The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 19, 1914, Page 39, Image 39

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U U-
after, whioh- numerous - games were
played and Miss Marguerite rendered
a number of piano solos. The table
was greatfy a3mired,the centerpiece
being a large pink birthday cake. Those
present were: Mae Froellch.' Marguer
ite A ma to, Irene MeGahan, Jeannette
Rogers Marie and Sophie McGulre,
Margaret French. Cyntjjla Delano.
Laura Powell. Ruth .Powell, Jemmia
French. Ada Stephens, Virginia Sib
ley, Louise Reuder and Angelina Plgli-celll.-
Thursday, July 1. . Mr. James Ed
ward Harvey of MtTabor was hostess
at a reception given in honor of her
mother, Mrs. Pauline Relchweia and
sister, Zaidee of New York-city.' Light
refreshments ; were - served. - Forty
guests called in the course of the aft
ernoon. ..' : :. :- - '"
- Mrs.' Walter Bartholomew has an
nounced the engagement of her daugh
ter. Miss Edith Jane Cahlll. to James
Loder.'. . No date has been set for the
wedding.. , . ..
- 1 ,
. An . event of Tuesday night was a
party given by Mr. and Mrs. J. Finn of
S00 Sacramento street, in honor of M.
kit 7V ' W - - "
L'r?Al - I III, x ; y VV. ill''
Snap thota at the tenniB tournament. Top. left to right Mrs. W.
. " of New York. (
Bottom, left to right Miss Alice Tucker and Mrs.' Walter M. Cook.
b olmnld Wednesday evening', July
It. at 1:30, In the White Temple. A
reception will be held in the church
.parlors following' the wedding aervice.
Mrs. J. ' O. Humphrey hae as her
guests (or about six weeks Mrs. H. B.
Davis and children, Haskell" and Mu
riel, of Evanston, 111., who arrived on
Wlnthrop Terry of Piedmont- is
entertaining as her house guest her
niece, Miss Beroice Riley, a popular
member of Chicago's younger set?
Mrs. J. Bullivan and daughter Flor
ence have gone to Newport, where they
will remain for the rest of the sum
mer. -' '.'''. -ft' .
if js.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mackensle and
their house guest. Miss May Ballln of
New York, are spending a week at the
Mackensle cottage at Holmaa'a, North
v , : . :-
8. J.. Cutting leaves today for Chi
cago where he, Joins Mrs. r , Cutting.
After a month at Les Cbeneaux la
lands. Mr. and Mrs. Cutting will visit
elsewhere -In Michigan and Ohio, re
turning to Portland In the: fall.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Mackln with their
. two children, Wallace and Francis, re
turned Sunday from two weeks spent
at the home of Mrs. Macktn's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Keegan, of The Dalles,
Another daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
. and Mrs. Ernest Corlew, returned from
' The Dalles the last of the week.
- i ' v.1
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cook have ter
minated their New Tork and Bostor.
visit and are home again ' Mrs. Cook
was present at the reunion of her class
at Wellesley and was a guest of Miss
tllen Fits Pendleton, ; of Wellesley.
who was a Portland visitor last falL
Mrs. Rutherford Harts who has been
HI for the past week. Is abl to be out
gain. i '-(.-:
Captain and' Mrs. Walter Sweeney
gave a beautifully appointed card party
en Wednesday evening- at their quar-
A number of 'people from tha post
enjoyed, a trip to The Dalles last week.
: Captain and Mrs. Lucius Bennett; Lieu
tenant v and ' Mrs, - Gilbert Wilkes and
i Mrs. Blatterman ' otl Mayvllle, Ken-
tucky composed the party.v -
' - Lieutenant Gilbert Wilkes and Lieu
tenant Charles -3. Taylor , of -the .En
gineer corps, who have been, on a de
tail at Monterey, CaU - have ' been or-
dered to the. Philippines for duty and
will sail for the islands October 5. on
the government transport leaving- San
Francisco on that date.
