THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 19, 1914. 5 HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 Contlattd.) WANTKDUdy from SO to 40 to take . complete charge under owner's In struction of a notion store in coast town 160 miles from Portland; state experience,, waxes wanted, etc, first letter. HXf-899. Journal, AN intelligent person may . earn 1100 monthly corresponding for newspa pers. No 'canvassing, i (Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 707 Lock port. N. Y.1 . MAKE big money writing moving picture plays. Plays revised and sold on commission in 14 studios here. No correspondence course. Photoplay Bu rnu, Box 336 "C." Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED 1- GIRLS FOR CHORUS company; experience not necessary. Apply Lyric theatre 1 to 4 p. m. Call lor Mr. Armstrong. WANTED "Experienced young girl for housework, plain family cooking. Very best wages. Apply Monday morn. lng. Takei W car to 1129 Thurman st. FAMILY Rivera wants cook, Nor ' wiegan girl preferred. Some house work; keeps maid. Good wages, phone B3226. LADIES Make $5 to $15 weekly doing a new line of. fancy work at home. Apply 475 Morrison St.. hetwVen 9 and S lit, Li' WANTED SIALIC FEMALE 29 16,000 GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men and women. $65 to $150 month. Write fur list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 350-O. Rochester, N. Y OKKUUN Bsrber College Now is tne. time to Warn the barber trade; po sition guaranteed; paid while learn ing; tools free. 233 Madison St. MoLEK bAHblDK COLLEGE leacnes trade ln weeks, pays while learn-i- K. gives lst-class set of tools; write for free catalogue. B. 48 N. 2d St. F1SK Teachers' Agency secures posl tlons tor teachers. 818 Journal bldg. WHEN you answer these Waut Ads. mention The Journal. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS The biggest money makej out in years. Concentrated beer ex tract. Makes real beer by. adding water not near-beer. Pocket samples. Enormous demand, large sales, long profits. Don't delay. Send postal to day. The Ambrew Co., Dept. 1631, Inclnnatl,- Ohio, AGENTS A whirlwind seller for sum mer weather. Concentrated son drinks 7 kinds orangeade, raspber ry, grape. ' etc. Amazing sales, won derful profits. Oet it while it's new Write quick. American Products Co., 2502 Sycamore St.. Cincinnati, onio. 400 profit. Evergrlp Gliding casters Mn rollnrs. Pocket samples lTCf. Anyone can attach In one mlnupf Cost 2r sell 16c. Homes buy dozens, hotels hundreds. Save floors and carpets. Best agents' article ever invented. Dept. 168, 8. Mfg. Co.. Warren St.. N. "V WE start you in. business, furnishing everything; men and women, $30 to $200 weekly operating our "New Sys tem Specialty Candy Factories," home. mi vwhern: no canvassing. Oppdrtuni ty lifetime Booklet free. Ragsdalo Co.. Box 7., East Orange. N. J USE your spare time to build up a mall order business or your own. ve help you start for a share in profits; 27 opportunities; particulars free Mutual Opportunities Jt,xcnange, Buffalo. N. Y. very town; pest seuing household article:- start at once; largo demand for goods; $25 to $60 a week; success assured: investigate to day. Western Mfg. Co., iiZ W. 5th, Aberdeen, Wash. .. AilKNTS Salary or commission Greatest seller vet. Every user pen and Ink buys on sight. 200 to BOO per cent profit. One agent's sales $620 in days; another $3i in two hours. Mon roe Mfg. Co., X244 La Crowne, Wis. RESPONSIBLE manufacturer desires placing valuable agenry, quick re peater. "Permanent Income, baslness builder, easy, no- competition, protect ed territory guaranteed. Feriection Co.. 17 W. 4 2d, N. Y. . AGENTS make 600 per cent profit M.lHntr "Noveltv H en Cnrds. Mer chants buy 10 to 100 on sight. 800 va rieties. Catalogue Free. Sullivan Co., ES34 V'gn Burenst..Chicago,Ill, k AO K NTH "wanted for new, high grade specialty, the Kitty-Kit. Easily car ried. Easily demonstrated. Big mar gin of profit. Particulars free. Dates inau -Specialty Co.. Douglas, Wyo. SOLICITOR lor fine paying brand new advertising proposition; Btlll terri tory in Oregon and Washington but hurry, small deposit. Home Town Pub lletly Bureau, Payette. Iilaho. HUSTLING man - umler u0. each lo cality. Introduce our memberships. $5 to'$&00 monthly. The 1-L-U, 2Jiti. ( 'ovlngton., Kv. WANT count v managers, concentrated whisky and beer extracts; exclusive territory to agents. 224 Burnside St., t'ortland. MAKE YOUR OWN ItEKH, WH16K.I, At home. Simple, easy. Any territory. Amber Trust Agency. Box 1176. Port land. LOCAL agent wanted. Good commis sion. Maurlne Co., 614 Abington bldg. Call after 2 p. m. AN experienced shirt press girl. Ap ply Crystal Laundry. E. 21st and Sunny road. AGENTS Make big money selling household necessity." ' Call or write 273 Hawthorne, Portland, or. WHEN yo"J answer these Wane Ads, mention The Journal. SITUATIONS MALE WANTED Work, lots to mow of weeds, etc.. $1 to $2 each. Phone Tbor 2633. , EXCHANGE carpenter work or paint ing for automobile, motorcycle or launch. Phono Columbia 142. GARDENER and caretaker wishes sit- ii.titm nrlvuTH fumltv. heKt of ref. crences. Address Gardener, 251 10th st PRIVATE party with good small auto delivery truck wants 'work. All or part time. H-9U7, Journal. WANTED, Job as watchman or Janitor; will work reasonable. Lewis cass. odd Fellows home. PAINTING, paper hanging, tinting, or calsomlnlng done cheap. Phone East 6089. Mr. Haggin, 406 Vancouver ave. EXPERIENCED Janitor, colored, wants . tovwork mornings or evenings; city reference Mar. zz. PHONE Main 1004 or Tabor 4602 for door or window frames, inside cab inet work, etc. EXPERIENCED butter maker wants position with first class creamery. f-9. journal. PAINTER, rood all round hand, mar- ried, wants work, $3 per day; good references. Z-873. Journal. RESOURCEFUL, competent editor-reporter wants poaitlon in live country town: references. X-998. Journal. MARRIED man. wants Janitor work or porter. Can do tinting, painting, lawn. A-1675, room. 8. MAN. 40. handy with tools, quick, sober, wants work. Main 488. room 60. GARDENER, competent, desires posi- tlon flowers. vegetables, lawns. B- 133. Journal. YOUNG ' boy, 17 years, wants steady work on farm. Good home and small wages. Main 717, A-1517. iw; LI A RLE