The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Professor, Axson Refutes the:
Stones Which Have' Been
' Given Wide Circulation,
IS : IWomanlnipred in.. f OMAN HELD IN JAIL
v I r n mm V nJI 1 m I II Aft I'
T .
JPresldenVa BrtBr-la-fcaw says Vrs
eat'stomaeb Trouhl Xs JTo Ww
oommosi Oeaeral Health Ooo&.
Xra. Trans SWaf Sid Wot Recover
. CoaseUrasacss After Collision .oft
Bast BnraslO Street. -
Mrs. S"ran IBling died last evening
at S o'clock at the Good Samaritan hos
pital from Injuries received Wednesday
In the auto wreck at East Twenty
fourth and Burnslde streets. Her hus
band and daughter are atill at. the hos
pital from injuries caused in the same
accident Mrs. Ealing's skull was frac
tured at the bass of the brain. She did
not recover consciousness. --- -
Th Ellinr family was with J. w.
Fournler, coins- to his ranch, when the
auto collided with a roadster driven by
hC. C. Emery, employed by the Biase-
MoFa.ll company. Bmerya injuries were
slight The collision i considered an av
erage unavoidable street accident. Louis
Klinaansmlth, the Southern Pacific
switchmen hit by a machine driven by
T Q. Kelly, la still unconscious at the
fit Vincent hospital. Dr. E. A. Pierce
la reported Improved from a broken
shoulder, caused by an auto accident
; Mrs.. Johanna Dawson, ot
; Lents, Taken in Custody as
Material Witness.
ramHy (Quarrel Over Children Bald to
' Xtvt Taken Flaoej seteotiv
Is Assigned to the Case.
freezes stir tne Air ' in nn in i um mnmi
15 mm auihukiiy
At Oregon City Mercury Climbs , to
Hlaety-flve, Ugh Point of the Tear,
Bat Beslaents TiaA Some Beliet.
" Oregon - City, July 1. Th hottest
day so far this year was experienced
at Oregon City Friday. The thermom
eter went up and up untU. it reached
85 degrees. This is two degrees hotter
than any other day this year. On June
16 the temperature waa S degrees.
Notwithstanding this unusual - heat,
residents of Oregon City did not suf
fer much,' as there was a cool breesa.
Mrs. Lewis' Estate . AI1VFI
uver iwu muiiuua ....u.
Consolidation of Distributing
. m . at a a
Station and Station - "t"
Will Facilitate Work. . ' i
Vancouver, Wash., July- 18. Teeter
day was the hottest day of the year.
according to. government .. thermome-j
tera, the mercury registering 95 de-J
green. inis is laree aegrtes r.uncr
than it was during the hottest day in
June. , "
Appraisers Mis Steport Today i Prop
erty Xs Bivided by Ser Will Anoag
Hn 11 Children.
Appraisal of th Clementine F.
Lrfwis estate f Ued at noon today ahowa
that Mrs. Lewie left property valued
bv the aoDraisera at S2.1S0.037.42.
Stocks In many corporations, local and
outside of Portland, form the greater
part of the estate, totaling In value
$1,708,870.68. Notes are appraised at
S11S.S27.S0; cash. $S4,S3C.8S; bonds.
Stt.384.S3, and household furniture.
SS2I1. .
Her home at Nineteenth and Gllsan,
Valued at $160,000. and a beach cot
tage at Gearhart. valued at, $2000,
were the- only parcels of real estate
held by Mrs. Lewis. The largest single
i fleports which have gained nation
tl K ... .....
that PraaManf Wilson la In nnoi' health
. were emphatically denied : thla morn
ing by Professor Stockton Axson, the
president's brother-in-law, who Is a
week-end guest at the Portland hotel.
I "I stopped off at Washington last
month on my way out to the coast,"
i said Professor Axson, "and during my
30 years' association and acquaintance
with the president I never saw him
looking better or In better . general
health. X noticed In the papers - this
week that he was suffering from in
digestion, but that la not uncommon,
as his' stomach is his on weakness.
"Rumors to the effect that the pres.
fdent is ill or in poor condition are ab
solutely false. Dr. Grayson, his per
sonal physician, sees to It that he baa
his dally exercise, and aa their rela
tions are splendid t they have their
game of golf eaoh day without fall."
Teaching at Bummer School.
Mr. Axson was professor of English
at Princeton for IB years, and.
as a brother of Mra. Wilson, has been
associated with the president from the
days when Mr. Wilson waa a college
professor himself. At the present time
, he. is connected with Rice institute of
Houston, Texas,- althought still making
his home at Princeton, N. J. He la
In Oregon this summer teaching at the
summer session of the University of
Oregon at Eugene. This Is his second
summer at the university. ' and the
third on the coast, teaching In 1913 at
the University of California.
"Rice institute." he said this morn
ing, "is similar in alms and scope to
Reed college. It has a large endow
ment, and we are trying to adapt the
Tale-Harvard-Prlnceton idea to condi
tions in the southwest. We are mak
ing a success of It, too. X like my new
work, for it is a change after the east,
and Immensely broader." .
Political .Discussion Avoided.
