone, bath, table end bed linen. See this Bure. B-1053. T .- . . , -1t?.i".""J"Tf..rA,",!""i J Harrison. DRICJCSTON. 448 11th. choice 2 and 3 room. low priced modern apartments. Marshall &. 1 v . EY,?k5",. ."SS? ."r."U,naJi I r 7 m ?i't ,t Ai,r m'j I In : ' . WK.VV . aparimenta, lurnished. alAAt.li-ltv te 1 1 R ,n Ala - illjr- Biove. ; I THE ELMS. 14th. near Yamhill. X end Ing distance. $15-$26. Main 1778: 1 .J - iuoij-Lic court. I . , mr.A Iv.lv Mw 9 ... I ,.i: .i..nii ri, m.it vt. " ' , TWO and 3 roonis. low .rent. 492 Union ave, N. C-2537. I II. V.f Fi7PiaHFn a I W If K 9th St. N. $14 room apartment. 10 E. up. - $20 WELL furnished 3 room apt. Pri- vate nam. o4 rnurman. Main 3663. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mrnuog i na journal. ,--.. FOR TttTXT FLATS 13 MODERN 3 room flat, very - reason able. 706 Vancouver- aye. : Wood : ....'-i - lawn 1953 lV,u,i!w,": ro2ni UDDer flat: lars-e Herht rooms, het. 2.1i1 snii Mihn I Johnson. Main 1689. SIX room upper flat. 699 Glisan st, all outsiae rooms: newiy tinted. - Sell wood 1803. . SEVEN room modern, upper flat, on . auuu- Keasonaoie. - aiain szbs. 13 f Contlnaed.) NEW MODERN LOWER TUT, CLOSE IN. - - " Built-in bookcase, buffet. Dutch kitchen, linoleum, front porch, sleeping- porch, gas, electricity. 85 Fre mont st. Mississippi car. Marshall 3408. Only 4)17. 6 ROOM modern flat, $11; 3 room flat. bath, pantry, $8.60 per month. 729 Williams ave. - e ROOM modern flat, walking dis tance, $22.(0. Meredith's, 82 Wash. Ington street. - WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal - MT modern 4 room, den, sleeping porch. phone, water, janitor service includ ed. $28; 6 months or more; fine district, 2 carlines. 361 Monroe st. East 6417. $20 Neatly furnished 6 room upper flat; light, cool, clean, walking dis tance. Holladay. 202 Occident st East 4499. THREE new room furnished flat, con veniences, also 1 unfurnished, adults. 60S E. 2 2d St.. south. $18 NICELY furnished corner flat, large porches, yard, gas. bath, phone, disappearing bed. 442 Rodney. M6T4. FURNISHED 4 room flat, modern. $25, 810 Clay st. Mam sua. - WHEN you answer these Want Ads., mention The Journal. HOTELS a Hotel Clifford East Morrison and Sixth. Live here and enjoy our very low attractive summer rates, then you will be sure to remain for our winter com forts; house new and modern; come. see ana be convinced. SUMMER RESORTS 56 PACIFIC VIEW. IDEAL BEACH . Tent houses for rent, furnished, hew and clean, 60c and 75c day (f ree wood) store, restaurant, 16 miles broad hard sand beach, fine clam digging, trout fishing, agate beds. Information at 614 Stock Exchancre bldg. Third and Yamhill sts. Main 6765. COUPLE with no children want quiet place for comfort and rest 1 week-; state price, route and particulars. V 686, JournaL TENTING or boarding near Mt, Hood. East 6329. Main 6120. FOR RENT Furnished house. Sea side, 269 10th. Phone A-1770. COTTAGE for rent at Seaside, 4191. Main WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publlshinar Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. NICE store room and light basement Good location. Rent $20. Apply grocery. 355 Yamhill. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The JournaL WANTED TO RENT WANTED Desirable camp outfit on nice shady grounds with running wa ter, near river. Close to city. Sell wood 128. SEVERAL clients for houses. Bring in your rents: 311 AllsKy bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 FOR SALE ORoTRADE. 2 mares, one 6 the other 6 years old. Welch about 1400 lbs. each. Well broke to work. Will sell one or both or will trade for team weighing be tween 1000 and 1200 lbs. each. This Is a first class team and no skates wanted in exchange. Address John Schram, Oregon City R. 4. Phone Bea ver Creek Mutual. WANT team of good heavy horses about 6 to 8 years old; prefer not to nnrphD a . until well trtA nut Wl II nt with nrvll,ir. r.r mirhaco will DUrchase on certain conditions. Must k -nn an ,nmH n 131 Orwnn City, Or. FOR TOSXT FIATS and 3300 lbs.; brown mare 6 years FOR RENT Entire Irvington bunga nld ?rnv hnraa 7 vmra nld m-riistomprt i low garage or private stalls. East to logging and trucking ana are run rigged with harness and truck.. B-213, j Tf.nrtil ! THE nicest driving outfit in the city; i fine younar mare. 1100 lbs., very styl isn ana genne tor iaay to nanaie; also extra fine buggy, and harness. Just like , ish and gentle for lady to handle; also -j t . a n ni i t l ok bai , or traae. neavy spring wagon, Edison phonograph and. rec- ords, heavy single harness, for chick ens or other value, 'labor 172. FOR SALE 2 work horses, weight 1450. Will sell cheap for cash; horses and harness. 