31 .tub WEA.THEI1 i" Fair today; not so warm j ' west erly 'Winds. - - ' PORTLAND,; OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY.19, :1914. PRICE FIVE - CENTS VOL. XI. NO. 15, UK TRIAL SETS ALL FRANCE ABLAZE Greatest Sensation Since the Steinhall and the Oreyfuss Cases Is . Expected From Hearing of Murder , Case. Page. TODAY'S SUNDAY x JOURNAL . . Consists of SECTION ONE TEN PAGES . Midi. Caillanx to go on Trfml Monday, 100,000 View Fire in Hew York Har bor. Huerta to Leave tot Jamaioa Today. Thermometer Registers 64 Degree. Carbaial Stop All Execution. Astoria Bau Fifht Invite Comment. Knowles Beady fox Plunge Into Prim aval. -. Carman's Criticism Sting a Prosecution. Boston Gunman ta Trial Monday. Alabama Megre Again Hears Death Warrant. S. 10. Charges Made Against County " Da- MrtfflMlfl. t Groeerymea ta HoU Annual Pisnio WeinMitav. - Captain 3. P Shaw i '"Water witch." - - , Lanear.erk -Panes in Removal of rirrt OfationaL . - ' T.lActTiM.1 Cnntraatora are Aroused. United Railroads Directors Under ' Fir. ' - Vows ef the Hortkweet.-Aati-Salccn League Leader Arrives. Page. SECTION TWO EIGHT PAGES ' Pare. 100,000 VIEW FIRE FIGHT IN NEW YORK BAY Arrangements for Bayers' Week. - DaUy Routine at Gearhart Encamp ment. ' Coast Universities not la Plot. Seattle Hews Letter, . Clayton Bill Drawn to Correct Basl. ness Evils. Objections to Housing Coda Aza Met.. 4. . 7. S. EDITOR OF LE FIGARO SHOT DOWN BY HER Pat. 1. SECTION THREE TEN PGES. Pace. Editorial. City News In "Brief. The . Diary cf a Fly. 3. O. Mack to Quit Business. Heal Estate and Building H Markets and Flnane. Convantkn Dates in Worth wait. State Buildings at Baa Francis oo, Passenger Boat Massachu setts,1 Bound .for Boston, Catches Fire as She Is Leaving Pier. . Curtis Guild Diplomats, Publication of Love Letters Led to Her Assassinating Calmette. By William Philip Slmms. (CnltM Frees Lid Wire.) United Press Staff Correspondent. Paris, July l, (Sunday.) On the eve of ths trial of Mme. Joseph Cail laux, charged with the murder . .of Gaston Calmette. editor of Le Figaro, Parts today awaited with anxious ex pectancy the relation of the story of the intermingling of political and pri vate life, which led to one of the createst sensations. France has ex perienced since the Dreyfuss case. Mme. Caillaux-waa today removed from the St. Lasare ' prison to the tower of the ' Conclergerle, once the prison of Marie Antoinette. As the structure is now a part of the palace of Justice, where the trial will be held, Mme. Caillaux will be confined there until the trial is closed. This action was taken to avoid all risks of personal violence. The shooting of Calmette. by - Mruv Caillaux all but wrecked her husband's political career. Former premier, and then minister of finance, Caillaux im mediately resigned from the cabinet ft was reported today, that to show her love for him, Mme. Caillaux contem plated bringing- action for divorce, no matter what the result of her trial might be. This step is to be taken, ac cording to the reports, because of the belief -of Mme- Caillaux that she may handicap her husband in his political career because of the tragedy. , Care to Avoid Demonstrations. Kxtraordlnary precautions are being taken by the military and police to pre vent any demonstrations during the trial. Royalists all but brought on riots in the streets Immediately after the. shooting of the'editor; and reports have been circulated that further dem onstrations are" expected with? the opening of the trial. NoVAxpeu nand Labor!, noted attorney who will defend Mme. Caillaux, in his efforts to produce' evidence to show: that the beautiful wife of the ex-premier shot Calmette during a moment of extreme emotion: or brainstorm.' On the other hand, the prosecution,, directed by Prosecutor General Jules Kerbaux, will seek to show the murder was premed itated. It is upon this point that prae- PART ONE. : ' f .: : Portland r Captures Fijke Tennis Trophy. Beavers' Lead Increased. . , Portland Colts Are-Sold. ft-3-4. Additional Sport Hews and Gossip. PAET TWO. ; 1. Marine and Suburban News. S-S-4-6-S. Classified Advertisements. - . , Mrs. Dawson Declares Faith in Re , ligion. . -. i SECTION FOUR EIGHT PAGES Pege. Page, i. Da Beers Syndicate Controls Dia- - 4-6. ' mond Output. 