PICTORIAL' REVIEW 'OF-.'MEN YOU READ ABOUT TO THE - NEWS; COLUMMS ;- s s - , :A f ? -V ' ' '' " s " '''',-., - - - ' ,o s j. - - -, - y s T : ,"",' ss' , '' ' '? v', , f 'yWyy X"t-""fr'?, ?"'', "row-', "S'tt? "' 'Vf'A -'5 so ' iy . ', ', ' s l ''''"si '" . si . , 1 MLU -''' - ? VT ''' '"'' ' " 'I ' Vs ;s'S':U'' & . Vi , J A ,;;,"',' ''f'r ;i ; ",'isAi., : i . X ' S , ' s ' V , ' S'.'-U ' v-i ' s ' "f - ys&ssSA's:s.sss.'ss .- f t v- Si j!-, -r,fst , jK-. S- ' si' ' S .S" - i"' V' s ' " I-''""' ' "' ' ' ' - ' -' . '. .. ': : : ' III Vv:-:S?:-:-t VJ" III I tSv 5 ir'W-7 " 1 s- 5l 3 -Mi COLONEL ROOSEVELT IN 1912 Colonel Roosevelt was never 'more strenuous than during tHfc campaign of 1912, when he led his own bull moose. (International News Service.) ' . SHEPHERD'S DELL ON THE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY Shepherd's Dell is but one of the many beauty spots along the line of the new Columbia Highway now beint: carved in the. cliffs that form the south wall of the world-famous Columbia Gorge. The scenic grandeur unfolded on a trip along this thoroughfare is not to be equalled at home or abroad. (Photograph by Crego.) COLONEL ROOSEVELT IN 1914 This photograph of the Progressive leader, taken recently, shows how he has aged during the last two years. (Interna tional News Service.) J s " f z s ; s , sS", v f '(: s " s 3 t V. .-. v.V. i'n .".". HENRY FORD AT THE WHITE HOUSE Henry Ford, automobile manufacturer of Detroit, re cently discussed current conditions with President Wil son. (Harris & Ewing.) S s 1L s i . 5 'I A i L t ox tot ,V- ii v V f' V" 4 I" ' V x7 -i ? L as, J - x .r?-., iviJM (I I 'i CHICAGO BUSINESS MEN WHO DISCUSS CURRENT CONDITIONS WITH PRESIDENT WILSON Left to right are: A. W. Shaw, publisher of System magazine; Cornelius Lynde, lawyer; L. A. Goddard, of the State Bank of Chicago; Joseph H. DeFrees, lawyer; J. T. Pirie Jr. of Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co.; Thomas Creigh, of the Cudahy Packing Company; W. I. Clow, hardware merchant; Ezra Warner, wholesale grocer, and John B. Farwell dry goods merchant.' (Harris ft Ewing.) x- V r S I , 4 4 SyS i ti' - I r , ' J r y sv s ', fc v, ' .-'; . ' fry vs. COLONEL R. M. THOMPSON Colonel Thompson, who is president of the American Olympic committee, which recently met in Paris. (International News Service.) s " . - s 'S v' s- . ' ,,-',; - -r V " - P ' s s" ' '' ' ,i " " f ' ' .(v.-,.::.., . ; -.1" .MINISTER FROM DOMINICAN ; REPUBLIC . . Y Y Eduardo Soler, new " minister to the " United States from . Dominican Republic;.where he foraerly.was minister of finance. " "" (Harris & Ewing.) '-",-- 1 I V? 5 -r . : : ' - Yv ; v -L JY ; " Y i Y V Y , - : ' : ' 1 ' V ' ;1 S (Yr ( i;y -'a:i 4 . Y : YY ' - ' ;' '. W -f X- -S' , ' ;X i Y-YYI Y ' , " X ,4 5f 1 ' xl X ' X" x -fi t X ? ' s 'is, ; Si:?;i?;ii 5 1 v' , 'J X i v - ' - ' , ' ' 'x - i ' v x ' y , '- ' A - ;'Ya; r hv J v; yyJ ':::.:;y:;:v:;::.i;.-:'::y Xt ' vXt X I ',' ' x 5- " V - Y " ' s V 1 L .JOHN L. CALDWELL,! NEW UNITED STATES MINISTER TO PERSIA 'AND HIS "FAMILY 7" " Joha L. CaldwelL who has been named as United States minister .to , Persia, is a Karisan. being, a practicing at torney at Fort Scott. This photograph shows him literally in the bosom of bis family, every member of which arc on their way to Persia with him, where they will make their home in the American legation at Teheran. (H. ft E.) i s ' t f ss x-ss-: ' l ' ' - ri y s ' V s J x V , a i 4 Y "ft"' ' ..Y '.'",--t. V -1 ' . ... LUIS GALVAN OF DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Luis Galvan is the new secretary of the Dominican legation in Washington, recently appointed by President Bordas. (Har ris ft Swing.) , '