.. .' ,! rUu nPTTftOM nATT.V TfHTPMAT. PflRTT.ANn TTTRSHAV EVENING- TULY 28. 1914. ?.-'"".""- FORFEITED RAILROAD GRANT TIMBER tANDS WILL BE MARKETED! FRESH EGGS HARD DOR TO FIND BUT PI STUFF IS PLENTIFUL Market Is Soggy for Ordinary Of- ferings and Indications IX . Mot Point to Improvement In the Immediate Future. Here. While there is a scarcity of real frcli egK, the market Is- somewhat ovei supplied with current" offerings. While the demand for strictly fresh candled offerings in good and the price 1 b-fhg maintained generally at 25c for mixed colon and 26c for whits of ferings, case count stock is piling up. Few of the buyers really care to atke hold of .cave. count, egg a.t this time, owing to . the huga . loss . in candling. The Hpread between offerings at mark mid those i-aiidled is therefore the greatent of the season to date, and the outlook is at prettent for little Im provement In the former. A similar condition is shown at other markets wlong the coast, accord ing to late mail advices, therefore the tK-Tij of the trade ix uniform. .Strenuous ef torts are again being Limit- to dispone of Chinese eggs, but the dirty chocolate colors do not catch inurh trude. J'K.UH MAHKKT SHOWS GOOD HEAT KOV CUTTING HOP PROSPECTS IN YARDS OF THE STATE Outlook Is Somewhat Iess Promis ing and Without Rains Until September Forecasts Are for a Much Smaller Production. Extreme dry weather Is causing loss to the hop crop of Oregon, and a sim ilar condition is reported from western Washington. . Several local dealers who have visited the yards of the Wll lamette vatley during recent days, are generally of the opinion that the out look for the hop crop Is somewhat less favorable than a few weeks ago. Julius Pincus, a prominent local in terest who waa lust returned from a two day's tour of the .yards of the val ley says that the crop is differing from the lack of rain, and unless mois ture is secured soon, he forecasts a big decrease in the Dick. Elsewhere throughout the world there seems to be a similar condition Edited by Hyman H. Cohen. " GOVERNMENT WILL OFFER TIMBER UPON FORFEITED L AND Portion of Oregon and California Railroad Land Grant Is to Be SoId Here; Officials Are Already Asking for Bids on Supplies. The United 'States government is about to offer for sale a Dortion of the timber on the land grant of the Ore gon & California railroad in the scap poose section. The timber amounts to 181.367.500 feet, and stands on seven sections of land situated in the ScaDDOoae basin on Scappoose vreek, from 7 to 10 miles west of the town of ScaDooose on the Columbia river. Douglas fir of the yellow, red and bastard varieties pre dominates. 'Jhere is also a small per centage of 4 white fir. cedar and hem lock, all of rood quality. The even number sections in the lo calitv are owned bv the Nehalem Tlm- ! hr anil l)?rfne rnmnanv. whirh com- From both the continent arid from Eng-I nan V' nnrt tt rrrirssr- have for auu luaif a uj a iuv cn omo " some years carried on extensive jus- BLUESTEM BRINGING PREMIUM 11 TRADE WITH SUPPLY SHORT Entire Wheat Market Is Firm JLo- (cally With Club at 80Jc Gen erally ; Coarse Grains Almost Stagnant for New Crop. WHEAT ADVANCES-AO AIW . After the inactivity of the morning, the local wheat market began to strengthen again with war news front abroad and there war frea offers of 81c for club and talk of aa high as 82c being- paid. At tha moment farm' rs ax not free sellers and buyers scarcely know, what to bid. Tha sit uation is expected to ba very excited for soma days and farther sensational advances in tha pries may ba forced. .While prices continue -to be shaded, fin Improving demnnd is Known for pivrliPH locally. Bent offerings are KHiiprully t .')) a box for Elbertaa, Mlthot-.gh hh iiui' h ;ih 85c is obtained i'i a llmltfd iiy. Local stock gener ally at Goc. ;OOi CANTALOUPES SELLING While the market is weaker and generally lower for cantaloupes,' an xiellrnt trade Is shown In fancy stuff with nalef this morning of best brand at l-'.