888 Powell st. W. W. car. AN A-ldelivery or family horse, al most new light delivery wagon; au tomobile has taken place of this ri. 1029 E. Yamhill st. FIRST CLASS 900 lb. mule; sell cheap or trade for chickens or cow. Woodlawn 177. MARE weighing 1200 lbs. and colts ior sale or trade ior cow. 5415 Mil dred av. 6 2d Bt. S. E. W. W. car. FOR SALE A pacing mare, 11 years old; must sen at once, call at 880 E. Ash. ACREAGE to exchange for horses and wagon or cows. woodlawn 1810. 435 Durham ave. GOOD, big team, sound, well broke, cheap for cash. 835 E. 28th, Wood stock car. A SNAP Butcher's delivery wagon with top. in good condition, price $40. Sellwood 141. ALL around work horse $35. 1614 E. I9tn st. DEAD HOR-SES AND CATTLE Taken away free. Tabor 4203. PASTURE for stock adjoining city on uoiumDia stougn. woodlawn 199X. PASTURE for stock, near Portland. 333 Sherlock bldg, or pnone Mam 1410. 1300 lb. horse, trifle street sore. $50. Stable, cor. Union ave. E. Irving. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. PASTURE Close in. Main 4876. TEAMS wantec Call Tabor 2888. LIVESTOCK :I5 9 nice grade pigs 8 weeks old $3.50 each. 13 registered Duroc pigs. 6 bred brood sows. 1 family Jersey cow. 1 four year 1600 lb. horse. 7 choice ducks. Owner, H. Grebe, Tigardvllle, Oregon. 3 of - the best high grade Jerseys, fresh, with calves. High testers and heavy milkers. 1 Holstein with heifer calf. 1 high grade Jersey coming fresh soon. - At 2061 E. Washington st. Mt. Tabor car to szd. z uiocks north. - DAIRYMEN. YOUR CHANCE. 9 extra sood cows, fresh: balance coming fresh soon. Also some young stock. 35th st. St. Johns road. Phone 6 2 2-R, Vancouver. Wash. 25 HEAD of fresh dairy cows. Jersey, Durham and Holstein, 3 to 6 years old; extra heavy milkers; test from 4 to 6 per cent. Take Woodstock car to 69th ave.. walk 3 blocks west. TWO good milch cows for sale; also want horse and heavy harness. GO 2 blocks south, 1 east of Capitol Hill station, opposite store. - FRESH cows with calves, Jerseys, Durham and Holstein; extra heavy milkers, at 2061 - E. Washington sL Mt, Tabor car to 82d, 2 blocks north. j?XR SALE A good fresh Jersey cow. first nouse soutn jurroi station, Es tacada line. TWO ' cows for sale, one fresh, one ' fresh soon. 2093 Schuyler st, Mon tavilla car. - - - - FIVE good fresh cows, Durham and Jersey-Durham. ,1445 Mil waukle st. Sellwood car. , SOME choice cows to reduce herd. WILL sell my family- Jersey cow cheap. 835 E. ?8th.- Woodstock car. WHEN you answer these Want .Ada. mention The Jouraai. , : &3 COME and- see us about all - breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co. $07 Commercial blk. Main $120. - POULTRY 37 nrtT .rFXI C41we ' - 4 wsbsi nhaaasntfl Mallard ducks. Japanese allkiea. Ore gon Bird & Pheasant Farm. Beaverten, or., i FOR R No. 1. SALE Thoroughbred white leghorn cockrels cheap. Wycoff strain, inone sen. ib. FOR SALE White Leghorn chicks. 1 month old, 25c each. Call Sunday. 821 y, Williams ave. CAKNEAUX, Maltese and Homing pig , eons for sale. C. A. Warren. 627 Chamber of Commerce. POULTRY, pigeons, pet stock, feeds. Hart. 114 1st. Marshall 2480. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention me Journal. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 FINE canaries rollers for sale; C. A, Thomson, 547 6th st.. Main 2696. PERSIAN kittens cheap. 