Professor Axson spent a portion of
June at the White House.- hearing the
Klag Day addresses of both President
Wilson and Secretary of State Bryan.
He also attended the WUson-McAdoo
"I am a mllea-a Ttror.aaor ana a ' ... . a m.
private citlaen." he remarked, "and so H mm from Newport yesterday and
J cant speak on politics with any au- wa BUfferlng slightly from ptomaine
thortty. We are going to have great l, u Hev(Kl death was
crops, however, although they wlU not f toat cau Th cor)Mr lt ln-
v as goua in iuoi b jwvvv., ;,..,,(.,.
traveled , over a large portion of the
state as' a' part of my work, and the
most of the time the train was run
ning through water."
Professor Axson will return to Eu
gene tomorrow.
Find No Clue to the
Lynchers' Identity
District Attorney Oodwl rollowlng
Xnaaest Over Bemaina of mtkowa
Says ZUttle Chano of a Capture.
Baker, Or July 18."There la ab
solutely no clue to the Identity of the
men who lynched the unknown assail
ant of Grace Hardman," said District
Attorney Godwin, when he returned
last evening from Whitney, where an
Inqueat over the remains of the victim
was held yesterday. The coroner's
Jury found the man came to his death
by hanging at the hands of persons
unknown. ; His identity was not es
tablished, not a scrap of paper or any
thing being found on his person. The
remains were burled at Whitney.
"There Is nothing in the report that
marks . on the grain bag around the
victim's feet would identify him, as
many bags are similarly marked, and
as for the brass ring on the rope,
used for hanging. It is an equally
meager clue, as many such ropes are
used.' said Godwin.
While authorities will continue their
Investigation In an effort to identify
the lynchers, they admit that they
have little to work on. and have little
chance of success.
Traveling Man
Dies at Eugene
O. ' 3s. XCeary Was Subject to Heart
failure and Was Vrobably Vlotlm of
Attack; Traveled for Drug Xouse.
Eugene, Or., July 18. C. B. Henry
traveling salesman for the Kelley
Clark company, wholesalers ot Port
land, died suddenly at his lodgings ln
Eugene some time last night, bavmg
Roseburg, Or,! July 18. Friday was
the warmest day of the eeasoa ln
TTnaxnlnined circumstances surround-1 Roseburg. the thermometer registering
lng the death Wednesday morning of 89 degrees at 3 o'clock. Hundreds ot
George - B. Dawson, . soutnern pacmo peopw pem m aaj ana evemng raui
laborer, living at Lents, today are be- lng ln the Umpqua river. The event
ing investigated by the district at- ing and night were cooL
torney's otfloe and coroner. , .
Indications so far are that the man Rldgefleld, Wash., July 18. rThe
died from the effects of strychnine, hottest day of the season was yeater-
A quantity of this drug waa found by day, when the thermometer registered
a chemical analysis of the dead man's 5 degres about 3:30 ln the afternoon.
Mrt mnA hir thla nolson vu tak.n Medford. Or.. July 18.- The hottest
by Dawson are question the officials day in Medford since the weather bu
are trying to answer reau was established was recorded
An Inquest has been decided upon. Friday when tt. mercury reached 105 4
but the date has not heen set. as the o'clock In the afternoon. Today
v. at noon Forecaster Beveridge said
a new record
Saw Arrangement Will Serve to
liars Congestion at XCaia Of floe
and Also Give Spaos. . f
Authorisation to place the postofflce
mall diatribuUng station at 308 Hoyt
street and Postofflce Station , "B" un
der the same roof, ln.a building which
will be constructed- for the purpose
on the southeast corner of Fifth and
Hoyt streets, was received by Post
master Myers today from Washington.
The new arrangement will facilitate
the work and serve to relieve conges
tion at the main postofflce, and at the
same time give much additional space.
The hew quarters will be ready for
occupancy November 1.
The property is leased by the Pio
neer Trust company, which Is com
prised of Dr. Andrew C Smith, Attor
Iney James Cole and Frank Dooley,
Mrs. Johanna Dawson, the wife, is fX!1"
. r.V.Hai tn.- foe the 100 at 11 a. m, while yesterday them to th. government In April they
as a material witness for tne u w&- only 96 at thtt 8ame tlme, wUl arect a single story concrete build-
Johanna Dawson, tne wire, isi .1 Uhder a nronosltion submitted by
held in the county Jail by order of the ' . , v.,,rdaT them to the sovernment In AprU they
Wednesday morning Dawson arose
and ate his breakfast as usual, pre
paring for his days work. Within 15
minutes after leaving the table, rela
tives report, he complained of abdom
inal pains.
Sled ln convulsions.
These pains grew so Intense that he
decided to not .work that day. Within
a few minutes the man Is reported to
have been in convulsions and died be
fore medical aid arrived.
On Tuesday evening, a family quar
rel occurred over the atep children.
Ruth, daughter of Dawson and step-
Bids for Multnomah County
Share-Will- Be Opened on
August'25. . -
Housewives Warned
' Against Itinerants
Look at Xabel oa Jugs, Before Buying
Tlaegar Xs Adrioe of Dairy aad rood
Housewives who are in the habit of
buying vinegar from Itinerant sales
men who do house-to-house soliciting
with the recommendation that this or
that brand is a very high class ar-
tide, are advised to look at the labels
on the Jugs the next time they secure
a supply.