6. S. Dnunatio and Movie News. - 7. A "Too Many Ideas; Too Little Drama," 8. Says Jones. 8. Good Roads Progress. Do Young and Kemp Found Guilty :ia LSI Election Expenses Jncroase . County Advocates Suffrage Tight in Kansas Related. V. S. May Intervene in Santo Do- minpa. . - - Mrs. Dennis Left Vow Orleans J una S3. In the Automobile" Field. Illustrated News Review. ' News from Foreign Lands. Plana - Develop for Trans-Atlantic Aeroplane Flight. As Oregon Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. WMNrtS PASSENGERS CALM AS ' SMOKE ENVELOPES SHIP Captain Has to Round the Battery Into East River to Make Landing. Page. l-S-8. 4. Page. SECTION, FIVE EIGHT PAGES Pago, The Week in Society. rv San Franoisce News Letter.-. Pastors Support "Baok to the Borne,' Idea, In Seattle Society. 6. What women Are Doing. 4-7. News of the Beaches, t. Social- Service Activities. Tour Horoeoope. Oregonians in Washington. SECTION SIX (WOMAN'S J SIX PAGES Paa-e. Some underwaas surprises Tor you. -After the Sea Plunge Mrs. Henry RvmM. . Advice oa Social Custom. I h. Answers to Beauty Queries. I A Plea for the Picnio Alioe 8. Mer-1 S. oure. Menus ' and Recipes or a Week Lily Haxworth Wallace. t By the International News Service.) New York, 21. T., July 18. More than 100,000 persons gathered on the Battery and the Brooklyn and Manhat tan bridges late this afternoon and watched the most spectacular steam ship fire New York has seen since the burning of the General Slocum In the east river In 1904,-with Its record of 1000 deaths. The passenger steamship Massachu- ..it- n n n - t M sens wiiu ivv paseugers ana 'ircn of more than 200. an oil burning ship, had cleared from her pier In the north The Chastening (short story) Arthur I river and swung into New York bay Paris Sketches ia Black and White. Neckwear in Smartest Phases. Freaoh Fashion Notes. Collar and Cuff Set (Needlework de sign) Adelaide Jiyra. Staawood Pier. Page. 2. S. SECTION SEVEN (MAGAZINE) EIGHT PAGES - Pag. The Sad Sea Waves Aren't So Sad In July Photograph. . by Weiater. A Bit of Oregon Beaoh-Fhotograph by Weiater. ' Pictorial Review of Mea Yon Read About in the News. Bathing and Boating Popular Pas time These Days Pictorial, Europe and the New American Bank- . ing Law Edmund D. Fisher, Remarkable Tablets Throw New Light oa the Bible. IS ii. Ta Pronosed. Free Theatre Tiokets .for Journal Readers. Chatter From the Vaudeville. Stags. FUGITIVE MEXICAN LEADERS WrJO SAIL FOR JAMAICA TODAY SECTION EIGHT (COMIC) FOUR PAGES BALLOT TITLE BY THE ATTORNEY GENERA L DECLARED NOT FAIR shortly after , 5 o'clock when there came a sudden burst of flame through the upper works amidships where the aft funnel rose from the oil tank room In the hold. - . Too far from his own pier to return - I with afm.Hr fonl.l. T TV PnlK.th " si History (Seventh ArUcle). I who was on the, bridge when the fire Kurt Aram. I waa discovered, decided to land his Splendid Memorial Tomb , to Colum- I ship at the Battery. Swinging around he found that tetl the available docking space was occupied with Saturday aft ernoon excursion steamers. Still afraid to risk turning his vessel around and back Into the north river. Captain Col beth rang for slow speed ahead and started to circle theJBattery and run for a pier in the east .river two miles distant.' ' ' S'hss-iewi spared by Fer. Secretary to Governor West 'Attacks : C rmi q rd's' " State ments ''Regarding Measure (Salem Bureau of The Jonmsl.) Safemr Or., July 18. In a petition to the circuit court ; of Marion county filed late todav. MIsb - Fern Hobbs. ttcally the entire legal . battle will be ...,, h. nnv.rnnr w.af