The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 19, 1914, Page 42, Image 42

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. . - .
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;1 NEWPORT T If ' -! .;;-'7'V-V'': 4-
A,i- -'if!rrfcc' , '' AW
Oeu Park Tllt recaOr b& b: I after th Oregon atat tenni mwu w. wun; BertB wior, cunu,
Mra. J. C. Darwtn, M&rrarct and Joyce I ment In Portland this week- The phe, I wash.; and tester Jones, Forest Qrore,
Darwin. Donald Ed5y. Claud Eddy, J,
K. Darwin and A. B. McDonald.
Visitors here from Boise. Idaho, are:
Harrey N. Iuhlin. Bugenls Laurhlln. . "
Mrs- H. Peterson and Emm Craoiu
Mr. and l Mrs. C M. . Stratton and
Ruth Stratton ars Vancouver, Wash.,
folks sojourning; here. -
Krma Marsh. Dotty Meuasier. uisa-
t M1" Ksthenns Dlnneen of Portland
lZXV? X? SS2 tS! Mis. Myrtle Donohu. of PorUand
' wss..; . I OVM rtsi 1ia M V-. mttAAn Ma. s
fornla tennis expert. Is believed to 7 f Z . JZIZ. . t Zv
or college. .t . I ..i - . . .
Sheriff Tom Word and party sre r vi yjr
stoppln at the Bhelbume hotel. I i?ewonf mlnc tn tlrmt tn
Mrs. E. H. Berry. Norins Kerry, urs. i - .
m a T p.h.rt in.nri. I ' xars. l. JU- Hiiucie jna UQlKMr.
beth KetUrins, . Qraco Ketterlnc and j l ' tlr Tacatlon In a cottars at Sea-1 OentTleve.; of Portland, are - vlsltlnc
Uasel Nicholson are youngr ladles from j vlJw . v , .-. , ; I Mrs. HlnkU's mother, Mrs. J. P.
Vancouver, wasn.. ners xor xns sum-i Rev. 8. H. Dew art. or liinnton. or, jocnaas m tne Bcnsde boms at New.
mer.- . . .,.-. v . I axj daurhters, Misses Adeline and! tons. . . ,
Vancouver, B. C. has a- represents 1 THHs Dewart. and son, H. Mcu. De-1 Mr. O. vr. Dodds, manasinr editor
tlve hers In Mrs. James McGhiew. a I wart, are in a Holmans eottags f or 1 of the 8pokesman-Review of Spokane.
the season.' I wasn., wire and daughter, are spending
and Bernloo Stone, and Mrs. Ju Wlld-j Mr. and Mrs. E. Orlmes of Portland.
man, all of Portland, are in a Beaview i one of the first ' subscribers to The
Kuest la the Vera Alice, -
. William Shogren of Astoria was a
recent Park lltor..i:',-""':-";' 1
F. R. Angle of Is Grands Is at
Ocean Park.- . -. - ' ' ;"
H. A. Zlegler of Astoria Is registered
at Ocean Park.
In the Brown eottags her Is Miss
Adeiia Btubhs.
In . their cottage at saeiourne xor
two weks are the Misses CM. Ex on I
ud K. V. Exon.
I In the pretty Versteeg bungalow on
Oregon Journal.' ha vs their grand.
daughter. Miss Csrmela Book of Cham
berlaln. 8. D., as their summer guest
In th" Grimes cottage at Beach Center.
Robert Wak field and family cams
on Monday of this week to their tony -Beach
summer home. .; . ,- -
Mr. and Mrs. F. IL Psge and family
of Portland opened the Page cottage
at Tioga on Tuesday. '.I
Mrs. Clyde Gooley and flve-yearld
daughter. Jean Elaine, cams to . ths
Avalon on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mears na
Frances Brady) of Portland, and James
Brady hav opened the Brady riJgs
home st Long Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Henry and "son
of Portland, and Miss Henry snd Mr. '
K. Hers of Denver, Colo., sre In a
Besch Center cottage. , , , ,
Mr. and Mrs. I. 6 van. Ruth and Ed
8a van, Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Abeles
(Continued on Following Page.)
Dorothy Evangellns Hood of South tha track at Holmans y.M. Ver
Bend, Wash., is visiting' here.
Mrs. Garretson is at Ocean Park
for the summer.
Miss Katherlne Howell of Spokane is
In the Howell summer- home here.
- Mr. and Mrs. . Scott Nesl of Boise,
Idaho, are In an Ocean Parle cottage.
H. C Stone of North TaJclma. Wtib, !
is spending his vacation In Ocean Park.
