The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 19, 1914, Page 25, Image 25

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Can You
Beat It?
1 have the plans of a nlcs modern I
room bungalow, which I can build for
you ot a nice lot in a good district,
for 1300; pan show you one already
completed; small payment down, bal
ance easy terms. Call qn me at 394
K. 37th M. or rail Tabor 2769 today.
OK BALK by owner, a house and loC
also a vacant lot. Call East 2S99.
ARE we selling lots? I should say,
yea. Why? Because our lots are
located on Vancouver, Williams, Union
avenues, and E. Sixth street, which
lie right on line of progress with tho
opening of Union avenue, and the com
pletion of the Interstate bridge. This
property wilt treble In value. The
frk;a and terms are so exceedingly
ow and easy that you will never be
able to duplicate it again. Remember
our auto will call at your door and
take you out to the property. Main
1743. Agent on ground today.
.. 608 Lewis bids.
100x100 Snap
Two full lots adjoining Altamead 2
blocks from end of Mt. Tabor carline,
facing east on 88th atreet; no restric
tion; a snap at $600, $200 cash, or wilt
sell 50x100 for $300.
Kauffmann & Moore
326 Lumber Exchange.
ACRE for $3G0; $10 down, $5 per
month. On a large tract like this
iou can raise all your vegetables, fruit,
Lerrlek, chickens, etc., which is the
gteater part of your living. This is
on way of solving the hiah cost of
living. Start now. M. E. Lee, 622
Corbet t blug.
$500 i-asli will buy 60x1 JO lot on
49th st,, half block from the Alameda
drive. " Owner wants money and will
nur to MHcrtftce. Call at 210 Get linger
bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. Ph'jne Mar
it h all 2379 or A-3499.
$7mi fcsiiVH '4 acre on the weHt Bide;
$20 down. $10 per" month. ' 5c fare,
20 minutes' ride; ideal for a home,
where you can raise all your vegetu
bls, berries, chickens, etc., which is
the greater part of your living. M. E.
L-e, 622 Corbett bldg.
' 5 Acres With Bungalow
In Vancouver
tST B-S-Li
Within -Six Days
(Before 6 o'clock Friday this week)
700 ACRES.
Fronting on the Willamette River.
$36.50 ER ACRE.
(1,760,000 bridge bonds Just passed
by Multnomah county, Oregon, and
Ciarke county, Washington, to build
new steel bridge over Columbia river, i
connecting Oregon and Washington;!
work to be started immeaiateiy, posi
tively doubling the value of surround
ing property.
This beautiful little farm, owned by
an old man whose wife died a montn An level, river bottom soil. 20 feet
ago. He lives on place ana has care- 4eep. Railroad and steamboat trans
fully improved and developed It the portation. Finest stock ranch In Wll
past 10 years. Everything ideal f or a , Imette Valley. Cheapest dairy and
home; streetcar rumvlng oy place; 20 hog ranch on Coast. Adjoining lands
minutes to new bridge; also facing two cannot be bought at $100 per acre,
good roads, with schools and churches you can easily double your money by
vi. cYcjy ucii..u.v.. cuiiina: it into small rancnes.
awav: 4c carfare: entirety surrounaeu
by wire and wooden fence; rich soil,
will grow anything. ,
45 fruit trees, all varieties; 125 lo
ganberry bushes, 425 dewberry bushes,
one acre. seeded to grass, 2 acres to
oats. Vs acre truck farming, raising,
two and three crqps a year; 25 foot !
well and pump and running spring; j
Deautliui wnite ana green u- room uuu
aralow IV. story. '4 room barn, wood
shed and chicken coop costing $1000,
St. Charles Hotel. 204. Morrison st.
- Coatiatie4.) j.
$25 TO $70 PER ACRE.
5. 10, 15. 20 acre tracts.
On a railroad within 30 miles
v nu fan sell this ulace in six months .Portland.
for Just double the purchase price, as Plenty of creek and spring water.
other property is selling as high as Deep black loam bottom land.-
$1000 an acre now. He must have money Deep red shot soil uplands.
now; will sacrifice for $3500; $2000 No rocks, good roads.
cash, balance first mortgage, 6 per ' Join our colony of contented land
cent. Enquire 821 Chamber of Com? owners.
merce. ' I Write or call for particulars and de-
: : " scrlptlve literature and maps.
.U.UJ;AiANN, K U Y & CO.,
913 Chamber of Commerce.
VEKV Itti'ke, choice homesites on the
west slue; 15 minutes' car ride; 6c
fart; lor only $350, $10 down. $5 per
month. This is the best value in the
city. If you are looking lor a loca
tion for a hom; it will pay you to see
nln. M. E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg.
if! VLNGTON snap; lot 60x1 6, .faces
on two streets; worth $4000; " must
well $2 100, all cash; on Weidler, near
:.'ri St.
414 Corbett bldg. A-1416. Marshall 92.
Last 57th. 100 ft of Hawthorne line,
all improvements in; best neighbor
hood, east front. If you have cash
buy this at once; will be worth more
noon. Ca 11 owner today. Tabor 2329.
LOT on Williams ave., 60x100, side
walks, a beautiful building lot, for
the low price of $800; 10 cash and
2 a month. Agent on -ground today.
Phope Main 1743. 608 Lewis bldg.
$600 LOT FOR $400.
100 feet frontage, 46 feet depth,
plenty of room for 2 small cottages.
close to car. Nice location. This is a
real bargain. Kred W. German Co.,
91 I 'hm. of Com.
60x100 lot, near Kenton school, in
Kalrnort addition. 2 blocks from L
car. J 475. bine shade trees.
4th and Pine sts.
IHVTNOTON district lot on Schuyler
and E. 2ath sts. $900. 3 blocks
to Broadway car. Easy terms.
4th and Pine sts.
Spring Water, Piped
Electric Light
for $400
At Oswego Lake
Brine the whole family and have a
good tune.
The Atchison-Allen Co,
210 Gerllnger bldg. 2d and Alder sts.
FIVE acres all. in cultivation, 5 room
house, new barn 20x30, chicken
house 1 acre in strawberries, 1 acre
in raspberries and loganberries, bal
ance in oats. Price $1300. $800 cash,
balance terms.
16 acres. 7 acres in cultivation, other
slashed and seeded, about 4 acres of
mis ib eiiuiiic3 ue veruam lanu , j. iuue
from railroad station, 2 miles from
streetcar line; good 4 roomhouse, good
barn and outbuildings. Price of this
is $2000. $600 cash, balance terms.
See this at tnv PYnpnin
10 electric trains each way daily; 10- j. c. dll.RKKT
cent commutation fare; SO minutes' 1 Phone 618. 112 W. 6th st
ride; $10 a: month will buy this. Ol-i Vancouver Wash.
flee at the lake open all day Sunday ; T.N acrea at N- ,.,. . .,.. trnm
unit overv afternoon Hu v ticket to acres a. 1 XNewuerg, y miles irom
$1500, new barn $500, modern chicken
house $250. crops and stock ko witli
the place; close to church and school,-
on auto road-; worth $8000, now $6a00,
$2500 down, balance long time.: Look
tms up.