1079 E. 3 2d St., north. Phone Woodlawn 2275.' AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Used Auto Snap Terms Given Michigan, 6 pass, 40 H. P. Owen, 6 past.. 48 H. P. Cole, 2 pass, 30 H. P. Babcock electric, seats 4. Stoddard-Dayton, 5 pass. 40 H. P. Several other good buys. Northwest Auto Co. Broadway and Couch sts. Main 8887. A-4951T. NEW MOTOR TRUCKS. Any capacity from 750 lbs. to tons; you can pay for it in monthly In stallments; win sell without any pay ment down providing you can give sub- Rtntll sm-hHit! th tn.rlr .rn its payments and earn you good money Desiaes; get the details. E-Z04, jour nal. OREGON VULCANIZING CO, The Tire Shoo. 650 Washington at., at 18th. Marshall 379. We buy anl TIRE? sell used tires and do First Class Tire Repairing. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large Stock Prices, $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO- Studebaker Building. Corner Chapman and Alder. For Sale 3 Metz runabouts. 1914 model, run less than zuoo miles, tzbo eacn. aq dress W. N. Winter, Hood River, or, j Written guar antee with every spring. 2b N. 16th st. A BARGAIN in 194 Ford touring car. oniy Deen run a mite over iiruu miles; in perfect condition; reason for selling, party leaving city. Phone Ta bor 5105. OUR experience, knowledge and facil ities guarantee the best market for your scrap rubber which material we handle exclusively. J. Leve. 186 Co lumbla. Main 6198V New Market inyouArua0ut?;c23i up; factory finished. 2d and Ankeny. Marshall 5328. Lowit & Mosstnan. NO REAL estate wanted, but will give reasonable terms; have two trucks and must sell at once; 1H and 3 tons, cheap. Get busy. X-761, Journal. FOR SALE 6 cylinder, 7 pass. Chal mers. Al condition. Terms to right party. YX-787, Journal. A BARGAIN 20 H. P. truck. Call 121 Grand ave. Grand Rapids Fur niture Exchange. Phone East 6462. SEE Oregon Auto Exchange. 129 Lownsdale. before buying your sec ond hand cars. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland, $3 to $15. Fine repair Ing. Tire Supply Co, 207 Madison. AUTO SPRINGS Frank Lange, 228 Salmon. Main 181. am WANTED Good light auto, not over i Tl T v, r. i C 9 we LOAN money on automobiles at 3 per cent. Call 205 Rothchlld bldg. ,,Dlf,i:. n month VMJaHc- GARAG?T r??ofe montn s- JacK- FORD roadster for sale, $365 cash. P- 921, Journal. WHEN you answer these mention The Journal- Want Ads. MOTORCYCLES - BICYCLES 53 ONE 7 h. p. Flying Merkei, luiiy equipped. $120, 14 h. p. Pope, $ 1 4 h. d. Reading Standard, $30. J. IL Kuenn, liua nawtnorne ave. FI7LLY eauiDned 2 SDeed 1912 Indian motorcycle cheap, ioo. tM lag- gart st. 40 4 H. P. motorcycle In Rood con dltlon. li oreen ave. main ji. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention m he journal MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 WANTED Upright piano, must be good and reasonable, for all cash. G-977. journal PIANO, . sewing machine and other furniture must De soia mis weex. 6Cll 47th st. S. Ev WHEN ycu answer these Want Ada mention The JournaL FOR SALE cheap, Edison phonograph. Address journal. TYPEWRITERS WE save you from 60 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail de partment WHOLESALE XXl'HtWKll EK oo, BZl wasnington u TYPEWRITERS for rent, S months fnr 15 anil ud: 6 months' rental an- plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co, 86 Broadway, city. GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. THE J. K. GILL CO, 3d and Alder sts NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates, f. U. O. U)., Piara. ax. hdi WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale 65 WE buy, sell and exenange new and second hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co. 191 Second at. FURNITURE Betore buying second hand goods, see what you can do here on new goods, for cash. Get post ed. William Gadsby, 1st and wasn. FURNITURE 5 room flat, very rea sonable. 249 Clay st, near 3d. Woodlawn 3221. SIX rooms, furniture for sale cheap. 320 Weldler st, cor. 1st. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention ine foumu. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS 10 OUR-screens keep them out Bleeping porches screened screens made to order. Satis faction guaranteed. The Work shop. 269 E. 6th. East 6804. WILL place on the market new useful and - patented inventions. - jh-zzi, Journal. 