1 THE OREGON . SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY. MORNING. JULY 19, 1914. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 ' Continued.) GOOD GENERAL, FARM. "00 acres, 8 mtles south of Salem. 2i mllei i; from station on main lino of S, l. Ry.; 160 acres in cultivation, balance pasture. Live stream, springs and. 'well. 6 room house, barn ana out buildings, family i orchard and 1100 young prune trees; ail excellent soil; one-third crop, price $35,000. Wants 13.000 good Portland property; some . cash: balance mortgage. U. e. MORTGAGE &,INV. CO.. 608-607-Yeon Bldg. I HAVE $3000 home in Sunnyslde; will . iane your outside-: property up to 11500 and mortgage ; back of $1500. - Worcester bldg. I EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE - Si i -, : IV r (Coatinaad.) "A "LIVING waiting for you." On ac count of sickness I am forced to sell or trade ray place for city property. 60 acres, all under cultivation, with good hog tight wire fence, In crop, with ber ries and garden; stocked, horses cat tle, hogs and chickens. bees ' and ducks; farming implements, etc, loca ted in the heart of the Willamette val ley mile of a town of 1000 Inhabi tants, mile of Oregon Electric; lays perfectly level, on countv road. Price 17500, No equity or agents, owner only. 224 Lumber Exchange bldg. 6 ROOM house, good location, trade for small house and lot tn suburbs same value.' Price $1600. S-63. Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 . - Contra0; -' r ' " YOU" CAN'T BEAT THIS. Exceptionally fine dairy farm, 280 acres, f ullv and completely equipped and. stocked: good buildings; 400 tons hay in barn, fine silo, horses, cows, hogs, chickens, etc. This is 66 miles from Portland and a mile from rail way station and creamery; actually worth In cash the price asked, $32,000. Will accept clear Income - Portland property up to $15,000: a little cash and give five years time on balance at 6 per cent. BLAIN & STRQW, Abington Bldg. 60 ACRES for eastern; what have you? Call 1014 Commercial St., Sunday or evenings. EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE 24 (Continued.) r LOT7 Va'xlOO.wfth roomed house, i an up to date, now rented , in ver non add. .. 1 lot 66x100, with 6 rooms.. U up to date, rented. In Creston add. 1 lot. vacant, at Lents, 60x100. 2 lots, vacant, In TerwUliger home stead, with 95 ft. front on first street. 2 houses to put ononis lot. 1 6 rooms.. 1 7 rooms. Nothing less than 160 acres. L. A. LESTER. 110 Macadam st. EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE 24 CContiBttsa.1 i - EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE - ' rConnaned.) i.i- i. oirraini: HU3isesB A Diversified List of Business Opportunities Is Continually Offered in These Columns ROOMING HOUSES 3.1 ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO. 613 619 Yeon bid.. Main 481. SEE OUR BARGAINS. APARTMENT HOUSE TO TRADE. Price IfcOOO. free of Incumbrance, all modern and exceptionally good furni ture; ull two room apartments. If you have property that is worth the money and free of incumbrance look this up. 41 ROOMS; RENT $125. All housekeeping; 2 years lease; al ' ways full of good roomers. Owner nays he Hears $135 a month. Price 1 100: J75t cash an-1 balance to suit. 40 ROOMS, TRANSIENT, $2000. RlKtit down town, steam heat; can gt-t IvaKp; very well furnished; all be lnK?papTed Hnil painted. Will con sider Hinull cash payment and balance in good trade. Ill ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPING. Rf-rit $6.1, mar postoffice; all house keeping; In first class condition; rooms always full. See this Monday. It's a bargain. Price $850. Our lint Is the best in the city. Wo bundle only first claws propositions, tore us before buying. 22 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO. 1X-$I9 Venn bldg. Main 4 81 Bargain Extraordinary 40 rooms, including 6 three room appartrm-nt; private baths; balance one nnd two room apparunents; steam lieHt, nice furniture, weiect neighbor hood, central rent $15.00. Good, in come. This place i.s f;rnt class and ya well. Prlcs $1200; some terms. 5 Hi STOCK EXCHANGE. A BARGAIN. We have a modern elegantly fur nished downtown hotel for Hale at a bin-Ruin; never on the market before; owner leaving town. $2000 clear prop city or cash "will handle this. See us Monday as we must sell this. 215 Ab inuiri bldg. pays BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) 20 WEEKLY newspaper for sale in good town of 1000, with no competition. Plant contains new linotype, machine, 3 presses, power, and everything complete. Has fine circulation. $2000 cash will handle (plant worth $6000), leaving $3000 on mortgage. Own er must seek drier climate. Act 3uickly on this. Address D-105, ournal. FOR SALE Automobile repair shop on the Pacific Highway, in one gat the best towns in the Willamette val ley, surrounded by excellent territory. Best and most modern equipped shop in Oregon outside of Portland; doing good business, bearing closest inves tigation; reason for selling is the in ability to stand the work. Your cor respondence is solicited. M-591X, Jour nal. ' IKON WORK8 AND FOUNDRY Located in one of the best towns In Oregon; all necessary machines and tools for iron and foundry work; build ing and two lots included; will stand the fullest investigation. My half in terest goes for $10,000, take half in unincumbered city property. Best of reasons for selling. For full par ticulars see my agent Fred W. Ger man Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) 20 SIX MIGHTY GOOD INVESTMENTS One of the partners In an old pay ing and well located grocery and hardware store is retiring. Invoices about $6000 and for hall that amount you can step into his shoes and be as sured of a good income. If you can put $2500 and your time into a splendid mfg. plant, you wiU be half owner In a fine proposition. If you have $10,000 we caa place you as half owner in a produce busi ness that has been paying handsomely for years. $2500 will secure yon a grocery store that does better than turn over the entire stock every month. Aedoctor with $2000 . can step Into a good legitimate proposition in Port land that is paying well and if the proper exertion Is made there's a for tune in it. How would you like to be the own er of the best high-class bowling al leys in Portland. Cost $12,000 but own er must leave city and will sell right now for $6500 cash. Profits from $400 to $1100 per month. All these have unusual merit and either offers unusual opportunity in its particular line. We handle noth ing but good legitimate propositions and furnish bank and other references upon request. BLAIN & ST ROW, Abington bldg. A I'ARTM KNT HOUSE 84 ROOMS Strictly modern 3 und 4 room apart ments, beautifully furnished, rent $:lt)(iii. Price $5000. Part trade. Price Includes $1000 cash deposit on lease. Owner very sick and must Klve it up. 502 Couch bldg. its worth $8000. l(lACUKS. Unusually fine land near M osier. 