4 C ."OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 19, 1914. SEALS CAPTURE FIRST ; GAME 2 TO 1, THEN; SPEC ES BACK Rivalry "between "Sari, Fran . Cisco and Venice Beaches Bubbling, Point.,;; ' ': TIGER , SCORE WAS 4 TO 1 ;2sp ' Hogan Almost Twhi Vmplit 'Hayes Xt Scrap ' Over Clos -Decision la Plrst Cam. : - RfLAUGHLIN-AND .TOM- BUNDY WIN 'DOUBLES CONTEST Sensational Tennis.; Matches V-' Played Fn 'Broiling, Sun v'Vat Seabrighf,"'; lo Angeles. Cal.. July 18 ; the Seals Just a trifle over two hour ...to beat , "Doc" White In the first game t today,, 8 to I, and the "Speck" Hark .nan cam back in the Second contest , . ana allowed San Francisco a single hit na run in nine innings and ths Tigers -took tbc came, 4 to 'Jr f, The rivalry, between San Francisco .and Venice, has reached .the buhbllng ..over. Point. -Hap't v Hog-an f almost " !r"5, UrpP,r Hayes into a scrap in , me first came ov Iau i.,i.i.. Seabrlghf, N J ; July U8. Flaying under a broiling uo Maurice , Mc Loughlin and., Tom Buncly thl after noon won-the doubles in the Seabrlght Tennis club's, tournament by defeating Theodore" Pell and Karl BehrJ The scores were 12-1 0,-7-5, f-t, 7- and T-6.V f )VV , Sensational tennis . was . played,' the California's ' being- crowded ',. to-' the limit'by the New York oalr. After' th Pacific coast pair had taken the first two sets, Befar and Pell played thera off their feet and took the next two. R. Norris WUllalma ir. of Philadelphia, It took j dinner of the singles, plays- Theodore reii, ; nut ftoider, tomorrow afternoon in tne cnauenge round for 'the Acneiis coy. . t andWakemanl T6 Represent "M": In International ACCIOEII T HAPPENED - AND OAKLAtlD VAS v THE INJURED PARTY Sacramento ' Trims Them :.to Tune "of 3 to 1 "at the San -Francisco Grounds, v '.' OAKS ARE FIRST TO SCORE Stupid Base Banning; oa Part of Irosevs V r and Soaker's - Great Throwing ; Kelp .to Turn tie Trick.x i-' f- Walter A- Gosai and A. D. Wakeman and then In the second earn wa h.aeA IwiU represent1 the Multnomah Amateur ' to - mutter "The umpire's ml mf Athletic-club in the singles and dnu- i now, Del Ttnwavit t o 11.. j-V " ' .Sobbed of Tall' t Jack. Bliss shut off Vitae-AraM r'rn bles events of tho Pacific- Notthwest International 'Lawn i Tennis? champion ship tournament, -which opens at V7vr.- couvei, B.' Cftomorrow. The selection of Goss and wakeman aa the club rer- . , ... uv oi4 ufi lgninr r tha f l .....t.u. ji- i and had th- Z V XIom "s lng. ; The Irrlngton lub, for the first 'for hil ni?n. n.fut. of W-warai years; will nol e rep- r4 ut 'l th and resented at this ; year's International -I" : 1-'. "cnauer came over meet. The club layers will leav tj. i- iw minutes later with tha fim rnn .i.t, v.. -. - . . ... . "... ?tm! :f'..OWCTer' nd while Ttha Bp ,n " lYlt "seventh. .,for the-Seala In the ninth. - -A banning and White were In trouble !T --'rw, occasions, but the eSils suc ceeded In nastlnar "nnp."- hiiS h five Hogan's men got off "fekeeter."'rThe local run ime in arte seventy when Baylee -doublod and V-r . 1 tmrdJ on Melpan'l at- North Yakiina. Will i Stage Auto-Racing , North Yakima.. July 18. Entries win close July 20 for the. automobile meet to be held ; under the auspices of i the tempt. to t, sacrifice. y which Fnn(ntNo''tnwe,t - Automobile association vat tMav city.' July ZBandgs. iLThe meet will be the first in this city under tht sanction of the . American Automobile association, and should . be one of the moat Important of the year in the west on a mile track. Seven entries have been received so tar, , including Percy Barnes and his Romano Special, hold er of . the, world, record' for 25 miles; Jim Parsons and hit Franz, winner of the 10Q mile intercity race at Tacoma In both 1913 and 1914; Joe Thomas and a StraWon racer; Charles Latta, in tb Lozier which was third in the Intercity this year; Jack Welsh, R. D. Lens and this ' threw to ' third. Borton saorlficed and .5 I " .n : alngle - by McAr Tk.' . : . . - " ' f ' f Bst brought the . fomehack-r of Harknessv The ..a one got, by for eight full ..innings and had two out in ti.. ninfi. and two strikes on the.battr. Wnr a single hU was registered off his de livery. " r--'r i'i.-h?."',.!.i'-'.'s:-'i-'" ---M'- f Coalda't: Get Cnaac" - n vuuiy - Bpeca- would pave had ' cl'n, record but for the- fact that he , whlsUed a few fast' ones around the necks i of -certain Seat players In the imi;.:!Jvn.ln" and Kv.thm the hcrnest- Schneider. the latter of 'r ;;,v.r" r IZlP- Barsby and Henry, North, n if ihe,r , r,y'rPe"ences,hn7a Studebaker. are among the other ana Manager Howard wmr tmtn.KUII.iu.. . . . - . . .j. GIANTS DEFEAT SPOKANE -i- - It ... v V t Aaw i . 