J. D. Mlckle state dairy and food
commissioner, has Just been advised
that a fraud ia being extensively prao-
ticad- Rla off Ira rMiulru In all rilM
TER M S 0 F SALE STATEO , . m thi. wsy that -
k j u.Aia iuku aaiv anaii y4w
upon the container a label plainly and
truthfully stating the kind ot vinegar
item was 2600. shares of common stock I tram of $03 S, OOO Sought ' Bonds Vay sold.
Preferred stock of 3000 shares ln the
sam company la estimated aX 1100,
000. Stock In the Security Savings at
Trust company numbering 460 shares
ia valued at 893.000. Other holdlngr
Interest to Be H Bar Cent.
found, however, when the vin
egar is deliveiedtby these parties, the
dellveryman takes the vinegar Jug
down to the basement and there places
a small sticker giving information as
to the kind of vinegar contained in
She died May 80, last. Attorneys An-
gell' and Fisher represent the estate.
Chinese Editor Is
Responsibility for
Fire Is Brought Up
BS??''a7-,d King George Confers With
fonrnfg'ht marrled Bl"ter at Premier; Minority Favors
.A. D. Kenworthy. undertaker at r J r 1
Lents took charKe of the body Wednes-1 UCJIIiailUC) Ul UIOlCli
day. The funeral waa held yesterday
afternoon with Rev. John Riley of
Lents officiating. - I United rreu Lcd Wlr.)
Previous to the funeral, relatives of London, July 18. The IrlBh home
Dawson talked of the sudden death and 1 rule situation was very tense today.
other circumstances, which they asked So anxious were the heads of the gov-
be investigated. These requests. reached eminent that lt was said a conference
the coroner, who ordered the removal o'n the subject between King George
of the man's stomach before burial and and Premier Asqulth was what caused
an analysis of the same. Dr. Pernot a postponement of the royal review
made an analysis of food used for Cf tna fleet which was -to have been
breakfast. Further Inquiry led tne cor-1 nehi at Portsmouth today,
oner to ask for the custody of Mrs. a mlnorltv of the cftbit
Dawson until the matter is cleared up have expressed themselves in favor i
and relatives satisfied. I of rrantlntr the. conservativ
Detective Xs Assumed. I that Ulster be excluded from the homt,
Reports reaching the coroner and I rule bill. A majority, however, were
district attorney' as well as Detective for making lt, like the rest of Ireland,
Swenness, who was assigned to tno i BUDject to a uuDiin parliament's au
case yesterday afternoon by Captain J thority.
or Detectives eaty, are mat tne uw
ing 100 feet square and a part of the
ground floor apace of the Hotel Med
ford, owned by Dr. Smith, will be com
bined with lt to give the required 16,
000 square feet. Building the structure
will start very aoon. ; '
A yearly ; rental of 915,000 will be
paid. At preaent the terminal' station
and station "E" combined have 9800
square feet for which a rental of $10,
700 is paid.
The new location is near the union
depot and only two squares removed
from the site of the proposed postof
flce building.
When the station Is opened lt will
be used for a general distributing sta
tion to ' help out the central office.
The government's lease will run for
five years.
Advertisements for the sals of 82S,-
ln numerous companies are for smaller 1 000 of the 11,160,000 bond issue author-1 thA receptacle.
muuuifc I izad for tne construction or aiuitno-1 ir i,n.....if. .v...i.i . ,t,a
Mrs. Lewis divided bar property I ..i, -nn. .v,..a nf th, mteratat I ik-i .v.. n. , v.-, . . v.n
among her 11 children by her will. Krtdra war ordered inserted at once ln dd vin.. aha ha. hn th
a Portland paper. In the Greaham out-1 mixture of distilled vinegar and elder
look and la the Mew xorx Bono uuyer i vinegar in respective proportions of
at a meeting oz tne county commis- i and 26 per cent.
sioners tnia morning. - county uiera
AaJAWUU AJVLXUUA lO coney will send out tne copy oi imitj ii Tl j. J
n, , m 11 advertisements at ones, They will be IfOllCenien ijltCred.
F!nfllltoiinna TollrOTi TOn m r.h uiu of the caners for 80 WA'LWVJXAAJJ' AAU.uwiWA
"UI1U" AWiavi ha. . h . P. ' While Man Slept
a. . - . . K a. . . I l' l.a A aa a K T4si WIS V Ka I
ing AmerloanUl Bathe. Than of the rZr, f th. Awarding I Ul of Attorney Adoiph iownthal
vjuness sftepasuo. I of the bonds or for $360,000 or the bonds I Jtnngs out svtaence xow roues
rr,rnii ntv. ot. Jnlv li "T ami in 80 daya. $300,000 worth October 1,1 Gained Xntraaoe to Boom.
