HE. CAM COLLAPSES AS : i rrrrn in nrm Lt th blitHM Fair Defendant Utters .Con; vulsive Sob in Court Room and Then Faints; Is Car ried Out by Husband. JUDGES CHALLENGE ONE ANOTHER TO FIGHT DUEL Sensation Follows Sensation i During Saturday's Ses sion of Trial. '-5 (By th International Kw rlc.) Paris, July 25. "I end you a thou sand million kisses." Maitre Laborl reached this point today in the reading of the love letters -that hud been ex changed between Joseph Calllaux and Mme. Claretl before aha became his wife.. Mme. Calllaux, on trial for the j murder of Qaatott , Calmette, 'sobbed convulsively. Then sh collapsed In the prisoners' dock. Gendarmes rushed to her aid. Call laux, .umplng from his seat; forestalled them. He took the limp form gently In his arms and carrl.d It from the court. Thus ended the session of the I morning, which Was marked by dra matic period after dramatic period and fmuffht at cverv an arid with a 'neW thrill and a new sensation. . Elxht love letters had been pub lished. Three by order of the court were read by Laborl. FIVe remained In the Judge's hands. ' The great crowd hung upon every word of tha letters rtad by the man who In France, is best qualified to give effect to the meaning of the words. ; .Letters Derisively. Greeted, v. In, spite of the tremendous Interest and the magnificent elocutionary powers of the advocate, there was an uproar as the reading progressed. Hnouts of .derision came to challenge the shrieks of triumph that came from the enemies of the defense. There had been a sensational pre lude, t Judge" Louis 'Albanel. of , the seal court, had challenged Judge 1 ka afnil Trt. M litl saT ' Tha stllstl U'Q SB ITvTT- ,.' HVUi J vr mm m uu , .. u ww w voked by the letters. Judge Dagoury charged that his associate had acted with partiality in--de4diiHf-h- issue . Immediately., tb president of ' th court -sent his seconds to his fellow 4iilt mm.m sn'n as an a Tr lrtcru nf tta t 1 St. faction on the field of honor. Th court room was ringing with the tidings of the duel when the letters came to sweep- the aenca Trom Jts feet and bring a sudden and. umx- pected ending to the session. , Mme. -Calllaux was wan and weak when she was led Into court. She had to be assisted to her chair and treiu- bled- violently. Immediately Judge Albanel ruled that the famous ar.o, I mysterious Calllaux letters should be I read. Ceortroom Zs Jammed. The court room was more than us ually crowded: Even the aisles were filled. All the politicians of note in VConcluaed on P(f Foor, Colamn Iwt) Man Runs Amuck, Shoots 3 on Train Orders Trainman on Hew Kavea to Throw Vp Sis Baads, Then, Begius Shooting KigM aad Ift. . New York, July 25. Running amuck on th New Haven Boston Express due l here about 9 o'clock tonight, Charles Burnell, thought to live In Brooklyn, ahot three men and a -woman .The wounded are Mrs. . Bessie Thoreson, Austin Oyer, Nathan Shas and an un identified S3an..v.;i ;v! -.-,;.:.. Shortly before the train, comprising ten cars, ran , Into iWUllams , bridge lands; they .want them back. VUla will station, Burnell tied a . handkerchief that they get them back in some about his face, pulled a revolver. from way or another. , his pocket and ordered Trainman John ' Aaothtr Bevplntlon Possible. Stanley to throw up his hands. Stan- "A government . that f alls ' to s. take ley fled. ' Burnell followed, shooting Into consideration the needs and wants right and left. The passengers, ter- of the ..peons will be a failure. -The ror stricken, dropped to the floor and spirit , of social ' unrest '. among them, under' the seata When, men passen- which arises fn their demand for their gers rushed to capture the man he rights, cannot fail to bring about an nulled tha emergency cord and leaped other revolution, a revolution that will through a car window. He was later sweep all "Mexico. captured la a