The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 10, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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YEHTERDiiT'S calendar hold the 1
record or two delightful affairs
planned for th pleasure of MIm
Beatrice Nichols, of San Prani
clsco, who 1 Miss Clatre WUcox'a
cuest for thla ! week. Last evening
Mr. Helen Ladid Corbett preaided at
a small dinner followed by bridge. Her
a-uents for Miss Nichols were Mis
Lenley Smith. Miss Violet' Ernklne,
; Mln Polly Young of the Barracks,
Mlas Mackenzie, Mies Barbara Mac
kenzie, Mla Wllicox, Harry Reed. Fred
erlck Foster, - Walter Glfford. Jordan
' Zan, Robert Notes and Richard Jones.
.The other affair -for Mls Nichols
'was the luncheon over which Miss Wil
cox presided when she had as her
ruests Mrs. Charles C. landman (Mil
dred Honeymani), Mrs. Konrad Det
breuck of Gerhiany. Miss Charlotte
I.alllaw, Miss Lesley Smith, Miss Tol
ly Youn. Ming Violet Ersklne, Miss
Kvelyn Carey. Miss Margaret Voor
hles. Mlas Ruthi Teal and Miss Helen
Salmon pink aweet peas in Bo
hemian vases and bowls graced the
Laurelhurst Musical Tea.
Mrs. H. R. Albee opened her beautl
Laurelhurst home yesterday afternoon
for a musical tea. that was the closing
affair of a series that has been given
during the past season to swell a fund
tor furnishings i of a new Laurelhurst
'club house to be built. Yesterday was
the second occasion of the series on
.which Mrs. Albee has acted ss hostess.
Receiving with; her were Mrs. J. O.
Humphrey, Mrs; Charles Barenstecher,
Mrs. Robert McBrlde, Mrs. C. 8. Town
send, Mrs. W. V. Greer. Mrs. Ll H.
'Maxwell, Mrs. J. C. Kngllsh and Mrs.
K. II. Anthony.! Mrs. Humphrey and
Mrs. McBrlde presided at the tea ta
ble snd assisting In serving, and about
" the rooms were Mrs. J. J. Valentine,
Mrs Homer Ii Keeney, Mrs. Qwen
Bummers Jr., Miss Viola Barenstech
er, Miss Jean Brcwnlle and Miss Mar
garet Jackson.- The table was centered
with a large oval basket filled with
pink sweet peas and baby breath. An
effective how of pink tulle adorned
the' handle. TJie porch was decked
with ferns and wild flowerB and In the
i hall Shasta daisies and woods flowers
predominated. In the music room Ul
rlch Brunner roues were arranged In
vases except on the piano, where an
art basket of the fragrant - blossoms
was placed, a delightful program was
given by Mrs. lone T. Wells, vocalist;
MIh EHIzabett Woodbury, reader;
Miss Roxana . Woinmelsdorf, vlollnistr
and George Hottchklss Street, vocalist.
The accompanists were Mrs. Bamuol
If. Pierre and Miss Marian Brodle.
More than 100 smartly gowned women
called during the hours.
Carse-Foumlcr Wedding.
Miss Florence Fournler became the
bride of Raymond Monroe Carve on
Wednesday, at 8 o'clock, at the home
of the bride's parents. 1494 East Eighth
street north. Rev. Oswald W. Taylor
of Grace Memorial :church officiating.
The house was beautifully decorated in
a color scheme: of red and pink with
palms, except the drawing room, which
was. In white. The ceremony was per
formed under aj great canopy of white
, roses, carnations and sweet peas. The
bride was pretty in white chiffon and
princess lace, with a full length veil.
