THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. -JULY -17. 1914. . 15 AiictionSales Saturday, July 18 10 A.M. We have received for ' this sal t very fina consignment of medium nj high '. grade furniture, consisting of quartered oak , and early English buff eta, fine princes and oak dressers, cupboards,, kitchen treasures and kitchen cabinet j 2 high grade family else Ice boxes; 3 good cook stoves, wood, coal and gaa ranges. Our line of Vernls Martin and brass ; beds, steel springs and mattresses, we doubt if their equal' baa ever been' offered t i public auction before In Portland; fine quartered oak pedestrat dining tables, In fact everything needed In the way of house .furnishings. Don't fail to attend. ' - ' ?i. ;BellAuctio ii second sr. ' J. A. Mearow, Auctioneer. NEW TODA Bonds Are Made Valid ftf State Supreme Court decision, there for the Interstate bridge building is an assured fact and Union aVenue is ' the main thoroughfare, 80 feet wide, to th Dragon approach and ie to be bard 4 surfaced from Bryant street to Colum bia boulevard. Only a few mora pre ' llminarles are to be looked after and i work will, begin. W have few choice lota left on Union avenue, and nearby streets, that will make you t bandsome profits. Call up our office and; our auto will call at your homo and j take you to the property. Line Brong Company ' 80S UWII B.Xw. Phcae Haia 1743. MORTGAGE: LOANS r5J, 6e 7 in improved 'city property. W also ial In Corpora tins,-- and Muhlripc ; ovnds. - . i HOSSXTSOX XWIWO. 09-S sTcrtcweeter guk illf Want Ad Rates . i J In effect Oct. I. 1918. , j ALL PREVIOUS KATES CANCELLED . 7, CHAKUKD AbVEUTBUKMKK'l'M , : ' ' , , Daily or. Huoda?. 1U null per word per luaertloa. . this ebanre is for an classifications eicepi . Ins ror Knit is I'rl-ete saailly," 'Boom and Hoard la rrt-ate ramlly," '-situation Want, fd" sod "Wanted to Heat" ads., wtikb era i eeuls Pr word per- lnsevuoa. fcS ad eWired for lea a tbao IS cent. CA8Q AUVEUTiatMKNTl )tt teats per wo:d fur all classifications ticeptlag "For , Ueut lu Prl-aie Family," "Hvam and Uoard Id frWate rawit," "Sit . ; Seiioa Wan tad" and "Wanted tu aest ad., fjtbktn are l cents per ward. r-- Toree Insertions tor tba price f twe. . .' Se-ea insertions foe the price of fire. ' K ad tk-a tor leas ikan in rfntt. MKETIXG XOTlCiiS 41 WASHINGTON LODGM IsO. ! " J 48. A. V. St A. M. Boeciu.1 cgiuinuniwuun tomorrow Saturday) afternoon and evcnlntc. beKinninK - 2:30 o'clock, H. ith and JBurnslde, M. M. dteree. Visitors wel come. By order W. M. . degree teams ot vv.. us w. will alve a Dlcnic at Crystal JLaka ack. on July 10. All members and HendH are cordlallv invited. nin- ot nil kinds. Cars leave 1st and Alder. . Funeral of James J. Dornsy will take place from Dunning A McEntee, at 8:30 Saturday morning. 'Members 'attend. - h. Mccuuougn, vioe-president. ' riLECTRldAL U 6RKEkS. u. u. iza. I.' u. k. w.. win hold A hi. special meeting in Labor temple. Mon bay, July 80. Important. ZJital Statistic Jnrrl$cs.Blrtbs,Dtatbs. tAIUtIAGK LICENSKW fieorn H. Baas, 220 atlrd atret, S4, aud Mary B. Tynan, 1T0 KImj Btrn-r, S3. J. A. Bale, JiW Hicsh Twenty ilrt a'm-t, M. and Hilda Wodtiy. T13 IJirty aln-et ti. Btirke, tenia, legal. - Hrilney Oiinn. 4-12 t'eurtli r-.t, IpitbI, nd l.twlla B. Uahnemnnn, 1'altoa ht- n. ii. :. Arthur D. fttiMiard, Ham.po Sott-l, 6S, ai.3 Jennie E. Tredy. Hutiihiu 1:ttcl. A W, G, Smith & Co Thjrd f loprj" organ bid bldg,. DREHS suits for rent, all sises. Unique Tailoring Co., 80s Stark at. i, i rr, 'i1 'in i. , . Mi1 ri r i i asa I niRTBS p VUkB DTo'Mr.aad MraV Jaw H. "biUard! . pariar street,, just la, a ana. -. CLO STB BM A N To Mr. and Mrs. Robart ' O - pioatermaa. BM East fifteenth Street, July t, a son. CARPENTER To Mr. and lira. Fred O. Car-- penter. Gardes Hnme, July IS, a dauchter. - B4MUVAL.L- io- air. aaxi . an a. -moma Band-all, Veaver' ApartatenU, July 13, daiiKhtr. ' -r ' t UKATHH AXU I'UNKltAI tH VUIUBUICK On July ltt. at the family reeb deacet ku c4st xweotyecone street, nortiL Ura. auaaa Elevens rbilbrtck, aged 6T fbUbrtca, aa-ed 6T rears 11 U, IT daya. wife of g. ii. fhUbrleS, la M. Pnilhrlrk. Mrs, Alfred mnthar of Ju lbury, and jobs n. I'biibrick. Friends (rrlted ta -attend funeral serlee, which wlU be held at the abora residence at :30 p. m., -morrow I Saturday), July 13. - Interment Hiwe City rmtTy. - - UINCK At the Ouud Samaritan boapltal, Julr IT. 1914. Job a Hinck. aged 61 ratfnti bdloved hu'band of Amelia Ulnck, father of Clarence Ulnok. Beuialne are S rearsoa'S usdcrtaltlna; parolrs. ' " i' TTRiUDKOoT Taaaie 1'rouUfitot. 