The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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jost so;
Royal Mail Liner Sailed From
" Hongkong for Yokohama
on July 10,
Biff British BUamit Expictid to Oit
Away, 3fex Wednesday Morn
ing at Daylight.
frniit ir.Mhnpn-Lan I'll olve von S
Th Doctor You most taka half tb cents each tor Km worms. lost
contents of this bottle now and tb my bait box. ..
other half at bedtime. BoyIn that case, sir, V keep my
Percy Pinpoint Tea, doctor, bat wornu and soil you trout ftt ft Quarter
which half shall I take first? each.
The British steamer Monmouthshire,
one of the Koyal Mail Steam Packet
lino freighters, will follow the British
steamer Carnarvonshire to this port,
arriving shortly after August 1. She
sailed from Hongkong for Yokohama
on July 10, and should be Bailing
from the Japanese port the "last of
this weak for the north Pacific coast
of this continent. She is bringing
close to 2000 tons of freight for this
Departure of the British steamer
Carnarvonshire, the Royal Mail giant
In the harbor now is set for Wednes
day morning. at daylight. Her lumber
cargo is fast being placed aboard her
at the Linnton mill of the Clark &
Wilson Lumber company, and it is ex
pected will all be oh by tomorrow
evening. It will amount to ebout 6000
tons, the balance to be taken aboard
at I'uget sound. -
. "7 Hue to Arrive.
learners arenas iouows: Persian, from B. r. tad war.. ......July 1
Merionethshire, arrived Antwerp for Breakwater, from Cooa Bay. .........July 15
London June 14; Glenroy, arrived Co- Bear, from Ban Pedro and way July is
lomho fop Anttvern Jfllv f 'r 1 1 rn n- uinnalt, from Alaska ........... July??
T ,' - ' " . I Geo. W. Elder, Eureka and cooa Bay.. July it
shire, arrived London July 3; Radnor- t b. stetson! from Alaska .. .July 17
shire, arrived Yokohama from Pacific Yucatan, from San Diego and way. ...July 19
coast June 23; Den of Ruthven, af- Bearer, from San Pedro and way. . ..July 21
rived Voknlinna from TlellinB-hnrn Julv Knke. from ban Diego and way July 28
rivea Yoitoiiama rrom ueinngnam July c,w ttom g.n Vedro Bn4 w,y..Jui, 2a
da a, from Portland. '
Perlm, July 10. Paiaed-BritUh steamer
pen of Atrlle, from London, for Portland.
Astoria. Joiy 12. Sailed at 8 a. m Steam
er r. H. Leggett, foe San Pedro. Arrlred at
6 and left up at 4 a. m. Steamer J. A.
Cbanalor, from Monterey. Arrlred at 8:?0
a. m., and left up at noon Steamer Sigtnaw,
from San Francisco. , Arrlred at 8 a. m.
Steamer Pleiades, from San Franclaeo. Ar
rived down at 10 a. m. and sailed at 1:45
Pi ,m. Steamer Thoa. h. Wand, for Skagway
and way porta.' Arrlred at 11 a. m. and
left up at noon Steamer Daisy, from Sau
Francisco. Railed at 9 a. m. Steamer Nera
dan, for Esijiiiniault. Bailed at 1 p. m.
Steamer Daisy Gadsby, for Ban Pedro; at 3:10
p. m. Steamer Breakwater, for Cooa Bay;
at 8:80 p. m. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, for
Coos Bay and Eureka. Arrived at 8 and left
up at 3:16 p. m. Steamer Roanoke, from
Ran Diego and way porta. Arrlred at 8 and
left up at 0 p. m. Steamer Celilo, from San
JTranciaoo. - . ...
San Francisco, July 12. Arrlred at 11 a. m.
and sailed at 3 p. m. fcteamer Klamath, from
Portland, for Ban Pedro.
North. Head, Wash.. July 13. Condition at
the month of the rlrer at S a, m., smooth;
wind waat 5 mllea;' weather, cloudy.
Tide at Astoria Tneaday.
High water 5:09 a. m.. 0.2 feet; 6:49 p.
m., 7.7 leet. low water n:J3 a. m., z.v
2; Carnarvonshire, arrived at Port
land , Or.; Den of Airlle, passed Suez
July 4; Olenlochy, sailed from Portland
for Yokohama July 2; Monmouthshire,
sailed from Hongkong for Japan and
Pacific coast July 10.
Schooner Mirene Beached Before
Freeing Herself.
(Special to The Journal.)
Newport, Or., July 13. The gas
schooner Mirene crossed in yesterday
from Portland with 45 tons of freight.
Bhe nicked ud a arlll net at tha, mouth I Name
of the Columbia, which fouled In the A!'.,ch'
wheel an1 nv r.onirirahl troiiMa, J S,-g'
Captain May beached the vessel here I Bocfaeile. Am. tr. .a
i" th hrb0L1".t.n,t to,.c.ut thMa.crSum;"
i, j u oji mo iiouciuicu i Am. acb..
using tne net had no lights. I Irene. Am. acb
The fishing schooner Daisy crossed I Er,cf A5?-.u". vv
out yesterday evening for Portland Ufi"rfci.?UBrh. u7.V::.V.V.U?f !f?!".7 .
viin j.o ion ox utupui, wiutu win oe I Carnarronsmre, Br. air..,
delivered to buvera there, I General Hubbard. Am. ktr
Th m vhnnn, Tf ntor-t... I Stratbclyde, Br. atr...
, - " . ------i l ortland. Am. atr. . . .
in this morning at 11 o'clock from Mabu Gale. Am. acb
Portland with SO tons of freight f or I Shaata, Atn. atr
WaJdport. She will cross out for P.iBoa'. Am-
Waldport this evening.
to Cover Distance
Portland to Sea.
To make soundings of the Willam
ette and Columbia rivers from Port
land to the sea. Captain H. T. Groves
and Roy Groves of the Port of Port
land commission and Captain Pease, j.'"Aft iSor?"bk.:
Allyn and Sullivan of the Columbia I Hnrwt Vinnen. Uer. ah.
