The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 10, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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lOUt DAY OF 191.
Fsrnum la
. BIILIO Eleventh and Inrr!oa.
bowlof from buoii. William
"Toe Spoilers."- Motion plctura.
PAKTACc.M Broad wy and Alder. Vaudo-
llle. Curtalna 2:30. 7:30 aud 9:10.
THE OAKS Atuoaameitt nark.
COLUMBIA BlxUt, twtwsa V'aslilngtoa and
Htark streets Motion picture. 11 a. tn. ,
to 11 . id. i I
PIOPLESWeet Park aod Aider etreets. Mo
tion pictures.;. 11:30 a. m. to 11:30 pw n. i
8TAH Wsshlngrtoo and Park. Motion pic
ture. 11 a. m. In U p. B. '
GLOBE Eleventh and Waabington. Motion
plctur.s. 12 in. to 11 p. m
MAJEsTIC Wa.hiugton and Park. Motion
picture. 12 at. to'U p. tn.
AKT MUSEUM-Fifth and Taylor, noura ft
to 5 week day. 2 to 6 Sunday; free
arnoona of Taesdar, Thursday, i'riday, Bal
rday and Sunday. , .
C1KCL& Fourtii at Wafhlncton. Motion pic
ture. 10:30. m. to 11:19 p. m.
.July IS to 20
. i .... I ......
Steamer GeorgUna to Astoria, dally except
Friday. Washington atreet dock
- t in
Municipal Band Concert.
At Columbia t Park tonight at S o'clock.
March "Amlohaa" Chamber
Waits "Italian! Nlgbta" : Xobanl
Overture "aeat?' . Iutner
Aragonalvo "Ballet Le Cld" Massenet
Selection "Chomlate Soldier". .Otcar Strums
Medley "Tip Top" ...0"Hare
Novelette "Sweet Jaenilue.." Bendlx
Kntre act i false "Ballet Coppella" . . . .
Trombone cstaelyam "Muttering Frits".-
,. , Lasey
Oriental danc-"8altana" Voelkee
CUABLtS L BttOWN. Director.
Band Coaoart Dates.
Every Monday, 8 p. m. Soutli Parkway.
Kvery Wednesday. 8 p. m. Holladay Park.
Every Thursday, 8 p. to. Washington Park.
Next Sunday, 3 p. m. Sellwood Park.
Heit Tuesday, 8 p. m. Boee City Park.
Today's Forecasts.
Portland and vicinity: Fair tonight and
Saturday; northwesterly wlnda.
Oregon: fair tonight and Saturday; oorth
westerly winds, . "
'Washington: i Fair tonight and Saturday,
zcept rafn tonight or Saturday extreme north
weet portion; south to wet wlnda.
Idaho: Sbowters tonight or Saturday, cooler
tonight southwest portion.
Weather Conditions.
There Is very little difference in preor
anywhere In the United Statea. The hlgheat
barometer reading 1 30.10 Inches at Boston
and the lowest Is 20.80 Inches st Lewlston,
Idaho, and also at Wlltlston, N. D. Showers
have occurred ait scattered placea in the Rocky
mountain: gulf and South Atlantic atates and
small amount of rain has fallen in North
Dakota. It is -warmer In Nevada, and south
western Idaho and cooler In Utah and Mas
sachusetts. ,,
The conditions ars favorable for generally
fair weather in thl diatrtct tonight and Sat.
nrday except In Idaho, where shower will
occur with lowier temperatures in the eouth
weetera portion of the atate. ".
i District Forecaater.
beth Larseri. "M1S Larsen seeks In her
suit to recover ver $8000 which she
alleg-es to be due; in wages for . ser
vices , rendered . the - Pages. She
charges the defendants with holdlngr
her in what practically amounted to
peonage. Circuit Judge Cleeton sev
eral months ago fef used to permit a
settlement for $1$0 and the case is
still pending. T ' "
' ' r ;" t. . V
Verdict Finally ! Beturaedv A. ver
dict for $225.75 In favor of Tony Bock
hold and against ithe J. W. Sweeney
Construction company, which was
agreed- upon last week, was finally re
turned yesterday in Circuit Judge Ga-
tens' court. Tbe'jverdiet was deter
mined after court closed one night aud
the Jury disbanded. Inability ta get
all members of the Jury together led
o the postponement of the , return of
the Jury to the court. Bockhold sued
for $782.02 alleged balance due on a
contract and extra si. He was employed
as a subcontractor; for clearing right
of way on the Pacific Railway & Nav
lgation company's fine.
