SECTION TWO EDITORIAL REAL ESTATE ANT) , BUILDING NEWS A - EIGHT PAGES MARKETS AND FINANCIAL NEWS AND REVIEWS PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 19, 1014. VISITING MERCHANTS fll ENOUGH i UAir hull mut TO DO BUYERS' WEEK Ten General Committees Have Been Appointed to Look After Various Events, DATE IS AUGUST 10 TO 15 Sack Xer Will Be Is Chargs of Dif ferent Body of Xsm; "List la Given. Plenty will be "doing" during buy ers' week, August 10 to 15, to keep the visiting retail merchants and their wives extremely busy the entire six days. Ten general committees have Just been appointed to look after pro grams, entertainments- and Inspections of the establishments of the Portland Jobbers and manufacturers. A different reception committer will serve every day and special commit tees of three Will conduct the enter tainment features of Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, with an automobile committee to look after the sight-see ing trips. The different committees are composed of: Monday Xeoeptlea Committee. 3. K. GUI, cbalrman; Dom Zan, P. Feldman, J. W. Vofan. R. B. Bln, J. H. Dundore, C C. Colt. R. K. Briatow. Carl Schallinaer. I)., 14. McLean. Tuesday Rmoker Committee. Dwlght Kd wards, chairman; Paul DeHaas, Frank 8. Doerobecher, Sol Hail, H. J. Frank, C. P. Wright, John D. Kenwortby, H. A. ContM-r, A. J. Klngaler. B. W. Uctzger, J. V. Luckfl, F. B. Norman, E. W. Hill, ' R. I-olke, W. A. Smith, B. L. Brackett, John H. Beall, Otto Brcmann, F. F. Haradon. Wednesday Reoeption Committee. J. P. UaimuastD, chairman; T. 8. Town send, Theadure Bergman. Jesse Walwralth, W. F. McKinnon. K. R. Wlgglna, T. J. Arm atrong, 8. B. Holcomb. Thar day R caption Committee. H. D. Kllbam, chairman; Uy Eitera. M. O. TboracD, John MonUg, Cbarlea Dejette, F. 8. Wut, W. Crawford, N. Welnateln. Friday Reception Committee. Edward Ehrmann, chairman; li. 8. Mean, P. Lowengart, U H. Parker, B. C. OUrer, J. L. LuulNann, Jullua Durkhelmer, A. Segdon, I). B. UcBrlde, Lewis Lane, D. A. PattnUo, Blaine R. Smith. William H. Bebarrell, Saturday keoeptioo Committee. Frank L. Knight, chairman; H. O. Kllbam, T. W. Jenkins, M. 8. tilracb, H. B. Lew la, H., B. Barker, F. W. Farrlngton, N. J. Fuloy, U. E. Johnaun, A. 8. Gay, Joseph Goodman, W. J. Roope. ' Monday Entertaiiflnent Committee. Charles B. Woodruff, chairman; W. A. Montgomery, J. if. CronlD. Tuesday Entertainment Committee. A. J. Bale, chairman; W. F. Norman, A. C. Black. Wednesday Entertainment Committee. H, W. Mcleee r-ehtws . 4S. 'MS. Hoopes, r. L HhulL AstomooUe Commltta, H. W.. Metxa-ar. chairman: Alfred Baxter. August Oberdorter, '. C Btettler, O. C. Calhoun, Krerett Ames, J. B. Krausae. Weight of Safe No Guide to Contents Barriers rind JTotMng la Bafs But Tew Documents and a rouatain Yen; Detectives Search. . Whatever burglar imagined, from "hefting" J. W. Bennett's family safe that a fortune awaited the opening, was grievously disappointed Friday when' he discovered the strong box held only a few documents and one fountain pen. Bennett lives at 1574 Melbourne av enue. He reported the theft and De tective Coleman was sent to Investi gate. The safe, which is only about 15 inches square, had been carried away bodily and Colemap found It, after some search ,ln the bruBh near the house. It had been battered open with an ax. the papers had been looked over and the pen only was taken as the only article of any value to a burglar. City Banri to Play in Laurelhurst Park Concert Will eB BXeld at 3 o'clock This Afternoon: Bast Anxeny, act. Tabor, Sannyslde lines. This afternoor at 3 o'clock the Mun icipal Band, lender the direction of Charles L. Brown, will play at Laurel hurst Park. This will be the second concert there taxis season. The park may be reached by the East Ankeny or Mt Tabor and Sunny side lines. Laurelhurst Park Is one of the beauty spots in (the city and the stately