The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 10, 1914, Page 17, Image 17

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I v.
I i Hi
Clerk 1 , can't Uy on $10 week,
lrl - ..
Employer Bosh! If rou got the
earth every week you'd say , you
'couldn't live on itl
Jones Caught la the suction of tb
Inking ship. 1 felt mysslf solng
flown, down, downl And presently I
began to come up, up, upl
Smith Oee wbls, old man! V
must nave felt like a baeeball team I
t Cholly Well, I told the boss I in
tended to take wife and would need
more salary.
Ethel How much more did you ask
forT ' ' . - s
: Cholly Three dollars a week! I
put it plenty high, so I could drop if
- he kicked 1
' New Clerk Will
$10, sir?
Employer No: If, I
tay the week out!
you advance m"
did you mlghi
Tanner Ate you afraid ef workl
. Tramp Oh, it's not that! But what
I work I perspire, and perspiration ii
so deucedly vulgar, don't yon know
and so destructive to equipois aju
" aplombl . :'-" . -
Happenings: of Hainan Interest Occurring Throughout the World
After Yesterday's Issue Went to Press.
Boarding House Law
Will Be Tried Out
stern. !
; Francis A. Ogden, SO years old,, died
at Houston, Texas, leaving an estate
valued at mors than $1,000,000 lor the
education of country children whose
advantages are limited. His land is
scattered In a dosen etates.
A modern steel caisson modeled after
the new dreadnaught Pennsylvania was
so badly shattered by a navy shell
during a test that it was taken to dry.
dock. Nature Of the new explosive is
".kept a secret.
' "The Katy Flyer," of the Missouri,
Kansas A Texas railroad, was held up
and robbad by four masked men at
Mataon, Mo, and the safe in. the ex
press car, said to contain more than
$1000 in Jewelry, was blown up and
robbed. i
Prison mutiny started in Blackwell
prison, New York, and it was neces
sary to put six, of the ringleaders back
In their cells. A fire was started By
the rebels and the power belt was out
Everett Fassett hiccoughed himself
to death after 29 hours at Lake Osea
' 'wana, N.. T.i i .
Francis A. Hardy deeded six acres
' of valuable land in the suburbs fur
newsboys' and bootblacks' ' home.
Marian Quackenbuscli, 7 years old,
bit Into a railroad torpedo at. Cornwall,
N. T., thinking It was candy, and was
perhaps fatally hurt by the explosion.
!A painting which Is said by experts
to be. that of Leonardo Pa Vinol. was
bought at a small country place in
the canton of Frleburg, by an art col
lator. The painting was sent to Paris
ror uirther examination.
Two military aeroplanes collided
near Clatchlna, Ruasla, Lieutenant
Bchenscben, pilot of one. being killed.
and. Lieutenant! Noaornoff, pilot of the
other, being seriously hurt.
Inspector Reld of the Vancouver,
B. C, Immigration department, was lm
prlsoned for over-an hour on board the
Japanese . steamer Komogato Maru.
where he -had gone to take provisions1
ror the maroontea Hindus. He was re
leased only a f tier a vigorous protest.
Mr. and Mr Kermlt Roosevelt and
Mrs. Nicholas Long-worth, daughter of
Colonel Roosevelt, nailed from South
ampton on the Imperator for New
York. . . .. . r V "
Where there: i perfect, friendship
there Is no need of an alliance, said
American Ambassador Page, address
ihg a peace meeting at London. He
I. referred to the) peace existing between
the United States and Great Britain.!
sir Arthur nwrkh,am. a Liberal mem
her or the Bifltlsn parliament, sug
gested In the ;houe of commons the
prosecution of Sir Thomas Llpton and
Ms rodlrectors in Upton's Ltd., in con
section with the army canteen scandal.
Reports that-insurgents . had cap
tured. the. town of Ktrltsa, In southern
Albania, were confirmed. Loyalists
deserted the town after three days of
fighting.- I
Much surprise was expressed at Ber
lin et the news, which leaked in con
nertfon with' Wednesday night's, arrest
of a number of members of the Servian
Students' club, that the police .were
warned some time sgo of a Servian
plot to.. -assassinate the emperor.
Fir oestroyied urrerln Terrace, a
famous jthoroiighare overlooking the
Bt. L,awrenoe at (jueoeo.
':--f Pacific Coast.
Minimum wage of $9 a week and $
a week were fixed by the Washington
industrial commission for telephone
- girls over 18 and under 18 years, re
- Mortgage to secure issue of $250,
. 000 timber bonds, was filed at Che-
, balls. Wash by Eastern Railway &
Lumber Co. to; Orand Rapids Trust Co.
of Grand Rapids, Mich.