Additional Boise. Idaho, guests In
the Munsell cottage here are Mrs. M.
steeg and family, of Portland, ana
Mrs. w. j. Horrman ana son, Auen, oi
Portland. ' .
Mrs. B. I Stone, of Portund, ana
daua-hters. Madeline and XJUian, have
Joined Alfred stone in tne Bione noma
.t flUTUW.
victor H. Wolff, of Portland, spent
a few days with is wire ana aaugn-
ter In Honorlue cottage the past wees.
K. E. Merges and C D. Muter oi
th Mer a-es-McNanr company, owners
" " " 1 " ! l-l I . , " ' . . ,
Rabins and daughter, Laverne, for one0f the Holman tract on. the peninsula.
monxn. - ' . - : -tare at the company's beacn neaaquar-
w. and Mrs. C B. Ettner and family I tra at Holmans.
Of SDOkane cam ta Ocean Parte onl Tnhn Tt Cof f er Slid family are SSt-
Tuesday. " f '-'-.'t- : Itlsd in a Seavlew ridge cottage for
- . I 4aIv inmmar vacation. . -
mor w .-view 5: v Nlckerson and family, or Port-
Mrs. H. A. Vernon and danrhters. I land, are In a cottars between Holmans I
Mary and Helen, are In shelhurne cot-1 and Seavlew.
tags for the remainder of th aummer I - Professor and Mrs. E. J. SauBdsrs
months. I of the University . of Washington
' Seaside, Clatsop Beach, Oregon
trader the personal maaagemsat of W, . Torrey. Special attention given to
our dining room service. Rooms with or without private bath. Bus meets
. .. all trains. Rates on application.
Overlooking1 the Oeean W. P.TOaMT, yseprtetos.
Rooms with or without bath. " Hot ' salt water baths, and surf bath
Mrs. J. M. "Nlckum, Mrs. Elisabeth I passed through Lon Beach and Sea- gg, RecretiOB pir t or fiahin Sea food a specialty. Grill in conntc
Middlebrooks, Ralph Nickum, Marion, I view this week on the field bot-nical I otL Music and dsn cine every evening.
Hicnara and Myrtle Mlddlebrooks, and and geological trip or tne univer.iv,. l go0uet on reaoe-t at Journal Office. - DAN T MOORE. Pron
Mint Rr.U. r xni.nii ... nrAMW, mnA Xf r. Ha.unders Were 1 IctjUCTt. m jwunw vnn-c j. I1UUL, rTOp.
in the Nlckum cottage below. Sea View, companied by the geological class of
Misses Madye and Fern Nlckum wlU ths summer school.
visit their mother here In August. ; uw Cotters.
Mr. . and Mrs. F. A. Botefuhr. Mr. , . , '
and . Mrs. E. A, Tyroll and daughter, Portland Mrs. Louis Nickels, M. D.
Helens MabeV ars In the Botefuhr cot- Wlllrin. Mrs. J. Thatcher. JBramine
taore nn tha'hmilmr.M c.. vi. fn Thatcher. ' E. D. Lamb and wife, Mr,
July and August, v 1 and Mrs. Oarrett N. Vsrsteef, Mrs. U
Mr, and Mrs. R. Mathews of The I D. Wolfard, E. versteeg.
Dalles have a Sea View cottage.
Boise, Idaho Mrs. J. E. Bruce, Mae
The F. A, Heitkemper cottage near I Dlekinson, Myrtle Belsher.
The stiff northwest breeze that has
been blowing the past two weeks died
, .sway this week and as a result the
A temperature is up a few notches, driv-
' Ing everyone Into the surf or Into the
' big indoor tank. The still warm days
of this .week have been ideal for bath
' ing and boating, both diversions hav
; ing tiajmed large numbers. The smooth
sea also served to increase the number
'4 of those who venture out after cod,
, halibut and groupers on ths deep sea
, -. banks.
; The evenings are being utilized for
"bon-flre and launch parties, i The beach
from Nye creek to Agate teach pre
. sents a very pretty appearance every
evening to the watcher from the cliffs
- above from where the numerous fires
- take on'' the appearance of numerous
- beacon lights,
. One of the pretty social events of the
" season was the dinner party given by
. ,'Mr. and Mrs. if. F. Jenkins of Newport
.at the Nicolal hotel, with the follow
ing as guests: Mrs. C. Ml McKellips
. and F. D, McLouth of Corvallls and
..Joseph Patterson of Portland.