-'fi generally. Ordinary stock at l.7or 2.00. SIMHNGKKSM .SCARCE ARTICLE weather and the continued drouth have affected the crop, and the outlook is tnererore lor a material aecrease in the world's -output. me talk or war in Kurope is aiso having an effect. The countries af fected produce a large per cent f th world's -crop, and if. war should ma terialize it would undouoteaiy pun down the world's output to an alarm ing extent. pects in the valley," says Mr. Pincus ?The vines are not-arming out as wen as usual. In some of the sections of Washington county growers estimate a loss of 10 to 30 per cent from a year ago. If we do not get rain before Sep tember there is not likely to De more than 120,000 bales produced in the state. "There are no vermin In the yards and the quality should be exceedingly good. "At the present time there are or ders for contracts In the market at lifvUMc, but farmers do not want to sell on account of the smaller crop prospects." H'-iin Ity of It'i-go spring chickens is pl.own alona thr -street, and for theso i aoorl (lein.iiDi in ttiown. I-aimers are itiHi'ketlng their nmall springs because TRANSPORTATION Steamer Service STEAMER I. J. POTTER loaves Portland. ANli-street Dock. dally, except Saturday and Sun .lay, H A. M.; Saturday only 1 I'. M., for Megler. Leaves Meg-.k-r 3 P. M. daily,, exct-pt Satur day and Sunday. Sunday only . P. Al. BTEAHSB HAS8AX.O leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, :00 1'. Al. for Megler, via As toria. Leaves Megler dally, ex cept Sunday and Monday, 9 A. M. Leave Megler Sunday only 9 P. Al. STEAMER HARVEST QTJEEH leaves Portland dally, except hunday, at 8:00 P. Al. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 8 A. M. Make reservations Ash-street THjcK or City Ticket Office, Third and Washington. Phones Marshall 4500. A-6121. v - - lhcy figure there Is more money in tlitm ihan in feeding them. BETTER APPLES COMING IN ging operation! on lands adjacent U ; those involved in this sale, the result being that the country has been what might be termed, "checker boarded"; that is, adjacent sections have been cut out. leaving standing the timber o,n sections covered by the order of sale. The Nehalem Timber & Logging company have built grades and con structed logging railway spurs to prac tically all of these sections, although the rails have been pulled up and the ties removed on some of these spurs. An allied company, the Portland & Southwestern Railway company., has constructed and is now operating a common carrier- railway connecting the logging .operations of the Nehalem Timber A; Logging company and the locality oaVjtfcese lands with the Co lumbia river at Scappoose, Or., where the company has their boom. JOBBING PRICES OP PORTLAND Better Quality Gravenstelfi apples are coming from California and the demand is showing improvement. Some tjtncy four tier stock arrived irom Watsonvllle this morning and was Quoted generally at $2 a box. SEEDLESS GRAPES OFFERED v Seedless grapes 'from the south are offering in small lots on the local mar ket, with sales reported at $1 a crate. Malagas arc fairly steady at the same price for best quality offerings. CHEESE CONTINUES SLUGGISH Following the dron of another half cent in the price ,of cheese here, the market is weak today. Consignments of cheese from variotra sections are entering the local market, some com ing even from the Klamath section. India leads eastern countries in the number of its blind, having about 500, 001- to 500,000 In Japan. WHEAT CARGOES FIRM LoodQn, July 28. Wheat cargoes on passage hnglista country markets firm owing to BUIU it .uppiy. i-rtncn country markets quiet. " FOBEION' WHEAT MARKETS Urerpool Wheat closed ShWAd up. Berlin Wheat closed V,r up. Buenos Aires Wheat closed unchanged. Antwerp Wheat closed unchanged. HOGS SMALL LOT OF TOUCH $9 TODAY IN N. PORTLAND YARDS Situation Is Strong but Is Gener ally Considered Unchanged for Bulk of Stuff Around Yester day's Price; Other Lines Good. AMXRXCAir HOa MABXETS Tops. Chicago $ 9.20 Kansas City 9.10 Portland 8.908.95 Omaha 8.80 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RCX Tuesday Monday Su tarda Friday Thiiniday . . . .'. . Wednesday .... Week ago Year ago 2 years ago 3 years ago. . . ... 25tf ..ItiOO ...330 . .. 1'JO . . 13 , . . 40(1 131 137 louo i'i 3 r,r. 157 i.vt SIM 20 17 3302 It 118 442 752 2980 Oregon ...'.i ' 113 T.r.0 Oregon '. S -. lSTKt t.Co Oregea 24 ' 1M - T.25 Oregon i...... 24 - 121 T.23 Oregoa 15 1IH.1 , 7.25 Oregon . 7.2."t Oreron 4 l(t7 : T.2r Oregon 2 - tMl 7.25 Oreaxm 22 12rtS 7.23 Oregon 3 1T 7.0 Oregon 7 12:i4 . 7.0 Oregon 27 115S 6.W Oregon . ' MO 8.50 Oregon lo2 .SO Oregon 7 &--" H.50 Oregon I 70 ft.0 Oregon i 1 111 5.50 Oregon 6 tWj 1JU cows Oregon R 1110 OreRou 9 1028 .35 Oregon 1 T70 tt.13 Oregon 1 71 6.1iO Okvgon '., 1 linn .0o Oregon 4 1042 S.OO Oregon 1 7 . 