man, wants gardening, Janitor, or situation any kind, small wages, v-biy, journal. WAiw'ED Poaitlon as Janitor or porter; experienced; references. Ta bor 2492. - WANTED Employment Dy good of fice men, bookeepers, stenographers, tc.; moderate salary. Tabor 2492. wanted -work by teamster Main, 7658. experienced EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work. References. Main 717. -! BOOKKEEPER and stenographer (male) wants work. Tabor Z49Z. Work wanted cleaning houses or gen- erai repair work, jviam BOY. age 15. wants work of any -kind. Phone Tabor 4S08. YOl'.N'G man wants work as driver or teamster. Woodlawn 826. POSITION in grenhoue Practical inun Caron, 687 E. t:th N. 3 WELL educated, capable young man, experienced in building and construc tion: good draftsman, quick at figures and general all around office work. In strument man or inspector in field. Steady and Industrious. Wants posi tion with contractor or architect. Wages no object. B. O. R., 168 N. 18th St.. Portland. - YOUNG married man, one child, good habits, experienced dairyman farm er, rood drv hand milker, from Wis consin recently, would like to corres pond with dairyman neeainr gooa man any time after August 1. , 114. J..R. Jennings, Puyallup, Wash. R. F. D. wo Box az. EXPERIENCED cost keeper and ays- temlzer. seeks position with manu facturer, in mechanical lines preferred. Junior member of American Society of M. E. Will go anywhere. F-74. Journal. - YOUNG man, piano player. Wants work Saturdays .Sundays and eve nings. Have also had experience In general office work; will accept any thing. T-161, Journal STATIONARY engineer who lives in city, well experienced and can fur nish good references, wants work. V- 655. Journal. x'OUNG man of pleasing address, thor oughly steady and trustworthy de sires collecting; . has had experience and success. Phone East 6580. RELIABLE boy. 16, wants any kind work. Experiences several ainas 01 work. Can give city reference. Call Tabor 953. MIDDLE-AGED man wants any kind of steady work. Has experience as carpenter, but would take anything. Main 717, A-15I7, MAN wants work at housecleaning. gardening or any odd jobs. Main 717. A-1617. CLEAR Portland lots to trade for tim ber. 603 Dekum bldg. J. SITUATIONS FEMALE WIDOW, with son 13 years, desires position as housekeeper in widower a or bachelor's home, either in Or out of city. H-912, Journal. WIDOW unencumbered, from east. good cook, neat housekeeper, wishes position In widower's family; can give references. Main 9208. AN elderly lady would like position In small family, no children, no washing. Address Mrs. S. A. Re tall ac, 24u 6th st.. city. WIDOV, with two small children expert washing, ironing, fancy waiats, lingerie, silks; no other ln come. 409, E 32, Cor. Grant. COMPETENT woman wants any kind . of cleaning or laundry work by the hour. Main 717. A-1517. 4 NEAT, reliable woman wants house cleaning or laundry work. Tabor 4251. RELIABLE lady 80, wants light house work, good home, medium wages. H-911, journal. LADY wants to take care of children 1040 Francis ave.. Phone Seilwood 2039. MUST have work, young man with family to support; good in grocery. Phone 'bellwood 289. WOMAN wants work of any . Kind in cjty. Call 282 4th St., room 2, up stairs. EX PERIENCED Swedish chambermaid. Phone A-1790. Call In morning be fore 10, afternoons, 2 to 5. WANTED Day work. Can furnish best city references. Mondays and Tuesdays. Phone Main 263. EAPER1 ENCED lady wishes em ployment in small confectionery or selling tickets. Phone East 1617. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes posi tion at beach as companion or house work. V-566, Journal. GOOD hand launderer wants bundle washing, or day work. Phone Tabor 4275. , WILL wash curtains at home and wash by hour. Main 9130. . RELIABLE lady, care of children. 20c an hour. Main 8193. WOMAN wants day Main 3159, room 6. work. Phone LACE curtains hand laundered. Phone Marshall 1486. ilOTHKRLT lady, wishes the care of children. $10 month. 3X3 5th st. WOMAN wants day work. Is neat and reliable. Main 717. WILL care for children day or night; responsipie person. c-azta. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work. Main 717, A-1517. DRESSMAKING 40 EXPERT dressmaking and make-overs. Get your school girl s sewing done at home, $2.50 per day. Will also teach sewing in or out of city. "Phone evenings, E. 1203 or bring your sew ing to 68 . 8th st. surroundings, good soil, water ana Aivr rations, children's work, tyi aay or nour; reduced prices. A-Z3.j. DRESSMAKER wants day engage ments at $2 per day. Phone Mar shall 6048. MAE MARTZ, modiste, for chic indi vidual styles. Suits, crowns, dresses. Phone Main 3933. 12th and Alder. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alter ations, repairing; reasonable; work guaranteed. 1180 E. Harrison. WANTED Dressmaking at home or by day, fnone Tabor 3135. FIRST class dressmaker by the aay or week. Call Woodlawn 1369. WHEN you answer these Waut Ads, mention The Journal. NURSES. tiO TRAINED nurse wants institution do. sition; matron, housekeeper, nurse; t country prererred; experienced; reter ences. Address Lock Box 709, Port land Postoffice. . PRACTICAL nurse, 20 years experi ence, best of references. Phone Ta bor 2874. PRACTICAL nurse with 8 years' ex perience wishes . maternity cases. Tabor 4474. FLRN1SLED ROOMS WEST SDJE HOTEL EATON. West Park and Morrison sts. Centrally located and affording every convenience for the comfort of its guests. Rooms single and en suite, with or without private bath. Modest prices with special rates by the week and month. HOTEL MADRAS. 12th and Washington. Steam heat hot and cold runninir water, nrivate and detached baths, free phones. Sin. sic aune z rooms, 93. YOUNG men may consult, witnout charge, register of ft listing several hundred rooms in all parts of city at Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor sts. B UCKINGHAM hotel. 20th and Wash ington sts., new, modern brick, clean outside rooms, quiet homelike; some with private baths, $2.60 week up.