.THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 10, , 1914. lr : t SITUATIONS MALE fi (continued.) 3 Want All round work by sober, reliable man. steady employment pre ferred willing to work without pay 5nl mtimr with workC. Molenaar. a. Aspen ' VlfPkklEW janiwr-wiin guuu i erenre wants position. vSingle man, nmJd I A3 Phone Main ,8119 or call at head janitor's office, Commercial Mock, FURNISHED ROOMS 0 ' j ' WEST SIDE ' - ? Continued.) HOTEL.- BUCKINGHAM, 20th and Wash. 12.60 wk.s pp.,. 60c -day op.; new-V nod. brick, clean outside rooms, f ' mm', no ex.- cnarge - z in room. MAN UooJ aPParance and k address. wants position as drjr goods clerk, traveling salesman or solicitor; refer InZl n request. East 1402. i-vpKKIKN;Ki amp carpenter desire . work; will take, any kin of work, Janitor porter or similar., work.. A 1M7 ialn 717. - YO"iiN? man desires position, in auto hop with chances of learning busi ness; small salary to : start, - P-7 59, Jotirnn I NEWLY furnished rooms In refined private "home; very reasonable; bath. Phone arid -electric lights; board If de si red; -7 minutes' walk to Postofflce. al 6tni st: IF taken immediately, large front loom in oM focdlnnni ruidonet. Wilt be rented at the .'extremely low price pi no month Main 60&8. v in. ma l'Al.M lNO. tinting-.- papering, lowest prices; country, city;, aay or con tract. Phone East 6039. EX PKK11SZSCED shoe, salesman wants worK.- uooa reierences.' will tax. any Kind of steady work. Main 717. KXl'lllE.NCED collector and adluster wishes position with reliable people; tet or references, p-ioi, journal. GAKUENEK and caretaker wishes sit uation in private raraiiy; best of rer ereiuesi; F-67, Journal. ----- ' s -t YOUNO man would like position as stenograpner and DooKkeeper; ex perienced; good references. Tabor 601. WANTjSD UU to mow or cut brush py a rename man. Main 6899 SITUATIONS FEMALE EXPERIENCED. Normal trained teach er .would ilka to tutor younr children this summer. Apply to Miss Laura K. lotn st., Portland. Breck. 120 E. MIDDLE aged woman wants light housework in small family. Phone i nursaay morning Main 72W. YOUISO lady (.Scotch), bookkeeper, and stenographer, wishes position. " D S09. Journal. " ' WIDOW woman wants Janitor work or WorkUn wholesale house. Phone Bell. . 4 0. can mornings. WOMAN with girl 14 wishes situation as Housekeeper, town or ; country. oi ,i Main in, MEAT woman wants day. work, house cleaning or laundry work. Main 717, .WOMAN with child wishes Dositlon In , town? or country as housekeeper. jviam i if. a-ioi i "WOMAN wants' day work or chamber woritf wnere she can go home nights, wain t i i, A-1Q1I COMPETENT second cook deslrea ait - uatlon, will take work as kitchen neiper. t a-1617. Main 717 RECOMMENDED laundress and house Cleaner wishes day work. Wood jawn i35. WANTED Woman to do chamber work; for apts. 872 Hawthorne. WOMAN vtants work as kitchen helper, Malnl 71J7 A-l;. WANTED Cire of children; home; VToodlawa 3238. good WOMAN wants chamber work, perlenced. Main 717. Is ex WOMAN wants chamberwork or kitchen work. Main 717. PAY work wanted by reliable woman. Main 717. COMPETENT laundress wishes work. Can give references. Main 717. .WOMAN with girl 14 wants situation wnere sne can take child. A-1517. WOMAN wants day work. Main 717. rkBS wants work. Main 717, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE - I AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife, Scotch, with grown ovy, woi position on rancn. p-6i, Journaj. iuAn ana. who want worn as oooks on Btetiniioti or in camp. Alain 717. .WHEN you answer these- Want Ada. mention The Journal. . V DRESSMAKING 40 ' r ruBixssxs xtooais wrnrr bxbb putatb zabiixt to CLEAN, flight! outside room, private lamiiy, ii.ao per ween; iree ppone. 660 Taylor st v - EAST SIDE PMVATE TAMttT 7 COontlnaea.j , 3 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms downstairs, front anfl elde entrance yard, slnk, bath, lights . an p h onf f month;. S rooms upstairs $14: f distance, near T car. 302 .Tillamook st. Phone MBt APARTMENTS -' f Contna4l. 43 NICELt furnished housekeeping rooms reasonable; beautiful - yard. Tabor 1S7 202 E. 45th Mt. Tabor car. MONTGOMERY APTS. 3d and Montgomery.- New brick, all outside fur nished. 2 room apts., private bath, phone, automatic elevator, close In. $20 up. Main 946. - FOR TIKWT FLATS 13 AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 . ' ' Oontlnned.1 - . . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 Automobile Wanted 'r. SWELL furnished or unfurnished room flat, dirt eheap.: 35 E. 16th N. FOR RENT H PUSES 13 FOR BENT Two 10 rooivbo,?1-491-493 Everett it, ar 14th. . WUl give some concessions to right parties. Must-be taken at once. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO.. 276 Pine St Main 1721. Mr. Slrard. THREE room flat very reasonable. 706 Vancouver ave.' Wood lawn 1953. WHEN you answer., these , Wans Ads. mention The Journal. FURNISHED FLATS AO 649 Taylor, near 17th,' 4 room finely lurnisnea apt., 3 targe bay, windows. A RESPONSIBLE, party can rent this t well shaded, new Axmlnster Garnet pretty, modern bungalow at a very tfumej oak furniture upholstered In NICELV furnished cool airy bedroom, f urnace and waah trays; well buiU Ior j25. Tel. Sellwood 141i after 6 p. garage. win inwi,iv w...v , m., ana Dei ore 1 1 a. m Sellwood 250. U5: MODERN 6 room house, porcelain all convnliniH. vfrv central. 361 Yamhill, corner Park. COMFOHTABLE aleeping room for slnsrle a-ent verv chean. 330 Taylor. CLEAN, cheerful, airy rooms, quiet ana nomelike, close in. 3 saimon. BAST TvntaanEU booms SZBB ntTVATE PAMXLT 71 NICE, eool, cheerful, outside rooms, $1.50 week. 19.2 Grand ave., cor. yayior. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mentron The Journal. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 15 HEAD of first-class dairy cows, 10 just fresh and 5 to iresnen soon. Jersey, j Durham and Holsteln 8 to 5 ais. a day. Take wooasioca car 10 9th ave., walk 3 blocka west to 38th et. CASA ROSA Large airy room, suita- ble ior 4 or 5 young men. juu jener- son. 72 nlnmbinr. on carline $20; modern 7- room bouse, corner on carline; porcelain plumbing. Phone sellwood FOR RENT 8 room house. 