Mrs. BaUou's Funeral Held Funeral
services for Mrs. Nellie W. Ballou
were held yesterday afternoon at Hoi
man's chapel, with ;Rev. James D. Cor
by officiating, followed by private
services at the Crematorium. Mrs.
Ballou. who was the wife of Oscar B.
Ballou of the Ballou & Wright com
pany, died at 'White Salmon Monday.
She had been a resident of Portland
for 14 years. She was well known in
charitable and social service work, bav
ing been treasurer of Patton home and
connected with other movements. Be
sides her husband, she is survived by
one sister and three brothers.
Baker, Or. ..........
Boise,: Idaho
Boston. Mass. j.
Chicago, 111. .,
Denver, Colo. i:
Duloth, Minn. .......
Eureka, C'al. .........
Fresno, Cal.
Galveston, Texas ....
Havre, Mont.
Jacksonville, Flh
Kansas City. Mo. ...
Lewlston. Idaho .....
I Angeles, Cal. ....
Marsh field, Or.i
New, Orleans. Uk. ....
New' Tort. N. T......
Vorth Head, Wash
North Y.klm. t W.h
Oklahoma, Ukl j
rorateiio, laano ....
Portland, Or. l
Itoaeburg, Or.
Sacramento, CaiL
St. Louts, Mo.:
St. Paul, Minn.
Salt Lake. Utah ....
Bar. Franclaco.r Cal...
Seattle. Wash.
Sitka, Alaska
Spokane, ' -Wash. .....
Tscoma, Wash.
Tatoosb Iald.,1 Wash
Valdes, Alaska ,
Walla Walla, Wash.
W ashington. D. C. . .
Winnipeg, Mas
-I s.
ez ?i U sl-
1 I' 8S S3
m a j fcs .
68 I 82 1 68 8 J 0
72 80 72 10 0
60 - 78 68 4 0
68 70 02 6 0
4 2 62 4 O
H W 10 4 0
64 66 62 4 O
62 96 62 6 O
SO 84 78 4 .02
eo 92 ear 4-0
76 88 72 4 .16
SO 92 78 4 0
70 .. 70 4 0
62 70 58 4 0
64 68 64 4 0
84 90 76 4 ,16
70 76 64 4 0
64 66 64 12 0
SO 90 60 10 0
76 f 94 74 6 0
62 84 60 4 .14
69 83 69 8 0
66 88 66 4 0
64 88 64 12 0
78 94 76 4 0
72 88 70 4 0
62 89 60 4 .04
60 68 60 ,6 0
66 76 66 4 .0
64 60 60 O .18
60 90 68 4 0
66 78 64 4 0
62 60 62 22 0
60 60 42 4 .02
88 92 64 4 0
74 86 68 4 0
68 90 64 12 0
Boys Given Severe lecture. Three
boys arrested Wednesday for stealing
an automobile belonging to ft. u
Urfer confessed to Deputy Sheriff
Beckman that they had taken the
machine and Implicated four others
one but 17 years old.. All seven were
brought into the sheriffs office and
given a severe lecture. Because of
the fact that they have seUled with
Urfer for all damages to his machine
only the 17-year-old boy will be held
to .answer to the charge, and he was
turned over to the juvenile court be
cause his father wants him disciplined.
The boys also confessed to having
taken two other cars recently.
r JUsort Subscribers.
yon ro away on your va
j bav Tils Journal -follow
regular rate ox 19 cents
mau; or vns muowinj
supply von at regular
w, ' Or- Kaxold 7. Brlm-
ity. Or Urs. 9. O. Mo-
Or. W. I. Johnson.
Beach, Scola, OxXi.
"wasV-Carl B. Bml
Wash. smpnei
you at 1
a weei
city rat
W. Croi
' Caxsc
GarlbaBi. Or J. J. I,onircor.
Oearhatt, " Or. Fklllp : Sessions
(au points on teacn).
Ilwaco, fWash. a. B. Woodruff.
X,oag Beacn, Wash. Lawrence
Sinneen (ail points on beach).
Msgler, twasn Xko1s Cohen.
zrewporn Or- Bonald James.
Kockawty Beach, Or. Ed S.