Leon T. Simpson, 44, and Evelyn
Caffrey, 87, both or Portland, Or,
.were licensed to wed at San Fran
Barley on ' Richard J. Tompkins'
place near Pleasant View,, wash., Is
goinar.60 bushels to the acre.
After 48 hours' wrangling, the Oak
land authorities decided to ask for the
extradition "Of a man calling himself
Frederick Keats Hamilton, accused In
California of bigamy and passing
worthless checks and . located in
Boston. I ' "
Larara yield of hybrid wheat' win
bring total of wheat crop .for walla
Walla county 6,600,000 to 6,000,000
Superior Judge Sturtevant of San
Francisco, said i the secret file- in
divorce suits was a rich- man's insti
tution. ' . ,
The revelations, of Evelyn , Fares,
aged 16, coheernrng her experience
when she . anawered "help wan tea
advertisement, resulted in the arrest
of three men Who gave the names of
Oeorae Reader, I John Sullivan and
Harry Douglass. They wera charged
with a statutory! of fense.
.- i in
F. B. Springer of Salem traded 40
acres of fruit and bottom land to Dr.
W..H. Pollard for two houses and lots
In Springfield, in a deal involving
valuation $7000. ;
M. D. Latourette. M. A. Rands and
Al Price of . Oregon City, went to the
headquarters of the south fork or me
Clackamas to locate water, supply for
the city. ! .
Roseburg postofflce shows gain of
11 oer cent in. receipts in past year
over previous year, total receipts this
year belhtr 820.841.45.
Chief of Police Chrlstensen of Eu
gene, won the $10,000 damage suit for
false arrest Which had been brought
against him. fori taking C. Wallace in
a Indrlnr housit raid.
Kansas City was celebrated at the
Southern Oregon Chautauqua at Ash
land. Picnic and dinner in the park
were features. . i
County Judge Harris and Attorneys
Dillard & Day of St Helens, appeared
before the supreme court to setti
title to water front claimed by certain
business men.
Fire of apparently incendiary origin
destroyed a dwelling near Fourth and
Pearl streets, Eugene, causing looo
loss and endangering the .Booth-Kelly
lumber yards.
Roy Slater-killed two cud Dears on
the Patterson farm near Salt Creek,
several, miles -north of Rlckreall, Polk
county. .
The Smith sawmills ana o trier plants
at Marshfleld which are now turning
out 660,000 feet; of lumber dally, will
continue to operate, says Arno Moreen,
superintendent. r
Gold nuggets were found in the
oraws of eight ducks killed by S. 8aus-
ler, farmer near) BU Helena
Charged That J, Heokart Attempted to
Votes an Employ to tat at a Com
pany Table Oae Heard Here.
Salem, Or., July 10. J. Heckart, su
perintendent of some road construction
work near Troutdale, has been arrested
on complaint of Labor Commissioner
O. P. Hof f. for alleged violation of' the
law making it a criminal offense for
any employer to coerce his employes
into boarding at any particular board
ing house. This Is the first arrest
that has been . made under the .provi
sions of this law. - Commissioner Hoff
said he caused the arrest to be .made
on complaint of F. H. Haley, who as
serted he was discharged because he
would not comply with Heckart's re
quest to board at a certain boarding
house. The, case will be heard in
Portland tomorrow morning.
New . Compilation of Law.
Salem, Or., July 10 State Insurance
Commissioner J. W. Ferguson, has just
issued a compilation of ail the laws
relating to state and. county officials
and state institutions, classified to
Show fees, appropriations and expend!
tures. A copy of the laws is - being
sent to all state and county officials
for their assistance in accounting to
the state accounting department.
Train Threw Bock, Hit Passenger.
Salem, Or.. July 10. A peculiar a.&-
cident has been reported to the railroad
commission. Mrs. N. Peterson of
Rainier, while riding on tne Astoria
branch of the S., P. & 8., was struck
in the ear by a stone flying through
the window. The train conductor ad
vanced the theory that the train picked
up the stone, which struck a wire fence
along the right of way, the stone
bounding from the fence back through
the car window and Striking Mrs,
- Clackaruaa Helps Out.
Salem. Or., July 10. Clackamas
county followed the lead of Multnomah
county by bending another payment of
state taxes to the state treasurer.
payment of $40,000 was received yes
terday from that county.
Today's' Happenings with the Builders, Architects, Contractors and
v Realty Brokers.
$12,000 Portland Heights Home.
A building permit was Issued yester
day to Contractor L, D. Horn for a two
story frame dwelling which he is build
ing for F. Langerman on Clifton street
between Lownsdale and Sixteenth,
Portland Heights. The site embraces
lots a ana m block 68. contract price
of the house is $12,000.