979 tocnuy ler st.; modern, near Fernwood school, has "a garage. In good order; Drlce $26 per month; lease given. Ap- ply Mr. Iliff, 966 Schuyler st. MODERN 6 room bungalow close In. Dutch kitchen, stationary - tub, ce ment basement, gas and electricity. W W. or W. R. car. 886 Clinton st. IRVINGTON, 445 E. 14th N., 8 rooms and sleeping porch,- garage, fruit trees and roses.. Inquire 6t0 Tilla mook st. - FOR RENT House 1227 Denver aye. Inquire Dr. Wise. 406 Swetlahd bldg. Mam ot. , PSZYATS FAMILY BOOMS A2TD BOABD " - ." 1 -11,1 o. TWO frnn rnnma ixrlth Or WltnOUt I breakfast: walking distance. uk t SIX room house for rent. Bath, toi let, big lawn, screened sleeping porch. 1009 Grand ave., N. Wdin. zs&u, FOR RENT 6 room modern house. partly furnished or uniurnisnea, easy 4Z Maiseysu $20; MODERN 6 room flat, newly fur nished, 3 blocks south of Broadway bridge.- fronting on river. Must be seen, to appreciate. 290 Margin. 6 ROOM flat, $20; electricity, phone and wttter; walking distance. E. 3310. SUMMER RESORTS 56 ROC KA WAY. Cottages furnished, near depot. For reservations address Mrs. A. H. Rus sell, Rockaway, Or.; for quick lnforma iionpnone mast 4644. I want a good, four cylinder, two pasenger automobile, in good condition. Must be classy look ing and well equipped. As part payment I have to offer a brand "ew, latest model player-piano with fifty music rolls. The bal ance, if .ny, to be paid in satis factory terms. WTiat have you to offer! Address Box B-113, Journal. - - - Electric Motors Used , Auto Snap, LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. GARFORD 1 PASS., MAXWELL r PASS., . BUICK $ PASS.. . OWEN 6 PASS. AT BIG SACRIFICE. Northwest Auto Co. Broadway and Couch 8trects. Uctrle motors bought. sold, rented and repaired. -. Walker Electric Works 1 1 and Burnaide. Main 6674. FOR SALE New and secodd hand carom tnd noo.ket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fixtures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 46- 48 6th st. Main 769. A-1769. 'MUSICAL - INSTRUMENTS, 'Type writers" and -uouMboia jcoas are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective clasalflcations. Look them over. - - EODIK3 BODIES fcOii.S of every description and kind; prices are right, workmanshln la the best. material Is first class, design is cor rect; rebuilding touring car bedies is something we understand and do to NEW Singer sewing machines $6 down $3 . per month, any make old ma chine taken in exchange, second hands all makes $8 up; latest models, all makes, tor rent. Free ceiivery. Morrison. Marshall 721. A-allO. : I your entire satisfaction; painting, we I have one of the beat eaulDDed shops in SEASIDE For rent Sleeping rooms. the west. Prices correct, as usual. housekeeping rooms housekeeping tents,, tent grounds; quiet location; cheap. Apply the Austin, 300 S. 7th st. Clay at., near 3d. 5 room bungalow partly furnished. 75 W. Prescott St. one or two lots. Phone Woodlawn 476. Tirvvr T j 1 r j ,4W CAAtnVi fatrtTTw borne nrivlleees. 15.50 Der weCK. ill I WMl oiutu muu. unwm 1. N 17th st "I $11. Gas, eiactriciiy. vaugnn St.; goo bu iti. FOR RENT Cottage at Long Beach; fine view of ocean, large grounds. G. F. Whltehouse. M. O. Dpt.. P. O FOR RENT Cottage at .Seaside. East 156, or Tabor 6206. , COTTAGE "at North Beach, near Breakers Hotel. Phone East 462. COTTAGE for rent at Seaside. Main 4191. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. STORES AND OFFICES 11 yard. 862 One for $13. unnuu Dioovms F'-" " . " r-m I r.,,m e .. Ilrtno- lne room: good nome coo King, oi run xixuri, 9 xuuiii v.i.mRco, ,......p T.uii rin 1 aistance.' w est siae; very 10 jw rent. LARGE store, fine location for gro ceries or meat market, fine location for cash business, very low rent, long lease. M. E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. ROOM and board $5.60 and $6, young people; music. 49 sa st. WHEN i you answer these Want Ads, mention The journal. M. E. Lee. 622 Corbett bldg. A BARGAIN $16 per month, 6 room modern house. 867 E. 8th st. N.. near Mason. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 30 PORTLAND Heights, 7 rooms, batn. fine location, cheap. Main 44. WANTED Room and boards In prl- KOod locality. 447 N. 23d st. oeasaJS SnZo" Snfr 4 RMS modern, two carline nice boarders 1 answer with full particulars. yards; upper and lower. $13. B. 1654. C-437, Journal. WANTED Board, room, private fam ( lly, where no other boarders. . East 369a. Call for Bert. 1 6 ROOMS, close in. modern. East 8737, or Main 7157. Phone $12.50 SIX room house.. One block from Sunnyside school. Tabor 8686. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 WHEN ycu answer these Want- Ads. mention The journal. Cambridge bldg. furnished H. K. rooms. central. cP.eap. lft aa., cor. Morrn. 2 ROOM suites $4, $5, $7; single $3.60. 188 Market. GEM H. K. rooms. 665 1st st. FURNITURE FOB SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture for sale are pub llshed In the Household Goods classification, when house is not for rent. LR1CK warehouse in Soutn Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.,' Broadway and Yamhill. WHEN- you answer these Want Ads, mention me journal. WANTED TO RENT WANTED 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, lower floor if possible, pri vate residence, by young couple with daugnter; references; walking dis tance of depot. K-1000, Journal. BY July 18. modern 3 or 4 room fur niahed cottage by man and wife: long .lease; state location and price. C-439. journal. KOUSEXESPXira boosgs WEST SZSE PRIVATE FAJsXbT 73 SNAP Furnture sale 8 room house, rent $20; gas, electric 272 Mill. HOUSEKEEPING, also sleeping rooms and tent. Large lawn. Use laundry, both phones, water, bath, lights, in clude with rental $1.25. 2, 3. 4, 6 week rates, by month. 675 Couch, cor. 18th. FURNISHED HOUSES 38 FOR SALE or trade for city lot or dairy cows, Lady Cecil, age 7, Bally bike, and bike harness. Address Mrs. S. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, free I SIX room, well furnished house, fine j 2137. FURNISHED house for lease, 9 rooms, central, west side, references. Mar shall 3517. THREE or four room furnished apart ment, with private- porch. State price ana complete description, s-162. journal. WANTED Unfurnished apts.. 2 to rooms, walking distance to west side and Aider st mone TaDor soza. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO Main 2892. 209-11 Front st. AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS A NECESSITY We sell you a truck of nor eanacltr. no Initial payment; you can pay for it In monthly installments. Don't delay. A postal will secure full information. H-S88, Journal. TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO, "The Tire Shoo. 650 Washington at- at 18th. Marshall 379. We buy an! sell used tires and do First Class Tire Repalrfng. -PASSENGER Pierce-Arrow. sDlendid mechanical ' condition. 1800: Hudd orpeao roadster, $450; E. M. F. o, $500; Elmore foredoor, 30-h. p., $400 UUIjMAUci-MANLT AUTO CO. 46-48 N. 20th. 1914 CHALMERS 36, -5 pass., $1150. 1913 R. C. H. 30. 6 -pass., $490. 1911 Reo 30, 6 pass., $350. These cars are In finest condition. FRANCIS & KADDERLY. E. 13th. and Hawthorne ave. East $199 FIVE pass.. 1911. Cadillac In good or der, with 2 extra tires, 4 extra Inner tubes and new top. All In fine shape. Cash only. Phone E. 1993 or call 465 Weidler. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large Stock Prices, $300 to $760. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Studebaker Building. " Corner Chapman and Alder. NO REAL Estate wanted, but will give reasonable terms; have two trucks and must sell at once; 1 ana s tons cheap. Get bmsy. F-58. journal. HOUSE wanted; give price and loca tlon. G-961. Journal. HORSES' AND VEHICLES 18 "SOLID as the nation" la a rebuilt Federal truck; we have just one do you want to purchase on easy terms? D-83. Journal. cooking gas, lights, bath and phone. I .location: can rent out 3 rooms. .Kent reasonaDie. 4U3 za. cor. Harrison. 1 3a et, alter- 6 p. m 442 FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms. I SIGHTLY 7 room modern home, com- nice yard. lath Marshall 5789. : and Kearney sta. pletely furnished. 6 to 12 months. Sellwood 196.. LARGE room and kitchenette, private 646 Xamhill. ' , family, $10 per Marshall 5441. mo. FOR RENT Private housekeeping rooms 4-rooms ' on first floor, well 1 rurnisned. zj.b ism, corner saimon. 'i MRS. H. L. JACKSON dressmaking don at home, work guar-P.t'a-l Stevens, apt G. Phone Main 4697. ' - f MAM MARTZ. modiste, for chic indl ";vldual styles. Suits, gowns, dresses. Phone Main 3933. 12th and Alder. SINGLE i housekeeping rooms; kitch enette : and running water, phone. Dath. 221 13tn. NICELY furnished 4 room cottage. modern, 2 blocks to oar. Phone Ta- bor 6586. A 5 ROOM .cottage, furnished; piano; $16 month' adults only. 1405 Oneon ta st Woodlawn car. FOR SALE Bay mare, weight 12S0 lbs., work anywhere, price $90. Take Oregon City car to end of line, go in store, ask for J. H. Van Meter. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. DRESSMAKING. $2 per day. Maln 7756 25. FIRST I class dressmaker by tne day or week. Call Woodlawn 1369 WHEN 1 you answer these Waut Ada ; mention The Journal. ( NURSES 60 NURSE wishes more engagements, lit tle hottsework, reasonable; also wants ladles to share house. Tabor 2664. WAiNTiLU wet nurse at once. 1117 East Mill St., bet. 37th and 88th. jFJURNISEED ROOMS ! WEST SIDE ALMA HOTEL. 11 lJtb St.. cor. Stark, $3 week up. Transient 76c to $1.60 day; modern, clean rooms; home, for nice people; hot, -oM water, elevator, prlv. baths, phone. HOTEL. Ma DRAM 1 2th and Washington. Steam heat, hot and cold runninir, vitnr nrinl. and detached baths, free phones. Sin, rle H. suite I rooms. $5. YOONG men ' may consult, without charge, register of furnished, rooms , listing, 'several hundred rooms In all yclty at Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor sta. AFART5IKNTS 4a FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, rea- " KA?n " I THE LUZERNE APARTMENTS. fOKTUAo neignis. xine suite rooms. cUy. TOOdrn brick bldg.. all outside targe lawn, an .unveuiwn.es. reason- mom, nrlvat h.th t.Unhnn, and able. Main 4844. ' I dress In e- roonrm. sronH lanltor aervice. 3 TON wagon, new, cheap, or trade for pair small horses; $20 takes good buggy. 368 E. 6th st Phone E. 4420. FASTURE for stock, near Portland. 338 Sherlock bldg or phone Main 1410. NICE looking, gentle, family mare, top buggy, harness. Apply 968 E. Stark. DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE Taken away free. Tabor 4203. WHEN you answer these Wane Ada, mention The Journal. FOUR large, cool, well furnished, H. K. rooms,, downstairs. 'JNO objec tions to children. 331 14th st. M. 5608. dressing rooms, good janitor service, 12 blocks from business section. $20 and up. If you want a clean, quiet home, call Mar. 4637. LIVESTOCK WANTED All grades scrap, rubber. highest cash, prices paid: phone us our man will call and buy what you have. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. M. 5198, ilTfc iyiur. m Written guar antee witn every spring. 26 N. 15th st 4 PASSENGER Elmore, fore door, oe mountabla rims, extra rim and tire. nickel trimmings, fully equipped and In A-l condition: $450. 368 E. waati. FOR SALE 5 pass., $200. Call B-2536. MOTORCYCLES - BICYCLES 55 1913 Harlev Davidson Twin. 8 H. dream tandem. Presto tank and light; cost $350. Sell for $150. terms from private owner. 209 4th st GASOLINE AND OIL- ENGINES. Marine & stationary. Marine Hardware. Write for Catalogue. - GAS POWER te : SUPPLY CO- .168-173 Front BW " Portland. Oregon. - effi WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 u j Contlaae-t HIGHEST prices paid for furniture, stoves and ranges.- If you fall to call us you lose (dollars). ' We are 4n the position to pay you every cent of its value. East 6462. Grand Rapids Furniture Ex.. 121 Grand ave. LOST AND FOUND SI OUK screens keep them out Sleeping porches screened; screens made to order. Satis faction guaranteed. The Work shop. 269 E. 6th: East 6804. PORTLAND. July . 1914. The follow ing articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light 4s Pow er Co. and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station: . . July 7 Marshall 6100. A-6131: 'One purse, 1 umbrella, 3 lunch boxes, 2 packages. 3 pairs gloves. 1 suitcase. 1 pair shoes. 1 nursing bottles, needle- werx a glasses, 3 umorenaa, 1 tiasket 6 milk bottles. -1 Dackaara clothes. 