7 ' FOR SALE One complete J. I. Case threshing outfit. Inquire of R. Morn- ingstar. Drain, or. SAFES New and second - hand, bar gains, lvi it h. nun ot DIAMOND- paint' $l-6 gaL Port. Door A Window oo.. 33V f ront. Mar. 100. GEVURTZ furniture store. 20$ 1st. Lowest casn- prices in tne city, TOUR ton ice making and refrlarermt. . Ing machine. Washington. 444 Wash. FOR SALE Camera. $2j S8. Tabor 3484. - gas . range. $13.50 DROP head sewing machine with attachments. 153 Grand ave. WHEN you answer these .Want Ada. mention xne journal. , LIVESTOCK. (Continued.) FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. - Marine St Stationary. Marine Hardware. Write for Catalogue. GAS POWER at . SUPPLY CO, 1CS-173 Front st, Portland. Oregon. Electric Motors Eleotrlo motors bought. sold, rented and repaired. Walk.r Vlutrln Wnrb. U and Burnslde. Main 6674. FOR SALE New and second hand ' carom and Docket hilliard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar rixtures of ail Unas, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co, 44- 48 6th St. Main 769. A-1769. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. look tnem over. DO you want office fixtures? If so. can at 431 cnaniDer or commerce. and look over my beautiful Quarter sawea o&k partitions and bank, front and the sacrifice which is offered. BARGAINS IN USED DESKS. 6 oak bookkeeper desks. 1 oak roll too desk. 1 mahogany flat top typewriter desk. THE J. K. GILD CO, 3d and Alder. BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND RING FOR SALE AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICK. 320 LUMbbK EX. BLDG. SAFES All sizes at cost; safes re paired. Mosier Bale Co, 409 North western Bank: bldg. Main 7676. PLUMBING fixtures, pipe and fit tings, sold direct to you. Stark- Davls CO, 249 Salmon. Main 797. $15 BUYS new S80 Standard awin machine. Storage, 289 Yamhill, near fin. DIAMOND RING 1 carat, perfect stone, ladles' setting. Sacrifice if taken at once. R-969. Journal. FOR mushrooms, call Sellwood 339. SWAP COLUMN HAVE fine 21 JeXrel Hampton watch. 20 year case, will trade for good light butter and milk wagon. S-78. Journal. $250 EQUITY 12 Columbia Beach lets. Ral. $200. Want motorcycle, plana or lot. V-563. Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 HIGHEST prices paid for furniture, stoves and ranges. If you fail to call us you lose (dollars). We are in the position to pay you every cent of its value. East 6462. Grand Rapids Furniture Ex.. 121 Grand ave. WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount or rumiture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. E. 6707. 143 Russell at. -NOTICE TO MOVERS" We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the casn it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur- nlture Exchange. East 636. FURNITURE Wanted for 6 or 8 rooms, will trade ciear lot or acreage and some cash. Address. Give particulars. B-134, journal. CASH PAID FOR Iron, metals, rubber, sacks, tools, pipe, plumbing supplies and Job lota Capi tal j una co, zbi irront st. Main 7o&5. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. HlKhest price paid for second hand iurniture. Also tools. East lutl. o 2717. 94 Grand ave. CALL up E. 6520. M. R. Seater. to sell your furniture. Prompt attention. highest cash prices. 368-374 Hawthorne. WANTED All kinds of cancelled stamps and envelopes at highest prices. C-104. Journal. RE WISE, get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8961. IF YOU. have a second-hand marine engine for sale, let us know. N-992. Journal. SECOND hand clothing and furniture wanted: highest casn prices ror 2d hand clothing, furniture. Globe. M. 2080 WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld. 44A N. 3d st. Main 3581. WANTED W ood hauling contract. A-411. Jpurnal. WHEN you answer these Want Aua, mention The journal. Professional and Business ACCORDION PLEATTNO K. STUFHAK Hemstltchluc, accoroion, aiaa and sunburst pleating; buttons covered; goods sponged. Scalloplpg. 883 Alder. M. S373. ASSATE&S WB buy -eld gold, silver, platinum, or ore samples; I'iclering ft Co.. K. 510 North west Bldg., 6th and Washington Sts. Assayer. A88ATXB8 ft CHEMISTS GILBERT ft HAL.U, cJOM to lo COUCH BLDU. MAIN 710O. . BLAJTX BOOK MAKERS HOW., DA Vl COMPANY.'' 