New. Elks' Temple at La Grande.
Architects Hotailng & Dougan have
received a commission from the Elks
lodge of La Grande to get up the de
sign and working drawings of an Elks'
temple to be built in that city at a cost
not exceeding $80,000. The intention
of the La Grande Elks is, to put up a
three .story, structure 60 by 100 feet
in dimensions, with exterior walla tn
faced brick with terra cotta trimming.
The building will be used exclusively
for lodge purposes and will be so ar
ranged that a Turkish bathroom and
some gymnasium apparatus can be Installed.
Era M. Howell to Mary 0. Balateed,
lot 8, block 7, Etna v 6.800
Charles A. Daniels to tieona B. Daniels,
80(151 feet in section 10, township
1 sooth, ranz 2 east. 10
J. Q. Bacher and wife to B. Graf. Jot '
1. 2. block S. Oakharst... 1
Aimed Klepper and husband to Harry
W . Hnaldlnn. lnt 11. IS. bines' O Kt.iw
ley No. 2 10
M, T. Molsan and wife to A Rose, part
lot IT. hlvk . Wlllamatt hflolVTird
Acres, agreemeat. ,. 1.600
D. Kilpatrlck and wife to H. 1j.
Jones, iot 5. block 5. Kilpatrlck Col-
scrsement ISO
Oscar C Rahloth and wife to Edward If.
Lanee. kot 2. block 32. Koasmara. .... 11
Arthnr J. Moore to George W. Lore,
Int 9 tlhwlr A W J Pattnn'a antw
dltlsion lot "I." M. Patton. tr. ...... 10
Edwin 8. Cox et al to Catherine T,
Bonn, land beginning at Bortbsaet
Block l, wooatawa....
Albina Lot Deal.
Henry C. Keck has purchased from
Norman B. Evans the north 40 "feet of
lot 6, "block 0, Irving' s addition to Al-
bins. The property is located on Vlo
torla street between . Weldler and
Broadway. Consideration $2800.
Golf Park Cottages.
Richard Wilder and Victor A. John
son have awarded contracts to J. G.
Kilgreen for the erection of two cot
tages at Golf Park. The houses will
cost about $1800 each. Plans by Archi
tect D. L. Williams.
Church Flans by Efts.
Architect Charles W. Brts is prepar
ing plans and working drawings for
a frame church edifice for the A. M. E.
church to be built at East First and
Halsey streets The building will cost
Musicians Choose Part of Their
Officers y tor the Ensuing Year.
East Bnrnside Street Sale.
A single lot on the south side of
East Burnslde street 100 feet west of
Twenty-eighth has been sold for $3300,
which is considered a good price for
that section of the city. The property
was. purchased by M. C Halstead from
Eva M. Howard. --- w -
land D. McFarland and husband to
Jinks Could I strike ton
loan of 10 cents? . " '
Blnka 1 believe in arbitrating' be
fore atrikiner! What security Have
you; - when will you
would a nickel do?
Qnjuuer Have you sold- your ple
ture of the old street beggar?
Psxnear Not yet: but the m og
pay. and bow
gar ts so true to life that
it drops a pteca of
in front of it. Taka a took.
ery oas
Her Beat rrlend Ts say your
oas) soarrtage wrtb sir. Alultlrox was tore
Tba Bride-Elect Tea, by
Anthoor Dalr et al. south fact
lot 10, block 1, grassmera. . . . , , 1.200
The Joa. A. Strowbridce Eatate Co. to
tbe .Metronoutan investment a lav
Helcbts 10
Alice rnsston snd husband to Gordon 1
Row? et al, land beglnnlnr 170: rest
north of X of center of Base Liu
Road with center of Otlham arenna.. 150
Jobn S. Anderson and wife to John J. .'
Burns et al. loa, block 13. rark a a-
ditlon to AlblifS LzSO
H, J. Uelnnls and wife to C. B. Wood-
worth, lot 7. 8, East oue-naix lot i,
2. block 805. Alkens addition 10
llary Beaker to Marian B. Crane, part
lot 1. block 8, uapieourat. agTas-
ment U00
W. H. Warner and wlia to John H.
Hnghes.. lot 15, block 83, irvingien... iu
W. H. Warner and wife to same, lot
17, block 05, Irrtngton . 10
H. Hamblet snd wife to Tony A. Lang.
et al, lot 88. block 4, Fairport. . . . . . i. 1.060
W. H. Lemlr and wife to John Tow-
send et al, sooth 5 acres, norta iv
seres off sonth 20 acres of the fol
lowing: Beginning 14 chains sad M
Richer D. L. C. ,1
9 w Tmii. t m i Vfvrw A. Una
'tetter, lot 23. block 19. Alblns.. 8.000
liar C. Boeli to Mary A. Sheasgreen.
dltion .. M0
Laorelhorst company to Home Inatall
hurst '. ...... 1.400
Jean Edna Dow to Chas. H. Thomnaon .
