V ....... w s m IIAFJIIAGK LICENSES l-ocle Clement, 880 Eaat Eighth atreet, Wtl. and MaxlmilltDM Barette, 668 Wil llama arauoa, legal. " Stephen A. Worhna, 5. 80S Eleventh atreet, 23, aol Ka L. Phelya, 'Mi Eleveutto llwt, SI. ' Herbert A. Priest Wood burn, Or., legal, aad Olaa M. Carlaon, 830 HaUey atreat. legal. rvwilnlKlr fUlihmutti lVfvfi1atjl. Or.. 2 and Maitie Bgrflfr, Warrendale, Or., 20. , a aaj T w .... .. anil f, A. iimi pry vavM, w - ' Kllea J. Job moo, 3M Jackson atreat. 23. . . Claoa Carlaoa. 284 North TwenlT-tira atreat. 2. aad Olga Landgren, -I014 Tborman ; eireet 23. . , W, G, Smith & Co.V)H85? Third floor, Morgan bldg. DRSS autti for rent, all sisea Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st BIRTHS I LO W K To Mr. and- Ura. Bobart B. Lowe. lUlTimtlCTx U m'nA vrV ir.'in Ambrose. 1H7 Fargo atreet, July 10, a aon. V ARM I AM--To Mr. and Mra. Charlca H. UarabaL 828 MlselaelDDl are una. Jolr 24, fA 1 LfiK.i ro nr. ana aire, ueorso . ram. - a 1 f . . .1. . - . . .... . Inla 4i Tl, DH SM BHI1CI aktOTEl, .a, . flat.ahter. . ' I'A INTER -To Mr. and Mra. William Painter, ' 771 Eaat Davie afreet, July 21. a eon. AHAMAn-jo nr. auti aor. uuiiuu - mor. Aoiarli.-an apartmsnte, uiy 10, a wo. 11 I T-H'U . u- mnA Mra Emit ftlntacb. i butt rony-Dima atraci norm, v , datiabter. KRAI To Mr. and Mra. wmiam A. Ead, KIT TmiIivo muni. Jnlr 22. a aon. . BHERACK To Mr. and Mra. William Sherack, WW "lxlh alreet. July 8, a aoo. , DAHI.MAX To Mr. and Mra. Charlea W Da hi man. L'aatlerock. Wllb.. July 8, a daughter. 1 niMki l.fTn Mr. and Ura. Charlea t, IxhmkuU, 831 Dnnekler arenue, July li. on. - .. HKIAJSa To Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Sell- ma, hi ixtiyr otreet, jqiy DEATHS AND FUNKRAL8 75 .111TMIW1T In lhl cltr Jnlr 12H. Jaal Uar Hatbawar. aacd 40 raara. wlfa of ' trwmiii tlalhawa of raatlfrork. Wa'b. Fa naral arrTlcra will b beld Wedneadar, July . 2b. at A:30 o-cljrk a. pi., at lha reatdpop ratabliahinent of J. P. Flnley it Sob, Mnt- nmery at Flflh. rrlonda 4nTlted. intar mnt at Tiatlrrork. Wash. UAI1K.U At tuiulh Uawvao. Or Jly "27 A lira Mabrr, agad tW yara, widow of lb a In, J.m. uih,r, anil aiatvr of Mra. J. N. ITarrr of Portland. Mra. Krauk Uavry of Hnrna. nr.. and M. S. Plka Of thenar With. Tha remalna ara at 1b realdanca . l.hllihnunl of J l li-lnlv U Hon. MODIEOIZI' try at rirm FA I.I.O NJul 2fl. Frank Tallou. ea rirt tMltd ami of sir. and -Mra. Frank Fallon of 14T Eaat Twalfth atreat. Funeral will take place from the a bora residence WeUneadar, July 29, at 9 a. m. Harrlcaa at ft. r'rancle rburcb, oorner Eaat Twelfth and l ine, at 9:90 a. m. Frlunda Inrneo. jniar ment Mt. C'alTary cemetery. CO I H KICK UN Julr 28. at the family real' dence HM Borthwlck street, Hana N. Ooda kraen. aced 1 yeara, belored bnaband of Janwiic Uudakeaen. father of Mra. Hannah ki.Tuilfa Mra. KaAU Carlaon abd Cbrla tlan UiHlakeawn. Kemalna at Pearaon'a L'n- nVrtnklPtr parlora. III NTEK-lu tbla city July 27, at tbe rei dfixe of bor nephew, U. M;all. 001 Cast T.-niTlertifh atrtet. Mra. EHaa L. Hunter. aard 84 Teara. Announcement of funeral later. UltH'KSON Andrew Ericksoo, Kmanuel hoa- i.ltal Jnlr 211. 77 reara. old air. HfHKARU Lnsetta It. Hubbard, Oood Bamar- Itan hoapltal, July TJ, m yuars, acuir npplirltla. , V KATHKRBKE Ellma M. Weatherbee. 1821 Kaat Klickitat atreat, July 24. 68 yeara, rawer of atomach. PBIFBT William L. Prieat, 118S FJfUeth aromie aoutbeaat, July 23. 4 daya. mal nutrition. HOUSTON Jamea B. Houston, 135 Graham arenua, July 23, 63 yeara, carcinoma of atnmarb. ACKItOYD Merab AckrOyd, 201 Cherry atreat. Julr 24. 78 yeara. Metric carcinoma. ui Ky o. hoapltal, July 22, C. Duncan, Oood Samaritan 20 yeara, typhoid TeTer. CLARKE BROS., florists; fine tlowers and floral dealgna. 28 Morrison at. MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141 V th St., In Selllna- bldg. Main 7216. - FUNERAT- directors The only, residence undertaking es tablishment in Portland. Representing the greatest advance In the science of funeral service. Tbe automobile equip ment and secluded driveway are among the many exchislve features. The es tabllahed policy of moderate prices has never beeu changed. J. P. F1NLEY ft SON. Perfect Funeral Service, Montgomery at 6th. MR EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading funeral director. 230 3d st, corner Salmon. Lady aeslatant Phones A 1511. Main 607. Dunning & McEnteeSs3???" very detalf. 10 and Pino Main 430, A-4.'