10s ad St. Blank book manufacturers; agents iot wrer. -roved Loose Leaf Ledgers. See the new :ureks Leaf. A-3183. Main 183. CAB.PET CLEAK1MO JOYCK BK03-. KlecUlc Cleaning worsa, car peta cleaned and laid, refitting our ape 'laity. East 440. B-1WU. 204 K. 10th ft. N. CAEPET WEAVntO loaiUWk.ai itUU CO., iugtrom old car pets, rag ruga, carpet cleauiiiy.-loa K. BID. Work called for. E. ;O80. B-iasO. fUMMSLLA uug Worka Hag rug and er- nt weSTlns-. IjIS 1'attOH ave. nwn. v CAKFiTX A-N1 KLU WKAVIMi. ""a"" lo aale. Mra. L. H. Kun. mi nua-en CHIROPRACTORS bit. McMAUON. 121 4th. 37 WlUlams avs.. 18 adjustments to. i-aiienui get mu. COAL Ajrp WOOD ALB1NA rUkVL CO. an -rinrfa i and wood, wbolesals and re ts u. expert lnformattoa ea fuel and furnaeea to oer patrona tree. MOW Is the Urns to buy your winter wood, as . tha heat wood at Bocclal atuuacf prices for Immediate de- Mggl- X, pflrr livery, aasiu mnrv. kLLlON Wood Co., dealers lo dry and greea alabwood. Try us wnen oroering gooo uxy wood. 120 Macadam. Main 7XW- A-SHM9. PAClkTO SLAB WOOll CO.. Mala 37u, A-7354. Rrtan ahort wood, blocks, big Inside, small Isalde. dry alabwood. short planer trimmings. Ediefsen Fuel OstEtiOM Wood Yard. k'lr. sab and oak wood and coal. Reasonable prices. M. SQ44. A-ft443 Phorrnnl J. everts, maim tetvi. Lfllal L-Ual KOOT ofP COBBY 8TBEKT. DBY slab and box wood, cord wood and ouaX Standard Wood Co.. Esst 2315. B-I0V6. KELLY, woodaawlng; tel. Bellwood 18Q6. COLLECTIOSB I BUY accounts, bills, notes and lodgments of every same or nature anywhere, for quick results answer ai-po, journal OPEN accounts, Botes, judgments collected. Adont abort methods for Quick res alts. Short Adjustment Co.. 82 N. W. Bank. M. 074 LONUU1 COLLECTION CO. Claims et ell kinds promptly collected. 535 Morgan bldg. COirTRACTTNO AST) BwTLPIJrO HOBACat y. JONEo JB I BCILD AKYTUINO FROM BCBEKJf DOOR4 TO A HOTEL. TABOK 1764. EDTJCATIOirAL PAMCIMO Pkur. WAL. WILriON'S Dancinjr School Walts, Two-Stce. Bchottlscba. Oae-e)tee Hesitation waits and stage danciaar. 25e. every morning, afternoon end eve.; irnarante - to teach anybody who walks bow to dance. 83 v. 5th at- bet. Stark and Oak sts. Male 733T. Ma. and Mrs. HEATH'S school: fancy, stars. social and all the latest dances tangbt. waits sd two-atrp gaarantaed in e prrvate lessons; class Friday eve., S to 10. 231 H Morrison, eoroer Second. Marshall 313. WHIIINti-IBELAND Dancing Academy. Lew - sons oauy in new ana aianaara eanrea. Heasonable. 201 Altsky bldg. Phone Main S01S. MUSIO SCHOOLS AST) TEACHERS X. K. LAW HON piano etudio. U2H MotTtsoa. Mala ptu. lessons 60c. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8 . CCenttaued.) ON the square, Secord pays most for "conariiM aroo3. fc-at 0717. LOST ANT) FOUND SI FOUND Leather purse, containing some money: can have It restored on proof of ownership to cashier of United States bank on payment of this advertisement. SMALL black purse with one $5 and one i gold piece; lost at Olds & King's or Goodyear Shoe Co. Leave at office Olds A King. Reward. STRAYED from First and Gaines, one Weldene. female. $26 reward; no questions asked. Jacob Unger. 374 lbt i. aiarsnan 334. LOST Lady's Rebecca pin on Monta villa car or bet. E. Couch and 69tb st. Return to Journal. LOST A lady's sliver mesh purse. Saturday evening. Return to 10$ 2d st. Phone Main 1444. Reward. LOST From Country club track black mare, weignt about looo lbs. Phone Tabor 35. LOST Telescope on Grand or Union ave. Saturday morning-. Call Wood lawn 3307. L08T Black coat between Garden Home and Manhattan; reward, tit Harrison. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention l ne journal. PERSONAL S3 LADIES Ask for Antlko Mixture No. 8. It Is safe and sure. "Woman's Medi cine," the most successful and harmless "Regulator" known. For sale and guar anteed by Helfond Drug Co, 223 Morrison, near First. A FiUHT on high prices. Why pay $5 (to xor a pair oi asses, when I can fit tour eyes with first Quality lenses In a gold filled frame as low as $1.50? C. W. Goodman. 