- THE ALBION HOTEL, zis 3d and fialmon. Rooms $1.75 week up. steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. YOUNG man, rooming at i. M. C. A.. wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire Y. M. C. A. HflTFl QAHM "I nth t manent and tran'st THE KING. 309 Jefferson, nicely fur. rooms, modern, central, $2 week up. ROOMS and apartments in modern ho- tei: ii-ow weca and up. 455 Alder. rroarxarcxD aooxs WT SXDB YBXVATll A88XGT 70 $1.50 PER week. Well furnished room, bath and phone. -773 Roosevelt st, near 2 3d st. car. $10 DESIRABLE furnished room in steam heated apartment walking distance. Main 7594. FURNISHED room for rent in private family. Call at 428 2d st TWO young men to take 2 large rooms. Fine view. 453 12th st A-5237. $1.60 week. 1 clean, light furnished room. 171 ISth st ONE very ,large, light sleeping room, - $1.60 per week. 392 Columbia st SITUATIONS -MALE (Contianeq.) : nnurasKZD noons ' WEST EDS 7S1TAX1 r J8XE.T 70 (Continued.) ROOMS, desirably clean and well ven- tllated. To persons of quiet moral tastes. Reasonable rent and home free- dom. Nearby location. 246 Broad- way: 10c morning refreshment if de- sired. . V. ' J 7 FURNISHED rooms with housekeeping bo? 84SS? emWed Xffi ladv Rrft Iio 448 Clav Cnri8Uan . V ' r- WANTED 1 or 2 gentlemen to share washower'&uL aerate St!' vrlw aeparate Deos. .au ; COOL, light, clean rooms; private fam- ily. Larea vard. Hot water. Walk- ing distance. 414 Market st. M. 5201. COMFORTABLY furnished rooms; phone, bath; prices to suit times. 5 xayior. ' AIRY room, private home, bath con nected, $3.60 weekly. Main 1300.H Z66 Broadway, near Jefferson. $1.60 WEEK A nicA room, thorough ly renovated, good location. 6 mm- utes' walk to business. Call Main WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. FL'liMSHED ROOMS EAST SIDE B2 FIVE furnished rooms, entire lower uoor or residence. Phone Wdln. 7J. 1 WJJ aWInlfBg XOVIU I EABT BIPB tlVATE P-KT LT 71 LARGE, nicely furnished room, suit- awe for 2 gentlemen. Short distance from Multnomah club and Citv park. Everything modern. Reasonable rent. 716 Wayne st, Apt. 3. Marshall 36J9. TWO neat and clean furnished rooms. one $6 and one $8 a month, with bath. 411 E. Pine, rear Grand ave. Tnrtw. i .i,-i i ,.o- I j. , V,'l, v"""", 1 FURNISHED 2 room suites. 10 E. 6th N. Prices reasonable. NICE furnished rooms, $1 a week. I5Z1 Knowler ave. Wdln. 2796. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 ONE large unfurnished room, free light, bath, water and phone. Main 9461. 171 13th st. TWO room suites, $5. $6; three room Tiat. 9. 188 Market. WHEN you answer these Want Ads., . mention rne Journal. ROOMS AND BOARD 10 CASA ROSA, 300 Jefferson, large airy rooms; excellent home cooking. FBI-ATS AMTT.Y BOOMS A2n B OAS' 78 I TWO gentlemen may secure homelike accommodations in a nrivate family. I borne cooking, nicely furnished room, use of piano and parlor, free telephone, very quiet location. 3 blocks from best car service in the city. Phone loaay. iaoor 4tta. PLEASANT room, good home cooking. sleeping tent, nice shady lawn, walk ing distance. All home comforts. All for $18 month. 525 Clay. EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant front rooms, with or without board; walk ing: distance; special summer rates. 311 11th. ifclRiSf class beard and room, right in town; prices reasonable. 350 Sal mon st. Marshall 3323. MOTHERLY woman, with good home, woum iiKe children to board. Mar Shall 4225. ROOM and board, close in, bath. pnone, gooa nome. &&4 n,. Madison and 13th st. Hawthorne car. ROOM and board $5 and $6 per week, iree pnone ana Datn. Ail nome privileges. 326 E. 1st st N. WANT 4 roomers and boarders, $5 per wee, wajxing distance. 6b . stn st.; Fhone E. 1203. Or nartlv furnished own nrlra 1 7 V. 3Rth cf w ' onnn .. k-h iC .... wm i vV-''oTSX "v' " " " .... tt inwi nr. aoBi 0,0". I 2 LARGE front rooms, home cooking. ooao- rtooney ave. ROOM and board with Scotch I a mil y, I home privileges. Ill 17th st. N. WHEN you answer these Want Art. I mention The Journal. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 3V GOOD home on farm for my bov. 12 years, help work for board and clothes. 145 3d St. J. Lidberg. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. I newly papered and painted; chean. I ic Jvi o fUKo m c r v . corner h mi rth " ' " ..... Cambridge bldg.. furnished H. K. rooms. I central, cheap. 165V4 3d., cor. Morfn! I OEM H K mam. CCSli i.. T HOTJSBK FXa BOOKS WEST BIDE PRIVATE X HCT 73 FRONT housekeeping suite:'- "phone. s"t.a tuiu luuiuiis gas lurnisnea. vo.uu ui n moiim. 31 Otn St or phone Main 3304. H. K., also sleeping tent, or rooms, $1.25, $2, $4 week; rates by month. Large lawn, laundry. 575 Couch, cor ner lain. 2 FURNISHED or unfurnished houBe- neeping- apts., very desirable, bath, gas and laundry; no children. 821 jveny at., . car to Whltaker. FOUR furnished housekeping rooms, electric llerht water, fuel and nhnni nice large yard, $23. 19th and Kear-1 "gy at. juar. oi as. TWO finely furnished rvoms in lovely private home All modern con- .wucuijs. opienaia location. Jrterer-1 ences. journal. 0t . 385 MILL, near W. Park. 2 nicely fUrniSherl h. W mom a In Va.I. nfn. $12 Main'ifiaT1 1118 dlSt&nce- PriCe I p.V r-T i ROOM suite llllht housekeeninir rnrtme I. . w.i.. , . . . I dren 405 W P k t'iK? CDU TaVll tvJtu u !' Maln,4582' 168 TENTH Handsome large front -ifi11, Hght 8ide r0oms' "fte or ,-t : uui iiiu nnjunia, sweet, clean Sn?yhm8- 669 cllfton Bt-1 also 7 room house. FURNISHED hoilRAkfpninff mrm a $3CweeknS sha?lhBR20 thanl?d9,1,one; V . ... Marsha11 552- 403 2d. ,. if. clean front first floor; gas. iiguiB. Daui. pnone iree; yard, porcn. laundry; cheap. 429 Market 472 Main 'Suite or single housekeeping slepinporch1, ClCan' W"h r WUhUt ivm it n.i , . ir, , , " , cc""s w"i, wniieitjall lus rZ. V4th St. N, TWO H- K. rooms en suite or single. and airy Water M 6174 175 N ifth i7T Xr' 7 , M 6174 175 N. 17th. NEWLY furnished housekeeping 24lS'!n"ore6the'k; translent- 60c- r uiu'ionjiu uuuoencoyuig ana single iwrasi you inane tne price. 404 r'arK. COOL, clean, h. k. room, complete, $10 . -moiiz rooms, z Deas, it. Choice lo- canty. snort wain. Z93 loth. front rooms for housekeeping, ' gas, bath, phone; near 23d at car. Phone Marshall 4116, 509 JOHNSON, single h. k. rooms, $6 and $8 month; one front suite, $12; gas, electricity; walking distance. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping room, gas. electric light phone, $3 per week. e3 jonnson st. 3 LARGE front furnished housekeeping rooms, with bath, in private modern home, reasonable. 