BIG INCREASE CHICKEN ivIARKET IS 1 CENT LOWER HERE: MDESOIBER Conditions IlAVfl So nen Good in roaltry Tm4l tp Some Weeks 1 n4 Trwrnt Prle ! Ii the , Itosultl JUeeipts Are Growing. ' The market Ifor chickens la ihiiw. tag a rather serious break ilnnr li'rnn' tr?H J&W hT increased nuite materially during the Jat few days, and sales are generally reported down to Ho for hens and evea at thai re ceivers have beta unable to sleen up promptly. , - . JEh .market '9. Chickens ha been somewhat saggy during the last twi weeks, end, while there has beenpr tleuljy no ehange In the price up to this morning, the outward movement has been generally unsatisfactory. Buyers have been rather indifferr, ent-regarding offerings and moot of the leading ones had to be coaxed In order to take hold. As a. general rule ffc'W "eductj8n In values ha. been to'take Sow'' hM au,Bd- th'a Springs, are showing continued yMr with sales reported down to 17o along the street today. TOMATO MARKET IS BROKEN I'lm mm m Severe losses ere shown In the mar ket for tomatoea here owing to the enormous shipments from California and the Increased offerings from the home auction. eleg of Seat are re vv nu my. ymiuv. SfvOW TRADE IJf CUCUMBERS J l I Ml Cucumbers are very alow these days along Front atreet, Wlttj;Yary heavy eupplles offering from - thef aoutif. Uems of the ehipmenta are not evert bringing express charges. Efforts to toP southern shipments have failed. COUNTRY MEATS ARE FIRM Market for country killed meats is firm and sales pf veals are reported today along the street aa high aa 14c a pound. Receipts' of both veal and hogs are rather limited, CABBAGE COMES FROM gQTJTH II H'l A carload of eafebaar from r1. ii rv. i- ri la came to the loeal trade today ow ing to the great scarcity of home of ferings. Market la being held firm at 1&2c a pound for best Quality of ferings. FRESH SALMON HOLDS FIRM Market for fresh salmon Is being held very firm here with Ummt r,.. ings of Chinook at lie a .pound and steelheada at 10c. Gillnetters report a good catch on the Columbia, but the hauls by seines are small. TURNIPS ARB HARD TO GET Owine to th rtvii nf m vn whWsh Is sating un a large per cen ' me crop, turnips are very scarce In the wholesale market at thi time. Price la nominally held at $1.35 a sack, today. MaSaBBBBaaaaasaaaaasBhewaaaaSBaaMaBai ' ' ' SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Protect shipments as 'far north as Seattle against maximum tempera te s'vf...ab0fl$ V degrees; northeast to Spokane. 85 degrees; sontheast to Boise. 95 degrees; south to Ashland Maximum temperature at Portland tomorrow, about 88 de grees. JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND r i i - TbM erte are tkose st wbfcs wholesaler id . IUAN8POIITATIO r"" "-- -a. I ' -, - I I 1 I.., 1 , I . i'l HwsMtld-Nortii Bend-Eureka "Geo. W. Elder". PaUg every uuaday at nop a, jh, lTttt Steamship : J v Bst. Service ' Regujar" Sailings ' JffcrfA arid MectU Free ' . ....... NORTH iPAClFIC Steamship Co. IMA 3d It. I Colvnbla Peek r9o M. 3;t I Cooo Boy Line Cm -.'.I.? Is . 1 - a oieamsmp DreaiHvater alls fron Afawrts does, rmin4.- Sam jui t. ii 17. ri. vi 1 a 11 m 20. 31. freight fad ticket office lower Alnal "" boc. rfin i.oo ay b, a, piue. L. M. KeaUagr AfaoC fkbse kfala tOOO, i nei ipjteii iai'i BBey.i y n gewn is semennu a m . BIATEa- BAN UAWOIkidO hQ9 ANQHbB8 . It, I,teiay 89 Im Vraaaisoe Pertlaal S R. Oa, WaM"ten Bts. with o.-w. bT 84 4 V. e,l v stareoau ssow . a-BlZJ. Britioh berta, Saskatchewa 's; STEAMSm? j . a xuicu ivupci ir cuiu i Mute ugorge , uparaiise rcSTUtariF mnoar ana -wean Tietorla. Vaaeearer end Vitaee Xapezt, Anyoz fOrenby Bar). st&e r t r.r . . "IT, ess, Hose Jiaks and Wadsworth, 9. 0. paa"sr rT y afllt mnA mm f.. ua mm Prin.. flan... Double Track toirfe From . Chicago via ; ; Niagara Fall to Toronto, Buffalo. Yu Vprit, : Philadelphia, Boston, Montreal and Qutbet: tr U?t5lS, '9, A, Pass, Pept, ! . , V IriJKD 5Tti PORTLAND, OREGON FORCAST IN HONEST PACK HAS A GOOD EFFECT UPON ;. MARKET FOR APPLES . SsaBsieBBBaeaaaB)iaBBBB SnBaBnaBBJ . Europe Has Come to liellere Tha It Can Get What it Pays for in h 'Pacific rthwet; Sales Are the Result, That the strenuous efforts of Pa. clfic northwest marketing Interests to euucaie appio growers or -section j . , . ... I to pack their fruit esoeclallv for the export trade Is bearing results, is the opinion of W. F, Qwin. general man- ager Of the Worthwestern Fruit Changs of this city, who ha. made an expert examination of the wants of the fpreian iieja. i Aooordins to announcement made bv 1 Mr. Gwin, the grading and packing of apples in the Paelfio northwest," ts having an effect that nothing else could bavs in making markets for our " i fruit abroad. The excellent quality of ias fruit as wen as the pieatilig uearanpo or