414 Corbett bldg. A-1416, Marshall 92.
1, 2, 5 and 10 acre tracts, 30
minutes out on
New, Big, Red, Steel Electric
12c commuters fare; very best
of soil,' water and community
conveniences; $125 to $600 per
acre on installments.
The Shaw-Fear Co.
Main 36. 102 4th at. A-3500.
Acreage at Orenco
Eight, 9 10 or 12 acre tract with
running stream on back line, with
House, barn; orchard and other lm
provements or without; half mile from
Orenco townsite. Cheap. With good
terms. Apply to Oregon .Nursery Co,
at Orenco. On Oregon Electric R. B.
40 minutes' ride from Portland.
Consisting of 6 acres level rich
land. 80 rods to electric railwav: on
j fine auto road to Portland: some fir
j and oak trees, balance in grass, with
small creek crossing the land. Price
iuoo tor the tract; $12a down, easy
terms on balance at 6 per cent.
vis l namber or Commerce
We will make you a long time loan.
You can move on the land at once.
Your Canadian farm will make you in
dependent, and
we uive iou
Years to Pay
Rich Canadian land at $11 to $30
per acre, one-twentieth down, balance
In 19 payments, with interest at 6 per
cent. Long before final payment
comes due your farm will have paid
for itself.
We Lend You $2000 for
Farm Improvements Only
No other security than th land.
You are given 20 years to pay, with
Interest at 6 per cent. In case of ap
proved land purchaser, we advance
livestock to the value of $1000 on a
loan basis.
Or. If you want a place already es
tablished, you will find one on our
ready-made farm. All planned by our
experts, and our service and advice is
yours free.
This Great Offer' Is Based
On Good Land
Finest on earth for general mixed
Mr. Farmer
151 acres, 60 acres under plow, about t
120 acres or tinaoie lana, oaiance pas
ture. Finest of water piped to houso
and barn, good 6 room bouse and good
barn. 3 acres of good mixed orchard.)
4 miles from Washougal. County roadi
R. F. D. Price $11.00t. $6000 cash.)
balance easy terms. May take oo
160 acres, 30 acre under plow, about
100 acres tillable. Finest of water,
good small barn. oi4W,nack. of house,
considerable piling timber on part of
land. Pine Im 10 miles from Washou-
gal, 5 miles from Cape Horn, on coun- i inn harvested from this land; to sea
Holmes Farm '.
This is a beautiful stretch of low
rolling land, abundantly watered, soil
a rich black and chocolate loam, 350
acres in crops, the balance (of which
over 60 acres la very easily tillable),
furnishes a heavy -rowth of pasture
grasses, and all within 1 mtle of rail
road. 54 miles from Portland.
Now is the time to see the immense
cross of vetch, oats, wheat, etc. be-
ty road. R. F. D. daily. Close to
thousands of acres of outrange. Good
stock proposition. Price $2o00. Some
terms. 40 acres of this land is worth
more than is asked for all.
Washougal. Wash.
4 miles from Noti. 22 miles west of
Eugene, 60 acres under cultivation, 80
acres clover, 20 acres more In pasture,
240 acres timber and brush, about
800,000 feet of fir timber, greater part
easily cleared, 150 to 160 creek bot
tom, balance bench land, all but 15
acres of this place can be put under
plow. The Long Tom river makes entire
south line, extra fino springs; 6 room
house, barn 40x100, other outbuildings,
large list of stock and machinery. Price
$14,660; mortgage $3700 at 6 per cent;
will take modern bungalow up to $3500,
$3000 cash, balance long time at 6
per cent. Might consider exchange for
212-213 Chamber of Commerce.
31 S acres black soil, 228 cleared, 90
rich pasture, 30 acres bearing hops, 70
clover, 83 grain, 6 acres orchard, 190
acres of this farm is bottom land now
in cultivation producing heavy crops;
all fenced and well improved with
fnrminc- irrioot nn.irrtA.i modern house. 2 bi barns, hop house,
lands. 'Located on or near railway, niachine shed, etc. Plenty of fine
The famniM 'xnariian wt mn I water, on level gravel road. 3 miles
from valley railway town and can be
Dought for $66 an acre. Owner has
grown rich from the revenue of this
farm and will give easy terms. D.
McChesney, Title & Trust bldg.
nificent soil, good climate, churches
public schools, good markets, good ho
tels, unexcelled transportation.
Personally conducted party of land
seekers will leave Portland for Cal
gary, Alberta, via Seattle, on Saturday,
July 25, at 1:45 p. m. Round trip $45;
tif'lcota &nrrl ratnrnlni. rintnhai 11 Villi
detailed information from " 2 miles from electric line, Sherwood,
Li n I nOmtOni UlStriCt nePi road; new home and bam, young orch-
20 Acres
the 26 acres of fine loganberries, the
larira famil v nri-tiuM .th you ntr com
mercial orchard, complete set of large
farmx buildings 'and numbers of fine
springs, one of which la piped to the
Anything that grows In the Willam
ette valey will yield abundantly on
this farm. Used as a dairy ranch,
there could be none better for we have
the soil, the water, the pasture and the
Ideal location. Without doubt the
ranch will carry 16 milkers beside
the other stock. Go now and see this
farm and take advantage of the best
farm buy by from $25 to $50 per acre
in the valley.
Will make reasonable terms and
might consider gilt edge property In
part. Call or send for full particu
lars. Otis C. Beck
302 Railway Exchange bldg.
wi'T : (Continued.)
tion, on main road, well watered. $6000 Beautiful 7 room home, on 4X
jew lot, in Eugene.
good improvements. bst of oil. will
consider good Portland Income as
part payment.
38 acres, Roseburg. Or., all In high
state cultivation, over half ' bearing
orchard, balance just coming Into
bearing, modern set buildings, every
thing in O. K. shape, for Portland
houses or vacant if well located.
2h0 acres, Willamette valley, close
to rail, both steam and electric, all
lu cultivation, all fenced, fair set of
buildings, will take good apartment
house or Portland vacant.
Z20 acres, Lak county. In Christ
mas valley. So cultivated, all tillable,
all water needed tor irrigation at 1
feet depth, no rock, no gravel, all
fenced, on R. K. survey now building
from Vale; will exchange for 10 to 15
acre place In western Oregon or Cal
ifornia at lower altitude.
Chittenden & Neill
310 Oak st.
Special Snap
I will sell 40 acres' of my farm
raised crop this year; 22 acr
clover. This is all fine, level, black
loam soli. This is where they raiBe
the seed clover and vetch; 2 crops" will
more than pay for this at the price.
$80 per acre; on county road (river
road) only 200 yards from the Wil
lamette river; fine building spot, good
fishing, hunting, boating, etc.; between
Eugene and Albany, near Harrisburg,
Or. I will furnish seed oats, wheat,
clover, or vetch to plant land this fall.
Come now and see the crop it raised
this year. I want Va cash, no trade..
Write me one day ahead and I will
meet your train. Ore. Electric or S. P.
R. R. Address H. Graham, Harrisburg.
Canadian Pacific Rv Land Branch.