Lieutenant William R. Scott has
been ordered to Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas, to attend the army school
there. -
Mrs. Hegeman, Mrs. Wilson Chase,
Mrs. Edgar A. Fry and Mrs. Fred W.
Bubee and their children have gone
to Gearhart for several weeks.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Bernard O.
Lents are rejoicing over the birth of a
son on Wednesday morning.
, : : : - J
Mra Richard Moore and her mother,
Mrs. Davis, of Washington, D. C.
sailed last week for San Francisco
where they will go to Monterey to visit
Captain Moore, who Is In command or
the Engineer corps on detail at that
place. - :'
' -Captain
and Mrs. Cromwell Stacey"
gave a theatre party and supper on
Monday evening-. The guests were
Captain and Mrs. Walter Sweeney, Cap
tain and Mrs. Allen Parker, Mrs. Leth
rdut. Captain Carroll P. Armlstead
and Lieutenant Rutherford Harts. :
Major Joseph C. Castner and fam
ily will leave son for Fort Snelling,
Minnesota, where Major Castner has
been ordered.
- - -'j - w ' -
Bishop and Mrs. Keaton, of Tacoma,
who have been house guests of Colonel
and Mrs. Young for several days, left
on Wednesday for their home.
Mrs. George S. Young gave a pret-
11 iy appointed dinner Saturday evening-.
The guests were Bishop and
Mrs. Keator, Mrs. Jere B. Clayton and
Miss Trotter.
- Colonel William - Lassiter who has
been on the unassigned list has been
ordered to report for duty, with the
Twenty-first Infantry and will serve
under Colonel George S. Young who Is
post commander. Colonel Lasstter who
will be retired this coming autumn has
been on duty In the recruiting- office
at Fort McDowell, CaL
The regular Sunday afternoon ser
vices, held by Chaplain James Osse
waarde .have been discontinued dur
ing the summer. Chaplain Ossewaarde,
however, remains at the post.
' Mrs. John B. Richardson and ; Mrs.
William H. Gill have left for Gear-
hart to Join their husbands who are
there with their companies. , ,
; Miss Polly Young- wUl sail ' for
Alaska, with a party of friends the lat
ter part of July. She expects to-b
gone about three weeks. t
Mrs. John H. Page Jr.. has left for
a visit In . Kansas City while Captain
Pago is participating in the maneuvers
at Gearhart General and Mrs. Page
are occupying-their,; Quarters during
tneir aDsence.
nwnf7 oruugat witn it .an an
noancement of the engagement of Miss
Edith Helen Rouf and Leo S. Shapirer,
both of whom are well known musical
ly. .The bride-elect has only-recently
returned from, a stay In Chicago.' Sep
tember has been chosen as the wedding
month. - '
rr . . . . i . . ...
B. Roberson. Mrs. C. A. Mackenzie
, ' .
The marriage of Miss Edith Matilda
Ryden and Guataf J. W. NelsOh was
solemnized Wednesday . evening1 at 9
o'clock at the home of the- bride's
parents by Rev. Henry E. , Sandstedt,
who . used tho ring- ceremony. The
bride came In on the arm of her father.
She was. becomingly gowned in ivory
charm euse trimmed with small clus
ters of . pearls and carried a shower
bouquet of Bride's roses. Her attend
ants were Miss Anna Dahlgren, Miss
Bertha Meinhoff and Miss Evangeline
Mcintosh. . All wore fetching cos
tumes and carried pink carnations. Mr.
Jacobsen attended " the 1 bridegroom,
Mendleseohn's . . wedding - march was
played on the piano by Miss Eveline
Dahlgren.. Masses of roses and -carnations
formed , the decorations. During
the hours of the reception which fol
lowed the service Miss Dahlgren gave
several piano .numbers and Miss Mc
intosh and Mr, Gustafson sang,
' r":
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. R, J.
Willis, Goldendale, Wc43h.i Wednesday,
was solemnised the wedding of Miss
Hazel M. . Willis and Dr. George H.
