ts BRIEF REVIEW OF THE WORLD'S NEWS IN PICTURE AND PARAGRAPH i lit ' ' wf ; u ill x"' " ii x4 , v jM3r; S"Sft ?5 Al: the Principal Events of the ' 'Week Briefly Sketched for information of the Busy Reader, Mexican Situation BAR ADMIRAL HOWARD on the wit coast of Mexico is giving his good offices In 'the interests of ths belligerents end restoration of nor mal conditions in the besieged cities is expected soon. The federals evacuated Acapulco and the place was occupied by Figuero brothers, rebel leaders. . .Conditions are unchanged at Guay amas where rebel commander Oeneral Alvarado is besieging the place. . Fifty-one federals are said to have deserted and ' gone to- the rebel forces at. Cfu d Pledra. Ths report of the settlement of Vllla-Carranra misunderstanding was given out. officially at Torreon. the rebels agreeing not to accept the presi dency if the reVolutlon wins, and Car--ransa. being recognized as first chief of the rebels. Huerta resigned his office in favor of Francisco Carbajal, his new minis tcr of foreign affairs, the latter to quit as provisional president when a ruler suitable to all classes shall have been chosen. Executive. BUSINESS men in general favor anti trust legislation at this session of congress, President Wilson was told by Raphael Herman, of Detroit flnvfnmnt nrlti m ' nu. i lecung' "pare;! post" phages"' from nouse to house in some of , the big cities. Ths senate confirmed the nomination of Nelson Morris of Chicago, to be United States minister to Sweden. Seven hundred marines for use in ' llayti and San Domingo where the i counties are torn by revolution, are i asked by Secretary Bryan. The death of Associate Justice Lur f ton may necessitate reargument of th mia-west on land suit War department la makin ration I testa at Vera Crui and Texas City, Texas, wnere troops are stationed away I irom ineir case 01 supplies. The American gunboat Princeton put I . In at Tutuila, Samoa, in a sinking con dition as result of striking an un charted rock while survevl no- Senate in executive session fought 1 appointment of Thomas B. Jones as I member of the new federal reserve I , board., Publication of Jones' testimony was at Issue. 1 Blll has been favorably reported by I both houses of congress for reinstate-1 . tnent t-Captain T. A. Potts, recentlv. I ; with others, plucked" from the gov- ' ernment service. ' ? The largest gun In the world will be sent , from Sandy Hook to the Pacific I entrance of the Panama canal. The I gun Is it Inch and projectile weisrh- I lng a ton will pierce 12 Inch armor at I 11 miles., , I It costs twice as much to produce beef now as It did 20 years agu. says I . Congressman Kent, of California, ex-1 - plaining high cost of beef. ' I President Wilson and other cabinet! members and Democratic leaders wllllpany In the Crystal creek section, glv- try to settle problem airecUng regula-ling tlon of dam and water power rights-! . in navigable streams. . Disease and famine are threatening reoeis or sanio uomingo, tne lack of food and Water having increased the dath rate, according to Captain - Eberle. of the united States cruiser Washington at Puerta Plata. ; Joseph Ramsey Jr., testified before the interstate commerce commission, He is ax-prestaent or the ' Wabash, Wheeling & Lake Erie and Western Maryland railroads ana was examined as to high finance methods.. ' .The -plucking" or navy officers will be examined into by the house naval affairs . committee. -Rear Admiral Knight, chairman or : tne board, was scheduled to testify. , ' . senator oinaexier mtroaucea a res - olutlon asking .Secretary of the Navy Daniels to Investigate the story that Ensign Richardson practiced the "law of flight" at Vera Cms when the Americana landed , and . captured the city. ,- - .Representative Heffln In ' the house sarcastically accused - Congressman Humphries of trying to create a panic by his recent comment on business conditions. ' Commercial and industrial. -w P.r 6UGRUE, - manager of the I - Cashemer Fruit Growers' asaocia J tlon, says Hood River growers will receive record yields f providing more wateican be obtained for the growing . crops. ' Chehalis county : commissioners have been asked to build a new bridge across ' the Cowltts river at Cispus postofflce. The first shipment Of this season wheat has been sent from , Hatton. ti -Jl I Ml III"'' - t, --i lifXx. o ltj,'s f r X' x " v...