6.00 Oregon 2A l8 55 Oregon 1 1 ftoo 3.75 Oregon 1 4 ' R.50' Oregon 6 1"K 5.25 Oregon 1 1U"0 4.30 Oregon 2 944) 3.30 STAtiS Oregon 1 1420 $.23 Oregon 1 124o .5 Oregon 1 1no S.ou ! HEIFERS Oregon 7 827 $41.50 i CALVES I Oregon 1 2.VI .2J 1 Oregon 2 4"i', o.2o BCLI.8 Oregon 1 12 I3.00 i Oregon 1 13im 4.115 f Oregon 2 1143 3.ro LAMBS ' Idaho 13 72 $-",.73 Stock Market Hit by European Panic Declaration of War Causes Heavy Selling of Securities in the New York Market. New York, July 28. The loss of $20 a share by Canadian Pacific shares at one time and only a fractional recovery later, revealed the sentiment of tho trade after the declaration of war in Europe today. The entire rrjarkel was oruiuuiuuy lower man yesterday wiiu saies oi ia,3du snares up to 2 o'clock. With the heavier demand for money abroad there was a slight tightening or the money market here and call iimns aavanet-a to zbi'c. The quarterly report of the V. S bteel corporation showed - earnings of 5ZU.457.a96. Regular dividend wo h lared on both common and- preferred iiairs. Idaho Idaho Idaho INK WETHKKS 1.15 EWKS 17 IlOtJS 103 17 2i;t nin UK! 14 72 14 lOft Hi4 SI St 110 I'OItTLAND GRAIN RKCK1PTS -Cars- Wheat. Barlev. Klonr. 0t. Flur Monday 50 2 17 I "9 Tu.nday 18 2 4 1 .5 ear ago 'Z ( B 7 Season-to date. .5rt3 12J 157 SI 113 l-eur ago 1!W 138 172 5"J 132 San Francisco -OS AHOZKX8 AHS SAW BZXOO SS. ROANOKE Sails - Wsdnesday, July 39 90XTK PACX7ZC STEAMSHIP CO Ticket Oflles. I rrslgbt Oflloe. 12ZA 3d St. (Foot Xortbrap St. 1 114, A-1S14 .Main 6263. A-5422 Cops Bay Line Steamship Breakwater Sails from A I us worth dock, I'ortland, 8 a. m., Julv 7. 12. 17, 22. 2T. Aug. ). . It. 1. 21. 2U. SI. freight aud ticket otflca lower A Ins- worth dork, roruuoa um us s. a. Una. U II. Keating, Agaot. fhoae Main MOO. A-2.U'2. 8. 8. BEAVXB 70S SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES A. m., July as n sa rransiae A 7ortUa m.8. So ana- Washington Hta. Tel. (with O.-W Marahall saoO.' A-t B. A These prices are those at which wholesalers sell o retailers, except as otherwise ststed: BL'TTER .Nominal Wlllameiu railer cream- erj-, cubes, selling price, 26c; state prints, .27 lite 20c; ranch butler, lbc; city creamery, ivc. BUTTER FAT No. 1. Portland deliTerr, 2Sc. bOG Selected. Candied local, extras. nb'.te, 26c; fancy, ?Oc; case count, 23c; buying r. o. o. i ortiaDd, vc. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 14c: broiler, 1 TiCcl : stags, live ceet-e. lOArllc; ducks, old. 10c; young. 11c; . turkeys, 2oc; dressed. 25c; pigeons, eld, fl.OU1.2j; squabs. ?2.2o.40 .li.vi.n CHEESE Nomina' Kresh tirogon fancy fu? (ream twins and triplets, 10c; daisies, 16c; Young America, 17c. Fruit sad Vegetables. BERIUES Loganberries. i ); raspber liet, kl.io craie; currams. il.oo; black-ber ries, 00c; Blackcaps, $1.40; huckleberries, j2Vsgic pound. fUtlTS Oranges. $2.75(U3; ba nanus, 24c lb.; lemons, $6.50u7.0O; limes, tl.uo dvv 1U0; a,raueiruit. CaiUviiia. trrfia 2.70; pineapples, 7c; cherries, 5Sc lb.; peaches. OOaoc; cantaloupes, 1.7o(U2.2o; watermelons, 41.00(&l.li; caabas, 2.; ap ricots, 5oaioc. Vh-viE'lAjbLr-S Turnips, $1.25;-beets. S1.50; carrtils. SI o; parsnips ) sack; cabbage, local, f2.UU; tomates, d0c75c; green onions, 12Vsc dozen bunches; peppers, bell, 20ii3Oc; bead lettuce 1.2oBl box; celery, 90s doc.; egg plant. 10c: cauliflower. local. ( ); California, $2.35 per crate; French artichokes. 6c u; piout&, t j; airing beans. &47c.; Lima beans, ( ; peas, "e lb.; cucumbers, $1 per box; green coru, J1.25 1.50 rack. ONIONS California red, $2.50 cwt.; Walla Walla, C2.D0 wt. ; garlic, 15c lb. fOT A i.OkS Selling price: rJxtra choice, tlS1.25 per cental; new, $1.25(1.5; sweets, 7 i.(tSc lb. Hops, woci ana xuaes. HOI'S Buying price, choice, l6c; prime. 15WiiUc; uieuiuiu lu pruusu lie; ccoa conuacts. 14 (a 14 ',2 c. CUliXll UH lASUAlU Bittlk-est .iota 5c; )m man car lota, be. ,11 1 I. . 1 , U I. I UI , WOOL NominaL 1U14 ciId: Willamette ley eoarse loiswoia, 11 yjc; medium chrop. Ure, lVc; choice fancy lots. Ios20c lb.; eastern Oicgou, 14f20c, a cor ding :o ahruik- age. tllUB.! ury Bioes. i4c to.; areen, xlfj 12c: salted bides, 12V4c; bulls, green salt. 8ta 8c: Kips, 13Ql4c; cultes. dry, i&c; salt skins TRANSPORTATION Los Angeles and Return $37.45 XAIXXOAS TO SA2r rBAXTCZSCO, connecting with - turbine steamships Yale and Harvara, largest ana fastest ktrictlv Dassenger ship flying the American tlas. Average speea zs mites 1 salted or gretn, ihjioc; green niaes lc less . n't . J . u . I . I -. I . . I . K . .It. uultul per hour. service. The ships with" perfect Friday, July 31 Limit Aug. 10th. rXAHX BOIO.AM. Agent. (With Denver & Rio Grande R. R., 124 3d street.) Main 26. A-4596. ALASKA Special one-way and round-trip rates. Steamship sails direct 9 P. M MONDAY. AUGUST 3. Few Reservations i,eft. San Francisco, Portland A Zios Ang-eles Disaminip go, FRANK BOLLAM, Agent 184 Third Street. A-4596. Main 86. New Coos Bay Line Steamship sails direct Thursday. July aw, a. m., ior iuarsnueia, worth uena, empire ana San