lumber yard, near where . "Francisco-Villa Is the only man In the train stopped. . " Mexico, in my opinion, who can steer The wounded were brpught ' to a Mexico through these troubled waters, local hospital. Dyer, with a bullet in Th peons all want him for president, his abdomen, was reported dying at He will refuse at first, not wishing to the hospital late tonight. P.. I Americans Uncouth, Said Mrs. Modjeski Jtalph Xodjeokl of j Portland, Ztles 1 linn to Wife's t nivoroa r Bnlt In I .miim a..M. tm-... Cnlcatro, Admits BaggestUg Blvore. Chicago. July : tS.Mm.' Felice Mahdah Modjeejcl refused to live Jn the United States, declarlag Amert- cans to be uncouth and uneducated, according to Jer husband, Ralph Mod- jfski. son of the late actress, who to- day filed an answer to Madame's bill for divorce. ; i( --r . - ;.v r ,r : Modjeski, a 1 wealthy civil engineer, recently filed suit for divorce in Port - land. Ore. Jn the answer to his wire s bill filed here, he declares he is a resident of Portland, not of Chicago, He denies that he off ered i, his wife 160,000 If she would permit him to get a quiet divorce, but admits -that he Suggested a divorce would be the best! solution of their troubles. '--.1 7 niP tM (KTPY AQ'.WRFfiK , UlU MS i I tAHO . ntUI :. , -' " '"; " '" ' i '"' to confiscate their estates, but the con- - Lufkln. Texas, July 85.- The X.uf- cessionaries are too strong to chop off kin Land and Lumber company's labor summarlly. lt is possible that .by court train ran Into an open switch wreck- action and -condemnation th con cas ing tha. train, killing seven men ''and slons could be returned to the Mexican lnurln" IS jther .. j -. ;?;'.: vj c;- people the stat compensating J th Mexico's Hope Land Question John Heed, former I'ortlanderJ who I Ml m 1 1 .. Lj-..a , ur iiauu auiumeuge gaweu rebels. John Reed Declares Villa to Be Really Understands What for, and Only One tc Francisco Villa Is tha only man' who can save Mexico. , . After five months spent with Villa and n an' Intimate study Of the Siex- tupltM, aad. tlw4oUemr 'Jaha Beed, writer and former ;Portlandef, has reached this conclusion. Mr. Reed Is now In Portland visiting his mother, Mrs. C. J. Heed.- In Mexico he repre- Sen ted the Metropolitan magazine and the New York Wortd-r- Thoroughly ia Bympthr cau,ft of tne srwu ' ,h.vr. . ,,.. -ua hfit be V, i tufltod. the sltuaUon. from, their angle and has boiled, their salvation down to one word,. 'Villa.' -; ' Villa," he said the other day, "is a son of the people. . He U a peon. He jS a thJ oulj one of alt the Mexican leaders who understands what 'they are fighting for. ' He is fighting the people's fight, the fight of the sub merged 85 per cent of - the Mexican population. -He, and he alone, can put the country on its feet.;' "v' . "Carranzi. on the other hand, is an aristocrat. Heis not .fighting for the peonsj for the common people, but for himself and others of his class. He -Is surrounded by politicians,, offlceseek ers who are jealous of Villa and who have no sympathy for the peons. "Carranza has been proclaimed pro visional, president in northern . Mexico. It is possible tie Will' become president of all Mexico and his politicians may give Mexico a good, government." but the masses will be left where they now are. ."Carranza had an opportunity to help the Yaqvii Indians, but he did nothing for them. He has steadfastly, refused to comment on the land Question.. - .