1 I . . ... ....1 7 m ninin wun me pur ' hA . a . n II l . . . . vt , omng n) iiarKness reo . ord. '... . ... , .Del failed .to get a chance 'to land. epeca - raeKM' mm- one? In the "ina?r, put senaiier.who had been n speoai oDject of -Speck's", throws riier in trie game, drove a long dou over myiess' head, to; the fright field " corner. The hit scored . ardtrith the only San Francisco tally. vc,na sioien second and third without opposition.,' .'u ' - Kane-brought Iwo In 'ahead of hhn with his home run in the fifth mhing. ' lrt 'Kmtatti:'-ij -'U''Xii. ritBM-M rf ni-nmifir, it a num. cr charlrn, lb, ; 'orbin. m ' ftehtnUlr, : . nlng. ' .... ;' . i v Total , , . , t t ah. n. . 4 o ; . 4 : 0 ' 3 .1 .. 4 O 4 0 f ;..s. 4 :-. 1 ..... 3 4 .V . 4 ' O ' H. PO. A. !'!- 0 O 1 S 1J 2 1 : 0 ,10 1 0 3 O 0 2l .4 r.rHHl,i It. .. ... 4 - 1 2 lrd, 2 O , . 2 i . Kaoe,- ef . ;...,.,.,., a . 0 : -1 f'.v' - " ij.'ii ; . 4 lrton, lb ,j. a- t 0 8 . McArdle, ... . j ... , g , . ;o s . i !! . '.' ..,.,: .. t.hit. b.-vu. 4.;.-.Jri, it nc .; , Mcltonnell, 3b 1 o ft I o 11 e. o o 2 o 0 0 A. . o t t o l ; ,0 2 K v ' "(SpicUl to Tbe Journal.) v- ' . - . Seattle, July 18. The rejuvenated Giants took Spokane down the line for the third successive time today before a full house of -Pouatch'celebratora by ine score. oi o to o. - . :.;;'-j..j " 'i As a result of today's victory Seat tle passes Spokane and is once more In second place. The aeries now stands Spokane three, Seattle three. Tomor row's battle will be for the rubber and second place In the;race.'.v:&r'i,.t.'M.t-i;;- The Giants hit the ball at oppor tune times, while errors ; helped swell the final' score.-"i Ki'J:i-Xi:--:, Fullerton had the enemy under Ms control - at . all times and - bis team played behind j him -in ' championship form with : the - exception of Perrlne, who, kicked, two grounders, and Duddy, who 1 dropped ; a fly in right which should have been an oat. ! ; " J Duddyredeemed blmself ; with the stick,' .however, if or j he slammed out three safeties ut Of .three times at bat, leading both teams with the club. The ; score: - - " v--R. H. K. Seattle ,. 6 ,9 ... 3' Spokanev . . . ........ .'.,V. . . . 9 6 2 Batterles---Fullerton ' and . Cadman; Hughes and Altaian, Shear. By AL'C Joy..- -A V -San Francisco. Cal July 18.-r-The northward progress of "the . occupants of lower six was halted' by an accident today;. Sacramento defeated Oakland, 2 to 1. f That was the accident. ' " i Nevertheless ; and , notwithstanding the recent splurge and splutter of the Oaks. It must be recorded that their Own' carelessness - was - the cause tof this accident of today. They ran bases with the speed and precision of a iclock running., backwards. They - got away from Daddy Bohrer's throws after the fashion -of a mountain glgglg getting away' from, Joe Knowles. .-- Just - to save ourselves ' from being classed as nature-'fakers.twe. shall explain- that a glggig,:-is a. ur bearing : bird that meows like - a goose. " It , has a small, hard skull; and bats aboo t -.JSO.), ' Out of 11 hits made off Liefty Half-Measure Williams, - the -Oaks got Just - one run. T;h Oaks were first to score.. After young-Mr. Menges had filed out; Honus Mitzo slammed a hit to center field. Clinton Prough 1 struck out. - Then Tomtit Qulnlan singled to right - field. Rube ; Gardner followed . immediately with, a drive to left and Mitze scored. In the f if thMnnlng Eddie Halllnan started, off with a hit to short which Menges could not handle. Shlnn. filed to Mlddleton.. - Then came 'Billy On with a clean drive to right, sending Halllnan to third. .V.rv. . xtonrer was next, no sent a sizzung grounder toward . short,' and Art Guest attempted to field It But the ball was too hot' for hlnn VK bounded up and took him In the chest and bounded far ftv. -j.It. went, ever riant field With Nesssin pursuit, PWhea he final ly got, the bali and shot Jt to second, Rohrer was safe at that station and Halllnan and Orr were, over the plate. Williams struck out and Moran filed to Menges, ending the inning, iWith two down in the eeventh in ning,? Billy; Orr again hit" the ball a vicious rap, knocking It to the right center ; fence for. three sacks. ? And again came Daddy Bohrer-to the res cue -with a long single to center Held, and 4n cima'Orr. With the third run. . - The Oaks haa many a chance, but stupid basa runnings Bohrer's great throwing and a couple of fast 'double plays cut them out, Bcore:. SACEAMEKTO , ' '- " . , ' AB, B. H. PO. A. E Moran. ct 4 o-o o o Cook, 2b ,............. 