firs afford splendid ; shade on a hot dayk Seats wlfy be provided by the city. i '-!: The attendance at the band concerts In the various parks Is unusually heavy this season, the crowd present Friday evening at Peninsular Park be ing a recora tu-eaxer, Fuller use of Risers Requested Portland Askea to Join . the '. Vattoa wlae ISovenen in Interest of Warlgw atloa; Indorsements. ' .. Overtures I have been made by the Inland Navigation Bureau, with bead- quarters at i New Orleans. La., asking that .Portlands Interests affiliate with It in a nation-wide movement for full er use of the rivers for navigation. John H. Beirnhard. manager - Of . the bureau, has bent prospectuses and In doraements ort the plant which were re ceived tday by the Chamber of Com merce. '- I The bureau , proposes to standardize rfver craft, work for: the Improvement of water terminals, make uniform ta riff rates " and Equalize Insurance charges. Among the) Indorsements are those from the governor of Louisiana, commercial organizations of Mississip pi river cities and several senators and congressmen. -.. " :"' r'..; BEING A GENTLEIVfAN PAYS Omaha, July 18. Albert Ay er of this city win-receive S10,f00 by the win of Mrs. Atkinson of Dab-ton, Ohio, for "being a gentleman."; the) will says. Ten years ago Ayer was5, of assistance to Mrs. Atkinson's daughter! In a rail' The Fresh Air Store Trunbge Salt Cases and Traveling Baps. Fonrth Floor Headqaartcrs for Men's, Women's, Children's Bathing Sulta Soda Fonntain and Ice Cream Parlors In the BasementManlcnrlnp and Balr Dressing Parlors on Second Floor The Dayi;ghtStoreM Stamped Linen Centers at Hall Price Stamped linen Pillow Tops 29c SECOND FLOOR -Stamped ecru linen Pillow Tops, Cen--ter Pieces and Scarfs. At tractive new designs. OQ Soecial at........ F?e Lessons Embroidery, Knitting Crocheting, 1 to S Daily Telephones Marshall 4800 A 6231 SECOND FLOOR Tomor row we place on sale a spe cial line of Stamped White Linen Centers. Scarfs and Lunch Cloths HALF PRICE M9Ww(tinniaie Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Store Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Every Business Day, Saturday Included. $12 to $15 Riding Boots Special 310 Tennis Shoes at 75c Up to 31.25 MAIN FLOOR Women's and Misses' Riding- Boots of fine quality Black Russia Calf regular 12.00 and $15.00 Fined. Clearance $10.00 MAIN FLOOR We show a complete line of . Men's, Women's and Children's Beach and Tennis Oxfords and Sneakers. AM (I Of sizes. Now 7Sc to V Its 2 Rednce the High Cost ol living Save Z&C Trading Stamps" These last remaining days of the' July Clearance will present hundreds of opportunities to buy seasonable merchandise for personal and home needs at in many instances below cost of production.' AU Rem nants, Broken Lines, Odds and Ends, Special Lots, etc., to be closed out at once. Visit the store every day and shire, in these economies. Cflearaniice TaMe Oimeinis anidl PommcsQiics DEPARTMENT MAIN FLOOR You'll be needing Table Linens, Towels, Sheets and many other articles in the near future. Why not take advantage of this splendid opportunity to supply your wants, while prices are at their lowest mark? Bnngalow Table Damask 75c Yard Serviceable Table Damask for bungalow or beach cottage. Attractive designs in pink, gold and green. Sale price, 7iC the yard I wC Mercerized Napkins 85c Dozen Just what you need for every day use. Beautiful mercerized finish white Nap kins in several patterns. Priced or. special at, the dozen OdC 35c Wash Goods At 19c BARGAIN CIRCLE, FIRST FLOOR , Odds and ends of Wash Materials Ratine, Crepes, Foulards, etc., in hundreds of patterns and various plain colors. Grades selling A up to 35c. Clearance price 1C Table Linen Remnants Now RedaceJ 20c White Goods 10c Yd MAIN FLOOR 3500 yards dainty sheer white ma terials for cool summer waists, dresses, aprons and lingerie. Striped and