4 acres cleared, balance ensy. Investigation invited. Price $1000. No Incumbrance. Trade for rooming house.' Yatea, 249 4th st Marshall 2828. COOPERATIVE PROFIT SHARING. If you are looking for employment and have a few hunured dollars to In vest in an absolutely secured Portland manufacturing proposition where yout investment will entitle you to a pro rata share of the net nrofits of the company, besides the regular salary, see us at once. 418-419 Lumber Ex change bldg. or liNtl UKOCERY BUSINESS FOR SALE. CORNER. Will invoice about $1800, located on fine corner and street car at the door; sales average $100 per day and in a high class residence district. This Is a fine business and a money maker. If you are looking for a grocery busi ness better investigate this. Owner must get out of city. F-19, Journal. FOR SALE. T,ea on furnished hotel at Hot Springs, 30 rooms,' doing big business, 7 auto stages a day, cause for selling. Address Robt. J. Wells, Hot Springs. Mont., via Plains. 65" ROOM rooming house with iS rooms connecting with private baths elegantly furnished and a money mak er, $2500 equity for clear real estate or cash. DeForest. 316 Fenton bldg. 84 th st. ANNOUNCEM ENT. IM PORT ANT Buyers, we wish to state that we Veep an auto to show our customers the places we have to sell, hence can save ,you much time and will save you money, ifonnarn, bs coucn ning. GENERAL country store in Clacka mas county, doing good business, 2 story store building with nice living rooms,, good barn. good team ana wagon and general mdse. stock and 1 acre around: own water works. $2200 handles this. 8 acres adjoining in crop of oats. Can be taken up if desired. 616 Fenton Diqg. ttn ana uan. MILLINERY store for sale, cheap. In Willamette valley town. Good es tablished business and excellent oppor tunity for lady. Only one block from electric or steam line. Dwelling con nected with store. Rent very cheap. Will exchange for Peruana property D-87, Journal. 14 ROOMS of eleuanrt furniture. Fur nace . heat, modern conveniences. Beautiful yard. Furniture for 20 rooms. Best offer takes it. No trade. Call 489 Jefferson st. between 1 and 3 o'clock. 17 weU furnished housekeeping rooms, 6 minutes" walk from P. O.; electric lights.' Cheap rent, always full: leav ing city, must sell. Address M-572, Journal. 17 ROOMS $650. Modern, always full, rent $50. 3 baths. 6 fire places. Beautiful grounds very central. Terms. Income $148 month. 502 Couch bldg. A genuine br-rraln. - WOODYARD with fine buildings, of - flee and 2 story house and 3 full lots, fully equipped, clearing over $250 per month prorit. No rent . to pay, well established business. This can be handled with $1300. an unheard of bargain, owner retiring. 616 Fenton bldg., 6th ana oaK. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressii.g shop. Established 5 swears. Down town in good hotel district. Low rent. Doing good business. No soliciting, an drop in trade. Local representa tives of Royal Tailors. Chicago. Must sacrifice this at once, leaving town. Investigate this Immediately as this Is too good to last. Deal direct with owner. G-970. Journal. TRADES FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 2 acres, 9 room modern house, over 60 bearing fruit trees; plenty of ber ries, beautiful lawn; 3 Blocks to school, free of incumbrance; will f home In Portland, and some ch.(A213 WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 120 acre farm, near Independence, on Pacific highway; all level and un der cultivation, 9 room modern house, cost $3700; new barn, cost e1.600: "J" well, with gas engine and -ir pump, h.. nhar thrM 4-vear-old Jr- .ninti . v i iu. . -- . . n WE have all kinds of. good properties sies, 2 heifers. 3 borsea and . 1 tradeTTgd stuff. 603 Dekum bdg. A iJ 25 tie cash, or will trade $8000 equity fcr a Kansas farm, (ajiu 10 acres, all set to, commercial apples, 5 years old; locaxea near k,,V rvr mii trd for Portland in come' property, and mightjut In some cash if necessary. Pnwii Va 1 v road: all cleared; will trade $2500, equity for house and lot, or wouia nui.e uo..5w. price for cash. We have a large list of property to trade. What have you? We may be able" to match vou. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 618-619 Yeon bldg. Main 4 81. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) 20 Big Sacrifice 2-CHAIR BARBER SHOP And $500 stock of cigars and can dles, ice cream parlor; $200 BOda foun tain, tables, chairs, linoleum; 6 rooms furnished complete with new ate-il range, piano, business running about $200 per week; rent on building is only $18 per month. This :is located in good milling town, 85 miles from Portland. Price only $1000; will take half trade. Reason for selling, have other business. E,F, Gilbert 101 Wash, "st., Vancouver, Wash. Or Blair. 409 Panama bldg., Portland. $2150 Terms $2150 986 E, 28th N. As I am going on a farm, will sell mv new 5 room bungalow with fire place, cloakroom with beveled mirror door, solid oak floors, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room, floored attio with 4 windows, inside and outside entrance to full concrete basement, cement iuhu, electric fixtures, best plumbing, ce ment walks, roses, fruit, berries, lawn, chicken Dark, between 2 carlines. Sleep ing expenses. My reason for selling '"8a?"- til , aVfi E. 28th N will, only make this iuy more attract er at place all time 98 EL J8 th N. " ?rUSu?