271 Pine St. (Multnomah Hotel bldg.)
Portland. Or.
108 ACRES FOR $5500.
ard, all kinds of small fruit and ber
ries; good water at door; good fences,
running stream, 7 acres in potatoes,
about 14 acres cleared, hay In barn,
about 1 a.cre onion land, some fine on
ions, only 15 miles from Portland;
444 SheTlock bldg. '
West Side Acreage Bargain
5 AcreS, $1250! $125 CaSh CHICKEN and fruit rantbas near Port
,. . ' . ' . , .1 land; Gresham district, electric sta-
Very choice tract of level cleared , tion 1-2 mile. New subdivision. Sun
land, very rich soli, short distance sta. shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil,
tion. 45 minutes out; the very place I free wood; elegant location. Prices
1UI a uia.II WHO Y1UIH3 111 llie tll.V I nn V 175 tn E 1 nf ooi-o in
loni . 13 - . . - . F ' . . .
Ill's IN ESS lot. E. 20th and Clinton sts.
$1250. , -
4th and Pine ets.
WILL sncrliice a few 60x100 lots with
sidewalks and curbs, graded streets.
Pull Run water, near car and auto
boulevard: easy terms. 403 Yeon bldg.
FOR SALE $1006' equity in Wilberton
lot for half. Balance not to be paid
for 3 years. It will pay you to in
vestigate this. Z-871, Journal
1miu Bi;S a nice lot on the west side.
Suitable for flats or tenement houses
In the manufacturing district. M. E.
Lee. 622 Corbett bldg.
tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland
Realty. Co., 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland Or.
25 acres, deep rich soil, well watered,
easy clearing, good neighborhood; 1
mile to station; 29 miles from Port
land. Ideal for diversified farming.
Price $800; terms $15 down. $15 month
913 Chamber of Commerce.
1't )RTLA ND HEIGHT lot, 60x107,
Mountain boulevard. Greenway. Fin
view of mountains and city. $1700
ash. Owner Marshall 2574.
$150 per acre under adjoining land.- Be
sure to investigate It before you de
cide on something less desirable.
1301 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 3177.
10 Acres $300
$6 cash, $6 per month.
20 Acres $600
$12 cash, $12 per month.
. $1 fare. On a good-county road.
Neighbors, school, telephone.
All the land tillable.
Deep, fertile soil. No rocks.
Fred F. Huntress
284 Oak st.
20 ACRES. $400.
$50 down. $50 every 6 months, 6.
All good, rich soil, fine running: water.
few scattering stumps, plenty of grass SEE LINCOLN-WOOD ACRES TODAY
for stock year round. 4V4 miles to. Half mile east of Oregon City car at
town and creamery, rock road to the , Rothe station, have beautiful view, best
(pant . .. j . .
-"- ouiiuuiiuiik. koou : ill I. waif, r H nn
a.a acres Close to Amity ana . . : are nn v SK .minutes' rl1 frnm rinwn
Vf in cultivation, hi In -timber, fine. : town. Buy here and reduce high cost
ONLY $385.
Splendid homesite right at electric
station, on county road, fine view,
good soil, readr for cultivation, water
i and electric light. Price only $385.
I Will sell on very easy terms. Can you
beat It? A-35, Journal.
rich soil, part fenced. Only $700. $50
down, $50: every 6 months, 67c. Neigh
bors close by. F. E. Seachrest, 332
'namoer or commerce.
FOR SALE Lot i0xl00, 27th und
Gladstone; $600 cash. Phone Mat
Miall 3.745. .
FIN E east front lot in Rote City Park.
$1j0. Also one In Irvlnnton Park at
$nf0, 514 Chamber of Commerce.
BY owner. . 43x107 Ainsworth, near
Union ave., also 100x100 Shaver and
Mallory ave. Phone East 339. C-1899.
SACRIFICK Overlook corner; easy
terms; $150 down. Owner, Marshall
LOT in Fairmount add. 50x100.
me offer. V-574. Journal.
FOR SALE Lots adjoining Mt. Tabor
park. $400 and up. D-103, Journal.
BAYOCEAN' snap; lot 2 In block 44,
corner 60x100, hard surface in and
ram; i diock to ocean, rine view; a
real tug Btiop; worth $1200; now $375
414 Corbett bldg. A-1416. Marshall 92
BUY Columbia neaeh lots now. while
iney are cneap. up. New addi
tion, easy terms four miles south of
me moutn ol ( olumwa river, on S P.
ft H R. R. John L. Tanner, Columbia
i-seHcn. ure.
Hayocean lot, $300. 3 blocks from
hotel. Phone Tabor 4627.
H'K'R lots,; Rockaway beach $130.
Must sell. Get busy Would trade,
3930 64th St.. 8. E.
6o TILLAMOOK county beach lots for
sale at one-tnird or, value; terms.
flawlc Ridge Co.. box 30. Portland, Or
WHEN .you . answer these Want Ada,
nieimon rne journal.
2V ACRES on a beautiful, clear creek.
mi in a jDeautnui grove ol ash
' fir, dogwood, wild cherry and
yringa. Could be arranged xo run a
-.. I1U4HO and light all buildings and
an do made, available tor trout. J. J
filler. Main 4841.
10 acres. Vk mile from Ouatama sta
tioii, i; miles out. About 1000 cords
wood, fine land, creek on place. Worth
i'ioo per acre. Quick sale, $225 per
at-re taices It. 103 JM. stn.
''loo equity lor $1700. 6 acres,
cultivated. : at electric station.
i .it gui; terms on balance; no agents.
i '-', journal.
6 ACRES onlPortland and Oregon City
i.r: beautiful shrubbery; fine view
r Mt. Hood running water; the loea
.o;i for a fine country home. Phone
I'ed 812. MllwauKle.
A 'RE tract only $400 wltb water, elec
triclty. nice grove or trees. 30 mln
utes" ride. $10 per month. J-36, Jour
WANTED 20 to 30 acres, mostly un
der cultivation, with buildings. 26
mile radius. COAD. , 1218 Northwest
ern Bank bJdr.
ACREAGE on . Oregon Electric, $450
per a" re; 6 Vt acres with 3 room
bouse. 12300 terms,- L. F. MlUhollen.
" oomawn, 1810.
A SNAP---Must have money. Will
sell equity in choice acre In Par
Rose- very .cheap. . Investigate. K-5C.
Journal. ' - - - " -
40 ACRES a cleared. 10 slashed, run
nlng water;, will sacrifice for cash.
10 ACF.ES of good rich land for $200
tasi., i Worcester bldg.
60 acres under cultivation, good
bearing family orchard, 200 young
cherry trees, 700 young prunes. Good
6 room house, barns and other build- 50 stands bees, large house and barn,
mgs. Spring, well, running water; $3000 good orchard, trout stream through
worth of timber: 4 miles on rock road Place, fine camDlnK trrounds. all Drod
to good town on electric: 30 miles from ucts of farm sold on place, do a hotel
Portland; 2 hours' time will put you I and feed business and handle auto sup
on place from any depot In Portland I plies; other business In California re
or by auto. Sickness und unforeseen I uuires owner's attention or this place
necessity to raise money by August 1 would not be for sale. If you want a
compels me to sell. Have always neld money maicer iook mis up; javu win
Place at $10.0(10. hut will tube tova I handle: rood terms on balance. Neal
price now with at least $2500 cash, the Brown, 209 Panama bldg.