vimrnun. Wn... a-LiMW LmJmtlA r 1 attacks the ballot title chosen by WEATHERMAN BEALS DECIDES TO TURN OFF SOME HOT AIR TODAY , Smoka Envelops Vessel. By this time the Massachusetts was almost completely enveloped In a cloud of dense black oil smoke. It was im possible to rush her at any speed for fea.r the draft so set np would drive the flame all over the ship. Every available, man was at work rigging up fire hose and preparing ; to man the j. lif eboats , while sauads told off from l the crew herded the passengers at trie i Tl . , , , j-, i stern ana in me dow ir nuiu iw I neimomeier i esieraay neg- biae amidships a possible. gg,g tis ""Zmmm- 3 HUERTA S OWn REPLY TO He Issues an Interview With Himself in Which He Asks If He ts a Hero. Answering In the Affirmative. I TO LEAVE FOR JAMAICA ON A GERMAN CRUISER Waits Until Today So Train Bearing Friends Can r Reach Puerto Mexico. ' PhotosraDha by International Newa Service and Harris sV Kwlnr. !epA4 tJn I "With her whlsUe blowing repeated Gtenerels Huert4. BIanp Families IStereCt 'Oame; aS r riuay-r- j distress, the . - Massachusetta lowly i..v--...ajEpectedto:5tt lm ,B:irto-Mctr for -Kingston, JamalcA, Today. ' 'A ' V . - fA r" - . ' swung -across the battery front, past . - - - . - ... i . -.,, t In preparing the defense of hla wifo and wilt testify la Her behalf. Both he and Mme. Caillaux will declare it as their belief that Calmette intended to publish personal letters which had Attorney General Crawford for the In Itlatlve. measure for abolishing the Desert Land Board, and asks that the title be amended so as to more clearly express what., is , contained in the been exchanged between them while I measure. Attorney General Crawford Mme. Caillaux was the wife of another, Calmette published , one written by Caillaux and signed "Thy Jo" three days before the shooting. This brought to a .climax the bitter personal cam paign which Le Figaro had been rag ing against the cabinet minister. X,eYtors Cansed Snooting. Caillaux and. friends of his wife will testify as 'to her extreme concern and had prepared the following as the bal lot title: f "Measure Initiated by W. P. George, Salem, Oregon, reorganizing certain state offices. ' .-. . "Its purpose is to make Tumalo pro ject engineer the state engineer until 1916, Increasing salary of ofnee ror said period $1,200 yearly: Thereafter Hourjy temperatures- Degrees. e d a. m. . 6 a. m. 7 a. m. 8 a; m. 9 a. m. . 10 a.: m. ' 11 a. m. 12 noon. '. 1 p. m. 2 p. m. 3 p. m. e 4 p. m. 5V p. m. 8 p. m. 7 p. m. nervousness following the appearance state Land Board to appoint at annual of this letter. salary, $2400; merging state and De Caillauk told President Poincare of sort Land Board's; creating office of his belief that Calmette intended to Water Commissioner, to assume duties publish further letters and that if he of state water board and superinten ds he (Caillaux) would shoot the edi- dents of (water divisions, abolishing tor. v " said offices, making all new offices ap The disposition of the president will polntlve Instead of elective; repealing be read at the trial. - - certain sections and amending others Gaston Doumergue, until recently of Lord's Oregon Laws.' W- : premier, will be a witness in the trial. Miss Hobbs asserts that "reorgania He will tell of President Poincare in- ing certain state of f ices," fails ; dls- zorming nim or me conversation with I mally to be the distinctively short title Caillaux and asking that be endeavor to allay Calllaux's feelings and stop. If possible, some regrettable act. Among other witnesses will be Louis Barthou, ex-premier, other politicians of . note, writers, newspaper men and composers. by which the measure is commonly re ferred to and spoken of by. the public or press and that. Instead, it is com monly spoken of as a measure "abol ishing the Desert Land Board." Further she declares that the gen- friends ef the Caillaux family. Also eral title of the measure doesn't