; THE OREGON 7 DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVMN1NO, JULY " 10, 181. , 1URDER CHARGES WINTERS' CASE FAIL' OF SUBSTA1AIH Indictments Against, Doctor , and His Wife and Boarder - Are Dismissed, ; , (MYSTERY IS UNEXPLAINED Apparent X.ac f Xotlv Sltfe fo Xldnppur 0 Harder of Xilttl Catfcsrln "Winters Sxlsts. NEW VARIETY OF CHERRIES PRODUCED BY PORTLAND MAN UNPOPULAR UPTON IS'. 4 I"- , ' i J " ''-Sri.' Fur? V' &t 4i".i .1 .e a r '4&X ;44v FOR PROSECUTION IF ENEMIES HAVE j caped otherwise . whether - Janeeent of Hla company baa already ba strick en from th list of army coatraetora. Prohibition Plays Part in Election Both Upper and Lower Class- - es Dislike Yachtsman-Tea Merchant for Own Reasons IS DENOUNCED IN LORDS "New Giant", originated toy Jollus Kanicn. rrmt is cross or uing ana LimDeri. a arioti ftf chwrlM. called the 1 street north- Each cherry , more I a foot. Th cherries are a very darx i noaaaai jwsuitinr rxom yaymem oz - ' i . I 4 -K7 a1 1 1 Si ,a4 nanfant (n fkm stt-trtl . . a . m. -ww nth. .,. jh.' thu n Inch In 'diameter. , It reauires 1 . . ; ""V V"'. comaussions m aihj vKr iui, , , I meaiy. i ney were Droaucea dt ciobs- Jullus KalllcU of. 1429 East Seventh I but ten of thejn laid together to makeingr the Blag and Lambert. May Yet Hare to Be Aired. runltad Prw Lael Wlrc.t Newcastle. Ind July 10. Prosecutor l!liir today dlimlised the charges against Dr. w. A: Winters, Mrs. Win ters and W. R. Cooper, ft former room r at the Winters home, who were ac cused of conspiracy to murder and burn the body of Catherine "Winters, the doctor's 10-yeaf-old daug-hter, The cases were to have come to trial today before Circuit Judfe Jackson but the prosecutor holding there was Insuf ficient evidence, ordered dismissal. The chart es srew out of an Invest! cation made here several weeks atro by Robert Abel, an Indianapolis pri vate detective, who subsequently with drew from the case. Th three de fends.nts expressed confidence before couft opened today that Abel would not appear to press the case, and they were certain that they would oe ais ' The arrests created a sensation here several weeks ago. The whole- coun try had been combed In the search for the little srlrL who vanished 15 months azo when Abel burst into the limelight with his cnarce that ur. wimere, ih wife and tha roomer, Cooper, knew that Htti Catherine Winters had been killed and her body disposed Of. Tou sTottiar ta Cellar. Abel based his case on the discov ery of a Ismail red sweater, a girl's hair ribbon and a man's shirt In the basement Of the Winters home. He de clared that a chemist's analysis would Show . traces of human blood on the hir Mrs. Winters had a plausible explanation for the presence of the articles Of weartnf apparel in the base ment, but Abel pressed his accusa tions and finally caused the arrest of the trio. Each Of the three defendants has been at liberty under liooo tona, rutherine Winters disappeared on March 20.; 1M. The child had been ..vKHinir the neighborhood In which he lived, trying- to sell needles for a church society. She was last seen late in h riamnnn. and when she did not return home It was believed she had ' fone to the home of a neighbor tor dinner The police were not notified until the next day. ti. the daushter of Win ters by hla first wife, who died several years agok Catherine and her little .Hfnnr inherited 18000 on the death ef their mother. Var muv months after the disap parance of the little girl a nation wide searcn was maae i"r " father made many trips, some to dis tant parts of the country, to run down possible clues as to the whereabouts of the child. Hr picture was' dia- played la moving picture theatres T throughout- the. country In the hope that someone might recognise the lit- j tie girl i - "we Moilve Discovered From tiime to time reports have been eirculated that Dr. Winters was noi sincere In his search for the missing Child and that he had used a consider ! able part I of the funds raised to con duct the search for other than the pur '' nose Intended. A One of i the most baffllnr features ' i n.ptinn with the case Is the ap parent lack of motive either for tha kidnapping or me murucr ui v....... A thorough investigation was conduct t, i. th. theorv that the little girl might hate been stolen by aTPsl..ut not the allghtest clue was found to , support the theory. On the other hand thrf financial circumstances of Dr. Winters seemed to prewuu. Idea that the child may nave been kJd- napped far the purpose of securing a , , ransom. Both of these theories were t lonr ago dismissed as unreasonable by the detectlvea employed to investlAt . ' the