President P. L. Campbell, of the
. r University of Oregon was registered at
r the Nicolal for the week end. Other.
c Portlanders there are: Mr. and Mrs! C
s 8. Woody, Mr; and Mrs. J. Peterson,
1 Mr. snd Mrs. Lewis Montgomery,
Misses Ethel Mae and Mary Helen
Montgomery and Lewis , Montgom
ery Jr.
, Dr. Ella K. Dearborn of Portland was
at the Osburn for a short visit this
-"week. j
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burger of Port-
land spent a short vacation at Nye
beach this week.
' Mrs. B. G. Eetes departed for her
"Thome in Portland this week after en
Joying a pleasant outing at Nye Beach.
William Stutesman and -family of
Salem ' have opened ' their Nye Beach
Cottage for the summer.
Sea View was opened last week by Mr.
and Mrs. Frank A. . Heitkemper. Mr.
and ' Mrs. - James J. Allard, and sons
Frank and Allard. and Miss Rose Van
Hatten, all of Portland,
Much entertaining In - an informal
way Is being done for Miss Juls Al
bright of San Francisco, the attractive
guest of Miss Louise Wolff of Port
land in the Honorlue cottage.
A. B. Slauson of Portland was a re
cent visitor to the peninsula on bus!
Seattle. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. E. J.1
Saunders, Esther Palmer. .
Spokane Edith Shepara.
Kewanee, 111. Madge MclCee.
Ceiiio. Or. Mra A. L.- Myers.
South Bend. Wash. Florence ; M.i
Ilwaco, Wash. Rus B. Wiuiams.
trnaxbarae XoteL :
Portland Mrs. Louis Nickels. M. B.
Wells and family, Mrs. Robert G. MC-
- " ,""- Pherson. Jessie L. Peterson, Frank B.
In honor of the recent 73d birthday of I V
H. C. Albee a large number of Sea cnuar t, Bt," wuilams
?a er"-.J?f' i? rrhrte. -Hilll Mr.-and Mrs. T. J- Dll
. a. jKMon, r. mo- Airs. - i: n(, Ur. j
O-Neil. Mr. and Mrs. w. W. PlimDton. I Lon Harriet SulUvan, Mr. and rs. J.
itm jb ru s- m - a lUlMIL
... aHwua, oil. ua mrs. xrea i - " vr T. WrAwin.
T.hM.AM . f -. J m. n c,J . j " IIHUt . M. " -V
Mr. and Mrs. My ran. Mrs. J. M. Nlc Je Mwan. Ionore MoOowan, Vir-
kum, Mrs. E. Hulden, Miss Louise Con- " b . t,w.M .n w4f.
ant, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Constable. Seavlew A. H. Blcfleld and wife.
Mrs. H. f!hri.tenon. Mr- Miss. Helen Wood of Portland lstht
' . rOTX BXACH. '
' - Modern Improvements, beautiful dining room. Now one of the largest hotels
on North Besch; with large airy and sunny rooms. We rsise our own poul-
try. Reasonable rates, and special rates by the week for families. Make res
ervations by mail or wire. Long distance phone in hotel.
Buy tickets to hsTbums ftttat ion Trains stop right at door.
Billiards, pool, bowling, tennis, golf, fresh and salt water fishing, boat
ing, riding and autos. We have our own livery stable and autos; 3S miles
of unbroken beach for auto runs. Our table is supplied from -our own
dairy, vegetable gardens and poultry yards. Postofflce. long distsnce phone
. snd telegraph station tn ths hotel. O.-W. R. N. station on the grounds
' Write for terms and reservations to THLfi BJUOAXXSS XOTZX Breakers,
Wash or Booklet on request at Journal, office.
- i
situated on the shores of the Upper Klamath Lake. A' more beautiful or
better fishing resort can nowhere be found. On the direct route of the '
famous Crater Lake travel. Tents and cottages are electric lighted, with 4a
baths in connection. .Reasonable rates. Write us direct for information.
TCWCTT 1? ADflf DCQODT white salmon,
r encan cav Loasf
overlooking: the Columbia river.
Beautiful scenery, invigorating moun-
Top, left to right "The beach for tne," smiles Master Walter Otto, son of Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Otto of
Portland; Haystack Rock, Cannon Beacn (photograph .copyright by Kiser for S. P. & S.) ,
Bottom Bathing hour at Long Beach. r ' ' 1 '
for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Tom R.
Wilson of Salem. .
Mrs. G. M. Brady of Portland who
has been visiting with-her sister, Mrs.
R. J. Van Wassenhove, also of Port
land, returned home this week.
Mrs? Mary Sampson of Portland and
Mrs. Rufus W. Powell of New Tork,
returned home this week after spend
ing a fortnight as - guests of Mrs.