4 Cot. . rf ......V;. ...... 4 Tennant. lb .... Halllnan. 8b ... Khlnn. If .............. 4 , O Orr, a 4 2 Rohrer, ............. 4 , 0 fV lUlams, p .- 3 O ; ; -. rAUIrlU bnUUI : btl I fcK I HAN lyiki Mttl f I : s-:-' ' " ' " ' sr .1 . - 1 ' I 1 r u 1 . , J , : , tI3 ... , 1 STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS o ..... 4 .0 ..... S 1 .28 0 1 2T ' 0 RESOLUTE v BESTS VANITIE i Batted for Utacbl a aornth. " . " ( SCOKK ' BY IN.VINOS J r San Kmurlm-o. O .0 , - o e t 0 Hits ,....,!, 3 ; t i -o .tio -Triilre .....,, O o 0 0 0 j ,0 i nrr-Daae . Blt-.nrle. Tvo-b ' itta rlflrc bltBwtoii., Poa oa halla Off Whit y rannlng e.. 8tAk) hrara ritacerald. fori "P.""11 fit her Lard.. Tune" aj a 111 It anskl iifc If w - . l Newport. R. X- July 1 8. Resolute won this afternoon's race- between the cup defenders on a time allowance from Vanltle. The Defiance ran a good race, but was distanced at the finish. The yachts started: Resolute," 1 :31 M 5; De fiance, i:3z:oo; ,vaniue, i:32:oo, v and finished: Resolute, 5 :28 :10:'-,vanitie. 18:10; Defiance, : 51 :52 f-; c 6 o- 2 t . 1 - e Elmer E." S ha ver,1 General Manager. '. v of the Interstate Associatloa, and . ; two pf .7 the . trophies d'or first -i"' prize winner. The winner of. th :Pacitio Coast Handicap gets the : . diamond - studded medal on thd '; "left, and the winner", of the pre-.- liminary, handicap gets the . sin-' gle . stone medal. ;: ' Both are ' of - solid gold. Two years 'ago Elmer '.-IE. Shaner, general . manager' Of ther Interstate ao- sociatlon; t-viaited: PortJana. wiven? tne local gun club was staging; the seventh annual Pacific coast. handicap tourna ment, and in ah Interview:' stated, that trap shooting -waa hecoming. one of the most popular aporv:o.ctean sporis nien. '.' ,: ' ' .' ' ': ". ' ., Yesterday iLMri' Shaner'-state3 stfcat there -was more -trap shooting' la the United State last: year than oer e fore: and that the outlook for -tli fu ture was very bright Because tne game is; diminishing -and gajmeireseryes are becoming vbigger . ana Detter - tn u statea'v-:- - "iL -fi v:''"'T V-"s:r "Several hundred .-Tin ciuoa rrero formed in the lotted SUtes -last year which brings; the totar up to-over sswu clubs,1" said Shaner. . "Trap shotting la becoming-very popular "with-women shooters also, and . several ; exclusive clubs were 'organized last - .year " by women. -v-.v-."-' '"?'-. -,r.:!--''i..-.v:.T" ."WUmlngtoniDel has the Nemours club; which Is an exclusive women s club, 'and soma very . good scores are made ' at ; 'tha. weekly - meeting of, the ladieaCi: -," :V -sh c'y.if.. . "Trap ahootlhg has reached a plana where it is purely an amateur epoit. Professional - shooting- .has 3 practically been eliminated.": Professionals r still enter' tournaments, but : they do not carry. away i: any of " the .. trophies or purses.. The professional- shooter Is a help to. ' a beginner.- ' He sees their mistakes and shows them how to cor rect their faults.".; -"' - ' .'.7-w'v: - Shaner stated that the Portland Gun club was a better equipped club titan any in. the . United States, with the 43 : 49 49 It 66 .551 . .614 .623 . :4U7 '34 .133 .22 .41 1 .ai .171 .88? .07 88 .& 60 .413 64 .383 83 41 44 .684 .641 .624 .41 .481 .47 ,41 ,43 .800 .663 : Vaeifla Coast Zarue. . , v, s y i,. Won LoP.C. rvruina . ........... st ,Jjo Angeles '63 venic ................. San Francisco ........ ..68 Sacramento ............ v Oakland- 41 jrorthwest Xarae. - -Vancouver-.... .t.i... S6 SeattU lH Spokane ................ 67 38 Victoria 38 69 Portland" ............. .v s- Tacoma .38 82 . . . -VMUrg Trt-Stata IaSTU Pendleton . -........-84 J Walla Walla ;.6 Baker 38 North Taklma -. 35 - Xatloaal tearo.. New. Tork 45 . ti aj aau . . m- -w St. Louis ,;-....V..,.. 44 40 Cincinnati ' 89 v 42 Philadelphia ..... ..,. 37" 40 Pittsburg 1 ....... 35 Boston ...... . 3 . : Amerloaa 3eag-ae. . PhlUdelphla 48 83 Detroit ........ -7 38 Waihlnrtnn .:.,. 45 - 37 Boston 45 -'40- .623 Chicago ...... ........ 48 4 49 .618 St. Louis a., .......... 42 40 .J3 New York, ;.,..;.vv " ih''ii Cleveland .......-..... 