1 c lApartmenta, July 14, ,13 yearsj- elrrhoa Dorei cirrhosis f tbe Urer. ilOUJIV Oeerela, HoU-y, 8U Tentk avetiue. lnta, Jnty 14. 48 rears: spepiexy. -CHKU'10rSM Aatone ChtUUrffwa; 721 Keened streH. July 14. 61 years; uneumotila t'lMJNAt.rara McDonald, T21 locond street. jwiy in, tu yearaj cnronic erom-nuig, Max m. smith, florist, 141 h t t in Selllnar Ulnar. - .Main 7iit. U.AKK.U lKUs.,'tlOrlV, flue flowers " 'end floral itentans, fs Morpit'nn fUX Kit AL niUKCTOIvS Mnrinmiy t MrFntPA Undertakers u wii t, iMvumvu Modern In every detail. "7th and Pine, ilaln 430 A-4H6W. iaqy assistant. BELLWOOD UNDERTAKING : successor to A. B. Hemstock. 1 "Co" B. Hemstock. 1687 EL J3th. Pe l. Ti. B-iizj. iay assistant.. II. B-llzi. Iady assistan ' A Ri 7ppr C,(: wuiiama ave. . ' iJtAv Sttenrtane. Day anJ night service. 1 Lai IAAD 1 U S 1. O. O. K. Bide.. N, ium iiwii iiti Main, ,Lenis,Tab.633T. t PI AQflM HES1I KNCB UND PL-i. I.IUUUUHJ1, C133, A3336. 44 Mora - RwrnBt"11"1' andTCnott, i DyrnesE. mi. c-i3v Co. Maia 4163 3d and Clay. ' bAWnfsi WndertaKers. Ka v C-rVnoUIX .J71 KusseU at lesv. t BUgKBURN Undertaker. C6 on ave. K 7T PTX L.ERC1I. leadlna east aide under ! Uker. E. nth... & Clay. B-1883. E. 781 FUNPAL DIRECTORS NSWHOMa i. Vf riNucr a son . - "The only residence undertaking es tablishment in Portland. Representing the greatest advance in the science of funeral nervice. The automobila atauio. ment and secluded driveway ere among rne many exciusivs leatures. ine ee tablished policy of moderate prices has never been changed. ?,. ; J. P. FIN LET A SON, ' . - Perfect Funeral Service. - Montgomery at 6th. MR EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading runerai airecior. zzv sa si., corner Salmon. Lady assistant, ; phensa A 1611. Main 607.,: - .'v V m:'- PORTLAND MARBLK WK8.. J64-268 ?4th st, opp. city hall. M. 8584. A-1B18. AUTOMOBILES FPU" MIRB, X1b AUTO "LIVERY Studebaker" 8 and 7 passenger cars.; for- hire; t and IJ.SO per hour. - M-aln 8469. A-4358. FOR 8AL.K HOL'bfc til FOR SALE- 4 room house, double con structed, modern, ud to date, best of nlumblnar- toilet: i hath lavatorv ' or piumoing, to net, Da in, , lavatory, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, latest electric futures, 3 large closets. 3 large noreh. mnt haumnit: a aroort t porches, cement basement ; a good tlCV lUr UiUU7 tsVLas. AU it vu Call and inspect - property and call and inspect - property ana get 1 WWiW BtS-l A ,cr' ft f j" :-.. FOR SALE. --, New, modern 8 room bungalow, with 1 aiaeping purcn, svors rovxn, targt uv- i ing room, iirepiace, rurnace, ilxtures, aliades; hardwood floors, den, Dutch kitchen, screened back porch, full ce ment basement; all rooms finished in artistic manner. This property la in Alameda Park. GEORGE A. ROSS, OWNER, . V 801 Oerllnger bldg. ALAMEDA PARK HOME. - New house, just about finished, has hardwood floors, fireplace, rurnace, built-in buffet, large Dutch kitchen, i rooms and den down stairs, with two bed rooms and sleeping porch up stairs. Home has been specially decorated and finish can not be excelled in Port land: will sell for small payment down and 840 a month. If you want a'home in exclusive neighborhood call me at East 270. ' ' " WE will build and f inane e a home on your lot or any iot you may select. Pay for It like rent. We guaran tee satisfaction, r Call and see us, F. E. BOWMAN V CO. Room 1, Commercial Club Bids, - lerswith Quote you a price that is 3300 less tbjan actual cost a i room new bungalow with bath and station ary washstand, tinted walla end fuU basement, lot 60xlv0, ' hi block from Williams avenue. Only requires ISO cash and $30 per month. Now this is worth your while to call ua up, for if you mean business, you get a bargain, THE BRON& COMPANY. Phone Main 1743. 