1 child's coat 1 roll books. 1 handbag. 1 book car tickets. 1 Dlr rubbers. 1 umbrella, 1 suitcase, 1 suitcase. 1 plant 1 pair spectacles. 1 pair . gloves, packages. LOST On Mississippi ave. between Emerson st and Kllllngsworth ave.. small coin purse containing $5 gold piece, $1.60 in silver, 3 silver beauty pins and 13c in stamps. - .104 Emerson st Reward. PERSONAL (Coatiaued.) J2 Dr, J. J. Keefe LICENSED PHYSICIAN. My Office is Ihnrmirhl Mulntwd ' With CVerV electrii-al mil nmrkiniMl : device necessary for the acientlfis " treatment of your ailments. a aumimstkr THE WORLD'S LATEST REMEDIES. . : . . I treat successfully: ., Acute. Chronic. Kervous. Blood. Skin. Bladder. Uver and Kidney Diseases. Rheumatism. Neurasthenia. Kciema,.. Bores. Ulcers, Piles and Fistula, - Consultation and examination free. , .Hour: 9 to 6. 7 to 8 dally; Sunday 10 to 4. Rooms U to 15. Lafayette bldg. 318 Wash. St.. cor. 6th." LOST On E. 20th-or 21st. between Taggart and Brooklyn, a diamond ring, keepsake. Return to Mrs. Slaton, oj r.. zvin st. ttewara. BARGAINS IN USED DESKS. b oak bookkeeper desks. 1 oak rolltop desk, mahogany flat top typewriter desk. THE J. K. GILL CO., 3d and Alder. LOST Lady's watch and chain. Keep sake. Husband's cloture In it Please return 270 Ivy at. Reward. LOST or stolen, 9 paper bills curency; liberal reward; no questions asked. Tabor 6056. FOR SALE 13 U, P. traction engine and hay press, in fine working or der; together or separate. K-46, Jour nal. - LOST Small white dog with black mark on face, about June 24. Finder nltlfy American Express Co. ; SAFES All sizes at cost; safes re paired. Moeler Safe Co.. 409 North western Bank bldg. Main 7676. $16 BUYS $80 new Standard sewing LOST Gold fountain Pen with . name Lonsdale on It: return to Journal office and receive reward, machine, latest model. Yamhill, near 4th. Storage, 289 PASTURE: Close In. Main 4876. SWAP COLUMN 25 EDISON cylinder phonograph to trade for kodak or refrigerator. C-43S. Journal. - - - TYPEWRITER or Elgin watch to ex. change for desk and cnair. j oraan. 801-2 Lumbermens bldg. WHEN you answer these Want AOs, mention 'ine journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED The neoDle of Portland to snow tnat x pay nignesi casn price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Beater. E. 6707. 143 Russell st "Feldstein" Highest prlcesald for second hand furniture, tools, clothing. E. 1051, B- Z717. "NOTICE TO MOVERS" We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay- all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. CASH PAID FOR Iron, metal 8. rubber, sacks, tools. Pipe, plumbing supplies and job lots. Capl- tai junn co., r by rTont st. Mam 7656, CALL up E. 6520. M. R. S eater, to sell your furniture, prompt attention. highest cash prices. 368-874 Hawthorne, ROSES and flowers wanted. 25c to $1 hundred mornings except Sun cay. Z7Z star st. BE WISE, ret mora for .your secunu hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction uo zii 1st. Main 8351. A MAN'S blue serge coat containing grocery slins and ahloDlng recelDts. nnoer piease notify Mam Biza. LOST Airedale dog. 9 months old. Re. wara. 6 Glisan st Mar. 85l. PERSONAL 23 LADIES Ask for Antlke Mixture No. 8. It la safe and sure. "Woman's Medi cine. the moat successful and harmless "Regulator" . known. For sale and guar anteed by llelf ond Drug Co., 222 Morrison, near First SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or suitcase at 633 Wash., at ltth. "; NOTICES 2rt A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay $6 to $10 for a pair of glasses, when I can fit your eyes with first Quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1.60? C. W. Goodman. 191 Morrison at, near pnage. satisfaction guaranteed. NOTICE. Goitre can be removed in 10 days under guarantee. Salve will remove cancer, bolls or any soreness.- under guarantee. CAKIi BEUIK, 93 Union ave. mmiT hair r.ftfins "Don't trust peddlers with combings; let us make them up. 95e ud. Wigs. toupes a specialty, 20 yrs. est'd. Febvet & Hanebut 147 Broadway, nr. Morrison. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts, etc.. destroyed forever by electric needle; no pain, no scar, cure guaran teed. Mlle.Te Long. 604 Swetland bldg, DIVORCES, bo notoriety, case secured; consultation Tree; appointments al ter 6 p. m. and Sundays. Marshall 4368. zoz Gernnger oiog. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, chl ropodist, will be pleased to see her old patrons at new location, zot 111- cieay Diog., z.ao wasnington st. DR. M'MAHON. famous chiropractic. WhyT 18 adjustments. $10. Lady attendants both offices. 721 4tn, 87 Williams ave. Main 205. East 28. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEEP. Mental and Spiritual Scientist Daily 302 AHsky Didg; question ana messages. w ea nesday. 8 P. M. Main 8223. OFFICE furniture and fireproof safes our specialty. We pay highest cash price for same. Phone Main 2344. IF YOU want a motorcycle cneap call Tabor 630 or Marshall 8286. We sell as low as $25 down. ' WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention- The Journal. 35 I LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 ONE. 2 and 3 modern housekeeping I rooms; first floor. 892 Columbia st 1, 2. 3 strictly modern, newly furnished H. K. rooms. 429 Main st. SINGLE housekeeping room, very con venlent, $9 a mo. 330 Taylor. MODERN housekeeping and sleeping I WASHINGTON GRAisu t Brick). 2 MELCLIFFE COURT. E. 11th and Morrison, opposite east side public library; 4 story brick building, automatic elevator. 2 and 3 rooms, all outside, with every modern convenience; rates .very reasonable; beautiful view; walking distance. rooms, close in. 190 13th st. DESIRABLE suite front housekeeping rooms, reasonable rent. , 330 Taylor. TWO and 3 rooms, all conveniences. $10 and $13 per month. 492 Clay. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ; EAST SIDE 48 WHY pay more when you can rent all outside rooms at 75c per week each, suites of 2? Gas plate furnished. 