THE OREGON DAILYv JOURNAL; PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING; JULY 23, -191ir HOW THEY STAND: HAPS - .546296, BEAVERS .545455, ANGELS .545454 AMERICA'S TEAM IS CENTRAL OREGON SAYS TROUT LARGEST ' SELECTED FOR DAVIS BORENA D. THE PROMISING TRJ3TTER PETER O'BRIEN WINS PETROSKEY- WAS FAR FEOM WELL CUP TENNIS GAMES YOUNG PITCH II IN LAST CONTEST 12 MANAGER MAC STARTS HANDICAP IDA 1 I 5 COAST FACE HOTTEST Hartmonij Given Lead but He Can't Hold It Against the " - Seals' Heavy Sluggers. 1 TAKE A LOOK AT FIGURES "hy Show Koftnt Hace la History of Coast Xagne at This Time of Tear Among; Three traders. San Francisco, Cal., July 23.-Man-ager McCredie started Elmer Martlnom yesterday, and when Marty was finally relieved by a plnchbttter Portland's lead was overcome and tbe Beavers were knocked out of .first place by a point by Venice, which has taken two games from the Oaks. The score was 7 to 3. ill West relieved Martlnonl at the start of the seventh.-' but as th battle was already won. West Just Breezed along. The standing between Portland. Venice and Los Angeles, reduced to the little figures. Is as follows: Won.. Lost. P. C Venice 69 49 .546293 Portland 64 45 .646455 Lob Angeles 60 60 .645454 Hkeeter Fanning; started the game for the Seals, but made way. for a pincnnitter wnen tne Beats nad" a chance in the fifth inning, and Hub Pernoll finished It up, getting; credit for the victory. ' It was a heavy hitting game, includ lng home runs by Derrick and Fitz gerald, threebaggers by Kores and Downs, and doubles by Cartwright and Howard. Both clubs scored a run in the first inning. Bancroft singled and went to third on Derrick's single. Then Rod gers raised a long fly to Schaller and Bancroft scored on the throw-in. The Seals tied it, when Fitzgerald, first man up, got a home run, when Lober misjudged the ball and it bounded into the left field bleachers. With two out in the third, Bancroft singled and Derrick came through with his homer, the ball going between right and center and Derrick sprinting like a Howard Drew. These were the last tallies the. Beavers could gather. The big blowoff.came .in the sixth inning. Cartwright doubled to left center with one out and took third on a wild pitch. Schaller walked and Downs tripled to right, scoring two. Downs scored when Rod gers mads a pretty toss out of Mundorff at first. The last three runs of the Seals were mad in the eighth inning. Downs singled with one out. which was fol lowed by Mundorff's single and How ard's double. Then Corhan singled and Howard cams home on Schmidt's single. C-'-i 'i?; ! :'" t- ' j j, , ',v ' ; ' 4 ti ' 'tjp. ; ::: This is one of the stepper? A. C Lohmire is depending upon in the coming race meets on the northwest : tracks. Borena has been working some pretty good miles. OAPT. FOULKES WINS SINGLES AT VANCOUVER Seattle Pair Takes Interna tional Doubles; Tourney to Seattle in 1915. Vancouver, B. C. July 23. The Northwest International Tennis tour nament was finished here yesterday afternoon. The singles title was won by Captain B. F. Foulkes of Victoria, who defeated Ft. R. Rhodes of Vancouver, 6-8, 3-6, 6-2, 9-7, 6-1. Sam Russell and William McBurney of Seattle took the doubles title after a hot set witn Mimes ana Knoaes oi Vancouver. A meetincr of the North Pacific Lawn Tennis association was held last night. at which it was decided to hold the 1915 tourney in Seattle. The following officers to serve for the ensuing year were elected: Hon orable president, E. Cave-Browne-Cave, Vancouver, B. C; president, S. L. Rus sell, Seattle; vice president, T. H. Bow- den, Everett; secretary treasurer, H. V. Young, Vancouver, B. C Score: PORTLAND. AB. B. H. Bancroft. 4 2 2 Derrick, lb 4 1 8 Rodfera, 2b 2 0 1 Doaue, rf .........