60S Lewis Bldg. ONLY $1860 A new 6 room modem bungalow. This house must be sold soon. Was built and will be sold by owner. It you want a new home for less than you can build one, don't fail to see this. Beamed ceilings in dining room, built in buffet, window seat and two bookcases. Basement and large atUc, la.a.rastricted district $Jt casn unmm- MBy, van owner, xaoor list. is OKCKD , to sell my equity at once, leaving ony, e room oungaiow nose City Park, curtains, draperies, . electrlo fixtures, etc, garden, shrubbery, flowers, fine lawn, built in conven iences, cement basement, furnace, $450 tees man actual cost, terms, uwner 641 ja.. 4th at. w. Tabor 470&. IP you wiil be interested in buying a strictly modern 8 room house in the choicest part of Laurelhurst, practical ly new and .occupied by owner. Ma terial and? finish are the very best. This will please you if you want some thing nice for a home. Terms, Owner, l4V iiorinwescern ctnK , Plug, ; 10 liOOM house and garage, corner lot iOexlOO, streets paved and 1 block from a carlines. Cost me ltf,000. Will take any reasonable offer. House mod ern, in every resDect . and In nerfect order. Owner 1188 Garfield ave. Xel- epnone vvouunwii HOMU i'OH VUti OLD fOLKa tl)6 Kxtra neat and well built 3 roum cot tage, plastered; sidewalks in. Corner lot. small' barn.. Macadam pavement. $26 down. $10 a month.! of course this is good. Fred W. German, 314 Cham ber of Commerce. 1 ORCiSJJ to sell. Don't it look like facta? Bunaalow. 8 rooms. 3 rooms In basement. Lot 60x136, with alley, 3 blocks to car, all for $1460. Can you beat it? $160 down, balance easy, Woodlawn 3186. Owner. WILL build horn to suit for smalt payment dowa ana balance like rent. U3 Yeon iag,;;.--;.,. I--.: $860. buys 160x200, with new house, lis down. 48 monthly; 84 minutes, A. C. IfARSTERS, 302 Wilcox Bldg. Mam 8517, ATgo. Tanor i i 10, HOUSfeH in irvington ifor two-thirda their value. Choice location! also lots. Houses furbished and unfurnished for rent. East s78, W. H. Herdman. FOR SALE by owner, 6 room modern nouse, corner iot 'jxiou. nice lawn, farage. 3 blocks from Woodlawn car. rice $2500, Calf Woodlawn 885,7, .. ROSE CITY, new. strictly "modern 's room bungalow, lot 60 by 130. near clubhouse and school. Price $3000; terms. . owner, Marshall 3674. ; fwO new houses, one 6, one 1 rooms; modern. Might consider trade. Own. or Woodlawn 664, 134$ Montana ave. FOR SALE-6 room modern bungalow, on easy terms. bv owner. 1066 E. 86th- et. N. '. - : NEW furhished 4 room bungalow, lOOx ...iwwioi, .mues city limits, iotb; $275 down,, 840 East Ankeny. FOHs SALE 6 room modern cottage near union ave. owner going away. Phone Woodlawn $987. BARGAIN $1978, $60lown. new 6 room modern hltKralAw wA'la-n car to itnt t83 lyioerty st. Wdln 8632. Y owner. 6 room unfinished 4 lota, Mt. Scott car,! $660, $280 cash. 342 Salmon st, Davjs. WHEN yeu answer tlteae Want mention The Journal". for saleLots . $360 $10 DOWN. $5 per month, buys .a fine large home site on the west side, where you omi n! in vnnr vegetables, berries, etc, which is tha greater portion of your living. - This is the best value In the city. &L E. iec, eaa.vorpetT niag. LOT. on w illiams avs $0xie61 slde walks. a beauUf ul building lot, for the low price Of 8800: 10 cash and 1 a month. . ! ' .XWS SBQ COMPANY. Phontrtialn 1743. - 08 Lewis Bid sr. 6SQ0 LOT tron liaa 100 feet frontage, 46 feet depth, close, to car. t Nice location. , This is a real- bargain.'. Fred W. German . CoJ -.. - " WILL sacrifice a few $0x100 lots with sidewalks and curbs,-graded streets, Bull t Run - water, near car and auto boulevard; easy terms, 40 Yeon; bldg. $700, BUYS. i acre; iiiO down; $20 pert - nwnin, .Aq )ui (araen spot, wner you can raise all your vegetables, ber ries, chickens, etc, This Is on the west side, only 20 minutes' car ride. 6c fare. M. E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg.-; 10 ARB we selling lots? - X should say, yes, "v7byt- Becadse our lots are located on Vancouver, Williams. Unlcaa avenues, and East Sixth street, which li right on line of progress with the opening of Union avenue, and thg com pletion of the interstate bridge. This property will treble in value. The prices and terms are so exceedingly low. and easy that you will never be able to duplicate It again. Remember our auto will call. at your door and take you . out to the property. Main t - THE BRONO CO MP ANT, ; 608 Lewis Bldg. f6r'BALE - Lot 60100, 27th and Oladstone: 1600 cash. Phone Mar- shall JT46, BEACH PROPERTY - FOR SALE BUY Columbia beach loU now, while they are cheap, $36 up, New addi tion, easy terms, four miles south of the mouth of Columbia river, on S. P. & 8. K. R.