Wood. - I - " V.' ,: .
Seaside, Dr. FhUip Sessions,
(all points, on beach). '
Sesriew, Wash. Lawrence Bin
neen. (All '.points on beach).
Tlllamoot, Or- J. S. Lamar.
Wllholt Springs. Or. T. W. Mc-
ird', .
Wash. St. SCartins
jla Beach, Or-H. Edna
cycle, Detectives Smith and Grislm yes
terday located It in the repair shop of
William Harvey at East Burnslde and
Eighth streets. The bicycle was of
fered for sale, although Harvey had no
license to handle second-hand goods.
A complaint was filed against him. The
wheel was stolen from Benjamin Dunn.
408 East Washington street. .In the
municipal court the case continued for
sentence. - - .
"Faith fn 000," a sermon for those
who are perplexed by the theological
confusions of the present age, at 11
a. m. tomorrow at the Church of Our
Father (Unitarian), Broadway and
TamhilL Rev. W.. G. Eliot Jr.T min
uter. (Adv.)
t f
of proDerty inl Multnomah. Lahe. Ilnr
and Coos counties, but no estimate of
its value is given. Mrs. Baraf ord was
named executrix of the will.
! The Correct
trust is to- cu
the beef trust
and Chinese; ei
nopoly on cart'
pay to fight the beef
the price of meat, for
ith Its Australian meats
:s Is the greatest mo
Come down to Frank
II . Smith's matket, 228 Alder street,
and buy at thefe prices:
Pot roasts. 11-11 cShort ribs, 105.
Brother Warned As .Heir. Attorney
Horatio H. Parker, of this city. Is left
the entire estate of his brother. Alfred
J.. Parker, by the brother's will filed
for probate yesterday. The property
located In Multnomah county is esti
mated In the petition to be worth $10,
000, and property elsewhere is said to
be of much greater value. Alfred J.
Parker died February 10 at Newark,
N. J., and was a resident of South
Orange,' N. J.r No mention was made
In the will of a brother and two sis
ters in England and another brother
In Sydney, Australia. Attorney Parker
was named executor.
Eastern Kuslcian Feature. Miss
Winifred E. Morris, pianist, will be
the principal soloist this evening at a
musical entertainment to be given
at the Swedish M. E. church.
Beach and. Borthwlck streets, begin
ning at 8 o'clock. Miss Morris re
cently came here from the middle
states and Is a highly accomplished
musician. Othef features will be vocal
solos by Miss Astrid Roal, recitations
by Miss Mildred Linden and vocal
duets by Miss Johnson and C. Scott.
Miss Morris and Miss Linden will also
play a piano duet.
Boyal Boaarians Meeting. The
Royal Rosarians have called a final
meeting, before their Potlatch excur
slon. for next Monday at noon in the
Rosarlan room of the Commercial club.
The excursion, which s will include
representatives from the Ad and other
clubs, will leave at 12 o'clock, mid
night. July 17.
Plate beef, 10c.
Necks beef, 10c.
Frlme ribs. 15c.
Sirloin steak, 1'
Legs mutton, 15
Roast pork. 12
Baby halibut, 6cJ
Roast veal 15c.
Brisket beef, 10c.
Rump roasts, 12 Via
Sh'lder steak. 15c.
icLoin mutton. 15c.
Sh'lder mutt'n, 10c,
Pork chops, 17 c
Oregon shad,' 6c.
Veal cutlets. 17 Mc
Products Exhibition
Space in Demand
Applicants Keep Headquarters Busy
Fish and Gams Display of State Will
Be installs.
There was quite -a scramble at' the
headquarters of the Manufacturers
and Land V Products show yesterday
when the space diagram was opened
and . applications for exhibition room
were considered. The rule of "first
come, first served," was made to apply,
and Closset & Devers got in for the
first selection. John S. Beall took the
next three choices, and the four south-
' IhifA a ft ALn4rt?nl VI A a f V rrTi rY
Coast range Portland to Seaside. Auto!6"1 counties of Oregon got the next
leaving Saturday morning. July 11. : lur ",exr t , t
v... s vt 7 r,,...n, 'Play. About 20 spaces, had been re-
n refill driver. Immediately eerved and taken UP tO UOOn.
for reservations, C-2386.
161 W. Park, Above Morrison. Shoe
rebuilding and repairing. Guaranteed
soles and heels. Excellent for the boys.
