. 1! 7 - . ' ' - - L' ? il: 1 auctions !- mtm TnnT -I nr ..i , " m ! WTTfll ' . j. . a -:.:: J'W'o at " " 1 - -- r :.'.''''...'.:':"':':'.:,-.... . I .. . 1 1 " - - ' 1 1 - - 1 I Aiaar js UAUUUd '49 ! JK SAT,K nniTSVU - Mil ttionSales X i AT 'star fsAuctionHoose St FIRST ST., NEAR ; : ) MORRISON ST. . gular Sales Days "Monday,, Wednesday, Friday I, Each Day it iO a. m. W,5,l! AY? RECEIVED SEVERAL iSS3P TOR WHAT TCwfr tTOpli vA1? rLlINTK1TSvBRiNIt LINING JHAIRS.ood rocklnVlrs,' I IH i mattresses, pillows and eooinj,. dresses and chif fonieres, ,roc;vTy, glassware, cooking utensils, garrpets. rugs, lace curtains, gas ranges. etc. s foods 'Sold at Private Sale E:TFC JULY INVITED TO LOOK I KOUUii OUR- LARGE STOCK OF4 .OD-A8-NEW, UP-TO-DATE FUR- our line VOU Will find om verv 'oles pieces la GENUINE MAHOGA- iT, such as NAPOLEON BEDS,' NjjHOME ' DRESSERS AND CHIF- N1CHKH,. DRESSING TABLES, IIPPENDALE CHAIRS. LADY'S ;SKH, LIBRARY TABLES, BU T8, ETC. Also a large assortment 1 YUM ED OAK., We tan supply you with Tmoat anything you-need in this line. alo sell 'room .size rugs, carpets, A). It you want a RANGE of any lid, don't buy until you see what . V have, j .i. inn ucbi Kiauen in ciOLUKN ana e havs such makes as the MAL-j RLE. FAULTLESS. RTTfK JEW- it CHARTER OAK and other well l"-"1 rename makes. Also OAS I p!5rtfate" naakee iUrESiMi Furnishings hall OLL TOP DESK8, FLAT oau. - ;,DiNO AND TYPEWR1T . . ' vL; FILING CASES, OFFICE - i "I iiieto.. etc. ftdvl.-eOKS. BOOKS, BOOKS, foM.. ol,r wrge collection are r vDI A. LIBRARY OF THE aga na,.,BEST LITERATURE (2 lutf iyij'NIVERSAL DICTIONARY tJon. ,B ENGLISH LANGUAGE; TH LIBRARY OF STANDARD .an, J' AUTHORS" AND HUN- i kui iiuiiuiiAni xnu otV lfaURfe.OOK -)td THROUGH AT SON'S BANKRUPT ' rubt maenyTOCK STORE Second and Yamhill not i Main 2032 was ft Store of Bargains fprrneTKS. CIGARS, TOBACCOS PndpD8. SHOES. HARDWARE, the aetln fact, almost anything you how fa. Also STWU5 FIXTURES. "IL'Tt tSCALK a. C9tM REGI8 mef,n TgliOWCASES, COINTERy. IoIV .T. T. WILSON. Pro.lfttor lh paid for "rnjt;f,;tt!ka of , o'ndlae. etc. Main 1626 1 ' labl swf t 11 ' tl Minn Kalp the wj . hi-j July 20, 'at 10 a. ni. The ch , J'i:d" l2th Street Between rove Kington and Alder were t$. t as a ah Of. no 0B BEEBT nrSTBXJCTXD paM thTKB BKIXBE XKKZSH-1 . . "Thoi&BIOHT BOOMS, BY MXS. ft till. ; t after IS i a very fine, clean. put ever rurmture. at .the ' I,, iin.i. , ;j;seV.v i, cnif foneirs, rockers, couches dining table, las. chaeta. spreads, and in fat-1 1 ron utai, mattresses, V. k.i. ' il.r:.:.., " a ' i uitui pus rungr, gan ny othT vnrtlcles not mentioned. i WOTICXilThls 1s all good- clean 4 hlture, sfcd we have been Instructed sell t Absolutely without rrv. Fd the higUest bider. J TWr I . " '""H near nasningion Ye will sell again Thursday f Saturday. '10 a. m., at Salesroom, 191 Second I t4 ; world. 'niv i aya find a good line of . i SaLt .t.urant fixtures. '- about' th. uuncan matter fv- tended, ria J thing Jnf . ' "You sV 1 ers. espec' t their irons 'movement. : take an it . should ., .' ing t .a si Dor : an "A Imports ' with tf I Un. tt toToutOND STREET the hei . i. . ' "M"""wlwww8"8i888w8888 ,tll,. ... t 1 l?Vnt Ad Rates. V ' f t8 CANCELLED ' 4 aOVEBHSliMKNTe per flrfiiy or Sunday. ShOUldd M per Insertioa -Ren w au or all eiiaalftt,m that family." -Room and - don' l't. Ved uiiiy,- --tiitnatioB Want to Rnft Mlim . - .iha ol of it " d. f.lea" tDn 15 cents. OI U. f ADVEHTrSkMENTS per lnaerooa. . .l cw? ?" elMaifleatloBa In Slf ."nt. In priTata Family," irnm tJa la Private ramlly." "Sit. Is hittliis fo the price of -twa. going fia. f5 the price of At. 'r toaanbaa 1ft cents. , mm 1 rft g , (Continued.! 1 1 (Continue.! akuu oaie At Residence 394 Salmon St, Cor. 10th MONDAY, 10 A. M. wii? l,n"tructions from the owner we will sell the very fine furnishings fhFhe bldlr without reserve, and as lik an .EXCEPTIONALLY" GOOD, vol?