431 3d st FOR RENT 2 or 3 well furnished housekeeping rooms; gas and wood lurnisnea. ior i per montn. tu wain. HOUSEKEEPING rooms nicely fur nished, reasonable rent. 376 Yamhill. 2 ROOM, furnished for housekeeping; a loc" ui yijewixure. am. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, sink and running water. 294 Jerrerson. LIGHT, large, clean front H. K. suite! t rwiua. uav xnjiur t. WHEN, you answer these Want Ada, mention ine journal. - . sovsxszzraro soon - - WXST SZ2B TAMXX.T 73 (Continued.) ' - : TWO or 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms In modern flat, no other roomers; rooms large, newly tinted. 2 or more windows in each, large yard, both gas and electric lights, walking distance, very reasonable. Call af ter- noons 486 Mill, near 14th. iaj wrgt pipg rrrr rrri rrrtrr "2SS2 neXUsy' week, day or month; nice and clean: cIose iB- 193 Wet corner of Taylor. NICE single housekeeping room, elec- tplc nhtBi Rll conveniences and nice home pUce for lady; rent $2 week. 408 Jefferson. ; , 11 111 .. 3 UOUbEKEETIXG ROOMS 49 EAST 8IUE FOUR large, neat, airy rooms, com pletely xurmsned for housekeeping, Including water, phone, electric light, gas for cooking, wood range, full basement, porches, lawn, flowers. pjace Tabor 1104 r-r garden, fruit, 'chicken pen. Sightly NICE, furnished 2 and 4 room house keeping suites at 244 4 Ktiltu.-- worth ave.; low rent. Phone Wood lawn 680. C-1387. PLEASANT housekeping suite. $2 per week and upwards: 1 block from MIPpl car. .87 Russell, cor. j- ..v..- w-ioio. TWO U.n ..-nlUA.l V. ... . a lcinln rnnmm 11' llo-hta 272 wtlliams ave. " U car.. $1.6u to $2.75 ween, furnlsned H- K. rooms. s. free neat, laundry, batns. Phone East 6039: 406 Vancouver ave. K08SX--PXO BOOKS EAST SIDE FSITAIB TAMXZ.T 74 2 NICELY furnished H. K. ground floor, walking- distance, sink, larce "5"'.. incmaed. JNO. 344 rJast 2d at., N ij;ast lSab. THREE rooms furnished, housekeep ing in xiat; pnone, iignt. tie; s blocks east end Broadway bridge. 400 toss. TWO large. HghT nicely furnished front rooms, walking distance (tar- age if desired), very reasonable. 330 weioier. $12 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, 542 E. 27th st, Richmond car to 27th, 1 block south. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. lower rioor. rent $16. 10Z K. istn. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. FOR RENT- -HOUSES 13 6 ROOM HOUSE, E. PINE AND 12TIL 7 ROOM HOTTSR SH AND fOLI.EflK 8 ROOM HOUSE. HOYT AND 2 3D. 8 KUUil HUUSB, JfiLliA JN C.AH WASH. 5 upper ROOMS. 4TH & SHEAMAN- v,- v,,. ... sonable rentals to desirable tenants. SMITH'S AOENCY, 410 SELLING BLDG. FOR RENT. Houses and Flats J. J. Oeder Real Estate and Rentals. Cor. 'Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. $19.50 FOR a new 4 room bungalow. partly furnished; gas range, heater, disappearing bed, buffet, bookcases, window seat, linoleum In kitchen and bathroom; come and see It 678 Sum ner and E. 13 th N. Blanchard & Clem son, 702-3 Selling bldg. BEAUTIFUL modern 8 room house, lift ilat. In Ainrv narflmtloT Vii . n galow style of architecture; wiA rent to resoonsible tenant for $30 per mo.; location is choice said central. See owner. 512 Piatt bldg., or call Main CENTRAL Albina. modern 9 room house, on Commercial St.. which is practically new and In good condition; will rent 0 responsible tenant for $18 per month. See owner, 512 Piatt bldg.. or call Main 4128. A-5128. ROSE CITY PARK. ro.r rem. t room oungaiow, sieep mK porch, garage. and sun porcn, including shBnita anil lfnA Aiim S3M Tl,f m on T l! Cor. Stanton and 47th sts, MODERN 6 room house with sleeping porch; furnished or unfurnished, Walking distance. On 3 carlines. 8 E. 9th St. N Or call Main 6201 412 San Rafael, for rent, $17 lor and yard, clean and in good condi tion. C-Z818. FOR RENT Good location for meat market grocery or confectionery. modern living rooms, $16 per month. rnnne c-zzes, tast eooi. PENINSULA BUNGALOW, $10 Neat 4 room modern bunealow. large lot This is desirable. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. is -cj i i vi k . . , u,. uan a XVW 1 . L V. 1 V. J , nice yard, fruit trees. Cor. 44th and Main st Inquire 1292 E. Yamhill st.. "far 44tn st FOR rent 3-room house at 7113, 56 Ave. S. B. Will give first months rent free to good tenant E B. Barber. 506, Chamber of Commerce. $10 5 room bungalow, modern, large basement, chicken house. M. V. car line. 1416 E Glisan. Tabor 2475. 6-ROOM house and 75 foot lot, 100 feet from car line: rent reasonable. Mar. 8954. MODERN 6 room house, newly tinted and painted. 78Z K.eiiy st Take S car. Phone Marshall 1013. FOR RENT 5 room bungalow, new and clean, to small family. $15. 801 80th st- I FOR RENT 7 rnnm modern hmiRA. Willamette Heights, $40 per month. 1 rnone Main 5373. A-Z378. $15 SIX room house, two lots, barn poultry pen, fruit 1384 E. Glisau and 49th. M-V carline. 1 tircoi aiuci, oiuuoxu a nut-ion iii.- i TAGE, $10 Gas. electricity, yard. I BA9 Vanvlin VIA .0 - r, . - 114 FOR RENT cheap, new modern 7 room house. 4 2d ave. near Foster Road. clona tn far Tohnp (582 MODERN 6 room house, nejvly painted and tinted, 1 block ofearr$20; nice neighborhood. Call at 8M Cleveland. 6 ROOM modern house. Il6; good 6 om house. $14. See owner. 647 Vi I vviinams ave. fnone woodlawn 184. MODERN 5 room cottage and 4 rooms at Failing and Minnesota. Call 809 1 U(nn.dAta lai.h.ll oco FOR RENT 8 rooms, suitable for rooming house, $20 per month. In- quire at 167 Front st Main 5670. I 77 VOH RENT 5 room cottaee. 736 Phone Main 8333. 3 ROOM cottage, $10 per month; also i r.-- . - - - .... south Rroadway bridge. $18. FOR RENT' large furnished modern house, close in. east side. Telephone Marshall 1409. NEW 8 room bungalow. $26. 35th and I Franklin. 8 ROOMS and bath, furnished or un furnished, close to school and car. BenJ. Rhett Jr.. T. M. C. A. FOR RENT 3 room house, beautiful yara. fs. Tabor s. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, 1 bik. from car, 15. Seilwood 2198. 