.fi.. Idy asMiatant. . F, St Dunning, Inc. Et Side Puueral "TSlrn-tora 414 Eaat Abler r. i:t f.2, B-2r.25. VALTR ER C. KKNWORTHY, successor I. H. Homntock. T1687 E. 13th. rtellwood 71, B-112S. Lady assistant- R. T. ByrnesrrW Knott A 5 7llor PA' fi Williams ave. M. TV. clier L0. Eaat IO88, C-1088 it! dv 'tt"f? a nt. Day and night service. kenworthy iiaUM FRIPQOM RESIDENCE UND. PLS. CnlUoUIN M. 6133. A-2235. -44o Mors. QlCAr:OTTnnertakTngCo. Main 4152 uri vy A-2S21 Cor. 3d and Clay. Dl APIDIIDM Rea. Undertakers, 1 "J " uLnuixuuiiii union ave. Efc 6775. P. L JRCH, leading eaat side iihder taker. E. 11th Jk Clay. B-1883. E.781 U-m:UA- Eaat 80th and GUsan, Fu- 1 In 1 1 III iui I neral services. Tabor 4813 PrADCHM Undertakers. Eaat "1080, i LnilOUIl 369-871 Runnel! st, MOitCTrr:-TS PORTLAND MARBLE1 WKS.. 264-268 4th St., opp. cityyiatl. M. 8C64. A-1B13. FOR SALIWHOUSES 61 FOR SALE. Modern 6 room bungalow. Improve ments in, easy terms; no agents. Tabor mdiikhk hunmlow and extra larae lot 20 minutes from 6th and Wash ington,, on west side; zidu; iu canu, balance $i5 per month. Marshall 6213. FIVE room modern nearly new housi and lot 60x100, $3000 part or nuu all cash; muat sell. W. A. Brown, box S3. Oarden Home. Do you want a new modern home in Udd'i addition or EaatmoreUnd. at a great bargain? If you do call owner KflKt 2TJ.R . " , FJTt SALE or trader Equity In lot 40x115. 8 room house, fenced, at nr Iana. for auto. 1982 K. Stark st Phone Tabor 651. ARTISTIC HOMES PLANS tT HUNDREDS OFJDE8IGN8---Book Fre A. H. FADER, Architect 360 Alnsmorth ave. Woodlawn ;94. r J r OAJc llj v uv, w 1 w, ' ,vu?i u houae. corner lot 60x100, nice lawn, v garage. .2 blocks from Woodlawn car, Price $2500. Call woodlawn 3357. . FOR SALE Nice modern horns and lots, reasonable: in vestlrate. 400$ V ,7'th on Tabor 1014. -,-v. MODKRN house, not quite finished. ." ground 93V4xl?5: will take auto as r,a , K. . . Mil T a.. 1 ',' MODERN house, must sacrifice; bar- ,.in, ala&n .ni ten w..M v. 1 n ..., v . s u v 1 J mv wwia, uamui.. fnonthly. B. F. Holt 494 Eaat Clay st 61260 BUYS modern house. Small -r'. amount down, balance like rent" J 4 z0&. Journal. FOR SALE Lot and small house, one block car. $25 down, $15 per inontji. NEW HOMlfl J. P. FINLISy t SON 61 Hawthorn District New modern R 2 4.6th t-j lot 50x100, facing eaat; only 2 block from koo4 school; with faard- wuoa noora in living room and dining room; nice fireplace, buffet, beautiful cabinet kitchen. 2 extra large bed room with 2 windows in each, with nice bath between, full cement base ment with cement floor; fufbace. nice electric fixtures and laundry tray a; also window shades thronrliniit the house. Bee owner at 290 J&. 47th st. Phone Tabor 65. a BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. 8 well, brand new 6 room bungalow, doubly built, finely finished, xtra large, airy, light rooms, oak floors, fire place, panel dining room, buffet, book case, Dutch kitchen, brick piers, ce ment front porch, located between river and Mllwaukie ave. on Reynolds ave.r close in. Vk block to Seilwood car; price 2?50, small cash payment and 1S per month. ORU8SI &' BOLDS. 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. A-440L ' BUNGALOWS. J2200 5 rooms, partly furnished, 2 blocks from Hawthorne ave.; $100 cash, balance terms. 2650 Near 87th and Hawthorne, rooms; 260 cash, baL terms. 13000 Brand new & room bungalow, near Hawthorne ave., facing east; all improvements nald. J. L. KARNOPJ-. Railway Ex. bldg. WE will build and finance a home on your lot or any ot you may select. Pay for It like rent, we guaran tee satisfaction. Call and see us. F. C BOWMAN & CO. Room 1, Commercial uiup ma GOOU lots at hard time nrirn. 14 full lots in one block, 1 00x100; fine grove Of shade trees, earden. berries, small barn and chicken house, 76x100, 2 room shack; this property is located one block from Eastmoreland school and from 8 to 4 blocks from two parilnu 1 acre at Evergreen station on Oregon j "t jBt;r juamisreu, rarKwooa, s' oeuwooa idbs. ONLY. $1860. A new $ room modern bungalow. This house must be sold soon. Was built and will be sold by owner, if you want a new home for less than you can build one, don't fail to see this. Beamed ceilings in dining luuiu, ouui-m ouiiec, winaow seat ana two bookcases. Basement and large balance easy. Call owner. Tabor 1782. 2950 BUYS BUNGALOW. . ri.mu3t "eu my room bungalow, ouni-in burret. Dutch kitchen, fire place, stationary wash trays, fin. electric fixtures, bookcases, paneled uining room, bath, toilet, etc Go out and see it. 1048 Division st. Phone iaoor 3 a, izy&o takes it; terms; 25 per month for a new 6 room bun galow in gooe1 district. Has all mod ern convenience?, fireplace in living room, burret in dining room,, large Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, full base ment with wash trays, large porches, electric fixtures and shades. All reaoy to move in. Call me at E. 2670 MLST SELL Un account of sickness I am compelled to sacrifice my 8 room home in Laurelhurst All mod ern. Sleeping porch and all built-in conveniences. Price $5000. Mortgage $3300. Make me an offer. Phone Tabor 1277. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS, $700 LENTS. Neat 8 room plastered cottage, side walks, corner lot, 2 blocks from car line, $25 down. $15 monthly. Look this up. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham- B9JR .XIT.y . bungalow, 6 rooms, lot 50x130, full cement basement, hard wood floor, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bookcases and buffet, terms: will take lot as first payment; price $3000. Owner. Marshall 2574. ENGLISH walnuts, sweet chestnuts and other fruit, handsome grounds, good house, opp. new proposed sunken gardens at Kern Park. See D. Miller. 