480 Belmont st. East 6143. rm. furnished ants.. $12 per mo. Just rebuilt, modern, clean, very desirable; hot and cold waterjn each apmt. Heat, light and bath furnished. N. W. cor. Grand ave. and E. Washington st Tel. East 4449. SHEFFIELD apartments, 272 Broad way, S cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance, t or 4 rooms with private baths, very reasonable rent, best serv ice, splendid arrangements, all outside rooms, direct nhones. . 1 20 HEAD of good dairy cows, biggest half fresh Jersey, Dumam ana riol steln; health certificate with each cow. Take Mt faoott car to ients, walk 1 block north, 4 blocks east 863 Foster road. FOR SALE High grade Jersey cow, 4 years old, 3 gallons per day, fresh 6 weeks, price $85. - Take Oregon City car to end of line, go in store, ask for J. H. Van Meter. FRESH cows with calves, from 3 days to 4 weeks old. and from 4 to 6 gal lons of milk; also one coming fresh this month. 2061 E. Washington st. Mt. Tabor car to 82d St., 2 blocks north. WILL exchange surrey in good con dition for good cow, hogs or other livestock. Townsend Van Schoon hoven, 144 Front st. Portland, Or. , THE ALBION HOTEL i 213 3d and Salmon. . Rooms $1.76 week up, steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. OAK HOTEL. 847 Oak st. furnished rooms, steam heat, hot water, bah free. $a.6Q week up. Main 4150. S.ftV 1"JSH WEEK, front room. Hht mX- 42 north 10th st, cor. Couch, A.L'r HOTEL Cor. 12th and Stark. 3.601 wk. up. Private bath, $4.60 up. Clean Outside rooms, modern, brick bid: $3 PER .WEEK for finely furnished .- room,.-hot and cold water; down Town, prick ouiioing. 190 1st st r iourG man, rooming at Y. M. c. a.. wants roommate to reduce rooming r fi-iih-u. inquire i, M. u. A. HOTELSAVON 131 11th st Per manent and tran'st THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely fur. mnaern, central, la week up. ROOMS and apamnents in modern ho- Tei:. mil week and up. 455 Alder. 11. BO to 82.75 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas. free neat, laundry, batna Phone East 6039; 406 Vancouver ave. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12 th and Taylor. Modern completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. COMPLETELY furnished 1 room apts., with kitchenette, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in everv room f 1 hlnrlr. frnm fitH nrtA TWO room, cheerful suite, complete J Morrison sts., $16.50 and up. 291 Co- EOirssxEsrara booses " BAST STDB PRIVATE ffAHTXY 74 I housekeeping. $12 month. Also nice cool room and kitchenette complete; bachelor or Tespectable working girl. $9 month; free light, oath and phone. 192 Grand ave., corner Taylor. ' tumble, st. corner 6th. COME and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co. 607 Commercial blk. Main 6120. 2 YOUNG Jerseys, one Durham, fresh cows at 1294 Corbett st. Take Ful ton car. - FOR SALE, 4 good fresh cows, part jersey. 10 Miiwauxie st. FOR SALE Jersey cow and calf. 3Z Wilkinson, 82d ave. and 66th st. S. E. FAST motorboat, excellent model ana engine; win sacrifice. s-ib, journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 ' A Steinway Grand Here Is an opportunity to get that Grand piano. A beautiful, practically new Steinway grand. Mahogany case, less than one year old, in absolute regulation, etc. Paid $1150 for it, will sell same at very - reasonable price Reply at once if interested, let lng me know where I can com municate with you. No real es tate trades considered. Terms may be arranged however, with responsible parties. Address B 112. Journal. MUZZLE - LOADING rifle wanted, about .26 cal.. 6 lbs. weight. Give full description. B-195. Journal. SECOND hand clothing and furniture wanted; highest cash prices for 2d hand clothing, furniture. Globe. M. 2080 WANTED Moving must be bargain. pcture machine; K-133. Journal. WANTED 15 lb. gas iron. Telephone Woodlawn I486. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras! Hochfeld. 44A N. 3d st. Main 8681. ON the square, Secord pays most for second hand goods. East 6717. MRS. - STEVENS. . 20 years Portland s leading palmist and clairvoyant has her late books on sale. 291 Morrl son. UUKUUN 8TATK HIGHWAY COMMISSION. MULTNOMAH CUUNTY. NOTICE TU t'UXTRACTOBS. Belled propuaali, adtlmavd ta :b boars' of rommla,lunrr of Multaouiati counrr.' Ur.. and manned "fropoaals far cunntructiDg a ate! bridse 00 tU Columbia blsbway la Mult nomah couuty orer tbe andy riTer. near the t'ortlano Autocuoblle clubbouae." will be ra relved bj tbe board of rouulr eutuutlMioaera of Ualtnomab coqdIt at Ua office, room VOO. court bouae, Portlaod, Ur., until 10 a. m., July 23, IBM. and at that tliua and place will ba . IHibllcly ojwned and read. All proioMl, tnuat be upon blank farm to be obtained from tbe stata highway com ailaaion'a office, room 442. court bouae. i'or. land: mnat ! tae price prupoaed both la rltln and flKurea. and must ba alined by the bidder with hla address. , Each bid la to be presented under sealed corer, and shall be accompanied by a certi fied check made payable to tbe - board of county commissi onrra o( Multnomah county. Or., for an amount equal to at lean (I per cent of the amount of aald bid and no bid shall be considered unless cerUficd check la enclosed therewith. nhoold the successful bidder to whom the contract la awarded fill to execute tba same within 10 days inot including Sunday! from the date of notification or such award, sura certified check shall be forfeited to Mult nomah county and tbe same b tbe property of the county. All other certified checks will ba returned to the unsuccessful bidders who submitted tbe same. A corporate surety bond will be required for the faithful performance of tba contract 1a a ram equal to ooa lis If of the total amount of the bid. Plana mar ba aeeo and forms of speclflca- tlona and contract may be obtained at the office of tba atate highway commission, room 442. court house. Tort land. Or. Tba nsht Is reaeryed to relect an? and all proposals, or to accept the proposal deemed peat for Multnomah county. UULTAOMAH fOUNTY BOA CD Or t-Oal- MISSIONKKK. t UUFX'S C. HOLM AX. Chairmaa. D. V. HART. ' County Commissioner. W. L l-rUHTNEU. County Commissioner. H. L. BUWLBY, Rtate Hlcbwsy Engineer. John b.. corricy. County Clerk. Portland. Or.. Inne g7. H1. EEAt.tD proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned. 40I courthouse, nutll 12KX m., Wednesday. July 15. for altera tions to heating and Tentllating apparatus of Cckley Green school.. Plans snd rpectf Icstlons may be obtained at the office of V. A. Nara more, superintendent nf properties. 