River Pilots' association left down th . I Kirkcudbrightshire. Br. all
i ill . w t i . . I Nordhav. Nor. ah..
Portland tugboat Wenonah. From I Cambrian Princea. Nor. atr.
tneir xinamgs tne eriect or the snrins I Mree. not. an...
freshets on the channel will be de
Sue to Devart.
Boae City, for San Pedro and way. ...July IS
Bear. lor Ban rearo ana war juiy zj
Paralao, for Cooa Bay and S. 7 July 15
Roanoke, for SanDlego and way July 15
Oulnault. for Alnalta July JO
Breakwater, for Cooa Bay and Eureka.. July 17
Geo. W. Elder, lor ;oo iiay-Kureka .July 19
J B. Stetaou, for Alaaka July 23
Bearer, for San Pedro and way July 26
Thoa. L. Wand, for Alaaka ...Aug. 11
from Ban Franouco.
Steamers Harrard and Yale, alternating.
leare can Franclaeo for San Diego on Mon
day. Wednotdaya. Fridays and Saturdays.
counectiuz with areamera trom fortiand
Northbound, tbey arrive at san Francisco on
lueadays. Xhursaay. Saturdays and Sundays.
Vaaaela a fort.
. . . . Atori;i
. . . .Linnton
..O. W. P
..O. W. P.
..O. W. i.
. . . .Linnton
. . . . Linnton
i o. 2
Tongue Point
...I. -P. Lur. Co.
.......Globe Mills
Am. atr Alnswort h
New Zealand Transport, Br. atr. 1. P. Lbr. Co.
Folano, Am. str Couch
Multnomah, Am. str St. Helena
J A. Chanslar, Am. atr i . Willbridge
Haffloow. Am. str unit. Box uo.
I'lxladea. Am. atr... Aiurw
Daisy. Am. str. .Albera No. 8
Koanoke, Am. str...
(vlllo. Am. str
Paralau, Am. atr.... Bound up
En Route to 1.0 aa urain.
Ueaalz. IT. actt.
buglehorB, Br. ship
Forest Grove Had
Bully Celebration
Youngsters Were Big Feature of the
JTiremen's Cacniral; Soli Fareders
Win Prizes rQueea Kassl Relg-ns. t
Forest Grove, Or., July 13. -People
from all over- the county were here
Saturday-to attend the grand finale of
the firemen's carnival which began
Tuesday eyening.
xne big feature of the week was the
doll parade Friday evening, when 42
little ,tots dressed In frills and 1 fur
belows wheeled their "babies' In beau
tifully decorated so-carts through the
main streets of the city.,, They were
led by the Forest Grove band' and
Queen Hazel I In her royal carriage
drawn by herBubJeeta,
The tots winning prises la the doll
parade were: Roma Pollock, first;
Harriet Hughes, second; Mabel Mc
Nutt, third. Mayor Harry J. Goff
gave a short speech and made the an
nouncements. As a close second for honors of the
week was the baby parade Thursday
evening, In which 40 girls and boys In
flower bedecked go-carts were driven
through the streets by, their proud
mothers. The following mothers with
their babies took prizes for the best
"floats:" Mrs. Andrew Kelley, first;
Mrs. O. S. Higby, second, and Mrs.
George 'Secour, third.
In the ball game Played on the col
lege campus Friday afternoon the
business men of Forest Grove won
rrom tne farmers by a score of 15 to 6.
Berg, the southpaw grocer, had all the
milk "maids" on his list Joy caught
for the business men. John Byers and
Bert Batemen were on the mound, and
Roy Thompson was the backstop for
the farmers.
Mn: i, . v. ft J ehcjr a
WT Wmttmf haiaa raDni Jaai V DO"
Ui. GTTiipop JTlremaa. before yrm was nearly klHed by too much
tura the hose on my burning domicile st4r Aavd wha " waa be stodylnI
cut yoa aasnr rea the water ye uae CBryne Ha was atudylns;
Is tree froaa bacteria? etaetrlelty and picked p ft llreirtra
wt- ; as m I .it . a
.otix slttnis ore andTu gTve bat there are others, tt
you a nickel tki6. me as a propostion thafg not Edith H
Tommy-Aln't ft good Unh worth tovb,! "?"flaj.,T,,, f a ?B5. ?
i Mr. Plnfeather Ton may spurn my
Mabel Wny did Belle break th
more'n that?
He was so untrustworthy.
Miss Plcklow Certainly net. A food. 0ther artrls and qa bad only told bar
healthy eneeza would blow you away. xwo. : x
Brief Paragraphs -Also Give Journal Readers Summary of General News of Late Ywterdax Afternoon
and Last Night.
Rose City,
Lane Would Give '
Cash for Evidence
But Point of Order Is Made Against
Amendment Offered to Sun dry civil
Appropriation BUI,
Washington. July 13. Senator Lane
made an unsuccessful attempt to se
cure the amendment of the Sundry
Civil Appropriation bill by the inser
tion on page 89 of the following:
Provided, That the secretary of the
treasury Is hereby authorized and di
rected to pay, as a reward, 10 per
cent of any sum. which may be recov
ered in the nature of penalties, fines,
forfeitures, or otherwise to the person
or persons who shall first furnish evi
dence to' the government of the vio
lation of the anti-trust or interstate-
f Eastern.
.The maxlxle was originated by the
Indian tribes of Brazil, according to
reports received from the University
of Pennsylvania from the Farabee
Amazon expedition, which has com
pleted a tour.
Churches and private residences
were wrecked- at Shenandoah, Iowa,
by a tornado. Corn 5 was damaged.
Treatment fon bald heads Is said
to be getting results "at the Massa
chusetts general hospital.
Mrs. Ethel Sheffield, wife of a Chi
cago choir singer, committed suicide
by saturating her clothing with ker
osene, then setting it on fire.
For the murder of th 12 year old
.daughter of T. F. Bell, Rosa Carson,
a negress. was taken from the Jail
at Ellroee, a C and hanged by a
mob. She had confessed beating the
child to death.