Her cap was adorned with a wreath
of orange blossoms. , She wore a dia
mond lavalller, a gift of the brlde-
. groom, and her ' bouquet was of Bride,!
roses, white sweet peas and maiden
hair fern. The bride was attended by
her sister. Mrs. George W. Stltt, who
whs charming in pink charmeuse and
wore a bodice bouquet of lavender
- swet . peas. -The bridegroom was at
tended by Oeorge W. -Stltt Mrs. John i
sorodty which has an "alumnae chap
ter in Portland, and also Theta Sigma
Phi, a woman's, honorary' j Journalism
fraternity., ' Mrs. Walter Graves will
accompany her daughter to San Fran
cisco and will spend several weeks
visiting relatives in Palo ! Alto. She
will then visit in Los Angeles before
returning to Portland. . j ,
"Lang Syne" Excursion, j
Members of the Lang Syne society,
with their families, have planned a'
liver excursion Saturday evening. The
steamer Joseph Kellogg will leave the
foot of Washington street promptly at
7:30, Those who Intend going -and
have not cards should secure them at
once from Frank Dayton,! secretary
and treasurer. 236 Taylor street, tele
phone Main 1771. The membership of
the society Is now hearing the- 200
mark.- It Is composed of men who
lived in Portland and ' took an active
interest in its prosperity prior to 1891.
The officers are JrK. GUI, president;
Charles F. Beebe vice president; Fv E.
Beach, second vice president; Charles
H. Dodd, James S. Failing. S3. C. Frost,
S. L. N. Oilman, Thomas McCusker,
executive committee; George H. Hines
j . .
Prominent Guest Arrives.
Arriving in Portland yesterday to
be the gue3t of Adeline M. Alvord, was
Mrs. Bell Case Harrington, I of Bowling
Green, Ohio, wife of Judge Ross M.
Harrington, one of Ohio's well known
members of the Judiciary.' ! Mrs. Har
rington is a member of !the Toledo
Writers' club and the authoress of a
number of children's short stories. She
is a prominent child weirare worker
and a lecturer of distinction.
' ,
Here and There.
-.Mrs. Oscar R. 'MenefVe and children
are leaving 'tomorrow for Gearhat to
spend the remainder of the summer
there. The Menefees have taken the
Hamilton cottage.
. Anne Shannon Monroe has as her
guest her nlpe from Tacoma, Miss
Helen Walton, who' will also visit her
grandmother, Mrs. T. J. Farmer, and
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Storey. ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Legrand have re
turned from the formal opening of
their new bungalow, "Snuggery by the
Sea," at. Newport. Mrs. L- D- Keyser
has been their guest for the past week
at the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Varney have as
their guests from Seattle, Mr. and Mrs.
Otis A. Sargent. 1
Miss Martha Chapin, who went to
Tacoma especially for Miss Grace Pot
ter's coming out dance at the Country
club, will spend several weeks as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster
and Mr. and Mrs. Addison G. Foster.
smelling of camphor, although this i
will not destroy moths once they are
there, but ltvwiH keep them away. As
a last precaution before locking the
door leave -a small bottle of chloro
form in the closet with a small bole tn
the corte .This - will kill ny insect
life. ? , ;' "
Camphor.V too. v should be freely
sprinkled ojf rugs., It will be better
to leave these upon the floor and not
to roll them -up. Also have plenty of
newspapers around, especially : upon
npholstered furniture. This will be
better than covering with cotton
eovers unless one is quite sure there
are no moth already In the home.
Some persons slip a fold of newspaper
at the top of all bureau drawers.
Lumps of charcoal placed about rooms
'will aBsorb the musty odors that al
ways come from rooms shut up. I
It is a good plan to sprinkle Insect
powder ' or borax and powdered sugar
freely about the bathroom, closets,
sink and other places - where roaches
may be Inclined to increase and multi
ply. , . -
Book -shelves should be dusted with
Persian powder to keep the tiny silver
insects from destroying the books.
They are attracted by the starch used
in the paste wjth which ' books -are
bound. In fact, so fond are these
little pests of starch that they have
been known to eat starched curtains
fhat were put away for the summer.
Flatirons should be covered with
grease to prevent rusting and so
should - any pots and pans of iron. !
They can be cleansed and made ready J
for use wgain by washing in hot soda ,
water, which will be much less trou
ble than removing rust. Steel should fl
be rubbed over with sweet oil, or, in j
fact, any good oil to prevent rusting.