Co.. lot 14. block 44. Bos Cltr Psrk 10
B. A. Lei rh ton and wife to Robert
Schmua, lot B3, sooth one-nair iot si.
Still, One Senator
. Raves at President
Towasend Of SQchlgaa Bays WJlsoa
XCas Had 3To Business Spsrlanos
and Xs Driving1 Docile Congressmen.
Washington, July 10. Bitter denun
ciation of President Woodrow Wilson
was voiced from the floor of the sen
ate yesterday by Senator Townsend. He
referred to the president as a "theor
ist, who, without constructive business
experience of his own, flies In the face
of all experience and Insists on driv
Ing docile congressional adherents . on
dangerous and untenable ground."
Townsend said it, was the duty of
congress, to adjourn and then at
tacked the administration's trust pro
- -Much of the legislation already en
acted," he said, "or now In the process
of enactment is an impeachment of
the intelligence and Independence of
congress, and would not have been en
acted It congress . had followed the
aiotates of Its own Judgment as to
what was best and necessary for th
people. X do not believe there is' any
legislator : In congress primarily ac
tuated by desire to throttle and im
pede legitimate industries.- X do be
lieve, however, that in their desire to
curry what they believe to be pop
ular favor some are willing to do and
say things appealing- to passion and
prejudice rather than to reason.
OIOCK o 1 irHt tiRCU ic ruuiuuu. ..-..
Edith T. Sutliff and husband to Oertl
Cherry Picking Now :
In Cove: Orchards
Boosters of Community Are Touring- la
Automobiles With Xing' sad Quesm
Candidates as Their Cruettsv
Cove, Or, July 10. Work baa b-
gun on the Cove cherry crop and this
usually quiet little place is teeming
with life. There is work for all. The
Royal Anne cherries are sold la balk
to be mad into maraschino - cherries,
bringing $80 per ton. The Sings and
Lamberts packed for shipping bring
95 cents per box. . - . -
The .Cove Boosters, tn automobiles.
are today making- a tour of the val
ley, boosting for the Cove cherry fair,
July IS. The candidates ror the king
and queen are the guests of this party.
Robert Burdette is far In the lead for
king and the Misses Bessie Lants, Cas
sis Kelley and Exle White are running
about even for queen. '
Armory Bond Case In Court.
-Eugene. Or- July 10. Judge Harris,
of the circuit court, baa decided that
the O. N. O. Armory bonds Issued by
Eugene are legal, but the Injunction
suit recently instituted to test the
validity of the bonds will be taken to
the supreme court at once. The lot
for the Armory has been bought, the
buildings have been moved away and
the council has awarded the bonds to
R, M. Grant A Co. of Chicago. -
Alaska Volcanoes
Are Active Again
Satire Ohaia Centering About Xatmai
tarts tn as Counter Attraction -to
California's Tourist Drawer. ,
Seward, Alaska, July 10. With
Kount KatmaL the nucleus, belching
out immense clouds of sulphur laden
fumes, - the. -entire chain of volcanoes
on. the Alaska peninsula is In eruption
today according to Captain McMullen
of the' steamer Dlrlgo,. which reached
Seward yesterdayfrom Dutch harbor.
Sulphur -dust eovers -the sea for 100
miles in every, direction from Katmal,
and Pavlof and Bhishatdln are both
violently active,: the latter showing a
new crater on, the north, side from
which lava Is flowing. . -About
Argument Filing.
Salem, Orn -July 10. As tomorrow Is
the last day for filing arguments for
the Initiative pamphlet in support of
any of the Initiative measures or con
stitutional amendments, Secretary of
State Ben W. Olcott today called at
tention to the fact that the law pro
vides that only the person committee
or duly authorised officers of any or
ganizatlon that filed a petition for an
Initiative measure-Is qualified to file
an affirmative argument. He said he
would accept for filing only such argu.
menta as were filed by those responst
ble for the measures - the arguments
are in support of. - . ;
Trustees Elected.
At the last meeting of the Musicians
Tuesday evening two trustees were
elected, Messrs. Charles Walrath and
W. S. Scott. Other officers ar not
elected until th end of the year.
' lvabor Council in Eugene.
E. J. Stack,' secretary of the State
Federation of Labor, returned from
Eugene Wednesday of this eek. after
having organised a central labor coun
cil in that city. It will have nine un
ions represented on its floor. They
will be the bricklayers, stonemasons,
painters, typographical, plumbers, bar
Dcrs, carpenters and electrical work
era W. O. Harblnson is president of
the new organisation, and J, R. Blake-
ley secretary.
inngioians May Build.