ipe snipments, are tractinar eonsiderabla attrntian i from dealers In practically all foreign een-I the Pacifie northwest apple pack i an enormous asset to growers of tuis see- Irion, xne very nones iy or tne pacn or ! tlon and is a wonderful aid toward the roarketin nr of the product The Northwestern Fruit Exchange 1 this year is giving especial attention to the packing. H nas ueen recommenaed I inai neaes ne mane en ghtly heavier 1 d be olaced in I ana tnat a corrugated oad be nlaced in I at ooin tops ana DOitms, to tops ana botms. to I warrsni ifun arriving at oesunatien without eing bruised or marred. Mr. I wln Is authority foi the statement that the export market wjlj ever show its appreciation of efforts made by I growers to maao parer aeuvety oi 1 rruit. - whij ... .'uwj.i,j.w . ni ti .: . CTT8&Ml -ll er?; "fcV sriSS prtSe 8e: Iteto r;5: 2S?Tcj nuek Httitt. J8?; elfl - ot'S BTWiC. BUTTER FAT No. U PartiaM liUwr, W- . , , hiS S'lV' m- c,Bd,,d ft? LIVE PoutiTRYi-Hena, 14 Ba' etr- if.WAVe lacoa. . T V ' UMK-Hanuaaj rrean grcsea faqsy fsu cream, twins asd . triplet. . 6ttc; (UUis, ovc; esisias, I AruU' ana Vaaatafclea. PEBKIEU)saberrlM. t19ee; rtapbar rlea. rJSlE rats; oijtraBU, 1.6tt( blettr. IUW U I nt. An a 1 a . I l rles, berrlea, eoaa, S4Vbe lb.; lemoui, 18.60! l)); limaa. 1.00 per lot); grapefruit. California. fi.kOQ 4.75: plpaapplea, 7u; cberrlea, 6(g9Tl?-; goose. uern, ijj., uaautiaa, gurawuc; caotaioupea. mA.uumm.tnn waurieaiona, Cl.UvdXl.lO; Uttt, fe.ev. avjJi ijv aruUA.ruc VSUiTABLKiWluniliai. 1.XS; beets. tl.BO; rasa csas! Kstff iSsssffr: head lttee l,WS(fH celery, em plant, 10c; cauliflower, (tttIj CuiiiornU, $1012.00 erat 1. suxi ceer'! wc doe.: ;r. local. te: . Fraoch anil choke. &5c aa; aurouts. u atrin a. 39 cuoujpbera, l per boi gree ours, L60 aack. W.U. WVCV, MUM. (mutt I ICK., tV IB. ON10N8 CalfforBla red, ft.83Q3.00 ewt.l wriin wesititT, v.sru -,., ajtatriArj, AaJts ID iqTATOE--lielUa rriee: Extra abelce. bM, Woel sad Hide. BOPS Bajrlug iirloa, ebeiae, ltf!et prlaie, aoDUacta. loo. CUUTIM OB CASCABA BARK-Csf lota, sssjf leaf uisw vaaa uvo, erv MOHAtIlieia-r-117 4287 Vie. WOOtr NoBUoal, 1814 clip; Willamette val- 9J -eaene ueuwwe, ablre. 18Uc: cboice 17ai aaedlBm Bhrea fagcy loU. 1020c lb.: 2a, aeardiof to tiuioU- eaatera Oregon, 14QHMO, s. 5 Dry hides. 22Q23c lb.i sreen. lin 12t aaltfd bea, WHei Kbll, greea alt. HQ Ac; Elpa. 1314e: ealrea. drj, 2Se; salt aklua aaltaa or tieen, ajnoi green bieea le leaa i6on aJtaai . . Dearlo(, "'m,.Jm. aa yroTiaiens. DBHSBkU AH6A4.S tsellinjr prloe Ooantrj KMiea; wra, laney. JOHU! or4inar. lOo: un ah and haavr. ttef tuner mi. mil)b.l..l oriBarj-. iuwiii; pow, lOSillei gei d "par, aw.V'W- -rV. US LUBJ AtfAHZZle' braaafaal baeen, IBaaaet bulled; new. Sic MKATaV racking honae-ters. Ho. 2 stack. 12Vie eewa o.Jl stock, ilc; ewes, 100I wetkera, Uttei lambe. ettoV pork lolnal lfto: OYjsTKUi Slmhrster bar, pet gaUea 1 t Ji Wmpla, per galioa ion. 1.60 pera o in, aaca.-i ; eanned eastern v bu, fow iwi Tuwrn, iu ana 11, SI liti.i ...1 ,.wiifr. ovaj UUU. sUid uaek. uH.,nX Ireiaed fktnnders. 7ei Chinook salmoB, Ibttt. !? Ih.i lie; steemeas. joe; ht. skrunpg.. jite; perek Qft THANSPORTATION STB ASCBB T." J. PDTTEB leaves Portland. Ash-street Dock. dally; except Saturday and Sun-' I S7j. 0 J - , Saturday , only l ? t J0T Megler. Leaves Meg ler P. M. daily, except Satur day . and Sunday. Sunday only I v M. . . . SJTBAJCB XASSAZiO leaves daily, except- Sunday, :60 P. M. far Mea-ler. 'li Zkl toria. Leaves Megler daily, ex cept Jiunday and Monday, A. Mp javpa Ms ley Sunday only STEAto XABTXI8V QTTEEN leaves x-ortiand daily, except cuuuajr, i o;yu i". xa. leaves Aoioria aaiiy, except SSunday. at I A. M. -v. . "tl"0.". Ash-street rv w v f r . 1 . a a i Ulrica. i.nira nq wasrungten. Phone Marshall 480Q, A-812L STEAMSHIP Sells Direct for San Vranciscp. Xks SatsTdaj 20 P. M.. July 25th 5-1? ?5A?H.SCO- POBTiATO iOS AMasXiES STAMSXT CO. . TiLAJIM. BOX.XAK, Agent. me ima sn. . , , Assa. lsaln 28. ! MSteimer Seryice IGIJLAR SERVICE TO Columbia, Al , STEAMSHIP , , . - essay at mianixnt from - aa.ti. 'v stastlton. smith, Bessenger aervlce soon extended i i.aigary anq ftarnonton to all points '..' ... .'' . ' . - r DORSET 8, flMJTJI, Pasa, Ticjtst A. OUTPUT OF APPLES IN THE Edited by Hyman H. Cohen. mm view is 15,000 CARS APPLES ,N mm m ' - " If Northwester Fniit Exchange U Figuring Upon Big Increase Jn Output for This Season . Wide Difference Shown in Estimates, A crop of 15,000 ears of apples Is . fv i orecaa in uregon, idaho, Montanf and I Washington in the creiiminary reDorl " A- J- IJateham, vice- president of Z&?21l1?Xf'F Fruit Exehane. The VbilLlSt!iu t&tQWmmiiSluli correctly as is possible! Bv the eoU icuou ox reports from oacn oistries ln general belief la that the tonnage wj Pf'"1.01. far exceeding former ?hefBa bHl'. !loft MYf . kus, i b, ii lie uuui tiun. Th indtnHtinna a .Aoi i-a I 7 of a good grade this year in almost every a p. variety." When th'ero fs an exceptiod. a.lit appears as thouarh thM variety ha.d been left out of the scheme of things I entirely this year. Taklma, as usual. wjii eaa me snipping irom me norm west, with Wenatdheo districts a close eeeond, and Hood River ah increasing third. The estimates as riven, of course. are subject to the usual owing. to-storms, etc. Mr.