-? fTot furniture, it will pay IOUu to attend. You wllf find items Tth "r In birtieye maple ana golden Quartered oak. rov rJTir- hal1 and "tair carpet, lace curtains, por tiers, couches and coves, Yfry, fine fold in bed. bookcai buffet, chairs, , carpets, araa date. gas 5eH "88v" etalCTeda "PringB and mattresses, com- trt8l .f , blankets.. . pillow.. water heater. cook stove. toilet wareTtowel. etetc, aUS MONDAY, 2 P. M. y 211 First St. Whera ou will tnA -. tcW era,, metal beds complete, lace curtains. iiorary table, steel range, gas rinse in 'act. everything nee" saary to Ford Auction Co. REGTTI.A'R BiT.ffiq xrxrirav DAY. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDA1 MON 2S P. M. EACH DAY. IY AT NEW TODAY Bonds Are Made Valid by BtaW Supreme Court dsMalon th.r. for fhlXlZSSIiAitPl'fZ an MmtiStn&nlZ il the main thoroughfare. SO feat wifl. tu the Oreaon atmronh and I. tn K. urfaoed from Bryant street to Colum tJf: t VstrO. Only a few more pre liminaries are to be looked after and J"01' will -begin. We have a few choice lots left on Union avenue, and nearby streets, that will make you handsome omflt. n.n n J("" our auto will, call at your home " . property, Agents The Brong Company hone Xala 1743. WEST SIDE COTTAGE No. 710 Kearney St., bet 21st and 22d sts. Cottage contains 6 rooms, bath, etc. Fractional 'lot. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 FOURTH ST. FOR SALE Suburban Home containing 3 acres and modern o-roomrhouse, on good carline, SV2 ' private water system. GREAT SNAP CALL SELLWOOD 476 WAJTT VTBXJ. LOOaTEO OR viniwa TTTVCBEB nSJJdLJrjVr' Portland 1m- f ' uumiproYea property with iSfKtl,,4 otsages, amquntihg to $&i5. A good chance to get Kilt edze property. . All properUes mult m3 8Vdered IySZJ1 lnva"ation. No junk con- COOPZRATTVX BEAXTY COaCPAJr? """,",""" 905OO Buys a fine, apartment house aite on the west Kid: nmivino- i inn. . uvo,mi M. L LEE, 522 Corbett Bldg. Cs - I ai tann. -COSC I .DUU Sfl. tt. Modern concrete buildine- with i;rrT"' -aisP'ay "r: best lo- nanriAnatlu I . j i " ----- - ue center on east Side: trackan "team heat: will iaR. Tv?. i, !n l0.er ".BOO equaf. feet on v.?4 reasonanie terms. OTIS C BECK 302 Railway' Exchange Building. MORTGAGE LOANS ?ililnEroc,t. Property. We also Bond? CorporUon and Jtfunloipal mosEBTsoxr at ewtwo 807.8 Wprttwertera Baak tidg. All Men Are Equal, Sometimes t - i, i Dua r is tier ' 1 - - : twn, Suppose l To & r ( : : 1 ; . ( 7 fR.G COOrTrTr. uc viN AR.5 UfHCoi-ffS CeTYV5BU(l4 SPe-H J j . ' ' . J MTrcReAT)efi T T. V c-REATeo equal . tN our. X6 ' ftteRAT?s rHfxr J 5 tnlNto of MORE fVATlONfVt IMP0R.V 1 ' ' tHT 411 "T ' THSV -! "' ' ' OREGON $4300--New Bungalow, 7 Rooms and Sleeping Porch Wlt" n"t- boUWa ljuffet, i bookcases, Jor' Pneled walla, , core ceilings,- beat P.C kCffln. rge elowta, mirrored door and back porch screened, full cement base 5 "V wlth ,VundrJr tray. walla finianed i .bJ wU paper- ' ey terma; $600 cash jnd $30 month. .Call today. 658 40th t, be tween Knott and . Braaee ata., Beaomont, 2 Main 7065 eMUn' or owner, A-Cfll, JJLEETEfG STOTiCES 41 .ST?il' I,,k Jfute? a moonlight excur- ana ju of s on Satur evening, July 26, 1814 on steamer xuit leaves root or Tay iS ,-fireflaf 8 i,01- Dancing, union music. 600 in Cabin. - Prizes for high ,51 P Ugnor. Committee reserves i'si, reiuna money ana eject ob jociionaDie cnaracters. Pay at the Jirei come, iirst served. Tick ets, SOc. - COMMITTEE. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD MO. 42 B. A. Y., meets every Thursday evening in the Moose hall of the Royal bldg., 346 Morrison st, S. W. cor. 7th at. Visitors welonm FRANCES FRY. Aftfl RTjrTcni ct Phone Woodlawn 84. Correspondent. TAKE your wife, children or sweet heart for an outing to Bull Run Sun- stead No. 42. B. A. Y.. will give an ex cursion on , that date. Trains leave East Water and Hawthorne at 9 a. m. ROlinrl trirt tirlro 7Sn XTn .! I... w -- . .vv.. i'a.i.in TV x.i u spared to make this a success. For tickets call Sellwood 1412 or Main 1048. KIRKPATRICK: Council 2227. Knights and Ladies of Security, free open Jns nexta Friday, July 24. Cards, 500' entertainment and danclne: un. iJnnualct fP? Pries, refreshments; at Moose hall, Morrison and Broadway sts. Come. UNITED degree teams of W. O. W. will give a picnic at Crystal Lake park on July 19. All members and friends are cordially invited. Gaines of all kinds.' Cars leave 1st and Alrli- vjrvr-iiiA Ternpie-i8, I'ytnian Sisters. o,iikei S-n xnursday evenings of each week in K. of p haii 1 1 tv, 1 at 8 p. m. Helen M. Lamar. M. of R. c! marriages. Births. Xe?iK MARRIAGE LICENSES Lizzie W. gteele. 