J' Off 4 i a i Wear 9 fyvtecftng T'BAT more delightful sport Is A thers than a dip In the world's Y Y bathtub, a childlike; gamboling in the surf, a Jumping of the rollers and for a few fortunate, skill ful onea, an Invigorating swim? "Prop erly taken, the 8ea plunge should make the staid ycara fall from one aa a dis carded eloak on a day suddenly grown warm With sunshine and throbbing with the Joy of living. (Not any too many place are there where those grown to the age of dignity can romp and play In full abandon and without criticism, but about the edges of Neptune's king dom we may drop as many years as we will without fear of censure. It is as though the old man placed a fatherly hand on one of our shoulders and said, "Play and forget woo back lost youth for la my kingdom you may be a child again if you will." Though we have gray hair, we may play tag in the water, we PEPL1ES to letters to the writer of this department will be printed in regular order; but no replies in print may be expected in less than three or four weeks. Correspondents desiring immediate re plies to Queries may get them by inclos ing a stamped self-addresaed envelope. Personal inquiries will receive prompt attention if accompanied by a stamped and self-addressed envelope. Too Young for Bunions Dar Mrs. 8ymes. I am IT years old and I have a decided bump at the joint of the bit- to. I think It in a bunion. Are they inherited? Mr mother haa them, hut she said that 1' ought aot to b troubled with them. Can I do earthing for this' trouble T CHARLES M. J. Tou are too young te be bothered with this, but I am afraid that your descrip tion suggests that your trouble is a bunion. Perhaps you have been wear ing the wrong size and shape in shoes. " Here are a remedy and a suggestion. I hope that you will overcome the trouble. Bunion Remedy Carbollo acid 2 fluid drama Tincture of iodine 2 fluid drams Glycerin 2 fluid drams . Apply with a camel's-halr brush dally. ' To Prevent Bunions and Corns Bunions and corns are due to Improperly fitting shoes. Have the shoes and stockings-a trifle too long for the feet, so as to relieve the 'pressure on the toes. Soak the (est night and morning; wipe dry and rub with a mixture of spirits of turpentine and lard (equal parts) or tur pentine and sweet oil (1 to a parts) until i the soreness subsides. Dust between the toes with, talcum powder and place a little cotton between toes, so aa to absorb any moisture. Treatment for Bunions Wet a bunion plaster from the druggist and nick with, the scissors around the Inside circle or opening. Moisten the plaster yhd put It over the bunion. Put a small wfdse of felt between the great toe and the second toe, which will throw . the foot more Into shape.- It will greatly ' relieve the pressure of the Joint. Draw the stocking carefully: Whoa you put your shoe on you ' will discover - ' that the enlarged ? Joint does not begin to show as much with the plaster oa as without. And alt paia and irritation are prevented by wearing the plaster, which, makes If Impossible for the leather te come in contact with the Sore Jolat or te irritate it. . 1 v- : To Whiten the Skin r Mrs, Srmasv 1 My skin U very dark, I am not freckled end I am sure I Sve no liver trouble. . Will yeu rive. tan jour recipe for a 'cttr cumber lotion that a friend of mine had few months ar? It had wonderful results. , I resd vour column .every week, and st. fnanv recipes that 1 make mywlf frem " your columns. Mrs. A.N"NS K. I thank you for, your remarks, and ANSWERS TO BEAUTY QUERIES may put aside all the polite conven tions and deliberately splash water In the faces of those romping with us; we may float, swim, dive or simply meet the Incbming'waves with childish crows of delight, crows which on dry land would be considered kittenish, but which we often wish to utter nevertheless. There should be a glowing- reaction when one comes from the surf, but . when we are cold and fatigued it is usually a sign that the sea 1 bath has been of too long duration or that It never should hav been taken. I think It Is always safest to consult a physi cian about sea bathing, whether it should be Indulged in or not and for how long at a time. For the average' person a half hour bath is quite suffi cient, but different people may. require less or be able te enjoy the bathing for a greater length of time. Much de gladly give the recipe I think you have in mlrrn. Cucumber Wash Oat 1 or cucumbers into rather small chunks without peeling. Put these Into a mortar and pound with a pestle (or use a heavy potato masher and a heavy earthen ware bowl) until the mass is pulplike in consistency. Now filter this through Piece of cheescK-iotll or very coarse muslin, squeezing; out as much of the Juice as you can. Now put the refuse and Altered Juice Into a clean enameled saucepm and sim mer (don't boll) for 10 minutes. Then re-stain, and when cold add alcohol to the proportion of 1 tablespoonful to half a pint of the strained liquid. Bottle and use to sponge your face Instead of washing It during the day. The alcohol should preserve the Juice. For Thin Eyebrows 'Dear Mrs. Syme. My eyes are not at all good looking, and I have tried to find out the trouble. The color is all right, but they are very -lacking In the fringe and the eyebrows.