A new victim of the bubonic plague,
making the fifth thus far, has been
discovered at New Orleans.
Oct. 20 neat was set at Sharon, Pa.,
as the date of the end of the world
by the convention of the Mlllenial
Dawn sect.
Speculation was blamed by George
F. Hoffmelster. auditor of the Co
lonial Trust company of Pittsburg,
and a prominent churchman, tonight
for his arrest on the charge of felony
and embezzlement.
Congressman Dow H. Drukker of
Passaic, N. J saya he has been in
formed that. President Wilson and
President Madero of Mexico were
classmates at Princeton.
Daniel Smith of Sacramento is a
patient at the Presbyterian hospital
suffering from frost bitten fingers
and feet as a result of stealing a ride
In an ice box In a refrigerator car.
In an editorial la the Louisville
Courier-Journal Colonel Henry Wat
terson concludes: "We snould taae
military possession of Mexico pre
cisely as we took military possession
of Cuba."
After holding office tor three con
secutive years, Horace Fletcher of
Rochester. N. T- retired from the
on the Argentine coa$t and a gun
boat and two tugs went to her as
sistance. King George and Queen Mary made
their last public appearance in their
Scottish tour, says a report from Ed
inburgh. !
Major Montes, royal aide, died at the
lunch table of King Alfonso's royal
yacht Glralda. i
St. Helens" is protesting . against
present train service, asking for bet
ter service for malls, i
Trolling for the bigger fish la one
of the new sports In the Santiam river.
Sixty trout, averaging; better than a
pound, were caught by Dr. J. G. Gile
and A, M. Reeves, says a Lebanon report.
More water Is all that Is needed to
Insure a record-breaking fruit crop for
Hood River, says J. F. Sugrue, man
ager of the Cashmere Fruitgrowers''
association. j
i Fred Timmerman, an- eld-time boat
man of Coos Bay, died following a
short Illness, says a Marahfleld re
port. ! The city council of Sandy passed an
ordinance giving the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power company right to
Install electric lights.
! J. W. Allen has been appointed coun
ty superintendent of schools at St.
Helens. !
j Five new schools, with a seating ca
pacity of 900, will be built at Oregon
I A night prowler stole all the surg
ical Instruments of Dr. L. Q. Ross of
St Helens. ft
i Many Portlanders are registered at
Cloud Cap Inn, In the Mount Hooei
i The logrolling contest of Woodmen
of the World at Junction City has
closed. Captain A. J. I Flnley scoured
most of the new members.
I A. M. Gooch of Hood River received
(1500 for berries planted on a five
acre, tract between apple tree rows.
Jured by the auto of Mrs. Rose Bloch
Bauer, in which the singer was riding.
The "Lan-g Syne" society of pioneer
merchants had their first . annual ex
cursion on the Tiver, 160 persons mak
ing the trip.
Plans are being made to launch an
organization to induce visitors to the
Paname-tPactfle exposition at San
Franclaeo to route through Oregon and
Foruaud. . '
Investigation of the report that too
high prices were; paid by the city for
"bug. juice" for killing Insects, may
De commenced.
T3e Helllg theatre moved back Into
its old home at Broadway and Taylor
J. B. Coffey, receiver, esked the
court for permission to sue certain
firms and persons for damages said
to have been caused the Northwestern
Long Distance Telephone company.
Kurt. Ger. bk
termlned and the work necessary for I Kinrossahire.' Br." Vh...
the balance of the season mapped oat I Katanare. lleiK. bk.....
The party wlU make several short S'iltEX. rL Sir""
Lasbek. Qar. bk
tiafrsrjora. Nor. dk..v.
bpatton. Nor. bk
Wandabek. Uer. bk....
Semantha. Nor. bk
Takes T. J. Cotter's Place While HJSK5i."n-5:.
rnmTiifrr Tn we. tka AaMiU.iA.
Columbia No. l any frauds against the government I Prwldency of th National Mouth Hy
....E. & W. Lbr Co. resulting in the recovering of such I a'' association.
penalties, fines, forfeitures or recov-
Salled from 1 eries.
.Hamburg Senator Lane made the following
v"1,P.".fi1 statement in support of his amend-
Hambura I menf.
Newcastle I "It calls for no exnnflltni- nf
.Santa Rosalia money. lt wU1 jjfg ln hun(lrej3 of
..Port Noiioch tnousanos of dollars. It will bring ln
..Melbourne I millions of dollars. It will stop frauds
Mayor Kiel of St. xouts signed the
ordinance recently enacted by tho
municipal assembly appropriating
12000 for free moving picture exhi
bitions ln downtown parks and play
A woman militant was arrested in
Santa Koaalla I tha halno. ,JV . .u. I rjinti fnUmirfviff Vt HI afrrw n r n
K.nt. Ru.ll.i- v UVVU UIO I " t "
Mexican Situation.
Federals have evacuated Acapulco.
on the w,est coast of Mexico and Fl-
guera brothers, rebel leaders, have oc
cupied 1L General Alvarado, com
mander of the rebels besieging Gu ay
mas, reports conditions unchanged.
Fifty-one desertions are reported from
federals to rebels at Cruze de Pledra.
Mines are again running full time at
Santa Rosalia and 4000 men are work
ing. Rear Admiral Howard Is giving
belligerents his good of flees and relief
of besieged Seaports is thought to be
in slghj. Torreon reports that rebel
leaders agree not to accept presidency
If tbey triumph. Carranza is recog
nized as first thief.
trips before the work is completed.
Tnomasen. Ruaa. ah
Latter Goes on Excursion. If xo5tHluarcuvBr' "?v
In order that the steamer T. J. Pot- strata, nr. .S .'"'l
ter of the O.-W. R, & N. company's I Queen Ullxabetb. Br. ah.
river fleet might e available for the sura,j u
ciiirtisiinneiii vi me oriinans mis 1 Alcldes, No. bit. ,
ernoon, the steamer Hassalo was sent I Pierre Antolne. Fr. bk..
out in the place of the Potter on the I wsrasa. hot. ds,.