When packing away silver the bet-1
ter plan is to cover each article with
a coating of collodion, which can be
bought at any drug store. The article covered must be clean and quite '
hot, so one article should be washed,
dried, and painted at a time. When
the silver Is needed again the coat .
can be washed off with hot water
and soap. Another way is to, put ,
the silverware Into a box and cover
with dry flour. This, .too, will exclude
the air and prevent tarnishing. i
Water ' Hearing Monday. I
Salem, Or., July 10. Complaint In
the case brought in the federal court
at Portland by the Pacific Livestock
company against the state water
board and others, to enjoin the water
board from hearing contests or ad
judicating the water rights in Stlvies
creek, has been served on State Engi
neer Lewis. The matter will be up
for hearing before the court next Mon
day. ,
Sweet pea show and industrial ex
hibit, St Johns, July 10 and 11. (Adv.)
Miss Verna Wright and Miss Ethel
Barnes of Bismarck. S. D., who are
making a tour of the Canadian and
Pacific northwest, are in Portland, the
guests of Mrs. John Scott Mills. 6Z
Halsey street. Miss Wright will spend
the remainder of the summer Iri Ore
gon and Washington, but Miss Barnes
will go to Canada next week to visit
Th auests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Bonbrlght, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. DaWall
and children, have returned by motor
to their home in Tacoma. ,
Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Bryson, "Mother"
Brysoti and O, J". Bckley. an of Los An-
. a V . Ait 'an1
Flanagan sang "I Love You Truly," M '" -" "
th- hridai T,r cam., in Oniv rla- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
tives . were present at the ceremony,
but later a reception was held, when
over 100 friends! called to express their
. good wishes and to greet the couple.
Miss Bertha Koontz. and Miss Rose
Black presided ! over the punch bowl,
and were assisted by Mrs. Charles
Duncan and Milss Henrietta Tovenzen
of Oakland, CaL Mrs. Chester Rlne
man. Mrs. Tom Crawford and Miss
Myrtle C.olvln : served in the dining
room. Mrs. Thomas E. Whiteside ren
dered several vocal selections during
"' the evening, while an orchestra fur
nished music for the reception.' Mr.
and Mr 8. Carse left on a late train for
the sound and British Columbia, and
will be at home after August J.
Hon Arrives, j
A son arrived at the home of Mr.
, and Mrs. William Joseph Daniels (Eth
el. Frances Barton), lilt East Twen
ty-sixth street! north, Tuesday, June
23. The baby has been named William
.Joseph Jr.
r Leaving for San Franclscp.
Miss Helen' "Unity Graves, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Graves,
leaves tomorrow on the Beaver for
Ban Francisco where she expects to
spend a year doing publicity work.
Miss Graves has been identified with
educational work both here and in
San Juan, Porto Rico, and her knowl
edge of Spanish will enable her to
handle the Spanish American news
In connection with the exposition. Miss
Graves is a member of Pi Beta Phi
Hober, who entertained for them on
Sunday. "Mother" Bryson is 89 years
old. and an enthusiastic member of the
motor party. . .
Mrs. L. C, Oilman, who went abroad
several months ago to join her daugh
ter. Miss Alice GUman, has returned
with her daughter, and they are now
domiciled at their country place.
tjiaremonv ai vBl" oji"usi
Seattle. Miss Gllman has Deen aoroaa
for the past year. Mr. GUman went
north to spend the week end with his
family. -
By Mary Lee. !
nf ore rolnar away for a! vacation.
even for a short time, it will save
lots- of trouble and Inconvenience , not
to say possible expense lr we nouse
is placed in good order. There are
to many details that many are apt
to be forgotten.
For instance, a woolen skirt ' that
may have piCKed up a grease spot
should not be hung In a closet' with
good clothes unless the soil is re
moved. If It is the contents of the
closet may be moth eaten Upon one's
Neither should feathers,', wings or
bits of fur be left around to attract
moths. These Insects love feathers,
and will be sure to find them if they
can. They will even get into pillows
If there is a crack In the ticking..