721 Kearney street. 28. W. G. Smith (St Co, thm ... Y Visiting cards. DRr?n5.r U.fr rntJ,aU 8izes- Unique j-.... v.vj.. ova atarK st. BIRTHS GtfDfT? M'- ,J Mrs. James Gardner". tCfrr d Jw,d Mrs- Marion O. Carter 634 ast Burnside street. Jane 28, a daugh- "lilrTlv-.iwH Mrs. Rudolph c. Lien. 950 uekbeb To Mr. and Mrs. Sem Gerber 204 DAVIS To Mr. and Mrs. rivrt t. n.-.. OTTEHSOJ To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred O. Otter. daThter'f Caruthers street. July 10, a DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 HIiTC7T7t V1? G?1 Samaritan hospital, July 5 m " i ouaoay, July 19, 1914. a i; tT.,',.7 vreuuan Liutueran church. cner Wiillams arenue and Graham street Friends inTited. Interment pI- 7T. Sl. K8maln t P"on'a uaderUk. ii?. .VV ?ity ,u.'' St. Vin- ,""' "y"K'i. mra. ancy Naples, aged rtr,f ' 2, dQ'' X S0 Willamette Boul rard. St. Johms; widow of the late Dr. Wil liam Caples Friends InTited to attend funeral :..w?i-wl.b-ll at theQKer S' t , "-, myes ana Leavitt Streets. St. A t til net air 9 n m a. ,i dn . -. terment LonV Fir'-cemeteTrr' "UDe ,' Jn EVfcLNGIn KU city JuJy i7' Christine EU line, seed C3 rears. Th e.,n.i wUl be held Mondar. Jul-r 2o .( iV?.S a. m. at tha resident aatatKhm. f.1, 60-nts:o.merZ ' itth. Friendi prirate. cemetery WILSON In thi; city July 18, at the resl" 0,,5er.dau1,ter' Mrs- Edgar Allen, 16S Baat 3fid tror iu.n t rl i..ir-. ";fv!, a aerTwee wm be held today (Sunday), at 4 o'clock p. m. at the residence establishment of J V wni 1 ""mgtmrerjr at nun. rTienas invited HflKir T ' .... ... v WANK-In' this city July 18, Henry Wank,' aaed 20 Tears, ann nf T7anv o ' Of 70S Front street. The remains are a't tne residence establishment of J. p. Finler NEIL--Mary Elisabeth Neil. 270 East Thirty ixth street. July 16. 67 reara: nnHn.if. plural abces. HUNT M. F. Hunt. St. Vincent's hoapitaj, JnlT 17: tnmnr of thm tn..in " LA.rLE1"R Boanha La Fleur. 1105 East Twenty-third etreet. North. Ju'y 16 77 years; chronic myocarditis. ' BALERLE Katherlne 8. K. Bauerle. 1220 uiTiston street, July 15, 64 years; apoplexy. . ... 'UL . T i T smith, florist, 141 6th St.. ... ji.nijfc; mug.- Ailin CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers "u i.iuriti oegigns. z Morrison St. SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, - SUNDAY 73 I LA FLF,I"R A t- i Jabea M. Cobb, 1106 Kast 23rd at. aorta. July 18. Boxanna La near, axed It' rear. a months, 27 dara, beloved wlfa of Anthony miKmj, rnaaaa uinted to attend taneral seiTices . which , will be held at Hbhoan's funeral parlors at 3:9 p. m. today Sua- uiy,i. inierment uoee . city ceme- iSAL.KK.LE At the mil.r reside ace. 1230 wbum at., July IS, Katserine Boaanna w." ef Jacob Banerlai Frieads larited to atiena rnneral aerricea which will be held at Holman'a funeral parlors. Third and Sal mon jtreeta, at 2 p. m. today (SundajJ, July 19. Interment Multnomah, cemetery. KiOiliB In this city July 18. at Ma late residence, 10i2 Thurmaa street, Frank Kig ler, aged fid yeara. Toe remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A Son, Montgomery at Firth. Funeral - aerricea 10 o'clock Monday morning, Cortland Cremator ium. V JORUD At her late residence, SM East 89th street. Baby Jorud. Bemsine at P. L. Lerch new undertaking parlors. East 11th and Clay streets. Funeral notice later. FUXEKAL DIKECTOKS The only residence iinriT-taifin tabllshment In Portland. Representing the greatest advance In the science of funeral, service. Tlie automobile equip, ment and secluded driveway are among r c cjkiiujvo leaiures. xne es tablished policy of moderate price has JT. P. FINLEY & SON, Perfect Funeral Service, Montgomery at Bth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading funeral director. 