60 Acres $3500
CO acres, all good level land; about
20 acres under cultivation. 15 acres
more nearly ready td plow; house,
barn, good water. This is located
about 4 miles from Washougal. In a
fine location. Biggest snap in the
state. $1200 cash, balance good terms.
80 Acres $6000
130 acres on auto road to coast, team
and farm equipment, good dairy herd, j pasture. $2500 cash, balance can run
Two miles from Brush Prairie, all
level, finest of soil, fair bulldlnRs:
about 20 acres under cultivation, fine
232 ACRES.
Located 9 miles northwest of -Salem,
Z miles from Oregon Electtic R.
R. : li0 acres under plow and in crop.
5 acres in bearing orchard, balance 4i
pasture and timber, 10 room house,
modern, cost $5000 to build. 2 large
barns and other outbuildings, fine well
and springs, has good water, ou fine
macadamized road, cream route, mail
route,, telephone. Cash price on this
place $100 per acre. Ail ciear oi in
cumbrance, but 1 might consider a
small farm well located as part pay
ment, or would consider city Income
property at cash value. Address G
926. Journal. '
Want modern bungalow up to $5000:
own 68 acres near good town and
school: 60 acres cultivation. 7 acres
bearing prunes, 11 acres young orchard
balance! zrain. clover, ana root crops
springs and fine stream; buildings new
and Kood: team. cows, implements
If you have $2600 cash. Inquire price
ana terms. i
3d and Yamhill.
Confectionery, ice cream, tobacco
ami Hnr Ktora dolna irood business
and best of locations. Waiting room5
tor street car patrons.
5 room house, bath, toilet, Dutch
kitchen, gas. water and electric lights.
3 blocks to car. 3 lota.
40 acres. White Salmon valley, un
improved. Will trade all or separately. 6244
Foster road. Mt. Scott car. Tabor 3430.
40 acres, 15 cultivated, timber, log
house, large barn, chicken houses, cel
lar; fowls, stock, implements. Trade
for city residence; $2000 cash. $500
and $1000 note. Hollinger, 433 Cham
ber of Commerce bldg.
10 years.
E, F, Gilbert
101 Wash. St. Vancouver. Wash.
Blair at 409 Panama Bldg.. Portland.
100 ACRES, in cultiviition except o
acres, near Dallas, $5500. 50 acr?s,
near Donald; stock, implements and
furniture, $6000. 238 acres near Gold-
endale. well Improved. $7000. Fin
Willamette vallev bargains.
If vou wish to sell your real estate
for cash or trade tor other property. It
win pay you to see us lor quick re
sults. 10 years' silccesstul. business
Is our guarantee for a square deal.
M K.NZI & CO..
613 Gerllnger bl d g. Main 2801.
Sfi??hCfi,6 8&r ffVn, bottom land. 28 in high stat. j Duf ur, 312 Abingdon blTf
Marshall 2832, or call at 303
i-xenange bldg., 3d an Yamhill.
An Ideal Dairy Farm
200 acres. 150 in cultivation, 100 In
crop, all can be Irrigated; 2 streams,
perpetual water right, 40 acres open
ber, all good soil and lies fine; close ouft
to scnooi, 3 miles irom valley town,
65 miles from Portland; county road
through place, R. F. D., phone, milk
and cream route, well fenced, good
buildings, fine orchard, complete out-
rit or implements, vemcies and ma
chinery, all nearly ' new; 30 A-l dairy
cultivation and orchard, bal. open
pasture, some timber. Good house,
barn, cement cellar and other outbuild
ings. 23 miles from fortiana. station
mile. K. jr. JJ.. tel. ana cream route.
All crops, stock, implements and house
hold goods Included. $6000. Terms.
Also 120 acres in same locality. Fine
40 acres in cultivation.
all stocked, ready to move on. Owner
is old. Owner. D-100, Journal.
640 acres, all under plow, only 3
miles to station; fair buildings; price
$2.400. Will take dairy farm up to
r-ui a $16,000, long time on balance. Luedde-
IIICL1I11, null Ob Ild 44flbUtWA W
120 acres 3 miles from valley rail
way town; 40 cleared; balance sloping, Petersen
cows. 6 norses. zo noars and dies, ioo ricn pasture witn grass ana pea vine:
chicken, 10 stands bees; income from the bottom Is black soil, the slopes
cows about $250 per month. If Inter- tortile sandy loam that will raise
ested. write for description and de- heavy crops of grain; $25 per acre,
tailed list, or call at office and 'see terms. D. McChesney, Title & Trust
diagram and photos; $22,000 takes bldg.
everything; feood terms on half. Neal Tt0.Rr) T-in a nn tkiipii
Brown. 209 Panama bldg. I $150 pr.B ACRE. iiRrt pub ! 40 acres, 6 room house
$460 FOR 3 years' lease on 30 acres
dairy ranch, half pasture, balance
timber- plenty water; barn for 12 cows,
small house; 75 milk customers; 3Vi
miles from city limits. Stock and im
plements for sale. J. Nordberg, 82d
and Clayton sts. S. Eu
EXCHANGE A small 4 roo'ii
bungalow with attic and sleeping
porch. Dutch kitchen, bath, clothes
closets, fixtures and window shade;
lot 40x120; price $1800. Will consider
lot, acreage, or equity In larger house
to jouu. qui ueiiinger Piag.
oerea, traae lor wneat rancn in
. , .Oregon or Washington, or
-ley farm, not over $15 per a-ro.'
. ' No, 6228. - . ;
$11,000 220 acres. 35 miles from Tort
land, on S.. P. & s.. R. R.. 15'
acres cultivated, balance In
.stumps, small buildings, trade
for Canadian land near Lett-.
bridge. Medicine Hat or Edmon
ton. No. 273.
$12.000 Beautiful 8 room house, in
best part of Portland HelgV n.
Hose to car, trade for rn..n
close to Portland. No. 6212.
$53.000 1095 acres, in best part of J -
ditn Basin, .Montana; sow acn.i
under plow, diversified crop.--;
good house, barn and other -jniuit
buildings: Improvements -worth
$10,000, and stock and crop tVs
year worth $15,000, go with tliu
place; considered one of the
best money making ranches i i
the west, trade for Portland in
come property. No. 172.
$25,000560 acres near Tha Dalles, In
3 tracts of 185 acres, 300 acres
and 76 acres; mostly all higtiu
cultivated, some with - bearing
fruit; will trade part or wnol.
for good rentable houses or Xlata
In Portland. No. 267.
$5000 Modern 7 room house In Pit d
raont; beautiful lawn and shrub
bery: property cost owner 3
years ago $6o00, trade for Lea
Angeles or Long Beach. Cali
fornia, property. No. 620L t
$4000 2 beautiful- view lota In go xl .
neighborhood South Portland, -trade
one or both aa part piy-x
ment on rentable houses. No. .