-e?h .5T Would consider team or cows as part uooa business woman can handle, i r J - Phones Main 1811, A-3147. A REAL BUSINESS CHANCE. If you haye $2000 to invest, come and see the little grocery which has netted me $150 a month above all liv- PUBLIC AMUSEMENT PROPOSI TION ON W.EST SIDE. Exceptional opportunity to clear $4000 per year on investment iof $6500. This .bears, strictest investigation and Is a chance that seldom occurs. Please aon t inquire unless you can invest this amount cash. 616 Fenton bldg., 6 th and Oak. HOTEL ONLY $850. Do not say this is no good before you have seen it; investigate it and we are satisfied hat you will say it is thu best you have seen for the money. We are not here to misrepre sent, but for business. See Keller & Deal, suite 314, Lumber ex. bldg., Portland. Or. 32 Acres to Trade For City Property 20 acres in cultivation; good 7 rooru house, good barn and outbuildings ; fenced and cross-fenced; good orchard of assorted fruit in fall bearing; fine trout stream through place; all rural advantages; half mile to country town OLD ESTABLISED MAPHiNK swrvpiJO miles to Vancouver; on good road In full operation, being sold to close price $5500; will trade equity of $2850 estate, will be sold as going concern. r. hotel, rooming house or good Port- iJiua win oe accepted up to noon Sat- 1 land resiaence uruay. juiy zo, iai4, rights to reject! any bids reserved; full particulars! li ih,, u1A,10tvrJ,"Ni co- 612 Main st., Vancouver. Wash. a v a- luh Dill Uci.K.. Thompson & Swan EXCELLENT PAYING BUSINESS. Bakery. confectionery and cigar store, adjoining theatre; equipped with oven and candy kitchen; lots of stock; rent $35, 6 years' lease. A bargain. M'KENZIE & CO., 615 Qerlinger bldg. FOR SALE Clean stock of hardware and implements in good valley town. Invoice about $6500. Sales $1100 to $2200 monthly. Might take half in Portland residence,' clear. Have othjr interests. HX-902, Journal. FOR SALE by administrator, general merchandise store, country point; stock, buildings. 1 acre ground, $7500; terms half cash and time on rest. Ad dress F. M. Sturgill, Shedds, Or. R. i D. No. 2. CONFECTIONERY, light grocery, ci gars, bakery goods, soda fountain, ice cream, dairy lunches; 3 living rms.; established business guarauleea; rent $18; price $350; best bargain ever or fered. 602 Couch bldg. Snap. A PARTY with $5000 to invest in a factory for the manufacture of an established article, certified by tha U. 8. government and sold tho navy in large quantities, can make from 20 to 50 per cent on his investment. Ad dress B-138, Journal. SACRIFICE, account sickness; new general etore. on electric: have nost- office; inv. $1400, at 15 per cent dis count, part trade; line proposition; good location for drug store. B-119, journal. I t Af'UCT' . I . f ... ...4,1. ULNtRAL merchandise in one of the all tools. 9 room nlastered housu. rnV1 , ?'nf ln, Oresop; dry with hot and cold water; running water goods shoes, ladies- and gents furnish-! on piace and plenty of springs: all . ir,l?ri Hre f1 n? arm .implements; fenced and cross fenced; school Joins no groceries, no delivery; cash busi- J nK3 iuu per ciay; invoice about $12, 000, Can reduce to suit. Best of rea- sonsfr selling. HX-905. Journal. .ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants state manager, higii class article, should pay. $10,000 annually; $500 lo T1000 capital; will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want; ref erences. Richardson, 37 W. Van Buren, Chicago. TO friends and patrons I desire to announce that I have associated my self with the office at 502 Couch bldg., where I am in a position to buy and sell farms, houses, stores, rooming houses and any property of tangible value: trades negotiated. J. A Bostel 24 $ S0.000 20 acres, view property, over looking Portland; exenange for California property. 274 J.BO 120 acres, near Tillamook ; trade for Portland property or cloas in acreage. . 27ft 4,000 8 acres. 25 min. from post o trice, trtfde for Portland home about same value. 276 4.000 160 acres on the Molalla riv er; fair house and barn; Im plements and some stock go with placet three streams: this is an excellent small stock ranch; want .Portland 1 property. 277 7,500 43 acres, near Albany. Or.; all cultivated, new house, barn, family orchard, creek, horses, cows, etc.; farm i im plements go with place; in cumbered $3350. 6 per cent; long time; trade equity for Portland home. 279 $650,000 500 acres, 23 miles from. San Francisco. 5000 acres in crop. 4 sets of buildings, 60 head horses, cows, hogs, good warehouse; parties ready to lease at $18 per acre; want good Income bearing property in Portland. 278 18,500 106 acres. 3 miles from Sa lem, 70 acres cultivated, bai . ance pasture, 7 room new modern bungalow, modem outbuildings: an -up-to-date, modern dairy ranch: trade for good Portland rentable houses or flats. zso 1.000 Cozy 6 room bungalow. Rose City district; want ,6 acres or more, oiose to city ana carllne. 5227 See our large list of exchanges. City Department. FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 269 Washington st- Main 6869. A-6267. BIOXEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE (Costumed.) 27 MONEY TO LOAN in sums to suit on improved real - estate security $500 to $50,000 : , Prompt servic. Lowest . rates. . HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REALESTATTE On FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: YKRT FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS: NO COM MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO. 16 BPALTMNO LIX?. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. $20,000 at 6, $18,000 tl25? 10.000 8,000 5.000 3,000 2,500 1,600 1,100' 900 600 M KEK7.1E & CO.. 615 Gerlinser bldK. Main 2801. 7 PER CENT money on "A-l" city property. Scott-Beesley-Deane Co. 211-12 Abington bldg. IXAXS TCAXTKD (Contlppd.) - 80 0 ACRE FARM. $300. S PER CENT. Buildings alone valued by owner st $1200. This Is very desirable. Fred W German Co.. 914 Chamber of Com. merce. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. ' , FINANCIAL SI FIRST and 2d mortgages, also sel lers interest in contracts purchased, Oregon and Washington. H. 2. Noble. Lum bTrnnw bldg. $5000 (OR OVER) wanted. Why lend out vour money at 7 or 8 per cent when It can earn you 25 per cent an nually. M-08T. Journal. HELP WANTED .HALE nAMtu A. reliable man in every town, Oregon and Washington, to sell" our new form health and accident poli cies. Our agents will have an easy op portunity to qualiry for free trip with expenses to Panama-Pacific exposition. e Pay liberal commissions. No pre vious experience required. Call or writ I. C. Cunningham. Supt. Occi dental Life Inmirmw.. fr. innrnu I i Mdg.. Portland. Or. ' MONEY to loan on city ana country property at current rates: mort gages bought and sold. Whitmer Kelly Co, G. A. Hartman. manager loan dept.. 711 Pittock block. LOANS on improved city property or for building purposes; advances maae s building progresses, liberal re pay - lent oriviieaes: no commission, j. 1 . Lipscombe. 242 Stark st. Main 4420. EXCHANGE WHEAT FARM. 1280 acr wheat ranck. ln the b?st part of Wasco county; all equipped with stock and machinery. 130 head of hogs; equipment worth $o000; 8 roftn house and barn, fine springs, over 500 acres ln grain; crop goes with the place, and is now being narvestcu. Owner says it is good for $12,000. To tal valuation $44,800; will exchange for good Portland property, taking $2000 cash and $22,000 Portland prop erty, and balance on long time. S. Hewey. 269 Stark st. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON. 5 ROOM house. rent for $15 per month; 4 room house, rent $10 per month, and a 3 room house, with large hnm (room for 8 head of horses) rent $12 per month; these properties are located in me Dest aisinci 01 r&nci. Or. Price $4000. Will trade for good hnim in Portland, or improved land within 25 miles of Portland. Will go as hicrh as $5000 on right kind of property. SMITH INVESTMENT CO. 90 6th st. Main 8770. WILL loan $2500 or $2500 at 7 per cent; must be improved Portland real estate. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO. 4th and Pine sts. MORTGAGE loans in any amount. 6 to 8 rer oent rltv or farm oroberty. Quick action. U. S. MORTGAGE IN V. tJO. 606-607 Yeon bldg. the. place; fine orchard. Price $60 per acre. Trade for city property without Incumbrance up to $6500. By owner. Call evenings, after 6 weekdays. 335 Skldmortj st. ' " General Mdse, Business Doing- about $25,000 business, fine location; will take ranch or good city property up to $9000. balance of $2000 cash. If you want a money maker see this at once. Price $11,000. E, F. Gilbert 101 Washington st.. Vancouver, Wash. CHOICE PORTLAND PROPERTY. VflB RALK OR EXCHANGE. 7 rnnm house. 2 laree lots, abundance bearinz fruit, etc.. paved streets. Lo- rateri close in on main business street. A -nle home for some one. Also good business property which will increase- rapidly r value. win exenange lor farm clear of incumbrance up to about 14000 valuation. For Sale by Ownet iL tLcres at Rvan Place. O. E. R. R-. frontimr on Taylor Jerry road. 18 fruit trees, running water, rich soil, north slope, sidewalk from, land to sta tion. If you want something good. look this up or address fcsamuei jane. Hillsdale. Or. li L. Z. aox 38. 80 ' ACRES to exchange, part under cultivation. 3 room house and out hlllldines Thin nlacp Hah woll 2 state good springs on- place. County road Price $3000. Mort- a AiAAutAUiUKKR wants ...at,clo w esiaoiisn oince ana cut- nlace in two snouid pay J3000 $300 to $1500 w you handle own money. Address Man ager, 408 Fisher bldg.. Chicago, 111. to ?! : nnnV.Vn11: ae 1000 at 6 P cent due Nov. 1915 11 fill' 2 annually; wm exchange for city property: Ayres " f'"l"c , business; & smith, 401 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington sts. Main 7266. NEWSPAPER AND PRINTERY. Located in live town near Portland; no other paper; money maker; will seli full equipment for $1800 and lease building for $20 a month to buyer. Or sell building and plant for $4j00. Good terms. D-104 Journal. Mining Richard J. Coad ' Hotels. Rooming and Apartment Houses sold and exchanged. 1218 Northwestern Bank bldg. - . OWNERS NOTICE I have several newcomers that have eesh and some have property either here or near here. Wish to get room ing house. See me at once. Goddard. h02 rouch bldg. BIG SNAP 8 housekeeping apart ments completely furnished? I am leaving the city and must sell. No rea sonable offer refused. No agents or trade. Phone Main 720. WHY pav rent? I will sell my eight rooms furnished complete, 6 rentable, fine location, rent only $35, nets $25, ad price only $250. Call 190 13th. S'INE rooms, good furniture; owner has left the city and you can get a nap; $100 cash. bal. $10 mo. Call 88 10th. near HtarK. I want the location and particulars of good placer mining ground, Oregon, Washington or Idaho. H. H. McGov- ern. Oak Grove, Or. A REAL SNAP. Movln picture road show; pleasant employment, large income; A-l electric outrit complete, new touring car in eluded, $1500. Phone Marshall 4624, between and 6 p. m. vjall tseckley. PORTLAND manufacturer wants live man to manage out of town branch; references and small capital required. Special inducements for good man; in terview. 603 i. Davis st. THE most beautifully equipped and Iullv stocKed confectionery store on west side, with furnished livine room: rent $25; income $10 to $35 day; price 425. &02 Couch bldg. sure winner. KlCE cosy home. 10 rooms, nice fur niture, good moneymaker, $280 han dles; $400 full price. 616 Stock Ex change "lft ROOMS. 1275. RENT $30. Close in, well furnished. Snap, al wsvs full. Income $70. 502 Couch bldg. . ROOMING house. 9 rooms, unfur nished, close in; cheap rent. Call 88 .10th st. 40 ROOMS all rented. Only $1500. Clear. $800 Cash balance trade, 403 I.Mmher Ex. 40 ROOMS, cheap for cash; East Side. Phone East 5890. No agents. 23 M Vnlon nventie. HAVE ulc roomiucr house; will sell . reasonable; 18- rooms, rent $35; no agent. V-573, Journal. 10 ROOMS Sell cheap or rent fur nished. for $3o mo.; good location. 'n 88 10th st. WMEN you answer these Want Ads, " mention . The Journal BUSINESS CHANCES 20 FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing parlor, hand machinery: make me An offer. Sunday. fc.ast , WILL finance good placer mining proposition. What have you Or ' 1" lease. X-754, Journal. - : POOLKOOM. 3 tables, show cases, safe, ) scales, rent $12; invoice $800. Price $525. 310 Lumber Exchange bdg. GROCERY story for sale; 6 room flat - - above; 3 rooms in rear. 515 North rup. J ! CONCRETE block plant sal or trade good location, paying business. East GOOD horseshoeing business; will sell ' half1 Interest to! some-reliable person 1j. V. DrlFcoll, Hood River, or. VK buy," sell or trade , anything of : value, rooming nouses ana automo biles a snectHlty. -10 MCK.ay Diag, iF YOU- have $250 to Invest in a safe, ! business and are satisfied with $20 week or better, call 426 Morgan bldg. MOVING nicture theatre. West side. splendid location. Apply 333 Oak- st WANTED Man or lady to take Intel - , ' est pn lent, nwann. ph rxortnwest piq WHEN you- answer these Want Ada, "' mention The Journal. . WOOD YARD for sale or lease owner. . Tabor 4655. by M ILLINKR V fixtures for sale at : bargain.' W-&97. Journal. RY store. Loiag good business V-i67, Journal. FOR SALE Grocery, confectionery. cigars and tobacco; doing good busi ness: opposite baseball parit. Z4th and Vaughn sts.; account of sicKnesa. Main 2507. WILL take standard make automobile as payment on new. up-to-date bun galow in Rose City Park, one block trom sandy boulevard, p-910. Journal FOR SALE One half or whole inter est in the best equipped meat and cold storage plant in the state of Idaho. KS-153, Journal. NEWSPAPER bargain in a wide awaka town. A money maker. Good rea son for selling. Will sell quick for aoou. Aggress journal. WALL paper and paint store for sale picture hanging: good clean stock good paying business. P. O. Box 1037 Klamath Falls. Or. MAN, satisfied with $100 month or more, in profitable office business winch requires 3&u. call lor particu lars ze Morgan Diug. FOR SALE Poolroom and confection ery in good pay roll- town, only place in town; living rooms. itent Si I'rice xoou. 14 in. 6th st. LADY wishes partner for fine restau rant: will sell Vt interest at sacrl rice, to rignt party. Journal WILL sell cheap, confectionery and light grocery doing good business :: e. nth st SNAP Restaurant for sale. $100 if sold at once. Auoly owner. 