The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 19, 1914, Page 29, Image 29

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    ; fc ' - 'V THE OREGOji - ' -; - ' ; . - . . , V ' --"
. ' 0 TOT Tl
Tlhi&t Is Miglity G.piay Glearaiice
..II . I . . mmTW ' ' . '-. -'TL v 4a. " : . W -"--k: N- . . - I 1 I id-, m. M da. V .df-fc Lk I I I J h . . .
n to
n TT A TI ' A A Tl O A
Big Trust Able to Sqeeze the
Last Dollar Out of Buyers
of Gems,
Distributing1 Compmy, Ooa troll d fcy
MB la Syndicnt., 1Uh Prlc.a
and TiIbl Supply.
London July 18. Th diamond
buyer lighted another cigarette.
"I came on from New York to buy
diamonds," aaid he, "because the
price of diamond iq to be increased
In the near future. . I wanted to lay
In a supply before the tariff Is
boosted." s
"Why Is the price of'diamonds to be
Increased K was the very natural
"I don't know," said he. "None of
Us knows. We are in the hands of the
greatest trust the world has ever
known great from the point of view
of entire efficiency, that Is. We never
have to bother our heads about busi
ness conditions. The De Beers syn
dicate does all our thinking fbr us,
All we know is that the value of cer
tain grades of diamonds has Increased
S00 per cent In . the last few j years;
that the value of all grades has in
creased proportionately, and that val
ues are to be sent a bit higher. So
we are buying."
The syndicate keeps Its secrets. No
one really knows what the annual out
put is. or what part of that output Is
held In reserve. On the whole, buyers
are Inclined to think that the De Beers
people are simply to' give the money
press another twist. Ladles will have
diamonds men must pay for them -and
they alone have diamonds to sell.
Therefore, there Is a quiet flocking
of diamond buyers, first to London,
.and later to Antwerp and New, Am
sterdam. And they are all buying.
The Strongest Trust.
There -are other trusts, of course,
but no trust ever approached the dia
mond trust in Us skill' in getting sthe
last penny out of a pound. The world's
supply of raw gems is controlled by
the De Beers syndicate, through Its
ownership of the South African fields.
One can't even find a diamond In the
Cape fields on his own property now
adays and escape turning It over to
the De Beers syndicate. Illicit dia
mond buying is punishable with a lonjf
term of imprisonment, and there is a
Jt. i g&n3LJ&!il2Bona hav
ing uncut gems in their possession."
The principal men in the De Beers
syndicate organised the London dis
tributing company.- Through It they
get another profit In marketing the
gems. Independent action on the part
of the diamond buyers is impossible.
They take what they are given or do
"And one soon learns not to be too
Independent." said the buyer. "One's
livelihood depends on subserviency."
Although the best gems are now cut
In New York which is apt to surprtsa
the person who has always thought
that diamond cutting was done al
most exclusively in the Belgian citiefi
the world's supply, of diamonds Is
marketed In Antwerp and New Am
sterdam. There hundreds of cutters
do business. They are registered with
the trust's offices, according to the
grade of gems they handle. One man.
for example, may deal In only per
fect gems for the most extravagant
trade. Another may specialize in
the flashy yellow ' diamonds that are
principally sold In Latin countries.
A third may buy those wierd but lu
minous sparklers that rich Turks like
to have set in horses' bridles. From
time to time certain -ot these cutters
are informed that on a certain day
they will be given a "sight."
Getting a Sight.
1 "On that day," said the buyer, "the
cutters invited repair to' the offices of
the trust. The man with "first sight
goes alone into a room in which is a
table, the top covered with uncut dia
monds. Each looks mostly Ijke a lump
of gum arable. He has been Informed
in advance as to the number of gems.
their quality, so far as that can be
ascertained, and the price. His
'sight' is merely to give him the op
portunlty to Inform himself as to their
average size. He it usually allowed
about five minutes. If by that time
he has not mads up his mind he is
turned out and the man with 'sec
ond sight is ushered In. An average
lot of diamonds will be priced at about
1160,000. The most valuable lot ever
sold to my knowledge ran to $376,000.
The buyer made up bis mind on them
in two minutes.
Convicted Traitor
Sued for Divorce
Wife of Soldier One , Sentenced to
Death in ralllpplaes for Seserttng
to Agulaalda Asks Separation,
Atlantic City. July 11- Michael H.