Shoemakers.' (Adv.)
We Represent Quality and Service.
Fir and oak cordwood, four foot and
short slabs. Knight and Rock Springs
coal. Alblna Fuel Co. (Adv.)
Oregon City Boat- Sunday river ex
cursions leave Taylor street dock 9 a.
m., 12 and 3 p. m. Picnic at Magone's
park. Round trip, 40c (Adv.)
Crawfish. Millions of 'em. Snyder's.
First and Madison, on sale Thursday
and Friday only, S60 dozen. Main 6783.
Steamer Jesse Harklns for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
Five Passenger Anton, 82.50 per hour;
7 passenger Packards. $3.50. Duplex
Auto Co., 309 Stark. Main 514. - (Adv.)
The Mazamas go to the north side of
Mount Rainier fbr their annual trip
this year, August 1-16. An informa
tion and reelstraton headquarters has
been established oh the mezzanine floor
at the Hotel Multnomah, Eleanor G.
Sheldon, registrarlin charge. Visitors
welcome. 1 (Adv.)
j . )
j Disturber Fined 10- For disturbing
a religious meeting on the street last
evening John Knox was fined $10 this
morning in the municipal court. Mem
bers of the Apostolic Faith made the
complaint, saying , that Knox talked
loudly and ridiculed the meeting.
I j
' Bemonsrtrator Changes Kind. An
other Riverside Drive property owner,
C. W. Pallett, yesterday requested that
his name be erased from) the .remon
strance against the hard kurface pav
ing on that highway. ... t
Services at Ahaval Slolom. Ser
vices will be beld at Congregation
Ahavai Sholom, Park and play streets,
tonight at 8:00 o'clock. Tomorrow
morning services at 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi
R. Abraham son will officiate.
j Sunday Excursion to Ciscade Locks
on steamer Bailey GatzeH. $1 round
trip. Leaves Alde'r streex dock at 9
am. Arrives on return kt 5:45 p. m
Phones. Main 914 and A-5L12. (Adv.)
Sweet Fea Snow and Industrial ex
hibit, St. Johns, July 10 and 11. (Adv.)
For Health, Best and Becreatlon.
Sbipherd Springs. (Adv.)
Or. s. C. Brown, Eye, Ear.
Secretary Louis W. Buckley has be
gun . arrangements - for an exhibition
of Oregon's .fish and game, the
same exhibit that is to be taken to the
San Francisco exposition next year.
The show will be held October 26 to
November 14, in the Armory and In
temporary' annexes erected over the 1
streets adjacent. Cash prizes and tro
phies will be supplemented by diplo
mas for all winners of awards, and !
designs for the diploma are now being .
submitted.- , !
The offices of the exposition are now
open in the Commercial Club building,
fourth floor.
Pacific Phone ! AU Purchases Promptly Delivered to All Parts'ofp Home' Phone I
Marshall 5080 1 City; Vancouver and Oregon CityParcels Post U i " A-211? : S
and Express Packages Prepaid on $5.00 Purchases Mail Orders" Promptly? ana
';' t , Carefully Filled V Y:
Our Store
Daily at
8:30 a. m.
At 9 a. m.
Our Store
Daily 'at
5:30 p. Irtu-
At 6 Fm.
Explorer Was Pleased.
Professor Hiram Bingham, famed as
a South , American explorer and re
storer of the ruins of the ancient
Incas, liked his stay in Portland so
much, that he has telegraphed his ap
preciation from San Francisco. He is
making a pleasure trip over, his own
country, having finished some notable
researches in Venezuela, Argentine and
Peru, and was a guest of the Commer
cial club all day Tuesday. He says
that when he gets back to Tale he will
not forget Portland.
Smith Gets New Agency.
Dorsey B. Smith, local passenger
agent of the Grand Trunk railway, has
been appointed agent of the Pacific
Steamship company, which operates a
boat line from Seattle to Alaska, in
addition to the other agencies which
he holds in connection with the Port
land travel bureau.
35-Foot Channel Is
Aim for the Season
Government Dredge Chinook Doing
Good Work on Columbia Bar Ca
pacity Is Increased by Pumps.