220 Sd st corner ??;,"', r". assistant p nones A 1511. Main 607. Dunning & McEnteef every deUil. 7th and Pine. Main 430. uo. jjauy assistant. SELLWOOD UNDERTAKING CO, successor to A. B. Hemstock. 1687 E. 13th. Sell. 71 o-iiza. Laay assistant a r f i i - m. n. r pr i .n oa wiiiiama sts . ... kvuvi ui i nan r.iftui ""y acienaani. uay ano night aervica KEN WORTH ti. YH f:SnN"Eir-s:NCB und. pls: ..wwwuja, iss. A-2235. 445 Mora R. T, Byrnesrclf11011- SKFWFSCnlert,Jtln8 Co. Main 41S3 orrvvr:pA.a32i. cor. d and cii" PEARSON SSSS 1M BLACK BU RN P. L LERCH, leading east side under- v muu V C. 9119 laser. - lltn & Clay. B-1883. E. 7S1 Ham Itnn Eaat .80th Md Gsan, fu- I ICll I 111 LVJI I neral nervines. Tahn, lil t MONTJUfENXS PORTLAND MARBLE? WKS., 264-268 4th St., opp. city hall. M. 8564. A-1513. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE Tilx UTO LI VERY S tudebaker" 6 o L Paenger cars for hire; $2 arwl S3 SO ppr hour. Main 3469. A-43S6. BUSINESS PROPERT1T 6a Business corner cheap. on one of the best streets in city; ripe for stores right now; street im provement including pavement in and Sai?; biggest snap in the city at 34600. E. O. Osborne. 80th and Alberta, phone Woodlawn 1807 or East 2012 WHEN you answer these Want, Ada. mention The Journal FOR SALE HOUSES 61 FOR SALE or trade for lot, 6 room co il "UDo, price aisuo, equity 3630. For information call Tabor 183? Address E.. S. Bamford. Florence Pal" A HOME for sale by owner. A. &Vna trees. Cash a saw, 'vvr, AHUTflf, TT-T- C a -M 1.1. - oy -owner, b room modern house, corner lot '0x100. nice lawn garage. 2 blocks from Woodlawn car! iiivj54uvu. van wooaiawn 3257 u xjxi BAiJi at a Dartraln. cran 7 -h?", lAi.0?' !105 eac'h. hart . " nun trees and flow ers. 55 West Skldmore. L. St one man HOUSE for sale On Corbettst 3500 ha?dle H and assume mortgage. 550 Umatilla ave. Sellwood 429 MODERN 6 room house in Rossmer Fhrt?0!? r CUy car- 608 TWO new houses, one 6, one 7 rooms"; mAr"' M1b o?nai trade. Ownl " "uvuMHra , .Montana ave. FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalow" on easy terms, by owner. 1065E. n " . i. i . - - BARGAIN 31975. 350 down, new B room modern bungalow. Woodlawn car to 18th. 683 Liberty st. wVn i?,n BY owner. 6 room unfinished hm.l. 4 lots. Mt. Scott car. tfiRO 9Kn CT' 242 Salmon st. Davis. NEW strictly modern 6 room house! Laurelhurst: 34SOO: noon AJi "". quire 810 E, Ankeny, con 27th7 NOTHING down; modern ; payments monthly. 11800. -Mr wi inV4?r" - - -. iv icon TWO room house, lot 50x100. 3750- car. - $26oo; nine room house. 60x110; corT Hodge and Harvard. University Park! WHEN you" answer these Want rti" mcniwn j. e journal. I ,. NEW;H1. P. FINXJBT & SON ' i i FOR SALE HOUSES r (Continwe.) WHAT AM T RTn wt mTa ttj. s t , TIFUL NEW 6 room bungalow. J 030 will take offer within reason. Lock it 1030 E. 31st St, N. 2 Blocks - ' From Hawthorne New 7 room mod b1l8einent-. ash trays, Dutch i T . wuua iioors, aouble con- bookcases, paneled dining room, beamed ceiling; terms to suit you. We ar more inan a good S room i?'?3 ,Soul(i S08 yu- Investigate. vvnqerg jppegara inv. Uo, 'Marshall 609. oiock rjxenange bldg. xaoor 3179. 1800 ONLY jnn m??om hou for sale, worth; 33000, ?oter,a5?J11Pdue ln 3 years; water gas, electric lUht. hous nnh Mi.i J1 &fr.rf,d. an-d JPfPSi. ?tr?t improve , v,u. wm sen my equity &r iS0?,1t,taken ulck- Benj.1rthett liOOKINC? fri n hntvia9 txr- - -a a ,! fiL nw homes; come in and see . . . e 11 1 D Z600. the other ""in. in ose city i'ark. SCOTT-BKESLEY-bEANE, I 211-212 Ablngton bldg. u sacrince. Alberta and E. 18th '"UI" oungaiow. east front, niCe Dlace. hinds tn oar .Knl . etc. This Is no junk, cbst $J7rfo. Mate oW?t4?tu StiSJ Ln? take it. Call wwuaxx i j. v tiLUPilENT CO., .ii nuu nne sts. THREE room bungalow, right up-to uaiB. witn evArv Knnn.nl..... i catedion choice, sightly lot in fino T Ac;0ih 1200. Payments i'JL,t..i'r a ait oiag. for' in WILL sacrifice swell modern 2 famify iiat, 6 and 6 rooms, worth S87Krt- majce an offer: Sionn dnvn -ea Vemr.ni .