All good woolen clothes should first
be brushed and hung away In a closet
July Clearance
Boys' and Girls' Shoes
. TV
This store's dependability in
the fitting of Children's Shoes
is beyond question. Here - are
such well-known makes "as Du
gan & Hudson, Excelsior, Edu
cator, and the Acrobat.
Now, every Shoe, every Ox
ford, every Strap Sandal, every
Moccasin, every Boy Scout is
reduced 20.
.. .
About ISO pairs of boys' and
young girls'. Sizes 2j44to 6.
Oxfords and Strap Pumps in
patents, tan and gunmetal calf.
Regularly $2.50 to $3.50, f 1.50
Come Early to Benefit
143 Sixth Near Alder
I Am Doing This to Beat All Comers!
Than the Marked Price
$ 14.75 Men's Suits Now $ 1 2.75
$18.75 Men's Suits Now $ 1 6.75
K Remember thJls: My
usual prices of
$14.75 and v$18.76
are always below
' ground - floor j store,
prices. They; are
now $2.00 Less.
' B1R-1A.17 Oreimntan
'X ' Bnlldlnf
r ' Elevator to 8d- Floor
Low Rates East
Rock Island
to . v
September 30
Return Limit
October 31, 1914
The Route of the
Rocky Mountain
Unexcelled Dining Car
Service ,
By purchasing your tick-'
et at our office you have
choice of any line out of
Portland. Special atten
tion to women and chil
dren traveling alone.,
- Tickets, - Reservations,
V Information, Etc,
: M. J. GEARY,
General Agt., Pas. Dept. -
1 11 Third St; Portland,
Ore., Phones Main 334
A-2666 ; ; -,
The Coolest, Most Comfortable Shopping Place In Portland! Meet Yonr Friends Here t
Rest Rooms, Retiring Rooms, Emergency Hospital, Pnbllc Phones, Etc on Second Floor
Soda Fountain and Ice
Cream Parlors in the;
Basement. Try our
special 25c lunch. 4
Face Veilings at 15c Yard
MAIN FLOOR Clearance of many odd
pieces' face . Veiling, in black, brown,
magpie, navy and green. Priced
very special tomorrow at, the yard
15c !j
Reliable MerchandiseReliable Methods
Store Hours 8 . A. M. to 6 P. S r Every Business .pay, Mturaay xnciuaea.
Orders received from
out-of-town customers
given Immediate atten
tion. Shop here.
45c Fancy Ribbons at 23c
MAIN FLOOR Hundreds of yards of fine N
stripes, riaias,
fancy Ribbons, in
effects, etc. Widths from - Of
5 to 6 inches.. Worth to 45c. Yd. CtdZ
Wommee's $20 Presses att 5.95
mi, ' "' J,. , )t ,,'L. " I -L I ' ' - " ' - " , '
: High Grade Silk Waists Special $2.89
DEPT. SECOND FLOOR The price we have put upon
these attractive Dresses will hardly cover cost of ma
terials. The assortment is made up of many styles
all are new and desirable for present wear. Among
the materials are merges, shepherd checks, wool chal-
lies and other light weight summer fabrics. C QC
Dresses worth up to $20. For Clearance 4
beautiful Waists of chiffon, shadow laces, net, crepe de
chine, . messallne and Jap silks. Newest M OQ
styles fancy and tailored. Saturday, choice futO?,
Lingerie Waists Special SI .2 9 Cool, sheer Marqui
settes, lawns and cotton crepes. Some are embroi
deredothers lace trimmed. Roll and square OQ
collars. All sizes. Priced special.. ...... ! tJ
Clearance of Girls' Dresses at Vz Off!