The musicians of this city have ap
pointed a Committee to examine into
and report upon' the possibility of. se
curing a building fund with dances,
concerts and picnics during- the next
two years, juany members think it a
feasible plan. - - . ;
Boys Bequest JPermlts.
Many .requests from boys between 13
and 16 are coming into the child labor
bureau for ..permission to work during
vacation,. Where ' the employment
BOUKht is not inlurtous In th health
fbf jthe boy. or likely to put him in an
immoral -environment. Permission is
granted by Mrs. Millie Trumbull, the
Russell Street JLot Sold.
Harry. A. Hostetter has taken title
to a 60 foot lot, unimproved, located
on Russell street 100 feet east of Rod.
ney avenue. J. W. Troup, the owner.
Bold it for $3000.
IrvingtoEL Home DeaL
W. IL Warner-has sold, to John R.
Hughes a house faftd lot on East Elev
enth street between Knott and Stanton
in Irvlngton. A nominal consideration
was set out in the" deed.
Elliott Avenue Buy.
The Ladd Estate company has sold
to Anna B. Hofer a fractional part of
lots and 12, block 17, Ladd's addition.
The property la located on the west
side of Elliott avenue, near Central
Parte, and -was sold for $1950.
Palmer & Ellison Get Job.
Messrs. A. & C Feldenheimer, Wash
ington street Jewelers, awarded tbe
contract Thursday to Palmer A Ellison
to build the two story store and hotel
building at Fourth and Salmon streets.
The building will cover a quarter of a
block and will cost approximately
Rose "City Park Cottage.
Contractors L. R- Bailey -It Co. ob
tained a building permit Thursday for
one story frame bungalow to be
erected on East Fifty-third street be
tween Thompson and Brazes In Mer-
low addition; the house Wttl oost $2000.
G. W. Mellinger Curbs Rheumatism, Constipa
tion, Prostatic I rouble and Ulcer
With New Mineral . '
o. W. Melllngef, a retired carpenter
residing at 4 S8 Arlington Place, Port
land, has Just recovered from a siege
of rheumatism lasting 14 years, and
corrected constipation, . prostate trou
ble and "A rectal ulcer by using Altos
two months, lie writes of his case as
follows: .- . , ;
"In the spring of 1S0O I contracted
rheumatism by working in & cold ram
. with a crew of civil engineers. -,Thl
exposure resulted in. a severe chill, fol
lowed by an Intense fever lasting sev
eral, hours, and Immediately after this
rheumatieni in a severe form set in.
For nearly six months I was unable to
leave-the house,.. , . 'i.---V; V ; - '.vss,
"My lodge Tof Knights of. Pythias
then sent me to , Lake,' where J
got some relief, seemingly, but for a
i short time only:-' but since that time,
besides using 'physicians', prescriptions.
I have tried numerous advertised rem
edies, many ef them guaranteed, but
got no permanent relief until on Febru-
ary 2?, 1S14, twhen I was Induced by
the Akoa demonstrator in Portland to
try Akog ; .
A warrant for $10 "was ordered
drawn in favor of Mrs. Edwin Miller,
whose husband Is serving a six
months rockpile ' sentence for non
support. She is entitled to $1.25 a day
for the support of ; herself and child.
wmie juier is in J ail.- tie was sen-
tencedJune SO
County Physicians Geary and Cliff
reported that a third attempt has been
made to unite the broken bone In the
arm of Joseph Stiver, who was injured
While working on- the Columbia river
highway, and tbaA several weeks will
elapse before the result can be aacer
Notice was given Road Supervisor
White to discontinue investigation of a
report that a man named Whitmore
Is attempting to close a sDrina- in
I told him very plainlv that I had I county road in road district No. 2. as
not the least confidence in his rem a-1 ttl9 board has learned It has no juris
Qies, but .ne seemed ) ao sincere, saiaicuon in tne case
earnest and So confident of success I Attorney Albert B. Ferrera was re
that I finally vicldewi atu tanv .lauested to prepare a statement cover
month's treatment. At the and of the ! Ins actual requirements of8 Blagio Men
month I went back and reported fail-co whojwas Injured while employed
ura He, however. Insisted tht one I on the Columbia river highway, and
months treatment wasi not a fair trial! submit it for consideration by the
m a case like mine. So t nntiniid Iboard.
and am now taking the third month's I On statements by Drs. E. P. Geary,
treatment,- and am so -much Improved I eou&ty physician, and W. E. Suwart
a m w . i . a. - -
tnat expect permanent relief by theltnat wnartes xaicnei, - wno was tern
Cottage Permit Issued.