3iut court, bouse. I)eporlt of t- will be required for plans and specifications. Certified cberk for 10 of tbe amount of tbe proposal, pay able to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must sc. company eacb proposal. Board of directors reserves tbe right to reject any and all pro- P1" R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated July 7, 1914. I AUVCRConsulutl1' free. Main LAW T Ln 4993. 708 Selling bldg DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mal, adles and acute diseases. Washing. ton bldg.. 4th and Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 448 HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. WANTED Good home for some phetty little kittens; good ratters; no charges. Marshall 8734. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu matism; 60 tablets. 25c. AH druggists BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis st Main 2393. BARBERS NOTICE. The state board of barber examiners will ba ln session Monday, Tuesday snd Wednesday, July 13. 14 and 13. st 4o7 Morrison afreet, room SOS. for tbe purpose of coudurtlna er aminatlona. Permits will be reked of all those who fsll to appear without reason able excuse. R. R WALLACE. Secretary, 409 -Tllt.ird building, city. TO WHOM THIS MAY ONCLWN. Notice Is hereby ci,en that tbe partnership between J. G. Bacher. H. Ursf and Charles Welty ia now dlssolyed and the business of the Swiss Floral Co. will ba continued by J. G. Bacher and Charles Welty. NOTICE. That the firm of Uassett and Jarrer hae dlsaoled partnership and I will not bo respon sible tor sny debts contracted by B. t. Jarrer. (Signed) 11. T. Gassctt. PIANO for sale. Weser Bros, cabinet grand, mahogany case. In very good condition; $110. Call at 724 Spokane ave., evenings WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal POULTRY 37 TWO Jieatly furnished, light house- Keeping. Electricity, gas. not and cold water, bath, laundry, all . $3.25 week. Block south Hawthorne. 326 E. 35th. 3 ROOMS and kitchenette; cool, cozy, - 'furnished.' comnlete. lower floor: d1- ano, gas, water, yard, flowers, shade. iruiT, B30 ta. Maoison. near itin. THE WASHINGTON. 689 NorthruD. 5 room fur. or unfur. ants., with bath ! Pratt's Poultrv Rerulator. m n ft a 1 1 mikism innvaniannait' ri r n . mmmm au . W-V- VUIVUVI.M, sjuwubj. steam beat, gas, electric lights, eta; "W" car o 21st & Northrup. M. 4376. THE ORLANDO. COR. 20TH AND WASH. STS. ' Furnished apts, .2 rooms $20 to $28; 3 rooms $27.50 to $40: every modern convenience: references. Mar. ,184, HOUSEKEEPING suite, i everything nice; new bath, phoney sink, $2.50 per week. 181 Russell st - Phone East 2299. ' r COMPLETELY-furnished 2 room front apt. $16: also 3 room ant. 12ft in. I eluding electricity, etc Easy walking qiaiauce. hi inn, near xamniii. $12 3 furnished trie, gas, bath. THE DKZENDORF. 208 16TH ST., NEAR TAYLOR. 4 and 6 room unfurnished nrt n. m ,' , - B1 JLi. -JMOJTlBOn, . 1 OR 2 clean H. K. rooms. Stark st 640 East BEST bargain in unfurnished rooms in city. Tabor 3882. . WHEN you answer these Want .Ads, mention The Journal. t GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup. 4 large rooms furnished, new and strictly modern: v Phone, bath, heat Call Marshall-1075.. NOKOMIS APARTMENTS. V Modern 2 room furnished aDts bath. phone, walking distance, $16 month up. i7tn and Aiarsnau. Marshall 4943. DEVELOP yourchlcks into healthy. nusay puiieis ana coctcereis. use poultry Regulator. Kin lice. mites and insects of all kinds with Pratt's Powdered Lice Killer an-1 Fratt"te Disinfectant. All Pratt's Prep arations - guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded by J. J. Butzer and The Stephenson Co. ' 4244, THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn chicks, 12 c; White Orpingtons, 15c. David M. Holbrook, 415 Mechanic. Woodlawn car. Marshall 874-. PHEASANT eggs. China, $3 dozen; golden, $4 dozen. Oregon Bird St Pheasant Farm. Beaverton. Or. Route 1. WHEN you answer these Waut Ads, mention The Journal. WANTED Piano, first class second hand piano, state best cash price. 0-734, Journal. GOOD piano for rent, cheap to desir able party. Tabor 6495. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal TYPEWRITERS We save you from 60 to ?6 per cent on all makes of typeariters. Send for our illustrated fofwerj retail de partment WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT ER CO., 321 Wash, at - TYPEWRITERS for rent 2 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter tjo.. so croaaway, city. RENT visible typewriters, 3 months for $4. 244 stark st Main 6273, A-4l. GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. - CHEAPEST AND BEST. THE J. K. GILL CO.. 3d and Alder sta. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 48 You'll Have to HUM R.Y TO 'BEAT THE , SPEED , OF A JOURNAL WANT AD IN GETTING RESULTS. TRY.ONE IN THE SUN DAY JOURNAL. : . ' 4 : 4 ! , TO SECURE PROPER' CLASSI FICATION, HAVE; YOUR . WANT AD IN EARLY., THE ALCO. , E. Couch and Union ave., walking distance, summer rates, new, modern. I room apts., $18 to $24 per month. OVERTON APTS, cneapest rent in city 2, 3, 4 room fur. and unfur., out side rooms, prlv. bath, phone., elec. elev. new manager, rei. in n. 31st. wear. TWO room apt, with bath, beautiful lawn, cool and homelike. Also sin gle housekeeping rooms. 63 N. 18th., near Washington. - MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated S and 4 room apts . $18 ud: srnni Janitor service; walking distance; ref-J MORTON apts, cor. Washington and King, sts.; 3 and 4 room fur. apts. Best and, cheapest place in city, walk ing aistance. main moii. A-1108. . - EVELYN apts.. 3 room furnished and unfurnished, outside apts., ; $20 to $26. 267 N. 21st st. Mar. 1323; ONE 2. and one 3, very desirable fur nished apartments at 228 E. 20th st 1 V. IT 1 DRICKSTON. 448 31 Ut Low nrlcea. raoaern, , bo a room apartments; lurnionrra or uaiurmsnea. Mar. 67. 