- t- . Phone Bast S948. s- IMXAUUl BL rtrav t IlrTtO 1 1 Ta TTT 23d. RTTAT. BVAT3 6 room nmiMA K.ri round 100x121, at Maplewood 3250 down. httl ""Se ..v., hmi, mapiewood ...LAUfiELHURgT DlfiTfiTPT 800 savins:. Prirn nnlv 99 Art new room strietlv mrwI.rV, Vo Sandy. inquire irWediiteVTaboi eH,Y,an8U?00 wlUi new house; $950 buys I60x2rio v. . down, 8 monthlvr 85 mnYi"""' iw C. MARSTERS, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 8517. A-7340. Tabor "r 70. O SEblRk Capitol6Hn,'stotio; ii.w 4-rnnm hunnin... . . . (5al.hli. " onuses. (;. LOOK this up: 961 Cleveland Ave.; rtrtr ;;Am modern bungalow. $50 down. $20 per month. Including in terest. I2snn Phr. Tr.o, oo luJfVi" Key next door. V'""- Irvington Home at a baraain. oom llth. 2?t mney fr0m 0W ItfODERN 5 room home for saleT Shade. andlinSleum incld. Cash or SSth 1 hU6 Ar?ldiB bet- 37th and BKG1N200 down. 315 oer month: h.- .".:r" "1"."" Vuue n t-arK- uuuiua, ,uu DeiOW COSt. 312 tVr. J?- niodern nouse, walking dls tance, 341 Weldler st.. cor. of 2d. i?1-8a(Sl?,cSLbJ wner- Apply 6 N. .... C. mam iaa or cast 6011. WiLL sell at a bargain 6-room mod i .rri nouse; full basement; 68x100 Journal. ii un, ucca, terms. - uwner. O-S60. MUST be fidd at nr. rue, cm. . house, wefl locatedo'n Vn;u .u Luius mis up ana submit an of fer. Neal Brown, 209 Panama, bldg. NEw v-room. west side home, 989 lstl ...... t . , . . .. -. . I"s oeauurui view. Extra large x.. ..o, nuv. juarsnaii 17BI. LARGE, HOUSE. LITTLE PRICE." i:B"rJNw 8 room house. See this Pi, .SaU with 'auto! v tt uvi , Tt uvuiawn ogtf 3 ROOM house toilet. fttrr imTnvlr .'"iV TOT . sta la V.. a down and 310 month. V-595; Journal Ai!V- house, close in, west side: lo 44X110 M.p.n.11 """ j.xcnange. D.ii ""&i 1761, 325 PAYMENTS live Di-vni.' to35-7i-,?S2; l52m buMaw; close wfLTS modern bungalow. 1 block" ..nuiuiu8 v.r, very cneap: terms. ! Tabor 1048. easy 4 ROOM house on 100x100 or 60x1661 fo'i' ,lfv" boS," anl "ome trade . vh'v. tt mo wn gov. 1200 -NEW 4 room cottage, lot 9 Ox 123, Oregon Electric. Be fare. TermJ afy. 514 Chamber of CommV' HUKtKU to sell have 3700 eouitv. "u"t"".u,Ti cash; bal. 31s mo. T-141. Journal. SMALL house and. beautiful lot In Ver. npn, fine location, a snap at 39 75 cash, 1033 E. 23d at. N. FOR SALE Modern 6 room rmna- lOW. 219 E. 47th. Tr1. t99Kft tj.... of the owner and save cnmmiminn WILL buulld home to suit for small payment down and halnnn rent. 03 Yeon bids:. like FOR SALE or trade, 6- room, bunga- ,iwvatlI'i attlc' basement, lot 50x 100. 7611 54th ave. 6. E. Cheap TWO WEST SIDE HOMES $3000. One 4 room, one 7 room; $600 down, balance like rent. Eaat 1654. -:!V : WlllS ' ' ivoawaaea oa gwt Paga e . ' : - - ry. ttr i r-i t 10RNING,-: JULY 19, , 1914.: FOR SALE ROCSES . (Oontianed VI $1 850 Alberta $1 850 905 Going St. trEK?wL0KlToHuTSH:- THEN New Modern Artistic Bun galow Lf 'itffU,00? reception hall, beauti nbit. k?,1 tn' cl08t8' ""c. bevel Ftt?LS,25r's?2u.tcl kitchen, panel din H&iSSS? built-ln ecta. cove celling, mtures plumbUl and stylish electric f.antly arranged house, beautifully and painted. Large basement, nc porch, 2 carllnes. fine neighborhood, church, school, reerea li h-ir2uJlU water, electric 5jn5- i.1'5 Jakes it. Worth much paid btIet lmPt'a and cement walks "Owner, 905 Going St. 2 blks. carEither Alberta or B'dway. Terms. SACRIFICE SALE. . l0.24anW 76rciVh and 111 pr. moBC' fr"00 o room modern oettaee on 44th St.: COr. lot' 11&0 ilah mrA lit per month. ' 2500 8 room tnnit.m ia.i. "i aisinci; xzou can; baL 4l i ' AVV "vjLxvv, j. run trees : line srslkS? city- Thi is way und 3Z600 A business lot on Havth and unimproved farms for eale at jur own terms or to trade for city VT v iT AneBe Bargains can "i in me city. 1373 Haw- muroe ave. laoor 2S41. LAUFMAN REALTY CO.. Hardwood Floors Artistic 5 Room Bungalow Terms $2750 Terms JUSl completed, handaomo. rinnhU constructed. 