, The government dredge Chinook has
been at work on the Columbia river
bar since July 8. Her pumping capa
city has 'been increased by adding two
30 inch pumps to the two 24 inch
pumps originally installed. It was
expected that the capacity of the ves
sel would be more than doubled by
the Installation of the new pumps. Re
ports will be made at the end of the
month showing what the exact results
have been. Before the Chinook was
placed at work on the bar she was
thoroughly tested In quiet water. The
dredge deepened the bar channel last
year an average of three feet, or from
25 to 28 feet. There was apparently
additional scouring during the winter,
which produced a 30 foot channel at
the river's mouth. The Chinook has
been set to dredge a 35 foot channel
by the end of the present season.
Will Appear for County.
Upon receipt of notice that Attorney
W. C. Bristol intended to appeal from
the decision of the federal court that
the defunct Title Guarantee & Trust
company was not exempt from pay
ment of taxes the county commission
ers yesterday authorized Deupty
District Attorney Maguire to appear
for the county in case the appeal is
A Sensational Mid-Season Sale
Women's Fashionable
and Coats
A Final Clearance of Summer Garments- Silk and Light
Wool Coats and Suits In Navy Serges and Novelty Mix
tures Values up to $18.50 Your Choice Tomorrow at
Wbile Tiej
Last '
4 .
You may come expecting great bargains and you'll not be disappointed, for this is
without doubt the most sensational sale of ready-to-wear garments ever announced in
this city. It is a final clearance of summer lines of women's fashionable new Coats
and Suits' at a ridiculously low price. The assortment includes a great many styles
in black silk coats various models in light wool coats and an extensive line of tai
lored suits in navy serges and neat mixtures. All are this season's goqds in values
that have sold regularly up to $18.50 You must be on hand early, as they will sell
fast at tomorrow's low price. We are sure you'll find a 6tyle to please you A A
and a size to fit you You have choice of the entire assortment at r)t)e.UU
Sweet pea show and Industrial ex
hibit, St. Johns. July 10 and 11. (Adv.)
Will Distribute Estate. The will of
George Bamford, who died July 4 at
the age of 66 years, provides that $5000
of his estate Shall go to George C.
Bamford, a son; $1000 and stock in the
florist firm of Martin & Forbes to
Henry V. Bamford, his other son, and
the residue of the estate to his widow,
Betsy Bamford. The estate consintS
I Trinity Church Flcnlk Trinity
church Sunday school picnickers will
leave First and Alder streets for Crys
tal Lake park tomorrow it 11 o'clock.
I McCroskey's Mount Hoo( Auto Stage
for Mt Hood resorts, 3 itages daily.
Hawthorne garage. East 162. Res.
Sell. 1466. 1 (Adv.)
I Try our 35o Blended Colfcee. A pre
mium ticket with each pound. Halne
Tea store, 172 Third stree
Detectives Locate Bicr-cle After
searching two weeks for i stolen bt
P. If. report of preceding day.
When You Go Away
' Have The Journal gent to
your 'Summer address.
1 ! -
Lscture On Freclous Stones. Prof.
G. Montague Butler of the School of
Mines of Oregon Agricultural college,
will lecture In Room A of the Central
library at 7:S0 this evening. Prof.
Butler will Illustrate his lecture with
ever $3000 worth of real gems and
models, some of unusual size, and! will
discuss the following topics as well as
many others: "Pacts About Birth
stones;" "Ancient vs. Modern Gems;"
"Diamonds As An Investment;" "The
Truth About Artificial Rubies and
Sapphires and So-called 'synthetic
Emeralds;" "Supposed Medicinal and
Medical Properties of Gems;" "Do
Pearls Diet" "Precious Stones of
Oregon;" "Origin of the Opal Super
stition;" "The Largest Diamond Ever
Found," etc., ,
i3gji-iH -ir
DefendanV Wlns Case. The Abbott,
Forrester company Wednesday lost its
suit against F. E. Bowman and M. D.
Hawes to collect $500 on an oil burner
heating plant installed In an apart
ment house at Seventeenth and Tilla
mook streets owned by the defendant,
a Jury in Circuit Judge Gatens' court
returning a defendant's verdict. - The
defendants alleged that the plant made
o much noise it drove tenants from
the building and caused trouble in the
neighborhood. - They asked for $186.53
damages, which were not allowed. .