-..4 O Rya, ff O 0 Kore, 8b J 0 1 lobar. If 3 0 0 KUher. c 3 0 $ Martloonli p 2 O 0 Spe. It 3 0 0 Yinti, O 0 0 0 Wmt, p 0 0 2 DitU 10 0 Total 82 8 7 P0. 2 9 2 O 2 1 1 4 1 0 2 0 0 A. 7 0 8 0 O 0 0 0 1 o 0 0 0 DOC SENDS HAPS TO TOP SEMI-PEO TEAMS KEEN TO BEGIN BIG TITLE SERIES Names of Players Must Be in Hands of Chairman by 6 P, M, Tomorrow. Los Angeles, Cal., July 23. Happy Hogan selected his star southpaw, Doo White, yesterday, and Oakland was shut out, making only five hits. Harry Abies started for the Oaks, but was re lieved by Christian after the six runs had been made off him. The game put Oakland at the head of the league. The score: OAKLAND. AB. R. 4 24 11 8 Fltiferald, rf . Cartwright, 3b BWialler, If ... Itowna, 2b Mundorff, cf ... Howard, lb .... Corhan, u ... Sfbmldt, e ..... Iinolnc, p ... Cotllgan Parnoll, p Total SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. 4 4 8 2 1 1 O 2 1 1 2 2 O PO. 1 2 4 O 4 tt 1 5 0 0 1 A. E. O 0 .88 7 10 27 11 batted 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o for nttit fnr West In ninth Fanalnr n fifth; Speaa batted -ror rianer In MTtntb; Yants batted for Martlnonl In MTtotb. scOBE BT INNINGS. Portland 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 08 Hlta . 2 081 1 0 0 0 0 7 Ban Kranclaco J 0 0 0 0 3 0 8 J 7 Hlta 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 6 10 SUMMARY. Thre runa, 7 hlta off Fanning, 20 at bat in 5 lunlDga; 4 runa, 4 bit off Martlnonl, 22 at bat In 8 innings. Charge defeat to Martlnonl; credit rlctory to Pernoll. Sacrifice fly Rodg er. Horn, runa Fltagerald. Derrick. Three. Uh hlta Korea, Down. Two-boo ' hit CartwrlRbt. Howard. Basea on ball Martln onl 1. Fanning 1. Pernoll 1. Struck out By Martlnonl'. 3, Fanning 3, "Pernoll 2, Wet 1. Stolen bnr Derrick 2, Rodger 2. Double tlnri Scballer to Cartwright; Bancroft to .odgers; Bancroft to Rodger to Derrick. Left on Unlet Portland 5, San Francisco 5. Ran .sponsible for Martlnonl 4, Fanning 8, West a. Pernoll 1 Qulnlan, rf Gardner, lb . . Mlddleton, If. Ness, 2b ... Zacber, cf ... Guest. 3b .... MeDges, ss . . Mltze. c Able, p Arbogast, e .. Christian, p .. Murphy, lb .. Total Carlisle. If .. Leard, 2b . . . Kane, cf -.. Bayless, rf .. Litschl, Eb , Borton, lb . McArdle, a Hogan, e .. White, p .. 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 30 0 VENICE. AB. R 4 H. 1 1 0 o o o 2 0 0 0 o 1 PO. 0 6 1 S 2 1 1 s 0 3 1 8 A. E. 6 24 8 H. 1 0 1 0- 1 2 2 1 0 PO. 1 4 0 3 1 11 2 4 1 A. B. O 0 Total 6 S 27 13 81 SCORE BY INNINGS. Oakland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hit 0 011110O 16 Venice 0 0420000 6 Hits 0 0820201 a SUMMARY. Hits made off Abies, 6; 6 runs; 1? at bat In 4 Innings; charge defeat to Abies. Two-base hit Menges. Sacrifice hit White. Run re sponsible for Abies 4. Base on balls Off Able 1, off White 1. off Christian 1. Struck out By Able 8, by White 8, by Christian 2. Stolen bases Carlisle 2. Murphy. Triple play Leard to Borton to McArdle. ' Passed ball Hogan. Hit by pitcher Guest by White. Time of i:to. umpire uutnrie ana nayes. STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS What promises to be the most In tensely Interesting semi-professionart DaseDaii tournament In Portland in years will be staged at the Vaughn street baseball grounds Sunday, Au gust 2, and Sunday, August 9, under me direction or w. w. Metzger. busl ness manager of the Portland baseball CiUD. -w At a meeting of the semi-pro. man agers at MoCredle's billiard parlors last night, it was decided that four teams would play a doubleheader the first Sunday, and the two winners would meet, the following Sunday. The naming of these four teams was left with a committee of sporting; writers. R. A. Cronln. chairman; Lou