60x100: a blk. .r fn concrete basement: built-ins: avrv. tning nice; pressed brick pillars and buttresses on Front porch; fireplace; xtuuiB . uaven nil txnn in i"iuete comiort. see It. Terms. uwner iu7 Schuyler St. Car to 36th, then 2 blks north. rnone Kenwood 76 FOR SALE 4 room house, double con siructea. modern, up to date, best laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, latest eiectrio fixtures a i.m iin..i. lection of fruit and roses galore. This the best built bouse ln Alberta dis- -""-uc, iueui oaaemeni: a aoon i. ii i. auk- rnannv yitq ive i .rt ri v. waji ana inspect property and get prices from owner. 1031 E. 29th St. N.. - vm Hum tar line. FOR KAL1C New, modern 8 room bungalow, with s.eepinc: porch, stor mom inrcv. lin ing room, fireplace, fJrnace, fixtures. snaaes. tiarawnml flnnr. i-w,,...u wiiuuon, screened DacK porch, full ce dent basement; all rooms finished in aii.iiwc iiianner. J-D1jK?trty in Alameda Park. GEORGE A. ROSS, OWNER.. am vjgrunger plOg. . ALAMEDA PARK HOME. v . - , liuuucu,' na.s K,,l, n v...... , ' .. . . -iv.o usruwoga iioors. rinniia ' uu.ij.cv, large union kitchen, 4 rooms and den down stairs, with two bed rooms and sleeping porch up stairs. Home haa been nw(aiiv j.An...j and finish can not be excelled in Port land: will sell for small payment down and 340 a month. If you want a home iu,".lv neighborhood call me at ii & St 2670. WE will build and f inane e a home on your lot or any lot you may select. Pay for It uae rent, we guaran tee satisfaction. Call ana see us. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. Room 1, Commercial Club Bids. une fourth-Acre y. r . 1 111 1 . 1 rTSMr ii?omv.plMtered house, close to school, churches, stores and 60 carline- J3"11 Run water.- electric lights, modern plumbing; will sell on fo"yaa?.mntl, would "nlder a cheap Si.8-flrBt Payment. This house is rndi?wi, vric i275- Oe0- T- Moore w q "nig t.Jll PlUgJ. i R Vt VHTflM cT nntr.t ?tl JP'teThoT onOterm.10to 1 - - trii"'"r 1 some traae. McKENZIE & CO., 515 Gerlinger bldg. ,onVr? house and garage, corner lot rwL0x.100' ,ftreets paved and 1 block "-hi . iuu. .ost me $16,000 Will take any reasonable offer. House mod "n every respect and in perfect ZtX. Vtr"' niia ave. Tel ephone Woodlawn 1244. I I k h:l .( IV m i - hnJii vV1.!7i. acres. i room ? iiowers, garden, fine trout stream, all equipped for poultry. 200 feet from station and county road, 8 He fare. Cheap and good term.. ? Green, Whltforc? S- T HOME3 FOR THE OLD FOLKS $700 Extra neat and well built 8 room cot- ivl A1?,11 .bftrn' M'dam pavernVnt 2a down. 310 a mnnth ir ... . ber of Commerce. MODERN 4 fOflm hiin era Iaw - i toilet. Dutch . Ir1rTh k'-T large attic. Small paymenT down Inquire M). W. Webb. f28 4th ave Lents. Phone Tabor 4926. ' 3425 w6 room house and lot td-xi'ii' r a K onH hal.... 111.. . - $100 SMITH A JOHNsnw """w uc rent. 705 Northwestern Bank Bid ttuusbis in Irvington for two.thi.-H. their values. nhni-. i- . ," lots. Houses furnlh .nr.V"" for ' r-ent. East 27 j I W. H NICE 7 room bungalow, to trade. "wwhth 7S. FOR SALEHOUSES .(Continned.) Easy Terms No. 356 Stanton Street Go today anil look at this close in house, near Union ave.. where : lots are worth 32500. only 3 blocks north of Russel st; A-l 6 room house and reception hall, gas and lctrieity, lot 150 feet deep, fine garden, roses, lawn, hollies. Look this up today. Til make the orlce so low and terms o easy for such a home you can't help but be interested in JL $3&0 to 3500 down will do. This place has value and it la not hard to see it. Your chance to make 3500 to 31000 on this by taking a little time to resell. I 11 sell It so low I know you can ' sell at a profit. I want 3350 to 3500 cash this coming week. Might take a lot and some cash. Call Main 1189 for owner. Try and see if we can't deal. mtm By Owner , At BSC IT: Snth 1ST A olaaav S rnxn uungaiow. noi jusi a common cottage, but attractive and well built. I will make the price and terms right, or wiii maite 11 an ODject to someone with half cash. I mean business. If you are looking for a home be sure to see this before you buy. Take Alberta car. Owner. Phone Wdln. 1307 or E. 