- And yet this is the question which lies closest to the Mexican heart. The peons f, have been despoiled, of their rise above the rank of . the people he has fought with and for.' But the only hop for Mexico lies in' him being made to see the necessity of .taking the of fice.: With Villa as president,, the peons . will win put; -they will over come all ' obstacles, if foreign govern ments will leave' them alone. . Th question of foreign concessions Is apt to prove .a serious stumbling block. The masses of Mexico have a deep consciousness Of nationality. They wat a Mexlco for the Mexloans TneJ are tired of having the natural wealth ef th country in the bands of for- elgnera "How to regain control of thes con cessions is the puzzle. Mexico is i network : of concessions, the , conces j sionaries making SO to 40 per cent on I their Investments. Fore lira aovern- 1 ments will Insist on their rights in re- 1 spect to concessions held by their dt- lsens, ana unless the Mexicans are very careful they will have to pay huge sums in shape of indemnity . or face occupation by. troops of foreign coun- tries. To avoid international - compll- cations Mexico must have a president who knows the peons and who has tact. villa is-sucn a"man. . i Big- XaadnOidrs Are Xaxicaas. ' 1 '"-J1 th big landholders of Mexico I lr UcxicatiH and It -will h no m.iA Rests in -Villa Is Paramount discusses Mexican affairs from a i ... . ... uy live monuis' stay among vno Photograph Only Rebel Leader Who Rebels Are Fighting Satisfy Them, - holders for their losses. .But where is it going to get the money? "It certainly ! would -be tha policy of the new government to Dorr ow as little tcanJnBaslWir 6Trfogas 'to taxe so years at least to pay off. It is possible a, sinking fund could be (Concluded on Page Five, Colamn One.) owners Hurry To Utilize Canal Mlssourlaa of American - KawaUan Xilne Probably Will Bring First West ward Bound Cargo Through Panama, San Francisco. Cal., July 25. Right on the heels of the government's an nouncement- that the Panama canal will- be ready for ,j commercial traffic on , Apgust r 15, there came '.announce ments today of plans for its Immedi ate utilization by Pacific coast, ships. : v The American-Hawaiian : Steamship company officials -have started Tout to make their.' bigr- Mftsourian the first west bound steamer through the canal with a domestic cargo. . ! The Mlseourian was . due- to leave New York .'August 1, but the plans 'We'rel changed today ; to make the de parture 'August , 4 and,' the " route via Panama Instead of Magellan. ' by . Brown Brothers. TODAY'S SUNDAY JOURNAL Consists of , ? SECTION ONEUTEN PAGES Aaitrla Prepare for Wax. : Feaoe tf Au Europe Threaten!, . Hma. ; Calllaux . Collapaee in Court. IVigonms fight for P MSfg of Sivers and Harboia Bill.1 ; '."Drr" Campaiga Boparatad from Pol- Wataon Glaaia Ideas at "Bin Sky" ' ' Meeting, i ' i Knowlea' Bear Xllllng Btory Fiae. folk Progreaaives Have Hot ladoried Booth. i land Locator' Suit to Jury Boon. Wax Scale Puzslea Kail road Men. X. C. 0. Baling Unpopular. ' 4 - f. .3P s! ' i. SECTION TWO Ohio's Politic at Boilinr Point. Varied Beaoureea ef Joaepkine Oouaty. Electrioal Workers Stat Poaltlon. , Old World Art Treasure Help Ex pe tition. Personal . Bacallactlona ' of . Abraham Lincoln. - -. ', r . SECTION ' THREE TEN PAGES. Part ; One Sports News and Gossip. Part Two Marine News; Want Ads. SECTION FOUR EIGHT" PAGES ! Wben th HelfbkorBood Seek Vusio. t 8. Dramatio and Movie Hews. . Ia fa AutomobUa World. . SECTION FIVE Pag. - ' X-g-S. Th Week in Soeiatr. ' , Work of th Human Society, "i ' Tear Horoaeop. . . ' S. . .Wkat Woraen- Are Doing. ' SECTION SIX (WOMAN'S 3 SIX PAGES Pag. - r , . t. "Her Smoking ears Breathes th - - Orient. S. Xat Exarosss for Bishtg Tim. .. -Mr. Henry Byrne. - Ad vie on SoeW Customs. Answer to Beautr. QuerMia. S.- fiom Panning and Preserving-. Anna Barrows. SECTION SEVEN (MAGAZINE) EIGHT: PAGES Pag. a : I.. Cnv-smd Brldsr Acre ' Bell Ri-rer Photorraph by Oifford. People and Event la th H Fiotorial. . A Bagina; Forest Tire. Pictorial. Where the Tishermaa Dry Ihir Vets. Pictorial. England's Barest Books Being Bought "-by American. , ' . J SECTION EIGHT (COMIC) FOUR PAGES DRY GAfflPAlGU IS SEPARATED FROM POLITICS Leading Democratic, Repub lican and Progressive Can didates, and State Chair men to Be Neutral. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE MAKES SAME PROMISE Important Step Result Sev eral Weeks' Effort on Part of Dry" Forces. On the initiative of the Anti-Saloon league, . which is the leading force in the fight to make Oregon dry, an agreement has been reached which will have the ' effect of taking the prohibition issue out of politics in the present campaign. The state chair men and the leading candidates of the Republican, Democratic and Pro gressive parties have accepted 'this agreement, which pledges them : to strict neutrality as to the wet-or-dry issue and on the other hand the dry forces agree to maintain the same neutrality as to these parties, and can dldates. This important step Is directly In accord with the declared policy of the "Oregon Dry" committee of 100 which announced : two weeks- ago that in waging . the fight for prohibition ' lt would- refrain from alliance with, any candidates or political parties. Fol owing the same line of policy the : Anti-Saloon ' league has been at work for several weeks' to bring about an agreement which would accomplish the desired result. The state party chairmen and tha candidates for gov ernor on the various tickets have known of the matter for some time. The proposition was made to the chairmen of the Republican, Demo cratic and Progressive parties, and to W. S. ITRren, who has to choose between being a candidate for gov ernor on the Prohibition party ticket or running Independently. The plan was set forth in a letter from E. A Baker, superintendent of the Anti Saloon league, and favorable replies were received from all of , those ad dressed. "The plan pledges ths dry, forces to L.(Conefotou- Pf hh, Coinnra Two. Chamberlain Trying To Get loll Hearing Coast Senators Will JSest This Week and Arrange to Take Matter Up Kritfc . President Wilson. (Special to The Journal.) :. Washington, D. C, July 25. Senator Chamberlain has- In charge tire secur ing of a hearing on behalf of the lumber Interests of the Pacific coast on the subject of a change m Panama canal tolls on lumber carrying vessels which under the rules as published are to be charged on deck loads as well as on the tonnage of the ship. - The senators of the Pacific coast are to meet next week and take the mat ter up with the president. - The ques tion is of vast Interest to the Pacific coast and the toll as fixed is an un warranted discrimination against lum ber. If the railroads had power to fix the toll they could have devised no better way to make lt as high as possible on the commodity- least able to bear it. - IS . 6. Beglatration of "Dry" Vote Bought. KiUtia Off ieera . PleaMd With th Jta- - aaavert. -Cape Ood Canal to Be Dedicated wedneada-r. Directory of "Ka4e-ln-Oreron ' Good a. Shark" Women vangnx. m - ooaji Bald. "Mooee" Own Chioago. Pellz Dias. Announoes Bevolntloa. War Spirit Bampant ia Berlin. Chrlatoffenoa Flies Over Waterfront. Mrws af Paoifio Horthweat. "6afety.Pirat" Plonia Buooeaaful. i How Railroad Traffic la Safeguarded. Suburban Hews. -- Kiaority of Paatora Bespond. a. 9. 10. EIGHT PAGES Pag 4. ' " ; 6. . 7. 8. Editorial. ' City Hews In Brief. -Beal Estate. Market and financial Hew. Soma Midsummer Impression of Hon olulu, j. Alderman Conducts Summer Classes. . V Pag. . Illnatrated Hew Bviw. 7. ew Irom lorelrn Capic S, Gardener Transform Vacant Lota. :: Good Boads Progress. . EIGHT PAGES Pag.. ' - e-7. ews ef ta Beachaa. - Social Servie Acti-rttiee. - . ' Better Babies' Contest in Woodstock. Page, efenna and Recipe for a Week. Lily Haxworth Wallace. 4. Tor th Home Dressmaker. . 5. A Daisy Centerpieoe-Heedlawork Si . sign by Adelaide Byrd. v - . Son, ef th Woods. J .-.'--rgia - Wood . Pengborn. Pag. .:v;.i?'