Ages 2 to 14 Years Latest Snmmer Styles
CHILDREN'S APPAREL, SECOND, FLOOR Every mother will be Interested in this remarkable
dren's Dresses, for the savings are most unusual. Beginning tomorrow morning we place
entire line of Girls' Colored Dresses ranging in price from 15.00 up to S15.00 at a reduction of
Season's smartest styles in Linens, Repps, Madras, Poplins, Gingnams, Tissue,, etc.
Girls' $5.00 Colored Summer Dresses Now at $3.33
Girls' $5.75 Colored Summer Dresses Now at $3.74
Girls' $6.25 Colored Summer Dresses Now at $4.17
Girls' $6.75 Colored Summer Dresses Now at $4.25
Girls $8.50 Colored Summer Dresses Now at $5.67
Girls' $ 9.50 Colored Summer Dresses
Girls' $10.00 Colored Summer Dresses
Girls' $11.25 Colored Summer Dresses
Girls' $12.50 Colored Summer Dresses
Girls' $15.00 Colored Summer presses
sale of Chll
on sale our
New $ 6.33
Now $ 6.67
Now, $ 7.50
Now $ 8.34
Now $10.00
Mee's Sflr'aw Halts
12 Price
MAIN FLOOR, Again tomorrow we offer
our entire line of Men's Split Yacht and
Sennet Straws at one-half regular selling
prices. Latest English high crown styles
with wide or narrow bands and butterfly
bow. Plain and fancy straws. Prices
range from 2 to $4. Now HALF PRICE
All Men's Panamas Reduced
Sale of Girls' Dresses
At Bargain Circle
Girls' French and Buster
Dresses. Worth up to $1.
Clearance price only .
Girls' 1.00 Bloomer Dresses
ages 2 to 6
Girls' 11.50 Dresses ages 6
to 14. Special
Girls' Dresses of Pereale.
braYS. Ginchams. etc Latest stvlea
with Dutch neck, short nQ
sleeves. Ages 6 to 14....2J0C
MMflneery Clearance
MAIN FLOOR- Men, here's your opportunity to choose from our
splendid stock of Panama Hats at a worth whjle saving. Very newest
blocks for men and young men.
Men's Panamas selling J qC
up to S6.50 now
Men's 7.00 and 7.50 tfr QC
Panamas now at $UjD
Ml Bathing Salts Reduced!
Men's 8.00 and 8.50 fr QP
Panamas now at . . . 3U.J
Special reduced prices on Chil
dren's Straw Hats.
Trimmed HATS
Selling Formerly
Up to 020.00, on
v Sale Saturday at
Double "S. & H." Green Trading
Stamps will be given with all cash
purchases made tomorrow in the
Shoe Department
Main Floor
MAIN FLOOR Take a Bathing Suit with you on tnat trip. Better
make your selection tomorrow while the prices are reduced. Com
plete line of all sizes. .
Regular-$1.00 Suits Now 79c
Regular $1.50 Suits Now $1.29
Regular $2.00 Suits Now $1.69
Regular $2.50 Suits Now $2.29
Regular $3.00 Suits Now $2.79
Regular $3.50 Suits Now $3.29
Sale of Men's Shirts
' All Famous Makes
MAIN FLOOR Pleated or plain bosom
with stiff-cuffs attached and soft bosom
Shirts with- turn back cuffs. Silks,
Madras, Percales, Crepe Cloth, etc., in
hundreds of pleasing patterns and col
Regular $1.50 Shirts now $1.15'
Regular $2.00 Shirts now $1.35
Regular $2.50 Shirts now $1.75
Regular $3.00 Shirts now $1.95
Regular $3.50 Shirts now $2.55
Regular $4.00 Shirts now $3.25
Regular $4.50 Shirts now $3.65
Regular $5.00 Shirts now $3.65
MILLINERY DEPT., SECOND FLOOR About 200 Hats make up this spe
cial lot we offer for Saturday. All are attractive new models for mid
summer wear. Tailored or dress shapes in a wide variety of styles. Milan
and Hemp straws, hand made and pressed shapes, beautifully trimmed with
Jet maline, flowers, ostrich, wings, breasts, ribbons, fruit, etc. There are
all colors in the assortment Hats from our regular lines selling heretofore
up to 20.00 grouped into one big lot and priced for rapid Clear- QO
ance at the very low price of. ..m...... vltvO
Women's 85 Shoes $2.95
Men's $4.00 Shoes tor S2.95
MAIN FLOOR 1S0O pairs Wom
en's High Shoes In all wanted fab
rics and leathers kids, patent, gun
metaL satin, de Laine, etc Season's
smartest lasts with high or low
heels. Also several hundred pairs
Women's Pumps and Colonials in all
styles and White Shoes (7 QC
worth np to 6. Choice DLJjO
Double Trading Stamps Given With AH
the Shoe Department
MAIN FLOOR Special sale of
Men's Low Shoes. Hundreds of
Salrs tan Russia and tan willow calf
ixfords la button and lace styles.