Francisco. Make reservations at once. FRANK BOIiXiAM, Pass. Agent. Main 2b. 124 3d Street. A-4596. migm vihm, AiDtri- soeg aro. 3. Main 6863. A-4012. REGULAR SERVICE TO British Columbia. Al berta, Saskatchewan STEAMSHIP STEAMSHIP "Prince Rupert" and "Prince George" Operating regularly Sunday and Wednesday at midnight from Seattle to Victoria. Vancouver and Prince Bnpert, Anyox fQranby Bayl. Stewart. Cnn. Mectlona made with passenger trains from Prince Xupert to Kaseltoa. Smltn- rs, ose x.aaa ana waaswortn, r. o. passenger semce soon extended tnrong-h. erola passenger serrlce via Calgary and Edmonton to all points east auu as) iar wesi ir rnnce ueorge. Double Track Route From Chicago via Niagara Falls to Toronto, Buff alo, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Montreal and Quebec J. H. BURGIS, a A, fut Dept. DORSET B. SMITH. Pass, & Ticket A. 116 THIRD ST.. PORTLAND, OREGON HONOLULU ' MM VOLCANO SPECIAL INCLUSIVE VACATION TRIP there and back, first class, in- than salted; sheep pelts, salted, shearings. lt(2ic; dry. tvc. mesvta. iiu ana previsions. DBESSKU MKA.13 Selling mica ConntrT kiueu: uok 'laucjr, juwbiic; orainary. lOc rough and Heavy, c; lancr -Teals, 14c: uruiuari, j.im-7s, iiw,, avium., kuhu, aa 4c aprlDZ lain Da, ioc. , ii A lit. turns. lHlG21e: breakfast bacon, ISMiWiWc; bulled nam, sic; plcuics. isc; cuns, ic. i-acaing (uiuae oieers. no. I Stock :2u.r: cows. fo. 1 stuck. 11 c: ewH. iue- vetners, HHc; lambs, Uc; pmk loins, lac; dressed OUKS. 12VC OiSXKUb snoaiwater oay. per gallon ( 1; r too lb. sack. ( ); Ulrinpla. Der- srallon. a.&0; per 100 lb. sack, ( i; canned eastern, 6c can: $6.60 dosen; eastern, in sheu. l.i5U 2.00 per 100; raaor claina. 2.0o12.25 box; astern orsters. per gallon, solid pack. t3.,)0. KlaH raouiuai. uressea iwanders, 7c: diinook salmon. 11c; steelnead. 10c: kat- tbut. 54tic id.; snrimps. ivc: perch be AD. ; lousier, ow tu., iuik smelt, go; Imnn trout. 12VC LAUD iierces, uc; comnoono, tierces. La Aria urge, z.w; meoium. si aosea. Qrooarlea. Ki:r,AR Cube, to.afu iHiwdered.'ts.25t fn.i or berry, 5.U5; beet, 4.W; dry granulated, f5Ji&; U yellow. $4.36. tAbore uuotations ar SO days net caao. KlCh. japan styie. io. i, Dttjac; Kew Orleans, head. BtUIc; Creole, Sfee. UUKiti new, .t.ouia.ou per case.. BKAN3 Small white. 3Wc; lara-e whit. be. pink, 6luc; Uuias. Tc; bajo. ?4ic; red. bALl loaxse, nan grounas. loos, I1Q per ton; 60s, S10.T6; table dairy. 60s, 1S; 10s. K17. SO: bales, t'l.'io; extra fine barrels Ua 6s and los, 5.Z0jti.Oo; lump ruck, per ton. peints ana oils. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 8c per lb.: BOO lb. lota. He per lb.; less lots, 8Hc per lb. LlKSKHU MIL, rtaw cdis.. oic per sal.: kettle boiled, bbl., 63c; raw cases, 08c; bulled caaes, CSe gaL; lots of 250 gallons, le less: on esse meai, per ion. OIL MEAI, Carload lots. S34. TURPENTINE In cases, ?7c: wood bar rels. frttc: iron barrels. 60c per gallon. cuai. uil tater wnne on arums, and irxu barrels. lOc. The premium on blucstem wheat over other varieties is showing a small spread ana indications are now point ing to still higher price for this vari ety. Today s bids on bluestem are ex ceedingly firm at 84c per bushel, tide water track basis, while club is quoted generally at 80V6c and fortyfold from 8lc to SL'c per bushel. While the market does not show the excitement locally that it did yester day, the market was nevertheless very strong and bidders were miite unxious to take hold. Since 'the market ha- strengthened there lias been less in clination among the country to sell. and this has been an aid in fjrcljig further strength. Coarse grains are weak and t'lmost stagnant for new crop, although there is a tair movement or old crop oats. WHEAT New crop club, July-August, 80c; fortyfold, 81fti'82c; blue stem, 84c; red Russian, 77 c. OATS New crop, buying price: No. 1 white feed, $21 per ton; gray. $20.50. FLOUR Selling price: Patent, $470; Willamette valley, $4.70; local straight, $4.10; export, straight. $3.50; cutoff, $3.6003.65; bakers', $4.504.70. HAY Old crop, producers' price, Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $13.50i4; eastern Oregon-Idano. fan cy timothy, $1616.50; alfalfa, $13&0 13.50; vetch and oats, $11; clover, S9fg 9.10 per ton. GRAIN BAGS NO. 1 Uaicuira, IU ture delivery, $88.25;u)at bags. $7.50. MILLSTUFKS Bran! $22.50 24.00; shorts, $26.50a27. BARLEY New crop, early delivery. feed, $20.50 21 late delivery, feed. $19; brewing, 20 per ton. Sensational Rise Is Forced for All Wheat Chicago Market Is Most Excited in Years and at One Time Was Ten Cents Higher. Chicago. Julv 28. The most sensa tional rise ever