-?;i . Tnv Cnaatanqjn. I to Years Old. a .Warsaw and Its Incredible Condition ef livinr Kurt Aram. 7. Patting American Enterprise Into ' ,l India' Agricultnr. , I. Pre Theatre Ticket for - Journal ... Headers s onrta - Coupon, - - Overheard ia Vaudevul. Steriss That Kay Amuae. AUSTRIA MOVES ARMY TOWARD SEIZES ALL RAILWAY AND WIRELINES Photographs by International News Service. European, rulers who are closely watching developments in Anstro-Servlan dispute. Top, left to right Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria; King Peter of Serria; Ozar Nicholas, of Russia. . Bottom, left to. right King Victor Emmanuel, of Italy; Kaiser WUhelm, of Germany; President. Poln , re,t ol;: France) ..- ' ;; -V" ...'.-."i-TV -' . " .1. El L1 FORCES FOR FIGHT TO OF RIVERS AND We Shall Never Suirender, Teal's Laconic Message -.. Learning from a dispatch, that it Is .'the purpose of the Uemocratio . conference to take up the rivers and harbors bill after the anti-trust legls-, lation Is disposed of, Joseph N. Teal, who for years has led tha tight for Columbia river improvement and Coluumbla . basin Improvement, sent to Sen ator George E.t Chamberlain a telegram , of encouragement and applauding his. efforts-and concluding with this .terse expression: ' VI hope th friends of th ; rivers and harbors bill will frght lt out it congress never adjourns. "We shall never surrender." Chamber of Commerce: Plans Meeting; Messages Already Sent to 'National Capital : A meeting to express this city's pro test against delay In passing the rivers and harbors bill la being arranged by the Chamber of j Commerce, " and "will undoubtedly be held .Tuesday evening In the ' Commercial club rooms. Al ready, the Chamber of Commerce has telegraphed the .Oregon senators and representatives, ana messages rrom them have confirmed, Information al ready .. received that unless there Is prompt and decisive action, the rivers apd harbors bill will fail of passage. the appropriations for Columbia river Improvements 'will- not; be made, -work will have to be suspended within, a month on the north jetty, very soon on the Celllo canal and on the Coos Bay project. . - . , - 7 - ' " -" Oregon Projects Important. One half of the annate additions to the rivers and harbors bill Is for Ore gon projects. On, twelfth of the en tire appropriation proposed Is for Ore gon and the Columbia river. The tes timony of the TJnited States engineers Is that no project of the entire United States has from Its importance greater claim to be placed on a continuing con- ( Concluded oa Page Seven, Column Thre) - "RIVERS AND HARBORS BILL IS NOT PORK :"' k- Oregon Senator Declares: Such Fallacious. Charge Only k. ' Strengthens the Arms of Opponents. - (Wunlngton Boresa of Tb Jeersal) 3 : Washington, Julys 25, Senator Chamberlain said today that he'll stay here to the last watching legis lation and that he Is prepared ia particular to make a bard fight for the passage of tha livers and harbors bUL-r L.-- - -.V-V: ; .fit "Is considered particularly nn f ortunate - here,, said , Chamberlain, "that any Oregon paper ' should de nounce the rivers and harbors bill as a pork barrel measure. The effect of such opposition is . to strengthen the arms of the opponents Of the bill and It tends to- alienate the support of those who, under i ordinary circum stances, ' feel - kindly disposed to Ore gon projects., - A " i iMC v--'i w -hrTr-s; . BMMHJMA1S EUROPE HNISH FOR PASSAGE Position of ' Portland : Morning , Paper Difficult to- Under - stan3 4 atWashirigton. . Washington, - D. C.July- 25. Th democratlo conference has ; placed the rivers and harbors bill on a program which' makes - it unfinished business immediately after th disposal of the trust legislation.. ' - - Th attitude - of the Oregonlan In connection with the rivers and har bors bill has occasioned great surprise here and has made the situation more difficult :tor the Oregon senators as they not only have to overcome the opposition In