$ 3500 50x100 lot on Savler st.. near
27th and $1000 In cash, to trade .
for good first mortgage. No.
$16.000 n3 acres mile from Yam-,.
mil; 130 acres cultivated. Uood
. live room house, bain, pumping
plant, etc. Trade for vacant
lots, houses, or flats. No. -S3.
$14,000 Beautiful 9 room modern
home. Nob Hill district, now -leased
for $80 Pr month.
Trade for Seattle home of fcaine .
price. No. 61u0.
$12.000 :o acres m miles northeast
.of Oregon City, li acres highly
4-ultiVHled. Good buildings,
burn, sheds. tc. Trade for Port- '
land houues or vacant lots. No.
$10,000 23 acrts near Beaverton
Electric station on place. Uoor
for subdivision. Land now all
under cultivation. Trade" for.
Portland rentable houses. No..
$ 6,000 22 seres at West Buttevllle; '
10 acre.a cultivated in garden '
truck. Trade for Portland
house. No. ;o3.
$ 6000 8 room modern houie. Waver
ly Richmond district. paved
streets. Trade for property
near or in Newberg. No. 614U. .
We have many other Kood trades.
Hee our large list. City department
, Trie Fred A. Jacobs Co,
Main 6869. 269 Wanh. st. A-626T.
FOR SALE Beautiful 7 room bunga
low. 8 lots, fruit trees and berries;
196 ACRE dairy and stock farm. 100 electric lights and gas; barn for 2
acres plowable, main road, ao miles cows; house for 400 chickens; place
from Portland; 70 acres In crop; lm In high state of cultivation; will ex-
plements and some stock for sale; change for smaller place on account
$1260 cash; good lease to right party, of. health. Owner, 308 73d st. 8. E.
sh: good lease to right party, of. health
. 912 E. 19th st.. N.
FOR RENT 300 acre dairy farm. 125
under plow, 50 cows, 4 teams, farm
Implements, etc. Crops all In. Renter
will furnish approved surety bonds
xor payment or an moneys. Dr. Owens
Adair. Warrenton, Or.
We have houses and lot for farms.
acreage and farms for houses. If you
want to exchange on cash basts, see us
421-422 Chamber of Commerce.
of living.
Prices $450 and up; easy
722-24 Yeon bldg.
$160 PER ACRE.
Any portion of my 100 acre farm.
except that containing buildings, a
318 acres black soil: 228 cleared. 90 I large portion In cultivation. and
rich pasture; 30 acres bearing hops; small family orchard. $50 down, bal-
(0 clover. 83 erain. 6- acres orchard, ance as you like it. See mv asrent.
190 acres of this farm is bottom land I Fred W. German. 914 Cham, of Com.
???niCiUlnoi!?n-P1iilin?m heaT I MUST sell 40 acres near the Pacific
crops; all fenced and well improved highway, lii miles to a eood town.
S ACRE CHICKEN RANCH ' 7n,l hitvb l q, .h -,..
Good house, chicken houses, on Or $20 down. t0 per month. 5c fartL
egon Electric railway. A mile from! 20 minutes ride: ideal for a home,
station: 8c commutation fare; 7 miles j where you can raise all your vegeta
f roin Portland on fine auto road; Mi . bies. berries, chickens, etc., which is
cleared, nice shade trees good soil, no the greater part of your Jiving. M. E.
rocke lies fine .school within 1 block. Le. 522 Corbett bldg.
TtMrft will anitant it. r n i-n ,1 ' .
913 Chamber of Commerce.
Will sell mv home consisting of 2
acres and 5 room bungalow at a bar
gain price. If you are looking for
Bometninir of this Kind don t fail to
call at confectionery store at Tremont
station on ait. Bcott canine from 12 m.
to 5 p. m. today, Sunday, July 19.
Water piped to each tract, surround
ing acres selling for $1200 each. My
price $1500 for the 2 acres, on terms.
615 Gerllnger bldg.
About 3 acres in cultivation: fine
soil, acre onion land, -small house.
chicken house, stable, water: manv
kinds bearing fruit; near station on
Oregon citv Electric; bargain; easy
terms. Will sell 24 acres without
buildings. Fletcher. 225 Abington blg.
Vt. mile from Tualatin river, sroori
black loam soil, no rocks, fine growth
aiaer trees; small stream crosses traot,
easily cleared. Price $3600; will ac
cept some trade as first payment.
918 Chamber of Commarce. ,
y ACRE with running water, streets
on siaes, zo minutes out on Ore
gon Electric, near Shanapta. 5c
commutation fare. $500.
acre adloinlnc above. $653. Terms
(no trade). Wm. Borsch. Shananta sta-
tlon, Maplewood P. O. Phone Main 2182.
WHEN you answer these Want Ads,
mention The Journal.
FOR SALE! 100 acre farm, 8 miles
east of Yoncalla, Or., all bottom
land, 60 acres cultivated, 60 acres tn
open pasture and timber. This farm
is well watered and on main county
road, is well equipped with machinery
and tools, 10 head of select dairy cows
and good team; buildings, new how so
of 6 rms. with hydraulic water system,
barn will stall 24 head of stock ani
well filled with now hay; also 300
bushels of oats and other grains. I
will sell this farm all ready for busi
ness for $6500; will aive 5 years time
on $3000; no incumbrance and perfect
iitie. c. m. McKeynoids, Elk Head. Or.
On electric and rood street, all eood
land, fine view of Columbia and moun
tains, a beautiful building spot. Price
$1000; $100 down, bal. to suit. S. P
osourn. &U3 jncKay bldg.
A SNAP 5 acres or less, good 5 room
house- runnin watnr. -ninerl into
house, orchard and berries, good well,
tank and gasoline engine, school and
store close by; don't miss this. Call
Tabor 1979.
Gibson Half Acres
Good soil, city water, close to car
line, easy terms: will build to uit nnr.
chaser. Phone Marshall 1685. or Sell-
wooq jonn l-t. uibson. owner.
FOR SALE Two acres with new mod-
ern six room Dungalow, near station.
Close to irood school and Phlirnh T .a nl
under cultivation; terms. Take red car
on 4th st. Inquire of owner, F. W.
Wells. Aloha, Oregon.
20 ACRES, first growth timber, good
land, on county road, 1 mile from
street car, $1700. John Duckett, Sta
tlon - A. Vancouver. Wash.
80 acres. 2 miles from R. R. station.
40 miles from Portland. All good
red shot soil. No rock. Part level.
Pride $500. Terms. Yates. 249 4th.
farm of 120 acres at $49 per acre, with
in a mne oi railway station: blicK
rich soil running stream; splendid
chance for dairying, hogs and mixed
farming; small corner with oak tim-
Der, ample for ruel and fence nosts
place is all wire fenced readv for row?.
crops and profits; one of the best set
tled and prosperous neighborhoods.
The low price Is made to divide an olo.
Willamette valley family estate.