- Js it pos sible to Increase the growth of the hair around the eyes? M. 3. Tea. you can improve this condition. At this time most women are thinning their eyebrows, but that seems to be the Way of the world. The . ones that have them wish to be rid of them and the .women who want them haven't any to speak of. An application of olive oil each night will help. 1 am giving a rec ipe i that you can have compounded at the- drug store. Do not have any of . it enter the eyes. . Eyebrow and Eyelash Grower Vaseline S ' ounces Tincture of cantharides H ounce CHI of lavender...... IS drops Oil of rosemary.. 15 drops - Mix thoroughly and apply to the eye brows with a tiny toothbrush once a day" until the growth is sufficiently stimulated; then less often. The ointment may be used for the eye lashes also. In this case It should be very carefully applied. It will Inflame the eyes) if it sets Into them. , Made the Hair Greasy ; Ifcer Mrs. Symes."" : I noticed a recipe for briUiantine In yester dr" PpT, took it to the druggist and bad It filled, which costll. I rubbed a Yery little en my hair and it has made it so oily that I eunot do anything with it. , I would appreciate '"ry rnoch, if jest would answer me by return . mail, telling me how and when to mm it and " bejfrjOffcsw alas, what effect, -if any, it has oa After the bottle stands foe a while, the ott comes to the top and the bottom liquid is , white. Is there anything I earn add to it to - make more of a tonie out of it and pour off some of the oil which, settles at the topi My hair is so greasy from it that it will be neces-' szt f or my to wash, it right away. After spending 1 for it, I feel aa though there should be better results. . . GEETRCDE. " i tht r!U Applied tea tauc& of the briUlahUne atfene time. You only need a very little bit to get the desired result, that of keeping the hair in place and giving the hair a tclosa. Try it again, and I am sure you will be more successful. The brilllantine is :. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,, PORTLAND, SUNDAY 1 V pends upon one's) own feelings. People with weak hearts should by all means consult their physicians before attempting- to battle against the rough, and strong waves. When coming f rota the surf great ear should be taken. Have a warm sweater handy and throw It about the shoulders. If there is a hot sun upon the beach it is beneficial to lie upon the sand until dry, but If the day is oold it la best to don the sweater and watte briskly to the hotel or bathhouse, dry and dress at once. .Avoid excited, breathless) haste in so doing, however: If the day is warm and there is still a slight chilli ness felt, perhaps from staying in the water too long, there should be some mild exercising on the sands for the purpose of promoting: circulation and warming tho.body. I have seen a, crowd of young men and women, and some. not to be used as a tonic If your hair and scalp are ln need of one, I advise you to buy castor oil and rub a few drops of this into the scalp every night. Do not fail to massage the scalp and brush the hair thoroughly once a day. Exercises to Reduce Deer Mrs. Symes. A couple of weeks ago you published a few exercise for reducing the hips and legs. Please tell me bow often these exer cises should be done end how long It will be before results are seen. Fleece tell me bow the bust can be re duced. - J5E7TTT. The exercise should be practiced for fifteen or twenty minutes every day. It is impossible for me to say Just how long it will take them to bring results, but the more determined you are in your efforts and the harder you work the quicker the results come. Dieting is the safest method to em ploy to reduce the bust. This, of course, will have e,n effect on the en " tire body. Take this Into consideration before you start, the dieting process. Peroxide on the Hair Dear Mrs. Symes. Will you be so kind as to let me know la next Sundays paper how to peroxide the hair, and also how to remove oUy skin? AN NIB MAT. I do not advise you to apply perox ide to the hair.. It will bleach it in streaks and the constant use of the bleach will In time injure the hair. To relieve the oily, condition of your skin cleanse it with warm water and a rather strong soap. Rinse it sev eral times with cold water and then ap ply alcohol. Tou should be most care ful to avoid greasy foods, for diet has a great effect on the akin.', Cleansing Cream " Dear Mr. Byrnes. ' i. Should cieanaing cream be used every evea lng if powder and rouge are used, or will alter nate nights be sufficient fy My akin, is rather oily. 'bpugh when neglecting to use any cream at J. What uwKwi Ttry-qit ana souy. . - powder to cake oa the akin. especially around the nose, and how cut 1 vfcnwnis uusc . utjALfXa. 1. If you - find that the nightly use of cleansing cream makes the skin too greasy, you need not use it so often.' you can cleanse the skin with soap, warm water and a rough washcloth or a complexion brush. To cleanse- it still further, use alcohol. It is neces sary to remove the powder and rouge from the akin so that it will not clog the pores while you sleep. - 2. The oily condition of your skin may cause the powder to clog. Before apply ing it X advise you to use the toilet vinegar for which X . am fcivinf the recipe: . -...,-. - Toilet Vinegar ' . lavender flowers ........ T mznfvs Airoaot .............................. smudi Diluted acetic acid ................ Ss fluid By Mrs. Henry Symes time older folks, seat themselves in row on the beach, knees partly drawn up and arms movlaa; In unison In the pantomime of rowing. Steadily they would pull, kept In almost perfect time by a "coxswain," who sounded much like a mournful owl aa he tremoloed a long "pu 11, pu 11," to which the row ers kept time. Occasionally one of the rowers would drop out on account of convulsive laughter, only to be "Jacked up" by the funny coxswain and made to resume work. If one is alone and there Is a low bench nearby, it is permissible to alt upon the bench for the rowing exercises. . N ' Then there are the ever-popular beach races. The races should not be too long and It is well to consult some col lege brothers or athletic friends as to the proper way to breathe when run ning if one would have the most bene fit. Among other things, they will tell you to keep the mouth closed, the head down, arms bent at the elbow, to rub always on the ball of the foot and to step high. When running short races one starts off at full speed, and as these beach races when run by women should not exceed- 100 yards, one goes at full speed from the begin ning. Weak hearts must again be taken into consideration and their owners should not' attempt to compete in tha races. (Better the lolling sunbath fo such. Xiassolag, too, is great fun. and good exercise, and Ions; pieces of rope are colled and shot over old piles on the beach. It Is not long before you will show considerable skill in thts lassoinc and can perhaps catch an unwary taam creature, much to his chagrin aad your delight. Never bathe immediately after eatlhC Indeed, some medical authorities insist that one should not bathe until three hours after having eaten. I would ad vjse a wait of at least two hours after eating. If . you are not strong enough for the surf baths, there are always the Sea baths to be had In the hotela or la Special bathhouses, and the baths can , be hsd hot or cold, according to the dU rection of one's physician. - ' Only the woman in good health, with a strong; heart and normal kidneys, should attempt surf bathing, and this is why the physician should first be consulted. Still another way of stimulating the circulation is to go through a course ot ordinary school gymnastics in rhythmio count, preferably with some other per son or persons, so that an element of fun may be introduced into the performance and the enjoyment of it Increased. He member that when you are doing any thing for health or benefit to you physi cally or mentally you must enjoy It. Even food must be enjoyed to nourish thoroughly. I would change the old adage to "Bat, do and be merry." Be merry and happy in everything, even exercising, and you will draw on the in exhaustible source of health and well being, for Joy is a magic whose great power Is not yet fully comprehended. But, last of all. I must not forget to tell you another beach exercise to send the 1 0jh'$&4&s& asV J If a personal reply is desired a self dressed stamped envelope should be in closed. YOUR VACATION CONDUCT BEFORE you go away for your summer vacation, my dear friends, X wish to suggest to you a few important points that you know very well; . but which can never be overemphasised. Of course, you know as well 'as I do the essentials of good conduct at home or abroad. When you look around you, you will see a de plorable laxity in behavior when people are on their vacations. Modest girls seem to forget an their training and leave behind them tales of misbe havior that would make their mothers. blush almost as deeply as they 1 them selves. - : , -' I suppose it is the freedom of the vacation and the rebound from the ten sion of business or discipline at homo that is responsible for vacation con duct of the kind to which I refer. But today I am going to talk to you se verely for your own good. I would rather that you be indignant, almost Insulted, at my remarks - than have an aftermath of regrets. One of the most pitiable Questions that a young girl or man can ask oftheelders is, "Why didn't you tell-meT" - JWell; I am going to tell you now. - . . Tou will probably feel very much in clined to flirt on your vacation. By flirt- lng X do not mean tha harmless attempts to be attractive to men. but I mean tha picking up of a chance acquaintance, . which is always full ot danger," espe cially for the woman. You may. not know it, but many men. married men. men -of doubtful reputation, positively dangerous men. take vacation time as an excellent opportunity - to overstep the barriers of convention, which they MORNING, JULY- 19, 1914 Beauty and Zasio.Yaur r W J- , V' Yr.: O 0 0 O O D '13 warming' blood racfng; through the veins that of tennis. If you have a racquet and tennis ball, well and good, and if you 'have neither, a piece of board and a manufactured ball, even of paper, will answer the purpose. A ball of some kind 1s always a good thing to take along when bathing. And a ball plus a dog oh, what good company and fun they are! Take your see. plunge with some thought, and the exhilaration will last you for some time to come after you have left good old Father Neptune for the more conventional rounds of city life. ADVICE ON SOCIAL CUSTOMS would not attempt to overstep at any other time. You must be careful. In ' railroad trains, on ships, at summer hotels. look before you leap. Make haste slowly, as the old maxim goes, and,- before adding to your list of ac quaintances names which you will very soon wish to drop, be discreet at the' beginning, rather