28 64 -.841 1 7J redaral 3eara. Chicago .,...'...., Indianapolis ' ...... ..... '44 Plllmr V. 44 Brooklyn j 1 Rnf flr - . .49 39 Kansas City ........;... 37 -46 St. Xxuls ...i..,......51?! 47 Pittsburg ; .. T. ...... . . v 31 47 ... . amencaa aimcuibb. Milwaukee- . . . ........ 48 40 .545 Cleveland- '48 ' 43. .633 ouls villa . v . , ; . . . .. ; . ; 4 1 4 8 r .6 J 3 ndlanapoHs ............ 48 45 .516 "Canaas City .............48 ; -45 ,.616 llnneapolls ". . ........ J 46 44 .508 Columbus .,.. 44 ,;45.494 St. Paul., ..... .. ........ 33 , 68 .358 - -Western Jttvu Sioux Citly 63 .85; .683 St. Joaepn ............... 51. . Denver ....... .......... 49 .87 .7 !) Mninn 4( . 43 .517 IJncoln ..... 46 .41.11 nma.hn. - .....40 48 ' .485 Wlrhlta. . 35 53 J89 Topeka v.'- .. .. ..i. .V." S3 67 '40 - ITnloa Association. nril.n -r...:...,:...... .2 ' .818 B 4 ..111 i I r,466 6 8 - .455 4 7 .384 Fritz Holland: Gets ;. ' Decision Over Parch Sydney. N, S. w. July I t-Frl la -Holland of Spokane was given the do- cislon over "Australian. Darch here today after 20 rounds of bard and fast boxing. A. large .crowd witnessed' the ' bout.. The men are mlddlwi-ht L Joe Welling of Chicago, who came " witn Jimmy - Clabby . O'Neil of England tMelbourne j At Brisbane, Jack King of-Australla knocked out Nat WOllama-of England la 11 rounds. . . , - . . , Gibbons-Murray Bout: Being Urged 84 S3 37 San Francisco. July 18. Failing in his efforts to match Mike Gibbons t St Paul and Georre Chin t weight bout because Chin l-nA m ,- .549lSallor Petroskey . here July Ji, when. uiooone maae exorbitant demands for iu awvices, t Tomoter , James ; Col- " froth. expected tonight to eomnlut ar. rangeraents for a bout aome.tim n ' August between Gibbons and Billy . Murray of Sacramento. Murray already baa .accepted and Cof froth anticipates uo , uraucuiiy m oDtainlng Olbbont I consent to the match, - .. ' 1 .571 .643 .639 .606 . .448 -1..42T : .397 a t f a ) possible-exception of the Bradford, Pa club. , "The Bradford ' club -haa hai more time to develop Its ; place. . b'lt just as soon, as Portland -gets tt Uutte grounds Into abape.lt will be the best I Helena '.v. In North America," said Shaner. . jwoiae ...... ...... Ti-Another thing which is helping ''tr.e.-g11 k4- ........... gun clubs throughout the United States Murray,' ................ Ins; more attenUon to the aocial end. PORTLAND CAPTURES os a tournament now tnan ever cm-rc, and that is a big' help to the sport The Portland club has a great opportunity to develop Its aoclal features, and the officials of the club tell me, that the; intend to look. after this -end of the port.'-JrA'. . -- . - . -v Shaner predicted that this season's shoot would - be better than the 1912 'shoofcs."---:. - ' ' ' j - - FISKE TROPHY FIRST TIME IN FIVE YEARS (Continued From Pare One.) ..Total. '..' 8;"-i82T.;.ie..;;3 AB. S. H. PO. A. E. Qnlnlan. rf 4 0 . 1 MldcUeton, If . i. ... . ... , 4 --: 0 S - Nea, 2b .............. 4 0 2 Zacher, et ............ 4 0 .2 titiest, bo ............ a Menges, aa ............ 4 Mltae, e 2 Pongh, p ............. a Alexander ............ 1 Chriatlaa, .;..,.,.. 0 Arbogast, Total .81 I 0 o ; O . 0 -0 .0 0 "1 .n 14 . 2 : ;-i . 2 - it : 08 Batted fori Proogh lBelshtlC ' Batted for eoest In ninth. fiA;V ; 8CORBV BY i INNINGS. Sacramento ... 0 0 i ' 8 0 1 Hits ....j... O .1 CO 3 v3 lf 1 8 Oakland 0 1 . - O 0 0 ' 0 1 - Bite A-iv t 1 1 8 ; 2 . . 2 s . 1 ; 1 U .5;.,-4. ... 8&MMARY ; . ; . .- . Three- rbna, serrn hits -f f Prtragb In eight lnoinga. (Charge defeat to Prtmgh.'i' .. Three ba hit Ore Two-bar hit RoUref. Sac i If Ice hita Halllnan, WlUlama. Bate on balls OfffWinUms 2,- Strnplt out By Williams 6; by Prough-, 1; by Christian 1. Hit Iby pitcher Guest. -Double ' playa Prangh t to Queat 4o Manges to Qulnlan; ' Tennant to Bohrer to .Tennanti. Tennaat to Cook. Time 1:40. Vmpirea-Gnthrle and ploney. OUIM ETf G OLP !; C H AMPf6 N 1 '? :t , L" .;"..'-.' 1:- Boston, - July . 18-Francla" Oulmet, national open golf ohampion, this aft ernoon wen the Massachusetts amateur golf championship; by defeating ; Ray R. Gorton of Braeburn, . 6 up and -4 to go in S 6 holes. Oulmet finished one up for the morning round and steadily increased his lead on the final 18 holes. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES '. Washington, t joly 1 18. Five costly errors' by Clevelandscoupled With seven effective HliS.yGrifllth'ai.