give a true. and Impartial statement of its purpose and that the language used intentionally constitutes an argument. and Is likely to create prejudice against It. S ha" asserts' that the ian- enterlng the case is the name of Mme (Concluded on Page Six. Column Four) Undertaker Finds ' Life, Left in Body Concluded on Page Two, Column Two.): Prompt Restorative Kathode Applied by a Mas, Called to Care Tot Dead Body Probably Savss 1.1ft. Called to care for- a "body, W. M. Jones of the undertaking firm -of" J. p. Flnley & Sons, discovered a spark of life In Mrs. Anna Woods, 60 years old. who lives most of the time alone at 295 Fifth street, yesterday afternoon, and Boy Swimmer Run Down by Power Boat Boa of Attorney H. W. ISontag-ae Paln : f Uy Injured ; , Driver of Boat Sees ' Hot Stop ' to " Investigate. -rJ J. Ri Montague, son of Attorney R. Wi Montague,, was run down by a mo h. hi. rVrmf,t r-.tnr.tiv. -rn.thoHM rtoat while swimming lh the Willam .k.m- ..e,.- ih w- ; I ette1 river yesterday afternoon, the A Montgomery street elgh bor of I Pllot 01 the boat absolutely disregard Mrs. Wood, knowing - that she "was I the boys plight and run on ..tap alone and falling to see. her around! the - river. Luckily 'Montasrue was her little home, looked through a wlni shoved clear of the' screw of the boat, dow, to find fcher lying on- thefloor and barring a ; bad cut between the apparently dead. The neighbor imme- , .v.- . Z dlately called Flnley-s. asking them to fhuld J?. kl Prow of the talc eturre of the bodv " . .. boat; struclt him.; sustained no serious Mr. Johns went directly to the Tiou i injuries. : ' :j v -: i - and looking through the kitchen door! Montague was swimming Just below at the woman on the'-floor, noticed to j Ross Island about i:30 o'clock. "The his great surprise Slight; quiver of J launch waa bound up the river. It bore heJ- chin. - Gettinsr into- th . houiu. ha 1 no name and In recovering , from his found her' stUl alive and by work- plunge below the surface of the water, ing over Mrs. - Wooda,. for some time Montague was unable to recognise the finally succeeded In restoring con- pilot. He" swam to- the float of the sciouahess and normal respiration. City Wlndemuth bath house, where he was Physician Zlegler, who was called, pro- picked ip by the harbor patrol boat nounced it a stroke of apoplexy. - and taken to the municipal boat land The woman -was taken to the' Good Ing at the foot "of Stark street and Samaritan hospital. It 'Is matter of then ln the police automobile 'to the conjecture how long she was uncon- emergency hospital. There his wounj scioua -on the floor, although it seems was dressed rand clothes brought, "to clear that ahe was attacked while go- him ' by . his mother. .He ;wa, later log from her bed to a dresser. ' -y taken to his home. ; . . - . oa ................... OS , 70 73 . ... ... 76 79 V 82 85 90 92 94 .93 93 92 .. ...i.... . 89 e Governors island and. into -asi river. Half a dozen f ireboats by this time had stood by, but Captain Colbeth sig nalled that he thought It would be safer to keep on up the river, as he hoped to keep the flames partly under control until some way could be found to sret the passengers ashore. The fireboats, blowing their sirens In a weird chorus to clear the path way of shipping, convoyed the Massa chusetts, and all the small craft came alongside, In case more assistance was needed. The passengers were kept from panic by the heroic work of the squads de-. tailed to look after them, but as the smoke grew denser and settled about the decks' tt became apparent that it would be impossible to control them tor any great length of time. Steamer Keachaa Sock.' At last the steamer crawled Into the Wallabout market, directly between Manhattan and Brooklyn - bridges, and COAST SENATORS TO ACT AS UNIT TRYING TO CUT LUMBER TOLL Ask Commission to Investi gate Deckloadigg Charges; Chamberlain Busy,' (Washington Bureau of The Journal. Washington, July 18. All , seM4tnr" The thermometer at the weather of- m-riaYMt. The smoke soon died down 1 trom Oregon, Washington, and Call flee in the U..S. Custom House climbed rand when, the fireboat crews had I fornia have accepted Senator Cham to 94 degrees at 3 o'clock yesterday I joined their efforts to the Seamen on I berlain's invitation to act with him ti afternoon. Miullinr . the Tr.vimnm the Massachusetts,-the blaze waa re temperature of the day before. ' ' A I uuced. . , Utrht K... .tt . .. -Ane two onages, me great uauuat kTnt .