Robinson, a soldier who deserted to
Agulnaldo during the Philippine lnsur
rectlon, and who was captured, eon
vtcted, and sentenced to death. but
whose .penalty was commuted to life
imprisonment by President Roosevelt
and subsequently reduced to five years.
t'gnred as. an absent defendant when
the divorce action of Mrs. Elisabeth
KoMnson was: started before Allen B.
I nrllcott, special master, here. Rob
inson is said to be living in Arizona.
Copies of records of the war depart
ment were produced In court t prove,
that Robinson was a traitor. ' "
The plaintiff testified that she had
not seen her husband since prior to
the Spanish-American war, when : he
enlisted in Washington by- represent
ing nimseif as a single man.
New Vnrlc Jiilv 1 TV r TXT XP1
worth is going to make his home on
the fortieth floor of hi gTeat office
Strurtlira hl)i I m K 1 atn.a kl.k
Bltusted 700 feet above the sidewalk!
An Interesting Display of Richard Hudniit's New
Perfumes and Toilet Preparations , ,
is now ready for your impectun It err arc rnany new odors in perfumes and
toilet waters, also new rouges and powders. Rose of Omar is one of these ex
quisite new odors. Toilet water, 75c and $1.40; sachet, $1.00 ounce; perfume,
$1.00 and $3.50 bottle, in bulk, $2.00 an ounce; violet sec bath salts, 75c and $1.40
bottle, and toilet water, 75c and $1.40 bottle.
-A sample of violet tec toilet water, marvelous cold cream and
violet tec soap given with each purchase. First Floor
CJ MerchaneJiao of cMe
Marii Only'
A PerfectRainbow of $3.95 Auto Veils $ 1 .95
They are made of the finest quality chiffon cloth, toft and silky,
finished with hemstitched or silk borders. Also of crepe finish
chiffon with silk border. The colors are green, light blue, charn
pagne, tan, leather, brown, royal, navy, white, pink, cream and
beautiful ombre colorings in blues, rose, green, brown and cor
dinal. They are 2 and 2x yards long and a yard wide, lit Floor
The Climax in Retailing Is Attained
An Unparalleled Selling Event
Choice of ( Any Suit in the
Selling From $25.00 to $65.00
Monday $15.00
Suits of Silks, Serges, Worsteds and Linens
We cannot possibly hope to give you in print a fair impression of these
suits. All we can give you is a few important facts thus
Every suit is new and every suit represents a reproduction of the season's
best models, both imported and American Every suit is perfectly tailored
No Suits Will Be Sent C. O. D. No Mail Orders or Ap
probation Orders Filled. Third Floor
Dainty Cotton Dress Fabrics
At Specially Low Prices
An Exceptionally Large Assortment of
40c Printed Crepes at 25c -
These crepes represent Jhe,Jicstdej.igns-Jnr inr
troduced this season. They show a white ground over which
are scattered daintily, colored floral designs and make charm
ing dresses and waists. t
50c Printed Frenqh Crepes 35c
A ' wonderfully beautiful crepe weave showing colored
floral patterns in blue, pink, lavender, rose and other desirable
shades. 36 inches wide.
50c Plaid Crepe Suiting 25c
36 inches wide broken plaids in dark effects, combining
various beautiful and harmonious shades. . This material
makes ideal one-piece dresses and two-piece suits.
An Introductory Sale of the Famous
"Juvenile Cloth" at 20c Yard
Which Sells Regularly at 25c the Yard
We have, been appointed exclusive agents in Portland for the cele
brated English juvenile cloth, and in order to introduce this wonder
ful cotton fabric to the women of Portland, we have reduced it to 20c
a yard, which is the lowest price at which this cloth' has been sold in
any city in America.
It is 32 inches wide and is shown in staple and fancy stripes, checks,
as well as. solid color.
TIt is a material that is especially suited for boys and girls' suits
and dresses and" for women's dresses. It washes perfectly and comes,
in all fast colors. Basement
Austrian China Cups and Saucers
Clearance 8c Each
At any other time you
would pay at least 15c for
these cups and saucers. They
are of clear white Austrian
china, modeled in ovoid
'shape, with strong handle.