- , L -yi ; ,i ; JW JL " TTn) iTTi wi..f r ,c;l'vL Wash., by J- E. Fields, an independent grower, the consignment going to Paget sound Total of 17,000 carloads of fruit will be shipped out of Washington In com parison to 11,895 for last year says report from Olympia officials. The Western Hardwood mill at High land Valley, Wash., will be ready for A. M. Gboch, of Hood River, got $1500 for his berry crop taken from be tween apple tree rows on a five acre tract. Skyscrapers of the future will have elevators running from the bottom to the roof and crosswise; on the floors, said C. A. Patterson, secretary of the National Association of Building Own ers and Managers, at Dulutn. The capital stocic of the Standard Oil company in California was in- creased from $50,000 to $100,000. - Seattle reports that freight busl- 10 ln nurln nas oeen acceierawn by the passage of the railroad bill for Alaska. i ne i-yjme x eiepnone . company, : ox Silver Creek, Chehalis county. Wash., has gone into the hands of receiver, T. C. Rush. Washington exporters are looking forward to a big year,, the output of the mills . toeing estimated at 25,000, 000 bushels. . .v- Light frost and rust ; caused some damage to wheat crops in Washington atate. Settlement of the Westlnghouse strike brought 8000 men and women back to work, all employes - getting their places except 200, Skyscrapers of the future will ' be equipped with roof sidewalks and well ventilated passageways, said speakers at the National Association of Build ling Owners and Managers at Duluth convention. " The , Blackwell Lumber company of Spokane bought 12,000 acres of timber land from the Milwaukee Land corn- other lands In. payment United railroads bf San Francisco Is I said to be willing to sell out to the I city, the road not having paid dlvl- Idends for some ume. , -- j Carload of trout fry was distributed I in Seaside creeks and two .more car I loads will be released there soon. J Governor Glynn of New Tork, ha I placed $50,000 at the disposal of state agents for ; the use in lighting grass hoppers Cosmopolls, Hoquiam and Aberdeen, Wash., are considering the plan of get ting a water supply from the ; heal l waters of the Wynooche, Nearly 10,000 acres of school lands 1 in Klickitat county,-Wash., have boed I leased . by the state for grazing pur poses and th 'state will receive $3500 I a year for the lands. ' The Grand Ronde Chautauqua asso- elation received a check for $100 from Evangelist -Billy" Sunday who stopped I off in that city on his way to bis farm j in Hood River country. . - , : I C. E. Oliphant. formerly own'er of a I mnvfnar nictura theatre in Pendleton. will take over the Antlers theatre in Roseburg. -s Employes of the Florence & Cripple Creek railroad returned to ' work fol lowing settlement - ot strike trouble. Conductor Robinson, over whose dis missal strike resulted, ; having boon given a position in one of the Cripple Creek mines. Legal and Criminal. THE sum of $160,713, which has been awarded Harry Thaw by the court .from the Income '.--of . his father's estate, has been turned over si to Thaw. . l y I H. R. Horn and A. J3. Hensen. o' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, Toronto, Ont, were arrested at Ontario, Cal., on white slave-charges. California' railroad commission 1 sued calls for officials of the United railroads to explain why former Presi dent Calhoun withdrew more than $1, 000,000 from the company earnings to invest in Solano farms project. New Haven railroad directors vote to stand by their determination not to di vorce their Boston & Maine holdings despite the threats of the attorney gen eral to bring suit , ; The bride of John Allen, of Dubuque, Iowa, was shot and killed by an un identified man whom the police sus pect might have been a former suitor. Alleging that steam calliopes In play ing tango airs cause their girl , em ployes to stop . work, the Mississippi Pearl Button company brought suit for $500 damages. i The insurance policy of John Bush, of Centralla. Wash.; was cancelled after he