- Bateham hoDes to bo pes to bo able to t estimate by this tnd one which -wiU ing policies for the 'lansaro in, full teham. "to eo ahead Bive a raucn ctosor tjme next month, ar indicate the roarketii indicate the marketin coming season, "fians are coming season, -fians are iu iuii i swing, saia ear. ugtenam, "io go aneaa with our distribution as though we could exactly tell Just how my cars of. PPl we are going to market. I While conditions may alter these plans 1 as tne season aayances, wo xeei prewy i certain of accomplishing our ultimate l aim in mis respect, une eapon mar-i ikets will be dealt their of aim ln this respect The eaport mar- tne shipments of the 4 apples . going roh the Northwestern Fruit change on an. established systema,tic pssia. The apparent total apple erop of the northwest is 15,000 carloads, dls. tribuu throughout the various disr Washington . , t.OOft Reerue River . .1. .............. 800 1 western uregon sm Hwra .ver . . i Idaho ?uu Montana jo Total .18,000 Be lb.; lobstera. 8Bo lb. silver smelt. 8c: ..lmon trout. lZUiSt UBlKtMW. lni eenpooiis, uareaa, t;iiABue, f2.(xi mediap, (l doicg, i UlOowwIt gUQABr-Cnbe, a.6l Pderd. SB.3S; frelt ta7 JRP 5f "k..- ou 4ya "bet caab.l B?gt--J.pas,tye, Ho,- 1. tH6lf4e Hew I ara W casn. iwwiwm mig i lorMW-imw BSAN-Sinali .white, MeT luTT wblU, Be. pluk. 6(l: ". ,fH; 7.14acj red, nriauns nsa n nisi, si vt- a .wmr its mas eva u1,,i w4, .,,,, 17. 00; Dauta, fn.xa, exira use Barrels, M.I Aa and 10s. 83.to4zO.uO; lutoD rock. 82A0 hi ton. I Stainta and Olla. WHITB LEAD Ton Ms. 8u per lb. t BOO rh. lota. 8e bee lb.i leaa lota. 8V4a Bas Ik. 14Mau uiimw uu., sis pa gal.i kattle te Douse, oma., oae; raw esses, esct boiled ad eaaea, I680 iM lM of 2S0 gaUoaa, I eake eal, 44 per ton. . IK., 1 OIL TUHPEKTINB Is eaaea. Tct wood bar. rata, etej un iwmw, qu per gaiioa. tgAX. uiu air wun on arums, lrou sartela; lOe. - aad Stook Market Has Lower Price at End I Closing Is. Fractionally Ixw Ex. oepl for Few of the JLeodtng (Shams. v Vnrv Tiiiw - ig'niiiismihu weakness was shown, for stocks today, although, with the exception of a few n tVi.l.A.iiii tv.. r.t okanv-Ao rn. ii,. day were small. 'r"""!.."" -TV"" '-f Lehigh Valley was weak on. the forecasted report that na rreight rate increase is likely in trunk line tarrl tressed Bteei car declared a Quar terly dividend of i per eent on pre zerree ana-U. dot cent on common. Further engagement ef 83.100600 in goia was reportea ior export toaay. Range of. New York prices furnished y uverDecK at jeokie 3eoke r Co, 8H-817 Board of Trade building: pfcapKivnoK" "I'Uptni HlKht t-owifleaa AmaL Copper Co. ..... Am. Car. F e....... 69 60 I Am. -Caa. e,...i....,,, oi AST ntT I film Am. Ujtton oil, g.... Am. Ixoe.. c ........ Am. Sueat. e Am. Spielter, e ...... 120 Anacouda U. 0.,.!..! Atcnlattu, e B to 0.. ef . , , , , , , . Beet Sugar Bethlehem Rtefil. 'a Brooklyn Bap. TraasU Canadian tfuettle, ... tlaASrr?;;:::: 8f1i 12 ni, i 4-1. - 40 Chesapeake A Ohio .. 8 Colo. I., e.-. Colorado Southern, c. Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products, c... Erie, c .: General Electric .... GU northern, ore lands 8014 29 at. northern, pid. .. 121 Ice securities . . Illinois Central : . Inter. Met., c... 18 ijeuitsu va,iejr 133 8 j tpn18'"1! Nash..... cv. . aouiiierQ 13314 11J hJex. Fetrolenm Missouri Pacific, c National Lead .!.. Nerada Consolidated Kew iiaven ..... . x. vcuus. . . . . . 855 r... i u. cc w. ...... North - American . Northern Pacific, e.... Pac Mail S. Co....... Pennsylvania Rf. .-. . . P. G.. L. & C. Co. Pressed Steel Car, c.. Bay Cons. Copper . . . . Beading, c ... ., Bep. I. & S., Bock Islrfnd, c ...... $t. L, 4 8. W.. e Southern Pacific, c... Bonthern By., c. ..... . 10914: 108 14 22 1 20 lOQA 95 -20 Tean. Copper ........ Texas A Pacific ..... T., St. U A W., c.... Union Faeinc, c. U. 8. Bobber, e..... C. S. Steel, C.. rTtah OoDoer . . . . 127H or 61U 61 se? Virginia Chemical .... Wabash- e ........... Western Union Tel... Weatinghonse Electric. 68 4 68l 684 78 vv weonsm ten e. . . . Money ruled at 2 percent and closed at 24i 2H er cent. '4.0181 sales, U4,zuu snares.. Chicago Cattle. Are Weak. "V. !., .rn IrI H TTa 1 1 Ann If... heavy. 