267 Couch st.. city. FOR SALE Millinery store in good country town. Cheap if sold this montn. n-au, journal. PARTNER wanted in ornamental met al working factory. Man of mechan ical ability required; must invest at least $1000. Can draw good salary in addition to profits; this is a great op portunity, bib Fenton bldg. 6th and FOR SALE A first class butcher shop, modern equipment, a growing town in Oregon; will invoice between 4juq and jouuo; average sales xiuo a day. No triflers need apply. 349 Mor rison st. GROCERY, confec, ice cream, etc., 5 nice modern living rooms, with bath: rent for all $28 month; putting now $100 month in bank every month be sides their living; invoice about $1600. 3U3 iiumper Exchange. TIMEKEEPER wanted as partner in proritaoie contracting Dusiness, sal ary $100 month besides Drofits. $900 required, secured. Call 426 Morgan building. $2000 MILLINERY store in Albanj and 6 rooms of excellent furniture. and new sewing machine; must be sold. Immediately; $800 cash will han- aie it toaay. tuz .Broadway bldg. TRANSFER outfit with fuel business ln connection; one ot the best towns ln Willamette valley; no competition; doing big business. $3750 handles it, DeForest, 316 Fenton bldg. 84 6th st. L1VRRY in n liv. tnwn near Pnrtlan.1 in Washington: no competition: stood business and A-l outfit. Price $4000. cash down $2000. DeForest, 316 Fen- ton bldg.. 84 6th st. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity;' confec tionery, ice cream, etc.: furnished living room; cheap rent; choice loca tion; no competition; bargain. Z'ilsE, astn south. 1 DENTAL office, modern equipment, es tablished high class business, sell at invoice, aoout $1000 cash or terms. Apply 314 Abington bldg. lOG Vi 3rd st. ONE LOT, pool hall and confectionery, everything as good as new; will sell cheap. For particulars write or call on 1;. A. baling, beaver, or. SPLENDID location for druggist on Mount Hood electric, a fast growing town, uorue in and see us. -fct oak st. Ask for Joe P. Boehm. RESTAURANT and three living rooms, no reasonable price will be refused. Rent $15 man. 395 E. Yamhill, corner of Grand. WAiviED steady man to work as partner In a small cash business; win pay 5100 month. Can room 329 Morgan bldg. WILL sell, well-located grocery store for only $a50, worth twice that mucn; owner leaving city. Come quick, buz jttroaoway Diag. FOR SALE Small grocery, doing good business, low rent, clean stock, not many fixtures to buy. Address M-690 Journal. BAKERY and lljtht crocerv. with liv ing rooms; splendid location; low rent; doing fine business; $200 will handle; no rake. Phone A-3123. $240 CREDIT CHECK to apply on nur chase of Lyon-Taylor niano for sale for J26. Address AH, Journal office Vancouver, vvasn. WAITING ROOM CLOSE IN Soda fountain, (enst xiooiri ,.anriiQ cigars, ice cream, lunches, etc. $S0 to $50 per day. Want lot and bunga low in Portland, clear. Price $4500. free owner at 113 2d st. WANTED Ideas. Write for list of inventions wanted by manufactur ers and prizes offered for inventions. Our four books sent free. Patent se cured or fee returned. VICTOR J EVANS & CO.. Washington. D. C. 660 ACRES Brownsville district; $19,500 and $2000 in cash for good apartment In Portland. Glenart Realty Go,, Inc. 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. HALF block, with 2 large houses, on E. 3d St., choicest property in IIol- laday's addition; price $35,000, will exchange for acreage. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO., 4th and Pine sts. STORE trades made the past week. Fine lists of city snd farm proi- erties to exchange. What have you that is good? We have some splendid propostions. will & uurrur. 312 Abing ton bids. LARGE eastern manufacturer mfxi at $300,000. is readv to Ioeat Pnifi- coast warehouse in Portland. Busi ness now established. For particu lars and personal interview address J. 960 ACRES wheat ranch completely stocked, price $30,000. mte. ir.ono- exchange equity for city property or improvea iarm. joraan, 3U1-Z mm bermen's bldg. B. Gentry, 526 W. 11th st. Albany. Qrl NEAT store with 3 room apt in rear nA uam, etc., ail lor $20; desirable for dressmaking, bar x rf ,any clean business. Sunnyside APt. older., 3ith and Belmont. Tabor o y 00. HOYT-QU1GLEY CO. 516 Stock Exchange. Large list roominjr houses. to9 trade for houses and lots, farms, arrp- age; we trade what you can't use for wnat you want. YOUNG man with a few hundred is looking: for oartnernhin 1 n small business, mechanical line or manufac turing, gooa Dusiness and mechanical experience. L-141, Journal. 960 ACRES of the best wheat land in Albe-Tta, Canada, to exchange for Willamette valley farm. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV CO. 606-607 Yeon bldg. EXCHANGE all kinds of property for town lots in Winans City, Hood Riv er valley. Or. Also timber and dairy lands. ; waterpower sites and factory sites, w. it. winans. uee, or $200 BOWN. $10 monthly buys new 3 room house and lot, clear of Incum brance, at price $850: would trade on small farm, pay difference. Citizens Agency, 170 2d st. $2600 equity in modern 7 room brick cottage in Denver. Colo., or S3000 good mining stock to trade for equity oi same vaiue in nose city I'ara cot tage. V-593, Journal. RESTAURANT Partner wanted to be cashier and help in the business; pay $70 month and board. Very little money required. Room 329 Morgan building. RESTAURANT Fine 'location; cheap reni, must Deaisposea or regardless $4000 equity ln fine 7 room house, oi price, taKe jiU cash down or rent i furnished. 2 lots. 80 acres, for aood rurnisned cheap. Call 88 10th. near acreage, hardware and furniture stock k ltt' i tv hniifiA oar fr nriimhra nu CA K Q TRADES OF ALL KINDS If you can't sell you can trade what you have for what you want. Let us meet you at 502 Couch bldg. square aeaiing. PARTNER for manufacturing bust- Journal, iieaa, no competition; Dig money maker; small amount of money re quired. Handle your own money. Al- orignt, zuo Aoington nidg, PARTNER wanted for strictly cash confectionery, cigars and fruit store taking in $50 to $150 per day. $750 investment required; money secured. Room 502, Broadway bldg. PARTNER with $600 wanted in well established mfg. business. Oppor tunity to get half Interest in big pay ing business. Man of ability required. 