416 Chamber of Commerce. Real bar bains. THREE room bungalow, right up to date in every particular, with every convenience; located on choice, sightly mi. 'in gauu resilience section; 1200; payments like rent Call 612 Platf. mug, mr particulars. FOIt SALE Modern 8 room house With or without fnnr i-nura .niiahi. for a chicken ranch. 60x200, $3000, part cash, remainder 6. 1383 E. Irv ington st, near 4ath, 2 blocks from Montavilla car. ROOM bungalow, 50x110 lot, 10 ft alley, laree chicken house nnil narlr basemnnt, wood lift, garden In, paved street and carl'.ne 250 ft.: $1375. terms Chickens, furniture must go. 820 Alle- gneny at., at. .lonns. BIG SACRIFICE. Fine new strictly modern 6 room bungalow, Laurelhurst district; hard suriaced streets; price -'i60, with terms. Tabor 5204. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lot or ours; by your own plana or oura; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS. i.iao i-or tn western ianK bldg. $2500: GREAT sacrifice; thoroughly modern 6 room bungalow. Inquire 1118 E. Stephens, between ,"!7th and 38th. Hawthorne district. Phone B- 2567, owner. BRAND new, modern 6 room house. fireplace, oak floors, shades and fixtures, close to car, small cash pay ment, easy terms. inquire 014 &7tn et. north. HOUSES in Irvrtigton for two-th'rds tneir value; choice location; a:s. lots: houses furnished and unfurnish ed, ror rent East 273, W. H. Herdman. BARGAIN 8 room cottage completely furnished, iras. water, sink, cement walks, 2 blocks to caF, payment like rent. Owner. Marshall 2198. NEW. modern. 5 rooms. $2100; large house, line price. K720 S3rd ave. WHEN you answer thea Waul Ada mention The Journal. There Was One FOR SAIiE HOUSES nrrffihrftt iVA sd.MuT-, i see wHeRg t . 1 r ' . C4i4: Aee tfoefeit6eM.C ( ; wvu-.we CAeryA CKtCKec j ) um.d. ah? ure gonnk V ' " ftWv X C4XN. LIMB MOT WrjU. ASl 10 THrVT t YHnTiVfO Eto A I QOe V W To . I 1 -V- ' V J ( r lCVtR I jfJY. ltITMrr I FOB SALE HOUSES 61 . -"11' CContUrnsd.) ; - 7 THIRTY DOLLARS PER MONTH INCLIIDINO INTEREST. For a home in a good restricted ' dis trict Has living room with fireplace, window seat. etc. Dining room has built-in buffet, plate rail, paneled in gooa errect. iutchen in wnue enamei. bathroom. 2 bedrooms and den with bookcases. Upstairs Is a Urge attic with sleeping norch. Has full eement basement with wash trays and fur nace. Largs front and back, porcnes. Street work in and naid for. This is a home in every particular. Electric fixtures and window shades all in. All for $30 per month. Including interest. i:au iaat ZOTO. von SALIC LOTS 16 8750 buys one-half acre: terms. $10 down, $10 per month. 20 minute car ride; grand view; ideal for a home; where you can raise your own vege tables, chickens, small fruit, etc.. which is the greater part of your iiv- lng. M. e. jee, 522 corbett Diog, lot block from Union ave. It is near the approach of the proposed Interstate bridge. If you want to make quick money, this is your chance. Prii-a, 4700 .Tmirtml $1400 buys an acre, 20 minute ride out; excellent place for a garaen or not house. Terms $25 down, $20 per month. This lies in a. district with big future and will pay you to sea It M. E. Lee. 622 Corbett bldg. SACRIFICE. T Owner must sell a fine business lot on KiUingsworth ave,; may consider some trade; terms. Woodlawn 1163 evenings. Address 8-80, Journal. 75x100 homesite; only 15 minute car ride; 5c fare; lies fine; good soli; best value in the -city at $350: $10 down; $5 per month. M. E. Lee, 523 Corbett bldg. ' TWO good located improved lots, ail In bearing orchard, grapes, berries and fenced. 733 Bidwell ave. Will sell on terms. FOR SALE Two lots, Missouri ave nue and Wygant for what they coat 15 years ago, plus the taxes., owner direct. Phone Marshall 1411 11 LOTS. 2 houses and barn on Lln- ton road in North Portland; will sell at any price on any terms. Bee owner. Woodlawn 177. ALAMEDA PARK lot. on 25th St, bet. Skidniore and Mason, cheap. Owner, 23d and Prescott sts. TWO lots 60x100 each. Rose City Park, ail improved ground, nomesite rea sonable. D-122. Journal. $1000 EQUITY in lot for any reason able offer, if taken this week. D 202. Journal, GREAT sacrifice; 60x100 lot 48th at. 4Z6. rnone owner, labor 931. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. ACKEAGK 67 240 ACRES, 8 miles from Washougal, on the hills north of Washougal river; beautiful view, excellent son; 100 acres clear, 60 acres timber, bal ance stump and nasture. nearly ail tillable; splendid spring beads on the place; sufficient power to drive gen erator. Also small creek: buildings in poor repair; 5 cows, 4 horses, farm im nlements: mortcaire $8000. Will ex change for unincumbered real eatate or sen on long time installments; aiuuu cash required' to pay accrued interest on mortgages. (someone win get a bargain in this farm. No agents. C. B. Wood worth, trustee, at Ladd & Til ton bank. BUY direct from owner. 10 acres, all cleared and fenced. 