- f2, M.l m T K structure and the Brooklyn bridge, kept the .mercury from, climbing high- were biack witn people, Wo had rushed on street cars, elevated trains and er. asking the' president to .name a com mission to " consider regulations for measuring deckloads oh Bhlps passing through the Panama -canaL Chamber lain will call a meeting of the coast senators next .week . to . dUcuse . the and that cooler. weather will now pre vail zor a few hours at least. The weather man's prediction for I mxWha to view-the blaze, news of today. Is f air, but not so warm, due I which had spread all over lower Man- J matter.. The Portland Chamber of to; the probability of a fairly strons I hattarr with incredible swiftness. The Commerce has .already. addressed a westerly wind.- While no great drop j Battery and the liver front "were alao J memorial on the subject to the presi fnitcmuntiirA i n.fo m.t.i.. I densely packed, . and. - everyone-- whodent-ln which It allerea that ajuutaxtiifr Forecaster Edward, A. Beais believes f. '"w,,,6"1, t toII on deck lod 'contrary to the that - the i hot wave has been broken b 0w u7and shatUr the ship " U8Ual nctlc and If asks "that public QnH that mnlo. mm 1 DlOW UP 8J1U SQSlier me) amp. . I Mrlnn .-.tv... In less than an hour, however, the , : , hi. .... out. and after makinar a I appointed ...by him. New York;.; New few repair, the vessel presumed Its j wneans ano some , place on the t Pa trip to Boston. - Captain Colbeth re- clflc coast - are r suggested 'as- places ported that the lire bad been caused I suivaDie ior me oiean-rags. . by fire dropping from a torch- into . tThe San Francisco Chamber of Com oilv bilan when the first assistant en- 1 merce has also addressed.' the: oreai: gineer carried the torch into the chaftiaeni on tnis auoject, going into; full room to oil the machinery. - - . I details-: regarding iu objections to EcsBunog aecauoaas. ' . T '.Tl T:-4. . - Army Bill Passes. JjaUO n UVeS rUlU b The house ha. passed Chamberlain s mi i All TTl J resolution.- penaing m thesenate au7 T nmi P"h OtllfirS t Ifift 1 thortln 'the: president to increase X ilU Ugii J UllOl O J- iCU companies and regiments In4 the army to their maximum strenxth in cau nt Oreron Senator Discovers Zrldenee on I war or threatened: war.' At th war rii Sis Own. Hook Tnat There la Praud partment this is declared to be one,rf Two-Years' ' Siege " J V;0f IGuayinas Ends Pad oral efeneral zrvacuates West Coast , Strengbold, Ounboat Convoytng the Transports Toward the South. , By Michael Williams. i" ' ' U.v S.' 8. California, via San Diego, July 17 (Delayed). Guaymas was last night evacuated by General Telleze t-nl bis 1200 troops. The federals left on board 11 small steamers and scboonern, convoyed by the federal gunboat Guer reroa. The , boat took a southerly direction, but their destination Is un known. It is believed they will go to either Maxatlan, Mansanillo or Sallna Crus. Many officers and men from tne federal ranks deserted and are la hid ing in the surrounding country. .3erreral Avarado. In command of the constlutlonallst forces, will appoint a commission form of government fur Guaymas, and -railroad repairs are al ready In progress between Vrrizrledua and Maytorens. ' - Guaymas has been besieged for two years. ' CARBA1AL STOPS ALL EXECUTIONS WASHINGTON New President Begins- Hu manitarian Administration But Revolt .'Has Started.' (Called Frees Leased