The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 19, 1914, Page 38, Image 38

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months with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
P. H. Flynn. This is Mrs. McCarthy's
first Portland visit sine her marriage
a year ago.
A number of Portland parties mo
tored to the Falls Chalet Sunday. In
one group' were Mr. and Mrs. C
B.-.Jackson.'Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Jackson-
of Virginia. Miss Julia Hobday
and ' Philip Jackson. Another group
had aa its members Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Fish, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Irvine and
John T. Fitzgerald of New "York. Mr.
X .... NfV
I I . . ' w&rCJ I " I T LOi 1
and Mrs. Charles F. Swigert and Hugh
Hum- were among other guests for
the day. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Alva
Jacobs and Mrs. E. A. Adams of San
Francisco passed the week' end at the
Chalet. ,
Miss Irene Daly left Wednesday
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Bpsnish broom, the only color in the
- decoration, Was massed on. either side
. ox th pulpit. Shasta daisies were used
about ths choir loft and the windows
were banked with great clusters of ar
rowhead and huckleberry greenery.
Before the hour, of the ceremony
., Mrs. Fallenlus played two Grieg or
'. numbers, "Erotic" and '"he Lone
;;. ly Wanderer." Buddertfkann's; Swedish
."Weddyig march pteced the wedding
- march from Lohengrin "wtiloh 'announc
ed the bridal party: The bride came in
-on me arm oi ur. n. xo., wnoer, oroin
t er-ln-law of the bridegroom, from Ber-
keley, California. Her bridal robe was
" fashioned-' of heavy Ivory crepe de
chine with bodice; of lace and long
court ' train. Orange blossoms held In
-place the long wedding veil and Bride
roses, lilies of . th valley and orchids
.formed the bfMT shower bouquet.
wMiss Henrietta Kllot, sister of the
. bridegroom, was the maid of honor.
, She was gowned In white lingerie with
white hat and pink sweet peas for
S flowers. The best man was Henry
. Mae ten
Following the service, for which the
church was filled, i the members of the
V family only gathered at the T. L. Kllot
vhome for a wedding breakfast. After
f wedding Journey of a fortnight Mr.
and Mrs, Eliot, will go to Berkeley,
their future home.-
A pretty luncheon of 1? covers was
presided over at Waverly Country club
' Friday by Miss Margaret Ayer who
gave it In honor of hr eastern guest,
;Mlss Dorothy Oif ford, and Miss Hilda
Hmlth, Mr. and Mrs. George Klrkham
, Smith's niece from Concord, N. H.
Two little people have mAde their
advents most recently In two homes
where many messages of felicitation
are finding their way. Monday a
son, James Cook Crumpacker, was bom
to Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Crumpacker
(Cully Cook). Thursday a week the
Cannon Beach summer home of Dr.
and Mrs. Thomas Wvnnn Watts was
gladdened with the arrival of a daugh
ter. Mrs. Watts was Miss Helen Hoi
brook. - i j V
Mrs. H. S. Brill Of New York, Mrs
H. Michel of Cologne, Germany, and
( Mrs. S. Wertheimer of San Francisco
were the . inspiration for a bridge
luncheon, which Mirs.- N. D.' Simon gave
yesterday. Eighteen guests were ?n
vited to the Portland for luncheon,
where a pretty ' French cotar sohenro
. of blue and pink was tlivalopud in the
table decorations. Later tne bridge
games were formed at the Simon resi
dence on Flanders street. The hostess
was assisted by ' Mrs. A. Obertorfer
. and Alias eonnenield.
jnisa jjorotny Worcester chose as
. her honor guests for tea Thursday
Miss Ethel Chamberlain, formerly of
roruana, Dut now or Denver, and Miss
Katnerine Lewis of Minneapolis.
Miss Katherine B. Jackson -of Chi
cago was the inspiration for an after
noon of auction given for her Wednes
day by her sister, Mrs.. Harold Tenny
Burntrager. Pottery vases in ' green
and brown held beautiful clusters of
coreopsis and gladioli In the drawing
,-v,. room ana library .where the games
were enjoyed. .The dining room, deco
rations were nasturtium . in crystal
ana sliver bowls.i . . Place cards, hand
painiea scenes or: Switzerland, souve-
nlrs of the affair, hand carved bears
and the card prizes were all brought
from Europe by Miss Jackson, who
has been graduatedrom Madame Mon
tessorrs school lnlom. Mrs. Burn
trager will entertain in a fortnight
with another bridge for her sister.