not going to tell you of the Chinese 17B.00OXeterl. j The trltl of xttorney Adoiph Low-
republic, because the Chinese republic "" . " it entnai on the charge or having co-
ha-not haarT. eomnlatl inocess aa vet Th opUon is given because the en- came in his possession began this
h t 1m f.n if ha!w rhil Un nny BOt at rnornlng in the munlelp.l court, but
but I will tell you of tha new China, onc6 aild u hoped a higher bid may was continued until 2 o'clock this af-
tns China wnicn is toaay last oeoom- be received for the deferred delivery, ternoon. Police Sergeant Wells and
lng Americanised in the economical Bonds will each be for $1004 and will Patrolmen Huntington and Harms ar-
and social Ufa of ths people." aald Ng bear 4H per cent Interest Payment rested th attorney Monday night in,
Tnon Chaw rhlnena editor and orator, mutt be in cash and bids must be at his room. When the officers entered,
at ChaViuauVDMk last evening P accrued Intereat. Certl- they testified. Loweirthal and another
The sneaker told the many Amer- id checks for five per cent of the bid man were asleep. On the bureau was
lean habit, and American luxuries must accompany aach offer. ."J.V'
which the Chines neoole have taken I ui r m n i - -
n His lecture waT fall of auaiBt I $5.000 each, th first series to be second man. who was not arrested, said
UP. HIS lecture waa suit ot uuauuii .w I th outfit belonrad .to LowenthaL
SiUmL,hv hi.oeeir oLt nirt rtlrn on the aim. T dte Tcf whll. the ettorney claimed it belonged
dimmed by bis speech of last night. " . 17. V. V-." I tn .h- ih.r fnw a Am ,v
a Chantauaua was' not I ucceemoa jrwa. ju wua u uiru . ; 7. .. ' . , "
last year at Lnwiuq. waa "w k I . . .. . . , , I tha natna nf Wllllama thla moraine
Xstate of Alexander Balogh Sues Allen
i x,ewis for $7600 Samages for Z,oss
of life la Blver Broat Tire.
' Suit was filed this morning by At
torneys Schmidt & Schmidt agalnst Al
len & Lewis for the estate of Alex
ander Balogh, ln which the company is
alleged to have been responsible for
the fire which destroyed tbe North
west Door company's plant June 8 and
ln which Balogh lost his life.
The complaint charges that the com
pany negligently burned wheat remain
ing after the fire which destroyed the
Columbia dock No. 3, and that the door
company's plsnt was burned as the re
sult of sparks from the dock fire. Ba
logh is alleged to have lost bis life
from heat and his plunge Into the river
to save himself. Damages of $7600
are asked.
C. B. Henry chad been with the
Kelly-Clarke company for about three
years, coming here from Minneapolis
Where he had traveled for a whole
sale drug house. He had been troubled
with heart trouble for some thne. and
at the Portland office It Is believed
that heart trouble caused his death. He
had been ill for two days according to
a telephone message received this
One brother, J. B. Henry, employed
by the Paclfio Hardware and Steel
company, lives in Portland.
sons have quarrelled consiaeraoiy,
chiefly over the stepchildren, of which
Mrs. Dawson Is claimed to be Jealous.
Both th Dawsons have been. married
before and are parents under, the for
mer marriages. Mrs. Dawson vui mar
to this union. The authorities also
learned that Dawson recently took out
life and accid'ent insurance, it being a
small .amount.
Leaders of Union
Aw Held for Riots
Ten of Tnose Connected With Bralrl
Creak Pynaialtlags Terterday Ar
Arrested at Port Smith, Ark.
Fort Smith, Arlt, July 18. Ten
r4nera' union leaders. Includlnr Wtl-
A minority ot the cabinet members . liam McLaUghlin, a member of th dls
ive expressed themselves in favor i ... . . 7 , .
Thursday and Friday which ended ln
dynamiting aad burning of mine build
ings an equipment worth an estimated
Desperate fighting between striking
miners on on side and non-unionists
and ruards on the other occurred is
the Prairie creek coal district, where a
labor etruggl has been ln progress for
months. -.
The Mammoth Vein Coal Mining
company's plants at its No. 1, 3 and 4
mines were, dynamited and burned.
With 60 non-unionists and s-uards
Superintendent Moor put up a flercsi
resistance from mine No. 4. Finally,
however, they ran out of ammunition
and had to flee. It was during these
engagements that th No. 1, 3 and 4
mine buildings were destroyed.
Man Was Fined and
Women Lectured
rled when 18 years old to a min about Charged by neighbor of
60 years old. Five children were bor , , ' ! '
Tha authorities also 'Disorderly Oonduot to Bast Sid B.s-
idenae Occupied by On of Party.
W. C Bentley, connected with a vac-
Jap Naval Grafters
deceive Sentences
Several Managers of Kltsul Company
Beoeive 8atas Tarylng Prose
; Xlghteen Months to Two Tears,
Tokio, July 18. Th following aen
tences were pronounced today for the
giving or accepting of bribes ln con
nection with Japanese naval contracts:
Margaret Drain, eight years old,
living at 168 Boundary street, re
ceived a broken leg, when struck by a
motorcycle in front of the home. Tbe
child is at the Good Samaritan hospital.