191 Morrison st, near DTKige. batlslaction guaranteed. LADIES Results, not promises only. is what you want; chronic com plaints and diseases of women are my soecialtles: best of all drualess meth ods used; no operations; consultation free. George w. CrockwelL nature- path. 7Q4-6 pekum piog. ABOUT HAIR GOODS. Don't trust oeddlera with combings: let us make them ud. 96c up. Wigs. toupes a specialty, 20 y rs. est'd. Febvet & HaneDut, 147 Broadway, nr. xworrison. niWnRfCQ Without notoriety, con. UiVUniL.O sulfation free. Phone Mar. 4368 for appointment for Sunday and after 6 p. m. 203 Uernnger tidg. ELECTRIC MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC HEALING. Also electric massage apparatus for sale. 384 Vt MorrlBon st. Dr. Ma: llckle, physcultopath; best re sults in chronic diseases.- catarrh, rheumatism, neurasthenia, constipation. indigestion, etc. au Dekum. M. a SWITCHES, transformations made from your own combings; hair thor oughly washed and rooted. Guaranteed. Main IZ-'s. bi4 Acnngton oiog. GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist. scientific masseuse. toadies only S04 Macleay bldg.. 28 Washington st GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist. scientific masseuse. toadies only 204 Macleay bldg.. 284, Washington t. DR. M'MAHON. Chiropractor, 121 4th 376 Williams ave. 18 treatments $10, DR G. V. KETCHUM Women's mal adies and acute diseases. Washing ton bldg.. 4th and wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 448 MRS. STEVENS. 20 years Portlands leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late books on sale. 281 Morrison. rMVADPlTQ Lawyer of 25 years ex UlyUnLL.O perience. reliable, advice free. 404 Kotncnuo Didg.. wasn, SPECIAL, 2 mo. only. 18 Chiropractic treatments. $10. 1-3 regular price. Dr. C. 8. Tigard. 316 Alisk" bldg. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. GIRL baby 1 year old for adoption. 356 Falling st. Call after 1 p. m. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis st Main 2393. SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your truna or suitcase at 632 Wash., at 17th. I A AVCD Consultation free. Main LAW I Lit 4993. 708 Selling bldg WHEN you answer these Want Ada., mention The Journal. MUSIC SCHOOLS AJTD TEACHERS klKS. t LOKKMCE M. M'NKAL. teacher of violin, piano and mandolin. Woodlawn 318. E. TH1KLHOBN, vlwUn teacher, pupil Havcia. 2Q7 Flledner bldg- A-41SO. Marshall lax. . POPTTLAw. MTJBIC bAOTlMs; ou piano guarautoed beginners la 10 leasons. l'k-tura playing, free uemoe at ration. r'rea Booklet. 601 Ellers bldg. EXECTSIO MOTORS AJTD DTK AMOS MOTollS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do ail klnda of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. 11. Electric Co., 81 N. 1st at. Phone Main W210 Wit buy. sell, rent and exenange oasr Sad second band motors, repair work a specialty. Western Electric Works. 213 th at. Mar, tfixl. ETE, EAR, HOSE. THROAT. LTHfOS 1 pec-la list-. Moderate prices. Ulaaaas fitted. Dr. K. Casaeday. 617 tiekom bldg. 3d ft Wash. POTTJfDRT AKD MACKTVt SHOP lUObftlA iron Works, .aaat Ud and ilaw- tborne. Geoeral marblna and fonadry work. HOUSE MOVER A. D. MOODIK. 103 E. Hsler st X. jeit, Latest Improved handling machinery. X0SAX SUPPLIES KODAKS ad ""PPW. Iwvatot-4ag. iwwnitu prlatlng and enlarging. Plfc-g ft MARKBAM CO.. 84 Waahlugton. MACHIHTRT B. TUENKMAM ft CO., hydrauile and special pipe, smoke a tacks, oil tank a. mining mm chlnery, repairs. 1)4 N. 4th at. k(ilNU. boilers, aawmlila bougkt. sold anal aachanged. lhe J. E. Msrtln Co.. Portland. Or. MESSEBTQERS MOTOUCYCLEri and blcyclea. Phone Mala 64. A-2153. UAHTY MES-SENOEB CO. VATT7S0PATHIC PHTSICIAVS DA. PUlLLlPb Paralysis, nervous and chroa tc dtaeaaea. fto4-S Oregorilan'bldg. M. 142. OSTRICH PLTJMES Hsxtnese Plnme Shop. cor. Park and Yam- Hill, Mala low. uetrivn. paradise, laacy feathers, remodeled, cleaned, dyed te match samples. Work guaranteed. PAXHTTMO. PAPERHAHOUrO. TIMTIKO A. ObBOURNE. W Urand ave. E. oOU2. Paint ing, tinting and paperhanglng. Low prices. YOCBH for good work sad square prices. E. 1. Crane. 170 una. Main 23Z. JOHN BLIEO. beat work In painting and pa. perlng. M. 172, A-2223. 