616 Fenton bldg. 6th and Oak. FIRST class, handsome, well stocked drug store, with soda fountain; good business, fine location, at central transfer point; cheap for cash, or will trade. A-l 49. Journal. 2 LOTS hear E. 55th and Pine sts. Price $700. Trade for rooming nouse. win assume. xates Z4 4th st. Marshall 2828. CORNER lot and bungalow, worth jz50, mortgage and assessment due $1600, will trade or sell cheap. Make me an offer. C-442, Journal. i vv ajnt a good victroia; will ex change real estate, either house or lot. See owner, 512 Piatt bldg. EQUITY in South Portland, east side about" $160. to trade for motorcycle. u-i it, journal. TELL Jordan what you have and wha you want. He can match them. 301-J Lumbermen a blug. 20 ACRES all stocked. Want an an artment house; it must be a good payer; not over iuouo. c-99. Journal MAKE YOUR OWN BEER, WHISKY" At- h nm a Kimnl t a a e v A mr r c -l t-nvt- Amber Trust Agency, Box 1176. Port- COMFORTABLE room, with use of land. 1 kitchen and parlor for working PAINT and paper store on the Sound 1 tt1T ""p"' ,VJ.odo ,n' easl ,ae t x t.i iwvii rf-m v x. . , jiui hi. for sale. W ill . invoice S1500 and take $1000 in clear real estate. Ad- aress box 425, uiympla. Wash. HAVE fine location for a good shoe repair shop on Hawthorne ave., near 35th st. Rent $15.50. Tabor 864. PARTNER, wanted for tailor business and pressing shop in connection. Good location; well established busi ness. V-676, Journal. HALt Interest In good money making article lo live man that can handle the article. 0-963. Journal. BAKERY and grocery, downtown loca tion; rent $40; ill health reason for selling, $750. Owner. C-100, Journal FOR SALE Drug business, estab lished eight years; clean stock; no agents need apply. B-120 Journal. 1000 Business Cards, $1.00 Ryder Ptg.Co..S. W;Jcor. 3d and Morrison I HAVE $500 for immediate invest ment in established business. C-456 Journal CIGARS, confectionery, light rocer-lt-s, living room; rent $16; best buy in Portland; $35. 616 Stock Exchan ge. SNAP Restaurant for sale; . $100 if sold at once. Apply owner, 267 Couch St.. city. FOR SALE Confectionery and Ice cream parlor. Owner, 775 Union ave. N. MACHINE shop and garage; owner .ias other business requiring atten tion. CiiS Journal. CONFEC., ice cream, cigars, tob. store; nice clean store: btooo rocK and fix tures; will sell below invoice, about &oo. 8io Lumber Exchange biag. "4SOOD clean procery for sale; cood lo cation; cheap rent. Will take one or two milk cows, horse and buggy and, up to 300 hens. AX-158, Journal. BUTTER, eggs, light groceries, tc. a solid store for. sale cheap; clears $123 month which can be Increased. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. FARM land from $15 up. Farms fo city property and city property for farms. West side Income for vacant lots. K. M. Venard. 409 McKay bldg, 4,000,0.00 ft. Douglas fir timber for house and lots in Portland. D-107 Journal. FOR SALE OR TRADE 14 acres hlehlv Improved about 200 feet of Orchard Wash. 6 room house. barn 36x40 and chicken houses, good well water, 1 cow, 1 horse, cmckens and tools. Will trade for a home and assume. McKenxie & CO., bis uer linger bldg. 240 ACRES of the finest land in Kan sas. Located one mile from the city limits of Wichita. Produces wonderful crops. Extra fine alfalfa land. -Price $160 per acre. No Incumbrance. WTant a good stocK ana aairy rancn in Ore gon or wasn., and mignt assume, litis $20 ACRES Lebanon district, first class land. $16,000 and l 4.000 cash for good apartment or income bearing property. Glenart Realty Co., Inc. 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT OR STOCK. We have best wheat or stock ranches ln eastern Oregon or Washington, to exchange for city property and for sale on crop payment plan. U. 15. (MORTGAGE? & I1SV. CO.. 606-607 Yeon bldg. 100 acres finest sandy loam river bot -tom. On Lewis river. 80 acres fine Iy cultivated. 9 room house, 4 barns, various outbldes. All farm machin ery and stock go with place. Price 4 , aaa a 1 1 n ti k 1 fi.,uuv. x raue up to 3vvu, uaiuuue easy. Yates. Z49 4th st. HOUSE AND LOT FOR STORE 5 room house, lot. berries orchard arapes. etc. Mansfield Add. Price $1500 or will trade for store or rooming house. 502 Couch bldg. Somethln good. $5500 worth of residence property ln Lebanon. Or. to exchange for acre age close to Portland or good farm All clear. V ill assume some. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO. 606-607 Yeon bldg. WILL exchange and pay cash dlf'ei ence for good Portland property 4 80 acres good land in 2 separate Improved xarras, value zo per acre; would like roruana property to io,oou. uetor est. 316 Fenton bldg. 84 6th st FOR SALE or trade, block of fine lots between boulevard and Mt. Tabor carline: sidewalks, curbs, graded sts Bull Run water, etc.; special prices and terms to builders. 403 I-eon bldg. FAMILY liquor store wants fust clas man to make himself generally use rul in all branches of It business, as well as to act as salesman behind coun ter. Must have best references as to honesty and ability. State where last employed. If you cannot comply with these requests you need not answer this ad. Good salary to right party. Adrlresw L-U'5. Journal. uu.n 1 look for work. There Is .big demand for automobile, drivers and repair men. Uur .,..-, !...-.... .quality you ln three to five. weeks and abMst in securing good positions. Brina 6 and 7e mortgage loans. $1000 to $20,000 for immediate loan. Prompt service and fair treatment always. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry Bldg. $ 500 AMOUNTS $1500 $ 700 TO $2000 $1000 LOAN $2500 H A RTMAN-T1IOMPSON BANK WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COM PANT, 4 23 Chamber of Commerce Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE. 701 Selling Bldg. ENGINE M8?.. 'or on free lesson. 11C AUTO & GAS SCHOOL 66-268 11th st. (Near Jefferson). HAVE organized a company ln Port- land to handle a staple line by a new selling method which has been very successful in the east. We need ons experienced stock salesman. Unless you have experience, references and a desire to make good, do not waste tims by calling It is a fine opportunity for the right man. 316 Henry bldg. Y M. C. A. EMP1a.iV MENT UEPT. Record for year 1912: Calls for men ..2615 Positions filled " 1941 All young men seeking employment ar cordially invited to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Rowe. Readine. healina. dally: cir cles Tuesday and Friday evenings. 8 o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A-7116. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security; apply room 202 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts: mortgage loans: reasonable rates. K. H. Lewis A Co., S Lewis bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES TATE. WM. G. BECK. 115 FAIL ING Bi.nr,. $100,00u on mortgages, city and farm property. lire insurance. McKensle & Co.. Gerlinirer bid.. 2d and Alder. TO LOAN $400. $1600, $2500 and $5000 on city Improved property. J. L. Wells Co.. 24 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1 HAVE $6000 to loan on good Portland improved real estate. call Taoor 4985 after 6:30 o'clock. SIDELINE, salesman making small towns; Just the premium proposition r.??. J,J2J?k.l,n,?r 'or: SOMETHING a little DIFFERENT than other bouses are putting out. We guarantee our goods to sell or take back unsold goods. 'oil particulars write today. . May Mfg. Co.. 218 W. PlegH ,t.. Chicago, nf. "WaNTZIu Canvassers who are willing to work, selling fruit snd ornamental Capital City Nursery Co.; Salem. Or. FOUR live men wanted at once to help promote one of the best propositions on the market. Licensed under blue " -iww. ii m spinning tldg. BOY for substitute on morning paper .ou.to nea.r Piedmont car barns. X- povf journ.1 CARPENTER wanted to build bunga low; must take good lot part pay ment. Q-958. Journal. - YOUNG married man to keep books snd run typewriter; references xe qulred. 11-898. Journal. t WANTED a small boy .for chore work. $10 per month. George Slm mon. Oervals, Or MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages bought and sold. Jehn L Karrpr. Railway Exchange bldg. $500 on vacant or improved Portland property. No delays. K.auirmann & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. $1500 TO LOAN on improved real es tate or for building purposes; no commission charged. X-984, Journal. CHKf Headquarters and belpera. Cai- ..Kiiim y, me ufpoi. 216 Tamhlll. wajnim), wagon blacksmith. Call at 410 Belmont j'tafterj oVhckjodsy. COOK wanted Apply men's reading room. 88 N. 2d. GOOD cook for Gem restaurant. 370 North 24th st. MOSEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 IMMEDIATM LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWKLRT AT EASTERN KATES. We have one of the finest retail Jew elry stores ln the city. A loan depart ment is conducted in connection witn same, making business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan business displayed in front oi our store. All mercnanuw pledged is held for a period of seven months, whether or not interest Is paid when due. We are licensee ana nave been established since 1889. No con nection with any other loan establish ment ln tals city. A. & M. DELO VAGE, JEWELERS. 824 Washington -S.t. WHEN you answer these Waal Ads, mention The Journal. 11EU WANTKJi MlbC 4ft SALESMEN wanted. Experience tin necessary, eay work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn tloo to l&un n. month while you learn. Address near est oxric. Dept. 312. National Sales men s Trainings association, Chicago. New York. Kansas City. Kan Francisco. GET VACATION We will loan you any amount on sal ary, diamonds, autos. motorcycles, fur nlture, pianos or real estate at lowest rates. You can get it toaay. iLiccnSed;, 205 Rothchild Blda Between 4th and 6th sts., on Wash ington st. Vacation Loans At te lowest rates. All we rea u ire Is that you be em ployed on SMlary and you get the money quickly without mortgage. In- dorser or other security. Call and see us. Do It now. State Security Co. 309 Falling bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED A sightly tract of 3 to 6 acres on frequently traveled road, 3 to 10 miles from Portland, near subur ban car line. Must have good soil and water, and otherwise be suitable for purposes of a home for retired busi ness man of moderate means. Answer, giving location, price, etc, U-906, Journal. WANT 160 seres bench land, some level, good soil, running water, with in 25 miles Portland; must be close to frood road and lay high with good out 00k; give location, full description and price. A-l 6 5, Journal. WANTED farm about 40 acres not over $5000. Give full description and best terms. Address A-195, Jour WANTED 6 or 10 acres, with some Improvements, nqt to cost over $1500. Describe fully, giving best terms and price. H-863, Journal. WANTED A 4 or 5 room house and lot valued at about $2500; will give lot 60x100 and pay difference. Ad- dress V-677. Journal. WANTED Acreage or city property to exchange for modern 4 room house and paying business. Address D-106, Journal. FOR SALE Pool hall with 3 tables and fixtures: small amount of 1cash necessary. Call Tabor 3317, or F. E. Little, 1087 Division St.. city. PARTNER for cash restaurant. No op- position. $300 required. Room 002 Broadway bldg. FOR RENT Store ln fine location for cash grocery or meat market. Very low rent. M. E. Lee, 62 3 coroett bldg. A BARGAIN to the man who buys my grocery, confectionery, cigars, foun tains, etc. 1571 E. 13 th. Bell wood. S100 Partner wanted: good wages every day. Call after 3 p. m. or be fore 8 a. m. 84 Glbbs WANTED Fraternal organizers at once; good chance to right parties. , m . .A T.... , Aggress -v-i J. jummn. HAVE 2 stores, must sell one; both pay well; sell either. $1500 or $450; terms: no agents. V-B72. Journal. TWO good confectionery. Ice cream. candy aitcnen aua uanrrj iore, reasonable, at -SO Alder st. WANT partner in my restaurant. Money no object if vou will work. I have a money maker. Open for inves tigation. Address X-755. Journal HAVE 2 lots at Medical Lake, Wash.. trade for furniture: price $200. John Grlndstrom, Box 682. R. 1. WANTED farms .in exchange for city property. Give detailed description. 1 Kauffman & Moore. 325 Lumber Exch. WE HAVE buyers who wish to in vest $150 to $500 in some small busi ness. Call at 310 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 1602. FOR SALE. WANTED, city property in exchange for farms. Give detailed description. Kauffmann & Moore, 325 Lum. Exch. WANTED Automobile for my $700 equity in modern bungalow. bal- one-half interest In well ; ance $15 month. R-947. Journal. paying pressing establishment; two thirds cash, balance 30 daya; no agents. Address V-57 5,x Journal. K INTEREST in pool hall, $160 cash. bal. on terms if sold .Sunday. 152 W. Willamette blvd. FOR SALE Grocery and confection ery ln good locality. A snap for cash. Write owner. D-99, Journal. PARTNER wanted in a good paving business vlth a good reliable firm. $275 required. 248 Stark st. RESTAURANT for sale cheap or will exchange for acreage. Call t5r ad dress 307 hj 1st st. south. LADY prospector wants to hear of good .placer proposition. B-190, Journal. $1000 EQUITY in 6 room modern house for sale or trade. 