Meglers run thi. morning. She l.eft fh.'lt.V.V
here at 8 o clock. As a result the Has-I Daldoren. Br. str ,
. .Honoinio I sovernraeni. at. is a userui nrovlslon. I uomo in tne zamous oia cnurcn oi
Santa RosaUa I It Is not against the law. It Is in I St. John the Evangelist, at Westmin-
i;-!4-.? l line with Items already incorporated ster.
aunt. Rn,.i7 I in the bill ami lt is ln conformity with English suffragettes have been ac-
. .Port Phillip Bead I other measures which have been I tive recently, the burning of a railroad
CallaO I rmRRori hv nn-mrmaa Tf will li.ln fr,. I etaHnn tioqf T.AVPastAl1 Htntf fAnnrtAtl
C.t... irA.alU I " o - - v " "''t' a - I rf o . t
.Newcastia lion aireaay appropriated ror ln the I tauy gorea at juaaria ana, tne sworn
Newcastle. Ana. I bill and some other items Of expendl-1 of another, which was tossed by a
Raii Franpiseo I ture- I hull, strucK. a spectator m tne necK,
...San Francisco I Senators vardaman and Martin made I Killing mm,
... Melbourne i the point of order against the amend-I Lady Winifred Sellna Hardinge, wif e
UOCanatUPIOa 1 V,a l lll 1 1 ne Rihu t7arrilnirl vtrAT-nv Tnilla
CallaA t . . QCUV. ItgjDlDUUU I ' . " v -.'
Caiian I ana tne cnair ruiea it out or order,
..... .Melbourne
Santa Rosalia
......'..Antwero I
, aiaoila
. ..Bnenos Aires
.Uailae I
died at London,
Servian students, suspected of Pan-
Servian activity, were released from
Custody at Berlin, following search
of their rooms.
The German steamer Mendoia, with
no win De an nour late leaving to- v,,unlo: ":'" d n - . ,,tt. ft,
n 1 , m.on, r reFlaf run . to tor 1 ieVde" Br. ich ! " " ! ! '. I!! I ! 1 ! ! " ! icaiiae j In the new arrangement of the South- I 275 passengers on board, went ashore
o.iu Aucnc,D wm uvi. Kvk awar Alio dm vinnen. uer. an ron uua I pm VnrlTin'a e4-- in .v..
from Ash , street dock : until o'clock. Uen . : o gl. h r. .ta.-.. San Francis wells-Fartro building is a matter of
Captain Ed Budd and the entire O.- Iern1'7, "n V.'."i-V."" 1 10 miles of atens evorr d.r..
. .....Hambnra I xnis nas Deen Ilgureo: out to a
C.Vdi.nlra: B "itr::::::::::::: the general passenger depart
Merionethshire, nr. atr........ Lonaon I m"w seiors me remoaeiing
Pacific Coast.
J. E. Fields, an Independent wheat
grower, forwarded the first new wheat
of the season from Hat ton, Wastu.
making a new record ' tor early con
signments. i Petitions have been presented to the
county commissioners at Chehalls,
Wash., asking for a new bridge across
the Cowlitz river at Clspus postoffiae.
Fruit .shipments from Washington
districts will total 17,000 carloads,
compared to 11,895 for last year, says
the agricultural department at Olym
pia. I The plant of the Western Hardwood
Mill at Highland Valley, Wash will
soon be ready.
The mercury soared: to 99 ln Spo
kane, Wash., and only! seven times ln
33 years has the heat exceeded this
! Charles A. Hooper, number king" of
California, died of heart failure at his
country residence at Oakland, Cel.
In spite of the pleas of his father,
who is a minister, John Grey, who
pleaded guilty to robbing the dead
body of Harry Baker, ; was sentenced
to IS days ln jail at Los Angeles.
' Robert Piper, little , son of R. R.
Piper, was run down and seriously In-
Abe Attell. former featherweight
champion, sailed from New York to
London to get a fight with Freddie
Welsh, lightweight champion.
The M. A. A. j C held a low Jinks,
nearly 400 making the trip to Frank
Thome's farm on the Columbia tiver.
Luke and Masquerader will run five
and a naif furlongs at Saratoga for
125.000 a side.
Gunboat Smith and Georges Carpen
tler will fight for the heavyweight
title at London next Thursday.
The Oregon state tennis tournament
will begin at the Multnomah courts
8eattle Increased her lead In the
pennant race by beating the visiting
Bees, 2 to 1.
Plans are being made for the annual
handicap shoot at the Portland Gun
club, which will open next Monday.
The senior four-oared erew of the
Portland Rowing club won the classic
even ln the annual North Paclflo As
sociation Of Amateur Oarsmen, cover
ing one and a half miles In S minutes
and 32 seconds. ' -
Possession of the ballot will injure
rather than benefit the working wo
men, says Miss Marjorle Dorman, sec
retary of the Wage Earners' Anti
Suffrage league.:
Washington learns that Huerta will
present his resignation to congress to
dav and that Francisco Carbalal will
succeed him as provisional president, LewU Wiley Hydraallc Co. to O. M
Tn mtk nn tnr th ahoHhmnt tt ?t r lot
betwm aisklyaai and KUetitat; b1Mer, Chas.
O. fltere ; $15.
II. MarrelH. repair ae story frame dweH
tng. forty-first, between Plat and Vlarle;
tuIWer. K. M. Culver ft D. Handy; $170.
U. A. JetBsoa, erect one story frame wood
abed. Memo. ixrcMa Taocoarer as4 Caafteo.
twin; IHUiSer, Mime; sua.
ftartd tstearns. malr three alary brtek
ordinary' tmUdlng. Fonrth, between Tayk
aaa xastem; tmiioer, ueorge vaittors; sauo,
1. P. Etragieitei, repair ou story, fraoae
barm. Harney between Jk'iawteeath sad Twea-
ty-nrst; bander, U. atcPartaae: 7B.
William Downs, ereet' one story frame
dwelling. Bast Prty-nrt, between Thompeea
aad Braawe; biriUer, aaaw-; 12600.
A. Burg, repair twe story frame Swelling,
Dekoai. between Berenteents and aUgbtaeath;
femildec. eame; $Toft.