2012. BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. Swell, brand new 6-room bungalow, doubly built, finely finished, extra large airy, light rooms, oak floors, fireplace, panel dining room, buffet, bookcase, Dutch kitchen, brick piers and cement front porch, located be tween the river and Milwaukie ave.. ?J? RT.nold". Ave- c108 m,- hi block to bell wood car, price $2750, small cash payment and $16 per month. . GRUSSI is HOLDS. ?' Boar of Trade, Main 7452, A4401 WE! herewith quote you a price that ia $300 less than actual coat a 4-room new bungalow with bath and station ary waahstand, tinted walls and full b."?.mnt Iot fi0xl00, k block from Williams avenue. Only requires $50 cash and $20 per month. Now this is worth your while call us up, for If yo mean business, you get a bargain. Agent on ground today. BROrjrt rinpi w x-iione main 1743, Lewis BMg. This Is No Auction But we can sell just aa cheap. Fine modern 5 room bungalow, close in. in Vernon, close to Alberta st All large, well arranged rooms, large attic, full cement basement, cnnir im o. over $3000. Owner will sell for 32500. C. I)YOi!-(i a rn 514 Chamber of Commerce. LEAVIXU THK PTTv , n. Ume ago I built my home in Piedmont. It has cost me $5200. My work calls me to the, nuxt ond sooner than rent I have decided to .v...i mjr equity, atignt accept good lot as part payment Inauire at N EI LAN & PARKHILL, l 303 Stock Exchange Bldg. Third and YamhUl HAWTHORNE DISTI aanon A tir811 neT 5:room bungalow. Just off . ' ...w 11C1KUUV1 hood; terms. All improvement paid. .T T. IfitJVAtiti Ry. Erch Bldg. -x,-,,, 2574. 2600. TERMS. $15 A MdNtlL INeW O-rOOm bunaranvna . j em in everv wtiv 1 1 Kniu 1 lC.e8iiJlardw-ood 'loors. Choice dis trict high and sightly. block from f.KmaA1 Payment down and $16 a month. Come and see for yourself. Richmond car hnr A-t.a i,-".- 72TnaenrdWwb8 J?0 Tabo'r vzi and will call for you. 6 ROOM house and lot 75x100, Jut r.c.om:PletSd,. , rooms downstairs. 2 upstairs; full plumbing, with wooJJIft, concrete foundation, full basement, size f building 36x32; double construction; will sell cheap for cash or trade for ouiiiO Kouu acreage, owner will be on the place all week. E. 84th and Weid- J a . aK Montaviila car. John Mimiuiiuuilli OOl 001. ItOUte 1 a vandy, new, 5 room bungalow. Large attic, oak floors, paneled din ing room, Dutch kitchen with break fast nook cement basement, laundry trays. , $2800. $300 down. bal. like T V" "awT.norne car to 60th and Di vision. West to 68th. south to 2316. Owner. Tabor 170. VjBT BIDE, i cars, walking distance, ,had urff.c ,a,d; Extra large lot most beautiful view tn oity New 7 room, double constructed house St'n? bniltin convenience; cost owner 3425S. Mar'shal?.' "8CrinC ,0r NEARMY. tabor car.' V i, 1"X10S- J room house -..-u """i iiouno on oacx end of lof beautiful lawn and shrubbery, fine inut us seen to De annreciatpil v,rie 00'- tern,a- S- P Osburn, 603 PORTLAND HEIGHTS home, beauti: ful view. lou. 6 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, full basement, laundry trays, electric lights, phone and shades. ip"al?v a0"""' fa"" or terms. i'lSO; O-1000, Journal. 'EW 6-room house, modern, book .",.sV.buf. D"tch kitchen, elec tric HghU. full basement, W block rremont station for sale cheap toy TXrVfc 63fd 8t' fe" E- , ROS-E ClTY BUNGALOW. Look at No. 467 E. 67th. street, Jf you want new. modern C.nu v,.. low. lot 50x180 for innnn- Mar. 2574. ' F?ALI? 5 room modern bungalow, $3000, clear lots to $1000. or $500 cash first payment, $25 and int. month ly; Ln an, rive nrlee and location ii. dress A-l 60. Journal. MANSION of 10 large rooms 'and ' 5 block. 100x200. in choice shrubs, fruits and lawn, isono tinon Cltiens Agency. 170 2d st. sen or $1250. 3 room house and aor mr FOR SALE HOUSES -j COoatlaaed,) mm m m Just Like Rent -Own Your Home Corner Lot 47x100 H wni?SRKNf5 DIST- PAVED STS- ' . will build you a ft room modern double constructed bungalow on abovi ite, hardwood floori fiVepTacS book? ' KUcVen PannicLedb.11HIXl ' &SG& tjnA tiin?edb1ouTourba.iefUcer "Vnt basement and laundry travs-' eC ery convenience; furnace. "shadeT' and fixtures, all for $2500rith small navC 5".?