652 E. 16th. 8 ROOM house, modern, 699 Flanders, near aa. rnone tasi bg. 6 ROOM house, furnished or unfur- nished. Main 9130. - FOR RENT, good 5 room cottage on canine. $10. Phone Marshall 1409. I SIX room Sunnyside house, newly painted and papered. $12.50. Ta. 3586. A POUR room house in good order, close in. E, Clay, bet 7th and 8th. 8 ROOM bouse, west side, $36 Main I 3850, Marsnail 044Z. 6 ROOM bungalow, close to S. P. shops, cneap. can S84 Miiwaukie. j FOUR room house, rent $8. 150 Page i st. Teiepnone rast 44?a. I A GOOD, clean 7 room house. 65 East 6th st. N. WHEN ycu answer these Waai Ada i mention inr journal. I TWO new modern bungalows, close id. i .ioo, w oouiawn it.- - FOR RENT -HOUSES 12 v Cop tinned.) HOUSES FOR RENT. 6 rooms,' 768 Kearney St., $28. 5 rooms; 470 Hoyt st. $16. , 6 rooms, 6144 Front st., $15. 6 rooms. 48 E. Davis st,. $). 8 rooms, 184 Cherry sC, $20. 8 rooms, 740 Irving St., $35. 5 rooms,' 771 Savler St.. $15. 8 rooms, 415 14th st, $60. 9 rooms, 453 Hall st. $35. 7 rooms, 205 Union ave. N., $21. 8 rooms, 186 E. 68th St., $25. 6 rooms, 834 Front st, $25. 6 rooms. 124 E. 18th st. $25. 6 rooms, 673 7. Ankeny St., $20. FLATS FOR RENT. 5 rooms, 290 12th st. $21. 7 rooms, 190 13th St., $30. 6 rooms, 500 Market St., $21. 6 rooms, 286 14th at. $20. 5 rooms, 474 Hancock st.. $21. 5 rooms. 371 H Pacific St., $15. 6 rooms. 566 E. Salmon st, $20. 6 rooms, 241 Grant st, $20. 6 rooms, 251 Clay St.. $26. 5 rooms. 308 3d St.. $26. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO.. , ' 106 Second Street BRAND new west side home, never yet occupied; all lstvstory, has hard wood floors, mahogany and enamel trim. Breakfast room, fireplace, hot water heat; 3 bedrooms, glass enclosed sleeping porch, tile hath; 2 maid's rooms; concrete garage. Magnificent view, select neighborhood, close in; years lease, only $75.00 mo. GOOD 6 room and 7 room houses In Laurelhulst for rent or lease: 1 blk. to car. Only $30 ana $35 per""Hlo. SEE us for good modern nouses at $25 per month and up. We save them In all the good districts; absolutely all are clean, modern, and livable. F. N. CLARK AND CO MP ANT. Title and Trust Bldg.. 89 4tn at 150 Good Houses and Flats Cheap Rent GET OUR LARGE "PRINTED RENT. AL LIST" CITY DEPT. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 269 WASH ST. MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BURrAU. Tenth Floor. Temnorarv A nnex. Complete and reliable list of all va cant houses, flats, apartments and bungr'ows in the city; make uso of this service when you detire; this does not obligate you In anv manner to this store. You will find us willing and reaay at all times to help you in locat ing. Newcomers in Portland will iind tins service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private prop erty are Invited to list their unoccupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier ec ran s iree rental bureau. 518 SIX rooms, modern, 997 Commer cial st, near Blandena. $20 4 rooms, 467 Market st, near inn. $20 5 rooms, 649 Overton at. near iiin. $20 5 rooms. 655 Overton St., cor. 17th. $30 8 rooms, modern, nice yard. 438 E. 26th st N., near Tillamook. Broadway car. $40 7 large rooms, modern, 690 IS. Couch St., near E. 20th. H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. M. 8699. A-2653. JJJJJJJJJJJJJjj SAVE time and patience by get ting our extensive free list of desirable houses and flats "FOR RENT." THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main 6869. 268 Wash, st A-6267. J J J J JJJJJJJJJJJ 6 ROOMS, MONT A VILLA. $10. . Nice cottage, with all kinds of bearing fruit trees, large garden space. Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOrSES- FOR RENT 32 10 ROOMS on first 2 floors. 6 attic rooms. Will take $350 if taken at once. Make an offer; leaving town. 887 12th st. Phone Main 5793. FURNITURE of 6-room cottage cheap. Completely furnished, arranged so one can rent two rooms. Rent $15. 120 E. 83rd st. ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classification when house Is 'not for rent. FURNITURE 6 rooms $175. rent $15; electric light bath, nice view. 638 Mill st FURNITURE 5 room house, all com plete for $165. Rent $10 per month. 880 . Grand ave. N., corner Mason st BARGAIN Furniture five room cot tage, large lot. garden in; cariine; rent $15. 688 E. Davis. Call today. HOUSE, for rent furniture for sale. Inquire 294 Jefferson. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal FURNISHED HOUSES 86 FURNISHED cottage, on river; strict ly modern: also tenting privileges. Jennings Lodge, ask for Mr. Emmons, or pnone .Main 47s. FOR RENT Nicely rurnlshed 4 room cottage, modern, xia; z blocks east or Aiyrue rarK sta., Ait. scott car. 6043 41st ave. FIVE room furnished cottage, corner, faraen, roses, can today, 3 to 4 E. 24th st Hawthorne car. Ta bor 6426. STRICTLY modern 7 room furnished nouse. ii. 37 tn. near Braaee. Ta bor 6426. 5 ROOM furnished bungalow. $2600; & oarsain. ounuay ana evenines. Woodlawn 1439. $20 FURNISHED 5 room bungalow. piano, small garden and fruit Call 1224 E. Salmon st. FOR RENT, beautiful furnished home. 6 rooms, 1 block from Hawthorne ave., on 33d st. Tabor 864. FOUR room furnished house. $14 month, Capitol Hill, west side. Main 3741. FOR RENT Furnished 6 room house, with piano. $20 per month. 228 E. 17th st. East 6325. TWO furnished house-tents, nice shade, $5, Woodstock car to end of line. 2 blocks east, 1 south. OR 4 ' months, 5 room bungalow. Well furnished, piano; references, no children. 375 E 37th North. THREE room house, neatly and com pletely furnished, $10. 84 E. 67th st. Montavllla car. Today. FOUR room modern bungalow fur nished, on 37th st. for $12. East 983. COMPLETELY furnished modern ? 1 room house, close in, 3 sleepers. 966 Hawthorne ' VERY' desirable furnished 5 room house in Sunnyside; all modern; $20. Call 144 E. 28th st afternoons. A 6 ROCM cottage, furnished, piano, $16 month; adults. 1405 Oneonta. Woodlawn 1 car. FURNISHED house, 6 rooms, bath, basement electricity gas, yard: on carline, $20. Phone B-2781. FOR RENT Furnished house, . side. 269 10th. Phone A-1770. Sea- 8 ROOM furnished house. 104 E. 18th, rent reasonable. FOR RENT Furnished house. Fremont st. 315. 