Attorneys! Withdraw Front Case. ;
'We disappear from this case as at
torneys for the defendants, is the
new method for withdrawal of de
fendants, according to a notice of
withdrawal of the legal firm of Hardy,
Woodley &. Behrends as attorneys for 1
Mrs. F. A. Page and Maria Page in the i
suit brought - against . them by Eliza- j
Your Buildings No
Tenants rent quicker and remain longer in regflarly
painted houses and buildings. Set an example for your
neighbor.. Paint your home and he may do likewise.
Friday and. Saturday the Price
of House Paint, Varnish, Stain and Enamel
S. Big Paint Stor
and its 32 district Dealers will be in your favof. We
quote the following specials for the above . two days.
nnniM is 4a desirable shades. A gallon will coat 600
sonars feet. Bsgular price S3 gallon.
sxxxr ole ato Boor ;c
BTAXXr, OAlssVOH........0-
Comes In 10 shades. A gallon
of this creosote stain win cover
SOO square feet. Begtuar price
ai.10 a-aupn.
Comes in several shades. Dries
hard over night. A quart wUl
give two coats where rugs are
used. Regular price 50o auartv
tpsaraxw. otjakt. .
Best for hardwood or painted
floors. Dries hard ve night.
Begnlar price, 85o quart
Dries hard over night. Far bath,
kitchen and for enamelUg fur
niture. Sells regularly for BOo
When Your
; Feet Are Tired.
-.- j.-. " and 'yor -. ,
Surgeon - Chiropodist
" The Barber Shop "
He bss helped others; be ess help
Fbeae A-6OB1T Mala T173 for
Appointment. ' . .
Honeyman Hardware "Co.
Olds, Wortmaa U King
Meier, St Frank Co.
Lip man, Wolfe & Co.
Huntley Bros. Co.,
Fourth and Washington.
A. B. Burger, 43 'Third Street.
T. J. Healond, 335 K..16tfc St.
Erickson Hardware Co,
654 Williams Ave.
W. H. Lovett, Lents, Or.
J. A. Staff e. Grays Crossing.
B. A. Lelsy, Q148 Foster Boad.
Woodstock Fharmacy,
Woodstock. .
Xugney Bros
E. 4lst and Holgate.
Wareham Hardware Co -
1144 Union Ave. H. .
Castleman fharmacy.
; 133 Klllingswortn.
Glenwood SSereantila CoM
390 Lombard.
Peninsula Mercantile Com '
1747 Peninsula Ave.
Welch Grocery CfK,
1640 E. 19th.
T. a. TTrfer, 639 MUwaukK
Labbe St Son, 731 -Albert St.
Albert Eblers. t
7 East 30th St. Hortl
I Belmont Furnlturo Co.,
! 3Sth and Belmont.
j Helly , Thorssn Ss Com
1- S3 union Ave..1 : 1
Strowbridge Hdwa. Faint Co,
i 109 Grand Ave. .t -
I J. A. Hendricks Kardwar Co,
East 88th and Glisan.
C. Anderson, 1359 Greeley: Ave,
; Thompson Webb, Oak Oroya,
Kelly Faint ? Hardware Co.,
' MUwauUe. ..-.-!,,. tv -
Huntley Bros. Co Oregon City.
A. Mather. Clackamas, Or.
t Carlton St Kosekrana. r
Acme Faint A Wall Paper Co,
Special New Attractions
At Tke Coolest Grille m
Nobody will spring the old saw
"is it warm enough for you"
at Ye Oregon.
You'll forget
all about the
weather in the
dancing of
those charm
ing favorites
Miss Veto
Florenz and
Miss Leona
L. F. Cowan,
Sig.' Pietro Mari
no, with his or
chestra of Solo
Washed and Refrigerated Air
4ft &sJ "iwfo'A rf I
W 7- mi I t
LriUe li
r ' II
e Uregon
Fisher, Thorsen & Cp.
-M4- Cl-maA fKUNT AND
iPAeiFfe AMRS HAhh 1
HOAVB A 6281
Specially Priced for Thia. Sale at
1 C-per
Shoulders at. ....... . . . 10c per pounds
Breasts at. . . . . ..... . . . .8c per pound j
; Then there's the Special Bargain Meat
Counter, where N6; 1 - Steer Boiling Beef,
finest cuts of Corned Beef, genuine Lamb
Shoulders, Fresh Spare, Ribs, etc., etc., are
.:sol at . . v
- 1 :Oc per ;poond ,
, - A , v
. ' . ' '1 " .