known In the stock market occurred today after it became known that a declaration of war had been made in Europe. The wheat mar ket at one time showed a net advance of 10c a bushel, closing rises being 8c for July, 9c ror September and 9Vc for December. May closed with a rise of 9c. While there was a strong tone abroad, the market there closed before the war news became so acute. Broomhall cabled from Liverpool that disappointing American cables yesterday caused some selling here Later there was a sharp scramble of shorts to cover, being induced by the break Ih consols and a report here that actual war has commenced between Austria and Servia. Russian advices continue bullish. The market-la very nervous and during the morning some speculative interests were inclined for profits and this caused some reaction but at i:dU p. m. tne undertone was strong. Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon 17S 275 12 1i4 1ST, 194 1!1S I4S 17.-. 2 1 1"7 lr, 2 2.". mA :i77 2 Tuesday Morning Sale. STEKRS $1.75 $.1.75 K.t5 Kilo 8.U5 K.10 K.OO S.tM K.40 ha: 7.95 7.0O 7.1MI 7-lHJ While the price of hogs touched the Xl" $9 mark today at North Portland for I Oregon a very limited supply, with an advance 1 Oregon of a nickel over yesterday, the general jjregon market remains unchanged. Oregon There was only- a small supply re- Oregon ported In the yards over night and I Oregon these 'were quickly picked up by kill- j Oregon trs. The bulk of the good stuff went Oregon at $8.90 during the morning. Oregon At Chicago there was a spurt or : "IT"" strength in the swine trade for the day and an advance of 5c to 10c was forced in prices. Tops at $9.20. Kansas City hog market ruled strong, with an advance of a dime. Tops at $9.10. Hogs were strong with an advance of a nickel at Omaha. Tops at $8. 8a General hog market range: Best light, 200 pounds $8.85 0 8.95 Medium 8.65 (&' 8.75 Heavy- . . . . i 8.50 Fat pigs 7.50 8.00 Cattle Market Is Strong. .Continued strength is showing for P2 ft Id a , Vrti-fli PnrtlnnH whh tha trade well maintained on the basis of i J?''" the sharp advance of yesterday. Tliere ureBOD Was onlv a xmnll run in tli varrls over i night and demand being very good, it I J"" did not take very long lor receivers to J J;"1'"!? clean tip. The demand continues ex- 1 ."" ... .... .. p. u.l.l l . . .... J 1 1 V . VII.. .11... . i At I'hiio urt thi, nailla murL-At liim.rl ' ritt..th CROP SMALLER Kansas City cattle market had a ranier tair run anu a loss or a ai me , T.,i e t w fv.rr.oH in th nri.t. L-iii.r. Odessa, Russia, July 28. A. prelim ir,t.i.-ha A V.rri, iVj Vi'lnary official report covering i No. At. lbs. Trice. 19 12S2 $7.50 1 lst .75 2 !5 8.00 HEIFERS 1 ."ilO $41.00 I 540 6.23 COWS i 12iV - l .1 MT.4 H.fSI i I loto ."..(St i 1 WO 4.2i HOtW i 7 171 n.rsi M 177 W.JK ! 1 17" i :i ;o 7.po 3 ideas. The Omaha cattle market was steady to a dime lower. General cattle market range: Select steers Good to prime . . Good to choice . . Ordinary to fair Fancy cows Good to prime . . Ordinary Select calves Heavy Fancy bulls ... Ordinary governments indicates the spring wheat crop at 162,000.000 husnels un der last vear.and oats 270.000.000 bush els under last year. The outlook for - - - - , - .. i corn is about oOuaK to mat or last. . a i.n.tra t.oii ,.ar t.ar v.ar thn Knrincr wheat i-?'J i ('rnn was nlaced at 681.000.000 and this uy 0' ! rrmi renre.oentn about 75 nor cent of the total yield in itussia Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke company, 216-217 Board of Trade building: ' WHEAT. Open. High Low. Close. July 85 92, S3 924B Sep 83 y, 92 83 92 E Dec 86 95 85Ts- 95 CORN. July 72 74 72 74A Sep 69 71 69 71 Dec 69 62 69 61 OATS. July 35 37 35 37 Sep. 35 36 35ii 36 Dec 37 38 36 37 PORK. July 2295 2295 2290 2295 Sep 2070 2092 2062 2080 LARD. July 1015 Sep. ..... 1002 1030 1002 1022 Oct 1007 1035 1007 1030 RIBS. July 1222 1225 1222 1225 Sep 1195 1207 1182 1205 Oct 1155 1157 1145 1157 SO .30fi; 6.:.o 6.00 0 6.25 " 5.50 8.008.25 7.50 4.50 4.0004.25 NORTH WKST BANK STATEMENT Clearings. Tuesday Monday tops, with t 4.75 4.404.56 4.004.25 5.65W5.75 6.65 ft' 5.75 5.00 (&' 5.50 Clearings Balances Sheep Market is Maintained. There was quite a fair run of mut ton and lambs on the market at thd opening of the day s trade but .the call continued good and in all lines prices were maintained. Call for qual. , clearings li i-uminuca u uciiru.itu anil rile nauis . RalanCeS or me traue 111 mi narm-uiar are ni being takesi care or by home interests because or the higher basis prices that are being offered at competitive centers. At Chicago there was a strong tone in the mutton market for the day, prices being a dime better than yes terday. Kansas City mutton trade was strong with an advance of 10c. Omaha mutton market was strong witlt yearlings at 6 for best lambs at s.lt. General mutton range: Best shorn yearlings .... Shorn wethers Best shorn ewes Best E. mountain lamhs . Valley light young lambs Heavy spring lambs Today's Livestock Shippers. Hogs J. B. Smith, Gwendolen, 1 load; F. B. Decker, Woodburn. 