Buck of Portland. Rev. Z. .H. Long-beake-
performed the ceremony. Miss
Lillian Willis was the maid of honor
and the best man was Crede Bonebrakc.
Dr. and Mrs. Buck left at once for
their home in Portland. ,
. - " - .
Rev. J.' H. . Bennett officiated at the
wedding which -made Miss - Lillian
Higgs the bride of Elwood Byron Fax
on Wednesday evening at half past S.
About ; SO guests assembled for ' the
ceremony, i which was solemnized at
the home of the bride's parents. Dr.
and Mrs. A. K. Higgs. Mrw Faxon Is
the .son of Mr. and - Mrs. H." O. Faxon,
who for 25 years were prominent resi
dents of Pendleton. The Higgs resi
dence was beautifully decorated with a
profusion of palms, ' pink and white
roses and : carnations . In the- same
shades. The bride was charming In
Miss Olivia lilpschutz, who cele
- brates her . twelfth - birthday . to-
.' morrow. " .. . ,
lh v - '
mJ?k' r
and her gueBt, MIbb May Ballln
her Wedding- sown of ivory creoe me
teor with bodice of lace and lace
flouncing on the skirt. She carried
a shower . of Bride roses, - Her only
attendant ; was Miss Rosalie Garrett,
who wore pink crep de chine and car
ried pink roses. Vernon Faxon, , a
brother of the Drldegroom, was best
man. The wedding march was played
byr Miss Winnie- MlchaeL Following
the wedding service a buffet supper
was served. The table was presided
over by Mrs.. W. C. Retass and Mrs.
A. G. Hoffman. Miss Millie Mead
served punch and assisting ; further
were Miss Michael and Miss Maud Mil
ler. ; Mr. and Mrs. Faxon have gone
directly to Klickitat, where they will
make their - home for the summer, re
turning to Portland In the fall.. .
Miss Emma M. Qreen and Way field
btruageon were married Saturday aft
ernoon. July 11; at, S o'clock, at the
Centenary Methodist v church parson
age; by Rev, Delmar H. Trimble.
On Wednesday Rev. Luther-R. Dyott
solemnized the wedding of Miss Lucile
Moore of Lakewood, 111., and L. C Mac
kay of Portland. The ceremony was
solemnized ' in 1 the Congregational
church, parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo
Mackay were the attendants. Mr. and
Mrs. Mackay will i spend a month's
honeymoon - camping near Mount St.
Helens. V': . v-.- . . .. .
One of the Interesting features of
the past week was a birthday party
given in honor of Lucia and Theodore
Mullan at their ideal country Jwme,
Laugh-a-lot Court, east of Milwaukie.
The children were taken out to the
court In a, carriage and on arriving
found every- possible means of enter
tainment -which had been -- carefully
prepared. ; The ; refreshments : were
served in the sun room.- which' was
decorated In fern and dahlias. v After
enjoying several hours of good, times
the guests were taken back to their
respective homes.'- Those present were:
Mildred Durbln, i Marie Culley, Irene
Stuckey, May urasie; uarnet Nicola,
Helen Frohman, Lillian Burge, Mabel
Howey, Lucia Mullan, James Snyder,
Mildred Mullan. Denzel Mullan, Len
Campbell. . Amber Amsele, Brooks
Childs, Theodore Mullan and Mrs. Jes
sie Durbin. - --- -
. , . jf.yif .,. ;
Masses of fragrant roses and other
blossoms . artistically t arranged,-; en
hanced the beauty of the George Ja
cobs residence In Irvington on . Thurs
day , evening, when- Miss Mabelle Ja
cobs was hostess for 16 guests, who
assembled, to honor the . occasion ' of
Miss EsteUe Leader's birthday. A
musical -program filled the earlier por
tlon of the evening, and dancing round
ed out the later. Those who enjoyed
Miss Jacob's hospitality were ,Mr. and
Mrs. George Jacobs, Mrs. II. Ieader,
Miss Mabel Day. Miss Frances Spencer.