1 acre in spuds, V in corn. 6 tons hay in the barn. About 75 young fruit trees, straw berries, raspberries. A new 7 room house, plastered, up-to-date, and base ment. Good water pump at door. A big new barn with hayloft and fork. This place is located 6 la miles from Vancouver. Wash. 1 to electric sta tion. I am going to sell this place very cneap because 1 am going east, now if you are looking for a snap don t ran to. see mis piace. Aaaress Journal. 5 Acres for $250 $10 down and $5 per month buys 6 acres of good, level, logged-off land between Portland and Centralis, on the main line of 3 railroads, lVa miles from town of 1000 population, saw mills, shingle mills and other indus tries. 160 acres to choose from. Some of these tracts are about half cleared. A fine trout creek runs through the tract Some bottom land, some up land, all is good. BELL REAL ESTATE! CO., 212 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Poru land; Gresham district elect Uc sta tion 12 mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre In email tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland Or. con oat r,". t ' v nwwwD Jl . . vr j, , a v , , -J -. 10 acres at Pleasant Home, all good level land, on county road, some in cultivation, balance good timber, house, barn and good well; some fruit trees. You can't beat this at $2000; terms; no trade. Tabor 807. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms- will build to suit pur chaser. Fhone warBhan 1685, or Bell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. FIVE acres. 4 in cultivation, young orchard, all kinds of berries, good barn, small house, good well, young cow aroes with place. 4 mile station Oregon Electric, 30 minutes' ride. Price ZM)U. jbuo casn. 0-11 . journal ACREAGE on Oregon Electric, $460 per acre: 64 acres with 3 room house. $2300: terms. L. F. Millhollen, woodlawn 1810. . ACREAGE all cultivated, good soil. near Oregon Electric. Sell cheap or trade for city property. U-778. Jour nal. 40 ACRES. 3 cleared. 10 slashed, run ning water; sacrifice for $800 cash. Tabor 4090. WELL drilling anywhere, any depth. Carl Mason, 49 N. Front East 2034. WHEN yon answer these Want Ads, mention Tne journal. Little Thing That Jeff Overlooked 57 Acreage 1. 2. 5 and 10 acre tracts, 80 minutes out on New, Big, Red, Steel Electric Cars 12c commuters' fare; very best of soil,, water and community conveniences; $125 to $500 per acre on installments. The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 35. 102 4th at A-3500. TEN acres, all under cultivation. 2 miles east Of citv limits: chesn tar cash. Phone owner. Tabor 691. FOR SALE FARMS 17 6. 10 AND 15 acre tracts, 21 miles from Portland, on Pacific T-riirh wa v 1 mile from Aurora: All clear a nH level- close to school and market. iv 00.00 buys 10 acres, all clear: $109 cash and time on balanceat 7 per cent Interest 5 $2600.00 buys fi.ft acres nil clear nnri tevet. ana nouse that cost 81500.00 small payment down and good terms on balance. A. J. MISHLER, OWNER. AURORA. OREGON. 80 ACRES, fine, tillable soil, no waste, splendid clover and alfalfa land; ideal for hogs, cattle and turkeys; school; only $1000. $40 cash. $20 per month, no interest If you are inter ested in iana tnis la your opportunity. Get full particulars at once. A. D. LC. 802 Title & Trust bldg. OWNER will sell 820 acre, valley stock and srraln ranch, all In cultiva tion except 30 acres oak timber; good Improvements, running water; can all De irrigated; low price, easy term a, E-400. Journal. I OWN a SO acre farm, less than 20 miles Of Portland. 20 cleared, in cron. House, barn, chicken, houses, fruit, fenced, runninsr water. Will Bell for per acre, improvements alone are worth this price. E-203. Journal. 80 ACRES fine bottom land, 1 miles rrom good town, near saiem: l4 acres cleared, running water: easily cleared $300 down, balance 5 years. o per cent. -rice aiiou: owner. Act drees YX-789. Journal. $600 BUYS 80x200 with new house; $950 buys 160x200 with new house; iu aown, s monthly; 80 minutes, A. C MAK8iKB, 202 WllCOX bldg. Main 3517. A-7340. Tabor 1770. FOR SALE 3 yard a-ravel dust bodv. worth $100; will sell for $40 cash or traae ror wagon, ynone Tabor 3886. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. FOR REJST FARMS 14 TO LEASE) Finest home and dalrv farm near Portland; open for tenant uciooer 1; one mile from Woodland, Wash., a fine suburban town, 30 miles from Portland by rail and water. House. 7 rooms, barn for 80 cows. 26 acres in clover. Rich bottom- and bench land; 40 acres cultivation; 100 acres pasturage; all fenced and croesfenced; watered by fine lake and springs. Cash rental $560. Address Wilbur F. Brock, owner. ientB, or. 20 ACRES for rent garden, fruit, hay, horse, pig and chickens, for sale cheap if taken at once. Close to , car 11-. .a" AH T . t 7 line. iyg o uurnai, WANTED FARMS 38 WANTED at once, fully equipped and sioc-ea dairy larm. 40 to 60 acres, not to cost over $10,000 cash. Price must .be right. Lueddemann, Ru'ey & 00., 913-817 Chamber of Commerce TIMBER 28 TIMBER in large and small areas. A good logging contract D. Stevens 62 t ooroett bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 100 ACRES, good timber, good soil, watered by SDrinar branch: 31A miles from Forest Grove, on rock road. Price ouu. want city nome up 10 vsauu. Edward Davis, Forest Grove. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 6 acres, house, barn, at West Wood burn, $1250; $500 will handle thla 148 E. 15th st. Phone East 4648, HAVE got two lots at Medical Lake, Wash., to exchange for furniture; price $200. John Grundstrom. Box 682, R. 1. TRADE acre, ft mile east of city lim its, cleared, water piped, improved streets. What have you? Marshall 2015 after 6 p. m. WILL exchange 160 acres Clatsop county, no incumbrance and assume some on modern residence. 310 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2433. WANTED Modern house up to $4000; will give 10 acres cleared land, near Portland, and assume some. 810 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2432. WANTED 5 room bungalow, close in on east side, Hawthorne district; will trade other property and pay dlf ference. 310 Yeon bldg. Mar. 2432. $5500 Half acre, plenty fruit. Mount Scott car; exchange for improved acreage. Tabor 4090. 40 seres land for modern bungalow. Will assuma Owner. 41$ Tilla mook st. WANT to exchange clear lot for work team; will give more than value. J. F. Wilson, 450 Vancouver ave. C-1129. WILL trade a nice little cleared lot In Sylvan for a small car. H-919, Journal. WE exchange what you have for what you want. Peper & Baker, 444 Sher- lock bldg., 3d and Oak. Marshall 2654. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. HOUSE and lot to exchange for ro- eery; about $1600. 502 Broadway g. HOMESTEAD relinquishment near Portland for sale or trade. M. "9130. 38x100 TO exchange for teara. $450. U-777. Journal. Price $200 FOR 25x100 or trade for team or driver. Z-878, Journal. ACREAGE (Continued.) EXCIIANGE-"-REA1j ESTATE 24 fOontiitned.) Farm Wanted - Have good city property with incomer to- exenange for a good Willamette valley farm from $25,000 to 135.000. Ask The Oregon Home Builders 1830 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 3718 A-629L 100 acre first choice ranch on capital hiehwav. Phone and electrlo lights. Best soil, all in cultivation. Will tak-j half in city property. 1 6 years bal ance.' SO minutes Portland. Owner, H. Grebe. Tlgardvlue. Or, UNINCUMBERED, desirable business and residence lots at Estacada, or.. a prosperous little town, to exenanga for Improved or unimproved farm lands; might pay some difference. G. A. Cobb. Yeon bldg.. city. GROCERY STOCK TO TRADE. 84000 erocerv stock in Portland, good established business, to trade for 5 to 15 acres, improved, within 15 miles of city. ueddemann, tuiey as o., i Chamber or commerce, HAVE new 7 room bungalow, 439 52d st. 2 blocks south of sandy uivu.; will take second hand Ford car as part payment See owner, 4s wasnmg ton gt.. Vacuum Cleaner store. WILL exchange property for Pf-ft- ment bulldine by owner, m. jh.- SEVERAL good pieces of city property for lmpr- farm a. an Aiiany oia, WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED To buy 6 room modern bungalow on full lot; state your lowest price and exact location. 220, Journal. WANTED To purchase an equity in 5 room bungalow, wose ity x-i. Laurelhurst, tast or wwunureiauu, E-217. Journal EOU1TYS boueht house lots, lumber lands, rarma moneain mcmuso one for the other, uoggers, zwo -r- linger bldg., 2nd and Aider, WAVT hniiKo in Portland UD to $3000 for unincumbered residence property at $1000 cash. Marshall 8954. FLAVEL Want lot close to hotel or ducks: srlve price and location. Box 62 Seaview, wasn. BY September 1, cheap western Ore- aron or wasmngton aiuuiy uuiu, owners only. E-219, Journal WILL ?ay cash ror wen located ot. A-412. Journal. cant XV HEN you answer these Want Ads, mention Tne journal, ROOMING UOliSKS 93 ' niTvi'na take NOTICE. Now is the time to buy rooming hnnici an von can double your money hv seilincr acain in winter. I have bareraina. Get in mv auto and let ms show you. God- dard, 602 Couch bldg. Richard J. Coad Hotels, rooming and apartment houses sold and exchanged. 1218 Northwest- ern Bank bldg. mink heeiitiful rooms arood furniture clear 840 above expenses; a fine home. A snap. Price $275; $125 cash baL $15 mo. Call 88 10th, near Stark. CLOSE-IN snao for cash. Corner, 16 room rooming house, furnace heat. Lease. Rent $30. Price $600. Owntr, V n hm 929. 26 ROOM rooming house, steam heat good furniture, lease; must sell on account of bad health. Fries very low If you want a bargain call 88 10th at BARGAIN in S3 room rooming house. cheap rent part cash or trade, cai East 2663. Bi OWNER 26 well furnished rooms, $1400, close in. 283 13th. cor. Jeff. WHEN you answer these Waot Ada mention, The Journal BUSINESS CHANCES 20 WANTED Steady man to work aa partner In a small -cash business; must be satlsifed with $100 month. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. PARTNER wanted to be cashier and help In the restaurant; pay $70 month and board; requires very little money. Room 329 Morgan PiQg ONE LOT, pool hall and confectionery. everything as good as new; will sell cheap. For particulars write or call on C. A. Saling. Beaver. Or. , $150 BUYS a nice little cigar store. good stock, good location, cheap rent. 810 Dumber isxcnange mog COUNTRY newspaper for sale; pay ments from proceeds of business. YX-788. journal. I WANT to buy moving picture show dally, eastern Oregon preferred. YX- 790, journal. AN old established cleaning and press ing business for sale cheap. No time to look after It. Apply 450 Yamhill. 