Wednesday's guests were Mrs. Ches
ter Deering, Mrs. Charles F. Bunker,
Mrs. Walter F. Raymond, Mrs. A. D.
Giles, Mrs. John Chambers Morrison,
Mrs. Bert M. Denlson, Mrs. Wilis
Straugh. Mrs. J. Coulsen Hare, Mrs.
W. B. Hare, Mrs. Charles L. Boss, Mrs.
Wlnthrop. Hammond. Mrs. McKiniey
MitcheH, Mrs. -John Toft, Mrs. M. A.
Newall,' Mrs. Roy O. Tatea, Mra Wil
liam Gadsby, Mrs. N. U. Carpenter,
Mrs. Roscoe R. Glltner, Mrs. Frederick
Hobert, Mrs. Alexander McPherson,
Mrs. Minnie Sterling, Mrs. George Wt
Simpson, Mrs. Katherlne Day, Mrs.
Nina Larowe, Mrs. Lyddon Veysey.
Mrs. Byron F. Miller, Mrs. Eunice
Yates of Olympia, Wash. ; Mrs. E". M.
Baker, Mrs. C. A. Coolldge, Mrs. Frank
lin A. Freeman, Mrs. Nathaniel T.
Palmer, Mrs. E. O. Mattern, Mrs. .John
Annand, Mrs. Frederick Austen and
Mrs. Robert F. Lytle.
Blaine R. Smith Jr was a host at
dinner Friday evening for shis tejmis
tournament guest from . Spokane, T.
Grant Ware. The table was beautiful
ly decked In yellow. Seated about It
were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morse, Mrs.
Blaine R. Smith, Miss Frances Henny,
Miss Genevieve Howell, Miss Josephine
Sandle, Miss Wiley, Miss Frances
Strowbridge, Mr. Ware, Arthur Budgin,
Howard Strowbridge, Catlin Wolford
and the host. "
A five table auction party . was the
diversion planned Wednesday evening
by Mr. and Mrs. John W. Minto for the
pleasure of Mrs. C. L. Crellin. Mrs.Her-
bert Holman's sister-in-law from Pleas-
anton Cal. Harmonizing beautifully
with the old rose hangings of the Min
to home was the pink, white and green
color scheme of decorations carried out
with roses and phlox. Mrs. W. C.
Fox and Mrs.- Otto Metschan assisted
the hostess. Card honors'- fell to Mrs.
M. A. M. Ashley, Mrs. Edwin Caswell,
Otto Metschan and Edwin Caswell.
Mrs. Horace Richmond, the Seattle
guest of her sister, Mrs. P. N. Stop-
penbach. was complimented with a
bridge luncheon, over which Mrs. John
Burgard presided on Wednesday. High
scores at each table won a prize,
: "w mmmmr n
of the summer. Cochot Therkeisen la
spending his summer with Professor
and Mrs. Thorne of Portland academy.
on the Mackenzie river.
Miss-Nan Robertson is spending the
week at Gearhart, where she is the
guest of Mrs. David T. Honey man.
Friends of Miss Lucia B. Harriman
will be delighted to know that she has
recovered from the Illness which over
took her In Shanghai. She la now In
Toklo. Japan, where, she Is editor In
chief of the woman's department of
the recently organized Associated Press.
1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Coffey will
go down to their ranch at Drain, Or.,
where they will spend the month of
August. Their wedding was a recent
Mrs. Katherlne Ward Pope., returned
Sunday evening from a year passed in
vocal finishing in New York city. She
will spend a couple of months in Ore
gon City with the C D. Latourettes
before returning permanently to Port-
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Stearns and
son. Lloyd, left Tuesday morning for
Newport. They expect to return about
the first of August.
A group of youns women home from school for the summer vaca
tion. Top, left to right Mias Helen Wortman, Miss Antoinette
Mears. Bottom Mias Beatrice Locke.