Kennedy ana icaipn staenu. Metzger announces that the names of all teams and their players must be in the bands of the chairman by 6 o'clock tomorrow night. Metzger also stipulates that any club that waa not formed and had not taken part in at least two games with Its full strength prior to July 16. would not be. considered: He admits that this action was taken to - prevent picked teams from entering the tournament. thereby placing other clubs at a dls advantage. The list of tbe players will be published so that team mana gers may have the right to protest players who have not been with a club prior to July 16. v.- The teams represented last night were: Randall's All-Stars, Piedmont Ma roons. Knights Of Columbus, Bradford's jjipman, woire & uo., Meier & Frame, Bankers' All-Stars, Sprangers Giants. St Andrews, Hubbard's Colored Giants, Stilettos, Archer-Wiggins Weonas and Union Social clubs. AT THE TRAPS SH00T0FF WITH m 'ortland Man and Gresham Star Each Powder 93 Blue rocks in Regular Event. PROFESSIONAL GETS 99 lies Held Comes Within One Bird of Perfect Score Son Morrison Hig-n Amateur for Three Says' Tourney. SaiJorman Declares He Fight 'Different Battle This Time. was Peter O'Brien, of Portland, won the banner event in the ninth annual Pa cific Coast Handicap, which came to an end late yesterday at the traps of the Portland Gun club. He is the first Portland er to win the Pacific Coast title and he accomplished this feat by beating H. H. Ott. of Gresham, Or., in a 20 bird shoot-off. At the close of the handicap event. O'Brien, shooting from the 19-yard line and Ott, handicapped at 16 yards, were tied for first place with the scores of 93 out of possible 100. In the 20-bifd shoot-off, O'Brien broke 16 birds and Ott 14. As the result of his victory O'Brien won the diamond studded medal and $137.40 In 'cash. Ott shooting for targets only. The third place medal was won by Collins Gilmore, of San Diego, CaL, In a 20-bird shoot-off with G. C. Gregory, or. Vancouver, wash. These two shoot ers were tied with 91 birds and In the extra targets, . Gllmore broke 20 straight and Gregory broke 16. The highest score of the tournament was registered during the regular 100 bird event by L. H. Reid, of Seattle, Wash., a professional. Reid made the score of 99 out of a possible 100. High professional In the handicap event was Frank Reihl of Tacoma, Wash., who made the score of 94 from the 19-yard line. High amateur In the regular event was H. McElroy, of Spokane, Wash. His score was 97. F. M. Troeh was second with 96 and H. Wihlon was third with 95. Don Morrison, of Portland, Or., was high average man for the three regu lar events. He broke S25 out of 250 birds. F. M. Troeh was second with 322 birds. Wihlon Was third, 317 birds, and D. J. Holohan fourth, with 315 birds. The scores: H'd'e'P Reg Score Brent 100 100 Shooter. Town. H'd'eap. birds, birds, f. u. waae, noise, id. is Al Jone. Joseph 16 M. Sidall, Salem. Or 16 Con Hilgera, Portland 16 Ed. Fltigerald, Pocatello, Ida. 16 H. Havens, San Francisco.... 16 J. B. Owens, Wenatchee 16 w. Fleet, Montesano. Don Morrison was the winner In the three day optional sweepstakes with 325 birds out of 850 to his credit. Six teen shooters entered the sweepstakes. Hank Wilson made the high amateur run of the tournament. He made 78 on the first day. The second high run was made by E. H. Keller on the sec ond day, 67. L. H. Reid, the Seattle professional, made a run of 122. . The money winners In' the handicap were P. H. O'Brien, G Gllmore, U. c Gregory, G. K. March, H. Wihlon, L. Rayburn, W. E. Cooper, W. W. Cald well, J. F. Dodds, M. SlddalL C. Hll- gers, M. Grossman, A. Reini, 14. B. Wright, F. M. Day, F. Templeton, W. K. Carlon, G. Miller, H. McElroy, H. Havens