1000 Business Cards, $1.00 Ryder Ptg.Co..S. W. cor. 8d and Morrison WANT good live man to take half In terest In photo studio; location cen tral. Tahor 4090. WILL invest $500 In business; give particulars first letter. F-93, Jour nal. FOR SALE In city, fully equipped physician's office, nicely furnished. H-920, Journal. PRESSING parlor, plenty of work, wants partner; will teach business. 28B North 17th at. ' GROCERY and home bakery, doing good business; 3 living rooms, price $550: $350 cash. 310 Lumber Exenange. HAVE you small amount to invest and willing to work 8 hours day for $125 month? $08 Lumber Exchanga PARTNER wanted in a good paying business with old reliable firm; $275 required. Call 248 V, Stark st. FOR SALE, pool room out of town. 3 tables and flxturea. Phone M. 6456. MILLINERY fixtures, must be sold at once. P-916. Journal. FOR SALF Small complete Job print tng office. 163 KHIingaworth ave. a e "1 s x BUSINESS CHANCES 20 c oo-tnao .. ; . : COOPERATIVE PROFIT SHARING. It you ara looking for employment and have a few hundred dollars to In vest in an absolutely secured foruana manufacturing proposition where yout Investment-will entitle you to pro rata share of tha net nroflts of the company, besides the regular salary. e ua at once. 41s-4iy juumoer jk change bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. , A ceneral merr hnrllaai store In a good country town, near Portland. About $1800 stock and fixtures. Post- office in store. A fine chance for a live, up-to-date man. Best -of reasons for selling. Will trad for real es tate ir clear. 8-81. Journal HERE'S A MONEY MAKER. Light srrocerv confectionery, cigars. stationery, toys, soda fountain, ice cream and dairy lunches. Price $850 Will invoice $600. This is positive snap. iu2 uoucn oiog. e uving rooms paj-tiy iurnianeq. $1000. GROCERY, confectionery, lunch and delicatessen complete: good fixtures, good location, cheap rent; will invoice at actual value; no bonus asked. Owner. 405 Stocic .x- change bldg. - A GOOD position with Investment of zu.uuu. oan be secured by party competent to take management of cor portion operatina b stores: proposition entirely sound. For interview write N-628. journal. ' SMALL manufacturing - business, everything complete: big profits; Other business demands my time; will sell everything complete $500. If you want a good business Investigate thla K-aio. journal. CONFECTIONERY and groceries, nice clean stock, doing fine business, on good corner, living rooms; must sell on account of other business. 655 Union ave. N. PARTNER wanted for strictly cash grocery. Try it before you buy; chance to make $150 month; no previ ous experience required. Room 503 Broadway bldg. CONFECTIONERY Paying business. Tine location, dandy fixtures, must sell. Snap. Rent $16; furnished 11 v inar room. Live ooortunlty. Terms Tabor 812. FOR SALE Established millinery business, west side, central location, at sacrifice. Call Apt. 83. Main 1961 Or A-7U84. CICJAR, confectionery and ice cream store for sale chean owinr to sick ness. Call Monday at 4 Grand ave. and see owner. MEAT market doing a good cash busi ness, in A-l location; will sacrifice on account or sickness for $soo. 248 ft stara st LITTLE cigar and candy store. In aub urbs, cheap (health and wealth); liv ing rooms, cheap rent D-116. Jour nal. doing $10,000 year business; small amount handles this. R-971. Journal WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 money; to loan ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OP. FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., 916 SPALDING BLDG. MONEY to loan on city and country property at Current ratee: mort gages bought and sold. Wnltmr Kelly Co., G. A. Hartman, manager loan dept. 711 Plttock block. LOANS on Improved city property or for building purposes ; advances made as building progresses ; liberal repay ment privileges: no commission. J. P, Llpscombe.- 243 Stark st. Main 44J0 WE have money to loan on yortr rea estate; tirst mo -rases only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. $ 600 AMOUNTS $1500 $ 700 TO $000 $1000 LOAN $2500 HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK TO LOAN $400, $1600, $2600 and $6000 on city Improved property. J. L. Wells Co., 24 Chamber of Commerce tidg, Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE 701 Selling bldg. CASH paid for mortgages, note, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable fates. F. H. Iewls A Co., Lewis bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES TATE. WM. G. BECK, 315 FAIL ING BLDG. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. Bell, zoi ueriinger bldg, $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire inauranca McKenxle Co.. Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real eatate security; apply room 202 Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages bought and sold. John L. Kamopp, Railway Exchange bldg. MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent !ed c. King, 814 Kpaiding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING. 313 Cham, of Com MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon A Co.. 229 Stark st. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. n 4th at. Board of Trade bldg. $1000 to $5000 private funds for Imme diate loan. Phone Tabor 2320. $260, $350.. $600. $850, $1200, $2000. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham. Com. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. 11. Setts & Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. MONEY TO LQAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 LOANS on real eatate. diamonda jew- elry. Wm, Holl. R 8 Washington bldg. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry; strictly contiaentisi. a st near Aider, MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, 8. W. King. 48 Washington bldg. 07 CHATTELS, SALARIES' "vCATIoir We Make Loans in Six Hours Time 'AT "LEGAL RATES'," ' we loan monav on diamonda clanoa livestock, storage, receipts, equities, real estate, plain notes or furniture. Business absolutely Confidential. No embarrassing investigation. We do as we advertise. An interview will coat yon nothing and convince you that we play square. (Licensed) Room 80S Rathcild bide Bet 4th and 6th on Washington st wan, write or pnone. IMMEDIATE LOAN'S ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES We have one of the finest retail Jewelry stores in the city. A loan de partment la conducted in connection Li CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely TiO signs 'designating loan Dusinees 01 Dlayed In front of our stora All mor chandlse Dledxed is held for a period of seven months, whether or not in terest is paid when due. We are li censed and have been established since 1889. No connection with any other loan establishment In this city. M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS, 324 Washington Bt DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. MUSICAL INSTRUMhTNTB. ISTU. Business strictly confidential. Separate department for ladlea . (Licensed.) 820 Lumber Ex. Bldg.. ad and Stark If You Need Money aud Cau t Borrow From a Bank. SEE US FOR PRIVATE LOANS On Your Piano. Furnltura Auto. Livestock, Storage Receipts, Real Es tate,- etc. we iuy Atortjag-ia MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CO. Main 6286. 310 Ablngton bldg. COLUMBIA Loan Co., 206 Swetland bldg. Money to loan on ehattela pianos, etc- nlaln notes or anything ot value, we buy mortgages, yonriuentiai WHEN you answer these Want Ads- mention 1 nc journal. LOANS WANTED 30 WANT $4000 to 86000 on about a block of land at Et 18th and Yam bill ata4 to refund existing mortgages; princi pals only: no brokerage; will pay J'a. Title perfect $2500 3 years, 7, on $ 6,600 home. 85500 years, s. on iz&.uoo realty. $1500 3 years, 7, on $ 4,600 realty. $2000 8 years, 7. on $ $,500 home. GRUBER. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. $600 8S: S60O 8: 8600 8 Neat 4 room plastered cottage, full lot. Fruit and berries: t block to car. Frew W. German Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED $76 loan for 3 months on good beach lota first class security, C. Howell. 1666 Macadam at, Port land. $4000, 8, 3 yrs., Hawthorn ava 4 block, valuation $12,000. No agenta J. L. KARNOPP, Railway Ex. bldg. FINANCIAL SI FIRST and 2d mortgages, also sel lers' interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and wasmngton. ti. m. MObia mm oermeng pidg. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention Tne Journal. HELP WANTED MALE DON'T look for work. There is big demand for automobile drivers and repair men. Our expert lnetructtra qualify you In three to five weeks and assist in securing good poaitlona. Bring this ad. for one free lesson. PACIFIC AUTO GAS ENGINE SCHOOL, 266-268 11th st (Near Jefferson), Y. M C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Record for year 1913: Calla for men S6SS Positions filled 1941 All young men seeking employment are cordially Invited to consult with the secretary of the Employment De partment ALL round farm hand wanted, young roan preferred, good wages, good place to live; must be able to milk cows. A. E. Bluhm. H. 8. Box Oregon City, Or. W AN iTiu Canvasaers who are willing to work, selling fruit and ornamental trees and shrubbery. Cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. IF YOU are a livestock salesman and are looKing ror a substantial concern to work for, call it 1118 Spalding bldg- WANTED Paperhanger to paper 5 room house. 418 Davis, or 6307 62d st. WANTED Elevator boy for three Call Main hours' work In evening. 8601. CHEF Headquarters and belpera Cal norma wine Depot. 28 Yamhill. WHEN you answer thesa Want Ada. mention. The Journal. LEARN to be an expert auto driver; drive any kind of car anywhere; reasonable terms. Phone Marshall 406 or A-4169. TWO men to learn auto repairing and driving. Hawthorne Garage. 44 Hawthorne, ave. - VvamTED Amateur; acts . written, coached, booked; good pay. Phono C-2998. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women. For list of po altlons -address KX-166. Journal. USE Bsaaett's Native Herbs for rheu matism; totableta 26c. All rimera-lnta PACIFIC Chiropractic Collega 407 to 418 Commonwealth bldg inc. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $4.60 up. Taylor, tbe Tailor. : :89S Burnslde WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE PLACEnfmiRi HELP WANTED MISC. 49 (Continued.) - OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thoroura practical course in law; no time lose from regular occupation; recitations evenings. Samuel T. Richardson, dean. a. Aiorenead, sec sis. S17 woinmon wealth bide.. Portland. Oregon. ' USE your spare iitce to build up a mail order business of your own. Ws help yon start for a share In profits. 87 opportunities.1 Particulars frea Mu tual Opportunities Exchanges Buffalo, WOMEN WAM't Kur government clerkships; $76 month; Portland ex sminatlons soon; specimen questions frea Franklin Institute, Dept. 7040, Rochester. N. Y. WANTio Railway mail' vierka; Portland examinations soon. .$76 month; sample questions frea . Frank lin Institute, Dept 848-0, Moohester. N. Y. t ' GIRLS between 18'and 26 yearn to learn comptometer adding machine; good position provided when course is com pleteu. Call at 448 Morgan fc!4- WE need more girls to learn Burroughs computing machine; short course; good position when competent. Reom 410 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. GIRLS between 18 and 25 years to learn comptometer adding machine; good poeition provided when eourac is completed. Cail at 448 Morgan bldg. MANICURING, scalp treatment, bair worx. etc. taugnt individual m- tructlon, day and evening. - Position guaranteed. 614 Ablngton bid. r- II ELI WANTED -FEMALE . 3 WANTED Ladles for pleasant end profitable home work, all or spare time. Apply 4;5 Morrison st Hours 9 to 6. WANTED Girr of high school age to helD in housework and cars of.chll- dren. B-212, Journal. EXPERIENCED girl fur general' nouaework and go to beach.- 6 lit E. Broadway. - VVAN'iED Young or middle aged lady, for genral housework. 134 Ver mont st. WANTED Girl for light housework aft iotn st. " WHEN you answer these Want, Ada. mention rne journal. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE - 2f lb.UOu UOt feKAJdEST J Oa Opall ,t4 men and women. $66 to $160 month. Write for list Franklin Inatltuta. uepu mu-u, rtoc neater, rv. T, OREGON Barber College Now is tli time to learn the barber trade; po sitions guaranteed; paid while learn Ing; tools free. 883 Madison st MOLER BARBER COLLEGE teach a trade in a we-ks, pays while learn ing, gives lst-class set of tools; write for free catalogue. B. 46 N. 8d at. FIHK Teachera' Agency aecurea poai" tlons for teachers. 316 Journal bid r. WHEN you answer tnese Want Ad mention Tbe journal. - WANTED AGENTS EXPERIENCED agents wanted to sell the "One Minute Sanitary Bath. Demonstration hy C. N., 401 Front at. HOUSE to houae canvaaaers for tene ment, possible outside position. 60 1 Chamber of Commerce. AGENT wanted realty. Box R, to-, sell Warren tor Werrenton, Or. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. SITUATION .MtLK MAN with experience as ship carpon ter desires work; good references; will take odd Jobs until he can do bet ter. Main 717. RELIABLE Uy. if. wiahsa .position where he can work up; some experi ence in wholesale grocery: references given. Phone Seilwood 1032. ELDERLY man, experienced in the handling of horses, wishes situation at any kind of steady work. Main 717, A-1617. WANTED Position work of any kind. day or-nlxht Address A-410, Jour nau BOY 17 wants work on farm; bright experienced, neat appearance. Main 717, A-1SI7. POSITION as auto driver, truck or pleasure car. Do own repairing. X 991. Journal. BOY. age 16,1 experience,! in grocery store wants ... poaltlon of 'any kind. Phono Heliwood 1511. WANTED Place on iumi for hoy 16. years; home and $5 per mouth. Ad dress 4 i i K. KilnngMWoitli, - EXTI-nuTSNCED 'janitor with .refer. ences wants work. Main 117. A 1617. EXPERIENCED machinist wants work .of any kind; will take odd Jnbs until he can do.hetfr. A-U17. Main 717. MAN wants odd jobs. tiouKeoleaning, gardnning or cutting wood. A-1617, Main 717. CARPENTER desires work; will take repair Jobs. Main 717. A-1617. MAN wants work as Janitor lu eve nine-. Main 77i4. Ask for Mr. Klelst NEAT, rel liable day worker wauls work. Main 717. A-1517. BOY of 16 wants office woik. Main 717, A-lil7. BOY 17 r.-isbes place on ranch. Main lit. f - CAR PEN T K I : wants wr; win tase repair work. Main "17. A-1617. PARTIES wishing weeds or graas cut on lots, phone Talor 2961. A-l carpenter repair, day work or take full charge of any job. Tabor 4613. ODD jobs wantiil hy strong, cspabl. -man. Main 717, A-1517. CARPENTER, flrat class. Hell, 1684. MTi'A FKMAUB EXPKKlKNCtCO cnambwrtnsid wants work in hotel. Address b-zoi. Journal WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention Tin journal. WANTED Cart of child T ran; (ood home, woodlawn 823a. . Costlaed o .xl fays) By "Bud" Fisher MiuiB w n . a i 1 .