Mrs. W. -Thompson, Mrs. Mattie C.
MacLeod, Mrs. Frank E. Baker. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry L' Weatherby, Harold
s. Holmes, Mrs. -George V. Arnold,
Master ROy Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward J. Sheen. Mr. ; and Mrs. Herbert
Gan Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Cary House
man and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kroenert.
Mrs. Harlan . Grover Thompson of
Spokane, formerly Miss Ethel Cau
f ield of Portland,, is paying - her first
visit to Portland and Oregon City rela
tives and friends since her marriage
of somewhat recent date. A pretty
compliment planned in her honor Wed
nesday was the luncheon which her sis
ter. Mrs. Livjr Stlpp, gave In Oregon
City. Circled about the table with its
smart arrangement of black-eyed Su
sans were the honor guest, Mrs. Bertha
Adams, Mrs. .Linn Jones, Mrs. Louis
Morris, Mrs. Ernest Rands. Miss Pearl
Montgomery; Mies Cls Pratt and the
hostess. Mrs. Thompson will continue
her visit for a week or 10 days. -
B : : w
The Oregon chapter, Delta Slgmu
phi legal- fraternity. University 4of
Oregon, held Its annual election of of
ficers Monday night in Its houseboat.
"Ruby." Tbe following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: Counsel
lor, John D Dwyer; vice-counsellor, W.
J. McKensie; scribe, Blu-me B. Coles;
master of the exchequer, R. J. Lincoln;
master of ceremonies, Blaine B. Coles.
After the election a buffet luncheon
was served.- The next affair will be an
informal dance the latter part of next
week; . . ,
Miss Helen Higbee, bride-elect of
Frederick Mason DeNeffe, was the
guest of honor at a linen shower and
sewing party given Thursday after
noon to Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae
at the Montgomery Drive home of Mrs
George M Woodley. About 25 guests
enjoyed the afternoon. The hostess
was assisted by Mrs. Roy M. Cross,
Mrs. Frederick Warren Farrinartnn
of 453 East Twenty-first street, north.
has-sent out cards for a bridge after
noon on Wednesday honoring - Mrs.
freaericK warren Harrington Jr., i
recent bride. Mr and Mrs. Fan-in
ton Jr. are temporarily domiciled at
the Wheeldon Annex.
, A very delightful surprise party was
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
J.- Kroenert. HIT Mallory avenue,
Thursday evening.: July 16. the
having been arranged in honor of Mrs.
Kroenert' s birthday. During the even
ing an impromptu, program of instru
mental numbers, vocal selections, read
ings and dancing was enjoyed, and the
evening closed with a unique buffet
supper. : Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. F. . o. Crary, . Mr. and Mrs. W.
Winters, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. ZirnglebeL
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ludwig, Mr.and Mrs.
j. m. mieia. Mrs. . j. Col, na. M.
ZirnglebeL Mrs. T. W, Sparks, tr. and
xur. ana Mrs. je. x. Alien, with tneir
two daughters. ; the ' Misses. Olmstead
and Barbara, left Thursday - for San
Uranclsco, en route to the Society Isl
ands, with Tahiti as their objective
point, where, they will remain about
- 11 v " t ''i. ill
Mias Bernice, Riley, i Mrs. Win
throp. Perry's Chicago a visitor.
six weeks. Homeward bound, they will
stop at Manila, and will reach San
Francisco again early, in September.
Mr. Allen Is forester for the Western
Forestry and Conservation association,
and Mrs. Allen Is well known as Mary
land Allen, the writer. The trip la
planned In order that Mrs. Allen may
gather material for a book which she
is to write.
. Mrs. Frank Leiph of Linnton has as
her guest for a couple of months her
sister from San Francisco, Mrs. George
Brown, who is an accomplished musi
cian. Word from Miss Clara West of Irv
ington, who went east early In June to
attend the Sargent School of Dancing
at Cambridge, Mass., brings the news
that she la progressing rapidly in her
art, the study of which she la pursu
ing with greatest enthusiasm.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gannett and
Miss Gannett have taken the F. J. Mc
Pherson residence. 1090 Vaughn street,
Willamette Heights, for the summer.