-'Senr atorsV gave thfe Jatterran easyrVlctory today 5,-i;t0,;SfXf Bcort'B. H.a WashingtoOA.i!i,.?J- 5V' 5 6 Cleveland -'i ' ' "-';' ' 1 : 5 ; h Batteries : - Morton , and Bassler; Ayers, Englo and Henry, f. i.-. .t '.' ti-. 'Tigers Win ' in - TbirtcentluU ' ' A Boston,1 " Jiiiy 18 In an exciting- 1 inninr : battle today the -Tigers finally .nr h?&ed SOX. .4 ' to 2. ThO sensaUonal catch of. Speaker's fly by Veacn in tha plntlw doubllnr EHgl at the plate, was the feature.. Scored" V , :u,: ;-i AsifiA ;""" ''X$ H.-SS. Detroit .... . ... r A' J ,l Boston -. . ii. . . v . . - . Batteries Dubuc, : Stanago and' Ba ker; Shore, Leonard, Bedient, Cady and Carrlgan.. r - . , ' . ; Philadelphia. July' 18. By grfthblftg both games of -.today's -double header from the White' Sox the Athletics made If three straight o"the 'series. - Ed Walsh showed great form .in another "comeback performance In the first game, but had, wobbly-support. - Score first game: ; - - - - ;' R- Chicago- .. .;.' ., Philadelphia .-A . V." 4 6 , Batteries Walsh aand Schalk;; Plank and Lapp.' i. i ' ' - , Second game; .-. ; ' t Chicago ..l . Philadelphia . . . w : - Jtl vBatteriea Qcotte; Lathrop and May er; Bender and Schang. .- , .YankstDontinue Streak. : , I New .York, July 18. The New .York Yanks' continued their" winning - ram n ' tjda.'v- beating St. - Louis 6 to I Ray Caldwell,, who -has developed Into a consistent winner for. Chance,, kept the Browns': seven Tilts well suuereo. St ilxmls . ..;...';,.. . , .. 2 .1; 1 v. -vnw.- - . . ... . .--. 5 S -1 i- Hsmiltan'. M MltcheU. . v Agnew ; -and Jenkins; Caldwell and Nunamaker.', .. WESTERN TRI -STATE 1 Walla .Walla, Wash-, Juljr 18V With the .North" Yakima teamrplayina; horse for nine long, tiresome innings. Walla Walla defeated, the taileHders of the Western Trt -State league by a score of T Ht04:8 this afternoon. .-- Tho Bears had a shutout until the eighth,; when the foolishness became contagious and they sluffed off three scores, . ; v Sunday's game will end the Western Trl-State league for local fans,, few of whom have attended the last aeries. ': "'- f-f'r-i-rf:: V;- R..H.E. Walla Walla . ; v U V 7 12 4 North Yakima 8 9 1 Batteries Leener and - Sheely : Mc- QuarrrJKrusei.an4'We4 Baker, Or, July 1 gv The Pendleton Buckaroos strengthened their hold on the lead of f tho western ; tri-state league today by shutting Baker out E to , 0. -; Osborne .for Pendleton : allowed but five safe hits and struck out" ten batters,-: while .Pendleton : hit ; Suther land for a total -of nine hits., ' . Three of Pendleton's runs In tha ninth inning were earned, the other two resulting from -errors by Shortstop Togneri.' Pendleton scored one in first on overthrow to first by Togneri, and Texas leaguer by second : baseman Naughton. -. f . - :y ;- . Pitcher " Sutherland: held them -help less thereafter until the ninth, when two - triples, , double! f lelders-cholce and 'wild, throw- homo by Togneri net ted four more. --Bakerf got only two men, to third A close-decision at the plate ' by Umpire) Ooxyv prevented the locals 'scoring at 'least one, in tne seventh inning... v ; s-'" ";... f- .- Score: . v ' - - R. h. E. Pendleton . . . .6 ; 9 0 Baker .......-i.;6 i Batteries Osborne and .Pembroke; Sutherland and Klng,. ?i-X- Second game: : V txcerald. rf , 8 ii i.erj, an- 3 h Her, If M , , 4 . Dwwna, 2b . .......... 4 , Tfln, ef 8 ( liarlea, lb ......... ;i t .rhan, as ...... f,..s. 2 larke, . . L.." 3 , I'ernoll. p 3 Mnndiirff .....u...... 1 "Howard , ...' o rRAKCXC0 ' ' ROSENBLATT BOWLING TEAM,:WHICH WON CHAMPIONSHIP CUP jKiaaM$S , Totals Leard, 2b 3 Kane, rf '. 8 Barleas, rf 4 . l.ttsrht, St. ............ 8 Borton, 1 b 7. . . . .... . r., 4 . M'Ardla.j a t Elliott, e' ....,........ 3 ' Siarknaaa." p . ... $ 2 :'....2- .TSNICB; v AB. It. H. PO o 1 124 JT II '.ToUls" ...... 28 ,i- 4" 8 .27 - ii Ifl Batted for Pernoll a .-ninth. ' ? "J Bartted for O'Lejry tn ninth. ' ; i.- .. r ; 8COKB BY IXXIXnS San rranriae.. e 0 O o o Kits',. , - o - o, Tenlee .1 '.':' 8 - 0, - Hits 0 V 1 ,0 S 1. 1 Hnme- rnn Kane. Two-baae hit Rchallfr. pacriiiee niTa-iitscBi. Kaoe ffarknesa. . St.. ' leo baaes Howard 2, Leard. . - Baaea uu bait i)ti l'ernon ;,oit Uarkoesa a, tttrack w . By s Prrnoll 1 ; by Harknesa 2. Hit .by .1:30. Dmptre Hayes. Harknesa, Time ; ' , Vestern lagne esuitst .V -: At Omaha--i..,'-:,:;"t:..;;:,.'';'...r'R. H.'E. .. Topeka' . ,V iV. .5, 1116 2 Omaha . . . .... ...... ... . .. . 