Wire. I ' Puerto Mexico. Mexico. Jul 11. If General HuerU has any regret at leav- ing Mexico as an exile he did not. . show U this afternoon , when he re ceived newspaper men. After a jeonfer- ; ence with Captain Koebler of the Ger. man cruiser Dresden, it was announced ; that HuerU and General Blanquet would sail from this port on the Ger- . man vessel. Their destination will b Kingston, Jamaica, and the ex-dictator ' Intimated he may later visit New Tork. j The deposed president received the ' newspaper correspondents In his ear attached to the train which brought - : his party of refugees from the capital. Huerta was in high spirits. He laughed ' and Joked, posed for a "movie" camera amd Invited everybody present to dins - wun mm In New York. The grim old Indlun who has been one of the chief international figures . for the past year and a half, took great satisfaction. In explaining .. that his resignation was entirely an act of patriotism. . He dwelt upon bis devo tion to his country which, has run red with blood since h assumed the dic ta tor ah ip after the overthrow and as sassination of President - Madero. ' Dressed in white, leaning back in a ' chair and blowing smoke toward the . ceiling, the general dictated an Inter view to his callers. He Insisted on asking and answering his own ques- ' tions. because ho said "he knew the , answers. . Way Xo sVeslgasd. - "Why did I-resign T waa the 'first v questlon Huerta asked himself. - - "I resigned the presidency because ' I believe that after 6a vlng arranged: the international affair (the Tampico incident) I thought It my duty to the republio to give the last proof of my devetton oreeualvely to the Interests of " peace and soundness of the country. I carry with me th conviction that my I resignation wilt serve as a means of conciliation between all the sons ox tne republic.?-- - , "Why- did" you leave the -country wfaag) you can still servo It 7" wss the next' question Huerta asked himself. -My departure from the national ter ritory has no other object than to Leave ample field of action to the new gov ernment: my permanency - here wouia . (Coocladed oa Pago Two. Uulaia Two.l STATUE Labor Investigates . FordLs Complaint 'Uses ; : Cooler" at agne. Eugene, Or.,-July. 18. The temner- ature in Eugene reached 97 degrees at 4 o'clock this afternoon, a half de- gpee-ower ' than the highest point reached yesterday afternoon. : Roeeburg Swelters Again. -Roeebure, Or.. Julv 18 Rnsh.irT BWbltered apain-, today in . a temper ature whlch reached rlOJ.durlng the' afternoon. The temperature yester-1 day also was 103. j-..:.,-;; : i ;;:f;-; " -" ,';;" . . ; ' : . , r Hottest Day at Salem. ? Salem, Or, July 17. Today was the hottest day so far this season, the thermometer registering : 98 degrees In the shade Throw a Little This Way, Please JViJ'&f l - ' , - .-''i.: Denver Is Advartlalng for Snow Shov- elars, Srat fs.to Clear Away the Drifts Brought for th XOks. i Denver. iColo., July 18. Wantei Six men to! shovel snow from !n front of the Post; building. Apply at 6 o'clock and bring your own shovels." L ' V ' This - startling : advertisement ap eared in the Post tonight, and wai $ot a mere Joke.. . f During the Elks' reunion. Just closed. fhe . In ieasing of Indian Iiands. " . (Washington Bureau of The Journal ; ; I army, and in conjunction With the vol- Washington, v. u., juiy is. mere j unteer army bill put. through by Cham wss an Insurrection in. the Joint com-J berlaln, It gives . power to ' reorganize mission on the investigation of Indian ! the army.,: r : v v -" , . .. affairs at a recent: meeting, when Sen- " benatorChamberlain; has secured the t v,.,,!, f,.ri ,-. I consent of the conference committee to prove that there had' been fraud in f1 the sundry clvU bill to the follovr- n.lrl. 1a.a Af Indian lands. T?n. I ,n items. , . v . reserstatlve Stevens of Texas, Parker of Oklahoma, and" Burke of -South Decision Makes Ten Idaho; Counties Wet . - i . . ' . ' Supreme ConA Decides Countlas Cre .. atsd Since County Iocal QpUon Law : Passed, Oo Under Xlcense System.' . Boise.. Idaho,.' July 18. By - a -decision of .the Idaho supreme court ren dered today ten Idaho counties which are. now without saloons sro made. wet territory. - The court holds that " all j counties created since . the county : lo-1 cal option. law waa passed In -1909 are under the liceng-e system unless they have held local option elections, re gardless of whether f the counties lout of which they were created -were wet or dry. The ten.. counties which were created- out of dry counties - by divis ion bills which go under the license system by . t he court's decision are: ths most: Important pieces of legiflap j Bonneville, Adams, Franklin. Jeffer- tion ever put through affectlnar ' the I ont aiaaison, rower. jiearwaier, iew- . . .. . ... ' . .. , . t I M . ...Jl. iii, niuiuuna auiu uouuius. ... . First, reduclpg the saHirles of court clerks and marshals in -Montana -and Dakota, -refused to hear witnesses or Wa,8hWgtonVk1? hat heme P'o; -"we. ws'' w- wtajv s, ;r. a. - Second, appropriating 850,000. as well' as 1 50.0C 0, in the general- deficl- Denver newspapers brought in sev. eral trainloadg of snow. from the top fit the Rocky mountains--and plle-1 - it in the downtown streets for the use of hdsiting Elks In snowballings Tonight huge banks of snow still stood in, two s places downtown..- - remain at me. nearing. . -i - Then ; they asked for an executive session, but Lane protested against secrecy. They 'refused to allow" ex penses, but Lane said he would con duct an investigation himseir and fur nish- a- stenographer...- The others withdrew. . j encv bill, for vessels and boats and th enforcement of fishing laws in Alaskan waters.' ' ::::,-: ' ----. -.-Vt.- SCore Pay for Crater x,ake Job. ' - 2 Third, adding. 1500 to the salary of "I remained," said. Lane, "and found I the superintendent of the Crater Lake in the records themselves tne evidence I national park. we had been seeking. The investiga tion will continue if, I have, to earryl It on all alone." - ,. . - i Calls on Senator Chamberlain. J Washington. J uly 18. N. Weinstein, a well-known business man of Port land, called - on Senator Chamberlain j still In: conference and will, probably yesterday. .- loo reported ou eariy next week. The conference agreed to recommend 186.000 for Crater Laka Park- Cham. berlaln. aBk!ng100,000. .... - Chamberlain believes now be can se cure an agreement to keep in ihe bill an item for StO.OOS for a new-life sav ing station for Coos Bay .The bill Is Big Creek Camp Is .Threatened by xire Brush Bias near wauaa Was Started. : by Donkey , Engine's Spark j pir Covers an Xntlre Saetioa. , . Konyaros suoter kmu a rram ax tarts Hunger Strik and Xs Placed U Dungeon at Xarysrlllo. . , San Francisco. CaL, 'July 1 8. A rep resentative of the Ban Francisco Labor m i a a . A. a.la taa.a VaTas awMsrl 1 a r (United Frees Leased Wtra-J wunai . " Mexico Cltv. July 18. President investigate the disciplining oi Kicnara Carb&ial todav. wired orders . to svsrv I Ford for going on a hunger strike tu fWI.l .rmv-Mmtm.nd.r f th. I We IUDS COUmy jail governor, of every state controlled by the food wrved to th -prl.T government forces to stop tne execu- wlth Hrman Suhr. Ford is under tion of prisoners of war' and political I etence of life imprisonment for par- suspects. . His orders were that hence-1 tlcipatlon in the fatal riot on the Durst forth no one was to be executed. . I ranch at Wheatland last summer. In- Carbajal's . expressed Intentions to I stead of having been sent-to th pen!