18.70 9.17 14; rough, 1 8.45 8.65; cattle, aooo; marKet weak. Sheep, 10,000; market steady. SPOT WHEAT NOW UP A CENT HEREWITH A BETTER CALL Situation Improved at Ml World's Centers nrj Higher Prices Are Again Forced Abroad ( gpot Bags Are More Plentiful. BETTER CARGO DEMAND. Leedofl, July 25. Wbet Cargoes on' pas- nana ii.iuer. wiui m hiim npmitin iuh coaptry giark firm end gaaersBy rreaca oonafry Birkets ulet. rOIlEION WHBAf MARKETS. L!erpol Wbaat dosed lU&lKd un. Bsrlia Wheat cloee4 lUe up. onop4rwafa cioeee ie up. uvnos Alrr-f-Wliat clOMd. Ut m, Aatwwp-WfeMt gtosed aneaaitged, POlTtwtlfD QftAIN RKClCIfTS. Uar.' Wkit Barler uur. pets, uy, S 3 TlUedaF - . 1 S 4 7 182 1 "i s 74 i Wadaeday ... XT P"?." I I ff9, V 6 118 123 ""v Si 131 A . - . . m f wwlVt IZ .,-.V u.vT h I"! h? Quoted here by 9ros interests for immediate shipment, ant above 7lo for any dsHvery. high bios range frem 8e to lOe per bushel. There is muoh more interest in the Joqal wheat sitapn at oresent. The great strength of world's trade, to- eetrtap with anninnM iiIviuk.. thr great- strength of world's trade. gctner with oontmued advances there, are having their effeot upon local buy- MUCH era and bearishness seams to bave ongu'1 tirely disappeared, 62; . Some sales of new cron feed oats are reported m a limited way nei J31 a ton with feed barley at lis The arrival hero of the sUamshln A SB vvru WtVU avvsixs. uaxiai w as.a.asjio-' I The arrival hero of the steamship I Bavnnia with STito hil.x nt ban for Portland, U i 'bales f or-f acqm and 727 bales fer Seattle, has relieved the temporary shortage here, California tjoniinues 10 oner iar uer larna quantities of bags around lc, Portland delivery, but there seems to b little demand with the general wants of tbs WHEAT-r-3ew eroe club. July-An OAT&Jl.ew cron. buvlni do. buvlna rlcei No. 1 white feed 111 net ton: array. ' Tr .Aa ri jfugK-tieuinf pnes. ratens. MJ vyjuametie vauey, viuj tocsi. i!Bii. i x9.ogri5; bakers', i4.60W4.tb. f. ri' Price, .. fanoy. hay Old erop, produosrg' Willamette ' yauey timoiny, iit.soajlt; esstsrr, Orogen-ldabe, IQ, fan cy timothy. lis l.eoraifalfa, cau. cloyar. 13.5a); vetch and oats. , alii ft 1 A nttr tnn. GRAIN BAGS No. 1 Calcutta, fu bags7e7.60. 22 60 a 24 00: ;'vw-vw riv Jell ture delivery,; oat b MILLBTUFFSBran. 122 "KA,Rf.EV.,Riew eron. early dsUvery. fC WO late Idsllysry, feed; tveirw faid! very, e"t j9 prewmg. 9V per ton. r'T" ' T - w s a a s a A s llTtner DUarU AlSO UA WUWr!" "DJ HViiAnrfA Ul Ut5U AU UmV& VJ m . j . - . . . , wi...t TM. rinnA TTltrher Affain :ev" witn vvona's BiarKe aow V g Mors Strntit. I rWpn - Julv ZS.rlTurtner Cblesgp, - July. SIFurther sharp I advance was today forced for wheat 1.2?. with Viarherrlco in Dractlcally ur wnv. racticaUy Ba AA A4UIVJfe.l4 akaask eat-aa, . xi v here were Hfl t ie 8 bushel better I than yesterday. Further reports Of damage to the American and Cjtnadlan crops caused gnort eoverine; at the opening and n.nd Buanoa:.Aires i veaterday cf.ussd free covering Dy snorts at me opening. 'Following -the ppenin thsre waa fur-1 vcuuik. tner covering ano a, eroaaentng ii sp 1 ouying ano inis reiutHii ionil alvalTce eTlkd. to HO- Insistent damage . reports from A m triad eprtn g - wheat, i unfavorable i advicea from Canada, firmness of ear goes and strength In spot with fewer I offers of winters and rumors of heavy 1 ualon of winters and exDectations of . . ,1 i an abatement of witb . foreign demand broadening ana 1 rree ouying oy ppwn aavMwwim end unfavorable advipes, helped the advanqe. Ranee' of Chicago prices Jumlshed by Overbeck & . Cooke Co., sil17 Board or uraae Duiiaing: Opes. Hirh. Low. 81V4 83 81 81(4 81 80 ASH QOH fi OATS. Dee. July .,. sept.- ,,..,.., I Jnl Bl'Pt. Pec, 87 WTA bis; " al Hijf oeeeeefeee -r.-S tare 208 "1008 iei 1218 200 189 w9 July : .... .... Sept. ..........1013 1015 -1810- A A yet. i iw - July B oiv:;,,;::;:u4 ttw . Big Yi14 Pf Clever. Albany, Or., July II Beveaty.twe bushels and 4t sounds of alsike clover was the yield, of nine acres on the " ' H ePiSSl '".ill"","" AACCLa AlfJ A t UCU1K, uu u . ssasaae, w uduvio vvr the acre. The patch was threshed ln seven hours with six wagons and three pitchers. The average yie Id of . this kind ef over Will be.frQBJfye te si? bushels, according to C. p. Wldnier. the threshman. He said that from all ap pearance red clover is ppt filling at Ml en aeapunt of the recent tjot spell ana imteg... - Money and Exchange. , London. Jnlr 23. Consols. 7544: silver. K4 WWtH eaas rata, S per aes Taw Task. July BS.nrStevllas exeksars. Isbs. f4.S?Hi; smtst puiuaa, Ban Frasclseo,' Jnly 23. Sterling exchange. oo days, S4.5a; sight, -64; oocumentary. t4.S4H- TraBsIsrs, tslearapbU. S per eent premium; signt, z per cam premium. . New York Cotton Market, Open. ; High. Low.' Close Jan.- ... 1281 1853 1284 Mch. ... 1240 1268 1240 July :::im Mtt lilt Aug. ... 1221 1235 lll Oct. ... 1128 1241 . 