and Henry Metzger. Finuey. Tim of game 1 Umpire The Boston Braves have released Luque, the Cuban pitcher, to Jersey City of the International league. With Long Branch last season Luque was .the -wonder of the New York-New Jersey-circuit. For That T Oiting Paciflo Coast League, Won. Lost. Venice 69 Portland 64 Los Angeles 60 San Francisco 67 Sacramento 61 Oakland 41 Northwestern League Won. Vancouver 65 Spokane , 68 Seattle , 61 Tacoma f. 41 Victoria 89 Ballard 37 22-cal. Rifles, $2.50 to $10.50 Big Game Rifles, $11 to $25 : Pocket Cook Kits, $2.50 l Compasses, 50c to $2.50 Camp Axes, 75c to $2.00 Folding Cots, $2.50 to $3.25 Hunting Knives,, $1 to $2.50 Pocket Flash Lights, $1 to $2 The . Famous Gokey Boots, 58.50 Pair And in spite of a brisk de mand we still have a very - complete stock of good fish ing tackle the kind that gets the fish. , Backus&Wbrri: 223 MorrleooJvjt. BetLL&2il St 49 45 60 65 67 66 Pet. .546 .645459 .545454 .sue .472 .883 Lost. 86 89 41 62 61 62 Pendleton Walla Walla . Baker North Yakima Western Tri-Btat League. 65 52 .... 40 36 New York .. Chicago est. uouia ... Boston Cincinnati . PhlladelDhla Brooklyn ... fituourg ... PhlladelDhla Boston Washington . Detroit CMcago .... Bt. Louis . , New York .. Cleveland . , Chicago Indianapolis Baltimore . Brooklyn .. uuiraio . . . Kansas city St. Loots .. Pittsburg , Louisville Milwaukee .. Cleveland ' . . Indianapolis Kansas City Minneapolis Columbus .. St. Paul .... Sioux City i... ienver .... St. Joseph .. Lincoln . . Des Moines Omaha . .. Wichita .. Topeka ... National League. 49 49 48 39 39 37 : 86 86 American League. 51 48 45 47 44 44 35 ... 29 Federal League, 49 45 45 42 40 87 89 ........ 32 Amerioan Association. 63 50 61. 50 60 48 4 34 Western League. . 63 .53 . 61 .49 , 48 . 44 .. . 38 .82 37 39 61 56 82 37 40 44 48 44 43 43 82 40 " 40 42 41 42 49 57 83 83 87 85 89 48 ,60 47 43 43 44 47 47 48 . 47 60 88 as 41 43 45 47 66 62 Pet. .644 .698 .598 .398 .890 .374 .697 .572 .438 .391 .6T.5 .570 .545 .470 .459 .457 .456 .444 .614 .545 .529 .528 .518 .512 .417 .387 .688 .563 .5-19 .545 .506 . .481 .419 .405 .652 . .538 .537 .615 .515 4S4 .495 .362 .691 .682 MM .531 .518 .484 . .404 .841 Elmer E. Sbaner, of the Interstate tournament, stated that the 1914 shoot was the greatest ever held on the Pa cific coast. He was much pleased with the way the tournament was staged. One hundred and thirty-eight shoot ers entered the handicap event, 12 more than the former record held by the lo cal club. One dozen shooters appeared on the grounds too late to enter the handicap. V Western League Results. Des Moines 8, St. Joseph S. -ftmaha 7. Lincoln 6. tVichita 5, Topeka 3. . Denver 8-3, Sioux City 6-T. The officials of the Portland Gun club deserve credit for the splendid manner In which they held the 1914 shoot. Everything was run off In ereat style, although one-of the traps acted badly throughout tne enure day. Phil Metschan Jr., failed to eat cantaloupe, which explains hisv low score. H. B. Everdlne. Portland M J. Klenast, Belllngham 16 N. B. Wright. Portland 18 Charles O'Connor, Spokane. .. .16 Ben Bell, Yacolt, Wash 18 C. E. Groat, Los Angeles 16 F. M. Day, Eugene, Or 16 O. E. Feller. Hubbard, Or 16 JT. Bacher, Seattle 16 O. E. McKelvey, Sea tie 16 M. Grossman, Seattle 16 J. Edmunson, Creswell 18 T. E. Doremoa, Wilmington. 16 T. BvRUey, San Francisco 16 F. F. Hoilstetter, Lindsay, Cal ..16 N. A. Howard, Ban Francisco. 18 Al Segnln, Portland 16 H. Matbess, Portland ........16 A. Riehl, Tacoma 18 H. Williams, Seattle 18 A. Matson, Portland 16 Hal Snllivan. Tacoma 16 V. 8. Este, Portland 16 H. H. Ott, Gresham ....16 A. B. Searcy, Condon 16 W. H. Dah-ymple, Salem. ...16 A. Parrott. Portland.... ...16 Al Cook, Portland 18 Charles Frank, Portland 16 A. 8tutt. Portland IS W. Marsha. Portland 16 E. Wade. Boise. Ida....... IS H. W. Metsger, Portland 16 O C. Gregory, Vancouver. ...16 F. Templeton, Portland 16 kudu, fortland 16 T. Baltimore. Albany. Or..l T. L. McBath, Walla Walla.. 