the senate but are handicapped with statements of their horn press. ... ,.. ' In view of the fact that half of thS increases allowed . In - th rivers and harbors bill in th senate are for pro jects In the state of Oregon-it Is dif ficult to understand th-Oregonlarrs attitude and Its denunciation of the bill as a "pork barrel." r Certainly the Oregon people should be able to know whether or not ap propriations for their rivers and har bors ar "pork," or whether they ar essential and worthy. At any rat lt Is quit important -the real facts be made known and Oregon's attitude be understood, v Under th. bill . provision Is made for completing Improvements both at th mouth of the Columbia river and at Celllo. ; f" AVERS CHAMBERLAIN These men Insist that projects In their -states are just as important to their sections as improvements in Co lumbia river or territory drained by it. "Oregon's representatives here are meeting this kind of an argument at every turn and It's hard to win back the friends of Oregon "appropriations uuac sr isuui avwajr. . S "There's nothing Jn the bUl to jus tify th charg thati It la, a- "pork barrel measure. .Th projects provided for have been carefully examined and recommended by , the f board of ; army engineers whose ' representative was In constant ' attendance on th commltt-which had charge of th biU." LL N CONGRESS BRINK OF WAR WHILE Stock. Exchanges Demoral ized by- News, From Vienna; Complications Limitless. fUnlted Prsa Lsed Wlre.i London, .July 25. -The, peace , of all Europe Is threatened tonight, vry preparation for war Is being mad by Servla and Austria, while Russia, Ger many, - France, England and Italy are only waiting for som overt act on the part of on nation to rally to th sup port of an ally. ' ' .. Servla today replied to th ultima- wiu uvu,, l oswrau y Austria demanding th punishment of all ac complices In. th assassination of Archduk Francis. Ferdinand and th ??P.rf 5,et,M ' responsible sanS: Tha atoVh' Sh, ?h ,A"'if aria? no" aemanos a flat compliance or refusal of th demands. . Th. Servian . reply was declared unsatisfactory, th Aus-1 , ii Zy. ZZj, ZZ Mern trian rrrinint ni.iUoncn which bad been blown away in - trian minister; was recalled from Bel Trade -and th formal opening of th war Is expected hourly. - Crisis Has Been Keaohed, Every European capital :-ls stirred with grave fears tonight. There ia apprehension that the - crisis which was studiously avoided ? during th course of the two recent Balkan wars has at last been reached. The yt of Europe ar turned upon Russia. It was generally believed that Servla would seek th support1, of th czar before framing a reply to the Austrian ultimatum. - The Busaian charge d'affaires ' Is " said to have called at the : foreign offlc .tin Vienna today and endeavored to. arrange for an ex tension ? of the time limit In .which Servla might reply x This request was refused.'. - Early reports were that Servla, falling' to . obtain more time, would likely make an evasive reply. This proved to betbe-cas and Aus tria . reiusea 10 accept tn. Bervian not. ' : ," .,. London and - all continental stock exchanges were demoralised today as a result or tb threatened conflict. Ex traordinary conferences of cabinet ministers were held in every capital. aaemoers or - tne ' British cabinet were Concluded on pge Five, Column Five) Bolt of Idgthing . : -Fells Mrs. Phipps Divorced inmosair Wif aUruek by ;.