21 E. 76th st. N. B-2509, CHOICE lot in Alameda to-trade for automobile. 409 Morrison st. WHEN you answer these Waui Ada, mention The Journal 2 BUNGALOW equities. $2000. to ex- change for apartment house. Ta. 1048, CLEAR Portland lots to trade for tim ber. 603 Dekum bldg. WILL trade my 6 room house-, 6 lots At Dumont. Colo. X-988, Joorfisl. UNINCUMBERED acreage for property. 328 Henry bldg. city FINK bungalow for farm, sume. - 328 Henry bldg. Will as- W ANT bargain in house and lot; may buy equity: alve lowest Dries. O- 954, Journal. WANT house, restricted district; have beach cottage and equity improved acreage. L-148. Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ada! mention The Journal. ' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 MONEY TOLOAN ON REAL ESTATE! A. H. HARDING. 1 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOAJNrf. 6 and 1 per cent. Louis Salomon Co.. stark st. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRAINGTON 80 4th sc. Bosrd of Trade Bid. $100C to $5lv0 private funds for iruuie- qis.e town. rnim -isoor zoZO. $260. $850, $600 $60. $1ZU $20uo. Fred w. German Co.. 91 4 Cham. Com. MONEY to tuan.yeWo per cent. W . Seltx tr Co.. i Spalding bldg. W. H. WHEN you answer th Waul -id. mention The Journal. $1200 ON GOOD real estate in or near Portland. See attorney, 512 Platfcbd.g MTOTE IPLASE 1 is miim mm DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ETC Business strictly confidential. Separate department for ladies. 220 Lumber rx. Bldg.. d and Stark. If You Need Money and Can t Borrow From a bank, SEE US FOR PRIVATE LOANS On Your Piano. Furniture. Auto. Livestock, Storage Receipts, Real Es tate, etc. .we isuy jwortag-'s. MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CO. Main 6286. 310 Abington bldg. COLUMBIA Loan Co., 206 S wetland bid a. Money to loan On chattels. pianos, (tc., plain notes or anything o alue. We buy mortgages. Confidential. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, jew- elry. w m. noil, ri 8 wsshlngton m a g, LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 3d St., near Alder. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry t. w. King, a wasnington bldg. GOVERNMENT positions in postof- iiuc, railway man ana Other branches are good. Prepare for "ex ams" under former U. H. civil service eacrciary-examiner. .Booklet 1134 free. Write today. I'atterson Civil Service frcnooi. Kochester, N. Y. SALESMAN experienced in any lino to sell general trade in Pacific ter ritory. Unexcelled specialty proposi tion. Commission contract. $35 week ly for expenses. Continental Jewelry" co. Z73-29 Continental bldg.. Cleve- 111U, OHIO. SALESMAN Capable specialty men for Oregon. StaDle line on rmw anrf exceptional terms. Vacancy Aug. 1. Attractive commission contract. $35 weekly for exDenses. Mllea V Ri.i.r Co.. 227-29 Carlln bldg., Cleveland. O. PRACTICAL man with - family, for general farm and orchard work. ml. ary at rate of $58.50; permanent, and opportunity to acquire small farm to rignt party with not less than $250. K-144, Journal. USE your spare time to build up a mail order business of your own. We help you start for a share ln profits. 27 opportunities. Particulars free. Mu tual Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y. 1 OREGON LAW SCHOOLA thorough practical course in law; no time lost from regular occupation; recitations evenings. Samuel T. Richardson, dean, M. Morehead; sec 316, 317 Common- wealth bldg.. Portland. Oregon. WOMEN WANTED For government clerkships; $70 month; Portland ex aminations soon; specimen questions free.- Franklin Institute, Dept. 7040, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Rallwuty mall clerks: Portland examinations soon. $7a month; sample questions free. Frank lin Institute, Dept. 348-0. Rochester. N. Y. WAN LOANS WANTED 30 TED ON A-l 8ECURITY. $17,500 at 7 Value $60,000 Income over $7000 rter year. 5,000 at 7 Value 14,000 z.ooo at 1V0 ...value 2000 at i (farm).... Value 3,000 at 7 Vaiue 400 at 8 Value M'KENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerlinger bldg. Main 2801 7.000 10,000 12.000 1.200 MONT A VILLA LOAN. $500. 8 PCT. 6 room plastered bungalow, nice lot. value $1500. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To borrow $5000 on good Income business property in Ta ooma,'Wsh. Worth $60,000. Address 349, E. 51st st. Portland. Or. PORTLAND msll carriers wanted. Average $90 month. Portbxnd ex sminations coming. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 351-0. Rochester. N. V. AN Intelligent person may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspa pers. No canvassing. Send for par- tlculars. Press Syndicate, 707 Lock-. Port. N. Y. SALESMEN Greatest specialty. Jut out. Sells 80 merchants, who thank you tor calling. Make big money. Experience unnecessary. Mutual Mfg. Co., Everett. Wash. SALESMEN acquainted with grocery' trade? large demand, liberal com mission. Pocket sample. ' Wirth Sales Book Co.. Chicago. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel. demonstrate and sell dealers,- $26 to $50 per week. ralHad fare paid. G00J rich Drug Co.. Dept. 575, Omaha. Neb. 1 WORK hard, long hours, small wages, lawn mowing. Picture operating-operators earn $18-135 a week. 2 33 Oak st. MANICURING, scalp treatment, hair work taught, day and evening classes, reasonable tuition. Call Marshall 84. $150. 4 months or longer. .-Approved collateral security. Private party. D-101, Journal. WANTED. $800 at 8 per cent, three years on Improved farm worth $5000. See Riffle, 275 Pine st. WANTED $1700 City Journal. Park on -home modern Rov at 7. E-20, $5000 LOAN wanted on Portland in come property worth $12,000. No rommimlon to arnts F-91, Jou rna 1. WANTED $5000 at 7 on elose-in west side property. Income $12 mo. Main 1166. 720 Cham, of Com. bldg. WANTED $500 to increase my stock. ' Pay S7o L year. 0-958, Journal. PORTIjAND mall carrier examinations coming, $80 month: life Jobs. Sam ple questions flee. KX-165. JournsL BEST proposition ever offered to lea m moving picture operating. Call 321 S almon. bet. Broad w ay and S Ixth. PACIFIC Chiropractic. College Iao4 407 to 4 is common wean n omg. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $.( up. Taylor, the Tsilor. 89 Bumslde USE Bassett'a Native Herbs for rheu matism: 50 tablets 25c All druggists WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. - HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 OPENING for learning multl graph work. Good pay for competent op- eratorw. X-989. Jo'imsl. ; WANTED good cook, uowu stairs work only. 266 N. 26. ; WHEN vou answer thesa Want Ads. mxntlun Tlw Journal. ' tCoatlaaed oa Vest face) X ...