case. On the other hand, there appears to ' toe no adequate evidence Indicating a motive for the murder of the little girl. One theory advanced by th detectives connects Mrs. Winters and Cooper, and the other Is that the child might have , been unwelcome at the, home. 80 far es public Iknowledge roes there is ab- ' eolutely nothlnr to substantiate either - theory. There Is a reward of $2800 outstand , ing In connection with the case,-bus. ' most t the money Is for the safe re turn of the child alive. The mayor of ' Newcastle, the Judges of the local ' courts and the bankers and leading business merk of the elty all have eon trlbuted W the fund and have other- ' wise lent! their aid in the efforts that ' V'.baye been made to solve the mystery. Two Men Attacked by Highway Robbers Thieves Slug Henry Johns oa oa Street at 10 , o'clock. Securing . 9110 and Watch ; Other XKst 12-60. Two men were attacked on the street toy highwaymen last Vlght and early this morning. The first robbery oc curred at 10 o'clock at Fourth and Couch streets, where Henry Johnson, Day Fever and Astbmq The Season Xs Sere to Spoil the Flea. . . nre and Oomlort Of Thousaads. 4iS Vancouver avenue, says two men a tucked him. knocked 'him to th pave ment and took 1110 ana a goia waion. William Gardner was later arrested by Detectives .Hill and Hammersley as a suspect. BhorUy after 1:80 o'clock Claude un- more, J188 Detroit street, reported to the police that two men . sandbagged him near his home. The highwaymen got $2.60 from his pockets. Gllmore was struck over the head with a club. 'A' Is Long in Pro nouncing Estacada irazne of Clackamas County station Za Said to Have Seen Taken From Spanish" Word. To the Editor of The Journal -Please publish the correct pronunciation of the word Estacada. A READER. The best authorities state that Esta cada should be pronounced with a brOad "a" throughout, it being a Span ish word. According to Frederick V. Holman, the attorney, the name was taken from the Estacados Llanos, or state plains, of Texas. Estacada was named by the old Oregon Water Power company, and was chosen alongr with Catadero, - as two unique names, says Mr., iioiman. There is also a legend, said to b without foundation, that the name is a hybrid from Esther Keady. LOWER THIRD STREET WILL BECOME PART OF THE GREAT LIGHT WAY With Exception of Fw; De tails All in Readiness to Let Contract for Arches, Manitoba Elections Being KeM Today; Compulsory Education and Removal of Bar ZJbexeJ Vlaaks. - Winnipeg, Man., July 10. Follow ing one of the most spirited political campaigns In the history of the province, a general election is being held In Manitoba today to determine whether the conservative government of Sir Redmond Roblin shall be given a new tenure of office or be succeed ed by a liberal regime. Compulsory education and the banishment of the bar, have figured as, th two leading Issues of the contest. Both of the pro. posals are favored by the liberals and opposed by the government " f Premier Roblin. predicts that 40 or more of the 49 member of the legisla ture to be eleoted will be his support ers. "I have no fear of the results f the election." says the premier. "I have been nearly 14 year in -of flea. We have a record of which w are proud. Manitoba's development and ex pansion. In that period are marvelous, and there has been no part of the moral, - educational 'or material side that ha not benefited In a way that has, earned for us .th commendation of all who are competent to express an opinion." ; Flanklln Falls tor $075,000. St. Louis. July 10. The failure of John Franklin, former president of the Bankers' Trust company, was- an nounced here today, s His liabilities were estimated at $$75,000. Ninety- five small banks in the southwest hold $1,000,000 worth of Franklin's collat- eral. A recent slump In tb price of stocks put up as security by Franklin , was said to be the principal cause of his failure. , . . . To Table Kahn Resolution. : Washington. July 10. The house for eign committee has recommended that the Kahn resolution, demanding ' that the state department furnish th house With Information regarding th relations between John Llnd and M,ex! lean constitutionalists be tabled. No further action was expected on the resolution. Druggists Incorporate. Articles of incorporation of th Schwlngs Brothers company, druggists, capitalised at $2600, were filed with County Clerk Coffey yesterday by F. A. Schwlngs, J. IL Schwlngs and J. E. Walling. Boy Charged With Forgery. Joseph O. Brown, 1 year old. will be brought before the juvenile court today on a charge i of forgery. He was arrested with Roy Brown and Lewis Kline. Roy Brown was held to the grand Jury, while Kline was held as a witness. The boy is charged with taking a check for $8.63, made out to the Northwestern Electric company by Mrs. Abbie Jackson, and indorsing it with the name of S. R, Jamieson. He is said to have.' turned the check over to Roy Brown and then Roy Brown is charged with using it as a model to draw two shocks for $15 each with the forged signature of Mrs. Jackson appended. 