Breuner at Nye beach.
E. TJ. Will of Portland is in his Nye
beach cottage for a few days at the
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Nehse, D. E.
Nehse and Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Duncan
made up a party of Portlanders who
spent the week here visiting the Light
house, the Punch Bowl and the Slletz
will spend several days at the Baucom
summer home, Pine Lodge.
Neil M. Bain and Earle Fortmlller
prominent Albany young men spent the
week end as guests at' the Nicolal, Nye
George Lambert and wife and Mrs.
F. W. Lambert of Portland are enjoy
ing a short visit at Nye beach regis
tered at the Osburn.
Fred Browning and wife of Portland
have opened their Nye beach cottage
for the summer. -
i k
Gearhalt .la verv much alive . with
I til. 11.11.1 ... .fest... Oil..
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Burnett of Port- Mi at m TVvZ. rr 84 2500 mea ln th uniform of the
land joined the summer colony at Nye mi"K.tfanr guardsmen and
triLTde S K lhouT the' t'own h'anS
iJL0?! 1. i!" iAh,! eXj;tCt , seashore. The boarded up windows and
w - "c dosed doors have all been opened, ant
SrrnmiaV.?rtS-iS the once deserted porches have ap
spector from Portland, spend the week f n ,.lr ' A.
end here last week. k.. k.. ni.
Miss Abbey Whiteside of Portland is KCr.Z' .,i T. " 'l t,. Zl
the gust of Miss Alicia McElroy at Nye 71 ""
beach for. some time. !
Kotel O sax-hart. -
VBeach this week for a few days' stay,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Jones of
"Portland were registered at the New
'port House this week -for a short va-
cation. !
W. A. Burt of Portland arrived this
- week for several days' recreation at
'Nye beach.
The Rev. J. R. N. Bell of Corvallls is
spending his vacation as usual hunting
'agates and new stories at Nye beach.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Miner are regis
tered at the Kelly, Nye Beach, from
Portland for their summer' outing.
- Mr. and Mrs. -W. B. Stevens and
amn 1 Aib.ay hav Pene thlr of ths Cherry City lodges.
-Ml ' . " " 4 I A. H. Brown and family of Portland
uc- J ' " 1 pahtraaA Vtnm. w..1r .f. .n.n.
rt ,p . . m , . vi A, . I mw.u m.o " wv. w.w. -nvrvuv.
;ar. domoclled in one of the Rose City VIT r? Brown".
w. ,--v c Hoover and. family of Salem
xnomimo.., au "tl"1" V T are spending their usual summer vaca-
L"" . "X . on at Nye beach.
George B. January , and family of
of Sea View la made Tin of Mr and
Mrs.-'Lyons, Miss Mellay and Lillian Mrs. A. F. Frswlng, of Newberr, Or..
Morgan, - , H. L Crockett and family of Port
Miss Mellay 18 visiting with the land, Mrs. Florence Chalmers and
Clendennings. children of Forest Grove.'
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hamblet are Tenting between Hoi man's and Sea
spendingr a few days In Portland, .their view are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M.
family remaining at their beach home, Stoller of ' Portland.
Boyd Hamilton's summer home is Mr. and Mrs, T G. Turner of Port-
rena L116 Menefees of Portland, land are at Hackney cottage," Sea View.
Mrs. Everett Ames is to spend four Miss Marguerite Sheehy and Wyville
weeks In .the Andrews summer horn. Sheehy of Portland are in the Sheehy
Mrs. Graham Glass and family aro cottage at Sea View for the remainder
i.u biiouh in summer. in tne Bimmons 1 of the aummer. .
L. .i. nri" , "s on'.-?lr- J?a.MrUftI of Alio- smith, daughter tain air. Everything fresh from the farm for the table. Ample accom
" " A 'r r5tY .r:7:lof Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith of Port-1 modations. excellent service, rates reasonable; 2'A hours' ride from
Jackson, arid Will Stearns. land. The Smiths have taken the Dr. I Portland on the North Bank Railway limited, or beautiful ride up the
Misses Isabel. Mildred. Florence and I w2SL'5?StKi 5nt Portland, pro- Columbia on steamer Bailey GatzerL Booklet on request at Journal Office
uuruiuy joncinnon, ana vincenx ana I , j : ' " .
Charles Concannon opened the Concan- f prietor of the Lion Clothing- company.
non house at Shelburne last week. th n Bc5ho4i
r.wi 4- . , il Mr. and Mrs. John Keating and
Portland after a three weeks' stay in
their cottage near here.
cott&ge. - Mr. Glass is to spend part
ox tne season with bis family.