1 load di rect to Union Meat Co. Cattle A. R. Ford. Sheridan, 1 load: W. T. Richard. Condon. 1 load: T. R. Howitt Corvallls, 1 load; E. P. Brown, 2 loads cattle and calves: J. L. S Campbell, Matipin, 1 load cattle and calves. Sheep R. R. Matson, Lyle. Wash., 3 loads. Mixed Stuff J. S. Flint, Junction Citv. 1 load catle and hogs. Disposition of Livestock. Following were the purchases of livestock at North Portland for tho week ending Saturday. Those of the lncn Portland Banks, This week. .. .$1,295,093.98 .. 1,722,963.70 Year ago. $1,608,184.1 1,563,712.:; Week to date$3,018.057.73 $3,171,896.49 Seattle Banks. .$2,308,608.0 136.349.00 Closing upen. Hid a4 47 KUV, -T 62 2U viij 76 .. 21 36 V 173 V, 34 mi .. :t 44 24 6lV 2H i:t t2 1H 73 14 20 Si 11V ;i 4-i 122 7 mi: 117 4 a"4 21V, 27 N. 't4 V, 4 23 3s 27 .120 117' Range of New Tork Dricest f urniaheri V Overbeck AL- Cooke -omr.Hn- iqi- Oesenptlon. Aualgsmated Copper Co Amer. far at Kdry. e Aiwriean Can. preferred AiumriD idco., rum American Sugar, com ' Amerleau Snu-It. com-. Auaennala Mining Co American Woolen, common .... ATctiiiioi!. roinluon Att'lilkon. nreferred ciminwre Onio, cominon .... I't tugar , 15 tMvbem -Steel, rommoo .... Brooklyn ltapid Tranalt C;-nuUlan 1'ai-lflc, common ... enirai latner. common ..... Vntral leather, ntvferrea 'bloago & Ort. vtestera. com. '-. M. fc St. ! I'tliM, t'ii.ier i.eHiMske A lhio Kuel & Iron, eouimon ''nkolidated Gas 'oi n Produets, common '.. . -rn I'rodiifts. . nreferr1 IVIeuare Hudson v .... l-iiTtr & Itlo tlrande. com eiiver A- Hlo linn.l.. i.rf-rH enmmon Krle. second preferred Krte. fln.t preferred tierieral Klet-trlc ,reat irthcrn. ore lands ... tireat Northern, nreferred lee Seeurltlea ........ nfernatbnal llirtnl.r lrlenirl.yn Metro., contnon ... luternrban Metro., preferred . Ihigb Valley Kansaa City Southern Mexican I'et t. UmlBTllle & NsshrllU LiMssotirl. Kan. & Texas, com.. Missouri Pacific National Lead Nerada Couaolidated New Ilaren New York Central N. Y., Ontario 4; Western ... Norfolk At WeMern. inoinion Northern I'aetflv. common . raclfic Mall S. V. Co l'enu. Uy." Kay Conn. Copper , 'Leading-, common Ilea dins, second preferred . . Heading, ilr't preferred Itepul'Ue Iron & Stei-I, conimoii.. 20 ltepablic Iron Steel, preferred... Kock Island, common Uock Island, preferred L. 4c t. F., sec. pref St. I.. 8. F. . 1st. pref Southern 1'scifle. common Southern Hallway, common .... Southern Railway, preferred ... Toledo. St. 1.. & W., com Toledo, St. L. & W.. preferred. I'nlon I'arifte, rmnmon ...... I Dion Pacific,- preferred V. S. Rubber, common I'. S. Rubber, preferred I, s. Sieel Co.. common . U. S. Steel Co., pfd.. Ctah Copper Virginia Chemical Wabash, conimoo Wabash, preferred Western Cniou Tel. . .104 . U'i .. HI ...13.1 .. 24S .. 4 . laoii 10 - ..!.... .. m " . I j o:i . . lot) i 4 . . l! ..15t4 12 13 aiVs li 41 ia mi 1021 is'. l.M k:i S7 1!T, ft CAR SHORTAGE IS NOT r FEARED THIS SEASON BY RAILROAD PEOPLE: Empties Being Rushed West to Handle Big Grain and ; Fruit Crops. " t2 S 75!. 121 . -lofl', .. n4 2 : i W, 72', 11!) HO Mu S5 1"7' 64 In the face of one of the largest Rrain crops in the hiMory of th nonnwest, or a fruit crop in most in stances greater than last year and lha gradual revlvul of the lumber bus-.- - ness, t'ortland railroad men teltevo the car situation will prove equal to handling the emergency. Anticipating a recurrence of last year's shortage, nearly all tho roada have been rushing empties from por tions or their territory whtre tb prospective demand is light. Prac tically all lines have purchased new equipment. alo. although for monthj many of the box and flut cars already in use nave been idle. Lumber shippers have feared lhat A marked shortage would follow the re vival or trade, particularly because the retailers' stocks all over I lie conn-' try have been ,! lowed to run low. Recently D. W. Campbell, assistant general manager of the Southern Pa- Clflc. stnt out an anneal tor nromnk handling of cars on the part ot shlp t ers and consignees, in anticipation of what he considered one of the biggest movements of grain ami -lumber In years. ' f? There has been inn. It movement lately of cordwond In tliis territory, all the roads taking advantage of the rlack season to em-ouruKe the use Of J?" fl it fnwm C 1 . . . - general demand was off. - . The O.