A permit was issued Thursday to
A.'- B. Ballart for a one story frame
cottage which is being built by bim at
0320 Sixty-third street, southeast; cost
$2000. ' .. . . .
Philip Town Building Cottage.
Ground was broken this week by O.
F. Wlnkley for a one story bungalow
on East Fifty-ninth street, southeast.
The house Is being built for 'Philip
Towtt and will cost $1700.
Real Estate Transfers.
Tbe Hassalo street Conirreajatlonal .
church to Harum r. Gardner et al.
lot 6. 6. block SO, BoUaday'a addH
tkta i..
The Baasalo street Conrrestlonal
clrareb to Htrian v. usrnoer, lot 6, O,
block 80. Uolladar's addition .........
Efchard Terart and -wife to afasdatena '
Pollrels. lot 100, . 100. reaka Kros.',
Horn Acres. . .......... ........ . :
Clarence O. Batter and wife to Chts. ;.
Dow Onnn, lot w, 20. block 1. Ura
gory- Heights.......,
M. Anflerson at al. lot ft. 7. block 1Z,
Park addition to Alblna. soota..
John J. Boras and wiXa to John 8. Aa
dersoe et aU lot 3. 84. block 0. Ar
gjls Park. ............ 9p .............
Anna M. Aylsworth to Llsale Wesen-
h-rer in B hlnck 2. North Villa......
John 8. Smith to TFilbera--Oppeard In-
estnnt U-, .lot. . Dioca . a.. ose-
tnary Psrk
U G. Parker to Minnie A. Parker, lot
8, Beech addition
company to conn. &mn-
burr, lot 4. block 7. Tualatin View
Park. deed...
Jennie K. gbafer and husband to O. w.
Betts. lot 9. IV. MOCK O. ITBniooi rara
Norman D. Krana and wlt to Hanrr
C. Keck et aU north 4 xeei loi o,
block 0. Elisabeth Irrlna'a addition... 1
H. Graf to i. G. Baeber. lot 2. 7. ae-
tion lot 1. a block iil. douaosy-s ad
Sablna H. Harrey to Barney W. Cody
et al. lot . block 8, Highland Park. . 1J00
Jesae Brooks and wife to Zylnna Barper.
lot 4, block 8. Beaumont..............
C. J. van Arery and wife to wimam
wesenbers t ti. wi u, i. sioca. a,
Lincoln Park.
U. D. Held et al to Wm. wesenhsra.
et al, lot S. DWca . uncoin ran....
J.' B. Robinson and wife to R. Cnrrier,
south 40 feet lot e. soutn av '
44 feet lot 7. block 6. alcMahonS ad
1906 Real Eotate Co. to Edith Pearana
st a ai. sua au a wvx.asi - - -
Johns IJOO
Tbe Wldell Realty Co. to ECS M.
Smith, lot Vt. 13. block 1. em rri
Dors Thormahlen to Jaa. " H. Barnes.
lot 4. block 3. Woodiawn, screenient. .
Ladd Estate Co. to Anna B. Hofer.
Kxec, aoutnwesteriy aw iwt n
northeasterly 10 feet lot 12. block 17.
T -AA'm .ilfllriAII . .................
GeorRe. W. Lowe and wife to Arthur J.
Moore, lot 2. otock o. n. . -iwu
anbdirlsion lot "l" ia M... Pattoa
George M. Clawson and wife to Jotin
A. uavia, lOl xo, ,2t, ! o.
Varna B ITn.. . MlUt Lm. BSTTOWS.
UUMU. . ...... - . ,M
lot 83. 84. boelK 8. J4.ircanno juow
Edwin A. Tsylor and wife to Arthur
Grimateaa at ai, nonn ov ieei ju .
IHrscbberg's subdlrUlon block 00.
WsTerly -... v.-
F. Berchtold and wife to WliiianJ tu
Wood, lot 10, blocs 8. Mi. ocoii ew
Tke Jos. A. fltrowbrlds-e Bstote ce. to
Troy L. Kay. lot O, O. Dioca o. jurret
Title Trust Co. to Wsllesley fcsna
OO lot 25, 20.' blocs , sxayie rari.
L. N. Furnislied
11,805 Passes Tear
Zaterstats Oommeroa Commission
ports to Senat oa Xavisa Dispensing
or Tree Tsaasportatloa.