Made from best selected leather and
all sizes and widths. . Also many
styles in black vici kid. Shoes sell
ing In the regular way np 0 fjC
to 4.00 special at LVD
Cash Purchases Made Tomorrow In
oa the Main Floor
Women's $20.00 Dresses S5.95
53.50 SUU Waists 51.48
Standard lines Drugs and Toilet
Articles underprlced for Satur- -day's
selling. Supply your vaca
tion needs now.
Sc Ivory or Lurllnc
Soap 3c Cake
Umt six cakes (five Ivory and
one Lurline) to a customer. No
deliveries except with other pur
chases in the Drug Department
Odds and ends toe Soap at 3e
4711 Toilet Soap' special at Be
50c Hinds' H. & A. Cream 284;
Fancy Soaps, put up three bars
in a box, worth to 65 c, at 15
15c Toilet Paper, tSoo sheets,
on special sale tomorrow at 10
35c 1-lb. Hospital Cotton at 21c
50c Sanitary Napkins, put up one
dozen in a box, priced only 35c
1.75 2-quart Syringes for $1.00
25c large size Sponges at 15c
5 OcScott's Towels,- 150 on a
roll, priced special at only 35c
5oc Household Rubber Gloves In -all
.sizes on sale at, the pair 35
toe-Hand and Kitchen Sapolio 6c
25c Imperial Talcum how at 12c
lSc-Borated Talcum now at 5e'
10c Monkey Scouring Soap at 5c
35c Witch Hazel. special at 21c
8c Williams' Shaving Soap at 4c
35c Apenta Water now only 21c
25c Violet Ammonia at only 15e
1.00 Listerine, large lie at S9e
35c Peroxide, 1 pound,. only 21c
25c Jergen's Rice Powder at 12c
5 0c Carman's Face Powder 25c
50c Dora Face Powder only 33c
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste at 28c
50c M. & B. Mouth Wash at 25
25c M. & B. Mouth Wash at 12c
25c Petro, one-pound Jars, 10c
50c Mary Garden Talcum at 35c
Special Oiler
Charles Hodden's 78. Toilet
Water in the following odorsi
Siren Lily. Violet Eve, Naiads or
Lilac. Any one of these with a
Soc Jar of Hedden's Face Cream.
Total retail price, 1.25. ffZ m
Special combination, only 4 DC
Sempre Giovlne
Men's regular t5 I OC
Suits now at...... wllifaJ
Men's regular
Suits now at..
! $14,95
July Clearance Men's Suits
1 1 " '' - " --in 1 ,1 1.1 i-
Men's regular 25 (1Q 7C
Suits now at DlOsf O
Men's regular 30 ) Cft
Suits now at.-... 4tLL03
All Men's .Blue Serge Suits in the Clearance at 10 PER CENT. OFF
Boys' SleSO-WasIi Suits Special 98c
MAIN FLOOR New shipment of 'Children's "Oliver Twist" Wash
Suits Just received. Made of extra good quality galatea will ' OQ.
wear splendidly. Ages 2 to 8 years. Reg. 1.50 Suits at 90C
Saturday sale of Women's Dresses
In the Onderprice Store. Scores of
styles and colors to select frpm.