120 11th at. PAVIlfO COMPANIES THE BABBEB ASPHALT PAV1.SU CO... Pvrt- laad oftlce. eo Kleetrle bldg. limiAfacturers- Jobbers- -Wholesalers BREWERS ft BOTTLERS, HEN BY Wtl.MUHD, lib and Burnslde. SRTOOODa WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. - TARM nmEKIBTS TTH1CXES i B. M. WAD at ft CO.. 322 Uawtheree eve. - Wholesale agrleailtnral Implements. ORATsT MTRCHAJfTS H. H. HOCSEB. Board of Trade'bblg. LEATHER A1TO rTJTDrjfffS CHAS, L. MAiiTlCK ft CO 74 Prusl. Leather of every deaeTptkn; findings. - MACH1M ERT ft 8T7PTLTE8 EIMMEBMAK-WELUa-BKOWN CO. Sawmill, logging and Iron working machlne- Knri a mo wometts mechweaii COLtMBiA Heckwear Mfg. Co, eta e, 23 Con tinned.) Dr. J. J. Keefe LTCirVRTrr witsiptiW. My office Is thoroughly equipped with every electrical and mechanical device necessary for the ' scientific treatment of your ailments. - ' I ADMINISTER THE WORLD'S LATEST . REMEDIES. I treat successfully: -Acute, Chronic. 'Nervous. Blood, Skin. Bladder, Liver and Kidney Diseases.. Rheumatism. Neurasthenia. Eczema. s 6ores. Ulcers. Piles and Fistula. Consultation and examination free. Hours: M to 6. 7 to It dally; Sunday 10 to 4. Rooms 11 to IS. Lafayette bldfc 313 H Wash, st, cor. 6th. SUPERFLUOUS HAJK. moles, warts. etc, destroyed forever by electrla needlb; no pain, no sccrT cuse guaran teed. Mile. De Long.-E.04 Swetland bldg. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, chl ropodist. will be pleased to ste her old patrons at new location, 204 Ma cleay bldg, 36 Washington at. - NOTICES 8ft 1M tbt matter of tbe adTerttaomeiiU tot Ibe Improvcuent of tbe Bu Hue Utmi. At tbla time, tbe buaril- of ruuaty eom silaalonera bava acquired lurlMllcUua oe -tke Improeuicnt of tba Uaae.Llua Itoad and er oereo uuprvTcmcot to bm uiad. f it taer- Urdered. That tba county rlerk of Uultnotaah couutr l directed to publish tba foUowlng nunc kit iaro auccoalva WMki la a eawa paper publUbed la tbla cuanty and of gaa cral circulation therein: ISOTICK TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed prupuaala addmaee to ibe board et count coromlaaluDeta ut Ualtnouiah cvoaty. Oreirua.. and enduraMl. "propoaala fur tba lia- proTvueui 01 toe uai Aum Hoad rrucn tbe city limits of the etij of 1'ortUiMl, Oragon. to ut weat una 01 road ivo. boa, in Maliaoataa county. Oregon," will be ivcaUed by tbe board of county rommlaslonera of MultDOOaaS eonnty, at tnelr ofllce In tba coarlhooaa. fort- -land. Oregon, until IO o'-.-kxk a. m., a tbe 3d day of August. 1914, and at tbat time and piaca will be publicly opened and read, lot aald loiproveaieut to be completed wltbla tire tul muutua from tba data o( IvttlDS Cn- Uact. Tbe aald Improremeot will be paring tbe ad with Warrenlta uiTtnirnt In ona com plete allotment. In accordance wltb plana and permeation on rn in - tbe otuca 01 ue county clerk of Multuomab county, and ah ail be maintained by tbe aucceasfal bidder for 10 years without eiyenae to tbe county of alultnomah. Lacb bid laall be aecompanled by as se dertaktng. properly executed by the bidder and one or mora freeholder, or an approved surety bood In tbe aum of five hundred t$5X dof lara. eoadltloned to tba effect that If tbe con tract be awarded to such bidder. b will eater Into tbe contract and give sufficient eurety for tbsvfaltbful performance within three 4a) days VrTer the not lea of acceptance. Tbe board of county commlsekmera. reacrres tbe rlKbt lo relect any and all bids. Flaua and speclflcatlona for the above im provement may be obtained from tbe Uoad maater'a office, ftis courthouse, Portland, Ore gon, opon the receipt of five $3.0O dnllara. bOAKL) OK COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. RUKLS C HULHA.N, Cbalrman. I). V. HART, County t'ouiiulantrner. W. I.. LKillTNEK, foam 7 Commissioner J. B. Ytu.V, Koadmaster. JOHN B. COKFKY. Cotiuty Clerk. Pate of first publication July fa. lull. I'ate of last publliallou Auauat 1. 1B14. iOKAUK AND STI4A W. Office, Iepartmeiit Quartermaster, t'bronlile BMg.. Kan rren-ei-o, Cal.. July SS. 1H. Sealed proposals wlU be received here until 11 a. m.. August 27. 1V14. fsr furnishing forage and alraw. etc.. required at posta In t!i- JVesteru Ie. ?artnienl during period commencing October . 