Washington,9 July 10. -Reporting to
the senate v regarding the distri
bution of free transportation by the
Louisville & Nashvills railroad and its
associated railroads, the Interstate
commerce commission arraigned th
company's lavish, distribution of
passes. "These carriers," th report
said, "dipped practically into every do
main of publio and private life through
th Instrumentality of th f re pas a
Nearly ovary walk In Ufa from mem
bers of th federal beach down' war
represented In th prooessioa of reclpt
ents. The financial consideration In
volved compares as nothing to the hn
palrment of publio and private
la Kit., th report declared, th
Louisville Nashvill Issued 11.S0C
passes. Involving 4,(70,000 miles of
travel and worth $120,000. Legislators
and publio officials, including a United
states senator, two congressmen and
129 federal officials, received (672
Eugene Makes Fuss
Over Stranded Agent
JreUow Oivtag the Vam ef Bard Was -
Ootag to Harry Anaett 2C0maa
aaA 2 WoaAers; Selllas; in XOfters.
Eugene, Or., July 10. Claiming to
be on of th "Four Bards," noted ac-.
robata, who are now playing tn Lon
don, England; that h was to marry
Annette Kellerman, vaudeville actress
and motion picture star, and that h
was vary wealthy, a young man reg
istering at a local hotel as J. D. Bard,
has confessed that he was faking, and
he Is now selling pi lifters on the
Streets to get enough money to pay his
hotel bill. "Bard" announced that th .
wadding was -to have taken place in
Eugene Wednesday night and the
after th ceremony he and his brld
were ta start for California In an-au-
tomobll. Bard put up a big front,
was admitted to society and was get
ting along famously until an investl- ;
gation was started..
He promised to 'pay his hotel bill If
allowed to sell his pi lifters, so he Is
not being prosecuted. He pleaded that
he was broke and had to put up a
"front" to get food.
- Invalid Lives to ne 100. 1.
Trent, Pa.. July 10. Mrs: Martha
Crise, bora a sickly baby and an In
valid all bar life, died yesterday, aged
100. -
Coke Rates Reduced.
Salem, Or July 10. A reduction of
B4 cent to Salem, 27 cents to Albany
and 22 cents to Eugene in the rat on
coke, long ton, shipped from either
Fairfax or Wllkerson, wash., is being
made by th Southern Pacific and Ore
gon Electric, according to notice given
by these companies to th state 'rail
road commission. A corresponding re
duction will b mad In th rat on
coaL Th new rates will go Into ef
fect August t.
Wild Blackberries Ripe.
Hood River, Or.. July 10 Wild
blackberries are now tip In th moun
tains surrounding Hood River valley
and scores of pickers ar going to th
hills for tfceir annual supply. A num
ber of Indians are picking blackberries
for the local market, where they sell
for $2.80 per erata
10 i-riirn ' i tin iVi t n i r-n
Woman and Child.
Hurt in Collision ,n RashTIrst.. Could Not Sleep or
Two Idaohlnes Com Togethe oa Saat
Side, On Car TJpsettins; and Plnsdag
ZaJareA Beneath..
The rlsht arm of, Janet Boring, 2
years old. was badly lacerated, and tbe
shoulder of Mrs. Percy Arlett was
fractured in an auto accident last v-
enina- at East Thirty-ninth and Oak
streets. Both are at St Vincent's hos
pital. Seven other occupants of the
two machines - escaped wua sugai
scratch as. "
Percy 'Arlett. 6S2 East Forty-third
street, was driving with his wif and I
child and Mr. ana Mrs. ueorg coring
and their child. Earl Stanley, a ranch
er near Oresham, had three passengers
In his auto. : ; ; " t ' - -
Th Arlett machine was going south
on East Tnirty-mntn streei, wnen
Stanley drov east on Oak sUeet, the
two machines colliding at the ' inter-"
'section. In efforts to avoid the col
lision, th Arlett car swerved, to . th
right, allowing1. th Stanley oar to hit
it squarely, Th Arlett car was over-
It your skin is unduly reddened. freckUd I turned. With Mrs. Boring and Child
or tanned, dab a liberal amount of mercoltsed I cauaht underneath, while Other occu
wax oa e face ana allow it to remain over I pants were thrown to on sia. Airs.
To Overcome Sunburn,
'. ,Tani, Freckles, Wrinkles
end of th fourth month.
"1 bav had chronic constipation -for
more than 40. years and am getting
more relief from the Akos liver pills
than I ever expected to get from any
sourc. I also bav prostate trouble
in an advanced stage and am obtain
In? relief -fromi the usa of Akos oint
ment. ; which, is also healing a rectal
uioer or long standing, s I cannot rec
ommend too highly all the Akos reme
dies in all cases for which they are
recommenaa oy tne company.".
Akos is sold at ' all Heading ' drug
blje burned September 22.' 1912, In an
explosion at tn Kelly Butte rockpile.