A friend of the family was visiting the
Drains in the evening, after which
visit, he mounted the cycle and started
away. Margaret ran around the cycxe
as It started, the driver being unable
to avoid hitting her.
The public parks and playgrounds
ar becoming th most popular places
in thla city this warm weather, ac
cording to Park Superintendent Mische
this morning. He say that the crowds
visiting Peninsula park yesterday and
to hear th municipal band concert
last night was the largest ln history.
An increased attendance Is reported
lor ail of th other parks.
aunt. Innm Maanlnv oonenm. vu fined 820
It and two women companions were ee
lnquest be held loelMktt is a fter- ieCturd this morning by Muni
noon, buto developments during he day Jud stevan80n ror dlBOrderly
H. , hn Ztv Coroner Dunl conduct last evening ln a home at 420
definitely, but Deputy Coroner uun Thi,,rth trt- amith. vher
ning said It would be held eany next Votnen boards. Mr. and
Week. I -.T r llvlncr Tiair tha
home, complained to the police about
the conduct at the home the last few
days, as th family Is away at the
Patrolman Blgelow made the arrest.
The testimony of the officer and Mad-
Washington. July 18. The city ori n.moa f Kawha
Florence ia still erectly aejtated l over Bldale'anci Mrs. Rainier, were acting held today at Oswego lake by 36 mem-
Pioneer Near Hundred.
McMlnhvllle. Or.. July 19 J. M:
Belcher, of Lafayette, the oldest man
in town aa well as Its earliest settler.
celebrated last week his ninety-first
Florence Factions
Appeal to Senator
The Forum Hour period this morn- Dodge, th Boston bonding attorneys, J A shoige of cream nas necessitated
lng was taken up by the Oregon Ag-ana oi tn supreme court aicinoa lnl, ",,' ""v""
T. Reed, lectured on "Th Path Break- . .r T'L 7 , .
... a i.i mn.i ..a ,ivn.h thai fled as to the legality of tbe Issue.
a r ,.t.t a 11 A'rinoir. ! Owing to th fact that Multnomah
Today was th last day'of the sum- county has no bonded debt and that
I- r? w TTn laAtnred I the recent semi-annual statement of
in the University of Oregon pavilion County Auditor Martin shows the
on "American Bird Life," He lllus-1 cu" " " iiuaucia
trated his lecture with colored slides condition th commisisonera feel that
showlns DracUcal nhases of bird con-we dqobi wuipnn reooru pnee.
servatlon by the boys and giria. ro-
... , . .... land District Attorney Evans answered
-u 1 that h believed lt would b necessary
JCa 1 Li 1 V AT TATLOg
nMM Hila 1 ana Mitt
Oostlnuou 1:0 U 19. M t. X.
Georse M. Hvland Questioned the
morrows program will b as foUows: hoard aa to franchises on i tha , bridge Annette KeilcriTiann
la the Betios rictora
turn. I '"" " ""-"""J
10:80 Sunday school. I or tn next legislature to max pro-
Airi!iiirJUr. I tuivn tor (nuuai o truicuiin as
1:00 Sacred concert. Parson's orches-1 th bridge becomes th property of the
tra. i state on comoietlon.
BJghts Vot Zzolnarv.
Ibl "Menuett" Beethoven I He said that unless some such ac-
3:00 Lecture sermon. Speaker to be I tlon wer taken lt would mean that the
announced later, soloist. Btuaxt I county must tie up th bridge before
'Neptune's Daughter1
4.00 Oratorio
The Holy City." bj
School for .Adult
Blind Holds Picnic
Attendants Bnjoylng Bay's Outtng at
Oswego XAk; Will Be torn This
Evening at 8 o'clock.
One of the most successful, if
unique, picnics of the year is being
the appointment as P""e.a ln a disorderly manner. The Biddl
Alice is. weatnerson. b- occupies the home in the absence
Commercial club held a meeting July 8 th- owner. 3enUey denled the ac-
ana acciaeu ' "X I CUBations.
the present postmaster. The father of
Miss Weatherson heard of the meeting
at theast minute and was present. He
claims that only IS members attended
and that Of these five were residents
of Florence for 'less than on year
and eight for less than three years, so
Sons bf the Rich,
To Hunt in Alaska
he argues that it was not a vary rep-1 Zselin, BeXmoat and Morgan at Seattle
resentatlye meeting. j n Boute to Pairbanks aad Mt. Mo-
'""" Xlnler Conntrr for Game. Adventure th Tics cream cones: the Paoiflo Coast
was assistant postmaster, the postof- BeatUe, Waeh., July 18. In search 1 S1"0 cov"Z .1. t.l V V'
bers of the school for the adult blind.
Word has come from them that no one
with sight could possibly enjoy more
the lake, ths cool air, the shade, the
out-doors, the games and the refresh
merits. Most enthusiastic apprecia
tion was conveyed also to John M.
Bcott, general passenger agent of the
Southern Pacific,' who provided the
transportation. Through th efforts
of F. B. Myers, head of th school, th
Hazelwood and Mt- Hood companies
furnished the 1c cream; th Electric
Sugar Cone Manufacturing company.