Stewart Campbell, a prominent busi
ness man of Condon, Or., has been a
Portland visitor the paat week and
much entertained by his many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Seyster of Ore
gon, I1L, arrived Sunday to pass the
summer with their daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and MraBarge E. Leonard.
Thursday Mrs. Leonard entertained at
dlnner-f or them up the Columbia. . Yes
terday tne ieonaras ana their guests
motored to Cloud Cap Inn for the week
end. ; . -
Mrs. Irene DeVanney has1 Mrs. A. J.
McGuire and Miss Ida Marshall as
house guests at her attractive bunga
low on the board walk at Seaside.
Miss Helen Kayser has gone to Oak
land, where she will spend a couple of
weeks visiting her aunt. . She left
Mrs. R. W Blackwood of. Irvlngton
has as her house guests Mr. and Mrs.
Park I. Jacobs ot Richmond. CaL
Mrs. Hollister B. McGuire arrived in
Portland on Thursday, and will re
main through the summer visiting
friends and relatives. Mrs. McGuire
came north a month ago, and was the
guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. E.
Stolte. for a week, when she was unex
pectedly called back to California for
a fortnight's outing in the Santa Crui
Mrs. E. E. Latourette of Kettle Falls,
Wash., near Spokane. Is - visiting her
husband's relatives in Fulton Park,
corner Custer, and Water streets. :
Miss Catherine Therkelsen and Miss
Mary Therkelsen have returned from
Wllhoit Springs, and have gone down to
Seaside, where Mrs. L. W. Therkelsen
has taken a cottage for the remainder
Mrs. A. W. Cauthorn and family.
Mrs. S. V. Fuller and Mrs. G..T. Slln
gerland with her son, George, started
Tuesday for a sojourn at - Wllhoit
Mrs. Clay 8. Morse and Mrs. Eda M.
Gay, who are spending the month of
July in the Morse cottage at Seaside,
passed the- week end with Mrs. Charles
Urfers at Cannon Beach.
Mrs. Mabel James and Mrs. Bert
Corthell have gone to Seattle and Ta-
coma to visit friends during the Pot-latch.
Mrs. L. Kyser has as her guest her
nephew from Oakland, Hugo Kleeman.
Mrs. Kyser and Mr. Kleeman returned
yesterday from a Seattle visit with
Mrs. T. R. Kyser.
. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Burleigh and son,
Joseph, of Evansville, Ind., are the
guests for 10 days or two weeks of
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rui
bush. of East Sixtieth street. They
arrived Saturday.
Mrs. George E. Chamberlain, wife of
Senator Chamberlain, is expected to
leave Washington and arrive in Port
land in the near future. Mra. Cham
berlain la almost recovered from her
recent illness brought on by excessive
heat in the east.
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Chance are
home from three weeks' travel in the
Yosemite valley and a sojourn in San
Dr. and Mrs. G. O. Jefferson left
Wednesday for an-Alaskan trip: which
will keep them away until the first
of August.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt M. Lesher are
In Portland, the guests of relatives
and friends for the firt tim in two
years. Most of that time has been
passed In New York, where Mr. Lesher
is president of the Lesher & MacDuf
fee company. Mr. and Mra Lesher
will spend several months on the coast
inspecting the company's factories at
.Vancouver, B. C; Seattle and San
Francisco. ?
Mrs. John A. Keating has as her
guest for a week Mrs. Julian Blddle
and three children from San Francisco.
Mrs. Blddle and Mrs. Keating were
schoolmates in Atlanta, Georgia.
: Mr. and Mrs. John Archer Bell have
returned from a three weeks motor
trip to Vancouver and Victoria.
Mrs. W. L. Morgan and family left
Sunday to open their cottage at Gear
hart for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C Chamberlain
are in New York city, spending several
days at the Woleott. "'
Mr. and Mrs. Edward . D. Williams
left Friday for Seaside, where they
have been guests at the Hotel Moore
for the week end.
Mrs. L. M. Evashlntsoff, widow of
the late Admiral W. T. Evashlntsoff,
Russian navy., aoeompanled by her son.
recently arrived here direct from St.