had pleaded not guilty In court to setting his residence on fire. Washington supreme -.court ruled that a father was not entitled to dam ages from the state for death of .his son killed In his sawmill because the boy's name did not appear on the corn pany payroll. " ;" ' v Albert Blanchard, of Los Angeles. swore to a complaint against Mrs. Net tie Prow, following discovery of pols oned fruit In the yard of a neighbor. A feud had existed. -- ; Cornelius, Or., 'adopted a city ordi nance which provides fine ana: im prisonment for carrying or delivering liquors In the city limits and barred all liquor advertisements. Chief of Police Webb and Detectives Rouston and Hamby, of Boise, Idaho, refused to be ousted because of alleged failure to enforce antl-Ilquor laws and demand proof that they were remiss in. their duties. The Jack London Grape Juice com pany has been incorporated in Ban Francisco at $250,000. --., . Police Sergeant Burns, ' of Chicago, was killed in a battle between police detective squads in Chicago.' One side mistook the other and firing com menced during which a number of others were wounded.. Foreign. A BOMB was found In the famous A old church of St. John the Evan a a. gellst, at London, and a suffra gette who has been active in the cause, was arrestee: on suspicion. Railroad bridge near Leycester, Eng, land, was "burned by militant suffra 0t. , . . - -One bull fighteVwaa perhaps fatally gored and a spectator was killed by another fighter's sword which the ani mal bad tossed into the. grandstand, at Madrid. , Lady Winifred Hardinge, ; wife - of Baron Hardinge, viceroy of India, is dead at ixmaon. : . Servian students were released from custody at Berlin after they had been found innocent of activity In the Pan- Servian movement , - v German steamer Mendoxa, with 275 passengers, went ashore off Argentine and a gunboat and two tugs were sent to the rescue. ... , Two twin .c sisters, who were born linked together back-to-back, were sep arated, by surgeons in Paris, it being necessary ; xo sever j a section of -, th Intestines which-; were joined for space of an Inch and a quarter. Carranxa la expected to soon : reach Mexico City for a conference -with Cai bajai, -new ? provisional president of Mexico .. It Is believed that- peace is In sight. " ' - 1 - . Officialdom In France is aroused over the demand of American customs of lficers for documentary evidence from 1 -Louis Benavldes, secretary to General Villa, at his desk at Torreon. (International News Service.). 2 The representatives of Carranza and Villa In conference at Torreon July 4. (International News Service.) 3 -General Carranza, Constitutionalist leader, and his staff upon their arrival at oMnterey. (Inter- i national News Service.) 4 -Richard Lee Metcalf of Nebraska, vice chairman of the government committee in charge of the of ficial opening of the Panama canal, who. soon will open an office In Washington to handle that business. -- ; :6 Mrs. George Barnett, wife of Major General Barnett, commander of the United States Marine Corps,' and her two daughters, who are spending the summer at their country place, Wakefield Manor, Virginia. (Harris & E wing.) ' 6 Mrs. Charles H. Anthony of Muncie, Indiana, who recently sailed for Europe, where again,. she is expected to dazzle all beholders by the splendor of her costumes. (International -News Service.) 7 Thomas D. Jones of Chicago, , whose appointment aa a" member of the- -Federal , Reserve Board President Wilson it determined to have confirmed. 8 Machine gunmen of Villa's . army in the streets of Zacatecas. (International News Service.) Paris showing, alleged undervaluations of goods. King George and Queen Mary com pleted their tour of the Scottish cities. Major Montes, royal aide, died at the lunch table of King Alfonso, on the latters yacht Glralda. Mrs. Emmellne Pankhurst's life is said to be in danger In London as re sult ot her hunger strike In prison. General News. INDIAN tribes of Brazil originated the- Maxlxe, according to report from 1 University of Pennsylvania from the Farabee-Amazon expedition. Tornado wrought havoc with build ings in Shenandoah, Iewa, two churches being damaged and eorn crops Injur I. ' Massachusetts