GauLt Direction Professor J. H.
Cowan. 100 vole, Chautauqua
8:00 Recital: Th Dlvln Tragedy.'
Mettle Hardewlck Jones, as
sisted by orchestra and chorus.
Jury Didn't Agree
And' Is Discharged
Oregon City, Or., July 18 Ten
hour's deliberation was not enough for
a Clackamas county Jury to determine
whether Deputy Game Warden Frank
Irvln was telling the truth or whether
Slri Lorenzo, an Italian was telling
the truth and at 8:38 last evening th
Jury reported lt could not agree and
Judge Campbell dismissed It.
Th Italian was Indicted "by the
grand Jury for assault upon Irvln
with Intent to kill. The evidence which
the game warden produced was that
Lorenzo attempted to shoot him when
he. Irvln. arrested the Italian for
shooting song birds. Lorenso contra
dicted Irvin's testimony.
Deputy Irvln stated yesterday that,
previous to Lorenso's arrest. . th de
partment had a good deal of trouble
with Italians, as they disregarded the
game laws, but that since the arres
of Lorenzo not one case of troubl with
one of his nationality has been
brought to notice. .
th state had any opportunity to say I
a word as to franchises or that all
compasles desiring franchise must
wait until th bridge was completed.
Mr. Evans also called attention to
the fact that it would b no more than
right for Clark county td be consid
ered as that county controls ths Wash-1
Ington end of the bridge. The matter1
was left for future action. All agreed
that no exclusive rights should be
Hylsnd also called attention to the
fact that the Union avenue approach
which was selected would work a hard
ship on all companlea other than the
Portland Railway, Light A Power com
pany because that company controls
right-of-way on Union avenue and en
tered a plea for th Vancouver avenue
approach but no action was taken on
th question as ths majority, of th
commissioners had already designated
the Union avenue approach.
7DATI Bafiaala
STIOHTI Tomorraw
The Katies ZMotoraa,
"The Spoilers"
Xas Baaoh'f Famous Story.
Ptioat lOe, SOo, 80a.
Vi4llTlNIi: DULY 230
Wm'i Jul 13.
Oallarimi I oar,
OaUeway asa SUfeerte
anai aad Barroa
Taa Alpha Troup.
Boxaa aad tint row BaleatiT rasarrod.
Xaia M. a-css.
Northampton, Mu; July 18. Tb
flee had the best administration in its of .adventure and "big game, a O. Ise- j hrCKe.r co.r i" ,tTi ' Sherwy building, a four story struc
history. Senator Chamberlain has been lin.Jr.. Morgan Belmont and H. C. rratt?' iTi.'Vt- A ture. collapsed here at 8:45 this sfter-
Atom to Portland wlli bV al i : oon. On the ground floor wu a and
appealed to by both factions for his I Morgan, all sons of millionaires, are
. i hlrthday. He came to Lafayette ln
.Mitsui Products company, 18 months'
imprisonment, suspended.
- Dlreotor Gotara Tamamoto of the
Mitsui company, 18 months.
, lix-New-Tork Manager Kenso Iwa
hara of the Mitsui company, two years.
Vice Admiral Tsurutaro Matsuo, re
tired, two years.
An explosion tn the oil pump under
' the boilers at the Hazelwood creamery
at Front and Ankeny streets seriously
. damaged the machinery ef the plant
aboot 1 o'clock this afternoon. Th
oil becoming Ignited, burned for SO
minutes, damaging th dynamos, re
frigerating plant and motors. The ex-
. tent of th damage cannot be deter
mined till the machinery has been gone
- Business of th creamery will go os
. aa before.
, " -
WlU Inspect Playgrounds.
E. T. Mische, superintendent of Port
land parks, is making plans, to attend
. the annual convention of park super
tendents to he held in New Tork late
in August. , On his way to and from
th city he proposes to visit the park,
and playgrounds of other cities. He
expects to leave early next month. .
New and Second Hand
1 -"J"s . s ' a r
au uraaes tor au purposes
We Guarantee Our 5 Second-Hand
'V Bass '.
Manufacturers, Zmporters and Whole-
- salers. ' ,
Oldest an largest Seoond Hand 3ag
Sealers la Horth west. .
Mala, m . .17 Troat St,
February, 1884. He cam to Oreson in
1851 and first settled near the present
town of Hopwell lrf this county. He
hss beefl prominently Interested ln the
early development of this section of
Oregon. '
His son, C T. Belcher, formerly pro
prietor of the St. Charles hotel, Port
land, Is now conducting the Hotel Fla
vel, Clatsop county. His daughter, Miss
Belle Belcher, lives at 'Lafayette and
has been identified with tha County
twu5r ugvciauun.
Not Id Favor of Transfer.
Although statements have been
mad that lt was understood Mayor
Albe was agreeable to allowing a
transfer of the liquor license foi
merly held by Tom Richards, propri
etor of Richards grill, which waa re
voked by the council, he says emphat
ically mac ne is not ln favor of a
transfer being made at this time. He
further aaya that he has never bees
approached in regard to the case and
at no time has he considered allow
ing tne transfer.