17 B. Troeh. Vancouver 17 B, A. Tyler, Portland 16 B. P. Knlcbt. Portland 18 E. B. Morris, Portland -.16 "B. B. VanArman, Portland. 16 n m nil... i . Annals. ia J." B.' 8id, Portland '. lie A. Bean. Eugene ....17 K. March, Spokane 17 Nlckerson. Albanv 17 Boy Opple, Seattle 17 H. R. Cramer, Nelson, BC.17 C. Gllmore, to Angeles 17 F. Landwehr, Seattle 17 H. H. Veatch, Salem... 17 W. W. Caldwell, Portland. ... 17 W. E. Carlen. Portland 17 D. Thornton, Portland 17 L. Mackev. La Grande 17 Guy Egbera, Pasco. 17 j. uonverse, Portland ...17 G. W. Miller, Pendleton 17 B. Simmons, Portland ...17 Pld Cooper, Baymond 17 E. P. Troeh. Vancouver 17 B. W. Brady. Wallowa 17 C. W. McKean, Portland... .17 "J. A. tiaignt, Han Fran.. ..17 0. H. Knlarht. San Pran 17 H. Quick. Chehalis 18 E. Owens. Wenstehe 18 H. Fleming, Seattle ..18 is. is. uuis, Seattle L. Rayburn, La Grande 18 E. I). Farnum. Sand Point 18 I. W. Seavy, Eugene 18 P. P. Nelson. Yacolt .' 18 One small shooter of the tournament had better use a lighter load If he en ters another Pacific coast handicap and wear a pair of leather gloves so his hands won't blister. Don Morrison was going straight back of the row of automobiles. The Golden Gate Gun club of San Francisco willstage a registered tour nament : in can jj rancisco on sepiem ber 9. All shooters are Invited to at tend. .The next biggest shoot on the Pa cific" coast will be staged at Raymond, Waslu, on August 17 to 21. FEDERAL LEAGUE GAMES At Buffalo . R. H.E. Kansas uuy ..... 3 9 But taio 1 . . ... 6 9 Batteries PacKard, Harris and East erly: Anderson. Ford and Lavlsme. uiair. At Brooklyn -- . R. H.E. Chicago .................... 3 8 Brooklyn ...,.. 9 16 Batteries 1 Lange. Brennan. Black and Wilson; Block; Beaton and Land. At Pittsburg R. H. E. Indianapolis 1 6 Pittsburr . 2 6 Batteries Falkenberg- and Baridan. xexter; iamniu ana uerry,- Ji.err. - At Baltimore f- - .R H. E st. Louis . . . . . . .i. .... . . . . ... 0 ; 7 Baltimore .v w. S 9 Batteries Davenport and Chapman uuian and Jaciuitscn. , . , F.-Dodds, San Diego...... 18 H. Keller, ForUand ......18 Frank House, Portland .18 B. vv . cooper, Tacoma. 18 r. c. aiouiien, Kugene... 18 H. McElroy. Spokane ...18 W. McCorna'ck, Eugene. !""!l8 L. M. Packard. Los Angeles.. 18 n. uguvie, lios Anpeie. .t... .18 M. Abrahams, Portland. .' .. .IB K. 4. Biarcey. uuateau, Mont. IS P. J. Holohan. Portland 18 W. F, Wlllett. San Fran.. ..IS E. G.i White. Ottawa, Can.. 18 3. L. Morrison. Portland 19 P. H. O'Brien; Portland.. ....19 F. M. Troeh. Vancouver. iia H. Wllhon. Portland .....19 van Atta, Vancouver 19 G. E. Holohan. San Fran. ....19 F. A. Dry den. Portland.. ..19 D. 3. Holohan, Twin Falls.... 19 F. C. Rlehl. Tacoma... 10 A. Blair, Portland 19 M. Fisher, Seattle. ......19 W, A. Hlllts. Portland 18 A. W. Woodwortu, Spokane. 18 Harry Ellis, Portland. ... ......19 U H. Reid, 8attl:....,..2d H. E: Postoo, San Fran 20 E. 3. Morgan. Belt Lake 20 J. 8. French, San Fran. .....16 W. D. Albright, Portland.... 18 C. B. Caldwell. Portland.... M W. W1. McKenale, Portland.. 16 F. E. Butler, Lewiston 16 Mrs. C E. Groat, Lo An... 16 F. O. Joy, Portland ...18 & L. Mathews, Portland.... 16 R. S, Frrell, Portland....!. 16 B. Bateman, Portland.... ..18 M. 1. Champion, Portland.. 16 Adolph Wolhm. Portland 16 W. Feekheimer, Portland... 18 40-27 83 70 88 88 80 86 77 74 83 72 87 83 76 83 57 79 67 83 88 85 76 77 82 86 83 66 88 SI 61 84 63 93 90 90 68 76 63 58 68 78 82 86 91 87 62 ' 81 78 84 82 88 83 69 75 90 82 82 t 91 74 67 88 86 82 80 78 86-. 