checked nainsooks, open work, lawns, eta, in scores of patterns. White goods worth up to 20c, priced for Clearance at. .... New Wash Materials 10c Striped "New Cloth" all colore at, the yard 25c Tape-Stripe Black and White Voiles at, the yard 35c Printed Rice Cloth very stylish Priced, yard 29c Genuine Renfrew-ierrw hire Cloth at, the yard 20e The New Pattern and Colors in Fine Grade Percales Towels, Sheets and Pillow Cases At Clearance Prices MAIN FLOOR Special Clearance prices on "Wear long" Sheets. Torn and laundered and ready for use. Note the following low prices: 72x90 Sheets now at 72c 81a90 Sheets now at 80c 72x99 Sheets now at 80c 81x99 Sheets now at 85c 18c Heavy. Round Thread Pillow Cases at only 12 We , Extra Large White Bath Towels, blue border, at 2s Large- S ize Cream Colored Bath Towels now at 22c Heavy Bath Towels fancy border. Price, doaea SI. 50 Fall Size-Light Weight Summer Bed Spread at $1.95 Regular $3.25 Fringed Marseilles Spread now $2.00 $12 TrtaiiMcdl MMs Monday Monday MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR At this low price we offer unrestricted choice of all Jight-colored Trimmed Straw Hats, the assortment embracing the very latest midsummer shapes for dress and outing wear. Every Hat is new. They are beautifully trimmed with flowers, ribbons, wings, breasts, fancy feathers, etc. Every wanted shape, including the popular bandeau effects. Hats fin selling heretofore up to $12.00. For Monday's Clearance epOaUU New White Millinery DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR While in the store tomorrow, ask to see these smart, new White Felt Hats we have Just received. They are smartly trimmed with moire ribbon, coques, breasts, 7" wings, etc Advance Autumn models shown for first time, ef Oe I Ribbon Sale! i 4DEPT. MAIN FLOOR For tomorrow's W, selling we offer a very special bargain In 7 5 K-inch Satm Taffeta for sashes, girdlev cows, eic, etc. Satin Talfeta Ribbons 38c Yard Beautiful luster and extra fine quality. Colors pink, blue, coral, Copenhagen, white, scarlet, cardinal, king's blue, navy, brown and lavender. Priced spe- oo cial at only. OC Bows made free of charge at Ribbon Counter by expert bow makers. New Glove Kerchiefs Exquisitely dainty pure linen Kerchiefs imported direct from Ireland. Em- broidered corners. At 25c and )DC Women's SMtts att HaBfi ' Prnce Wools and Slllxs In Latest Models DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR And now for a Final Clearance of Suits practically our entire stock Is included in this offering. Beautiful Silk Suits of Moire, Taffeta, Poplins, etc., also Wool Suits of Serges, Checks, Whipcords, Duvetyne, Bedfords, Gabardines, etc. Fancy or tailored models coats in popular Postillion, Eton, ruffled or betted styles. Skirts styled in ruffled, tier, peg-top or Russian tunic effects. Many novelty models trimmed with fancy collars and cuffs or silk or lace. Complete assortment of izes and colors. Offered during this Clearance Sale at ONE-HALF PRICE Women's $18.00 Suite now at $ 7.50 Women's $18.50 Suite now at $ 9.25 Women's $22.50 Suite now at $11.25 Women's $25.00 Suits now at $12.50 Women's $28,50 Suite now at $14.25 Women's $32.50 Suite now at $16.25 Women's $35.00 Suite now at $17.50 Women's $38.50 Suits now at $19.25 Women's $ 40.00 Suite only $20.00 Women's $ 45.00 Suite only $22.50 Women's $ 50.00 Suite only $25.00 Women's $ 55.00 Suite only $27.50 Women's $ 60.00 Suits only $30.00 Women's $ 75.00 Suite only 137.50 Women's $ 85.00 Suite only $42.50 Women's $115.00 Suite only $57.50 $25.00 Silk Coats Only $9.98 Silk Coatees at S4.93 SECOND FLOOR We have but a limited number of these Coats to sell at this price, so be on hand eaily. ftney models in Moire, Taffeta or Messallne with 'kimono or drop shoulder sleeves. Flounced or ruffled skirt effects also the natty little short Coats unlmed. Garments that are worth up