. At the home of Mrs. Loula G. Pfen-
der, Mrs. W. E. Mitchell Is spending a
pleasant time. Recently Mrs. Pfender
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Jackson and sons.
Ed.. Charles and Francis are In their
Ridge cottage at Sea View for the
In the J. F. Shea cottage at Sea View
"?rL at 7 are Mii T. O. Buts and Ed
r: ,r. ' .T .v '"land Dorothy Shea, of Portland, J. F.
also a guest, is to. spend the summer let... i.
at the cottage. Mr. Grace, who is an
enthusiast v.r olf i mrA e-..."M4."Ji? a"
n.-.-T.r ' jane ana ttiuy, or Portland, are
" -T-rr I their Shelburne
1 4xa s,
e Warren
Mr. and Mrs. I. Gevurts of Portland I The Only Hotel on the Beach Front
M. B. Webster of Portland is pass-1
Ing several weeks, vacatldn here, reels- i
tered as a guest at the Cope! and.
Frank ward and family or Salem ar
rived here this week for a month's va
cation at Nye beach. They are in one
Mr. and Mrs. -A. C. Catto of Port
- land are occupying their new bungalow
in Nye beach 'for the first time this
Walter Ellis of Portland joined his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
tJsques, also of Portland at Pine
.-Ridge cottage this week; ;
. Mrs. C. C. McQulnn of Portland ar
rived and opened her Nye j beach cot-
tsfce for the season. , 1
' week sfter spending several days as a
Oregon City are located in the Nlspath
cottage for the summer. ,
A. M. Levy and wife of Portland are
registered at the Abbey this week for
a few days at the shore.
Mr. v and Mrs. Will . Drtver and
daughter of Salem, are spending their
vacation camping" in Tent City.
J, - is. Needham or Salem arrived
h.r.. 1..) having
O.D Riley returned to Portland this fm vil.y onTmoto,
Aoout a aosen motorcycles have ne
gotiated the mountain road this season,
guest of the Misses Rice iat Ashland
L. . including one cycle car.
j d. r. meiiura nu ui ruriuoa I . Mr. an Xtra T. T v.- XT
"are established in one of the Sea Crest of The rlTes wTre "toc'ni
, 1 i. J. t ! . I sers rrom tne valley this week.-
air. ana mr. . r. namirs Bmna.i mi.. it..t.. n.u. .
ing a few days at Nye beach this week. ,uest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hollister
Rerforrhoorat fW th HoUtatefji Nye beach cottage.
Reform school at Salem, i H., mr,A t.
D J. McKensie of Portland spent the spent the weekn registered at the
week . end with his wife land famfly I New CUff house xa
here who are in a cottage, for the sea
, son. ;
Mr. snd Mrs. R. C. Dorcas and John
, -Dorcas returned to Portland last week
- sfter spending several weeks vacation
" located In 4Redfleld Cottage."
vv. r. a Hvjnn arrivea nere tion as guests at the Damon Inn. Nye
in an automobile from. San Francisco beach.
.'and, will spend, several -days along the Mrs ; Dixon "'of Portland is
' 0l C, .i.SL,r- "Pending several' weeks at the beach
, .r . ' T, li .7-"-" 1 registered at the McAllister.
vcuii v-w.iPjr, PPnv tne George t M. Buttle and family of
iweek-end with his daughter portiand are domociled In their Nye
who are in one of the Hullcrest cot- beach cottage for the, usual season
: Mrs. Norman Chapman and children I v xriir
tot Portland are in one of the cosy Tent I land are enjoying cottage life at Nye
-K.m . " ? . . . . ' ----'. "..i oeacn xor a. iew weess.
Chapman wii join tne lamity laier.i
. Mr. and . Mrs. Plowden Stott and
M. .Hartman .of Portland
New Cliff house.
W. B. Banta snd wife motored over
from. Portland this week and are now
1 registered at. the Nicolal for - several
days. a -iA .--: :i i . , ....
H. A. Buckingham and wife of port- home overlooking the ocean.
From Portland Mrs. John Twohy
Jr., Mrl and Mrs. C. H. Davis, Martha
Hart Little," Gordon ' Peel, Harry : C.
Moore, Mrs. J. E. Kehy. S. A. Volk
man. Mrs. A. 8. Moody, Mrs. D. R.
Munro, two children and a maid. RosU
Bohnon, Mrs. F. M. Warren. Mrs. F.
M, v Warren Jr and children, K. J.