Is permanently iniured, the board re
quested District " Attorney Evans to
conrer rurtner wttn air. Eatchel, re
garding an equitable settlement of
any damage 'claim he may have. Audi
tor Martin reported that $640 has been
paid ta Mr. Eatchel since the accident.
-- - - i
sight; when' yew - waah off the war u
the aaorning, fine flaky, almost Invisible
particles of eutiele cams with It. Bepsattaig
una aauy tne ennr outer aain is absorbed.
I but so gradually tbere'a not the- sllgbtest hurt
: or Inconvenlencew : Even tne stubbornest freak
lea are affectad. 3. The UndarlTlnc skin walcb
forms tbe new complexion la so fresb and
yoothful-looklnir. you'll marvel at the trans
formation. i It's ' tbe only ' thing ; knows to
actually discard an - aped,, faded, muddy or
Boring was pinned down by the ma
chine, -which -waa lirtea on oy Arieti.
On th lap of Mrs. Boring was seated
her 2-vear-oid aaugnter. wnos, arm
became tangled in a wheel, lacerating
th arm between th elbow, and wrist.
Mrs. ; Boring ' was not injured. Other
autos removed th Injured woman and
child to the hospital, where Dr. R.
Watklns attended the child and Dr.
Bear Visits SeatUe.
Seattle, July 10. In the city limits
a bear, described a a "great, big, black
one." sauntered up to tn noma or Mrs.
stores, woere runner information may 1 Louisa M. Gareau, umrtietn avenue
b had regarding this advertisement Jtand Stan ton" street, last nigh t. U
blotchy complexion. On ounce of aercdllted i Richard Neubauer attended Mrs. Ar
wax. pracuraots) si an- urns; store, M aura I teib
dent in most esses.
- It ess and ..winds siaka yea squint and
frown, you're bound ' to eultvata wrinkles
and crew's feet. To everoMne these quickly,
bathe tbe face .In a eolation made by dissolv
ing .as ounce of powdered aaxollte in a half
pint witch hazel. (Adv.)
- Accounted For.
: "Why did , Smith's relatives put a
only half mourning for himr
"I suppose they wer only half sorry
bVwas dead.: : ..-: , - ...
Rest. - Hard Crust Covered Neck.
Awful Disfigurement. Cuticura
Soap and Ointment Healed.
B. P. D. No. 4, Bpz 65, Holland. Mich.
"My child's trouM began by getting red
sad sor around her neck, and her face, be
hind her ars, under bar arms, sad different
parts of her body wer af-
rected. Th csma ap
peared ta a rash first. It
was wet and looked as If
It' was sweaty. It seemed
to itch and burn so that ah
could not sleep or. rest. 1
got so bad at last that be
hind her ears was oa crust
or aor so that X bad to cut
bar hair.' , There was a bard crust covering
her aeok., She oould not hav her clothes
buttoned at all. I could hardly change bar
clothes. It caused aa awful disfigurement
for ta time, ah would cry when X had
to wash her.
"We had her treated for sota tlm bet
without success. Th trouble had lasted
about four weeks when w began ta
Cuticura Soap and1 Ointment. X bad not
used them more than three days when I could
see she was getting better. X got
of Cuticura Soap and on box of Cuticura
Ointment and X had not used mora than
half of what X bought when ah was an
cured." ' (signed) Mrs. O. C Biamerama,
Mar. 81, lftlt. . - - r -p , ; v r . :
Samples Free by Mall
Although Cuticura Soap C2Se.) sad Cuti
cura Ointment 50a.) ar sold by druggists
and dealers throughout th world, a sampl
of each with 32-p. fikln Book win b sent
free upon request. Address post-Card!
!! Cuticura, Dept. T. Boston. .
wC 1 1 Nowhere on thii continent ft I 'p.l
'l! be found more idea! tpot j : j'-;'"
i -v H ' for the followeri of the out- s ;
L Vt" tJ' : 1 door life than amonftt the ' nx-4iti(
J-fcifS .i scenic splendors of this mott . v Tr
iJ.--S 1 BMinificent playground. . feN.
..liVTP I REACHED VIA THE " ' ' SffifV V
' "Muwaukee"
yjJwSS j J j (TAC0MA EASTERN R. R.) . Ij'rQj '
SSSS : I , For mn ini dnctiftin liters-" ). iC(4 .
. ture,pplr ' l-VkMV:
.ar,r t t GARRISON, D. F. ft F. A. J-.X
mk s Ajro $rajue srs. a, - iva
hi AVTt.TTttt VS C
I iV . ..NAMES -u ;-. I I
uSB stH r our 1 rams:
Tllii- l ' Dailr in each direction ' I I ,
1 Vll' O , Call on or phone v ? I 1
Cl II I llinU 244 Phones A-1244
1 JIT W " Portland. Oregon j