T -
Killed Bear With Ax.
Ill A, (IV Till. 1 TTTX. t , w v
Sibley and George Fuller of this city
were on a fishing trip In the Siletz
basin the first . of the week they en
countered a large black bear.- Nithr
gentleman bad a gun, but Fuller pur
sued the beast with an ax. Overtaking
lt in the brush, he killed th animal
with one blow on the back of th head
with the ax. The animal weighed 280
pounds. .
Roy Brashear Let Go
By Portland Club
here, en route to Alaska on a trip that
will take them far into the-Interior
and last until late next winter.
Iselln Is the son of the owner of
the Yachts Vigilant, Defender and Re
liance, winners of the America's cup.
They Intend going direct to Fair
banks and from there to the Mount
r t-v.. v.. .,, I McKinley country, returning over the
pinch hitter for the Beavers since the snwX tntin ,. win
season opened, was released uncohdl-
tionally yesterday. The veteran has T J tJSiSEZ
gotten into a few games but for the SfJJtZ"?
most part has been sent up to bat with - " JSSr ?
men on bases. He started several vie- p- v UJJ, JL"?'
tories with his sUck. This has been gaxi's New York banking hous.
a lean -rear for the club owners front , ' , .nr-r
a financial standpoint and expenses LASSEN CRATER LARGER
utLve uur ii vui uuwn as iuucu as pos
sible. That Is th reason Brashear
was let go by President W. W. Mc-
Redding, CaL. July 18. Mount Las
sen was in eruption today for an hour,
beginning at 6:30 a. m. Th mountain
resembles a giant ash .heap. The cra
ter has enlarged so much that lt Is
visible - from Redding, a distance of
Mr.,' t.i wnnt.r f am Hn..V. ww about 45 miles. Today's outburst was
- --- , - ... . .
street, luriingnam, iil, is anxious to I
ret Information leadino- to tha whara-l ' -
abouU of John Youngling. She writes FREED TO SAVE HER LIFE
tufc .4 x a ucbu sue wvma- uae 9
bear from someone wbo knows aoma-
tning about his estate. ; I London, July 18 Mrs. Eiameune
Pankhurst. arrested Thursday.' night
Public Market . CnnimtalAM I under the "cat and mouse- act.1 forgets
C. A. Blgelow. cmaminlwa-XLZiJJfM-
finance, may hereafter be called com
missloner cf public markets for ln ad
dition to his regular work he has been
given official charge of all Of the
public markets. The assignment was
(prevent her from dying in prison of
hunger striking.
Hop Growers Meet,
Salem. Or. July 18. Plana for fur
ther opposition to th statewide prohi
bition movement were made Thursday
at a meeting of the executive commit
tee of the Oregon Hop Growers amd
Dealers! association.' - ,
Austria will soon spend $180,000,000
for new railway Unea.
Appreciation - Is ' Shown.
Because of efficient work of the
mads by Mayor Albe yesterday after-! members of - Engine company 3. is
noon and Was the first executive order Putting out a roof fire on his borne.
given oy ue mayor to tne otner com- J "f"0"1 ' xxiracu, r oi v;iair ana
missloners. since thel original assl gn- j Washington streets, gave ths firemen
iu, xnia rauuey was lurwwi over 1.0
Fire Chief Powell and deposited in ths
firemen's relief and pension fund.
the return to Portland
o'clock this evening.
Shamrock IV Starts
10 cent store, ln which were a number
of people. It was known several per
sons wer injured and feared that
some were killed.
Across the Atlantic, back from- world trip
Tender Erin Will Carry Relief Crew
George W. Simons, tbe contractor.
has Just returned to Portland after a
Union Engineers
WiU Hold Picnic
Members aad Their Tamilles "Win
. Visit Colombia City em Blxta As
anal Excursion Tomorrow, -
Planned as special pleasure trip for
th women and children, members of
th International Union of Steam and
Operating Engineers, Local Ho 87,
their famlUes and friends, will hold
their sixth annual excursion and picnic
tomorrow at Columbia City.
Th excursionists . will leav th
foot of Washington street at 1:80
o'clock tomorrow morning on th
steamer Kellogg and plan to make the
picnic tbe most successful ln th his
tory of ths organisation. No liquors
will' be sold on th boat or on tn
grounds and th day will be devoted t
a good time and sports. Local supply
houses have donated prises for the
On of ths chief sources of amuse
ment will be hitting th "nigger
babies" or "Aunt Sallies" th union
having made arrangements to give ice
cream cones and pop to the children
1M Oaks
?artlaad'a Great Amnamant rark. Ca-
plat Chaar ef rcraiD,
Katies picture af taa lulj 8 erevd.
A woadarfal faatar. Saa yaaraalf
aad your frianda.
Takia Muxati, lnunitabla Jaa.
Hoagariaa Quartet.
Pat and Fasay JUIly, Irish aomaalaJM.
Toot Saydar, famaat taaar.
Bead Ceaoarts at 8:te aad 8:30,
VaadariUa at 4 sod 10 p. s.
Wat ar akiaa la "-b epea-alr covarad
aix PEaromVAxeca nxz.