general hospital re ports progress in treating bald heals. Mrs. Ethel Sheffield, wife of a choir singer of Chicago, poured oil ' on her clothing and burned herself to death with suicidal intent -! ' , New' Orleans reported the discovery of a fifth victim of the bubonic plague.. The convention of the - Mlllenlal Dawn set October 20 next as the date for the end of the world, at its meet ing In Sharon, Pa. -:';.. . Mayor KleL ot St Louis, signed the ordinance providing free moving plo ture shows in the downtown parks and playgrounds. .. ; J. W. Allen was named county su perintendent of schools at St Helens. Oregon City will build five, hew school buildings with a total seating capacity of 900. Cloud .Capo Inn,, near Mount Hood, Is being visited by a goodly number of Port landers. - "-r -Vv Woodmen of the .World ended their : log rolling . contest at Junction City, Or. and Captain A. J. ; Finley t won honor of getting the most new mem bers. - . :i-,;-- - Spokane experienced the hottest day for years the mercury going to 99. ; .Charles A. Hooper, "lumber king" of California, died of heart failure at his country residence in Oakland. Robert Piper, son of R. R. Piper of Portland, was seriously injured when he was run down by the automobile of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, in Portland. Horace Fletcher, resigned as presi dent ot the - National Mouth Hygiene society, a place be bad held for three years, says a Rochester, . ois- patch. Daniel Smith, or "Sacramento, sus tained frost bitten fingers by riding in the Ice box on a refrigerator car. Congressman Dow - M. Uruaker. ot Passiac. N. T. says he has been In formed . President wiison ana uuerta were classmates at Princeton. St Helens asks better mall service from the railroads, Fire destroyed 60 acres of wheat on the Kaseburg farm and 10 acres oh the Andrew May farm, Oregon. One hun dred Wasco business men aided in fighting the flames which started in a strawstack. -' - Medford'a fruit yield will be 1900 carloads valued at $1,000,000, tt is re ported.: Big trout are being caught by troll ing in the Santlam, Dr. D. G. jQlle and A, M. Reeves, having hooked 60 beau ties averaging better than a pound. Portland Railway, -Light A Power company was granted a franchise by the city of Sandy, Or. Fred Tlmmerman, old time boatman of Coos Bay, died at Marshfleld. Wireless telegraph recalled three Chinese youths from the liner Man churia to ' the steamer Nile, to San Francisco, after the boys had been de ported by mistake and were on their way to China. The Washington fish bill may fall for the lack of 408 signatures because of a mixup en measures. ' - The late Christopher . C Gose, ex president of the Washington 8tate Bar association and formerly Republican national ' committeeman, was honored by memorial services at Walla Walla,. . A. G. Peirlet, a farmer living near Redding, Cal.. was killed . by a rail road train soon after he had taken out a $5000 accident policy In favor of his wife. - ' George Mantzuraln. University of California student got. word that his mother, three sisters and a brother were killed by Turks at Aivally, Asia Minor. ' ' - Michael Coffey, former supervisor-of San Francisco who was Involved in the graft scandal of the Ruef regime, died there of heart disease. Kermlt Roosevelt and bride and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth arrived on the liner ,Imperator at New York from Enrope.- " , . , ' -"v -' George A. Farran, - or Vancouver, Wash., claims he has a bantam rooster which . has taken over the care of brood of chickens. Fred Matthles was elected mayor of Pomery. Wash., for the fourth - tenn. the Socialist party, which made Its first appearance, polling 14 per cnt of . the total vote.: - Superior Judge . E. B. Preble, Of Yakima, Wash., is a candidate, for the Democratic nomination tor Justice of th state suDreme court : Georre F.