Petersburg, Russia, -and is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Theodore Barker,
38S Grand avenue, south. -
to be gone abroad, for at least four
months. In Chicago she will Jolri Mrs.
T. P.- Walsh. Miss Gertrude Walsh and
Miss Katherlne Walsh, of Davenport,
Iowa, and together the party will sail
from New York July 21 on the Aqul
tanla, th new monster liner: A motor
trip through Ireland, . Scotland and
England will preface a season of travel
on ih continent. .
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schweitzer and
little daughter - arrived Monday after
noon from San Francisco to make their
future home in Portland. They will be
warmly welcomed by th many friends
of Mrs. Schweitzer who was formerly
Miss Ruth sicheL Until they deter
mine upon a place of residence the
Schweltzers will be the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Slg. Slchel.
Mr. and Mra. Walter MrCook
have as their guests for a week or ten
days Mr. Cook's aunt from Sandnsky,
Ohio. Mrs. Elta Cook.
Miss Grace O'Neill left for the
north Wednesday to spend a fortnight
with th T. M. Garratts as well as
other Seattle friends.
Mrs. James Ambrose and Miss Ruth
Plummer came home Thursday from
a trip to Yellowstone national park.
Mrs. O. Dt Ireland and family have
opened their cottage at Rockaway
Beach for th summer.
When Dr. andMr Samuel C. Slo-
cum returned from their . .fortnight's
sojourn at DeLano Beach, on th Sound,
they brought with them 'to Portland
as their guest Miss Jessie Barclay, one
of Tacoma's most popular young worn.
-w -Mr.
and Mrs. Elbert Morgan are
spending a week In Tacoma.
Mrs. Jeanett Thieleman and Miss
Mathilda Thieleman have gone to New
port to occupy their cottar at Nve
Mrs. jr. T. Dillon returned Monday
irom an Aiasaan trip.
Miss Greata Butterfield haa as her
guest at thet Butterfield country place
near Deer Island. Miss Marv Blossom.
This week Miss Genevieve Butterfield
will have as hr guest at Hood River
miss ciaric Biles.
In another 10 days Mr. and Mrs. D.
b. Mciean are expected home from
the east, where they iiave been spend
mg uie past tour or five weeks in
Maine. New York and in general sight
Mrs. jrranx Vina of Irvinrton !
entertaining as boos guests Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. McCabe and Miss Emily
.aictaoe or isew Haven, Conn.
Mrs. W. Hayden Fisk and small
daughter. Doxine, of Lakeylew, Or., are
xne guests of Dr. and Mrs. Duane A.
Fellows. Yesterday Mrs. Fisk loinwl
her parents. Dr. and Mrs w a
Wise, at Barvlew, Or.
Miss Gladys Morgan returned Thurs
day after a visit of 10 dav in Wnmi
Klver with Mrs. C. A. Reed.
Mrs. W. C. Knighton of Salem has
as her guests her cousins from Port-
iana, Mrs. A. B. Crosman and Mis
Lillian Crosman. Miss Crosman is
ill " ' " ' ' III
Little Miss Josephine Whitney who assisted at Mrs. A. T. Giesy's tea.
spending the summer with her mother.
after several successful years on the
eastern stage.
Mrs. W. J. Stipe, Miss Aa SUp
and Miss Mayme Brown ar back in
Portland after having, been th guests
for 10 days of Tom Stipe on his ranch
In th vicinity of Boring.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd M. . Hamilton
left yesterday for a thre or four
weeks' trip, on which they will visit
Yellowstone and Glacier national parks
Mr. and Mrs. 'Leo Fried - and son
leave today for a vacation- trio that
will tak them to Vancouver and Prince
Dr. Flora A. Casaeday and Dr. Frank
F: Caaseday are looking? after their
mining interests and enjoying a
month's vacation in th Cascade moun
tains at Monte Crista, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greer left
Thursday for a trip to Seattle.
Portland people who have made their
way recently to Sol Due Springs in th
Olympic mountaina are Mrs. A. Mc
Calman, Miss Edna Blaswanger, Alvln
Binswanger, A. McCalman Jr. and J.
A. McHolland.
Mrs. JA. Pragg is entertaining at
her summer cottage. Beach Center,
wash., Mrs. William Gemmel and chil
Rev. Frank W. Gorman and family
are enjoying a vacation season at Sea-
view, where they have a cottage.