1. Railroad Men to Confer. Movements of, transcontinental freight following ;the -lntermountaln rate decision are being discussed at Chicago by traffic chiefs of the Union Pacific system, called there by Traffio Director B. L, Wtnchell. . The O.-W. R. & n. Is represented by Traffic Man ager R. B. Miller land General Freight Agent H. E.. Lounsbtsry, who left a day or so ago. It is understood that the conference will take up also the general railroad situation with refer enoe to Panama canal competition and an other phases of transportation. The rejuvenation of Third street ha hardly begun If plans discussed at a meeting of the Third Streeters held yesterday afternoon are put Into ef fect. Not content to rest with a few arches between Yamhill and Burnside streets, the next step will be to con tinue the Oreat Light Way to Glisan street on the north and Main street oh the south. With the exception of a few details everything is in readiness for th let ting f th contract within a week to construct tb rest of the arches. Property owners and merchants along the north end of Third street are de termined that their end of the street shall be put on a par with the portion already Improved and are willing to spend the money to do it. The Third Streeters' organization now has a membership of 185, includ ing many merchants and property owners on abutting streets. Tab trader Xlvar ravored. With th Gay Light Way having the proposed public auditorium at, one end and th railroad station on the other th boosters are confident that they can make their street the most important commercial thoroughfare of Portland. At yesterday1 meeting it was sug gested that the bridges over the Wil lamette will soon prove Inadequate to provide for the movement of traffic over the fiver due to the Increasing popularity of the east aid as a resi dential district, and that a tube under tb river 1 th only logical solution of -the problem. With this idea In mind, therefore, the Third Streeters have adopted a slogan, "Get the west end of the tub at the foot, of Third street" They feel If successful in srocurln this terminus all - Portland must perforce come to the Great Light Way. , As an evidence of, their; earnestness in boosting the thoroughfare they have appointed George . Lee. head of the Lee Ad agency, and In charge of the publio service division of J. L. i Bowman & Co., Third street mer- chants. as director Of Stunts. I (Enlted Preea Leiied flre.l Mr. Lee will have it as his prov-1 London. July 10. A determined er lnce to arrange stunts that will at-! f0rt to force the prosecution of Sir tract the crowds to -Third street and ThomjsM Llpt0n and hl, fellow director In Upton's, Ltd., on "fraud and Torib- Conntrv "Pair Planned. I ery charges, in connection wun me The first stunt planned is a county rmy canteen scandal, seemed certain fair to be held in September, Shop i nere toaay. windows of Third' street business I Regardless of the merits of the case. house will be used for the exhibits ,0 feelings unquestionably are 5?d.v?e,..SWfS that 8tream by wiU involved in the campaign against Sir It la nlnnnori tn maV. It n rnnl nlil I xhuu, fashioned fair with all that eoe. with The famous yachtsman IS ny no ItA I means as noaular 111 Enxb.nl as In An effort will be made to have America. The snobblsn uppe" clasae some of the Judging of the Livestock have always regarded him as an up show done on Third street and Mr. start," and not even the late King Lee is also planning to have a day of Edward's influence was sufficient to races, when there will be race of all aet him Into the exclusive Royal Yacht kinds from roller skates to pacer. lolub. By the masses ; he ha been ' Everyone Is highly gratified at the I accused of underpaying, overworking results Of the arches already up," said I and oppressing his employes. Mr. Lee this morning, "and It is estl-1 in both- ranks of society, consequent- mated that business In th present I ly. a great deal of satisfaction 1 open Great Light Way district has' lm-hy displayed at seeing his nam in proved 40 per cent so far." . I volved In the my canteen scandal, Assisting Mr. iee will b W. B. I and undoubtedly considerable disposl