-Ausun, Of tne- unira SUtes crulsef West Virginia shot and oerhaDS fatally wounded Alice Wallace and killed , himself at Los. Anseies, lealousr belns the cause. - V-hurcnes ai la uranae nave a-umi to call Evangelist Dr. Buigm iu con duct a series of meetings because -vt financial conditions or tne present. Prohibition forces lost their ngnt tor the insertion of a plank for the submission of the liquor question to a vote of the people in. the Iowa state convention. : ' ) - ' Grand lodge of Elks in session in Denver refused to sanction the publi cation ot a National Elks' Journal and adopted a resolution extending the g:l will of the order to Union and Con federate 'veterans of the Crvll war. i Mrs. Laura Cook Corey, former wlf of the ex-president of the United States steel corporation, married Glenn JULY 19. 1914. Duckworth, wealthy music dealer of New York. , Colonel Roosevelt terms District At torney Whitman of New York "either a hopelessly timid weakling or a tool of Boss Barnes." . Nancy Carpenter, aged 2. niece of Senator Dupont ' of Delaware, was drowned in a shallow pool on the estate oz ner wealthy uncle near Philadelphia. She was heiress to millions. The 1915 convention of the Inter national Federation of Commercial Travelers will be held at San Fran cisco? - - . .- Billy Baxter, veteran minstrel ma 1 who had appeared before royalty as a banjo player, died at Chicago. t . Richard Croker is said to be ban ning to return from Ireland to New York to oust Tammany Boss Charles F. Murphy. , " A man. believed to be. Frank Mc- Hugh was found wandering on the railroad track at La Porte, Ind. A. Paul, painter' employed on tho North, Bank bridge over the. Columbia nver, fell - into, the water and was drowned. Odd Fellows lodge No' z87. of Cath- lamet, WmL, entertained Cowlitz lodge No. 66, of Kelso, river excursion being feature. r E. F.'Shafsr was Jellied by a bead- light hurled in the wreck of the ill fated engine No. 14, of the Tacoma Eastern which occurred at Tacoma. Registrations In California alve Re publicans lead with total of 378,087, Democrats being second and Progres sives third. - Women of San Francisco will start soon a Democratic newspaper of which Miss Mary Falrbrother will be managing-editor. . - . Board of supervisors of San Fran clsco Is considering resolution permit uns oanuBg in restaurants ana cares outside Barbery-coast aaouni Lassen. -jaurornia emitted a big volume of smoke followed by an explosion similar to that accompanying previous eruptions. , , t - Mrs. Patrick Allen .asked the San Francisco police to search tor her hus band, a wireless operator, who is said to be missing. v Monmouth Training school pupils are marketing early vegetables grown in their, scnoo! garden contest - Students at the Monmouth Normal school will give a Series of entertain ments boosting : respective localities from which they come. John Gardner Reals, founder of the New York Newspaper Union and for merly part owner of the Postoa Post died of heart failure at Boston, aged 79. - - " '.;-: . . -' - Cloudburst In Raleigh. N. C, caused damage of $10,000 and several streets were Inundated. -. - vCoal barges went" down with their cargo In a heavy, wind and rain .storm at Lobdell, ; says a New Orleans re port' Damage $160,000. - . Placer gold was found on the farm of W. C Inman, 1$ miles east of Eu gene following a search after nuggets had been discovered In ducks gizzards. Natalie Clke. laborer on the Wil lamette-Pacific road, was killed by a work train. - Heavy rain storm visited Port Al len, Le 9.28 inches' of rain falling in a few hours. Roosevelt paid his customary weekly visit to the Progressive headquarters at New York. The Kansas City suffrage school opened .with 85 women In attendance, question of how best to win votes for women being discussed. The new home of the Elks at Nevada City, CaL, valued at $50,000 was de stroyed by fire. P. G. Wells, veteran of the Civil war. who had lived In Oregon 24 years, died at Oregon City. W. A, Moorehouse, a wealthy motor ist of Los Angeles, passed through Eu gene on bis tenth transcontinental tour. - The residence of George W. Critts, of Newberg. was destroyed by fire. . W. E. Lankln, of Eugene. Is testing at Aivadore, Or an automatically bal anced aeroplane. -A new rustle arch has been erected er the entrance to Crater Lake na tional park by Supervisor Erlckson. More than 800 people are at Crater Lake National park now. compared te less.than 100 at the Asant camp last year at this time. ; - - Small riot occurred at the baseball game