1221 1161(153 1256(3)57 17I7 124748 Pso, . tit! IISI 12l' 1257 Denyey Jlogs t f J4rQ. Denver, Cole, July HrCattle, 08t market steads? Steers. 17.60 1.76; fhrkxxzss ejsti aViaalttvei Cat 9farA RA eolva i.oomiroo? yf '. Hogs- 40S; market ' higher. Tops, Sheep None; market good. ' San Francisco pairy Products, Exlras, 1. Butter Extras, lie: rjrime firsts. 23 He; firsts 22c; seconds, 21Ho. Cheese California fancy, 14 He; firsts. 12 Kc; seconds, lie. vans. I nt iZatn a a bushel 1 t?"a' eaiue, noaa ana eneep; r. f BnfhUr VWSrom W vsrppoi l? that firmness in America, Winnipeg ,:Z? iVn,T Close. 82 81 1 A B w KK It NORTHWEST I FOR GOOD MUTTON PO LAND YARDS Vaey tuf f U Noi qiTing Satisfy tion and Eart'of the Mountains 1 . . . . ... , Stock Is ot Comlngi All lines CoBtinnt) Finn Tone. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BCK, Hogs, cattle, caires. Sheep, i TUerada 1H5 jhis I WedBedy ...... n Teauy UenUay ei Batopday 14? VrUay e wek ge ....... ma Vr- sao ....... 208 2 years a... ... 18 I ei ago .., 102 86 liei i 13 aa forth Portland lamb trade Is suffer. ing from the ItteH of offerings of fancy , foTwkd ouite frel of Ta"tu VJrQL J lZtA 3?- JlJ.f-l.0. aVAao UVEU rca-WeUr DUU . ni.uuus.U lU septlpnu Instance.., fairl good sturr has heen available. East of tn mountain stuff has not been coming J1I V AAA a wll OViklVU AAA UVAA VA,, J. A9 . in tnis direction much of late. The cx trem. values that are ruling at Mis- Uouri river and sastern pewwof late. navo almost entirely stopped the.move the in formtoS'fola?1 0v-rili q42?l stelSv at feVmer01 Bl5af.i,V J??? Eu DUi 'U h Prices c f Cfc?Mt? tbwa was a steady iZlfmlSl.mV mutton market ruled I r prices. I Hi.? ..mi, ,. mwvr i General mutton ranaei I TiAKt itinrn .riir. " i a ? I Bhorn wethers . . . . I . . . . 4.48(f !5 I Best shorn ewes 4.00 tj4. 28 I vest jii. mountain iamb .... Valley light spring lambs... Mifl.T rT , . m, . m- I -" VF"t Jhps 9.9V 'Jl 'Zl JZ Sog Market Bolda Mt ? .Pf-Ce .weo practically changei la the North Vortland yards M the opening this morning, the mar mi (or op( ip uoioing very - rirm with topa at 18.75. There was only a very small supply offering today and these wore o,uicWy ulcked up at formr At Chicago there we, aa weaker tone for. hogs generally but tops continue at I.t0, r Kansis City hog market was steady . . . ' vmaha hogs ruled dull with a loss 05 a meKei, TOPS at lr0 General hoe- market ranaa: Best Tieht. 20a lbs " t s 7ii Medium , fc;,"!; i9al Heavy . . ...... 8.218.10 at pigs 7,50 sp 8.0Q Cattle Trade Xs Favorable. With values fully BOe better than the resent low mark, the trade in the cattle market at North, Portland Is e"lie.r4 very strong. There was oaiy a very .mall supply reported in the yards OYor nlghtf V fact, net nJnA' ci .! enougn came to lores any change whatever either In price or sentimontel " SS.i V nrio. eV aentinT.n i,u uaie imr j was weaaer ions '8r ctUft today, hut Pcfs Wire Kahals City c I Steady at former p Omaha cate tra si 11 as 11 r sn Kansas City cattle market waa Steady at former prioea. trade waa steady, with steers at 7i. I fielac - . . .... . T" 117 111 I TT'J.i'r' "i'li I to prime ..,,.,,,,,..,8.80 1-52 8 tl '50 8.68 B.Ji luood to choiee 8.8Q i"My Ordinary ,.,r- Select calves 8.08 0 1 Heavy I Fancy to l.h 4.60 na.vv .................... j Fancy bulls I j T4y' UTftwek BUppm. RakTmJfa1lesl aV V'snfrhSrl- rVarsiallllfil 1 tASttfl 1 SUeep A, 0. Htrtln, Lyle, WaW ioeda: I o. Beuisc. lbaaon, loads; M. a, leoaardo, 1 Sobdt, Mixea KiunKoDari Mesueny, Beamoae, 1 aoppun, 1. Sheep. 1 jfoutt t djte.. 4.188 168 6,i7i 19,548 1 K,n. 1 u 1 m y.n 60S 98 'ii 1,615 .ui. wa a na ecrease .... i c,w...,o,5o, Bawa, m....44,Ws 121,777 168,698 W,T7S iw.tii I . - - -J Knn wTSIb I nS-TT. ' " ' i 'Hi 1,183 WeaBesday Afteraoon's Bales. ixaaiiia. I wo .u". IVice. I ureaon 1 1 S4 88.75 6A 81 08 6.SS 8 .00 TO 1.00 " ........ tso I f..n Oiacoa ,,.,,,",, 114 in. Vrtgoa ID 10 Tkeraday XerBiag gales. HOGS. 10 Seetio Vo. Ave- lbs. Prlr. Orssea .,,.,..,,,,,, T7 ITit 198 m 148 898 820 !! S'ia Oregon ..,... 81 Oregon 84 uregoa Oregon ... ................ 4 7.7B Oregon 6 L Li ; uregon ...... o Oregon 3 Oreaoa ................183 so ill ill ed a. 7a i - Apples Are Pamaged, Hood River. Or July IITbe bet weather of the cast several days has done some damage to the Hood River annleav hv aoArnhlnar the aDDlea ex nosed 114 me eun on tne oum vi wis trees. it is . eaumaiea that appro! mately 800Q poxes wul result pf the Injury. lie uw Omaha Uogs Lower. , South Omaha. July 23. Cattle 900, Market steady steers. s.z:sya.(o; cows and heifers S6.7&07.75. Hosts 1000. Market dulL 6c lower. Bulk. 18.60 8.80. .Sheep 800. Marhet steady. Year lings, J5.656.00; wethers, 5.405.60; iambs, 87.768.00; ewes, 84.6004.80. San Francisco Barley" Calls. San Francisco, July 28 Barley calls: July 22. July 23. uecemDer ............100 100 vii 99 Jtansas City . Hogs Steady. Kansas Cltv. Julv 23. J?oa-. 