- .John L. Tanner, Columbia Beach, Ore. WHKN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. ACRBAGB 61 5 Acres With Bungalow7 $1,760,000 bridge bonds Just pasaed by Multnomah - county, Oregon, . and Clarke county, Washington, to build new ateel bridge over Columbia river, connecting Oregon and Washington; work to be started Immediately, posi tively doubling Xh9 value of surround ing property. -This beautiful little farm, owned by an old man whose wife died a month ago. He lives on place and has care- xiuiy. improved ana aeveiopea ix me past 10 years. Everything Ideal for a home; streetcar running ny place; SO nomsj sixesicsr running uy pmvmi w , nrAwv .ianf acinar two ?aa Tt ..ffoAi- nS ohnVhli 'F!' m.rf?1!.4? mi!2 f every denomination only half mile A K sislt t caaa all vavtaitUa 1 5K TfW -'k-IIz k1k-I I?s WT2 prih onS r. JSSVlSi ats. acre truck farming, raising two and three crops a year; 86 foot weli and pump and running spring; beautiful whits and green 6 room bun galQW.-IVi story; room barn, wood shed and chicken coop costing 31000. ' You can sell this place In six months for Just double the purchase price, as other orooerty is selling as high as teau 81000 an acre now. I must have money now: will sacrifice for 83500; sitooo cash, balance first mortgage, per cent. Enquire 8.1 Chamber of Com merce. . , .- Acreage 1, i. 6 and 10 acre tracts, 30 : minutes out on . New, Big, Red, Steel Electric Cars : " l : lf 12c comrautera' fare; very beat of soil, water and community . conveniences; 3136 to 3600 per acr on installments. . - The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 38. 103 4th at, A-8800. . A SNAP 6 acres or less, good 6 room house, running watqr, piped . into bouse, orchard and berries, good well, tank and gasoline engine, school end store close by; don't miss this. Call -xaoor i7 Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to ee.r tine, easy terms: will build-to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1685, or Ball' wood 478. John H. qibaon. owner. 80 ACRES $800. 81 fare from Portland. - Close, to school, station, springs and running water; splendid farm land; 8 tracts to sell; $20 cash, $10 per month, Claude t.'oie, n Boarq oi u raae. SNAP near city; 18 -acres .rich soil. ruBiunr waier, n allies tom mouse, on Pacific highway; $160 per acre; adjoining tanaa held at $360 to i.oo; only $1000 cash needed. Bel ford A ittur. ibz si, ism st. rnon eeii. lei. ACRBAdH on Oregon Eleotrie, $460 per avcre; 6H acres with 3 room bouse, $2300, terms. L. F. MUlhollen. woodiswn iBio. 10 ACRES Salem Electric, Oreenburg station; sale or trade. Wolf stein, 205 All sky bldg. - ; 3 . TWO or 4 acres at Garden Home. Price right, from owner. U-770, Journal. Mutt's Memory Or TMB OUP TAT3 QACIc VfUCO. CAN YOO ! CL.P tWS ftMtj JtHe fievr tA-y 1 CArAS rr4D SA0 YOU1; BACK "THfc ,FNe ' FOB IX3TS , , (Coctlaaed.) ACBKAGS (CoBtlanedUi CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; ureebam aistnct. electrlo sta tion 1-2 mile. New subdivision, Bun- shine Valley .orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; - elegant location. Prices only $76 to- $160 per acre In small tracts; easy terms. ank McFarland Realty Co., 308 Yeon bldg.. Portland Or. 30 ACRKS, first growth timber,, good land, on county road, 1 mil from Street ear, $1700. John Duokett. Sta tion Au Vancouver, Wash. . $400 On acre,: 80 minute car ride, electrlo lights, water, shade treea. $10 month. 17-771. Jotirnal. SUBURBAN ACREAGE ! T8 8 ACKK8 on Barr road, IMl miles from ci ty limits; . fine, level land. Price $3600. - .- ' 4th and Pine Streets. .. WHKN you answer these Want Ada., mention The Journal. FOR SALE FAR315 17 Mr. Farmer 111 Acres. 60 arras under Plow: about 130 acres of tillable land, balance pas ture. Finest of water nined to houso and barn, good 6 room house and good Darn, a acres or good mixed orcnara. 4 miles from Washougal.. County road, R, F. IX - Price $11,000. $6000 cash, balance easy terms. . May take some trade. - : . .. - - i - .- lit acres. 