to 23.00: t(Q QQ Clearance price ......... lseJO SECOND FLOOR Smart silk Coatees or short Jacket coats for wear with separate skirt or over lingerie and silk dresses. The assortment comprises sev eral .handsome styles in ruffled pos tillion and Eton effects. Short kimono sleeves. All colors except black. Your choice of these Coatees during the Clearance Sile at the J no very low price, only..... epte70 New Tub Dresses 5360 to 838.25 Styles tnclnde New Russian Tunic Ellects , . DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Women's and Misses' Tub Dresses in great variety of dainty mid-summer styles, including the very popular Russian tunic effects. Ep6nge, Crepes, Crash, Linens, Organdies, Voiles, Lawns, etc., trimmed with net and lace rucmngs, tancy voices, laces, etc. snort or luu lengtn sleeves with deep cuffs and novelty collars. Shown in plain colors or in pretty figured effects. Full line of all sizes. Special at $3.60 to $38.25 3 Wonderful Bargains in Waists AtSl.29 SECOND FLOOR Dainty sheer Batistes and Marquisettes also the serviceable and stylish Crepes in white and colors. Many pretty models here to select from long or short sleeves, high or low neck. Trimmed with laces, em broidery, tucks, etc. Complete assortment of all sizes J1 -On in the lot. Special price e0l.ase7 At02.49 Were we to ask 3.00 or 3.50 for these Waists you would say they were well worth the price! Choose from dozens of the very newest styles with drop-shoulder and fancy yoke effects. Some are trimmed with hemstitching others with dainty laces and em broidery. Full line of O M( alt sizes. Priced special ef eve's A1S3.60 In this special lot we include Waists of colored handkerchief lirten also beautiful styles of Lingerie, Marquisettes, Cotton Crepes, Lawns, etc. New drop shoulder effects with low necks and short sleeves. Trimmed with laces, hemstitching, embroidery, frills, tucks, etc. Full n ft line of sizes. Clearance eeJeUll. Summer Fiction Sale $1.50 . $1.25 $1.00 HANDLED NOVELS Special 3ifor8fl. Special" Double Trading Stamps . ' Monday and Tuesday Book Dept. Main Floor Rag Rugs Clearance Prices DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Make the most effective of floor coverings for bedrooms, porches, bungalows or summer homes. We show these hand some Colonial Rugs in all the dainty colorings, also in mottled effects. Make your selections tomorrow.' 69c 98c Regular l.So Colonial Rugs, i size 30x36 inches, now.... ef leaVi $1.25 Swiss Curtains Regular 75c Colonial Rugs, size 24x36 inches, now at.i Regular 1.2$ Colonial Rugs, size 27x54 inches. Now. . . . 89c Pair THIRD FLOOR Fancy colored border Swiss Curtains for bed room or cottage. All colors. 1.25 grades at 89c Regular 2.00 Colonial Rugs, f AO size 36x72 inches, at bl.45 Regular 3.00 Colonial Rugs, ff Afl size 45x84 inches, now. . . . e9le70 Reg. 10.50 Colonial Rugs, 7 JO size 9x12 feet Special.... 9 1 'tO S2 Sewing Tables $1,48 THIRD FLOOR Tomorrow we quote a spe cial low price on Sewing Tables, but the lot is limited,-so come early In the day. Sub stantially constructed of hardwood. 1 AO Regular 2.00 Tables special now efleftO Imported Pongee Silk V2 Heavy Weights for Suits and Coats DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Our entire stock of Heavy Pongee Coatings and Suit ings, is included in this final Clean-Up. Plain weavesand a few-novelty effects in rich natural shades. All now at .ONE-HALF PRICE Regular 2.00. Ponrccai rt Coatings 27-inch. Yard9lUU Regular 3.00 Pongee 1 A Coatings 27-inch. Yard eleOU r seeeeeeee e is sw a arva lira g Regular 3.50 Pon gee fjt 7C Coatin gs 3 6-inch. Yard ef I e I el Regular Coating 5.00'Pon gee C CA -36-lnch. YardepaWeOW 50c Curtain Nets urn At Bargain Center In Basement UNDERPRICE STORE Over 3000 yards ; of these excellent Curtain Nets will go tomorrow at ' above price. 