J. L Astwr, repair one and one half story
frame "dwelling. Bast Serenty-flrth, between
GHeaa. as4 BonvWt; bsdieer. J. W. Higgles;
St. Mary's Aeaderay. repair foor stmrr brlek
eeadeaiy, frtmirtfe. between Market aed Mill;
Builder. P. Mortts: SU3.
lieary "eaake. ereec ead one half story
frame dwelling. SitUeth. between Ilawtbnrne
ana uticoia; builder. J. D. uenbarger; jsxiu.
Falling Estate. nnnlp fuir mtnrv ware.
house. Front, between Stark and Oak; builder,
Colombia Wire A Iron Works: 11AO.
W. W. Tenagaon, repshr twe anS ens half
story frame dwelling, Eaat Sixty seeaaid. ba
rweee 8tklyo sad ijirklta t ; builder. Char lea
Q. Stereos: S50.
H. H. Word, repair two story frame dwell.
nig. cast arerett, corner Kaet liiirty-niaia ;
builder. ndl Peterson: tlTO.
Prank Kernaa. repair two lory- brick ordi
nary building, beenod. between ItnrukiUa and
Couch; builder, Emll Peterson; $2U0.
Real Estate Transfers.
LrwU Wiley Hydraulic Co. to G. M.
Duncan, tract adj. south line lot IS.
block S, Industrial Center $ 10
Alfred AL Eeson and wif to Floreaee
Donaldson, block 19. North St. Johna. . S0
George A. Ehaw to rioyd BHyM, lota
11. 13. block 12. fortsuiouth se
dition 10
T. M. Word, sheriff, to Hngfee larest
mem to., tot a. biocx eu. lrrinctoa. i,S3V
B. C Johnson and wife to Washing
ton czenaoge Hans, ait zu, Diocc iz.
Good Morning addition
lames A. Clock and wife to Ashley U.
UK-KlaeOB t IL lot A DlOCK B. UOCI I
addlUoa ftOO
Otto w. Ifelaoa and wire to M. J.
Wetaer et el. lota T. , block 23, anUl
rin't add I tlon
Elmer B. EatiBger and wife John
Wedek et L lot 14. block A. Waat-
Boreland S.&50
W. U. Kramer to Llnaa T. Kramer,
lota 41. 42. block 4. Railway addition. 10
Base Line Land Co. to. Levy C both,
lot 11. block 8. Altameaa SB0
Wiibnrtua lareataieat Co. to J. O.
Fleishman, lot 14 black B. Wllbwr-
tea .............. 10
Same to Harry k. rktlahmaa, let 30.
block 6, WUbnrton 10
Enona Smith and huanand to H. 8.
flaekf inri wif V.t 11 tilnoh SA. Hal.
brook's addition 154
Rosa Cttv Park aaaodatlim to Jasaea A.
Shealy, lot 10, block 40, Beaumont.. 14
W. B. Whitney et at to Harry U. Whit
ney et aL west tt. west H. aoeth
west V. sonthwest V. section 5.
township 1 south, cance S. lO acrea . . 10
Ladd Estate Co. to Edward A. Tnnrber,
lot 80, block 21, East morels nd t,000
N. Bolomoa et al to W, O. Blaek, kt
23, block 42, Kenton SS0
Ladd Estate Co. to Bobert ft. Cos Jr.,
et aL lot 20. block 8. Ladd e addition. l.BOfl
ProTldeat Trust Co. to Henry iteming
et al. lot 2. block 82. Laurelhurst . . . . 10
The Hirer View Cemetery association
to Walter Armstrong, lot 147, section
S, said cemetery 1B0
Rerriet Newromb to Jessie B. Reed, let
13, block 85, Alblna, also VU 4, . ,
block IT. WUUnMtte, also lot 12.
block 81. Centtal Alblna. also west
80 feet tot 22. block 18. Alblna ' 1
Holsomb Reslty Co. to P. K. Bcbwan,
land beginning en east line William H.
Payne O- L C.. aectiona 13, 14, town
ship 1 north, range 1 eaat 1,000
Doit O. Wilson and wife tn Or a Lee
Tofts et al. lot 8. block 14, Brentwood. 1
M. J. Weiser and wife to Otto W. Kel
son, lots 1, 2, block 37 Vernon 1
M. W. Weiser, adm.. to Otto W. Nel
son, lots 1, 2. block 87, Vernon .... 10
Albert B. Hemetnck and wife to Elsta
Wright, undirlded fe. ln lots 16. IT,
block S4. lota 1. 2. block 72. TJalrer-
lty Park, lota 9. 10. block 8. Falr-
rM M
Albert H. Rob re r to Ofarystal ftehrer, lot
o, block . Bocaeue a adit ion 10
Emma E. Erria and wife to Annie. Belle
Keck merer, lot 2, block 11. Park View
extd..... 1
B. 1). Uutchings t Herman Kvhanek
et al. west lots 13, 14, block S.
4. Vlllamead TOO
Prorident Trust Co. to Title A Treat Co.,
tots L X. black . etraernL swam ee-s -feet,
lou 8, s. bkark 74. Lasreibarst. .
sVso assigns all art, ete., in con- .
tract et sale to lota L, 2. Mock : " .
Gleeelm .. l
T. Tnrsblnaky and wife to Sarah Else .
er, lot 7, bkxk 2. Kaston I
Orant Phegley and wife B. M. Berat. . ;
mr z. mock .as. i iroineri attaitBB ..- - w
B. M. Bern! to Orant Pheciry et al, let '
2. bUrA tXL. rarathermT additloe. .. . '
Attgwat W. Oksaaen and wife to iw-nja- .
. McOiIre et aL tot 2, Wees
1 1. Center ndiltlon .... ......... 1.000
Eugene A. Monre to AdetaMe Moore, tot
4. blnrk 8. Woodmere addition
E. O. Aifredaon et al to tlewry Dockee
To make up tor the abolishment of
the oflcers' wine mess additional
brands of tobacco will be carried ln
the navy.