6 6 8 - ; At Denver,:- v,lVv-. t-:'V?i' R.H.H Des Moines . . i .............. . 4 .11 . 6 Denver ..... ... ... v..iV.,in 8 11 2 " At Sioux City- ?.'V-VR.H. E. Wichita . .'. 0 & 3 .Kioux Clty .v.......,.,.VfcV 8-13 r 0 At Uncoln-- . . R. H. E !f-'t. Joseph ,.s..U...'',:; ,..'10 18 0 V- :f V ,; V .r- vV oe sgry; :w9i-'.-: iLlncoln ........ 310 .- The Boston high school committee may abolish1-, the position "of faculty 'manager next fait The action.' If put Into .operation, will put the. work on 'th shoulders of the faculty coaches. Quintet of Bowlers, who won the Championship Cup in the Clothiers', League. , From left to right, the ; - (. players are:- w. J. Alberts, F. H. Waters, J. w: Birreil, captain 'Fred Raymond and D. J. Sluyter. v Crther teams In the league .were: R.; hL Gray,"1 Ben,, Selling andBuffutt & Pendleton-"The Rosen-' Matt team won. the champions hip by a margaln of one game over the r; M. Grays." r 'Each team' splayed; 86 games. Next season It is the plan to have six teams In the league. ; : c s f FEDERAL LEAGUE' GAMES I '"'-., T"f' ' L.K " ' : i'" X Cindiapolis AVtos.1 V: .:V' '- St, Ixrnls, ; July ll Taking two hits' to tha, Slouf eds one,' Indianapolis today defeated - the - locals, , 8 ,to 4. Brown's - mtn. started with a rush- Score: y-Vf-v ' ? h ;e Indianapolis V . . . .' . ." S 1 2 r 0 StLouisJ..,....w...i.-... 4 8 2 Batteries Moseley - - and Rarlden; Davenport and. Chapman. , - . . : : , Baltimore Takes Two.V ; . f Buf falo, N:t July ' 18. BalUmore took two straight ' from the. Buff eda today. Five hits gave tha visitors t runs in the opener,- two errors helping. in the second BalUmore walloped the tar:.out..t Pitcher .Moor and then threatened Moran worse, winning 15 to 2..- Scores: . -vt '-" - NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES S:Cajfnals . Beat Phizes. ; .' k St " Louis, -July 18. In a -Blugf est the Cardinals outhlt the Phillies 1 4 to 9 and won 6 to 6. Miner's single In tho last half of tho nlath -with two down 'put across the winning; run.. - . Score: -i VJ USa? j i -'-: Philadelphia . v 5 S 1 St Louis .........w. 14 1 Batteries Alexander,, and - KHUfer; Steele. Orlner and -Wingo. it : ? Pirates and - Giants Split. , Pittsburg, ; July 18. Every variety of baseball: was V: staged at - Forbes field today, -when the Pirates and Giants split a double header, r Harmon held - tha -McOrawites ' to six acattered hits irt the opening contest and Pitts burg won .2 to o. Pittsburg touched Mathewaon for10 hits in the second game, but McQulllen loosened In the extra inning, and New Tork slugged the ball for 3 "runs, taking the game 8 to 6.. -Tha Pirates hit freely In the closing half, but could get c-nly two runs over the plate. - Score: - . . i - First game. - - , New 'Tork,......"....... .0 2 Pjttsbure v. . . .-. 3 6 l Batteries -Uemaree, . wotnma and Meyers; , McQulllen, Mamaux and. Gib son. :.-,-.'- . V. ; V, ' Second -(lime. X i' SL : New York , ....... v.. . 8 10 4 E Pittsburg . . i-. .... i i.; 6 10 Batteries Mathewson ' and Meyers; McQulllen, Mamaux. and Gibson, c i!t.:f:'-:"' - '. "' -v.v':-- '-l ytCbsOet'Closeto Top'?.; Chicago,' July 18 The Cuba "edged closer .' to the Giants, and .leadership in the National league scramble by beat ing the Dodgers 4 to 2 today. ,; Consec. utlve blngies did tho work,, -. ; . Brooklyn v- . . . . ,". .', . ti " 3 Chlcaeo . . ,..., .....'.'i 4-i'8 Batteries Altchlson, Brown y and McCartyr Lavender and Bresnahan. ,' Jtostan'xvuis'y Cincinnati, . July - 18. The I ' Braves made It two straight from the Reds today, smashing out . 10 blngies .-and winning 8 to 3.,; Score; . R H E Boston T7 . . . -. . ... . . . ; . i . V 10 Cincinnati .............. 3 7 Batteries -t- Rudolph and Gowdy Ames, jear ana rwin. tonzajea. - The two major .league baseball or ganizations. ' American and' National, have spent 82.047.961.75 on new play ers In the last five years. I First game R.H.E. Baltimore ...... ..;.i.".V..t'.r.8 2 Buffalo.,-. ..V.. v.. ;.;.... .;0 2 Batteries Suars .- and Jacklitachr Krapp, Brown and . Blair, ; Allen. -. . - - Bcoona ; game . .; - . .. . - k. h. E. Baltimore, ........i.. ....... .15 19 1 Buffalo ..........i 2 - 7 t ;,Batteries-t-Wnhelra and- Jacklitach; Moran and Blair.-. . ;. . .- : : f . ' ' .. .-, ' . Brooks Take Both. V , ; Pittsburg. - Pa.. 'July. 18. Brooklyn took both ends . of a doubleheader . this afternoon from - the r Pi ttf eds ' through superior' playing-, and heavier' hlttlnr. Boorea:- . - r;,-.