Conaty, 5 Mrs. J. J. Cooke, Gladys
Dunns, Mrs. S. Frank. Mr. and Mrs
Ludwia Jhirsch and family. Miss Helen
vv. copeiana, Mrs. jonn K-iostermsn,
Mrs. John H, Brown, . F. A. Robertson
and wife, T. L. Chandler, Miss Cas
well. R. R. CaswelL: George . W. Kiel
ser Jr Mrs. George W. Kleiser Jr L.
Dickinson, Fred Day, Mrs. M E. Ayer.
Margaret Ayer. Captain H. H. Hock
reyos. Jphn L. Burrs, F. W. Rodgers,
D. ; R. Munro. J. JJ. o uonneii. u. jj.
Simonds. W. W. Campbell. Mrs. C. L.
Botsford. D. M. Botsford. F. M. "War
reh. Laura Hamblet, Marls Wright, V.
R. Manning, E. J. Feryson and wife.
Katherlne Nye, Mr. : and Mrs. J. VF.
Daly, Mr. and Mrs. E.' N. Wheeler,
Harold E. Wheeler, Mrs. O. W." Patter
on, Eliot Holeomh and James F, Mor
lis. -... vu;'V '.ij -.:".---
Miss Harriet Jacobson. San Francis
co; R. C F. Astbury. Medford; Mrs.
A. A. - Cabanlss, - Seaside; Mrs. . J P,
Thles. , Minneapolis: Miss Bowling,
Baltimore; General; V. S. Patch, May
T. Henderson. . Lieutenant F. C Ham
mel, G. C Johnson, SeatUe; Miss Lei ah
Patterson, Miss Ann KnabeL . Tacoma.
, . aeaxhart Brevities. ,
At the Hamblet cottage. Miss Marie
Wriffht of Portland, formerly ot wi
consin, is spending anrenjoyable time.
E. R. McNauchton spent last -week
end with his family, at their summer
land are enjoying a two weeks vaca
spent a few days here last week, com-!
ing over f rom isaiem m an auto.
C. " W. James of Washington D. CL,
'Arrived this week end will r spend the
; summer as usual with , his family tn
lthe 'XJiam enen coiiage at ptye Deacn.
Miss Bess Shepherd of Yamhill in
the guest of vMiss Moore also ot Tam-
mil at wye beach.
Encamned among the many compa
n.ioa at Gearhart is a very recently or
sanieMf Troon A. First Oregon Cavalry,
consisting ot 62 men and officers. The"
officers sr Captain Frank P. Tibetts,
Lieutenant Helm, Lieutenant Copland
and Lieutenant. Dockery of San Fran
riuA. .-. 1 . 1 -
After a 19 days' outing at tne coast,
Mrs. M. C Wood and daughter, Kath
trtne, left last Sunday for their Port
land home. - 1 '
, - Miss Virginia Riblst ' is a , house
guest at the Summers'
Stories and refreshments helped in
i the entertainment about a eampfire on
Shea is expected soon.
Mrs..W. R. Ladd and children, Lois.
OA a
John.F. Daly and a familv e s- s-r
SLl? wST l?.St thIr The Thompson cottsge aft Seavlew
seashore home, where they will spend houses at the present time Mr. and
the summer.- , - I vt . ur tt Timn.n.nn tltmi
Mrs. J. P. Kavanaush and lr,A.Th'mn.An
Ze? ;T spend the month of July at Among the summer - population at
their beach home. Mrs. A. V. Carry Seavlew are Mr. and Mrs. William V.
and son Andrew are guests for a fort- Dolph, of Portland, and children,
night with them. in the Idle Hour cottars at Shel-
The O. W. Taylor COtta irm. In Ibrim ar-MrS. Dura r T. Rn. .nil
Pied for the, summer by the Taylor I Mr. and Mrs. John Lovewell. of Port-
'""'j to arnvea e week ago - lana, ior- tne summer. ,
While the T, W. C. A. camp is by no Mr and Mrs. W. S. Spinning snd
means full, those that are-In camp are children and Mr. Spinning's mother,
having the very beat of times. Many Mr- N Spinning, all of Portland, have
go horseback riding, others clammlnK taken the Gates cottage at Shelburne
while others ; take long trips. as to for the season. v:
inuuun neacn. A . TMent Party to I ifuuuwa nun oungwow, at
Cannon Beach enjoyed the trip verv I Snelburna Mr and MrB Theodore
much. They- spent the whojl AmS iTrautmann and sons. Frits and Theo-
lasang-tneir luncn with them. Those
who went were: .? Mrs. Donaldson, Miss
Robbertson, Misses McNeil. McGowen.