602 Title & Trust bldg.
80 acres. 16 under cultivation and in
crop, 25 pasture, bal. timber; on co,
road and milk route; near school and
church; family orchard; fair 6 room
house, barn, plenty of water; 1 team,
double and single harness, wagon, bug
gy, cart, mower. 2 harrows, 2 plows,
cultivator. 22 miles N. W. of Portland,
2hi mires to United Electric; Lincoln
station. 34 miles N. E of North
Plains. Price $65 per acre; terms; no
traaes. AiDert Harala, Hillsboro, or.
Koute 3.
SlMniTh' Vs b2rpS; ho? railroad and T tchool. improved, h
"s.?ichin,s?ed2 etf- PleiUy ,of large enough for family of six: Dl
from vaiiav rniiwiv S nd tL" hS of barns- chlen houses, abundance
irom valley railway town and ca be of fruit n nH tin .nrini
hmi-ht for ifift n dk nn- v.o. ui Irull ana. finest spring water the
12 in grow
ing crop ready to harvest. Water.
pasture, fruit, chickens and furniture
for sale. Mrs. Cooley. Tabor 618. 291
E. 52d Bt.
EXPERIENCED farmer wants farm
share rent, with or without equip
ment; eastern Oregon preferred. C
4 55, Journal.
f rown rich from the revenue of this I i
arm and will give easy terms. D. Mc- ai
Chesney Title & Trust bldg. i
year through, or would trade equity
$2500 for a hound, in Portland.
Kotncniid tldr.
482 acres of eood tillable land. U
miles of Lebanon. Linn county; all
fenced, good buildings, spring, creek
and well water, gasoline engine; price
$26 per acre, just Its value: may
consider some trade. It's a snap. Mc-
Kenzie &' Co., 515 Gerllnger bldg.
OWN a large tract of land worth
iouu. in a xooa location, wit i a
large gold bearing ledge on a rart
The rest is good tillable land. Eiuht
miles from depot. I must pay off a
$6000 indebtedness in the next tiiree
weeks. 1 will Rive anyone an undi
vided nair interest in this tract if they
will furnish the S6000. und will nav it
. . ' - . . - - i ...... - - . .
oacit witn interest, irom the first wm sen m lots ana t acres of un-
money derived from place, either by platted land Inside the city limits of
saie or income, ana tney retain an un- wuupun ana one, prooaoiy two 160
divided half interest. Investigate. D- acre stock, dairy, garden, or fruit
3 99. Journal. ranches at public auction at Waldnort
on juiy a, 14. Jtuuie Estate, Wald-
port. or,
20 In cultivation. Croo Is corn. ro-
tatoes. wheat, oats and clover. Land 1 100 acres, about 22 under cultivation.
ail level, balance easilv rleawd. R 1 partly fenced, fine soil, no rar.V or
grown hogs, 22 pigs, cow, young team. I gravel, new set of buildings, dandy
two coit3. good set implements, laree I spring, nice young orcnara, lies level
three room house, barn, sheds, new near Molalla road, south of Oreon
granary and fruit house, two wells. I City, lit miles from station; a snap at
gooa iences. on main road, 3 miles su P" acre, terms, bmun ana JioucK.
irom tanoy. Must raise $1500 cash. l-i nenry nicg.
i-rice, terms, etc.. at I n!.!--.-JU
303 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG.. I LdllVIg ttllU nUgb
" a,lu """'" Fin. rtairv and hoc- raneh lirt r.
iu auk ud- sibait- L.A1SU, $1200. well located on Albany prairie, for
dual lumug ciiuubu iui gwu suriace i saie, win taxe part in fortland, or
arainage, ime son, ty, mues 10 a gooa I other good property, some cash and
oubiness ion oi , iouu witn nign terms, f. o. Boi 244. Albany. Or,
Z-lrtu taU'lltZ O FIVE- ,10' 20 or 30 acres, part in cul
etc., yr. mues to rt. store, o. t vni nn rint itmitn o -nnE,
a n.J plpht nrhnnl orr. ar- I . : v . ..ji
r. Z. '.' r " r'ortiana
1 1 LI 11 mill ISkdJ - V VA TV UI A L L KUUU
Income property, worth $8000.
good town, bringing In 4 0 per cent, to
trade lor farm in vauey up to mat
value. Lueddemann, liuley c Co., 913
Chamber of Commerce.
FINE modern home, half acre ground.
fruit, flowers, view or entire city;
one block to car. near Jleed college.
Value $6000. to trade for clear farm
or acreage up to $4000, from owner.
j. Ji. Sailor, sta. tJ, J'oruana.
$9000 CASH.
For a first class farm, must be a bar
gain and the land must be good. Kel
ler & Deal, suite 314, Lumber Exchange
"log., foriiana, or.
10V ACRE cattle ranch with 1000 acres
outside ran ire. 9 miles from town.
$3200; will take part trade, balance to
run 5 years. 69i. H. Allen Jones, 241S
Kauffman ave.. Vancouver, Wash.
WANT 12100 residence for Improved
from $7000 to $10.-. 10 acres, 200 feet from Interurban
18 trains dally. $3000. Pre
fer Montavilla. Geo. E. Englehart, 211
Lumbermens bldg.
000. near Corvallls. In exchange for station.
wen located 4 rial Duiiding. H-910.
FROM owner, small improved farm. 20
to 40 acres. Must be bargain. B-
132. Journal. .
OWNER has close-in west side In
come property. 2 houses ($70 per
mo.. to exchange for Improved farm
on true present value basis. M-998,
FOR SALE Fruit farm of 46 acres.
30 acres prunes. 5 acres apples and
FOR SALE or trade for small truck.
my equity In lot 40x115, wire fenced.
pears. Rest in pasture. Trees 2 years ? rm , house. 14 young trees, at Fir
old. 6 miles south of Sheridan. Tele- !and: also Jots. ln.Llm-'?kn Co-VVah-
phone line. V mile to school. Good
spring, good fence. Mostly American
wages. $200 cash. & years
balance at 6 interest.
725 Chamber of Commerce.
to pay
on good macadam road.
Water piped to house, eood communiiv.
Ideal for country home and ranch. Less
than $100 per acre. Tabor 4286 Sun
day or Monday.
W V U DV n - x-1 - r
out Ax,. I rr-w... . ; i . . ,
.Tn Kt nln miles from Vifth. rA Xfr. "'""-.V "" noS ana
V 'v" I..":', "; s. macnmery and tools. All in
Vr-, . ?i;?r1iri running order. You should see this
.r,Y"' piace. owner. Oregon oity. or. R F.
pay iwr nio tieauiifi, xivc guuu springs,
electric car station on the place; fine
ror piatting; ror quicic sale, $75
per acre, easv terms.
414 Corbett Bldp. A-1416. Mrshl. 92.
wire. new. No buildings. Would con
sider jart trade. J. C. Syron, route L
Sheridan, or.
WHEN you answer these Want Ads,
mention ine journal.
ALFALFA and clover land, 80 acres.
an level, tine soil, no waste. Si 000.