- b' JiWe rent CoraPe ?n and talk t over. Now 1. the time to T. A. Sutherland Phone Tabor 2017. 1084 H.wth.n,, THIS ONE WILL CHARM YOU. W IfA in f Via Knn.U. m a I . - " VUilKBIiln' PUIJU I rlsK business and have Just finished anothe V .i.ur ,,ro5lm nobby bungalows with hnhl8l8.hth fifth bunaalow we have built on this street. 4 sold last month. $2300 IS THE PRICE OF THIS ONE. $26 PER MONTH. FirenlacsL nalr rin . decorations, lighting fixtures and win- " dow shades, built-in buffet, bookcases, . Sfnrnhf m Sf1 and panel work, f ino , P'""llnF fixtures. Dutch kitchen has 1 ZZle.rJ iro.ning board, woodlift. laun ory trays in basement, concrete porch. today U8e open 2 to 6 5 ROOMS nv Rm in rrkirrTi T SUBURBAN lioMg : A beautiful llhliflu.n kA. . of Tund. modem 7 room house, cost S?"r,y &00,0.- Furnished in the- very best Furniture alone is worth 11500. The acre of ground Is worth $1500. Thia , Snap to th rla-ht r,r.o VA rAS ' and the person who can show that tbe ' usiu uou noi nave to pay all Kh' ."21 W w,u iv yon the very , bniiterm.?- wn' has reasons for making this sacrifice. LULLMAN & HOWL AND, Cth and Main sts. -Oreaon Cliv. $26 DOWN. $25 DOWN 62m"i hardwood floors, fire- . SI.1J!' .fln" batn . buffets, cement , basements, and laundry trays; cabinet isi.g atreeis, close to cood carline; lots 60x100. " .,frlce 2800 to $300. $25 down. . Ronears,harith6370,nC,Udint lBter"U ... 9- a REAGAN, . 832 Chamber of Commerce. Ti.,il40.2nS"T. DowNTb$24oo: This is the last cut, and Is a big n- . Owner pressed for money. , ?imvbunKalow on 100x100, corner lot. -In rfr, tTH cn UBe- berries to " l f,n English walnut trees, chick en house and yard, 3 blocks to dandy alrervlc,- 20 minutes out. An ideal rn ,'-24lLdown' Glance like rent. . Call at 25 Pine et. Ask for Riffle. Hawthorne District "'w modern 6 room bungalow. IZfIX .buiel".ln Jture. model kitchen! swell buffet, hardwood floors double constructed.; complete in every de tail 2 blocks to school, easy terms. East Lincoln between 41st and 4Id or call owners Tabor 694 or Tabor 651. FlIRNISHKIi haitsp cTvij uh'l- have been called eaat and will soil 2X.nw.ihom.at a arKain. 6 rooms with bath, toilet, lights, Dutch kitch en, high grade furniture that cost ,,,u, iimn za minutes out. I owe $1600. $760 mtg.. 3 years., bal- f."0,,!1?. p?r,mo Mak me offer. L. CElllott, 206 Ablngton bldg. M. 6224 $300 LADD AlTrTlfv tiir. New 8 room modern house; 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch, den and break raat room, 2 fireplaces, oak floors. Dutch kitchen, lot 50x118; worth $65oo. HT.u,6200: J20,0 down and $2i per month; two blocks to Hawthorn. Why pay rent? 4,, ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett bldg. A-l 4 16. Marshall 9? Go Look! Near Firland Only $50 Cash . New. pretty. 4 rooms, bath, hard Plastered, tinted, complete plumbing, gas. electricity. Bal. $1450: only $2e TZXiL ,nc'",11"S interest 305 7Jd st For $2500 Wfl Will hllflfl Vrtu a R MX..- r?, df,ub, constructed, hardwood floors, living room and dining room thoroughly modern and complete, with furnace fixtures and shades, near car, racing east, on vary eaay terms. Phone owners. Tabor 694 or Tabor 661. Have You $900? 2i.!w' 5 rf0:n and bath, cement base ment good plumbing, sewer, eiectrio futures. all tinted. 60x169 corner. E. 20th. close in, balance is $1000. 7-i morteaae. nnaltlvalv n a.k.. Owner. 616 Ablng tort bid g. 8650 IKVINGTON SNAP--$Sa: New, modern. 6 room house: a t4- ropms, fireplace, oak floors, Dutch Kitchen, hard surface tn and paldTeast lacing: a biz a nun at i7&n- im n and $25 per month ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett bldg. A-1416 MarwhaM 92. MT. TAIJOR RESJlJEN'Cai. 6 room modern t mA K.,.. tri Jabpr and Hawthorne line, good view. , win taae lot or auto as first navment or sail easy terms. Owner. O. B. ' y..M .Hawthorne. Tabor 1048, FOUR 60x100 lot, fruit and garderH good ft room house. 3 blocks from Hawthorns av, curling- tmi.n .u