Mr. and Mra W. H. Curtis of Du
luth, Minn., who have been spending
their honeymoon on the coast, are the
ruests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pember.
987 East Seventeenth street, this week.
They will leave tomorrow for their
future home in Duluth.
Miss Elizabeth Parkard, a prominent
member of the Friday Morning club,
and for the last two years president
of the Highland Park Ebell club of
Los Angeles, is the guest of Mrs. G. C.
Eshelman. 221 Jessup street. Miss
Parkard la well known in educational
and literary circles, both as a teacher
aPd a writer. For flv years she was
principal of the Los Angeles High
school, and for nine years she was head
or tne Kngush and history department
of the Oakland Hish schooL
Mrs. Walter Davis, who has been
spending the summer with Mrs. David
Anderson at the Anderson summer
home. Kewpie Inn. Welches, Or., will
leave shortly for California, where she
is called by the illness of her father,
H. 8. Kent. She will -be accompanied
by her daughter. Mias Lucll Davis,
and Mrs. Anderson. ' .
Mr. and Mra. E. K. Chappl of th
Hawthorne apartments, feft Wednes
day on an extended eastern trip that will
Include visits in New York and eastern
Virginia. They will return about th
first of September.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Chlpmau left
Wednesday Tor two or three weeks' sw
Journ on the sound. Mrs. Chlpman Is
the new chairman of the Calendar com
mittee of the woman's club. Already
several interesting meetings have been
held by the commlttn, and a calendar
of unusual quality Is looked for by
members of the club.
Mr. and Mra. J. K. Murphy and party
left Sunday for a two weeks trip In
the mountains near Gilmer. Wash., 10
miles out of Whit Salmon. Trout
fishing and mountain climbing will
be th chief sources of entertainment.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Logan left for
Seattle Wednesday to sail on the Jef
ferson for an Alaskan trip; .
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hagen and
daughters, the Misses Pearl and Lulu
Hagen, left Thursday for Seaside,
where they will spend about six weeks.
They will be Joined In a week by Mr.
and Mrs. Fred C. Searcey of Pendle
ton. Mrs. David T. Honeyman has as
her week end guest st Gearhart
Miss Beatrice Nirkle of San Francisco.
Mrs. M. E. OrJwa of Portland will
Join her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Foudray,
at Seavlew for the rent of th summer.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Madley have Is
sued invltattons for the wedding of
their daughter. Miss Helen Grace Hig
bee, and Frederick Mason PeNeff to
(Continued on Following Page).
W. S. Smallwood and W. F. Worcher
of Portland are among recent arrivals
at the 'Sol Duo hot springs, la th heart
of the Olympic mountains. - ' . ;
' " ' - --
Mrs. Raymond McCarthy, formally
Miss Irene Flynn. has arrived from
Pueblo. . Colorado, for a visit of two
Continues This Week
ThU new Sale has proven so popular in the past two days that
we have decided to continue it this week. All broken lines must
go we carry nothing over. Every item a bargain extraordinary!
Positively No Telephone Orders
Nothing Reserved or Exchanged
To $27.50 Suits, Serges, Mixtures, etc. $3.95
To $19.50 Suits; $17.50 Coats; $7.50 Dresses, $1.95
To $12.50 SkirtsChecks, Plaids, Silks, etc., $4.89
Junior Middy Suits Linens and Chambrays, $1.00
To $14.75 Wool Serge Dresses, Many Colors, $4.35
' New Cotton Crepe Dresses, Dainty, Summery, $3.95
$19.50 to $45 Silk and Wool Suits, at $10.00
To $10 Cape Coats and Sport Coats, Rummage $6.95
To $24.75 Novelty Coats, Silk, Wool. Also Capes $9.85
Cool Hot Weather Hats
Chic White Satin Sailors, with
black edge. Newest thing in
New York. Special $1.75.
Smartly trimmed White Satin
and Hemp Sailors. Up-to-the-mo-ment
in style. Special $3.95.
To $1.75
oiled -
and"' .mussed. .
Fitted ,
Petti- v .
98e -