Miss Nona -Leader,? Miss Bernice Ja
cobs. Thomas Dempsey, John Buckley,
Abdon Meiss, Stanley Kenney, Charles
jsacuonaid ana jacxr jiyion. . ; r
A delightful party was given by Mr,
and .Mrs. Ralph Amato, 5309 - Thirty
ninth avenue, S. E. Thursday after
noon in honor of their daughter Mar
guerite,on her eleventh birthday. The
rooms" were artistically decorated with
flowers, the - color . scheme being of
pinR. iuncn was served ty Mrs. Ralph
Amato assisted by Mrs. P. B. Sibley,
Malloy of Eastern Oregon. The guests
were Mrs. K. Finn, Miss M. Lelpold.
Miss M. Bohan. D. Brogan, H. 8helley.
H Gray. T. Heslln, J. Malloy and Miss
M, Whitney. Mr. Malloy will leave
soon for his home in Pendleton.
rA deUghtful affair of Thursday was
the afternoon for which Mrs. Florence
Belle Crawford invited guests. Mrs.
Crawford is a poetess at much ability
and H' was to .hear a. number' of her
poems set to ; maste . by .Mrs. Edith
Haines Keter, of Seattle.- that the 40
or 60 guests assembled. Mrs. Ku ea
ter presided at the piano and sang the
song-s. - A number of additional poems
by Mrs. Crawford.. were read by Mrs.
Mabel Wallace Butterworth. A. feat
ure of the affair was the decorations.
Many of Mrs. Crawford's verses had as
their inspiration flowers and the dee
orations were all apropos of the poems
read or sung. Yellow marigolds decked
the table in the dining room where
Mrs. W. T. Wade and Mrs. Mark Smith
presided. The serving-table In the liv
ing room had hydrangeas for Its flow
ers - and was presided over by Mrs.
Walter Howard and Miss Florence Sul
lenberg. - -
The Wisconsin Society of Oregon
held Its-regular monthly meeting for
July on last Thursday evening at Co
tillion halL A large number of loyal
Wlsconsinites were present, and many
new members -were added to the rolL
After a short .business session, which
showed the society to be in a prosper
ous and flourishing condition, there
was a roll call, to which each one pres
ent responded - giving Wisconsin - a
hearty . recommendation, but boosting
enthusiastically for Oregon. A delight
ful program, consisted of the following
numbers: A. B. Cain, baritone solo,
Miss Hedgewick Casper, accompanist;
Miss; Lulu .Carr, soprano soo,
Mrs. - .Mead,, accompanist; Charjes
E. Sawyer, reading;- Mrs..; J. Blum
en thai, piano solo; 'A. B. Cain, in
Irish ballads. Later dancing and
get-acquainted time was enjoyed by all
present It was decided that the regu
lar annual plonic of the society be held
at Peninsula park, on the - afternoon
and evening of .August 20, which would
be the regular, meeting date. , v
On June S Mr 'aScs Sparks of 87
East Eleventh street north, entertained
the sewing society of George - Wright
Women's Relief corps. A delicious
lunch was served to 28. and the enter
tainment was. agreed by all to be one
of the most enjoyable. . Friday. July
10. the society met at the home of Mrs.
Thomas of Monta villa, with 26 present.
A chicken dinner was served by tbe
daughters of the .hostess. Much work
was accomplished and a general good
time enjoyed. The next meeting will
be at room 626 the courthouse, W. R.
C. hall, Friday, July 24. .'
Mrs. Raymonde G Littler enter
tained with four tables of bridge at
her home In Mount Tabor on Wednes-
There will be a lawn social party
given by the United Artisans of Arleta
assembly No. 338, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Van Nortwick. C703 Forty
fourth avenue, corner of Sixty-seventh
street,, 8. E. Monday evening at-8:30.
Ice cream and cake will be served. All
members and their friends are cor
dially Invited. Take the Mount Scott
ar,. get off at Kern Park station and
walk three blocks north.