80 acres under clow, about 100 acres tillable. Finest of water. good small - barn, old shack of house, considerable piling timber on part of land. Place is 10 miles from Wasnou gai. 6 miles from Cape Horn, on coun ty road. . . y. o. caiiy. ciose to thousands of acres of outrange;. Good stock proposition. Price $3600. Some terms. o acres or tnis tana is vyurui more than ia asked for all. GEO. Y. MOODY CO, r t - Washougal, Wash. TIOARD. TIGABD. T1QARD. $160 i' ACRJS. 1160 CEM ACiUS. $160 PER ACRE. Any portion of my ioo acre farm, except tbat containinff buildings, a large portion . in cultivation, and small family orchard. $60 down,-balance as you like it. See - my agent, Fred W. German. 814 Cham, of Com. - THE RUBLE ESTATE " Will sell 70 lota and 60 acres of Un- ated land inside the city limits of dport and one, probably two 180 sore stock, dairy, garden, or fruit ranches at public auction at Waldport on July 28, 1814.. Ruble Estate, Wald port, Or. ALFALFA and ' clover land, 80 acres. ail level. nn soil, no waste, sivvu. Terms, $40 cash, $30 per month with out Interest See mo for particulars at once. A. v. Lee, 60S Title A Trust bldg. - - NEWCOMERS The easiest way to get posted on farm land) is to come to the free show today at 886 Wash ington st. (between 3d and . 4th). In teresting, instructive' and absolutely free. Bring the ladies. . - 40 ACRES. 3960. . $1 fare from Portland. Splendid farm land. Cheap. Close to school, station. Ideal for alfalfa: $100 cash. Claude Cole, 917 Board or Trade. 10 AfiRH FARM 12500 U mile from Scansoose atation: rich creek bottom land, 8 acrea in cultiva tion, new bunaalow, easy terms. Write or see m. e. watts, scappoose, ur, 40 ACRES Fine soil, level and ho waste, big future. If you want a small farm, see me at once. A. D. Lee, 602 Title & Trust mdg. $0 acres of land for sale, located in Clarke county, i Wash.: 10 acres cleared, small house and barn, etc.; rice 34000. Address sjl-ibi, journal. HEN you answer these - Want Ads. iiteiuiun x no journal. WANTED FARMS 38 WANTED Farm, from $7000 to $10, 000. near Corvallls, in exchange for well located- 4 flat building. H-910, Journal.'-' -- -, ' - HOMESTEADS 47 SMALL homestead, 80 minute walk to railroad town, good soil, no stone, creek, timber, good roads,-many neigh bors, near Portland, $200. L-777, Jour nal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 i - TO EXCHANGE i $700 first mortgage and 80 acres of land. - Want to get home In Portland. Z-863, Journal. Was Altogether Too Vtf Hots uiet.u,c- CAVB Mfi A .. ii.'ju.'-' lava' j- EXCHANGE REAIi ESTATE Sri (OontlaneC.) - we cave ior exenanga : t clear lots for house and lot.' ' Cor, building, $7000, for acreage, 3 A. suburban home, $5000. for V room bungalow tip to , ,v ' : , ' tSOOO: east side. - Rooming house and restaurant, $600, xor lov ox nvna. 130 acre in Yamhill county, all . .. eultivateo, BIS.OOa. tar Portland crortertv. 1 19 acreg near Laurel.. Waatu, some . i- improvements, ' - tor eastern land or house and lot. Many more good propositions. GARLAND A LINP. 181 4 th St. WE CAN BELL OR TRADE. If you wish to sell your real estate for caeb or trade for other property. It win car you to sea ua xor -quick re sults. 10 years' successful Dusiaass is our guarantee for a squars deal. 616 Gerllnger bldg. - Main 3801. FOR - EXCHANGE -A small 4 room oungaiow wim atuo and sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen, bath, clothes closets,' fixtures and window shades; iot euxizo; pries $1800. win consider lot, acreage, or equity la larger hous to $600. 301 Oerllnger bldg. FOR SALE or trade, .block of fine lots, between boulevard and Mt. Tabor carllnej sidewalks, curbs, graded sta. Bull Run. water, eta.: sDecial nrlces and terms to builders. 40$ Yeon bldg. 40 acrea, 4 in crop, fruit, grain T toni s hay. norss. huaay. house, barn. X wells, trade Xor -10 acres near some valley town. Sell 30 sores for $600 .tiouinger, tintmwr or commerce, lui-AUKHi cattle ranch with looo seres outside range,' miles from town, $3300; will Uke part trade, balance to run 6 veara- H Allan Jnna Salt Kauffman ave., Vancouver, Wash. GROCERY STORE, sood. dean stock ana zuttures, laving rooms in con nection, low rent and a bar rain: will consider part .trade. O. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark et. WHAT have you in real estate, lo cated In tha eastern states that you would like to exchanae for on of tha best paying small furniture businesses in foruanaT A-7 6, journal. 