Terms, $40 cash, $20 per month with
out interest. See me for particulars
at once. A. D. Lee, 602 Title & Trust
100 acres, miles southeast of
Amity, Yamhill county; 7 room house.
targe oarn, o acres in crop, fenced.
water piped to house and barn, fine
rich bottom land, mostly in clover.
trice $11,500; SZoOO cash, balance 5
years. 6 per cent. F. E. Seachrest, 332 j FOR SALE 30 acres first class soil.
NEWCOMERS The easiest way to
get posted on farm land Is to coma
to the free show today at 266 Wash
ington st. (between 3d and 4th). In
teresting, Instructive and absolutely
free. Brine the ladies.
Why pay $50 to be located?
We give you full information
where the best lands are in west
ern Canada that are close to rail
road and town; name of guide on
the ground: full directions to get
maps and plats tree; how to get
homeseekers' tickets; everything
you need to know and locate
yourself, all for $3. Remit
amount by P. O. money order and
we will send you the complete
information at once. CANA
73 6th at., Portland. Or. For
reference, the Farm Magazine
company, Portland. Or.
Owner. 1982 E. Stark st. Phone Ta. 651.
STOCK RANCH. 156 acres, no Incum
brance: in south fork of Molalla
river, Clackamas county; peavlne and
wild clover all over It. $1600; exchange
for close In acreage. Phone East 1283.
Eastern Oregon ranch, including
stock, good set of buildings, lots of
water and outrange. We have you?
McKenzie & Co., old Gerllnger bldg.
Will trade the above income for un
incumbered real estate; look this up.
McKenzie & Co.. oltt uerlinger bldg.
DANDY luoxlOO corner with ware
house, in the warehouse district.
Vancouver. A big snap for $4000.
Terms. Ernest Wells. 40 4 Morrison.
Livery stable and blacksmith shop, ,
building and stock, tools and other -Personal
property. Good established '
business. Owner makintr money, but .
must quit on account of poor health.
Price for everything $5000. Will trade
for improved farm, 20 acres or more. ,
up to that value.
913 Chamber of Commerce.
WE HAVE a large Hat of excellent bur-
gains in city and country properties,
for all purposes, for sale and exchange.
Also auto trucks and automobiles ta
exchange ror city property. If you de
sire quick results and fair dealing call
ana see us. security Development r)
418-419 Lumber Exchange bldg.
California home of 14 acres, highly
Improved, i miles from Los Galon;
good buildings, modern plumbing; an
Ideal California home. Price 75oO. ;
Will consider propertv in or near
Portland. Lueddemann, Ruiey & Co.,
913 Chamber of Commerce.
15 ACRES. Ihi miles from Reedvllle;
all under cultivation and fence, rch,
deep, fertile soil; 780 feet front-ge on
the county road; a fine piece to cut
into small tracts; will trade for clear
lots or a house In Portland. J. IL
Marlels. 284 Oak St.
Extra choice 12 acres. 6 acres
cleared, balance brush, small house, 1
acre onion land. 600 fe-t elwtric vr,
13 miles from Portland. Ideal home
site; sell or trade on cah basis. 11. F.
F-emter. 309 Ahlngton hldy.
i NEW 4 room house, 4 lots, all in gar
den; Dig bargain, siiuu. xzoo aowa
easy terms. r jeicnam. on r or lb-
west bldg. Main 4190.
I WANT to trade 6 room house and 2
lots for 5 acres on Oregon Electric.
not over 12c fare out. Write or call
at 6922 40th ave.. S. E., Portland, Or.
TO EXCHANGE Chicago Income
property from $40,000 un for Ore
gon farm or garden lands. D. Stevens,
622 Corbett bldg.
Chamber of Commerce,
7 Acres
EIGHT acres near Hillsboro. Will
take auto as part payment. Terms
to suit. Call afternoons at 144 E. Lom
bard st.
$400 One acre. 30 minute car ride.
electric lights, water, shade trees.
$10 per month. U-771. Journal.
Ideal for Dairy and Hogs
65 acres. 30 miles from Portland and
3 miles irom good town in the Willam
ette valley. 30 acres in cultivation,
balance pasture with nice creek cross
ing. All the finest of sandy loam soil.
All fenced and cross fenced and in a
thickly settled community, on good
county road, R. F. D., telephone and
cream route. H mile to school. Fair
buildings. Abundance of fruit. Pries
$6300. Very reasonable terms.
725 Chamber of Commerce.
HALF acre in fruit. 6c fare. $900.
$400 will handle. Must sell. Offered
$1400 last fall. Phone B-1163.
- - - 2 TIG ARD ACRES. -,
'Alt cultivated, fine view, on riSce road.
Snap for cash. Call 406 McKay bldg.
8 ACRES, extra, choice bargain, m4'
east Milwaukie; no agents. X-9$7,
1WO acres, garden. 2 electrics; $750.
Terms. Box 158. Route 2. Beaverton.
70 acres, Vt creek-bottom, richest
soli, all tillable, 35 in cultivation,
extra fine house, most modern barn
in country outbuildings, orchard pri
vate water system. 10 fine Jersey
cows, fine span mares, driving horse,
hogs, poultry, machinery, tools. Guar
anteed Income $175 monthly. 2 miles
good town. Everything $13,500. $5000
cash. Becker, 225 Lumber Exchange.
ADout ii mues rrom Portland on
Tualatin river; 3 acres onion land, 4
acreg upland, good soil, price $1000;
tbza casn, Daiance terms.
444 Sherlock bldg.
FORTY acres north side Sandv river.
Mt. Hood, in door yard, splendid over
vauey, magniricent ror summer home
or hotel; portion cleared, balance easily
all level, one mile from Aurora. Or.
on county road, one half In cultivation,
6 acres hops, acres oak grove, bal
ance pasture. Price $4600. William
Pirk. Aurora, Or.
county road.
Tabor 1101.
Come see it.
HOMESEEKERS' excursion to Victo
ria, Australia. Dec. 9. 1914. Reduced
steamship rates, free rail transporta
tion; cheap government lands; long
terms; free schools. Ideal climate, ex
cellent markets. Energetic white set
tlers wanted. L. Staffan, 617 Stock
Exchange, Portland.
WORKINGMEN Get you a Homestead.
thereby saving your money, improv
ing same when not employed. Infor
mation sent to all who send 5c In
lamps. Address. Drylake Store, Dry-
lake, Crook county, Or. I TO EXCHANGE
FOUR homestead relinauishmen tn? for $700 first, mortgage and. 80 seres of
sale In Crook Co., Or.; all good land. nt home in Portland
inquire oi o. w. jmnooy. ti Lum- I --.
bermen a bldg.
$600 CASH and 2a acres, not far front
Portland, about & acres In young
orchard; Improved with good house
and well, to exchange for Portland
residence In good district. H-OSi, '
10 ACRES at Pleasant Home. Mt. Hood-'
eiectric; lair nouse, good well, mo me ,
fruit, some good timber, all good soil,
on country road; price $3600; will
trade for residence full Talue, or lots"
for part. 8. P. Osburn, 60$ McKay bid.
20 ACRES, half la cultivation. 1 -
acres in strawberries. Will take
good five pass, car for equity. This is
a snap.