2S00. ajaraei sieaay., rops, sa.10. bailie, jbuu Market a lead v. Sheep. lOfle.' Market steady. New Members for Homing Pigeon Club The . Homing Pigeon club held its meeting last evening in room 108 Pan ama . building . and initiated 12 new members, some el whom imagine they can race homers even if they do not show much class as aviators. Dad Shaw ox St. Johns won races in. Eng. vaf i concensus I f opinion is that he will have to pray to bis patron, saint, St. John, to win much locally. Genial Joe Riegr is an other old time flyer who thinks he can come back, but has been advised to se cure . railroad transportation - for - his racers ln order to be sure they return. Jimmy Punn has joined he club, but SgJeJJV fe ayirnmy The -interest in the club Is growing. and the St. Johns district will bold some short races for young birds start ing in two weeks tune ; : suburban notes Rural Carrier Will Held Mat ing at qrejhant in Near Future, Organisation May Be Fbrmed. Gresham. Or.. Jul tl.Tho ergan- ! txatlOQ meeting -of rvTii - carriers of MuUnQniah. Clackamas ajid Washing ton . counties to bo bold in Oreaham this summer for the purpose of or ganizing for mutual benefit, will prob ably bo held la Odd Fellows' haiVon "Xntt Cot XtOTX. ' - : ' . Vaneeuver. Wnk . . Jul '.. JS City ge ofSTf V. 'tTt 1 levy for general purposes for the cuuiing year muse noi oxceea io raius. Thojtvy for gepfral purpose, hjs. y amounted to ItH mills. . , aaoonror Marriage Uoonsos. ' ' T5mr. , WJ. H."-n nvenses were iSSUfQ ysaittrua? "r tno county auditor t the following I persons: Ray H. Taylor end rfors, L - iap, oom at. .muua; uoya w. iiuraru, i years, Oia, or Vancouver. and Florence Cobala of Centralis s Wll 11am H. Kearheff and Leone Beaero. both of Portland; - Carl 'Welldeman and .edy Fuehs. both ef Portland. , e e Quarterly Conforoaoe .Sold. P30 Metbodiat Episcopal chch WOs held at the pargonaso Tuesday nlUt, V ' a a 1' "" e . Xa the Btroree WXU Oregon City. Or.: July 23. After livlnir witl his wife for Jt years,, w. D. Qry deserted her. sq lienors, y. Grey ailegfs in the' suit for divorce Another aJUged desertion divorce auit was filed hv Joaenhtne Qua against Alvanaon Aiv;nie uage. . . . . . . orainanoe M . 30 inscussee. Gresham, Or.. July 2J AtHhe next meeting of the city council, en August 4, the fireman's indemnity ordinance UiU be considered in an amended form. 1 WlU restrlet the amount to be paid fireman injured while on duty to IlQQ n a-yB I.nffMli any one year and pre payment of $i0 for funeral expenses in case of death. Ore area Cit Xdeenaea. 'Oregon CUty, Or. July II -A. mar. riage license wag issued Wednesday to Albert T. Gedel of 101 ast Thirty seventh -strest north, .roruand, and Mist Margaret El, f aton, - Delegates Appointed. It. Johns. Or- July 83, Upon re ueB ? upvemor wess tnat ne r Plt two rspresenutlves of it. Johns to attend the Trlgtate Pacific Coast quest bf Governor "West that he ap iGood lioacs asaoeiauon eonTenuon at Medford July IT and ft. Mayor Vin I eaat has named A. 8. Benson and Peter Autsen. both of whom have signified their wiHlnnsss te attend. "U1 " " . ' Frohlbition IS nUcnssedU eenwooa, uy MHchenar. preaid Sellwaod, July 15-Mrs, Lillian M, president of the state w. Kansas, presented facts of c. T. U. Of Hanoi the worWnaTef prohibition ln that "tate at a weu uisuss meeung unaer the auspices Of 84lWQOd W. Q, T. U, I at the fsponane Avenu rresoytarian chureh last night. Mrs. n. m. xeuy. sided and Mrs. Mary Meilett, presi- ent of the county W, C, T. U pre- sented the speaker, M1S lffls Pen, nick rendered a solo. ' e e Idea f or STew Oanaerr. Gresham, Or.. July ll-Prosldsnt U. B. Davis and Field Worker James Sterling- of, the Gresham Fruitgrowers association visiieq tne yancouver, Wash., cannery Tuesday to secure ideas for plannin the cooperative can nery to be erected here in Septembr, Will Address PubUe BCeetur, Pleasant Homi, Or.. July IS. Mrs, Lillian M. Mitohener, president of the I state W. O. T. U. of Kansas, will ad- (rM, public meeting in the Meth I odlst eiTurch hare at I ealeck aturdsy night, under th susplees of the local j w. Q. T. sf whloh Mrs. P. Miller is presidont. tshe win also attend a same auspiees tomorrow stftsrnoea at the home of Mrs. I. G. Denny. Kan Varied Prem Vrmem. Falrview. Or July 21. After being precipitated from the top of an auto truck te tne pavement on wasnmgion street, Portland, about e'elock yss terday afternoon and severely bruising his faee and neek. George LeadPury of Falrvlew rede bis motoreyole - to Gresham before bavins his wounds I dressed by a physician, . Kaste at PowaU Valley. . Powell Valley, Or., July 2I.