-W. It. & N. Co. the Southern Pacific and Clreat Nurth-rn have re, cently acquired a number of new re-, frlgerator cars for the hauling of green fruit, and the Pacific Knot Kx- press has strengthened its supply out, of Sacramento so the apple, peach and' pear crop can be cared for without much delay. That conget-tton is bound to com. ith Hi elmullancous rush 10 market' of the grain from all over the north-" west Is generally admitted by traffto' men. That the delay will not prove serious, however. Is declard by every tallroad man who has the handling of ' cars. i TrafTlc managers l.ave instructei their local art-nts to use every mean possible to induce their shipper to j anticipate their car requirements e they may order what cars are needed" far enough ahead to Injure cxpediUoui delivery, and without i-'autng a rush, i upon the car department from every station at once. 2 57 Ex. Dir. 2. TMOma Baaka. .$315,125.00 ,68.473.X)0 Money and Exchange. ..London. July 18. Consols. 72d; sil ver, 24 7-16d; bank rate, 3 per cent. New York, July 28. Sterling ex change, long, 4.8: silver. bullion. .&3C Ran Francisco July 28. Sterling ex change. 60 days. 4.84; sight, 4.87: documentary, 4.84. San Francisco Barley Calls. San Francisco. July 28. Barley calls: July 27 July 28 Close Open Close Dec 100 A 101 B 103 A New York Cotton 3Iarket. Open. High. Iw. Close. January ...1219 1222 110 119091 March 1228 1228 1198 1198499 May 1248 1249 1222 1221423 July 121 1210 1174 1173i74 August ...1205 1210 1175 1174t75 September .1207 1207 1202 1180&82 October A. 1211 1217 118S 118S84 December .1232 1235 1203 1204005 Chicago Hogs Higher. Chicago, July 28. Hogs. 13.000: mar ket 60 to 10c higher. Light, $R.7ufr .20; mixed. $8.50&9.20; heavy, $8.40& 9.12: rough. 1.408.55. cattle z&uo; market weak. Sheep 13,000: market strong to 10c higher. Omaha Hogs Advance. South Omaha. July 28. Cattle SOOO; market steady to 10c lower. Steers. $9.259.75; cows and heifers. $6.50B7.75. Hogs 7300; market strong to Be higher. Bulk, $8.5508.80. Sheep 6200;. market steady to strong. Yearlings, $5.656.Q0; weth ers. $5.40f5.60; lambs. I7.75Q8.15; ewes, $4.7&.7.00. Seattle Dairy Products. Seattle, Wash.. July 28. Rggs. fresh, ranch. 29 30c; Oriental. 18c. ButterCountry creamery cubes, 27c; bricks, 29c; city creamery cubes, 27c: bricks, 29c. Cheees Wisconsin, 1819c; Wash ington, 16 17c. San Francisco Dairy Products. San Francisco, July 28. Kggs. ex tras, 29c; firsts, 25c; pullets, 24c. Butter Extras, 24c; prime firsts, 23c: firsts, 22c; seconds, 21 c. Cheese California fancy. 13c; firsts. 12c: seconds, 11c. Private Parks' Tag - Sent to Funstoii Identification Tag Was roosd la Fila of Bloody Clothing Outside ! ' Oral Murderers to Ba Punished. " ' t, Washington. July 28. The Mexican 'A war office has forwarded to General " Kunston the Identification tag cjarrlel 2 by Private Parks, who disappeared . shortly after the American occupation or vera vrux, according to advice re- i.-j n f .. l . . . " TN. . . ..... J t on a heap of bloodstained clothlns & found outside of Vera Cctis and wis identified as belonging to Park. .. Secretary of War Garrison recently i earned unofficially that the war of fice had recovered the clothing and that I K. ir-jr m frit a wrA u tmi : I Irk Iwi destroverl when the tse was found. . 5- As a result of the find It was ex- -peeled that new demunis for the pun ishment of Parks' slayers would .bo wade to President Carbajal. NEW TODAY 1 1 i Union Meat Co. ludo direct chases in the country: Cattle. CalTes. Hogs. Sheep. 1 rnloti Meat Co 100 11 141M 2726 Sterrett & Oberlee . t .. HT ISO KTank U Smith . . . 2H 1 0 '....I M. J. Gill 20 2S T. It. Howitt .. . . 1M Misc. Portland 3 .. 72 132 Misc. Oregon fi.t 2 Bl farstens l'kg. Co... f!t .. 2".9 1029 Tit coma Meat Co... 14 .. 68 ' James Henry .. .... 2.13 Barton Co 130 440 Misc. Wash 32 2t7 . Totals 5SS 14 1081 5414 Monday Afternoon Bales. STEERS Section lNo. Are. lbs. Price. Oregon 25 1247 $7. SO Oregon 1 1420 7..V1 Kansas City Sheep Higher. Kansas City. July 28. Hogs. 7000: market 10c higher. Tops, $9.10., Cattle 10,000; market weak, ,10c lower. Sheer 4000: market strong. 10c nigner Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Etc, 816-217 Board of Trads Building-. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES , TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of Trade. Correspondents of Logan & Bryan, . Chicago, New York.. 17 DAYS SSSSI $150 J. C. Wilson & Col also autO drlra to tha Pall and Pnnenbawi uiin. v-. Splendid S SIElRRAi leaving San Francisco Tuesday, August 18. and returning September 4. (If desired, steamer ttefe, iim Don't miss this opportunity lo see the World Wonder Volcano Kilaueal f - avurs vvivanu un eann. liUUK. JNUW, OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY 673 MARKET ST. San Francisco, Cal. 1 : NEW TORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW. TORK COTTON EXCHANOB. . CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE. THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE , v , SAN FRANCISCO. 1 FOBVbAHO OTTXCB 869 Oak St Orottnd Vloor, X,wls Bldg, Vhoass SCassaaU 3858. A-4187. SALMON RUN NOW BETTER According to advices from the lower Columbia, quite a material improve ment is shown in the catch of salmon. All gears are showlns- a greater haul and the outlook is for continued im provement. The quality of the fish Is said to be the best of the season to date. The market for canned fish re mains very firm. HOLD ONIONS TOO LONG Walla Walla. Wash.. Julv 28. Hav ing held for a higher price on onions when the valley's record price of $2.50 a sack of' 100 pounds was being of fered, a large number of Italian gar deners are figuring how much they lost now mat they are compelled to sell at 75c a rack. One Italian who sold on the hifch market reports that his -crop brought more than $1400 an acre . SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Protect shipments as far : north as Seattle against maximum tempera tures of about 82 degrees; northeast to Spokane. 94 degrees;, southeast to Boise, 96 degrees; south to Ashland, 98 degrees. Maximum temperature at Portland tomorrow, about 88 degrees. Denver, Hogs " at $9. Denver, Colo., July 28. Cattle 600, market steady. Cows and heifers $6.00 7.25; calves, $8.00 9.60. Hogs 900: market stronger; tops. $9.00; bulk; $8.909.00. Sheep 1400; market firm. Tear lings. $5.506.25: wethers. $5.25 6.76; lambs, $7.00 7.76; ewes, 44.00Q4.7a. SAVING IS COMMON SENSE No matter who you are, what you do, what- you earn, how much you know, or what your age, the one thing essential to a successful career is to spend less than you earn. An ac count of our savings department offers the best way to save. We are helping others and should 'like to help . you. 4 in terest on sayings. i-umdermens National bank "In the Business Center" Fifth' and Stark - St. The First National Bank f Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus - $3,500,000 Interest Paid on Savings and Time Deposits Secority Savings and Trust Company Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus - - $350,000 M ----- 1J . "1 G53 &UlaaaJ $4300New Bimgalow, 7 Rooms ; and Sleeping Porch : Hot wster best, built-in buffet, bookcases, osk fk". psoeled walls, r" rvlliaxa, best Indirect llchllng sylm. flrrplsrs ta o. Datcb kllrurn. lrj VH. mirrurad daurs and bark porcb i-rtur&. full rrawot base ment with laundrr trsrs. ail walls flBlsb4 . til hit wall iMtprr; asy Urmm; WW cask ,1 and SUU nioutb. all today. bO no sc. 0- l looks from carltor. or ubooa r, ; A tisla 745. iVlOKiGAGE LOANS 5i, 6, 7 On lnpro"d eltr propercr. We U '.eal In Corporation and Muoieipa iiur.ds. BOSCXTSOH U EWXKO. 307.8 jrcrtcwaatern Batk tide IF Ladd & Tilton Bank Ettabluhed 1859 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $2,000,000.00 , Commercial and Savings Deposits . Want Ad Rates la ffrt Ort. 1. isia. A LI, PBtVloUS KATK caNCCLLKD - ' CBAKUKU AUVKKllfc.MltarS taily or owlT. 1U mtl par word per lasartloa. Tbla rharara la for all e!ssatf teatioM lUrtb Ins "For Beat la i'rlTst JsoJIf," "Moom asd I Board la CrlraU l aojllr. "altaanos Waac d" and Waotd to Ileal" ads., sralck are ' I real per word per loaertlua. j , Mv ad cbsrgcd for leas ta 15 feat. -CASH AUVEUT18k.MENTB ' m easts per word for all cWasirteatleee eieeptlDS "ru tUat la Pries! raaalle," . "ktoom sad Board is PrWsts rsa-llF," "Sit. satkaa Vvsoted" aad "Vau:d Uj HmmV aa,t . srblrb are 1 eeats par word. Three. Insertloca fur tb prlea r two. -Keeea Inssrtlons for tba prW of fits. - ad tra foe teas tbaa IB eeats. , 41 eio7 JaTUHO CAMP 1 CAMP meeU Tery Wvdnesda eenint In W. O. W. temple. 1ZS 11th -rt. All mem. bers requested to at end. Visitors weloome. W, S. SNYDER. C. C., . Cleik. Council. Key I . - ORKUON .fljr.i , . - Arcanom, meets at the M. L Arcanum hall,- Mason la "31 Temple, the first and third . . Tuesday at J p. m. Visitors .orrllall welcomed. O. O. ? . S- Hall. secreUrr. f E. 14ta st. V. ALL Oddlellows and Kebekabs are In vited to attend an all Jay picnic at Ibe.I. O. O. F. Home Thursday, July SO. Kveryone Is expected to wring a ell filled basnet, committee. r fell f