3 ROOMS $20, summer rates, all large furnished, with phone, bath, table and bed linen, see tms sure. B-1053 DOWNTOWN housekeeping apts., $20 montn ana up. -rtoyai Annex, 350 anorriaon si. - THE ELMS. 14th. near YamhilL z and a room aparimenis, cozy nomas, want ing Distance ia-xzs. Main 1778. rmTTt noun m vejoy. Mod. 3 room fur. - : LUC 20th and Lo I apts, aleeping porch, park. Mar. 2081, WHEN you answer these Want Ads, lUBuuua . x us) vuurnmi, r . - - i : - FRENCH poodle puppy, 7 weeks old. tnorougnnrea. tu Miles, 1000 E. Taylor st, Sunnyside ear to 83d.' Call Sunday or Monday. - - NEW, rebuilt 2d band, rentals, cut rates, f. L. J. uo zia starK. M. 1407 WtihiN you answer- these Want Ada, FOR SALE Two full blooded male Boston bulls. Age 10 weeks. Tabor 6519. FINE canaries rollers for sale; C AC Thomson. 547 6th St.. Main 2696. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 WANTEDoVash. late model 6 pas- senger auto, musi do m gooa condi tion: owners only. Jordan. 301-2 Lurft- bermen's bldg. . - 6-PASSENGER Overland, excellent condition: cheap for cash. Owner. 514 Chamber of Commerce. f WANTED Buick runabout. cheap. 1910 engine preferred. P. I Idel- man, 68 E. 80th and Stark. AUTO SPRINGS and re- Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. Main 181." SECOND hand Studebaker delivery, in first class condition; terms., Address E-66. Journal. : - - WANTED Ford auto, condition no ob- 3ect; must be bargain; also 1914 body. 1 R-6.41. Journal . s SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock - in Portland, $3 to $15. , lne repair ln.g. Tire supply to.. zvi Maaison X HAVE two lots in Klamath Falls to ' trade for auto, wnat nave your P $66, Journal. - AUTO truck. Federal, stake body and top. cheap for cash; . will make terms. Tfl47. Journal. LOCOMOBILE roadster for sale; maae excellent service car. sa&o casn. Call East 4878. ' ' - -;- - TWO cylinder Maxwell for sale cheap; - gooa repair, uau juast tan. WE - LOAN money on automobiles at 3 per cent Call zos Kotncniiq oiag. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The journal. . mention The Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale 65 FURNITURE "Xt PRICE' Refrigerators and ice boxes, all kinds electrlo fans, direct current gas ranges, $3 and up; gas plates. $1; dressers. $3; rockers, rugs, carpets, hardware, etc. Hartzell Furn. Co.. 323-335 1st st WE buy, sell and exenange new and second hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. - Bell Auction oc Com. Co. 191 Socona st Professional and Business Directory ACCOEDIOW PLEATCTQ K. 8TEPHAN Uemstltchlng, accordion, eioa and snnburst pleating; buttons eorered; goods aponged. Scalloplpg. 883 Alder. M. 9873. ' AHT MATTKIgg W0B.K OUB reoOTatlon Is the only one of tae una. Advise as. E. SiQ. laaimtR a- rnmtiBTS ' 6ILBERT UALU'Ooa to 413 COUCH BLDG. ELECTRIC MOTORS AMD DYVAHOS ilOTORS, generators bourht. sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repalrtnc and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric C.. 81 N. 1st at. Phono Main 9210. EYE, EAR. KOBE, THROAT. ZWOB MAIN 7150. BIAHX BOOK HATTERS HOWB, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d au Blank book manufacturers; agents for Jones la proTed Loose Leaf Ledgers. See the new Eureka Leaf. A-8183. Main 183. CARPET WIATO8 NOBTHWEST KUO CO., rugs from old car- nets, rag mgs, csrpet cieauina. ork called for. E. 8590. B-liSO. PKNINSULA Kug Wprka Hag rug nd- csr- pet weaymg. ioib ranon CHISOPRACTOHg SPECIAL offer, 2 montha only, IS eai menta. $10. 1-8 regnlar price. Dr. C. S. Tleard 316 Alleky bldg. Lady attendant. Lk. McMAHON. 1M. 4th, o7 WrUllama aye. Latest equipment Lady attendants hothof flcea. 18 saiustroents. $10. M. aOB; E. 862S. DR. HELENA COMSTOCK. iWl ln; "rTV; - chronic diseaseo. a treat menta j. Main b9 t;0AI, AND WOOD 1I.HINA CO. All kinds coal and wood, wholesale and re tail. Expert Information on fuel and furnaces to eur patrons irec. vnu 1. Hm time to shit your winter wood, as yoo got tae ooas wow .lycw.i uu.m,c price. f.i-.rNeer oi rarr uyery. stain ww, n- fc'ULTON Wood CO dealers in dry and green SlabWOOd- 1TJ ua wneu utucrmj xirj wood. 12tw Macsaam. awn iw A-icow, virn.' KLAUUUUl) CO.. Main .708. A-7356. Green abort wood, blocks, big Inside, small Inside, dry tlabwood. short planer trimmings, CcJIrtfofin Flic Pn'East 303. C-2303. L.UICIOUII I UVl vvi 2fl2 Stsrk OUEGON Wood Ysrd. Fir. asb and oak wood and coal. Beaaonapio prices. . pws. -oj nUnrnnolF. J. EVERTS. MAIN 8767. Viiaiuuai roOT of currt street. DRY slab and box wood, cordwood and - coal. Standard wooo to., cat miq. p-iwk COLLECTIONS FURNITURB; Before buying second hand goodst see wnat you can do here on new goods, for cash. Get post ed, wiinam Craasoy, 1st ana wash. FINE . Morris chair, $0 76: rockers, $1.65, $1.95; dressers. $3. $5.50. M. 254 Market st ' CLIFTON STEEL RANGES. $1 down, $1 week. 181 Washington. MY entire stock of furniture must be closed out in a Tew days. East 6536. ONE 10 ft pedestal dining table, little used. 435 Yamhill. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention 1 ne journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 PLUMBING fixtures, pipe and fit tings, sold direct to you. Stark Pavls Co., 249 Salmon. Main 797. - DIAMOND paint $1.65 gaL Port. Door & Window Co.. 230 Front Mar. 100. ROUND knitting machine; never used. $8. .C-1673. GEVURTZ . furniture , store. 208 1st Lowest cash prices in the -city. Cost pnj $16. 50 for $6. Call 643 Waah. st TRACTION wood saw gear, with gorr. Phone Sellwood 1605. FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat - ing machine. Washington. 444 Wash. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. . mention The Journal. - t.PEM acfunnta. notes. Judgments coiiected. 1 Ann short methods for anlck results. Short AoJe-tment Co.. 828 N. W. Bank.' M. 74 LONGU1 tOLLKCTION CO. Clstms of all kinds promptly eoiiecieg. 000 wwis pmg. CONTRACTDfO) AND BTJTXDnfQ " 1 una Acre n jovks J K I BUILD ANYTHING EBOM SCREEN DOORS TO A nuitu laws iiw. EDUCATIONAL Specialist. Moderate prices. Glasses fitted. Dr. F. V. Casseday, 617 Dekum bldg. 8d A Wsaji. ngKINO TACKXE TACTORT TKOUT FLUSH. Leaders, single kgg Hooka. rr cstwooQ, aox cat, rortiano. TOuTTDRY AND MACHINE SHOP PUOEMX iron Works, tsst 8d and Haw- taorne. General machine snd foundry work. HAIR TREATMENTS GENUINE "HA1H-AGAIN" TH.KAXM6V2.ia are being glren br Miss Mcintosh st nor parlors, 315 Panama bldg. HAT PACTORT LADIES', gentlemen's hats cleaned, blocked satisfactorily. Koyal Hat Worka, 84H t at PATENT ATTORNEY PATENTS procured br t V. S. PATKNT OFFICE. 