--: . :;,;..; ? ... First same - . i T tt Brooklyn ,a t.r. 2.. i-.-; . ..7 12 : 2 Pittsburg . . .v. .t 7 t J Batteries Beaton, and Land; Walker, LeClalre and Roberta.., v Brooklyn C ' a n . Pittsburg .. 4' i Batteries Lafltt and Owamar riicW. son-.. mad- Kerr.-. ;. , Chifeds Are Winners. , ' : Kansks Clry.'Mo. July 18. hicaro drove another peg into her hold on the first place among: " the Federals this afternoon . by beating- Kansas City.- 8 to 1, in a -ninth Inning rally that broke atle. - Score: -:;Xiu- R. H. E. Chicago r...i.lS.i,.,....,6 11 1 Kansas City . ..v. .t ; . . . , v . . S 2 Batteries Lange and. Wilson; Cullop and Easterly. ,f , A-- -. , v ,-. ' - ,.-. " VANCOUVER WINS. EASILY Vancouver, B,' July-18 Vancou ver batted .Narveson, and McKenrv hard this afternoon and had little trou- Die,wjnning irom Victoria-10 to 2. Victoria hit Reuther hard at the start, but. the Vancouver .southpaw', steadied down after; the seebnd and was Invin cible in the pinches. . , v - , .. . rr"i. . . a . , .. . (Bnio waa ' viatTeix- dt j constant t wrangling between the, play era and J Umpire Burnside.' . The score: V 4 :?-:':;$; '.-.-. R. H. E. I Vfetorla-: J.-r: Li it - t Vancouver . . . I r.i, i-. . . ; . ;io 14 ' l .Batteries Narveson, Steele. McKen- ry and Hoffman; Reuther and Cheek. TACOMA : MAKES IT y THREE STRAIGHT OFF :;: COLT AGGREGATION :- (Continued From Page-Qne. . - a feature. Both teams played without The seors: . 'iy' ("; ?;' . .- - ' f Att B t M l wa ' - - v. m. 7. , . . vr . .......... u u Meletiior. rf S a Lewu. rf g a "e uuiinl, lt 2. i ,2 Will la ma, lb 4 o j Mart ay, -4 i BalTaon,.p ...1 0. rrambaca, p l , 0 - 0 Tleta, p .............. l; 0 S 1 2) 0 - 2 : 11 8 1 0 i 0 IS 24 11 -Totals ..,..'.83 . . g V - - . TACOMA . ' . - as. a. H. PO. A. B. 1 1 O A Bender. f Nelgfahora, rf ......... 2 MeMnlUa, 8b 4 BoeekeV b , .......... 8 Sutler, aa ... .. ........ s B rot tern, e ............ 8 ke, lb . I rlea. If .. ...... . . . . S Jouaa. p ......... 1 1 1 . 1 0 1 11 o o .0 0 o 0 he did against Wlckeraham . tha pre vious day. ' y ' - " - In the challenge round of the" men's doubles. Richardson and Andrews de fending, won but one game from Johns and Roberta. .' The speed and serving of .the Calif ornlane was too much for the . local players. 'V " ' The-final match of the ladies' dou bles, fwhlch'Waa' being played hi the same time as the one between Rich ardson and r Johns, was close. Miss Stella-Fording and Miss ,C Tucker, after dropping the, first aet C-4 played a .wonderful rup-hlll game and pulled the match - out of the fire as they did against Miss Ryder and Miss Haasalo- in the 1 seml-flnala and won out 8-3,-8-4. . The match. was replete with sensational ralllea i - - .Miss - Sarah Livingstone had little trouble defending her title In the sin gles.-, Her. form and serving was al most perfect, and . she Is without doubt tha best woman player in the northwest Eh - knows - tennis and knows how to play it She is steady and consistent and has a good stroke. Miss Fording played a, fair game, but It was not up to her usual standard. -.' Preslaeat WUbux rrrasents (Tap. ,1 i Catlln, Wolf ard of Portland .won the junior boy's championship of the state from G, Ware of Spokane,' and Miss Mabel Ryder won the junior girl's title, beating Miss Haasalo, 6-8, 6-1. - The - final match of the men's con solations was a hard struggle between A. S. Frohman and H. A. Wllklns. Froh man won by taking the first and third sets - by. 6-4 - -scores. : Miss Winifred Bent won the ladies', consolations. ' '"Tha cups were presented to the win ners after the final match of tha day by President Ralph .W." Wilbur of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club. Be fore distributing the cups, Mr. Wil bur made a short address. , .--. ; - - v. Ts-rteraars Besnlts. ' ; Men's singles, final round L. . K. Richardson - Portland) j beat H. Van-Dyke- Johns san Francisco), 6-2, 8-8, 7-6. , 4-8, 8-2.' - - . ; - Men's doubles, challenge' round H. Van Dyke Johns and Roland- Roberta Totals .MIII,W ...27 T 27 14 - 0 Batted foe Praatbaeh la serentk. - eooaa bt innings x - .. - Portland lO'O o n o A ft a Tacoma ........ 