Crepes, soft light-weight Woolen
Materials and Silks. Correct styles
for street afternoon and evening
wear. Dresses worth up to iC QC
20.00 priced special at sJ.J
500 beautiful Waists in this big sale.
Plain and fancy Silks, Tab ..Silks,
Nets, etc Light or dark colors.
Some of these are In fancy styles
others In plain tailored effects.
Waists selling usually at 2.50 to
3.50. All sizes in the lot JO
Priced special for Saturday l.ntO
Tents, Hammocks,' Lawn Swings, etc., on Fourth Floor
Golf, Tennis, Baseball and Sporting Goods, Fourth Floor
Summer Furniture, Grass Rugs, etc.,. on the Third Floor
Full Line of Children's Play Suits on the Fourth Floor
MAIN FLOOR Lower go the prices
on Women's and Children's Parasols
to clean up the stock at oncer -
Women's regular 2. 5 6 7 C
Parasols for' ..........
Women's regular 3:50 i 71?
Parasols for . . . ..... f 4J
Women's regular 3.00 0 7C
Parasols for .4... ..... 4JfJ
Women's regular 6.SO 4 7(J
and 7.50 Parasols for... vtsf
Women's ' regular, $10.00 C QC
Parasols now . . ...... . JUO
Women's regular 12.50 nr
30W ......... Of
M5 117.50 finnn
ce at lUiUU
Parasols now
100 Children's
f 10 rarasois
New Model Corsets
Special 83L;19
SECOND FLOOR Handsome new model
cut on latest lines to give $he. "naturaT
figure (ho hips ' or waist). A special
number of the famous
Made of fine coutil, richly trimmed. Has
six substantial supporters, graceful cut
away, front, and is ' most extraordinary
value. All sizes from 19 to 30. 1 1A
, Priced special Saturday
Sale of Brushes
Main Floor 1"
High-grade Brushes of allJklnds on
sale now at the very lowest pricest
Hair Brushes worth up to flfi
5.00, Clearance price . . U
Nail Brushes worth up to tf
1.00, Clearance price. . . . . DJC
Clothes Brushes worth op H AA
to 2.50, Clearance price view U
Tooth Brushes worth up to Ifl
35c, choice at only...., 1C
Regular 35c Dressing Combs ; f Q
priced special at only. IOC
Rubber Goods
Pullman Rubber-Lined aa
Aprons now at. .V. . . . . . d lsUU
Pullman Rubber-Lined Cases: Q r
priced special at...... ... OelC
Special Showinc of Bathing Caps at
low prices 25c, 350, 50e and 75a
fK " A harmonious
UJlO blend of oils,
conducive to
the health
and beutyof the skin. Nothing
quite so dainty in Its fragrance or
so permanent in Its results.
Sempre Giovlne is a favorite with
women of refinement OQ
everywhere. Reg. 50c cake ' LZJC
Manrlne Toll e t
Absolutely free from, all Inlurt-
ous substances. Every applica-
uon 01 - Maurine ; is a lasting :
benefit to the skin. Try any one
of these preparations, and if not -satisfactory
we will refund pur-'
chase price. Free treatment In
Rest Room, Second Floor.
Manriae Lotion at 50c and $1X0 :'
Satin Cream at 50c and 1.00
Rosebud Roage priced et vftOc :.
All Pyralln Ivory i
K At Fonrlh Oil
Also special reduction on mani
cure articles. Note these prices:1-
50c Wood Buffers special at 25c
25c NaU Files, assorted sizes, 15c '
10C Orange wood Sticks now 65 .
10c Emery Boards on sale at Sc.;
5c Yupla Nail Polish now 10c
Dordcn's Mailed Milk :
' Al Sale Prices
A delightful," Invigorating Sum
mer beverage--good for old. and f
young. Stop at Demonstration
Booth and try a glass of It.-. -Reg.
3.98 hospital size at $2.95
Reg. $IJ00 size on sale now 0o'
Regular 50c size on sale now 40