82 85 74 . 83 84 " 84 82 75 84 80 85 89 81 84 85 88 80 75 89 ' 85 86 85 78 84 v 69 82 86 82 81 87 79 93 89 80 81 86 91 84 94 71 - er 81 87 84 82 81 91 57 76 71 81 77 61 85 : ee 79 63 70 85 71 68 .86 77 89 82 85 81 88 87 78 68 . 82 74 77 80 87-70 78 76 San Francisco, Cal.. July 22. Sailor Petroskey arrived from his ranch and prepared today to start." training; at Colma for his 20 round bout with George Chip efb a week from next Friday night. The sailor will need very little -work to put him in prime condition, having gone tnrough a siren nous preliminary grind In the country. He promised to put up an entirely dif ferent battle this time from that in which Chip knocked him out in Los Angeles . some weeks ago. Petroskey said he was far from a. well man at mat time. Knin continued Dlus-elnsr twiv at oan KaiaeL Two - Men From California Named by Committee to Defend Trophy. YOUNGEST 23; OLDEST 34 Quartet Will Xetoxn to Hew Tork fox Practice at nd of Iong-wood Tourney. . ' 7 New York. July 23. Maurice E. lie. Loughlin of San Francisco, Thomas C. j Bundy of Los Angeles, R. Norris Wil liams of Philadelphia and Karl IL Behr of New York will comprise the American team to defend the Dwigbt wan P)i"Ut ...i n.n nm yjk ill y: mAm : "' - "--- .--.------ I I F. Davis international tennis trophy. The Newcastle middle-1 The four- men. it waa announced, will weignt also forecasted rough going In return to, New York for hard and con- I Crescent,' Or., July 22. Central Ore the coming bout. He said it took him I .tint nractlpe at th ni of th in-. gon sportsmen are up In arms over a 111 Anr ri a 4a vn .aa aj i & 1 r c . v awuaaua ,w LCU WIICD He m waajI 4yAiv.a m., nA.tAi u.9 tlUlV UUl IU1 I FT.,. MAilne4Un. ... - n Jt . time it will be a survival of the fittest ,.wVk tTvT w A S 1 from th rirt rnr,o- im L night by R. D. Wrenn. G. T. Adee and w - - V W VUUUU W. I t tlnar has vet arjr.rpi tn ostaKiiah . oiocum.'tne committee, in ac Chip doubtless will be a strong wniulM 'tiin imernauonai cup Dozen Dolly Vardens caught by two women. price. favorite, Three six round preliminaries to Dre cede the main event were announced I H1 tean2 today as follows: Willie Meehan vs. Jack Hemple, Johnny Sudenbers; vs. Ray Marshall and Mickey Hogan vs. iiiKe Kutcnos. regulations. McLoughlin and Wil- Hams are the youngest members of each being 23 years old. Ballard Rallies in Seventh and Wing Behr Is 29 and Bundy 34. The challenge matches are scheduled to be played August 13, 14 and 15 at Forest Hills. At Boston yesterday the cup players showed their class In the Long-wood tournament in fine style. McLough lin disposed of N. W. Nlles 6-3, 6-4, 6-2. He meets his teammate, Bundy, In the fourth round tomorrow, the latter having beaten Harold Holmes story from Independence, Or., on July 6," which appeared in a Portland news paper. "What is believed to be the largest Dolly Varden trout ever caught in the state of Oregon." saya the dis patch, "was pulled from the McKenzie river last week by P. L. Hedges of this city. The trout was SO inches' long and weighed eight and one-halt pounds." The string- of Dolly Varden trout. shown in the accompanying photo graph,' Is the result of one morning's catch made by Mrs. E. G. Rourk, of Crescent, and Mrs. Rene West, of Bend, at Odell lake, 19 miles northwest of this city, a year ago this month. The 12 trout shown ranged in weight from five to 12 pounds and weighed In all 75 pounds. About a week previous to the arrival of Mrs. Rourk with her camera at Odell lake. Mr. West landed a Dolly Varden trout which measured 36 Inches in length and weighed 14 pound a., Odell and its twin sister. Crescent lake, are rapidly gaining a national