1K14. and ending June :io, 1:03. Infurma lion furnished on application here or to Host Vrterniakier and Quartermaster, at Nrattle. WaKb.. and I'orllaim. Or., and blda may he received by Post Quartermasiera until II a. m., l'aclflc time. August 27. IBM. II. K. VYal-lai-e. Col.. Qoartermastcr Corpa. - NOTK.'K TO CO.VIH ACTOR. Oregon State Highway Comuitrsloa, Wash ington county. bids will be opened on August 3. 10 1 1, at 11 a. tu., bv tbe state blgbway nwnmlasion, , at rlalem. .. for the cmstnictlon of i.KJ n'lh-n of the Uex-Tigardrll.e roail. I'lans uiaf be aeen and form of apt-clfh allons and con-, tract obtained at room 44, Courthouse, fort land, Oregon. H. I BOWI.BT. State Ulxhway Kualneer. Falem. Orefon. Jnly --'1. 1!14. ftKALKD blda a lil be m-elted by Ibe Hoard of County Commlaaiotiere room 2t. Coert house, until 10 a. m.. Krlday. July l. II4, for rental of water front nuder tbe .west ap proach of Morrison Ktreet l.rldge. Eald rent al to be at all times on a na-aithly basis. Tbe Board of County Cotuiulssiouere re serve tbe right to reject any or all bids. BOARD Ol' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. By Rufua C. Holmsu. Chatrniau. V. V. Hart. County Cammlsloiierr W. I. I.tghtuer. County Cmnmt-etoner. . TO whom It may cuucvru: Mrs. Flora A. I yen Is. having left ray bed and board I will not be responslbht for any debts she may Incur on or after this dr and data. July 2. -1014. Hlgned. Horace K. Iwls. Directory HTJBBER STAMPS AD SEALS ALoU stencils, trsds i-neck. br Isas. PAC1K1C COAST MIAMI VVOUKS 2-JI Wasblngtou . Main 710. A -Jill. BCXEEXS (LY acreeue made to order, tall C. Zlegler, m Mason. Woodlawn 'II At. SKW1MQ MACHIWES bEMl.SO MAClilAat All makes, new and eeeoad band, lor sals r reuU Ail prices, sew lug Mai-blue lua, purlum, luu Tuird. ues( Yaiav. . ulU. Main aWC. . JACOli LObLi, aitacl uueud woraa, uotasa. res- tauraut work, ruuuitug, gausrai jooviug. acsia 1424. TumniMi.i. UlhMI'ka'i sual nest wot as cwaab t-Uiicy, Ufinuls, Cat. TBAJlStEB AHO alORAGE OLbJaA-aWa, 'lakAAea.ii CO. New lut.pruwl waraliouae Mile separate rewuis. Via luwve aud psua bouavauld gouee aad planus sua snip at reuuevd rates. AUM teas sud teatus tor uvviug. korwsrulng sud diatrlbuuug sganw. rea uackage. Ctilca smA. warauouse Hum and Moyt. Msia 47. A-itfrsf. 0HLU0N IKANbl-LK CU. EaUbllsbed lv. " " Tranafer aad lurwardiug agesta, . btorage. Ires trackage. Office aud slorags ai wuaa St. 13th and Oll.au. Mam A-ll PERSONAL rvlliUMl V AN ft STOBAtaE CO. e SwW Warehouse, k'ure and veroua proof roour. trnak and rug vaults, aieam healed plane (wvas. An lnapecuva will cyuvuice you of otsr sex : . parlor laciuuea. Uouacltoid goods anlppod ag reduced anight Bates la 'Inrvtig Car a. Me, lug, Packiug. bhipplug. 15th aud aksarnay. Main- 2eau. A-loao. City uiflce, 2oa Stark. C. O. PICb. Transfer ft storage Co. . Utiles) and cwumodluua 4 story bru.il wareheeae wlta separate irua rooms snd fireproof eseit (or valuables. . W. corner 2d aud Pine eta.' pis do and furniture moved and patAed foe-,, snipping. fcpevial rstas made vn goods, le -thruuga cars, to all doiueaUc and fureige -:. points. Main aa. a-hwo. SXOUAOK. MANNING WAUEUOLnr, TRANSPES CO. 13TH AA1 EVEUETT SIS. Let US move, pack or anip yeur nowaenoie It goods. Kednced treigbt rates ea eastern . " shipments. Through car service, -. . MAIN 70. A-2214. ' ' L'MIEU lraualer Co storsgs aad gaawrat hsullng. 261 Jeffern. Mar. '2-4. A-eXia. BAUtiAtiK Transfer service Co. Main 120. A-I2U3. i2S Pine at. WTtTPOW CXEAsTTlfO CXPEUT W1.MHJV, iLi.AM.NU A-tTi Mala 6337. 213 Uanry bldg MILL 8TPPLTE8 PACIP1U STATES HI BULB CO- 43 3d St. Mecbsnleal robber goods. PATlfT, OIL AMP CLASS BASMLbME ft CO- "High Standard" Dalai, K. E. corner 2d and Taylor. M..A-1771. PIONKKB PAINT CO.. led Ut sc. Mala Liee.. A-7043. PIPE WOOD PIPE - r-OUlLA.VD WOOI PIPE CO. factory end offle near 24t and York sts. Main S4ne. PIPE PIPE rrTTTBw TALTES M. L. KU.VK. I - roet St. - PLTTMBOfO STEAM UVTTLIZ ti. kLINE. 4-Ho r root st. ROPE AJTD BIlfPEE TWTME ... Portland Cordage Co. WALL PAPER MBUAN WAU.-PAPEB CO-aJO 24 4U. h betweea Helasua ted Mala. p ? sr r V. n