Redlfer and Wilber. The younsr lad4
who have recently registered at - the
camp are: Laura A. McNeiL t.
Or en, Marian- F. Johnson, Edith Ma-i
lurn, v-iara r: Aeanerres, , Elizabeth
McGowen, Margaret- Eddas. Marv f
rfierwu. Anna iionnan, Adele Gold
ralner, Mrs. D. A, Donaldson, Edith
Wilber, Hattie Larsen, Mrs.. Lewis W
urea ana aanneiis Morton. .
: :
dor Jr., as occupants.
. The Wolfard cottage at Seavlew, was
opened the' early part of the wook by
Mr.' and . Mrs. - L. D. Wolfard and
daughter, Pauline, ot Portland. Catlin
Wolfard . will Join . the family .here
opened their Beach Center home the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Swank and
family ot Portland ars among the Long
Beach cottage colony.
S. C Pier eft- Portland has opened
his Beaoh Center boulevard cottage.
Mrs. H. L. Kelly and sister. Mrs.
Trulla Patch, of Portland, are in the
Kelly home on the boulevard at Beach
Center. '
Captain and Mrs. J. W. Shaver of
Portland opened the pretty Shaver bun
galow on the ridge above Long Beach
the past week. .
J. Shank of Portland is a summer
visitor at Long Beach.-,
The Isepsee summer home ate Long
Beach la occupied by Mrs. E. Isensee
and children, William Anna, Marty and
Gertrude Isensee.
At Newtons In Fairview are Mrs.
Mattie Turner, Miss Bess King and
the Misses Eleanor and Helen Doughty
of Portland for the summer. .
W. B. Mersereau of Portland is a
week end guest at the Breakers.
William Romacly of 161 East Forty
eighth street. Portland, Is at Sunset
A, Oberte of Portland, recently re
turned home after a short vacation in
8unset cottage at Long Beach.
Guests who have registered at the
Breakers the past week have been:
Mr. and Mrs. W- B. Mersereau, i Flor
ence C Miller. Lula C. Moralee, A, M.
Mears and wife, Mrs. Ike Upright and
family, Mrs. J. Baum, Ted Baum. David
Jordan Jr. all of Portland ; Mr. and
Mrs. A. Bornsteln. Miss- Constance
Campbell, Rosalind Bchwabaoher Born
stein, Berna Louise Bornsteln,. and
maid, from Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. A.
Bush Jr.. Asahsl Bush and Mrs. W. H.
Boot of Salem, -Freda Acker, Washou-
Write for Rates
Auto Stage Meets All Trains
M. S. WARREN. Proprietor.
The Many Beautiful Homes
at Bayooeaa attest to the popularity
of this smmmsr resort. ' Comfortable
. nsuuv bungalows eempleteiy far-niched-
off eoeomznoastloas 'or week
' end, week er nomth, Pxiees extremely
- i
The Only House of Its Kind In ths
World Hot snd Cold Salt Water
Baths In Connection." -
CnUi ?m "J" th wekl the beach Monday. Those present
end at the Nicolal, Nye beach.
Misses Saols ' and Bessie Bell are
registered at the Grand for sa few
weeks at the beach.
B.. L. Baucom and William Chsperon
TJae Jsmes will have as their guests arrived this week from . Portland and
were: The Huoer ramiiy. Airs, wen
denning. Russell : Summers. Frank : A.
Steel, Virginia Riblet, James Fuiton,
Edward Hamblet. the Menefee family.
Miss v Laura - Hamblet. Miss - Marls
WVlght, Anne and Gretchen -Tayjor.
In the Vera Alice are Mr. and yn
W. J. Oreer. Mrs. O. Van Schoonhoven
and daughters Vera, "Ruthl and Alice-
-J. A. Hasel Bab bid ge is a Portland
visitor at the Park. . : . . ; .; ' -
Mr. and Mrs. " H. J. Schulderman,
Peter and Marie "Schulderman are in
their Kllpsan Beach home for the summer.:-'-,
'y v7.;.:-;-:.-.-
" Cecil Connelly is a guest at the Fern,
Ocean- Park. . j;;:-,.. ::y -f: n
In he Brn baker cottage in the Park
are Mrs.'W. R. Kirkpatrick and daugh
ter, Greta, and Miss Edith J. Klrkpst-
tick, iwuuu . .
Standish Hall houses Mi1. R. W.
Smith,' H. Standish Smith, Robert B.