Can at Tint as aoaar.
IterriaM Brida.
for Upton'. ChaUenger for America's . trlp around ths world which he stsrted Vno uieed in kklng -7
Cap i Take Sou the ra Water.
Southhampton, Bngland. July
December 12. It took him seven
months and flvs days to make ths big
. a a- S r tJk i . m
challenger for the America's cup,
started today on her long voyage to
New York, conveyed by th tender
Erin. The two yachta will take the
southern route, stopping at the Azores
en route. Sir Thomas will follow n
a steamer leaving her August l.;
Under the rules governing ' the
Amerlca'a cup race, tha challenger
I while the men will get th customary
cigar, xney promise inatv-ine cigars
will be Oregon-mad of good vegetable
matter and guaranteed under th pur
food and drugs act.
Mountaineers ".Till Tramp.
Vancouver, Waslu, July 18. The
Mountaineers of ths Irvln gton Meth
odist, church will leav at 8:80 o'clock
Monday morning for a two weeks'
camslng trip along the Lewis river.
must cross the Atlantlo under her i They will be Joined at Lewlsvills by
own salL She Is manned by acrew of ' the members of camp No, a of Ridge-
ment of Work was made. -
Jail Sentence Suspended.
An appeal by Ah Foot from a "five
day jail sentence and a 860 fia im
posed -by- Municipal , Judge Stevenson '
when the Chinaman was found guilty
of conducting : a lottery, saved him
Party" at v Oakland,
"Oakland, Or., July 18.r Mr. and Mra
G. A.,Taggart celebrated their twen
tieth, wedding anniversary at their
from the jail sentence Thursday, fori home July 16. - Fifty friends of Oak
Circuit Judge Cleeton suspended that (land and vicinity wer present and as-
poruoa or tna punishment when th I slsted In making the occasion an vnt
wuiwMumu w a v ' awu-jr - i iiu one.
16 sailors, these being relieved from
tlm to time during th voyage by
others from the Erin.
No Damage by
Fire Near Eugene
Eugene, Or July 18. The dispatch
from Eugene published In a Portland
paper this morning stating that a
school house and much timber were de
stroyed livm fir eight miles south of
Eugene yesterday is entirely untrue.
No timber was burned and tbe fire
came nowhere near the school house.
Ths blase was entirely confined to a
clearing and only a few eld. stumps
and dead snags were burned. Twelve
farmers 'fought the fir and had It un
der control by night. No grain was
burned. The fire did not reach any
timber and was several miles from any
of merchantable value . About 80
acres were nurned over. Farmers say
today that the fire did more good than
barm as lt cleared ths land of stumps
and logs. .. - ..
Journal Want Ads bring results
field. - About 20 members of both
camps will b present on th trip.
- VIA Files Salt,
Oregon City, Or.. July 18. Suit was
filed ln th circuit court Friday,
against Charles Shepherd by Benjamin
S. Via, Tbe complaint states that the
defendant bought a harness shop tn
Silverton and that he owed the plain
tiff 180 ln payments.
John Olson, laborer employed at th
Oregon Paper de Pulp mill at St. Johns,
died this morning on th way to the
hospital from injuries received at 7
o'clock when caught between two logs
at the plant. Ths man Is 84 years old,
lives in St. Johns, and has no relatives
ss far as could be learned by th au
thorities. Olson was assisting in draw
ing a log Into th plant, when It made
a sudden Jerk, striking him. Th Am
bulance Service company emergency
car was called, but. the man died be
fore reaching th hospital.
Journal Want Ads bring results. '
Quietude, and the sense of bains well cared lor will be
enjoyed by, you and yours if you dine Sunday at the
V. A cool and comfortable retreat "
Table d'Hote Dinner, 5:30 to 9,One Dollar
Cor. Vaughn and 24th
Los Angeles
July 14, 15, 16,17,18,19
Games Begin
Week Days at 3 p. itu
Sundays at 2:30 p. m.
Wednesday and Friday
Steamer Georgiana
Laaves Washington-street dock St T
ATM- daily, except Friday, for
Astoria and Way Landings
Returning, leaves Astoria at ,1:48 P. U.
Fare 81.00 each way. Main 1428.
aw a e-a, s aa USina Tn IIKLUUH L. I t w
and way uint. Motor boat apaad oa lite
Baperinr obaerntlotn. sanitary, eeot sad
toair1tl. Air tH-t taTrlento. Lca
rTuHte botthooaf, loat ot Morrlaja iU 10:30
a m.. !:30 and 4 p. ro. Immrf Brews boat.
Oragoo Cltr. U-U
Fare S&e. Suoda tra tripa. 7-w a. a, -Oresoe
Cltr. S:45 S. B. Kuadar extra tripe
t"fc GtvT., T:30 p. m.. 8 5 O. W.
Sunday Ri
to oxxaov. CXTT
tir. Taylor St. docs; a. m, 12 m.. X p. m.'
Lv. Oregon City 10:S0 a. nu, 1:0, :0a.
Mmro tup. 40e .
COM7AVT. rnoa atela, o.
.. ..'