Unsurpassed Savings In This Groat
Sale Women's
aiiatyy Cool
Uncle run si ins
Popular New Styles in Combina
tion Suits, Gowns, Princess Slips
and Skirts Garments of Excel-
lent Materials and Fine Trimmings
Values to $139 On Sale at
Snowy fresh and interestingly new with attractive and
practical ideas, but. above all of keen interest to women
replenishing their wardrobes for the vacation season at
shore or mountains. All of them up to the rigid
standard of excellence that you who know this store
are well aware we demand of our makers. Good sense'
and refinement stamp every garment. Sturdy yet fine
fabrics, dainty trimmings and last but not least
THE GOWNS are made of good quality nainsook and crepe, in either slioover or button-front
style, with high or V neck, with long or short sleeves. They are prettily trimmed with fancy Yokei.
I J - t : J ci. I 1 .u I f..1t
THE COMBINATION SUITS come in all this season's new styles, including the popular
knickerbockers, princess, circular or plain styles. They are mad? of fine nainsook, longcloth aid
crepe in either corset, cover and drawers or corset cover and skirt. All are neatly trimmed wi.h
lace, insertions, embroideries and run with ribbons.
THE PRINCESS SLIPS are made of high-grade nainsook, crepe and longcloth. They are
trimmed with, fine embroideries, insertions and laces the skirt being trimmed to match with deep
flounces, scalloped embroidery edge or plain hem.
THE SKIRTS are shown in a large variety of styles, well made of fine nainsook and crepe.
They are trimmed with deep embroidery flounces or plain with scalloped embroidery edge. They
come in the new narrow width, also some in medium full width.
These are all high-grade garments that sell regularly at $1.39. On sale tomorrow at ...... v.79
SWWr2nav efJgiHxA .
I 1
Another Underprioed Offering in
Women's 1 and 2 Strap Pumps
All Sizes and Widths in Velvet, Patent and Gun Metal Regular C1 AO
$2.50 Lines On Sale at PAIR 0 1 .yQ
Prudence should prompt you to profit by this sale of women's one and two-strap
Pumps the styles are the season's best the quality dependable and the price saving
unusual for this period. Included are all sizes and widths in velvet, gun-Ai aq
metal and patent leathers Regular $2.50 Pumps, as a leader tomorrow, pair)Xe70
Children's and Misses' Barefoot Sandals in all Sizes On Sale at 99c the Pair
Regular $1.25 and $1.50 Lines ;
Children's and Misses' White Canvas Shoes and Slippers at 59c and 99c Pair
.Regular $1.00 to $2.25 Values"
Boy Scout Elk Skin Shoes and Extra Weight Moosehide
'Moccasins at Reduced Prices .
About One-Third Saved at This Sale of Men's Negligee
Shirts With Millitary Collars
All Sizes in Plain Blue Chambray; Also in Tan and White with PinCC
Stripes Best 75c Grade at, EACH 0 0 C
A special underpricing ot one of the most desirable shirts for warm, weather or-outing
wear a Ferguson & McKinney guaranteed shirt of standard make, cut full to
size and well finished comes in negligee style with soft military collar and shown
in plain blue chambray ; also in taift and in white with black pin stripe All ff
sizes a regular 75c shirt, on sale at. u C
A special sale of a fine line of boys' shirts
for work or vacation wear they are made
of a good durable material of dark colors
11 sizes, a shirt always sold at OA
50c On sale at- ..Oe7C
BOYS' SWEATERS 49 Instead of $1.00
A. closing-out sale of Boys' Sweater Coats
at - about half price. . They come in all
sizes and are shown in trrav with dark
trimmings a sweater regularly sold
at $1.00 on sale at
There's Splendid Economy In This Great Sale of
Men's Silk Four -in -Hand Ties
Made Reversible or With Open Ends -All Desirable Patterns and Col- J C
orings p0c Grade at, ) EACH ....... S ... .... . . . . . . ..OOt
Or Three For- One Dollar
Replenish your supply of neckwear at this sale, and "you'll save a worthy amount for
other needs Included in this , offering : are- 'several hundred fine silk four-in-hand ties
of regulation width and length, made , reversible or -with open vnds they , come in
many, neat and attractive colorings -and are the kind regularlv sd at 50c. Tomorrow
you have choice from this-wonderful assortment at three for $1.00 or 35 each.