406 4 ROOM furnished house, with barn! I WOOuiawn 860. $10 WELL furnished 3 room bunga low. Tabor 4329. mi 80 Small Farms Wanted tt.v Am rAtdn in Lents. .imnn. m . n.rtw im-1 pu.i;v, will " I proved farm hd to 3uoti; pay cash; also S room house on East Ttb t. near rr iiooo trade ior waii farm up to Beet of all 5 room modern bungalow I near Alberta car, and first class gro cery store doing rood business. Price 01 both. 96000. want rarm aooui acres, well improved. In even trade. E. B. BARBER, 60a Cham, of Com. SEE 11a fnr irand furnished houses at , from $30 per mo. up. We have about o or tnem ana ail are ciean, mwun. , N. Clark & Co., Title & Trust bldg.. 89 4th st FIVE room house, well furnished, $15 month; range, gaa plate, aink. large yard; 1 room rented; close In. 846 Benton, near Broadway. FURNISHED HOUSES C Con t based.) FURNISHED house, Portland Heights. ATTRACTIVE light upper flat, sleep for 3 months, for couple or 2 ladles, 1 ing prcri! yard; walking distance; 1 1 l u tiiT-atv anu tuiv ,vt, ; , V I wain mi; evenings. Mtrsuaii itm. 1 NEW 5 room nicely furnished bunga- low In Rose City Park; fireplace, 1 furnace. - hardwood floora, sleeping I F'" Piano. xauor oao. i FURNISHED home, f rooms summer months, chean to adults, who'll board owner; references. Owner, B-90. Jour nal. WHEN you answer- these Want Ads, mention The Journal. APARTMENTS THE BERYL 825 Lovejoy, near 21st Two and three room modern apart ments with all built-in conveniences. u Sm1,iSr.'4, !,."u.r'nf'lanRor service: refine,! neighborhood: large summer porches: references required. 1 Priced right Inducements made to permanent tenants. Apply on premises THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 269 Washington St. A-6267 Main 6869 THE ALT A MONT Stii and Cnlleira Clsan. cozy. 3 and 4 room furnished aptrtments. very cneap. Also bachelor's apartments. Heat water, phone and Janitor serv ice included. . E. 11th and Morrtsonr opposite east 4 T- T T T TT g '"T llTI Tf lde Dublic library; 4 story brick building, automatic elevator, 2 and 3 rooms, all outside, with every modern convenience; rates very reasonable; beautiful view; walking distance. WASHINGTON GKArm Orick). I rm. furnished apts.. $12 per mo. Just I rebuilt modern, clean, very desirable; I not ana coia water lu eacu niimi. ium t, i ugm ana Datn iurnisnea. . . - i Grand ave. and E. Washington at Tel. East 4449. THK PAI.ACM APARTMENTS. Cor. K. 37th and Market; 2 and 4 rooms: lust completed: furnished: and unfurnished; private phone. bath, steam heat hot and cold water, elec tricity; all modern conveniences. COMPLETELY lurnished 1 room apts., with kitchenette, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.. $16.50 and up. 291 Co- lumbla Bt, corner 5th st. SHEFFIELD apartments. 372 Broad way. B- cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance, 8 or 4 rooms with private baths, verv reasonable rent best serv ice, splendid arrangements, all outside rooms, qirect pnones. VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Modern completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. BUCK apartments. 107 N. 21st st. furnlsned uacneior apartment, suita ble for four: S5 week: furnished or un- furnished 3 room apartment, sleeping : - . . . porch, elevator service; walking dls - tance. BEAUTIFUL lawn, shady and cool, iurnisned apartments single or en 1 . . . . . - . ..... . i . I.. Jl suiie; irom a to i iuuniii, iiuiuuius every convenience. aJ iN. istn si.. near Washington. ROSEN FELD APTS.. 3 and 4 rooms. furnished or unlurnlsnea; strictly miwlpm nnrl nn to date: under new management E. 14th and E. Stark sts. East 3703. THE STANFIELD. Best summer rates in city; 2 -room furnished apt, $14 to $19; light and gas Included. 204 Porter St. Main 7392. n Fvven.iuvt. 3 THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup, i room fur. or unfur. apts.. with bath and all modern conveniences; phone, steam heat gas, electric lights, etc; "W " car to zist ft wortnrup. at. sa. THE ORLANDO. COR. 20TH AND WASH. STS. Kurnished apts. 2 rooms Z0 to Izs: I rooms iz-ou to u; every moaern .ut..icuCl ...-. j . Mn. lfil COMPLETLLY furnished. t roonj 43 HIM. WEI front aot. $16: aJso single room. Ii,lf,,rf.h.,i nA ruin. BO unta div. mciuaing eietiritiu, cit., "r lng hin. distance. 18 17tn st. near lam. THE LOIS. 704 Hoyt St.. one 4 room front apartment, on 3 room base- ment apartment; verv defeirable, de- ligbtful porches, modern; references. Marshall 2011 VmvTunv.KRY APTS. 3d and Mont - gomery. New DricK, an outside rur- nished 8 room apts., private bath, phone, automatic elevator, close In. $20 up. Main ly zurmsnea, niverwue, imen, jiou, c, private entrance, bath. 867 E. etc private Wish, cor. 28 th Z&. THE DEZENDORF. fflt 1ITU 6T NEAR TAYLOR. 4 and 6 room unfurnished apt Also elegant 5 room rurnisnea apL NOKOMIS APARTMENTS. Modern 2 room furnished apts.. bath, phone, walking distance, $16 month up. 17th and Marshall. Marshall 4943 THE ALCCl E. Couch and Union ave, walking distance, summer rates, new, mooern. 2 .ntn . X18 to $24 Der month. m,rDTAM a pth . nM.nt ' r,m in fit- v ..-r:y .. v:. r:.v .2. 3. e room lur, uui uuiur, out- .1. rooms, nrlv. bath, phone, elec. elev. New manager; ref. 274 N. 21st. W car. ttitt: f,.i.h .n,rtm.nt' DXJAU-AA' ' - .----.---. w . with private bath; also 3 room suite with kitchenette; reasonable. 63 N. 18th st. near Washington MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 8 and 4 room apts., $18 up; good lanitor service; walking oistsnce; ret erences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. M. 7134 MORTON apts, cor. Washington and King sts.; 3 and 4 room fur. r' TAst ana cne&oesi iiiug ui uu. wtu ing distance. Main 1082. A-1108. .V V"room furnished aoix7. merits modern. Marshall 1950. Apart- ment 36. I fii.p.cpivn porch With a 2 room furnished apartment at 228 E. 20th. 2 blocks N. Hawthorne car. TWO room furnished apt. Light hot and cold water. $15 per mo. 665 Everett st. 2 ROOMS $20, summer rates, all large. - . 1 v.-,K and bed linen. See this sure. B-1063. NEW Clark apartments, furnished, electricity, etc.; i up. u x - etty grove BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity Place. modern zurmsnea room oasement apartment $25 month. THE ELMS, 14 th. near Yamhill. 2 and room apartments, cozy homes, walk ing distance. ii-zo. win n. T.TTCILLE COURT. 20th and Lovejoy. Mod. 8 room fur. apts.. sleeping porch, park. Mar 1031. NEW modern apts; rent reasonable. 