Klrkpatrick of the Lee Ad agency, l;tlon exist to make the most of the who win serve as acting secretary. J. I case, B. Rankin or th Lion Clothing 00m-1 Commissions Paid Officer. pany is the regular secretary of the Th BCandal. which ha already Seen organization. . . i vv--,..vli itutinn fmtn For tomorrow night a band concert 1 r iiiami mm mi Minna hv n.t ,,el,,UrinsbUinetl8 h.our! employe, of the Lipton company to ?lK 4 !n? rt JM0t h f trMt arm officer who bought canteen eup frora Yamhill to Burnside streets. h rao.ht u,.,,. mnlove. some it whiim holt rv Mh noaltlon. were TO Address Cirio Leaeue. - I panvlotaA. Rn also vera a number Of Progressive and Socialist eandldites army officers. All were fined, lmprla for - governor of Oreeon are to have I nnii nr both. their innings before the, Oregon! sir Thomas and the other dlreotor Clvlo league tomorrow. Frank M. would probably not have. been dragged Gill, Progressive, and W. J. Smith So. I nersonallv Into the case but for Jus- clallst, are to Bpeak at the regular Sat- 1 tice Darling's remark near the end of urday luncheon or the league in the th trial that ha thouaht the Lipton Blue -room of the Multnomah hotel. It I employes were practicing a ' system is expected mat inena or tne twe which the directors encouraged, it speakers, together with the member! was on the strength or this observation of , the league, will make th attend- that Sir Arthur Markham wanted to ance at the luncheon especially large, know in the house of commons yester day whether the prosecutor had the Darling Fined $100. . . ' I charges against the directors. Sir O. F. Darling, president Of the In- Thomas among them, in nana. y vestara Bulldlne & Trust rnimnanv agreement witn tne aamimsirauoo was fined $100 by Circuit Judere Mor- managers in th house, which was oc- row when he showed that a settle-1 cupled with other business, he did not ment had been made with others in- actually put this question. He only terested in the firm and that a deal delayed doing so. however, and it was was pending Which would put the firm expected he would press hla point soon. on a sound basis. He was convicted 1 The administration, in the general several days ago of a charge of pub-1 opinion, has not appeared very enthu- lishlng a false business report of the 1 eiastio in urging the prosecution de- firm's affairs. Lineman Dies of Injuries. Injuries received Wednesday by W. T. Piatt, line foreman for the South ern Pacific, when a gasoline speeder jumped the track near Oswego, cansed his death last evening at the Good Sa maritan hospital. Piatt lives at Os wego.. Sweet pea show and Industrial ex hibit, St Johns, July 10 and 11. (Adv.) raanded. but the smaller fry having been convicted and the public insisting so strongly on action against the sup posed 'liigber ups. It seemed unlikely that It could resist a thorough investi gation, at least In the meantime, even In advance of a trial. Sir Thomas has been denounced In the strongest terms, not only un officially but on the floor of the house of lords Itself, and hm eoclal prestige appeared to be In the way of suffer ing seriously whether or not he es- The Hpltz Store Remains Open Saturday Night Until 9:30 1 Among the disorder which have bat fled medical science snic time lmmem- orial none has been so puzsllng or de- void of sympathy a hay fever, or its . forerunner, rose cold, and Its complica tion, bronchial asthma. Prompt relief i from this spasmodic bronchial affec tion can promptly be bad by burning and Inhaling the fumes of Warner's : Safe Asthma Remedy. It effect In t stubborn case where other mean have - failed li conclusively proved by the following! "You sent m a sample of Warner; 6f. Asthma, Remedy which ' helped m. I bought a box of It and ' It cured me. much to my astonishment a 1 had tried many things without . any success. " It Is nOw several weeks : and have: had no return of the trouble and do not expect any." S. M. Davis, 1 $ $ S 8. Flower X.H Los Angeles Cal. free sample to prove how promptly It relieve, i Warner Safe Remedies Co., The Holtz Store, Sth & Washington The Holtz Store, 5th & Washington The Holt Store, 5th & Washing! out WeekEiid Meeds at Jnl You Can Assuredly Save Money on Every Item You Buy Here Everything Greatly Reduced Except a Few Staple Articles Bought Just to Accommodate You Buy Now Auto Veils $1.98 ValsV 95c To close out immediately, heavy chiffon jand crepe Auto Veils 2 yards long, with hem stitched borders', , in a large . assortment of colors. AT $1.98 veils priced at. . .VdC $150 tSilk Gloves for 69c Final close-out of Kayser and Niagara Maid i 6-button Silk Gloves, broken sizes, in pink, sk tan, brown, black and navy; regular $1.50 values; to- s r , morrow while the stock lasts at, pair. . .... . OVC Ribbons 25c Value, Yd. 9c To close out this lot of Rib bons, up to 3 Yi inches wide, up to 25c values. All silk satin in all colors. Your choice at this sale tomorrow at, the yard, only Jj C $7.50 Chiffon Waists $1. 