-The U- I cal Parent-Teaeher assoclaUon wlu -'" meet at the school house Saturday even ine. Musical selections WUl bs ren i onrea u rrmnni aw Ml Gerritson, of Bethany college, Kansas, 'T,aad refreshments will be served. All are invited to attepo. Kaatiaa at Greihesi Jlntf' Meeting at Greeham Library Gresham; Or July H.--Th Oresh- i am & Caunell ef women voters win meet at a o'clock next Meaday alh( "ft 1IN Destroys Old WUO. Boring. Or- July l.-Jt is believed that a bonfire left by boys swimming ln the old mill pond caused the fire whieh late Saturday nif ht burned over the eld two aero site Of the A. O- Palmer sawmill en which the frame of the 014 rpiil was still standing. NORTHWEST BAXK STATEMEXT I ejegrinae Tear Ace. TLursday X.688.8. 23 Waansadsy ...... l,7uT,65T.OT $l,f 40,7S4.fS TMsdar .73 2 27 1,780, Week te date..8.S.8S8J4 ?,eex,67S - - Taesasa Banks. Clrarlnsa tsdsy..... .......... .8S41.48.AA Balances today . eo, Seattle Dairy Prpdnetg. Seattle. July 21. Eggs t Fresh ranch. 28loe; oriental, lie. nutter f ounirv creamerv ouoea c; bricks, 8Tc; city creamery cubes, e; nneaa. ia. Cheese-rWUoensin, II Q Me: Wasba ingion, iiniie. . . . ... . . " I (1 Ladd & , ltaJilithetJ 1859 , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 52.000,000.00 Commercial and PETEOSKEY AND CUP ABE DOWN TO HASP SWING Jinimy Dime Says Newcas tie Man Is Ready to Meet Clabby, - - San Francisco. July 22. Sailor Pet- roskey-and George Chip were in the run swing of training today for their to round bout a wees; from tomorrow night "Chip is. looking ahead to future matches, regarding bi tilt with Pet roakey as already "ta." U manager. Jitneay Plm. waa eontderiaa two oN fore for bouts in, the east with Al Me-. Cey, the only mtiiwb ever knocked bim out One was from Pittsburg and the other from New Tork "Everybody Is now convinced," Dims Said, "that McCoy's win over Chip was the. greatest fluke in ring history, -We. would nave nothing ta gain by meeting biro again, ainoe be lest two bouts to BUly Murray, whom" Chip flattened here a few weeks ago, Jimmy Clebby la the boy we are after. We went to settle the middleweight ohajnpioaaain et the world. The way to do that a to meet Clabby, who is recognised aa having soaoe rights in the matter, and trs a ease er the sooner x&e setter x us. Meanwhile QblS will box anyone who is on band. "As for Mike Gibbons, haven't seen Promoter Caff roth in regard to. match with the t Paul man aa yet and don't know what hie plans are. expect to see Cof froth Is a day. or two and then we wtu knew lust where we stand. In Los Angeles we heard that Clabbr would be back la this country lit September and 4f so we would be pleased; to sign up for ft nia.tch with him," : . Not enough betting on the Chtp PetreBkey bout nest week ban yet ap peared to establish a price,: but it is foregone conclusion that, the Newcas tle middleweight will be strong; fftY prlte. Petreskey elaina he wlH be In better condition for thia bout than ever before, and premised to disarrange some or Chip's, phing for future gory. BRASH EAR'S FLY WINNER Baeramento, CaL, July 12. Jtey Bra- shears fly put over the necessary run te win yesterday for the Angela, and Meggert's btnf e plaeed it out of reach of the Bolons. Hannah tried to out off a double steal in the tenth, but mads a poor throw to stop Gedeen, and that i Brasne&r have his ehanee, The score: t AB, B. H.i PO. A E. O a Welter, rf V f 1 f J Gedeea. 2b K 1 1 1 4 MiMert. cf .. I 0 1 O Brbeer, it k- 4 g Ji 1 e e Ellis, U ,f.rf I 0 i.X:Tb f I ? I 18 Brooks, e I $?.? ,,... ..89 8 ACBAMSN'TO i i Mpraa, ef ............ 8 Cook. 2b 4 O Coy, rf , 5 " t 1 1 Tannant, Jb 6 I J nsUlnaa, lb ,.,..)..,, 4 6 d 0 phi na, it o Pr. ss 4 0 Masnak, c rttittt w i jt WllUams, p e 'U Toal . 3 I W SCOBJJ Sx 1NJJWGS. - te.::n::::::lIf!iniW SUM MA BY. Three-base hit Breoks, Twe-baaa kits. El lis. Waller, Jobnaon, Metster. SscrtHtre ft4araabst'. Wetwet. Willlaais tW. Vas WolUJ. GedaJS. EUijW,' raa. Cok. Coy. Tennant, HalllnaB, Sklaa. Strqek out-Hogbes T, WUIIsds , Baaes ea h.tlH -Hnirta 81 Wifilai ballar-UauBah 8. Buua reapoaaible hh-Wil- Him, a 11 1 a baaes Les Anselea S. Sae- ramaate 19. Time vf gaate 1;3, Umpires -Jal8Crtn nd Held. New Mile Record Is Made by 4-Year-Old Cleveland, Ohio, July II. Etawah III. owned by . Frank; G. Jones of Memphis, in a special event ysster day established a new world'e .record or .yt or t-yeara auner sea. The old record or s:osh was made in; Hi! by Directum. d Gears, the 1 vstsraa driver, srovs fctawah, who was paced. 1 Gears mads the fastest tlrne of the present season - during the . morning , events, by driving Anvil, snethri Jpnes horge, a mile in 2;02t I scienpe won the north Handaili stake, valued at 1109. in a five heat raca Napoleon Direct won the t;lt trotting race, a six heat event, by de f eating a classy field of etarters, SEATTLE GETS 3 GAMES mm9mJ9mmtmm9mmWPmmmtmY m- f't Seattle, Wash., July II. The foot ball schedule for the University of Washington givey Seattle three games this year. The season opens here Oc tober. 