800 E. Ankeny. East 184. FUKMs.iED 2 room apta. 10 E. th N. Prices u up- WHEN you answer these Want-Ads, mention The JournaL APARTMENTS - ' 43 l fContimned.) i,,,,-,. -." '-'in - THE LCZERKK APARTMENTS. Best 2 room furnished apts. In the ,uuu" Dnca mag. au ouuiu yrivaie Dain. leieonone inn rtrln - -r.m- ..-.I- r. '""""'." ... it t ousiness "fcuou, - " - '-..". . EVELYN apts.. 3 room furnished and unfurnished, outside tts.. 820 to $25. 27 N. 21st st. Mar. 1328. FOR RETT FIATS IS SWELL 6 room ....$14.00 $20.00 6 mod"i7n 553 Ladd Ave. r rooms modern ..$20.00 J. R. CREIGHTON. 553 Ladd Ave. 6 ROOM modern, with all conveniences, in very choice location easy walking distance, reasonable rent; large shade "5 MU1- corner W- Par if lain t . reasonable. Marshall 482 or East NEVV - FLAT. HOMELIKE. CLOSE IN .jy , o Trv- Marshall 340R. 4 RQOMS. fine private bath, a snap for some couple; walking distance. 640 Montgomery street Phone during busi ness hours Main 3123 FIVE room lower flat, E. 16th and Weidler; all modern conveniences; 2 carlines; rent reasonable. Phone East 4358. . a FIVJ& room modern flat. $11. 3 room flat, bath and pantry. $8.50 per mo. 729 V Williams ave. 7 ROOM modern clean upper fiat. 10th and Oak sts.; reason bie rent. Main 3288. ; 5 ROOM modern lower flat, 49 ii. Yamhill, near E. 23d. .Fuona r--t 5948. " 4-ROOM furnished and unfurnished. light airy flat bath, porches. East 4811. Walking distance. 5 ROOM lower flat $14; also 3 large outside rooms in furnished flat, $10. 69 E. 22d tl2S58 $7 MODERN 3 room flat, almost new. 592 K. 1 4th or Mary si. I UNFURNISHED flat of I or I rooms. r c a so n able. Inquire 294 jerierson. 489 WEST PARK o-room flat; gas; electricity. $18. MODERN, 4 room flat on Hawthorne Ave., $18 month. Tabor 1Z48 $12 per mo. 6 room modern flat 887 V N. 21st. Key at ao im. sibu FOUR rooms, modern, 3 carlines, nice yard; upper and lower. 313. ib. WHEN you answer these Waut -de. mention The Journal. FURNISHED FLATS 60 LOOK-r-Will rent my furnished flat. 6 months or more: 4 rooms. Jen. sleeninz porch, phone, water. Janitor ..rviiw la GO. Vina district, walklntc distance, two car lines. 361 Monro St tt 6417 ...... . ,,,,K . o ONE 4 room , f urn shed flat clean and nicely furnished. Walking distance and 1 block from car. Wood lawn 638. a CI. KAN. well furnished housekeep ing rooms. $15 a mon in; electricity. water, bath. No objection to enwaren. stbayfc Albina avenue corner uianaena. L car. 6 ROOMS, well and completely fur nished, with all conveniences; very choic location, easy walkinz distance; price $35. At 886 V4 Mill, near W. Park. Main 4833. MODERN 6-room flats, neatly fur nished, all oak furniture. 292 Mar gin St., 3 DiocKs soutn 01 isroaoway bridge. Beautiiui location, -u.uu. LOVELY home, thoroughly moderu and complete, 5 or 7 rooms; large lawn, porches: fine view. 15 mins. walk. East 2056, . FURNISHED flat four rooms and bath. 2 blocks from postoffice. 354 Yamhill st. CLOSE in. furnished 2 room flat large sieeninc porcn. line corner, rnone Sellwofd 289. 1 1: : a NEW rnnm furnished flat, conven- 1 lences, also 1 unfurnished; adults. 506 E. 2Ud st. 8. I $20 furnished, 4 room lower flat cloae 1 in; phone, light and water inciuaea. I ? . . . ... . . . . . . r n 1 juo fiancoca st. r none, rj no. NICELY furn., 4 room flat on Haw thorn e Ave., $zz montn. lauor its. 6 ROOMS, close In, modern. fhoae East 3737, or Alain 7iftf $is 4 room lower nai. yara, aisap- I pearing bed. 446 Rodney, aiam ai4. WHEN you answer these Want Ads., mention The Journal. SUMMER RESORTS 66 MT. HOOD BY AUTO. Dally to Mt Flood resorts, R. T. $5; Gov. Camp. $7.60. Special round trip. 6 of more, including notei ana guiae to summit. $12 each. Reservations, tickets ana informa tion at Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 169 2d st Phones Main 6966, A-3311, n. Ti.n.n.. riarmr liifil Hawtnorne -v Phnn. Thor 2448. PiPIPIf VIEW IDEAL REACH. I Tent houses for rent, completely 1 free woodi store, restaurant, is miles I broad hard sand beach, fine clam dig ging, trout fishing, agate beds. Infor- tnatlon at 614 btock Ex. Bldg., iniru and Yamhill sts. Main 6765. - FOR your vacation Our 300 acre Til- lamook county beach, lake, ranch I house, farm, cottages, horses, boats. 1 booklets and ourselves seek you. Clas 1 sic otiage o.. cui u. rormua. oewa I lots, low prices, easy terms. ATTE i ION fishermen: Roran. Oak 1 drove, Caiawasn, Fish creea or any I Diana uo the Clackamas, write W. W. 1 ronen x-uuua juwuo, v Bwv. 1 pack ol- waddle horses. WANTED Parties or 4 or more who would appreciate good table board on mountain ranch near roast, for par ticulars address J. M. Allthen. 646 Rodney, or call before 10 a. m. ROC KA WAY. Cottaees furnished, near depot For reservations add re as Mrs. A. 11. Rus- sell, Rockawsy, Or.; for Quick Informa tion pbone r-ast 464 1. TENT houses furnished, complete for 1 nouseneeymg, Mitiieuem atuvim, I also furnished cottages. Rates reason- able. P. M. Schrantz, Camp Coxy, 1 Rockawav Reach, or. FURNISHED cottage, on river; strlcu ly modern: also tenting privileges. Jennings Lodge, ask for Mr. Emmona. yp5f.M'" 478 SEASIDE Ore: Nicely f urnlshed rooms at the winsiow cottage," on beach front; board if desired. 724 N Board Walk. SEASIDE tor rent Sleeping rooms, housekeeping rooms housekeeping tents, tent grounds; quiet location; 'J A.tfrT 300 8 7 th it cheap. Apply the Austin, boo s. 7th st dxl, xj.i ivuiu i rent at ,1 Longbeach; rent 50 Fireplace. electric lights. fine view of ocean. Q- F. Whltehoue, M. O. Dep t. P. O. I 4 ROOM furnished cottage at Seaview. I wash., tor rest 01 season cneap. Mar. 2563. BAYOCEAN Room and board, pleas- ant home, overlooking bar and ocean. Tabor 374, evenings FURNISHED cottage ; t Gearhart J Woodlawn 1620. Call between and JOY cottage at Long Beach, Wash, I rMt sir Jtifv SIS Main &14 COTTAGE at North Beach, near Break- i rg notei. after juiv z. fnone E. 462. - 1 when you answer these Want Aaa. mention The Journal. STORES AXD OFFICES 11 RENT Splendid corner for grocer . store; has been a grocery store for 22 years. Will be for rent Sept L Cor. 26th and Powell sts. Inquire at Vll tsroosiyn st. ROLL too desk lndudiHa phone. 36 and $7, also nicely furnished private of fice. Z3 cnamner or connnrrc. - FOR RENT, in good location, room suitable, for store, barber shop or on ice, . ignor bx. - WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. STORES AND OFFICES 1 1 (OQBtr"d. NEAT store with a roov apartment ' rear, steam he.t ' water, bath, etc.; all for 120.09. Desirable for dree, making, barber, or eny clean Hne Bunnyside Apt Bldg., . 