- T
The Kansas Jay hawker society of
Oregon , will hold its regular monthly
meeting Wednesday evening In Man
chester hall. Fifth and Oak streets. - A
laughable two act farce comedy and
several musical numbers will provide
the evening's entertainment..
ioi closing ouw party or urcgon i
First Hive, No. 981. . Ladies of . the
Modern Maccabees, was held at "the
home of .Mrs. L. F. Parker, 1076 Glenn
avenue, north, last Tuesday evening.
After- the prizes were -awarded cake
and lemonade were served. . ."
The Railroad Woman's club has post
poned their basket supper, in the City
park, until the first Thursday ln.Au
gUSC . . ..,'.. s
Woodmere Hive. No. "00. Ladles of
the Modern Maccabees, the baby Hive
of Portland, instituted May 29, royal
ly entertained their older sisters end
friends' from - the other hives 'last
Thursday evening at the Home of Past
Commander Mrs. R. E. Alson. 5908 Sev
enty-eventh- street, S. E. Cecil Laired,
cometlst, Albert Deckeville, violinist;
Men's. Women's and Misses
Imported" Sweaters in :. White
and Colors. Suitable for
Beach Wear. . , ? z
General English Tailors"
--,-: ,-;: ,,--,:- : -:. i
- - - V
B. " " - - -
a - a
J ' .-l -rir'-'tv:
if . , . -v.- Vjk':
- If v - y r 1 ; : v ' :: ' v - v vie f ? i-f m V-.,.. J
if ' - i j iit is .
If s V 1 ' 1 - w t . v C s i i l- 'v:-x".
li iJ j J
LeftMiss Grace O'Nell. Right Miss Thelma Garrett of Seattle "Miss O'Neill
' i-.. '-.'-' guent of Miss Garrett, who was a recent Portland visitor.
Mrs. Deckeville. pianist. Gus Smith,
soloist,' and Hazel - Ellis, pianist, ren
dered 'la fine' musical program. Fol
lowing that ice cream and cake were
served upon the lawn under the many
swinging. Japanese lanterns.
'. ..." j.
- The following . officers of Bonnie
Rose Castle 67s were installed at the
regular meeting of" the castle on -Monday
eventng P. I. P..-Gilbert Ander
son; - I. r P, Roy KesI; - C. C, Anna
Smith; W. K Gertrude McLaren;
of All
a ' ' '
larly at
board of managers, long term. L. L.
Haynes; , warder. Jay A. Mathews;
sentry. L. H. Russell; herald, - Mary
Damain; state manager, H. J. Glider
sleeve, acting as Installing officer, and
Dr. L. O. JMeAloney as guide. A mem
bership campaign was started to last
six months. - '
: W
A five hundred party will be given
by the guards of Portland hive No. 7,
at the home of Mrs. Martha Howell,
1217 Woolsey . street, Columbia park.
Spring Suits
and Dresses
Our entire stock of Spring Suits consisting
of more than 450 garments, not one of f W p
hem sold regularly for less than $30 and jiC'y
' - e mt . a At? ; sre? - i ett tt' 'A
many or mem ai yo$ ipoo ana $oot an go
at one price .. : 7.;: '-:::::-r;:'f'
la. 4? C5fa al. U ' ''
$20 to $27.50, your choice
Another lot of Suits, the regular prices
of which were $12.50, $15.00 and j qj
$17.50. your-choice ; . . ;". . ; . . . . ;44.yD
,. ......-., , . . . , - - . V ' -.-' -: -. .
No Exchanges. No Refunds. No Approvals
now ' the Seattle
Thursday afternoon. All Maccabees
and . friends are Invited. Call . East
2179 for information.
Applying Home Scenery,
' 8t Louis Republic.
. Ruth, 6 years old, ft ad seen en ele
phant and camel one evening. The
next day she said to hor brother:
."Harold, did you see that thing with
two hills on Its bsck and the cow with
the tall on Its facer