14, when Washington plays Whit man, Oregon plays here November 14, and Pullman comes November tt. Washington gpes to Albany, Or, for a game with the O. A. C, October 81. .Washington's practice games begin with Aberdeen high on September If. TAC0MA WINS 8 STRAIGHT f Taeoma. Wash., July tl.WWben the Tigers defeated - Seattle yesterday, it marked tneir eighth- straight victory, and they art tied with Victoria for fourth place. - The score was I t 2. Jones' being wteadler in the tban Glpa , . . The scots? - . . , R. ft, Seattle -'f4?ftfjtta Tacems ,,?,,,',, I 1 I , Batteries Glpe nd Clrnsn; jPp.e end Stevens, . -Kid Hertnan in Training. PeatUa, July t. Kid Herman, a one time one of the foremost light weight boxers, is training here for a comeback bout. He hag akgd fhe promoters pf the Brig bouse arena st Vancouver for a match. ,!& Johnny Q'Leary or Jos Pay ley. . . r Saving DcpoiiU 1 s o e a a o o o e f a i I e I 12 o 5 i O S 0 SO I 1 Bank VANCOUVER'S P0U1ES DELAYED AtlD , FIRST. POLO fiAl SATURDAY Wavelry. Whites and.- British s Columbians Will Start the Tournament. at- Polo Field GAME STARTS AT-3 P. lie i - - ' -V . ' . . Visitors VUl Flax WaTttlx Blue Qaax - tst tanday A'ternoojt : Change 4a X4ep. The ODeninc- b ma nt h Mia tanr. -- nament betwen the Vancouver QCU" Polo club, and , the Wave ly country , . club teams, scheduled for tomorrow efurnooa bas 'been poftposed vatU -Saturday ' afternoon. kecauae ' - the meuata of tha visitors will not arrive until tonight. , . Saturday game will be between the Waverly Whites and tbe Ytu?ouve ; team and will start promptly t 1, o'dockv The Vaoceuver- play ere w,Ul , practice tomorrow " on the, Waverly field.; - Tha lineup of the Vancouver teens -against the Wavorly Whites wUl be: W. yon Roon, No, 1; oorWe ki Orosvenor, No. 2; Captain R. Chaplin No. 2. and J. D. Pordhapl back, . . in suadars game against the ' Waverly aie team, which vUl stavt " at I o'clock. R K. Ssowdeni will pe, substituted for W, Von en in, N 4 position : There Is a poaslblUty of Warv Cor-, bett playing to, both games. iVot Corbet t may not be aide to, play in Saturday's game and in, .thA, Vvea.t Hrry Corbet will pOay in his Pbive. NATIONAL limn GAMES ' IUII III I ,11 IM At Chlcaao Score: It ' t. m Philadelphia t Yl ' Chicago ................A..., 4 4 ! ' Batteries .Alexander. Alavaa maA Vll. Miter; Lavender end fcresuehan - Briokly.,:.,: 1 1 t. Louis ....;....i.;.....,v; i I'- BatterleaAUeB, Ragon.apd Mitleri Doak and Wlniro. i . . m u i, M ...... At Cino)nnatU-8eset R. U.S. New Yerk ..,..,,,,., ,,4 l- Cincienati .,..,...!...,...,..,! J Batteries Mraur4 and. Meyers; Douglass apd rwfn At Pittsburg-trirst gams) Beaton .,f,,,?;.t,(,.tt,v.,,l pittBbura 8 I tiattries James and uewdy; Asr mon and Coiena. Kef ore. . Second gamer ! Jt. JI, St ' Beaton- ...................... ,4 1 1? Pittsburg ....................8l Batteries .Cru toner, tiavis and Whalipsi Adamjs. Mamaux ad KafWSj. s T JIUUt Pee.ti sloore, Oakland, Cat, July J,r-ft44ie Mler holdg a decision over Ijioy Mqpre t4y as result of 9t wuhd f . last alsbt, Moor flooradj WUlff la the first when he bad Kddie sregsy with hard ripe to the bead and body. Moore, however, was ungbit to, avoi4 .. Miller's straight ieft, gnd the IstUr punished Boy aevereiy about tSt hei . and face, . . - pm ' - -"TBy"sss tmt spa - -" Tillman and Cross Work. Los Angeles, July 21.' -Johnny Till man ef Minneapolis end Mth Cross wore hard at work today prapaHng for their meeting at Vemen July II. They are scheduled to box 28 rounds. Till man bas impressed the fane wit a have ' seen his workouts as a comer. Cross, after two weeks at Oataltna is in' gee4 condition, end will e tittle bsN'1 work for the mill. , ' THE PERSON WHO PAYS BY CHECK command more ft-; spect than the one ; who pays with cur-: l rency. A bankVac- v count is generally z considered an cvU dence pf industry, , integrity and tusi-f ness ability; -. It costs .j, nothing ; to carry a checking ' : account with this j bank and we invite ; " you to open one. . W psy MrticuUf tt." tention ta BerfonaJ sc . ' counts ef women, ' v ' SIXUR1TY SAYINGS & TRUST COMPANY : Fifth and Morrison ' Capital and Svrplttt , 1tt4Q0fi0Q ,1S1 f-IJIS., m Overbeck & Cooke Co, : Ptoses, JlonAl, OfSJi.' ftsValT Board ef TSe aTnadlsf' v DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO AIX EXCHANGES Members Chesg Rs4 P Tradi ,: ; ee'rrespondents of ICn Bryss, i Chicago, New Tferb. KIW TeBai STOCK EXCHANflBL . KKW TORK COTTON EXCHANOa , CHICAGO BOARD OP TBAPE. THg STOCK AND BONp EXCliANaa - ; s SAN FRANCISCO, . ASS Pali ft, Srema rtt. wtwts tnia a; Thoaoe aairshtU 8;j, lt :