X7 T A XT V,. 4. liV I . mitWUWluTOl U AOUwV.
. a-. o-ea-aA saiTJ uus ivuajr wui I gawWT Er. BtT..
W. a bliU." . Sj aa e-aa. An Vi aw 4 a V. I A 1 Vi .
ftiiwj aiuuco eftUU sa v BUVTriufj VtlDUJ I 4ftltraUSI( uu mm
the best time possible.
Commission Sets
Hearing Dates
Rr. atr ...
KM ALL STEAMER SETS MARK Monmouthshire. Br. str Antwerp 1 started, the ticket stock room
i 5," V?-," -v.-'Vi; I some little distance down the corridor I xairteen cases on iagt to Be oonsiae-
CelUo Runs Up From San Francisco I K'dnorshire. Br. aa Antwero "om tne main orriee on the third ered by State Bailroad Board ur-
. mm . r I iiT,r Fliu, sr. .................. ii l " u i .'vu,. r i l uo uccu iuaiaueu till - A m .v. Um-.s -.
in O iiours. I ficnta Cecelia. Am. aa ....New York I thA main nnrlc
Maklnr tha run un tha ronat frnm I esmbia, uer. sa Hamourg I ar,t ...J. ... I R.i.n fsy' ii V- ..
. ----- I -.., w M n,mhn . ut UCBM. I "
can r rancisco m o nours. tne steamer I aeriT oer aa
ceiiio, captain Korvix,- set a-new reo- Tranaraai. Dan. aa..'
ord for small steamers. The Celilo I Inrerberrie. Br. aa
made the run despite a head ln JJJJg' gj-
. . . . ... .. I Name
tnis morning wim a uu nai oi pas-1 Loiomc. Br. as.
sengers and considerable freight. She I Kccissia, Br. ss
will sail on her return trio Thursday. Oueec. Maud. Br
Etrsthden. Br. str. .
nynaiura. sr. ss...
A stop at Grays Harbor fcr box cisa MacLeod, Br. atr
En Bouts to load Lumber.
S"? ment, within a few stefo of the desks
n amount 1 . - . . , . I - T . A MAm.tetM
Hamburg 1 -.. ihul itin lwu I vi;ujr, otaio iwuvau i.uiiuiiihiuu
.Antwerp I boys who visit the stock room of tenest I has set 13 hearings, as follows:
...Antwerp make about 160 trips a day. The round July 18. 11 a. m.. Chltwood. -Dudley
trip used to represent about 140 feet Trapp vs. corvaiiis eastern. Diag
tv.. ten r. tm. ... I Julv 20. 1 d. m CorvalUs. city hall.
Sailed from V'" the number of dallv trfna Vnd Corvaiiis 'Independent Telephone
Amsterdsm I ?"a D? ne .nu.mDer 5 aaIly rlps "na UomDanv vs. the Pacific States Tele-
.......Honolulu vne casual iripa maae . Dy tne ' Otner phon9 & Telegraph company. Kates.
..San Francisco employes, makes up the full 10-mile July 23. 9 a- m., Diflard.-Applica-
San Francisco I ui lion ot county court vi xiouaisui couuiy.
.. ,tr San Francisco Anis, nowever, was not tne prime crossing at fiiiara.
baa Frenciscol object of the rearrangement of of- ' July. 28, 8 p. m.. Grants Pass, city
Honotain fices. The idea was to make room in hall. Application of city of Grants
ahnnlr will 'ha mna bv tha tsnrtlonl I Fraraley, Br. str
Moji i .r.. knin i, .v. j . i rH. tjroBsinas tin ciiy raiiroaa.
. & n I vunuiUX iUI Air tllC UGUai l I T.. 1 n O ?!.,.. tj. TT
. . . , . , , I f uu io. m kf. ilk, wuuci.u, X i.
victoria " ln K II mcn. .I Belknap et al vs. Oregon A Eastern
Steamship company s steamer Quin. Ii .,. vmi;., - ... '
PnrhYhfv JnLZ l?.C I "thS dhy'n "S,,'? Kultll WeUs-Fargo, Fenton and Beck build- tyfVvoriiuSiotne
Portland Probably Wednesday night gjnjth Br. ""g;;-VrssSSS I Tne econ. third and fourth Application of Oregon & California
late. She Is bringing several thousand ST ii L sLft aZ, iM"."' " : ,r'iK; floors are beine remodeled, the work and Southern Pacific Railroad com-
Today Happenings witb the Builders, Architects, Contractors and
Realty Brokers. !
block 4. Industrial Center 10
Mrs. Frances Dailcy and boaband to Mrs.
Peuiab uoeck. uu 12, 13. block X,
Wattelle Park ..' 1.200
H. D. Gradon and wife to James L De-
Long, lots 1. 2. block 11. Hanson's ad
dition 10
Both A. Eldridge and husband to E. W.
Barnes, lot , Diocjt 11, Ataneocs aireet
addition 1.800
Portland Tmst A Baring Bank to Aa-
gnst W. Okssnen et at, lot z. diock
dsrf. lot K.-blark 4. lnM 839
Jennie Bhrere To II. W. CUirere. H S' . :
terest lot , block 14. Orerlauk .
John N. Panly to Hoy Paqly. lot 11.
block 8. Orchard I loroee, also eart H.
5 acre tract beginning la feet narta of
anethweet corner northeast t4, aartb-
east section 31. township 2 aorlh.
ranee 1 west 1
John N. Psnly to Herbert E. Panly, want ,
Vi. S acre tract beglnalng 13 feet '
north ef snath weat earner, swrtbeast '
V,, northeast 4s. sectioa SI. township ' . 4
2. north, ranre 1 weat 1
Prortdeot Trust Co. to Mark 11 a iter,
kit . block M. Laarelhurst 10 :
Same I Jennie Allen, lota 4, 5, bUak . '
4. Ulenelyn iv.
Banc to seme, tot ft. bWk I, Wa 21. 23,
block 3. kU s, 4, biota J2, eoeaer.
net : 10 : '.
Cbarlea Von Glaa aud wife to Frank t ..