at Baker, Or., when Second Base man French attacked Pitcher Schroe der, of Pendleton team, with a baU - W, E. Brown, of Sclo. sustained a broken nose when hit by a baseball at a game there. Robert Phlpps died at his home near DlUard. Douglas county, aged 7i. rsillnetters ai xne mourn . vum ww- lumbla made good catches, some get-4 tine (00 to 600 pounos to ine noa-u Peter's Abdication : Has Romantic Side Oosslp Says Prinee Alexander Xopes s Xing to rind Vrlda Tha Xeets All Soyal Beqnlrements. Belgrade. July 18. King Peter's vir tual surrender of his throne to Crown Prince Alexander has a romantlo side. Prince Alexander Is in his twenty sixth year and unmarried and It Is Im perative that he find a bride. He soughV the band of a daughter of the Czar In the course of bis visit to Rus BEER MADE AT HOME ANYONE CAN NOW MAKE BEER AT HOME AT ONE CENT A GLASS - . Cincinnati, O. July 19. By a new method of concentration a brewer of this city has discovered a process whereby real beer can now be fura Ished In . a concentrated form. .. He tarnishes the barley malt, hops and other necessary Ingredients In a eon centrated form so that by only the ad dition of water and a little sugar a sparkling foaming glass ot beer can be aulcklv prepared. It is said that this beer is .' far superior to the regular brewery beer and thousands are al ready making their own beer' at home. Mr.- A. S. Sbuh of 626 Sycamore St Cincinnati. O., has Written a very In teresting booklet giving full informa tion about his process which he will mail with' free trial offer to anyone sending him their name and address. sia a few months ago and . failed. Though he rajsned his goal as crown prince. It is possible that as king be may succeed. At any rate he would be able to make a more brilliant ma ten than he can now. - King Peter is nearly 7 and tar from well. He Is at the Cure of Vranja and It Is doubtful If he' will occupy tho throne again. It cannot be denied that Kins Peter has never gained the affections of thl people. They have never warmed to him. not even after the victoriis of the recent wars. On the other han-l the crown prince has endeared hlmcelf to both people and army by his exploits in the Turkish and Buigatian cam paigns. No crown prince has ever been more popular than Prince Alexander at this moment . ROOSTER PICKS A PEARL Terre Haute, Ind.. July 18. When Madeline Tomlir.son placed a pet rook- ter on her shoulder, pretending to take it away to tease its' youthful owner, the rooster picked a pearl pen dant from its fastening in her ear anJ swallowed It Rooster's owner refuses to have- It filled that the pearl may be recovered. Journal Want Ads bring results. SORE ERUPTION ALL V Started with Blisters. Itched .So Could Not Sleep. Used Cuticura, Soap arid Ointment In Three Weeks Was All Healed. Route to. 3. Bos T. IOtJ rmUm. Mia. "Our little boy was taken km wiea a fever and after the fever be broke out with a sore erupt! 00 all over his. body. We could get aotb tag to help him. The sores were large : and red - and bioMicg. ; They" started with blisters as if be were . burned and when they broke -they wo-ilil bleed and hey Itched so that he could so ' steep for- some time. We had him all tied up Kith bandages and then we had to soak taem off every da r r ."" v . ' "We bought a cake of Cmlciira Soap and a box oN2utlcura Ointment wbicli soon gave -a. . .a.e . . wash fcim with and used tho Ointment ' afterwards and In about two weeks be was ' able to it up. ' Now be is as well as can be for la three -reeks ho wm an healed by the Cutlcura Ro&p,and Ointment' 8l;ned) -George Wolter. Jan. ft, 1914. ', v : . aampies r rce oy xiau ., a For red. rough. Chapped and bleeding : hands, itching, bornlag palms, and painful -fmger-ends with sbapelei nails, a one-night Cutlmra tyrafment works wonders. , Soak hands, on retiring. In hot water and Cuticnra Soap. -Dry. anoint with Cutlcura Ointment and wear soft bandares or old. loose gioree ' during the night - Although Cntteura Soap t25c.y and Cutlcura Ointment (50c.) are sold by drugglsu and dealers everywhere, a sample of each with 32-h Skin Book will ' be sent free upon request. Address pott card: "Cutlcura, Dept. T, Boston." OVER CHILD'S BOD i t