-. conduct' his administration . along I tentlary, - however, he and Suhr are strictly humanitarian lines Is. now be-1 held in lall pending appeal of their ing given credence by everyone in tne I cases. capltaL r A ' I Ford, Sahr and a ' number of . other Orders that the statu-of General I prisoners - struck, but Ford was th Washington, which was overthrown by lonly on who did not . yield, quickly, a mob here last April, be replaoed onH has been put in th dungeon and its -pedestal at- once-'also' was given I deprived of privileges. by the new president. Pasqual -OroxcO- and the, famous Francisco ' Cardenas, anticipating the accession of General Carranxs, have started another revolution in th states of Agues Calientes and Mlchoacan. They have 4009 -followers under arms. If the southern rebels nave' received orders from -Carranza to ceaa hostili ties pending' further' instructions they have disregarded them, as they are attacking villages'not far from th cap- ital.i .With this information reaching her as to revolutionary activity, there was little assurance, that the fighting In Mexico is at an end. Among the leaders operating near the capital is said to be General Fer nanda. Gonrales. Hs is thought by some to be th son of former President Gon zales and: former-governor of the state of Mexico, his name, and surname be ing .the same. .- Oroaco, and- Cardenas. - heading the new revolt, have littl mercy to expect from tb-constitutionalists. - They de serted the federal army recently when J ordered to fall back - from Aguas Cal ientes. r Or oxeo was also ; a - traitor to Madero and Cardenas was in -charge of the murdered president and Vie Presi' dent Snares when they were shot to death on'- being ''transferred ' from the Astoria, Or- July 18. Fire in 'the vicinity of the Big Creek Lumbering (national palace to the penitentiary on company near Wauna Is burning in the brush and rotten timber and covers sn eptlre section. The Big Creek camp and; outfits . are believed ' to be in danger. The fire started from sparks th night ot February St. lilt It was declared today that General Huerta- left Just 10- pesos In the na tional treasury.' Despite-the fact. that the salaries of government employes from S donkey ' .engine. The news' Wer not doe untU Monday, however, reached her ... from -parties .-- passing ! President Carbaial obtained funds and down tne' nver ana rrom . later arn vala on .th train. The Astoria and Columbia Klver railway wires through Wauna went down at 10:30. - J s Sirs.! Dagger Given Pension -Washington. July 18. Mra. Julian Dugger. Park Place, has been granted a pension of flJU.r-: '- ' y ... .- began to pay them today. -Sixth Case of Plague.' - -New' Orleans, " La, July -18 Helen SoelL a girl of 10, was removed to the isolation hospital today stricken with bubonic plague. It Is the sixth ease to be positively diagnosed in th city. l ne cniio a con anion is serious. - - " Disappeared From His Home In White Salmon" "HAVE? organised a company n Portland to handle a staple Hn by a new selling method which hss been very successful in the east. W need one experienced . stock salesman. 'Unless you have experience, references and a desir to make good, do not waste Urn . by calling. It Is a frn op port na tty for the right roan." . Clan l. " ' "5 room bungalow on 100x100. corner lot. all the fruit, you can use, berries to s!L- fine English walnut trees, chicken house and ? ard, t -blocks to dandy car serv c. . 20 minutes out.- An ideal home: 12400; 8240 down and bal ance like ran t.". Class CI. ' "Will trade thoroughbred Whit Plymouth Kock chickens for 8-A Eastman kodak , or , 22 rifl." Swaps.- Class 25., -. , "Disappeared -from his bom In White Salmon, Wash Sunday.: July S, Ralph Sutton, age IS .years.' large -for his age, rather tail., complexion light, hair -medium light, wore a pair of blue overalls, dark soft hat and dark ' blue coat. Left-not saying he was going to a logging camp to . work." Class 22. T - -.-.-' - These items giv a faint idea of ' the variety of news publlalied in The Journal Want A Is. They ap-. - pear today, the number .of it classification following each item. : Read a few Want Ads today ? you .- will find them - both prof lt- abl and interesting. , , - - i s - :.-v -:,;?- : . ' -' 1 ;'-' i