Ziegelman et al. 1 acre m jusaea
K. and Nancy Wltten O. L. V 10
Milwaukie Store
Bobbed of Cutlery;
nerlff Stass of Oregon City Kade aa
Zavestlgatloa, but Ho Trees of Bar
glars Xs Toaad.
Milwaukie. Or.. July U. Thlevee .".
entered the store of the TV. B. Dr
Hardware company store on aiain
street lets Friday night and carried off
cutlery and silverware valued et $100. .
Entrance was gained by using 'ft ,
ship carpenter's chisel to Jimmy a
back window opening ln an alley, ,
through which City Marshal Reed
passed three times that night without .
seeing anything suspicious. Reed's
last trip there was at 1 s. m. It t
believed that tha burglary was com- -mltted
about midnight. The thieves
left by the rear, leaving the back door
open. The store, then the Kelly Hard
ware company store, .was burglarised
ln the same manner one yer ego snd -the
guilty person was never appre
hended. Tha loot, all of which could have -
been carried off by one men, consisted
of about 30 pocket knives, several nssu
lights, a dosen pairs of stears. three
rasors, a half dozen coiiar watcne
and leather wallets and manicure sts.
Net Season Open Wednesday.
Balem, OrM July 18. The season for .
net fishing for salmon will open on
many streams of the state July IS and
continue until November 20. The open
season will include the following,
streams-: Wlndchuck river, - Chetco
river. Pistol river, Upper Ten-tnHe
creek, Alsea , bay and river. Beaver
areek, SUets river, Salmon rlrer, Nes
tucca bay, Necanicum river. Els creek,
Bluslaw river, Taqulna bay, Nehelein
river. Coos bay, Coquille river, Tsn
mlle creek and Tillamook bay.
V.ur flonntv TTrhlftlta
Balem. Or., July II. Mrs. .Edith
Tozler Weatherred, member of the
state fair board who has been can
vassing ln eastern Oregon in the Inter
est of the state fair, said upon her re
turn that several of the eastern Ore
gon counties will have exhibits at the'
fair this year for the first time.
Centraita Home uaraagwi.
Centralla, Wash July 13. Another
was added to the list of recent fires
In Ceotralia early yesterday morning
when the residence of Joe Bush in the
south end of the city was badly dam
aged. Bush carried $600 Insurance on
his household goods. The house was
owned by Mrs. C Lowell. She had no
Fine Homes Planned Locally.
Architects Tourtelotts et Hummel
are preparing plans for a 314,000 dwell
ing to be erected at La Grande, Or.,
for the president of the Palmer Lum
ber company. The same firm Is also
getting up the plans and working draw
ings for a large residence to be built
at Silverton for a prominent physician
of that place. f
cases Of salmon. 'I lmberborne. Buss,
I Strathesk. Br. str..
pany'a steamer Pleiades, which arrived j Ertcf6 Am.'
,u na.w, o . m j m,uw tt ... unir, AW. ......
.caiiee I nnw nonriu finishori m fnr ih toot I panlesr Crossing at East Oak. and
.....nuaa 1 touchea of naint anrl tha aftermath of ami o tree is, rwumiu.
............ xoreenbom 1 " - "i July 24. 2 p. m., uregon city, city
""rriVtoLa Tha offlees of Praaldent R. E. Rtra- "SnpUcaUon of Orfton ACallfor-
com up to PorUand Tuesday night, W-H- Am. .ch --oUe& hom of the P. E. &. EH have been ipaclfto Company. ' CroJlna- at Moss
according to present plans. She is
--loading canned salmon , at Astoria
Bringing 40,000 barrels of oil, the
. tanker. J. A. Chanslor arrived at Will-
bridge last night and will sail out
again tonight.
On board the steamer Roanoke of
the North Pacific fleet were 100 pas
sengers and 700 tons of freight. She
reached Columbia dock No. X at 11:1
o'clock last night.
With 200 tone of freight from the
East Asiatic steamer Transvaal. as
well eg considerable other cargo, the
steamer Daisy Is at Albers dock No.
3. from San Francisco. The steamer
Paralao of the Arrow line is due st
th same dock this afternoon from
the same port-
a 1 . ' " '
V". or. au ..BOSngnu I m . - .v. w j a i. - m n " V.. .
Kcnkaa Mara No. 8TJap. atr VokaUama " "l l"e iwunu iireet, wreg on Wiy.
rivur curnuur w kivo vuo sucouuung
Dally River Readings.
S. 05
, n.3 1 ta c3 ajs
Lewlston I 24 I 3.41 O 6
L'matiUa 25 13.80.1 .03
Albany SO 1.3 O O
Salem 20 O.O 0.1 0
Wtlsonrllle 87 8.0 1.2 0
Portland 15 11.70.1 .01
Julv 24. 10:80 a. m.. Metlln. Aooll-
department more space by throwing I cation ofcounty court of Josephine
vuui.iy.- v.rossi5 tl ixrci lrir.
July 25. 9 a. m Central Point-
City of Central Point vs. California-
Oregon Power company, inadequate
! practically the rest of the floor into
one b'g room. The general freight I
and passenger departments on the'
third floor have been rearranged, and Lnwi Una aarvtra.
some changes will be made in Assistant 1 July 27. 10 a. rtL, Ashland. Appllca-
General Manager Campbell s office on tion of Oregon & California Railroad
the second. J company ana boutnern faciiic com-
1 4.hl..J.Ct.t. lln.
Pulpit Announcement. I jniy 27, l p. m.. Banks, Application
Tn tha rural districts it 1s nftan BAA. I OT W. H. ECCleS LUinOer company.
esssary for one to turn one's trousers Grfi?,e cr88in?" : aii.
t, t thm rroa.rrr.rr. a . . V P- m.. Eugene. Applicfc.
" ' " -' rinn r Kluaiew Trnma Taiannnna com,
case of this kind resulted in the fol-1 nan y to Increase rates.
lowing amusing- incident: - I July 81, 10:80 a. m, Salem office.