2 O ' 2 0 1 O o & -, . .. guiataBT - - Stolen hue Lawls. Nalghbors, Botlftr. Bacrlf Ice 1 hits Neighbors 2. Baoekal. iillU eaa, Jones. Twe-baa hits Murray 2, Me Knne. Mcafnula, Butler. Credit defeat to ' Balreaoa. Wild pitch Jones, Baa oa balls Bender,. Nelghbora, Butler, Brotteta. Htok ke, it lea 2,-Uuignl S. Struck out Brottem. etokke, Jones. . Time of game .l.eO. Lm plra WheclOT. (San FraAcisco) beat L. K. Richardson and F. H, V. Andrews (Portland) 8-1, -, 8-0. - . iaaiea" singles, challenge round Miss Sarah Livinastone (Seattle) beat miss bteua avoramg (Portland- 6-0. Ladles - doubles, final round Miss Stella Fording and . Miss C. Tucker (Portland) beat Mra W. I. Northup and Mlii Lily Fox . (Portland, 4-4, 6-2, 6-4. - Mixed ' doubles, final round Miss Sarah Livingstone (Seattle) and K. Smith (Portland) beat Miss Mabel . Ryder (Portland) and Roland Roberts tSan Francisco), 6-2 6-8. - Junior girls' singles, final round Miss Ryder beat Miss Hasnslo, 8-8. 6-3. Junior boys', singles, final round Catlln Wolfard beat O. Vare 6-8. 8-2. Men's consolations,, final round A. S. Frohman beat H. . A. Wllklns, 6-4. 4-. 8-4. - - - . Ladles consolation, final round Miss .Bent beat Miss Collins, 6-2. 8-2. V Educational Notes. - ; - v A playground Institute has been or ganized in Cleveland, O to train' workers for the local playgrounds and recreation center. ' - Americas physicians who think of practicing medicine in Egypt are warned through consular advices that the khedlve's government will hence- -forth require a license; and licenses will be granted only to graduates of recognised oUoecee. Paddy Livingston and Jack Wright, two former well-known big leaguers, are cracking out the safe ones la the American associatloa this season. , - Here us is-OiiF New Model - .. .a gajgTtv main, zxazojjrr azfioa. V American Association : Results.' " At Columbus: : .. R H Tff Milwaukee ..j... 812 f Columbus i i.. . ..7. . ..v. 7 11 2 Batteries Powell and Hughes:. Da vis, Ingersojl and Smith. - - At ClevelandVflO inning) i '- RMf V. St- Paul ... .......... ...ii. 6 9 . Cleveland ....... T 18 8 - Batteries Karger and Glenn, Jamee; Brenton. Dllllnger, James and Devogi ... .. .- . .J ' j At. Indianapolis (IS Innings) :R II E Minneapolis ..-........., '5 10' t Indianapolis ' 0 '4 ; ' Batteries Patterson and', Smith; Burk and Gossett. . . '- i f ':' - AC Louisville (U Innings):. RHV B Kansas City- . ........... ...v 8 8 " 1 Louisville ...... . ;i....f 4 8 ' 2 ' Batteries Gallia' and. Giebel; Ellis and -Severoid. - ,-. t ; -, , 1 '" - Jx 1 T i f '-X. Union .'Association' Reaults. :'z -At Baft "Lake- 'C -X : R, HE: Murray',... ........ 6 9 2 Salt Lake ... ....4...... ..... . 12 -2 Batteries Crespl and Riorden; Fits geraid and McClaln.' :. v. - At Ogden . ' . " ' R. H. EL Helena ...... ii.. i.. 8. 1 Ogden 4 ....... i -..1 16 2 Batteries Ames. Belford and Crit tenden ; Rustenaaven, Tod. and . Sea bough. . ,...,...-"-... ,''.':-. '- At Boise ' ' ' ' .. R. H.E. Boise 8 11.8 Butte . 4 12 2 Batteries Melter and Weaver; Mc Creary and WUUrd. - - Usual Price) ftQC Our T0 r Down , d A Monthly ,Qf A SAVING OF 3110 TO YOU An Instrument of very graceful ootbna with an extremely" rlen tmia ' Comes In fine gTadea of mahogany, oakrand walnut veneers- Inside veneered in white maole. Hss six hardwood posts in back and entire construction Is very trong. Haa Empire top and Grand hinges,. Kasy repeating action; full iron nronxeJ elate;. bushed tuning pins; 13-pound hammers: Imported tuning pins and wire; laminated pin dio-k; turee 'peaaia; coppet-eo om, run o tave, scale of perfect evenness and beautiful tonal qua lit; inches; wiatn, t leet 14 incnes; oeptn. s lest n mcne. Full overstrung, 7 1-2 oc- Height. 4 feet -7. luallty. CTITJT -CrrTrj ti Make your selection now and pay-3I down, ir you ao not .. OlAAi . lUIH a)l -want to pay the full amount, and tbetv before delivery, you pay the balance In cash of 39, or whatever agreement you may make for first naymeat. and-tho balance 8 montniy, etc. nntu tne piano m piu jor m uii. - Out-of-Town Buyers It is safe and satisfactory to fcuy one of these pianos by mall. Write us. and we-wlll send vou full description, or, ir yeu luce, snip ths Diano sublect to your apploval. . We pay rretgni 'Washington or Idaho, slano sublect to your apploval. . We pay freight to avny point la Oregon, tioy now ana nave it inippea wiien twit. Kverv nlano or layer rlano purchased carrtea with it me wravesiusic .Oi guarantee of satisfaction, a also the ut.ua! guarantee for each manuracturer of these new musical Instruments; besides, w take It la exchange within one year, allowing the full amount paid. if. desired. - , ; "-. i' - GRAVES LIUSIC CO, jtrtif - IHVE2TT0XT 151 Fourth :rc:t