17 acres, hous and barn, right on eoun- ty roaa. i v mnes irom uregon city, $8000, mortrasre $1600. trade for house and lot. Main 2420. I OWE $1200 on a $$600 suburban store ana iot, win trade xor a good auto, realty, or what you have. Phone Main 6816. EQUITY of $166. in 16 acres of land near Kceaviiie, an tmaer - cultiva tion, for lot or small house, 801 Oer llnger bldg. A $600 equity in s nice lot at B 17th' and Siskiyou, mortgage $300, for a light automobile. 406 AicJtay mag.: to xiuv iot. PRETTY home, on main street Grants rasa, ior property in or near ort land. 349 E. GMsan. - WILL take anything as first payment on modern 8 room home; large lot: nice yard. Phone Tabor 642. WE exchange what you have for what you want. Peper & Baker, 444 Bher- lock bldg.. 8d and Oak. Marshall 3864. WHEN you answer these Waul Aaa, mention The Journal - WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED A sightly tract of 3 to 6 acres on frequently traveled roaa, I to 10 miles from Portland, near subur- llne. Must have rood soil and water, and otherwise be suitable for purposes o it a home . for retired bus! ness man o of moderate means. Anawer, giving location, price, evo. jo-sue. Journal. tROPER'A . WANTED We want your property to selL Give us your nest price ana lowest terms. 1S78 iiawtnorne ava . laoor isti. LAUFM AN REALTY CO. WANTED S or io acres, with -some improvements, - not to cost over $1600. pesoribe fully, giving; beat terms and trlce. H-863. Journal. WHEN you answer these . Wank Ads, mention The Journal; - ROOMING HOUSES as BIG SNAP 8 housekeeping apart ments completely furnished. I am lea vina- the city and must sell. No rea sonable offer refused. No agents or trades. Phone Main 7i9.- BT OWNER 2 well famished rooms. . brick building, close in, , 383 18th, cor. Jefferson. When you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. 330 OU fcWeMBwR. T rrea COPPQt3 ,c8 l ' - 'r .. say 8k 1 .. . Ti ' J ROOMTNG HOCRCS 53 (Coatlaaed.) '.; 1 FOR SALE Bargain. 49 rooms, east side. See owner. 88 Union ava No agents. Phone East 6890. - - - BUSINESS. CHANCES " 2Q PARTNER for auto repair work; must be steady, strictly sober and under stand the gam, with small capital Call from 7 to $ p. m room 6, The Dormer. 13th and Jefferson. GROCERY STORE, good, clean stock and fixtures, living rooms In con nection, low rent and. a bargain; will consider part trade. G. U Webb, 414 ju. Biara at. JiiOO MILLINERY store in Albany and 6 rooms of excellent furniture, and new sewing machine; must be sold Immediately: $$ eash will han- aie it today. e03 Broadway tiag. HAVK you email amount to Invest and willing to work 8 hours a- day for $26 week? Then call at $04 Lumber Exchange. DENTAL office, modern equipment, ea tabllshed high class business, sell at lavwiga. auvui aiuuv taaa r urma Apply 314 Ablngton bfgg. 106 i 3rd st- rr 'J j laa Sj iyu wVAsle , T , WANTEi-JPartner In little' safe bus- in ess; pays better than wages. See my agent for partioulars. ' 833 Mor-s-An bldg. OtiK LOT. pool hali and confectionery. everything as good as new; will sell cheap. For particulars write or call on C A. Baling, Beaver, Or. SPLENDID location for druggist on - Mount Hood electric a fast growing town. Come is and see us. 236 Oak at. Ask for Joe P. Boehm. GROCERY and confectionery: aood lo- cation; living rooms; rent $20; fine piaoe ior man ana wire; pries sobo. siv Lumber Exchange bldg. RESTAURANT and three living rooms; no reasonable price will be refused. Rent $16 xnon, $86 E Yamhill, oorner of Grand. - - SNAP. A dandy little grocery. Ice cream, conxecuonery ana soaa -water stores no agents. Address B-126, Jour pal. - FOR SALE Small grocery, doing good business, low rent, dean stock, not many fixtures to buy. Address Af-680. Journal. CONFECTIONERY and srocery. eoda fountain, to cream, old established business, good corner, living rooms. Wilt sell cheap.- 666 Union ave. N. FOR SALE Pool hall with 8 tables and fixtures ; emau amount oz cssa necessary. Call Tabor 83 IT, or F. Little. 103T Division si. city. WAJUL paper and paint store for sale; picture hanging; - good clean stock; Sood paying business. P. O. Box 3037, lamath Falls. Or. CIGAR, tobacco, confectionery, ice cream store; nice ciean piece ai waiting room; 1100.