87th and Bel mont. Tabor 8960. LR1CK waiettouse mi tSouta Portland fer rem. trackage, light and airy. On paved street reasonable. Journal PohHuhln Co.. Broadway arvd TsrwhUj. WANTED- TO BENT 7 WANT to rent Viirnislied'house; must be close In, west aide; would buy furniture it bargain. Mrs. Hathaway, East 4859. --. 60 TO 160 acre good farming land; will buy some stock:' full particulars and how roach in cultivation. C-4il. Journal. WANTED To rent a modern 6 or room cottage for adults. Stat loca tion, condition of house and monthly rental. 627 Corbet t bldg. YOUNG couple want modern 6 room house In good neighborhood; reason able rent. Phone Main 6009 or C-106. Journal. ' WANTED To rent well furnished. modern bungalow; west aide or elos In east side; adults; answer. K.-58.. Journal. ' WANTED Nicely furnished oof. to 8 rooms, good location. Phone Monday, Main 8658 . HORSES ANIIVEHJCLES I WANTED A team; must be free. from blemish, kind and gentle and good .workers; about 2800 lbs.; cheap for cash. Fawhea. Tabor 8TU. THOROUGHBRED ghetlands at re markably low prices: senile: used to small children. Write C. M. Cunniag- 303 W. Alta st.. Pendleton. Or. $125. Span of bay mares, weight tlut lbs., aae about ft vnri nld. Good harness. 4148 66th st, B. E. ML pcott to Arieta station. TEAM bay horses, weight 2800 lbs-. . double work, harnaiia mnA itn 1U farm wagon. Price $300. Address iA-f Stark. Ask for Baker. WANTED, to rent, team and wagon for country use. call today 14E E 3rd st FOR SALE Good horse, spring wagon and harness. $65 or trade lor cow. 1298 Willamette Blvd. TEAM! harness and covered spring . wagon. $135 for outfit. Take W. W. tar, alio Millard ave. 5bth 8. K. ACREAGE to exchange fur horses and wagon or cows. Woodlawn 1810. 435 Durhnm ave. 1000 POUND work horse and buggy and harness, chean. 1814 Kt lfith. st. Seilwood car. OJ1A1.L black team, about 800 lbs. each; harness and light spring wagon, $75.00. Tabor 4090. OR SALE Good siae spring top buggy and heavy single harness, cheap. 11H 8th ave. north. Lents. WANT to buy horso, buggy and bar-' ness; must be bargain. Call Bun- day. 690 E. Morrison st. - FOR SALE, A No. 1 gentle horse, har. ness and delivery wagon or will trade for piano. Phone Seilwood 1027. rAMILl mnre. or exchange largtr horse, harnettn. top buggy, pole or shafts. 968 E. Stark st. 1200 HORSE and gooseneck wagon tor sale. Apply 112 1'nion sve. rori BAi.t. Good milk wsgon. TaTl Front st. GOOD draft team priced to sell. Maw ley & Co.. Multnomah. Main 4549. PASTURE for stock, near Portland. 333 Sherlock bldg.. or phone Main 1410. GOOD covered delivery wagon. Sell wood 1046. FOR SALE 2 light horses and wagon. East 1615. DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE Taken away free. .Tabor 4203. 3100 lb. team, wagon and harness. $300, ' Making $6 a day. V-669. Journah i ONE rubber tired buggy for sale cheap. East 4u9. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. FOR SALE Pair small mules, lawn 2944. Wood- PASTURE Close in. Main 4K76. LIVESTOCK 3(1 HEAD of extrioodrnllchT cows. Z extra fancy Jerseys, large cows, 10 grade Holsteln and Durham, big milk ers, all fresh or coming fresn In 8 weeks: some fine heifer calves. Take Woodstock car to 69th avenue and walk 3 Mocks west to 38th st BEAUTIFUL young driving and rid ing horse, 8 years, 1100 lbs., black. safe for lady. Duroc Jersey sow. Fine lot of mixed chickens. 1 Buckeye - mower, cheap. Box 22, Hillsdale. Or. Main 6460. - 3 YEAR old reglMtered Holsteln bull; This bull is from one of the famous Wisconsin herd of milkers. $100. Ad dress Ikk tor Montgomery, Journal bldg. Main 623. REGISTERED Jersey hull. 1 year old. $100: a beauty: also fine black grade Jersey cow. ls. Get off end Oregon City carline, go in store and ask for J. it. Van Meter. 25 HEAD of good dairy cows, biggest part fresh. Durham and Holaleln, and some nice Jerseys; all big cows. A. Hess, 4 blocks east of Lents. 863 Foster Road. 80 HEAD of fresh Holstein cowl, heavy milkers: tubercular tested. HEIM COM. CO., Union Stock yards. Phone Wdln 240. FOR SALE A nice young fresh Jr sey cow, very gentle. First house south Errol stations Estacsda line. PASTURE for horses and cattle, ad- Joining city limits, on Columbia slough. Woodlawn 1998. FOR SALE Large Durham cow, fresh 8 days: years old. Mr. Behra. 163k Mllwsukle st. Seilwood car. j COME and aee us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow C 607 Commercial blk. Main 8130. FOR HALE cheap, one family cow, ' large Jersey. R. Keen. Lents, Third . venue, south to Beach. TWO fresh cows. Durham Jersey and Durham. Good milkers. 1694 Di vision; , FINE rresh Jersey cow for sale. 109 E. 81st N. ONE large Durham and 2 Jerseys, fresh, cheap. 794 Tacoma ave. FINE Jersey row for sale at 604 Di vision st FRESH, large Jersey COW. 734 Neha- lem ave.. yeiiwooa. W HEN you answer these wut A4 mention The Journal. rouLTRr 87 FOR SALE or trade for good tow, 44 one-year-old hens and 60 young chickens. 2 to 6 months old. 4148 64th st 8. E., 4 blocks north of Arieta sta tion, lit. Scott car. FRESH eggs for sale or my pen o7 year-oia we hlte Leghorn hens, Ouar. an teed laying bow, 1076 E. 14 th, N. Alberta car. GOLDEN, Silver, Chinese pheasants. Mallard ducks. Japanese all Hies. Ore gon Bird & Pheasant Farm. Beaertof Or.. R No. 1. WHITE Leghorn babies from the fa- ' mous trap nesieo strain, io cents, . cockerels from the same - strain, $1 each. 899 Vancouver av. 17 FULL blooded White Wyandotte hens. 75c eacb; i rooster. i. iz Denver ave. ONE loft of mated pigeons for sale; bargain. Warren, 637 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8761. BLACK MINORCA and Rhode Island1 Red hens, and hen with 20 young chickens. 103 4th ave., Lents, Or. WILL trade fancy pigeons and canary -singers for chickens. Phone Wood-, lawn 2727. , LIGHT Brahm egg lor the remainder ' of the season. $1 setting. Phone Woodlawn 1082. PASTURE for horses and cattle, ad--- joining city limits on Columbia slough. Woodlawn 198. POULTRY, pigeons, pet stock, feeds. Hart 114 1st Woodlawn 3644. WHEN you answer these Want Ads . mention The Journal. - (Coatlaaed Heat rare)