than at the end, which is sometimes too late. I know one little woman who met a very fas cinating man during her stay at a v seaside hotel. He was very kind to her., He entertained her, he spent much money and, Introduced her to her first late dinner at a cafe. She was with a chum, but the lure of popalarlty was great, and she gave "up the' safe companionship of her girl friend for the attractive, meaningless attentions of her acquaintance. X say meaningless, because to . him it was merely an incident of the summer. Did I mention the fact that this girl was engaged? ' She was. But the con trast between the stranger with a .pocketful of money and the sincere young man at home, who could not even have a vacation, was emphatic enough to cause her to write a letter -and to break off the engagement. In telling me about it later, she said: "I thought that John was all right, but be didn't know how to entertain in the right way. I did not know that this T other man was married. I never sus pected that he was just having a good time. I never thought for one minute. that . be was amusing himself rather than me." Foor little girl! When -1 tell you that she has spent many sum- leil you inai bqq r.m bhi uua; mere regretting her behavior of year, and that John and she have ' been reconciled. I know that yov ner oenavior ox mat never you will understand what great" results - come from little incidents of the summer. The summer moon is responsible for a great many things. Young girls who are very careful in everyday life find that they are allowing young men, whom, they haT known for two weeks, to kiss them. The bathing beach is a great background for unseemly con duct. If you doubt this, take several snapshots of the bathing hour. Pic-. nics. without a sane older person to plaos the deterring hand on summer 4 O o O -"k- wY rs sports,' are to be condemned. Hides in summer cars, where young men fall asleep 'on the arms of the friends whotn they are supposed to be escort ing, are not unusual in the city, and to me are deplorable examples of out door behavior. My dear young friends, avoid it Do not let your vacation be the cause of regrets that will fill the rest of the year. The thoughtless fun for a short time, in many instances, entails a lit tle shame and recrimination. It isn't worth it. Your vacation should be a rest, a healthful relaxation, an enjoy able, sane avocation, without any of the stings of remorse. Give it your serious thought before deciding where you will go and what you will do. Solutions to Social Problems Sat for the Groom DEAR Ura Adams. Whea a wedding takes place Jo a church la the morning, how shoald the groom dress T The bride intends te wear a white satin gown, TRED 8. The proper dress for the groom at a morning wedding consists of a cut away or double-breasted frock coat, a light vest or one to match the coat, gray striped trousers, white linen, gray or .tan gloves, black shoes. "... Doesn't Know Whether to Write. Dear sirs. Adams. - ' I am a great reader of yeur advice, t have been troubled ever a little affair for some time, and I hope that rd will ' be able to give me some good advice. I met a young man last June. Be seemed to like me from the first and Insisted apes ft that we correspond. I agreed, and everything went all right until March, when be ceased to. write, -I re-r celved s letter from him the pihir dar r fend be wanted to know why: 1 had not written to him. -Sometimes I think the world and all of him. and then again I don't care mo much about him. would you advise me to write T It yeu don't think I should write, do you think 1 should return Ms picture T Please tell m what I shall de. as I hays thought 7 n si 0 n V ft t, to V, - X' great Seal about the matter sad cannot com. to an, conc.uj.on. puv&.. Since' you are so undecided about the matter. I think it would be best to refrain from writing, as you have not corresponded with the young - man for several, months. 1 do not think, however, that uh decision' on your part would necessitate the return of h!s photograph. As a rule, one likes to have photographs of one s friends. Father Objects, Sisters Are Willing Dear Mrs. Aflsms. I read your part in lh par every a. i . , v fc. ... . . . Jt ai.iirsitulS Iff If you will hftlo me out a IJU!. I m li z. ij j . . urn i t L-rrT My aavioe IS Similar ?. your tiuvr a. He has had many more years of ex- has had. ami it is therefore expedient for you to follow his wishea IVhnt tn ClrAir Dear Mrs. AdAma . .. " What Is proper te order Tor ainner. sua In what order does everything come? : Should all the order.be given at once? 1 mean when dining at a bote). w hat la proper to orosr tor u yymr served after the theater? JLUtf. . A sumptuous dinner would be ordered in wis manner. Duci-.un, frai.uui or oysters; soup;, a course of bors d'oeuvres. Such as radishea celery, olives and salted almonds; nan, with potatoea and cucumbers or some other vegetable; roast meat, with vegetables; salad, crackera and cheese, a frozen sweet and coffee. One is at liberty to add to or omit any of these courses scvuraiui i.v w . - : It is usually sufficient to order salad. Dear Mrs. Adama " " . V , are tq act a flower kUls at my wedding Should wear entered drasef they sr 4 Let them wear white dresses, and if you - wish to Introduce color . to carry out any particular color scheme, use it in the form of sashes or trimmings oa little bonnets. . . ( v msbvi