- Bolt Which Coras Sown Tlreplao ' tTaoonsctong Bat Win Boovr. - Ienver, July i 2S MrsT Genevlev : Chandler Phipps,, divorced wife of Lawrence Phipps, the Denver multi millionaire, , narrowly escaped 1 death late today when sh was rendered un conscious by a lightning bolt. Sh was sitting in her home talking to a visitor durin g a severe - thunders term - when the bolt cam down the chimney and entered the room through an'open fire place, lira Phipps was revived and her cdhdltlon tonight was declared not to be serious. . , BORDER; SERVIAN REPLY REJECTED; I'l Austrian Capital Rings' With Enthusiastic Citizens Eager r for' War to Begin; Strict1 i Censorship Established. ' . ' Specials Cab fa, Vienna, Jul 25. Austria ha given Servla leewar of 24 hoars In" which - to comply -wiyti the -former'a ultlmatam and avert war. . . - . , :j; There la no belief here that Ser Tia wjll do this and the Austrian troops are already marching to-, ward Belgrade from the riclnity of Haguaa and Dalmatia.- r , . Twenty-two Austrian warships ' have assembled at Cattaro with the -object of seizing Mount Lovchon,, overlooking that harbor, at the first word of war. ' Budapest.. July ' IB.-r-Qeneral Radnor Putnik, chief of staff of the Pervlau army, was arrested tonight by Aus trian mlUtary authorities while he was . on his way to Belgrade from-the. town of Istra, in Austria, according to re- ports received here. . ' Bergen," Norway. July b 5. Kaiser "WUhelm left here - hurriedly tonight lor Berlin. The entire German fleet" was expected to assemble on the Nor wegian coast. Bt. Petersburg, July - 25. Orders I have been issued for the immediate I mobilization of five army corps. Crowds are parading the streets sing ling war songs. The Czar baa fully: approved the policy .of his ministers to prepare for war. . - Paris, July IB. Thousands are par ading the streets tonight yelling "Vive LArme" and cheerio g for Russia. A. council of ministers will be held to morrow. ...... -. .v... The paclflclst powers are endeavor-. 4 B s aw a. w w r Mn M that will b mutually . accepts bta to Austria-Hungary and Servla,, Th r -suit of their efforts will in the next few hours decide whsthtr Eurons .will. De plunged 7 into th throes of th greatest war since the world began, 'Vienna, July 25. With all reserv ists .ordered to the colors, result r troops on th move and th fleet con-v centratlng, Austro-Hungary la tonight prepared to back up Its ultimatum to Servla with war. " '? Servla's reply to the ultimatum was received here late today and promptly ' rejected as unsatisfactory. The Au- CConclud. d u Psg four, Colnma ilfi Redfield on Ship That Goes Asliore -.: " .... . . t 1 Secretary of Oostmsro sad Coagivs- - Commltt on VUgbtaouss Tender ia attormj She Zs Pulled Off. Tht1aj.lnhfL Pi Jllf-v 9 It T m-nnJ ernment lighthouse tender Iris, having on board Secretary of Coromerc Red-' flw and congressional commltt,' waa non, g.hor north of Cap Hnv lopln, Delaware, today. Th survey boat Endeavor pulled th Iris off th rocks aftr-half an hour. Secretary, n ,.. .Z".0? a gal. Th storm was th worst known la' years off th Delaware capes. Two' liners went ashore nearby. Mr. Redfleld and his party were on a, tour of Inspection of the lighthouses In Delaware bay. "AN UNCALLED-FOR DRESS SUIT" AND A ''PEANUT WARMER" '' "Modem I room completely fur- nlshed house. Two suites rested bring f 10.60. - Will rent down- . stairs 4 rooms and sleeping porch ' or will rent entire house to re sponsible parties for $36 month." Class,' SC. - ' ' "Splendid room, good home . cooking, three meals and sleeping tent on a nice shady lawn; all bom comforts; walking distance; all for 1S a month." Class. 12.. ' "Wanted Woman in suit est factory, on' with some experience on power sewing machines.' Class 'One uncalled for ; full dress coat and vest for sale for cleaa-Ingcharges.- Class., 19. : - '"Wanted T8 buy peanut warm er in good condition." Class, t. -. Tor adoption. Wanted a home for a -y ear-old girl.". Class. 22. - 'TTrade ; for motorcycle, com plete athletic ' club, outfit; base ball, ' football, .basketball suits, .gloves bats, etc-, Class.. 23, . If you want more variety read f the rest of Tb .'Journal Want Ads today. . The number of th classiflea : tion In which lt appears today follows each of 'th above Items. PLANS ED 4jr