Many people use them for
hand decorating purposes,
and for the family, who con
templates an outing' nothing
could be more suitable or in
expensive. At this little price even the
large supply we .have cannot
last long, so we advise an
early purchase. Sixth Floor
Our Annual Summer Sale
. Offering Short and 16-Button Lengths
In Four Special Groups
Clearance 68c, 85c, 79c and $1.29
$1.50 1 6-BUTTON -LENGTH, $1.29
rPure silk heavy Milanese gloves in four-thread weave.
Full line of sizes in black and white.
$1.25 16-BUTTON-LENGTH, 85c
Milanese silk gloves of a splendid quality, having double
tipped fingers. In white only. Size 5 to S.
$1.00 16-BUTTON-LENGTH, 79c
Pure, silk gloves, double tipped, shown in black, white
and gray shades.
Heavy Milanese silk gloves with double-tipped fingers.
With plain and embroidered backs. In black, white, tan,
gray, pongee and all the fashionable colors. First Floor
Fine Undermuslins in the Clearance Sale
at a Reduction of One-Third
Gowns, Combinations, Corset Covers, Drawers
THE GOWNS are made in slipover style with kimono or
set-in sleeves, with embroidery and lace trimmings, set in me
dallions and ribbons. V and square-neck styles.
Regular. ..$1.00, $1.50, $2.75 and $3.50 .
Clearance 67c, $1 .00, $1.85 and $2.35
"Also Crepe Gowns in open-front styles with long or short
sleeves. Clearance, 90c and $1.17, which were $1.35 and $1.75.
DRAWERS of fine muslin or nainsook in open style, in nar
row cut or ruffle of embroidery trimmed. Also trimmings of
tuckings, laces, 'embroidery and insertion with ribbon bows.
Regular.... 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.35' and $1.75
Clearance 35c, 50c, 59c, 67c, 90c and $1.17
COMBINATION SUITS in Princess and walsted styles, at
tractively trimmed with laces, embroideries, .ribbons and tuck
ings. Regular.. $1.50, $1.65, $1.75, $2.50, $3.00 to $5.00
Clearance $1.00, $1.10, $1.17, $1.69, $2.00 to $3.65
Also crepe combinations in waisted style and narrow cut
drawers finished with embroidery or lace. Very special, $1.00,
for regular $1.50 suits.
CREPE CORSET COVERS are made of fine plisso crepe
with trimmings of fine insertion and lace or embroidery and
torchon lace combined. All ribbon drawn. Regular 50c, 75c and
$1.00. Clearance, 35c, 50c and 67c.
Another Special Group of Undermuslins at
This lot consists of gowns, combination suits, skirts, drawers
and corset covers made of a good quality nainsook and cut
on lines that conform to the present-day modes.
T-Effectively trimmed with laces, embroideries, tuckings, rib
bons and insertions. Also some new Princess slips.
Selling regularly at 75c, $1.10, $2.25 to $5.50
Clearance..". ..... M 25c, 39c, 75c to $1.85
7ourUi TKxxr.
Regular $4.50 .
Silk Jersey
Made with . elastic band
top and deep knife-plaited
silk messaline flounce.
In black, emerald, Copen
hagen, mahogany, wisteria
nile green,' maize and royal.
9 Third Tloor
Final Reductions on Women's
Spring and Summer Coats
Selling as High as $40 Each
July Clearance $9.95
This is the month in which we prepare for a new season's
business nothing of one season must be left when Autumn
is ushered in hence this radical reduction on these fashion
able and beautiful coats.
Coats for all purposes of Taffeta Silks, Moire Silks, Ben
galines and wool poplins in every popular shade, as well as
dark blue and black.
They represent the smartest styles in plain tailored, semi
tailored and trimmed models.
Such coats as these will give you good service as well as a
fashionable appearance for many months to come.
Third Tloor.
The New Satin Hats at $1.95
A Group of Exceptionally Good Offerings in
for Monday Only
These gray switches and transformations were selected with the
special point in view of catering to the coiffure needs of women
whose hair is thin. There are switches and transformations of purest
white to the kind that match the woman's hair just beginning to gray.
And most interesting are the economies the prices reflect.
Regularly $2.95 to $3.95. .. . .
Regularly $3.95 to $4.95. . .
, Regularly $5.95 to $6.95 . . .
Regularly $7.95 to $8.95.:.