Smith - and Miss Maud Bell ; of Van
couver. .Wash. .V-. I'- '',:H''' V,:"v
Wander Inn has Mrs. H. E. Laughlln,
Harveyv N. . LaughUn and . Eugenls
Laughlln of Boise. Jdaho. Mrs.' Emma
Peterson and Emma Cradlr, ' also of
Boise, are additional house guests In
Wander Inn: . -'
Mabel and Marjory Puffin of Ca
mas, Wash., are in the House ot Mirth,
Ocean Park.. . . .'- ; .
Portland people at th -Park are:
Wilber ta A. Babbldge, F. H. Wing, Mrs.
M. A. Babbldge. Mrs. F. M. Taylor,
.William A. Haseltine, Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. Ott, Lavelle. Booier, H, Schmeer,
W. Phillips, - Frances Gordon Has el tins
and Rev. H. E.. Stubbs.
South Bsn4 residents who have paid
with all conveniences, ready for housekeeping; also a first-class hoteL
Good, wholesome mealf in a bright, clean dining-roomT -The large
dance hall, pool hall and bowling alley will be appreciated and pat
ronized by-many. The drills of the life-saving crew, the clambakes,
the beach bonfires and deep sea fishing excursions are only a few of
the, many good things Barview has fo offer you. Before planning
your vacation, see jus and make, reservations for tents or rooms
-Place open now. - Round-trip tickets $3.00. . -
sfosrar tjv xtzbt azsraor.,
Enlsrged dining room capacity, beau
tiful surroundings, most plsasaat spot
on North Beach. Make reservations
by wirs or mall. Special rates by the
week. ,- - '. -
Asmtzss niTnrw. wash. -j
AC V1mr Park, sow win. Bnmteaa ool
riM rurnlahad cook Mats. A ontot. honallk
atlas P tt loosing- the eeeaa, ' Lst rar
our aeouaiBtodatloas wore taxed U tb oxtrat
ot dUappolntlag mBf late applicants. This
a er capacity eat arcs
Furnished Tents
at Barview
With all conveniences ready for house
keeping: slso a first class hotel. Good
wbolssoms meals, in a bright, clean din
ing room. The large danre hall, pool
hall and bowling alley will be appreci
ated and patronised by many. Ths
drills of the life ssving crew snd cism
bakes, the beach ben fires and deep sea
fishing excursions sre only a
few of the msny good things Barvlsw
has to offer you. Before plAnnlng your
vacation see us snd make reservations
for tents or rooms. Placs open sow.
Round trip tickets 13.00.
Ralph Ackley Land Co."
804 Tailing Bldg.. 4 and Wssalagtoa.
Xsla TX41.
year we kae doubfc
tkat early reserratieas be made.
THS r.I.MOEB. Boekawey. Or,
Ton' 11 like tba slere sod the vrlce.
for ctrmir. In a
White House
A favorite hotel with Long Beech
visitors. Large, comfortable rooms.
first class restaurant with home cook
ing. One block south of station.
u, a. y. wnixiHgpgz, yrop.
Clean, airy rooms, horns .cooldng. pure.
mountain water. . Kates z. per aay.
-."-,: '; I1 per, week. -,. ., , -,
P. A. Qsborm, yreyt
Boots, Or.
' Near ocean, croquet ' grounds, large
yard. . Rates $!. per day; $ per
week. Home cooking. KM. Kl
proprietreBS. Iar Besca. Wash.
Ocean Crest Aparlcsnls
TarauW far Ugkt ssssskseyhig. - tsseerri
SMostaia wstart 1 sleek 4e lisds.. slsss
reservaUess early, r, O., Seek way, Or.
Hotel Sunset
Ideal spot. Mortrro family fcojfl. Coeatry
nd re.bore combine. ,Ori s JU Tlew.
Clear bmbbuId water. Clectrle Brht. Lorn
yard tor eblMrea. Croquet ro"4. FUS
II kloda, Beet eolalite asa Ule eerrtes.
FUhloc. Sort batblns.
P 0. tons Bemek. Week. Mr. Petoss. Trrr,.
Best Iocs ted snd most convenient ho
tel at Long Beach. Wash., opposite sts
tion. one block from ocesn, three doors
from postofflce. Excellent rooms; Eu.
ropesn pUn; rates reasonable. - -K.
w rorxZB. yroprister. f ,
Hotel Saltair
the best hotel on the beach. tl.tO. per,
day. Everything nest, clean snd
homelike. Trains stop st the dojsr.
Write or phone for reservation. SSO,
ji. iAiitricii5, Frop.
, : j , xocxawat. omaocjr.
ICiMee IteeDewell aas Saaaaea,'
Viae mm ca Boer. Br Hotol Kaore,
Journal, Wants Bring Results