- tlO Lumber Ex rhallra bldr. FOR BALE- Poolroom and confection- ery in good pay roll town, only place In town; Hying rooms. Rant $13. Price 1600., 14 K. 8th at, - NICE clean business where you can make aood waces: $10J buys it, 810 Lumber Exchange bldg. LADY wishes partner for fine restau- rant; win sen y miemt ai sacri ai.. , Htfkt n.rtv V -UTft tAiirn.l 1.1 "" ''" ' ' , WILL sell cheap, confectionery ana lirht srocery doins rood business. 263 IS. 11th St. SNAP Res taurant for sale, $100 if sold at once. Adcut owner. 267 Couch at., city. ' - FOR SALE Millinery store In good country town. Cheap if sold this month. P7-809. Journal. " PARTNER for cash restaurant. No op- nosltlon. $300 requireo. Room 02 Broadway bldg. BAKERY and grocery, downtown loca. tlon; rent $40; 111 health reason for sell In g, $760. Owner. C-100, Journal. PARTNER - wanted in . Brood pay In a business, old reliable firm. $276 fe- qulred. Call lXk Stark st, FOR SALE Drua . business, estab llshed eight years; clean atock; no agents need apply. B-130iJonrnaL , FOR SA1.E Restaurant, best location; trwnen leavmg town. -APPV rleoh. ' - ' ' . 1000. Business Cards,' $1,00 Ryder Ptg.CoS. W. cor. 3d end Morrison TIN shop for sale. Terms or cash, 143 Kiiiingswortn ave. j. n. nacoii. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention 1 ne journal. WOOD TARD for sale or lease by owner. Tenor 465. klLLINERYflxtures for sale At a bargain, w-807. Journal. X SJBrAS e5R. TMA.T. iteo vdu ok to Xovi onct H41 ' To A8 How tWtU.X (USraerABcOi. THAT TAf .A SO FOR 8 ALE Cleaning and pressing T business, in downtown district, low rent; preaent owners have had shop 6 years. This is a bargain: don't lall to Investigate. You are buying direct from owners. Must alL learlmr town. Don't fail to InvesUgaU this. Oil 3. Journal. WANTED An (deal - Who' can thing of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas, they may bring you wealth; write for "Needed Inven tions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money. Randolph ds Co eatent attorneys. Washlnrton. D. C FOR SALE by administrator, general merchandise store, country point; stock, buildings. 1 acre ground. 17600; terms half cash and time on rest. Ad dress 7. 3d. bturglU, Sbedds, Or. R. F. D. No. 3. . FOR SALE A first class butcher shop, modern equipment, a rrowing town in Oregon; will invoice between $4000 sad $6000; average sales $loo a day. No triflers need apply. 348 alor- rison st. - WILL, sell well-located grocery store for only $260. worth twice that much; owner leaving city. Come quick. 603 Broadway bldg. MOJfEY-O LOAN a? REAL ESTATE a--!! j"?- --a"y,3-a--- .MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTAT OH FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VKRY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSION. COLUMBIA Urn A TRUST CO. 818 gPALDINO BLPQ, MONEY to loan vn city and oouatry - property at current rateet mort ragea, bought, and - sold. Whltmer. Kelly - Co O. A. Hartman. saanagar loan aept.. Til nttoca diock. LOANS on improved city property or for bulldlna ournoses: advances rnaoe as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. eion. j. i. Main 4420. ijipaoomoe, i giara at. $ COO 700. 1000 1600 : 2000 - Amounts HARTMAN- To THOMPSON BANK. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 433 Chamber of Commeice. Mortgage Loans L U WHTTB, TOT Selling Bldg. TO LOAN. 13000 on first mortara. tier cant Inquire of D. W. "Williams, 16$ Thomas su. roruana, wr. MORTGAGE loans at current rate. Real estate security; apply room 303 Etoca: exenanga, q anq xamniu CASH paid for mortgage, notes, eos- iracis , morisage loans; reasonable raiea. r. n, Lfewia A jo.. s Lwis bloc MONK if TO LOAM ON . MEAL Est- IAIK. WM. U. BECK, 314 FAiL- 3luO,ovv on lnortgageB, city and farm property, fire insurance. McKenaie AV Co.. Gerlinger bldg.. 3d and Alder. To Loan 1401)7 81600, 6-6v and veeoo on city improved property, Ia Wells cow. 1 4 chamber el Cocauterce mag. V MORTGAJE AxlANkL." ' Mortgagee bought and sold John L Karr-app. Railway Exchange . bldg. MONEv; TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. n.- tmnwuiu, aia vnam. or com. MORTGAGE LOANS, and 1 per cen Louts Salomon A Co.. 2X9 Stark s 40,000 OR LESS. FARRAINGTON 0 4tn st.. Board of Trade Bids. fiwuc to uou private runes for tnvme- dlaie loan. rnone rarxr Zbze. $860, $860. $600 $860. 