5.H4 N H. llOi fc,. lata of W. Bank bid FAVINO COMPANIES THK BAKUUM ASPHALT PAVING CO, land office. WtO Electric bldg. Port- PSINTINO PHlNTlNii aa you want 1U Metrotwlltaa Press, 811 Oak. Prices rlguu Main ISM. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO atenetla. trade checks, brass signs. PACIFIC COAST -STAMP WOKKS 231 Wsshlngton st. Msln 710. A-2710. sewino machines SKW1NG MACHINES All makes, new sod second band, fur sale or rent AU pries. Bewlug Macblno In pocium, 1W1 Third, near Yaav bill. Main t31. - HOUSE MOVER ' .. D. MOODIE, 10 E. Water au . WOa. Latest Improved hanJItng machinery. KODAK SUPPLIES KODAKS na PPh DoTaloplag. lwln"u printing snd enlarging. PUiE A MARKHAM CO, 86 Washington. LAUNDRY CKfcSCKNT LALNUHl Noted for dean wasbiug. No wear and tear on clothes. Not la trust. Tabor 10. B-1022. MACHINERY B. TKIuNKUa-N CO., hydraulla and snoclal . pipe, auiofce stacks, oU tanka, wining ma chinery, repairs. 104 N. 4th St. - kNGINES. boUcis, sawuilla buoabu aold and exchanged. Tbe J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. Or. MESSENGERS MOTORCYCLES and bicycles. Phone Mala 63. A-215o. HASTY MESSENGER CO. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS NO SINGLE METHOD will cure all diseases, I use all modera . drug less methods. Elec tricity. . TlbratloB, adjustment! light, radlo sctlrlty, etc. My specially. -Afironlc eases diseases of women. Hirer, stomach, kidney and bladder troubles. Consultation free. Dr. Ooa. W. Crockwell. 704- Dekam bldg. ' DU. PHILLIPS Paralyaia. nersoas and chron ic dlfieasea. 504-5 Oregon Is n bldg. M. J142. SHEET METAL WORKS . JACOB LOSI.l. abeet metal works, bote la. re- tauraot work, rooming, general lobbing. Main 1424. 810 1st, bet. Columbia and Clay. TAXIDERMISTS CHEAPEST and best work ua cou F. Flo ley, OrorHle. Cal. TRANSFER AND STORAGE OLSEN-atoK TUANbFEU CO. New fireproof warebousa Hb aeparato rooma. Wo mora and pack household goods and pianos and ship at reduced rates. Ante vans and teams for inuring. Forwarding and distributing a genu. Free UackagasAlftbjat sud wsrenonso l&lh and lloL Mslii4 647. A 2V47. OREGON -TRANShtV CO. EaUbllsbed ls70. : Transfer and forwardlug agents. Storage, free trackage. . Office and storage 474 GiUaa at 12th and Glisso. Msla t. A-11S -OSTRICH PLUMES Hartneea Plume Shop, cor. Park and Yam hill, Main 15. OstrtVh, paradise, fancy feathers, remodeled, cleaned; dyed to match earn plea. Work guaranteed. PAINTING, PAPERHANOINO. TTNTTNO JOHN UUtU, beat work In painting and pa poring.. M. I 872. A-222S. 129 lltb at A. OSBOLUNE. Po Grand ave. &. OOUZ. Paint ing, tinting and paperhsng1a. Low prtcea. YOLKS for good - work and square prices. . E. T. Craue, 170 loth. . Main 232. POKTLAD VAN A STOBAGE CO.' Near WaretMuse. Flra and vermin proof roome. track ana! rug rauita, steam bested piano rooas. Aa Inspection will con, lore yoo of our su perior facilities. Household goods shipped st reduced erekjht Kiln la Through Care. Mua. log. Pscklug. Shipping, l&tb and Kearney. Main 2S4Q. A-I5W. t lty OffW. 3o2 Stark. C. O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co. Office and eomui odious 4 story brick wsrebousa with separate iron rooma and fireproof vault for valuable. N. W. corner 2d and Pho sta. Piano and furniture moved and pa-ked for shipping. Special rates niad- on goods, in through cars, to ail domeetle and foreign point,. Msln Km. A-tOOe. MANNING WAUtliOtSU a TKANSFEK CO.. lBtb and fcrereti sts., on ih"ui ,rac. Piano and farnltore moead, backed and. hlnoed. PlK.r)e: Msln 7'W. A -221 4. tMltli Transfer Co. Strt-go ad general hsnllng. 251 Jefferwti. Mar. 2sh4. A-4'1. BAGGAGE Transfer Service Co. i Pino at. Main 120. k-WV. " ' WINDOW CLEANTNO EXPERT WINDOW CLEAX1NU A-4;J. Main S327. 213 Henry bldg - 'DANCrNO MR. and Mrs. HEATH S school; fancy, ataga, social and all the latest daneea taught waits and two-step guaranteed ia 4 private lessons; class Friday ore., 8 to 10. 231 Morrison. corner Second. Marshall 813. - WHITING'S Dancing SchooL Less one dally ia new and standard dance.. Terms reasonable. 801 AUsky bldg. Phone Main 8018. - - BINGLE&'S Cotillion dancing academy. Class and private. 14t off Washington. - Main asao. - - - " - - - , MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS ' X. E. LAW SON piano studio. 422ft MoitIsob! Main 6469. Lessons 60c - UR3. FLORENCE violin, piano and mawd' M.NEAU teacher of tdollD. Woodlawa R. THIBLHORN, vktUn. teacher, pupil Seveia. 207 Flledner bldg. A-4160. Marshall 182, POPTJXAR MUSIC RACTiUE - 10 lesaons. r Picture playini atratlon. rre Booklet. piano guaranteed beginners In Picture playing. Free detnoav 601 Ellera bids. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS WE buy, sell, rent and exenange sew aad second hand motors, repair work a specialty. Western Electrlo Worka. 213 6th at Mar. 696. Manufacturers- Jobbers Wholesalers BREWERS ft BOTTLERS HENRY" WEINHAKD. 13th and Burn.kls. ' DRYOOODS WHOLESALE ' Fleischner, Mayer & Co. PARK IMPLEMENTS at VEHICLES R, M. WADE A CO., 322 Hawthorne arc. Wholesale agricnltnrsl Implements. GRAIN MERCHANTS H. H. HOUSE K. Board of Trade bldg. LEATHER AND PTBDIHOS CHAS. L. MASTIC K A CO.. 74 FtOttC. of every deacrlptioti; findings. Lea the - MACHINERY fc STPPXTETi ' ' -" ZIMMKRMAN-WELLS-BKOWN CO. Sawmill, logging and Iron working machinery. MEN'S AND "WOMEN'S NECKWEAR COLUMBIA beekwea Mlg. Cv, e ut au MILL SUPPLIES PACIFIC KlATfcS KtBBER CO., Me-ban1cal rubber goads. 42 2d su PAINT. OIL AND GLASS BAoliCOKN A CO, "High Standard" paiat, - N. K. comer 2l and Taylor. M;-A-177l. PlON'KKtt PAINT CO., A -7043. lo lat at Main 14. PTPE -WOOD -PIPE - . POKTLAND WOOD 1'IPE CO.-Faclory and office sear 24th snd York sts. Main 4n. PIPE PfPE PTTTTNOB VALVES M. L. KUNK. 4-a Front sr. PLUMB IN O STEAM SUPPLIES M. I.. KL1NK. XI -Ho Prwnt et. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. , . r WALL PAPER I i - MORGAN WALb TAl'KU CO iUl t-T, Utweea calmoa aad alala, , J