reputation for th fine fishing to be had there. Many of the mammoth trout have also been caught in the 'Des Chutes river at Trlngle falls, six mile west of La Pine. Four of the big beau ties exhibited at the "trout luncheon" given by the La Pine Commercial club to delegates en route to the Central Oregon Development league convention at Lakeview in August, 1912. made many Portlanders gasp with astonishment. Seattle, Wash., July 23. Ballard. formerly the Portland Colts, rallied in the seventh Inning yesterday and rath ered enough runs to win a 7 to 5 game. The Ballard Ditchers. Hanson and ieonard, were easy for Jacinto Calvo. I defeated G. P. Gardner Jr., Boston, 8-6, tne youner Cuban, who eot a hnma run I -j. ' 6-0, 6-3. 6-2. Williams played a four set match AM CD IP AM I C AOIlC . RAWICQ with G. P. Gardner Jr.. 8-6, 6-4. 5-7. iinv4wa- vin.ii.w 7-B. Summary of results at Lonarwood: R. Norris Williams II, Philadelphia, a double -and two singles during the day. The score: BALLARD (POETLAND COLTS) . . AB. B. H. PO. A. B. iwimn. ss MUUgan, cf 3 Meicnior, rr s Lewi. If . , 3 Lewis, If 4 Oalc-nl, 3b 2 McKune, 2b 4 naasman, lb S Murray, e Hanson, p , Leonard, p Total ... O o o 2 o 4 1 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 A. 2 O O 0 0 1 1 0 8 8 1 31 7 VICTORIA. AB. R. 4 3 6 10 27 11 Koran, rf Nye, 2b Calvo. cf WHnolt, ir ....j 8 Lamb, 3b 4 Kelly, lb 4 Bcanlon, ss 4 Hoffman, e .......... 2 Drlscoll, p S McHenry, t 0 H. O O O 0 PO. 1 2 2 1 1 12 O 6 0 0 E. 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. Nlckerson. Boston, defeated G. W. Wightman, Boston, 6-1, 6-2, 1-6, 6-3. Kastern doubles: Fottrell and Murray defeated Whit man and Loverlng. 6-3. 6-0. 9-7. McLoughlin. San Francisco, beat Niles. Boston. 6-3. 6-4. 6-2. Bundy, Los Angeles, beat Holmes, jew tfearora, e-o. e-s.- e-z. W. J. Clothier and G. P. Gardner Jr. beat M. Bartlett.and N. Bartlett, B-Z. 6-Z. 6-1. A. S. Dabney and N. W. Niles bea J. D. E. Jones and S. Renshaw, 6-4. 6-4. 6-Z. H, Tallant and W. E. Johnson beat G. F. Touchard and W. M. Washburn, 6-3. 4-6. 6-7. 6-3. 6-4. H. H. Hackett and F. D. Alexander beat F. C. Inman and R. D. Little, 6-2, 6-7. 6-1, 6-4. Base on balls Off Drlscoll 4. off McHenry 1. oft Hanson 4, off Leonard 1. Wild pitch Hanson. Time . of gam 1:55. Umpire wneeiar. At "New York First game: R. H.K. Detroit 1 6 8 New York 8 0 Batteries CovaleskI and Stanage: Caldwell and Nunamaker. Second game: R H. E. Detroit 8 15 2 New York 8 10 0 Batteries Dubuc. Cavet and McKee. Baker; Cole. Pleh and Sweeney. WESTERN TRI-STATE At Boston First rami: R. H.E. St. Louis i 3 8 6 Boston 6 11 1 Batteries Hamilton ana Leary: Foster. Bedient and Cady. Second game: k.. n. r. St,- Louis ...2 6 6 Boston 6 It 1 Batteries James ana leary; snore and Cady. Total 82 6 I SCORE BY INNINGS. Billiard 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 4 7 Victoria 1 0 0 0 O S 0 1 06 SUMMARY. Home run Calvo. Two-base hit Moran, Calvo. Hanson, Lewi. Sacrifice hit Nye 2, Wllboit, Drlscoll, Murray. Stolen base Wll hoit, Coltrln, Murray. Doable play Scanlon to N;e to Kelly. Pitcher' record 3 runs. 7 hit off Driacoll In 7 1-3 inning;- 4 rnna. 3 hit off McHenry In 2-3 inning; 6 ran 9 hit off Hanson In 7 innings; no runs, no hit oft Leonard In 2 inning. Charge defeat to Mc Henry; credit victory to Leonard. Struck out By Drlscoll 4, by Hanson 4, by Leonard 1. -HALL BLANKS INDIANS At Phladelphia R. H. E. Cleveland 0 6 1 Philadelphia 3 6 1 Batteries Morton, uoiiamore ana Carisch; Pennock and Schang. At Washington R. H. E. Chicago '. 9 12 4 Washington 5 8 4 Batteries Faber. cicotte anoscnaiit; Engel, Ayres and Henry. Vancouver. B. a. July 23.Bert Hall S. GOOD TO MEET WRIGHT and, although Spokane made seven hits, there was nary a run to count. The champions. Spokane, used three heav ers. The score: R. H. E. Vancouver 2 9 0 Spokane 0 7 0 Batteries Stanley. Hughes, Coveles kie and Shea; Hall and Cheek. Vancouver, B.