81200. 82000. Fred W. German Co., 614 Cham. Com, HJM.U.. ' . ..' . a- j 1 j aiuwiui .o loan, e to s per cent. W. a. Belts A Co.. S10 RpaTdlng bids. Mortgage Loans WHEN you answer these Waul Ads, mention ine -journal. MONEY TO LOAN C7 CHATTELS, SALARIES If You Need Money and Can't .Borrow DTom a Sana, SEE US FOR PRIVATE LOANS On Your Piano, Furniture, Auto, Livestock, Storage Receipts, Real JSs . tate. etc. We Buy Mortgagee. , . MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CO. Main 8386. 310 Ablngton bldg COLUMBIA Loan Co, 204 SweUand bids. Money to loan on rbattals, pianos, -a, plain notes or eny thing of value. We buy mortgages. Confidential. Aain "r4a Mirer tA1 t Wt30- 6jovOQ AT CAfl Tt VGU rViO SAltT.. '? I'm clean! uchd fAa mS To vvta Cone ACPSS, AtTnTH3 6IGKT OUCICi BUSINESS . CUANCES 1 . , a.. 7 : - -Zm MONEY TO LOAN C1L1TTELS, 8ALA1UES (Coatiaaed.) IMMEDlATl ON DIAMONDS AND JEWtLKT - AT EASTERN RATES. . Wa have one -ef th- finest retail Jew- elry stores In the city, a loan depart-. ment is conducted in connection with ' aama. maktnar bualn-u STRICTLY. . SiNFIDENTIAX. Aoaolutely eigne signaling- loan busloese dispUyed in - front .or our store. All mercnaaaia pledged is held for a period of seven months, whether or net interest Is Pld Khan daa V are licanaed and hav been established sinoe 168. Nocon : rection with any other loan esuaouaa- ; ment In Liis city. ' . : A as M. D1A1 V AuB, JGHHJUUt , 384 Washington St. - . GET VACATION ;-'-:;eiKlEY l1!llIC3e v Wa will loan von any assount en sal ary, diamonds, sutos, rnotoreycle-t, fur niture, rlanos or real estate al lowest rates. lou can get it tooay. POOTUUiSD LOarW C3. . tLaoensedJ, ..- - tSI Rottu-hlld Rlda - ' Between, 4 th and 6th sts on Wash- ington st. Vacation Loans At the lowest ratea " All we reaulra ia that you be em ployed on salary, and you . get -tee money quickly without mortgage, in dorser or ether security. . - , t-aii ama see us. - Do It now. -- . v , State Security Co. ' 3 Failing bldg. ' PKSWE PLACE DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. MUSICAL INSTR U ME NTS, ETC. Business strictly ooafidentiaL -Separate department for ladies, 330 Lumber a,x. bldg.. .d and Stark. LOANS on real estate, diamonua, Jew- eiry. w m. mqii, k a waanington oiog. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry; etriouy confidential. 141H 3d St., near Alder. MONEX to loan on diamonds, jewelry. 8. W. King. 48 Wsshlngton bldg. LOAX3 tV ANTED 60 GILT - EDGE LOANS WANTtD , $2600 Two modern bungalows. Haw inorne aistnot; oousarvauve value 22800. - $1400 Modern bungalow, value $3001 a. xl. niuij, eis tienry piag. - FIRST MORTGAGES FOR HALE." 1 800, 8 per cent. Woodstock, 1600, 8 per cent, Roee City Park, -$2000, 8 per centl Waverly Heights. . U A W I'U A M. rilllM l-If iM ti A M ' 60 ACRE FARM. 3600. 8 PER CENTl Buildings alone valued by owner at l.JO. Tnis is vsry desirable. Fred V. German Co.. 814 Chamber of Com merce, -c "MONTAVILLA LOAN. $600, PCT.' room plastered bungalow, nice lot, yalu $1600. Fred W. German Co 614 Chamber of Commerce. - ' - WANTED 64000, 3 years on- farih worth S16.V00. Will nay T Dtr cant. Dickinson, attorney. 831 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD real estate mortgage, well se cured, on close-in property. Leaving city, will discount liberally for qulca action. Main 87T4. - y $ltou ON my new 6 room bungalow, Hawthorne ave. security. No tele phone informauon. J. L. parnopp, Ry. Exchange bldg. - 6260 wanted from owner at 109b, Lrt class security. Call at onoe,. 428 Lumber Ex. bldg., 8 to 6. 83600 ON acreage near Portland on line, value 810.000: will pay T pe cent, 8 years, no agents. K-T7, journal. WHEN you anawer these Wast Aua, mention "i ne journal. FINANCIAL FIRST and 3d mortsaaea. also - lers' interest in eon tracts purohased. Oregon and Washington, U. E. Mstlt, tjUmoerrrens piog. $6000 (OR OVER) wanted. Why lend out your money at 7 or 8 per cent when It ran earn you 21 per cent an- nually. M-687, Journal. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED A small boy for chore work, $10 per month. George Sim innna, frraia, r. Jostianed on Heat 3?age "Bud" Fisher tTtEAr , V -K TC5.TifJDnt r tan. i , mm By v t ejerACfgetv. J I - I Jr 1. rTT j ; - ax