U. a MORTGAGE & 1NV. C..
v-i i eon oiog.
WANT lot In Portland, southeast pre
ferred, for 6 r. bunsalow, Los Ange-'
tea, cat. .-rice $3200. equity $1700.
all modern. For particulars address "
owner, 4187 Dentear ave- Los Angeles, -
14 acres, 4 miles from Tacoma, one
mil from electrio line; easy to clear; .'
worth $3625; want good modern bunga
low in ood district; will assume some.
103 N. nth st.
17 acres, house and barn, right on coun
ty road. ZVt miles from Oregon City.
$30o0, mortgage $1500, trade for house
and lot. Main 2420.
EQUITY of $1500 in 10 acres of land
near Keeaviue, ail under cultiva
tion, for lot or small bouse. 201 Ger
linger bldg.
HOME8TEAD relinquishment wanted
in western Oregon. No agents. Ad
dress L-. 902 6th St.. Oregon City.
A $6j0 equity In a nice lot at E. 27th
and Siskiyou, mortgage $300, for a
light automobile. 40 McKay bldg.; SO
xioo jot.
40 ACRES, IV, miles from Bull Run
car; living water, outrange, good to
subdivide, well worth $2000; will tai
$1280. Citizens Agency. 170 2d st
25 miles, on best drive out of P
land. 160 acres, eood deeo soli.
stone, good house, fine spring of wa
ter between house and oarn.
WAGGONER. 205 Abington bldg.
40 A -. a i-ine son, level and no
waste.- Dig luture. ir . ou want a
small farm see me at once. A. D.
I-e. 6J2 Title & -Trust bldg.
MUST sacrifice 30o acre mpr
farm: $35. worth $60. 2 miles Wil
lamette river.- ; 640 . acres, $15. Some
trade. Owner. - H-S72.- Journal.
FOR RENT 5 room cottage, close In,
warning usia"ce. v" low rent.
EL Lee. 522 Corbett bldg.
160 ACRES; best- bargain in Oregon" .. Crook and Tillamook counties. VI-
2,i miles from town, all tillable "ott. 206 Abington bldg.
Rented for $200 per year cash rent; HOMESTEAD lor sale or trade. 168
good building and fenced: only $800. E. 62d st. N., Montavilla.
tmbrFichlnee110 6 P6r 224 WHEN you answer these Wane AUs.
umter Exchange. mention The Journal
80 ACRES near Goldendale. all under
fence, barn, poor house, small or- TI3IRER 23
chard, 25 acres barley ready to har- i - -
vest. 1-3 crop goes with place; terms. WANT WELL LOCATED TIMBIJR i
E. H. Lee. Goldendale. Wash OR FARMS.
in xtrv fipu .,tn. $26,000, or any part. Portland 1m-
M mile from Scappie station- rlrh Proved and unimproved property, with
erik bottom land I r. i .'iTi-h n tim mortgages amounting to
tioi mw nal?ow e ?-CUw" A t00 chance to get gilt edge
AV TtTfr x&Zifr'fStSLSfZT1 Writ property. All properties must stand
or se M. E. W atts Scappoose, Or. thorough Investigation. No Junk con-
80 acres of land for sale, located in sidered. J.
Clarke county. Wash.; 10 acres CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO..
cleared, small house and barn, etc.; 603 Dekum Bldg.
price $4000. Address SX-181. Journal. TIMBER in lame or small areas up to
SALE or trade. 220 acres dairy land, 1,000,000.000 feet or over; some very
good soil, crops included; $50 an cheap; sawmill and logging opportunl-
acre. For particulars see Mr. Hulse. ties. D. Stevens, S22 Corbett bldg.
OTnf1Bon- , WANTED Good improved or partly
120 ACRcS, 13 miles from Vancouver improved stock ranches, large of
6 miles Camas, Wash $35 per acre, small, for sale or exchange. Clutnce
Owner, 1118 Yeon bldg. & Kraack. 142'j 2d st.
WHEN you answer these Want Ads, WHEN you answer thess YVa-t Ada
mention The Journal. mention The Journal.
IV ACKs Une in lie Irom ln cny
limits of Vancouver, Wash. Will
take clear lots as first payment, or
might consider good equity, in, house.
Owner. 409 Morrison st.
TO EXCHANGE 6 room modern bun- '
galow. clear lots to $1000. balaucs
$25 and Int. per month. Answering
give price and location. Address O
961, Journal.
In Al'l:KS Trout lake, soma flna tlm
ber, running water; lies good; price ) call Sunday or evening
$250o; mig. $1000. What hays you?! so ACRES fruit land al
40b Aicrkay Diqg.
A $600 equity in a nice lot at E. 27th
and Siskiyou, mortgage $300, for a
light automobile. 406 McKay bldg.; 69
xioo lot.
on Portland Heights corner, 100x100;
ill trade, for-lots or acreage. J. H.
Marlels. 284 Oak st.
.PRETTY home, on main street Grants
Pass, for property in or near Port
land. 349 E. G'lsan.
WE exchange what, vou have for what
vou want. Peoer & Baker. 444 Khr.
lock bldg.: 3d and Osk. Marshall 2664.
7 LOTS, Klamath Falls, value $12031
no Incumbrance, to trade for what
you have. 635 Morgan bldg.
25 ACRES. Ideal for poultry, fruit and
truck; 6 acres in orchard; good.'
house, well, etc., to exchange for un
incumbered suburban lots. F-S4, r
Journal. ' '
GILT edge acreage adjoining city '
limits up to $20,000 to trade for good
farm in Douglas Co. Other- trades of
all kinds.. List your exchanges. Neal
Brown, 209 Panama bldg. ,
60 ACRES for trade at Medford; good
soli, partly cleared; price $2600.
Will exchange for lots or acreage ,
ii-" r rvruuiu. v,an i v i m ommerciai;
. - -
at Medford: tium
sou. wnat nsve you to trade? Will
assume. 1014 Commercial mU ' Call
evenings or aunqay.
HAVE you a good mortgage and some
casn to trade ror a nice- Improved -242
acre farm? North of Balem,. $26,000.
4727 62d st., 8. E. - ' -' . ,
37th near Hawthorne for cheanr
place farther out. M-580, Journal. -
ington, to trale for automobile. Pries
8SC. 409 Morrison st.
MY citv home for small farm near
Portland, or some good town. - V-S94
X HAVE 3 acres in May wood, near
Jennings Lodge: value $2000. I will .
trade equity of $1700; what have youj
S-116. Journal. - . ,;
UNABLE to make payments,- $600
equity In acre for cash, launch, auto,
or diamonds; big discount. ' 248 Mont
gomery St. , : - -
WILL trade my lot In Kenton as first
- payment on five room bungalow. V
S64. Journal.
CHATTEL mortgage of $250 or boose-
- hold furniture f or , good lot. 614
rtiamlier of Commerce.
WANTED to trade for acreage,-modern
6 room house, 60x100 lot. phoo
Col. 96.
- acreage. Z'S Hen
cyyMroprtyv for
(Contiaued oa Xezt Pafs)