Regularly $1J95 to $2S5 . . v. . . . . . . . tomorrow at $1.45
Regularly $5.95 to $7Ji5.-. . '. .. . ..tomorrow at $4.45
Mail orders filled. Perfect match assured.
Second CToor
. . : :tqmorrhw at $1.95
. . .tomorrow at $2.95
. . . tomorrow at $3.95
: . tomorrow at $5.95
Continuing the Annual Sale of
For Men, Women and Children
Shoes in styles which cannot be duplicated again at these
clearance prices. "Lipman, Wolfe & Co." stamped on every
shoe is sufficient warrant for their worthiness of style
and leather.
In the women's section you will find all low Summer
shoes bearing a reduction of 20 to 50 per cent.
And the men's and boys' shoes as well as the children's
shoes are as radically reduced.
White Nubuck arid Dull Calf Pumps $1.95
Selling Up to $4.00 Pair . j
Women's $6.00 Pumps for $2.95
Black Sjatin, Gray and Brown Suede Pumps With Light
Welt Soles and Cuban Heels
$5.00 Colonial Pumps $3.95
Women's patent and dull calf Colonials with buckles on vamp,
plain toe models, Cuban and , Louis heels. ,
Novelty Pumps Selling to $6.50 for $4.95
Women's novelties in Colonial pumps with gray and fawn cloth
or buck quarters, and also black silk vesting quarters, all with
Louis heels. ;' ":- v . .
Women's $8.00 Colonials for $5.95
Women's bench-made Colonials and pumps of imported patent
calf or demi-calf, plain custom last. ; Basement
The opportunity to buy the
newest and most fashionable
satin hats at such an attractive
price proves another of the mar
velous millinery feats for which
Lipman-Wolfe is noted.
The latest shapes in these
smartest of tailored hats in
small sailor shapes can be had
in all white, all black or a com
bination of black and white.
They have quare and slanting
crowns or soft full crowns.
Many have tailored bands,
and others require but a dash
of trimming to complete them.
Second Tloor.
Think of It!
A Fitted WalrusBag
for $9.75
Always Sold for $13.00
An opportunity like this comes
but once, and the men and women
who purchase one of these bags
will indeed be fortunate.
The bags are made of genuine
black walrus, and have heavy steel
frames, built for much wear. They
have stitched ends and corners,
brass catches and locks and are
leather lined. And esch bag is
fitted with a hair brush, clothes
brush having good bristles, a comb,
tooth brush holder, soap dish,
smelling salts bottle and an extra
bottle for whatever you may with
to use it. The bottles art of clear
crystal with bright nickel tops.
All fittings are contained in a
leather strap case, which may be
removed if desired. Basement
Victor and Columbia Talking Machines
A Woman May Not Sacrifice Comfort for Style
If one Wears One of These Summer
Model W. B. Corsets
$3.50 W. B. CorsetSpecial $2.29
Fashioned on the newest straight lines, of striped coutiL with medium
bust and long hips and back. This model has elastic lacing in front to
give ease in sitting. Embroidery finishes the, top. . Three pairs heavy
hose supporters attached. A very good model for the average figure.
Sues 19 to 30.
$3.00 W. B. Corset, Special $1.95
Made of good quality of soft coutil in a weight not too heavy for Sunv
mer wear. Has medium low bust and is medium long over hips and
back; suitable for the average figure. Embroidery trimmed and three
pairs serviceable supporters attached. Sizes 19 to 27..
$1 .75 W.B. Corset, Special $1.19
An excellent corset for comfort, as it is lightly boned. Made of soft
coutiL and has very low bust with the new supporting back, extremely
- long over the hipfi and back. Neatly finished with embroidery at top.
This is a model that can be worn by all figures. ' Sizes 19 to 30.
' ' ' , , Fourth Floor
Cook With .
Electricity :
Hughes electric cooking
ranges and American Beau
ty cooking electric devices
are now being demonstrated
in our new electric depart
ment on the Sixth Floor. -
Mrs.-Madison will glad
ly explain and demon
strate the ' many advan
tages of these electric
cookers. Sixth Floor
- See the Newly '.
Special StyW . for
r Vacation Time.;
Pictorial Review v
Uoosd Hoot.
me wool worth apartment will have an
uuuiwiructea view or au tne city..