- G, July 22. Billy Wright, the Seattle lightweight, has arrived here with his manager, Frank Pure ell, for his eight round bout with Sammy Good of Portland at Brighouse Friday' night Preliminary to the' Tom Cowler-Chet Mclntyre fight. Pendleton, Or.. July 23. The Pendle ton Buckarooes scored a shutout against North Yakima yesterday when they took the second game of the ae ries by the score of 7 to 0. Osborne waa in good shape, and held the Braves down at all points of the game. He had stellar support in the field. Me Query pitched a good game for the vis itors, but his support at times was ex ceedingly poor, and in every instance meant a tally for the Buck. Consid erable wrangling developed in the fifth inning, and threatened to turn the game into a farce, but after that frame both teams played good ball, and the Bucks were enabled only to get In a single run which came in the seventh. The first two scores came in the fourth, four more were brought in in the fifth, and one in the seventh ended the game so far as the scoring was concerned. The score: R. H. E. Pendleton 7 13 2 North Yakima 0 6 4 Batteries Osborne and Pembrooke; McQuary and Webb. Baler, Or., July 23. Telford's wild ness and four errors by the Bears al lowed the home club to make 12 runa. Walla Walla scored Just half as many. The score: , R. H. E- Walla Walla ..6 12 4 Baker 12 9 2 Batteries Telford. Lundstrom and Sheely; Sutherland and King. American Association Results. No games scheduled. 81 . ' ' - ' ' ' . " ' 83 ; . . . .. . . p Scotland s Great Patriot 66 64 72 80 88 89 90 87 83 87 81 77 85 75 84 87 82 74 88 82 81 85 68 87 86 83 79 89 88 63 90 87 94 92 90 83 - 89 97 82 60 TT 87 ' 89 87 86 95 - 90 94 96 95 89 87 95 90 96 91 85 85 94 99 90 1 "NATIONAL HERO SERIES NO. 6 WilliamWallaee :- - ' . - - ;. . --:V,v . .- - .-. ' TOR. nearly seven hundred years the sons and daughters of Scotland have revered the memory of Ill tint i. ' i . : .1 .i?".fi f . a. : ... . waiiacc. ii is not xoo mucn xo say mat uiis win continue ior seventy uraes seven nuiiuicu yccua. " When but a youth the love of Personal and National liberty burned so fiercely In the breast of AXfcllace that he revolted against England s tyrannous rule. At the head of his gallant band of riders he ': ! ?JL f. 1 JC!l1 t' -' - Ji ?JJ' ? . J JU- 'won sjuniusn ajicr sjurnusn, ana nnauy; ac uie oppoxrune umc, quiuuy organizea an army ana muicu uk. English at Stirling Bridge. XMiamrWlace adinired a good Barley-Malt brew just as 60 the Scotchmen of tooay. ftohibition has ever been a detestable word to .the Scotch peopk.THhey will not have it enter, into - .1. . . I. " . 1 1 a . .1 1 .' ' M I ' 1 . . f 1 . tneir private lives, ana ineocotcn vote is always registerea oy a large majonty against sucn sumpiuaiy legislation. In America they have done much to build up die ccHintryTrwusands of our solid Scotch dti-- zens are patrons or tne nonest brews ot Anheuser-Duscn and nave oeen constant users or DULwniojciv They have helped to make the annual sales of this world-famed brand exceed those of any other beer by rruUions of bottles. ANHEUSER-DUSCH ST. LOUIS U. SLA. " Bottled Uy at the home plant. . . Bliimauer & Hoch Distributors . ' Portland, Oregon J. II. Addleman, Portland.. 16 Pbll Metschaa Jr.. Portland. 16 C. Kotos, Portland. .lft E. B. Huston. Portlands ... ..16 E., R. U-HKlwin. . Portland. .. .! U. w. walker. Portland K. Bulmsn, Vancouver..., J. Borders, Portland..... ..16 ..16 70 82 ' 6i ; 35 40-2S 5tf - 75 For target only. -Professional, i TrJrr: Means Moderatioii . Hi-