42 to 44 inches wide f, in white, cream and ecru. Every yard new and fresh a special - factory purchase bought especial- - ly for this one k day's selling.' ; Scores of handsome patterns in the assortment. Curtains worth up to 5oc a yard on sale . Monday at only... ..... LVC Watch Our 'Ads' Every Day for ' Extraordinary Specials ,; at Base. . ; meat Bargain Circle. Dress Weight Pongees Clearance Prices Special reduced prtceiVn all-Imported Pongees in light and medium weights for dresses, waists, etc. Better, take advantage of this opportunity to buy at a lower price: . 1 -. 26-inch Imported Pongee-tejralar tlXX yreae priced new at, yard S9c Other lines are priced special now at 79c, 89c, 1.12 tip to $1.25 yard Always ask for tap Vs. ale H." Green Trading Stamps They're valuable DEPARTMENT THIRD FLOOR SWISS ALUMINUM WARE-the Swiss people are the oldest manufacturer of Aluminum Cooking Utensils1 and produce the most compact metal and perfect finish. Special sale of every thing, for the kitchen in Aluminum. a 75c Alum. Kettle 60c 95c Alum. Kettle 86c 1.10 AL Kettle 88c 1.35 AL KeL $1.08 1.60 AL Ket. $1.28 Bine and White Enameled Ware 4-Coat Guaranteed 25c Kettles or Sauce Pans now at 20c 33c Kettles or Sauce Pans now at 26e 70c; Kettles or Sauce Pans " now at 66e 30c Pierced Ladles special now only 24c Regular 35c Dippers special now at 28c 65c Blue and White Collanders now : 62c 25c Blue and: White Pie Plates now 20c 20c Blue and WBite Pie Plates now- 16c 55c Graduated Measures now at only 44c 35c Angel Cake Pans priced special 28c All Garden Hose and .Lawn Mowers reduced- 20c Deep Pudding Pans special now, 16c' 27c Deep Pudding Pans special now 19c 57c Covered Buckets priced special 45c 7 0c Utility Kettles 3-quart size at 56c 35c Handled Strainer special "now at 28c 60c Fireless Cooker Pot special now 48c 1.5 Blue and White. Tea Kettles $1.00 1.75 Blue and White -Tea "Kettles $1.40 85c Blue and -White Coffee Pots for 68c 70c Fireless Cooker Pots snecial now 56 I Refrigerators now at 20 PXR CENT. OFF $1.75 Alumlnnm rettlt at i an 95c Aluminum Fry' Pans now 76c 2.75 -Steamer and Kettles $2.20 3.50 Steamer and Kettles $2.80 1.65 Stock Pots special at $1.32 $2.00 Stock Pots special at $1.60 1.90 Tea or -.Coffee . Pots $1.52 2.20 Tea or. Coffee Pota $1.76 2.35Tea or Coffee' Pots $1.88 1.00 Kitchen Pitcher now 80c 50c Pudding Pans now only 40c 65c Handled Strainer now at 52e 90c. Handled Strainer now at 72e 4.75 Asparagus Boiler at $3.85 75c Quart Measures now at 60c Soc Aluminum Moulds only 40c 90c Cake Pans special now 72c 95c Casseroles special- now-76c $1.00 Casseroles special at 80o 1.30' Casseroles special $1.04 Many other articles are included ax uxe reaucnons. Bom Toe Corses For Graceful Freedom, Style Comfort y Choose a Bon Ton' Corset and you will choose wisely. Good fig ures can be improved' and' poor . figures beautified with', the right BON TON CorseL We are ex- ' elusive Portland agents for this famous line. ' A model for every figure. Expert Corsetieres to fit you 'properly. Priced $3.00 to $10.00. . Royal Worcester Corsets:;,. . Unquestionably the most popular medium-priced Corsets on - the market We are also exclusive Portland agents for this cele 4 brated line. . ; v ! Priced $10 to $30. Miraoermoslios Underpriced Embroidery and lace-trimmed Drawers good rqual-.-OO ity.. Special at.i.. ...v.... asOC very best quality. 1 Oft e7ItVU $1.25 Windsor Crepe Gowns Clearance price .......... 1.50 Nainsook Gowns slip-on styles -wjtalow fJi . Off -neck. Priced special ..................... . O Aeaw9 Beautiful Corset Covers In many styles. . Worth up QQ-. . . . . . . . . v.:.. . .. yut to 3.25. Choice. i;0O' Princess :SHi iongdoth. -iOearance price on Silk MulL Lo op to 3.50. li00 Princess Slips in several attractive styles of " 7 C iy..... ........... ,faiC Silk MulL Longctotb and Nainsook Gowns. Worth CI vfl pneed at........ ........ viJ I ra wrecit, Ayer u a poor man.