One xnuddv moralrur the i absent-1 Aonllcatlen of tha Padfie States Tel-
mlndM nrMchAf hswifiariwllM dAn UthonA fe TlerTh company to dis-
-s. w r nf.ntn.vv a iw ejsft K wa WeXUtft ww VIA A Bit I ev a . - - .m. . 1 '
very aiowiy curing the nest two or three I cne trousers leg ana forgotten the I
other, mounted the platform and
started his usual preliminaries. He was
about to announce his text when one
()Blslng; ( )Falllng.
River Forecast.'
Business Advantage. . .
Tor goo an ens' sake, don't pick a
lltwl. A. T..T. 1 A . . , .
left np at ft a. m. Steamer Psralso, from I quarrel with that landscape architect'
Bsn Trsnclsco and fVw Hit.
8n Francisco, July IS. Arrlred af a. m
steamer Bears, from Portland; at 10 a.
as- eteamer Vellowstone, from Portland, via
Cooa Bay. Julr 13. Arrlred at 8 a
"Why notr
"He might lay you out."
Btaaaiere Breakwater and Geo. W.
srwn rorxiana.
The Veneeuelan government has de
cided to use -1 per "cent of the import
duties collected for a fund for sanl-
Kevival at Bldgefield.
Rid gefleld." Wash- July IS. Travel-
of the deacons handed him a note from I ing Evangelists Edward A. Lewis of
his wife, who was sitting in the audi-1 Chicago, 111.. and E. &, Mathews of
ence. Tmnmng 11 a notice or some I Fossil, Or., will open a series or re-
commg event. He cauniy reaa: "DO turn I vtval meetings here Friday. July . 17.
down the other trouser leg." ' -1 The meetings will last ten days and
.' '.: 1 r : I will be held ln the Glide amusement
The 1 largest almond shelling plant! hall on Pioneer avenue.
Victoria, July ll-Arrlred dteamer Neva. 1 tarx purposes.
in the United States Is planned for
Sacramento, CaU
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Postal . Employe j to Build.
Ground will be broken ln a few days
fOr a five room stucco finished bunga
low at East Twenty-ninth and Fre
mont streets ln Alameda Park. The
house is being erected for Ross Ramey.
an employe of the Fortiand postozllce.
Store Building on Heights.
Architect C. A. Duke Is preparing to
build a two story and basement brick
building at Greenwood and Francis
avenues, Portland Heights. The struc
ture will be, 66 by 80 feet, of ordinary
bricit construction.
Westmoreland House Sells.
A new house and lot described as
lot 14, block 4, Westmoreland, and lo
cated on East Seventeenth street be
tween Bybee and Knapp, has been sold
by Elmer E. Eatlnger to John Wedeck
for I32S0, . j
Hancock Street Addition Sale. -The
vacant property described as lot
4. block 11, Hancock street addition,
and located on East I Thirty-seventh
street near Broadway,' was sold last
week by Luke A. Eldridge to B. W.
Barnes for 31500. 1
Deal in Center Addition.
Benjamin F. McGuire has purchased
from A. W. Oksanen full lot and
small cottage located on East Everett
street near Fifty-third, Center addition,
for which he paid $2000.
R. O. Powers Building Home.
Roy O. Powers has obtained a build
ing permit for a two story frame dwel
ling which he has under construction
on East Twenty-fourth street near Di
vision. . its estimated cost is 32760.
Hawthorne District Cottage.
Contractor J. D. Danburaer has
broken ground on East; Sixtieth street
near Hawthorne avenue for a one and
one-half story frame bungalow. Ths
house is being; built for H. Fenske at
a! cost of 32(00. :
Anderson Bungalow in AJtamead.
I A permit was Issued today to
the Anderson . Construction company
authorising the construction of ft one
story frame bungalow at East Yamhill
and East Eighty-sixth streets in Alta-
mead; value $2000, - i - '
Ed Thurber Bays ln Eastmoreland.
The Ladd Estate company has soldi
to Edward Thurber a large building
site located at the southwest corner of I
East Thirty-second ana- Knapp streets
in Eastmoreiano. consideration 32000.
North St, Johns Bock Sold.
Block 13 In North SL Johns has been
deeded by Alfred M. Esson to Florence
Donaldson. The consideration Involved 1
la $3800.
R. S. Coe Buys in Ladd Addition.
Robert 8. Coe Jr. has taken title to
lot 30. block 8, In Ladd s addition, pay.
ing $1800. The property is located on
Spruce street near Central nark and
was sold by the Ladd estate.
Building Permits.
C. J. Beierj repair twe story frame swell
ing, r-reecott. Between fifteenth ana Six
teenth; tmUder, same; $123.
Albert Doener, erect one story frame dwell.!
ing. East Twenty-ninth, between Emeraoa and
Ellllagsworth , boUder. same; 15ou.
nr. seaeaMr. erect aae story erdlnary
'- J-
July 15 .to IS
rreenboTjae, East glxty-aeeoad. barweea Powell
vauey aoaa ana xwenryiata arenue: balia-
er, Tnempeoa , liortienitnral works: ssoo.
3. Lensrd. renalr four storv brict erdlnarv
building, TamhUL between roartfe and fit Lb;
builder. JsawvRrUad: 820.
Wakefield Cries, repair one end one half
story frame - dwelling. East Fifteenth. . be
tween Cllntnft sad LirWlon; builder, James
Hylnnd; 3100.
T. D. Lose, erect one stoer frame dwell 1 nr.
Michigan, between Bnmboidt and Blaadeaa:
bullderTcu K. Lose; 3000. . -Ooesat,
agent, repair twe story frrme dwell
ing, rtrst, oetweea ueines aaa Lane; nnuoer,
Charles O. Oterens: 376.
Dr. . W. W. Arsaagsoa. repair two stery
mine cwrnmg, sasr oixty seeoaa, Aorxo,
n :
. Sr
Pacific Rvs
" July 14, lo, 18
, Tor the R?und Trip t
Daily In each" direction
Call on or phone
Ai D. Charlton, tA. G. P. A.
.Third end Morrison St.
Main 244 Phones A-1244 -
Portland, Oregon .