98 Dark blue and black chiffon Waists to $7.50. .$1.98 $2.75 white Lingerie Waists, all good styles, go in this Closing-Out Sale at. . V, .B 1 O $3.50 white Lingerie Waists, splendid values. .$1.93 $400 white Lingerie Waists, on sale at only. .$2.39 iiaaSSSJSSBSSSSSSSSBBSB I Sweaters for Entire stock of women's gray, white, navy and red Sweat ers, priced for this Great Closing-Out Sale at Half Price. Regular $7.98 Sweaters, Closing-Out Sale price $3.99 Regular $5.98 . Sweaters, Closing-Out Sale price $2.99 Reerular $4.98 .Sweaters. Closintr-Out Sale Its - - - w O . Jt v Regular $3.98 Sweaters, Closing-Out ; Sale price i S1.99 fk I SBBSSSSaSSSSSJSSSBSBJSSSSSSi M ens Fwmshing s at Imiiiehse Saviiiffs Men's $1.50 GolTShirts for. . . .95c Men's $1.00 Negligee Shirts. . . . 79c Men's $3 to $4 Straw Hats... $1.50 Men's 50c Underwear only. . . . ,39c Men's $1.25 Union SuiU at . , .89c Men's 25c Hose, 3 pairs for. . v. .50c Men's $2.0Q Sweaters go at. . .$1.29 Men's $3.00 Sweaters go at. ..$1.95 Men's $5.00 Sweaters go at. .. $2.95 Men's $3.00 Derby Hats at; . .$2.45 Boys' $1.00 Blouses at only . . . 49c Men's 75c Bathing Trunks . . . . .49c Boys' 50c Bathing Trunks. ... .35c Boys' 35c Bathing Trunks. : . . . .23c Boys' 25c Bathing Trunks; i . . .19c Men's 75c Neckwear goes at; . . .49c Men's 25c Wash Ties go at: ... .10c Men's $2.98 Watch Fobs at . $1.'98 Hair Goods SdlSation acCM ort1"6"1 of Worthy .Quality French ancl German Hair Switches in this Sale. All Shades. A Perfect Match Guaranteed $12.00 - Hair.: Switches length, placed, on sale at the 'special price in 34-inch II $5.00 Hair Switches in 26-inch" sale CtJ QQ length, placed, on sale.. -(Lf of . . . D O aO O i at the special price of . ...). 1 U y $1.50 Hair JSwitches iin: 2aJnch length, placed on sale at the' speaal price of only, each. . . 7n i 7 Balloon Night" and Miss Myrtle Howard will A combination hard to beat for fun and entertainment, featured in the Arcadian Garden Saturday Night. "Balloon Nights" have become auite the rage,5 while the work of MUi Howard beggars all description. The interpretation of the new and old dances by Miss Howard and Company is marvelous. Those who have longed to aee the famous Castles will see in Miss Howard and her trio society danc ers whom critics have declared to be equal if not superior to the first named couple. - Take dinner and after-theatre supper in the Arcadian Garden. You will be amply repaid by this extraordinary entertainment and will appreciate the delignttui menu. be ' MISS MYRTLE HOWARD Greatest Society Dancer seen in Portland. MISS PHYLLIS LINTON Dainty Entertainer NELVILLE FLEESON Poet of the Piano and Dancer PAULA DE SILVA Greatest Exponent of the Maxixie JOHN LYNCH Irish Tenor Sir Multnomah 2 LrytnxaLDi ajsl da :nco STO&a or am BRADBURY CLOTHES are made by men of talent for designing and tailor ing. And, like in all walks of life, there are those who, by reason of either inborn or developed . ity, are accomplishing the best results. That's the reason these clothes fit well, look well, wear well and cost no more than others. We also show suits of other prominent makes in all the popular styles, fabrics, and colors, from the conservative plain blue and gray to the ultra stylish mixtures and stripes, checks and hair lines at the popular C 1 It A(V ... tUiU.VU price of $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Outing (JL Pants specially priced at only.. tDlU All Summer Furnishings at Very Moderate Prices. USE YOUR CREDIT Have your purchases charged and remit in weekly or monthly payments. This privilege is free of charge and proves very convenient. People's Brown Trailing Stamps With All Payments AOS Washington 3 Outfitting .Corner of Tenth St. TEZ STOBS Or 8XXTTCS: now. JUL a EEACI - . tlways delightful, has never- been more alluring than this year ' ; - ' i : - ' . .. . . . i a v " Bathing Fine Service Excellent Weather Splendid SPECIAL GOING SATURDAY RETURNING SUNDAY $3.00 Steamer Potter leaves , Saturday, 1 , p. m. ; Hassalo, 9 p. m. 'Returning; leave Long Beach, Sunday," 7 ?50 p. m. v . f - " - " - . . . . .' : , Per details, tickets, reservations, etc, ask - Oregon-Wasliington; R & NaYigation Co. CITY TICKET OFFICE,5 Third and Washington Streets, or at ASH-STREET. DOCK. Both Phones 4 Dept 585, Rochester, N. Y. -